Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Dec 2, 2000


Angel's Wings (Part 7) Written by JM

--- Da da da da da... what to write, what to write? Hmmm, it's about celebrities... yeah, that sounds good. Two very moral celebrities too... ooh yeah, that makes it better. Let's see, what else... oh yeah, these two male celebrities are together, but that has nothing to do with their actual personal lives. Ha ha, oh yeah, forgot this one... it's fiction ALL THE WAY! Is that it? I think so... wait, no... please be 18 or older or have your parents permission. Parental Guidance is suggested. Need some popcorn? Maybe a soda? Got to have the Twizzlers... remember, 'Silence Is Golden'! Okay, let's move on to to the previews... ---

--- Rated PG-13: Hey, I'm back! That's right and I thought I could stay away. No, I prayed I could stay away, but this is in my blood. I've just got to write. Anyway, I'm glad to be back with another exciting verse in the song of Brian and Justin's lives. Please remember that these stories are based on the romance created for Brian and Justin through 'Brian and Justin' and 'Just Beginning'. This is not called 'JC and Nick' or 'Lance's Beginnings,' so please respect the fact that they will not get all the attention in the world. If you don't know by now, send all comments to: Thank you very much! Enjoy the show... ---

-- Preview: Someone pointed out an important issue to me. Though I did just write a story about Innosense, I have noticed that I have drawn away from one central theme in this story and that is Brian and Justin. I have placed a lot of interest on Innosense and other aspects of the artists' careers and less on Brian and Justin. So I am taking heed to that and bringing it back to them with the next couple of chapters. Innosense, Britney, and others will still make appearance with their storylines, but I want to get back to Brian and Justin. So this chapter won't start the new trend, but expect ones following it to. --

Lounging around the apartment was a concept Lance Bass was beginning to adore and understand. He was thankful that he and his band mates in *NSYNC were not headed into the studio to work on the follow up to their sophomore album for another week-and-a-half. He barely spoke to any of his friends during the three days of rest they had since their last public appearance. He felt somewhat guilty for not attempting to get together with one of the other men, but he trusted they were occupied with other interests. He was aware that Joey was off in London touring with his girlfriend, Britney Spears; Chris was spending a grand amount of time at his house wtih his newborn son and his new bridge, Meelah Williams-Kirkpatrick; Justin was hiding out at his house with his son and husband, Brian Littrell, trying to avoid the cameras and reporters that became incessantly intrigued in the marriage that was announced to the world a little over a month before. Lance had little concern for JC's whereabouts. He had strived to keep a minimum distance between himself and his former boyfriend in hopes that a friendship would grow later on. At the moment, Lance was too distressed by Justin and JC's recent affair to show care for JC.

Lance stretched out like a purring cat across a couch that did not belong to him. He was not in his own home, but in the apartment of his boyfriend, Bryce Winters. Lance let his head rest on one of the pillows. His nose took in a deep whiff of the cologne that lingered on the pillow. It was a smell that Lance indentified with Bryce. He grinned uncontrollably, licking his lips before letting his light green eyes glance up at the television. He watched as Sarah Michelle Gellar ran maniacally through a small town's streets. He recognized the moved immediately as 'I Know What You Did Last Summer.' He yawned shortly, unamused by the movie.

Lance rolled onto his back, glancing up at the ceiling. The movie was the least of his boredom. He hated waiting for Bryce to return from showering. He was aware of Bryce's heavy schedule. He despised it as much as he knew Bryce despised *NSYNC's schedule. 'Damn, why does Mandy Moore have to do so much publicity shit? Now he's gotta fly out to New York in two days and he won't be back for at least three days.' Lance complained mentally, pushing out his lower lip to pout. He drug his fingers through his blonde-brown hair, the tips fairly stiff from hair gel. He let his hand drop onto the arm of the couch behind him, his mind drifting to other musings.

'Man, am I glad I'm here and not home. Bryce's places is so much more relaxing.' Lance said to himself, his ears picking up the slight hum from the television and the sounds of running water from the bathroom down the hall. He chewed on his lower lip, desperately searching for a reason to be satisfied with his boredom. He peeked his head up to glance over the back of the couch, praying the bathroom door would pop open and his boyfriend would emerge. The sounds of water continued to flow causing Lance to groan and flop back on the couch.

'What are you complaining for? He'll be out any minute and then you can kiss and hold him all night long. Now did you have that luxery with Nick or JC?' Lance chastised himself. He smiled lightly, letting his other hand drift down his body. He thought of the times that he'd arrive at either his place or JC's or Nick's and end up taking a shower, having sex with Nick or JC, and then calling it a night. It meant nothing when Lance thought about it. He enjoyed the luxery of making out with Bryce without having sex with him, sleeping in the same bed without making love to Bryce, and staring in each others eyes without feeling the obligation to fuck him. Lance found a new meaning to bliss when being around Bryce.

The sounds of a ringing brought Lance's mind back from the daydream he fell into. Lance shook a little when hearing the sound. He glanced downward and saw his hand firmly grabbing his crotch. 'Damn it, stop dreaming Lance. Yiou've got yourself all aroused.' Lance told himself, removing his hand from his gray sweatpants, leaving a throbbing erection pleading for attention. The sound repeated with an echo through the room. Lance launched his hand toward the nearby coffee table, pulling up the cordless phone that rested on it.

"Hello?" Lance said briskly into the phone, his deep voice sugary with a country accent. "Lance? You okay buddy?" Mandy Ashford's, Lance's close friend, voice rang through the phone. Lance sighed with relief, his mind put to ease when hearing Mandy's voice. "Hey Manny. I'm fine, how are ya?" Lance replied with a cooler tone. He rested back on his back, closing his eyes while awaiting a response. "I'm fine. Just a little tired, mentally and physically." Mandy responded, leaving Lance with an array of thoughts. Lance could hear the distinct sound of a dog barking in the background. He peered his eyes open, his thoughts swayed by the sound. "Is that China?" Lance wondered. "No, it's Asia. I think she's fussy because Bryan isn't rushing to feed her." Mandy giggled, drawing out a laugh from Lance. Lance pet his hair, breathing lightly as he listened to Mandy coo at her pug. "Bryan just loves teasing those dogs." Lance snickered. "Of course. He's just being an ass though. Can't help but love that about him." Mandy chimed. Lance licked his lips, easing his head deeper into the pillow it rested on. "I think Bryce feels the same way about me when it comes to my pup back in Mississippi." Lance said with his hefty accent. "We're just lucky in love, I guess." Mandy spoke with a soft voice. Lance released a small smirk. "Finally." he exhaled.

"So what took you so long to call me? I thought you said you'd call an hour and a half ago." Lance wondered as he heard a clicking noise. He ignored it as he shut his eyes and stretched on the couch. He yawned quietly, keeping his eyes closed while anticipating a response from Mandy. "Oh, me and the girls had some drama at rehearsal. It was a whole lot of arguing and bitching. So we had to resolve those issues." Mandy answered him, recollecting her experience at rehearsal earlier that day. Lance giggled under his breath. "Sounds like me and the guys whenever one of us is having a bad day. We seem to make everything shit for the others." Lance tittered out. A unique smile graced his lips when musing over the incidents he and his friends had shared on numerous occasions. "Well I think all of us were having a bad day because it was just the shittiest day ever." Mandy murmured, leaving Lance to another hidden laughter. "Shittiest? Is that even a word Manny?" Lance chuckled, his eyes fluttering open some. "Oh and like shitty is?" Mandy giggled on the other end of the phone.

Lance's attention was too far drawn for a laughter to escape his body. His pale green eyes stared up at a figure he was pleased to see. Bryce stood over him with a slick grin on his pouty pink lips. Bryce raised his brow with fascination, crossing his lean arms while glaring at Lance. Lance gave Bryce a quick look over. He admired the firmness of Bryce's swimmer's build. The way the water slipped from the hollow of Bryce's neck to his chest intrigued Lance. He stared at the athletic chest before him, the soft pink nipples dry while other parts of Bryce's chest ran slick with water. Lance permitted his eyes to drift down Bryce's abdomen, taut muscles forming Bryce's stomach while a light dusting of sandy-blonde hair ran from Bryce's navel to a kinky patch of sandy-blonde pubic hair hidden underneath Bryce's baggy, navy blue sweats. Lance's eyes lifted to Bryce's where, a look of love encased in Bryce's features. His hazel eyes dreamy while his thin cheeks were showing sprinkles of incoming facial hair. His short-cut blonde-brown hair was damp with water, but Lance didn't care. He aws focused on admiring his lover.

"Lance? Poofu? Say something." Mandy's voice stirred Lance from his trance. Bryce giggled softly when seeing Lance shake and his attention began to divert from his body. He watched a small lump grow in Lance's sweat pants, a broad grin growing over his face. 'Silly boy.' he thought before lifting Lance's legs to take a seat on the couch. Lance scooted up on the couch, staring at his boyfriend while trying to listen to his friend.

Bryce could not help but laugh again at Lance's open-mouthed look. "Is that Bryce? Oh, so that's why you've shut up all of the sudden." Mandy giggled, causing Lance to blush. He patted Bryce's knee, leaning in Bryce's direction. Bryce leaned in the opposite direction, teasing his lover. "Yes, he's here and he's trying to make me mad." Lance responded in a more gracious tone. He pawed at Bryce's sweats, striving to pull him closer. Bryce snickered while playfully pushing Lance back. "Oh, you two are having fun while I get to watch a re-run of 'Friends.' Where is the justice in that? I had a boyfriend first." Mandy pretended to put as she heard her friend and his boyfriend play. "Aaaww, we love you Manny. I'm sure Bryan is going to sweep you up any minute and take you to the room and make passionate love to you." Lance teased her while toying with Bryce's damp hair. Bryce gave into Lance, resting his chin on Lance's shoulder and cuddling up to his body. Lance kissed Bryces forehead, smiling endlessly. "Ill! Lance, you know we are not supposed to talk about sex with each other. We're like brother and sister. That's just nasty!" Mandy boasted. Lance laughed quietly, nuzzling closer to Bryce. "I'm sorry Manny. I won't discuss how bad I want to kiss my boyfriend right now and you won't tell me... you know, about that nasty 'straight' stuff." Lance cooed before snickering uncontrollably.

Lance could hear a groan escape Mandy's lips. "Awww, I'm sorry Manny. It's Bryce's fault... it's all Bryce's fault." Lance said throguh his snickers. Bryce nudged him, smiling brightly. He kissed Lance's shoulder before lifting his head. He yanked the phone from Lance's grip and eased back in the opposite direction. Lance huffed, throwing his hands into his lap as Bryce grinned at him, his small nose scrunching up as he grinned. "Don't listen to him Mandy. Lance is trying to seduce me and that's why you can't get his attention right now." Bryce said into the phone, drawing up a heavy blush in Lance's cheeks. Lance turned his head down some, his lips puckered. "Bryce, babe, you and Lance need to stop flirting while I'm on the phone. It's not cute," Mandy said with a ginger smile on her face. Bryce rolled his eyes with his grin still plastered on his lips. "But since I know Lance doesn't want you to stop it, I'll let you two go. Tell Lansten that we have to talk tomorrow to make up for tonight. Okay?" Mandy added with a sincere tone. Bryce glanced at Lance. He could feel the heat of Lance's stare on his face and his cheeks flushed. "Okay, I'll do that." Bryce agreed solemnly, caught in a daze when looking into Lance's creamy-green eyes. Lance crawled toward Bryce, hugging onto Bryce's legs and resting his chin on Bryce's knees. Bryce adjusted himself so that he was comfortable with Lance's new position. "All right, have a fun night Bryce, babe. We'll talk again some other time." Mandy said, pulling their conversation to a gradual close. "Okay you Blonde Bombshell you. Tell Bryan we said hi." Bryce chimed, leaning his head in Lance's direction. Lance perked up, his lips naturally puckering. "I'll do that. Sleep tight." Mandy replied before clicking off the phone.

Lance watched as Bryce turned off the phone and slid it onto the coffee table. Lance's curious gazed at Bryce with wonder. Bryce licked his lips, never bringing his eyes up to Lance's. Lance nibbled on the corner of his lower lip, fearful that his play with his boyfriend had died out.

Bryce turned his head to look at Lance and a twinkle shot through his eye.

His hands lurched out and grasped Lance's shirt, surprising Lance. Bryce grinned and yanked Lance in his direction. "Come here." Bryce growled as he pulled his boyfriend upward and over. Bryce's sleak body made quick movement as he slid under Lance's lifted body and forced Lance to lay on top of him. Lance fell on top of Bryce with an unexpected expression tugging on his face. He felt Bryce begin to grind his lower body with Lance's, moving his legs so that Lance's lower body slid between them. Lance sucked in his lower lip with a smile in his eyes. "What was that about me trying to seduce you?" Lance wondered, leaning down in Bryce's direction. Bryce shrugged, briskly trying to form an innocent expression on his face. "Oh, trying to be cute about it, are you?" Lance teased, continually inclining toward Bryce. Bryce felt a soft smile brush his lips before feeling a small nip from Lance's teeth on the edge of his nose.

Bryce began to pant mutely as his lover ground their lower bodies together. Lance's lips kissed the area he had just nipped at before trailing downward, sucking Bryce's upper lip between his. Bryce released a soft moan, his hands moving up to grab the tail end of his lover's shirt. Bryce lifted the shirt up some and allowed one of his hands slip up it. His hand ran up and down Lance's soft, pale skin as his other hand gropped Lance's ass. His lips were overtaken by Lance's, Lance's small tongue licking at his lips. He could feel Lance's rough hands caress his bare chest, tweeking his nipples erect before slipping lower. Bryce giggled a little through the kiss as one of Lance's hands skated over his stomach. Lance pulled his lips from Bryce's and began to concentrate lower, his swollen lips kissing and sucking at Bryce's chin and then the nape of his neck.

"Oh baby... mmmm, that feels good." Bryce moaned as Lance's hand began to prod and stroke Bryce's covered erection. Lance grinned while kissing Bryce's neck, his other hand beginning to play with the waistband of Bryce's sweats. Bryce groaned loudly as his lover continued to caress his throbbing erection. He forced his hips upward, pressing his covered penis into Lance's hand. He could feel air seep into his crotch area as Lance lifted his pants upward. Bryce pulled a hand up to Lance's head and caressed Lance's hair with his fingers. "I'm not wearing any underwear baby." Bryce whispered through his heavy pants, encouraging Lance to touch him.

Lance's head lifted some with a mischief smile. "Planned on getting some tonight?" Lance wondered curiously. He refused to cease his humping with Bryce as he spoke. He felt a moan tug at his own lips as Bryce fondled his ass a little rougher. His eyes began to peer at Bryce as his own cock pleaded to be released into the night air. "Just wanted to show you how much you make me happy... emotionally, mentally..." Bryce panted out as his body began to lift. His head stopped in front of Lance's befpre he whispered, "And physically." Lance growled quietly, kissing at Bryce's lips before forcing him back down on the couch.

Lance's cheeks flushed while kissing Bryce. He wanted to be free of his clothing, but his lover was taking more pride in their foreplay than moving in the direction of intercourse. "Do you want to take it to the bedroom so we can get a condom?" Lance asked softly as he laced his fingers through Bryce's still-damp hair. His other hand played with the top of Bryce's sweats. Bryce groan roughly as he sought out more kisses from Lance's sweet lips. He arched his back, his swollen, covered cock bumping against Lance's hand and wrist. "No, that'll take too long... I trust you." Bryce whispered, his body losing the will to fight the temptation. Lance licked at the hickey he had placed at the bottom of Bryce's neck before preparing to further their making out.

The next sound was not the moan from Bryce that Lance desired to hear. Instead, it was the sound of the phone blaring again. Lance groaned with anger, his head lifting from Bryce's neck. He lifted his body from Bryce's, his arm extending to grab the phone. Bryce panted heavily, sweat beginning to trickle from his forehead. "Please, don't stop now," Bryce requesting, trying to force his lover's hand back to his crotch. Lance frowned as he struggled with Bryce. "It'll just take me a second, Bryce." Lance assured him as he pulled up the phone. Bryce fell back on the couch with disappointment on his face. He pouted as his boyfriend clicked on the phone.

"He... Hello?" Lance panted out, his sexual arousement still toying with his body's function. Lance took a pause to listen for a response. He did not receive one. He could hear the sounds of light breathing, but no words were spoken. Lance's eyebrow lifted with heavy curiosity. He ran his fingers through his hair, pulling it back as he proceeded to wait on a response. "Hello? Is someone there?" Lance wondered, his eyes peering while his mouth twitched. All he could hear was the light breathing, followed by a quiet sigh. He glanced over his shoulder to his boyfriend. Bryce watched him with a keen stare. The stare sent a shiver down Lance's spine. His curiosity was beginning to formulate answers that Lance did not want. "Hey, is someone on the other line?" Lance sung out, hoping to end his misery. 'Oh man, please don't let it be...' Lance's thought was interrupted by the sound of a click. The click was followed by a dial tone, leaving Lance speechless.

"Wrong number?" Bryce shook Lance was his dazed state. Lance clicked off the phone and dropped it on to the table, his mind still shifting in the direction of his confusion. "Uh, prank call." Lance replied to his boyfriend, turning his body back in the direction Bryce was facing. He grinned at Bryce, trying to return to his aroused state while looking at Bryce. Bryce reclined into the couch. His lips pressed together with an unpleasent look on his face. Lance wrinkled his brow before moving so that he was laying on top of Bryce again. "What's wrong baby? Don't you want me to finish our little game of touch and scream?" Lance wondered seductively, brushing his left hand against Bryce's crotch. Bryce took in a sharp breath of air. He pawed at Lance's shoulders as Lance began to kiss on his neck. "Not now Jamesy. I'm sleepy." Bryce complained in an innocent tone. He kissed the top of Lance's hed before pushing him back some. Lance sighed while sliding in between the back of the couch and Bryce. He hugged Bryce close to his body, resting his chin on Bryce's shoulder. "Oh well. I guess that's that." Lance said. Bryce smiled gently while feeling the incoming hairs on Lance's chin brush against his shoulder. "You'll get some later on sweetie, I promise." Bryce said to his lover, patting his arm. Lance shrugged, snuggling tight to his lover while watching as 'I Know What You Did Last Summer' continued to play out on the television screen.

Comfort was a feeling being spread throughout Florida. Justin Littrell placed his right hand over his mouth as he yawned quietly. His left hand rested on a doorknob behind him. He pulled the door behind him until it was partly shut, closing out a small portion of the light from the hall. He took a quick glance over his shoulder to see if his son had awaken from his deep slumber. Angel Littrell remained sleep on his bed in his nursery. Justin smiled deeply, peering his eyes into the room to get a final glimpse of his son. "Night Sebastian." Justin whispered, gradually moving away from the door and strolling down the hall.

Dressed in a wife beater and plaid, blue pajama bottoms, Justin crept through the hallways of his Miami house until reaching the master bedroom. He rubbed his nose as he entered the soundless room. He cleared his throat quietly, stepping into the room while watching a figure laid out on the bed.

Brian Littrell, Justin's husband, laid at the edge of the bed with his legs dangling off the end and his head propped up by a pillow. He was outfitted in a pair of boxers and a white T-shirt, his blonde-brown hair dishelved and dank.

Brian glanced up when hearing his husband enter. He grinned softly, patting to a space next to his body, inviting Justin to join him. Justin willingly accepted the invitation, promenading toward the bed. "Is he sleep?" Brian pondered as Justin took a seat on the edge of the bed. Justin nodded, staring down at Brian's matchless form. "Out like a light." Justin chimed. He felt Brian's hand lift and begin to rub the small of his back. It soothed him and caused his eyes to droop. Justin ran a hand through his vanilla-brown colored hair. "Then I guess it's just you and me, huh babe?" Brian asked in a gentle voice, his syrupy country accent coating his words. Justin nodded again with a mild smile. He was thankful his son was overly tired. He knew he and his husband needed a night to get closer and reacquainted after months of touring and weeks of battling.

The affair Justin had with his band mate, JC Chasez, let his marriage in a state of instability. Justin felt insecure in his love for Brian and his trust in his friends, especially JC. He was lost. Justin could not be more grateful for the blessing of being with Brian again. Brian's forgiveness caused Justin to reevaluate his relationship with his husband and with his own belief in their marriage. It was an unexpected gesture, one Justin was still unsure of, but not one he did not appreciate.

Justin felt Brian's fingers gripping the tail of his shirt and tugging on it. "Lay back baby." Brian requested, placing his other hand on Justin's shoulder and pressing back. Justin laid back on the bed with hesitation. He and his husband had not been intimate or too close since their reconciliation. The only opportunities Justin received to be close to Brian's body was at night when they were drifting off to sleep. Justin felt Brian's arm wrap around his waist and pull him closer to Brian's body.

Justin licked his lips, preparing to hear his husband say the word 'goodnight.' He was astonished when Brian kissed his cheek, leaving a flaming sensation running through his face. He felt Brian's hands rest on his body. Justin's body naturally became tense. He did not know what to expect from his husband. "You okay Just?" Brian whispered the question in Justin's ear, running one of his hands from Justin's stomach to his upper thigh. Justin swallowed hard, rolling his hdead so that it laid against Brian's. When feeling Brian's soft lips kiss Justin's temple, he knew what his response would be. He merely nodded, permitting one of his hands to caress Brian's taut arm while the other rested on top of Brian's on his thigh. His hand moved in time with Brian's as Brian began to lightly rub Justin's thigh through the material of Justin's pajama bottoms.

Justin's eyes closed and he exhaled heavily, his breath full of untainted ecstasy. "It feels great to be in your arms Rocky." Justin smiled, purring softly as he snuggled closer to Brian. Brian giggled under his breath, kissing Justin's temple again. "Yeah, it feels real good to lay here with you babe." Brian whispered, kissing the corner of Justin's lips before moving a little higher. His lips met Justin's as Justin turned his head to accept the jesture of affection. Their lips moved slowly, gradually forming a timeless beat to the sound of their hearts. Justin's fingers trickled up Brian's arm in search of his shoulder. He found it without looking and began to massage the flesh tenderly as his husband took the controlling position and began to insert his tongue into Justin's mouth. Justin's breathing increased, his mind dizzy as Brian toyed with his emotions. He nursed on Brian's tongue as Brian's hand ran up his thigh and slipped under his wife beater, caressing the hard stomach muscles on Justin's abdomen. His fingers brushed over the thin line of brown hair that ran from Justin's navel to his patch of brown pubic hair. Brian smiled through the kiss when feeling the softness of the hair. He licked at the roof of Justin's mouth, pulling a moan from his husband.

Brian ended the kiss with a few small kisses to Justin's lips. He pulled his swollen lips away from Justin's, grinning innocently. He watched as Justin's lips pouted, silently requesting more of Brian's gentle attention. He giggled tenderly, canting toward Justin's region. His lips brushed against Justin's once more, a friendly kiss to appease Justin's silent plea.

Brian drew back again, stroking his hand across Justin's jaw. Brian waited for Justin's eyes to blink open before speaking again. "Oh yeah, it feels great to kiss you..." Brian let his words trail off while staring into Justin's indigo eyes. He swallowed briefly, blinking his eyes repeatedly. "You know what? I don't have a nickname for you like you do for me." Brian stated, trailing a finger over Justin's collarbone, frowning flimsily.

Justin licked his lower lip, still tasting his lover's lips on his own. He raised his brow at Brian's notion. "You mean a name that only you call me?" Justin wondered, easing into Brian's arm. Brian nodded, lowering his eyes as his hand trailed down Justin's chest. "You call me Rocky and I don't let anyone else call me that. Nobody. Some people call me Rok or B-Rok, but I don't let anyone else call me Rocky. I want a name like that for you." Brian stated, letting his finger stop at Justin's covered navel. Justin mused over Brian's words as Brian began to draw circles around his stomach. Justin snickered quietly as the touch tickled him. He grabbed Brian's wrist and held it loosely, slowly his movements. "How about Curly?" Justin suggested, his eyes gradually beginning to close as Brian massaged his right hip. Brian briskly shook his head, unsatisfied with the proposition. "People already call you that." Brian pouted, letting his chin rest on Justin's shoulder. Justin sighed, nuzzling his head into Brian's hair. The smell tantalized Justin. The fragrance of Brian's body after a shower attracted Justin in unspeakable ways. His hand involutnarily began to lead Brian's hand down toward his crotch. Brian smirked, resisting a little. "Give me a name." Brian grunted, allowing his hand to rest on top of Justin's crotch. He did not put too much pressure on Justin's lower body, but his hand could feel the heat of Justin's erect penis through his pajama bottoms.

"Well there's a name that I saw on the Internet the other day. Some of the fans seem to think that my name is 'JuJu' or something. I don't know why... but it's kind of cute." Justin stated, his throat straining to hold a moan while feeling Brian's hand on his hard-on. Brian kissed Justin's shoulder, a proud smile beginning to spread across his face. "JuJu Bean." Brian whispered, his body moving dangerously close to Justin's. He allowed his other hand to snake through Justin's hair, his fingers becoming entangled in Justin's curls. He draped a leg over Justin's, his lips descending to Justin's neck. He kissed the beating flesh and listened as the moan finally flew from Justin's pouty red lips. "Yeah, you're my JuJu Bean from now on. When we're around others, I'll just call you Bean... but when it's me and you, you're my JuJu Bean." Brian said with a hint of seduction spreading through his voice. He kissed at Justin's neck again before grinding his crotch into Justin's hip, permitting Justin to feel his thick erection through the boxers. Justin gasped, his eyes shutting as his husband turned him on. He curled his lips, his hands drifting down to Brian's hand. They pressed Brian's hand onto his erection, his hips arching upward for more friction. "Mmmmm... don't stop..." Justin pleaded through a moan.

Brian resisted Justin, pulling his lips off of his husband's neck. "We have to, babe." Brian said, drawing away from Justin's body. Justin released a small cry of disappointment, his body unsatiated with Brian's words. Brian frowned as he tugged his body off of Justin's. Justin pouted and turned his body some so that he was not close to Brian. He felt tears prickling at his eyes. "I understand why." he managed to get around as he strived to calm his body. Brian placed a hand on Justin's hip, rocking him some. "It just isn't right yet. We need more time, both of us. I have to adjust to..." Brian slowed his words knowing what was going to slip from his lips. "Adjust to your husband cheating on you and ruining a good marriage. I know Brian." Justin drug out, shutting his eyes with misery taking over his mind. He hated baring the burden of guilt, but it would not leave him.

"Hold me... please." Justin requested, curling up in his position on the bed. Brian furrowed his brow, concerned for his husband's new disposition. He scooted closer to Justin, slinking his arms around Justin and pulling him tight in his arms. He kissed the back of Justin's head, resting his forehead against it. "Don't let it bother you, Just. We'll make love again." Brian assured his husband while rocking him in his arms. Justin nodded, his lower lip tucked in his mouth and his eyes droopy. "I love you JuJu Bean." Brian whispered into Justin's ear before shutting his eyes. Justin tried to take the words and carry the message to his heart. He swallowed his guilt and began to rest easy in his husband's arms. He believed that one day he and Brian would make love again.

"Brian? You almost ready babe?" Justin called out as he shoved a small, white towel into a backpack. He glanced around the couch for other objects that had to be placed into the backpack. He stood in the living room of he and his husband's Miami home. It was dawning on the afternoon hours and Justin knew he and his family would be leaving the house soon for a needed day out. "Almost!" Brian yelled back. Justin scrunched his nose, hoping for another answer from Brian. He grabbed his orange bandanna from the couch and placed it around his head. "Timber's coming your way, Justin." Brian announced as Justin tied the back ends of his scarf. Justin spun around on his heels, awaiting his son's appearance in the living room.

Angel Littrell, Brian and Justin's adopted son, crawled briskly into the living room. He was dressed in a toddler-sized Old Navy shirt and Hawaiian-print shorts. Justin smiled as he watched his son crawl up to him with a pacifier cradled between his lips. "What'cha doin' Bastian?" Justin cooed, bending down to stare at his son. Angel smiled brightly, the pacifier dangling from his lips as he looked up at his father. Justin grinned before tapping the end of Angel's nose. "You must be happy to see Daddy." Justin chimed. Angel lifted a hand in attempts to reach out for his father. Justin gladly took the hand in his own before yanking his son up into his arms. "Look at you, all dressed and ready to go and your Dad is just taking his time." Justin said, tickling his son. Angel giggled clamorously. Justin laughed at the sound of Angel's laughter.

"I'm not taking my time. Kevin was on the phone." Brian boasted as he entered the living room wearing plaid orange shorts, sandles, and a white T-shirt. Tyke, Brian's Chihuahua, followed him into the living room, prancing in with a chipper look in his eyes. Brian carried a mug of coffee in his hands, the steam still rising in a misty cloud. Justin nibbled his lower lip, rolling his eyes in a playful manner. "Letting him know where we're going?" Justin wondered before putting Angel down on the couch. Angel fussed as his father sat him on the couch. Justin glanced down at his son while listening for a response from his husband. "Wait a second, Bastian." Justin requested softly as he zipped up the backpack. "No, he needed to tell me some business matters that I need to take care of today and next week." Brian informed Justin as he took a seat next to Angel on the couch. Brian patted Angel's knee, striving to silence his son's whimpering. Angel pouted, pushing his pacifier out of his mouth and slouching on the couch. Brian shook his head at Angel, his authority known to Angel. "Like shooting the video?" Justin asked while watching Brian and Angel. Brian took a quick sip of his steaming coffee before nodding. "Crap like that." Brian responded, his face squinting up from the heat of the coffee. The shuffled his feet around as Tyke tried to rest near them. "Go lay in your bed with BJ if you're gonna go to sleep." Brian insisted when glaring at Tyke. Tyke chirped at him, turning away.

Justin giggled quietly as the Chihuahua rushed off. He turned his head back to admire his husband and son. They sat casually on the couch, Angel resting his head on Brian's stomach with Brian's arm laced around his body. Angel sucked pleasently on his pacifier. Justin felt a smirk tug at his lips. He sighed with love. "Aaaww, father and son." he cooed. Brian took a glimpse at Angel and then smiled. "Wanna join the family moment Daddy?" Brian offered. Justin pressed his lips together, giving off contemplative expressions. "Of course." Justin said happily. He shuffled toward Brian and Angel with his cheery smirk. Brian laid his hand on Justin's stomach, preventing Justin from taking a seat on the couch. Brian shook his head with a timely smirk on his thin, pink lips. Justin raised his brow, perplexed by his husband's gesture. "There's a kissing toll to pay before you can get it on this family moment." Brian insisted with his buoyant smirk. Justin twisted his lips, repressing a smile. "A kissing tole?" Justin said with question in his tone. Brian nodded happily, giving his husband a favorable stare with his bluish eyes. Justin again rolled his eyes playfully at his husband. "Oh, okay." Justin faked arrogance for Brian as he leaned down toward Brian. Brian licked his lips quickly before leaning up to kiss Justin.

Soon, Brian felt warm and soft lips pressing against his. His bottom lip was sucked into Justin's mouth as the kiss dampened. Brian strangled a moan in his throat as he felt the tip of Justin's tongue touch his teeth. He thought to open his mouth and allow his husband inside, but he thought of the child sitting next to him. He closed his lips on Justin's and then pulled back, their lips briefly kissing as Brian leaned backward.

Justin took the hint immediately, withdrawing his own lips from his husband's. He could taste the traces of Brian's coffee on his lips and tongue. He smiled delicately, using the back of his hand to wipe his lips. Brian peered at him, his nose scrunching up. He turned to his son as Angel watched them with adoring, doe-like eyes. "Did you see that Timber? Your Daddy just wiped off my kiss." Brian boasted to his son. Angel giggled lowly. He puckered his lips and a kissing noise was smacked from his lips. Brian fell into a laughter when hearing the noise. "You're right, Daddy isn't going to wipe away another kiss." Brian chimed, snatching Justin forward by his hand. Justin fell into Brian's lap, ushering a snicker from Angel. "Daddy! Daddy! Kiss... kiss." Angel crowed as Justin struggled to escape Brian's grip. "Ugh! Not another one!" Justin cried out as Angel leaned down and placed a slobbery kiss on his father's forehead. "Ill! Not Bastian!" Justin snickered out, his face turning a shade of red as he labored to free himself from Brian. Brian grinned, bitting gently on his lower lip as he battled with Justin. "Give me my kiss." Brian tittered as his lips brushed against Justin's. Justin sighed as he gave into Brian. He closed his eyes and permitted Brian to press his lips against his own. Justin did not want to deny his husband something that would bring their family closer and he could feel the closeness already encasing them.

Orlando was no stranger to the Littrell family, but at times, it no longer felt like a home for them. With the knowledge that *NSYNC was on a short break from touring and promoting and that members of *NSYNC, the Backstreet Boys, and Innosense still resided Orlando, the media searched weekly for a sign of any member of the groups. The press was on fire for over a month, hoping to snatch a chance to speak with a variety of members from the groups to discuss revelations concering friends of theirs. The topic of Chris Kirkpatrick's recent marriage to Meelah Williams of 702, plus the birth of their first child was a curious subject to reporters. The thought of AJ McLean of the Backtsreet Boys being married to formember Innosense member, Amanda Latona, sparked a frequent interest from the press due to the fact that the couple did not take part in many public appearances since their marriage. The fieriest issue was the secretive marriage of Brian and Justin and the appearance of their adopted son. The announcement set the entertainment field on debating sides, many questioning the marriage that was hidden for over a year and the others concerned with the idea of the two being married and having a son.

Neither groups lost fistful of fans. Most fans respected the idea of the two being married due to their own thoughts on their being a couple for almost a year's time. Others were satisfied with the belief that JC Chasez, Nick Carter, Kevin Richardson, and Lance Bass were still 'available.' However, some fans were heartbroken with the thought of the two singers being married to each other instead of the girl's they were linked to or remaining single for the fans. The last handful were destressed by the thought of their favorite boy band members hiding their marriage from the public and the fans, but they were in total adoration of the Littrell's son, Angel.

Websites sprouted across the Internet with great interest in the couple. Whether it was an anti-site against the couple or a site with total support and respect for the couple and their privacy, the marriage was a hot topic. Webpages dedicated to Angel formed and soon followed 'cliques' that spread good word about the marriage, fans claiming to have a close connection to the couple and to have deep knowledge on what occured in the Littrell's lives.

Brian and Justin were glad fans were not as close to them and their lives as they claimed. If they were, Brian and Justin would not have been walking over the sands of Blizzard Beach in Orlando. They kept theit trip to the theme park in Orlando for the safety of their privacy and their son.

"Ooh! Ooh!" Angel squealed out with exictement running through his voice.

Brian carried his son on his shoulders as they walked through the beach-like atmosphere. Justin glanced to where their son pointed, his eyes hidden behind a pair of blue-tinted frames. He spotted a waterfall of water spilling over a mountain that was sculpted with a snow-like substance. He smiled brightly before turning his eyes on Angerl to watch the amusement fill his face. "I think Angel wants to go over there." Justin stated, grabbing Brian's hand. Brian followed Justin without hestiance. He prayed to remain unnoticed at the park. With the afternoon being so young, Brian knew a large amount of he and Justin's fan-base were in school and would not be at Blizzard Beach.

"Maybe we should take Timber to Tike's Peak? It's probably the best spot for a kid his size and age." Brian suggested as they passed several attractions. Justin contemplated the idea as he and his husband crossed the path of a few visitors. Justin gripped Brian's hand a little tighter when getting a few looks from the visitors. Brian sighed. He slowed his pace of walking causing Justin to slow his. Justin glanced back at Brian and Angel, cautious of his expression. "Hey Angel, do you wanna go play in the water and the sand?" Brian asked his son, attempting to glance upward at his son. Justin took a glimpse up to search for a response from Angel. Angel's eyes lit up and a smile peaked on his lips. Justin felt a smirk beam across his own face. "I think he wants to go there." Justin agreed, giving his attention back to Brian. "Well, then let's not deny our son what he wants." Brian chimed, pulling Justin in the opposite direction.

Angel sat on the sand at Melt Away Bay, awaiting the waves of the water to rush up and tickle his feet. He gripped grains of sand into his miniature hands, reveling in his curiosity with the sand. He glanced to his left where Brian sat drawing in the sand. Brian lifted his eyes to see his son staring at him. "What are you looking at little man?" Brian asked with a smirk on his lips. Angel smiled back pointing toward the water that was coming toward him. "Wet." Angel said before the water brushed up against his toes, ripping a giggle out of him. Brian shook his head with a tiny laughter. "You're really silly Angel." Brian stated as he returned his eyes to the sand. Angel rolled to his knees and crawled closer to Brian, resting his upper body on Brian's outstretched legs. Brian raied his brow when feeling Angel's wet fingers grasp at the bottom of his shorts. He glanced up again at his beaming son. "Dad, me wet." Angel stated. Brian nodded. He felt the tide run up again and wash over his feet. He scooped up a portion of the water before it slipped it away and sprinkled it on Angel's flaxen hair. Angel shrieked out with surprise before laughing loudly. Brian laid back on the ground with laughter, looking up to see his son's disarranged hair. He fell back to the sand as Angel crawled up his body, still laughing wildly.

Justin sat in a lounge chair, eyeing his husband and son as they played in the sand. He grinned as they rolled in the sand. 'They were made for each other.' Justin told himself, leaning forward in the chair to get a closer view. "Mommy! Mommy! Look, it's Brian from the Backstreet Boys!" Justin heard a small girl call out. Justin did not turn his head for fear of being seen by others. "Meredith, come on. We are not going to see that Backstreet Boys. I told you, he's bad. Him and that Justin from *NSYNC." a older woman hissed at the child. Justin slumped over in the chair when hearing the bitter statement. "But Mommy!" the girl called out. "I said we are not going to stay here and you're not going to talk to him because he's gay. Let's go somewhere else." the mother insisted.

Justin felt a heavy weight placed on his heart as he heard the hateful words from the child's mother. He let his head droop and he crossed his arms. 'Why?' he thought to himself, tears striving to fall from his eyes. He sucked in his lower lip, disappointed by the unacceptance of others. It was the dark cloud that circled his life and Justin despised it. He searched for an escape, one that never seemed to present itself to him. 'She could've just left it at that. She didn't have to do... say that shit.

She doesn't know how much we love each other.' Justin raged in his mind.

"Just!" Brian yelled. Justin lifted his head some, his eyes watery with tears of misery. He swallowed hard, trying to consume his anguish. He sniffled when viewing Brian carrying Angel in his arms. Brian kicked up sand as he pranced toward Justin. "You've got to join us in the water, babe." Brian insisted as he reached the chair Justin sat at. Justin turned his eyes away from Brian, hiding his tears from Brian and Angel. "I will in a second." Justin responded, his voice choked up. Brian sat Angel on the edge of the lounge chair, dumbfounded by Justin's sudden mystery. "You all right?" Brian asked his husband, dropping his damp hand onto Justin's shoulder. The cool hand helped to compose Justin's anger and frustration. Justin licked his lips, contemplating what he could say to his husband to discourage his concern. "Uhm, yeah... I'm just a little thristy, that's all." Justin responded, standing from the lounge chair. He scratched under his badanna and then shoved his hands into his pockets. Brian was discontented with Justin's actions. He stared at him with his pale blue eyes, the stare heavy and untrustworthy. "I'm gonna go grab something to drink. Do ya'll want anything?" Justin offered, keeping his eyes away from view. Brian wrinkled his brow, his anger with Justin growing. He folded his arms before turning his back on his husband. "Me and Angel are fine. Go ahead." Brian insisted in an icy, bitter voice.

Justin sighed, drooping his head down before shuffling off. He walked solemnly and slowly through the streets. He knew lying to Brian was the worst thing to do, but informing Brian of the harsh words the woman spoke would only put another hindrance on their reforming marriage. 'Jesus, will this ever end? All I want is to get back to touring with the guys and having Brian and Anegl backstage to keep me happy and sane. I want Brian to hold me at night and make love to me like when we toured with the Backstreet Boys... like when we first got together.' Justin thought to himself as he passed Snow Stormers. He scrunched his nose as hordes of families and couples passed him. He shook his head with frail thoughts of positivity. 'You had an affair with your best friend, you told the world that you were married to Brian Littrell and you have a son, and you're nineteen. Life's just peachy for you, isn't it?' Justin's negativity seemed to return quicker than he desired. His expression formed a scowl as he drug along the vast area of Blizzard Beach.

Justin came to a halt at a drink stand, his eyes automatically scouring the surrounding area. It had a picture of peacefullness, leaving Justin comfortable stopping at the stand. The crowd around the stand was minute, prompting Justin to forward his steps to the people. "I want one of the frozen drinks Cindy!" a small girl cried out, tugging on a fairly older female standing behind her. "It you shut up, I'll get it for you Amy." Cindy, the elder female, responded in a discordant tone. Justin giggled quietly, peering around at the other patrons while eavesdropping on the bickering girls.

Justin felt a small hand tapping at his upper thigh, prompting him to turn in the direction of the tapping. His eyes glanced down at Amy, the young girl. "Are you Justin from *NSYNC?" Amy questioned in a shrill, but petite voice. Justin squinched at the girl before nodding. He cleared his throat, his eyes beginning to turn back toward the woman dishing out drinks behind the cart. "My sister says you don't like Britney Spears or girls. She says you have sex with guys. My sister's friends say that you don't like your girl fans and that you're a homose..." Amy's words were shut off by a hand fastening over her mouth. Amy struggled to break free of the grip as Cindy tugged her back, smiling uncertainly at Justin. "Oh my... I'm so sorry about that. The sun must be getting to her." Cindy stammered out while looking into Justin's perplexed blue orbs. Justin shifted his brow, his eyes peering at Cindy with a hint of animosity. "I'm not her sister... or her friends for that matter. In fact, uh, I don't know who I am." Cindy stuttered out when viewing Justin's intense glare. Amy threw her hands up, trying to scream through Cindy's closed hand. Cindy laughed nervously, dragging Amy backward. Justin stared at her with heavy disbelief running through his indigo eyes. "Well, when you see her sister, please let her and her friends know that I may be married to a man, but I still have a lot of love for my female friends and that Britney is a good friend of mine." Justin advised in a sharp voice, playing along with Cindy's game. Cindy nodded quickly, continually pulling Amy in the opposite direction.

Justin rolled his eyes, turning back to the cart. He allowed an elderly woman pass, hoping to offer a smile to her. "I can't believe they just let celebrity fags in here and expect my children to play with their demonly offspring." she hissed under her breath as she passed by Justin. Justin's mouth dropped with unbelieveable incredulity. She kept a mild distance between herself and Justin, her face lowered and a grimace covering it.

Justin sighed strongly, his eyes turning cold. He stepped forward to the cart while striving to remain sane. 'Why do they say these things? What did I do, Lord?' Justin wondered, his mind spinning in dangerous driections.

His bitterness filled his eyes and he nibbled on his lower lip. "I am so sorry Mr. Timberlake, sir. They're just rude customers, that's all." the woman behind the cart said, hoping to make an ammends for the words of the others. Justin swallowed hard, his eyes beginning to well-up with brutal tears. "Could I please just get a small white raspberry drink?" Justin requested in a strangled voice, his mind becoming numb to kindness. The woman nodded hurridly, moving quickly to assist Justin. Justin sighed, his head lowering as he waited on his drink. He sniffled quietly, not daring to look at any of the other patrons of the amusement park. His guilt and animosity surrounded him, leaving him almost lifeless.

"Here you go, Mr. Timberlake. Sorry about the wait." the woman quickly spoke up, placing Justin's drink onto the raised counter. Justin glanced up as he pulled his wallet from his pocket. He cleared his throat loudly before shelling out a few dollars for the woman. "Uhm, it's Mr. Littrell and thank you." Justin stated lowly, grabbing his drink and moving away from the cart. He took a quick gulp of the drink through the straw as he moved away.

"Uhm, Mr. Littrell!" another voice called out. Justin cursed under his breath. He slowed his steady pace and glanced behidn himself. A young mother approached him, struggling to pull her charming adolescent son along with her. Justin sighed, giving the woman a deep stare. "Yes?" he questioned in a solitude voice. The young mother smiled at him, raising an object in her hand. "You forgot your sunglasses." she chimed, holding them out to Justin as she came to a halt in front of Justin. Justin smiled lightly, extending his own hand to grab the sunglasses. As they met with his hand, Justin replied, "Thank you." "Anytime. We young parents have to stick together." she stated with a hint of cheer in her voice. Justin nodded, a grateful expression slipping over his face. "And don't let what those other people say bother you. From what I've seen on TV, you're a rather caring father and you look happy with your marriage. So let that be your main focus on not what those other folks say." the mother declared in an honest and uplifting tone. Justin leaned back on his heels, a generous smile finally touching his lips. "Uhm, thanks, I guess. Are you a fan or something?" Justin pondered in a less-than-conceited voice. The mother shook her head promptly. "A fan of your parenting, yes, but not of your group. However, my son Kyle here is." the mother answered, gesturing toward the five-year-old standing next to her. Justin glanced down at the boy before receiving a shy grin from Kyle.

Justin returned his attention to the mother, her eyes vibrant and sprinkled with life. "Have you seen me with my son before?" Justin questioned curiously. The mother presented him a caring smile. "Only the seventy different clips the talk shows and entertainment shows show from when you and your husband brought him to that award show. Otherwise, the press is probably hunting for a picture of the three of you together. You've brought a lot of intrigue to the music industry." she stated in her crisp voice. Justin nodded with shame on his face. "And a lot of negativity to my family's life." Justin added, disappointment ringing in his lighthearted voice. "The world will get over it, I'm sure. It's just a shock right now because you two were so secretive about it. Now everyone wants to review what you've said and how you acted for the sake of causing gossip. It's nothing, really." the mother assured Justin. Justin sighed shyly, his mind burried in the effect the press has had on his career and his private life. "I hope you're right." Justin exhaled out, his words inert and dulled. He adjusted the bandanna on his head with one hand before taking another look down to Kyle. Kyle stared up at Justin with wonder, a shifty smile on his face. "I think he's a little starstruck." the mother declared quietly to Justin. A hint of laughter touched Justin's face before he grinned toward Kyle. "His mom's the true star here." Justin commented with a perky glince on his full, red lips.

"I let you get away for five minutes and you go and find a new family? Now that's not nice." Brian's lilting country accent floated through the air as he and Angel strolled up to Justin. Justin felt his smile diminishing slightly when his husband's presence was made known. He turned his head to glance at his grinning family. "You know I'd never do that." Justin said confidently. Brian's dimples flaired as he stared at Justin. His incoming, reddish beard and mustache brought a flutter to Justin's heart. His cheeks burned with shyness as Brian inched closer. "Not a good Southern gentleman as myself. Where would you ever find another like me?" Brian wondered coyly, allowing one of his arms to slide around Justin's waist. Justin shrugged innocently, giggling quietly.

"See, the cameras don't lie. You two are a pretty cute couple." the mother remarked, pulling Justin and Brian from their casual flirting. Brian's head snapped in her direction with fond curiosity. "The pictures don't lie, but the press does." Brian cautioned her in a cocky way. "Always. Without that, why would we watch?" she stated brightly. Brian snickered before nibbling on his lower lip. "You have a point there." he agreed.

"Ashlee Taylor." Ashlee, the mother, said while extending her hand toward Brian. Brian used his free hand to shake hers, a broad gleam on his lips. "Brian Littrell, Justin's sarcastic husband and famed gay Backstreet Boy." Brian chuckled while shaking her hand. Ashlee laughed briefly at Brian's comment. "You just fell in love with a good man. There's no harm in that." Ashlee insisted, lowering her hand to her side. "Tell that to the press. They seem to have all sorts of words and phrases for me and my marriage." Brian noted in a sweet voice. "They don't know a good thing when they see it." Ashlee asserted, her voice never losing its luster of adoration. Brian's smile remained proud. "I like her Bean... she's got a good eye." Brian remarked to hus husband, hugging Justin closer to his body. Justin only nodded, satisfied knowing Ashlee had no discord with the couple.

"And who's this little guy?" Brian broke the silence. He used his hand to motion toward Kyle as he clutched tighter to his mother. With a fuzzy smile, Ashlee glances down at her son, Justin's eyes following her. "This is Kyle, my son." Ashlee replies in an amber-coated tone. Kyle shoots Brian a curious glance, fearful of smiling. Brian scrunches his nose with a perky grin for the child. "Hey there guy. You havin' fun?" Brian asks kindly, his voice filled with friendliness. Kyle shimmies to his left, drawing away from his mother with a candid look on his youthful face. He nods briskly, a nonverbal response to Brian's inquiry. "Your son is cute." Kyle speaks up innocently. Brian raises his brow with happiness rounding his eyes. "Well thanks there little buddy. If Angel could speak as good as you, I'm sure he'd say the same." Brian grinned. Kyle giggled quietly. Brian joined him, thrilled by the purity of the young boy.

Ashlee smiled coyly at the interaction between Brian and Kyle. It only brought her spirits higher concerning the couple. "Well, gee, it's getting a bit late around here. Me and Kyle should get running." Ashlee commented, not bothering to glance at her watch. She presented her promising smile to Brian and Justin, brushing her fingers over her son's soft brown hair. Brian puckered his lips to one side, slightly disappointed by Ashlee's announcement. "It was great meeting you Ashlee. You brightened our day," Justin said humorously, extending his hand to the young mother. Ashlee snickered, taking the hand gratefully. "I'm such a sucker for a good momma." Justin teased, a grin tugging at the corners of his lips. Brian rolled his eyes, slicking an arm around Justin's shoulders. "You'll have to forgive my husband. Sometimes, he's such a goof." Brian joked. Ashlee continued to laugh as she pulled her hand from Justin's. "At least I know he's kind to his fans." Ashlee chimed, her face a deep shade of red from laughter. Justin grinned perkily.

"Kind enough to tell you that next time *NSYNC does a show here in O-Town, you and Kyle can come for free and come backstage too." Justin announced, his giving spirit returning to him. Ashlee and Kyle's eyes lit up with a broad reflection. Justin dug into his pocket, snatching out his wallet before fishing through it. "But... but..." Ashlee was at a new loss for words. Justin yanked out a card and passed it to Ashlee. Ashlee nervously grabbed it, her hand shaking. "That's the number to a friend of mine. He's a P.R. and he should be in town when we do our next show here in O-Town. Just give him a ring and he'll get in touch with me immediately. I'll make sure you two get in." Justin informed her as Ashlee stared at the card. Her face brightened with an adoring essence. "Thank you, thank you so much. I mean... I really don't know how to thank you two." Ashlee exclaimed softly, her eyes tearing up slowly. "Just spread the good word that me and my family are just as normal as you and Kyle." Justin requested quietly, a secret prayer that he hoped God heard.

Ashlee backed away with a grateful gleam on her face. "Uhm, thanks again... wow, uhm, I don't even know how to say goodbye now." Ashlee stated nervously, her mind spinning. She did not know how to handle being treated tenderly by celebrities. She swallowed the lump choking her and grinned. "Well since I know we have to run, I think we should just say, 'Until we meet again.'" Brian suggested, glancing down at his watch. Ashlee nodded, her mouth still unable to form the words her heart wished to say. "Until we meet again." she agreed in a whisper, pulling back with Kyle and drifting off into a mass of people. "Bye Kyle!" Brian bellowed out as the mother and son disappeared.

Justin felt a warm hand grasp his, holding it tightly for a minute before losening. Justin glanced to the side, a slick smile curling over his pouty red lips. He could feel Brian's icy blue eyes heating his body with a lover's blaze. Justin twitched his nose, fearful of patrons' eyes. "Are you sure you want to hold my hand out here... like this?" Justin wondered quietly. He feared moving closer to his husband, even though he could see despration fondling Brian's baby blues. "I don't want to deny the fact that you're my husband if I don't have to. As of early last month, I didn't have to deny it anymore." Brian stated sincerely, taking a step nearer to Justin.

Justin raised his brow with a simple adoration. "Too good for me." Justin crooned, giggling as he tugged Brian in a new direction.

Justin led Brian and Angel through several patches of park attendants. "Wanna check out what I did?" Brian wondered as Justin attempted to guide him through a few of the patrons before they were noticed. Justin raised his brow with curiosity, slowing his walking. "What'd ya do babe?" Justin asked, his curiosity grand. Brian's grin grew tremendously. He pulled Angel from his shoulders and carefully passed him to Justin. Angel clutched onto Justin, his fatigue consuming him. Justin pte his son's hair back while awaiting Brian to expose his secret. Brian turned and pulled his shirt up. Justin glanced up and down Brian's back before noticing the artwork on the small of his back. Colored right above his butt was a musical note with a heart and the letter 'J'. Circling the top of the 'J' was a bright yellow halo.

A glimmer touched Justin's eyes as he stared at the decoration on Brian's back. "It's an airbrush tattoo," Brian declared brightly, spinning around on his heels so that he could view his husband's expression. Before Brian could view the look on Justin's face, he felt his lover's lips pressed softly against his. Brian's eyes shot open as he felt Justin's tender lips move slowly over his. He smiled through the kiss, Justin's tongue licking at his lips. He giggled quietly, the dimples in his cheeks flaring as Justin pulled back. "Uhm, it's just temporary until I get a real one right there for you and Timber." Brian added as Justin leaned backward. Angel laid his head on his father's shoulder, a gentle smile on his lips as his eyes began to close. Justin scooped his son into a cradling position, permitting his son to drift off to sleep as he continued to stare into Brian's bright blue eyes. "I think you're trying to get on my good side so you can get a little something later." Justin teased, his grin pulling at the corners of his mouth. Brian rolled his eyes entertainingly. He released Justin's hand and slither an arm around Justin's firm waist. Justin nibbled on his lower lip seductively as his husband drew close to him admist the attendants. Brian kissed Justin's jawline, tempting his husband.

Justin's mouth opened when feeling Brian's whiskers rub against his cheek.

"All I want is a kiss later on... nothing else, babe." Brian whispered, a trickling smile appearing in hopes of keeping Justin bright. Justin held back a frown, nodding.

Brian could feel the eyes of others beginning to fall on his family. He cleared his throat quietly before pushing Justin in a new, but familiar direction. "We've got watchers." Brian whispered to Justin as they walked. Justin sighed arrogantly, holding his head lower. "It's okay Just... we have to get going anyway. Timber's tired and I've got work to do at the house." Brian stated as he and Justin crept through several herds of people.

"Which one?" Justin remarked unpleasantly. Brian groaned, striving to remain civil with his husband. "Just come on." Brian grunted, guiding his husband and son toward the exit of the park. Their steps were quick, but not quick enough for the professional photographer that snapped their every look and every step from behind them. "Got'cha." the man said under his breath as he snapped a quick picture of Brian kissing Justin's cheek before leading his family further out of the theme park.

Screams were around through a cellular phone. The blaring noise caused Brian Littrell pull the phone from his ear, a cheeky smile on his face. He waited for a moment before placing the phone back to his ear. He could hear less screaming. His guess was that a technician calmed the audience in the TRL studios down and patched Brian into a direct connection with the man he needed talk to.

"Brian? You there?" Carson Daly's voice finally filtered through into Brian's phone. Brian reclined in his chair, in his office, at his Orlando home. "Yeah, I'm here." Brian giggled out. He had been convinced by his management to make a phone call to New York to do a brief with the TRL host for MTV to promote their forthcoming album. He did not want to be the one to call for fear of his personal life being placed on the line, but Howie was in the studio working with his sister, Nick was visiting with family, AJ was out with his wife and daughter, and Kevin was doing phone interviews with several teen magazines. Brian was the unfortunate one.

"So how's it going man? Where you at?" Carson asked curiously. Brian scratched his hair, glancing around the office. "I'm doing good. I'm at home right now." Brian replied sheepishly. "Oh, just chillin' at the crib huh?" Carson wondered. "Yep." Brian replied quickly. "Well, we're glad we could get you on the phone. How's the fam'?" Carson threw in a tricky question for the Backstreet Boys member. A flare of coos and groans came from the audience. Brian pressed his lips together, his eyes running over a picture of Angel, Justin, and himself. He could only think of the struggles he and his family had fought through to remain together. He could not air his love life on the air, so he refrained from thinking of Justin's affair with JC.

Brian licked his lips, trying to find a subtle response. "They're doing good." Brian replied simply. "That's good to hear. So tell us man, when are we going to see a new video from ya'll? We retired 'Show Me the Meaning...' almost two months ago. What's up? I heard that the new single is out on radio." Carson began to interview with a prompted question. Brian snickered into his phone, the sounds of the crowd screaming causing him to smile. "Yeah, the first single should be out on radio now. It's... it's called 'Sayin' I Love You.' We're shooting the video soon." Brian answered the question cooly. "So we can expect the single to hit TRL in a few weeks?" Carson questioned Brian for clarification. "Uh huh, in a month or less. We're doing the video in the next two weeks... uhm, Making the Video should be there with us." Brian replied, his healthy country accent ringing through the phone. The audience wailed with anticipation. "And is this first song, is it typical Backstreet? Or is it something totally new?" Carson inquired, another question presented by his producers. "It's not typical BSB, but it's not strayin' from the formula we already established though. It was done by Max Martin and the Sweden camp, so it's something you would and wouldn't expect from us. It's very uptempo, very danceable." Brian answered him, his voice scratchy. He cleared his throat softly, pulling the phone away some.

"Now I hear that you and the guys are going to be releasing previews for three songs prior to the album release? And you can get them on your website and the MTV site, right?" Carson questioned with little interest. Brian thought over the question. He had been in many business meetings with his label and management lately. He could not remember all of the technical ideas brought up by either. He only remember hearing the final track listing for the album and what was left to be done. "Yeah, I think something like that is happening. I know it's with MTV and some other affiliates." Brian answered uncertainly. "And what songs are you guys gonna put out there?" Carson questioned, searching for more details. Brian sighed mentally, his eyes closing. He used one hand to rub his temples as he thought over when the idea was discussed. "Uh, I know one song we did, it's called 'Blue', will be on there. And I think Howie's song, 'Under The Moon', will be on there and maybe the song AJ did. No, no, it's 'Under The Moon' and the Rodney Jerkins song... 'I Used To Believe.'" Brian answered, his voice trailing off as he thought. He could hear giggling from the audience following his words. "And all of you contributed songs to this album? To clarify things, it's still called 'Standing Alone', right?" Carson wondered, remaining technical with the interview. "Yes, it's still going to be called 'Standing Alone.' We think that title is very symbolic in many ways. As for writing, all of us got to co-write here and there, but me, AJ, and Howie got our songs put on the album. The songs we wrote made the final cut. I actuallly co-produced the song that I wrote for the album." Brian responded with a little more pride. "So you're dabbling in producing things again like you did with the *NSYNC song?" Carson presented another question. Brian smiled when thinking of the song he wrote was Justin. "Yeah, the song is called 'Just Like A Cowboy.'" Brian chimed.

"It must've been interesting to be able to work with... well, I guess he was your boyfriend back then? Or ewre you two together? I don't really know." Carson drew away from the technical side of the interview to search for an interesting topic of conversation. Brian licked his lower lip, his eyes straying away from the picture of he and Justin. "Uhm, he was just my boyfriend back then. It was fun though. We had a lot of fun in the studio and usually, most artists don't get to work with their... significant other.

Usually, they rarely get to see them. So working in the studio... and touring with Justin was a real blessing." Brian admitted, losing fear of being judged. He soon heard coos around the studio. A firey red tint flushed through his cheeks, a cheeky smile pulling endlessly on his lips.

"Yeah, let's talk about that if we can. I mean, how does it feel for the whole world to know that you're married to Justin? I mean, some people had a clue that some thing was going on, but no one was sure. So what's the response like? What made ya'll finally tell everyone?" Carson asked, his mind buzzed by the thought of Brian and Justin's marriage. Brian held his breath for a moment, the silence in the studio sending a chill through his body. It was his chance to clarify things to MTV viewers and Brian did not know where to start. "Well, it's kind of weird to be able to walk out in public holding Justin's hand now. I mean, me and him and our son were out today and it was so strange to hold his hand while we walked by others. But it's also stressful because now everyone wants to know just about everything about us and our relationship. That's hard, but expected," Brian admitted foremost, his feelings toward the situation awkward.

"Right, I can understand that. The media really likes to get into celebrities' lives, especially when they hear something new... and well, hot. But understandably, they want to know because ya'll kept it quiet for so long." Carson stated, hoping to ease the lines of communication. Brian eased further back into his chair, a hand resting on the top of his head. "We needed time. I mean all of the responses we've gotten from media and a few parents haven't been all that positive so far. We've heard some fans are disappointed and others are happy for us, but regardless, me and Justin wanted to tell the fans awhile back. It was more of legal ties we were bonded to and for the sake of the groups. Now we feel comfortable enough to continue making music with our groups and stay together as a married couple.

We only told everyone for the sake of the fans because we knew they wanted to know," Brian declared sincerely, an applause following his words. Brian could feel Carson holding a pause fot the applause to die down. "Me and Justin love our fans to death. So we thought we'd let them in on our little piece of Heaven." Brian added teasingly.

The silence between Brian and Carson lingered as fans cheered Brian on further. "Soon enough they're going to be begging to know what it's like to kiss Justin." Carson teased Brian without reservation. Brian snickered into the phone. "Actually, Justin's a real good kisser!" Brian insisted happily, pulling out screams from several of the female audience members. Brian laughed loudly at the response he received. "Okay, okay. Well Brian, we're going to have to let you go in a minute. But first we have a question from an audience member for you." Carson announced, a few whimpers of displeasure released around the studio.

Brian waited quietly for another voice to enter his phone. He spun in his chair until he was facing the computer. He stared at the document before him. It was the program for Brian to type up his thank you's for the Backstreet Boys' new album. Brian was almost finished. He had but two other people to thank and he was still thinking of a proficient way to do it. 'Man, this isn't going to be easy.' Brian told himself as he stared at the screen.

"Okay, say hi to Brian from the Backstreet Boys." Carson requested, snapping Brian from his trance with the computer screen. "Oh my goodness, hi Brian. I can't believe I'm talking to you." the girl said, her voice breathy. Brian smiled brightly, his eyes wondering. "Hi there." Brian chimed out. "My name is Cara and I'm from Brooklyn and my question for you..." Cara stated nervously. Brian grinned, his patience continual. "Well it's a series of questions, but I wanted to know what it's like to be a father in the music industry and if Justin is also a good father and what's your son's name?" Cara spat out, her northern accent thick.

Brian laughed gently as Carson began to speak. "Well, there's a New Yorker for ya. They give us an inch and we're sure to run the mile." Carson beamed. Brian continued to laugh. "Wow, uhm, where do I start?" Brian snickered out. "You've gotta start somewhere dude. We're gonna run out of time." Carson informed Brian. Brian glanced down at his watch and could see that he was running over with his interview. "Well it can be hard being a father in the industry because I don't always get to see my son as much. When I tour, I can sometimes bring him or sometimes I let him stay at home with Justin or with his nanny. When our schedule gets crazy, I have to go days before seeing my son, but I spend as much time as possible with him. If I'm not with him, I call him." Brian answered the first question wholeheartedly. He took a quick glance at the picture Justin gave him of Angel for his birthday. "And yes, Justin is a good father... he's a great father. He usually takes our son on tour with him if I'm going into the studio or doing something where our son can't come along. Justin loves our son as much as me and does a great job of being a father. Our son calls him Daddy... and I'm Dad." Brian responded with a cheery voice, drawing out a drawl of cheers from the audience. "Oh yeah, his name is Angel... it's Angel Sebastian Timber Littrell. He's almost one-and-a-half years old." Brian added a final statement.

"Well, there you go. Uhm, thank you Brian Littrell from the Backstreet Boys for calling into the show today. When can the fans pick up the new album?" Carson began to bring the interview to a brisk close. "You can get it December the fifth. Rememebr to get 'Standing Alone.'" Brian stated with a raspier voice. "That's right. Go cop 'Standing Alone' by the Backstreet Boys on the fifth of December and make sure to look for their new single... 'Sayin' I Love You' when it hits TRL in a few weeks. Thanks bro'." Carson babbled out, rushing to meet the time he was given. "See ya later." Brian ended their interview simply.

Brian twirled his chair so that he stared directly at the computer screen.

He laid his cellular phone on his desk and stretched in his chair. 'Where to start, where to start?' Brian wondered, tapping his fingers along the cold desk. He peered at the screen, reviewing the words he had already written expressing his thanks to God, his family, his label and management, his fellow band mates, and the writers and producers. 'Why is it so easy to write their names down, but so hard to tell Justin and Angel how much I appreciate them?' Brian wondered, his mind drifting away. He traced his fingers along the glass top of his desk before shifting in his chair. He was unable to find a comfortable position when struggling to find words to express his love for his family.

Brian lifted himself from his chair, his lips pursed. He brushed his fingers through his soft, amber hair and storlled toward the creaked door to his office. He slipped his left hand into his pocket as the fingers of his right hand twirled through his hair. 'Oh, I wish you'd walk in here right now JuJu Bean. If you could just sit me down and run your fingres through my hair, I know you'd make this easier.' Brian thought to himself as he approached the door. 'Why did we drift apart? Why can't you see that I only want to see in the den with you and Angel and laugh like we used to? I don't want any of these little family outings or gifts or planned moments. I want the old us.' Brian mused dejectedly.

Brian rested his hand on the doorknob and slowly pulled it open. 'Maybe one day you'll see what I want.' Brian wished as he let the door flow open. The house lurked in silence. Brian could feel his restlessness growing with the stillness. He pouted, his eyes searching the hall for his husband, his son, or his son's nanny. There was not a sign of any of the three.

Before Brian could take a step out of his office, his right foot felt something rub against it. Brian glanced down, expecting to see one of his dogs. He was surprised to see another object laying on the ground. He bent down slowly, glancing around the hallway as he went to lift the object. His fingers carefully raised a long-stemmed white rose from the ground. Brian peered at the rose with a curious expression on his face. He twirled the rose between his fingers until he reached the small card that was attached to the rose. He read the message with peering eyes.

'I'm sorry and I love you Rocky

Love, JuJu Bean'

Brian's lips crumbled into a frown. He sighed lowly and closed his eyes. 'Stop saying it.' Brian said to himself, his eyes shutting tighter. He cleared his throat before taking a full step out of the office. He closed the door slightly and strolled a little ways down the hall. His footsteps were light and almost unheard. He stopped just short of his son's room and turned to his right. His silvery blue eyes stared at the half-open door to his bedroom. He could hear a familiar Destiny's Child song rolling through the room. 'We can't keep doing this.' Brian brooded mentally as he pushed open the door to his bedroom.

Brian glanced inside the room before walking in. He eyed Justin as he fixed the linen on their bed, his movement quick, but not labored. Brian crossed his arms hoping Justin would take notice of him. It was a futile attempt. The sounds of Destiny's Child's 'Sail On' continued to keep Justin's attention. Brian frowned again. He took a few more light-footed steps until he reached the entertainment center. His hand lifted and he gradually reduced the volume on the stereo system.

Justin's head popped up when he heard silence beginning to rush through the room. He spotted Brian leaning against the wooden framework of the entertainment center. Justin smiled cautiously, his mind unraveled. He spied the rose in Brian's left hand and his smile brightened. "I see you got it." Justin remarked, standinh up erect and leaving the linen in its position. Brian took a quick glance at the rose and then nodded nimbly. "Yeah, I got it. Thanks." Brian replied with little effort. Justin's smile faded quickly. He turned his face from Brian's and returned to his work on the bed.

Brian shook his head before leaning off of the entertainment center. He paced slowly near the edge of the bed. "Justin, you've got to to stop apologizing every five minutes for what happened. It's not making any of this easier and it's not making the memories go away." Brian stated firmly. Justin's head lifted and turned in Brian's direction. "I'm trying." Justin said coldly. Brian shook his head again, frustrated by Justin's stubborness. "No, you're not. Just, I need space. I can't look at you every five minutes and think of what happened. I need you to come to me and just sit with me without saying how sorry you are or how you wish things would be the same again. It happened, but it doesn't mean I don't want to be with you anymore. Trust that I love you still." Brian affirmed. He laid the rose on the bed, his eyes never leaving Justin.

Justin took a look at the rose and then sighed. He plopped down on the bed and rested his head in his hands. He no longer wanted to discuss how to fix the problems in his marriage. "Hey, don't be like that. I'm just telling you what I need and what's best for me and you." Brian said as he took a seat next to Justin on the bed. Justin closed his eyes tightly, unhappy with the tension in the air. "I remember the times I used to be so scared that I would lose you to someone else... anyone else," Brian whispered to Justin, snaking an arm around Justin's waist. Justin's eyes blinked open, his stiffness shaking away. "Back when we were dating, I was so afraid someone would come into your life and you'd fall for them and leave me. Someone that was close to you... like Britney or JC or one of your friends. I was so scared. And then when we got married, those first few months were really scary. I thought you'd want to call if off after all the shit I went through with Nick and with Leighanne. I figured you wouldn't want someone that had a lot of drama in his life and someone that had dared to kiss another man while he was with you." Brian stated calmly, revealing thoughts he had never told Justin. Justin snuggled to Brian. his head resting in the crook of Brian's neck. "But do you know what changed my mind and made me confident?" Brian asked, nudging Justin. Justin shook his head, his brown curls brushing against Brian's jawline. "It was the way you handled all of it. It was the way you let it all go and let me be me." Brian whispered into Justin's ear before kissing it. Brian could feel Justin smiling on his neck and it brought a glittery smile to his own face. "So I'm going to let it all go and how about you just be Justin? Okay?" Brian suggested. Justin gradually nodded, hugging onto Brian, but remaining silent. Brian continued to smile, holding Justin closely in his arms.

"Turn your radio up guys because this is the new one from Lenny Kravitz and it's called 'Again.'" the DJ announced as a guitar-strumming, midtempo ballad began to seep through the speakers of Justin's candy apple red Mercedes M Class. Justin began to bob his head to the catchy beat as he pulled into the vast parking lot of an Orlando studio. He sped passed several cars while listening to the lyrics slowly dripping into the car.

I've been searching for you

I heard a cry within my soul

I never had a yearning quite like this before

Now here you are walking right through my door

All of my life

Where have you been

I wonder if I'll ever see you again

And if that day comes

I know we could win

I wonder if I'll ever see you again

Justin felt a rush run through his blood when listening to the song. 'Man, does this song really have to talk about the way I felt a few weeks ago when I didn't have him?' Justin wondered as he pulled into an available parking place. He kept his eyes hooded as he listened to the song blaze on.

He tapped his thumbs along the hard surface of the steering wheel. He didn't want to sigh, but he did. The song spoke to his soul while reminded him of a cup of loneliness he hated drinking from. 'Get over it Justin, it's life. You and Brian can either work things out or you can call it quits. You know what you don't want to do.' Justin told himself. His youth did not play a role in his mature thoughts. He merely took his options and placed them on a shelf for later debates. He pushed open the door of his car and prepared to walk another dusty trail in his life.

"I wish you would've said you were coming here today; you might have had an easier time getting in. We would've gotten automatic clearnace for ya." Danay said as she and Justin climbed a set of steps toward the third floor of the large building. "It's no biggie Danay. I didn't want anyone to find out that I was stopping by here." Justin remarked, his right hand toying with a lamenated pass jiggling around his neck while his left hand held onto the railing as he climed the steps. Danay glanced back at him with a troubled expression warping her face. She tossed pieces of her raven hair behind her shoulders before glancing forward again. "You didn't want your mom to know, huh?" Danay said matter-of-factly. Justin licked his lips, surpressing a sigh. He tightened the navy blue bandanna that rested on his head before pursing his lips. "You know me too well." Justin murmured as they came to the top of the steps. Danay giggled quietly, her arms crossed as she and Justin strolled down a quiet and cool hallway. "Come on Just, you know me and the girls do. You're like our brother." Danay gushed as they began to slow their pace. Justin slung his arm around Danay's shoulders and tugged her close. "Well, ya'll are my favorite sisters then." Justin gleamed. Danay rolled her eyes with laughter.

Both came to a stop near a large door. Outside stood a large, swollen man with peering eyes, a frowned brow, crossed arms and tight lips. Danay smiled up at the man while Justin stood wary. "Hey there Teddy. This guy right here is with us." Danay said chipperly, laying a hand on one of the towering muscles that belonged to the man's arm. The man crumbled his lips before thinning them out into a smile. "Okay D. Make sure he keeps his pass on and doesn't wonder around too much." the man stated, his voice tender toward Danay. Danay nodded promptly before tugging on Justin's shirt. Theodore opened the door and permitted Justin to follow Danay into the studio.

Justin followed Danay into the large studio. The sounds of 'Ride' rattled through speakers around the room. Mixing with the funky beat of the Innosense song was the sound of a roaring fan, chattering people, a snapping camera, and voices trying to sing along with the song. The room was drapped in white, creme, and navy blue, from the clothes laid out across the room to the scenary set up in the photo shoot area. A handful of workers moved briskly around the room, some assisting the photographer while others assisted the ladies of Innosense and their friends.

Justin spied Veronica giggled on an ivory couch in the shoot area, her wild curly hair teased exotically and her make-ep natural. She sat crossed legged on the couch, dressed in comfortable clothes from her open, navy blue jean-jacket to her tight white top. His eyes circled the room until he found Nick, Veronica's boyfriend, Mandy, and Bryan, Mandy's boyfriend, laughing loudly at a table with his mother, Lynn Harless. All four munched on food provided by the caterer. Justin let his eyes linger on his mother for a moment. Her eyes never spotted him, but the smile on her lips tormented him.

Justin tore his eyes from his mother and let them drift to other features of the room. Jenny sat at a hair and make-up station, the make-up artist placing a light coat of gloss on her lips while the hair stylist straightened her blonde-streaked hair to perfection. Jenny tried not to giggle at the jokes Veronica made at the camera as the make-up artist applied a smudging of M.A.C. body powder with foundation to her face. "Stop it V!" Jenny finally snickered out. 'I bet she wishes Trace was here.' Justin mused, thinking of his childhood best friend and Jenny's boyfriend.

His eyes rumaged the room until landing on a final group of people. Justin raised his brow with curiosity before pursing his lips at the group. He watched as Amanda Latona giggled and sang along to the song blaring through the speakers as Nikki hugged her arms around JC Chasez as he picked out a few outfits from a nearby wardrobe assortment. Justin furrowed his brow immediately when seeing Nikki and JC. Fire raced through his mind and his eyes while glaring at JC. 'Can't say you love me huh?' Justin thought as he watched JC flirt casually with his former girlfriend. Justin crossed his arms and began to peer at the two. He could no longer fight for Nikki. He was losing hope in her and her definition of love.

Justin shook his head, the anger flaring inside of him. 'I guess sleeping with me would have been nice, but stringing along your ex-girlfriend has got to be ten times better, huh Josh?' Justin brooded, skidding his feet across the floor while separating his eyes from the image of JC and Nikki together.

'Oh yeah, you're engaged to marry the man who nearly broke up my marriage before it started. You're just screwing me all over except in the bedroom.' Justin burned. He drooped his head and turned his back on the two.

"Just? Justin, what are you doing here?" Lynn's voice screeched as she stopped near her son. Justin lifted his head with a false smile on his lips. "I came here to see you and the girls." Justin admitted, opening his arms to his mother. Lynn briskly gave her son a deep hug, more than thrilled to see him at the photo shoot for her group. "That is so sweet, honey. But honestly, tell me, does the fact that Brian and Angel are down the hall doing a shoot for Teen People have anything to do with this?" Lynn giggled as she ended their embrace. Justin blushed lightly before lifting his chin. He shook his head wildly, causing his mother to fall into a fit of laughter. "Just maybe, just maybe." Justin finally replied in a coy voice. Lynn nodded, her cheeks flustered with red and her smile bright as the sun.

"Oh, what's this little mop-top doing here?" Mandy snickered as she slung an arm around Justin's shoulders and meshed his hair under his bandanna. Justin groaned immediately, a prime smile on his face. "He came to see you gals." Lynn insisted as Justin gave Mandy a light hug. "And you didn't come to see me J? I'm hurt man." Bryan teased, giving Justin a light shove. Justin rolled his eyes before laughing. "Don't everyone fight over me at once." Justin joked, waving toward Veronica's boyfriend as he passed.

"Now you know that's inevitable." Nikki whispered before placing a kiss on Justin's cheek. Justin felt unnerved when hearing her voice, but he did not refuse her a hug. "Hey there Nickums." Justin greeted her softly while hugging her. "Came to see your hubby?" Nikki wondered, staying close to Justin after their embrace. "And hoping to talk to you." Justin concurred, a wading smile crossing his red lips. Nikki returned the soft expression. She placed a hand on Justin's shoulder, not daring to glance back. "Nikki, come on! We have to do some group shots!" Veronica called out, stirring Justin and Nikki's silent conversation. Nikki sighed before running her fingers through her long brown hair. "Can you hold that thought?" Nikki requested. Justin nodded, his eyes shifting over Nikki's face. Nikki nibbled her lower lip and pulled away from Justin. Justin watched her as she moved away. His thoughts of his friend were changing, but he kept a deep faith that she would find the road back to love again.

The sound of a man clearing his throat interrupted Justin once more from his thoughts. Justin recognized the sound immediately and his heart was brushed with a cold hand. "You two never lost your closeness, did you?" JC's cavalier voice husked through Justin's ear. Justin clinched his fist shut, his anger arising once more. "Despite me and Nikki's different views on what real love is, we can't let go of true friendship." Justin hissed out. JC crossed in front of Justin with a grand frown on his plump lips. He stared at Justin, his face tight without a drop of anegr. "Why can't we be like that?" JC asked of Justin, his voice ghostly, but caring. Justin's jaw flinched. He restrained his anger to remain civilized in front of the others. "You never answered my question Josh. Did you love me?" Justin wondered, his eyes squinting at his longtime friend. JC shifted uncomfortably in his position. He gave Justin an unsure glance before letting his eyes circle the room. "Well, I guess that's my answer." justin said stubbornly, fisting his hands into his pockets as he began to turn away from JC.

A firm grip locked onto Justin's left arm, holding him from walking away. "I love you as a friend, man. I still want you as a friend despite what happened between us. Please don't leave me like this Just." JC pleaded silently with Justin. Justin struggled with JC's grip, but did not try to run. "Josh, I don't known what's left of our friendship. You've lost that softness that you once had. You're not the same anymore... you tried to seduce me. You're using Nikki and you can't even decide whether or not you're going to marry Nick in December." Justin affirmed, his eyes begging for release. JC read the sign and loosened his grip on Justin, but he refused to let go. He strived to pull Justin closer to him and Justin reluctantly followed. "I'm sorry I tried to ruin your marriage. You've always been so special to me and I felt like I was losing you. So I used that as an excuse to be with you and when we kissed... it just turned into something else, something new. Brian didn't matter. All that mattered was that I had you and you wanted to be with me." JC stated apologetically.

Justin allowed JC to run a hand over his face. He pushed away the nervousness he once had around JC and felt the care in JC's touch. "You wanted me, right?" JC whispered, his lips begging for something Justin could no longer provide. Justin raised his hand and gripped JC's wrist. He sighed and pulled the hand away. "That was then and this is now. I only have eyes for my husband, whether he wants me now or not." Justin said, his voice failing when speaking of Brian. JC searched Justin's face and could see the dark, cool sadness that was maddening him. "Things aren't going so right between you and Brian right now?" JC wondered, his heart in the right place. Justin shook his head, his lips pouting. "I don't think either one of our love lives will be the same after what we did." Justin admitted, finally taking ownership to his part in the affair. JC sighed with grief. "Would it help if I said I was trying to make mine right?" JC asked sincerely. Justin smiled lightly. He nodded happily. "Then I guess that makes two of us." Justin huffed, his smirk abiding when staring at JC. JC smiled back at Justin with hopes of reconstructing a lacerated friendship.

"Do you see Nick? We told you that things between your future hubby and that prick Justin haven't changed." a female voice whispered to Nick. Nick Carter stood in the doorway of the studio, peering at his fiancé and Justin Littrell. His soft blue eyes grew hard while watching the affection exchanged between Justin and JC. "You know that we're telling you the truth. JC's just playing you right now because he thinks he can get what he wants from Justin or from Peaches." another voice warned Nick. Nick's lips pressed together, forming a thin white lin on his face. He furrowed his brow and scrunched his nose. "He loves me. I know he does." Nick stated with a hiss. "Of course he does Nick, but Justin isn't going to let that stop him. Why give up your man when he sees he can have both JC and Brian?" the female voice insisted. Nick rolled his eyes. He shunned the idea of losing the man he loved. "If you love JC, then you'll do what you know you have to do." the woman stated firmly. Nick blinked his eyes, hiding tears. "I love Josh so much." Nick whispered, his voice loosening. "Then show Josh that you love him. We know that if you do this, JC will love you more than anything. Get Justin and Nikki out of his life and bring all of his attention back to you." the male suggested, leaving Nick baffled. He turned his eyes back to Justin and his fiancé, their laughter sickening him. "I need help." Nick whispered, his voice shifting to a hurtful sound. "We'll give it to ya, Nick. Anything to make sure that you and JC are together." the male agreed. Nick nodded, sighing before backing away from the door.

Nick followed the man down the hallway, his head hung low. "Thanks for the help Theodore." the woman purred while watching Nick walk away. "Anytime Ms. Wallace. Do you need anything else?" Theodore questioned, his body still erect. A smirk crossed her lips. "Could you pass this note along to Brian Littrell? He's down the hall in a Teen People photo shoot." she sung seductively, handing Theodore a folded piece of paper. Theodore nodded happily and watched as she strutted down the hall.

Brian sat with puckered lips as a camera took a quick shot of him sitting indian style with Angel sitting impatiently in his lap. Brian sported a gray Nautica tank with pin-stripe, navy blue slacks. He son was dressed in a similiar shirt with toddler jogging sweats on. Brian's brown hair was accented by blonde highlights and ruffled. He released a smile as the photographer prepared to take another shot. "Okay, Brian, I have the next question for you. It concerns your career and Justin." Lori Majewski, the interviewer from Teen People, stated loudly, trying to make her voice heard over the snap of the camera. Sheryl Nields, the photographer, took a moment to step back and reload on her camera. "You can change to the next position now." she informed Brian as she moved backward and allowed Lori to walk forward. Brian nodded, considering the direction his next question might move in.

Brian, Lea, and Angel had been at the studio since the early morning hours. He had agreed to do the shoot in order to promote his group and create a friendly barrier between his fans and himself. He believed the shoot and interview with Teen People would let fans understand him, his family life, and why he and his husband chose to keep their life a secret. Now that he was at the shoot, Brian was unsure if it was his choice or his management's choice to bring his marriage into another light. 'I just hope Angel doesn't get dragged into this crap.' Brian sighed to himself, lifting Angel from his lap and moving on the white, sheet-covered platform he was seated on.

"Has your relationship with him had much of an impact on your career? Is it harder being gay and in the music industry, especially if you're married to someone who is in the same business?" Lori asked as Brian manuevered to his next position with Angel. Brian took a quick glance at his son as he sat staring around the room. He smirked before returning his attention to Lori. "I think it's a lot harder for me and Justin being a couple than it is for say... Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman, but we take it in stride. We know other couples, whether it is a man and a woman, a woman and another woman or whatever... we know plenty of celebrities go through what we go through." Brian responded, answering the portion of the question that was easiest for him. He slipped an arm around Angel and pulled him close. "But thank the Lord that me and Justin are both in the same industry because he understands what I go through and I understand what he goes through. I think it's a conflict that a lot of people try to play our groups against each other because me and him are so close and we don't want that hassle. I don't hate *NSYNC and he doesn't hate the Backstreet Boys. Still, it's a conflict of interest being that we are both in groups that have been blessed with great sales and great fans. It's a natural conflict, but we don't bring any of that home at the end of the night." Brian declared.

"And has Justin had any impact on your career?" Lori wondered again. Brian sucked in his lower lip before laying down on his back on the platform. He lifted Angel and let him rest on his stomach. Angel glanced around, confused. "Definitely. I won't say that he is the reason I do so many things, but he has helped me with a lot of the things I've done recently. I don't think anybody knows this yet, but he's the reason I wrote 'Just.' You know the first single from 'Millennium'? He inspired that and that was back when we were first dating. I just felt like we belonged together and so he inspired a great hit for us." Brian replied, a grand smile on his lips as the words fell off his tongue like rain drops.

Lori took a step aside as Sheryl stepped forward again. She began to fiddle with the scenary as make-up and hair technicians began to touch-up Brian and Angel. "What about Angel? Do you think he's suffering right now because you and Justin waited to tell everyone?" Lori attempted to get a final question in before Sheryl returned to her work. Brian sighed and then glanced up to the ceiling. "Not really. A lot of people are curious about him and everyone's going to have their opinions about two guys raising a kid, but I don't think Angel is suffering or will suffer. He's still going to go to a public school when he gets older and he'll be an average kid just like everyone else's child. Angel just wants to play and me and Justin try to make sure he doesn't know the press is watching him." Brian responded, taking a quick look at Angel. Angel smiled at his father, reaching for his nose. Brian laughed heartly allowing Angel to smack the tip of his nose. "We want Angel to be normal and hopefully, Angel will have a sister or a brother that he can share this with." Brian stated without reservation. Angel giggled at his father, playing with his incoming mustache.

Sheryl immediately began snapping pictures of the giggling father and son.

"That's it... beautiful. Keep him laughing Brian." Sheryl instructed, finding another view to take pictures of the two. Brian smiled wildly at his son before turning his head to the camera. "Awesome. You must be used to this." Sheryl complimented Brian as she flashed a quick picture of Angel grabbing Brian's ear while Brian laughed toward the camera. The lense captured the love instantly. "Uhm, I try." Brian snickered as Angel tugged at his hair. Sheryl smiled brightly before returning to her job.

"He's not trying, that's just natural." Justin's proud voice spoke out, drawing both Angel and Brian's attention away from the camera. Angel smiled wildly when seeing Justin while Brian eyed him with uncertainty. "Well, this is definitely a surprise. Brian didn't tell us that you would be stopping by." Lori declared perkily. Justin turned to look at Lori, a wide grin on his lips. "He didn't know." Justin chimed, his eyes roaming until they found Brian again. Brian gave him a curious glance before a petite smile crossed his lips.

Sheryl took a quick glance at Brian and then Justin before snapping a final picture of Brian's sunny smile. "I think that'll about do it Brian." Sheryl stated, moving backward. Brian's grin grew when hearing the announcement from the photographer. He lifted Angel from his stomach and sat up on the platform. "They were great shots, thanks Brian." Sheryl added before passing by Justin. Justin winked at Brian, strolling around the studio. "Uhm, can we take a ten minute break from the interview Miss Majewski?" Brian requested, bringing his solid blue eyes to his interviewer.

Lori shot him a puzzled look. She glance down at her notes, considering the time that was allotted to her. SHe puckered her lips for a moment before nodding. "Sure, why not. I'll just do a quick review of my questions and we can resume in ten minutes." Lori agreed. She turned from him and began to walk toward the back of the studio.

Brian sighed happily, rolling off the platform and walking over to Justin.

"Hey Lea, could you watch Timber for a minute? I need to talk to Justin." Brian beseeched as he cautiously grabbed Justin's arm. Lea stood briskly, nodding with a ginger smile. She briskly walked over to Angel sitting on the platform. "Dad?" Angel wondered, watching his father escort Justin in another direction. "Be right back Timber, I promise. I need to talk to Daddy." Brian informed his son, waving toward him. Angel pouted as Lea lifted him up. "Thanks Lea." Justin spoke up toward his son's nanny, receiving an openly sincere smile from her. "No prob." Lea chimed, watching the couple head for the exit of the studio.

Marc, Brian's security guard, took a few steps in front of the door, his arms crossed and his brow furrowed. "Going somewhere Littrell?" Marc wondered, staring directly at Brian. Brian and Justin halted their walk. Brian sighed and then rolled his eyes. "Marc, I'm just taking Justin right outside of the door. I promise we won't go nowhere or get into any trouble." Brian gushed, hoping to win over Marc's confidence. Marc eyed him and then took a quick look at Justin. Justin shrugged, not looking to cause trouble in the ranks. Marc peered at Justin, a slick smile licking at his lips. "None of that nasty stuff, do you hear me Littrell? I'm a bodyguard, not your lookout." Marc instructed in a sneering voice as he opened the door to the studio. Justin blushed heavily as Brian began to tug him toward the door again. "Come on Marc, you know me better than that." Brian insisted, a straight face holding him from frowning at the suggestion. Marc laughed heavily as they began to slip out into the hall. "You're right Brian, I know you. Like I said, none of that nasty stuff." Marc teased, leaving the door cracked so that he could watch his clientele and friends.

Justin and Brian stayed near the door when entering the hallway. Justin licked his lips and watched as Brian leaned against the wall. Justin forced his hands into his pockets and stood in the middle of the hall. He took in his handsome looks, the beauty of his eyes and the sensuality of his stance.

Brian stared at Justin with a smug smile on his face. "What brings you here JuJu?" Brian wondered, his flickering smile speaking other words to Justin. Justin cocked his head to the side before moving closer to his husband. "I came to see my mom and the girls. And wow, it just so happens that you and Angel are here doing a photo shoot the same day." Justin lied unconvincingly. Brian pushed out his lips, doubtful of Justin's words. "Liar." he sneered, crossing his arms. Justin grinned at Brian. "Guilty as charged. Actually, I wanted to see how you and Bastian, but I really came by to see how my mom and the girls were doing. I haven't talked to them in awhile." Justin stated, running his hand over Brian's face, the hairs of Brian's sideburns and incoming beard tickling the tips of Justin's fingers. Justin adored the red-brown hair that was growing in. He could see a true manliness in Brian. "Maybe it's because you haven't really been talking to your mother ever since..." Brian let his words trail off. He turned his head from Justin, not wanting to discuss the affair.

"I talked to JC." Justin stated briskly. He knew he had to admit to it. He had to tell his husband to prevent the lies from beginning again. It's not what he wanted. He wanted Brian to trust him once more. Brian shifted his view until he looked at Justin again. His chiseled cheeks flexed and his eyebrows lowered. "I, uh, didn't want to, but I had to." Justin said, hoping to ease the bluntness of his previous statement.

Brian shook his head and leaned off the wall. 'Fuck, why?' Brian questioned in his own mind. He took a few steps away from Justin before beginning to pace around the hall. "Why are you lying to me Justin?" Brian asked with a frosty tone. Justin took in his lower lip, fearful of Brian's reaction. Brian crossed behind Justin, sighing heavily. "So you talked to the man you cheated on me with." Brian brooded. Justin let his head droop as he felt Brian pass by him again. Brian stopped pacing and stared at Justin. "You wanted to talk to him, didn't you?" Brian questioned his husband, his voice lightening.

Justin let his lips pout and he sighed. He nodded, keeping his hands submerged in his pockets. "I'm so-sorry." Justin let his words stumble from his lips. Brian gave him a tiny smile. He placed his hand on Justin's arm and let it run downward until it reached Justin's wrist. Brian pulled Justin's hand from his pocket and took it in his own. Brian glance up and into Justin's eyes. He could read the apology in his eyes. He shook his head again. "An apology isn't necessary Justin. I don't want you to stop being friends with JC because of me. You didn't make me stop being friends with Nick after all the damn things he did, so I don't want you and JC to stop being friends for our sake." Brian stated guilelessly. He rubbed Justin's knuckles with his thumb, holding Justin's hand gently.

Justin swallowed hard, unsure of how to react to Brian's words and actions. "At least you told me." Brian whispered, his tender smile returning once more. Justin blinked several times, still a little speechless by Brian. "I didn't want someone else to run and tell you and blow it out of proportion. I just... I had to talk to him and clear up everything so we could put this behind us." Justin stifled out. Brian nodded, giggling under his breath. "Calm down baby, I'm not mad." Brian beamed, continuing to rub Justin's knuckles for assurance. Justin sighed, relieved by Brian's statement. "But you go ahead back down to the studio the girls are in and chill there for a minute. I'm going to try and wrap things up here with me and Angel. Give us an hour, tops." Brian suggested. Justin was reluctant to agree to Brian's request. He finally nodded and felt Brian release his hand. "An hour, tops, JuJu." Brian repeated, smiling as he walked away from his husband and strolled back into the studio, his grin never fading.

"So you're a Backstreet wife now. Because you're no longer with the girls of Innosense, does that mean that you're out of the music industry?" Matthew Rettenmund, a journalist from PopStar! magazine, questioned Amanda McLean while holding up a tape recorder. Amanda pulled her chestnut-colored hair hebind her ears with a slick smile on her cherry lips. "No, I'm not out of the industry. I left the girls because I wanted to focus on my marriage and personal life. Now that I have that in order, I'm going to start working on a singing career of my own." Amanda stated, fully prepared for the question. "Why not just return to Innosense?" Matthew asked candidly, reading off a question that his readers desired an answer to. Amanda lessened her smile for a moment. She toyed with her wedding band. "Jenny's in the group now and she's done a wonderful job of taking my place.

The girls are more together now and they're doing fine without me. I'm sure the fans don't want to see the line-up changing every other month, so we all agreed that this is the best. The girls wish me luck though." Amanda responded with a tinge of regret in her voice. She attempted not to dwell on the arguments she and her husband shared over her leaving the group. She sought to have a solo career where she could grow, while her husband fond more stability with Innosense. Amanda tried to understand AJ's thoughts, but they seemed to be beyond her. She was tired of trying. 'I wish he'd try to understand me some times.' Amanda sighed to herself, keeping a generous smile for Matthew to cover her thoughts.

"Do you miss the girls?" Matthew stated the next questioned sympathetically. Amanda let her smile swell. "Oh, all the time, but the girls and I hang out any time that there are here in O-Town. Nikki and Danay come to my house all the time. Sometimes I can't get them to leave." Amanda giggled out. Matthew joined her in the laughter, unaware of Amanda's sullen thoughts. "And what about AJ? He's supportive of this new move?" Matthew questioned. "Oh yeah, he's very supportive. He and his mother are handling the job of manager right now until I get signed to a major label. I'm doing small gigs right now." Amanda replied. She kept her gleam alive. 'Yeah, he's as supportive as a deadbeat father-in-law on an episode of Jerry Springer.' Amanda said sarcastically in her mind. "So does this mean a possible duet between you and AJ on the album? Maybe touring with the BSB in the future?" Matthew asked with broad intrigue. Amanda giggled softly at the interest Matthew showed. "Well, I don't know about that. Me and AJ might do a little duet for my album, I don't know right now. But I am working on doing a duet with Nikki from Innosense. We have a song in mind, but we don't want to tell everyone yet." Amanda replied slyly, her tepid grin comforting.

Matthew jotted down quick notes while listening to her reply. He glanced up curiously when she finished. "And touring? I know you probably go with the guys on the road anyway, but is there a chance you'll go as an opening act?" he wondered again. Amanda sighed quietly, stringing her fingers through a section of her soft hair. "I doubt I'll be touring with the guys when they start their new tour in January. I'm trying to focus on getting the recording done before I hit the road with my material. But if Alex asked, I'd probably do it." Amanda responded indefinitely. Matthew nodded, taking down his final notes while Amanda dwelled on the missing pieces of her marriage.

Justin's solid blue eyes scanned over a few preliminary shots of his mother's group and a treatment for their upcoming video. He smiled tightly when glancing at a picture of the five women laying across the floor, laughing uncontrollably. A sigh parted his pouty red lips. 'I remember those days.' Justin contemoplated when thinking of his own group. The division in the group seemed minor, but Justin knew its size was greater than what the eye could view. He knew the tension between Lance and JC prevented many acitivities and the added strain in JC and Justin's friendship added to the equation. Justin hated considering the fact this his marriage and fatherhood took away from the group, just as Chris' did. The separation Joey put between himself and the group to be wtih his girlfriend pulled the final string, leaving the group on their own paths. 'Hopefully working on this new album will bring us closer together... at least keep us friends like we've always been.' Justin mused, glaring at a photo of Veronica, Jenny, and Mandy staring sexily at the camera.

"They take great pictures, don't they?" Lynn remarked while taking a seat in the chair next to Justin. Justin glanced up uneasily before reaching out and grabbing his can of soda. "Better than I do." Justin nodded before taking a gulp of the fizzy substance. He lowered the can and continued to browse through the pictures. "I don't know. You have rather cute baby pictures." Lynn chimed softly, laying her hands on the table. Justin shook his head while staring at a picture of Nikki. "Brian has better." Justin commented flatly. Lynn tried to withhold a sigh, glancing at the pictures as Justin laid them on the table. "I think my grandson beat both of you." Lynn said lightheartedly, trying to evoke emotion in her son. Justin let a diminutive smile tug at his mouth. He set the pictures onto the table, sighing sweetly. "He does have killer looks." Justin agreed proudly, lifting his chin up. Lynn snickered resoundly. She tossed her curly blonde hair back and then rested her left hand on top of Justin's. "I think he gts it from his father." Lynn grinned. Justin raised his brow. "I think so. After all, Brian's looks got me." Justin chuckled. He gazed at his wedding ring, a precious piece of his heart. His eyes began to turn somber when he began to think of the broken promises in his marriage.

"I hope it was more than his looks sweetie." Lynn declared with a stiffer voice. Justin groaned quietly before pulling his hand from under his mother's. He snatched up his can and held it firmly, the aluminum creating a cracking sound as he squeezed. "Of course it was and you know that. I'm sure you would have loved it to be just that so then you'd have a reason to say me and Brian shouldn't be together, but me and Britney should." Justin brooded. He took a quick swig of his soda, nursing it as he would a beer. "Justin, I'm sorry I said that, but I didn't mean it. I love Brian. I just... I just..." Lynn was lost in her words when viewing the grimace on her son's face. Justin lowered the can, tapping it on the table and staring away from his mother. He pushed his badanna off of his forehead, his eye squinting as he thought of the hateful conversation he and his mother shared over the phone almost two months previous. "You just what?" Justin finally asked. He received no reply.

The sounds of of small whimpers drew Justin's attention away from his animosity. He turned his head slowly to view small tears shifting down Lynn's tight cheeks. She sniffled quietly, glaring at Justin. "I just don't want my grandson to be you. I don't want him believing his parents are a sure thing if they aren't." Lynn cried tenderly. Justin shot her a questioning look, his eyes glazed over with concern. "I love Brian dearly; like he's my own son. I think that you two were really made for each other, but iff you have the slightest doubt in your mind, if you think that JC will make you happy, then don't let Angel suffer later on. Don't let Justin and Brian turn into Lynn and Randy." Lynn pleaded with her son. Justin reached his hand out and grabbed his mother's, sympathetic to her plea. His hardened expression softened greatly. He sucked in his lower lip while thinking over his words. "I don't love Josh, but I do love Brian. He's my heart mommy and I won't doubt our marriage anymore. I know it looks as if me and Brian are walking a tight wire, but he's holding my hand as we walk." Justin tried to assure his mother. Lynn lowered her head, her eyes dripping more tears. She squeezed Justin's hand tightly. "But you and JC had an affair. What happens when Angel becomes aware of what is happening between his parents? He can't go through what you went through." Lynn insisted. "He won't be me, mom, trust me. Brian and I... we're together now. We want to be together and we want to stay together. Bastian won't become aware of anything because Brian and I don't show it in front of him. Sure, there's a little tension, but not enough to pull us apart; not again." Justin interjected with a firm statement. Lynn nodded, keeping her thoughts to herself. She was learning to have faith in her son and his marriage. Though she knew the public had difficulty accepting it, she knew she could.

They were all dressed in a style that could be sexy, but approachable. Veronica sat on one arm of the couch, her outfit from earlier still clinging to her body. She took a moment to stick her tongue out at her boyfriend before smiling seductively. She was having fun with the photo shoot, instead of thinking of the video she would have to shoot in four days. The JC Chasez-remixed version of 'So Together' was already becoming a small hit among radio stations and Veronica treasured that. She hoped that more attention would fall on her group and listeners would begin to look at Innosense for their image and music instead of their past connections with *NSYNC and the Backstreet Boys.

Mandy rested one arm on Veronica's knee, leaning on her while smiling softly for the lense. She brushed her straight blonde hair back, batting her olive-green eyes. She sported a strapless white shirt with a small picture of Innosense's album cover on her shirt and tight, dark blue jeans. Nikki sat dressed in white, spaghetti strapped shirt with the word 'Glam' on it while rocking relaxed fit, dark blue jeans and Reebok shoes. Danay shifted on the couch styling a white bandanna, a sheer shirt with a tube top underneath, and capri pants with heels on. Jenny gleamed while wearing a sleeveless cream-colored shirt and leather pants. Each modeled their own style for the camera, but the feeling was still so together.

"All right ladies, that was wonderful. Absolutely beautiful. You can get a break now and I'll just do some candid shots." the photographer announced.

The stagtement caused an automatic sigh to cross each of the girls lips before they gradually began to flee the scene. "I am so hungry." Jenny bellowed as she and Mandy headed for the area Lynn and Justin sat in. "Me too." Mandy agreed wholeheartedly, rushing her steps. "When are you not hungry, Manny?" Danay joked, strutting toward the wardobe area. "Never." Veronica joined in the playful teasing as she left the photo area.

Nikki stayed seated on the couch, nibbling on the corner of her lip as she watched her friends mingle around the studio. She sighed, the words from 'So Together' fluttering in her mind. She began to hum the tune, her eyes glancing around the room.

"The voice of a songbird." JC chimed as he took a seat next to Nikki on the couch. Nikki smiled at him, still humming softly. "And the charm of a snake." Nikki cooed at him, her eyes speaking flirtatious words to her ex-boyfriend. JC rested a hand on Nikki's leg, smiling innocently. "What can I say? It works." JC grinned before laughing. Nikki shook her head with a sincere gleam on her lips. "Only some of the time, Chasez." she replied, pushing his hand away. She winked at JC as he tried to grasp her hand. "Playing hard to get." JC whispered to her, leaning in her direction.

Nikki slipped an arm around JC in a friendly manner. She gigglwed quietly as his head laid on her shoulder. "Last time I checked, you weren't available Mr. Chasez." Nikki grinned, toying with his brown hair. JC sighed, laying an arm on Nikki's leg. He snuggled closer to her, closing his eyes for a second. "Never too busy for you, Peaches." he whispered, his fingers rubbing over her knee. Nikki sucked in her lower lip, nervous with her ex-boyfriend cuddling with her in the studio.

"Perfect. This will make a great picture if, Nikki, lean down a little and give him a kiss on the cheek. It'll make for a sweet picture... the singer and the producer." the photographer declared, instructing the former lovers on what to do. Nikki's eyes became hollow as JC smiled lightly. He patted Nikki's knee, a gesture that Nikki feared.

The photographer lifted his camera and focused on the two. Nikki felt herself descending and she did not know what to expect. The photographer got a little closer as Nikki got closer to JC's face. JC lost his smile as Nikki's breath brushed against his chiseled cheek. Soon, Nikki's lips were pressed against JC's cheek and the sound of the camera snapping filled the air. Nikki felt the need to pull away, but she didn't. She stayed close to his face, daring to tease him.

"Great." the photographer said, walking away. When JC sensed the photographer had moved fully away, his face turned and his lips caught Nikki's. He traced Nikki's cheek with his hand as his thick lips opened to further the power of the kiss. Nikki was flushed with surprise as JC began to kiss her intimately, pulling her up into his arms and holding her as he kissed her soft lips. Nikki fell into the kiss, a sacred action that she vowed to cherish, but she did not know how to cherish a kiss from a man that belonged to another man.

Justin stared at Nikki and JC with hurt in his deep blue eyes. 'Why her? Why are you doing this?' Justin thought to himself, crossing his arms. He stood near the wardrobe area, watching their every move as they kissed. "It makes you wonder what love really is, doesn't it?" Brian's soft country accent whispered into Justin's ear. Justin jumped with surprise when hearing Brian's voice. Brian's strong arms wrapped around Justin's waist and his chin rested on Justin's shoulder. Through his aching, Justin smiled sweetly. Brian's gesture eased his mind when it came to his friends. "Yeah, it does." Justin agreed to his husband's previous statement. Justin could feel Brian's tenseness when he glared at JC. He licked his lips and rocked slowly in Brian's embrace.

"You believe that I still love you, right JuJu?" Brian whispered the question into Justin's ear. Justin nibbled his lower lip, feeling nervous when the question was proposed. He rested his hands on top of Brian's, rubbing them. "Honestly?" Justin asked. He heard a small giggle slip from Brian's thin lips. "That would be nice Bean." Brian responded a little louder. Justin again nibbled on his lower lip, his eyes lowering. He sighed. "I don't know anymore, Rocky. I... I just don't know Rocky." Justin responded, leaving the married couple in silence. It was the question that broke the rules and sought an answer that neither could answer at the moment.


--- Yes, I know I didn't meet the deadline, but hopefully it was worth it, right? I hope so. I tried to make this one pretty interesting while sticking with the storylines. I hope I did a good job of it, but that is up to you to decide. Just send me a letter with yuor comments and complaints and I'll try to respond ASAP. I have been heeding complaints about particular characters or situations in the story and I am trying to fix those. So if you think something should change or stay the same, let me know. The next chapter might not be out until the end of December, though I want to get my Christmas story out before then, so we'll see. I have finals coming on, so it'll be impossible to write. But after that, I go on Christmas break and will make an effort to write, write, write! I know you were expecting the return of two characters in this chapter, but plans did not work out to my expectations either. So you probably won't see those characters right now. However, I will say that Sebastian will return in a big way in the new year and you will probably get appearances from Leighanne and a few other surprises following or before that. We'll see. I want to send out requests that you check out the 'All I Ever Wanted' series and also 'Jamie's Romance,' as well as 'Lance & JC,' 'The One,' and several other stories that I think are GREAT Nifty stories. I can't think of them all right now, but I don't want to ship out a list too because I havem't read all the Nifty stories. Those are just three that I think really deserve appreciation. Oh yeah, as you can see Innosense is still here, but they won't be as big a part for awhile. Just Nikki and Mandy. Also, my lyrics are here to stay. Some folks complain about there being too many lyrics, but I think they add to the story. So you will have to bare with me for now. Otherwise, I hope EVERYONE had a great Thanksgiving and if I don't write before then, have a WONDERFUL Christmas and I hope you are blessed. Keep the love alive... ---

Next: Chapter 69: Rolling Stone

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