Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Nov 25, 1998


Brian L. & Justin T. (Part X) By JM

*** General Announcement: Okay this story and the following stories are going to be a slow down pace for me. I am going to slow down the quickie's and add the romance to the stories. But don't get me wrong, there will still be plenty of sex and fun for the boys. Yes, these stories will mostly revolve around the relationship between Brian Littrell (of B.S.B.) and Justin Timberlake (of 'N Sync), but there is going to be guest appearances from all of the guys of the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync. I can't always guarantee (most likely I can't even guarantee at all. The stint between J.C. and Lance; Kevin and Lance; Nick and J.C. may not re-kindle unless you guys want it to.) action for them though because I am so hooked on Brian and Justin. We'll see what happens. The stories will also follow the same path that the others have left off with. So that means, this story pretty much follows where I left off with 'B-Rok B-Day' and the others. I do hope you enjoy the series of stories to come and do wish to hear all of your comments may they be good or bad... so send them to: or lionclaw@bellsouthnet ***

**** This is the eighth (Wow!!! We sure are getting far!!!) and so on part to the storyline. It follows along with the rest if you're still not caught up. It picks up where chapter 7 left off and will continue from there on. Hope you enjoy this part and please send all comments to me. I have recieved an abundance already, so that makes me want to keep on writing better stories. I THANK all of you who have sent your great comments to me. Also, for those who still want the lyrics to "Just", email me. It's an original song that I made up for Brian and Justin. It has a purpose, so please don't destroy it or distribute it without permission. Special thanks to Leprechaun for inspiring me to write such great stories. He's got talent and you guys should check out his series "Bad Boy B-Rok". ****

Brian laid quietly with Justin next to him. They were staring into each other's eyes, feeling the heat of the moment. "This is how I always dreamed it would be." Justin whispered. Brian ran his hands softly aganist Justin's lips. "Me too." Brian said. Their looks of passion were all they needed as conversation. "So, how long do you think we can stay like this." Brian said with a smile. He lifted his legs and slid them between Justin's. Justin looked down at Brian's legs and his mine, snuggled tightly together. "Hmmm... Let me think about this one." Justin said. He tapped Brian's head lightly and then smiled. "Not long. Remember, you're supposed to go to the club tonight?" Justin said. "Yeah yeah yeah. Nag nag nag. Do you think after that we'll break up." Brian said sarcastically. "Shut up!" Justin said as he threw a pillow at Brian's head. "I was just kidding Justin." Brian said as he grabbed Justin's arm. "Really?" Justin said. He looked deep itno Brian's eyes. "You know I was." Brian said as he leaned in for a kiss.

"COME ON!!!!!!" A.J. banged from outside of the dressing room. "Shit. This is getting real tiring." Brian said. He stood from the bed, not even grabbing any clothes. He ran to the door and swung it open. Before Justin could call for Brian, the door was open. A.J. stood with his mouth hanging open. "What the hell is it this time?" Brian said. A.J. just looked at him with shock. "What?!?!?" Brian said. A.J. just extended his finegr to point at Brian. Brian finally looked down and noticed that he was wearing nothing. Justin slumped down in the bed and tried to cover his face. "Uh uh uh uh..." Brian stuttered. He was now speechless. "Come on Brian. Stop standing there like an ass. We all have to egt back to the hotel and then from there we'll go to a club." Kevin said from behind A.J. A.J. nodded and shuffeled away. Brian quickly closed the door and spun around to look at Justin. Justin was laughing hillariously at Brian under the covers. "Oh! So you think i't funny huh?" Brian said rhetorically. He ran to the bed and jumped on Jusitn. They began to wrestle under the covers, laughing and fighting the whole time.

The guys all walked to their rooms in the hotel. Brian walked Justin to his room, his arm drapped around Justin's shoulder. "Well, you had better go and get dressed." Justin said as he unlocked his hotel room. "Are you sure?" Brian said sincerely. "Uh huh. Go have a good time. I don't mind being by myself. I need the sleep. We have that shoot tomorrow and I heard we have some other shit to do too." Justin said. He smiled, trying to give Brian the confidence he needed to go. Brian smiled back and rubbed his hand against Justin's cheek. "Okay. I'll go. Do you want me to bring you something back?" Brian questioned. "Yes. You." Justin said lovingly. Brian leaned in and kissed Justin. Justin closed his eyes and treasured the moment. Brian licked Justin's lips and backed away. "Mmm, you sure are worth coming home to." Brian said with his Jim Carrey smile. "Get out of here!" Justin said, he shoved Brian lovingly. Brian jotted off and headed towards his room. Justin walked in his own room, pulling his shirt off as he walked in. He threw it to the side with the rest of the clothes. He unzipped his jeans and let them fall to the ground. He threw them next to the bed and sat on his bed. Justin crawled in the bed roughly. He pulled his covers away and just laid on his bed. His eyes were transfixed on the ceiling. He thought about Brian every minute as he looked up. He soon drifted to sleep, not even hearing Brian yell bye to him from outside.

Justin laid sleep for three hours, not changing his position once. He dreamt of nothing but him and Brian. He felt himself begining to wake up as he felt someone's hand on his mouth. He flinched a bit until the person removed their hand and began to kiss his lips passionately. Justin knew it had to be Brian, so he began to return the kiss. All awhile Jusitn keep his eyes closed. Justin felt a hand gropping his crotch, and he knew it had to be Brian. He knew that Brian always found an excuse to be horny. Justin let a gasp escape his lips. He knew he had to see Brian's cute face in person. Justin slowly opened his eyes and noticed strands of blonde hair is his face. 'What the hell?' Justin thought. He pulled the person that was kissing him off of him. He looked and had to look twice to make sure his eyes weren't deceiving him. It was Nick! Justin jumped up and moved back on his bed. "What the fuck are you doing here? I thought you were Brian!" Justin hollored. "Oh come on. You knew it was me." Nick said with a smile. He crept up the bed towards Justin. Justin kicked him back and got out of the bed. "I did not know it was you! Had I known, I would have beat the shit out of you!" Justin yelled. "Come on now Justin. Then why aren't you beating the shit out of me right now?" Nick said. He stood to his feet and walked towards Justin. "You're sick. You really are sick Nick!" Justin screamed. "Really? I could have sworn you were enjoying the kiss." Nick said with a slick smile. He was very sly and knew exactly how to get Justin going. "I thought you were Brian!" Justin hollered back. "Yeah yeah yeah. Well he doesn't have to know." Nick said. He got closer and closer to Justin. Justin was backed against the wall, trying to decide what to do next. Nick raised his hand to hush Justin. "Come on Curly. Don't play around now. Brian will never find out." Nick said. Justin raised his hand and landed a swift punch to Nick's face. "You're right. Because nothing's going to happen!" Justin said with anger.

Justin stomped out of his room and stood outside. Just as he was preparing to go back inside his room, J.C. came running out of the elevator. "Justin! Thank God I found you." J.C. said frantically. "What is it J.C.?" Justin said with concern. "It's Brian. We we're at the club and there was a BIG fight between some guys at the bar. Brian got hit in the head with a chair and he's at the hospital. You have to come right away!" J.C. said. He was begining to panic. Justin stood shocked. "Come on Justin!" J.C. yelled in histeria. Justin just walked into his room, where Nick was waiting. He didn't even look at Nick. Justin grabbed his shirt and jeans and slipped them on in a rush. He grabbed his shoes and ran out the door. "Take me to him J.C." Justin said as he threw his shoes on. "But Justin are you..." J.C. tried to persuade Justin overwise. "Now J.C.," Justin yelled "I have no time to fool around!" J.C. and Justin both rushed into the elevator. Justin stood in the corner of the elevator, his heart jumping through his ribs. J.C. gazed at Justin, but didn't want to make Justin feel akward. The elevator doors swung open and J.C. and Justin ran out. They blitzed through the lobby and headed outside. "TAXI!" J.C. screamed as soon as he got past the doorman. Justin ran into the street and jumped in front of a cab. His mind wasn't on his own life at the moment. He had never felt so on-fire for something. He felt as if he was rushing to save Brian's life. "Justin! Are you crazy!" J.C. screamed as he grabbed Justin's arm. J.C. flagged down a taxi finally. They both jumped into the cab and began their journey to the hospital.

Justin now felt his heart in his throat. He had still not said a word to J.C. since they left the hotel. His mind wasn't even close to that situation. He had even forgotten about what Nick had did to him in his hotel room. He only had one concern and one name in his mind. Brian. That was all he cared about. It was the deepest compassion and concern that gave Justin the strength to go on. As the taxi pulled up into the emergency drop-off at the hospital, Justin swung the door open. J.C. called for him and dug into his pocket for some money. He threw the money at the cab driver and dashed after Justin. Before J.C. could call for Justin again, he was already in the hospital. Justin ran over to the nurses desk and began his frantic plea. "I need the room of Brian Littrell." Justin said. His body was out of breath and his mind out of thoughts, but he kept moving. "Hold on a minute." the nurse replied harshly. "I don't have a fucking minute! I need his room." Justin said. He spitted the nurse with his harsh words. "If you'll have a seat, we'll call you when we're ready." the nurse said. She pointed sternly to the waiting room. "Come on Justin." J.C. said from behind him. He tried to coax Justin along. "NO! I need to see him!" Justin said with tears in his eyes. He felt his words becoming more slurred as he waited. "Justin." A.J. said from the side of him. Justin quickly snapped his head in A.J.'s direction, with tears still rolling down his face. "It's okay man. I'll take you there." A.J. said. Jusitn let his tears fall, but kept an angered face. "Take me there." Justin said silently. A.J. led Justin and J.C. towards Brian's room. It was a silent journey, but for Justin, a long one.

They stopped in front of a room with the number 343 on it. "He's in there. Kevin and Lance are in there with him right now. I'm going to go to the cafeteria where Howie, Joey and Chris are. You guys going to be okay?" A.J. said with concern. "Yeah A.J. We'll be fine. Thanks." J.C. said with a smile. "Anytime." A.J. said. He put his hand on Justin's shoulder. "It's going to be okay." A.J. said. Justin didn't even bother to look at him. A.J. removed his hand and walked away slowly.

"Do you want to go in?" J.C. said. Justin nodded and placed his hand on the door's knob. He turned it slowly, feeling his heart stop with each flick of his wrist. He pushed forward and the heavy door opened. Justin peeked in before pushing it all the way open. He saw Kevin sitting in a chair next to a big bed. In the bed laid Brian. Brian was sleep, his body looking pale. His eyes seemed swollen in the dim light of the room. His hand was attached to an I.V., while part of his head was bandaged. Justin glimpsed around to see Lance standing over Kevin, his hands rested on Kevin's shoulders for comfort. Justin scuffed in the room and made no attempt to get anyone's attention.

J.C. followed, feeling a sense of guilt. Justin looked over Brian's pale body again and began to wheep. Kevin gazed up and saw Justin and J.C. standing in front of the door. He stood and Lance backed away. Kevin walked over to Justin and reached for his hand. "Come here Justin." Kevin said softly. He knew what Justin's reaction was going to be. Justin broke into tears as Kevin hugged him. "It's going to be okay. Brian's fine. Trust me, he's a fighter. He'll pull through." Kevin said. He hushed Justin and comforted him. "You okay?" Kevin said as he looked at Justin. "Uh huh." Justin sobbed.

Justin brushed the tears away with his arm. "We'll leave you two alone." Kevin said. HE signlaed for J.C. and Lance to follow him. He walked out of the room, followed by J.C. and Lance. "Holler if you need anything." Lance said.

Justin stood at the foot of Brian's bed, gazing down at him. "Why God?" Justin said as he looked up. "Why Brian?" he said. Justin walked to the side of Brian's bed and knelt next to him. He grasped Brian's hand and held it tightly. Justin sighed and just laid his head on Brian's bed. He listened to Brian's respirated breathing. A million thoughts crossed his mind at once, but none made sense to him. "Just when I thought I was to be alone forever," Justin heard. He raised his head slowly and saw Brian's beautiful blue eyes gazing at him. They were half open, but enough for Justin to know it was Brian. Brian gave Justin a partial smile. Justin's eyes began to well up with tears. "Oh Brian!" Justin cried out. "Shhh, just be quiet." Brian said softly. Justin squeezed Brian's warm hand and stood. "I had a feeling you'd get here sooner or later." Brian whispered. "How could this happen?" Justin said. He was happy that Brian was awake, but even more worried about how it happened. "Long story." Brian whispered. "I bet. You need your rest Bri. Don't sit and talk on account of me." Justin said. He placed a finger on Brian's lips to hush him. Brian just opened his mouth and sucked on Justin's finger. "I can't rest without you here next to me." Brian said. Justin smiled a bright smile. "I can't do that. You know it." Justin said. "Why not?" Brian said softly. "Someone will see us together. Besides, you're hurt." Justin said. "Not too hurt." Brian said with a huge grin. "Heh heh, same old Brian." Justin said. He was laughing and crying at the same time. Just as Justin was about to say something to Brian, the doctor, Kevin, Lance and Chris walked in.

Brian L. & Justin T. (Part 11) by JM

"Hello Brian. How are we feeling?" the doctor said in a mono-tone. "Okay. A bit better from before though." Brian said. He smiled at Justin and Justin blushed. "Well that's good to hear. Well we'll probably be releasing you tomorrow afternoon. You have a mild concussion that we have to check out. Otherwise, you just have a few bumps and bruises." the doctor said. "Nothing I'm not used to with these guys." Brian said sarcastically. "Yep. He's fine." Chris said. "Well that's good to hear. Will someone be staying the night here with you Brian?" the doctor questioned. "I was going to stay." Kevin said to the doctor. "Kev, that's okay. Justin's going to stay." Brian interrupted. "But Brian..." Kevin said. "No Kev. Justin will stay. It's okay." Brian said. "Save your strength son. You're going to need it. Now, you won't be able to do a lot of high-excersise or energy for a couple of days." the doctor said.

"There goes his personal life." Chris said sarcastically. Justin punched him in the arm and gave him a serious look. "Otherwise, things look good." the doctor replied. "Uh, doc? Will there be a need for a nurse to check on me tonight? With Justin here, I can just send him out if anything's wrong." Brian said. "Well it's against policy not to have a nurse check on a patient. But since there would be a lot of legal damage to go through with if a nurse leaked that you were here to the press, I suppose it would be okay." the doctor said. "If that's all, I have to finish my rounds." the doctor said. He left the room quickly.

"Brian, are you sure you want Justin to stay the night?" Kevin questioned with concern. "Yes Kevin. Stop asking about it." Brian said. His voice had a hint of anger in it. "Hey Brian. Kevin's just looking out for you. After all, the doctor said no high-energy stuff. I think that sex would be one of them." Chris said sarcastically. "Shut up Chris! That wasn't even on our minds. I'm here for Brian's health only." Justin said with rage. "That wasn't on Justin's mind." Brian replied. Justin looked at Brian like he was crazy. "Just kidding Justin. I was just kidding." Brian said. He yawned and then batted his eyes. "Look, you're tired. I see no problem with Justin staying here tonight. But what about the shoot tomorrow?" Kevin said. "I'll just catch a taxi over there and then come back and get Brian." Justin said. "Okay. The guys and I are going to the shoot around five in the morning. Don't be there no later then eight Justin. We have to be there all day!" Kevin said. "Okay Kevin. I'll be there." Justin said. Kevin and Chris walked out of the room. "Finally." Brian said. He sat up, feeling dizzy. "Are you okay?" Justin said. "Now that you're here, I'm good to go." Brian replied. He smiled and then yawned again. "You should get some sleep." Justin said as he fluffed Brian's pillow. "Not without you. For the past nights, I haven't slept in a bed without you. I'm not about to start now." Brian said. He was practically demanding Justin's attention. "Fine!" Justin said. Justin flicked his shoes off and carefully sat on the bed next to Brian. He laid down and pulled some covers over him. "Good." Brian said. Justin rested Brian's head on his chest and let Brian sleep. Justin petted Brian's hair for a few moments and then kissed him on the head. Justin gazed at the wall and laid there. He finally began to drift off to sleep.

Brian stirred during his sleep, feeling an aching pain in his head. His head popped up in a feverish sweat. It starteled Justin, causing him to jump too. "What's wrong?" Justin said. He looked at Brian with concern. "Oh, nothing. I just got a killer headache." Brian said. He grabbed his head lightly and held it. "Do you want me to get a nurse?" Justin questioned. "No. Just hold me." Brian said. Brian snuggled up against Justin. "But..." Justin thought. Love was always the best cure. Brian lifted his head and looked up at Justin. "Thanks for staying Justin." Brian said softly. "Anything for you." Justin said. He returned the smile. Brian sat up and hugged Justin. Justin was confussed and just hugged Brian back. "You mean so much to me. I was so damn lonely at that bar tonight. I'm glad you're here now." Brian said. Justin smiled and hugged Brian tightly. "I'm glad too." Justin whispered. Brian let go of Justin and kissed him. Justin returned the kiss, with his swift tongue in Brian's mouth. Brian rolled Justin's tongue in his mouth and then sent his own into Justin's mouth. Justin released Brian's lips and focussed his attention to his eyes. "We can't do this here and like this. You're hurt." Justin said with concern. "And... What does that have to do with it? My only concern is you. Shit Justin, we don't have to sit here and fuck. I just wanted to kiss you." Brian sat back on the bed and turned his head away. Justin felt bad about what he had did. He had killed the moment.

Justin leaned over and began to kiss on Brian's neck. He sucked and licked kindly at the soft flesh. Brian let a gasp escape his lips. Justin concentrated on pleasing Brian now. Justin shifted his position a bit and began rubbing his hand on Brian's thigh. Justin began to rub Brian's inner thigh under his bed-gown. Brian laid back while Justin got on top of him. Justin began to grind his hips against Brian's. Brian's penis was now sticking straight up in his bed-gown. "Now we should stop." Brian panted. "Not yet." Justin said. Justin slid down Brian's body and lifted the gown a bit. Justin grabbed hold of Brian's tool and began to lick the head. His lips met the swollen head several times, savouring the salty taste. Justin closed his lips around Brian's dick and began to just suck the head. His hands began to massauge Brian's balls. Justin took in the strong, musky odor of BRian's body. His pubes tickled Justin's nose a bit. Brian started to become restless in his bed. Justin's mouth finally began to go up and down slowly on Brian's meat. Brian clenched the sheets between his fingers. Justin began to work Brian's shaft like a pro. Justin rolled his tongue on the underside, tasting the richness of Brian's penis. "Uh, don't stop it..." Brian moaned. Justin kept his movements up, relaxing his jaw for the size of Brian's penis. Brian felt himself losing control, bucking widly on the bed. Justin then thought he shouldn't get Brain going too much. It was too late. Brian let loose his streams of cum into Justin's young mouth. Brian bucked and grunted as he shot 7 streams of cum into Justin's mouth. Justin drank what he could, letting some slide down his mouth.

Brian relaxed on the bed, trying to regain his strength. Justin crawled back up to where Brian was. "Oh Justin. We weren't supposed to do that." Brian said seriously. Justin was begining to feel guilty now. "But thank you for doing it. Your the best friend, lover, singer and person I know. I love you." Brian said. That made Justin smile. "And now, I must return the favor." Brian said. "No Bri. You're too weak. I don't need you to." Justin pleaded. Brian was too stubborn to listen. Justin began to fumble witht he zipper to Justin's pants. "Brian, really. This isn't necessary." Justin said again. "Just shut up and let me do this Justin. I know what I want." Brian said. He yanked Justin's pants down to his knees and pulled down his boxers. Brian then stripped both of them off, leaving Justin with just his shirt on. Brian leaned down slowly and carefully licked the head of Justin's penis. Justin shuddered at the feel of Brian's tongue. "Oooh." Justin cooed. Brian began to enhale Justin's dick, taking the head to the back of his throat. Justin clenched his teeth and tried his best to relax. The sensations Brian was giving him was unbearable. Brian rubbed Justin's balls and began to lick just the underside of Justin's cock. Brian's lips met the base of Justin's cock several times before he began to work on Justin's balls. Brian engulfed the balls, licking each one softly. He enjoyed the feel of the huge balls, rolling in his cheeks. "Brian, I, I, uh, I'm close..." Justin groaned. Brian quickly placed his mouth back on Justin's cock and began to work it. Brian worked it faster and faster until Justin came long and hard in Brian's mouth. "SHIT!" Justin yelped. Brian raised his head and looked around. The room was empty. "What?" Brian questioned as he crawled back up on the bed.

"Nothing." Justin said. Brian wrapped his arms around Justin and held him tightly. "Are you going to tell me or am I going to have to tickle it out of you." Brian said. Justin raised his brow and stayed silenty. Brian began to tickle Justin furiously, his hand reaching for every spot he knew to be ticklish. Justin rolled in laughter and cried in pain. "STOP IT!" Justin hollered. Brian smiled and let go of Justin. "Now, what's wrong?" Brian said. "Nothing. I'm just happy to be here with you. It was like you needed me." Jusitn said. He wiped the tears from his eyes and sat up. Brian smiled with sincerity. "But I do need you. I need you all the time." Brian said. Justin's lips parted a great smile and Justin hugged Brian. Brian returned the hug, with as much love as he could give. "It's time for you to go to sleep. I have to get out of here in the morning." Justin whispered into Brian's ear. Bria sighed and let go. He adjusted his pillow and laid back. Justin pulled the cpvers over both of them and laid back. Brian soon felt his eyes drooped and he was knocked out. Justin laid back and just listened to Brian's soft breathing.

Brian L. & Justin T. (Part 12) by JM

Justin awoke to the sounds of a buzzing machine. His mind was spinning, but he knew where he was. He blinked his eyes casually and rubbed them. Justin turned his head slightly, directing his attention to Brian. There Brian laid quietly, still knocked out from his medicine. Justin noticed that brian was now hooked up to his I.V. machine. 'Who turned that on? Oh my God, what if they saw me laying here?' Justin thought. He jumped up quickly and looked around. He saw J.C. sitting in the corner of the room. "What are you doing here?" Justin said. "Came here early to make sure you made it to the video shoot. We have a photo shoot at the video shoot we HAVE to do. lance was barking at me all last night about it." J.C. answered. Justin stood and streched. He lazily walked towards the bathroom and went in. He closed the door. J.C. sat quietly and patinetly, like a monk. Justin soon emerged from the bathroom and rubbed his face. "So, when do we have to go?" Justin said softly. "In about an hour." J.C. said. "Ugh! Brian'll probably still be sleep." Justin said. He looked towards his sleeping lover. "I doubt it." J.C. replied. he stood to his feet and shook off his relaxation. "What do you mean?" Justin said. He stared at J.C. curiously. "I mean, the Backstreet Boys' managers called and said Brian should be relased early. They want him to at least make an appearance at the shoot." J.C. said. "Are they crazy!?!?" Justin replied. "He's still too weak and too sick to show up at a shoot. He needs his rest." Justin said angerily "I know Justin. I have no decision in this matter and neither do you." J.C. said sternly. "So I'm supposed to roll over and watch Brian suffer?" Justin said sarcastically.

J.C. shook his head and walked out of the room. Justin dropped his head and stared at the floor. "I don't think that was the response he was looking for." Brian said softly. Justin spon around on his heels and looked at Brian. Brian seemed pale, but yet he had a smile on his face. "What was I supposed to say?" Justin said retorically. "Oh come on Justin. Don't be that way towards me." Brian said sincerly. "I'm not trying to be Brian." Justin said softly. Brian sat up on the bed. "Well then come over here and sit down." Brian said with a smile. Justin walked over to him and casually sat on the hospital bed. "I'm making the decision here. If they need me there, I'll be there." Brian said. He raised his hand to Justin's face. "You are so stubborn." Justin said. He was pissed at Brian, but he understood. "Well partner, ain't that a lil' but too bad." Brian said in a humorous cowboy voice. Justin laughed, but got serious when J.C. walked back in. "So, you're going?" J.C. questioned. "Yep-a-rppey!" Brian replied. "Good. I'll go call Lance and tell him before he errupts." J.C. said. J.C. walked out once and again, causing Justin to look at Brian. "Well, as long as I'm there to help you." Jusitn said. "When haven't you been there for me babe." Brian said seriously. Justin leaned forward and kissed Brian. Their lips touched and a fire was sparked.

Justin road in the same liomo for the first time with Brian. He sat next to Brian, who sat next to A.J. Across from them were Chris, Lance and J.C. "Who's idea was this to mix up the groups?" A.J. said sarcastically. Chris nonchalauntally pointed to Brian and Justin. A.J. and Chris laughed for a moment, but then stopped. "You feeling okay Brian?" J.C. said as he looked into Brian's eyes. Brian was slowly drooping off. "Huh?" Brian said as his eyes popped open. "I knew you shouldn't have come here." Justin said under his breath. "What was that Just?" Brian said. He raised his brow and awaited a good response. "I said, J.C. just worries too much." Justin lied. J.C. looked at Justin and then rolled his eyes.

The guys arrived and rushed to wardrobe. As they walked onto the set, it was a new feel for them. This set was an all white room. The ceiling stood 100 feet tall, with bubbles falling slowly towards the ground. The director barked orders and the music started playing the background. Justin glanced around to notice how great the guys were dressed. A.J. stood in a white T-shirt with blue jeans and Lugz boots on, his hair mushed around, while we wore no ear rings; Howie wore a suede brown jacket with a red shirt, blakc jeans and plain white tennis shoes; J.C. wore a blue denim shirt with white khaki's on and black tennis Fila's; Joey wore a baggy gray sweatshirt and baggy jeans, plus his Nike shoes; Nick stood in a black leather jacket with a lime-green Polo shirt on under it, his jeans were loose and he had on his trademark glasses; Kevin wore a plan Addias shirt and black jeans; Lance wore a long white coat with a black button down shirt under it and dress pants; Brian wore a Polo over-shirt with a grey shirt under it and white khaki's; Chris wore a lime-green Yankee's shirt with big, baggy jeans; finally Justin wore a navy blue RP55 sweater over a white shirt, with tan khaki's and his Nike's. The guys walked around the room before hearing the director say that they were just going to have fun in the room. He said run around, sing your parts and just fool around. The guys got the idea and began to flow with the slow music. Justin stood closely to Brian for a period of time, until Kevin yanked Brian away. justin cursed under his breath but then starting chasing Chris around the room. The guys were actually having fun together for the first time in a long time.

Justin jumped around on Joey before he noticed something. Brian was sort of leaning against the wall and no longer getting into the video shoot. Justin ran towards Brian and kneeled in front of him. "Are you all right?" Justin questioned with concern. "Huh? Yeah Justin babe. I'm just getting a bit bored here." Brian said. Justin soot dna walked behind Brian. Justin placed his hands on brian's hips and started swaying Brian's body to the music. "What are you doing?" Brian whispered. "Making things a bit more exciting for you." Justin whispered back. Chris, A.J., Howie and Lance looked at the two, their chins dropping as they looked on. "I feel stupid." Brian giggled. "But you're no longer bored." Justin laughed back. Brian decided to get a little more frisky and placed his hands around Justin's neck. They were slowly freaking together, Justin behing Brian; grinding his hips into Brian's back. "Would you two stop!" Kevin called from the side of them. Brian and Justin quickly broke apart and stood shyly. The director finally yelled cut and all the guys ran out of the studio area. They all headed towards the eating room. It was a secluded room that just the guys could chill in.

As they headed there, they were ambushed by reporters. Tons of questions flew into the air and the boys had no choice but to try and answer some on their mad dash for the room. "A.J., is it true that you got a little girl pregnant?" One of the erporters question. "NO!" A.J. howlled. "Nick, is it true that their was a fight within the group?" another asked. "I have no comment." Nick said shyly. "Chris, is it true that you're leaving 'N Sync?" another asked. "Never!" Chris replied. "Is it true that brian has been injured and that it why he is not going to be doing anymore touring?" a reporter questioned. "That is not true." Kevin said. He rushed as fast as he could for the security guards. "Is it true that their is a relationship between Brian Littrell and one of the guys in 'N Sync?" the reporter asked. Brian stopped dead in his tracks, followed by Justin. "No comment." Brian reluctantlly said. They all headed into the room, where the reporters wre stopped by the security guards. All the guys sighed a relief of fresh air and bombared the eating table. "Hey guys, I've got an idea." Nick said from the other side of the room. "What?" they all yelled in unison. "Let's play a game of Truth Or Dare." Nick said mischievly. The guys stared at him for a moment. "I'm game" A.J. said. "Me too. I got nothing to hide." Joey said. The three began to make a circle with their chairs. "I suppose." J.C. said as he joined in.

"Come on Lance!" Joey called. Lance strolled over to the circle and sat down. "This is stupid, but I'll play." Kevin said. "Yeah. Me too compadres." Howie said. "Come on Justin, let's join in." Brian said. He dragged Justin to the circle. "Okay, I'll join too." Chris said. Finally the circle was complete.

"Okay, who starts?" Nick said. "I'll start." Howie said. Howie gazed around the circle, looking for the perfect victim. "Ah, A.J., truth or dare?" Howie said with the magical question. "Truth." A.J. said. He was brave and ready for anything Howie was going to throw at him. "Hmm, let me think. Ah. Do you really get a little girl pregnant?" Howie said with his eye brow raised. "No you stupid ass fuck!" A.J. replied. All the guys began to burst in laughter. "Really funny asshole. My turn." A.J. said. He looked around the circle and prepared his ideas. "Justin. Truth or dare?" A.J. said. he starred at Justin and awaited the response. "Dare." Justin said boldly. "Oh you trying me?" A.J. said. All the guys 'ooh'd' at Justin's braveness. "Okay, I dare you to stand up right now and drop your drawz in front of all of us." A.J. said. Justin may have been bold, but A.J was dirty. Justin stood hestintly and turned around. He un-buckled his belt and let his jeans fall. "I said drawz Justin!" A.J. said. He was playing hard ball with Justin. Justin sucked his teeth and then yanked down his boxers quickly. Everyone looked as Justin quickly yanked them back up. "Happy now?" Justin said sarcastically as he sat back down. "If it made you happy." A.J. said back. "Okay. Brian, truth or dare?" Justin asked. Brian was shocked, but played it cool. "Dare." Brian replied. "Okay. You're Mr. Big. I want you to come over here and give me the hottest kiss you've ever given." Justin said. "Huh?" Howie said with shock. Brian smiled happily and stood. he strolled overto Justin and caressed his face. Brian then leaned in and kissed Justin's lips. He stayed for a moment and then let his tongue slid into Justin's mouth. Brian grabbed ahold of Justin's head and began to give him heavy tongue. Brian pulled back slightly, letting everyone see his tongue insert back and forth into Jsutin's mouth. Brian then began to lick Justin's lips and open Justin's mouth. Brian let go and walked back to his seat. he siped his mouth and smiled at Justin. "Whoa!" Justin replied. "Are you two happy now?" Chris said. "Very!" Justin replied. Brian just smiled.

"Okay, Joey. Truth or dare?" Brian said. Joey didn't even have to think. "Dare. But I'm not kissing any of you ugly asses." Joey said. Everyone laughed. "I want you to take the chair you're sitting on and ride it like a cowboy." Brian said whole giggling. Joey looked at him and then raspberried him. Joey stood and began to buck and bronc the chair like a horse. "Yea hah! Ride 'em cowboy!!! Come on Tonto!" Joey screamed as he rode the chair. Everyone rolled out of their chair's laughing at Joey. Joey sat up right in his chair and waited for the room to get silent.

"Okay. Mr. Timberlake, truth or dare?" Joey asked. His eyes were filled with seriousness and Justin had no time to play anymore. "I choose truth." Justin said. Everyone looked tensely at Joey. "Is it true that you kissed Nick last night?" Joey asked. Gasps filled the room, with nothing but fear. Brian glared at Joey and then Justin. "Now this is what I'm talking about. Juicy stuff." Nick said with a huge smile. Justin felt a drop of sweat peal from his body. "Answer the question Justin." Nick said. Justin glanced at Nick with evil in his eyes. "You set me up you dumb ass fuck!" Justin hollored as he stood. "So is that a yes or a no?" Joey said. "I can't believe you Nick!" Justin yelled, not listening to a word Joey said. "Justin." Kevin said as he shook him. "Answer the question." Kevin said. Justin felt tears run from his eyes.

"By accident. Yes, I kissed Nick Carter." Justin replied. Kevin let him go and walked from the circle. Brian felt his heart cease. Nick smiled and lived up his sweet revenge. Joey felt bad that he helped Nick, but he felt it was the only way. Lance, Howie and J.C. sat in shock. Chris just gazed around and waited for what was going to happen next. Brian stood from his chair and looked at no one but Nick. "Looks like you win Nick. It's over for me and Justin." Brian said. Brian walked from the circle and sat in the corner. Justin sat and began to wheep loudly. "How could this happen again?" J.C. said. "Ask Nick." Lance said as he stared at Nick with hate. "What did I do? He kissed me." Nick said. He acted as innocent as he could get. "You bastard! Don't even try and say that." Justin said. Justin stood from his chair. He grabbed Nick and began to shake Nick. "You kissed me first and made me believe it was Brian!" Justin hollered. Brian ran to them and snatched Justin off of Nick. he faced Justin, his eyes welling up in tears. "Justin, let it go! It's over, okay! There's nothing more to talk about. We're thru!" Brian screamed. Justin sobbed and tried to hug Brian. Brian pushed Justin away and walked out of the room. Justin fell back into on of the chairs and just sat there. "He's too young to deal with this shit!" Chris screamed. "I know that! But I can't change a damn thing about it, can I!" Joey hollered back at him. J.C. and Lance sat on either side of Justin, trying to comfort their friend.

A.J. sat in the middle of the arguing. "Get Brian's ass back in here now!" A.J. shouted. Howie ran out the door and tried to find Brian. "J.C., take Justin to the corner and get his face cleaned up." A.J. barked. J.C. stood Justin anddragged him to the corner. Nick was about to stand, but A.J. placed his hand in front of him. "Sit your ass down, now!" A.J. hissed. Nick sat down, fearing what A.J. might do if he didn't. Howie walked back in, with Brian walking slowly behind him. "Get over here Brian." A.J. said. Brian walked over to A.J. and sat down. Howie sat next to him. "I have had it! You are all acting like little three year olds. Everytime I turn around, someone's breaking Brian and Justin up over bullshit. Just bullshit." A.J. yelled. "Now, Brian, you have to hear Justin out first before you break up with him. He's too young to deal with this every five minutes. J.C., bring him over here." A.J. barked. A.J. snapped his fingers and J.C. dragged Justin back over to the now broken circle. Justin sat next to Brian and Brian backed away. "Ah ah ah ah. Get your ass back over there." A.J. said with authority. Brian scooted back and drooped his head. Justin sobbed and placed his hand on Brian's thigh. "I thought it was you when Nick was kissing me. Then when I realized it wasn't, I got him off of me. I didn't mean anything by it." Justin wheeped. His words weren't making any sense. "Yeah right! It meant something." Nick yelled. A.J. snapped his head in Nick's direction and Nick quickly shut up. "All I want to know is why was Nick there in the first place?" Brian said softly. "I don't know why?" Justin replied. "I do." Howie said.

Brian's eyes fluttered towards Howie's face. "He was supposed to be telling Justin about Brian's accident." Howie said. Justin looked in shock and so did Brian. Nick felt uncomfortable and he knew what was coming. "You bastard! you risked Brian's safety for your own revenge!" Justin said. He stood quickly. "No, stop it Justin!" Brian said as he stood. Justin looked at Brian with confussion in his eyes and face. "It doesn't mean a thing. We can't stay together anyways!" Brian hollored. "Why?" Justin questioned. "Because then we'd cause the break up of the groups." Brian replied. His eyes were now crying solid tears. "Hah!" Nick said as he stood. He reached for Justin's arm and end up pulling on his chain. Justin's bracelet shattered as Nick yanked on it. Justin watched as the linx fell peice by peice to the floor. It was a sign. Brian cried even more and started to walk away. He felt his head getting dizzy. Justin stood still. Brian began to take a step away when Kevin stopped him. "It's not ending like this. Not this way." Kevin said with tears in his own eyes. He hated to see Brian up set. A.J. pushed Brian and Justin together. Brian couldn't help himself and hugged Justin. Justin cried uncontrolablly. "Shhh, no more tears." Brian said. Everyone cheered, except for Nick. Brian and Justin began to kiss passionately in front of the guys. Justin and Brian fell to the floor in each other's arms. A.J. signaled for everyone to leave and let the two be alone. All the guys walked out, silently.

Brian got on top of Justin and began to remove his shirt. Justin just smiled at Brian. Brian stopped and just laid on top of Justin. He started to cry again. Justin began to lift Brian's shirt off and then reach for his pants. Brian sat up and looked into Justin's eyes. Justin smiled again and let Brian kiss him. Their lips held a bond as they removed each other's clothing. Their sex was no longer just because they were horny. When Brian's dick entered Justin's ass, it was a sealing of a bond. With every moan that escaped Justin's lips in that heated moment, it made Brian's heart fill with more love. With every kiss that their lips made, it made their love grow stronger. Even as Brian caressed Justin's penis, it meant something to both of them. As they both ejaculated, they didn't feel the need to stop. And so they went on, with Justin sealing the bond. Justin's penis filling Brian's ass with cum was no enough either. They made out for another half an hour straihgt. Their bodies, dicks, lips, balls and hearts couldn't grow tired. As they laid in relaxarion, Justin felt Brian slipping away. "What's wrong?" Justin said as he as laid on top of Brian. "My head is killing me." Brian said. "You need to go to the doctor's again." Justin replied. "Yeah, I do. But we head back on tour again soon." Brian said. "Well I have good news for you." Justin said. "What?" Brian asked. We are headed for Orlando." Justin said. A big smiled was on Brian's face. "So now you can meet my family and I can meet yours." Justin said. Brian smiled and kissed Justin. They laid in the room for another hour, missing half the video shoot.

Next: Chapter 7: Brian and Justin 13 15

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