Brian and Tucker

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jul 22, 2023


The Crew Chapter Eleven

On the morning of Michelle's and Randy's wedding, the sun shone brightly even though the temperature was near the freezing point. Michelle had invited the parents of all the crew as well as a few siblings. The groomsmen were instructed to seat people anywhere. There was no groom's side, and no bride's side. If there had been sides, the church would have tilted over on Michelle's side.

The church was buzzing with excitement. Besides the guests invited to the reception, most of the regular congregants were there as well. Brian and Tuck, along with their wives, had entered the church early so as to get Paul's attention. Jim's brother, Tom, and his family also obtained seats easily visible from the altar. He and Michael had pulled practical jokes on one another all through high school, and he was bound and determined to catch the best man's eye and make him laugh during the ceremony. So much for decorum.

The organist came out first and took her place. Then the choir came out in white robes. They were followed by Randy and Michael. The guests all giggled. At 6'5" Randy towered over Michael's mere 6' and it looked a little funny. Finally Paul came out and stood at the altar. He always preached in a business suit, but today he wore a plain white robe and looked very ministerial. Brian and Tuck caught his eye and winked at him. He waved back. He reckoned that their wives would not understand a wink. The guests grew silent as the organ began to play Wagner's wedding march.

Ron and Foster marched down the aisle first, followed by Jeff and Jim and pulling up the rear all by himself, Jerry marched just in front of Liz, the flower girl. Next down the aisle came the bride and her father, Jerry's father in law, so to speak. The bride's gown was out of a story book. She was the most beautiful bride ever and all the guests gasped when they saw her. The photographer snapped picture after picture of the not so blushing bride.

Paul managed to perform the ceremony quickly and with much humor. He concluded the ceremony with a beautiful blessing for the bride and groom. For those who didn't know where it was, he gave brief instructions to Joey's Place and wished peace and good health to all who were assembled in the church.

Joey had prepared a super catered meal, every bit as good as any at a catering hall in the big city. Unfortunately, the weather man was predicting a winter storm. Most of the guests ate and ran, wanting to get back to Phoenix, where it might be cold, but where they were sure it wouldn't snow. Tomorrow being Sunday, the crew was staying at their country home. Actually, the thought of being snowed in was appealing to six healthy sex maniacs.

The bride and groom had decided to postpone their honeymoon until after the school year ended. Michelle was at a new job and it would be hard for her to take time off. They wanted to take Liz with them, so they figured they would honeymoon when school was out, and go to Disneyland as a special treat for Liz. The bride, groom and Liz left after all the parents took off.

Dan and Warren stayed a while chatting with Joey, and shortly after they left, the crew left. The last remaining guest was Pastor Paul. He stood in the center of the now deserted room, bowed his head and prayed for the safety of all those travelling this night.

The crew stormed into their house and flipped the thermostat way up. By the time they took off their wedding clothes and got into more comfortable attire, the house had warmed up. They weren't going to be eating again today after the meal Joey had just served up but Ron broke out bottles of beer for all of them. Ron and Foster sat together on the sofa and Michael and Jerry sat together on the love seat. Jeff and Jim made themselves comfortable on the floor.

Someone asked if he should turn on the television and the others all groaned, "No."

"You know what I'd like to do?" Michael asked. The others looked at him waiting to hear what he had in mind. "I'd like to take a shower with my guy and then fuck him `til he cries for mercy."

"Sounds good to me," Jerry smiled at Michael.

"Gives me a couple of ideas or three," Jim said.

"Me too," Ron echoed.

"I've got a great idea," Foster said. "It's sort of a variation on a theme. How about we put our names in a bowl and we each draw a name out. If you get your partner you have to throw it back. Whoever you draw is yours for the night. You shower with that guy, suck him; fuck him or whatever the two of you decide to do. And you sleep with him all night also."

"Fantastic idea," Michael said.

They had debated getting a land phone, but in the end they decided they should. There was a pad and pencil near the phone in the kitchen. Michael took a sheet from the pad and tore it into three pieces. On each one he wrote the name of one member of a partnership, and folded the pieces of scrap paper. He found a deep bowl and put the papers inside. Then he lined up the other members of the partnership and asked them to draw a name. They had to do it four times before nobody drew his partner's name. In the end it was Jim and Foster, Jeff and Jerry, Michael and Ron.

Jim grabbed Foster's hand. "Let's claim the big shower before someone else does," he said.

"I don't mind the small shower at all," Jeff said. He grabbed Jerry and headed to the old shower.

"I guess we'll wait it out," Michael said. He looked at Ron. "By the way," he asked Ron, "your place or mine?" He took Ron in his arms and began to kiss him gently while fondling Ron's package.

Ron murmured into Michael's ear, "This is going to be a fantastic night."

It was. During the night the snow fall measured about eighteen inches. The crew was indeed snowed in. They played all night, and after breakfast they took back their own partners and played all day. By the middle of the afternoon the snow plows had done their work, and the blinding sun had begun to melt most of what remained. The crew was able to start for home about 7 PM, after another fantastic meal prepared by Ron's mom.

On Monday morning about 10 AM, Pastor Paul received a phone call from Brian O'Toole. When he picked up the phone and the caller identified himself, Paul's pants immediately tented.

"How nice to hear your voice," he said. "I sure miss you guys."

"We miss you too," Brian answered him. "Listen buddy, we have a proposition for you and it's one we hope you won't refuse. Tomorrow morning Tuck and I are driving up to Flagstaff. We have a client there that is having some problems we hope to resolve. We expect to be there until Friday afternoon. As you know, Lake Henry is on our way. If you could get away for a few days, we could pick you up on our way to Flagstaff and drop you off on our way home. We promise you we'll have a fantastic time there."

"Wow," Paul gasped. "That is fantastic. I've been here over three years and have not had a vacation. I'm sure it can be arranged. Let me speak to Warren Jones. He's head of our church board. I'll clear it with him, and call you back."

"Great," Brian said. "Just give us an answer by tonight. Do you have my cell number? It would be best to call on that phone." Paul didn't have it so Brian gave it to him and Paul repeated it twice so he wouldn't screw up.

As soon as he got off the phone, Paul made a momentous decision. This was his opportunity to come out. He called Warren and asked him if he would please come over to the church today as early as possible.

"Is it church business?" Warren wanted to know.

"In a sort of way," Paul hedged.

"I'm on my way. Have the coffee ready," Warren laughed.

When Warren arrived, Paul took him into his office where he had a little hot plate on which he was brewing coffee. He also had a tiny fridge with milk, butter and some bagels inside. He purposely wasted time, serving and setting everything up, because frankly he was nervous.

When he could delay no longer he began. "Warren, dear friend, I need to apologize to the whole congregation, but especially to you. I didn't exactly lie to you, but I let you believe something that wasn't true."

Warren opened his mouth to speak but Paul asked him to kindly remain silent until he finished or he would lose his nerve. Warren complied.

Paul also had decided to modify his story slightly, not because he wanted to continue with any lies, but to protect the identity of Brian and Tucker. If Warren knew who he was going away with, they would be outed. He continued.

"When I was being interviewed, I indicated that I was a widower. This is absolutely true. You all assumed that I had lost a wife. The truth is I lost my spouse, my best friend, my lover. His name was Patrick. He died of a brain tumor."

Warren wanted desperately to speak, but held his tongue as Paul had requested.

"I should have corrected the misconception, but I honestly believed that I could never again be with another man so what would it matter? So I let it be. Now it matters. I recently met someone, and let's say we got very close to each other. He's not in any position to commit to me, and that's OK, but Warren, he's the first man I have been with in nearly four years. I have an extraordinary opportunity to be with him from tomorrow to Friday, so I'd like the time off."

"Paul, you oaf," Warren chided. "Of course you can take the time off. You have never had a day off since you have been here. But let me tell you a couple of things and you listen until I'm finished before you say anything. First of all, you know the old adage, it takes one to know one'? Well, Dan and I have never had a doubt that you were gay, but we needed for you to tell us. As for the rest of the congregation, they probably have an inkling, but I don't think you have to come out ever, unless you want to set up housekeeping with some lucky guy. As for who you are going away with, it's a they' not a `he,' isn't it?"

"How in the world..." Paul started to say but was speechless.

"We saw how they looked at each other, how they looked at you, how you looked at them. Why, Dan and I have been kicking the possibility around ever since the wedding. I guess you were trying to keep from outing them, and I can respect that. So here's what I propose just so we can continue to protect their privacy. I'll tell everyone that you are going on a retreat. Tomorrow morning bring your car over to my house. We can park it in the rear and nobody will see it. Then tell Brian and Tuck to pick you up at my place. Tell them it will be all right to come in to get you. Their secret is safe with us. I'll have hot coffee ready for them. Feel better?"

Paul answered by breaking into tears.

"Oh man, don't do that. I just fall apart when a man cries," Warren said. He took Paul in his arms, hugged him tightly and surprised Paul by kissing him on the lips.

"Where are you guys going?" he finally remembered to ask.

"They have business in Flagstaff. That's where we'll be."

"Better dress warm, Warren suggested. "It gets mighty cold up there."

"I think I'll be warm enough," Paul smiled at Warren and Warren started to laugh hysterically. He hugged and kissed Paul one more time, and as he left Paul said, "I'll let you know later what time I'll be at your place. I only know that it will be early."

Immediately Warren was out the door, Paul called Brian. The first thing he asked was if Brian was alone and could he talk for a few minutes. Brian gave him the go ahead and Paul explained everything that had transpired between Warren and him. Brian was incredulous. "Can't we hide our love from anyone?" he asked, more to himself than to Paul.

"Not to a gay person, it seems." Then Paul gave Brian detailed instructions how to get to Warren and Dan. He asked what time they would get there, and advised that they leave time for coffee and something with Dan and Warren. Warren insisted and Paul said that it was the least they could do.

"We're leaving early and should be there by 8 AM," Brian announced, and they ended the conversation. Paul hung up and had to catch his breath. He was literally hyperventilating. Life had not been this exciting for him in many years. He opened one of his dresser drawers and beneath some underwear and socks there was a picture album. He took out the album, sat on his bed and opened it. The album contained twenty years of beautiful memories. He turned to the first page and there was a picture of his Patrick on the day they had met. It had been taken at a country fair. Beautiful Patrick, so kind, so sweet, so full of love. Paul began to cry as he ran his finger tips over the picture.

He was young then, in his early twenties, just out of the seminary. There was a carnival in town, and having nothing better to do he went to the fair, if for nothing else, a good hot dog. Wandering down the fairway, he decided to have a go at the ring toss. He bought three tosses and each time he tossed, he missed badly. He was about to walk away when he heard a voice say to him, "You're doing it all wrong. Here let me show you." He turned to see a handsome young man in his mid twenties who had come up beside him and had purchased three tosses.

"You're not following through," he said. "As soon as the ring leaves your hand, you stop you're forward motion. Look," he said. He tossed a ring and followed through so that his arm nearly went straight out and forward. The ring landed on the bottle neck and fell onto it. He had two more successes and won a prize.

"What would you like," he asked Paul. Paul looked at the prizes. There was nothing he really wanted but the stranger was serious and he was afraid the man would be insulted if he didn't accept.

"OK. I'll take the Betty Boop doll," he said laughing.

The vendor handed him the doll, and the stranger extended his hand. "I'm Patrick Mackey," he said pumping Paul's hand.

"Paul Patterson here," Paul answered unable to take his eyes off Patrick. God, he was gorgeous. Paul's heart beat was accelerating.

"I'm new in town," Patrick said. I don't know a soul." Could I interest you in sharing a hot dog with me?"

"That's what I came here for. But I'm paying. It's the least I can do for my Betty Boop doll." He laughed as he said it. They walked together until they found a hot dog stand. They each ordered it with mustard and sauerkraut. Paul also paid for two cokes. They found a bench and sat down to have their dogs.

"So what brings you to town?" Paul asked Patrick.

"I've just been hired to manage the new shoe factory on Regal Street," he answered. "And what do you do?"

"I'm the brand new pastor at the Faith Ministry Church on Front Street. I hope that won't scare you away," Paul joked.

"Not on your life, Pastor

Remembering those first precious moments, Paul began to sob bitterly. He looked at Patrick's picture and said, "My darling Patrick, please approve of what I am doing with Brian and Tucker. They are really good men"

Paul almost fell off the bed. He distinctly heard Patrick's voice saying, "Of course I approve baby. I arranged for you to meet them. Not only that, but through them, you'll meet the one to spend the rest of your life with. Just trust me."

Then Paul rationalized. What a vivid imagination I've got.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 23: The Crew 12

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