Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Dec 3, 1998


Brian L. & Justin T. (Part 16) By JM

*** General Announcement: Okay this story and the following stories are going to be a slow down pace for me. I am going to slow down the quickie's and add the romance to the stories. But don't get me wrong, there will still be plenty of sex and fun for the boys. Yes, these stories will mostly revolve around the relationship between Brian Littrell (of B.S.B.) and Justin Timberlake (of 'N Sync), but there is going to be guest appearances from all of the guys of the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync. I can't always guarantee (most likely I can't even guarantee at all. The stint between J.C. and Lance; Kevin and Lance; Nick and J.C. may not re-kindle unless you guys want it to.) action for them though because I am so hooked on Brian and Justin. We'll see what happens. The stories will also follow the same path that the others have left off with. So that means, this story pretty much follows where I left off with 'B-Rok B-Day' and the others. I do hope you enjoy the series of stories to come and do wish to hear all of your comments may they be good or bad... so send them to: or lionclaw@bellsouthnet ***

**** This is the 16th story (Wow!!! We sure are getting far!!!) and so on part to the storyline. It follows along with the rest if you're still not caught up. It picks up where chapter 7 left off and will continue from there on. Hope you enjoy this part and please send all comments to me. I have recieved an abundance already, so that makes me want to keep on writing better stories. I THANK all of you who have sent your great comments to me. Especially to those who have been there since the very begining. Also, for those who still want the lyrics to "Just", email me. It's an original song that I made up for Brian and Justin. It has a purpose, so please don't destroy it or distribut it without permission. Special thanks to Leprechaun for inspiring me to write such great stories. He's got talent and you guys should check out his series "Bad Boy B-Rok". Till then, keep reading and all you B-Boys keep it 'N Sync... ****

The bus finally arrived in Orlando, stopping outside of a mall. It was nine o'clock in the morning and all the guys were very tired from their long ride. The guys exited the bus, followed by the P.R. "Okay guys, we're stopping here so the bus can go re-fuel." the P.R. shouted from behind the guys. The guys turned around and give him their full attention. "I have three cell phones for you guys. This is so you can get in contact with whomever you're staying with. If you're staying at the hotel, meet us back out here in two hours. Otherwise, I'll see tomorrow at the studio. Be there by noon and no later." the P.R. said. The guys all shook their heads to agree with the P.R. The P.R. walked back onto the bus and the bus drove to a nearby gas station. The guys looked around and then said "Let's go!". Kevin quickly stopped them. "Wait. First we need to know who's staying where?" Kevin barked. "Ah, come on Kevin." A.J. groaned. Kevin gave him an evil stare.

"Well, I'm going to be staying at your place Kevin. So it doesn't matter." A.J. said. "I'm staying at my place with Chris and Justin." J.C. said. "I'm not staying there J.C. I'm going to go stay with my mom and the fam' so that we can spend some time together." Justin said. "Alright, that's five down and five to go." Kevin said. "Well I'm staying with my mom." Nick said. "And I'll be kicking it at the Wright's so I can be in the studio alot." Lance said. "I'm going to stay at the hotel." Joey said. "I'm going to stay at the hotel too." Howie said. "And you Brian?" Kevin questioned. Brian stood pondering his options. "Brian can stay with me and my family." Justin said with a smile. "You sure?" Brian asked. "Cause I can always just kick back at the hotel with the guys." Brian responded. "Yeah I'm sure." Justin said with an even bigger smile. "Alright then! Now let's get this place crunk!" Joey said as he headed for the mall doors. "Just make sure nobody notices you and stuff like that." Kevin said with concern.

The guys walked into the huge mall and began to feel the natural urge to shop. "I want to get some new shoes." Chris said as he headed for the Foot Locker. "Me too." J.C. said as he followed. "I'm hungry as hell." Howie said. He started walking towards the food court. "I'll join you." Lance replied. "I want to hit the Clothes Shop for some clothes." Brian said. Justin laughed and followed him with Kevin. A.J., Nick and Joey trailing. The guys made small talk with each other, making sure that nobody noticed them. They all went into the store and began looking at the clothes they liked. Brian helped Justin pick out some nice clothes and some basketball clothes too.

Brian grabbed a coup;e of shirts and slung them on his arm. Justin browsed through the racks, not noticing anything he really liked. "That's nice." Brian said as he pointed to the North Carolina jersey on the wall. "Yeah. I have to have that." Justin said with enthusiasm. "Then you shall." Brian said with a smile. Brian strolled over to the register and flashed a quick smile to the female clerk. She realized who he was but kept her calm. Brian began to make small talk and within five minutes, he had the jersey wrapped up and in Justin's hands. "You didn't have to." Justin said with sincerity. "That's okay. I did it anyways." Brian said with a smile. Justin licked his lips and started looking through the racks again. "Now this is me!" A.J. said as he showed Joey a blue slik shirt. "Nice." Joey responded. Nick walked casually over to where Justin was looking. "So, see anything worth getting?" Nick said politely. "Not really. I don't want to spend too much here." Justin said. Nick grabbed a shirt and walked off. Justin began to wonder why all of the sudden Nick was being nice.

The guys paid for their clothes and started out the door. They looked around to make sure there was no one to notice them. They casually strolled out of the store and ehaded for the food court. "So, what do we do when we get to your mom's?" Brian questioned. "I don't know. Act normal, I guess. I'll talk to her. She's very understanding and I doubt we'll have problems." Justin replied. "Guys. We had better make our arrangements now so we're not all stuck ehre. We have about another hour left until we have to get going." Kevin said in his once again "fatherly" voice. The guys walked into the food court and saw Howie, J.C., Chris and Lance chowing down in a back corner. They walked over to them and sat down at the next two tables. "So, what's up?" J.C. said with his mouth half-full of Chinese food. "Er, nothing." Justin replied. He made a gagging face at J.C. to make him laugh. "We're about to make our phone calls so that we can spend the rest of the day doing what we want." Nick said. "Oh, okay." J.C. said as he took a sip of his soda. "I don't need to make any calls." A.J. said. Kevin nodded and passed the phone to Justin. "Well I need to make a call." Nick said as he snatched a phone from Kevin. Kevin snarled and gave the other phone to Lance. "Anybody else going to make a call after them?" Kevin questioned. "Nope." J.C. said with a smile. "No. But I'm hungry as hell." Chris said as he stood. He and Joey walked over to the Pizza Place.

Justin dialed his mother's number and awaited an answer. "Hell-luo!" a young voice came ringing into the phone. "Hello? Jonathan? Is that you?" Justin said with a voy voice. "Yeah! Who's this?" Jonathan said shyly. "It's Justin you knuckle-head!" Justin said with a laugh. "JUSTIN!!! Hey! How are woo? Wehere are ya at?" Jonathan said in his quick voice. "Calm down bro. I'm here in orlando." Justin responded. Brian smiled as he listened in. "REALLY?!?! Mommy, mommy, Justin's on the phone!" Jonathan screamed. "Jon, calm down." Justin said with an uncontroable laughter.

"Hello?" Lynn said into the phone. "Mom? Mom, it's Justin." Justin said. "Justin. Hi. What's up?" Lynn responded. "Well, I'm here in Orlando for three days. I was wondering if you'd come and get me so I could stay at the house." Justin said. "You're in Orlando! Why didn't you call me last night? Sure I'll come and get you." Lynn said.

"Thanks mom. I would've called last night, but it was a long ride here. Oh, and I have a friend that I'd like to stay at the house. His name is Brian Littrell. You know? From the Backstreet Boys?" Justin said. He was scared of his mother's response.

"Sure. We've got room here. Bring him along." Lynn said happily. Justin sighed and sat back in his seat. "So, where are the other guys? Are they going to stop by?" Lynn said with excitement. "There here with me. I don't know if they'll be stopping by though. I'll try and get them to. We have a booked schedule and alot of things to do.

I'm sure Joey'll stop by so he can go say hi to Amanda. J.C. and Chris may be by too." Justin said. "Okay. Well, where do I need to pick you up at?" Lynn questioned. "I'm at a mall right outside the highway. Okay?" Justin said. "Okay. I know that mall. I'll be there in about wenty minutes." Lynn said. "Alright. Bye mom." Justin said. He pressed 'end' on the cell phone and put it on the table.

Brian grabbed Justin's hand firmly. "No problems so far huh?" Brian said softly. "Nope." Justin said with a grin. "Let's all sit down and eat before we leave." Kevin said sa he grabbed his bag of Arby's. "Okay. Let me and Justin go grab something and we'll be right back." Brian said. He smiled and walked Justin over to the McDonald's. "Okay Justin. What's the problem?" Brian asked as they awaited their order. "Uhm, nothing." Justin said shyly. "Really? And would that nothing be the same nothing that has your hands shaking." Brian said as he pointed to Justin's hands. Justin quickly placed his hands behind his back. "Uh huh." Brian said with a nod. "Well, it's a big deal for me to tell my mom that I'm seeing another guy? I mean, that's alot for her to take in." Justin said. "Well then look. I can stay at the hotel with Howie and them. It's no big deal." Brian said. he tried his best to comfort Justin. "No. I don't want you to do that. I just need to adjust and prepare myself to tell her." Justin said. Brian put his hand on Justin's shoulder. "Just tell her what you feel in your heart. She's your mom. She'll understand." Brian said. Justin smiled brightly at Brian. He was dying to kiss him, but had to hold back. "So, shall we go?" Brian said as he grabbed their orders.

Brian and Justin sat down with the guys and they said a quick prayer. Then they all began to chow down. They laughed and talked, no problems coming up. "So, we should do something different for the new album." J.C. said to Lance. "Yep. But we have that Ginuwine song to do. Plus Brian and Justin's song." Lance said. "Yeah. But I got an idea for a song I want us to do too." J.C. said. A.J. glanced at Brian and Justin often. They weren't saying much to anyone or each other and it bothered A.J. "So, what are you two going to do when you get over to Justin's?" A.J. said with a quick wink and a nod. "No a damn thing." Justin said with a frown. Brian frowned and kept eating his fries. "Okay. Just a question." A.J. said. He backed off and let them be.

Brian reached under the table and placed his hand on Justin's thigh. He just rested it there, not making asny movements to arouse Justin. Nick smirked at them and let them be. "Well I have an idea. Since we'll be in the studio most of tomorrow, why don't we all go to a club or something tomorrow night." Nick said with a smile. "Not me. I'll be too tired." J.C. said. "I know you won't be able to go Justin." Nick said with a half-smile. Justin just rolled his eyes and went back to eating his cheeseburger. "I'm in." Lance said with a smile. "Yeah, me too." A.J. said. "That's the spirit. How about you Brian?" Nick said with a smile. "Maybe." Brian said. He was feeling lonely next to Justin and had to get his mind off of that. Justin glanced at him with an angered face. Justin turned his head away again and pouted. Brian rubbed Justin's thigh softly and Justin snatched Brian's hand off of him. Brian began to get angry. "Shit Justin. This is getting ridiculous." Brian shouted. Brian stood and walked over to the side. Justin sighed and just sat there. "Come on guys. Don't do this." Kevin said. "Ya'll are too much." Nick laughed.

Justin groaned and got up. He grabbed his food and started walking out of the mall. He was followed by J.C., Chris, Lance and Kevin. "HOLD IT!" Kevin hollored as he ran after Justin. Kevin snatched Justin's arm and all of them dragged him back to the food court. Justin pouted and resisted. Brian sat, looking away from the table. Justin caught a glimpse of Brian, seeing a tear roll down his cheek. "Sit!" A.J. demanded. Justin sat down next to Brian and the others began to eat again. They ignored Justin and Brian, not talking to either of them. Justin sighed again and wrapped his arms around the slumping Brian. Brian didn't crack a smile. Justin stood again and caught A.J. giving him the evil eye. Justin grabbed Brian by the clothes and walked him to the side. "Let go of me Justin. I don't have the time. Your mom will be here any minute and I'm sure you'll be wanting to go with her. Alone." Brian said sadly. Justin shut Brian's mouth with his lips. Justin ran his hands through Brian's hair as he kissed him. Brian was shocked and thrown back by the kiss. "I didn't want you to go the club because of what happened to you last time. We still have to get you to the doctors." Justin said. Brian was about to speak again but Justin placed his hand over Brian's mouth. "I also said we weren't going to do anything at my mom's because I didn't think you'd feel comfortable there. Now I'll stop this foolishness if you do too." Justin said. Brian smiled as Justin removed his hand. "Fine." Brian said. "Good." Justin said. They both walked over to the table.

Brian L. & Justin T. (Part 17) by JM

They sat down and looked at the guys. "What's wrong?" Justin asked. "We're not getting as much of a break as we wanted today." A.J. said with a frown. "The management just called. They know we are all in town and they want us to sit down with a reporter from BOP for a quick 20 Questions-thing. They said it'll take about an hour." Kevin said. Justin frowned. "Will I get to spend anytime with my family?" Justin said rhetorically. The guys laughed a bit and then got up. "Let's head outside and see if our rides are here." Chris said. They all walked towards the doors and saw a mob of people outside. Police and security had gates up, keeping all the fans from getting enar the guys. "WHAT THE HELL!" Nick shouted. "How did they know we'd be here?" Brian said. Justin hid behind Brian and awaited the guys next move. Two security guards walked up to them and said "Your rides are here gentlemen. If you'd just head to whichever car is yours and exit safely." The guys nodded and looked around. "Hey, there's us!" A.J. hollored as he pointed to the cab that he and Kevin were to ride in. They ran for their cab and quickly got in. "We'll see you over at BOP studios around three guys!" Kevin shouted. The cab quickly spun off. Howie looked and saw the tour bus waiting. "That's me." Howie said. he waved goodbye and walked towards the bus. Nick saw his mother waiting for him to the side. "Got to go. Sorry Iw on't be at your house Justin. Maybe next time." Nick said with a big grin. Justin gave him the middle finger was he walked off. Joey smiled and headed towards the tour bus. Lance saw a limo waiting for him. "Okay, I'll see you guys later. Call me at Johnny's if you need me." Lance said.

J.C. and Chris quickly ran for their cab and got away safely. Brian and Justin saw Lynn pull into the parking lot. "That's us." Justin said with a smile. "Okay." Brian said nervously. They grabbed their bags and said bye to the fans. They quickly ran for the car. Lynn smiled as they jumped in and she quickly drove off. "How did all those fans know you were in town already?" Lynn questioned. "Don't know mom." Justin said. "Well, it's good to have you home." Lynn said with a smile. "It's good to be home." Justin said. He took a deep breath and looked to the backseat where Brian was sitting. Brian gazed out the window innocently. Justin smiled and turned back around.

"Well, how long are the guys staying?" Lynn questioned. "Just for three days. I don't know where we're headed after that." Justin said as he turned back around. "Oh. Well do you get all of today with us?" Lynn asked as she quickly glanced at her son. "Yes, today and maybe the third day. But definetly won't have much time tomorrow. We have to go to the studio." Justin said with a frown. "Oh, working on your next album?" Lynn said as they pulled into her driveway. "Yep. We have about two songs finished, so we're a LONG ways away from being finished with it." Justin said. As the car stopped, Brian came from out of his daze. Brian sighed and opened the door. He stepped outside and gazed around. The house was pretty big with alot of space. Brian's mouth dropped as he looked at all the features that accompanied the outside. Justin smiled at Brian's curiousity and grabbed his own bags. He threw them over one of this shoulders and placed his arm around Brian's shoulder. "Well Mr. Littrell, this is my place." Justin said with a smile.

Brian smiled back at Justin and headed towards the door. Lynn stopped in front of the door to look at the two. "Again, it's great to have you home Justin." Lynn said. Justin let go of Brian to hug his mother for the first time since he had been home. He sighed and let her go. Lynn extended her hand to Brian and said "Well, let me introduce myself. I'm Lynn Harless. it's nice to meet you." Brian smiled and shook her hand. "The name's Brian Littrell. It's nice to meet you." Brian said in his nice, Southern voice. "So, you're with the famous Backstreet Boys. Heard alot about you guys around the office. Especially from Amanda." Lynn said. "Really? Well I've heard alot about you from this guy." Brian said as he nudged Justin. Justin giggled and blushed at the same time. "It's nice to know Justin doesn't forget about us on the road." Lynn said sarcastically. "Of course not mom." Justin said with a grin. Lynn smiled back at him. "So, you guys are friends now?" Lynn said as she opened the door. "Uh, yeah. You could say that." Brian said nervously. "That's good." Lynn said as she stepped inside. Justin led Brian inside and Brian was thrown back once again. The house was well decorated with nice and simple things that made the home even more attractive to the eye. Justin looked around, his mind remembering everything about the house. "Well Justin, you should be able to put your things in your room. As for Brian..." Lynn was cut off by Justin. "Uh, that's what I have to talk to you about mom.

We have to sit down and have an interesting conversation." Justin said with sincerity.

"Okay. Well, does this mean Brian's not staying ehre?" Lynn questioned. "Yes, he's staying here. But the sleeping arrangements are something rather different." Justin said with a slight smile. Lynn raised her eyebrows at her son. Brian blushed and hoped something would change the subject quickly.

Just as Justin was going to tell his mother, Jonathan came running into the room. "JUSTIN!!!!!" Jonathan hollored as he ran to his brother. "Jonathan!" Justin yelled back as he lifted his brother into the air. Jonathan giggled as Justin threw he up and down into the air. "Put him down Justin." Lynn said with a laugh. Justin let Jonathan down and gave him a hug. "Hey little bro'." Justin said as he knelt in front of his brother. "Hey Justin. What's happening?" Jonathan said shyly. "Nothing." Justin said with a smile. Justin turned around and saw Brian smiling at the two. "Jon, I want you to meet a friend of mine. His name is Brian Littrell. He's with the Backstreet Boys." Justin said. He waved for Brian to come closer. Brain knelt down next to Justin and said hi to Jonathan. Jonathan smiled shyly and said hello back to him. "Jonathan, go to your room and play with your toys. Justin will be up their to see you in a minute." Lynn said as she ushered Jonathan away. Jonathan pouted and ran up the steps. "Alright young man. Let's talk. What's wrong?" Lynn said. Brian looked at both of them and decided it wasn't best for him to stay. "Uh, I should excuse myself. I'll go upstairs and play with Jonathan." Brian said softly. "No. Hold on." Justin said as he stopped Brian. Brian looked at him with confussion. "Let's go into the other room and talk." Justin said. He walked Brian into the room, with Lynn following behind. Justin let Brian sit down while he stood next to the couch. Lynn sat down in the corner and awaited Justin.

"So, what's wrong Justin? You seem like there is something bothering you." Lynn said with concern. "Mom, I don't know how to tell you this. It's awkward for me." Justin said. His eyes were transfixed on the floor. "Just say it Justin." Lynn said nicely. "Well, Brian is a little more then a friend to me." Justin said softly. "What is he to you?" Lynn said with concern. "I love him mom. That's as easy as I can say it. It's not a brotherly love, but love love. You know?" Justin said. He almost felt tears in his eyes. Brian said calmly, no expression on his face. Lynn was completely confussed and angered. "Brian, could you please excuse us." Lynn said sternly. She stood from her seat. Brian stood with no hesistations. He felt Justin quickly grasp his arm. "Don't go." Justin said with even more anger. "Justin, I need to talk to you alone." Lynn said. Her eyebrows raised in definite anger. "Whatever you can say to me, you can say to Brian mom. That's how strong it is." Justin said. This time, he felt the tear slip out of his eye. "Justin, it's okay. Maybe I should leave so you can talk to her." Brian said. He grabbed Justin's hand, but Justin wouldn't let go. "Please don't go." Justin said softly. His voice was cracking at every word. Brian sat there, he was unsure of what to do. Justin sat Brian down and sat next to him. Lynn sighed heavily and looked at the two of them. She sat back in her seat and thought about what to do next. "So, how did this happen?" Lynn finally said. "I don't know. It just happened." Justin replied. Brian held Justin's hand for comfort.

"So, are you two sleeping together?" Lynn asked with no hesitations. "MOM!!! That's not a question that I feel I have to answer." Justin said in defense. "Well I just want to know. It's obvious you two will share Justin's room." Lynn said. "Mrs. Harless, I meant no harm when I came here. I did it out of Justin's request. If it makes you more comfortable for me to stay at a hotel, I will." Brian said honestly. "Well maybe that would be best." Lynn said as she looked away from Brian. "But..." Justin said with tears in his eyes. "Justin, I don't want to hurt you. All I want isd your happiness." Lynn said with sincerity. "Well if you want my happiness, let Brian stay. I may be young, but I can see when I'm in love." Justin said intelligently. "That's the thing Justin, I don't think you can see correctly right now." Lynn said. She hated to see her son cry. "Mrs. Harless, you may think Justin's being childish or just plain ignorrant, but he's not. He's being very sincere. That's the only side I've seen of him. He's always done for everybody else and never himself. He just wants to be happy. And knowing Justin, he'd drop everything to make you happy. I'm not trying to undermind you, but I've felt nothing for Justin and he's felt nothing but love for me. And you'd like him to answer the question you asked, he would." Brian said. His true nature of honesty had a definite way of persuassion. "Brian, you seem like a very nice young man, but right now I'm not sure what to think." Lynn said. "I know it's tough. It's hard for both me and Justin. The groups didn't except it at first adn we're not asking you to. We just want you to know." Brian said. Justin smiled as he watched Brian work magic upon his mother.

"Mom, please understand. I love him." Justin said. he looked towards his mother. "I know. Now, I know." Lynn said with a smile. Justin smiled back and squeezed Brian's hand tightly. Brian grinned and sat back. "But, did you two sleep together." Lynn still wanted to know the answer. "Yes we have." Justin mumbled. Lynn sighed and got up. "Well, Brian looks like you'll be staying in Jsutin's room. Sorry to give you a tough time about it. But as long as Justin's happy, I'll be happy." Lynn said. "Thank you." Brian said. Justin stood and agve is mother a hug. "Thanks mom." Justin whispered to his mom. "Just be good. And try not to tell your brother." Lynn said with a laugh. Justin laughed back. "You guys get settled in and I'll get you something to eat." Lynn said. She walked out of the room. Justin turned around to look at Brian. He walked back over to the couch and sat down next to Brian. "So, was it as rough as you expected?" Brian asked. "Harder. But we got through it." Justin said. He laid his head on Brian's shoulder and sat there. "Let's gte pur stuff to your room." Brian said. Justin raised his head and kissed Brian on the lips. "What was that for?" Brian sad as he broke the kiss. "For helping me out." Justin said. "Well this is for letting me stay here." Brian said. He pushed Justin down on the couch and began to tongue kiss him. Justin gasped and let his tongue roll over Brian's. Brian rubbed his hands up and down Justin's body, slipping into and out of Justin's shirt. "Whoa buddy, we had better stop." Justin said as he pushed Brian back. "You're right." Brian said as he sat up. They laughed at each other's mushed hair and fixed themsleves up. "Mom, is my car in the garage still?" Justin hollored from the living room. "YES!!!" Lynn yelled from the kitchen.

"Why?" Lynn said as she walked into the room. "Me and Brian have to leave in about half an hour to go for some stupid interview." Justin said. Lynn frowned. "Well, when will you be back?" Lynn asked. "Probably in an hour or so." Justin said as he stood. Brian stood also and fixed his clothes. "Well, be sure to come back here. We have to spend some time together." Lynn said with concern towards her son. "I know. Gotta spend some time with my little bro." Justin said with a smile.

Soon enough, Justin and Brian were driving towards the BOP office in Orlando. "Nice car." Brian said as he sat back in Justin's Mercedes. "Thanks." Justin said. He smiled and kept his attention to the road. "What kinds of questions do you think they'll ask all of us?" Justin questioned as he pulled into the BOP parking lot. "Who knows. Probably alot of stuff about our new albums." Brian said. "I hope nothing that'll make us say something we'll regret." Justin said humorously. Brian smiled and laughed at Justin's comment. They both headed into the building, meeting J.C. and Chris on the way. They entered into Micheal Long's lounge, where all the others were waiting. "Are we late?" Chris said as he pulled a chair up to the long table everyone was sitting at.

"Nope. The repoter's still not here." A.J. said as he leaned back in his chair. Brian grabbed a seat next to J.C. and Justin grabbed the seat next to Brian. Just as Justin sat down, Micheal walked in. "Hello guys." Micheal said as he grabbed a chair at the front of the table. The guys waved and said hello to him.

"Okay, this is how it's going to work guys. I'm going to ask you 20 Questions in which you can respond. These questions are complied by BOP staff, fans and other managment. If the question is sepcified to one of you, please respond as honestly as possible." Mocheal said. The guys all nodded and listened carefully. "Okay, so shall we start?" Micheal said as he got his tap recorder ready. "Sure." Kevin said and the others yelled in unison. "Okay, first question. How long are you guys going to be in the studio for your albums?" Micheal asked. He opened the floor for everyone to respond. "Well for our album, we already have alot of old material recorded that we can put on the album. Plus we got new material that we're collaborating on. So we plan to be in the studios for about three months." Kevin replied. "What about 'N Sync?" Micheal asked. "We're going to be in the studio for awhile working on new things. All of the guys want to write and get there own material onto the next album." J.C. repsonded. "Okay, sounds interesting. Next question. Any chance of a B.S.B. and 'N Sync collboration?" Micheal asked. "Maybe. Since we're on tour together now, there's a good chance. We're working through different management, so it's kinda hard. But we're trying." A.J. said. "Yeah, we want to do something together if it's only just one song." Lance allaborated. "Okay, this question is for Brian. Since you wrote the song 'Just', where did your inspiration come from?" Micheal asked. He looked at Brian with wonder. "Well, actually it's from experience. It came to me as the music was coming on in the studio. It was one of the greatest songs I've ever had the chance to do." Brian said with a smile. Justin smiled alos and rubbed Brian's thigh from under the table.

"Okay. There is word of you doing sort of a remix or part two to the original version. Is this true?" Micheal asked. "Yes it is. We're going in the studio tomorrow to do a part two to 'Just'. I'll be writing the song with Justin here and we'll both be doing vocals on this version." Brian replied. Micheal raised his eyebrows. "So, there will be a collaboration?" Micheal questioned. "Of sorts. It'll just be me and Justin and this song should be on 'N Sync's new album." Brian responded.

"And we're both going to be producing the song." Justin added. "Interesting. So, you two will do this all yourselves?" Micheal said. "Uh huh. It's going to be fun." Justin said with a smile. "Okay, next question. This is for all the ladies. Boxers or breifs gentlemen?" Micheal asked. The guys all laughed. "We always get this question." Howie said with a laugh. "Boxers." Justin said. Brian, Kevin and Nick agreed. "Briefs." Lance said modestly. Howie agreed with him. "Bikini breifs." Joey said with a giggle.

"Boxer-breifs." J.C. replied. A.J. and Chris nodded. "Actually, I don't mind wearing G-strings. You know the kind with the leopard print." Chris said sarcastically. All the guys laughed at him. "Okay, okay. Next question is for Nick, Brian and Justin. There have been rumors of some animousity between the guys here. Are they true? If so, what's the problem?" Micheal asked. Nick looked at Brian and Brian looked at Justin. "All groups have problems and differences. I think we all went through that." Brian said shyly. "I think that problem can be when things are said and done that affect the others." Justin said.

"Doubt it. There was a bit of 'beef', but things are pretty situated for now. I think we're all getting over the obvious problems." Nick said boldly. They all looked at him like he ahd lost his mind. "Care to say anything more about the subject guys?" Micheal asked. He was not findging something juicy to print. The guys stayed silent. "Okay then, next question is for all. Is there a chance that you guys will be on tour again after this wraps up?" Micheal said. "Possibly. It all depends how management works out." Kevin replied. "Yeah, we want to, but it depends on what things are going at the time." J.C. said. "Well it would be nice to see you guys together again. Okay, what are you're love lives like now?" Micheal asked, gazing at Brian at this time. "What's that? Never heard of a love life?" Chris said sarcastically towards the question. The guys giggled. "No, we don't have much time to date right now. We try, but we don't want to work out anything for sure." Lance said. "But some of us do have love lives." Nick said. He pointed to Justin and Brian. They both gave him an evil look. "Well my next question is for Joey and A.J. How is it touring together when A.J. is dating Amanda?" Micheal said. "Amanda? Geez, is that what friendships are about?" Joey said without humor. "It's no problem at all. Joey and Amanda are good friends, just as I'm good friends with Joey." A.J. replied.

"Okay. Question eight is for Brian and Justin. Do you two have a certain someone at this time?" Micheal said confidently. "Actually, yes I do. I am currently seeing someone." Justin said. He grasped Brian's thigh, making him jump a little. Micheal looked at Brian with suspiscion in his eyes. "Uhm, me too. I'm seeing someone at this time." Brian said quickly. "Good enough. Are you guys planning on working with any new producers on your albums?" Micheal asked. "Yes we are. We're currently trying to produce at least 25 percent of the album ourselves." Lance responded. "For us, we're going to working with a lot of different producers." Brian said. "Yes. And we're working on writing songs ourselves." Kevin added. "For question 10, what are you guys doing while you're here in Orlando?" Micheal questioned. "Well we have a concert in two days and we're going into the studio tomorrow." Justin replied. "Yeah. We've got a hectic schedule, even when we're home." Joey added on. "That's sad.

Brian, what are the rumors of you being injured while away?" Micheal said. "Yes, I was injured. I got a head injury, but everything's fine now. Nothing I'd like to say on the subjext." Brian said. he assured himself that nothing could go wrong. Justin let a low sigh escape his lips. "Anything serious?" Micheal asked. "No, no. Everything's fine." Brian responded. "Okay. This one's for A.J. What are the rumors about you and a certain little girl?" Micheal questioned. "I knew this was going to come up!" A.J. shouted. The guys laughed at his anger. "He's been asked this everywhere." Howie said with a giggle.

"Whatever rumors were started in the tabloids or internet are not true.

I never met the girl, and I don't know what they are talking about." A.J. said seriously. "Sorry I asked. Okay, Nick, we hear you're planning on a solo album. True?" Micheal asked, avoiding A.J.'s stares. "Actually, I'm not sure about that. There's been talks, but nothing on paper. It's just a thought." Nick repsonded. "But if Nick did go to do an album, the group would support him totally." Kevin said to reassure Micheal. "Fine. So Chris, what's up with the hair?" Micheal said as he pointed to Chris's hair. The guys laughed loudly. As Chris answered the question, Brian's hand slipped between Justin's legs. Justin sat confussed, but made no sudden movements. Brian rubbed his hand on Justin's inner thigh, coming close to touching Justin's covered cock. Justin held back his moans and tried to sit calmly. "Okay guys, who's the craziest out of the bunch?" Micheal asked. "Either Chris or A.J." Nick replied. "Definetly. You should see some of the things they do." Lance said with a laugh. "But Brian can be just as crazy." A.J. said. Brian laughed, but kept his hand where it was. "Okay, and who's the romantic?". "That'd be Brian." Justin replied. Brian smiled and finally gave Justin's cock a squeeze. "Yes he is isn't he Justin." Nick said with a huge grin. "Brian and Justin can both be romantic people." Joey said sincerly. Justin smiled at Joey, but his mind was doing flips.

"Okay, just five more to go." Micheal said with a smile. all the guys cheered. "So, out of the groups, who is going out the most with poeple?" Micheal asked.

"Justin and Brian." Nick replied. Brian snarled at Nick and tried to keep his composure. "Really?" Micheal was interested in hearing this. "Yeah. We go out alot. That is when we get the chance." Justin replied. He left it at that. "Okay. So any titles set for the new records?" Micheal asked. "Nope. Not yet. That'll be the last thing we worry about." J.C. repsonded sincerly. "And what about guest appearances?" Micheal asked. "Well we're trying to work with Britney Spears." Lance said. "And we're trying to work with maybe Stevie Wonder or someone else." Brian said. "Also, we'd like to work with Missy Elliott." Chris said with a smile. "He's content on that." Joey said with a laugh. "Okay guys, there are rumors about that you guys have turned into total party animals. Clybs, drinking and all. Any truth to this?" Micheal said. "NO!" J.C. hollored. "Of course not. We go to clubs once in awhile, but we're not party freaks." Kevin said. "Though we'd like to be." A.J. said with a huge grin. "eh'd like to be." Brian said to spite him. "Okay, one last one. Is there anything we should know about Brian and Justin?" Micheal said. He had saved the best for last. Brian's eyes grew wide and Justin looked down at the table. "Yeah. They are two very talented young men." Howie said. Brian smiled and Justin looked up. Micheal was shocked. "Okay guys.

I guess that's the end of our interview. It's been great talking to all of you." Micheal said as he sut off his rfecorder. He stood and greabbed his things. "It was great talking to you." Kevin said. Micheal walked outside the office.

"Glad that's over. I'm going home." J.C. said. "Okay, wait up." Chris said. They both stood and left. "See you guys tomorrow at the studio." Lance hollored.

"Hey Lance, got any new stuff laid for the album?" Joey asked. "Yeah some. Want to come and check it out?" Lance said as he grabbed his things. "Sure." Joey said. They both walked out. "Well I'm tired and hungry. So I guess it's time for me to go back to the hotel." Howie said. "Time for me to 'head out too." A.J. said. A.J. walked with Howie out of the office. "I'm out of here." Nick said as he stomped out. "Hold up Nick. You owe somebody an apology>" Brian said. "Oh fuck you." Nick yelled as he left.

Brian sat in his chair, hand still on Justin's leg. "So, how are things at Justin's?" Kevin asked. "Different. But we're handling things." Justin said. "Good. Hope you get through the worst." Kevin said. "We will." Brian said confidently. "We have to go." Justin said. "Okay." Brian said. They both stood and said their goodbye's to Kevin.

Justin relaxed as Brian wrapped his arms around them. After spending time with his mom and brother, Justin needed to relax. With Brian slowly entering his ass, he felt comfortable. He was glad it was one o'clock in the morning and everyone else was sleep. He moaned deeply as Brian thrusted back and forth in him. He never imagined he'd be fucking in his room, on his bed, in his mother's hosue and with Brian.

Brian moved quickly, kissing every portion of Justin's body as he moved. Justin and Brian both grunted softly. Brian rubbed Justin's dick tenderly as he fucked him. The bed shook and creeked as Brian's body humped Justin's. Justin gasped as his sperm shot into Brian's hand. Brian released his cum into Justin's ass, relaxing ontop of him. They both exhaled and fell alseep in each other's arms. "Never thought we'd do that." brian whispered. "I do alot of unexpected things." Justin replied. Brian rolled off of Justin and held him under the covers. "Feels good." Brian whispered as he held Justin.

"Yes it does." Justin repsonded. They slowly drifted to sleep.


Next: Chapter 9: Brian and Justin 18 20

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