Brian and Tucker

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on May 11, 2023


Brian and Tucker Chapter One

Author's Note: This is a work of fiction. These characters don't exist nor did they ever exist, except in my imagination. Brian and Tucker were introduced in a previous story: "My Boss and I." They were very minor characters, but I thought they might have an interesting story to tell. I hope dear readers that you agree.

Brian and Tucker met in college. They were both engineering students. Brian was studying electrical engineering and Tucker was studying civil engineering. They were in a few classes together during their college years, and once they ran into each other in the lobby of a movie theater. They both had a hot looking girl leaning on their arms.

Whenever they would meet accidentally like that, or would pass each other in the college halls, they would nod at each other and move on. They were not really friends nor did they even know each other's names. But in a world of constant coincidences, that would all change after college.

Before graduation, recruiters from several large engineering and consulting firms came to the campus.

Coincidence One: Brian and Tucker accepted positions with the same firm.

Coincidence Two: They were both to be married three weeks after graduation and each had a two week honeymoon planned, so the firm agreed that they could start work on August 1st.

Coincidence Three: Both couples were going to Paris on their honeymoon and were booked on the same Air France flights, going and coming.

Coincidence Four: They were staying in the same economy hotel in Paris in adjacent rooms.

Coincidence Five: Both couples had rented apartments in the same building, not too far from their new office, and both had leased one bedroom apartments adjacent to each other.

Tucker Simmons and his bride, Maryann, were all checked in at the airport and had found comfortable seats in the waiting terminal. They were holding hands, and pretty much just staring and cooing at each other. They were totally lost in a world of their own. A few minutes later, Brian and Colleen O'Toole sat down right across the aisle from them. They were also lost in their own world of newly married bliss, so neither couple was much aware of what was going on around them.

Finally, fate stepped in. Both men looked up at the same time and recognized each other. Tucker spoke first. "Hey didn't you go to Syracuse University?"

"Yeah," Brian answered. "I recognize you." He reached across the narrow aisle, stuck out his hand, and said, "I'm Brian O'Toole and this is my wife Colleen."

"I'm Tucker Simmons, and this is my wife, Maryann. Everybody calls me `Tuck' " Tucker smiled warmly. "We were married yesterday and we're headed to Paris for our honeymoon," he added.

"We were married yesterday also and we're headed for Paris, as well," Brian informed them. "Where are you staying in Paris?"

Tuck couldn't remember the name of the hotel so he took out their travel documents, flipped a few pages, and said, "It's called Chez Luis."

"Are you kidding me?" Brian said incredulously. "We're at that hotel also." Then he added with a chuckle, "Hey man, we can share a cab from the airport."

"Sounds like a plan to me," Tuck added.

Just then the squawk box announced that the flight was about to start boarding. Conversation halted as they gathered up their flight bags and stood on line. Considering that they were newlyweds, a funny thing happened as they waited on line to board the plane. Instead of standing with their husbands, the two women stood together and started to chat like two old friends, and the men did they same. Their conversation was so animated that you would think they had been the closest of friends all their lives. Suddenly Brian yelled," You gotta be kidding!!" And several people stared at them.

"What is it?" both ladies asked in unison.

"This is incredible." Brian said. "Tuck and I start work at World Wide Consulting on the same day. Can you believe it?"

"No I can't believe it. Where do you live?" Maryann asked, almost afraid to hear the answer.

"237 Sycamore, apartment 206," Colleen said shaking.

Now, it was Maryann's turn to shriek. "We're at 237 Sycamore, apartment 208. Something tells me that this is going to be the beginning of a great new friendship." Everyone laughed at that as they stepped off the jet way into the cabin of the plane.

Of course they each had an aisle and a middle seat just across the aisle from each other. "This couldn't be better," Brian said as he put his hand on Tuck's shoulder. Tuck didn't think anything about that, but acknowledged to himself that Brian's hand felt wonderful on his shoulder, sort of tingly.

"Why weren't we better friends in college?" Brian asked Tuck.

"I don't know, but I have a feeling we are going to be very good friends from now on." Tuck gave Brian a grin that melted his heart.

During the long flight, the women sat together more of the time than they sat with their husbands. This gave everyone a chance to cement the growing friendship. By the end of the long flight, they knew more about each other than many of their old friends did. Often, while Brian and Tuck would speak animatedly their knees would touch and other times their arms would touch on the single arm rest that they shared. Ordinarily, if that happened to two guys, one of them would move away discreetly, but neither of them did that. In fact, though neither was aware of it, they actually pushed knees and arms more closely against each other when these chance meetings happened. Both felt comfortable with it and it made them both feel good. The guys had a great attraction to each other, but neither realized that it could be anything physical.

The plane arrived in Paris early in the morning, but it was the middle of the night at home. Strangely none of them was tired. They found a cab and with their high school French asked the driver to take them to Chez Luis.

After they checked in at the hotel, they agreed to shower, change and meet in the lobby in an hour. The hotel had a quaint coffee shop off the lobby and it looked like an ideal place for breakfast. Once seated in the restaurant they all ordered a very American meal of bacon and eggs followed by coffee. Both Tuck and Brian had bought foreign currency at home and struggled a bit with the strange money and trying to figure an appropriate tip. After breakfast, they finally acknowledged that they were all very tired. Each couple went to their room and did what newlyweds do before falling into deep, deep sleeps. They all slept through lunch. At about 5 PM, the phone rang in Tuck and Maryann's room. It was Brian.

"Hi," he said, "would you guys like to meet for dinner in an hour?"

Of course they did, and for the next two weeks they were inseparable. They visited all the museums, churches, and tourist attractions. With the help of the concierge they went to many fine restaurants, and enjoyed the Parisian night life.

The night before their last full day in Paris, the girls announced that they were going on a shopping spree the next day, and the guys could fend for themselves. The next morning, they all had breakfast together and then the wives took off.

"There's a pool, gym and sauna in the basement of this hotel. Now would be a good chance to try it out." Tucker suggested. "Did you bring a swim suit?" he asked Brian.

"Sure did," Brian answered. "I think we better change upstairs. I don't know if they have changing rooms at the pool," he added.

Tuck changed into his Speedo in his room, took a towel and put on a hotel provided bathrobe and slippers. He went next door and knocked on Brian's door. Brian answered and Tuck was surprised that he hadn't changed yet.

"I'll be ready in a sec," Brian said. "I had to take a dump. I know it's crazy, but when someone is within earshot of any toilet facility I might be in, I have trouble crapping. So I took advantage of the situation and let one go."

"Tuck laughed. "I have the same inhibitions," he said and sat down on the bed to wait for Brian. Brian threw his Speedo, robe and slippers on the bed and started to strip. He wasn't the least bit embarrassed to get into his birthday suit, but Tuck gasped as Brian stripped. Brian's body was rippled with muscle. There wasn't an ounce of fat on him. His biceps were way above normal size. Tuck stole a glance at Brian's package. He was uncut and about 6 inches long in its limp state. What was unique about it was its width. Brian had about the thickest cock Tuck had ever seen. Indelicately he asked, "How do you get that monster into Colleen?"

He immediately regretted the question, but Brian didn't seem to mind. He laughed and said, "Actually it was tough at first, but little by little she opened up and we're fine now, but I use a lot of lubricant." As he spoke, Tuck was sure he saw Brian's cock plump up a little.

"And what do you do to get those pecs and abs that hard?" Tuck continued to be inquisitive."

"I work out as often as I can." Then Brian's face lit up. "You know there's a gym in our building at home," he said to Tuck. "We can work out together."

"Sounds good to me," he said as Brian finished getting ready.

Tuck got up to go, but Brian said, "Not so fast, buddy. You've seen me in the buff. Now it's my turn. I want to know everything about you."

Tuck dropped his robe, and he was just as muscular as Brian. "You look like you work out too," Brian said, "but come on, don't be shy. Drop your Speedo."

Tuck gave Brian a coy look and pulled down his Speedo. Brian gulped. Tuck was uncut also. He wasn't as wide as Brian but he was at least an inch longer. Brian couldn't help himself and kept staring at Tuck. Tuck felt his cock start to rise, but strangely he wasn't the least bit embarrassed. Brian saw what was happening and started to laugh. "Look what's happening to me also?" Brian said. He tugged at his Speedo until he was exposed, and he too had more than the beginning of a hard on.

To be Continued...

Next: Chapter 2

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