Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Oct 31, 2000


Ride Written by JM

--- I was inspired to write this interlude while riding in the car to go out of town. I wasn't sure if I was going to write it until I got an e-mail last night from a reader named Marissa. She told me that it was my story that helped her like Innosense and that she got to meet them. That, plus letters from several of you, has made me continue to include Innosense in the storylines. For those of you who haven't done your research, Innosense has a strong connection to Britney Spears, *NSYNC, and the Backstreet Boys. So that's why I continue to write them into plots. Anyway, this story will go along with the next chapter. It centers around the girls of Innosense, except it will touch on ALMOST ALL of the little plots that have been going on in the story. It will give readers a chance to really get accustom to Innosense and to see their view on choices and actions that have been going on with their friends. This will also include a HEFTY amount of Innosense lyrics, so brush up on your music kids. The lyrics for 'Go Baby Go' and 'Guilty' have been altered due to lack of proper multimedia. I hope my readers will at least give this minor interlude a chance and read it. Let me know what you think... ---

A foot kept a steady beat with the floor by tapping on it. Arms were crossed and her body was stiff. Her body was clothed in a black halter top with baggy, orange flight pants. Her hair was slicked by in a ponytail and covered by a yellow bandanna. Her olive-toned skin was shiny with baby oil and her face was pale with little make-up. Her Nike-covered feet tapped a familiar beat in her head, but it did not ease her agitation. She waited for another woman to appear in the large warehouse that was set aside for Innosense's rehearsal. The woman's name was Danay Ferrer and she was the eldest, and most disturbed, member of the all girl group.

Mandy Ashford, another member of the group, skid her ankle-sock covered feet across the polished, wooden floor. "We should do some vocal warm-up's while we're waiting. Maybe we could work on that acapella of 'I Wish?'" Mandy suggested in her healthy Southern intone. Danay twitched her nose and then briskly rolled her eyes at Mandy. She wasn't in the mood for the notion. "Good idea Blondie." Veronica Finn, the youngest member, agreed. She stretched on the floor near Mandy, trying to think of other things besides the thick tension that lingered in the air of the warehouse. "I like the acapella ya'll do for 'Rain Rain.' Do you think you'll do that one at the House of Blues Showcase?" Lynn Harless, Innosense's manager and mother to Justin Littrell, wondered. Veronica contemplated the idea while Mandy shrugged. She tightened the ponytail she had on her blonde hair while listening to Veronica count off her crunches. "Isn't that set going to be about five songs? Or is it four?" Mandy questioned, lowering her arms and shoving them into the pockets of her gray flight pants. "I thought it was six?" Veronica voiced her own concern. "No, I heard it was three." Jenny Morris, the newest member of Innosense, protested from a bench on the side of the warehouse.

"It's four songs and four songs only. We'll pick the songs as soon as Nikki decides to make her appearance here." Danay stated in a firm, controlling voice. The others became silent for a moment while Lynn refused to involve herself in the girls' conflict. Mandy soon turned to Veronica and stuck her tongue out. "I told ya it was four songs." she boasted in a hushed voice, causing Veronica to fall back onto the floor with laughter. "Hey, D, go easy on Nikki, will ya? She probably had something that came up and prevented her from being here right now." Jenny suggested a simple answer. Mandy nodded, hoping to win over Danay's softer side. "She's had something come up for the past two rehearsals Jenny. We've been easy on her the past few times." Danay disagreed. "Yeah, JC, no doubt." Veronica snickered quietly, causing Mandy's head to drift in her direction. She shot her friend a lonesome scowl, showing her disapproval in Veronica's comment. "Guys, come on, they're just friends." Jenny griped. "It's none of our business anyway." Mandy disaffirmed. Jenny nodded with her, crossing her arms. "The hell if it isn't." Danay charged, throwing her arms into the air for emphasis.

"The hell if it isn't what Danay?" Nikki's distinctive voice brushed through the air, eyes searching for her. She stood near a mirror covering one of the warehouse's walls. Pieces of her reddish-brown hair accented her shoulders while the rest of it fell behind her back. Her workout bag rested near her feet while her hands were busy twisting the cap of her Asani water back and forth. A simple frown touched her lips while her green eyes peered at her group mates. Mandy took glances at both Danay and Nikki. She did not like the tension forming between two of the closest members. She cleared her throat lightly and then took a small step forward. "Uh, hey Nik', we were just talking about the songs we were going to do for the House of Blues Showcase." Mandy spoke up in her captivating country accent. Nikki brought her eyes to Mandy with suspicion rounding them. "Really?" Nikki wondered with heavy doubt in her voice. Mandy nodded quickly, hoping to receive support from the others. "Yeah, I think we should change up the line-up. You know? Give the fans something new instead of that same show we gave them on the *NSYNC tour." Veronica finally interjected with a bubbly voice. Nikki twisted her lips just as she did the cap. She licked her lips and then returned her eyes to Danay. "Right D?" Veronica chimed, praying Danay would not begin at argument. Danay lowered her eyes with anger and then finally nodded.

Nikki tossed her head to one side, foldingher arms with disbelief. "Okay, ladies, shall we get started?" Robert Jacquez. the choreographer, called out. He received no disapproval from any of the girls from Innosense. It surprised him, but he took the silence in stride. "Nikki, you're late and that cost us some time. So we have no time for a warm-up. We've gotta get right into the routines. Let's start with 'Go Baby Go.'" Robert listed off without a breath, clapping his hands as he finished. The sound of his hands slapping together caused the girls to quickly move to their designated positions. "Gee, he's so peppery today." Mandy joked, grabbing her microphone from the ground. Veronica snickered lightly, letting her arms rest at her sides while awaiting the opening music to begin. "Are we even going to do this song for the Showcase ya'll? It's been awhile since we've done it." Jenny remarked, looking around to the others. Veronica quickly shrugged. Mandy sucked in her lower lip, contemplating the idea. "I think we should bring it back for this performance. Even though it's not on the album, people still like it." Nikki commented. She received a small nod from Jenny. "Hmmph, I don't know why you think that. It's not like you didn't tell JC to leave last night." Danay remarked quietly, but loud enough for Nikki's ears to hear a few of the words. Veronica turned her head in shame, disappointed in her friend. Nikki wrinkled her brow and scrunched up her nose. "Hold up, what does he..." Nikki did not get an opportunity to finish her statement. "Cue the music!" Mandy requested loudly, setting everyone off balance.

A thundering bass-beat entered the warehouse causing the women of Innosense to hop into position. Each thought of the beginning dance moves for the song they had not performed or rehearsed in three months. They all followed Mandy's lead as she raised one arm to the air and began to wave it around in a circle. Nikki swallowed hard, engulfing the hateful words she prepared to hurl at Danay. She lifted her microphone to sing the chorus to the song with the others while preparing to lead on the first verse. She merely threw her hair back and danced to the front of the group, hoping she could keep her mind on the rehearsal and not the anxiety building between Danay and herself.

Go baby go baby go

If you just wanna spend the night

(You can go, baby, go)

Go baby go baby go

If you don't see you our future bright

(You can go, baby, go)


Midnight is comin' on

We can't go on and on

But I wanna talk until the sun comes up

The way you're holding me

It isn't hard to see

Cause baby, I'm ready to begin

To open up

Danay sashayed her way to the front of the group, shooting Nikki an evil stare. She licked her lips and then stared at the mirror in front of her. She needed to keep a focus and thinking of Nikki and her current actions were not helping. She lifted her microphone to croon the bridge of the song, watching from the corner of her eye as Nikki dance nearby.


But if you just wanna have some fun

You know I'm not the one

You better go

Go baby go baby go

If you just wanna spend the night

Go baby go baby go

If you don't see our future bright

Cause if you believe this is love

And you're willing to stay

Then stay, then stay baby stay

The others danced around madly as Nikki and Danay continued to have a war with stares. Nikki flounced her way to the middle of the group, her microphone near her side. She took a quick glance back at Danay before sliding to one side with Mandy. She permitted Danay to march to the front, following the routine that was fashioned for the song almost nine months prior. She bobbed her head to the urban beat, anticipating Danay's vocals to take control of the second verse.


I could get lost in you

That's what I wanna do

But that'd be crazy to risk that chance

This girl's not insecure

But I got to know for sure

Your heart, your mind, your soul understands

That baby I'm so into you

Danay skipped over to one side of the performance area as the others danced i the background. She shook her head and tapped her foot, listening for Nikki's vocals.

Nikki stood stiff in one position, her curiosity and anger getting the best of her. She did not bother to sing the next bridge. "What do you mean I didn't tell JC to leave last night? How would you know?" Nikki asked loudly with her animosity lacing through her voice. Danay sucked air through her teeth, returning to a standing position. Mandy sighed arrogantly, lowering her microphone before walking to one side of the warehouse. "What? What's going on?" Jenny wondered, her dancing ceasing as she glanced at Danay and Nikki.

Nikki crossed her arms, still awaiting a response from Danay. Danay tipped her head back, raising her chin. She rolled her eyes before sighing.

"Man, I didn't even get to do my rap." Veronica complained as the music was stripped from the speakers. "Well, go on Danay. You started this, so answer the girl." Mandy insisted, placing her microphone down on one of the speakers. Danay nibbled on her lower lip while feeling the stares of the others on her. "I called your apartment last night... around midnight or close to one o'clock. JC answered the phone." Danay finally replied. Nikki raised her right eyebrow. "And so you assumed that JC and I were sleeping together because you called my place late at night and he was there?" Nikki shot back. Danay grumbled. "No, but the fact that he was there at one o'clock in the morning and you had to rehearse with us at nine in the morning does leave some to wonder if you planned on kicking him out so you could get some sleep or if you two were already sleep." Danay briskly snapped back with a valid argument. Jenny wrinkled her lips, the statement too strong for her to go against. 'Oh, Nik', you're on your own girl.' she stated mentally, drawing back from the group.

"It's none of your business." Nikki gave a short and simple reply, turning her back on Danay. Veronica shook her head a little, unsatiated by the response that was given. "Like I said earlier Nikki, the hell if it isn't. If it's starting to disturb the way this group works, then it is our business." Danay hissed back. "Danay, let it go. Who cares if she's sleeping with JC?" Veronica groaned, tossing her hands up. Nikki spun on her heels when hearing Veronica speak. "We all do and you know it Veronica.

It's not the fact that we don't know what's going on between them, but it's the fact that she's late for rehearsals when she's with him. She's got her mind on him during rehearsals. Hell, she's calling him when we have breaks in rehearsals. Let's not count the endless times on this recent tour where she hung around *NSYNC's dressing room with him." Danay ranted with hostility running through her voice.

Mandy groaned softly, pressing her fingertips against her temples. She did not enjoy watching her friends battle and she knew the war was inevitable. "Danay, they dated for four years, what do you expect? Do you want her to give up her friendship with JC? That's like asking Mandy to end hers with Lance or Veronica's with Justin. It's senseless." Jenny finally stood up in defense of her friend. "But this same thing happened when she was with Kevin, remember? The only difference is that she admitted that something was going on between Kevin and her." Danay disagreed in a calmer voice.

"Whatever happened to you and Kev', Nikki? I thought you two were working it out?" Veronica wondered, bringing her soft brown eyes to Nikki. Nikki allowed silence to linger between her friends and herself. She waited for another outburst or assumption to cross Danay's lips. "And like I said, it's not our business." Mandy jested, returning to her position in the group. "No, it's your business if you want it to be, right D? If you want to know so bad that is." Nikki retorted, defeating Mandy's attempt to bring unity back to the group. Danay exhaled hard, stiffening in her stance. "I'm just looking out for the good of the group and you. And JC is not good for you." Danay stated with her own fiaxted belief. "Well, for the benefit of the group, maybe you should wait until I'm ready to tell you what's going on. And to answer the question on your minds, I have not slept with JC. Whenever he does stay at my apartment, which he has, he has slept on the couch. For God's sake, he's engaged to Nick. I wouldn't go anywhere he did not suggest and anywhere that would hurt me." Nikki declared rigidly with hopes of destroying all untrue thoughts in her friends' minds.

"Being engaged doesn't always mean someone is going to be faithful." Veronica remarked, trailing off as she stepped toward one of the walls. Nikki shot her a questionable stare. Veronica ignored any looks that came from the others. She was wrapped in her own thoughts and her own struggles.

"Let's just move on to the next song." Mandy suggested, pacing near Jenny.

Jenny reluctantly nodded with faith that song would bring a unity back to Innosense. There were no objections from the others on the idea. "Let's do 'A Real Good Man.'" Nikki suggested, hesitatiing in the idea of leaving the subject with unresolved feelings. "Yeah, come on, let's do something lively." Jenny consented. The othersd agreed in a more quiet fashion, gradually moving to their positions for the routine.

As soon as the classically hip-hop song came flowing into the speakers, all five women became engrossed with the routine to the song. They danced freely, putting forth a large percent of their focus on the tune. They permitted the argument to die down as they interacted with the melody and each other.

Where ya at?

Where ya at?

I'm looking for a real good man

I'm looking for a real good man


I need, a good man, a good man, hey

(I'm looking for a real good man)

Come on, where ya at boy?

Where ya at?

Uh, come on ya'll

As Nikki ad-libbed her way through the beginning of the song, she thought over the harsh words spoken to her. She felt singled-out for crimes she had committed while the others escaped without any scars. She didn't know why she was the one who suffered because of the way her heart directed her. Revenge was not her choice of drink, but it called on her. She felt a voice telling her to fight back against the things that were slung at her.


I've been hurt so many times

For all the men that's done me wrong

I wish I had a dime

Why can't they appreciate me

For who I am and not who they want me to be


(All I want is) Ooh, uh, yeah

Someone who makes me feel like I'm his only girl

(Can you hear me) Can ya'll hear me?

Well if you're out there raise your hands

Help me if you can

Cause I need

Someone who'll stay true

And knows just what to do

I need a good man (Where ya at?)

I need a real good man (Where ya at?)

I need a man

Who makes love to my mind

And gives me quality time

I need a good man (Where ya at?)

I need a real good man (Where ya at?)

The others put forth much of their energy into the tune while Nikki took a more laidback stance. They chanted the hook while she thought over other musings. She watched herself and the others in the mirror in front of them.

She flipped back her hair and let the heat of the room surround her. 'It's not my fault. I didn't mean to fall in love with him... especially not twice. But he's so good to me, he treats me the way Kevin couldn't. He's there for me, but yet... he belongs to Nick and part of him is still with Justin. How can I fight this?' Nikki contemplated as Jenny danced to the front of the group.

Danay glanced at Nikki with sadness running through her deep brown eyes. 'Nikki, you're doing it again. You're letting him get to you. You need someone good girl, but... you can't ever find one.' Danay thought to herself, considering the qualities Kevin and JC possessed.


All the heartbreak in my life

Has been caused by men who insist on acting trite

Why must they always play these games

Just respect me and for you I'll do the same


(All I want is) Oh yeah ladies, give it up

Someone who's not afraid to show some sensitivity

(Can you hear me) Can you, ooh

Well if you're out there, let me know it

Don't be afraid to show it

Cause I need

The girls ripped through the chorus as Mandy took glimpses at Nikki and then herself. 'I wish you could have what I have. Damn, Nikki, I know what's going to happen. JC can't lie to himself. He's either going to pick Justin or Nick and you're going to be left with the aftermath again. Shit, why does he do this to you? This is just like last time.' Mandy said to herself, her guilt overwhelming her. She missed a few steps as she thought.

She could feel herself lagging behind as the others tepped to the left and allowed Veronica to strut to the middle for her rap.


I'm lookin' for a real good man


He gotta be rollin' with his heart in hand

Here I am

Ain't no shame in my game

You better come correct with respect

"Hold it! Hold it! Mandy, what's up girl?" Nikki called out, talking into her microphone. Veronica let her voice drop and end her rap. She glanced behind herself to see Mandy standing with a dumbfounded expression on her face. Veronica titled her head to the side, a curious expression flickering on her face.

Mandy shook her head, trying to clear her mind of her previous thoughts. She turned her head in Nikki's direction, her ivory-green eyes questioning her friend. Nikki lowered her mic, confused by Mandy's glare. "Nikki, why can't you see? He's not a good man, he can't be. I don't want to see you hurt by him." Mandy declared without a hint of hesitance. A gasp expelled from Danay's mouth. Veronica shot Mandy a look of disbelief while Jenny leaned back on her heels with uncertainty.

Nikki felt her heart jump back and her mouth slid open. She never expected such a statement from Mandy. She was unprepared for it. She swallowed lightly and then sighed. Her heart fluttered. "You can't judge Josh like that Mandy. Since I've known him, he's done a lot for me. We've hurt each other, but he's a good person. Ya'll know that." Nikki protested lividly. Danay shook her head, crossing her arms and taking a few steps back. She did not wish to enter the conversation, but she felt words bubbling inside of her. "Sure, he can be a goo friend and very supportive of us, but relationship-wise, he's been through more boyfriends than I have." Mandy objected freely. She was beginning to see Danay's view, but she refused to concede so easily.

"Why does my relationship with Josh have to be questioned because of our past? What about Veronica and Justin? Mandy and Lance? How about the hours Jenny spent with Trace before most of our shows? Or the times Veronica showed up late to a recording session because she was on the phone with Nick? Why does it have to be about me?" Nikki sent out a demand in her questions. She searched for an answer in all of her friends' faces. The expressions were vague and uncertain.

Jenny cleared her throat softly, sensing it was her moment to speak. "It's different with me and Trace. We're in love, Nik'. We spend together, quality time together because we're a couple... you know? Boyfriend and girlfriend? It's not the same with JC. You don't love him like I love Trace." Jenny declared with a shaky voice. "Oh Jenny, please, you've only been with Trace for a year. I've been friends with Josh since I was thirteen. I was his girlfriend for four years and now..." Nikki could not find the proper words to finish her statement. She, herself, was unsure how to classify her relationship with JC. "And now what Nikki? Are you his girlfriend? That would be going against what you said earlier." Veronica boasted, challenging Nikki's statement. Nikki peered her eyes at Veronica, angered by her outburst.

Danay took a glance over her shoulder to where Lynn was. She sat silent in a corner while others continued with their work around the warehouse. No one intervened. No one stopped their bickering. Danay knew why. She knew Lynn ordered it. Lynn was allowing the girls to vent after months of built-up aggression. Danay trusted that Lynn's technique would end the tension between the five, but she was not certain that the method would carry through.

"She does bring up a point. All of us have let the men in our lives distract us from our duties to Innosense and to each other." Danay debated. Nikki remained silent, flabbergasted by Danay's sudden support of her. "Heh, you could say that about Veronica when Justin gets around." Jenny remarked slyly. Veronica's eyes widened with fury. "Excuse me? I don't change when Justin gets around." Veronica disputed. "V, you do. Just like I do when Josh gets around." Nikki contested. "Roni, you do." Mandy agreed openly, leaving Veronica speechless. She tried to empathize with Nikki, but now, she was Nikki.

"That is some real bullshit. I'm not hugging all on Justin or giving him a kiss in the hallway when he leaves." Veronica retorted, her sharp words directed toward Nikki. Nikki crossed her arms and puckered her lips, her disappointment evident. Veronica, then, turned her eyes on Mandy. Spite circled Veronica's eyes when looking at the woman she felt closest to. "Should we even question you and Lance's relationship, Blondie? You two seem rather close all the time. You hug on him, lean on him, hold his hand whenever. Yet I never hop down your throat and ask you what's going on there." Veronica hissed. Mandy shook her head immediately. She would not permit herself to agree with Veronica's short analysis. "Get real! Me and Lance? He's my best friend, Veronica. I'm sorry, but unlike you, I keep a proper distance between my best friend and myself. Lance and I never dated, we never had anything but a platonic relationship. Shit, Bryan and I just had dinner with Lance and Bryce the other night. I have a boyfriend and so does Lance." Mandy refuted without hesitance, standing in complete defense of a man she loved, but only as a friend. Mandy yanked her hair from the ponytail she wore and then rolled her eyes. She took several steps away from the group with a belief that she had proven herself completely. "Can you say that about you and Justin?" Danay added with a slick tongue. Veronica twisted her head in another direction, furious by betrayel.

"Okay, can we get back to the rehearsal now? There's no use in us fussing over our men like this." Jenny suggested, raising her voice so that the arguing would cease. The others did not seem as eager as she did. "Maybe that would be best." Veronica agreed, skating to the center of the group with a sullen expression. Nikki and Danay shrugged. Mandy turned her back on the others, her disappointment in their behavior evident. "Let's do 'Rain Rain.' All of us need something that we can relate to right about now." Nikki advised, placing her hand on Danay's shoulder. Danay gave her an indifferent glare before smiling lightly. "Sure, why not?" Danay agreed with a small shrug.

Jenny did not know the impact her choice of song would have on the others.

She swiveled to the front of the group with a small smile, looking to the others for support as she prepared to croon the second verse of 'Rain Rain.'

A deft silence lingered between the five women as they performed the song.

They knew all of the choreography too wel, yet, it became too mechanical. There was no interaction between the five due to the mid-tempo ballad. Only dancing and singing, nothing else.


The sun is strong when you're near

But when you're gone it disappears

Behind an ocean of blue

The telephone's not good enough

It can't reach out

It can't touch me like the way you do, ooh

I wish you would knock at my door

Cause only you can stop this pouring

Rain rain in the sky

Everywhere I look my eyes see

Rain rain falling down

Cryin' as it hits the ground

Rain rain in my heart

Every day that we're apart

Rain rain, falling (Falling to the ground)

Rain rain (Splashin' on the ground)

Rain rain (Let it trickle down)

Only rain rain

Jenny danced to the back of the group, her ad-libs following her. She glanced at Mandy and could feel the heat that grew between Mandy and herself. She frowned slightly, suddenly feeling uncomfortable with the others. She slid a few strands of her brown hair behind her ear and sighed, watching as Nikki strolled to the front of the group. She pursed her lips a little, frustrated by her band mates' actions.


Maybe I'll go outside

And walk beneath the clouds

Pretend it's you that's washing over me (Over me)

Distance is the only thing that comes between us now

Baby, soon we'll be together

Ooh, ooh


Rain fallin' from the sky

All I do is cry and think of you

Can't dry my eyes

Rise above, the clouds

All my love is not allowed

You're not here to share the showers, all my powers

Taken over, can't find no cover (Everywhere I look I see rain)

Taken over the rain, rain

Comin' at me like a train, train

Driving me insane-sane

Wanna run to the sun (Rain)

Nikki moved to one side, a goofy grin finally grasping her lips. She had cease dancing and merely lingered in the stillness of her own aura. She tapped on Mandy's shoulder, hoping to draw her attention away from dancing. Mandy glanced over her shoulder, her mind befuddled by a sudden touch. She glared at Nikki with astonishment running through her eyes and face. She stumbled a little as her dancing came to a stop. Nikki giggled lightly before giving Mandy a raspberry. The abruptness of Nikki's action caused Mandy to fall into a fit of laughter. It was unexpected and something Mandy truly needed. It was humor.

Danay took a quick glimpse to her left when hearing the laughter. She had wondered where Nikki's ad-libs had disappeared to when the girls sang the hook of the song. She could now view the mystery behind the difference in the song. She slowed her dancing, watching as Nikki and Mandy laughed to one side while the others danced and sang. "Eh, what's up with that ya'll?" Veronica called into her microphone, causing Jenny to halt her dancing. Nikki was too caught up in laughter to respond to Veronica, her face flushed a brand new shade of red. Jenny giggled under her breath while observing the two. "Don't ask me. Nikki's the one who came over here and started making faces." Mandy snickered, giving Nikki a light shove. Nikki shrugged, proceeding to laugh as the others glanced at her. Her infectious laughter soon caught wind and Veronica and Danay were joining Mandy and Nikki. Jenny furrowed her brow and stared at the other four. "What's so funny guys?" she pondered with a squeeky voice.

As the music died down, another sound filled the warehouse. A pounding began to thud against the roof of the warehouse. The sound caused the girls of Innosense to lower the volume of their laughter and glance around curiously. "What's that?" Mandy wondered, moving her eyes all around the warehouse. Several shrugs followed her words. "Thanks to your rain dancing, it's raining outside ladies." Lynn answered Mandy's inquiry. Innosense brightened with smiles. "Yeah, we're bound for the number one spot if we can make it rain for real at all of our shows." Veronica chimed, taking a minute to listen to the soothing sounds of the rain pounding against the roof. The others laughed gleefully at her. "Sure 'Roni." Mandy giggled with a coy tone.

"Aaww, me and Trace kissed for the first time in the rain. It rained on our first date." Jenny cooed, closing her eyes and grinning uncontrollably. Her expression resembled that of a high school girl, forcing Nikki to roll her eyes and laugh quietly. "Oh, not one of these stories again Jen." Veronica pleaded sarcastically. Jenny's eyes flipped open and a sour expression spread over her peach-toned lips. "I'm sorry if you don't want to hear 'em because they aren't as interesting as the struggles Brian and Justin went through or the drama AJ and Amanda had, but they are my stories." Jenny prattled sourly. Veronica bit lightly on her tongue, holding in argumentative words.

"Gosh, Jenny, you act like you have a problem with the fact that Brian and Justin fought hard to stay together or something." Nikki stated defensively.

"Well... uh... I, uhm... I..." Jenny was at a loss for words, striving to stay reasonable in her friends' eyes. Mandy arched her eyebrow, suspicious of Jenny's stuttering. "You don't have a problem with Brian and Justin do you? After all, Justin is Trace's best friend." Mandy stated vindictively. Jenny lowered her head, her hooded eyes answering Mandy's question automatically. "Oh, come on!" Veronica boasted, stomping away from Jenny. Jenny took quick glances at all of her friends. She could see judgment in their peering eyes. "No, no, no... I don't have a problem with them being together... anymore." Jenny confessed with a guilty tone. "Anymore?" Danay repeated loudly, thrown by Jenny's words. Jenny lowered her head again, shifting her feet against the ground with shame. "I had never been exposed by... well, you know. Guys like that before." Jenny said lowly. "Guys like what? Guys in love? For Christ's sake Jenny, it's the new millennium." Veronica hissed. She leaned against a wall with a spiteful look. "Hey V, give her a break. If she was never raised around it, then she has a right to be shaky toward the idea of her manager's son being married to another man. She didn't have time like you did." Nikki argued in Jenny's defense.

Veronica sighed arrogantly, ignoring Nikki's statement. "He's my ex-boyfriend. If I had to get over, so does she." Veronica grumbled. "She is over it V. She just had to get used to it, that's all. She's dating his best friend and she's in a group managed by her mother. How more over it can she get?" Mandy retorted with a kinder tone. Jenny nodded brashly. "I love Justin and his family to death. Little Angel is like a nephew to me. I'm fine with Justin being gay." Jenny asserted. "He's not gay. He's just married to Brian, that's all." Veronica challenged her, leaving the others perplexed. Nikki sucked in her bottom lip, sensing Veronica's defensive nature arising. "But Veronica..." Danay began. "Like I said, he's not gay.

It's just a word and it has shit to do with Justin." Veronica insisted, leaning off of the wall and walking further away from the others. Danay began to speak again but Nikki laid a hand on her shoulder. She shook her head, warning Danay. 'It's always Justin, isn't it V? Always him.' Nikki commented to herself while watching as Veronica slumped over in her walking.

"Okay, now that you all have talked about my son and all of your thoughts on his marriage to my son-in-law, can we please continue the rehearsal? I want to be out of here in the next three hours and that's not going to happen until I feel you've gotten all of the songs together so that you can pick which ones you're going to perform." Lynn declared in a firm and hard tone. The others quickly straightened up when hearing Lynn's voice. Her command was struck fear in hearts and Innosense followed it without protest.

"Okay, right, uhm, let's do 'You Didn't Have To Hurt Me.'" Nikki suggested, taking charge of the group. "Ooh, I love that song! Let's do it. It's about time we did a heavy ballad in our show." Danay cheered. Mandy gave a shrug as a reply. She had no complaints toward the idea. "Okay, someone cue the music!" Nikki called out as the others grabbed microphone stands.

A thundering of drums blasted through the speakers before a dramatic arrangement of guitars, keyboards, and an orchestra set the mood for the Diane Warren-penned song. The girls set up their microphone stands in a straight line near the mirror. Danay took the middle microphone stand, her head bobbing to the beat that rung with the song. It was infectious and it was powerful, the power Danay was looking for to truly release her vocal potential.


I only wanted what was best for you

I only wanted to be there with the love you need

I was the one who always loved you true

So, why did you have to lie

Why did I have to cry

Why did you say those things

If you did not mean anything

Why did you have to go

And turn my world so cold

And take away that Heaven that I used to hold

You didn't have to hurt me, hurt me

You didn't have to make me, make me cry

You didn't have to break my, break my

Heart in a thousand pieces

Why oh why

Why oh why

Oh why, oh why, oh why, oh why, oh why, why, why

Danay put her trained voice into a haunting rendition of the ad-libs. She and the others danced from one stand to the next with Veronica and Danay on the outside microphone stands, Jenny and Mandy on the middle ones, and Nikki on the center microphone stand. Nikki tapped her foot lightly to the unchained melody, her heart calling out to the song. She brushed a few strands of her hair from her face and concentrated on the verse that was assigned to her. She snapped her fingers as Danay finished off the ad-libs.

"Go Nikki." Veronica encouraged her. Nikki took a small step forward and allowed her well-developed voice soar through the microphone.


I was the one who always stood by you

I was the one who always gave so unselfishly

There was not one thing that I would not do

So, how could you be so cruel

How could I be so fooled

How could you take my trust

And turn that trust right into dust

How could you say you care

Then leave me standing there

So cold and all alone, you know it's just not fair

You didn't have to hurt me, hurt me

You didn't have to make me, make me cry

You didn't have to break my, break my

Heart in a thousand pieces

Why oh why

Why oh why

Danay stepped away from her stand with her mic in her hand. She allowed Nikki to blast out the ad-libs to the second hook as she strolled toward the front of the group. Veronica watched her with envious eyes. Danay was the only one who did not have to suffer like the others. Her connection to *NSYNC was only through a high school sweetheart-relationship with Joey. It no longer existed and the two were merely close friends. Danay did not suffer the pain that Veronica did when she viewed her ex-boyfriend kissing another man or when Nikki watched JC betray her trust by being with Nick. Yet, Danay knew. She was there when each of the girls' cried over their boyfriends and lost love. Danay felt for them, but she experienced her own loss in Howie. It was hidden, something she told no one. Her deep love for him was hidden in playful and childish behavior whenever she was around the Backstreet Boy. Danay was hurt when Howie pushed her to the side for other women and she knew how it felt to taste her own tears at night.


Oh why did you treat me so bad

When I gave you all I had in my heart (In my heart)

Oh why did you take my love and throw my love away


Gave my world

Gave my soul

Gave you everything


You didn't have to hurt me

Danay held the last note as the others escaped from behind their microphone stands. They walked to the front where Danay stood, their vocals warmed up to put their all into the song as Danay and Nikki did. Mandy leaned on Nikki with a smile, hoping that the song pulled Innosense together and not apart.

[Innosense] (Danay)

Oh why, oh why, oh why, oh why, oh why, why why

(You didn't have to hurt me)

Oh why, oh why, oh why, oh why, oh why

(Why oh why oh why)


You didn't have to hurt me

Nikki pressured her voice to new heights when holding her final note as the others began to croon out the hook. The emotion of the songs music overcame Innosense as they all began to throw their full vocal potential into the last renditions of the chorus.

Danay stood out in the front, her eyes shut as she sang the hook. She could only feel the warmth of the others around her as she lamented over her unjustified battles with Howie. Jenny stood to the side with a shaky hand raised. She could only think of the trials she was put through with being in Innosense and trying to make her role a permanent one with the group. She took a glance to her right and spotted Nikki. Nikki crooned the ad-libs without release. A few small tears clouded her eyes, but she refused to let them fall. She kept her head high even though she related the song to JC. He was the one who could hurt Nikki without trying. He was the one that could make her cry so easily. She hated it, but she loved him.


Oh why, oh why, oh why

Nikki sniffled lightly as she finished the song, turning her back on the others so that she could wipe the tears from her eyes. Mandy cleared her throat lightly, taking a few steps away from the others. She took a moment to think of Bryan and how he pulled her out of the slump she had experienced when dating men. She was but a toy to them while she was sun to Bryan. She was thankful that Lance, the man so many thought she had a romantic connection to, introduced the two. She was free of burden and thankful for the man she only wanted as a friend. She could not connect to Veronica in many ways anymore because Mandy accepted Lance's choice to be with men. She only wished for Lance's happiness as she did with Justin. She could not see how Veronica and Jenny could be so different, but yet they were the same.

"Woo, that was different." Danay remarked, glancing at the others. "Yeah, it sure was. It was nothing like that one time we practiced it with Amanda." Veronica commented, walking over to the back of the studio to grab a water. Nikki followed her with flushed cheeks. "This must have been before I got in the group." Jenny commented lowly, disappointed in the mentioning of the name. "Of course." Veronica agreed before taking a sip off of her water. Jenny lowered her head. She took small steps toward the back of the warehouse. Veronica shot her a perplexed expression. "Jenny, you know we have a few memories with 'Manda before you got in the group. She was a part of the original group." Danay remarked to clarify things for Jenny. Jenny nodded without care. "But we still love you Miss Jenny." Nikki tried to giggle, patting Jenny on the back. Jenny pursed her lips with complete doubt. "Not at first. Ya'll had a problem with me coming in and supposedly substituting the wonderful, sweet, and friendly Amanda." Jenny retorted bitterly.

Nikki raised her brow with surprise. She did not expect a sour reponse from Jenny. "That's not true, we accepted you. It's just that Amanda had already been a part of the group for so long. We had already recorded a majority of songs with her and she was and still is family. We still liked you though because you were kind enough to come in and take her place while she had Amaiya." Danay replied in a kinder voice. Jenny rolled her eyes and walked away from Nikki, a small towel wrapped around her neck and a water bottle lingering in her right hand.

"Well, Nikki and Danay... ya'll remember the hospital don't ya'll? Ya'll were so pro-Jenny then. You were against making her a permanent member." Veronica noted, strolling toward the microphone stands to remove her's from the dance area. Danay sighed with little patience. "We were against just kicking Amanda out of the group because she was pregnant. We did not have a problem with Jenny." Nikki corrected her immediately. "Besides, not everyone is accepted right away in groups. I didn't accept Veronica when she first joined Innosense. It's a getting-used-to period." Mandy added.

Veronica's head instinctively snapped in Mandy's direction. She stared at her with a hint of anger and hurt in her round, brown eyes. "You didn't accept me? What?" Veronica wondered, her vocie stiff. Mandy exhaled softly, running her fingers through her soft blonde hair. She licked her lips, preparing to reply to Veronica's inquiry. "No, I didn't V. It was just for the first few weeks. You sort of came in and took Britney's place because she went off on the solo thing. It was just getting used to the difference between you and Britney and the way you acted compared to her. You were a rebel and she wasn't." Mandy explained herself further. Veronica's jaw dropped a little. She was dumbfounded by Mandy's revelation.

"It was the same thing with Jenny and Amanda. Amanda was wild and crazy while Jenny is more subdued and sensitive." Danay noted.

"Enough already. Damn, since I've been in this group, I've had to deal with Amanda-this and Amanda-that. At our last show tih *NSYNC, Amanda replaced me on stage. Instead of going on without me, you put Amanda up there in my place. It's not fair. I've had to fight to be accepted in this group. I've had to adjust to being a member in the group, but not really being a member because it's all about Amanda. She's not here anymore. She chose to go get pregnant and she chose to have that child. She also chose to leave ya'll and become a mother. So don't keep putting me on the backburner for her and her shit. I'm here now." Jenny discharged loudly. Her anger had finally come to full terms and she released it without reservation. She had to stake her claim to the group. Jenny no longer wanted to be compared or associated with the former member of Innosense. She only wanted to be Jenny Morris of Innosense.

The other four women looked at her with pale expressions. 'Whoa, did she have some built-up animosty or what?' Mandy jested with herself, staring at Jenny. "Uhm, we're sorry Jenny... gosh, we never looked at it that way." Veronica admitted first. A nod from Nikki followed Veronica's statement. Jenny hid her eyes, slightly embarrased by hrt outburst. "Yeah, we're sorry girl. We won't throw you and Amanda in the same boat anymore. You're right, Amanda's gone and you're here." Danay agreed with Veronica, hoping to make ammends with Jenny. "And to prove it to ya D'Lou, we're gonna do the remix to 'So Together.'" Mandy chimed, calling Jenny by her middle name as a way of showing affection. She slipped an arm around Jenny with a bright smile. Jenny responded with a smaller grin. "Thanks Manny." Jenny said with a gleam. "Maestro, you heard the lady. Cue the music." Danay called out as the others huddled around Jenny. "Come on ladies, let's get down to business." Nikki giggled. The others followed her and moved to the formation they had set for the song.

The guitar-driven song began to trickle into the speakers. Nikki dropped her water bottle to the side as the others stood with their backs turned. Nikki pulled all of her hair back and let it fall behind her shoulders. She snapped her fingers with the melody that ran through the warehouse. The scratching and keyboard arrangements added to the new flavor given to the title track of their album.


Boy you've been away too long

Funny, but our love's so strong

When you're gone, it keeps me hangin' on

I know, inside, hey

Ain't no big thing, it's not a crime

Cause you love me, I can see it in your eyes

And that's the one thing that passes the time

When you're gone, baby

Oh it keeps me inspired

And it's written in your face

The way you feel everyday

I hope it never changes

Oh, I've got to say

I can't stop missin' you

Only meant to be kissin' you

Can't you feel me wishin' were so

So together baby

I can't stop hopin' time will fly

And we'll never say goodbye

Cause forever, you and me

So together baby

So, so together

The girls danced in precision with each other. They rotated positions so that Veronica, Danay, and Nikki danced in the back while Mandy and Jenny held the front. They sang the hook of the song with grins on their faces. "Yeah, uh, come on." Veronica coached, putting a great deal of effort into her dancing. Nikki bobbed her head with the new beat. She waited for Mandy to skate to the front of the group and croon the second verse.


Night and day, I say a prayer

(I say a, say a prayer)

That every morning, you'll be there

(You're there)

And you're never gonna go nowhere again

For the rest of our lives, yeah baby

Mandy strolled over to where Jenny danced. She grinned at Jenny without hestiation. Jenny rolled her eyes at Mandy with laughter. Mandy was asking for forgiveness in a humorous way and Jenny was not one to deny her. They slapped hands before Mandy slinked her arm around Jenny's shoulder. They turned their heads to the mirror and ignored their choreography to sing the bridge side-by-side.

[Mandy & Jenny]

There's a precious love

And it's sent from above

When I look in your eyes I know

Oh, you know

I can't stop missin' you

Only meant to be kissin' you

Can't you feel me wishin' were so

So together baby

I can't stop hopin' time will fly

And we'll never say goodbye

Cause forever, you and me

So together baby

So, so together

As Nikki put her full talent into the ad-libs, the others danced to the back of the group. Danay stood in the front with Nikki, shuffling her feet around as she waited to reach the next verse of the song. "Woo! Yeah, go girl!" Veronica encouraged Nikki as she, Mandy, and Jenny grabbed chairs from the back of the group. Nikki snickered through her next set of ad-libs after hearing Veronica.

'Yeah, this reminds me so much of Brian and Just.' Nikki told herself while humming out the final ad-libs. She took a quick glance at Danay who was clapping to the beat. She grinned when thinking of the support her group had given to the couple. It was unquestioned. It wasn't because the girls were managed by Justin's mother and step-father. It wasn't because some of the girls had dated a few Backstreet Boys or *NSYNC members. It had nothing to do with the fact that the girls saw themselves as Justin's step-sisters. It was because the girls respected true love when they saw it. They never questioned it or the people who had it. They sought it themselves and inspiration such as Brian and Justin gave them faith.

[Nikki] (Danay)

(Like a burnin')

Like a burnin' in my heart

I'm callin' out your name (Your name)

You made a fire start

Now get into the flame

You came into my life (My life)

I'll never be the same

But baby that's alright, 'right, 'right baby

As Nikki and Danay finished the third verse, they pranced back to a central position with the group. They sat down in chairs that were pulled out for them as Veronica sat in the middle chair. "What? What? Let's go." Jenny chanted, causing the others break out in the chair routine they choreographed for the remix. They all began to dance intimately with their chairs as Veronica spit out the rap of the song.


Me and you, so together

And it'll last forever

Can't no one take it away

It's serious, just can't change

Every night we say goodnight

Our bodies close, hold ya tight

And you know me so much better

Cause baby, we're so together


Sending out my love

Get a message through

I've got a heavy thing for you


Oh you know I, baby you know I

Can't you see that I...

Nikki held her final note as the others took a moment to breathe. The work they put into dancing was shown with the light coating of sweat on their bodies. They panted quietly so that Nikki could tune her vocals perfectly with the melody. "All right, let's break it down for all the lovers out there." Veronica insisted as Nikki came to a close with her singing. The others nodded while Nikki took a quick breath. "She must be talking about me and Bryan." Mandy commented quickly before causing the girls to fell into a giggling fit during the final chorus.

I can't stop missin' you

Only meant to be kissin' you

Can't you feel me wishin' were so

So together baby

I can't stop hopin' time will fly

And we'll never say goodbye

Cause forever, you and me

So together baby

So, so together


So together, you and I

"I think she meant me and Trace." Jenny snickered as when the song came to a close. "Nope, nope, she meant Brian and Justin." Danay argued with a laugh. Veronica shook her head at the girls, walking away to grab her water. "Uh, I think she was talking about Britney and Joey." Nikki jested, strolling toward the set of chairs. She found a seat, crossing her legs and slouching in the seat. "Ooh, that's a good one Nikki." Mandy cheered while finding a seat on the floor of the warehouse. "I just know they'll be the next ones to get married." Jenny babbled with her bubbly voice. Veronica chewed on her lower lip with her own thought-out doubt.

"Ah, good ol' Joey. Looks like he lost that player profile." Danay gushed before taking a swig of her water. She reclined in one of the chairs while Veronica sat in one backwards with her legs spread and her arms resting on the back of the chair. "Of course, he's got Britney keeping him in line. And you know that girl will." Veronica boasted, stringing her fingers through her curly blonde hair. Danay laughed unconsciously when hearing Veronica's decleration. Veronica shot her a curious glance. "Oh, you have doubts D?" Veronica wondered with a grin. Danay shook her head quickly while smiling wildly. "No, I believe that Britney is very capable of keeping Joey tame. After all, they've been together all of this time. I just can't see those two sitting down and having a family. It's not Joey's style." Danay stated casually. She took another small sip of her water while waiting for a protest from her friends. "I see your point. Joey just doesn't seem like the type to get on one knee, at least not now." Mandy noted. "Plus Britney seems to want to keep things at a slow pace. I doubt she'll want marriage for the next five years." Veronica said shortly.

Nikki leaned forward in her chair, disturbed by the skeptical remarks made toward Britney and Joey. "I don't agree with ya'll. I think Britney and Joey could get married any day now. Joey seemed like he was ready to propose when he thought Britney was pregnant." Nikki declared with a strong voice. She gasped quietly after she spoke. She slumped over more as she felt eyes falling on her with conviction. "Britney thought she was pregnant?!" Mandy was the first to squeal out. She brushed her hair back as it fell to her face. She waited impatiently for Nikki to speak.

Nikki chewed on the inside of her mouth, lifting her head. She swallowed hard, striving to hold a large percent of her information inside of her. She did not know why she ahd mentioned Britney's false pregnancy, but she knew it could only bring more problems. "Wait, you knew about this Nikki?" Jenny questioned with a heavy arrogance.

Nikki cursed herself, rubbing her left temple while bearing the burden of revealing a secret between Britney, Joey, Kevin, and herself. "Around the middle of March... around the time Amanda was getting married to A.J., Britney was late with her period. She thought that she was pregnant and she considered having an abortion. She was really scared at the time and so was Joey. She found out she wasn't pregnant, but Joey really thought she was. He was going to marry her, not just because she was pregnant, but because he thought it was time that he owned up to his love for her." Nikki confessed. She grew stiff, fearful of the reaction she would receive from the others. "So Brit' was late and she could've been pregnant?" Veronica wondered, leaning in Nikki's direction with a grand curiosity. Nikki nodded, sucking in her lower lip. "Why didn't she tell us?" Mandy asked. "The same reason she almost didn't tell me. She was ashamed. Britney has never been secure when it came to sex and to have possibly been pregnant out of wedlock would have did some damage between her family and herself and her relationship with Joey." Nikki stated with a vulnerable tone. "So, she loevs Joey, but she's fearful that a child would hurt their relationship just like she feared sex would." Mandy observed with a confident voice. "It would also be a rather touchy thing when it came to her career." Veronica noted, resting her chin on her arms. "Just like with Brian and Justin." Jenny said softly.

"Come on girls, let's just drop the subject. I don't know if some of us shouldn't be discussing this right now." Danay admonished, her eyes flickering around at the others. Veronica perked up immediately, confused by Danay's statement. "What do you mean D?" she speculated as she stood from her chair. Nikki peered at Danay, her own fear growing. 'She wouldn't.' Nikki told herself. She lifted her body from the chair, grasping her microphone and water. "Nothing. Let's just do the next song... how about 'Guilty'?" Danay suggested, heading for the dance area. 'She would.' Nikki sighed to herself, following Danay's lead. The others did as Nikki and Danay and headed for their assigned arrangements for the older Innosense song.


I tried to let you go the first time

You broke my heart and that ain't right

But I can't deny what I want

For you to come inside of my heart

Whoa, yeah, yeah

Danay danced to the side, waving a hand around with a cocky smile. She took the far end of the group as the others stood in a straight line. The girls were only through with the first verse of the song and Danay could already feel the song coming to an end. She took a few glimpses toward the end of the line and could see that Nikki and Veronica had lost all fire for the song's choreography. Their stiffness added to the lack of concentration being placed into the song. 'Oh, great... now they're going to know what I was talking about.' Danay said to herself, endeavoring to keep her full focus on the Veit Renn-penned tune.

[Innosense] (Danay)

I just can't leave you alone

(I just can't leave you alone)

My heart has got a mind of its own

(Its got a mind of its own)

And I'll break the rules if that's what I have to do


Ooh whoa, if I'm gonna plead guilty

Guilty, guilty and I don't care

Can't help the way I feel for you

I'm guilty, guilty and I don't care

You know I'm, you know I'm, you know I'm guilty

Nikki took a few steps back, her heart jumping to her throat. She pushed her hair back and tried to remember the dance moevs that went along with the uptempo song. She spotted Veronica out of the corner of her eye and could see what came next. She strolled toward the middle to perform her verse, letting her head shake back and forth to the racy beat.


All my friends tell me that it's wrong

I've heard it for so, so long

I shouldn't fall in love with you

But I promised to tell the whole truth

Nothin' but the truth

[Innosense] (Nikki)

I just can't leave you alone

(I can't leave, no, no)

My heart has got a mind of its own

(My heart's got a mind of its own)

And I'll break the rules if that's what I have to do


You know my plead is...

Guilty, guilty and I don't care

Can't help the way I feel for you

I'm guilty, guilty and I don't care

You know I'm, you know I'm, you know I'm guilty

Veronica slowed her dancing to the hook of the song. She could not rid her mind of the words Danay had spoken earlier. Her curiosity was running rampid and it prevented her from giving her full attention to the song they performed. She took steps backward while lowering her microphone. The others continued to huff out the words of the song while Veronica scratched the top of her head. She lifted her microphone and said, "What do you mean some of us shouldn't be discussing Joey and Britney right now? Are you trying to say something about my pas with Justin and Britney? Does it have something to do with pregnancy?"

The music was scratched from the speakers as Mandy dropped her microphone.

She groaned loudly before stomping toward the back of the warehouse. "I fucking swear... ya'll never let shit go." Mandy grumbled, plopping down on the ground and abruptly twisting the cap off of her water. "What are you talking about Veronica? What I said had nothing to do with you or Justin. It was about Nikki." Danay stated sternly. Nikki let her head droop while letting her arm sink to her side. "God Danay lay off the girl. This shit is getting so out of hand." Mandy declared with a hiss. She pulled her blonde hair back up into a ponytail as Jenny took a seat next to her on the floor. Danay stared at Mandy with disbelief. She had never heard Mandy speak so vulgarly until that moment.

"Go ahead Danay... tell them. Tell them about how I thought I really was pregnant back in December. Tell them that I never told Kevin this and when he proposed to me in Februray, I turned him down because I was so mad that I could've been pregnant and he cheated on me with Leighanne at the time." Nikki boasted with torment running through her voice. Veronica felt the microphone slip from her hand, but she felt no care. She was thrown by Nikki's words.

A drizzling silence took over the warehouse as the girls stared at Nikki again with more disbelief than they held through the whole day. "You... uh... it can't be true." Jenny stumbled over her words. Mandy took a large gulp of her water, hoping to drowned her distrust in Nikki. She lowered her bottle just as a Nikki slipped from Nikki's right eye. Nikki sniffled lightly, turning her face from the others. "How could you not tell Kev'? How could you not tell us Nikki? We're supposed to be like sisters... there for each other." Veronica chided her friend, enternally hurt by Nikki's hesitancy with her friends. Nikki did not answer her. She emrely released another quiet sniffle as a few more tears trickled down her face. "She did tell someone or else how the hell would Danay know?" Mandy admonished, turning her eyes on Danay.

Danay skid her feet along the ground, remaining soundless. "D, how the fuck could you do that?" Veronica hissed, edging closer to Danay with animosity in her experssion. Danay pressed her lips together, returning the stare Veronica gave her. "Oh, don't even try it Veronica. How come you never told anyone but me that you had feelings for Justin even when he got married to Brian?" Mandy scolded. Veronica's head snapped in Mandy's direction, her face brightening with a red shade. "And like the time you tried to seduce Lance was any better? What was the problem again Mandy? Was it because your boyfriend ahd just broken up with you and you figured that Lance would make a good lay?" Veronica wondered with heavy sarcasm. Her spiteful words left Mandy momentarily speechless.

Before Veronica could smile with a victory, Mandy hurled her water bottle in Veronica's direction. Veronica quickly dodged it, her face growing pale with astonishment. "What the fuck is your problem Blondie?" Veronica shouted out as the others stared at Mandy. "You and your complaints every thirty seconds." Mandy spit out a reply, spinning on her butt so that she faced away from her friends. Veronica crossed her arms, disappointed in her companion.

"Nikki, is that why you still haven't gotten back with Kevin?" Jenny wondered, giving her concentrtion back to Nikki. Nikki left a hand to wipe away her warm tears. She sniffled once more. "Why not just ask Danay... she seems to know all the secrets Nikki wants to keep from us." Veronica reproved. Danay looked at her with hooded eyes. The expression on her face spoke all the words she did not. "It's like saying you'll marry Trace when you know he cheated on you with someone like Amanda and you thought you were pregnant with his child." Danay offered support for Nikki in a kind voice. Jenny lowered her head in shame. She used her hands to pull her blonde-streaked hair behind her ears. "Sometimes, it's the only way to keep someone." Jenny whispered, drawing attention from Mandy. "How could I tell someone that I almost had his baby when he cheated on me with the one woman that almost broke up his cousin's marriage? I was crushed. I couldn't marry a man like that. I couldn't raise a child with someone like that." Nikki stated with a shaky voice. Mandy turned her hdead so that she could glance over her shoulder. She brushed her blonde hair aside and stared at Nikki. "Careful Nikki... you're sounding rather hypocritical." Mandy remarked without reservation in her voice.

Jenny did not give Nikki an opportunity to respond to Mandy's satement. "I think we should practice 'You Can't Touch Me Now' next." Jenny said, her shrill voice speaking reason to the others. Mandy gradually stood to her feet, refusing to offer up a protest to Jenny's idea. "I suppose that's rather fitting." Mandy huffed out, yanking her microphone from the ground. Danay sighed, grabbing a towel from the side. "Fine, fine." Veronica agreed loftly. Nikki rubbed the tip of her nose, endorsing the idea silently by grabbing a microphone stand and leading it to the dance area. Danay followed her actions, a guilty cloud floating over her head. She set her stand up next to Nikki's, her eyes staring at the floor and not the friend she once had confidence in.

Mandy drug her stand to her position, carelessly placing it next to Danay's. She placed her bottled water on the floor as the stand began to wobble. "Come on ya'll so we can get started." Mandy requested in her microphone before placing the mic in its holder. Veronica and Jenny carried their mic stands over to the designated area and set them up as the mellowdramtic intrusmental chimed in the speakers. Nikki lifted her head a little, keeping a focus on the song. She knew what the song meant to her. It was a story that she knew too well, that she helped to write. Her experience helped to write the mid-tempo ballad that was loved by all the members of Innosense.

You can't touch me now like you did before

You can't make me cry, baby anymore

Now I'm feeling strong, no more cold dark cloud

Oh you can try but

Boy you can't touch me now


Used to be the world to me

Used to be the reason that I live

And I give, oh baby

Every day I trusted you

And believed that you were on my side

Guess I was blind, oh baby

It was hard to deal but I knew

It was time to let go

And I think you know

And I think you know

The sounds of the strings arrangement ran through the speakers. Nikki could feel tears solidifying in her eyes as she sang the chorus with the others. She sniffled lightly, sucking in her lower lip to take a break from singing. She pulled her microphone from its holder and carried it in her hands as the girls began their transition in the song. Nikki crossed behind Danay, wishing she could say something to change the tide between herself and Danay.

Danay kept her eyes forawrd as she changed positions with Nikki. She had no words to share with her longtime friend. She could only think of the pain she had placed Nikki through and the guilt that rained over her. She swallowed hard as the others ended the chorus, setting her up for the second verse of the song.


You knew how to get to me

How to really cut with a look

You wrote the book, oh baby

Now you say you've thought about

Every thing that made us fall apart

And drift so far, oh baby

And you've had some time and you admit

Ooh, you were wrong

Too late, I'm gone (Too late, I'm gone)

Baby, I'm gone

Danay chewed on the inside of her lip while feeling a stare from Veronica beat on her body. She turned her head slightly to look in Nikki's direction as a few more tears streaked her cheeks. 'Don't let her get to you Danay. You did what you had to.' she told herself. She shook her head and yanked her microphone from its stand. She kept her lips close to the microphone to harmonize with the others on the chorus. She bobbed to Jenny's side before taking the microphone stand Jenny once held.

Jenny positioned herself at the center mic stand. She wanted to look in Mandy's direction and see if there was a hint of friendship left, but she knew not to. She could not give in. She could not pick the song she knew would bring Nikki to tears and the song that would create uncertain feelings inside of Mandy and Veronica. She had to continue on as she did as she prepared to sing the third verse of the song with Mandy. She let one hand rest on the microphone stand and took a few steps forward, lifting her microphone fully as Mandy stepped out from behind her microphone stand.

[Jenny & Mandy]

Oh, you've got some nerve to think that I (Think that I)

Run back to you, again and again

When all you did was tear me down

(It's tearin' me down)

And you're not even my friend (Friend)

You're not even my friend

You can't touch me now like you did before

You can't make me cry, baby anymore

Now I'm feeling strong, no more cold dark cloud

Oh you can try but

Boy you can't touch me now

Nikki placed both hands on her microphone, leaning on the microphone stand as she poured her heart into the ad-libs to the chorus. The tears froze in her eyes as she clamped them shut and let the song connect with her soul. 'For myself, I have to let this go.' she told herself as she sang, letting the others put their own emotions into the next chorus.

Veronica observed Nikki with troubled eyes. She tapped her foot to the melody remembering the emotions expressed when the girls first recorded the song in Sweden. She could remember the tears shed as Nikki sang the first verse and the heartache Mandy felt as she vocalized the third verse with Jenny. She swallowed her own pain to croon the B-section of the song. It rememinded her too much of her thoughts toward Justin. It was a burden on her heart, one she could not bear anymore. She pulled her microphone from its holder and joined Mandy and Jenny in front of her stand. She scratched at the tip of her nose, restraining feelings she felt when singing the song.

[Veronica] (Nikki)

You can't touch me, hold me, give me your love

You can't make me cry

(You can't touch me now)

You can't touch me, hold me, give me your love


Oh you can try but

Boy you can't touch me now

As the song ended, Nikki kicked over her microphone stand, tears lining her eyelids. She threw her hands over her face, hoping to force the tears back in her eyes. Veronica sighed and brought her microphone down to her side. "Damn it Jenny, why did you have to pick that song? You know what it does to her." Veronica chastised her friend with a bitter tone. "Maybe she felt that Nikki needed to hear that song to open up her eyes." Danay responded defensively. "Yeah, Nikki did need to hear that song." Mand agreed without hesitance. "Things don't always look so bad when the shoe's on the other foot, huh Nikki? You wouldn't marry Kevin because he cheated on you with someone who nearly broke up Brian and Justin's marriage. How's it feel to be Kevin now?" Mandy asked rhetorically.

Nikki lowered her hands before blinking her eyes free of tears. Mandy's statement was powerful and undeniable. Nikki fought the idea, but inside of her heart, she knew was doing the same as Kevin did to her. "Like I said earlier Mandy, I have not slept with Josh. So don't you dare compare my actions to the shit Kevin pulled last year." Nikki demanded, her voice coarse. Mandy folded her arms with little care toward Nikki's statement. "But you can't deny that you and JC don't have something going on. And you can't deny that he nearly destroyed Brian and Justin's relationship. That's the real shit right there Nikki." Danay said. Nikki exhaled heavily. "I won't deny that there's feelings between me and JC, but I haven't done anything to cause a breakup between JC and Nick." Nikki argued. "Whoa, you're getting a little too confident Nikki. You haven't done anything? This man nearly fucked Justin and he's sleeping at your apartment. He's dug a deep enough hole for himself. But you're giving him the shovel." Mandy admonished, her conscience fading from her words. "How could you want to be with someone who would steal a man from his husband? How could you want to be with a guy that is willing to take a father from his child? On top of that, he's leading another guy on into thinking he's gonna marry him." Danay added to their effective argument, leaving Nikki with thoughts to contemplate. "Josh isn't leading Nick on. They'll probably be married before Nick turns twenty-one." Nikki boasted. "But that's not something you want, is it Nik'? You want him to be with you... to marry you." Danay debated. Nikki threw her hands up, frustrated by the argument.

"Do you see what you have started?" Veronica hissed toward Jenny. Jenny curled her lip when seeing Veronica's eyes on her. "What did I do?" Jenny backlashed immediately. Veronica rolled her eyes before placing her microphone on one of the chairs. "You and you're 'Let's do You Can't Touch Me Now.' You just had to pick something that would fuck us all over huh?" Veronica groaned. Jenny stared at Veronica indifferently. "Shut up Veronica. Don't blame me for their petty arguments. You're only mad because I couldn't accept Brian and Justin being together back then. Mandy and Danay are right about this whole situation. JC and Justin should've kept their penises in their pants." Jenny said in a disapproving tone. Veronica's jaw dropped instantly. "You bitch!" she shrieked out. Jenny pressed her lips together tightly, their hue moving from red to white. "Who the hell are you calling a bitch?" Jenny barked. "Like your friend Mandy says, 'If the shoe fits, wear it.'" Veronica scolded her with a sizzling country accent.

Lynn observed as the girls bicker continuously. She sighed with anger. Her eyes drifted to her watch where she viewed the time. 'It's going on seven o'clock and all these girls have praticed is seven songs and how to backstab each other. I have to visit my grandson, I don't have time for this.' Lynn brooded in her mind, slumping over in her chair. She did not enjoy the others ganging up on Nikki, but she felt all the girls needed a lesson about unity. She could sense her method was having a negative affect, but she refused to give in. She knew how much built-up animosity could hurt someone. She lived it for so long and she declined to let her group, the women she thought of as step-daughters, suffer through the same torment. She licked her lips and let more words fly into the air. 'It reminds me so much of Justin and me.' she mused, sucking in her cheeks as the girls fought on.

"Okay, shut up! That's enough from all of you!" Lynn finally interjected.

Her towering voice sent the women of Innosense into an involuntary muteness. "You've had a chance to say your piece and now it's time to let it go. You've spent almost ten hours here and half of that time has been spent arguing over what's wrong in your lives and what you don't like about someone else. Innosense is not about clawing each other's eyes out, but about unity between you girls." Lynn declared, standing from her chair and walking toward the women. A fear struck each of their heart's as they looked upon Lynn. Anger raged through her blue eyes. "Now get your acts together, practice 'Ride,' and then get out of here. We're calling it a day. No acapella warm-ups or nothing. Just 'Ride' and then leave." Lynn demanded, taking a moment to stare at each girl. She did not receive any protest from any of the girls, only silence. "For God's sake, your album is called 'So Together' and you can't even get along for an hour." Lynn remarked as she walked back to her chair.

Each girl moved to grab their microphones and move the stands from the center of the dance floor. Nikki cleared her throat softly, taking a stance in the middle of the group. Mandy and Jenny soon joined her, never a word spoken. Danay stumbled to her position and then Veronica finally joined the others. "Ya'll better smile and pretend like you want to do this." Lynn commanded as the girls looked deftly at the mirror before them. A mixture of grins and anger touched Innosense's faces immediately following Lynn's echoing voice. "Cue the music!" Lynn yelled, causing the sounds of a car starting up and the instrumental for 'Ride' to flood through the warehouse.

Let's go!


(Come on, get those hands movin')


I'm gonna rock this place right out of space

Give you something that you've never heard

Sing it!


I'm gonna paint my nails and dye my hair up

Then take me champagne bubble bath (What? What?)


I'm gonna speak my mind any time

I find that I've got something to say


Uh, I'm gonna jump around and paint this town

Now let me hear ya'll say (Hey!)

Take me, take me down

Take me down

Don't you wanna ride

Now follow, follow me now

Follow me now

Don't you wanna ride

Turn it up, let me hear you say (Ride)

Cause that's the way we like to play (Ride)

The girls danced around in circles, hyping themselves up with the song they enjoyed opening a show with. They threw their hands up and danced wildly around the warehouse. They chanted the hook of the song while attempting to interact with each other. Smiles continued to dance on their faces whenever they looked over at their manager. They looked forward to finishing the uptempo song more than their manager.


I'm gonna let it go and feel that flow

Gonna put you in a trance

Yeah, ah


I'm gonna take control cause I'm on a roll

And smash that pebble from out your hand


I'm gonna turn it out and scream and shout

Until I get my way


I'm gonna turn that key and set you free

Anytime, anywhere, say hey! (Hey!)

Take me, take me down

Take me down

Don't you wanna ride

Now follow, follow me now

Follow me now

Don't you wanna ride

Take me, take me down

Take me down

Don't you wanna ride

Now show me, show me how

Show me how

Show me how you ride

"Come on, come on..." Veronica said with little eagerness in her voice. She jumped around maniacally as the others danced around the dance floor. Their lack of enthusiasm showed in their little interaction and dull choreography. Danay sighed as she passed Nikki to get to the otherside of the group. She shook her hips a little with the funky, alternative beat. 'Can't we get this over with already.' she wished, lowering her microphone some as the girls came to teh hook of the song.

Turn it up, let me hear you say (Ride)

Cause that's the way we like to play (Ride)

Now turn it up, let me hear you say (Ride)

Cause that's the way we like to play (Ride)

Mandy whipped her ponytail back, strolling to one side of the floor with the others. She tapped her foot to the beat, glancing around as her band mates gradually met her on the other side. She nibbled on the corner of her lower lip, bouncing her shoulders and preparing to form the backwards V-formation that followed the choreography they were taught over a year ago.

She let her eyes focus on Danay as she formed the center of the group. Mandy's light green eyes stirred away from Danay with little care.


It's sunny outside (It's sunny outside)

And I feel fine (I feel fine)

No cares tonight (No cares tonight)

Ooh, it's time to ride

Ride, ride, yeah

Now everybody say hey!

The girls broke formation, running around to designated spots to complete their party-anthem. "Uhm, come on, come on..." Veronica attempted again to become interested in performing her favorite song from their debut album. Her lack of fanaticism swallowed her and left her without care for the song.

Jenny rolled her eyes immediately when viewing Veronica's actions. "Come on, just ride." Jenny called out as the others crooned out the chorus once more.

Take me, take me down

Take me down

Don't you wanna ride

Now follow me, follow me how

Follow me how

Don't you wanna to ride

Take me, take me down

Take me down

Don't you wanna ride

Now show me, show me how

Show me how

Show me how you ride

The girls huddled in the middle of the dance floor, throwing their hands up rabidly as the song began to come to a close. "That's right, come on!" Veronica shouted, challenging Jenny as the others strived to close the uptempo song. Nikki slipped her hair behind her ear, ignoring Jenny and Veronica's battle so that she could chant the final hook of the song. As she did so, the girls of Innosense returned to their close formation in the center of the dance floor. They began reproducing the dance moves they forced out at the beginning of the song.

Turn it up, let me hear you say (Ride)

Cause that's the way we like to play (Ride)

Now turn it up, let me hear you say (Ride)

Cause that's the way we like to play (Ride)

Take me, take me down (Ride)

Follow, follow me now (Ride)

Show me, show me how (Ride)

Show me how you ride

It was indeed time to ride. Nikki jiggled her car keys in her hands, her workout bag on one shoulder and her water bottle cupped under the other arm.

She could feel thin drops of rain coating her and the ground as she stopped near her black Pathfinder. She cleared her throat quietly, tracing her eyes over the sleek coat of rain on the car. She sighed, clicking off the car alarm and yanking open the back door on the driver's side. Nikki threw her bag into the backseat. Another sigh crossed her lips as she glanced down to a picture on the floor of the backseat. She fwelt a smirk touch her lips as she reached down and lifted the picture from the carpeted floor. Her smirk grew as she admired the photograph of herself, Lynn, and the other girls of Innosense in Hawaii. The smiles coating each of their lips struck a chord with Nikki's heart. She sniffled in the misty drizzle, rubbing a fimger over the picture as memories flooded her mind.

"Oh man, look at my hair in that picture. It's awful." Jenny's voice interrupted Nikki from her reminiscing. Nikki glanced over her shoulder and spotted Jenny's vibrant smile behind her. "I look so much better now that I've got my streaks." she gushed, a giggle following her statement. Nikki joined her in the quiet laughter. She leaned on the car door, staring at Jenny with disbelief. "But your smile was a lot more happier back then." Jenny commented, resting a hand on Nikki's shoulder. The hand offered the support Nikki sought out throughout the day. She nodded, a choked-up feeling grabbing her.

"Well, I don't know. I always thought that my smile was the cutest, but then again, I only say that because Bryan does." Mandy chimed, strolling to where Jenny and Nikki stood. Nikki laughed through small tears as Jenny turned to glance at Mandy. "I always knew Bryan wasn't too bright." Jenny teased, shoving Mandy lightly. Mandy covered her lips in mock-disappointment. "My baby has the best of taste. After all, he did snatch up this Southern Belle." Mandy boasted with a thick, Mississippi accent. Jenny shook her head with laughter, crossing her arms as the rain became lighter.

Mandy tugged on her own jacket, trying to cover herself from the falling drops of dew. She glanced up to the twilight-like sky. She let a sigh cross her thin, pink lips. "Since when did O-Town get this chilly?" she wondered, pulling her hair back while lowering her head. Jenny shrugged, glancing over to Nikki. Nikki stared at the ground, her eyes lost in a small puddle of water. "Ever since I thought being a bitch was a fashionable thing to do." Veronica cheered, entering the group in a silent way. Mandy smirked at Veronica, nudging her. Veronica tugged a skully over her thick, curly hair while twitching her nose. "Boy, what was I thinking?" Veronica snickered. "I asked myself the same question when you dyed your hair pink and purple and got that damn tongue-ring." Mandy laughed, leaning against Veronica. Veronica shrugged her off, smiling endlessly. "Don't get me started on you and your red streaks." Veronica jested. Mandy bursted into a laughter, leaning against Nikki's car. "What's wrong with streaks?" Jenny wondered, her innocent voice bringing Veronica and Mandy into another drawn out laughter. "Nothing Jen, nothing at all." Veronica tittered. Mandy rolled her eyes, smirking. "Nothing half as bad as Nikki and them damn curls." Mandy snickered. Nikki's head snapped up with surprise, a humorous grin running across her face. "Hey! Don't knock my hair Blondie." Nikki protested happily.

"Listen to ya'll... you sound like a group of high school girls." Danay's voice silenced all laughter between the girls. Nikki lowered her head while Jenny turned from Danay. Mandy peered at Danay with subtle suspicion. Danay glanced around, sighing quietly. "I'm sorry." she said without hesitation, hoping to make ammends with her friends. Mandy chewed her lower lip, bringing her eyes back to the others. "Don't be sorry girl... we all know that your ten-year high school reunion is coming up this year. It makes us all a bitch." Veronica joked, slinging an arm around Danay. The others chuckled carelessly. "How long ago did you graduate Danay?" Mandy continued to tease her, striving to end the animosity between the girls. "Ha ha ha... very funny Mandy." Danay snorted, elbowing Mandy.

Nikki stared at her friends with tears lining her eyes and an immense smile coating her lips. She sniffled, folding her arms as the women continued to laugh. Veronica glanced up, observing a tear trickle down Nikki's face. "Aaaww, don't cry Nickums." Veronica giggled, pulling away from the others to hug Nikki. Nikki wrapped her arms around Veronica, laughing and crying simultaneously. "Oh, I want a hug!" Jenny acclaimed, throwing herself on the other two so that she could be accepted into the embrace. Mandy shook her head as Danay leaned forward. "Don't leave Mama D out." Danay chimed, slipping intot he hug. "Mandy, get your ass in this hug." Veronica demanded as she proceeded to hug the others. Mandy sighed, taking a few steps forward. "Don't hurt my hair." Mandy requested arrogantly, but a grin revealed her true nature. She opened her arms and accepted the hug as the others did.

Danay was the first to pull from the embrace, causing it to slowly break down. Nikki sniffled lightly, removing the lidded tears from her eyelids as the others pulled away. She glanced at the others, unsure of where they stood. "See what yuo did Nikki. Ooh, you're such a sentimental girl." Mandy complained as she brushed tears away from her cheeks. "It's the rain.

It's gotta be the rain." Jenny sniffled out as tears brushed her cheeks. "Oh, we love you Nik' and you know we want what's best for you." Mandy stated, placing a hand on Nikki's arm. Nikki nodded without any doubt circulating through her mind. "Yeah, so whatever happens between you and Josh is your business. Just as long as he doesn't hurt you." Danay added, mending bridges that had been shattered. Veronica strived to giggle through her own tears, hiding her eyes as the others took in breaths of the sweet, rain-soaked air.

"We should get going girls." Jenny suggested, taking a quick look at her watch. Veronica glanced down to her pager with tear-soaked eyes. "Oh, yeah, we better roll. I told Nick I'd meet him for dinner at nine." Veronica agreed as a small crackle of thunder rumbled through the sky. Mandy nodded, brushing strands of hair behind her ear. "Uhm, yeah, I told Lance I'd call him and Bryce tonight. Plus I've gotta spend time with Bryan and my puppies." Mandy agreed, tugging her jacket closed. "I'm stopping by Amanda's house to see Amaiya and taking a listen to a few of the Backstreet Boys' new songs." Danay said. "Trace said he'd meet me at my apartment after he spent time with Justin and Angel." Jenny noted before sucking in her lower lip. "I told..." Nikki stopped herself, considering the words she was going to speak. The eyes of her band mates looked on her with curiosity. "Got plans?" Veronica wondered, saving Nikki from revealing anything. Nikki merely nodded, remaining quiet with the others.

"Well, ladies, even though Ms. Lynn said that we couldn't, how about one acapella for the road?" Danay requested. Mandy shrugged her shoulders, finding no complication in the idea. "'So Together'?" Veronica pondered, leaning on Nikki's car. "No, let's do 'Rain Rain.' It fits the occasion." Jenny chimed. The others gave up no form of protest. Nikki cleared her throat as the girls came together in a circle. She smiled lightly before snapping her fingers and saying, "Okay ya'll, 'Rain Rain' on three. One, two, three..."

Rain rain in the sky

Everywhere I look my eyes see

Rain rain falling down

Cryin' as it hits the ground

Rain rain in my heart

Every day that we're apart

Rain rain, falling, rain rain

Rain rain, only rain rain

As the girls finished their beautiful harmony to the Guy Roche-produced song, thick droplets of rain fell from the sky. The water splashed against the ground and their bodies. "Oh great, thanks a lot Jenny!" Mandy bellowed, throwing her arms over her head to protect herself from the rain. Veronica laughed wildly, dashing from the car to head towards Danay's car. "See ya'll tomorrow!" Veronica called out as she dashed away. The water trickled down, splattering everywhere. Danay shrieked, running from the thunderous drops. "Have a nice night ladies." she said as she ran and fumbled with her keys. Mandy and Jenny followed in their run, skipping through the puddles as they moved toward their own cars. "It's raining! It's pouring! Soon I'll be snoring!" Jenny laughed as she jerked open her car door. "Shut up Jenny!" Mandy screamed as she pulled open her own car door, the rain continuously pouring down. Nikki giggled quietly, slamming shut the back door before hoping into her Pathfinder. She closed the door and started her car, watching white lights flash all around as the other members of Innosense pulled out of the parking lot. Nikki followed them, each taking a ride to a new chapter in their lives together.


*** Hope you liked it and I hope it was a real ride for you. Now onto the next chapter, which will probably take me about three weeks to write. Now don't hold me to that! LOL. I know how some of you like to do that. But don't worry, I already have blazing ideas that I want to use. It'll be sorta laid-back with not much drama. I'm still working on whether or not those two characters will be making a return, so bare with me, okay? Compliments or complaints are welcome concerning this story, but I warn you, any direct attacks against Innosense are not good! I love these girls, so be careful. Also, some of you are probably wondering why the hell did I write this and not get to work o the next chapter. Well, I hope I answered that question in the intro, but if not, it's because each member of Innosense is going to be valuable to several storylines. As you can already see, Nikki plays a role in the JC storyline and Mandy is important to the Bryce/Lance storyline people have been requesting. So bare with me ladies and gentlemen. The others are quite important too. So just wait and see! Until the next time, have a good few weeks and enjoy life to its fullest! But be careful at the same time... ***

Next: Chapter 68: Angels Wings 7

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