Brian and Tucker

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jul 26, 2023


The Crew Chapter Twelve

Brian and Tucker were at Warren's and Dan's at the appointed time. As they parked in the driveway, they couldn't see Paul's car and assumed he wasn't there yet. That was a good thing. Paul's car was parked in the rear of the house, away from prying eyes.

They knocked on the front door and a smiling Dan Harriman answered. As soon as they were inside and the door was closed behind them, Dan greeted Brian and Tuck with a bone crushing hug. "Thank you for making Paul so happy," he said. They could smell fresh coffee brewing in the kitchen and headed for the smell.

Warren and Paul were setting the kitchen table with cups and saucers, butter and jam, milk and a tray full of assorted bagels. They interrupted to greet Brian and Tuck with hugs and kisses. Brian thought, "When we were totally in the closet, we were never greeted this way. It's what we missed all these years. Thank God, there are people we can trust with our secret now."

They spent about an hour with Warren and Dan and then headed for Flagstaff. The closer they got, the more snow was at the side of the highway, but the roads were clear. They found the motel the firm had booked for them. It was in the heart of the business district and if they wanted to, Brian and Tuck could walk to their client. Brian went in alone to check them in. Tuck and Paul stayed in the car. The man at the desk was in his late thirties and cute as the dickens. Brian asked him if he could give them a room away from traffic for maximum quiet and privacy. The desk clerk smiled at the handsome man in front of him and gave him a corner room at the end of the hall so there would be little traffic. He noticed that the reservation was for two. From his position at the desk he could see the car parked out in front. There were definitely two more men seated in the car. He said nothing, but smiled inwardly. He instructed Brian to drive to the far end of the motel and around the back so as to be parked as close as possible to the assigned room.

When Brian opened the door he was pleased to see two queen sized beds. "Perfect," he said. The men hung up their clothes and filled the drawers with socks, underwear and shirts. It was just after noon. Tuck suggested that they have lunch at the hotel, and then he and Brian would visit their client for a couple of hours.

"You can warm up the bed for us," Tucker suggested to Paul.

Actually he did. All three men had gotten up very early that morning. Paul had been too excited to sleep and was up most of the night, so as soon as Brian and Tuck left, he took a nice long, very hot shower and fell into one of the beds in the nude. He fell asleep instantly on top of the bed cover. He didn't even wake up when Brian and Tuck opened the door and saw him lying there. Paul's nude body was a beautiful sight and Brian and Tuck were filled with lust. They undressed as quietly as possible and then from each side of the bed they leaned into Paul's sleeping torso and began to lick his cock. In an instant Paul was erect, and Brian could easily work on his cock head which had shot out of his foreskin, and Tuck could work on his shaft.

Paul woke moaning loudly and with each hand he pushed Brian and Tuck further into him. They stopped sucking and got into bed on each side of Paul. They all snuggled as best they could. They kissed each other with open mouths and darting tongues all the while groping someone else's cock.

Suddenly Brian said, "The first time we made love (Paul noted that Brian said made love' not had sex') Paul had the privilege of being in the middle. This time I want that honor."

Tuck and Paul nodded their heads in assent and Tuck said, "Don't worry, love, we'll all have a chance in the middle before we head for home on Friday.

The three then positioned themselves so Brian was in the middle. They fucked until they all came in furious spurts and loud shrieking yells. They made so much noise they had to laugh at themselves. After a brief rest they repositioned themselves so that Tuck was the middleman and they repeated their performances until they came again. They lay spent for quite a while until Tuck said, "I don't know about you guys but I'm starved."

Reluctantly they got out of bed. All three squeezed into the shower and made sure that all the tell tale evidence of their love making was washed away. They dressed warmly for the cold night. There was a spritz of snow in the air. When they got to the front desk, the cute guy was not there, but a pleasant young woman was at the desk. They asked her to recommend a nearby restaurant where they could have dinner. She told them that there was a very nice restaurant just around the corner. It wasn't fancy or expensive but they would get a hearty, tasty dinner. When she told them that the name of the place was Joey's Café, they all laughed. She looked at them strangely and Paul told her that it was an inside joke.

The woman was correct. The food was ample, tasty and inexpensive. They all ordered steaks. Paul had mashed potatoes and Brian and Tuck, who worked out constantly, bravely ordered French fries. They had coffee and apple pie for dessert. They asked their waiter about breakfast, but he said they were only open for lunch and dinner. The motel coffee shop would have to do.

When they got back they all snuggled into one bed. Paul was in the middle. Suddenly he sat up and leaned over. He sucked Brian's cock for a while, much to Brian's delight and then he leaned the other way and obliged Tuck, who was equally as delighted. They were pretty well spent so after a while, they all fell asleep even though they were a jumble of intertwined arms and legs.

In the morning they used the bathroom one at a time. They all liked their privacy for at least part of the morning routine. While one of them was in the bathroom, the other two played sixty nine. The only one who came again that morning was Paul. Poor guy! He had been denied for so long.

After they dressed they went to the motel coffee shop and ordered three different meals. Paul had French toast; Brian had pancakes; Tuck had eggs over with bacon and a bagel. They all had coffee, regular. None of them used milk or sugar. After breakfast, they checked the weather. It was still overcast and there were snow flurries in the air so Brian and Tuck decided to drive to their client a few blocks away. They hated to leave Paul alone and without transportation, but Paul said he didn't mind at all.

Paul watched TV in the room for an hour or so. After a while, he got bored with that and walked down to the lobby. They always had brochures for tourist attractions. Often the bus to an attraction picked you up at your motel. Then again they were in a down town location. Maybe there was something to see or do right near the motel.

When he walked into the hotel lobby, he saw the desk clerk who Brian thought was so cute. He had to agree. The clerk was about his age, give or take a year. He was about the same height, 6'1". His eyes were blue. He had brown curly hair, and Paul was very attracted to him.

"Hi," Paul said. "I was wondering if you could recommend any sights of interest in the immediate area. I have no transportation, but I'd like to get out a little."

"There's an art museum a couple of blocks up the street, but it won't be open until 12 PM. Aside from that there's really nothing else," the handsome man informed him. It's pretty quiet at this desk too. Why don't you hang out with me in the lobby and we can chat some." Paul thought that was a pretty good idea.

He extended his hand and introduced himself merely as Paul. The desk clerk took Paul's hand and said, "Nice to meet you Paul. I'm Doug."

Doug would never know what prompted his next question. It was almost as if he was being cued by an off stage prompter. "You're staying with that couple, Mr. Simmons and Mr. O'Toole aren't you?" he asked.

"Why yes," Paul answered. How did you know?"

"I saw you in the car with Mr. Simmons when Mr. O'Toole was checking you guys in. He checked two people in and there were obviously three of you and two beds. It doesn't take much imagination," he said.

"You're being very presumptuous," Paul said. But he said it with a smile on his face and that let Doug know that it was OK if he figured it out.

"You don't have to worry about me. It's perfectly all right if you want to be a threesome. It's just that I'm very jealous. I don't get much action in this part of the world." Doug motioned Paul to sit down on a sofa in the lobby. He came around from behind the desk and joined Paul on the sofa.

"Why do you stay here then?" Paul wanted to know.

"My folks died when I was in college. I had four younger brothers and sisters ranging in age from two to fourteen. I had to quit college and go to work to support them. The two oldest made it through college on scholarships and they helped me a little with the two youngest. Ricky and Donny are just not college material but they are grown now and on their own. Actually I have been looking for work that will pay me some real money, not what I earn here. Also I'd like to get away from here. There are too many bad memories."

"What kind of work are you looking for?" Paul asked.

"Well, I became a whiz at building and repairing homes. I had no money to maintain our house so I had to do it all my own. I can do it all, from carpentry to plumbing and wiring."

"Have you ever heard of Lake Henry?" Paul asked. Doug shook his head, indicating that he had not. Paul continued. "It's between here and Phoenix only closer to Phoenix. It's pretty rural and there's not much excitement. The younger people go into Phoenix on the weekends if they want to sow some wild oats. But it's the friendliest community, I have ever lived in, and that includes gay friendly." Paul winked at Doug, who smiled back and patted Paul's hand, sending electricity coursing up his spine.

"I have a friend there that owns his own construction company. I could call him and see if he needs help, if you're interested that is. I don't want to railroad you."

"Do you live there?" Doug asked and Paul nodded yes. "Then I'm interested." They smiled at each other and this time Paul could not help but put his hand on Doug's. Paul took out his cell phone and dialed Randy. There was no answer, but just as he was about to hang up, Randy came on the line.

"Hi Randy," he said "Paul here. I'm in Flagstaff. I was wondering if you need any additional workers."

"Are you kidding me? I am so short handed I could use three guys right now. Why are you asking?" Paul filled him in on his conversation with Doug, and Randy asked to speak with Doug. Doug nervously took the phone and began a phone interview with Randy. Paul could hear only Doug's part of the conversation, but it was obvious that the interview was going well. Doug was fairly beaming.

Then Paul heard Doug tell Randy that he would give notice today, and as soon as he could arrange to move he would be down to Lake Henry. Then he started to laugh just before he hung up. "That's incredible," Doug said. "My last name is Jones also."

He turned to Paul, when he finished his conversation with Randy and hugged him so hard, Paul lost his breath and gained an erection.

"It's not going to take long for me to get out of here. I sold the house when my kid brothers moved out and I rent a room in a boarding house. I have some clothes and my tools, and nothing to hold me back. Will you help me get a place to stay when I get there?"

"I've got an extra bedroom and I live alone, if that would suit you," Paul prayed that it would.

"I'd pay you and for my food and lodgings," Doug told Paul. He wanted it to be quite clear that he was not a free loader.

"Of course!" Paul reassured him. Doug grabbed Paul and hugged him once again. All the while Paul had been listening to Randy and Doug interviewing each other, a thought was going through his mind. He decided to spring it on Doug right now.

"Do you think you could be ready to leave by Friday afternoon?" he asked, and Doug nodded yes. "Well if you really don't have much stuff, you could come back in the van with my friends and me."

"OMG! How can I thank you enough?" Doug's shoulders started to shake and he was working hard to hold back tears. Paul wrapped his arms around Doug and held him tight.

"Don't cry, my friend. Something tells me that a brand new life is starting for both of us."

At that moment Paul clearly heard Patrick's voice saying, "See I told you there was a reason I sent Brian and Tucker to you."

Doug pulled out of Paul's grip. "Did you hear that?" he asked Paul. "I distinctly heard someone's voice." Before Paul could begin to register shock, the phone rang and Doug ran to answer it.

When the call was over he said to Paul, "I close the desk for an hour between noon and 1 PM. Would you please have lunch with me, on me?" Prompted by Patrick whispering in his brain, and almost like an automaton Paul said, "Buy me a sandwich or something, and we'll have lunch in my room."

"That's an offer I can't refuse," Doug answered him. He closed the desk and engaged the answering machine at 11:30. He took his lunch box from under the desk, and they went to the coffee shop. Paul asked for a tuna fish salad sandwich and a coke. Then they rushed back to Paul's room. Housekeeping had not yet made up the room so Doug put a `Do Not Disturb' sign on the door. They locked the door and fell into each other's arms.

Doug hadn't been with anyone in ages and he came repeatedly. To his credit, Paul who had sex all night kept up with him. Finally Doug washed up and headed back to the lobby. It was almost 2 PM, but there was only one message from his angry manager. Doug called back and gave notice saying he was leaving Friday after lunch. The manager called him a fucker and told him to finish his shift and not come back tomorrow. He would cover the desk himself until he found someone.

Paul sat with Doug all afternoon until he was relieved by the pleasant lady who had told them where to eat. He and Doug sat in the lobby until Brian and Tucker came in. Before they could say anything or show surprise, Paul asked if they would drive Doug and him to Doug's boarding house so he could get his stuff and bring it back to the motel with him. He said he would explain everything on the way to the boarding house. In the car Paul and Doug began their narrative, and all Brian and Tucker could say, when Paul and Doug stopped for breath occasionally, was, "WOW!"

While Doug was putting his meager belongings into a beat up suit case, Paul said to Brian and Tuck that when they got back to the motel, he would take another room.

"When did you get shy?" Brian asked. "We have one whole queen sized bed that's going to waste. Don't you think it would be fun watching us make love and vice versa?"

"I'll have to clear that with Doug," Paul answered. Doug was even more starved for love and affection than Paul had been and he thought that it was a capital idea. For the rest of this trip, Paul was certainly not bored and he had plenty to do while Brian and Tuck were at work.

It occurred to Paul that if Doug was going to stay with him at home, he didn't want people thinking he was just a boarder. He determined to come out to everyone who didn't know yet, so he could be honest about his relationship.

When they got Doug settled in the room, Tuck said that he wanted to celebrate and asked Doug to recommend a really good restaurant and not worry about the cost. Doug said it wasn't necessary, but Tuck insisted. They ended up at a country club whose dining room was open to the public. Fortunately Doug was still wearing his work clothes and he was wearing a tie and jacket as were Brian and Tuck. Paul had to put on a tie and jacket which was supplied by the restaurant.

Doug had been so overwhelmed by the events of the day that during dinner he finally got around to asking Paul what he did for a living. When Paul told him that he was the pastor of the only church in Lake Henry, the look on Doug's face was so precious that they all broke out laughing.

That night as they all got ready for bed and everyone was naked, nobody, not even Doug, was self conscious. Paul and Doug heard the sounds of love coming from Brian's and Tuck's bed. They couldn't help but turn to look. Brian and Tuck were in a sixty-nine position, happily lost in their rapture. Doug whispered in Paul's ear. "Oral sex this afternoon was fantastic, but it's been so long since I've been with anyone. Please fuck me. I need to feel you inside of me."

Paul was happy to oblige. There was a tube of lube on the night table between the two beds. He put Doug on his back and placed a pillow beneath his ass. He lubed Doug's ass well, first with one finger and then with two. There was no resistance so he then lubed his cock, placed it at Doug's crack and started to enter slowly. All Doug could do was to repeat over and over "Oh God, oh God" until Paul had gone as far as he could go.

"Fuck me hard," Doug begged, and Paul began stroking slowly and sensuously. As both their passions increased, Paul stroked harder and faster. Suddenly Paul felt something at his own crack. A very stiff lubricated prick was poking at his asshole. He reached back to help guide the cock in and he knew it was Tuck. Brian was twice as fat. In the meantime Brian had leaned over Doug and was brushing Doug's lips with his cock. Doug encircled Brian's cock with his fist and guided it into his hungry mouth. The four hot studs all came within seconds of each other.

"You see," Tuck announced, "I keep telling those young kids it doesn't fall off over forty." Everyone laughed.

They fell asleep in a tangle. Brian was the first to wake. He laughed to himself because he was sharing a bed with Paul and Doug. Tuck was alone in the other bed. He got out of bed as quietly as possible and joined Tuck. They hunkered together and Brian fell asleep again, wrapped up in Tuck's warm and inviting arms.

After Brian and Tuck showered and went off to work, Doug put the `Do Not Disturb" sign on the door and got back in bed with Paul. Two hours later they removed the sign, showered, dressed, and went down for some breakfast. The maid entered the room almost immediately.

At breakfast Paul remembered to tell Doug one important thing. He explained that Brian and Tuck were married and he was to preserve their secret. Everyone who knew about them was determined to preserve their secret romance.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 24: The Crew 13

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