Brian and Tucker

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jun 29, 2023


The Crew Chapter One

Author's Note: This story is a sequel to my previous stories, "My Boss and I" and "Brian and Tucker." Both of these stories are available on this website.

Jim and Jeff, Michael and Jerry, and Ron and Foster were inseparable best friends forever. None of the couples lived more than ten minutes drive from the others, and they all worked within one city block of each other. They had lunch together often, sometimes the six of them, sometimes just four. Their evenings were more often than not spent in each other's company at one of their apartments or another. The only time they went to bars was for an evening of dancing. Then they went to a gay bar where they could dance together without fear of repercussions. They were always cautious to appoint a designated driver.

Every Friday night, Ron and Foster drove upstate to Lake Henry where Ron's parents owned a general store in an area where city slickers came for the fishing. The store was only open from mid April to mid October. After that the weather was too severe, and the city visitors stowed their gear until the following spring.

Ron worked in the store on Saturday to give his folks a break. Foster helped him out when needed. The store was closed on Sundays. On Sundays, the boys went to church with Ron's folks and then took it nice and easy, relaxing from the city hustle and bustle. On Saturday and Sunday evening, Mrs. Fisher prepared a delicious home cooked meal which the boys really appreciated.

It was in this store that Ron first met Jim and Jeff, Jeff's father, Tucker, and Jeff's godfather, Brian. It seemed like ages ago, when in reality it was less than three months ago. The fathers and sons had rented a cabin a little way up the road, and had come in for provisions. The fathers loved the place but only came down twice a year for the fishing. Ron and Foster spent a good deal of time with the fathers and the sons that weekend and by the time everyone went home, they all felt like family.

Very early one Saturday morning in late September, when the season was almost over, Jeff got a call from Ron. Jeff was still half asleep and Jim was lying all over him. He had to push Jim over to reach the telephone.

"Hey Jeff. Ron. Did I wake you?"

Jeff mumbled into the phone, "Yes."

"Sorry," Ron said very unconvincingly. "Listen, you know that cabin your dads rented early in June? Well, it's for sale. The owner needs cash quick. He's really strapped. He's willing to let it go for way under market value. Would you, and maybe your fathers, be interested? Why don't you guys take a drive out today?"

"Hold on." Jeff nudged Jim awake, and he heard some unusual profanity coming from Jim. He quickly explained what was going on, and Jim seemed interested.

"I'm not sure about buying the place," Jim said, "but I wouldn't mind driving out for the weekend. Tell Ron we'll be there by noon."

They got to the store just before noon. Ron had arranged for his dad to cover for him, and he had made an appointment to meet the realtor at the cabin at 1 PM.

The four young men grabbed some junk food from the store for lunch, climbed into Jeff's car and headed for the cabin. In the car, Jeff said, "Guys, Jim and I were talking on the way up. What if the four of us, Michael and Jerry bought the place together? We'd always have a weekend get away, together or separately. We could even heat the place for winter use."

"Not a bad idea," Foster said but we'd need at least one more bedroom."

"I know," Jeff answered. "You're our resident architect. When we get there, tell us if it would be feasible to add two bedrooms, a bath and a heating system. If the price is as good as you say it is, it might be worth it to do an expansion. If we need extra money, I'm sure we could get a mortgage.

"Wow, this is a lot to digest," Ron said. "Let's see what happens."

They found the key to the cabin under the welcome mat, where it was the first time they arrived there, and where they had left it. Since they were all familiar with the cabin, Foster got busy immediately doing his thing. He walked all around the house and even looked into the crawl space underneath the house. When the realtor arrived, he had nothing to do but stand around. He was a good looking man in his late thirties who kept ogling all four men and trying very hard not to look at their packages. He was losing the battle. All he could hope for was that they would be the ones to buy the place. Hell, he wouldn't even mind giving up his commission. Lust is a terrible monster.

Foster came in and sat down. He asked the realtor, Dan Harriman, if he had some paper and a pen he could borrow. Dan had a legal pad with him and he handed it to Foster along with a pen. Quickly, Foster made a rough sketch of the existing building. Then he drew a wing extending from the dining room.

"Look," he said. "If we remove the sliding glass doors in the dining room and put in a standard door we could build a hallway going out toward the lake. There's room for two bedrooms on the right side of the hallway with a bathroom between them. We could put a laundry room with a furnace behind the bathroom, and it would be easy to bring in vents and heat the place. We'd have to enter the laundry/furnace room through the bathroom, but hell, it's only a summer cabin after all." Then he added, "See, now the structure becomes L shaped. We could put a big sundeck in the L and still have a beautiful view of the lake."

To a man they could picture themselves in the nude, sunbathing on the deck, and their excitement over buying the place really took hold of them.

"I've gotta call Michael," Jeff said. He excused himself and went outside for privacy. He knew that if he used a bedroom they would hear every word. He pulled out his cell phone and was happy that Michael picked up on the first ring.

"Is Jerry there? Good." He took his time and explained about Ron's early morning call, the drive out to the country, Foster's expansion proposal, and his idea that the six of them buy it together for a weekend and vacation getaway home. Michael said that he would call right back. He explained what was going on to Jerry, who became very enthusiastic. Jerry was in commercial real estate, but wanted to be there, because he was certain he could then negotiate the realtor's fee. Little did he know the realtor was ready to drop his commission all together for these hunks.

Michael called Jeff back. "Give me directions to the place. We can get there by 4 PM. Jerry says to offer the realtor a refundable check as earnest money, and ask him if we can use the cabin tonight. We'll have no place else to stay." Jeff gave him directions to the store and said that they would meet them there. "We're on our way," Michael said.

Jeff told Dan that one of the prospective buyers was a commercial real estate broker. He offered what Jerry had suggested and was surprised at how accommodating Dan was. He also asked that they wait on negotiating the selling price until the other two got here. Jeff gave Dan a $50 check and they arranged to meet back at the cabin at 4:30. Dan gave them his card in case they needed to call him or had more questions. He left them there in the cabin and said he'd see them later.

When he was gone, Ron said, "I can't tell you all how exciting this is." He grabbed both Jeff and Jim, pulled them to him and kissed them both. Foster joined them in a group hug. Just like that they all had boners.

Jeff had to pull away or something might happen that shouldn't. He changed the subject by asking Foster "Is there anything we can do about sound proofing this place? You can hear every creak in the beds from anywhere in the house."

"Not a big problem. We can blow insulation into the walls. It will muffle sound and help keep the place warm in winter."

"That's a relief," Jim said. "I don't relish the thought of hearing you guys and Michael and Jerry making love noises all night."

"We better get back to the store and wait for the terrible twosome." Ron suggested.

When they returned, they found both mom and pop Fisher in the store. It was pretty busy so Ron and Foster chipped in to help. When things got quieter, Ron filled his parents in and what was happening. They got so excited at the thought that Ron, Foster and his friends would be spending weekends out here, even in the winter, that they didn't even mind that Ron and Foster would be sleeping at the cabin instead of at their house.

The store had a front porch with several wing back chairs. The late September day was unusually warm so Jim and Jeff sat outside waiting for their friends and old college room mates. They arrived about 3:45 PM ahead of schedule. They all went into the store and Ron introduced them to his folks.

Josie Fisher said she wanted them all to have dinner at her house that evening, but Ron said that was not an option. Tonight they were all going out to dinner to celebrate. He was assuming that their real estate deal would go through. He called Joey's Place, the barbeque restaurant they had all enjoyed so much on Jim and Jeff's last visit, and made reservations for eight at 7:00 PM.

The young real estate entrepreneurs then headed off to the cabin. They managed to get by with one car by Jerry sitting in Michael's lap. Michael didn't seem to mind at all. Jeff showed the newcomers around the place and Foster showed them his sketch. Michael asked Foster how much he thought the expansion would cost. He reckoned about $17,000. Jim said immediately, "That's only a little over $2,800 split 6 ways."

"The seller wants only $35,000 for the cabin and the 4 acres of land it sits on," Ron said, "but I'm pretty sure he'll take $30,000. That's only $5,000 each. It's less than $8,000 total for each of us if we pay all cash, but between an investment advisor, accountants, a commercial real estate agent and a lawyer, we all have good banking contacts. Getting a mortgage shouldn't be a problem. Conservatively speaking, if we add another $5,000 for new furniture, we're talking about a total cost of $52,000. If we put 20% down, that's $10,400 or roughly $1,700 each for the down payment, and we can easily mortgage the rest. We can set up a joint bank account for the running of this place. I'm really excited and I'm voting yes," he said.

Michael yelled out, "All those in favor say, aye."

"Aye," they all yelled together.

Just at that moment Dan arrived. Ron introduced him to Michael and Jerry, and added the extra information that Michael had been Jeff's room mate in college and Jerry had been Jim's. Dan shook both their hands and got hornier than ever. He had never seen a more handsome crew.

Jerry took over. He offered $30,000. He knew it was $5,000 less than the seller wanted, but if Dan was willing to cut his commission from 6% to 4%, the deal would be sweetened and the seller might find it more acceptable.

Dan replied, "Well let's see." He took out his cell phone and called his client in Los Angeles. His children had made him move out there because he was getting on in years, and they wanted him nearby so they could look after him.

Dan went outside, both for privacy and for better cell phone reception. Inside the cabin, they could still hear bits and pieces of the conversation. Dan was smiling so they were encouraged. When he came inside, he reported, "Well it's a little less than he hoped to get since he feels he's giving the place away anyhow, but given the situation and his distance away, he's really glad to unload the place. He says yes, and wishes you all good health and good luck in your new cabin."

Then Dan asked, "How long will you all be here before you return to the city?"

"We can stay until early evening tomorrow," Michael replied for the crew.

"Good, I'll get all the papers ready for your signatures by early afternoon tomorrow. Monday morning, I'll overnight the signed papers to LA and ask them to sign them and overnight them back. I'll need at least a $1,000 deposit guys. Shall I bring them here or to your parents' home, Ron?" he asked.

"Bring them here," several voices answered at once, and someone added, "You're welcome to join us skinny dipping. None of us packed anything, certainly not Speedos." Dan's crotch swelled.

He asked, "Will it be alright if I bring my partner. Since we are going to be neighbors, I'd like him to meet you guys."

Michael put an arm around Dan's shoulder, and lamented, "Man, what's happened to my gaydar. I never suspected." He lied.

Dan shook each one's hand and left. Jim, always the thoughtful one, turned on the circuit breaker. The boys locked up their cabin and hid the key. They went back to the Fishers in preparation for dinner at Joey's Place.

In the car back, Foster said, "I'm going to ask Dan to recommend a couple of good contractors and I'll contact them during the week. I'll get blueprints ready for them to bid on. Who wants to handle the mortgage application, lawyer, accountant or financial analyst?"

Jeff said, "I've brought several clients to my bank recently for loans and mortgages. I've got good contacts there so let me handle that. I'll get on it first thing Monday."

It seems they all wanted to get things moving at once.

When they came back to the Fishers, they washed up. They couldn't change clothes because nobody had thought to bring a change, but they all knew that they wouldn't need any tomorrow anyhow.

Ron drove Foster, Michael and Jerry to the restaurant, and the Fishers drove Jim and Jeff. As the two cars parked in the parking lot, a third car pulled in to the space next to Ron's and out came Dan and a very handsome gentleman about the same age as Jeff's fathers, very early fifties. He was, tall, lean, muscular and a total knockout. Dan greeted every body warmly, and made all the introductions. Warren, Dan's partner, just happened to be the town sheriff.

Ron asked if they would like to join them in celebrating their purchase. It seemed appropriate to everyone that he and Warren should join them. They accepted and were more than happy to be in the company of such good looking guys. Ron also reminded them of the skinny dipping party for men only at the cabin the next afternoon.

The food, service and hospitality at Joey's Place were as good as Jim and Jeff remembered. The good cheer and laughter coming from their table ignited joy throughout the entire restaurant. Nobody sent over free drinks this time but Joey himself provided two pitchers of free beer. It seems everyone already knew that the Fisher boy had purchased the cabin with some of his friends, and Joey wanted to welcome the city boys as part time neighbors. It occurred to Jeff that this would be a gay tolerant, if not gay friendly, place to live. They even had a gay sheriff.

By the end of the evening, Dan and Warren did not just say goodbye, they hugged everyone warmly before departing. When the crew got back to the Fishers, Ron raided the shelves for provisions for breakfast and lunch the next day. He also threw in some toiletries because nobody had expected to stay over night. He put a couple of sleeping bags in the trunk of his car, and put the food on the back seat. Reluctantly he told his folks that it wouldn't be convenient for everyone to make church tomorrow as they did not have proper clothing with them. He promised that they would be better prepared in the future. His folks said that they certainly understood. He and Foster went to the cabin in his car. The others each took their own cars to the cabin.

When they arrived, they all helped Ron unload the car and put the food in the fridge. Unknown to everyone Ron had put a bottle of champagne in with the provisions. Now he popped the cork while Jeff took out juice glasses. "We gotta buy some wine glasses," Jeff said to no one in particular.

It was a spectacular night so they took two kitchen chairs out on the porch to make room for all of them. There they toasted themselves and their new acquisition. They sat on the porch for a long time, sipping champagne and chewing the fat until Jeff finally said, "Hey guys I'm tired," and that put a period to the evening.

Michael and Jerry took what had been Brian's and Tucker's bedroom. Out of habit Jim and Jeff took the other one. Ron and Foster said that the night was too good to waste and they were going to sleep on the porch. Ron went inside and brought out the two sleeping bags. "Do you think we could squeeze into one of those things?" Foster asked.

We can only presume that they all intended to go to sleep.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 13: The Crew 2

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