Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Mar 30, 2001


Angel's Wings (Part 9) Written by JM

--- Da da da da da... what to write, what to write? Hmmm, it's about celebrities... yeah, that sounds good. Two very moral celebrities too... ooh yeah, that makes it better. Let's see, what else... oh yeah, these two male celebrities are together, but that has nothing to do with their actual personal lives. Ha ha, oh yeah, forgot this one... it's fiction ALL THE WAY! Is that it? I think so... wait, no... please be 18 or older or have your parents permission. Parental Guidance is suggested. Need some popcorn? Maybe a soda? Got to have the Twizzlers... remember, 'Silence Is Golden'! Okay, let's move on to to the previews... ---

--- Rated PG-13: Hey, I'm back! That's right and I thought I could stay away. No, I prayed I could stay away, but this is in my blood. I've just got to write. Anyway, I'm glad to be back with another exciting verse in the song of Brian and Justin's lives. Please remember that these stories are based on the romance created for Brian and Justin through 'Brian and Justin' and 'Just Beginning'. This is not called 'JC and Nick' or 'Lance's Beginnings,' so please respect the fact that they will not get all the attention in the world. If you don't know by now, send all comments to: Thank you very much! Enjoy the show... ---

--- Beginnning Credit: Yes, it is correct that the city of Las Vegas does not allow marriages between same sex marriages. I think they just ruled that in the recent election, but anyway, this story is fictious and therefore the laws of this sometimes fucked up land do not apply here. So guess what? If you're in love with someone and they're your same sex, you can marry them in this story! :) Okay, cool, glad I got that out of the way and thanks to Ryan for reminding me to put this in here. Enjoy the rest of the movie! ---

Christmas, what a holiday. People empty their pockets and max out their credit cards for the love of a gift and not the spirit of the moment. What happened to the true meaning of Christmas? Where was the belief in the meaning of Christmas? Was it all a gift here and there and no family? Could it be that Scrooge has entered everyone's spirits and their hearts had become two sizes too small like the Grinch's? No one knows, but no one cares anymore. It's about the gifts of material and not the gift of family and blessing.

"Shit, could these folks be any slower?" Britney Spears grumbled, her fingers tapping along the steering wheel of her ivory-white Mercedes and her foot itching to move from the brake to the gas pedal. She cared little for the material in this moment. She was in a rush to complete a task in order for her to return to the family she cherished.

"Britney, chill girl. We've got some time before our flights leave." Nikki DeLoach informed her friend with hopes of calming her. Britney shook her head quickly before finally moving her car up a few more inches. She hated airport traffic. "I have to get back to Joey's place before my mom and Jamie Lynn have a fit. I said I wouldn't miss breakfast with them and I know Joey can't entertain them long." Britney stated, her eyes focused on the red lights of the car in front of her. As soon as they dimmed and the car moved, Britney quickly ushered her car forward and pulled it to a halt.

"Aaaww, Britney, the family girl. Soon enough, you'll be celebrating Christmas with kids of your own." Mandy Ashford cooed from the backseat. Britney snapped her head in Mandy's direction with a prudish expression. "Ya never know Britney, come on." Nikki insisted while nudging her friend. Britney rolled her eyes and brushed her hair back. "I probably won't have my first kid until I'm twenty-one, if not twenty-two." Britney stated confidently. She watched as the airport attendants began to grab the luggage out of the trunk. "Why that late? I thought you said you and Joey were going to get started within at least a year of Amanda and AJ's wedding?" Nikki wondered curiously. Britney peered her eyes at Nikki for a minute. "It's okay Brit', I know already. Blabbermouth Nikki told us at rehearsal one day." Mandy assured her friend. Britney's eyes grew smaller when staring at Nikki. Nikki nibbled her lower lip and attempted to smile for Britney. It was a poor attempt.

Britney cleared her throat and removed her gloomy stare from Nikki. "Well, I'm praying that by next Christmas, Joey will ask me to marry him. I can't have kids unless I'm married. It wouldn't look right. It's bad enough my image is this sexual teenager who's a goodie-goodie all the time. The fact that I'm not a virgin no more can really screw up my image. Having kids before marriage? Whoa, that's overboard." Britney explained with a strained voice. Mandy giggled softly while applying lipgloss to her soft lips. "You are so the opposite of Amanda." Mandy commented with her cute Southern accent. Britney laughed brightly. She played with her bangs while lookin in the rearview mirror. "Doesn't matter. If Joey doesn't propose, he's Brooklyn ass ain't gettin' no kids." Britney remarked while trying to imitate a Brooklyn accent.

Britney turned her eyes on Nikki as she handed one of the luggage attendants she and Mandy's plane tickets. "I really wish ya'll were staying in town so I could see ya'll over Christmas. It's gonna feel weird with most of my friends being out of town and all." Britney remarked with a sullen voice. Nikki rotated to face Britney with a small frown on her lips.

"I'm sorry Britney. I haven't seen my family in awhile and all. I've just gotta see them." Nikki apologized with a sincere tone. Britney nodded while slumping in her seat. "Besides, spending Christmas day with you, your family, and your silly little boyfriend is not exactly my idea of a great time." Mandy teased her friend. She ruffled Britney's honey-blonde hair while leaning forward in her seat. "And yeah, we'd all like to spend Christmas with the cutest couple in the world, Bryan and Mandy!" Nikki chimed, joking with her friend while giving her a light shove. Mandy grinned and twisted a finger through her hair. "Yes, I know, I know. Don't boost my ego anymore than my baby does." Mandy gleamed. Nikki and Britney simultaneously rolled their eyes at their friend's foolish behavior.

"What did you get your newly blonde boyfriend?" Mandy wondered with a perky smile. Britney licked her lips with a proud gleam. "Well, I got him some clothes, some Superman crap, and a Superman-shaped pendant, but instead of the 'S', it has a 'B' and on the back it says 'Your Super girl.'" Britney replied cockily. Nikki smiled at her friend's confidence. "Oh, and also, I got him... well, I got myself some new lingerie and just as soon as my mom takes Jamie Lynn to the Nutcracker on Ice show, Joey will get a super present from me." Britney cheered. Nikki stared at Britney with surprise painting her face while Mandy fell into a fit of laughter. Britney giggled quietly, her round brown eyes full of life. "I don't even want to ask how you're not promoting children with that gift." Mandy chuckled out while pushing her door open. Nikki shook her head while opening her own door.

Britney sighed as her friends looked at her. Goodbyes were a favorite activity of hers. She often avoided them and sought refuge in laughter and smiles. "I'm really gonna miss ya'll." she spoke out with a less-than-cheery voice. Mandy reached over her seat and pulled Britney into a small embrace. "You'll survive Britney. You've got your Joey Bear." Mandy assured her friend. Britney nodded with a small frown tugging at the corners of her lips. "And you'll see me two days after Christmas girl." Nikki promised her friend as she ended her hug with Mandy.

Britney quickly pulled Nikki into a hug. She knew what she was losing without Nikki in town for the holidays. She would be lacking a friend that kept her stable when even she did not know her world was falling apart. She was losing the laughter, the smiles, the joys of a friend that made sure she enjoyed life. In a sense, Britney was losing a piece of herself. "Ya'll hurry back or I'll just have a fit and turn into a total goob." Britney insisted with a bending smile. "I'll be back before New Years, don't worry Britney." Nikki said softly while pulling away from Britney.

Britney sighed with a lonesome look. She allowed her friends to exit her Mercedes without protest. "Tell Justin and Brian goodbye for me." Britney called out to Nikki as she moved away from the car. Nikki nodded, slowly drawing away and heading inside of the airport with Mandy following close behind her.

They were all together in one area, but not for long. Each would be headed in a separate direction, boarding a separate plane, and headed to a separate land of comfort. It was the ways of Christmas. Friends parted ways to see relatives; some they loved and others they bared. Everyone knew that in a few hours, God willing, they would all be on their way home. They booked early to mid-day flights to spare themselves the drama of a typical celebrity's trip to the airport; authographs, pictures, questions, mobbing - the basic holiday requirements. For their own personal reasons, they were not in the mood to be famous anymore. They only sought to be themselves and that meant feeling comfortable in their environment.

Lance Bass was comfortable in his environment. He sat near the gate his plane was leaving from with a portion of his body leaning on the man sitting next to him. That man was Bryce Winters, Lance's boyfriend. Lance cared not for the occasional stare he received from passing people. He continued to lean on Bryce with a look of confidence on his face. He found it easy to blend in with others when with Bryce. Bryce wasn't famous, not in any form, and Lance liked it that way. He had dated several famous men and knew of the strains it had not only on his social life, but also his career. Lance felt secure with Bryce and he knew Bryce felt the same with him.

Across from the comfortable couple sat another content couple. Brian and Justin Littrell held hands freely as patrons passed them. Like a classic song about inseparable lovers, they sat colorfully in bliss that was brought about by their freeness; freedom from fears of being caught. Occasionally, Brian brushed the hairs of his growing beard across Justin's cheek, a tender display of affection that could be read like a Dr. Seuss book. Only Justin could cherish the action though. Only he felt sizzling heat run over the fibers of his body and cause a light tinge of blush to pinched his cheeks. When Brian brushed a hand over Justin's gelled-up brown hair, Justin smiled.

It could not be any clearer or more evident. The painting showed every hidden word and phrase without saying it plainly.

Sitting restively in Justin's lap was Brian and Justin's adopted son, Angel Littrell. It was noticeable that he did not want to be at the airport. He preferred to sit at home with his dogs and his toys, locked away in his own bright yellow world of happiness. He was denied freedom at the airport, forced to stay seated with his parents as they awaited the departure of their flight to Kentucky.

On Brian's left side sat a more calmed individual. Bryan Deas waited patiently upon his girlfriend, Mandy, to arrive and grease a smile over his lips. His glassy blue eyes looked upon Bryce and Lance with no antipathy, just envy. He wanted to sit close to his lover and feel secure as he knew Lance did. He licked out a small smile when he felt Lance's eyes on him. There was no tension between the two. Bryan felt close to Mandy's best friend for his own reasons. The man that introduced Bryan to his current girlfriend left an endless impression on his mind. Without Lance, would he have Mandy now? He was Tennesee, she was from Mississippi. He had preferred a casual conversation over the phone while she favored physical displays of affection. He was a waiter at a Mexican restaurant while she was a singer, a performer. What could he hope? Only Lance saw that they were meant for each other and only Lance could bring them together. Bryan could not be more thankful, but he was.

On Justin's right sat Lea Alexanders, Angel's nanny. She too waited for the plance for Ketucky to be called. She wanted to see a man that she called a boyfriend while Brian called him a brother. Dating her employer's brother wasn't her idea of the most desireable relationship, but Lea would not apologize for it. She found solace in Harold III. Being a diary that the tabloids would love to unlock, Lea only sought comfort and love in the man that she only met less than a year previous. Courting Harold III was a tough job in itself with Lea living with Brian, Justin, and Angel in a house in Orlando while Harold occupied an apartment in Lexington made it next to impossible for Lea to keep a stable relationship with him, but she did it. Short visits, days off spent in mutual places, late night conversations over the telephone, anything to stay with a man that understood the need for love and relief.

Not too many seats away from the other sat another couple, a quieter couple, locked in thoughts of where to go and what to see. JC and Nick Chasez dreamed away while sitting awkwardly close to one another. Only two weeks previous, Nick and JC eloped in Las Vegas. Drunk, high off of lust and alcohol, the troubled couple to a step toward another passage in their life and to JC's recollection, the ceremony was nothing to brag about. Then again, JC was drunk and could vaguely remember anything outside of the vows and the kiss he shared with Nick when the minister said they were Mr. and Mr. Joshua Scott Chasez. It was fitting. After months and months of avoiding love and taking what he wanted, JC was taken by love and succumbed to a fear he had for years.

Now, he refused to end something he wasn't sure he started. He and Nick had yet to go on a honeymoon, to share a day enjoying the recent union. Nick danced around the idea to take care of business affairs surrounding the Backstreet Boys' new album. It was released the Tuesday after JC and Nick said 'I do' and for some reason, JC felt a familiar taste on his tongue; something bitter. He prayed for an instance when Nick would revel in the fact that he had won a war with three other people and finally smile on the fact that they were married. It was what Nick wanted, JC was sure of it. JC only longed for the romance he shared with Nick in the beginning of their romance. Maybe this trip to Washington to visit JC's family would bring back that spark of life and love they once shared. Hearts were broken for this relationship and JC knew it was fated to be that way. He couldn't let Nick go now; not for a love that was not guaranteed.

The only thing that drew JC's mind from his divided thoughts of Nick was the sound of Justin's voice and the laughter hailing from Nikki and Mandy. His baited eyes glanced at Justin before looking at Nikki. He hated being estranged from their friendships, but it was necessary at the moment. JC wanted to keep his marriage with Nick calm and eased until it was fully developed to JC's liking.

"Should I put a hat on Bastian's head? I don't know if he's warm enough?" Justin wondered, taking a glance at Brian for an answer. Brian studied his son for a moment. His subtle blue eyes gleamed at Angel as Angel pouted in his position. "I don't think he'd like that." Brian commented with a captured smile. Justin ran a hand over Angel's hair, drawing out a small whimper from Angel. Brian watched attentively as his son began to fuss in Justin's arms. He wasn't comfortable and he wasn't free. "But he just got over that cold and I don't want him getting sick again, especially not at your parent's house." Justin remarked. Brian shook his head, skirting an arm around Justin's shoulders for comfort. "I don't think he'll get sick again Bean." Brian whispered an assurance. Justin was less-than-comfortable with his husband's reply, but he allowed it.

"It's about time you got here." Lance remarked with his heavy country accent as Mandy and Nikki dropped their carry-on bags with the other luggage nearby. "Blame Britney. She didn't want to say goodbye." Mandy replied as she greeted her boyfriend with a tender kiss. Like candy, she craved a little more from him but disregarded his quietness to attend to another male. "Can I?" Mandy requested with open arms while looking down on Angel crying. Justin passed Angel to Mandy with a quick wink. "Have a ball Blondie." Justin grinned, falling back into his seat and letting Brian wrap an arm around him again. Mandy smiled back and carried Mandy toward Bryan. She hummed a soft tune before singing it quietly to the whimpering toddler.

Strong inside, but you don't know it

Good little girls, they never show it

When you open up your mouth to speak

Could you be a little weak?

Do you know what it feels like for a girl

Do you know what it feels like in this world

For a girl

Do you know what it feels like for a girl

Do you know what it feels like in this world

For a girl

The Madonna-penned tune lullied the boy to a tranquil state of peace as he looked at the young woman. Mandy craddled him with tender eyes holding him quiet. Mandy found a seat in her boyfriend's lap. She sat back with Bryan's arms wrapping around her as she looked on Angel. She continued to hum the easy melody with a tepid smile. "Why would he want to know what it feels like to be a girl?" Bryan quietly asked Mandy. Mandy interrupted her humming with a soft giggle. "There's a meaning behind the song, Bryan. Besides, he's just a year-old, he doesn't know what I'm singing about." Mandy said shortly, her voice lowered to keep Angel in his blue of serenity.

"Mandy, you know I love that song. You better quit ruining it." Nikki teased her friend while finding a chair next to Lea. She was given no chance to listen to Mandy's sarcastic remark as the pounding sound of her cellular phone drew her attention away. Nikki hastily pulled open her bag and pulled out the phone, answering it with brisk interest when reading the numbers on the caller ID. "Hey, this is Nikki." Nikki chimed with hopes of hearing a friendly reply. "Well, this is Kevin and it's good to hear you so cheery for once." Kevin's dark tone rattled through the phone, leaving Nikki strickened with disappointment. She creased her brow and slunk into the small cushions of her chair. "I was happy because I thought this was AJ or Amanda. You are calling from their phone, right?" Nikki grumbled out. She could hear a tickled laugh from Kevin that bothered her. Her eyes slainted and she turned to her side.

As she looked up, Nikki felt JC's dangerous stare on her. She turned her eyes down immediately. She needed to save herself from his flame because she had been burned. The shadows of their past, her past with Kevin, the recent events in Las Vegas left her tormented like a criminal. "Nikki, I'm here with AJ, Amanda, and Amaiya and I just wanted to tell you goodbye and wish you a Merry Christmas before you deserted me for Georgia." Kevin said sincerely, but Nikki could hear the slyness that came with his words. He wasn't delicate like she thought. "I'm not deserting you Kevin. You've given me no reason to stay, therefore I'm leaving without guilt of doing wrong to you." Nikki declared with proper defense. "If I gave you a reason to stay, would you?" Kevin wondered, his voice taming its dryness. Nikki thought over the proposal as a voice took over the speakers of the airport. Her time was drawing to a close.

Her silence was enough for Kevin. "You don't have to answer me Nikki. A New Year is coming and I'm hoping that it means I can redeem myself in your eyes. After all, I have yet to say 'I told you so' about JC... so maybe I'm not all that bad, huh?" Kevin offered a strong vindication. An old fire tried to spark after Kevin's words flowed, but the voice over the loudspeaker did not oblige his request. "Maybe Kevin." Nikki said pretentiously. "And maybe I'll win you over." Kevin made a quick comment that left Nikki distracted.

"I've got to go Kevin. My plane is taking passengers now." Nikki said, her voice losing its luster. "All right Nik'. Call me when you get in, okay? I just wanna make sure you get there all safe and sound. I'll be heading out to Kentucky tomorrow, but I still wanna keep in contact." Kevin requested. He knew when to withdraw. He did not want the mood to become too heavy with faded pictures and memories of months before. "Okay Kevin." Nikki reluctantly said, ending her phone call and a war that fought on for no particular reason.

Nikki sighed as she began to gather up her two carry-on bags. She brushed a few stray strands of hair behind her ear and looked up, Mandy standing before her with a cheery smile. Nikki shucked a bag over her shoulder while shooting Mandy an unsure glare. "What are you so smiley for Mandy?" she asked with a trace of joy dipped in her voice. Mandy puckered her lips before crossing her arms. "Well at least he called to wish you off this year." Mandy remarked cheekily. Nikki rolled her green eyes promptly, grabbing her other bag with care. "He's still not here." Nikki remarked, a tinge of arrogance floating through her tone. She was unable to faze Mandy's unforgotten smile. If not for Nikki's own bead of glee, she would have passed Mandy's look off for a foolish look of adoration toward Bryan. "But he called. Baby steps Nikki, baby steps." Mandy commented, letting a hand rest on Nikki's shoulder. Again, Nikki rolled her appealing green eyes and let the comment fly into the wind. "It's been a year Mandy. I have doubts that his baby steps will be able to get him back into my heart." Nikki assured her friend. Mandy shook her head and sighed quietly. "Keep in mind that Kevin wrote that song Nikki." Mandy stated before hugging her friend. Nikki gladly hugged her friend back, releasing her so that she could walk her own path through life and search out her own reason to be happy during the holidays.

Before Nikki could take those steps, she was greeted by a pair of eyes that beckoned a return. Like silent prayers, there was just air. A pair of offshore blue eyes staring into a pair of blazon green eyes. Almost photographic in the essence, the two did not move, but their souls did. One stepped aside for the other to pass while the other feared walking. Amazing.

"Goodbye Peaches." JC finally said after seconds that felt like years. Her angel no more. She could not find the artful words she had wanted to speak to him before. She felt too hurt, too simple now. "Goodbye babe." she merely said with tears beguiling her pain. Her time with him was over and he stepped aside as her body finally walked past him.

Mandy watched, her eyes cutting at JC was she watched her friend walk down the terminal, lonely and to herself. 'So predictable, just so fucking predictable. He lets her walk away with a brokenheart. He doesn't even bother to mend the pain he's caused, just like last time.' Mandy thought with terse eyes looking on JC. She clenched her jaw shut, controlling her need to scream at the man that had hurt two of her friends. She hated seeing the scars he left on Nikki and Lance. Deep down, Mandy believed she hated JC, but she refused to admit aloud. She followed her own theory that she could help pull the two along the right paths to happiness. After all, she helped Lance with his relationship with Bryce because she knew Bryce brought Lance that spirit of joy he lost with Nick and JC. She had faith that Kevin might be able to do the same for Nikki, but that was just faith, not reality.

JC glanced over to where Nick stood by a vending machine with a fan beckoning for an autograph while Mandy felt a hand grip her arm, shaking her a little. "They're calling for first class boarding on our plane Manny." Lance's voice pulled her from her daze. She batted her light green eyes and ripped them from JC as he began to walk toward Nick. She tried to smile when looking at Lance, but he could read her thoughts without her speaking. Underneath that painted pretty smile lied thoughts that were distasteful. The sweetness of burbon could not ease away those thoughts that Lance felt. "Please, Manny, don't let it bother you. It's a part of our lives." Lance whispered, praying the others did not hear him. Mandy blinked once, the thoughts dying down. "I wish he'd understand how much it hurts." Mandy hissed. Lance shook his head and then let his arm drop. "He's hurting, Manny. Just let him figure it out for himself. I think me and Nikki have." Lance promised. Mandy swallowed hard, desperate to recoil her anger toward JC.

Lance fisted his hands into his pockets while watching Bryce slip a bag over his shoulder. His light green eyes watched the dirty blonde hair shift little as Bryce quickly ran a hand over it, contemplating his next move. Lance could view Bryce's unease as another call for their plane rang through the terminal. "Don't be so nervous Bryce. You're just going home with me for the holidays." Lance assured his lover while affectionately running a hand down Bryce's arm. Bryce pushed out a smile, his comfort being found in Lance's golden-green eyes. "But it's my first Christmas with you. It's my first Christmas with your family. I don't want it to be bad or unsatisfying for you." Bryce remarked, a worrisome crease in his brow. Lance grinned before winking at Bryce. "Trust me, if I'm with you, at my house, alone... it won't be unsatisfying." Lance whispered to his boyfriend, his hand lightly brushing Bryce's. Bryce blushed. "Besides, my family is going to love ya. After all, you're too adorable not to love; plus you're not JC or Nick, so you're already batting a thousand with them." Lance added for assurance. His joke did not ease Bryce's nerves. He did not want to be compared to Lance's former boyfriends or loved because he was not one of them. He wanted to be adored because he was Bryce Winters and because he made Lance happy. Deep down, when staring into Lance's friendly eyes, Bryce already knew that was the reason that Lance adored him.

"Hold my hand all the way Jamesy?" Bryce requested shyly, a phrase he often used with his lover. Lance's grin grew. "If you promise not to let go." Lance agreed. There was a need, a desire to kiss Bryce in the airport, but Lance gripped that desire and held it in his pocket. He knew he'd be able to release it as soon as he arrived home; as soon as he was alone with Bryce.

"Flight 629 to Ketucky will be boarding in ten minutes. I repeat, Flight 629 to Ketucky will be boarding in ten minutes. First class passengers please have your tickets ready, you will be boarding first. The plane will be touching down in Lexington first." the announcer said cearly for all to hear. "I guess that's us." Brian was the first to speak, standing from his seat with a proud grin. Justin followed, uneasy with the area. He stood like a stone figure next to Brian, his hand still held safely by Brian. He took a quick glance at Lea as she stood holding Angel tightly in her arms.

"You ready babe?" Bryan whispered to Mandy as he wrapped his arms around her neck. Mandy smiled lightly as he felt her boyfriend brush his cheek against hers. She gave him a small nod. She watched uncontently as Nick and JC made their way into the circle of departing friends. "I guess all of us should get ready to move out, huh?" JC spoke up as he slinked an arm around Nick's waist. Eyes watched that arm with disbelief and more distrust in its purpose. The chill brought concern to the air. "You guys decided to stick it out huh? I mean the whole marriage thing." Bryan said to shatter the tension mounting in the air. JC nodded with a blissful expression molded into his sculpted face. Nick smiled while feeling eyes burn through his clothing, his smile. "Why give it up? We figure since we love each other, despite the fact that we eloped drunk, we can make this work for the better. So I'm dragging old Nickie back to my folks' place for Christmas and spring the news on them and just try to enjoy the Christmas time, together." JC explained with warmth in his usually ecstatic voice.

Mandy tore her eyes away from the couple with spite. She ducked her head and looked at Lance. His dull eyes stared at JC and Nick with little concern. "Your parents didn't take it too well, did they Nick?" Brian asked out of the blue. His eyes remained focused on Nick, his heart telling him to stray away from eye contact with JC. He sought no communication between himself and the man that almost took away his life. Nick immediately lowered his head, an answer written into his expression. He coughed lowly and then rested his eyes on Brian. "No." he replied mutedly. Brian shook his head promptly. He was disappointed with Nick. Not only had JC nearly taken Justin from Brian, he also pulled Nick away from his family. "That's okay because as long as he's got me, it won't matter." JC chimed, nudging Nick to bring out a little more joy inside of him. Nick lifted his head with a prime smile, safety being provided by his husband's kindness. 'But how long will that last?' Brian thought, his eyes hiding his feelings. Justin licked his pouty red lips, doubtful in his friend's words. He did not believe in the marriage, nor the thought of it lasting. Where was the sacred beauty in it? It died, just as Justin believed the marriage would.

"Hmmm, look at the time. We better get moving." Mandy suggested aburptly.

Her intentions were clear to Lance, but the others stood in confusion. Bryan removed his arms from around her neck and reached down to grab her hand.

Lance took a quick glance at his boyfriend, Bryce responding to his look with a soft smile. "Yeah, we better get moving. I can't wait to get this lucky man back to my place in Clinton." Lance cheered, his eyes stuck on Bryce. Bryce felt the blush rush to his cheeks as the others began to glance at him. "Cute, he's blushing." Bryan joked, elbowing Lance. Lance and Mandy snickered as Bryce remained shy toward Lance's remark. The others joined in the silly laughter as Lance ran his thumb over Bryce's chin. Bryce smiled lightly at his boyfriend's quick gesture.

One more call over the loud speaker caused Lance, Mandy, Bryan, and Bryce to head toward their plane to Mississippi, Brian, Justin, Angel, and Lea to walk toward their plane headed to Kentucky as JC and Nick waited for their plane to Washington to board.

It might have been a short flight, but it was not as short as the Littrells would have prayed for. Arriving in Lexington felt like downing a glass of vodka for Justin; it burned and sizzled as it ran down his throat and into his heart. He was scared and he was not at ease. He was returning to a city where he once felt love, but he knew now that the love had lost its flame. He was walking into a territory of unexpectation and disillusion. He had not been to Lexington since his brief affair with JC, but from the unaswered phone calls and two-word conversations Justin's had with his family since the affair, Justin knew he was almost an unwelcomed visitor to their househould. However, Justin gladly downed the glass of vodka if it meant his husband could spend Christmas with the people that helped keep him happy when he wasn't with Justin or Angel.

"There's my baby!" Jackie Littrell, Brian's mother, called out when she caught a glimpse of her son and his family. "And there's my baby." Harold III, Brian's older brother, said slyly when finally seeing his girlfriend walk into the terminal. He smiled brightly, following his mother toward Brian, Justin, Angel, and Lea. He saw Brian's face brighten with fullfillment while Justin's held an unsure expression. He peered at Justin for brief moments before watching his mother rush to see her other son.

With brisk movements, Brian snatched up his mother and embraced her with months of waited moments. He held her close with a broad grin on his face. "Oh thank God you're safe and sound and safe... and alive." Jackie gasped out, hugging Brian tightly. Brian's brow furrowed as he hugged his mother, his arms loosening up their grip. He narrowed his pale blue eyes and tried to pull away from his mother's strong grasp on him.

Harold III pulled from his hug with his girlfriend and glared at his mother. He laid a hand on her shoulder and gave it a light squeeze, hoping to silence her and fend off her words. When Jackie pulled away, Harold III read the discouragement and confusion in his brother's face. He scurried away a smile and pulled his brother into a quick hug. "It's good to see ya bro." Harold III chimed, hoping to pull Brian's thoughts away from their mother's words. His attempt was a failed one.

"Yeah, Harold III, but what's mom talking about?" Brian asked plainly as he pulled himself from Harold III's encircling arms. Harold III gave his brother an unreassuring look before looking back to his mother.

Jackie hid her eyes under a small cloud of tacit tears. Her eyelashes boxed with her silvery tears before she gave Justin an undecided smile. Like a copper-coated penny, her face only showed the brightness of a happy soul, not the depth of pain that raced through her at the moment. She pushed away tears by refusing to let them fall and turned her eyes on her son-in-law and grandson. "Glad that you came Justin." Jackie said, her words almost choked, but not filling for Justin. She opened her arms to embrace him and Justin hesitantly hugged the woman he once felt so close to.

The hug died quickly on Jackie's command as she brought her attention to Angel. Brian sighed and grabbed Justin's hand, holding it lightly to comfort his husband. He could feel the fallen angel inside of Justin. Brian's hand added the protective covering to Justin's heart that seemed to wash away when Jackie gave him little regard.

"Aaaww, my sweet Lil' Ducky, has your Dad been good to you?" Jackie cooed toward her grandchild. Angel presented her with a shaky smile while clinging to Justin's arm. Justin ran a hand over Angel's soft blonde hair to ease his tenseness. "He's just a little sleepy, that's all. He didn't enjoy the plane ride too much." Brian spoke up from the side, his mind still on his mother, her words, and her actions toward his husband. Jackie brushed a hand over Angel's face, a tepid smile on her lips. "It's probably because he doesn't have a hat on. It's cold here in Lexington. The poor thing probably has an earache or something." Jackie insisted, her eyes becoming relentless as she looked at Justin for a second and then her son. Justin brought his eyes downward, his fingers plucking at Angel's fleece jacket. Brian cleared his throat calmly. "Actually, Justin suggested that he should wear a hat, but I thought he'd be all right. I should've listened to him." Brian proposed. He placed a small peck on Justin's cheek with hopes of bringing a gentle smile on Justin's lips. Justin continued to look down. "Well, maybe you're right Brian. They say most of kid's heat is in their head, so maybe the hat would make Lil' Ducky too hot and then he'd really be uncomfortable. You probably made the right choice to keep that hat off his head." Jackie replied jadedly.

Justin crumpled his face and then closed his eyes. He was not content and it was shown through his facial expressions. "Uh mom, maybe we should tell Brian now before we get back to the house." Harold III suggested while eyeing his brother as he comforted his husband. Again, Brian's interest was peaked. He squinted his powdery blue eyes at his family, dis concerted by their mysterious wording. His patience was drawing to an assured end. "What are ya'll talking about? What's going on?" Brian asked, his voice coated with dismay. Harold III sighed heavily. He grabbed Lea's hand and held it loosely, his troubled eyes refusing to speak words that were beyond him. "Brian, baby, the other night... while your cousin, Jennifer..." Jackie could barely get her words out. She could feel both Brian and Justin's eyes on her with desperate concern and it kept her speaking. "Jennifer was coming home from a party with friends and well, a drunk driver hit her and her car was smashed... with her in it." Jackie said, her voice overflowing with anguish.

The words couldn't have hit Brian any quicker or any harder. His pain was more than uncontainable. Like a bitter swallow of medicine, Brian's eyes welled up and his throat burned. "Is she... is she..." Brian stumbled on his words, his blistering tears overrunning his eyes and his senses. "She's dead, Brian. She's gone." Harold III spoke up abruptly, shattering any hopes Brian had for recovery from his pain. Brian faltered for a moment, his knees suddenly leaving his body and leaving him helpless. Before he could fall completely, Justin's swift arms caught him, holding his son and his husband as Brian sobbed breathlessly. Like a manuscript, the words were more than what was written on the page; they were what gave life to whatever was written or said.

Later did not grasp how much time moved in Brian's heart as he stood in his parent's house, practically lifeless and useless to the others. He sniffled quietly while sitting in the kitchen, his eyes staring down at a picture of his cousin's family. Jennifer Burke, Jacob's mother and Mike's wife, but she was more. She was more to Brian. She was a cousin that he shared many childhood memories with, outside of Kevin and his family. When she married, he flew from Orlando to see it. When she gave birth to Jacob, he was willing to be there if she called. She gave birth to the inspiration Brian and Justin needed to adopt their first son. She was more than Jennifer Burke and as clear, solid and undeniably painful tears slipped out of Brian's eyelids, Brian could feel himself falling without a concrete ground to slam against and die on.

Jackie Littrell laid a plate of apple pie in front of her son, sighing while looking at his broken state. She patted his shoulder before walking away to attend to other brewing food in the kitchen. Brian cleared his throat and sniffled again. He slowly pushed away the plate, his appetite seized by his sadness. He placed his arms on the table, his elbows pressing firmly against the counter.

"You might want to get yourself cleaned up little bro. Mike said he's gonna try and stop by with Jacob a little later on." Harold III advised, nudging his brother as he passed. Brian let his head droop further, his ears blocking out Harold III's words. "Is he doing any better?" Jackie asked, her country accent strung with depression. Harold III skirted his arms around Lea's waist as she fed Angel in a high chair. "He's a mess, but I think he's coming to grips with it. He lost his wife, but he's understanding that he has to keep his head high for the sake of Jacob." Harold III replied. Harold III rested his chin on Lea's shoulder before shooting his nephew a jolly smile, hoping to sway Angel from his sleepy daze. Angel giggled quietly at Harold III's large grin. "He's so brave to take this on and still remember his obligation to his son." Lea remarked before feeding Angel another small piece of watermelon. Angel chewed messily, the juices spilling over his small red lips while a look of curiosity filled his youthful face. Harold III laughed lowly at his nephew's expression. It had been so long since he had seen such innocence. "Some of us men know where we belong and we also know where our love should go, sweetheart." Harold III finally commented to his girlfriend, yanking her up in his arms. Lea giggled quietly, running her arms over Harold III's arms. He was her comforter. "Yes, Harold III, honey, you know where you belong and it's with that good Southern girl right there. Don't you forget." Jackie noted, her words directed toward Harold III without reservation. Harold III rolled his eyes, but kept his demeanor jovial while standing with Lea as she proceeded to feed his nephew.

Brian laid his easy blue eyes on his brother and his son's nanny. 'Maybe you've finally found something to hold onto, huh bro?' Brian thought indecisively. His words could not be anymore reflective as a pair of strong arms encircled him, pulling him close. Brian succumbed to the amber-sweet moment and refused to release his bitter tears. The scent of Armani Emporio swallowed Brian and a soft sigh crossed his pinkish lips. "Are you okay?" Justin's caramel-y voice asked, prompting Brian to close his eyes a little. The stinging tears were held back, but Brian's sniffle wasn't. Brian snuggled his head into Justin's face, the soft bristles of Justin's goatee brushing against his temple. "No, I'm not." he replied, his country accent devoid of warmth.

Justin sighed with discouragement as he felt Brian push his chair out and stand, ending their short-lived embrace. "I'm gonna go upstairs and lay down." Brian said, easing past his chair. Justin licked his lips and furrowed his brow. His mirror blue eyes held Brian still and motionless. Justin reached up and rubbed his thumb over a tear as it slithered down Brian's cheek. Brian batted back the other tears while viewing the hurt brewing in Justin's eyes. He grabbed Justin's wrist and carefulyl led it downward. "Stay down here and relax with the rest of us. Just to take your mind off of it for awhile. I'm sure everyone else would feel better if you stayed down here." Justin pleaded with a kindred tone. Justin glanced to the others for mild support; it was not there. Jackie continued to cook while Harold III stared at Justin dumbly.

Brian sniffled out a small smile. He leaned forward and pressed his lips against Justin's. Justin could taste Brian's warm tears in their short kiss, the saltiness covering Brian's thin lips. Brian plaited his fingers through Justin's unruly hair, still giving Justin soft kisses with a guarantee. Justin began to chew on his lower lip as Brian pulled back. "I'm gonna go lay down." he repeated, leaving Justin dispirited. Justin ran a hand up Brian's sweater. "Do you want anything?" he asked softly, hoping to ease Brian's dispondency. "Yes," Brian replied shyly. Justin's hopes sparked and his eyes brightened. He gave Brian a crooked smile. "If at all possible, could you ask God to bring Jennifer back?" Brian requested, the sorrow raining heavily in his quiet voice. Justin bit down on his lip, his disillusionment almost drawing blood from his lower lip. His disenchanted blue eyes shifted to glare at the ground as Brian walked past him and headed for his old bedroom. Justin held back a cry out to Brian. He was supposed to stop Brian, but he could not. It wasn't that the idea was beyond Justin, it was not his time. Brian would come around because Justin had faith he would.

Angel's loud yawn broke Justin from his comatosed daze. The encore caused Justin to bat his glassy eyes and turn his focal point on his son as Lea lifted him from his chair. "Somebody's long overdue for his nap." Lea commented, cradling the toddler in her arms.

Justin crossed his arms, his bright scarlet lips twisted in a befuddled state. "There's gotta be something that can snap Brian out of this state." Justin said aloud. He looked up for a hint of support from Brian's family. Once again, he was not granted assistance. Not even a strand of hope. "Leave him alone." Harold III said bluntly and without reservation. Justin snapped his head in his brother-in-law's direction, discontented by the array of bitterness dripping throughout Harold III's voice. "Just leave him alone. He has a right to grieve. Any human does. He doesn't need you to be some savior that comes to rescue him from his depression." Harold III boasted, his country-strong voice clouded with despise. Justin swallowed a vindictive response, his eyes narrowing when looking at his brother-in-law. He waited to hear a protest from Jackie, but none came. She remained quiet and unbothered.

"You weren't there to save him when he caught you having an affair with JC, so why should you try and be Superman now." Harold III added before finally looking away from Justin. He raised a hand to lay on Lea's shoulder, but she pulled away quickly and coldly. "Angel needs a nap." she hissed, shifting her hips before walking out of the kitchen, a shield of anger surrounding her. Harold III gawked at her as she made her exit before rotating his head to look at Justin. Justin twiched his nose and shuffled his feet on the floor. "Excuse me." he said in a quiet hiss. He strolled out of the kitchen with a lowered head and a thwarted ego.

How many times had Justin been in this position? He was alone, without a place to turn beside himself and his spirituality. Must he be derided because of a mistake? Nobody's perfect. Often enough, Justin had to tell himself the truth and his mistake led to many unhumbling situations and positions, mainly for himself.

Sitting on the top step, debating on whether or not to visit his husband in his depressed state, Justin swallowed the truth and let it boil inside the pit of his stomach. The silence in the upper portion of the house left Justin uncomfortable and unwilling to move. Brushing a hand over his coppery-gold locks, Justin frowned. He wanted to return to a state where he had to pinch himself to awake from the dream of being with Brian and feeling serenity surround them.

"So we meet again." Harold, Justin's father-in-law, said coyly as he stood above Justin. Justin glanced up at him with a small, tight smile. "Hey Dad." Justin said as Harold began to sit down next to Justin at the top of the stairs. Harold eased down next to Justin and patted his shoulder. "That's a surprise. Despite the fact that my wife and my eldest son have been awfully rude to you, you still call me Dad." Harold commented with sarcasm that resembled Brian's. Justin's smile loosened and he turned his eyes downward. "Do you want me to call you Harold?" Justin asked, a small, quiet sigh brushing through his lips. Harold laughed briefly. "Now you know I don't want you to do that. I understand why they're angry with you and for a little bit, I was angry too. I don't like it when people hurt my boys, Justin. Just ask Leighanne. I also don't take kindly to people who don't respect their wedding vows or their family." Harold informed Justin with a heavy voice. Justin slouched over. He knew the lecture was coming, but he feared it. I can really understand why my wife has been so indifferent with you and I felt the same when I found out son. But then I had a serious talk with Brian on the phone and I came to realize that he wouldn't be happier with anyone but you." Harold stated, cautiously drapping an arm around Justin's shoulders.

Justin's head lifted immediately. He looked over to his father-in-law with pride streaming through his eyes. "Brian didn't marry you for nothing, Justin. He knew what he was doing because he prayed about it and he thought about it and he made the right decision in my mind. You've forgiven him for some of his mistakes and he's now forgiven you." Harold declared forthrightly. The pride in Justin's eyes splashed down to his lips, coverting a smile that only Harold could appreciate. "I love him Dad." Justin whispered, his gingerly smile speaking the words before he did. Harold smiled back. "I know you do Justin and I'm glad that you two have worked this out. You both know what's best for my grandson and sticking together and making this marriage work is what's best for Lil' Ducky." Harold grinned. Justin nodded, licking his eyes and letting his eyes fall on the shadows of the hallway.

"Do you think the others will ever come around and take me back in as the Justin they once knew?" Justin asked curiously. His eyes glanced down to his wedding ring, admiring the golden texture and the meaning behind it. "Yeah, they will. This family knows that the love of your family is important. I'm sure once they see how much Brian still loves you and how you're still the loving guy they saw back in Hawaii, they'll come around and accept you again. I'm not guaranteeing it'll happen right away though." Harold replied with a definite answer for Justin to aspire for. Justin nodded gratefully. "As long as they see one day that I still love him more than myself, then it doesn't matter how long it takes." Justin whispered.

Harold pulled his arm from around Justin's body and sighed. "I'm glad you, Lea, and Lil' Ducky are here with us. The family's really been suffering since we found out about Jennifer and I know it's been hard on Brian to lose her." Harold said, his voice cracking as he spoke. "Anything I can do, Dad, let me know." Justin spoke quickly when seeing the misery beginning to enrapture his father-in-law's face. Under the waves of his fractured appearance, Harold smiled smally. "This would be a lot easier for me if I saw that Brian was handling this a bit easier. Since I know the rest of us won't break through, could you go and make him smile? We can't make him at ease like you do." Harold requested without hesitance. Justin was set aback by the suggestion and words. "But I don't know how to." Justin replied quietly. Harold did not allow the disappointment recapture him. He shook his head and lifted his chin. "You do Justin. Be you and he'll be him." Harold responded with a key note. Justin nibbled on his lower lip and gave Harold a small nod. "I'll be me." Justin whispered, words that boosted his own belief in himself.

The shadows played with every space of the room, except for the streams of the evning light that shined through the blinds to drap the bed in a safety blanket of light. As the door cracked open, the shadows sped to safety in the blackness of corners. Moving a little quicker than honey falling from its container, he could easily be discerned from the haunting blackness that circled the room. His scent was noticable and his footsteps were patterned.

Brian stretched on the bed, uncurling his small body as it rested on top of the covers. He watched the man, his husband, sit on the bed with his back to Brian. Brian yawned softly like the final chord of a great love song, quiet but noticable. He attained the strength he needed to scoot closer to Justin and snuggle his bandanna-covered head to the small of Justin's back. He looked up when Justin peeked behind himself and smiled lightly. Brian raised his brow some, his eyes peering from the light of the room. He stared at the pair of glasses on Justin's face, their clear lenses catching a spot of light near the bottom. Brian fell back on the bed and let the quietness of the room consume them.

Justin let his eyes return to the CD jacket he held in his hands. He stared into the pair of colorful blue eyes he knew too well. He could not afford to look away, not yet. He let his eyes stray back to the words he had been reading before, his mind recovering from what he thought was a misprint. The words written before were kind and thoughtful, but the last two sections of this set of thank you's were heart-filled. A breath of beauty was etched into the typed up letters covering the paper. Maybe the fever of his heart showed too much to his mind and Justin became blinded? No. The words he read were truthful and they were printed in the CD jacket, in every CD jacket sold across the world.

Lord, thank You for my two angels; they are what I needed and You placed them before me for a reason. Lord, thank You for my son. I pray that he will walk in the right paths and grow to be the man that You have planned for him to be. I pray that I am a good father to him and that I teach him as much as I can about being a man and about being a caring person. I love you Timber. Without you, Dad would not smile as much as he does. I thank God you came my way and you are what you are and you love me for me.

Thank you Lord for giving me the angel of my life. I am not sure I would be the man I am without Your blessing, Your gift of him. He has kept me focused and he has kept my life worth continuing. Lord, thank You for giving he and I the strength needed to prevail over the enemies that have come against us. Thank You for making him the man that he is, the man that I love with more than my heart. He means the world to me. I pray that you continue to bless our relationship with the gift of love and the music, words, and touches we use to express it. Through every winding river and over every rocky mountain, I hope you are by my side baby. This paper with words on it will never be enough to express what you've given me, what you've made me. I hope you stay the man you are so that I will never forget to love you the way I do. Thank you and I love you baby, and our Angel too.

Pulling the glasses from his face, Justin blinked back tears of elation. He laid the CD jacket and his glasses on the floor of the boundlessly dark room. He turned around and laid down on the soft bed. He stared into the eyes of his lover, the eyes that were like the drops of rain covering the streets of Seattle. They were stained and they were slightly puffy, but they were still blue, still filled with life.

Brian raised a hand and let his fingers brush the curls in the front of Justin's head. He opened his eyes further to stare into Justin's ocean blue eyes. He felt a smile tug at the corners of his lips. "I saw that same look in your eyes when I let you hear 'Just Like A Cowboy' for the first time." Brian said, his voice soft but thick with his country accent. Justin winced out a smile. "I'm walking on a cloud baby." Justin whispered. Brian giggled lightly, his fingers trailing downward. They ran over Justin's nose with care, the soft skin cool and comforting. "Where's Timber?" Brian asked as his eyes followed his fingers lowered. They curved over Justin's chin and then trickled down Justin's neck. "He's sleep, I think." Justin replied, his body blazing with Brian's fingers on his skin. Brian nodded as his tongue flicked over his lips and his fingers toyed with the fabric of Justin's sweater.

"You aren't here to..." Brian looked up as he spoke, but a hand covered his lips and muffled the last of his words. "I'm just here to lay with you Rocky, nothing less. I'm lonely without you down there." Justin replied briskly, hushing Brian with his words. He lowered his hand and let it rest on the comforter on the bed. Brian licked his lips again, tasting his husband on him. Justin grabbed a remote from the center of the bed and lifted it, his finger clicking a button and the sounds of a piano and a guitar clouding the soft air in the room. Justin lowered his hand, dropped the remote, and gave his full attenion to Brian.

Da da da da da, yeah

Da da da da, da, da, da


Your love is better than ice cream

Better than anything else that I've tried

And your love is better than ice cream

Everyone here knows how to cry

Brian listened to the lyrics with full attention as Justin scooted closer to him. Justin ran his hand over Brian's chisled cheek with an innocent smile. He leaned forward and let his lips crush Brian's, his tongue tentatively tasting the pink lips that belonged to him. Brian closed his eyes while slowly moving his lips with Justin's. His fingers gripped at Justin's sweater and he began to tangle his legs with Justin's.

And it's a long way down

It's a long way down

It's a long way down to the place

Where we started from

Do, do, do, do do

Do do do do

Do do, do, oh yeah

Justin pulled away from Brian, his hand still rubbing Brian's cheek. Brian gave Justin a miniature smile. He sucked on his lower lip and pulled Justin closer. He sniffled quietly and nuzzled his nose to Justin's. Justin giggled and moved his hand down to Brian's hip. He let it rest there while placing light kisses on Brian's lips. He hummed quietly and began to sing the next few lines to Brian as Brian batted out guilty tears.

Your love is better than chocolate

Better than anything else that I've tried

Oh love is better than chocolate

Everyone here knows how to fight

"I shouldn't be happy that I hit you that night Justin, but if I didn't, I might be as fucked up as these other people out here... driving drunk and killing people. I could've easily killed Angel's real parents or Jennifer. It could be me that's behind bars because I didn't know when not to drink and when not to drive." Brian boasted out his true feelings, his tears sliding slowly down his face. He sniffled and closed his eyes tighter, forcing out his pregnant tears.

Justin kissed a tear as it met Brian's lips. He swallowed Brian in his arms and nuzzled his chin to Brian's cheek. "Don't feel guilty for feeling good about that Brian. That's the one time where I want you to feel good for hitting me." Justin said for encouragement. He kissed the bridge of Brian's nose, his tender lips lingering there as Brian cried a little harder in his arms. "You're not the reason Jennifer's not here or that Angel lost his birth parents. You're the reason we still have Mike and Jacob and you still have me." Justin said with promising words.

And it's a long way down

It's a long way down

It's a long way down to the place

Where we started from

Do do do do

Ba da ba, ba da da da

Ba da ba, ba da da da

Ba da ba, no, no, no, no, no, yeah

Do do do, do do do

Do do do, do do do

Do do do, do do do

Do do do, do do do...

As Sarah McLachlan came closer to the end of the song, Justin let his lips trace Brian's face searching for his lips. Brian gladly lifted his head and let Justin kiss him again, the sanctuary and protection he had been hunting for found in Justin's ruddy lips. He tangled his fingers in Justin's curls and cried through his kiss with Justin. Justin pulled back with a sour smile. "Your love is so much better than ice cream Rocky." Justin whispered his lips brushing over Brian's. Brian sniffled and pressed out a smile. His mood was beginning to change, to lighten, because of Justin's soothing.

Justin drew closer to Brian's lips and flicked the tip of his tongue over Brian's lips. Brian moaned softly, clutching onto Justin and closing his eyes again. "Oh babe, don't get me hard now." Brian pleaded as the song began to repeat through the room. Justin grinned and snuggled to his husband. He pulled his leg upward and his thigh brushed against Brian's crotch. He felt the thick erection pounding through Brian's jeans.

Justin kissed Brian's swollen lips once more, his fingers tracing the curves of Brian's face. He let his thigh move back and forth along Brian's covered erection, enticing another strangled moan from Brian. "I'm sorry Rocky. Do you want to go get rid of it?" Justin asked. Brian shook his head, his teeth scraping along his bottom lip. "It'll go away as soon as you get your leg away from there, you bad boy." Brian responded, his eyes blinking open as a grin crossed over his lips. Justin snickered and gradually pulled his leg from between Brian's.

Brian sighed and wrapped his arms around Justin's waist. He nuzzled his face to the crook of Justin's neck and let the music lully him to another world. "Can I just lay here with you until Angel wakes up?" Brian requested, a plea in his soft-spoken voice. Justin kissed the top of Brian's head and held him tightly. "Sure baby." he whispered back. "Thanks Bean." Brian said before kissing Justin's neck. He snuggled into Justin's body and listened as 'Ice Cream' made its final encore through the room.

Harold III leaned in the doorway of the guest bedroom. His eyes ran over the bed where his nephew slept nestled under his blanket, his hair dishelved but his face full of peace. Harold let a small smile touch his lips while staring at his resting nephew. 'Angel, if things were different... if your father didn't do what he did, then maybe this Christmas would be a little more memorable for you. I don't know what's wrong with my brother, but he can't just let your Daddy get away with hurting him like that.' Harold III thought, his arms beginning to cross and his eyes slowly squinting.

Lea brushed by Harold III, exiting the room while pinning her hair up with a clip. Harold III quickly rotated his head in his girlfriend's direction, watching her breeze down the hall without stopping. "Hey." Harold III hissed out, rushing down the hall after her. Lea stopped at the top of the stairs, her hand clutching the railing but her head turning to look at him. "Yes?" she said, her true blue eyes peering at Harold III. Harold III slipped his arms around her waist and pulled her close to him and away from the steps. "Why are you so mad at me? What did I do?" he wondered, his confusion taunting his expression. Lea pulled a stray strand of her behind her ear and rolled her eyes. She began to move backward, but Harold III held her. "Please don't make our first Christmas together a bad one." Harold III pleaded with her. Lea pursed her lips, the same glossy pink lips that once kissed Harold III as he cried over the pain his brother suffered through. "Then don't make it bad for me or for your brother and his family." Lea hissed.

She finally pulled away from her boyfriend and turned her back to him. She should have walked down the steps and found something more enjoyable to do. She could have ran away and found solace in a conversation with Harold III's parents. All the things she could have done, should have done, she didn't.

His hands laid on her shoulders and began to massage them. He knew what he had done wrong, but he did not feel it was wrong. "He's hurt my brother Lea. I don't think he should... I don't think it's right for me to pretend like it didn't hurt all of us." Harold III stated. Lea folded her arms and shook her head briskly. "Your brother has forgiven him, baby. You can't punish Justin for something that is between Brian and Justin. Hurting him will not make anything right and it won't make me, Justin, Brian or your nephew want to be aroudn you." Lea insisted, her maturity flourishing. Harold III lowered his hands until they were resting on Lea's hips. He sighed and lowered his chin until it was snuggled into Lea's shoulder. "Angel doesn't understand the words I speak to his father." Harold III debated lightly. "But he understands when either of his fathers are hurting and he doesn't like it." Lea noted in a lowered voice.

Harold III lifted his chin and furrowed his brow. This was not the conversation he wanted to share with his girlfriend. He didn't want to have to crawl away in the end and fear speaking words he desired to speak. That was not his nature, not normally.

"Honey, move in with me." Harold III spoke with a new found hesitance. He had considered a suitable way of presenting the inquiry to his girlfriend, but for some reason it did not apply now. He felt Lea's sudden tenseness and the answer started to reveal itself without words. "I love you. We've been seeing each other for almost a year now and it just seems natural for us to take the next step." Harold III began to argue kindly. The stillness from his girlfriend did not support what he wanted.

"But if you don't want to, just say it." Harold III said with arrogance, pulling away from Lea with a suddeness. He slipped back and leaned against the wall of the hall, his eyes hooded and his expression heavy with dissatisfaction.

Her boyfriend's piano-like march caused Lea to spin on her heels. She uncrossed her arms and stared at Harold III, her discouragment detectable through her eyes and brow. "Baby, it's only been close to a year. You want us to move in together already?" Lea wondered with disillusionment. "My brother married Justin after only being with him for eleven months." Harold III pointed out, his voice lowered. "Your brother was head over heels in love with Justin in a week. It took me two months to fall in love with you.

That's a serious difference." Lea noted. Harold III kicked his foot against the carpet with anger. "And?" Harold III mumbled out while lowering his head. He could not cope with the situation, the rejection. "And what about your nephew? What about Angel? You just want me to abandon my job as his nanny and move here to Kentucky? And my family? And my friends?" Lea asked with a strong argument, one that Harold III felt helpless against. His mind begged for him to plead the fifth and call for a mistrial, but his heart was too stubborn. "It shouldn't be all about you Lea. It should be about us. Brian and Justin can find a new nanny and you'll see your family whenever you want to." Harold III shot back, his words becoming heartfelt.

Lea slipped her hands into the back pocket of her jeans and licked her lips. She was fighting it. "I can't leave Angel like that. I can't leave Brian and Justin like that. They're like my second family. They allow me to be apart of their world just about everyday. Anything they do with Angel, more-than-likely they want me to be there to enjoy it too. The other day they took me with them and we took a picture together, all four of us. I felt like I was a Littrell." Lea gushed, her face flushing and her eyes being filled with subtle signs of hurt.

Harold III leaned off the wall and approached Lea. He ran a hand over her cheek, pulling a strand of her to her face and slipping it behind her ear. His care was there and it was evident to Lea. "You're not Angel's mother though. What happens when he gets older? Brian and Justin aren't always going to need you, but I will. You can be a Littrell, an official Littrell, but that's with me.. not them." Harold III stated. Lea lowered her eyes and sighed. "I love you Harry, but Angel's like a nephew... he's like a little brother to me and I don't want to leave him yet. Not yet." Lea whispered, stepping closer until Harold III scooped her up in his arms. She laced her arms around his neck and laid her head on his chest. Harold III kissed the top of her head and closed his eyes. "I can wait Lea, but you've got to remember that you're not his mother, you're just the nanny. My brother wants you to be happy and I'm sure he knows you're happy with me." Harold III spoke softly and ran his hand over her hair, holding her close until he knew he'd have to let her go.

Justin tightened the navy blue bandanna on his head while pacing around the living room. He was still dressed in black, a suit that was tailored for his charm, and an unsure expression held his face in its position. His cellular phone was cradled between his head and his shoulder as he losened his tie and listened to the gleeful words that Bryce Winters spat out. Justin molded his face into an expression only Brian would understand and held back a sigh. It was Christmas Eve and despite the fact that Justin held a strong friendly love for Bryce, his words were not cheering up Justin's spirit.

"Did you and Brian get to do anything after the funeral?" Bryce wondered, stirring the subject to lighten up Justin's somber tone. Justin uncuffed his sleeves and slowly rolled them up while debating over Bryce's question. "Not really. I tried to get him to go get a few more Christmas presents, but when we tried, the press found us. So we just came back here." Justin responded with a weary tone. "Yeah, Lance was telling me about the messages he's read on the Internet that says you and Brian are in Kentucky with Angel. I guess some people saw ya'll at the airport." Bryce said, prompting a sigh from Justin.

"Man, Bryce you're starting to sound like your boyfriend now. 'Ya'll'?" Justin giggled, lightening his mood. Bryce laughed along with Justin, hoping to keep Justin's spirits high in his trying period. "Shut up. How's my God-son?" Bryce wondered, his laughter slowly fading. Justin perked up some and scratched at his goatee. "He's good. He's been having a real good time with his grandparents and his uncle, but he doesn't like seeing his Dad so sad." Justin responded, his voice thick with vivacity. He cleared his throat softly, taking a few steps around the living room. "I don't like seeing him sad either." Justin added with a lament-filled groan. "He'll come around, Justin, don't worry. Brian can't stay like this forever. He's a naturally happy guy." Bryce assured his friend. Justin secretively nodded while praying Bryce's words were true.

Justin turned his eyes on the entrance to the living room where he watched Brian pass with a mug of coffee in his hands and his head hanging low. Justin licked his lips, holding back a cry for Brian as Brian slumped through the house. "Justin? You there buddy?" Lance's voice came ringing into the phone, shaking Justin from his thoughts. "Oh, hey there Lansten. What's going on?" Justin chimed. Lance laughed lowly before responding to Justin's chipper tone. "Everything's good around here. My family is head over heels with Bryce, which is nice and I'm just waiting for Christmas so that I can give Bryce my present." Lance boasted, an obvious smile on his lips. "Something special?" Justin wondered while scratching behind his ear.

"Mm hmmm. Something really special." Lance beamed into the phone. Justin smirked at his friend's notion. "Is it something you can give him in front of your family?" Justin laughed out, an underlying joke in his words. Lance laughed along with him. "Yes, Justin, it is. I can't tell you what it is though because he's standing here staring at me with those adorable eyes of his." Lance cooed. Justin rolled his eyes quickly. "Get a room." Justin giggled. "We've got one, thank you very much Mr. Littrell." Lance chimed.

Justin ended his laughter shortly when looking into the entrance of the living room. Jackie stared at him with discouraging eyes. The eyes spoke jaded words to Justin, ones that caused him to clam up for a second. "We should go out some time." Justin finally spoke, fighting against his fear of his mother-in-law's reaction. Justin turned his eyes from Jackie and felt her presence escape the room. "Me and you?" Lance wondered curiously. Justin laughed heartedly. "No, the four of us country boy. Me, you, Brian, and Bryce; we should all go out together. I think it'd be nice to sit down with a normal couple." Justin suggested with a chipper voice. His words sent Lance aback. Justin's voice was uncommon to Lance, almost foreign. Had it really been that long since he and Justin had shared a close to relationship? Could it be they were more like associates and less like friends?

"Yeah... that'd be nice Justin. That would be real nice. Me and Bryce never get to go out with anyone else except for Mandy and Bryan." Lance said, his voice lofty. Justin let himself smile with content. "I know how that feels. We mostly go out with Joey and Britney." Justin smiled out. It was never too late to try again. "I'd really like to go out with you and Brian, Justin. Anytime." Lance added with a humbled tone, his smile shinning through the phone. Just like a William Orbit song, Lance's voice warmed something inside of Justin that was unexpected. It was friendship.

"It's funny that you asked us to go out with ya'll. I just talked to Nick today and he was suggesting that me and Bryce go out with him and JC." Lance commented, his tone changing mechanically. Justin arched his eyebrow with keen interest. "You talked to Nick?" he wondered. "Yeah, actually, I did. Don't ask my why, but all of the sudden I feel the need to work on my relationships with people. So I called to try and talk to JC, but he was out with Tyler and Heather. Instead I talked to JC's parents and Nick." Lance explained. Justin began to nibble on his lower lip with concern. "And what did they say?" Justin asked. "JC's parents? We just talked about Nick and JC's marriage and how they're really shaky about it. They're also upset that they weren't at the wedding, but they say they love Nick and will adjust." Lance replied in a distant way. "Do they still wish it was you instead of Nick?" Justin pondered, his knowledge of the Chasez's thoughts on JC and Lance. A sigh swam through the phone. Justin did not have to wait on an answer. He knew. "I got the sense that they did, but I ignored it. I can't be that to them now that I have Bryce." Lance finally responded.

Justin lowered his eyes, but his ears perked up. He could hear Angel's voice and it distracted him momentarily. "And is Nick okay?" Justin asked, his feet shifting in a new direction. He walked with light footsteps. He flicked his wrist to adjust his wath as he walked out of the living room. "He's doing fine, I guess. He seems nervous about being at the house without JC, but what can a guy do?" Lance laughed. Justin released a reserved laugh while his eyes lifted to watch Angel.

Angel stood in front of the glass door leading to the deck in the backyard. Angel pressed his body fittingly to the glass, his legs wobbly as he stood. "Dad! Dad! Me!" Angel whined, hitting his small hand against the glass. "Lance, I'm going to have to call you and Bryce later on, okay? I have to talk to Brian." Justin said, his voice brisk. "Yeah, sure. I understand Justin. Get back with us." Lance agreed, ending their conversation.

Justin placed the phone on the table while his eyes peered at the picture before him. His cerulean eyes stared at Brian outside on the deck, a bottle of champagne in his hands and his ice-blue eyes focused on it. The dour face Brian wore burdened Justin as he took quiet steps toward his son. Angel continued to stare at his father from behind the glass door. His desire to be outside with Brian was felt in the echoing calls he gave for Brian. They were separated not only physically, but also mentally and emotionally.

The label had words scripted in gold, but the color was untrue, just as Brian's thoughts were untrue. He sniffled quietly, small droplets clouded his view as he stared at the long shape of the bottle and the liquid stirring inside. 'How could they have this in the house? Why the hell would they keep it after what's been done?' Brian mulled. He shook the bottle slowly, watching as the liquid stirred like the emotions in his heart.

"She's supposed to be here. She wasn't supposed to die so young... like that." Brian whimpered out, the taunting tears finally descending to his carved cheeks. It still did not bring her back. His words did not end the misery her family endured, nor the pain he suffered through. It merely slowed the progression from depression to understanding.

"My son's parents, now my cousin..." he grumbled, lifting the bottle into the air. "You nearly took away the man I love more than me." Brian added with a hiss. He sniffled quickly before lobbing the champagne bottle across the deck, its dark-colored glass shattering against the glossy wooden floor.

Like hard rain drops, the liquid splashed across the edge of the deck, dripping down to the floor below. The large chunks of glass rocked back and forth on the deck, waiting to tip over and die on the deck. The champagne had no time to plead its case, look for defense for its crime. The conviction was immediate and the sentence was evident.

Brian was like the bottle; shattered. He sat in the corner of the deck, sniffling with tears falling at a constant rate. He tried to wipe away the hot tears scorching his face, but there were too many. His emotions was holding him in this sleeping state. Just a neverending numbness dawning him. He was breaking down and he could not handle it. He had lost the will to remain cautious and quiet like autumn leaves swept away in the wind. He prayed for a calmness in his heart, for the storm to darken and leave.

His body was not too numb. He could feel the arms wrap around his upper body and scoop him up. He felt a kiss on his tear-coated cheek. He squeezed his eyes shut and let more tears run their course as he snuggled to the body holding him. He let the comfort wash over him and sail him back to sanity.

"It's not your fault, Brian. You're sober... you're here because you're supposed to be." Justin whispered to Brian, kissing the top of his head as he cried helplessly. Even as Brian tried to muster the courage to speak, the tears swallowed him and wired his jaw shut. He hated the evil in the situation, the pain that kept him weary. He clung to Justin's body like the shirt Justin wore. He refused to let go until the tears had left him fully.

"I love you Rocky, don't do this." Justin pleaded softly, holding Brian a little tighter.

Brian felt another set of arms hugging him, holding him safely. "I love you Da." Angel said happily. Brian lifted his head quickly, sniffling hard before staring at Angel's jolly face. He heard the gasp from Justin's lips, but Brian did not stray his eyes from Angel. "He... he..." Justin stuttered. Brian smiled brightly before snatching Angel up into his arms. Brian placed a soft kiss on the top of Angel's head. "Thank you my Angel." Brian said, holding the squirming boy with life returning to his body. Justin smiled and kissed Brian's temple. Together. Close; it was all they needed.

The night ran away and the morning covet attention on a special day. The heavy mood in the Littrell house had lifted to celebrate the holiday and an early breakfast, the family began to gather in the living room, snuggled up together with broad smiles and merry laughter.

Justin adjusted his Abercrombie & Fitch shirt as he as walked down the steps toward the living room. He could hear the frenziedly laughter bouncing from the living room to the top of the steps. He hugged himself with a timid smile as he reached the bottom steps, his bare feet gliding across the floor. The cuff of his jeans dragged on the floor as he peeked into the living room to view the family sharing an important moment in their year.

His bandanna-covered head did not have to peak into the living room long. "There's my hubby. Get in here." Brian called out to him, his country-swirled accent bright and cheery. Justin felt a chipper grin tug at the corners of his mouth as he slinked into the living room. "Man, could you hurry up so we can open our presents already?" Harold III brooded. Justin ducked his head when hearing his brother-in-law's words. Harold III rolled his eyes at Justin's innocence, but a hard slap on his thigh caused his mind to drift from Justin. His eyes shot to Lea, who smiled at him with a new tenderness. "Sorry, arm spasm." she grinned, nudging Harold III. Harold III attempted to press out a smile while rubbing the stingy pain in his leg. "Come on in Justin, we're about to start opening the presents." Jackie advised in a mild tone, ushering her son-in-law to move swifter.

Brian kept a steady smile as he watched Justin's steady steps toward him. It was a sweet, sweet dream for him. The taste in his heart was unforgettable. Just the blueness of Justin's eyes on this day kept him satiated. He was starting something new in his mind and his heart. He had something on his mind that kept him warm and for some reason, Justin would not stop breathing that soft love into his body. Maybe it was too much, but Brian didn't mind.

Brian patted on his left thigh with tenderness aching in his eyes. "Sit here." he requested as Justin reached him. Justin hesitated at the idea. He did not want to be observed, ridiculed for showing Brian too much affection. He prayed the eyes of everyone would not stare at him as he cuddled to Brian. He didn't want words of disgust dictated to him through squinted eyes.

His decisions were too slow and debated. His spirit followed the path it was meant to follow and he found a comfortable seat between Brian's legs, his body immediately snuggling close to Brian while eyes watched them. Whether they were jealous, disgusted or happy, Justin did not care. He let Brian drape his strong arms around his shoulders and a lifting smile formed across Justin's face. "Well, it looks like everyone's comfortable now, so we can start." Harold smiled toward his son and son-in-law while his grandson sat in his lap. There were no objections from the others, none that were loud enough for Harold to hear.

Within ten minutes time, wrapping paper had been splattered across the living room floor and there were still more presents to open. "Brian, this one is for you." Jackie said while handing Brian a small wrapped present. Brian leaned forward with Justin still between his legs admiring the new two-way pager he got from Lea. Brian stared at the wrapped gift with curiosity. "It's from, uhm, him." Jackie said carelessly, signalling toward Justin. Justin lifted his eyes quickly while watching the transaction between Brian and his mother. Justin bit down on his lower lip and twisted in Brian's lap to watch him open the present.

With quick fingers, Brian tore into the package and stared at a black box.

It was the kind jewelry usually came in. Brian's eyes brightened as he pulled off the top of the box and searched for the contents on the inside. Justin watched as the square piece of cotton took flight, signalling that Brian had found his prize.

Brian grinned widely while pulling out the silver chain from the box. He held it up, admiring it in the blitzing light of the morning. "That's gorgeous. What's it say on the pendent Brian?" Memaw, Brian's grandmother, asked with a broad Southern accent. Brian took a look at the circular pendent hanging from the bracelet. His eyes focused on the words inscribed into the plate. He licked his lips with a soft smile before clearing his throat. "It's from Psalm 71:7. It says, 'I am as a wonder unto many; but Thou art my strong refuge.'" Brian said, his voice encased in his happiness.

"That's a good verse. Good pick Justin." Papaw, Brian's grandfather, noted. Brian smirked before letting his eyes focus on Justin. He gave Justin a quick peck on the nose before encircling his arms around Justin's waist. "Thank you Bean." he whispered, nuzzling his face to Justin's neck. Justin smiled proudly at his accomplishment.

"I tell ya, that Justin is a sure fire winner for Brian." Papaw cheered while admiring the cuddling couple. Eyes began to fall on Brian and Justin as Justin placed the bracelet around Brian's wrist and connected it. "Sure fire way to break your heart again." Harold III remarked while helping Angel tear into another present. "That's enough son. Shut up." his father hissed at him. "I'm just telling the truth." Harold III whined to his father as the attention began to focus on him.

Passionate drums pounded in Brian's head, the thumping angering him. He peered his eyes at his brother while his body tensed up. Towering down like endless drops of rain, Brian was drenched in his anger. "No, it's not true.

Stop trying to hurt my husband, Harold III. Now. This is my family and not yours. If I want my husband to feel guilty for what he's done, I'll let him feel that way. It's not your job and never will be. When you get your own spouse, your own child, and have a good family like mine, then maybe you'll have some say in what goes on between me and Justin. But since you don't have any of that, don't you are try to be me and attack my husband with your words. He's tired of it and so am I," Brian finally lashed out at his brother, remaining seated under Justin.

Justin shook a little when hearing the anger racing through Brian's voice.

He grabbed his husband's hand and held it tightly to calm him. He was unsure of how to handle the situation, but he took it like the wind shifted.

"You too, mom. He's your son-in-law, not a stranger. He deserves to be appreciated for the good father and husband that he is. Don't pretend like you don't love him now for my sake because I still love him." Brian added, his eyes locked on his mother.

Jackie gapped at him, unsure of how to respond to her son's outburst. She gave Justin a quick glance and watched as he hid his eyes from her. Her conscience finally began to take form. "I'm sorry. I just... I just don't want to see this continue if it's not right." Jackie sighed out. Justin laid his head on Brian's shoulder and kept his expression quiet. "Darlin', trust me, it's right." Harold spoke in defense of his son's family.

Lea smiled sweetly, grabbing her boyfriend's hand and petting it to ease his stiffness. Harold III furrowed his brow and turned his head away from Brian and Justin. "Don't be so tense." Lea whispered to him, hoping to calm him. Harold III sighed heavily, curting his eyes at the floor.

Time dwindled away and bodies were moving in a new direction, building an air of respite. "Are you sure you and Justin don't want to come down to the school with us for their Christmas festival?" Jackie wondered as she scurried to get her coat over shoulders. Brian leaned against the wall and watched as his father assisted his grandparents in walking out of the house.

The door rustled in breaths of cold air, causing Brian to hold on himself for heat. "Yes, I'm sure mom. I think me and Justin need an hour or so to relax and collect ourselves. We're leaving soon and we haven't had a chance to just breathe before we head back to work." Brian responded, his voice burried in solace. Jackie nodded as Harold III and Lea passed by, Angel tucked into Lea's arms with a quiet grin. "Okay sweetie, I understand. You sure you don't mind Lil' Ducky comin'?" Jackie asked. Brian nodded, his dimples forming as he smiled. "He loves to watch the kids. I'm sure he'll have a good time." Brian said. Jackie smiled heartily. She buttoned up her coat and glanced at the door. "We'll be back in a few hours sweetie. You and Justin have fun here." Jackie grinned, turning her eyes on her son again. "Take care of my boy." Brian requested, his words bringing out a loving smirk from his mother.

It was good enough. The family disappeared from the house and Brian sat alone in his room, an involved smile on his face. He reclined on the bed, his hands behind his head and his feet together. He was comfortable and he was patient. That's all he could be as he waited for his husband to return from exiting the room.

His lively blue eyes circled the room as the door peeped open and Justin slipped back inside. He let an innocent expression wash over his face as Justin walked over to the telvision and clicked it on. "Aaaww, come on Just, I'm not really in the mood to watch the TV." Brian complained as Justin pushed a video tape into the VCR. Justin ignored him and pressed the play button, causing a blue screen to pop up on the television.

Justin scampered over to the bed and laid down next to Brian. "You're probably in the mood for something else right now, but I'm not." Justin smirked. He ran his fingers up and down Brian's thigh with a teasing grin. Brian sighed, but kept the smile on his lips. "Besides, this is our present from Nikki and the girls. They said not to watch it until Christmas and I've been dying to know what it is." Justin added, a precomposed smile on his pouty red lips. Brian slipped an arm around Justin's shoulders and focused his eyes on the screen.

Five women finally appeared on the screen, all wearing their own candid smile in a darkened room. "Hey Brian and Justin." they said in harmony, as if cued by the person behind the camera. "What's up guys? How's your Christmas been?" Danay was the first to speak with a brilliant grin. Brian and Justin giggled lowly. "I bet you're dying for everyone to go away so you can get some nookie." Danay added with a wink. Brian laughed loudly, mumbling a quick message too low for Justin to hear. "Danay! That's not what this video's about." Jenny gushed, the blush in her cheeks rising. "Anyway, hey guys. Uhm, you probably think we're cheap for giving you this video instead of going out to buy you presents, but..." Nikki began to speak while the others laughed at Danay's actions. "But then you'd probably be right." Veronica jumped in, causing the others to laugh a little more. Brian and Justin soon joined them, cuddling a little closer.

"But if you thought different and actually watch this video, you'll see that it's better than what we could've bought you." Jenny insisted. "Yeah, plus we've got a bunch of presents for Angel at Lynn's house." Mandy added. The others silenced the laughter for a moment. "So sit back, cuddle up and watch this video." Danay beamed. "It was made especially for you two. We hope you like it because we didn't know what else to do and we all sat down and thought this would be a cute idea." Nikki said, her smirk broad. "Trace helped with this too! It's from him too!" Jenny noted loudly from behind Veronica. "Merry Christmas guys. This present's for you." Veronica finally said and the camera faded to black.

'Dedicated to Brian & Justin Littrell...

Merry Christmas from Innosense & Trace Ayala'

As the words disappeared, a spotlight flashed on in the black room, glowing on five chairs all turned in different directions. A hip-hop lite beat came scratching in mixed with the sounds of an acoustic guitar and synthesizers, making a laidback beat that was easy to dance to.

The ladies of Innosense walked out of the blackness, each to their own chair. Nikki stood behind the chair in the middle while Danay and Mandy stood behind the chairs on the left and Jenny and Veronica stood near the chairs on the right. They all snapped their fingers to the beat with decorative outfits and headet microphones on.

Nikki adorned a red glittery top with striped-blue pants on. She grabbed the back of her chair and snapped her fingers to the instrumental. Veronica joined her, her curly afro wild while she wore a white no-sleeve vest, dark pink top, and blue jeans decorated with multi-color cotton balls.

Following Veronica and Nikki, Jenny snapped her fingers to the instrumental. Her shredded top was orange and white while her jeans were painted American-flag-style. Her hair was now streaked blonde and orange, a style that only she could love.

Mandy adjusted her headset before joining the others in snapping. She styled a sparkly red and white top, one arm bare and the other arm covered with a sleeve. Her dark blue jeans were faded at the bottom and her blonde hair was barely streaked red on a few of the tips. She glanced to Danay who snapped along with the rest of the group. Danay's hair was braided down the first half and the rest of her black hair moved freely. She wore a spangly black top over a light blue see-through shirt. The see-through shirt had holes running up the arms and stopped to reveal her mid-drift. Her hip-hugging pants were spray-painted different colors with glittery shapes all over them.

So together

So so together (Ooh)

So together

So so together (Nikki, sing girl)

Nikki began to dance from behind her chair as the others began to dance around their chairs. All but Nikki found a seat in the chairs, exotically dancing to the remixed beat. They crossed their legs, snapped their fingers, and smiled with content. Nikki smiled widely as she began to croon out the first verse of the song. As she did, one-by-one the girls stood from their chairs and began to spin them around so that they could switch positions.


Boy, you've been away too long

Funny, cause our love's so strong

When you're gone, it's keeps me hangin' on

And on, keeps me inspired

And it's written in your face

The way you feel everyday

I hope it never changes

You know I've got to say I

Nikki found her way to her chair for only a moment before standing. She tipped the chair forward and danced around it as she held the last note of the bridge. She kicked her chair backwards and twisted her hips to the melody.

The others stood from their chairs and pushed them back, rushing forward to stand in a line with Nikki. They all smiled as the beat began to rotate for the chorus. Their choreography was in tune and in sync. Jenny and Mandy began to dance backward so that they split in to tow rows during the chorus. Nothing changed; they all still smiled.

Can't stop missin' you

Only meant to be kissin' you

Can't you feel me wishin' we were

So together baby

Can't stop hopin' time will fly

And we'll never say goodbye

Cause forever, you and me

So together baby (You and I)

Uh, uh, yeah


During the chorus of the song, a variety of pictures began to flash on the screen. The first picture was of Brian and Justin dancing at their wedding.

Following it was a picture of Brian and Justin kissing during their anniversary party. A small video clip of Brian and Justin backstage at an *NSYNC concert began to play, the scene showing Brian and Justin cuddling during a brief intermission. Each segment was corrodinated with the beat, even the photos of Brian and Justin during the Backstreet Boys & *NSYNC tour. The ones showing Brian and Justin during their dating period and a small picture of Brian and Justin laughing together at the hospital blinked in before the screen returned to the girls of Innosense.

Mandy brushed her hair back and walked to the front of the group. The others turned their backs to the camera and began to dance slowly to the changing melody. Mandy licked her lips and winked at the camera. She pushed strands of her hair behind her ears before singing the second verse with her strong but soft voice.


Night and day, I say a prayer

(Say a, say a prayer)

That in the morning, you're lyin' right there (Uh huh, woo)

And you're never ever

Gonna go nowhere

For the rest of our lives (Our lives)

Mandy took a few steps backward and let Jenny strut up to the front. She joined the others, dancing in a line with precession. Jenny smiled wickedly, tossing her short hair back. She closed her eyes to belt out the bridge, soon being joined by Mandy to harmonized the final pieces of it.


It's a precious love (That's right)

And it's sent from above


The whole world should know

Cause I know I

Again, photographs began to run across the screen, blacking out Innosense's routine. The first of the pictures was of Angel as an infant, a picture Brian attained through the adoption agency. Next, a picture of Angel with his parents during his birthday party flashed on the screen. A video clip of Angel and Brian sleeping played before a picture of Justin and Angel laying on the floor reading together took over its spot.

The tight vocals by the girls continued to play as the next picture of Angel crawling came up. Following it was a video clip of Justin singing to his son in a rocking chair and then a picture of Angel eating cake came up. All of the pictures began to bring memories back to the two men watching the video, almost pulling up tears from their eyes.

Innosense appeared once more. They began to push their chairs forward while singing the hook of the song. Again, Nikki stood in the middle while the others were on each side of her. Smiles were still bright and spirits were still high as they performed their best redition of their second single.

So together, so so together

(You and I)

(Here we go ya'll)

So together, so...

They all walked around their chairs and sat in them as Nikki sang the third verse. They crossed their legs and then uncrossed them, thrusting their hips to the beat. In an organized fashion, one-by-one, they spun to the side of their chairs and stood from them, dropping to their knees and spinning their chairs in front of their faces. It was hard work for each of them, but no one messed up. No one ruined the moment.


Like a burnin' in my heart

I'm callin' out ya name

You made a fire start

Now get into the flame (Yeah, come on)

You came into my life

I'll never be the same

But baby that's all, baby that's all

Baby that's all right (Veronica)

Veronica ran to the middle of the group, snatching up Nikki's chair and swinging it in front of her. She sat down in the chair backwards and resting her arms on the back of the chair with a broad grin while the others grabbed their chairs. They pushed their chairs to one side and tipped them over. They rotated places, each grabbing a fallen chair and pulling it back to its position as Veronica chanted out her rap.


Keep this love together is our job

Nobody knew it'd be this strong

Holdin' through fairweather and all the rain

Can't nobody come to take this away

You've got a fire burnin' through my heart

Every night, I sit and pray in the dark

Cause I know we'll last forever

Cause me and you, we're so together (Here we go ya'll)

Nikki and Veronica changed positions with Nikki returning to the middle of the group. She slapped hands with Veronica before standing behind her chair with the others. They danced in a small area, sweat trickling from their faces but smiles still etched into their lips. They all took a large step and stood on their chairs as Nikki and Danay sang the final bridge of the song.

[Nikki & Danay]

Sending out my love (My love)

Gotta get a message through (Mmmm)

It's a crazy thing, a crazy crazy crazy

But what else can I do?

You know I can't...

As the girls began to clap and sing the final chorus of the song, a quick series of photos bounced onto the screen. The first few showed Brian and Justin as babies. They both smiled candidly for the camera as children, resembling their handsome features now. Next came pictures of Brian and Justin at various parties and then pictures of the two kissing on various occasions.

"Aaaww, I remember that one!" Justin cooed as he and Brian stared at a picture of the two slow dancing at their wedding anniversary. "Remember that?" Brian nudged Justin as a video clip of Brian singing 'Just' to Justin began to play. Justin smiled deeply, interlocking he and Brian's fingers as a picture of the two kissing in Hawaii rolled on.

One last picture of Brian and Justin holding a sleeping Angel in a hotel room flashed up before the girls of Innosense were shown again, humming out an acapella of the song; Mandy and Nikki handled the ad-libs.

So together (Brian doesn't wanna be missin' him)

So so together (Justin just wants to be kissin' him)

So together (Oh yeah, they're so together)

So so together (Hey yeah)

So together (Brian and Justin, yeah)

So so together (Brian and Justin, hey yeah)

So together

So... so together, Just and Bri

Merry Christmas lovebirds!

The video faded to black with a final picture of Brian and Justin kissing at their wedding ceremony and a small picture of Angel smiling at the bottom of the screen.

Brian exhaled lightly, an adoring smile on his thin pink lips. He pulled Justin closer and nuzzled his nose to Justin's cheek. "That was so nice of them." Brian whispered as Justin drapped a leg over Brian's legs. Justin nodded, his mind still on the pictures shown throughout the video. He rubbed a hand along Brian's cheek, his eyes slowly closing as Brian began to kiss on his cheek. "Babe, I'm scared to say this to you, but... I want to adopt again." Justin said softly as Brian's lips worked their way to his neck.

Brian lifted his lips and kissed Justin's cheek. He turned Justin's head to his and began to nuzzle his nose to Justin's. "Don't be afraid to say that to me, JuJu. I want to adopt another baby again too." Brian responded quietly, brushing his fingers over Justin's bandanna. Justin raised his brow with surprise. "You do?" Justin wondered as Brian started to kiss his lips. The brief kisses only held Brian momentarily. "Yes, I do. I've been thinking about that since we talked about it back in July. It's not such a bad idea now. Angel's getting older and we've been able to handle being parents so far. Why not give another child a chance to have parents?" Brian agreed before plundering Justin's lips with wetter kisses.

The candy sweet kisses Brian placed on Justin's lips pulled out an unavoidable moan from Justin. He arched his back, pressing his groin into Brian. "So we agree that we want another baby, right?" Justin asked between kisses. Brian slowed himself and with a smile he gave Justin a final kiss. "Yes, JuJu, we want another baby. But right now?" Brian wondered, pushing Justin's bandanna off with his hand so that his fingres could intertwine in Justin's mess of curls.

Justin stared at Brian's deep blue eyes and then smirked. "Not right now, but soon Rocky." Justin whispered, a plea in his voice. Brian nodded, licking his lips to taste Justin again. "A little brother or sister for Angel would do him some good." Brian added with a tepid smile. Justin rolled his eyes and gave Brian a light shove. "You're so silly." Justin sighed out as Brian kissed his shoulder.

Brian giggled quietly as Justin sat up in the bed. Justin got to his knees and then turned to Brian. "Okay, I have another present for you." Justin chimed, tapping his husband's shoulder. Brian looked up with curiosity, his face still flushed red from laughter. "You mean another one besdies the fifty or so you got for me downstairs?" Brian wondered, raising his brow. Justin rolled his eyes again before nodding. "Yes, another one." Justin exhaled out while lifting his shitr and peeling it off. Brian grinned deviously as Justin dropped the shirt onto the bed. "Oh, you got me some nookie for Christmas. Well that's a cheap present." Brian teased Justin as Justin began to unzip his jeans. Justin's hand stopped and his eyes peered at Brian. "No I didn't get you any nookie." Justin sneered, finishing his actions. He peeled open the flap of his jeans and pulled them just below his hips. "And my sex isn't cheap either. It's good quality shit." Justin added while tugging down the left side of his briefs.

"Are you wearing a G-string?!" Brian called out while staring at the clothe Justin wore as an undergarment. Justin glanced up with a slick smile. "Maybe." Justin replied seductively, licking his red lips.

Brian attempted to control his hormones, but like the rain falling on a cloudy day, it was inevitable. He began to feel uncomfortable with his erect penis trapped beneath the confines of his boxer-briefs and his husband stripping slowly before him. He felt the sweat began to poke at his pours and his palms were clamy. He gripped the sheets in anticipation, hoping his husband would be naked before him any seconds.

"This is what I got you." Justin chimed, baring his left hip to Brian. Brian's brow crumbled immediately, unsure of what Justin was referring to. His eyes traced over Justin's adomen, the taut muscles taunting him. He then circled his eyes to Justin's waist. His eyes squinted for a minute, maybe he was dreaming. But he wasn't. He stared for a few seconds before his mouth began to drop open. His crystal blue eyes held their position as Brian admired the small tattoo near Justin's left hip bone. The deep navy blue ink was etched into Justin's skin perfectly; it was not too small, but it was not near big. The tattoo was of the word 'Rocky,' the letters crafted in a bold cursive lettering while the "O" was in the shape of a basketball, all of the lines and ribs running over it.

Brian reached out to touch, his fingers running over the smooth skin as they traced each letter. It was real. Each drop of ink was real and it wasn't new. "Is this why we haven't had sex in like two weeks?" Brian wondered, his eyes moving up Justin's body until he stared into Justin's pool of blues. Justin shot Brian a smirk. "Yeah... I didn't want you to see it until Christmas." Justin said. Brian continued to rub the tattoo with care. His nickname was now forever scripted into Justin's flesh. "And the T-shirts and shorts to bed too?" Brian asked curiously. "All for the sake of keeping this secret." Justin nodded

Justin smiled with a healthy amount of pride on his lips. He watched as Brian continued to admire his artwork. He soon felt Brian's fingers shift and lace themselves into his belt loop. Brian tugged Justin forward, causing him to lose his balance and fall onto the bed. Brian slipped out of Justin's way and allowed his husband to fall into the pillows. Brian sat back on his heels and smiled. He kissed Justin's forehead as his hands began to tug down his jeans. "Thank you JuJu Bean. It's beautiful. I really didn't expect it." he whispered, laying soft and quick kisses over Justin's faces as he tugged off his lover's jeans.

Justin felt the jeans tangle at his ankles as Brian began to admire the G-string Justin wore. His eyes followed Brian hand as it played with Justin's growing member through the material of the G-string while his other hand began to unzip his own jeans. "I guess you'd like to move ont other activites now, huh?" Justin remarked as Brian pushed his jeans down. Brian looked up with keen eyes. "If you don't mind, JuJu. I haven't been able to have sex with you for two weeks now and I'm dying to have some more of your shit." Brian joked with Justin. Justin grinned momentarily as Brian scurried his jeans off. Justin managed to wiggle out of his own jeans, kicking them off of the bed as Brian removed his shirt.

Brian's shirt made contact with the floor as Brian's lips made contact with Justin's. Slowly Brian began to rub their lips together as he tried to yank off his own boxer-briefs. "Mmm, I am so hard..." Brian managed to moan through kisses. Justin giggled quietly, wrapping his arms around Brian's neck and pulling him into the kiss. He brushed his tongue over Brian's teeth as they kissed passionately. Justin forced all of his emotions into that one kiss, causing Brian to melt away and forget his struggle with his tight boxer-briefs. They were tangled just above his knees, but the material had long fallen away in his mind.

Brian surrendered himself to Justin, welcoming his tongue into his mouth. He let his hands run up Justin's thighs, carefully massaging Justin's weakest spot before trailing upward and across the G-string. Justin hissed through their kiss as Brian traced his fingers over his stomach.

"Do you want to do this? Cause if you don't want to right now, I understand." Brian panted out, his breath stolen by Justin's captivating kisses. He stroked his fingers through Justin's curly hair and over his face, looking for an answer in Justin's placcid face. "Please... please keep going." Justin pleaded, his own hands slipping from around Brian's neck and down his shoulders, the skin-to-skin contact arrousing him beyond content. Brian let a small smile roll over his lips before letting his hands trail back down Justin's body, his fingertips grazing over Jusitn's erect nipples and smooth pecs. "I want to be on the bottom." Brian whispered, his affectionate lips tracing over Justin's ear. He sucked gently at the bottom of the earlobe, pressing his body into Justin's and shaping them together. Justin groaned out loudly as Brian pressed their crotches together and whispered his words. The thoughts that raced through his mind were passionate and tingled through every fiber of his being.

Brian released Justin's body and crawled to the side. He snatched his boxer-briefs down and let them snake down his legs as he moved. He moved toward the headboard and laid his body out, waiting for Justin. He gripped the headboard and prayed Justin would take his invitation freely.

Justin sat up and crawled to his husband. He used one hand to grip one of the cords of his G-string and tug on it, pulling down the whole garment. He let it trickle down his thighs and then under his knees as he moved closer to Brian. His other hand pulled the rest of Brian's underwear off and pushed it to the side.

He finally placed his hands on Brian's waist, tracing the curves and bones that made Brian in that spot. Brian moaned quietly in anticipation. He felt Justin run his hands over his butt, groping it and shaping it. The pressure of his erect cock bobbing in the air as Justin massaged him caused a strain to run throughout Brian's body. He twined his fingers on the headboard and groaned lowly.

Brian lowered his body until his cock brushed against the pillow, the soft, cool fabric of the pillowcase arousing him to untouchable degrees. He moaned repeatedly as his penis skid against the pillow, hoping Justin would touch him and love him soon.

Justin sat on his heels running his hands up and down his husband's vanilla soft back as Brian slowly pleased himself. He traced the curve of Brian's hip and then the back of his legs, debating on when to enter his husband and please him tenderly. Brian purred and arched his back as Justin began to trace his entrance with his index finger. The moans were caught in his throat and he did not attempt to release them. Justin used his other hand to slide underneath Brian and dig under the pillow. The brief touches of Justin's forearm against Brian's dick caused Brian to lowered his head and pant desperately. The small hairs on Justin's arm whisped over Brian's cock and sent shudders up his body.

Justin pulled his arm back briskly, a fire rising in Brian's body as he yearned for his husband. "Justin, please..." Brian panted as Justin fumbled with a remote in his hand. Justin grinned mildly as he flicked on the stereo. He carelessly dropped the remote onto the floor and leaned on his husband, his own throbbing cock running over Brian's ass. He kissed Brian's shoulder blade to soothe his need. "Okay, I'm ready Rocky..." he whispered as he trailed small kisses down Brian's back.

A tantalizing soft, but human ballad seeped into the room through the speakers of Brian's music system. With the sounds of a heartbeat, slow and tender, and keybord melodies, the song took over the room and the lovers on the bed. Brian closed his eyes and let the music course through his mind. "Lately, it seems we're making love to music a lot." Brian commented as Justin continued to rub his hand over his body. Justin sucked on the fingers over his other hand, a delicate smile on his face. "Shhh... don't talk, just moan baby." Justin said as he removed his fingers from his mouth and traced them down the small in Brian's back, causing him to arch severly.

"I don't mind, but it just seems..." Brian's words were swallowed back as he felt Justin invade him with a finger. He grunted hard and curled his toes. Had it been that long since Justin had been inside of him? Brian could not decide at the moment.

The finger drove deeper and deeper with a slow madness, causing Brian to hiss lowly. Brian felt the finger pull back and then slide back in, stretching him gradually. He batted his eyes open and groaned quietly as Justin fingered him with a second finger. The pleasure of the action was finally beginning to consume him. Justin's slick fingers worked into him, massaging him with a deafening power. Brian's lower body gripped onto Justin's fingers, pulling on them as Justin repeated his previous actions. Justin wondered how it would feel to be inside of his husband again, to feel Brian's body pulling on his penis?

"Justin, I need you to..." Brian could barely get his words out as he groaned. Justin's comforting hands calmed his pants and his growing aniticipation. "Come on Brian, say it," Justin requested, using his free hand to push Brian's legs further apart. Brian gulped hard and sighed as his balls tightened up against his body. The pillow below him was adding unexpected pleasure to his wait. "Justin, I need you to make love to him... fuck me, JuJu..." Brian finally whispered as Justin's arm slipped around his waist and his hand grabbed at his cock.

There will come a time

I know I'm gonna need

Someone I can trust, someone who'll fight for me

That's the way I love

This is my time to work things out

What I want from this life

There will be someone out there for me

That's the way I love

Brian felt Justin's fingers slip out of him and then a nudge at his hole. He closed his eyes again and gripped onto the headboard. The nudge led to pressure and the pressure led to penetration and slowly the penetration led to pain. Brian gripped his eyes shut and tried to balance himself as he adjusted to having his husband inside of him again. His ass gripped at Justin as he slowly tried to slide in Brian. "God, Brian, it's so..." Justin strained to get his words out as he drove further inside of Brian. Brian gasped and echaled deeply as Justin burried himself in Brian.

A soft kiss on Brian's shoulder assured him that his lover was finally fully inside of him. The feeling of Justin's unruly brown pubic hairs brushing against his ass and Justin's balls nestled against him confirmed Brian's belief. Deep inside his haze of pain, Brian felt a bubble burst and ecstasy was released into the air. "Oh yeah, it's so tight and so good, baby..." Justin groaned into Brian's ear as he held himself in one place inside of Brian, rotating his cock inside of Brian. Justin's enlarged head brushed restlessly against Brian's prostaste, feeding Brian the emotions he needed to grab the ecstasy and hold onto it. "Mmm... mmmmm, yes..." Brian managed to breathe out.

It doesn't really matter whoever you are

Don't matter where you go

Just make sure you're there to answer

when love comes around

Don't be surprised

When love knocks at your door

You're the breath that I take

You're the smile on my face

Every time I breathe in

Brings me warmth from within

When you touch me I start believing

Loving is like oxygen

As Justin began to slowly withdraw from his husband and glide back in, the pressure between Brian's legs ached with a new need. He could feel his cock pulsing in Justin's sweaty hand while the head brushed against the pillow, leaving small clear trails of pre-cum. He grunted hard and prayed Justin would feel his need. He tightened himself around Justin's lengthy organ and tossed his head back. "Ooh, touch me..." he pleaded moving his ass back to meet Justin's thrusts.

An awakening hit Justin as he heard his lover cry out. He began to massage and rub Brian's jumping penis as he made love to him. He concentrated less on his strokes and more on his husband's growing need for pleasure. Brian groaned out and pressed his fingers into the headboard, his body quivering under Justin's trained touch.

"Oh baby, mmmph... you feel so good..." Justin groaned, kissing a trail along Brian's back as he thrusted with growing intensity. He listened to Brian croon while he ground into his body, the pressure delicious and the sensations numbing. "Oh, keep going... yes, baby, yes! Oh, deeper Justin!" Brian began to moan, his tongue almost hanging out of his mouth as he wallowed in the pleasure Justin gave him. Each thrust meant another grope of his cock, another jolt in his balls, and another chance for Brian to feel Justin's cock slide inside of him.

Even when we're so far apart

I still feel you in my heart

Cause you've given me the greatest gift of all

That's the way I love

The way our love made easy

But could it ever be for me

The situation seems so insane

It's all about feeling without insecurities

That's the way I love

Brian was almost breathless as Justin drove as far as he could inside of his body. Ecstasy brought Brian closer and closer to a true orgasm as his cock slide slickly in Justin's hand and on his pillow. He felt Justin's other hand resting on his hip, holding it for safety as he almost lifted Brian from the bed with each thrust. Their sex was rising to a higher, stronger level with time. Brian felt Justin through every piece of his body and it felt good. It felt fullfilling and beautiful.

"You've... you've got me close, Rocky," Justin panted, his breath soaking Brian's back. Brian smiled briefly before releasing another grunt. "Please don't stop, don't ever stop JuJu..." Brian begged as Justin's hand became a little rougher on his cock. Justin kissed Brian's spine as his cock rotated inside of Brian. He screamed against Brian's back as his balls pulled up against his body. Brian's ass was gripping him tightly and causing his strength to drain from his body with each inward stroke. Justin thought he was going to fall unconscious as Brian held him inside. "God! You're so... so good, baby. Oh, oh, mmm, mmmm..." Justin moaned, his lips curling and a snarl passing through his teeth.

It doesn't really matter whoever you are

Don't matter where you go

Just make sure you're there to answer

When love comes around

Don't be surprised

When love knocks at your door

You're the breath that I take

You're the smile on my face

Every time I breathe in

Brings me warmth from within

When you touch me I start believing

Loving is like oxygen

You're in every breath I take

Their breaths were wild and rugged as Justin drove upward in Brian, pulling Brian up and back. Brian almost let go of the headboard as Justin took him. "Oh, shit! Oh God, please love me darlin'... yes!" Brian moaned, his country accent racing through his words. Sweat formed around his brow as he lowered his head even further. His legs spread open so that Justin could slide into him freely. "Uhhh, uh, uh, oh uhhh, I can't keep going... I'm gonna cum Rocky..." Justin whimpered, his breath fervered. He proceeded to drive his penis inside of his husband, no force able to stop him.

Brian never felt so good, neevr felt so loved and breathless. He tried to swallow, but another wail pushed out his breath. He was so close, so unbelievable close that he could not think of anything but how Justin made him feel. "Ju! Ju, oh Ju! Yes, Justin, I love it! I love you! Shit, I'm so very close..." Brian breathed out, lifting his head as Justin kissed his shoulder again. When Justin's teeth grazed over his shoulder, he knew he wasn't alone in his coming release.

Imagine a life without love

I'd be so afraid (So afraid)

Cause the love that we share would be hard to replace

Baby hold me and never leave me

This love is my oxygen

This love is my oxygen

Open your heart [Open your heart]

Take a deep breath [Take a deep breath]

Stop searching and start believing [Start believing]

Make sure you're there to answer

When love comes around

Don't be surprised

When true love knocks at your door

Brian panted in short breaths as his cock ran against the pillow a few more times. "I... love... you..." Brian panted, his body shivering. He gasped and finally, he came. "Oooh! Uhh, ah, ah, ah, oh JuJu, oh JuJu, uhhh..." he crooned as his creamy semen spread across Justin's head and drenched his pillow. His ejaculation was sweet, but endless, large amounts of cum spreading a mess on his pillow. He pushed his hands into the headboard until he believed they'd fall off from loss of blood.

Justin felt Brian go taut below him as he thrusted only twice more into Brian before his own body girated with release. "Fuck, oh God... oh God, Rocky! Yeah! Oh, yes, yes, oh yeah. Uhhh, I'm, uhhh, nutting baby..." Justin whimpered out. It was obvious to Brian. He felt Justin's own healthy amount of sperm coating his inside. He cooed at the feeling of the hot liquid shooting inside of him in spurts. He lowered himself onto the bed as Justin held onto his hips and called out as the bed rocked and he came.

Justin groaned softly once more as his climax began to split his vision and leave a sweet taste in his mouth. He released his firm grip on Brian and sighed, pulling his flaccid penis from Brian's deep cavern. He laid down on top of Brian to regain his strength, kissing Brian's upturned cheek for comfort. Only sweat and their cum drenched their bodies and the sheets.

They didn't care at the moment. The only listened to the final words of the song as it played so beautifully throughout the room.

Imagine a life without love

I'd be so afraid

Cause the love that we share would be hard to replace

Baby hold me and never leave me

This love is my oxygen

This love is my oxygen

Justin rolled off of husband, leaving him cold and alone for only a second. He laid next to Brian in a small space of the bed, pressing his body to Brian's naked form and cuddling him. Brian blinked his eyes open and yawned softly. He felt Justin trace the bridge of his nose and watched as a smile formed over Justin's pouty lips. "That was great." Justin whispered, leaning forward to kiss the tip of Brian's nose. No words were good enough for Brian. He only nodded and smiled back. "My pillow's a bit wet." Brian commented. Justin grinned, his hand running down Brian's shoulder. "We'll wash it. It was worth it to have you cum like that Rocky." Justin remarked. Brian blushed lightly. "I don't know what happened, but it felt so damn good to have you inside me like that." Brian shrugged, unsure of how to explain his orgasm. "Yeah, you felt great too baby. I just didn't expect you to orgasm." Justin said, wrapping his arms around Brian. Brian blushed again, his face burning red. "But I had an orgasm too. The kind that makes your toes curl and your head starts to throb because it feels so good." Justin whispered, kissing the bridge of Brian's nose.

Brian leaned up and caught Justin's lips, kissing him with a thank you on his lips. Justin licked at Brian's lips and let him pull away. "We're going to have to get up, get dressed and clean all this up before they get back." Brian informed Justin. Justin curmbled his face, but nodded. "Okay, but not right now." Justin agreed. Brian nodded, his face drawing nearer to Justin. Justin felt a nudge at his leg as Brian placed a hand behind Justin's head. He knew that feeling. "Brian... you're hard." Justin whispered as Brian's lips dangled over his. "You'll be too in a minute my Christmas sweetheart." Brian grinned before pressing his lips to Justin's, beginning another sessions of passionate and pleasure without any protests from Justin.


--- And it's done and you're not mad at me, right? I hope not! I don't want to get into all the things that conflicted with me finishing this story, but I went through plenty of drama from the end of December to January and it just kept me from writing. I do apologize to those who were dying to read the story though. All of you that wrote me, thank you, it made me want to write even faster and I hope this makes up for not having a Christmas story out by at least the beginning of January. I was trying to get it out by my birthday, but that didn't happen either. Anyway, if you liked it, hated it, want something different, want something changed and so and so, write me! You know the e-mail, but if you don't, it's I'm writing the next chapter as we speak and it's a New Years' Eve story that I had planned. Following that will be the Valentine's story which is going to be split into two parts because there are so many ideas for it. So look forward to that a little after Valentine's Day, God willing.

I have made a webpage/magazine based around this series. PLEASE visit the page and tell me what you think of the articles and what not. I promise you'll enjoy it! I worked hard on it, so at least visit the page at:

Also, I'm trying to do sort of a fan appreciation chapter in which fans can write me with ideas and I'll chose some and write those into March's story. So after the first part of the Valentine's story comes out, starting writing me with your BEST ideas (Which means start thinking now) and I'll pick the good ones and they'll decide what happens in the story.

I can't think of what else I was supposed to say, but it'll come to me once the story is posted and I'll feel like an ass for not writing it in the end notes of this story. Oh well, we can't change the past. All right, have a good month of January and hopefully I can be better about my writing habits!

Have fun and God bless... ---

Next: Chapter 77: Cyberspace Web Dream

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