Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Aug 8, 2000


Angel's Wings (Part 3) Written by JM

--- Da da da da da... what to write, what to write? Hmmm, it's about celebrities... yeah, that sounds good. Two very moral celebrities too... ooh yeah, that makes it better. Let's see, what else... oh yeah, these two male celebrities are together, but that has nothing to do with their actual personal lives. Ha ha, oh yeah, forgot this one... it's fiction ALL THE WAY! Is that it? I think so... wait, no... please be 18 or older or have your parents permission. Parental Guidance is suggested. Need some popcorn? Maybe a soda? Got to have the Twizzlers... remember, 'Silence Is Golden'! Okay, let's move on to to the previews... ---

--- Rated PG-13: Hey, I'm back! That's right and I thought I could stay away. No, I prayed I could stay away, but this is in my blood. I've just got to write. Anyway, I'm glad to be back with another exciting verse in the song of Brian and Justin's lives. Please remember that these stories are based on the romance created for Brian and Justin through 'Brian and Justin' and 'Just Beginning'. This is not called 'JC and Nick' or 'Lance's Beginnings,' so please respect the fact that they will not get all the attention in the world. If you don't know by now, send all comments to: Thank you very much! Enjoy the show... ---

-Feature Presentation: Angel's Wings, Rated R-

Sweat seeped from Nick Carter's brow. His short-cut, blonde-brown hair was mashed against his head. His hands gripped onto the satin sheets of a hotel bed. His eyes stayed closed, tight. His mouth was parted and wide open as unrecognizable words spilled from his gut. His toes curled while his feet moved around on the bed he laid on. His back was arched upward, pressing his head into pillows and keeping his ass cemented into the matress. He was being wrapped in a tight blanket of incredible, sensual emotions as his fiance's lips touched him in delicate ways.

J.C. Chasez laid between Nick's legs, his mouth encircling Nick's erect penis while his hands toyed with the insides of Nick's thighs. J.C.'s thick lips lowered themselves to the mid-section of Nick's shaft while his tongue tickled the head of Nick's cock. J.C.'s sweaty palms ran the length of Nick's semi-hair inner thighs, occassionally reaching up to run through Nick's brown patch of pubic hairs and then groping Nick's large balls. J.C. slithered one of his hands up, his fingers trailing over Nick's belly button, rubbing the soft skin of Nick's stomach. He left his hand there to feel Nick's heavy breathing. 'He can't be close already.' J.C. thought as he slurped on Nick's penis. His mouth pulled back so that he could lick the head of Nick's penis with delication.

Nick's eyes ripped open as he grunted hard. He looked down at his fiance licking the swollen head of his manhood. He smiled through long, drawn-out moans. He pulled the sheets tighter in his hands. "Oh baby, don't stop... mmm, lick right there... ah! Yeah! Uhhh, yeah Josh, oh hell yeah..." Nick groaned, lifting his legs from the bed. He rocked his hips upward, pleading with J.C. to take him back into his mouth. J.C. prolonged the event. He loved tasting the syrupy head of Nick's penis. He flicked his tongue over the slit of Nick's cock, taking in a drop of Nick's pre-cum. This made Nick shout out loudly, running his foot along the length of J.C.'s sweaty back. The heel of Nick's foot ran over the back of J.C.'s thigh, touching it in a gentle way. "Heh heh... uh, God yeah..." Nick moaned, slipping his hands onto J.C.'s hair. His fingers brushed through J.C.'s thick brown hair. He pleaded with his hands, trying to force J.C. to swallow his penis again.

J.C. finally gave in to Nick's wishes as he drew the swollen dick back into his mouth, running his tongue on the otherside of Nick's dick while the roof of his mouth rubbed the sensitive upperside. Another few drops of sweat cracked from Nick's forehead as he shut his eyes again. He felt his balls drawing closer to his body. "Mmmm... oh Joshua, yeah, uh, uh..." Nick roared, keeping his fingers strung through J.C.'s hair. J.C. kept his head moving up and down in a rapid pace, hoping to pull the semen from deep inside of Nick. His left hand gropped Nick's tight balls while his right hand rolled up Nick's chest to his nipples. He pinched each, striking them to their erect form. Nick's chest heaved up and down in a quickened state. "Don't leave that spot... uh, ah, ah, yeah! Oh, yeah! Like a Tootsie pop babe, lick it!" Nick growled, pressing his hands down tight on J.C. as he again concentrated on the susceptible head. J.C. could feel his throat being bathed with pre-cum as he sucked harder. "A little harder!" Nick demanded, petting J.C.'s hair while puffing out deep exhales. J.C. obliged pleasantly, pressing his tongue firmly on Nick's slit. His fingers traced through the shaggy brown pubic hairs. He gripped them loosely when feeling the head of Nick's penis probing his throat. 'Shit, he's there.' he thought as he tried not to gag on Nick's dick.

"Oh Josh, holy shit! Uh, uhhh, heh heh, uhhh!" Nick wailed out as his penis ejaculated into J.C.'s throat, releasing thick ropes of cum. J.C. attempted to swallow all of Nick's build-up, but the pressure was becoming too great for his throat. He blinked his blue eyes open to watch as Nick's cock throbbed heavily while still shooting small spurts of semen. J.C. took several large swallows, taking Nick's seed into his throat. He slide off briskly when feeling Nick's cock slowly becoming flaccid. Nick's hands had been pulled from his head minutes before, making it easier for J.C. to sit up on the bed of his hotel room. He sniffled quietly and watched as Nick's eyes fluttered open, his chest still rising and falling fleetly. He dug his fingers through his hair and panted loosely. "Oh fuck, that was great babe." Nick chimed, sitting up on the bed to admire his naked fiance. He placed his hands on J.C.'s chest, feeling the small tuft of brown hairs in the cleft of J.C.'s pecs. J.C. nodded with a meek smile. He licked his lips to wipe away all the semen that he had ingested. He soon felt Nick's large hand petting his bottom lip, smearing in a small drop of his seed.

J.C. felt Nick's eyes running down his athletic form until they rested on his still erect dick. "Somebody's happy Mikey is still looking to spill its milk." Nick cooed, running a hand over J.C.'s thick, red cock. J.C. blushed heavily, looking down at Nick's hand as it pet J.C.'s genitalia. Nick licked his lips when looking at the rosey head. "Did you plan on taking care of this tonight?" Nick asked, curious as to why his fiance had not masturbated while giving him oral sex. J.C. shrugged with docile eyes. He took in his lower lip with a quiet expression. "I figured it'd go away or I'd just jack off later." J.C. responded, taking the less-aggressive role. He scratched his bristles of hair that surrounded his chin. Nick's brow raised with disbelief. He brushed the mushroom head of J.C.'s penis. "Well, uh, you didn't want me to do anything about it?" Nick questioned, concerned for J.C.'s own need for satisfaction. J.C. gave him a short answer by shaking his head. He swallowed moans he desired to release as Nick stroked him. "I, ah, figured you might, ah, be too tired to help me out." J.C. panted as Nick became a little more aggressive with his groping. He felt Nick's hand slither upward, running oevr his large patch of brown hairs and then to his round balls. The pressure consuming him was becoming too great, causing his eyes to blink opened and closed. "Yeah, I guess I am kind of exhausted, but not too drained as to keep you happy." Nick smiled. He licked his lips seductively while raising his other hand to stroke the slit of J.C.'s cock.

J.C. puffed heavily. He wrinkled his brow and threw his head back, finally expressing a moan of rapture. The sweat that was once on J.C. remained, smaller drops breaking free from J.C.'s pores. He took in a deep breath as Nick jacked him off slower and slower. "Mmph, come on Nickie, please." J.C. pleaded, pulling his head back down so that his chin met the top of J.C.'s chest. He waited for Nick to increase his hand movements. His right hand lifted from his side to play with his hard nipples, stroking them and pinching them. He curled his upper lip as the pressure encased him. Nick felt a develish grin strike his face. "Do you want me to play with it Josh? Do you want me to make you cum?" Nick asked exotically, twirling the head of J.C.'s cock with his finger. He scooped up a drop of precum that leaked from J.C.'s throbbing penis. He carried the clear liquid to his lips, opening his eager mouth and extending his tongue to lap up the fluid. He savored the taste of J.C.'s salty seed. "Mmmm, tastes so sweet hon'." Nick said with a lingering tease. J.C.'s breath increased, his want to be touched growing more desperate. He bit down on his lower lip as the frustration intensified. "Nick, stop playing games... please!" J.C. snarled, reaching his hands outward. He gripped the heaboard of his bed as his body took its own motions, his hips slowly grinding his penis into Nick's hand. Nick was dumbfounded by J.C.'s take charge behavior. He allowed his fiance free-reign in the bed, keeping his hand movements steady to match J.C.'s thrusts.

Nick looked up to read J.C.'s facial expressions. He saw desperation in J.C.'s chiseled face, his eyes tightly shut, his lips well parted, his brow wrinkled, and his sweat falling more freely. He felt J.C. press downward to bring out more friction between their flesh. "Oh, ugh, oh God! Uh, uh, ah, ah..." J.C. panted, snapping his head back as he moved quicker and quicker. He felt the bed beginning to shake under him as he gripped the headboard. His fingers did their best to dig into the wood of the headboard while his lower body was being bathed in sweat caused by the heat between Nick and his body. "Fuck! Oh damn..." J.C. roared, his jaw dropping while his dick grew in size. He squeezed his muscles tightly as he gasped for air. Nick could feel his hand becoming very slick with pre-cum, signifying an obvious event.

'Damn, he must have been a horny little bastard.' Nick thought to himself as he allowed J.C. to lower his body onto his.

"Oh shit baby, uhhh, oh shit, here it cums baby... ooh, yeah!" J.C. hissed, his nut finally exploding from his cock and volleying onto Nick's lips, his chin, his neck, and his heaving chest. J.C. squeezed his anal muscles tightly as he expounded onto his fiance. His breath was more than ragged, it was torn and fragmented. It wasn't steady for him as he finally gave out his release. "Mmm, mmm, mmmm..." J.C. hummed as his final spurts of semen leaked from the tip of his dick. His body relaxed and soon fell to a very calm state, sliding off of Nick and rolling to the side. He collapsed in the position he had fallen in.

Nick looked up to the ceiling with large eyes. 'He's never done that before. In fact, he's never cum that much. He must not jack off?' Nick began to ponder as his tongue snaked out of his mouth and began to lap up his lover's cum. He grazed his hand over his blonde hair while tasting J.C. again. "Nickie, are you sleepy?" he heard J.C.'s shallow voice question him. He didn't bother glancing over at J.C., knowing all he could view was J.C.'s back. Nick drew up the remaining covers from beside him and began to cloak the two in them. He used his portion of the cover to wipe off the remaining puddles of cum. "Yeah peache pie, I'm completely wasted." Nick responded, rolling in the opposite direction of J.C. He flicked off the light and found a pillow lying on the floor. "We should get some sleep so I don't miss my plane tomorrow." Nick suggested while yanking the pillow up and throwing it on the bed. He rolled around briefly to get comfortable on the sex-abused bed.

J.C. sniffled quietly, the cover barely covering his wearry body. He felt his eyes becoming heavier and heavier with each passing second. He coughed hoarsely and licked his plump lips. "Hold me Nickie." J.C. finally requested, the cool breeze of the air condition tapping his uncovered body. He received no response from his fiance. His eyebrow perked up with suspicion. "Nickie, please hold me." J.C. petitioned again. Still there was no answer. J.C.'s mind began to deduce hidden information. It was not the air condition that he could hear humming away. It was his lover. Nick was sleep, lightly snoring, facing away from J.C. J.C. sniffled again and shut his eyes, holding in faint tears that began to torment him.

Five days had slipped by since Nick had come to visit his fiance on *NSYNC's Another Step North American Tour. The date was now July the third and time was ticking on. Only minute-long conversations had occured between the two since that night as Nick had scurried across the United States with his fellow bandmaters, the Backstreet Boys, to complete recording on their highly anticipated third album. J.C. was disappointed his the lack of time he and Nick spent together. It made it harder for J.C. to speak the words he needed to when it came to the subject of marriage.

J.C. walked into a large room that was filled with plates of fruit, chips, water, clothing, some make-up, and a single lap top. It was aagin the evening and drawing nearer and nearer to the start of one of *NSYNC's many shows in California.

J.C. entered *NSYNC's dressing room with a lowered head, searching the room for any other occupants. He spotted no security, no personnel, and no family members lounging around in the room. The dressing room held two sole people, Justin and Angel Littrell. Justin was laid across one of the empty, plush couches while his son, Angel, played with his toys in a playpen near the couch. J.C. took light steps, keeping his eyes focused on the content son of Justin and Brian. He adjusted his sleeve-less shirt while walking, hoping not to draw attention from Justin. He felt Angel's eyes looking into his and watched as Angel's lips parted. He cursed himself and stopped his movement. "Dada, uh! Oh Daddy!" Angel cooed, smiling brightly when seeing J.C. J.C. eyed Angel as he lifted his small hand to point towards him. 'Oh well, there goes that plan.' J.C. thought, lifting his chin a little to offer Angel a small smile.

J.C. could see movement occuring on the couch, signifying Justin's shifting of position. He kept the nervous smirk on his lips as Justin turned to face him. He admired the orange bandanna that sat on Justin's head, the ash-blue FuManSKeeto shirt he wore and the baggy jeans he sported.

He tried to smile a littlw dier for Justin to bring life into his dazzling blue eyes. He was relieved to get the same expression in return. "Hey Josh, you okay?" Justin asked, viewing the unpleasent appearance J.C. gave off. J.C. gave him a shrug, staying remotely quiet. This brought about a perculiar look on Justin's face. He eased back onto the arm of the couch and pulled his legs up on the couch. "Well come here and talk to me. It's about time you let me be the man in this friendship." Justin jested, patting to a spot next to him on the couch.

J.C. reluctantly skidded over to the couch that Justin occupied. He eased past some of the wardrobe laid out for himself and his counterparts and plopped down next to Justin. He sat in a corner of the couch, keeping his distance from his best friend. He feared being too close to Justin, even though J.C. was aware that Justin had not treated him any different since their encounter in the hospital. He felt alleviated knowing Justin did not let the incident pull them apart or crush the relationship they had already established. "What's troublin' ya Josh?" justin asked, letting his chin rest on his pulled up knees. J.C. brightened a little when being close to Justin. He sighed with a hint of misery floating in his breath. "How did you ever decide, at eighteen, that you and Brian were ready for marriage?" J.C. inquired, turning his light blue eyes on his friend. Justin took in his lower lip. He lowered his brow and rocked on his cushion. He felt a shrug pull on his shoulders. "I'm not quite sure how we knew, we just knew.

I mean, I knew. I was nervous, a little scared, but I knew." Justin replied, tilting his head to the side. J.C. nodded, trying to grasp onto how Justin felt. He glared at Angel as he toyed with a plush Winnie the Pooh doll. "A year has past and I still can't believe that you and him just knew it was right." J.C. said softly, easing a hand onto the back of his head. He slouched on the couch with no hestiation. Justin slipped his bottom lip back into his mouth, a little disappointed and puzzled by J.C.'s statement. "Come on Josh, I was head over heels for that man and still am. It's hard to fight a feeling like that and I didn't bother to try. Marriage only made things official for ya'll, but Brian and me knew long ago what we wanted." Justin explained himself, placing his back fully on the arm of the couch. J.C. brought his eyes up again. "And what was that?" J.C. asked, staring directly at Justin. "To be with each other forever." Justin said with a bright smile, one of a child who had just one their first spelling bee. J.C. laughed lowly at Justin.

"Daddy! Baba!" Angel called, grabbing the sides of the playpen. He pressed against the mesh around the playpen before grabbing the top bars for support and standing to his feet. J.C. watched in amazement. He could not get over how much Angel had changed since his arrival in the Littrell home. He had grown from a five-month old baby to a few days short of a year-old child. J.C. now observed as Angel stood in his playpen, another feat that left J.C. in awe.

Justin scratched his curly head through his banadana, lowering his feet from the couch. He leaned over to the side, reaching for a bag near the couch. J.C. observed him with sharp eyes. He spied Justin's ass lifting just off the couch as he reached into Angel's baby bag. He bit his lower lip as he strained not to look at the imprint of the muscles in Justin's butt through his jeans. 'No, you can't and you know it.' J.C. told himself, turning his head away from Angel and Justin. He placed his hands into his lap and kept his head turned as he listened to Justin hum a tune.

Justin sat up straight again, handing a bottle filled with milk to Angel's outstretched hands. He made sure Angel ahd a tight grasp on the bottle before releasing it, allowing Angel to feed himself. Justin smiled when seeing Angel take the nipple of the bottle into his mouth, slowly sipping down the milk. He turned his head back in J.C.'s direction to finish their previous conversation. He raised his brow when seeing J.C.'s new position, a closed off one. "So J.C., what's with the questions about marriage? Your wedding isn't four like five more months, right?" Justin asked, curious in his own right. J.C. fanned away his sulky appearance and glanced at Justin.

"I guess." J.C. said with a small shrug. "You guess? Come on now, if I was getting married to the man I love, I'd be proud to say it was only five months away." Justin boasted, pulling one leg back up on the couch. He sat on his foot and leaned in J.C.'s vacinity. J.C. nodded, agreeing with Justin and revealing another facet to his situation. He began to nip at his fingernail, leaning fully into the couch.

"You're not ready to get married, are you?" Justin asked with a whisper as if it was a sin to speak on the matter. He didn't have to wait for a vocal response, it was in J.C.'s eyes. The glassy lining of small, unimportant tears showed the answer to Justin's inquiry. J.C.'s body became stiff and his head dropped. He began to sulk again. "This doesn't have to do with our kiss, does it Josh? Because if it does, it shouldn't. I love Brian, God, I love him. And I don't want you having second doubts because we both felt vulnerable and shared something we shouldn't have." Justin stated with a lowered voice, commuting closer to J.C. J.C. felt his own body tilting toward Justin, hoping he would catch him in some literal form. "Even though it meant a lot to me, the kiss didn't have anything to do with what I have been feeling for awhile now. I think I'm really over my head with this whole wedding thing and just getting married period. I love Nick, but I can't decide whether or not he's the one that I should make a life-long commitment to." J.C. replied with a small whimper. He sniffled as Justin took him into his strong arms. He felt Justin cradling his head against his chest, petting his soft brown hair in the process. J.C. pulled his own legs up on the couch and lowered his head until it was resting in Justin's lap.

Justin permitted J.C. to rest his head in his lap. He drew his fingers through J.C.'s soft hair, hoping to calm him. The glimmer of the light above hit the gold material wrapped around Justin's left ring finger. He frowned a little when viewing the band around his finger. 'I can never betray him.' Justin told himself, holding his hand in J.C.'s hair. "You're right to have doubts Josh. Everyone told me marriage is not something to walk into lightly and I didn't. I know A.J. didn't either. So if you truly have doubts, like you should, then tell Nick and slow things down before they get too far." Justin advised, caressing J.C.'s cheek as he spoke. J.C. moved his head in a nodding motion, hampered by the way Justin touched him. Justin leaned his head lower in J.C.'s direction. He glanced from the corner of his eye to see if Angel eyed him. Angel seemed to be too caught up in his playing to even notice his father touching another man. Justin held his head just above J.C.'s, his breath sliding over J.C.'s face. "But please don't let what happened between me and you decide how far you will go with Nick. We're not Brian and Nick and we can get past this without destroying each other's futures." Justin pleaded, his lips dangling dangerously close to J.C.'s face. J.C. was tempted to lean upward and snag a kiss from his friend, but he controlled himself. He didn't want to do it in front of Justin's son. It would have been sinful for him.

The sound of a click, a gush of wind, and then small laughter cause Justin to look up again, still granting J.C. the space on his lap. He found the faces of Lance, Chris, Joey, Lonnie, Trish, and Marc entering the dressing room. "What's up Curly?" he heard Chris call out as he skipped into the room, heading straight for the lap top. Justin nodded in his direction, nibbling on his lower lip. He studied Lance's face as he crossed by the two, never glancing at them. "Hey Lance," he muttered with a whisper. Lance took a peek at Justin through the corners of his eyes and smiled. His eyes moved lower when seeing Justin's position on the couch and he froze in his walking. "Hey J.C., didn't see ya down there." Joey commented, patting J.C.'s knee as he walked past the couch. Lance swallowed hard when viewing J.C. and Justin. They were a little too close for his heart to bare at the second. "J.C., get your lazy ass up. Justin shouldn't be babying you, you should be babying him." Chris bellowed, taking a seat on a chair near the couch J.C. and Justin monopolized. J.C. sucked on his lower lip, lifting his head up from Justin's lap. "Yeah J.C., Justin isn't that grown. Just because he's a father and about to have his one-year wedding anniversary doesn't mean he's holding rank around here." Joey protested, tossing his hand over Justin's bandanna-covered head. Justin smirked at the notion.

Lance's pale green eyes stared at J.C. as he sat up on the couch, leaning on Justin when he found a comfortable position. "Careful Justin, that's how he always starts." Lance said, trying to sound sarcastic, but deep inside he was serious. Justin fondled J.C.'s hair with a small grin. "Get real Lansten." he chuckled halfheartedely. J.C.'s face pulled into a tight frown as he looked on Lance. Lance forced his hands into his pockets to prevent himself from folding them and showing J.C. his true disapproving expression.

"Always a flirt, but never a jerk, eh Josh?" Lance commented, climbing over a few stacks of clothes to get to the mirror. J.C. sulked in his seat, leaning his head on Justin's shoulder. "He's probably just stressed out about getting married, hon'. I remember how Justin was a year ago before he got married." Trish remarked, pulling out bags of make-up and hair gear. Justin's lips presented her with a more cocky smirk. "Was not." he argued, pulling his other leg up on the couch. Trish laughed at Justin through the mirror. "You were too boy, don't even play." Chris debated in a less friendly way. "Justin, you were on pins and needles for a good month straight." Joey agreed, shagging his hair out with his hands. Justin pursed his lips with minor disbelief. He laid his hands in his lap, staring down at Angel for a brief second. "Well, if I was that bad, Bri' was ten times worse." Justin finally came to a resolution that brought out a laughter from most of the occupants of the room.

"Chris is one to talk, he'll be the same way soon enough." Lance noted, picking Angel up from his playpen and carrying the child with him as he walked. Chris rolled his eyes while clicking through his e-mail on the lap top. He felt Lance breeze by him, heading straight for a corner of the room. "As long as you and Bryce are there, I'm sure my strength will be up." Chris said sarcastically, winking at Lance as he took a seat in the last chair. Lance puckered his lips for Chris and made a kissing noise, all in humor. "Of course we'll be there Christopher." Lance said, mocking Chris in his favorite way. Chris slammed his head against his leg, anegred by Lance's use of his first name. "Gosh, it just seems like all of you are getting married. You'll have the Backstreet Boys beat soon." Trish asserted, setting up her make-up station. "Probably. With Chris and Meelah, J.C. and Nick, Brian and Justin... oh yeah, we've got them by one." Joey snickered, looking at the bags under his eyes in the mirror. Trish smiled proudly. "Well not unless Kevin and Nikki get married. Then we'll be tied." Lance brought up a shaky fact. J.C.'s eyes automatically shifted to Lance, his face grimacing. "I doubt that'll happen." J.C. insisted, lifting his head from Justin's shoulder. Lance adjusted the collar of Angel's powdery blue shirt without looking up at his ex-boyfriend. He cleared his throat quietly. "You can never tell J.C. Nikki and Kevin could pick things right back up any day now." Lance argued in a kind way. J.C. gripped the tail of his shirt, holding in his frustration. "Peaches wouldn't do that." J.C. again disagreed, but in a firmer way. Lance cocked his eyebrow up with skepticism ruling his brow. He held Angel up so that he stood in his lap, fixing his baggy jeans. "What can you do to stop her?" Lance asked a daring question that brought the room to an unexpected silence. Eyes did not dare fall on the quarreling ex-lovers. It was a typical thing for the two, but never in such a personal way.

"Justin started this stupid trend." Chris chuckled, accessing other files on the lap top. He tried to break the tension in the room. "Justin always starts stupid trends." Joey agreed, seeing Chris' tatic. Justin groaned in a loving way, pulling his bandanna back so that the front portion of his strawberry blonde curls peeked out. "Forgive me for wanting to get some butt from the same dude every night instead of doing it out of wedlock." Justin retorted with a proper ending. "You're forgiven." Chris said, waving his hand around. Justin fell into laughter, easing up on the couch. He felt the need to stand, stretch. "Wait, wait, wait, he's not forgiven. He kills all hope for guys like me." Joey protested with humor. Justin frowned. He stood from the couch, reaching his hands upward so his body could stretch. "You'll get over it." Justin yawned out, pulling his bandanna back down toward his face. He stepped past the couch and Chris' chair, prancing over to Lance to admire his son. He shuffled his fingers through Angel's hair as he watched his son reach for him. "Yeah, the next thing you know Chris'll be having a kid too." Joey scoffed, throwing his hands around for emphasis. A silence followed Joey's statement. No snickers could be released at that instance, but Joey could feel them coming. "Oops! I forgot." he finally blushed as the laughter broke out, bringing much attention to the *NSYNC dressing room.

The sounds of the youthful Sammie filled the arena as he did a quick version of his hit 'I Like It' for the awaiting *NSYNC crowd. Faint screams were heard around the arena by bubbly fans that knew the adolescent performer. Backstage was another set of fans in the form of more mature performers. "He's pretty good." Veronica Finn commented as she looked in on the young singer. Mandy nodded as she applied lip gloss onto her lips through a mirror on the wall. They both had barely enough time to view the performances that were put on by Sammie, Boyz N Girlz United, SK8 and Don Philip. Preparing for their own show kept the girls busy.

"And he'll be done soon and I don't think I'm ready to go out there." Jenny gushed, trying to fix her hair in the twisted braids she usually wore on the top of her head. "Oh come on Jenny, we've opened like ten shows for the guys now. It's no biggie. We only got booed at like... two of them." Mandy insisted with her dignified Southern accent. Veronica giggled softly, making sure her outfit had no mistakes to it. "It was only one show Mandy and you know how Texas girls get when they want to see their men." Danay corrected her friend while walking around the backstage area. Mandy rolled her eyes promptly, lifting her hair up so that it rested in a tight ponytail. "They must not understand that I've got a man and sure don't want Lance to be with me." Mandy chimed in a joking way, bobbing ehr head around like a little girl.

"Ouch, that hurts Mandy." Lance's voice resound through the area that Innosense occupied. Mandy's head briskly jerked in the direction of the approaching voice, spying Lynn Harliss, Justin Littrell, and Lance Bas approaching them. She puckered her lips towards Lance and then giggled wholeheartedly. "Oh hush Lance, you've got a man too." Mandy snickered, fixing her baby-tee while speaking. Lance smiled amicably, pushing an arm around Mandy's shoulders and glancing around the area. "Hey guys, we need to keep a focus because we're going to be on after Sammie's set." Nikki announced as she and a make-up artist fixed the faux diamond tattoo around her belly. Mandy quickly sucked air through her teeth with a hint of disrespect. Danay cleared her throat amptly, trying to stop Mandy's rudeness. "She's right ladies. You need to be focused and ready so that the crowd loves you." Lynn concurred with Nikki. Nikki smirked proudly, flipping her hair back as the last stone was put in place. "Yeah, you need to be ready so that the crowd gets crunk like they do for us!" Justin shouted with glee, throwing his arms around Veronica and lifting her into the air. "Curly! Quit!" Veronica giggled, trying to fight off Justin's strength. Justin hugged her around her waist as he lowered her to the ground. "I swear Justin, you're like a ten-year-old." Mandy gushed, easing into her small embrace with Lance. Lynn giggled softly, crossing her arms to admire the group. "He and Veronica are just alike. Twin mop-heads." Nikki declared with her slick Souther intone. Lynn couldn't help her snickering as it bubbled over. She laughed loudly at Nikki's remark, staring at the similarities in Veronica and Justin's look. "Hey, watch it now." Justin said with a warning in his voice. A smile soon flickered over his pouty red lips. He kept his arms loosely around Veronica's waist as he heard a loud round of applause barging from the stage.

"Okay, Sammie's off. Innosense, you're up in five. Make sure all mics are on and all DAT tapes are set." a producer said as he walked backstage, running over a set list with a technician. Jenny felt her nerves tighten, making her stiff to movement. "Okay ladies, let's get those game faces on." Nikki announced, clapping her hands for emphasis. Mandy felt a smirk tug at her lips. "Ah, Nikki, ever the coach." Mandy sighed, pulling away from Lance. Danay made sure her hair was fully slicked in a tight bun as Veronica stood beside her, placing a white bandanna on her curly hair. She puckered her lips for the mirror, making sure her gloss was on to perfection. "Ya'll are gonna rock out there, I just know it." Lance cheered, staying in his position as the girls began walking around to gather their things. "Yeah, if we don't hurl over the crowd." Jenny commented, holding her stomach as she tried to calm herself. Justin eyed her with a crazed expression. He huddled over some and stood next to Jenny. "Come on Jen, you can handle it. It's just fifty or so thousand fans awiting to hear you knock 'em dead... or see what color the chunks are." Justin said, mocking her. She quickly elbowed his stomach area, grimacing. "Justin!" Nikki hissed, slapping his back as she passed by. Justin couldn't resist laughing. "Aaww, come on Jen, you can do it. I've seen ya'll in action and you can handle this crowd. They're pansies." Justin insisted, slinking an arm around Jenny's neck and hugging her close to him. Jenny nodded, trying to build her confidence. She took a deep breath and then sighed, relaxing her muscles.

Lynn fluffed up in curly blonde hair as Nikki pulled down her straight, reddish-brown hair. "I should get out there." Lynn babbled, making sure her eye make-up was straight. Nikki smiled in a daughterly way. "Knock 'em dead Ms. Lynn." Nikki chimed, imitating Justin. "I heard that!" Justin bellowed, causing Nikki and Lynn to again burst into a giggling fit. "Justin, don't you have some place to be instead of harassing us all the time." Danay smiled, throwing one of her arms around Justin and yanking him down into a noogie. Justin laughed franticly as he tried to escape Danay's grip. Mandy slipped past Lance and joined Danay, slapping Justin's butt repeatedly while snickering. "Yeah, you big ol' mop-head!" Mandy gushed, yanking at Justin's clothing. Veronica and Jenny leaned against the nearby wall with grins. "Quit ya'll! Come on." Justin pleaded, pulling backward so that he could escape their arms.

Nikki and Lynn turned to face the playful group with small looks of disapproval written into their faces. "You three better quit playing around before something bad happens." Lynn ordered in a calm tone. Soon the laughter and horsing around ended. Justin laid on his back on the floor, breathing deeply with a cherry-red face while Danay and Mandy adjusted their clothing so that they were ready to get on stage. Veronica and Jenny tried to pretend as if they were preoccupied and Lance stood stiff and quiet. Still, no one spoke. Nikki licked her lips slowly, waiting to see if any of her band mates dared to respond back to Lynn's words. "Now grab your mics, harmonize really quickly, get in your positions behind the curtains, and let's make this a fabulous show ladies." Lynn demanded, strolling away from the mirror and heading in the direction of the curtain that kept the fans from seeing behind the stage. Without another word, the young women quickly followed her orders, leaving Justin and Lance in their positions and heading for the stage to prepare for their performance.

The crowd awaited some sound, some word that announced what was happening next. Around the arena, screams could be heard for *NSYNC, though most fans knew that there was still one more opening act that had yet to perform. As the curtains began to part and flutter, small shrieks raised up from the attendants of the concert. More screams and utterance broke out from the crowd as people began to recognize the mother of *NSYNC's famous heartthrob.

Lynn walked across the immense stage with confidence, a sultry cockiness she shared with her son. "Hello everyone! My name is Lynn Harliss and not only am I the manager of this up-and-coming group that's about to perform for you, but I am also the mother of Justin from *NSYNC." Lynn announced, pulling out rippling screams from the concert goers. She smiled with laughter awaiting to break out. She lowered ehr mic and waved to a few of the attendants.

As the yelling began to die down, Lynn lifted her microphone again. Before she could get any words out, the shrieks began to raise again, but at another pitch. Lynn felt overwhelmed by the sudden change. She could see people pushing to get a better view of the stage, confusing her. 'What the hell?' Lynn thought, lowering her brow. "Hey mommy, what's taking so long? The girls are ready to perform." Justin's voice echoed through the speakers of the arena, causing Lynn to quickly turn her head and looked behind herself. Justin was advancing toward her with a microphone in his hand and a silly grin on his face. The crowd launched into defeaning shouts as they got a clear glimpse of Justin. Justin ruffled hsi fingers through his hair as he looked at all of the fans attending the concert. "Uh, what's up ya'll?" Justin asked in a lowered voice, one that sent many females into shivers as they screamed for him. Lynn found a scowl forming on her face for a minute as she watched Justin casually flirt with the crowd. "So, are we going to introduce my little sisters or what Ma?" Justin asked, flipping his head in the direction of his mother's stares. Lynn felt a small smile part her lips. She looked into Justin's glassy blue eyes and saw humor. "Well, you heard him! Would you please show love to the new female-version of *NSYNC..." Lynn began with amusement in her heart. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa... the next what?!" Justin asked briskly. Justin laughed out loud, stepping back from his mother when viewing her facial expression. Lynn arched her eyebrow to silence him while a fond smirk covered her lips. "Please give it up for RCA Records' new smash female group, Innosense!" Lynn finally announced, claaping as she finished. She felt Justin grab onto her arm and quickly usher her off the stage with grins.

Soon, the humor died down in the arena and the lights were lowered across the top. The black curtain peeled apart completely, giving a deeper view into the stage that was set up. Hanging in the backdrop was a large cloth banner that had a silvery 'I' in a circle and the word, 'Innosense', under it. Standing with their heads lowered and their arms behind their backs were the girls of Innosense. Danay's outfit consisted of a orange baby-tee with the word 'Spoiled' written on it in faux rhinestones and loose blue jeans. Veronica sported a white bandanna on her curly blonde hair, a white baby-tee with the word 'Brat' on it in faux rhinestones, her tattoo art of a butterfly on her arm, and loose blue jeans. Nikki wore a green baby-tee with the word 'Superstar' on it in faux rhinestones, her tattoo art of a heart around her belly button in faux rhinestones, and loose black jeans. Jenny glamourized a blue baby-tee with the word 'Princess' on it in rhinestones and a pair of tight-fitted blue jeans. Mandy styled a pink baby-tee with the word 'Baby' on it in rhinestones, her hair in a tight ponytail with a few streaks of red running through the blonde hair, and tight-fitted black capri's.

A futuristic sound began to flood through the speakers as a few knowledgeable fans screamed for the girl group. The girls began to sway to the coming music, their heads still lowered and arms still behind their backs. They listened to the computerized introduction and waited patiently.

They were calculated the intense dance moves they were going to have to dish out for the audience.

Welcome Innosense

I've missed you

Please enter your password

Acesss granted


www.come to me

As the girls began to dance, the audience began to holler a little louder.

This brought up smiles on each member of Innosense's face. they began to rock to the music that came along with the uptempo melody they were set to sing. Jenny stepped out front as her bandmates continued to dance in the background. Jenny breathed deeply, trying not to lose her breath while singing the first verse.

We're double clicking on a brand new thang

I got'cha logged on the screen

Gotta feeling, wanna pull you in

Can't wait for the fun to begin cause I

I see you, see me (Hey baby)

It's virtual ecstacy

I can be who you wanna be (Hey, hey, yeah, yeah)

And my website is so sweet

www.fantasy (I got what you want right here)

www.come to me (How you make my hard drive spin)

www.fantasy (I give my signal clear)

www.come to me (Turn it up and let the fun begin)

The girls circled each other for a minute before breaking off, causing Nikki to run to the front. The adrenaline inside of her already began to pump as she danced to the heavy choreography. She threw her hands up occassionally, truly loving the performance she and her friends gave off. Nikki made sure to pay attention to the lyrics of the song so that she did not miss the ad-libs she was to sing. She and her commradse stop moving after the first chorus had finished. Nikki grinned deviously, her breath becoming ragged. She lifted her mic high to sing the second verse as the beat continued to hit heavily.

Real love doesn't satisfy

I need somethin' that will rock my mind

It's a go-go, electro high

Just sit and let the feelin' rise

You see me, say hey (Oh yeah)

It's virtual reality (Are you ready?)

You can be who you wanna be (Oh oh)

It's a cyberspace wet dream (Come on, come on)

www.fantasy (What's your goal, where are you from?)

www.come to me (Hook me up and just turn me on)

www.fantasy (Your fiber optics are so so strong)

www.come to me (Let's give in to it all night long)

"Come on!" Danay shouted out as the girls broke from their formation to run around the stage. Jenny and Mandy ran to either side of the large stage, giving their direction attention to the left and right sides of the arena. Nikki stayed in the middle, giving her utmost concentration to the front rows of the arena. "Come on everyone, get up and sing!" Danay yelled out, running to the side that Mandy occupied. Veronica giggled into her mic, prancing over to Nikki. "Hey ya'll, check this out." Veronica stated as the song slipped into a newer recorded version.


Log on your computer screen

Get you feeling ecstasy

It's virtual reality

www.come to me

Anything you want to see

I can be who you wanna be

Let it go free

As Veronica finished her small rap, the girls began to gather again in the middle of the stage. The girls marched to the sultry song, slowly falling to their knees. They began a small dance break on their knees, one that took strict choreography skills.

Hey ah ah oh

Hey ah ah oh, ah oh

Hey ah ah oh

Hey ah ah oh

Come into our fantasy

The girls quickly lept to their feet when hearing Danay hit the last note of the bridge. "Everyone, get up!" Nikki requested loudly as she and Mandy ran to the right and Veronica and Jenny dashed to the left of the stage. Nikki felt sweat trickle from her head as she and Mandy danced a little on their side, trying to inflict exciting emotions in the audience. Their response was great as many of the attendants began to enjoy Innosense's performance. Slowly, they were becoming fans.

www.fantasy [Fantasy] (I got what you want right here)

www.come to me [Come to me] (How you make my hard drive spin)

www.fantasy [Come on baby] (I give my signal clear)

www.come to me (Turn it up and let the fun begin)

www.fantasy [Fan-ta-sy] (What's your goal, where are you from?)

www.come to me (Hook me up and just turn me on)

www.fantasy [Fan-ta-sy] (Your fiber optics are so so strong)

www.come to me (Let's give in to it all night long)

Hey ah ah oh, ah oh

When the song ended, the girls each struck a pose that screamed style. The audience ripped into applause for Innosense, thoroughly taking pleasure from Innosense's song about cybersex. Nikki breathed lightly as she broke from her stance. The others followed with sure-fit smiles. "Hey everyone!" Nikki called out to the crowd, receiving an equally loud reply from the audience. Nikki grinned heavily, pulling her hair back. "We are Innosense and we are so happy to be ehre tonight, opening up for our friends *NSYNC." Nikki added, trying to pull even more emotion from the crowd. It didn't take long for that answer to come back in a fit of passion. The audience shrieked uncontrollably when hearing the name *NSYNC. The girls of Innosense giggled softly. "The song that we just did is called '' and it's on our new album, due out next month." Nikki stated, walking back and forth in a line on the stage as stagehands quickly came out and placed five white stools in a straight line on the stage. Nikki glanced over her shoulder to see her friends taking their seats on the stools. She took in a deep breath, clearing her vocal chords so she did not strain them. "We're going to do this next song for some friends of ours. Tomorrow, on July the 4th, some close friends of ours will be celebrating their one-year wedding anniversary and we are aso thrilled to see that!" Nikki announced with a candid grin. Soon, coos came flying from the lips of the female attendants. A soft smile caught Nikki's lips. She could only think of Brian and Justin at the moment. "So we're going to sing this next song, it's called 'So Together', just for them." Nikki finally said, scooting back towards her stool. Nikki took a seat on the middle stool, keeping her microphone close to her chest while awaiting the music to drop in and her verse to begin.

Boy you've been away so long

Funny but our love's still strong

When it's good, it keeps you hanging on and on

Inside, hey

And no baby, no it ain't a crime

I know you love me cause you tell me all the time

That's the one thing that eases my mind when you're gone

Keeps me inspired

Sending out my love

Get a message through

I've gotta heavy thing for you

You know I...

Can't stop missin' you

All I wanna be is kissin' you

Can't you feel me wishin' we were

(So) So together baby

Can't stop hopin' time will fly

And we'll never say goodbye

And forever we will be

So together, you and I (Hey)

Justin hugged himself backstage with a bright expression touching his face. "I can't believe they're doing this." Justin said aloud, watching as his friends harmonized beautifully to the song. He titled his head as he watched all five young women put their all into the title trackf rom their album. His head began to bob in time with the guitars and scratching that filled the song. He took in his lower lip while listening to the deep, meaningful lyrics that encompassed the mid-tempo song.

Justin felt two warm objects snaking aroudn him, defining them as arms. The arms slinked around Justin's waist and pulled him backward a few steps until his back met with a strong chest and lower body. Justin shook with fear for a second, surprised by the sudden assault. 'No, J.C., no.' he thought, trying to turn his head to meet with the person holding him. He could tell, without glancing, it was a male snuggling closer to his body. "This is a great song." he heard the voice of the man sing into his ear, signifying another obvious thing to Justin's mind. It wasn't J.C. holding him. "Dont'cha think it was cute of them to dedicate this song to us?" another warming strum of the man's voice made Justin's heart melt. He struggled, but finally lifted his right hand so that it could caress the face of the man. His fingers traced over a chiseled cheek and then an inscribed dimple. Justin's lips smiled immediately. "I think it's great Rocky." Justin responded softly, holding the face in his hand as he listened. He slowly eyed the stage again as Mandy stood from her stool to sing the second verse of the song.

Every night I say a prayer (Say a little prayer)

That in the morning maybe you'll be there

And you're never gonna go nowhere again

For the rest of my life (My life)

As Nikki stood to repeat the bridge, Justin felt the male holding him spin him around so that they were facing each other. He stared into a pair of crystal blue eyes, lips forming dimples with their smile and a nose that begged for small attention. "What are you doing here so early? I thought you weren't getting here until around ten in the morning, tomorrow?" Justin asked with a kindred face. His head inched closer to the male's. "Come on now, you know I couldn't stay away that long. Paul and I worked out a way for me to get here without you knowing. There never was a ten o'clock plane from Orlando." the male whispered with a distinct country accent. His head inched nearer to Justin's. Justin lifted his head, running from the man's cheek to his ear and then to his soft hair. His fingers naturally began to tangle themselves in the blondish-brown hair that covered the man's head. "You're a bad boy, Brian." Justin whispered loudly, his lips meeting with the man's nose. Brian Littrell, Justin's husband, smiled tenderly. He felt the soft lips brush nimbly against the tip of his nose before moving downward until they touched his lips.

Nikki walked to the edge of the stage as the others slowly finished the second chorus. She was deaf to the screams that began to ring for her. She kept a straight face as she concentrated strictly on the music. Her heart fluttered as she thought of the surprise that must have reached Justin. She too had a hand in Brian's arrival in California. She brushed her hair back behind her shoulders while walking to one side of the stage, preparing to put the fullness of her limber voice into the next verse.

Like a burden in my heart

I'm callin' out your name

You made a fire start

Now get into the flame

You came into my life

I'll never be the same

Baby that's alright, yeah oh

Sending out my love (My love)

Gotta get a message through (Mmmmmm)

It's a crazy thing, a crazy thing

But what else can I do?

You know I can't

Can't stop missin' you

All I wanna be is kissin' you

Can't you feel me wishin' we were

(So) So together baby

Can't stop hopin' time will fly

And we'll never say goodbye

And forever we will be

So together baby

Can't stop missing you

Only meant to be kissing you

Can't you feel me wishing we were

So together (You and I)

So together, so so together

So together, so so together

As Nikki, Danay, and Mandy held out the last note of the song, a fair portion of the audience stood with applause. They were into Innosense's musically-built performance, easily taking it over the semi-professional work done by Sammie and SK8 and the non-audience interaction, overly pop-generated performances by Boyz N Girlz United and Don Philip. They needed a group that they could relate to and also have fun with and Innosense was becoming that latchkey.

"Thank you, thank you. That song is called 'So Together' and it's the name of our CD coming next month. I think it's time that we introduce ourselves." Nikki suggested, turning to her refreshed bandmates. She received several nods from the girls, even though all knew that it was now the time for the introductions, a part of their set list. "Hello everyone, I'm Danay." Danay called out with a strung out Cuban accent. "I'm Mandy!" Mandy said with a bubbly smile. "Hi, I'm Jenny." Jenny chimed, waving to the crowd. "What's up, I'm Nikki." Nikki tittered with admiration in her eyes. "I'm Veronica." Veronica said perkily. The crowd propelled an additional ovation.

Nikki strolled to the middle of the group as her groupmates walked backward. She was aware that the others were headed toward the back to grab their microphone stands for the next song. Nikki felt the need to follow them, but stayed steadfast. She had confidence that Mandy would grab her mic-stand for her and set it up in the position it was to be in. "It's so beautiful out here tonight. California really is a beautiful state." Nikki stated, taking her own steps in reverse. She smiled at the growing crowd as most of the concert goers began to pack the arena with curiosity towards the group. "Now it's time that we make it rain all over the arena." Nikki stated right before a thumping, mellow beat came running through the speakers. The sounds of pre-recorded thunder shackled through the speakers and across the arena, drawing up daring screams from the audience. Nikki walked to her micropohone stand in the middle of the group and placed her microphone in its holder. She snapped her fingers like the rest of the group, preparing to unleash her powerful voice for the first verse.

I want you hear today babe

Too far away, it's not fair

To be around you when I needed you

I wish for you more and more

The nights are long and days are cold

They're always warmer when you're here

I wish you were right here with me

Cause out my window

All I see is...

Rain, rain in the sky

Everywhere I look I just see

Rain, rain falling down

Crying as it hits the ground

Rain, rain in my heart

Every day that we're apart

Rain, rain falling

Rain, rain

Rain, rain

Rain, rain

All of the girls moved poetically to the beat of the song. They all walked in a line to switch positions with Veronica and Danay handling the ends of the line and Jenny taking the middle position. She adjusted her microphone in its holder as the girls continued to sing the chorus. "Come on, raising your hands and wave 'em like it's raining ya'll." Danay said, encouraging the crowd to join the song. Jenny smirked properly, bobbing to the beat as she followed the chorus with her verse.

Slowly, softly it appears

When you return, it dissapears

Behind an ocean of tears

Tell me who can I call now

Can't reach out, can't feel touch

What does this mean to me

I wish you were out at my door

Cause only you can stop this pouring

Rain, rain in the sky

Everywhere I look I just see

Rain, rain falling down

Crying as it hits the ground

Rain, rain in my heart

Every day that we're apart

Rain, rain falling

Rain, rain

Rain, rain falling

Rain, rain

Nikki immediately ripped her microphone from its holder, walking away from her microphone stand as Jenny performed her ad-libs and the others sung the chorus. Nikki began to clap to the thudding beat, trying to encourage the audience members as much as possible. "Come on, make it rain ya'll." Nikki called out as the chorus gradually came to a close. She raised her microphone with pride as she prepared to belt out the final bridge of the song.

Maybe I lost time on you

Wanna hear you around

The day that you left watching over me (Over me)

If this is the only thing that comes between us now

Baby soon we'll be together


Everywhere I look I see

Everywhere I look I see

Everywhere I look I see

Everywhere I look I see

Everywhere I look I see

Everywhere I look I see

"There you go, dance with us." Veronica chimed, pointing to a few of the closer fans. She danced with the others to the mellow, orchesta and bass-filled song. Nikki kept her focus on the vocals, filling the dramatic chorus with her powerful ad-libs. She stepped to the side to let Danay step up and assist her with the strong vocals. "Yeah, keep your hands up ya'll. Make it rain!" Mandy commanded in a friendly way, dancing in time with Veronica and Jenny. She smiled happily as the audience truly began to bob with the ballad, showing their support. "There you go." Veronica said once more as the song casually came to a close.

Rain, rain falling

Rain, rain

Rain, rain

Rain, rain

Everywhere I look


The song ended in the same dramatic sense that it started in, with Nikki holding her own vocally. The audience responded amicably to the set Innosense was putting on. Danay pranced to the front of the stage as the others ran to get prepared for their final number. She waved happily to the audience members that screamed her name. "Okay ya'll, that song was called 'Rain Rain'. Did ya like it?" Danay asked proudly, obtaining a loud reply from the front rows of the arena. "All right, good. This is the last song of our set. It's our first single and I hope you've heard it. The single is in stores now and the song is called 'Say No More.'" Danay made her introduction quick. The mentioning of the song brought a familiar ring to the crowd, causing a silence to hush over the arena to see if it was as they thought.

[I don't care what you say, say, say, say, say]

Say no

Say no more

La la oww, la la la la la la

La la oww, la la la la la la

La la

Just the sounds of the thumping music from the Anders Bagge-written song caused a large portion of the audience to stand up and yell. It was the song that was receiving much airplay across the United States, the one that many of the concert goers loved. As Innosense danced heavily to their first single, the audience sung along to the very catchy hook. They all awaited Nikki to take a step forward and hit the proper notes that fueled through the first verse.

I've come to tell you what's on my mind

Baby I have changed

I don't wanna keep playin' no games

I keep tellin' you time after time

That I (I, I)

I don't care what you say

I don't care what you do

Cause I'm never comin' back no more

(Never comin' back no more)

I don't care what you mean

I don't care how you feel

So say (say) no (no)

Say no more

La la oww, la la la la la la

La la oww, la la la la la la

La la (So what you wanna do?)

The dance moves were slick and heavily-choreographed. Each member of Innosense jammed to the hard-hitting music that pistoned through the arena. "Come on ya'll, get up!" Veronica shouted as they danced. She kept her focus on amping the crowd up the way they were amped up. Just the hook blazing through the speakers sent the crowd into a frenzy, trying to mimic Innosense in the way they sung it. The mocking word 'La' became the new phrase of the attendants. Jenny laughed unconsciously as she stepped up to belt out the second verse.

You didn't care much for what I did

Treat me like I'm dirt

Babe, when I was hurt

I was alone, talking to myself (Come on)

But now I (I, I)

I don't care what you say

I don't care what you do

Cause I'm never comin' back no more

(Never comin' back no more)

I don't care what you mean

I don't care how you feel

So say (say) no (no)

Say no more

La la oww, la la la la la la

La la oww, la la la la la la

La la (So what you wanna do?)

The girls moved as *NSYNC did, in a tight formation with no room for mistakes. Veronica yanked off her bandanna and threw it to the side as she truly enjoyed the power of the song. She slid over to Mandy with a geerous smile. Mandy smirked back, shaking her ponytail around to the song. "Ladies, say no more!" Nikki requested, running up to the front for the bridge of the song.

[I don't care what you say, say, say, say, say]

[Oh baby, oh baby]

Don't say (Say) no (No)

Say no more

(Say no more)

As Nikki held the high-pitched note for minutes, the others ran around the stage repeating the mocking hook. "If you wanna jam tonight, come on ya'll!" Danay called out, dancing to one side of the stage. "Keep your hands up. Everyone, say no more!" Jenny finally participated in the crowd's actions. She heard several screams for her, initiating her even further into her place in Innosense.

La la oww, la la la la la la (What ya gonna do?)

La la oww, la la la la la la (What ya gonna do?)

La la

I, I, I

Nikki, Mandy, and Jenny caught the final notes before preparing to fall into the chorus all over again. Nikki flushed with color as she put her all into the performance. She wiped sweat from her brow while walking slowly to the front of the stage. "Come on, say no more ya'll." Veroniac continued to egg on the crowd while passing Nikki. She quickly patted Nikki on the shoulder, showing her admiration for Nikki's strong voice. Nikki smiled weakly, worn by the performance. She waited for the others to gather around her for the final hook, smiling toward the crowd as they finally did.

La la la la la la

Oww oww

The ripping sound of shrieks, howls, and squeals pleased Innosense immensely. They were all covered in sweat and exhaustion, but none of it seemed to faze them. They were too thrilled to be loved by the crowd. "Go Innosense! Go Innosense!" a small section of the audience began to chant. Veronica pointed out to them wtih a gleam. "Thank you, thank ya'll so much." Jenny gushed while being overwhelmed by the applause. "Thanks a lot everyone. Go out and pick up the 'Say No More' single and the album next month." Nikki added, standing straight in her spot. "And ya'll get ready for our guys *NSYNC because they're up next!" Danay attached her statement to Nikki's, dashing off the stage. Soon she was followed by her other groupmates.

The night washed away like the tide on the beach. It wasn't easy in the beginning, but *NSYNC managed to get with management and arrange to have no show on the night of July the fourth. It was a calculated move that each of the guys decided on when mapping out their U.S. tour. They all wanted to celebrate the holiday, even though they knew they would not have the opportunity to fly home, but they decided it was best to spend the holiday together and with the couple that celebrated their one-year wedding anniversary.

The tide that washed over the beach that Brian and Justin walked on was innocent, harmless. The quiet beach welcomed Brian and Justin for an afternoon stroll. The side that Brian and Justin occupied was desolate, making it simple for Brian and Justin to promenade close together on the sand during the early afternoon hours.

Brian gripped Justin's hand tightly as he led him up the beach, toward a small cove that laid to the side of them. Ahead of them ran Tyke, barking loudly as the ocean's crest washed up on the shore. "Oh, why did you bring him?" Justin asked, emphasizing the last word as he eyed Tyke running wildly. Brian smiled unconsciously. "Come on now, what kind of anniversary would it be without Tyke?" Brian teased. He whistled toward his dog as Tyke ran circles around himself. Justin pulled open his light blue, button-down shirt so that it frayed in the wind. He took his eyes off of Tyke to enjoy the sights of the sand and the sounds of the splashing water. "I don't know what it is that always makes us come to a beach on a special day." Justin commented cooly, taking in a deep berath of the beach. Brian fondled Justin's knuckles with his middle finger, a small form of affection. His bare feet scooped up sand that he kicked away as they walked. "I think it's just the feeling of you and me being together in a place that's soothing." Brian responded to Justin's rhetorical question. Justin nodded as his eyes peered forward. "It's just a nice way to spend the day, especially one as special as this." Brian declared, drawing Justin in a different direction.

Brian and Justin strayed in another path, heading closer towards the rocks of the cove. "Come here Tyke!" Brian shouted out for his dog as he walked Justin along the darker sands of the beach. He felt the grains mash between his toes. "Angel probably would've liked it out here." Justin noted, easing closer to his husband. Brian agreed silently, watching he and Justin's feet as they moved over the sand. The sudden warmth of Justin's lips caressing his ear caused a gleam to pinch his lips. "But this is sort of a you and me thing." Justin whispered in Brian's ear after his lips had kissed it. He returned his lips to nibble on the lobe of Brian's ear, causing him to giggle quietly. He released Justin's hand to wrap his arm around his waist, holding him as they strolled even slower. His hand caressed Justin's slim waist as Justin sucked loving on his ear. "Isn't it a bit early for you to give me a hard-on?" Brian asked casually, bumping his hip against Justin's. Justin laughed sorely, pulling his lips from Brian's ear. He rested his head on Brian's shoulder and grinned uncontrollably. "Nah, it's never too early Bri. You know us, we'll do it anyplace now a days if it means we can actually have sex." Justin snickered, mocking their current sex life. His arms hugged around Brian's arm, cuddling to him. His hands ran over the soft fabric of Brian's pale yellow shirt as the breezed filled it. "Mmmm hmmm, that's how I feel." Brian softly said. He pulled on his baggy slacks, making sure the belt was secure so that they did not fall.

Tyke dashed expeditiously toward his masters. He yelped pleasently, staying close to Brian's feet as they walked. "Damn dog, alawys ruining the moment." Justin lamented with a smirk, kicking sand towards Tyke. Tyke hopped back immediately, barking towards Justin as the grains of sand hit the beach. "Don't worry Tyke, he loves you." Brian assured his dog, glaring at him as Justin pinched his arm. He let out his own yelp after feeling his skin twisted between Justin's thumb and forefinger. He began to rub the spot Justin pinched while staring at Justin's devious grin. "I don't love him, I love you." Justin chirped. He leaned in and gave Brian a smooth peck on his chiseled cheek. "Aawww, that's what I like to hear." Brian crooned as Justin pulled away. He husked his arm around Justin tighter, squeezing his built frame. Justin laughed carelessly.

"But you still love Tyke." Brian added for comedic relief. He yawned unexpectedly and stumbled along with Justin. Justin sighed lovingly. He halted his and Brian's movements, tugging on Brian's unshapely sleeve. Brian turned to him with wodner, his glowing blue orbs staring directly into Justin's. Justin admired the white bandanna that was wrapped around Brian's head. It belonged to Justin, but he found it sexy when Brian wore articles of his clothing. The bandanna was no exception. He lifted his hands so that they ran over Brian's ears, cuddling them in his fingers. He briskly grabbed them and began to lightly tug them outward so that they were flopped like a monkey's. "I'll say it just one more time Brian, I love you, not him." Justin cooed. He snickered at the way Brian looked with his ears pulled outward. Brian took in a deep breath of air, puffing his cheeks out and twisting his lips shut, making him look even more like a monkey. Justin threw his arms around Brian's neck, laughing ungovernablly. Brian smirked, slipping his hands until they rested on the top of Justin's butt. "I thought that'd stop making you act like an ass." Brian whispered, putting a little grip on Justin's ass. Justin jumped a little to the touch, smiling loosely. Brian grinned obnoxiously. Justin quickly tapped the end of his nose in a flirtatious way. "Nope, I still only love you." Justin slyly said, kissing the very edge of Brian's thin pink lips.

"Well then I'll make you love him." Brian growled cheekly, thrusting his body onto Justin's as he tried to kiss him. The weight surprised Justin's senses, preventing his body from keeping balance. Just as the words had finally cleared Brian's lips, he and Justin fell backward onto the sand. Justin's body hit the soft sand with a thud while Brian tried to break his fall so that he did not fall completely on Justin. Justin laughed loudly as he felt the sand crushing into his head. He glanced up at Brian through peering eyes, seeing the odd expression wrapping Brian's face. "This is all your fault." Brian gradually snickered, twisting his fingers into Justin's curls. Justin shook his head contently. He hooked his fingers into the top portion of the bandanna on Brian's head, pulling it back some to reveal the bangs of Brian's dirty-blonde hair. "Oh you forgot, I'm the good boy in this relationship." Justin said coyly, casually stick the tip of his tongue out of his mouth. Brian gave him a smug look. "Yeah right, you little sex kitten." Brian purred, leaning down to place his lips on the nape of Justin's neck. Justin growled softly, brushing his hands down the bandanna and heading for Brian's back. Justin felt Brian's crotch bare down on his, the obviously growing buldge in Brian's pants rubbing against Justin's hips.

Justin closed his eyes, parting his lips a little. "You should calm down Brian. You just might bust a nut ehre on the beach." Justin said with little romance in his tone. Brian pulled up, slightly turned off by Justin's words. He gave Justin's neck on more lick before raising his head fully to look down into Justin's colorful eyes. "I guess I should save that for tonight, huh?" he questioned in his quiet country accent. Justin quickly took in his lower lip, shrugging. He turned his head to the side to see Tyke laying in the asnd near them. "I mean, well, that's our usual routine when we get together babe. Spend the day together, spend time with Angel, and then have sex that night." Justin remarked, never daring to look up at his husband while he spoke. Brian frowned. It was a true statement from Justin and one he had never considered. He leaned down and rubbed his cheek against Justin, feeling the small fuzz coming in. "Well what if we don't have sex tonight. Let's just chill tonight, laying on the bed." Brian suggested, still twisting his fingers through Justin's curly hair. Justin's head finally snapped in Brian's direction with surprise. "You mean it?" Justin asked quickly, his emotions too tangled to decide which he wanted more, cuddling or sexual relief. "Sure." Brian gleamed. He tugged back the curls in the front of Justin's head. Justin smiled with a small contentment in his mouth. "That'll be nice, even though it's starting to make masturbation a favorite past time of mine." Justin said jokingly. Brian rolled his eyes promptly and then rolled off of Justin, shaking the sand from his clothes as he stood. "You are a horny little something Justin." Brian stated, reaching his hand out to Justin. Justin did not reach back for Brian's hand. He rested in the sand, collecting his thoughts.

Brian knelt down next to Justin when he noticed he did not get up. He extended his hand and rested it on Justin's stomach. Justin glanced down at the warm hand. "I don't feel like walking anymore." he sighed, closing his eyes. Brian ran his fingers over Justin's tight, white wife beater, the one the rested under Justin's button-down shirt. He knelt down even further until his knees rested into the sand. "Do you feel like going to see Bastian?" Brian whispered loud enough to reach over the sounds of the coming waves. Justin's eyes flickered open with life again. "Always." he smiled. Brian smiled back at him. He retracted his hand from Justin's stomach. "Well then come on, hop on my back and we'll go get him." Brian stated, patting on his back to encourage Justin. Justin gave him a fuzzy expression. His eyes questioned Brian's words. "Are you serious?" Justin said with discouragement in his voice. Brian arched an eyebrow and then grinned. "No, I'm Dopey, sorry Snow White." Brian teased him. Justin kicked sand in Brian's direction with s sly smirk. "Ass." he grumbled, sitting up in the sand. "You're damn right, get on my ass." Brian continued with his sarcastic remarks, helping Justin climb onto his back. Justin locked his arms around Brian's neck and waited for him to stand.

With strong legs, Brian pushed himself up and kept his balance with Justin latched onto his backside. Brian shoveled out a Jim Carrey-grin and chuckled, "Well alrighty then." He hoisted Justin further up and hunched over. "Lord give me strength. What have you been eating while on tour, brownies?" Brian asked his husband, taking small steps away from the cove. Justin wrinkled his brow. "No." he hummed. He leaned his head against Brian's bandanna-covered one. "Well no more Sprees and Reese's for you on this tour buddy." Brian joked. He felt Justin's chin rest on the top of his head. He watched as Tyke sprinted past them, heading back in the direction of their rental car. "Isn't there some kind of prewedding tradition we're doing?" Justin asked curiously, glancing out to the ocean as Brian walked. Brian thought carefully as he took longer strides up the beach. "Yeah, and it goes a little something like this..." Brian chimed, lifting one of his feet so that he was balancing on one foot while still carrying Justin on his back. Justin screamed out immediately, laughing quietly as he felt Brian's body rock back and forth. "Quit! Quit it Bri!" Justin hollered out, strapping his arms around Brian's neck with fears of falling. Brian laughed through clenched teeth, attempting to hold his balance. He rocked slightly to the left to scare Justin even more. "Stop wailing you little baby." Brian insisted, dropping his foot and then bursting into a loud, mocking snicker. Justin lightly patted Brian's head, scolding him in a physical way. "Awww, my husband, the baby." Brian sung, beginning to walk up the beach again. Brian carried Justin in meaningful silence, enjoying the final sounds of the ocean kissing the shore. "I still don't love your dog." Justin made a final comment, a humorous one.

The afternoon took a bow for the evening to take center stage. A small restaurant in a secluded area of California was the spotlight for a few friends and family. They all attended the quiet restaurant in celebration of Brian and Justin's wedding anniversary. "Gosh, it was so nice of Mr. Wright to rent this place out for the night." Veronica commented as she and Mandy were seated at a table with Lynn Harliss, Paul Harliss, Jenny Morris, and Trace Ayala. Lynn glanced up at the girls with proud smiles. "Well Johnny knows the owner, so he really didn't have to fork out that much. But it's nice because it's the only place I know of where you can get soul food in California." Lynn noted as the girls sat. Mandy pouted smally. "Still wish I was with Bryan and his family for the Fourth, but I'll survive." Mandy smiled.

Veronica took a glance past Lynn to look at the solitaire table Brian and Justin sat at. She smiled at them with her own gratifaction. "It just seems like the fitting place for their anniversary." Paul added to Lynn's words, drawing Veronica's attention again. She nodded. "Soul food for the anniversary of two country boys." Veronica beamed with a thick Southern accent. The table chuckled with her.

Nikki leaned on J.C. as she stared at Brian and Justin share a plate of food. "They are so romantic." Nikki sighed quietly. She felt J.C. begin to rub her shoulder in a caring way. He brushed his cheek over her head, taking in a breath her sweet fragranced perfume. "I remember those days." J.C. whispered into her ear, sliding his arm fully around her as he too looked upon Brian and Justin. Nikki felt her heart flutter. The scent of the room, the small, round candles that were lit at each table, the slow music being played by a band, and the low-lit room made the air of the restaurant filled with romance. "With who?" Nikki asked with a hint of self-defeat. J.C. kissed the top of her head, sighing with disappointment. "I know, I seem to be on a rollercoaster when it comes to love." J.C. spoke slowly, trying not to pierce his heart in so many ways. Nikki lether hand slip under the table and grab J.C.'s. She held it just to feel the softness, the warmth of it. "You've been hurt a lot, that's all Josh. You're only looking for a place to start again... and just maybe that'll be with Nick, Joshua." Nikki stated, feeling her own heart breaking again. She wasn't sure why she let herself contiously fall for her ex-boyfriend, but she knew there was a meaningful reason.

J.C. began to rub the palm of his hand against Nikki's, wanting to express the thoughts he had about all of his ex's and even others that he now desired. He trusted Nikki above Lance and even beyond his fiance. It was something about their past, their four years of love that keeps him inspired. "I remember the days that we were romantic Peaches." he finally whispered, pressing his head on hers and eyeing Justin with a faint feeling of jealousy. Nikki felt choked up, but again, she hid her emotions.

Lance took a quick glance around the room as he held hands with his boyfriend and lover, Bryce. They stayed quiet at the table that was occupied by Chris, Joey, J.C., Nikki, and Danay. "I'm really glad you flew in for the holiday. I didn't think I'd have anyone to celebrate it with." Lance made a small comment to Bryce, pulling Bryce's eyes away from the band. Bryce clenched Lance's hand tighter, placing his eyes on Lance's soft face. "I'm glad to be here too Lance, but you know that you'd still have your friends. You have to stop being so negative about how they feel for you. They care a lot for you." Bryce whispered, pulling his face closer to Lance's. Lance lowered his eyes, not having as much confidence as his boyfriend. "My mom says the same thing." Lance said softly in his deep voice. He scuffed his feet along the floor, pouting. Bryce hated to see the depression that often lingered in his boyfriend's face. He brushed his free hand over Lance's slightly spiky hair, trying to ease his loneliness. "She's right you know. These guys are always going to be here for you, even J.C." Bryce remarked, sliding his fingers down Lance's cheek.

Lance lifted his head. He didn't know Bryce had a strong insight into Lance's feelings, especially for his ex-boyfriend. Lance gave Bryce a faint smile. "Now I know why she loves you so much." Lance whispered, drawing closer to Bryce. "Who? Britney?" Bryce said jokingly, petting Lance's face with his hand. Lance laughed sorely. He kicked Bryce's foot with his own to silence him. "No, my mom. She loves you because you're such an optomist." Lance responded. Bryce's brow raised immediately. 'Wow, his mom loves me?' Bryce thought, the overwhelming feeling sending small tingles through his body. Bryce licked his lips in a seducing way. "No, she probably likes me because she knows that I love her son so much." Bryce cooed, pressing closer to Lance. He let his lips briefly brush against Lance's before finally placing them firmly down on them, causing Lance to react promptly. Lance ran his lips over Bryce's with contentment in his heart. He could feel Bryce's heart pounding against his chest as they embraced. "Yeah, I think that's why she loves ya." Lance snickered before delving in for another brief kiss.

"Hey, you two, be quiet. I'm trying to hear what Brian is whispering to Justin." Chris hissed. Lance and Bryce broke apart instantly, blushing heavily. Joey giggled at them while carrying another small spoonful of mashed potatoes to Angel's lips. "If only Britney could see you two." Joey commented, dabbing away excess particles from Angel's lips with his bib. Lance felt the blood rushing to his cheeks as he felt the full onslaught of embarrassment hitting him. "Where is old Brit'?" Bryce asked, leaning his elbow on the table to get into the full conversation. "She just shot her new video, so she wanted to be at home for the holiday. So she's back in Kentwood." Joey responded briskly, feeling a little disgruntled with the fact he could not share the holiday with his girlfriend.

"Will you shut up so I can hear them." Chris barked quietly at Joey, straining hard to hear over the music being played. "Actually Chris, I was just telling Justin that Angel had smeared some food on your suit jacket and you didn't even notice." Brian spoke up from their table, causing a silence to fall over the table Chris and his friends occupied. Chris felt the blood kiss his cheeks as he blushed. He nibbled his lower lip and waved towards Brian and Justin. Justin snickered softly. Chris let his eyes lower to look at his jacket and near the breast of the jacket, a spot of smeared food stained it. Chris cursed under his breath, quickly snatching up his napkin and dabbing it into his glass of water. Justin felt himself laughing louder as he watched Chris desperately try to get the stain out of his jacket. "I bet Lea's just overly thrilled to have tonight off." Chris muttered. "Next time, pay attention." Joey smiled, feeding Angel another spoonful of food.

The sounds of a bluesy song began to strum into the restaurant. The song was a familiar one to most blues and jazz lovers, especially J.C. He recognized the Etta James-penned song without even thinking. His head automatically turned to the stage where the band played and his eyes fell on Justin's friend, Trace.

Trace tapped the end of a microphone on the stage that the band occupied. He made sure the volume was right. He glanced out to the few tables his friends sat at. He had a cheeky smile running over his lips. "Excuse me everyone. Uhm, the girls of Innosense and I wanted to give my friend Justin and his guy, Brian, the perfect anniversary gift, but we couldn't hit the stores in the midst of this whole tour and stuff. So we figured we could give them something else a little more personal, like a song." Trace stated, pulling everyone's attention to him. He tapped his foot to the beat that was being played by the band. His fingers began to snap in time with the sound of the drums. "But since the girls and I aren't as good as Brian and Justin are at writing sappy love songs, we decided to go with a classic song that would really hit the spot." Trace said, drawing up laughter from everyone. He took a quick glance behind himself, seeing a woman approaching with small strides. "So this is for Brian and Just. Would you all please give it up for Miss Danay Ferrer as she sings 'At Last' for the guests of honor." Trace said, trying to sound professional. He slide off the stage with quick feet, allowing Danay to steal away everyone's attention.

Danay strutted up to the front of the mic. She grabbed the stand loosely in one hand while the other stayed by her side. She patted her hip to the smooth beat of the melody. She eyed Trace as he advanced to Brian and Justin's table. "Come on lovebirds, you have to dance to your song." Trace insisted, tugging on Justin. Justin raised his brow, staring up at his friend. He ran his eyes over to Brian, searching for an answer. Brian began to loosen the dark blue tie he wore. He stripped off his jacket and laid it on the back of his chair. "Why not?" he shrugged, standing from his chair. He walked over to Justin's chair, nudging by Trace in the process. He stretched his arm out to Justin like he had done earlier at the beach. Justin welcomed the hand this time, grabbing it. He stood from his chair, with the assistance of Brian, and walked away from the table. Brian escorted him to the dancefloor, hand-in-hand.

Trace skipped over to the table he had been sitting at. He looked over the inhabitants of the table, smiling at each. His search stopped on Jenny, offering her a loving gaze. His hand soon protruded in her direction, requesting something silently. Lynn observed him with approving eyes. "Will you dance with me Jen?" Trace ultimately asked her. Jenny smiled in a daze. She affectionately grabbed Trace's hand and stood from her chair. She allowed Trace to usher her to the dancefloor, finding a spot next to Brian and Justin.

"Hmmph, kids. Let's show them how it's really done sweetheart." Paul declared, directing his words towards his wife, Lynn. He placed his napkin on the table, abruptly standing from his seat. He slowly pulled out his wife's chair as she stood. "You're so gallant." Lynn teased him. She followed him out into the dancefloor, listening as Danay began her intro into the song.

Mmmmm, mmmmmm

Ooh, mmmm, mmm

At last

Our love is coming along

My lonely days are over

And life is like a song

At last

The skies above are blue

My heart was wrapped up in clovers

The night I looked at you

Justin pulled his fingers through Brian's hair, gazing into his powdery blue eyes. The moment was perfect for them. They couldn't sense anyone around them. They were alone in their minds. Nothing could touch them as they danced and held each other. Justin caressed Brian's chiseled cheek, fondling every curve that made up his husband's face. He felt Brian's grip on his hips get tigether as the music continued on. He smiled. "This is nice." he whispered, casually running his cheek over Brian's. Brian nodded, staying focused on dancing with Justin to the song that melted his heart. He brushed his hands up and down Justin's back. His lips found Justin's earlobe and suckled the tender flesh. "God, I love you." he said without reservation. The emotions running through his blood caused him to become weak. Surviving a year of marriage, of endless love made Brian a stronger man.

I found a dream

That I could speak to

A dream that I can call my own

I found a thrill to press my cheek to

A thrill that I've never known

Nikki was unsure of how she ended up on the dancefloor in J.C.'s arms, but it happened. She was dancing closley with the man she wanted to love desperately. She had to control herself because she knew how J.C. felt. He was in love with Nick, something he rarely declared without grimacing. Only Nikki knew the truth. Only she could see the changes that were occuring in J.C. Even as J.C. looked upon Lance and Bryce as they danced, Nikki knew J.C. was battling with something else besides dealing with Lance finally moving on. "Josh, what are we doing?" she finally asked her ex-boyfriend as they hugged closer. J.C. closed his eyes, enjoying the sounds of Danay's soothing voice. "What do you mean Peaches?" he wondered, his hands smoothing over her back. He pressed his nose into her neck to take in a deep breath of her perfume again. Nikki lightly bit down on her bottom lip.

She felt unsure. "I mean me and you, Josh. What are we doing? Why do we keep running back to each other and we never mean it? Do we want anything from each other?" Nikki shot off questions as they danced slower. She snesed J.C.'s head lifting and she turned so that she could look into his eyes. She knew every answer she desired would be written into J.C.'s glassy-blue orbs.

J.C. gave her an uncertain glance. He was speechless for that brief second in between notes. "I... I.. I don't know Peaches. Something inside of me won't let me let go of you." J.C. replied honestly. Nikki watched a clear film of tears slither into J.C.'s eyes. He was hurting and she didn't know why. He was sheltering emotions. Nikki knew it wasn't the time for her to demand a decision of J.C. She only held him tighter, leaving all her other questions in the air out of respect for J.C.'s feelings.

You smile, you smile

Oh when the empty spell was cast

And here we are in Heaven

For, for, for, for you are mine at last

At last

As Danay crooned the final note of the song, the couples drew apart, applauding clamorously for her. Danay had a gleam surrounding her face. She glanced at the band with a debonair look in her eyes. She turned to her friends again, grabbing tightly onto the microphone-stand. "Now let's get a little hot in here." Danay purred, snapping her fingers, which initiated the band to play a classic swing song. Danay hopped from her position on the stage, quickly running out to the dancefloor to encourage her friends to dance to the funky, big band, jive-hitting melody. It didn't take much effort from Danay before a majority of the couples attempted to dance in the modern style of swing.

"I've seen 'Swingers', I can handle this." Lance insisted, grabbing Bryce's smooth hand so that they could dance. Bryce laughed incorrigibly. He happily aspired to swing dance with Lance, still he knew he'd have little success. "Come on." Danay clapped, cheering on Paul and Lynn as they strutted over the dancefloor. She hollered in Lance and Bryce's direction, encouraging them onward.

Brian began to shake his hips in time with the beat, pulling his tie even looser and unbuttoning the collar button on his shirt, stretching out his collar so he could feel comfortable. He skidded closer to Justin, throwing a hand on Justin's waist and yanking him toward his own body. Justin snickered helplessly, trying to keep up with his husband's feet. "Let's jive baby." Brian groaned. He ground his roughly against Justin's. Justin fleetly nibbled on his lower lip, trying not to scream out in pleasure on the dancefloor. His right hand clenched Brian's tie, holding onto as he tried to pull away. "You're going to make me nut all over the floor." Justin hissed, smiling unconsciously when feeling Brian's erect member through his pants. Brian gave him a reckless smirk. He spun around so that his butt was now firmly pressed on Justin's crotch, moving in an up and down motion. "Mmmph, making you cum wouldn't be so bad." Brian laughed, rubbing his ass over every portion of Justin's covered genitalia. Justin clutched onto Brian's hips, shutting his eyes. "Ooh, I hate you." Justin hissed, striving not to dance with Brian. Brian continued to chuckle, running a hand over Justin's cheek. "Earlier you said that you loved me." Brian snickered, proceeding to arouse Justin.

"So what inspired this new 'do?" Chris asked Mandy as he, Joey, Veronica, and Mandy remained seated at a table. Mandy drew her hand through her blonde hair, feeling the few section where she had deep red highlights running through it. She flipped her hair back and smiled. "We were at an RCA event the other day and we ran into Christina Aguilera. She has the same thing, except most of her hair is red now. I told her I liked it and Chistina said that I should do the same to my hair. So here ya go." Mandy replied, shakking her hair around. the straight blonde-scarlet hair was a compliment to Mandy's look. "I thought she just wanted to be like me." Joey gleamed, drawing his own fingers through his reddish-brown hair. Mandy puckered her lips at him. "Always Superman." she crooned, patting his hand.

"Daddy!" Angel interrupted them with his shout as he pointed towards his dancing fathers. Veronica looked up from her plate of food to see the couple still dancing furiously. She therw a hand over her mouth as she watched them. "Yep, that's your parents all right. The little freaks!" Joey shouted out, trying to get his voice to reach over the blaring band. "Joey! Cover his eyes." Mandy hissed, reaching over the table to place a hand over Angel's face. Chris fell into a loud laughter, watching the scene before him as Brian and Justin danced erotically and Mandy and Veronica endeavored to keep Angel from seeing his parents.

The celebration moved on for only an hour more. Most of the attendants need a solemn night's rest to recooperate from the lengthy tour they had been trekking on. That seemed like the perfect option for Brian and Justin as they laid comfortably on the bed in Justin's hotel room. Brian laid with his head resting on Justin's chest and his legs entangled with Justin's. Near their feet slept Tyke, his head laying on his paws. Curled up next to Justin was Angel, his head laying on one of the pillows and his body barely covered by his baby blue blanket. Justin twisted his fingers through Brian's golden-brown hair. He listened to Brian's soft breathing. Brian was like a little child under Justin's fingers. The sensation, for him, was staggering.

Justin kept his head propped by a folded pillow while eyeing the television. On the screen was the movie 'Playing By Heart.' Brian looked on as Angelina Jolie and Ryan Phillipe causually chatted in a jazzy bar. Brian snuggled tigether to his husband, resting a hand on his thigh. "You know you really look like him." Brian commented, satring directly at the efatures of Ryan Phillipe's face. Justin rolled his eyes promptly, licking his lips. "Especially sicne you cut your hair. It's like ya'll are one in the same. In fact, if I went to a party and you two were there, I wouldn't know which one of you was my husband." Brian bragged. He tugged on Justin's free hand and brought it to his lips. He kissed Justin's knuckles. Justin slowly yanked away his hand, trying to concentrate on the movie. "We don't look anything alike. And you'd know who was your husband because I'd have the bigger dick." Justin asserted, dragging his fingers over the back of Brian's head. Brian elbowed Justin with little agitation. "Ya'll look just alike, the hair and everything. That's probably why you always wear bandannas." Brian insisted, snatching Justin's hand back to hold it. He interlocked their fingers so that Justin could not flee. Justin, again, rolled his eyes. He felt silly knowing Brian stated something that was true at times. Justin was now wearing a baby blue bandanna, but only for casualness, not for distinction. "Whatever you say Rocky." Justin sighed, kissing the top of Brian's head.

Justin rolled his head so that he could look to his left and check on Angel. Sure enough, his son still slept quietly on the bed. "We've got a good son." Justin whispered when turning his head back to the other side. "Mmm hmmm." Brian hummed as his eyes began to droop. He could hear the quiet sounds of crackling in the distance, signaling the fireworks show that was being performed all over California. Brian smiled smally. "Happy anniversary babe." Brian whispered. He kissed the back of Justin's hand. Justin licked his lips again, continuing to pet Brian's head. "I hope we have fifty more." Justin said. He twirled his forefinger through Brian's locks. "A hundred more." Brian agreed, yawning softly. He ran his hand over Justin's thigh and allowed his eyes to close. "A thousand more." Justin grinned, observing his husband as he gradually fell asleep on his chest. He sucked in his lower lip and glanced at the television. "Exactly!

Talking about love is like dancing about architecture." Angelina Jolie said in a mono tone.

"Justin..." Brian's voice began to hum. Justin turned his crystal-blue eyes down to look at Brian. Brian began to crawl up Justin with a sullen face. "Hmmm?" Justin wondered. Brian nuzled his face to Justin's neck, breathing in Justin's lingering cologne. He staggered to sit up as he snuggled with Justin. "I'm really glad I married you and I really, really, really love you." Brian said in a soft undertone, kissing the hollow of Justin's neck. Justin hugged onto Brian. holding him safe in his arms as Brian nuzzled his neck. "Oh, Brian, I'm glad I married you too. You're the best." Justin sighed with pride running through every letter. He held Brian tightly as they both began to fall asleep on the bed, Brian's head laying on Justin's shoulder and Justin's legs still entangled with Brian's.

Another day breezed by to the early evening hours. A conference room in the hotel was rented out for a different purpose. It was not for a long meeting, for an uncomfortable business chat, for a press conference, or for a athletic celebration. Instead it was being used as a a party room, a celebration for a child that is a miracle of life.

The day had started with a mediocre shopping trip to Toys 'R Us and continued with a trip to a local carnival. It was an unlikely event for Lynn Harliss not to want to throw another party, this time to celebrate the one-year birthday of her grandson, Angel Sebastian Timber Littrell.

"Oh Lord!" Veronica exclaimed as she looked at the present Justin had just unwrapped for his son. The group that consisted of family and friends sat around in a circle as they looked on Brian and Justin open up pakacges for their son. Angel seemed to watch with content eyes, tearing at the already ripped wrapping paper from time-to-time. Now the eyes of the room watched as Justin pulled out the contents of the present from Chris. "Chris." Lynn sighed, covering her mouth as she looked at the gift. "What?! What did I do this time?" Chris questioned in an innocent fashion. Justin glanced up to Chris with a doubting expression. "Chris, this is a bit much." Justin said in a mono tone while holding up the package. The residents of the room glared at the package before gasping uncontrollably. Every eye in the room stared at the package of underwear that was held up in Justin's hand. "It's got the little Scooby Doo's on 'em, like when we were kids. I figured he'd want to rock the whitey-tighty's like his fathers do." Chris gleamed, still attempting to sound innocent. Small chuckles were heard in the room, but a majority was silence. "It's not cute." Justin said with a hollow voice, dropping the pakcage of underwear back into the box he retrieved them from. Chris shrugged, trying to withhold his smug grin. "Nice one bro'." Joey giggled, patting Chris' back as Justin moved onto the next present. "I was going to buy them matching pairs." Chris sighed, again endeavoring to remain legitimate.

Justin fumbled through the next package, searching for the entrance into the box that held Angel's next gift. "Aaww, look at this." Brian chimed, lifting up a stuffed Winnie the Pooh doll. Brian placed the stuffed doll down in front of his son. Angel looked at the doll with fond curiosity. "Doesn't he already have that one?" Lynn asked, examining the toy from her position. Brian shook his head quickly, grabbing either sides of the doll and giving them a light squeeze. The toy began to shake animately as it produced a laughing sound that was similiar to the animated Winnie the Pooh.

Angel grinned with laughter, gradually giggling with the toy as it moved. Brian's eyes danced with fascination as he observed his son's fun-loving reaction to the toy.

"Awww, look at that!" Nikki cooed as Justin finally pulled the contents out of the box. Justin drew out a small bandanna, baby blue like one he wore the day before. Justin felt a grin split his lips. It was a tiny kerchief, one that could fit on Angel's head. "It wasn't easy to find." Veronica said aloud, hoping to receive some praise. Justin laughed quietly, still staring at teh cloth. "Thanks V." he finally said as he lowered the bandanna and carefully placing it back into its box. "She went to four malls just to find that blasted thing." Jenny snickered, flipping back her hair. Veronica smirked proudly. "And the wrapping wasn't easy either." Veronica added, crossing her arms. Nikki gave her a crooked glance. "Geez, girl, what do you want? A kiss or something?" Mandy teased her, shoving her playfully. Veronica puckered her lips automatically, drawing out laughter from the group. "She is such a tease." Danay giggled, looking on as Brian opened another gift.

Angel toyed with the balloon Brian had purchased for him earlier at the carnival. On one of his cheeks, a halo was painted on it. Justin and Brian had taken him to get his face painted and happily paid for the halo to be painted on their Heaven-sent son's face. "Do you want something to drink kiddo?" Brian asked, offering his son a bottle of apple juice. Angel looked up from his tanglement with the balloon. "Peez Da." he said briskly. Brian smiled and handed his son the bottle. Angel pleasently snatched up the bottle and placed it to his lips. "Don't drink too much, it's almost time for cake." Brian warned his son, scruffing his hair while talking.

"Aaaww, you can tell who Angel's going to run to when he needs a hug." Lance stated as he watched Brian and Angel. Bryce kept his arms wrapped around Lance's neck, his eyes drifting over to Angel, his God-son. He smiled on Angel. "Nah, he's Daddy's little boy." Bryce remarked, giving Justin a humble look. Justin winked at him before moving on to the next gift. Bryce kissed the top of Lance's head, still watching Brian, Justin, and Angel interact. It was as if the party was only attended by the family.

'Maybe one day me and him will be that lucky.' Bryce thought, hugging Lance a little tighter. Lance snuggled his head, as best he could, to Bryce's neck.

The lights around the room began to dim a little and eyes ran to Brian carrying a tray with a large cake on it. Coos began to sing through the room as Brian carried the cake over to the small table Angel sat at. He crouched down next to Angel and watched the flames of the candles dance in Angel's soft blue eyes. Justin offered a loving smirk to Brian.

Nikki, J.C., Chris, Danay, Veronica, Mandy, and Joey stood behind Brian as he carried the cake. They all had smiles touching their lips as they watched Brian set the lit cake down next to his son. Chris began to snap his fingers, leading each of them to prepare themselves. "Five... six... five, six, seven, eight..." Chris said as he snapped his fingers in a steady beat.

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday, dear Angel

Happy birthday to you

Oh, happy birthday

Happy, happy birthday

Happy birthday to you

As their strong harmony ended, J.C. taking the final high note with Nikki following, the lights returned to their full brightness and applause filled the room. "Aaaw man that was tight! I mean come on, we want a standing ovation here." Chris complained with little seriousness. J.C. elbowed him to silence his senseless banter. "We should all form up and make a group. We could call ourselves '*N O Sense'. Get it? The *N from *NSYNC and then O from them and we're sort of losing our minds, but we're together and..." Chris felt the eyes falling on him in slow sections. He could see that his humor was inappropriate for the moment. He held his tongue and allowed the attention to fall back on Angel.

Brian and Justin were crouched down next to their son, each occupying their own side of him. "Go ahead Timber, blow 'em out." Brian encouraged his son, drawing the cake closer to his son. Angel cringed a little when looking at the candles. He was taught to fear fire and his instincts reacted quickly. "Oh no! Oh no!" Angel cried out, small tears forming in his eyes. Justin raised his brow while listening to Angel. He grabbed his right hand and held it loosely. "It's okay Bastian." he assured Angel, petting his hand. Angel whimpered, latching his other hand onto Justin's middle finger. He tugged at his father, hoping for some relief. Justin took in his lower lip and then looked at Brian. He could see Brian's thoughts through his eyes. He spotted the anxiety in Brian's face. "Come on, it's okay Bastian." Justin spoke up, lifting Angel from his high-chair and taking him into his arms. "He's just a little scared, that's all." Nikki offered up some relief as the others looked on. Brian quickly knelt forward and blew out the candles on the cake. He did not want to prolong Angel's suffering. "The little tike will be fine in a minute." Chris assured his friends, moving aside so that he could support Justin and try to pull a smile from Angel.

Justin tapped the end of Angel's nose as Brian and Nikki quickly pulled the candles from the cake. "Don't worry Bastian, Dad took care of the problem." Justin whispered, brushing his own nose against Angel's. "Yeah, Dad's taking care of it right now Baby Angel." Chris added, rubbing his hand over Angel's light blonde hair. the child clunched onto Justin. His eyes watched as the cake lost its colorful flame. "Look at you. All ready for fatherhood." Jenny noted, nudging Chris as he pet Angel's head. Chris gave her an offbeat grin. "I may be wild, but I know I'm ready for marriage and fatherhood." Chris gleamed, running a finger through one of the many blonde highlights in Jenny's brown hair. Trace perked an eyebrow up with a fuzzy look when eyeing Chris and Jenny. "Watch out Kirkpatrick, my girl doesn't like older men." he said, with a slightly cold voice, hugging his arm around Jenny's waist. Chris gave Trace a few quick glances, sizing him up as most men would. He crossed his arms, leaning in Justin's direction. "Pint size, I don't want your girl. I've got a whole harem." Chris jested. Justin listened curiously and laughed silently when hearing Chris' bold statement.

"Justin, Randy's on the phone. He said he tried to call your cell phone, but there was no answer." the sound of Justin's mother's country voice rung through his ears and caused him to turn and look at her. She held out her cellular phone to him with a straight face. Justin sensed that his mother and his father could still not hold an amicable conversation with each other. He eased closer to his mother, searching for assistance as he moved.

"Oh man, I left my phone upstairs because I didn't want anyone to interrupt the party." Justin grumbled, running his eyes over the room. With question, Nikki offered her arms to Justin. She knew he would need assistance with Angel if he was going to take the phone call. Justin gave her a grateful smile, passing his son along to her. "I'll be over there with Josh." she whispered, informing Justin of her whereabouts before she walked over to her ex-boyfriend, carrying Angel safely in her arms.

Lynn glanced around herself quickly. "Veronica, Danay, help Brian with the cake." Lynn ordered, seeing Brian struggle to cut the cake and still hand out pieces. She again pushed the phone in Justin's direction while trying to situate the room. "Paul and I are going to gather up some of these gifts and get them ready for Q and Marc to take upstairs." Lynn informed her son, still trying to rid herself of the phone. Justin quickly reached out and grabbed the phone, nodding for his mother. "Thanks Ma." he said briskly as he walked away with the phone in his hand.

"Hello?" Justin said with a small voice. "Hey son." the sound of Randall's voice warmed Justin's spirit. He ran a hand oevr his curly hair and smiled. "Hey Daddy." he said with pride, walking through the room with careful feet. "How are ya son? Holding up good?" Randall asked in a hefty Southern twang. Justin giggled quietly. "Yeah, I'm doing really good Daddy. Things are fine. Angel's good... and so is Brian." Justin replied, halting his walk. He lookeda round the room while listening. "That's good to hear. I'm glad the little guy's holding up. I was kinda worried about ya'll when I heard Angel was sick and in the hospital last month." Randall spoke clearly, expressing feelings to Justin he had not had the chance to. Justin lowered his smirk. He tried not to think of the moment he called his father and informed him of the incident. "Bastian's fine now. He's as playful as ever." Justin assured his birth father. He scratched the very top of his strawberry blonde head. "Good, good. I called to wish him a happy birthday." Randall cheered up. Justin nodded with a growing grin. "Oh yeah, and to wish you and Brian a belated anniversary. Sorry I couldn't call you yesterday, but I took Lisa, Steven and Jonathan to a cabin for the holiday." Randall stated with a ringing joy in his voice. "Oh you did? Must've been fun." Justin said with politeness slipping through his teeth. "It was nice. I think it would've been nicer with you, Brian, and Angel there. Sort of a big family thing." Randall replied, hinting toward his son. Justin laughed. "Well, you know the tour is swinging by Memphis in a couple of weeks Daddy. I already told Johnny that I needed to spend the day with you, Lisa, and my bro's." Justin assured his father, beginning his walk again. "Good!" Randall chimed, releasing his own rustic laugh.

Justin strolled over to the area that Veronica and Danay dipped up pieces of cake. "Plus you know that Veronica would kill me if she didn't get a chance to see Jonathan." Justin added, nudging Veronica with his hip. Veronica nodded with her quirky smirk. He smiled when hearing his father chuckle again. "Ah, that Veronica is a crazy one, Justin. I know Jonathan's just dying to see her again. She hasn't come home to visit her folks in a bit." Randall responded chipperly. Justin ran a hand over Veronica's kinky hair, sighing questionably. "The girls don't really get much time off now a days Daddy. They're out here with us all the time, working hard as ever." Justin explained shortly. He slipped away from Veronica so that he could escape from the oncoming background noises of the room. "Oh, I know son. That busines keeps you extremely busy." Randall assured Justin. "But we're still going to make it a point to bring Angel by to see you and the fam'." Justin jumped in, making sure he covered all areas of his plans. "Good, good. We're looking forward to that Just." Randall responded without mockery. This pleased Justin immensely. He felt tension slowly being lifted from his body.

"Justin, someone's here and just dying to speak to you. So will you please do me a favor and talk to your little brother before he drives me up a wall?" Randall suddenly requested with a small hiss. Justin laughed quietly. He was aware of his father's short patience. "Sure Daddy. Put him on the phone." Justin agreed happily, finding a seat a corner of the room. He hunched over, striving to ignore the noise of the room. He slid his fingers through his curls, waiting to hear his half-brother's voice again.

"Hello?" the sound of a peewee-like voice came into the phone. Justin perked up with a gregarious smirk. "What's up Jonathan?" Justin said slowly. He heard a small alguh from his brother. "Hey Justin!" Jonathan briskly said, his voice raising an octive. Justin bit his lower lip, still holding his grin. "How ya doing Jonathan?" Justin asked with a low voice. "Fine. How's Angel?" Jonathan released a question that burned through his tongue. "He's fine. He's just eating some cake right now." Justin responded, taking a quick glance to the area Angel was in. He spotted Brian laughing hysterically whole Angel smashed his hands around his cake, trying to feed himself. Icing covered his lips with a mixture of smashed yellow cake. Justin briskly restrained a laugh, abruptly ripping his eyes from his son. "Today's his birthday?" Jonathan wondered innocently. Justin lnead back in the chair, reclining happily. "Yep. Your nephew is a year-old today." Justin replied, tilting his head to one side. He played with the tail of his shirt while awaiting Jonathan's next comment. "Steven's two-years-old. And Daddy says he's an uncle, just like me!" Jonathan cheered, brightening the smile on Justin's pouty red lips. "Yeah, Steven's an uncle too. Both of ya'll are Angel's uncles." Justin stated. "And you're a Daddy now!" Jonathan boasted with a small laugh. Justin giggled with him. He missed spending humorous moments with his younger brothers. They were fond memories etched into his mind. "That's right, I'm a Daddy now." Justin fleamed, still awe-stricken by the thought.

Justin twisted a final curl before hearing Angel's irresistable laughter. He glanced over to the table that Angel was playing peek-a-boo at with Brian. He nibbled on a portion of his lower lip, smiling brightly. "Daddy says that you and Brian are great daddies and that you really care for Angel." Jonathan cooed. Justin's eyebrow arched with disbelief. He had to catch himself from dropping the phone. "He said that?" Justin shot out a suspicious inquiry. "Uh huh, he told me. He told me that I would egt to see Angel soon and so would Steven and he said that you and Brian take care of him a lot and are great daddies for him." Jonathan babbled out to his older brother. Justin sat in amazement. He had never heard his father speak the words himself, express the emotions in a vocal way. It didn't hurt or agigtate Justin, only amazed him. His father couldn't admit it, but Justin knew that his father respected Justin as a father. It was a new emotion that feasted on Justin's spirit.

Justin's mind was awaken by the sound of Jonathan's voice. "I'm coming Daddy!" he shouted out, his voice blaring into the cellular phone. Justin cringed. "Justin, Daddy says I have to go now." Jonathan declared restlessly. "Okay bro'. Tell Daddy, Mom, and Steven that I love them. And you'll get to see Angel soon bro', okay?" Justin therw out everything in one breath. "Yep! Can't wait!" Jonathan chimed. Justin could feel his smile through the phone and he yearned for it. "Aight bro', stay jiggy." Justin said casually, allowing his half-brother to hang up the phone as he did the same. He sat back intot eh chair with a smug grin. 'My Daddy thinks I'm a good Daddy.' was the only thought running through his youthful mind.

"God, I really wish you weren't leaving." Justin lamented. He was no longer thinking about his concise conversation with his younger brother. He was now cuddled tightly to Brian on the couch in the dressing room. Again, the room was barely occupied outside of Brian and Justin. Lea sat in a corner of the room, tying up Angel's white bandanna around his head while Lonnie resided in another corner flipping through a magazine. "I know Just.

I hate it too, but it's been a good three days." Brian whispered, rubbing his thumb over the bottom of Justin's cheek, near his chin. He traced Justin's jaw with a small frown. The skin was warm, soothing under his touch. He didn't want to picture the nights he was going to have to spend without it again. "It's still not long enough." Justin pouted, rubbing his back against Brian's chest. Brian giggled softly. "If it was up to you, I'd be here for every show of the tour." Brian snickered.

Justin's body was resting in between his legs, one of Brian's legs hanging off the end of the couch while his other leg rested on the couch, his knee bent and up in the air. "You'll be back when I go to Memphis, right?" Justin wondered. He brushed his hair against Brian's chin. Brian slid one of his hands down Justin's body until he met with his left pec. "Mmm hmmm. I'll catch a flight out with Angel so we can go see your father and the family." Brian agreed, already aware of Justin's plans.

Justin sighed unpleasently. He couldn't seem to find a comfortable position. He placed his right hand on top of Brian's hand, taking in a deep breath. "One year, huh?" Justin whispered, admiring Brian's wedding ring. He felt Brian kiss the top of his head. The action caused him to force out a small smile. "It's been the best year." Brian said softly, his country accent wrapping around Justin in a tight form. Justin laced his fingers with Brian's. He liked looking at their hands together. It was proof that couples could survive the hardest tasks in life. "I want another baby." he whispered unconsciously. 'Shit.' he thought to himself after the statement had slipped out. He didn't know what he weas thinking, what was making him feel that way. He didn't believe it was wrong, but he knew Brian would not approve.

As Brian played with a few strands of Justin's hair, Justin felt a little less worried. He was still unsure of how Brian took the declaration, but he felt he had to stand on his ground. "Now?" Brian asked him. He tightened his grip with Justin's hand, searching for an expedient reply. Justin licked his lips promptly. "No, not now Bri. But I want another baby, a brother or sister for Angel. I didn't have a brother or sister growing up and I knew how that can be. Plus I feel that we're doing good enough with Angel that we can surely handle another child." Justin declared, sitting up on the couch. He had forgotten that Lea, Angel, and Lonnie were still seated in the room. At the second, he didn't care. He twisted his body so that he faced Brian, hoping to receive an agreeable expression.

Brian remained slouched on the furniture. He thought deeply. It was a subject that they both loved, but Brian always thought they'd wait until Angel was at least three before adopting another son or a daughter. He sucked in his cheeks, keeping Justin in waiting. "Rocky... Rocky, you know that we can do it. Our careers may be sort of topsy-turvy right now, but we can slow them down. It's our choice and our's only." Justin offered a stable argument. Brian continued to hold Justin's hand as his thoughts proceeded in their own direction. "Justin." Brian barely got out the name, his eyes finally looking into Justin's. An inner child was calling on Brian through Justin's eyes. He could see it clearly. "Not before December Just.

That's the earliest we'll try, but... I just think we need a little more time raising Angel." Brian finally responded to Justin's statement. He felt it was an inappropriate time for a debate, especially one that concerned Angel.

A knock came to the door, breaking Brian and Justin's obvious silence. Nikki pushed the door open, peering inside. She spotted Brian adn Justin in a small tanglement on the couch. She had a diminutive frown on her face, her eyes reflecting the words she had to speak. "Hey guys, the car's here." she spoke as she entered the room. She bit down on her lower lip, waiting for some movement in the room.

Justin was the first to stand, followed by Lonnie and then Lea. Justin strolled over to Lea with a gentle smile. He stopped right in front her. "Take care of ya'self Lea. Don't have too much fun in O-Town." Justin said, offering his arms for a hug. Lea gracious obliged, wrapping her arms around Justin's neck. She gave him a bantam peck on the cheek, holding him tightly. "Try not to go to too many clubs now that we're gone." Lea giggled, pulling away. A clear film of tears outlined her powdery blue eyes. Justin shook his head, smiling to cover his suffering. "I'll be in no later than ten." Justin assured her, rubbing his hand over her face. Lea nodded, blinking out a set of tears. "I'll be calling to make sure." she laughed, attempting to hold back any other tears that wanted to run from her eyes.

Justin turned his attention down to his son, who was slowly falling asleep in Lea's arms. "Come here Bastian." Justin grumbled, pulling Angel up into his own arms. He held Angel tightly as Angel cluntched onto him. He sighed with tears forming in his eyes. "Daddy's going to be away for awhile, but I'll see you when your Dad comes to visit." Justin whispered into Angel's ear. Lea watched as Justin's nose turned red and his cheeks were touched with a shade of scarlet. She pressed her eyes together to release another pair of tears. "Be good for Dad. You know how grumpy he can be." Justin joked with Angel, bringing a smile to the exhausted boy's face. Justin brushed his hand over Angel's scarf-covered head. "You're one now Angel. You're on your way to becoming a big man." Justin smirked. He sniffled softly. He held in tears that he did not want Angel to see.

"Justin, I don't mean to rush this but you'll have to start getting ready for the show and the press will start showing up. We have to get Brian, Angel, and Lea out of here before that. Plus they have a plane to catch." Lonnie spoke up in a sonorous voice, causing Justin to steal his eyes away from Angel. Justin nodded sadly. He kissed the top of Angel's head and gave him a final hug. "Don't have too much fun with my Sebastian." Justin warned Lea in a playful way. She giggled lowly, taking Angel back into her arms. Justin released Angel, petting his cheek one last time before walking away from him.

"Come here Curly." Brian said wholesomely. He held his arms open for Justin to emerge into. Justin gave him a sour grin, walking into the embrace. "I'm not going to miss you, you brat." Justin laughed, hugging Brian firmly. He kissed Brian's cheek while holding him. "Well too bad, because I'm going to miss you." Brian giggled, hugging him with all of his force. He kissed Justin's forehead and then let his kisses start to trace lower. His lips met the bridge of Justin's nose and then the tip of his nose. "You're just going to miss kissing me." Justin teased him, letting his lips part for Brian's quick kiss. Brian nodded with a loud grin. "And holding you and talking with you and making love to you." Brian said quietly, brushing his lips against Justin's again. Justin welcomed the kiss. Brian made the farewell easier for Justin. It was less depressing as it was memorable. "I guess that means you wish we would have had sex." Justin whispered into Brian's ear before kissing his lobe. He ran his hands up and down Brian's back in a comforting way. "Uhm, well, watching you jack off in the shower this morning was good enough." Brian whispered back, quickly kissed Justin's chin before laughing. Justin felt the fire in his cheeks as he blushed heavily.

"Tease." Justin giggled, lightly shoving Brian back. "No." Brian crooned, holding onto Justin so that he could dive in for another kiss. Justin accepted it without hesitation. He opened his lips as Brian's tongue began to probe his mouth. Brian slithered the length of his tongue across and over Justin's, touching it with a shiver. Justin released a moan into Brian's mouth. He grabbed the back of Brian's head and held him for the kiss, making sure each felt the sensations that they desired.

Justin was the first to pull back, smiling uncontrollably. He used the back of his hand to wipe away any remains of saliva, his eyes never leaving Brian's. "You suck." he puffed out. He stuck his tongue out at Brian, gently massaging his shoulders. Brian pouted. "Oh, there's something I want to suck all right." Brian began to speak. "All right you two, come on." Lonnie interrupted them again. Brian groaned with disappointment. "It was just getting to the good part." Brian sighed, tilting his head backward.

Justin laughed at the sounds Brian made. He ran a hand over the small of Brian's back and then started to hug him again. "Bye Rocky." Justin finally whispered. "I love you Justin." Brian managed to get out of his tight throat. He kissed the top of Justin's head once more and peeled away from him. "I love you too." Justin whispered as his husband, his nanny, and his son left the room.

Ping. It was definitely the sound that came from a bell, one that belonged to the elevator. The door slid openly slowly after the sound resounded through the hall. Veronica, Lance, Justin, J.C., Dre, Mike, Mandy, and Jenny all exited the elevator. "Hot show tonight fellas." Mandy chimed, placing a hand on Lance's shoulder as they walked. Lance nodded happily, still toweling off some remaining sweat from his head. "California is definetely on fire." Veronica agreed, strolling down the hall with a careless smile. "Cali's on fire like Mandy's hair." Justin gleamed, tossing a few strands of Mandy's straight, blonde-red hair aside. Mandy shot him a grin. She continued to strut with Lance by her side. "She's trying something different." Veronica chimed, pinching Justin's arm. Justin screeched out, rubbing his arm quickly. "I say we do the same thing V." Lance turned his head to glance over his shoulder and speak to Veronica. Veronica brought her eyes over to Lance's very pale ones. She was intriguied by the idea. "Like?" she dug for more information. Lance slide his arm around Mandy's waist and thought over the notion. "You should dye the tips of your hair red." Mandy suggestd, playfully running her hand over Lance's flat hair. Lance arched his eyebrow with wonder. He began to ponder the idea. "Yeah and I'll put blue streaks in my curls!" Veronica cheered, snapping her fingers. Lance again turned to her. "Red and blue?" Lance said softly, lowering his brow with confusion. Veronica nodded automatically. "It's spunky." Veronica giggled. Lance shrugged, the image forming in his mind. 'Sounds pretty cool.' Lance smiled to himself.

Lance's thoughts were discontinued when he felt a finger tapping on his shoulder. He took in his lower lip, sucking on it by habit, and turned his head. He glanced into J.C.'s mirror-blue eyes. There were questions written into them. Lance felt his heart jump when reading thoughts that he knew J.C. must have had. "Can we talk, like, now?" J.C. requested softly, running a hand over Lance's arm. Lance glared at the hand as it moved. It was sentimental. Lance nodded for a response, pulling his arm from around Mandy.

Lance turned to his longtime friend, disguising his concern for J.C.'s expression. "Hey, I'll catch up with ya a bit later Blondie." Lance said toward Mandy, causing her to look at him as they walked. Mandy read his expressions quickly, seeing a hint of deceit in his pale green eyes. She gave him a small nod. "Okay, but you better not be long. Me and the girls are heading down to a club for one last night on the town here in Cali'." Mandy stated, presenting him a perky grin. Lance smiled back and then nodded. "You got it." he voiced, turning to walk in the direction of his room. Mandy eyed him, watching as J.C. began to follow Lance towards his room. 'Don't do anything foolish James.' Mandy said in her mind, continuing to walk with the rest of the group.

Lance pushed open the door to his room, throwing his keycard onto the small desk near the door and dropping the towel he carried near the dresser.

"Hey, could we make this quick Josh? Bryce should be on his way up and I..." Lance caught himself. He turned and stared at J.C. "You don't want him to see your ex-boyfriend in here with you." J.C. finished Lance's statement. He could read Lance easily. At one point in his life, it was his job. No one else seemed to understand the young man's thoughts and emotions. "He might get jealous." Lance smiled, explaining himself briefly.

J.C. nodded with an even smile.

Lance strolled over to the stereo and flipped it on, unaware of what CD he had left in the player. "Lance, I wanted to know what's really going on between you and Bryce. I mean, why are you with him, now?" J.C. became bold as he watched Lance move in the dim-lit room. Lance's head peeped up as he turned on one of the lamps. He gave J.C. a curious look. "What do you mean why?" Lance questioned him, holding in his defenses. He kicked off his shoes and continued to walk around the room. J.C. stepped away from the door and closer to the bed that sat in the middle of the room. "I mean not too long ago, you were alone. You didn't even mention Bryce after we all found out about you two and what you did at the offices. I mean me and you were sort of..." J.C. now had to stop himself. The sounds of a mid-tempo ballad filling the room caught his attention and ceased his words. He could dicypher his ex-girlfriend's voice without considering it.

Used to be the world to me

Used to be the reason that I live

And I give, oh baby

Every day I trusted you

And believed that you were on my side

Guess I was blind, oh baby

It was hard to deal but I knew

It was time to let go

And I think you know

And I think you know

You can't touch me now like you did before

You can't make me cry, baby anymore

Now I'm feeling strong, no more cold dark cloud

Oh you can try but

Boy you can't touch me now

"We were merely flirting back then Josh. You knew as I knew that we couldn't get back together. Your mind was still on Nick and well, I didn't know what I wanted. But the second I realized that I couldn't have you or Nick, I knew I had to move on." Lance spoke up over the music. J.C. shook off the sounds of Nikki's voice and stared at Lance. He curled his fists shut. "But I did still feel something for you back then. You made it clear that there wasn't a chance when every time I turned around, you were all over Nick." J.C. stated firmly. Lance gave him a look of skepticism. He shook his head and began to untuck his shirt. "Josh, come on now. Two can play at that game. Nick pursued me just as much as I did him and all he wanted was something sexual from me. I didn't know what to get from you because all I could see was either you and Nick talking and at least trying to work things out or you taking Nikki out at any given opportunity." Lance chastised him without hesitance. He crossed the bed and then brushed back J.C., walking for the door.

You knew how to get to me

How to really cut with a look

You wrote the book, oh baby

Now you say you've thought about

Every thing that made us fall apart

And drift so far, oh baby

And you've had some time and you admit

Ooh, you were wrong

Too late, I'm gone (Too late, I'm gone)

Baby, I'm gone

J.C. flexed his jaw muscles. "Nikki is a friend and you know that." J.C. sighed with anger. Lance again shot J.C. a look of disbelief. He slid his hands into his pockets and leaned against the door. "Is she Josh? Is she really? Am I just that too when we casually flirt?" Lance asked him with a lowered tone. J.C. growled under his breath, rolling his eyes. "Come off it Lance. You know that I wanted to be with you and you just want to hear me say it." J.C. grumbled. Lance shook his head. He let his head hit the door. "I don't need you Josh. I don't need to know that you care for me or even had feelings for me back then. You send too many mixed signals for me to try and figure out everyone. That's why I feel for Nikki." Lance sighed, leaning off of the door.

J.C. watched him with careful eyes. He chewed on the inside of his mouth.

"What the fuck does Nikki have to do with any of this James?" J.C. asked, his animosity flaring. Lance gave J.C. a quick glance before walking by him again. "Are you blind? Look at you two. You flirt with her, take her out, hug and hold her all the time. I sometimes wonder if you're marrying her and not Nick. I mean, come on Josh, do you love her? Do you still care for her as more than a friend? When you hold her, do you still think of her as your girlfriend?" Lance began to bombard J.C. with questions that were on more than just his mind. The questions left an angered silence between J.C. and Lance as Jenny's voice began to reign through the stereo.

Oh, you've got some nerve to think that I (Think that I)

Run back to you, again and again

But no you didn't, it's tearin' me down

And you're not even my friend

You're not even my friend

"When you fucked Bryce at the office and got his ass fierd, did you love him? Huh Lance?! Did you care for him? Did you love him?" J.C. began to shout at his ex-boyfriend, finally releasing his wrath towards Lance. Lance wrinkled his brow. "No, is that what you want to hear? No, I didn't fucking love him then Josh, but I do now. I didn't love him then because I was still in love with yuor sorry ass and you were just too blind to see it.

You had your fucking head in the clouds thinking Nick was some damn angel.

Surprise. He's not." Lance barked at J.C., stringing out his feelings in strong words. J.C. sighed, trying not to lash out at Lance. He took a deep breath, swallowing his pride. "Why didn't you tell me then?" J.C. breathed out a straightforward inquiry. Lance puckered his lips. "How can anyone figure out whether or not you feel the same Josh. All of us are blind to how you really feel about us. Nikki, me, and Nick. I guess that's why we always turn to each other." Lance stated clearly.

You can't touch me now like you did before

You can't make me cry, baby anymore

Now I'm feeling strong, no more cold dark cloud

Oh you can try but

Boy you can't touch me now

You can't touch me, hold me, give me your love

You can't make me cry

You can't touch me, hold me, give me your love

J.C. listened to Veronica's voice hum lowly. His mind was being torn in several directions, paths that he chose not to follow. "Why doesn't anyone tell me then... and why the fuck are we listening to this damn song?" J.C. finally yelled at Lance. Lance was not fazed by the reaction. He had had his share of fights with J.C. and he knew it was drawing to the final blow. He pursed his lips, hugging himself tightly. "Call it fate Joshua. I'm over you and I can't go back down that road again. I can't trust myself to be with you and fall into that game of cat and mouse and mouse. It's not worth it. And that's why I love Bryce, because he can express what he feels for me clearly." Lance declared, showing the face of a triumphant man. The words brought about another silence as J.C. sighed heavily and then stomped out of Lance's room, slamming the door as expected.

Oh you can try but

Boy you can't touch me now

J.C. forced the door of his room open and let it hang open, his mind throbbing. He closed his eyes tightly, stopping right in front of his bed. 'God, why is this so fucking hard?' he began to scream in his mind. He gripped his head, rubbing his temples with his palms. He was striving to rid himself of any thoughts that concerned Lance so he could breathe, so he could think, and so he could sleep peacefully. He knew it would be a harder task than his mind conceived.

A soft knock at the door caused J.C.'s eyelids to part a little. "Yeah?" he called out, not daring to turn around and look at the visitor. He felt too much shame to stare anyone in the eyes. "Can I come in?" Justin's voice entered the room. J.C.'s eyes opened fully, his mind becoming even more clouded. He scratched the back of his head while contemplating the idea. "Yeah, just please shut the door." J.C. finally agreed.

Justin stepped inside of the room briskly, quietly closing the door behind himself. He leaned up against the door, crossing his arms and stare at the back of his friend. "So, how many people heard?" J.C. asked an inevitable question. Justin frowned slightly. He twitched his nose and waited for J.C. to turn around and face him. "Just me, Josh. Everyone else is off in their own world and I was just going to get a Coke when I heard it." Justin answered him truthfully. J.C. could hear it in Justin's voice. He trusted Justin.

A sigh crossed his thick lips as he spun around and looked at Justin. He spotted compassion in Justin's smooth face. The face was enough to calm J.C.'s racing thoughts. J.C. fumbled his hands into his pockets and looked down at the ground. "Please don't ask what it was about." J.C. pleaded softly. Justin smiled softly. "No prob' Josh. I'm just here in case you get crazy and start throwing all your clothes in the hall and shave off ya eyebrows." Justin joked, stepping away from the door. J.C. giggled peacefully. He raised his head, cocking it to one side. "Justin, you really suck at this comfort thing, you know that?" J.C. laughed, staring into the pure blue eyes that belonged to Justin. Justin cackled, advancing toward his friend. He shrugged clumsily. "It's not my forte, Josh, you know that. I just sit there and nod, pretending that I understand." Justin boasted, stopping next to J.C. J.C. continued to laugh, feeling all of the tension of the previous minutes fading. He loosened up in his stance, pulling his hands out and letting them rest by his side. "Nah, you do a little more than that." J.C. said through his laughter. Justin raised his brow. "Oh yeah, I hum also. It's the best way to act like you know what someone's talking about." Justin bantered. He found himself laughing at his own silliness.

J.C. eased over to Justin, placing a hand on his shoulder while laughing. "No, you do something else too Justin." J.C. giggled, slowing the rate in which he laughed. Justin proceeded on, trying not to cry due to the laughter. "What's that?" he asked with clenched teeth. J.C. smiled longfully. "You kiss in a comforting way." J.C. replied briskly, but tenderly.

Before Justin could react to the statement, he felt J.C.'s lips pressed on his, moving in an old-fashioned way. He felt J.C.'s warm, thick lips running over his with a strong passion fueling them. J.C.'s hands ran to Justin's back, cupping it and pulling Justin closer. Justin closed his eyes immediately. He felt the lips take hold of him, causing him to naturally react. His lips moved in a more timely way, forcing their way onto J.C.'s. J.C. moaned softly, rubbing Justin's back as they kissed with desire. He grabbed the tail of Justin's shirt and lifted it, bringing his hands up Justin's shirt so that he could feel Justin's bare back. Justin's back arched and he stood on his tip-toes, the feeling exciting his body. He allowed his tongue to slid over J.C.'s and then crawl into J.C.'s mouth, tasting his sweetness.

J.C. lifted Justin's body up. He fell back onto the bed carefully, holding Justin tightly as they embraced passionately. J.C. spread his legs, pulling his feet up on the bed so that his knees were bent. Justin crawled up J.C.'s body, his lips still feverishly moving on J.C.'s. He had lost full concept of reality and his actions. The bent of sexual tension inside of him shadowed his thoughts. He could feel his shirt being rolled up his body. He drew his lips away from J.C.'s, panting heavily as the shirt caressed his curls and fell off of his body. He blinked his eyes open, instantly staring into J.C.'s. "Should I?" J.C. asked through pants, tracing a finger down Justin's bare back. Justin shivered under the hot touch. He felt his lower lip quiver and his body became tense. "I... I..." Justin was speechless. He felt J.C. begin to grind their hips together, sending erotic sensations through Justin's blood. "You don't want to stop, do you?" J.C. asked seductively before leaning up and covering Justin's lips again.

J.C. rolled their bodies until he was on top. The sheets crumbled under them. J.C. straddled Justin's legs. He ripped his own shirt from his body, revealing his well-cut chest. He moaned softly, pressing his crotch down onto Justin's. Justin groaned loudly, placing his hands on J.C.'s hips. "Unzip me Just." J.C. pleaded, closing his eyes tightly. Justin licked his lips, his mouth suddeny dry. His hands nervously reached up and grabbed the top button of J.C.'s jeans. His fingers fumbled with it until it opened and then they grabbed the gold zipper and unzipped the baggy jeans. J.C. grunted heavily when hearing the sound. He leaned back down and slammed his lips on Justin's, his tongue instinctively running back into Justin's mouth.

Justin cried into J.C.'s mouth as J.C. struggled to pull his jeans off. J.C. squirmed out of his jeans and let them rustle on the bed. Justin clamped his hands onto J.C.'s waist, feeling the soft material of his boxers. He could feel an erection burning against his leg. He breathed heavily as sweat broke from his brow. He was betraying three people in his life: his husband, his son, and himself. At the minute, he didn't care. The pleasure of having Justin hold him, touch him, caress him was too great.

Justin's hands became more curious, rubbing each inch of J.C.'s soft back and his hips. He could feel J.C. starting to play with the zipper of his jeans. Their lips had parted ways and nothing but moans kept their craving going. Justin's lips were rigidly pressed against J.C.'s neck. He scrapped his teeth along the nape of J.C.'s neck while gropping his waist. "Go ahead, touch it Justin. Play with it... pull it out baby..." J.C. whispered. He licked Justin's cheek, pleading with him through groans. Justin panted hard, his hands sliding between their bodies. He heard his zipper moving downward slowly. J.C. was toying with him. Justin ignored the sound and ran his hands over the covered penis. The heat, the thickness and the length were all enticing to Justin. He kissed J.C.'s temple while starting to stroke it with both hands. "Mmph, God Justin, yes! Oh you have great hands..." J.C. groaned, encouraging Justin. Justin pressed his lips against J.C.'s for a second before pulling away to moan as his jeans were strung off.

J.C.'s hands immediately feel to the cock that was peeking out of the top of Justin's white briefs. J.C. smiled deviously. "God, it's gorgeous. It's long and thick and mmmm, it looks beautiful." J.C. hummed. He pet the length through the briefs as Justin continued to stroke him. "Oh man, oh Josh, oh yeah..." Justin heaved out when feeling J.C.'s hands gropping him. He arched his back, forcing his pelvis into J.C.'s hands. J.C. smiled at Justin's enthusiasm. "Okay baby, I'll play with it." J.C. whispered, kissing Justin's lips.

Justin allowed J.C. to trail his lips lower, first tasting his chin, then bathing his neck in small kisses until J.C. reached his chest. J.C. admired the muscular chest, his lips searching for a place to rest. He kissed the cleft between Justin's pecs and then slithered to his right nipple. J.C.'s lips took in the brown, erect nipple. They sucked furiously at it, his tongue playing with the tip of it. Justin gripped J.C.'s back with one hand while still masturbating him with the other. "Fuck Josh... ugh.." Justin wailed, bucking his hips up. J.C. proceeded to lick and suck on the nipple while playing with Justin's covered penis. He had pulled down the frontal part of Justin's briefs, letting his cock and balls hang out. His breath was accelerating as he felt Justin become rougher with his hand. He moaned onto the sensitive nipple, lightly nipping at the flesh.

"Oh Justin, shit, I'm close man... slow up so I can still cum when we make love." J.C. requested, petting Justin's chest as he placed more soft kisses on it. The sound finally snapped in Justin's mind. 'He's going to make love to me.' Justin thought, his hand slowing down on J.C.'s penis. He listened to J.C. moan softer and softer, grunts escaping his lips. 'He's not my husband and he's going to make love to me.' Justin persisted with the musings that broke his heart. He removed his hand from J.C.'s cock, gradually becoming stiff under J.C. "Hey baby, I didn't say you had to stop entirely." J.C. whispered, still kissing and touching Justin. 'He's not Brian.' the final thought hit Justin, causing him to push Justin away.

J.C. was surprised by the sudden change in Justin. Justin felt cold to him, no longer lit by the flames of sexual desire. He crawled to the side of Justin, hoping to still touch him from another angle. "Josh, we can't do this." Justin stated firmly, yanking away from J.C. J.C. shot him a perplexed expression. He could hear Justin whimpering as he laid on the edge of the bed. J.C. laid down next to him, placing his hand on Justin's shoulder. "We can't." Justin sobbed again. J.C. felt his composure slipping. He had broken his friend's defenses and now he knew Justin felt vulnerable.

Justin cried onto the sheets of the bed. No man had ever touched Justin so sexually outside of Brian. No man could bring out that desire in him. Even with J.C., Justin knew it wasn't as strong as the one he had for Brian.

Still, with J.C., Justin was naive. He was letting tension and friendship block his view and he was starting to develop feelings he knew he shouldn't have.

J.C. wrapped his arms around Justin. He pulled his body back until he was secure in J.C.'s arms. "Please, just hold him. Nothing else." Justin begged with his whimpering. J.C. obliged patiently. He ran his chin over Justin's shoulder and held him. "We don't have to make love now Justin." J.C. whispered, kissing Justin's shoulder. He entangled his legs with Justin and kept his shivering body warm. He trailed his lips up Justin's shoulder until he reached Justin's collar bone. His lips rub against the warming skin. "But I really want to make love to you sometime Justin. I'd like to feel your body and kiss you while I'm inside you." J.C. added another soft statement. Justin let J.C.'s kisses sooth and relax him. He felt tears steadily sliding from his eyes. "J.C., I think I want that too." Justin whispered, sniffling harder. J.C. ran his lips over Justin's neck, kissing it with affection. He knew what withheld Justin from turning to him and continuing what they ahd started. "But you still love Brian a lot." J.C. said. Justin nodded instantly, allowing more salty tears to slip from his eyes and land on the bed, just as J.C. and Justin's clothed bodies had before.


** Well I'm trying and trying and trying to make sure I can continue the series. I do know that the next part might not be out until September because I have to get settled in my dorm and get used to my roommate. We're sharing my computer, so I don't want him snooping around my files and all. I'll try to write whenever possible though. I already have ideas brewing for the next chapter. And yes, I know I'm going to get a lot of e-mail about this JC and Justin thing. Take it or leave it peeps. Right now, I'm running with it. It's going to bring lot of tension to the story, especially with the next element I'm about to throw in there. Wait until the next chapter to see though people. And as you can see, with this chapter, there were a LOT of lyrics in there. I mean a LOT. They add to the storylines and what's going on though, so I like to use them. Forgive me. Forgive me for also cutting out the sex scene on Brian and Justin's anniversary also, but I noticed that I always celebrate some kind of special occassion or reunion between Brian and Justin by having them have sex. So I decided to give them a break! But for you Nick and JC lovers, the opening was for you! And in the last chapter, I had to christen the story with the notorious hospital storyline. Don't worry, I have NO plans whatsoever for another event in the hospital. It was just to christen the new series. Well hopefully I'll see you in a few weeks and please check out Innosense's music! These girls really do rock! Peace... **

Next: Chapter 62: Angels Wings 4

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