Brian and Tucker

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jun 29, 2023


The Crew Chapter Two

Jim and Jeff undressed to the buff and climbed into bed. It had been a long and exciting day, and neither had thought much about getting their rocks off. They just lay there, all wrapped up in each other, kissing and fondling. If they fell asleep, fine, and if they proceeded to full blown passionate sex that would be fine too.

Suddenly Jeff started to giggle.

"What's so funny?" Jim wanted to know

"I was just thinking of the sounds my dads made the last time we were here. Hell we are really very quiet compared to them. They could be heard in China. And speaking of that, it's awfully quiet next door. Do you think they really went to sleep?" Jeff wondered aloud.

"For sure I know that Jerry is a noisy cummer. Maybe they're more tired than we are," Jim said. The words were no sooner out of his mouth when they could hear the moaning from next door. The sound of a creaking bed was hardly noticeable at first, but in time it got louder and more insistent. Now there was a steady rhythm of creaking bed springs and the moaning of bodies in ecstasy.

They lay quietly for a while. The sex in the next room had not yet made them horny enough to get going in earnest. Then Jim asked very wistfully, "Do you hear that low moan under the shriller one? That's Jerry. I told you that in college we whacked off together almost every night. He was in his bed and I was in mine, of course. I'd lay there stroking my boner, listening to his moans, and think of the time I caught Michael and my brother doing it to each other. I never could get up the courage to ask Jerry if he wanted to do me and I'd do him. When we graduated he told me that I was the object of his masturbation fantasies. He wanted us to do it mutually so badly that he hurt. He said the hardest thing he ever did in his life was not to come on to me in four years of sharing a room."

Jeff thought a moment and then he said, "Funny, Michael and I never jerked off together in our dorm room, but we talked about our sex lives all the time. He would make a joke of it, but I knew he meant it when he said he dreamed that I would switch teams and he could then be my catcher. Now I realize that when he said `dreamed,' he too was letting me know that I was his masturbation fantasy."

They became very silent, listening to the noises getting louder next door. After a while Jim said to Jeff, "Sweetheart, do you remember how it was when your fantasy came true with your two dads? You told me that it heightened your sex with me and that sex with your dads was absolutely incredible. Your love making to me was more intense than it had ever been. I know that you fantasize you're with Brian and Tucker when you make love to me, and I don't care. I know it's me you want and love, and your fantasies, especially the fulfilled fantasies, have made you into a fucking sex machine. I'm not complaining at all, just commenting."

They became silent again until Jeff whispered to Jim, "Are you saying that if we allowed Michael's and Jerry's masturbation fantasies to come true, we would be increasing their sexual pleasure and probably ours?"

"I'm only saying that it seems that the more fantasies we have while making love, especially when they are fulfilled, the more pleasure we seem to get out of sex," Jim tried to explain.

Jeff was silent for a moment. The groaning next door was reaching a fever pitch. He jumped out of bed.

"Where are you going?" Jim asked.

"I'm going to have Michael tonight and I'll send Jim right in to you. I've got to do it quickly before I chicken out." He was gone in a flash.

He was very surprised to find Michael's and Jerry's door wide open. He could clearly see them in the moonlight that was streaming into the room. Michael was lying on top of Jerry. Jerry's legs were wrapped around Michael's waist. They were kissing madly as Michael was pumping hard in Jerry's bum hole.

"Stop," Jeff yelled a little too loudly.

Michael had never fallen out of an ass hole so fast and he fell to the floor yelling, "What the fuck! You scared the shit out of me. Is the place on fire or something?"

"What's wrong?" Jerry cried.

"Nothing is wrong. Just listen to me," Jeff implored them. "I don't want to get into the details right now, but I've had a masturbation fantasy since I was fifteen years old."

"So what's so unusual about that?" Michael demanded to know.

"I know that's not unusual. What's unusual is that recently my fantasy came true, and after it did, my sex life with Jim, which was fantastic, improved to extraordinary. My fantasy lover reports the same thing happened for him and his partner."

Michael said very matter of factly, "You mean you finally had sex with your dad, or was it both of them?"

Michael was dumbfounded. "How in the world...?"

"My god, Jeff. Don't you see how they look at each other? And you look at them in the same way. I guess I've suspected since the night I met them in our dorm room. And what pray tell is the fantasy or fantasies you are proposing for Jerry and me?"

"Well, you always told me that you dreamed I'd switch teams, and Jerry, you always told Jim that you wished that you two had masturbated each other during all those college years and how hard it was for you to keep your distance all that time. So Jim and I want you to fulfill your fantasies." He looked at Jerry. "Jim is waiting for you."

"I guarantee from experience, the four of us will love each other more," he added.

"What do you think?" Jerry asked Michael even though he already knew the answer.

"Jerry, Jeff said that Jim is waiting for you," Michael said to Jerry. That being said, he grabbed Jeff around his neck and pulled him in to a very wet and sexy kiss, simultaneously grinding his very hard prick into Jeff's very eager one.

Jerry ran out of the room and bumped into Jim.

"I was wondering what was going on. It was taking so lo..." Jim couldn't finish the sentence because Jerry's lips on his prevented it.

When the two sets of pinch hitters were in separate beds, Jeff and Jim asked the same question of their new lovers. "What was it exactly that you fantasized so I can make it all come true?"

For the next three hours the two couples, sucked, fucked and rimmed continuously. They would bring themselves close to climax and stop. They were all expert at prolonging orgasm as long as possible. But all good things come to an end. In the wee hours of the morning they finally were fully spent, and fell asleep in one another's arms. Just as he was falling asleep, Michael asked Jeff, "Do you think Jim and I could have a go at it, and you and Jerry?"

"I don't see why not," was Jeff's answer.

In the morning all four of the friends were sound asleep when Ron and Foster came in the house to relieve them selves. Both bedroom doors were wide open and they could see immediately that the configuration of bodies was out of sync.

It had never been Jeff's nor Jim's intention to ignore Ron and Foster, but they had never shared the fantasies that the other four had. It just had never occurred to them to include their other best friends. When Ron and Foster saw that the other four had obviously had sex together, they were mildly upset.

"Look at them?" Ron said to Foster. "They had a party after we went to sleep and we weren't included. This partnership is off to a bad start," he said rather sarcastically. They went into the bathroom to pee, and then Ron jumped into bed with Michael and Jeff, and Foster jumped into bed with Jim and Jerry.

Before the sleeping beauties knew what was happening Ron was sucking Michael's dick and stroking Jeff's. In the other bed, Foster was sucking Jim's cock and stroking Jerry's.

"Wait," Jim yelled and he and Jerry jumped out of bed and headed for the bathroom with Michael and Jeff in close pursuit. When everybody's nature calls were answered, the two threesomes resumed where they had left off, and another fantastic round of lovemaking ensued.

It was almost eleven, when the party finally broke up and everyone realized that they were really hungry.

"Also," Ron reminded everyone, "Dan and Warren are joining us for an afternoon of skinny dipping."

They washed up, and satisfied their hunger pangs with coffee and a toasted bagel for breakfast. Nobody bothered to dress because they hadn't brought swim suits and they were hosting a nude bathing party that afternoon anyway. Strangely none of them mentioned the sexual activity of yesterday night and of this morning. They didn't have to. There was so much love in that cabin, that there was no room for doubts or regrets. Each couple loved each other, and nothing was going to change that, but as a group, they loved each other like a band of brothers. They all felt it instinctively, and each time one or another would pass close to someone else, they would grab each other in a bear hug. Jeff was convinced that he had been correct in allowing Michael and Jerry to live out their fantasies. Ron and Foster were an added bonus to what he thought of as their crew. A bond had been formed here that would last a life time.

After breakfast, they cleaned up the kitchen and brought two blankets and several towels down to the lake shore. The late September sun was unusually warm, but not much of a burn threat. Needless to say, young as they were, they were still exhausted. As soon as each one lay down on the blanket with his partner, he fell asleep.

They were awakened by the sound of a horn blasting. Dan and Warren had arrived. They had foreseen that there would be little or no provisions at the cabin so they had packed several picnic baskets which were on the back seat and bags full of goodies in the trunk. The guys all ran to greet them and to help unload the car. It didn't seem a problem that they were all naked. Dan and Warren were wearing shorts and sandals and nothing else, not even underwear. When the perishables were refrigerated, Dan and Warren shed their shorts and went down to the lake. By now, the crew was refreshed from their nap and they all went right into the water.

It started with the usual splashing and laughing, but quickly progressed to cock and ass grabbing. The crew had no problem with it, but to their credit, it didn't take Dan and Warren long to catch on to the rules of the game and to join in. Obviously every one of them was as hard as a rock.

Warren and Dan were not as sex weary as the others. They had been stroking each other, as well as some other strange cocks, under the water, and they could not control them selves. They supported one another in the water to keep from sinking as they came almost simultaneously. Both of them turned red, but the others all applauded, slapped them on the back, and gave them hugs to let them know it was OK with them all.

Eventually they all tired and retreated to the lure of the beach blankets. They sunbathed in the early autumn sun, but it began to get cooler as the day grew older, so they packed up and went into the cabin. They showered two at a time in very cramped corners just to rinse off the lake water. It killed them to do it, but they even dressed.

Dan and Warren had brought fried chicken, corn on the cob, potato chips, and paper napkins. Ron had brought soda and beer along with plastic cups, flatware and plates. It was too crowded around the table so they decided to eat buffet style. Jeff made a mental note to get a larger dining room table and more dining room chairs.

Jeff and Jim set out all the dishes, flatware, cups and napkins on the dining room table. Ron and Foster found some stack tables in the kitchen pantry and set them out. "Dig in," someone said, and they did.

They stuffed themselves and then sat around chewing the breeze and just plain enjoying each other's company. Finally Jeff said, "Since Jim, Ron, Foster and I set everything up, the rest of you can clean up. There used to be plastic garbage bags under the sink. Everything was disposable so just dump everything in a bag, and we'll clean the place up and close it up until next Friday night."

After the cleanup crew was done and everything was shipshape, Dan went out to his car and got the offering papers and a few other documents. Michael looked them all over, and the six partners signed where it was indicated. Dan returned Jeff's $50.00 check and Jeff gave him another for $1.000.00. Jeff and Jim were elected to keep an accounting and they would all adjust the investment later on. Then Foster asked Dan to recommend some contractors for the renovation. He gave Foster two names and their telephone numbers.

With the business out of the way, Dan and Warren left, but not without hugs and warm kisses from all. "See you guys next weekend," Warren said, "and drive within the speed limit. I'd hate to have to run you in or ticket you."

That was meant to get a laugh and it did.

They closed up the cabin, locked the door, and put the key under the mat. Each couple got into their own car and they caravanned back to the city. They all had the same thought. This was going to be a great place for the crew to get away weekends and vacations, and enjoy their brotherhood. They were all so very excited. How lucky they were and what a great family they were going to be.

Jeff wondered if the others would mind if his dads came out two or three weekends a year, after the addition was completed, of course. He doubted they would mind. All of them now knew his dads' story and were most sympathetic.

When they finally got into their apartment, Jeff and Jim took a proper shower and then hurried into bed. As they made love that night their heads danced with visions of fucking and being fucked by Brian and Tucker and the crew. Every member of the crew had the same thoughts invading their fantasies, and just as Jeff had promised, their sex that night was extraordinary.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 14: The Crew 3

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