Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Jun 14, 2001


Angel's Wings (Part 15) Written by JM

--- Da da da da da... what to write, what to write? Hmmm, it's about celebrities... yeah, that sounds good. Two very moral celebrities too... ooh yeah, that makes it better. Let's see, what else... oh yeah, these two male celebrities are together, but that has nothing to do with their actual personal lives. Ha ha, oh yeah, forgot this one... it's fiction ALL THE WAY! Is that it? I think so... wait, no... please be 18 or older or have your parents permission. Parental Guidance is suggested. Need some popcorn? Maybe a soda? Got to have the Twizzlers... remember, 'Silence Is Golden'! Okay, let's move on to to the previews... ---

--- Rated PG-13: Hey, I'm back! That's right and I thought I could stay away. No, I prayed I could stay away, but this is in my blood. I've just got to write. Anyway, I'm glad to be back with another exciting verse in the song of Brian and Justin's lives. Please remember that these stories are based on the romance created for Brian and Justin through 'Brian and Justin' and 'Just Beginning'. This is not called 'JC and Nick' or 'Lance's Beginnings,' so please respect the fact that they will not get all the attention in the world. If you don't know by now, send all comments to: Thank you very much! Enjoy the show... ---

--- Feature Presentation: Angel's Wings, Rated NC-17 ---

Arms were crossed on some. Eyes were squinting from others. A few mouths were opened with shock and everyone was looking for some sort of explaination. Especially him. He wasn't supposed to be there. He was supposed to be sleeping, resting up for a flight he had to take back to Orlando. He was supposed to be preparing to see his son again, to hold him, rock him, feed him and laugh with him. But he couldn't. He had to have answers. He had to know what the real story was and who it involved. He had to know why the world didn't want him to be with his husband.

"Baby, it was never like that. I never had any intent to truly hurt Justin or my best friend. I just wanted you. I was tired of all of them having you and I never got anything but your dick." Nick whined, finally grasping JC's hand in his own. JC let his hand linger there for a moment, his eyes piercing holes through Nick's body. He had just held Nick for hours, comforting him, kissing him, loving him. He had almost vowed himself to Nick and now he was hit with the truth. Didn't they say the truth will set you free? JC felt more bound than before. He felt tied at the hands and the feet. There was an incessant burn in his heart and he could feel eyes all around him, judging him, leaving him cold.

"You know, Nick wouldn't feel this way had you not let Justin get to you the way you did. Had you made Justin keep his 'little friend' in his pants, Nick wouldn't feel the need to cling to you. You should be putting more blame on Justin for freely giving himself to you, tempting you the way that he did." Leighanne spoke up, stepping between Nick and JC without concern. JC eyed her momentarily. He didn't have the backbone to question her when his heart was bleeding on the floor while looking at Nick. 'Could she be so wrong?' he thought, gripping his fists closed tighter. "You know that if you had been in Nick's shoes and Nick was being tempted by Brian, you'd fight tooth and nail to have Nick's love. Don't fight what you know is real." Leighanne insisted, her voice curt but meaningful.

"What the hell do I look like? The neighborhood whore or something?" Justin barked out his question, his eyes squinted and his anger rising. Brian slid an arm around his husband's stomach, keeping him steadfast. "You can't ever decide what you want Justin. You know, Nick wouldn't have done that to Brian. I wouldn't have done that to Brian. Hell, only you would do that to Brian. On top of that, you never once considered Nick and JC's relationship when you were kissing JC. You like to take things from everyone to benefit yourself." Leighanne replied in a hiss.

Ashes became flaming embers again as Justin became tense under his husband's touch. Souls of anger arose in his body and he was face to face with his past once more. 'God, I hurt him. I hurt him and can't ever live it down.' Justin thought, still glaring at Leighanne through feiry orbs of blue. "I didn't do any of this to JC or Nick. Don't try to put the fault on me. You were there. You let them get married and now your little secret is out. You can't fool me." Justin grumbled. Leighanne shook her head briskly. She did not fear Justin or his words. "You started this. You fucked everyone over." Leighanne replied bitterly. "I fucked everyone over?" Justin hollered back, trying to take a step closer to Leighanne. Brian held Justin still, not wanting to speak. It was no longer his place to speak. This was a fight he was tired of fightining.

"I can't believe Brian even married trash like you." Leighanne added, her voice tight. She played her role. She knew the lines, memorized the script. She plotted it all out and her chance for the spotlight was arising briskly. "Trash? Trash?!" Justin shouted out, his voice squeaking with anger. He wanted to break away from Brian's grip, stand directly in Leighanne's face and shout out his anger, his disgust. He wanted to tell her how much he hated her. "I call it like I see it Justin. You came between Nick and JC like you came between Brian and Nick. I was just there to help Nick get his life straight." Leighanne disputed. She wasn't backing down. She was determined and her heart was nothing but a black diamond of unbreakable envy.

Brian gave his husband a light squeeze, shifting backward with loving intent. "Come on baby, let's go into the room." Brian whispered, striving to pull Justin back. Justin struggled against Brian, his fury still blazing. "No, fuck that. I'm not going to be made out to be at fault for what happened that night in Vegas. I want the truth." Justin growled. The innocence, love, tenderness that once bloomed in his cobalt eyes had faded and gave precedence to resentment. "Baby, please. Just come into the room with me." Brian begged, still holding Justin tightly. With slight leverage he pulled Justin back, bumping into the door. Justin shook with surprise, giving up his resistance to Brian. "Please." Brian whispered again, resting his chin on Justin's shoulder.

Justin closed his eyes and sighed softly. He refused to fight his husband anymore. Pain was never worth sufferage and anger was never as strong as love. Justin reached behind Brian and slowly turned the knob as Brian nudged the door open. Brian breathed easily, giving Justin a light tug. He kissed Justin's shoulder and scooted back, allowing the two to slip into their room in silence.

"I guess he doesn't take to kindly to the truth Leigh." Kevin commented slyly, moving closer to his comrade. "What would you know about the truth Kevin? You helped them with this shit to get back at me. To get Nikki back. When will you understand that she doesn't fucking want you. She can't trust you." JC shouted at Kevin.

JC wasn't prepared for Kevin's reaction. He wasn't ready for the way Kevin twisted his lips in anger and lowered his thick eyebrows. Unexpected fear struck him when Kevin's rough hands shoved him backward with brute strength, his husband nearly falling back with him as JC stumbled toward the nearby wall. "I helped a friend get his life right. It's not my fault you willingly drunk all of that alcohol or that you willingly went into that chapel with Nick. You married him, no questions asked. I was there. I saw the way you looked at him, the way you kissed him, the way you shouted out gleefully when the preacher said ya'll were married. Nick knew all along what was going to happen. All Leighanne and I had to do was be there." Kevin grumbled, fists clenched and light blue eyes narrowed. JC pressed his lips together, leaning forward to glare at Kevin. "All you had to do is be there to stop me from making a rash decision concerning my life in a drunken state." JC brooded. Kevin burnished a small, subdued laugh. To fear JC was to fear his own sin and he would never swallow that pill willingly. "No, you and Justin made a rash, stupid decision in a very sober state way before we were present at your wedding." Kevin grinned out.

"Fuck you." JC snarled out. He attempted to shake away from Nick and step away from Leighanne, hoping to get close enough to Kevin to release his rage. "Nick knew what had to be done. Nick knew that he had..." Kevin's words were cut short by a quick shove from Nick. "Stop it. Don't say it. Don't do this." Nick begged, easing from behind Leighanne and away from Kevin. He stood in front of JC, painted tears in his eyes while his fingers trembled. He was waiting for that second or maybe third chance to flicker in JC's eyes. He needed a white light that focused his pain by numbing it with love. There might not have been peace in JC's eyes, but there was something a little less enraged when they looked at Nick.

"Maybe we should all take a step back and let Nick and JC discuss this. It's probably best if Kevin and Leighanne just leave them and the rest of us let them figure it out." Amanda suggested from a nearby stance. Kevin turned his head slowly, awkwardly to glare at his friend's wife. "It's probably best if you just shut up Amanda since this concerns you in no way. I don't think it's wise for you to give out advice when your own marriage is stuck in a pretty fucked up storm." Kevin hissed, his voice rising slightly at the end of his statement. Amanda shook with surprise and took a small step back. She ducked her head, shame filling her face as strands of her ebony hair fell in front of it.

Subtle abruptness rocked the hall as hands gripped Kevin's button-down shirt and slung him into one of the hall's walls. Kevin jerked back quickly, his head still throbbing unexpectedly from the impact. "I don't know who the fuck you think you are Kevin, but you don't ever talk to my wife like that. Got me? I will tear you apart in front of all of these people without thinking twice if you ever mess with my Panda like that again. She doesn't deserve any of your shit and isn't to blame for you being found out." AJ growled at Kevin, holding him firmly against the wall with fists full of Kevin's shirt. Kevin blinked quickly, finally feeling the cold sweat of fear drip onto his skin. "Whatever small, insignificant problems me and Amanda have can never compare to the things you, Leighanne and Nick have done to ultimately cause a rift between JC and Nick." AJ added, his raspy voice laced with deep, uncontrolled bitterness.

Soft, cautious fingers grabbed AJ's arm, pulling at it with careful intentions. "Alex.. Alex, please let him go." Amanda requested in a low, endearing voice. AJ kept narrow, deep brown eyes pearing into Kevin's unsure blue ones. "It's not worth it Alex." Amanda whispered, hugging onto AJ's slender arm. AJ kept his breath steady and heated, his hands gripping Kevin's shirt tighter. "It is worth it. It's worth it to me to show this punk that I won't let anyone dare disrespect my wife." AJ snarled back. He felt one of Amanda's hands slip over his buzzed hair, comforting him into a calmer state. "Don't prove it to them baby. I already know." Amanda assured him. That calm, good enough voice caused AJ to relinquish his grip on Kevin and step back, trusting his wife meant her words.

"All of this. All of this! It's worth all of this?" JC hollered out, directing his words to his husband. Like firecrackers lighting the dark, purple skies of the night, JC's eyes burned Nick's innocence and left him weak momentarily. "All of our hearts could never be worth sacraficing for your own desire." JC reprimanded Nick, yanking away from him without thought or consideration. JC shook his head at his helpless, insecure husband. He could never play that role or lead that life so easily without guilt. 'You held him. He cried in your arms. He cried because he felt guilty.' he thought. The words were neither sincere nor evil, just words. He wasn't sure in which direction to move with his words, but his heart and body knew where to move. He surrendered to both and followed their lead blindly.

He found himself in front of a door that wasn't his. His fist was banging into the wood of the door, his knucles growing tired and sore. He wouldn't stop. He wanted that door to open and he wanted to see one person. He gave no attention to eyes staring, words mumbling or thoughts in his own mind to walk away. Determination was his friend, his constant support and he used it well.

As the door slowly breezed open, JC's eyes met a pair of pale blue eyes that did not hold the answers to his unhappiness, his caged emotions. When had it gotten this hard for the two to look in each other's eyes? When did JC let his feelings, his lust for someone ruin the small friendship he once held with this man? JC knew Brian wasn't a bad person, not in any way. But Brian had something that JC never had. Brian was blessed with a relationship that JC put off for too long. Brian had his angel, his Justin, while JC craved for that too.

"I need to speak to Justin." JC mumbled out. Brian shifted his eyes briefly, running them over JC with distrust. "He's on the..." Brian didn't finish his words before JC spoke. "Now Brian. Let me speak to Justin." JC demanded, his voice hard and cold. Again, Brian eyed him, fazed slightly by JC's tone. "He isn't yours to control. He's his own person. You can't fight what happens Brian." JC brooded, folding his arms over his chest while awaiting Brian to move from the doorway. Brian's brow furrowed and he took a quick look back into the room. "Fuck it." he hissed lowly, shoving past JC to walk from the room and down the hall.

JC sighed with weary aggravation and slipped into the room, shutting the door silently behind him. He leaned against the door with slumped shoulders, thinking of Brian. 'It's not your fault Brian but it's something you can't help or stop.' JC thought, lifting his head. His eyes spotted Justin stepping out of the bathroom, his head and shoulder craddling his cell phone while a towel drapped around his neck and beads of water glistened from his nicely tanned skin.

"Yeah Chris, you should just head back to Orlando without us. I should be home before the Rolling Stone photoshoot." Justin said, unaware of JC's presence. He sighed lowly, scrubbing his ear with an end of the towel. "Yeah, I'm glad you got to spend time with Kaleb too. I wish I could've seen him, but I'll be sure to see him when I get back to Florida. With all the drama here, I'm glad you're just taking your son back home instead of coming by here. The shit JC, Nick and the rest put us through is really hard sometimes." Justin remarked, dropping his old clothes into a pile by his bag. He adjusted the waistband of his boxers and sighed again. "I miss Bastian. I wish Brian could come home with me and we could spend time with our son, but I guess we all have to suffer for this life. Hopefully my husband and your wife will be back in Orlando soon." Justin said, his voice stained with depression. He leaned against the dressed and let his eyes lift. He saw JC, leaning against the door, staring at him with wide, sincere blue eyes. Justin nibbled his lower lip and shifted his feet. "Yeah, I'll talk with you later Chris. Tell everyone in O-Town that I'll be home really soon. Hopefully, I'll be happier." Justin said, his eyes staring directly into JC's, a message written into his words and dark blue eyes.

Justin clicked off his cell phone and laid it on the dresser, never letting his eyes fall away from JC's. "Where's my husband?" Justin asked flatly. He leaned off the dresser and pulled the towel from his neck, using it to scrub his hair. "He left." JC replied, leaning away from the door to walk toward Justin. "He left because of you, didn't he?" Justin asked, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. JC found a seat next to him before nodding, drawing a stern look from Justin. JC cautiously laid his hand on Justin's thigh, slumping over in his position. "We've got to talk." JC said with a soft voice. He felt Justin cover his hand with his own and something fluffy settled in his stomach. "Yeah, I guess we do." he heard Justin whisper and he knew something was going to work.

Nick's stinging blue eyes watched as Brian stomped down the hall, his head low and his fists clenched. He sniffled back tears and cleared his throat. 'I can't let this happen to him.' Nick thought, brushing strands of his blonde hair back. "Brian! Hey Bri." Nick called out quickly, his voice choked by somber tears. Brian did not stop. He didn't turn to Nick or run to Nick. "Brian." Nick managed to get out again, his feet finally movoing to follow Brian. A strong hand gripped his shoulder and held him back, prevented him from reaching out to Brian to apologize and give comfort. "Don't do it Nick. Don't stop him. He needs to realize what's really happening." Kevin warned him with a low voice. Nick shook from Kevin's grasp but did not chase his friend. He didn't chase a dream that once kept him locked in a white room of pure bliss and solace. "What's really happening Kevin? The end of everything?" Nick questioned, biting back hurtful tears. He turned his head as Brian stepped into the elevator, hoping that life wasn't this complicated all of the time.

Britney adjusted the ponytail in her head, pulling it tighter as Christina flicked her long, multicolored braids behind her shoulders. They had no intent to get ohysical, let alone direct a hand toward her, but their minds were set on correcting her wrong doings. "Where the hell do you get off Wallace? This ain't your world. You can't mess it up everytime you get bored." Britney grumbled with a honey-thick accent. She brushed her floppy bangs backward and sighed with frustration as Leighanne rolled her eyes at the two. "Whatever little girl." Leighanne said with a titter, her hands falling onto her hips as she rolled her head in their direction. "Little girl?" Christina hissed, glancing between her friend and Leighanne. She gripped her fists shut, her anger escalating to an untouchable height. She curled her upper lip while her dramatic blue eyes focused on Leighanne. "Yes. You two live in this little girl world where people don't do wrong or cheat on each other. Open your eyes. Britney, I think you can finally see that there is no such thing as a fairy tale romance." Leighanne said spitefully, a wicked smile on her glossy lips.

Britney didn't flinch. She didn't react at all. Leighanne's words were like hollow walls; they were unable to stop her. "You don't have Brian. Your plan is slowly falling apart and you will soon be left with shit. Trust me Leighanne, there is no way you can compare what happened in my life to what is about to happen in yours. Slowly... painfully... devastatingly, it's all going to end for you. You won't have a person left to cling to and even then, I won't reach my hand to you." Britney stated in a slow, soft, haunting voice. Leighanne blinked her eyes quickly, thrown by Britney's words. Was that the freedom that came with the truth? She had no words to respond with. She was dumbfounded watching Britney walk down the hallway, leaving her with a fight unfinished in her eyes. "And that's the gospel truth bitch." Christina added, puckering her lips dramatically before following Britney down the hall.

The picture was so typical. It was like a still portrait dipped in charcoal shadows with light touches of yellow in the background to form the light. His body was slumped over the counter, his finger rimming a cup of clear liquid. Eyes were dipped in broad depression and he looked tired and scruffy. It wasn't him usually, but in a scene like that, who was ever themselves?

Sounds from the hotel's radio crackled in and out of the small bar as Brian sat, dwelling on his maddening thoughts of his husband and what had occured in six months' time. The dim-lit bar kept him in a refuge that he had become accustom to throughout his adult years. He had seen many bars, sat in many and even drank in several. Most times, it was to escape depression or trouble, but there were times when he did it for fun. Not tonight. Not in that hotel bar where people barely socialized, where an older gentlemen scoffed down a scotch to forget his wife and kids waiting at home while he struggled through another business trip. It was the place where a young woman sat, sipping a White Wine spritzer in hopes of finding a companion or forgetting the fact that her life was based on the next man that picked her up. The bar was the place for a younger guy to sit and sip alcohol for the second time in his life, this time with hopes of drownding in a river of vodka to ease the pain of being left behind at the alter while the girl next to him sipped a Gin and Tonic to wipe away the blistering thoughts of finding her boyfriend of three years in bed with her best friend. Others scattered throughout the rest of that bar, sitting and whimpering in their own misery, just like Brian did quietly.

"What'cha drinking?" Justin asked, finding a stool next to Brian's at the counter. Brian lifted his eyes lazily, shaking his head impatiently. "Nothing with alcohol in it." Brian replied shortly, his tone curt. Justin sighed lowly, leaning on the counter. He let his fingers creep toward Brian's, gently touching them in hopes of dowsing the flame inside of Brian.

"I didn't say you were drinking again Brian. Just asked what you were drinking so that maybe I could buy you another." Justin responded lowly, his confidence diminishing. He skimmed his fingertips along Brian's knuckles, chershering the texture, the marks, the beauty of them. "I guess you're not saying much to me and more to JC tonight." Brian remarked, drawing his hand back slowly.

Justin chewed his lower lip and shook his head. He pried his eyes from Brian, watching a cloud of smoke escape an older woman's mouth as she downed a glass of rum. "It's really not fair. I can't win ever. If I speak to him, I don't win with you. If I'm with you, someone tries to make it harder on us. If I'm just me, I get blamed for messing up marriages." Justin boasted while keeping his voice low. He wished for an immediate response from Brian but didn't get it. Just a glance. "And if I just want to hold my husband's hand, he's got to be so mad that I can't even get that." Justin added, sulking forward. He felt a warm hand grab his, interlacing fingers together for a cold but peaceful gesture. "You can't win 'em all." Brian replied as a calm, innocent and meaningful melody stirred through the bar.

I have a smile stretched from ear to ear

To see you walking down the road

We meet at the lights

I stare for a while

The world around disappears

Just you and me on this island of hope

A breath between us could be miles

Let me surround you, my sea to your shore

Let me be the calm you seek

Justin brushed a hand over his soft buzzed hair. His eyes still did not meet Brian's as he battled with inner struggles. "I didn't want any of this to happen. God, I still regret everything that has happened." Justin said, tears pricking at his eyes. He sniffled quietly, shaking his head with disgrace. Why was he crying again? Why was he looking for someone to feel sorry for him? "But I don't regret finding you." Justin choked out, sutrggling to push the words past his lips. He heard a quiet, consequential sigh from Brian. "If I could be happier about this, I would be, but I'm still stuck dealing with it. I still have to deal with JC and his feelings for you and the pain that it causes my best friend. I have to accept all of this and still know in my heart that you can't see yourself giving your love to anyone but me." Brian noted, washing back a shot of his drink. "I never meant for this to be hard on you." Justin whispered, leaning toward Brian. He felt a small squeeze from Brian's hand, a reassuring one. If anything, Brian's words were from the mind but his actions were from the heart.

Oh and every time I'm close to you

There's too much I can't say

And you just walk away

And I forgot to tell you I love you

And the night's too long

And cold here without you

"Still want to buy me a drink?" Brian questioned, pushing his glass toward Justin. Justin sniffled again and glanced at Brian. Tenderness but anger circled his eyes. Justin couldn't stop that. If he could've, he would've ran after Brian when he left. He would've surrounded himself by Brian and try to escape all that had occured earlier. But he couldn't. He wanted resolutions and now, he needed to resolve the struggles in his marriage. Brian wasn't as willing, but Justin knew that in time, it'd be easier.

"What are you drinking?" Justin asked, brushing his thumb along Brian's knuckles. "Water." Brian replied softly, his brow lowering but a timid glimmer twisting in his safe blue eyes. Justin smiled back and nodded. "Water." he repeated happily, motioning toward the bartender as Brian scooped up his glass again.

I grieve in my condition

For I cannot find the words to say I need you so

Brian sipped on his water as Justin watched him, watched his every action.

"Why don't you go back to the room Just? Go to bed and sleep this off." Brian suggested, lowering his glass and drawing his hand from Justin's. Justin wanted to weep without the touch but he remained calm and still. "Why don't you come with me?" Justin requested softly. Brian turned his head and starred at the clock behind the bar. He wasn't ready.

"Brian. Brian." Leighanne called out as she rushed into the bar, her face a dramatic scene of distress. Justin glanced up quickly and frowned. It was so easy for some paintings of love to become jaded with the right dab of blue. Justin drew back from Brian and stood. "Bye." he said lowly as Leighanne stepped in front of him, ignoring Justin's presence. Brian watched Justin move away, staring at him with confusion. Should he go? Should he remain? He never had a chance to decide. He felt Leighanne shake him and he gave her his attention, his care, his vulnerability. "You have to go see Nick. He's really going crazy about this whole thing. He's crying and yelling and he's locked himself in his room. It's killing him and I think he really needs you... he needs someone who's loved him before to show him it's okay." Leighanne pleaded sincerely witg devious intent surrounding her words. She shook Brian once more but Brian was lost right there in that world of reality.

Oh and every time I'm close to you

There's too much I can't say

And you just walk away

And I forgot to tell you I love you

And the night's too long

And cold here without you

Brian yanked away from Leighanne and stood abruptly. Why was he doing this? Letting him walk away? "No Leighanne. I'm not doing this. I'm not going to Nick and I'm not going to comfort him or you." Brian hissed, his face burning in a shade of red that dispelled his anger. Leighanne arched an eyebrow while stepping back. Those were tears she saw in Brian's soft blue eyes and she knew she was overstepping her power. "I just let him walk away to hear you tell me this? Damn it, I love that man. None of you are worth letting him walk away like that. I didn't even get to say to him what I wanted to say." Brian cried, tears sliding down his angered face. He couldn't remain calm. His candle no longer burned slowly.

"What could you have possibly needed to tell him?" Leighanne asked, her voice raised. This was her time. It was her chance and she would not give it to Justin. He didn't deserve it in her eyes. Brian slipped his hands into his pockets and sighed. He let his head droop and his mind wander. "Don't worry. I'm going to tell him now." Brian replied quietly, turning from Leighanne and exiting the bar. He was walking toward the elevators to return to his room and return to his husband because he had to say these three words.

I grieve in my condition

For I cannot find the words to say I need you so bad


Song Credits (In order of appearance)

  • I Love You (Sarah McLachlan), performed by Sarah McLachlan

-- Wow, that was farely short, right? I know. It's the way I wanted. It made it easier for me to get the story out quicker. And I figured it has enough to keep folks over until the next part which will continue with what we left here. I hope this keeps you interested and helps you to keep wondering about JC and about what this is going to do to Nick and Brian & Justin. Oh, and don't worry, Nikki and Lance are coming along for the bumpy ride too. The next chapter is going to have quite a few songs to describe the moods and emotions of several different scenes. I picked out songs that I think relate really well to what the characters are feeling, just like I did with the song in this chapter. I apologize to all of the readers I did not reply to in e-mails. I read ALL my e-mail, but unfortunately, I do not get a chance to reply. So if you write me, I read it, but I don't always get a chance to write back. That makes me a suck-ass author, but I'm trying. I still have love for you so please don't hate me. For those of you who didn't know, and just MIGHT care, Jenny left Innosense at the end of April. I mourn for this! But, like with Amanda, I continue on. So you probably won't catch too much of Jenny in the story anymore (As if some of you care!). Write me about this chapter and I'll try to reply. If I don't, write me again and demand a response! LOL. Don't worry, I won't be mad about that. I hope to have the next one out quick but it's going to be an emotional rollercoaster with that one, so it might take time. It'll be kind of short like this one too though. Love you all and make sure to get Mandy Moore's new album! PLEASE!!! I LOVE THAT GIRL'S MUSIC! Much love until next time... --

Next: Chapter 81: Angels Wings 16

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