Brian and Tucker

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on May 26, 2023


Book One

Brian and Tucker Chapter 5

Every weekend after they contracted to build their houses, the four friends drove to the suburbs to check on the progress of the construction. Each week some progress was made. Sometimes very little had been done, or so it seemed, and some weeks it seemed that great progress had been made. With each stage of construction, the young couples grew more excited. They worked with the builder choosing tiles, flooring, kitchen and bathroom cabinets, and paint colors. Their choices were limited, but, of course, they could always upgrade, at an additional cost. They realized that in some cases they would simply have to settle. The upgrades were just too out of reach for their budgets. Hopefully, as their financial conditions improved, they could eventually upgrade by themselves.

As the first months of their marriages drew to a close, Brian and Tucker bought season tickets to home town basketball and hockey games. They realized it was costly, but it would give them evenings away from home and their wives. In other words, they created `opportunities.' They would leave for the game, drive to the hourly hotel, make love for an hour or so and then catch the end of the game. They always came home when expected, and could always discuss the game because they had seen enough of it.

About a month before they were due to move in to their new homes, Maryann gave birth to Jeffrey. Both sets of grandparents flew in for the blessed event, and for the baby's christening. Of course, Brian and Colleen were honored to be godparents. Tucker passed out cigars at work, but nobody smoked even one. It was the thought that counted.

Jeffie's arrival did not stop the weekly excursions to their new home. On the first weekend after his birth, the two couples, the baby, and both sets of grandparents arrived at the construction site and were overwhelmed. The houses were freshly painted and a crew was busy landscaping both properties. They found the builder, who cooed over the baby, and told them that they could have the walk through the next weekend. If all was well, they could set the closing date at that time. He allowed all of them into the houses so Tuck's and Maryann's parents could see their kids' future home, and the future home of their best friends. They sure liked what they saw and congratulated all of them.

Before they left, both grand fathers gave Jeffie substantial gifts. In addition, Tuck's father took him aside and gave him a very large check to help them get started in the new home. Maryann's father took her aside and did the same. It was overwhelming and touching, and Maryann and Tucker were very grateful.

It was harder now for Tuck to leave the house, except on sport nights. His and Brian's love making was restricted to hurried encounters in the gym, and long lunches, whenever possible. They took what they could get and were happy for every small favor. They kept reminding themselves that the life they led was a decision agreed upon by both of them. As unsatisfying as it was, it was better than destroying two women they loved and two good marriages. It may seem strange, but when they were making love to their wives and fantasizing that they were making love to each other, it satisfied their need for one another for however short a time.

Ironically, they were assigned a three week out of town job, which they had to decline because they were moving. The job was assigned to two other engineers.

When their needs grew too strong to control, they would call home and say that they needed to work late for a couple of hours. The switchboard closed at 5 PM so the women could not call them. They would rush to the hotel and make wild love, but it was so hurried that it was hardly satisfying. They really needed an out of towner. Luckily that came when Jeffie was about four months old. It was a short trip, scheduled for only one week.

But what a week it was. They hardly slept and they ate even less. After work they rushed back to their hotel. They didn't bother eating dinner. Immediately they showered. They did all the necessary foreplay in the shower, jumped into the bed, and literally spent hours sucking each other's cocks. They knew just when to stop before either came. When they realized they would not be able to stop the next time, they switched to fucking, and shot streams of spunk into their partner's waiting receptacle. They would go at it every night until the wee hours of the morning. Some nights they could fuck twice, and one night they did it three times. It was a desperate attempt to make up for all they were missing. Often when they were finished, and were lying in each other's arms, Brian, the sensitive one, would begin to cry, and Tuck would reassure him that it was for the best. Then with a sigh, Brian would fall asleep.

When they got home, the cab dropped Brian at his house and then Tuck at his. Maryann greeted Tuck, and told him that she couldn't get a baby sitter and Colleen had just been taken to the hospital. It was her time to deliver Mackenzie. In the meantime, Brian found a note on his front door. He threw his bag into the front hall, locked the door, and ran through the backyard to get Tuck. Tuck was already pulling his car out of the garage. Maryann gave Brian a kiss and sent them on their way to the hospital.

The two men rushed into the main lobby of the hospital and over to the receptionist. Brian told her who he was looking for, and she directed him to the maternity ward. Once they got there, they went to the nurse's station, and one of the nurses took Brian to Colleen's labor room. Before he went in, Brian told Tuck not to wait around and that he would call him when it was over. Tuck knew it could be hours and decided he would go home.

Brian entered the room where he found Colleen in pretty good shape. She hadn't advanced very far as yet, but her water had broken and she thought it would be best if she got to the hospital. The two embraced and kissed. Brian took a chair at her bed side and the waiting began.

The next morning was Saturday, and Mackenzie was born at 5:32 AM. Mother and daughter were doing just fine. When Brian called the Simmons household at about 7:00 AM, Maryann screeched with delight, and said she would tell Tuck as soon as he got home from the gym. Brian said to tell Tuck he needed to get home to shower and change, and would appreciate a ride.

When Tuck got to the hospital, Brian took him to see the baby. She was just beautiful, but unfortunately both men referred to her as `Mac" and the name would stick.

Tuck took Brian home, and stayed with him while he showered, They could not resist a quickie. All they had time for was one blow job each. Brian took his own car back to the hospital, and Tuck went home.

By the time the children were a year old, the two households had settled into a suburban routine. Early every morning, Brian and Tucker went to the gym. If nobody was around they went into the men's room and played some pretty erotic games. They showered at home, changed and car pooled to work.

The women found a nearby, well known and respected day care center. They enrolled the children, and both of them went back to work.

The children thrived and were growing up as close as a brother and sister. They fought like siblings as well. If the parents had any thoughts of them ever marrying they could forget it. These two were going to be life long friends, brother and sister, and only that.

The men had become very adept at expertly concealing their double lives. They often wondered if there were other `straight' men doing what they were doing. They were pretty sure they weren't alone in life. They usually had two or three out of town business trips a year, and they managed to go on them together. They continued to buy season tickets to sporting events, and increased their men only fishing trips to twice a year, spring and fall. And, of course, there were the extended lunches. They had only one co worker who thought that each of them had a chick on the side. It never occurred to him that they were doing each other.

Growing up, Jeffie was very athletic. At a very young age, you just knew he was going to have a dynamite body. He played football, baseball and basketball at school, and grew more muscular every day. That wasn't all that was growing. Tuck and Jeffie showered together often, but when Jeffie was about nine, Tuck caught Jeffie staring at his cock and saw that he was definitely growing a childish woodie. From then on Tuck stopped showering with his son. But every so often in later years, he would accidentally catch sight of Jeffie when he was changing or coming out of the shower, and proudly marveled at how well endowed he was becoming.

Once when Tuck saw Jeffie coming out of the shower, he was partly erect. Dad knew the score. He reckoned that his son had masturbated in the shower. The sight of his son's half erect penis and the thought that he had just masturbated caused Tuck's cock to start rising. He quickly erased the thought, and replaced it with the thought that this was something Brian didn't have to deal with. Lucky guy!

So life went on and time passed.

Brian and Tucker were now heads of their respective departments. They seemed to need to travel out of town more than ever, and created more trips than were really necessary. Nobody ever questioned them.

Maryann was now an assistant principal and Colleen had been made head of the accounting department at her firm.

Life was good for everybody, double life and all.

When he was twelve, Jeffie informed his parents that they could no longer call him Jeffie. From now on it was Jeff. Who were they to argue? Maryann wept a little that night. Her baby was becoming a man.

At the O'Toole's a similar event was occurring. Mac made it perfectly clear that she was a young woman now, and would not tolerate being called Mac any more. So she graduated to Mackenzie.

One day when Jeff was about fifteen. Brian and Tucker went to see a client together. It was a short visit and they were only there for about forty-five minutes. Since Brian had driven them to work that morning, they were in his car returning to the office. He reached over and put his hands on Tuck's crotch. "The wives and kiddies won't be home for hours," he said. "We're not far from home. Does that give you any ideas?"

"Let's go, baby," was Tuck's enthusiastic answer. Brian's next door neighbor was a nosy old biddy, but she couldn't see the front of Tuck's house, so Brian pulled into Tuck's driveway. Tuck jumped out, opened the garage and Brian pulled in next to Tuck's car.

In minutes they were stripped and playing 69 in Tuck's bed.

In school that morning, Jeff had a sudden attack of the runs. He gathered up his gear and ran all the way home. He always entered the house through a side door which led into the garage and was surprised to see Brian's car there. He thought he heard noises in the house, and something told him to be quiet, so he stealthily approached his parents' bedroom. The door was ajar and he could look in from an angle without himself being seen.

There were Brian and his dad enjoying a game of 69. He was shocked and frozen in his track. He tried not to breathe. If he had the runs they were gone now. He wanted to get out fast, but his legs wouldn't move. After a while the men separated. Brian turned on his back and raised his legs to his chest. Jeff could see his godfather's cock, and thought it was the fattest ding dong he had ever seen. Then his father took a tube of lube from his night stand and began to lube Brian's ass and then his own cock. Jeff remembered that when he used to shower with his dad, he thought his dad's tool was monstrous. But he was a little boy then and a little boy would think that. Now he was almost grown. His own cock was outstanding, if you can excuse the pun, but Dad's handle was magnificent. Lucky Brian.

His dad positioned his cock at the entrance to Brian's inviting ass hole and rammed it home. Almost immediately the two men began a steady love rhythm and began to moan in ecstasy. It was more than Jeff could stand. His own cock was throbbing and he was wet with pre-cum. He quietly beat a hasty retreat from the house. He tried not to make a sound when he closed the side door, but it stuck a little and he had to push it in.

"Did you hear that?" Tuck stopped pumping.

"No. What did you hear?" Brian wanted to know.

"I thought I heard a door close." They both froze and listened. The house was deadly silent, and after a while, Tuck decided that he had been mistaken, and began his love rhythm again. In no time they both came amidst loud screams and hip gyrations. They cleaned up, remade the bed and went back to work.

As for Jeff, he didn't know what to do. He sure didn't want to go back to school. He wouldn't be able to concentrate on anything anyway. The enormity of what he had just seen had not really sunk in yet. There were some heavy bushes in the back of the house where he could hide. He decided that he would wait there until he saw his dad and Brian leave the house.

He wished he had someone to talk to. But who could he tell? He certainly couldn't tell Mackenzie, his best friend. He couldn't tell any of his jock buddies either. In fact, how can you tell any body that you father is a fag?

While hiding in the bushes, he began to consider what he had witnessed. He saw two guys who were more than best friends, they were lovers. They could have selfishly walked out on their families and taken up residence together, but obviously they didn't want to hurt anyone they loved. They preferred to take joy in stolen hours. How agonizing that must be for them. Jeff was surprised at what he felt. He wasn't angry, nor was he ashamed. He felt pity and compassion. He was just as confused at how he felt, as at what he had seen. To make matters worse, Jeff had always thought his dad was a real hunk, and at some subconscious level, he had the hots for his own father. After seeing his father fucking another man, that subconscious attraction was further rooted.

It seemed like hours, but only about a half hour had passed when he heard Brian's car drive off. He waited a while longer, and then stealthily crept out of the bushes. Again he entered through the side door which led to the garage. Brian's car was gone.

All of a sudden his cramps kicked in again, and he needed to take a crap badly. He ran to the bathroom and took care of the matter. When he was done and cleaned up, he went into his room and decided to nap. If he was sick, he reasoned that bed rest would help. He undressed, and crept into bed. He did not pull the covers down, but lay on his back spread eagle. His mind wandered back to what he had just witnessed, and he began to fantasize:

`He was lying on his back totally in the buff. His father got up on the bed with him, and fell to his knees between Jeff's legs. Dad was pumping his cock. It was enormous and growing bigger. Jeff wanted it inside of him really bad. Dad took each of Jeff's legs and placed them on his shoulders. He positioned himself at Jeff's entrance and entered him. Dad pumped gently and steadily, moaning in delight all the while. The feel of his father inside of him was awesome. Jeff began to buck and moan and suddenly shot his load up over his abdomen, chest and face. At the same time his father screamed and screamed and Jeff could feel his jism shooting up his ass.'

He lay there for a while, totally spent. He scooped up his spunk and ate it. Up until now, he had been masturbating at least once a day, but never had he experienced an orgasm like the one he had just had. He wanted to get out of bed and clean himself, but he couldn't move. Again he relived the scene between his dad and Brian. Suddenly he was as hard as the first time. He repeated the same fantasy in his head, and came a second time. If it was possible, the second orgasm was even more intense. He couldn't move. Finally, with some effort, he got out of bed and cleaned himself up. Every time he whacked off after that, he used the same fantasy.

Sometimes, but rarely, the fantasy would vary. In one version, he was fucking his father. In another version, he was fucking his godfather, and in yet another version, his godfather was fucking him. It didn't much matter which version he was fantasizing; his orgasms were truly enhanced by his vivid imagination.

It never occurred to him, but Tucker, his own father, and Brian, his own godfather, were his fantasy lovers. Neither did it occur to him that he might be gay. After all it was just a masturbation fantasy based on something that he had really seen. He had never seen a man and a woman fucking, so he couldn't fantasize about that. Now could he?

Next: Chapter 6

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