Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Jun 26, 2001


Angel's Wings (Part 15) Written by JM

--- Da da da da da... what to write, what to write? Hmmm, it's about celebrities... yeah, that sounds good. Two very moral celebrities too... ooh yeah, that makes it better. Let's see, what else... oh yeah, these two male celebrities are together, but that has nothing to do with their actual personal lives. Ha ha, oh yeah, forgot this one... it's fiction ALL THE WAY! Is that it? I think so... wait, no... please be 18 or older or have your parents permission. Parental Guidance is suggested. Need some popcorn? Maybe a soda? Got to have the Twizzlers... remember, 'Silence Is Golden'! Okay, let's move on to to the previews... ---

--- Rated PG-13: Hey, I'm back! That's right and I thought I could stay away. No, I prayed I could stay away, but this is in my blood. I've just got to write. Anyway, I'm glad to be back with another exciting verse in the song of Brian and Justin's lives. Please remember that these stories are based on the romance created for Brian and Justin through 'Brian and Justin' and 'Just Beginning'. This is not called 'JC and Nick' or 'Lance's Beginnings,' so please respect the fact that they will not get all the attention in the world. If you don't know by now, send all comments to: Thank you very much! Enjoy the show... ---

--- Feature Presentation: Angel's Wings, Rated NC-17 ---

Not every woman was as foolish as she was. Her own tenacity could never give her a reason to walk into a situation without knowledge on what the possible results were. Just one phone clal. That is all that it took. A phone call from her friends informing her of the situation in California and she was quick to catch a red-eye flight. She was brisk in packing a small bag with hopes of ending a chapter in her life. She wanted results and answers. Months of heartache and constant attempts to continue with her life and now, it was all returning to the beginning. Everything fell back to when she fell in love and when she decided that it was worth putting her current relaitionship with Ryan Goddell in jeopardy.

Stepping out of the elevator quietly, her brown hair streaked with blonde higlights and pinned up in a sloppy ponytail barely carressing her shoulders, she could hear the muffled shouts and arguments occuring throughout the hall. She slid her knapsack off her shoulder, adjusting her tight tan shirt with nervous hands. 'What are you doing Nikki? Are you crazy? You shouldn't be right here, in this. You should be at home, having breakfast with Ryan and spending the day with Mandy, Veronica and Danay. Damn it, you're still trying to get over the fact that Jenny decided to quit the group to save her relationship with Trace less than a month ago.' she told herself as she took slow steps down the hall. Her eyes spotted Kevin's room and Howie's room. She hesitantly looked at the door to Nick and JC's room, the area she heard the most arguing. She sighed softly, moving past the door quickly. 'Don't you dare think about knocking.' she told herself, brushing her bangs to one side of her face as she moved. Her eyes briefly looked at Brian and Justin's door and she thought about knocking, entering the room and talking with Brian. She thought about seeking sanctuary in Justin's calming voice. She didn't though. She couldn't until she had fought her own battle.

"It's about time girl." Amanda remarked, shaking Nikki from her daze and her hidden musings. She focused her eyes on the voice and found Amanda, Britney, and Christina lounging around on the floor. Nikki tried to offer her friends a timid smile but couldn't afford it. It was too much when she heard even more arguing arising down the hall. "Welcome to the fight of the new century Miss DeLoach." Christina said grandly, raking her fingers through her braids as she spoke. She pulled her knees up to her chest and sighed, listening to Nick's voise raise an octive higher. He was probably crying. "Oh yeah, it's been real hell around here." Amanda agreed.

Nikki eyed Britney. She was oddly quiet. Britney was the one who had claled her, told her what was going on. Britney was the one who insisted Nikki take a trip out to California and now she sat quietly. "Brian and Justin had a fight last night because of this." Britney finally commented and it all became clearer for Nikki. 'She doesn't want that. She doesn't want JC to come between them again. She wants something to aspire to.' Nikki thought, brushing stray strands of hair behind her ear.

"It's been that bad?" Nikki wondered, dropping her bag to the ground as Amanda stood. "If not worse. AJ won't even speak to Kevin after what happened last night. Nick and JC argue and then JC and Kevin argue and then JC, Kevin and Leighanne argue. On top of that, they're all trying to talk to Brian and Justin." Amanda responded, adjusting the strap of her flimsy top. "And now that you're here..." Christina stopped herself, not wanting to scare Nikki.

Nikki flinched slightly and glanced at the ground, hugging herself with slight insecurity. "I know I've got to deal with this. I've got to face this and resolve my end of this." Nikki said lowly, shifting her feet across the ground. Symphonies of fear and questioned played throughout her heart and she stared at the floor to prevent herself from falling into that river of doubt. "And what if you're the one?" Amanda wondered, eyeing her friend with careful blue eyes. Nikki lifted her eyes and arched an eyebrow. "The one?" she questioned with squinting green eyes. "The one JC wants." Christina explained quickly, resting her head against the wall after speaking. Britney chewed her lower lip while glaring at Nikki. That was the question all three wondered about. What if it was Nikki?

"If I am, I won't give up what I have now." Nikki replied strongly, a whispered prayer in her words. Britney cocked her head to the side. There was something she didn't know about Nikki. Sure, she knew Nikki was dating Ryan from time-to-time, but what if there was more? Something her friend had neglected to tell her? "What you have right now?" Britney asked, sitting on her legs with a questioning expression on her face. Nikki batted her eyes before sighing softly. "Ryan." she said quietly, glancing back at Britney with assured eyes.

"Peaches." The name shook all four women, their eyes quickly moving to the direction it came from. Nikki reluctantly turned on her heels to glance at th man that spoke her name. Her heart raced and all of her broken dreams were on the ground before her. Staring into those bluish eyes left her more than weak. They left her unsafe from the sins of her past. Those stolen kisses, touches and embraces. The moments when she knew she'd give him her whole heart without any questions. No man ever held her heart so well.

JC hesitantly reached out toward his former girlfriend, grasping her left hand in his own. "Can we talk... alone?" JC requested lowly. Nikki didn't break her stare with him. She knew not to turn around and look for approval from her friends. She knew there would be none. She merely nodded for JC and let him lead her down the hall, into the shadows, into a corner, away from everyone.

Nikki crossed her arms and leaned into the corner, trying to find JC's eyes as he slid his hands into his pockets and lowered his head. She could feel his pain and his misery. His warmth was near, but all of his warm love wasn't. "What's happening Josh? Where is this ending?" Nikki asked, turning her head to view the light that crept into the corner from nearby overhead lights. "I don't know Nikki. I don't know where any of this going or stopping or whatever. I just know that I'm finally starting to see where I belong and who I belong with." JC replied, his voice choked.

Nikki used careful hands to turn JC's face toward her. She could see captured tears in his eyes, pleading for release. This was hurting. His life was spiralling downward and he wasn't the one that caused it this time.

He wasn't at fault completely. He tried to love someone without reason and this time, he was caught. "You know these things just cause Nick finally broke down and told you this marriage of yours isn't all that you wanted it to be?" Nikki questioned, ignoring the pain in JC's eyes to find the answer she wanted.

JC sniffled quietly and smiled at her. This was the Nikki he knew. The one that wanted to hear the words. She didn't seek coded messages or clues that would appease her just enough. "What can I say? Catastrophies bring out the best in me." JC replied, finally batting out a tear. Nikki caught it with her thumb and rubbed it away, disappointed by her former boyfriend's current state. "No, they don't Josh." she responded, wrapping her arms around his neck to draw him closer to her own body. Something inside of her strummed a melody that awakened her senses. As JC's arms drew around her waist and he snuggled his head to her neck, the song became stronger in her heart. She wasn't supposed to do this or feel this with him.

Oh, whoa, ooh

Ooh, ooh, oh, ooh

I got somebody

Waitin' at home

Someone who gives me love

Like I've never known

So won't you tell me

What am I doin'

Chasin' shadows

In some dark hotel room

I won't lie and say I'm proud of myself

But lately, I've acting like somebody else

I know that I should walk out that door

Still I'd hate to leave without what I came here for

"You were my first love, Peaches. Until Lance came along, I didn't know I could truly love anyone other than you. I didn't know I'd fall in love with a man because I had so much in my heart for you." JC whispered, rubbing his thumbs along the seams of Nikki's pants. Nikki closed her eyes and exhaled quietly. What was he saying to her? She needed to know. "You were my first love too Josh, but does that mean we can go on forever trying to make it happen again? Is this even what we want?" Nikki questioned, dragging her fingers through JC's lengthy hair. She felt him squeeze her tighter, but she still didn't hear the words.

And I ask myself

What's a nice girl like you

Doin' in a place like this

Stealin' a kiss

And I ask myself

What's a nice girl like you

Doing in a place like this

When I know that I'll never be his

Nikki felt warm tear drops caress her collarbone and she fought her own. "God, Josh, why can't you figure out where you're going? Why can't you just tell me if I'm the one that's going to lead the way or am I going to be left behind?" Nikki asked him before kissing the top of his head. She sighed as he lifted his head and kissed her cheek. His fingers interlocked behind her and he pulled her from the wall, staring into her eyes. "Will you cry if I answer this question?" JC wondered, tilting his head to look deeper into her eyes. Nikki blinked back the obvious tears before nodding. She smiled sweetly while agony plastered itself through her spirit. JC smiled back and sighed, closing his eyes again to let another small tear slip down his pale face.

Is it the passion or the danger

What does this stranger have, ooh

That I hunger for

If I dig deeper

Will I find it

The strength to stand up

And leave this behind

Never thought that this could happen to me

I'm doing things I never thought that I would believe

The time, the place, this I know them by heart

One other thing I know is that this this isn't smart

JC leaned forward, letting his lips linger in front of Nikki's. "You were my first love." JC whispered, his breath caressing Nikki's lips. Nikki sucked in her lower lip and life chose to fall away. She knew what he was trying to say but he couldn't say it. He couldn't say it to her and she hated him for it. "And God, what I felt when we were together again. When I was able to hold you again." JC added, tilting his head slightly. Nikki knew he was going to kiss her and she pulled back. This wasn't right. She drew her arms from around his neck and unfastened his hands from her back. She watched his eyes, the question in them fueling her anger even further.

"You can't say it. You fucking coward. You can't say that you really don't love me anymore... not that deep." Nikki hissed, a few tears finally slipping from her eyes. JC's lips moved but no words escaped. Nikki shook her head at him and groaned quietly. "I was your first love Josh, but that was then. I can't let you kiss me and not mean it." Nikki added, her voice strung out with anger and depression. She slipped past him and walked back to the light, back to the world she belonged in.

And I ask myself

What's a nice girl like you

Doin' in a place like this

Stealin' a kiss

And I ask myself

What's a nice girl like you

Doing in a place like this

When I know that I'll never be his

Nikki refused to look back at JC or listen to him speak to her. She walked hastily down the hall, searching for something else to grasp onto. She didn't belong there anymore. She should've stayed in Olando, stayed with Ryan. But she had to know. She had to know whether or not she was forever his. Deep down, somewhere in that heart of JC's, she was. She knew that. She knew that neither would be able to just walk away from what they had, but they could walk away from what they have and that was nothing.

"Nikki?" Kevin's voice caught her attention as she walked and she slowed and looked at him. She stared at him. She glared at him. Kevin Richardson, another of her former boyfriends. Another one that burned her deeply. It never got any easier for her.

Nikki strutted toward Kevin, his tall body standing in the doorway of his hotel room. Nikki did not care about Leighanne standing in the back of the room, talking on the phone with her back turned to Nikki. She just smiled at Kevin before raising her hand. With the crackle of the thunder that only existed in the darkest storms, Nikki's palm slammed against Kevin's cheek, leaving it red and barely bruised.

Kevin backed away, startled by the act. He used one hand to grab his face, hold the stining cheek with baffled eyes. "Nikki?" he wondered, but he knew why she slapped him. He knew why that smile had faded. She knew. She knew what had occured that night and his plan was slowly backfiring on him. He wasn't expecting it. He had hopes that she wouldn't get wind of what happened. He wanted Nick to stay quiet and spare everyone this drama and now, he wished that Nick hadn't even seen JC that day because now he was losing Nikki again.

Yeah yeah

Last night I saw you the first time since we broke up

I tell you baby, it all came back to me

When I looked into your eyes, there was something more

That I never really noticed before

"You fucking asshole. You did this to them, to all of them. You helped her with this game and now you've ruined my life, JC's life, Nick's life... everyone's life. And for me?" Nikki barked out, anger encircling her as she spoke. Kevin shook his head, trying to get past the shock of Nikki's slap. "I did it to be with you. I love you and I need you Nikki. I want you back in my life and I want to be back in your heart." Kevin replied, his voice strung out on disappointment. A guitar played his heart out to his mind and he could only think of those words to explain how he felt. "I love you." he said again, but he knew he was speaking to the wind.

Could it be that all along

And I was so wrong

When I realized and turned around

That you were gone

If I say I want you back

Would you turn around and say you want me too

Cause I say I want you back

This time I really mean it

Nikki shook her head, glancing into the room again to look at Leighanne who was staring back with disbelief. "You worked with her to do this and you say you want me back? Could that be anymore ironic?" Nikki asked, crossing her arms. "It's true Nikki. What happened that night between us meant nothing. You have to understand. Me and Leighanne know what's right." Kevin said, taking a few steps toward her. Nikki did not hesitate and backing away from him. "That's utter bullshit. You think that me and you are right and she thinks that Brian and her are right. That isn't right." Nikki argued.

Kevin reached a hand to her, hoping that she would reach back. She didn't. "You have to understand Nikki. I love you more than anything. I've done all of these things because I love you so much." Kevin stated, his voice shaky and his heart defeated.

Been so much I wanna tell you, I've changed for you

But I don't know what to say or do

We grew apart but I still want you deep in my heart

I believe it's time to make a new start

Could it be that all along

And I was so wrong

When I realized and turned around

That you were gone

"Please." Kevin pleaded while looking at Nikki. He kept his hand raised to her, needing her to grab it and hold it. Nikki licked her lips before looking at Leighanne again. Life's mysteries were meaningless when she looked at the woman. She was the cause of their breakup, whether she meant it or not. She had hurt many of her friends and now Kevin wanted her to understand that working with that woman to ruin others lives in order to win her back was comprehensible? "Please move on." Nikki finally said, turning away from one more broken heart to restore her own.

If I say I want you back

Would you turn around and say you want me too

Cause I say I want you back

This time I really mean it

Nikki didn't have plans to look back and face Kevin or Leighanne or JC again, but when she heard her voice, when she saw the pair of blue eyes that haunted her, she had to stop. The eyes were in front of her, a hand on her shoulder preventing her from walking any further down the hall. She felt dead pieces of her heart creep inside of her veins, sending a shiver throughout her body.

"It hurts to deal with this, doesn't it?" Nick asked, his cheeks flushed and stained by tears. Nikki sucked in her lower lip and shook her head. She was fighting tears and misery and thoughts that conquered her mind and body. "You win. Damnit, you win. Can't you be happy with that?" Nikki questioned with a tenseness that did not faze Nick. "No, I can't be happy. It stopped being a competition when I started seeing how much it hurt." Nick replied, swallowing hard to hold his tears. Nikki lowered her head. She was defeated.

"You know, why can't I live happily? Why do I have to come all the way out here to find out whether or not my life is moving in one direction or another?" Nikki inquired, lifting her tear-clouded eyes to glare at Nick, hoping he could answer the questions she never had solutions for. "Because you love him Nikki." Nick blurted out loudly and suddenly, he felt pieces of his own heart falling away.

Nikki stood stiff, bewildered by Nick's words. She saw a tear slip from the corner of his eye and she wanted to reach out and catch it, to relieve the stress that burdened him. "Because you love him and you knew that it wasn't the others asking you to come here. It was him. Why deny that you would drop everything to come see him if you knew it'd be for your chance to be with him?" Nick stated, squinting his eyes to let the tears squeak through. He knew that JC wasn't too far away. He knew JC was listening and watching and waiting for a sign from either to show their feelings for him, but Nick wouldn't give in.

You called me up to say you want to meet tonight

Something's been on your mind

And you need to talk about it

I haven't gotten over you since you first said goodbye

And what we left behind

I had to learn to live without it

But I'm zipping up my coat

Grabbing up my keys (Baby)

Hanging on a hope

And praying baby, please

Just say you made a big mistake

The biggest one you'll ever make

You're not gonna make another one this time


Nikki sighed and closed her eyes, allowing one single tear to fall down her cheek. "No, Nick. No, I'm not going to say that because I can't." Nikki replied, a sob following her words. "You can't what Nikki? You can't say that you love him? That you want to be with him?" Nick inquired with curiosity strung through his voice. Nikki sniffled and withheld herself from wiping away her tears. "Cause I can't Nick! I can't keep coming back with nothing there. I can't take the pressure anymore." Nikki barked back, tears slipping freely down her face. "But why not? He can't be alone forever Nikki. He's going to be with one of us. It's either you, me, Justin or Lance. There is no one else. So why the hell do you think you have the right to take yourself out of this?" Nick questioned, not looking to break Nikki, but give her strength. "Because if it's not me, I don't want a broken heart again." Nikki replied, calming herself to stare at Nick and forget JC's presence.

Just don't break my broken heart again

Don't say you wanna be my friend

Or make love for old times sake

Or get together every now and then

Tell me you want what could've been

And that it's not too late

Just don't break (Just don't break)

My broken heart again

"I'm not going to get him back Nikki. I can see that now. So why shouldn't you be the one to try and make him happy? Justin doesn't deserve that chance. Lance hasn't shown interest in the past few months. You and I are what's left for him and you mean to tell me you won't take that chance?" Nick dared to ask, stepping closer to her. Nikki swallowed her hurt and sniffled lowly, brushing her hair back. She took stolen glances at JC. Her bottom lip tremble and her eyes were in pain, but she had to see if there was concern in his face. It was. Sculpted in magnificent beauty, care was written into his face. "Because... because... God, because I know it'll hurt in the end when he says it's not me he wants." Nikki replied with a whimper, closing her eyes to freshen her cheeks with tears.

I still don't know my up from down, my left from right

I'm still not sleeping nights

I am trying to imagine

Is it me you miss? Oh baby

Could it be you just miss the company? (You know boy)

I've seen it happen

Grabbing up my purse

Heading for the door (Heading for the door)

Baby, I've been hurt

How can I be sure?

I'll take a leap of faith for you

When you're in love, it's what you do

I'll meet you at our rendezvous

I'll be there cause you asked me to

Nick drug his fingers through his blonde hair, frustrated with his attempt to get through Nikki's defenses. He eyed her as she eyed his husband, her heart falling and falling into the abyss of her pain. "Then why did you come all the way out here Nikki?" Nick wondered, drawing her attention from JC. Nikki sniffled once more and lowered her head. "I had to know." she replied in a dull voice. "And why are you still here?" Nick asked, taking a final step closer to her. He caught the fresh tears that spilled from her eyes with his fingers, brushing them away. He wanted to comfort her, but who would comfort him? Who would help him get over what he knew he was losing by helping Nikki? "I don't know why I'm still here Nick." Nikki whispered and all she could hear was the song that filled her mind. The song that was crafted years prior to her situation but it still felt like she had written it in that hallway with Nick in front of her and JC not too far away.

Just don't break my broken heart again

Don't say you wanna be my friend

Or make love for old times sake

Or get together every now and then

Tell me you want what could've been

And that it's not too late

Just don't break (Just don't break)

My broken heart again

Take my heart, please don't break it (Again)

Don't break my heart, I just can't take it (Again)

(Get together, every now and then, no)

Take my heart, please don't break it

Don't break my heart, I just can't take it

I'll meet you at our rendezvous

I'll be right there cause you asked me to

Nikki pulled away from Nick and brushed by him, walking down the hallway in defeaning silence that yanked at her heart with unbreakable ropes. Nick sighed and stared at his husband, watched the misunderstood expression in his eyes. He shook his head, holding back tears for the loss he knew that was coming. He watched JC take a shaky first step and then another and soon enough he was sprinting down the hallway after his first love, after a dream that Nick never had. He heard the calls for Nikki, the way JC never gave up when Nikki stepped into the elevator without him. 'This is your life now Nick. You did what you could.' he told himself, letting his head drop and his tears glisten like rain down his cheeks.

Comfort. Relaxation. Peace. How long had it been since they had felt this? How many hours of separation and concern and anger and everything else that kept them apart? It was just too much. It was so much that Brian wanted to forget while laying in the bed with his husband. He wanted everything to float away and leave him with just the bed, just Justin, just the peace that gave him serenity in his marriage.

His body was curled tightly against Justin's, his husband's calm fingers running softly through his hair, bringing him to a state of bliss that wasn't sexual but spiritual on some level. He kept his blue eyes closed and his ears listened to Justin hum a tune, one that he believed to be by Mandy Moore. He wasn't sure, but in Justin's arms, he didn't care. He just listened and breathed and soaked up everything that was Justin.

There was a bang and, suddenly, comfort evaporated in the heat of unknown anger. Brian lifted his head and groaned, fisting his fingers into Justin's shirt as he glanced around the room. He heard padded footsteps and then Nick was there, staring at them like a lost child, eyes beguiled by tears and sufferage.

"I'm... God, I'm sorry... I don't want to interrupt you two." Nick sobbed out. Brian wrinkled his brow, baffled by his friend's sudden appearance. He knew why Nick was there. He had heard all night long why Nick was crying and he hated it, but he didn't want to enter one battle when he was still recovering from his own. He felt a cool hand slip up the back of his shirt and fingers trickled down his spine in a relaxing manner. He leaned back against Justin's hand and sighed, wanting to throw Nick out and find comfort in Justin's arms again.

Nick scuffed his feet against the carpet before sighing loudly. "You know, I shouldn't be here. I shouldn't be in here when you two are trying to be together. I just... God, I can't this any of this anymore. I'm losing him and I'm not going to make it after him. It's all my fault, but still... I don't want this." Nick cried, dragging his hands through his hair before covering his face in shame.

Brian felt his heart drop. 'What are they doing to him?' Brian wondered, stiffening under Justin's touch. "Nick, it's okay. We understand that you're hurting right now." Justin remarked, surpring Brian. Brian glanced back at his husband with indefinite insecurity. Justin was comforting Nick?

Hoping to ease his pain?

"I'm sorry.." Nick blutered out and that was it. That seemed to heal so much inside of everyone. "Just come lay down. You need to let it all go Nick and let whatever happens happen." Justin suggested, waving toward the slightly older man. Brian arched his eyebrow, glaring at Justin with new thoughts. This was his Justin. He knew it in the touch and the eyes but he had never seen this side of Justin. It was intimidating but it was Justin and he loved him.

Justin ignored him and continued to signal to Nick. Nick shyly moved toward the bed and it only took a minute before he was there, resting his head next to Brian's leg, closing his eyes and crying quietly while Brian rubbed his back and Justin petted his hair.

Somehow, in someway, hours mattered in that room. Hours changed Justin and hours made him think and consider what he didn't have while being there.

Hours brought a new silence between Brian and him. They made it awkward and tense and Justin found it easier to want to be away from it all when he had no reason to be happy.

He stuffed clothes into his bag without thought, his plans to return home giving him a reason to ignore Brian and ignore what the situation did to his marriage. "Hey... baby, are you going to at least go to dinner with me?" Brian asked from the edge of the bed, watching Justin with lifeless eyes. Justin didn't bother to glance over his shoulder. He merely shook his head and continued to pack. "I don't think I have time." Justin replied stiffly, throwing one of his red shirts into the bag. "Make time Justin." Brian requested sternly. Justin jerked his bag up and carried it toward the bed. "I'd prefer go home to my son." Justin responded flatly, tossing his bag to the head of the bed before walking into the bathroom.

"What is wrong with you?" Brian called after his husband, standing from the bed and following Justin toward the bathroom. He watched Justin gather his toiletries and shove them into his shaving kit. His brazen blue eyes peered at Justin harshly before he released a loud sigh and moved away from the door. "My problem is that I came out here to visit my husband and it seems that I have overstayed my welcome." Justin shot back, stomping out of the bathroom with the kit under his arm while he snatched a few CDs from the dresser. Justin carelessly dropped the items into his bag and glanced around the room, searching for other pieces of his luggage. "Who says you've overstayed your welcome?" Brian queried, stepping in front of Justin.

Justin eyed Brian. He didn't want to holler or yell or even fight with Brian. He hated looking in those soft blue eyes and seeing anger. "Everyone here has made it very clear that they want us away from each other. All of this drama and this strain in our marriage is not what I want right now." Justin replied, standing strong in front of Brian. His hand flinched, dying to reach out and rub Brian's cheek once more before he refused to look back. He couldn't do it.

Brian grumbled lowly, turning his back to Justin. "Your friend JC made it pretty clear that he doesn't want us together." Brian hissed out, crossing his arms with anger calling on him. Justin ran a shaky hand over his spikey hair, losing the strength to fight with Brian. "No, Brian, your ex-girlfriend, your cousin, and your best friend made it rather clear that I've overstayed my welcome." Justin retorted, brushing past Brian to reach his bag.

"So fucking blame me for all of the problems in our life right now." Brian barked at his husband, walking away from Justin. He hid his hurt from Justin as he walked, looking for anything that would rid his mind of their troubles. "You know exactly what the problems are. Don't try to use yourself as an excuse to get out of this." Justin snapped back. "Yeah, well I can't get rid of your best friend that easily." Brian said with peering eyes and a tight expression.

A knock stopped Justin from hollering at Brian. It stopped him from saying hurtful words that he knew he wasn't going to be able to take back later on. He sighed and found a seat on the bed, never looking up at Brian as he moved toward the door.

Brian was thankful for that knock. He did not hesitate in opening the door, looking for a reason to walk out of the room. His mouth formed a loose smile for Leighanne when he saw her on the otherside of the door. She smiled back, her hands adjusting her silky purple dress. "Hey there handsome." she beamed, disregarding Justin's appearance in the background. Brian shyly brushed a hand over his hair, letting the argument with Justin slowly dirft away in Leighanne's smile. "Do you have plans for dinner? Because I'm starved and you guys are leaving for the concert soon." Leighanne wondered. Brian took a quick glance back at Justin, his frown returning as he watched Justin pack more of his clothes. "I guess not." Brian replied, his heart sinking as Justin ignored him.

Brian turned his attention back to Leighanne. Her hand was stretched out to him, inviting him away from the stress that coated his heart. "Come on Brian. It's the best thing right now." Leighanne advised lowly, her sincere eyes swaying Brian's mind. He nodded and grabbed her hand, following her out of the room. He let the door close on its own, not desiring the burden of leaving Justin alone. But he did. He followed Leighanne and he left Justin in that room to pine over what should've happened that day, what should've been said. He left Justin to think about what JC said and what he felt deep inside. Brian left Justin to make a decision about where he was going and with whom.

LAX. Gate 33. 7:06 PM. They weren't really important places to him right then, but he knew they would probably be places he'd never forget. He knew the time and the place was going to mean a lot later on and he knew when he saw those golden-green eyes his life was shifting toward something new.

JC wiped sweaty palms along his jeans before adjusting his sunglasses, trying to remain unnoticed in the airport. The airport was fairly empty but JC didn't want to risk anything. He didn't want anyone to know who he was when he smiled at Lance walking toward him. He wanted to be indescrete when he hugged Lance tightly, held him in his arms, never wanting to end a moment that he knew would mean a lot later on in his life. He hoped to continue to be disguised from the public as he held Lance's hand and lead him toward a corner of the airport where no one was and where no one would be.

JC sighed and slouched in his seat, letting his white, button-down shirt ruffle up against his back. He laid a shaky hand on Lance's thigh, licking his lips nervously as he looked at Lance through blue-tinted frames. Lance tried to smile for JC but he sensed there was more than pain hiding behind those sunglasses. "Have things gotten any better?" Lance asked, adjusting the glances he wore on his face. JC shook his head, leaning toward Lance. He shifted his sandle-covered feet against the ground as he thought over the arguments he had had throughout the entire day. He felt Lance run a careful finger down the strip of hair that was his goatee. "They might've gotten worse. With Nikki there and with Nick ignoring me completely now... I feel like I can't get any answers. I can't find out what's going to work out for me and what's not." JC replied, his voice choked by a sob.

Lance cupped JC's chin in one hand and lifted it, staring directly into JC's eyes. There were tears there but Lance hoped they die away and reveal the man he missed. He wanted to see Joshua, not Josh or JC or C or Shazaam.

He caught the first available plane from Canada to Los Angeles to find the man that had changed his life at one point and time. He brushed a thumb along those chiseled cheeks and smiled softly. "There's always a reason to smile Joshua. Things might be real hard now but something's going to work out for you." Lance assured him before rubbing a finger over the tip of JC's nose. He let the sounds of an acoustic guitar strumming through the airport speakers guide him as he touched JC, the song projecting thoughts that he knew too well. "Will things work out for you and me?" JC asked lowly and Lance had to smile for his friend because he expected the question and was hoping for it.

I must have been blind

Not to see you look away from me

Whenever you'd say you love me still

I must have been crazy

Not to feel you slip away from me

And day after day, there's a space to fill

And I can't find the words

To make you fall in love with me again

And I can't find the strength

To let you go

Lance ran his fingers through JC's thick mane, closing his eyes briefly to withhold tears. "Sure, they're going to work out for us Joshua." Lance replied, opening his eyes to lte JC stare into them. JC nodded, but he felt something had changed. He felt the answer wasn't what he was searching for.

"But not as lovers, just friends." Lance added, brushing his thumb against JC's lower lip. He kept a gentle smile to ease the pain for JC but it hurt everywhere. It hurt to say those words to JC. It hurt to admit to himself that he couldn't allow himself to fall into JC's arms again and stay there forever.

"You love him too much, don't you?" JC asked with a swallowed whimper. He let Lance pull away his sunglasses because he knew Lance had to see the tears that were gathering in his eyes, "I love him too much." Lance replied shortly, still rubbing his thumb along JC's lip. All JC could do was nod.

And when it's all said and done

You'll be the only one

Even when there's nothing left for us to say

As sure as the sun will rise

I can never say goodbye

Even when we've gone our separate ways

In my heart, you'll always stay

JC sat up in his seat and drew closer to Lance, everything inside of him sizzling with agonizing pain. "But what about what you said that night? That night after we did that chat." JC wondered, hoping to answer puzzles he could not figure out. His shaky hands rubbed Lance's arm but his eyes stayed still, looking into Lance's. It was important to him to see Lance's eyes, to feel what they said. He couldn't bare hearing any of these words without being able to glance into Lance's eyes and know the truth was being spoken.

"I meant every word of it Joshua. I regret ending our relationship but regrets don't bring back feelings." Lance finally said, licking his dry lips. He watched JC's head lower but he didn't try to stop JC this time. He only slipped his arm around JC and nuzffled his face against JC's head. "I know that I'm always in your heart baby. There's no denying that. I just hope you know that your place in my heart is as a friend now." Lance whispered while holding JC and brushing his hair.

Been spending my time

Trying to remind you of our love

But you've been pulling away with every touch

With all we've been through

I never thought I'd be losing you

And I would give everything to keep you here

But I can't find the words

(But I can't find the words)

To make you fall in love with me again

And I can't find the strength

(And I can't find the strength)

To let you go, oh ho

JC sniffled but did not release his tears. He lifted his head and gave Lance a tired smile. "He's going to make you so happy." JC whispered, brushing his hand over Lance's shirt. Lance grinned at him. "I hope he makes me half as happy as you did Joshua." Lance remarked. JC smiled back. "I know where I'm supposed to be then." JC said, finding one of Lance's hands and holding it. "You'll be happy there." Lance assured him, leaning closer to his former love. "Promise me you'll stay with Bryce for awhile so that your life can be a little more brighter." JC requested, pulling closer to Lance. Lance gladly nodded, hearing an announcement over the loud speaker that echoed a pain through his heart. "Only if you promise to get your life right with the right person." Lance replied, tilting JC's head upward. JC hesitated but he gave a silent reply, batting back more tears.

I still believe our love is meant to be, oh

And it will be here forever, come what may

Oh, can't you see I loved you faithfully

And one day the memory of our love will bring you back to me

And when it's all said and done

You'll be the only one

(Nothing left to say)

As sure as the sun will rise

I can never say goodbye

Even when we've gone our separate ways

In my heart, you'll always stay

"There's still one more thing before I go." Lance said and JC knew what he meant. He knew it was why he finally let the tears fall down his face. How could they say this? They knew they couldn't. They just did it. JC just tilted his head and Lance just kissed him, kissed him with all he had.

Lance moved his lips slowly and painfully against JC's, feeling what he had felt a million times before when he kissed him. He rested a hand on JC's face and guided him, showed him the way to kiss him again. His tongue carefully licked at JC's lips while his breathing increased, something inside of him swelling. He could feel warm tears running against his fingertips and he tasted them in their kiss. "I love you... God, I'll always love you James." JC whimpered into the kiss, sucking on Lance's lower lip with a passion that strummed a farewell melody. "I will too Josh." Lance whispered back, letting a single tear fall down his face as he left quick pecks across JC's lips. He stroked JC's chin as he kissed JC's lower lip and then his goatee, trying to find the strength to pull away.

"But you know who's going to love you more." Lance whispered quietly, kissing JC's lips one final time. He heard JC whimper and sob but he stood from his chair and moved away from JC. He licked his lips a final time to taste JC and his own tear on his lips. "I know." JC whimpered out, curling up in the chair and letting Lance walk away to his flight, the flight that took Lance from him.

The night was almost over for him. He let tears stand still in his eyes at dinner and he even withheld his tears while onstage that night. He did it all to be the Nick Carter the others knew. He did it for the fans, for the people that cared for him. He didn't do it for himself. He wanted to cry and act childish and complain about what he deserved, but he knew it wouldn't do anything to change the situation. He knew that he could no longer make things different. He was just Nick Chasez, a young man who might not have what he wants or needs in life.

He ran his hands along the railing on the balcony. The breeze shifted lightly and he sighed. Standing on the balcnoy to his room he felt like the world watched him and waited for him to fuck up again. 'I'm not. This time, I'm just going to give up and let things go as they may. If I'm Nick Carter in a week, then I'm Nick Carter and I'll be that way for a very long time.' Nick said to himself, hanging his head low as he looked down on the world. No fans stood outside the hotel because none knew they were there. Nick was blanketed in the shadows of the night and was thankful for it. He didn't want anyone to see him.

He never heard a knock at the door or it open. He didn't hear the footsteps throughout the room or the slighttest sound of someone speaking, but he did hear music creep out into the night's air and he did feel warmth appear behind him, strong arms wrap around him and warm breaths coat the back of his neck. The scent was familiar, a cologne he kenw too well. The arms were shaped the way they always were when they hugged around him tight.

A bristly goatee brushed against his neck and his rubbed against his cheek in an apologetic way.

"Josh... if this is your way of saying goodbye... saying that it's over, please don't. I'd prefer you leave me without someting to remember you by than have to live everyday rembering how good it felt to be held by you." Nick pleaded, lifting up his head as JC interlocked his fingers and rested them against Nick's stomach. "What it wasn't a goodbye Nick? What if it was a forever thing?" JC questioned, nuzzling his head to Nick's.

Nick went numb. He didn't believe the words. He thought they were just ghosts in his mind. It could've been his imagination or it could have been the wind, but then he felt JC squeeze him a little tighter and he felt JC kiss his cheek tenderly. "You can't... Josh, you can't say that." Nick stumbled with his words. "I can and I will." JC replied, holding his husband with a newborn faith.

You are every part of me

And with every breath I take

Your love will light my way

And for ever day I live

The promise that I make

Is that I will never let you go babe

Nick absorbed every lyric of the song playing and the beauty of his husband's touch, JC's touch against his skin and body. It felt like rain falling on a sweet summer day when the wind hadn;t blown in hours and the sun kept shining as cascading water bathed the earth. It was all Nick wanted but never expected.

"I don't know if apologies are even enough for what I've done to this marriage, but I can only try to mend the fences I broke by questioning our love." JC said in only the way JC could, soft, meaningful and sincere. Nick felt the need to argue, to make JC retract his words but his mouth held those words back. "Josh, you know that it's my fault it got this bad." Nick stuttered out, turning his head slightly. He felt stray strands of JC's thick blonde-brown hair brush against his cheek and he knew that JC wasn't moving away. JC wasn't lying this time. "No, Nick, it's not your fault. I should've been there for you from the beginning. I shouldn't have let my feelings for Justin or Nikki or Lance or anyone distract the feelings I had for you. Baby, you were there for me from the start of this relationship. I let all of those old feelings mess us up and that's why you had to do what you had to do." JC replied, lowering his hands until they rested below Nick's stomach, his thumbs slipping under Nick's shirt to rub his bare skin.

I swear I never knew love like this before

And for everything you are

I gotta make you know

For your love (I'd give anything for your love)

For your love, yeah (Swear I'd never make it alone)

No (And forever I'll stand by your side)

I just gotta make you see, yeah

I only live for your love

Nick felt a symphony awaken in his heart as JC touched him in that tender, affectionate way that Nick had rarely seen over the course of months. "Josh, we can't overlook the fact that I caused some serious damage in our relationship... especially with this recent stunt." Nick stated, grabbing the strength he needed to stand strong in JC's arms. His own hands folded over JC's, his palm brushing against JC's wedding ring. "I'm not saying we should overlook what you did Nick. I don't want you to think that what you did was legitament, but I know that I've brought a lot of strife to this marriage." JC replied, letting the wind brush over their bodies. He held Nick tigether as he shivered under the cool breeze. His lips found the area behind Nick's ear and kissed it gingerly, calming his husband's bewildered spirit.

Nick closed his eyes and sighed into the crisp air. "But Josh, the marriage isn't real. I mean, we really took our vows and everything but the way it came to be... it's just not real." Nick stated in a low voice. "It is to me. I may have been drunk and it may not have been the way I wanted it to be, but Nick, I'm tired of chasing after love. I think it's been sitting here and I've been too busy chasing illusions and mirages. I think this marriage is worth saving. It's worth making it right and making it last forever. To me, having you as my husband is the right thing and that's why I want us to try and make this work the best that we can." JC declared warmly.

When I was running out of faith

You still believed in me, yeah

And never let me fall

And the times I lost my way

You're the one that helped me out

You brought me through it all, yeah

I swear I never saw it like this before

Cause baby with your love, you gave me

The reason to the world

JC unlaced his fingers and let his hands slip down Nick's body to rest on his hips. He rubbed his fingers under Nick's jeans and pushed his boxers down slightly to brush the smooth skin of Nick's torso. He could hear his husband clearing his throat and he knew Nick still had questions and concerns but in his mind, they didn't matter.

"You want this to work? You still want to be with me? Still be my husband?" Nick wondered, his voice unexpectedly filled with joy and life. JC smiled before nodding. "Yes Nicky. That's exactly what I want. I want you to stay Nick Chasez and I want us to work out these kinks in this marriage." JC responded without reservation.

Nick turned his head slightly and watched JC tilt his head. They smiled at each other, two pairs of blue eyes glittery in a new light. Nick giggled quietly, flooded with emotions he had lost touch with. "Forever." JC whispered to add a significant drop of sunshine to his husband's smile. Nick's red lips grinned happily. He nodded and closed his eyes as JC drew close for a kiss, a kiss that washed away the strong amounts of doubt that flushed Nick's mind. A kiss that helped Nick realize that JC had chosen him and not his first love or the man that had taken his virginity or the man he was obsessed with and lusted for. JC had chosen the man that had introduced him to a carefree, young and tranquil love, one that may have been discovered by mistake but was never let go.

Oh (I'd give anything for your love)

I'd give anything, yeah (Swear I'd never make it alone)

I'd never make it alone, no (And forever I'll stand by your side)

I just gotta make you see, yeah

I only live for your love

Ping. The elevator doors slid open slowly and silence entered the hallway with a rush. Brian stepped off the elevator with a smiling Leighanne close behind. Leighanne tried to keep up with her former boyfriend's hasty pace but did not fret over his mild distance. She had been with him most of the night. She had gone to dinner with him, sat backstage while he got ready for the concert and even got to hug him in his excited state after the show.

She was all he saw for those few hours but it was good enough for her. It was her opportunity to remind him of what they were and what he had missed. How she had changed for him.

Brian held a different face. It was dipped in concern with dabs of anger and quick splashes of concern. He had not heard from his husband all night.

Not a single call. Was he gone? Did he make it home? Brian had no answers and it stirred too many emotions inside of him. He didn't care if Leighanne was here, there or anywhere. He just cared about what his marriage had just experienced due to everyone but Justin and himself.

"Blitz!" a loud cry came down the hall and Leighanne felt a body crash against hers, arms wrapping around her waist and dragging her to the floor. Her head slammed into the wall and she shrieked in surprise. She felt the body lift from hers and scream out vicotoriously. "What the fuck?" Leighanne groaned, grabbing her hand with one hand while the other pulled the hair from her face. She glanced up with a shooting pain racing through her head. Her blue eyes squinted to view Christina standing over her. Christina was dressed in a football jersey and a black bandanna covered the top of her braids and were those straks of black paint under her eyes? "Take that biotch." Christina boasted, laughing insatiably at Leighanne.

Leighanne couldn't even find the strength to stand and continue the fight.

She rolled to her side in raging pain and heard Christina's taunting laughter adding to the agony. She focused her eyes on Brian, who had turned to watch the whole scene in surprise. She felt the need to scream out to Brian when she saw another body come into the picture but the ache in her head stopped her and all she could do was watch.

"Interception!" Britney called out as she threw her arms around Brian's waist and drug him toward an open door. "Whoa!" Brian called out as he stumbled with Britney. He glanced at Britney as she smiled wildly at him, shoving him into the room. He caught a glimpse of her blue football jersey and the bandanna wrapped around her head and she too had smudges of black paint under her eyes. "What?" Brian managed to stumble out before Britney closed the door, Brian on the inside of the room and Britney on the outside.

"Score!" Britney screamed out, followed by a riotous laughter. "Hell yeah! Touchdown for the real women and none for the jealous bitches." Christina cheered, racing over to her friend. They both turned to glance at the suffering Leighanne, smirking as Leighanne stumbled to her feet. "Ooh, I think the competition is defeated." Britney chimed, imitating a sports announcer with a broad smile. "No doubt. They forfeit." Christina agreed, giving her friend a high-five as Leighanne stumbled down the hallway toward her own room, whitewashed by the two women she thought she had already crushed.

Brian was standing in his room. It was barely lit, only the moon from outside shining through and into the room. He didn't care. He didn't care that he stumbled over clothes as he walked. He only cared that his husband was still there. He cared about Justin sitting in the windowsill by himself, staring outside, thinking deeply. He was only concerned about Justin still being there, still waiting on him to return.

"Baby?" Brian wondered, laying a hand on Justin's bare shoulder. He watched Justin lick his lips with a still expression. His hand ran over the bare flesh until he reached the fabric of Justin's tight, black wifebeater. He could hear the soft sounds of a familiar, but redone song breezing through the room. He lightly pushed Justin forward and his husband did not resist his touch. Brian slid into the area behind Justin, laying his back against the windowsill and he allowed Justin to fall back and rest against his chest and stomach. His arms curled under Justin's until they wrapped around Justin's waist, holding him in the dark gray room with a loose smile.

Brian brushed his face against the soft, spikey, blonde-brown hair on the back of Justin's head. He didn't know what to say to Justin or how to express his feelings but he knew how to touch. He knew how to express what he felt by holding Justin and touching him and loving him. He kissed the back of Justin's head and sighed lowly, pulling up Justin's wifebeater with nervous hands.

I've been so many places in my life and times

I've sung a lot of songs

I made some bad rhymes

I've acted out my life on stages

Ten thousand people watching

But we're alone now

And I'm singing this song to you

"I'm sorry." Brian whispered as he brushed his cheek against his husband's hair. He ran careful fingers over Justin's navel and over the strong muscles of his stomach. He only heard Justin's breathing but that was enough. Just to know Justin wasn't walking away or fighting his touches were good enough. "I didn't mean to act like that JuJu. It was just hard thinking about you leaving like that when I wanted to spend so much more time with you." Brian added, rolling down the front of Justin's silky black boxers until he saw the tattoo on Justin's hip. Rocky. It was right there, all his devotion inked into his skin. It was beauty and it only took a minute to know it was an expression of future years of dedication.

I know your image of me is what I hope to be, babe

I treated you unkindly

Darlin', can't you see

There's no one more important to me

Baby, to see through me

Cause we're alone now

And I was singing this song to you

Justin turned his head slightly and Brian caught a small peep of his husband's face. He saw precious blue eyes that were rounded with love and concern. He saw Justin sucking on his bottom lip the way he did when he was nervous or scared or shy. He caught a glimpse of that nose he wanted to kiss and touch and that chin that was decorated in a small, fuzzy goatee that Brian wanted to kiss.

"JC told me that he's past the feelings he had for me and that we need to make this work. He said he's sorry that he's come between us so many times and that he hopes that I won't let it happen again. He also said that you were the best man I was ever going to find and that I shouldn't forget that my family and my marriage is worth more than *NSYNC, the Backstreet Boys, the drama and everything else that tries to ruin what I have." Justin explained, his voice thick with care. "He said that?" Brian asked, surprised. Justin nodded and leaned back until his head rested against Brian's shoulder. "And I had already forgotten. I let all of this drama come between me and you." Justin added softly, letting his hands find Brian's hair and his thigh.

Brian relaxed under Justin's touch, calmed by Justin's stroking fingers in his hair. "So don't apologize Rocky. I'm not mad... just lonely." Justin said quietly. Brian hugged Justin tighter and breathed soft breaths along his ear. "No you're not beautiful. I'm right here and have no plans to go away." Brian whispered, kissing the top of Justin's ear. He snuggled his body to Justin's and let the music carry them to the place they needed to be.

You taught me precious secrets

Of a true love, withholding nothing

You came out in front while I was hiding

But now I'm so much better

And if my words don't seem to come together

Listen to the melody

Cause my love was in there hiding, yeah

Ah, ah, oh, ah

Ah, ah, oh, ah

Ah, ah, oh, ah

Justin let a smile creep across his lips as Brian kissed the back of his neck. "Your tickling me." Justin whispered, swatting Brian's hands away from his stomach. Brian giggled against his skin, lowering his hands until they caressed Justin's hips. He let them slide under Justin's boxers and massage the top of Justin's thighs. "Sorry." Brian snickered out, laying a smooth kiss against Justin's neck. "No problem Rocky." Justin chimed, rubbing his hands over Brian's nicely defined arms.

"Justin, I've been thinking about our future and hopefully, our next child." Brian stated lowly, his country accent caressing his gentle voice. Justin chewed his lower lip and nodded, turning his head to view Brian's blue eyes watching him. "Let's name her." Brian suggested sincerely, his thumbs brushing over kinky hair from Justin's pubic hair. Justin swallowed hard, surprised. His husband was suggesting an idea that he had never considered this soon. Naming a child they didn't have? A child that they might not even get? Wasn't that pushing it? Trying their luck? "Name her?" Justin questioned, batting his eyes innocently. Brian gave a small nod, his face still painted serious.

Justin took in a deep breath and the music wiped away concern. Why not? He had faith. He believed in God. He knew that if he prayed and wished, he might receive his blessing, his second child. "Do you already have a name in mind?" Justin wondered, staring endlessly into Brian's comforting blue eyes. Brian smiled at his husband's lighthearted demeanor. "I'll give her a middle name and you give her her first name." Brian responded, interlacing one of his hands with Justin's. Justin agreed silently but to name her? Her first name? How could he come up with it that easily?

"Autumn." Justin spurted out and he had it. That was it. Autumn. "Autumn." he repeated quietly, a smile gracing his lips. "Autumn?" Brian wondered, rubbing a hand over Justin's tomach again. Justin nodded proudly.

"That's when our marriage got back on track. That's when we first made love after being apart for so long. It's when we told the whole world we were together. I think it signifies when our life started a new chapter that was unforgettable. I think it's when Autumn was conceived." Justin explained poetically. He felt Brian smile against his cheek and it was official. "Autumn." Brian said lowly, his trademark smile touching his thin lips.

Justin relaxed with Brian and waited. He let Brian think over the name, the meaning. "Autumn Ava Littrell." Brian said unreservedly. Justin perked up in his arms and let the name roll off his own tongue. "Autumn Ava Littrell." he said softly and that was it. That was their daughter's name. "I think Ava is beautiful. It just makes you think of beauty and sunshine and care." Justin whispered as Brian kissed his cheek. "That's what she'll be to us. A sprinkle of sunshine with beauty and care that matches her brother's." Brian agreed. He saw his husband's head turned and found no hesitation in kissing him, loving him with his lips and smiling upon the idea of one day holding Autumn Ava Littrell in his arms while his husband and son held him.

Hey, I love you in a place

Where's there's no space or time

I love you for my life

You're a friend of mine

And when my life is over

Remember when we were together

Cause we were alone

And I was singing this song to you

Cause we were alone

And I was singing this song to you


Song Credits (In order of appearance)

  • A Place Like This (Greg Charley, Mark Mueller), performed by Tonya Mitchell - Want You Back (L. Lindebergh, P. Mansson), performed by Mandy Moore - Don't Break This Broken Heart Again, performed by Innosense - Stay (Gen Rubin, Cheryl Yie), performed by Tonya Mitchell - For Your Love (Sam Watters, Louis Biancaniello), performed by Jessica Simpson - Song For You (Donny Hathaway), performed by City High

--- Okay, I can see I might not have pleased some readers or some may have questions. Feel free to write me about this one. As you can see, JC chose Nick and I know that's not what some of you wanted but Nick and JC got the most votes and people made some good points. I won't say that the people that voted for Lance and JC didn't have good points because trust me, they did. I especially love that one reader got a campaign started to get those two back together in my story. You go girl! But unfortunately, I ended up having to go with the couple that got the most votes because I was torn between the two different sides. But hopefully I can make readers like this couple once again. And yes, there are a lot of lyrics in this one. There were so many great songs that explained the situtations in the story that I HAD to use them to help explain the emotions running through the characters.

And I can feel plenty of questions coming up about Brian and Justin and whether or not they're going to adopt another child. I'll let you know by the next story. The next story is going to be really relaxed so you can take a breather from this drama and heavy emotion. It'll mainly be about Brian and Justin with a hint of Lance & Bryce and Mandy & Bryan and some other folks. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I enjoyed writing it because it solved some issues that needed to be solved. Also, Mandy Moore's new album is the shit! So you can definitely expect some songs from there. You can thank that album for helping me get through a good portion of this story. The music helped me a lot. All right everyone, go read other stories while I think of ideas for the next one and try to get back to some people that e-mailed me. Love ya and see you in the next one... ---

Next: Chapter 82: Angels Wings 17

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