Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Mar 30, 2000


Just Beginning (Chapter 59) Written by JM

*** 'Just when I thought I was to be alone forever...' This is the continuation to the series 'Brian & Justin'. This story involves a romance between celebrities, mainly that of Brian Littrell (of the Backstreet Boys) and Justin Timberlake (of 'N Sync). If you are offended by this kind of material, please do not read this series. If you have not read the first series, please do not read this one yet. I'd like you to know the story of Brian and Justin's saga. Otherwise, enjoy as we continue to drift into the lives of Brian & Justin and their friends. Any comments about the story, please send them to: ***

*** Welcome to the second chapter of 'Brian & Justin', perfectly titled by David as 'Just Beginning'. I do hope you like this series and I hope to bring you as much joy and sorrow as the first series. As always, read stories like 'N Sync Love', 'Lost And Found', 'BSB and 'N Sync' and 'The One' for a good storyline. Special thank you to Leprechaun. Read 'Bad Boy B-Rok' for his work of art. Special thank you's to some of my friends also: Adam, Rick, Jason, Brian and Netboy. And very special thanks goes to all of my OLD & NEW READERS! I love you dearly for your support. The BIGGEST thank you goes to David at Nifty for his continuous support. As always, enjoy and hopefully, you won't be disappointed. So now, the story is 'Just Beginning...' ***

--- The chapters in this story occur in Feburary to coincide with the events that take place. The time is different from 'real time'. Sorry for any inconvience suffered. ---

February fourteenth. It can be a day of love, romance and bliss or a day of boredom, depression and true heartache. In the lively city of Orlando, it was a mixed, emotional day. That was to be expected from Justin Littrell as he sat in a chinese restaurant with eleven of his friends. It was a 'full house' for them, but not one out of distaste. The group of friends preferred to spend their Valentine's together, rather than sheltered in a house where they had to lament on not having a love to call their own. Justin, however, was not one of the 'fortunate' few to be lonely. He and his husband, Brian Littrell, were able to enjoy the fruits of the holiday together. Cupid had bitten them more than a year before and they savored their second Valentine's Day without their own personal fears of losing each other.

Justin turned his head mildly to look at Brian. He could feel Brian's fingers tangling in his curly brown hair. Justin saw a giggling grin on Brian's lips. He could decipher that he had missed a hilarious joke by the sounds of laughter surrounding him. "Yep, man Britney you were about to pee in your pants." Danay snickered, informing Justin that the joke was related to Britney. Britney sampled her iced-water with an unfavorable expression. "She was freaked out of her mind!" Nikki agreed through laughter. A.J.'s sly expression angered Britney little. She did not approve of her friends discussing the incident in which A.J. prank called her. "I bet you'll never watch 'Scream' again." Kevin found himself joining the laughter. Britney sneered at him, far from amused by the conversation. "I have to admit, A.J. and the girls got her good." Howie tittered, trying to separate the rice and the food on his plate. Danay nodded with her towering laughter. "I still owe you for that A.J." Joey warned him by waving his knife at the accused. A.J. stiffened up with a mock scared appearance. Amanda continued to laugh while her fiancee jeered Britney.

While the others laughed, Lance and Nick seemed to ease back into their own world of friendship. Nick used his fork to sample from Lance's platter of sesame beef. Lance watched the others with dancing eyes. "It's kind of ironic." Nick commented before taking a hot piece of the sweet meat into his mouth. Lance turned his head in Nick's direction, smiling. He was contented in Nick's presence. "What's ironic?" Lance asked, lowering an eyebrow. Nick shook his head in humor. "It's iornic that me and you are here... in a chinese restaurant on Valentine's Day." Nick stated, licking his lips of any remainings of the lemon beef. He grabbed his glass of Coke and lifted it from the table. Lance used his hand to fix of piece of Nick's now shorter hair. "You mean that me and you are in our ex-boyfriend's favorite kind of restaurant without him." Lance added, reclining in his seat. Nick nodded with a favorable eye, taking a gulp of the drink. He eased a hand on Lance's thigh in a friendly sense. Lance also nodded, not fending away Nick's touch. "It is ironic that we're here this day with it should be one of us here with him today." Lance sighed, putting a hand on top of Nick's. Nick shrugged. He found the statement true, but he did not say it aloud. He preferred the calmer, less strenuous atmosphere he was given with his friends and with Lance.

Justin was blind to Nick and Lance. His eyes stayed on Brian as Brian fed him a piece of his broccoli and beef. Justin licked his lips after the food crossed his lips, paying strict attention to the way Brian returned to the conversation. "Eh Bone, how is my little daisy?" Brian questioned, holding Justin's hand loosely. A.J. looked up from his large plate of food. A twinkle flickered in his deep brown eyes. He cleared his throat while letting Amanda respond. "She's with her grandparents for a couple of days. My mom and dad really wanted to spend time with their granddaughter and me and Alex needed a little time to ourselves." Amanda stated with her normal, ginger smile. A.J. nodded to show he concurred with his fiancee. "Her parents adore Amaiya." A.J. added. Brian smiled back at the couple. He was awaiting the opportunity to express the same joy when his parents got a chance to see their grandchild again. Jackie and Harold small visit to Orlando a little after New Years to meet their first grandchild was short and not enough for them or Brian and Justin. Brian looked forward to the nineteenth for the opportunity to spend time with his family once again.

"How's Angel Sebastian doing Rok?" Howie questioned from a corner of the table. Brian turned his faint attention to Howie. "Timber's doing great. He loves his new little playpen." Brian responded with a fatherly smirk. He felt Justin's petting his hand while he spoke. "And all the redecorating and remodeling on the house is done now?" Nikki questioned while stealing a piece of chicken from Kevin's plate. Kevin eyed her with a daring smirk. 'Silly girl.' he thought with his flirtatious smile. He turned his concentration back to the conversation involving his cousins, straying away from speaking to Nikki at the moment. "Yep, all done. Our room is mint green now, the baby has a room, Lea has a room, we've got two new guest rooms and the living room has been redone and so has the kitchen." Brian replied with his usual, chipper Southern twang. "Ooh, the bedroom's been redone? Hmmm, possibly a bigger bed and more boxes of condoms?" Nick said in his teasing voice. Justin and Brian turned their eyes to Nick with devious grins. "Stay out of the gutter, boy." Justin warned him with a halfhearted smile. "Besides, you forgot to add that we have a bigger collection of porno's too." Brian added with his soft-spoken tone. Justin elbowed him with laughter. His and Justin's words were all and humor toward Nick. Kevin gave his cousins a repulsed expression, taking his eyes off of them. "Oh, Nick has an immense collection of porno's boys. You could've just asked to borrow his." A.J. joined the collection of senseless joking. Amanda flicked A.J.'s ear, warning him with her petite smile. "We don't need to. Besides, having a child can bring your sex life down some." Justin assured A.J. with a fitting remark to silence another comment from Nick. Brian nodded, but he held in distaste to the idea. "Ain't that the truth. Children bring your sex life from a ten to a two in no time." A.J. brooded, enclosing his hand around Amanda's. Amanda rolled her eyes, not fazed by the lack of sexual intercourse between herself and A.J.

Their words left strong throughts in Joey and Britney's impressionable minds. Their own conflicting battles between the ideas of sex and pregnancy had brought them to a standstill on what they wanted in life. "It's official, I'm going to hurl." Howie snickered, laying his head on Danay's shoulder. He brought Britney and Joey out of the daze they had fallen into.

Justin and Brian looked at each other with their equally-fit smiles. 'Chinese food makes me sick...' Brian and Justin sang together to strike up a layer of tittering. Howie shook his head with his hearty grin. His friends never ceased to bring laughter into the equation of friends.

As the others laughed obnoxiously, Justin stared at his husband again, catching the same flicker in Brian's eyes. Brian gave him his candid smile, massaging his hand for posterity. Justin leaned forward a little and closed his eyes. Brian watched the actions and agreed to Justin's request. Brian also leaned forward and pressed his lips lightly to Justin's. Their lips ran over the other's briefly, never staying for too long, but just enough to seal a promise. "Aaaawww, that is too cute." Britney cooed, leaning back in her chair while watching her friends break from their kiss. Joey watched a little sprite of red glimmer in Justin's cheeks, showing a hint of embarrassment. "This is their day, ain't it?" A.J. commented, trying to draw more attention on Brian and Justin. Lance nodded with his own foolish envy. 'It's always their day.' he sighed to himself, trying to keep his concentration on more important matters. "I'll never know how Justin got so lucky." Nick faked a sigh, trying to strick up another chord of humor in his friends. Justin turned to him with a smug smile. He leaned forward a little to let Nick get the full glimpse of his grin. "Cause I be big pimpin' Nickie." Justin said snubbly, trying to bring off the impression of a confident man. Nick broke into laughter as Brian kindly yanked his husband back in his seat. "He only wishes." Brian assured Nick, throwing an arm around Justin. This brought on another set of giggling from the table.

Nikki scooted her chair back and stood from the table. "Excuse me ya'll, I have to go to the little girls room." Nikki announced, causing the men of the table to stand for her. "Don't fall in!" A.J. beckoned, pulling out a small stint of laughter. Nikki pointed to Amanda as a forwarning for A.J. A.J. ceased his joking as Nikki began to walk away from the table. "Everybody's a joker." Danay commented to Howie, leaning in his direction a little. Howie smiled evenly. "Somebody's gotta be, princess." Howie said softly, placing an arm around her.

Kevin watched Nikki with careful eyes. He contemplated thoughts that he had and notions that he brought to his own attention. He desired something, but was unsure whether to chase his dreams or let them flicker for a little longer.

Nikki emerged from the ladies' restroom with a purse in hand. She kept her eyes pealed to the way she strung the purse closed. She slid the purse on her shoulder and gazed upward. To an unparallel surprise, Nikki was not alone in her brief walk from the door to the hallway of the restroom area. Her copper-green eyes fizzled with astonishment as she stared into the blossoming-blue eyes of her former lover. Nikki adjusted her purse, staring at Kevin longly. He cleared his throat, showing his nervous intention through his facial expressions. Nikki pressed a few strands of her brown hair behind her ear, eyeing Kevin with an uncomfortable sense. "Is there something wrong?" Nikki asked, seeing no outlet of escape besides past Kevin. Kevin dipped his hands into his pockets. His mind was aware of the words he desired to speak, but his lips would not form the muscles needed. Nikki folded her arms with a look of little appreciation. "Uhm, Nikki... I'm getting older and a bit more mature. I mean, I know I didn't show that to you back around Christmas, but with it being Valentine's Day and well me and you being as good as we were as a couple, I was hoping..." Kevin started to let his words trail off. "That would could get back together?" Nikki asked boldly and with a raised voice. Kevin gave her haunted eyes of the mistakes he had fell victim to. He could see the reigning question in her lips and eyes, showing no mercy for his wrongs.

Kevin shuffled his foot across the ground, trying to arch up for a strong stance. "Nikki, I want more than for us to just get back together. I want us to be able to move on from the past... from our mistakes and our petty arguments. I want me and you to step up a level." Kevin stated with a more confident and more willing tone. He could feel the questionable doubt in Nikki's appearance, but he did not let it hinder his heart and the goal he strived for. Nikki shot him a confused expression. "What are you talking about Kevin?" Nikki questioned him with the voice of a hot-tempered lawyer. Kevin's blue eyes pleaded his case honsetly, showing nothing but sincere love toward his ex-girlfriend. Kevin only thought of actions to express his words. With a traditional mind-set, Kevin lowered himself. He bent to one knee in front of Nikki with a hand extended to her and another hand fumbling through his pants' pocket. Nikki watched him with attentive eyes, fears running through her heart. She watched as Kevin drew out the black velvet box. Her eyes flickered to the slow movements he took with each step. Her heart was in a serious state of disbelief. She did not know what had taken over Kevin, but now she could not argue. Not in the moment she could see Kevin had awaited. A lump in her throat held her for a second as Kevin flicked open the box, revealing a yellow canary diamond ring. The lights shimmered the glow of the princess cut diamond in all of its innocent glory.

Kevin felt the words changing directions in his mind. "I know we are both at a stage where we know what love's about and we know what we want from each other. And Ashlee Nichole DeLoach... Peaches, I want you to marry me." Kevin announced with a teary voice. His determination, willingness to fight for something was not degrated in his question. His mission was almost complete, one underlying factor being ignored by Kevin's heart. He was skipping an age old process, jumping the gun from the return to a relationship, a friendship, and heading straight into marriage. Yet, Kevin continued to wait on a reply from his former girlfriend and lover.

Nikki stared down at the ring for a second and then her eyes automatically locked with Kevin's. She had to search for a trueness in Kevin's eyes. Not his words, but the heart that sat in his clear-blue eyes. While she looked for a sign of honesty, her mind debated on the realness on her situation. She was more than unprepared, she was awe-strickened. Her life was being flipped like an hourglass and she still was not ready to shed her sands of time. "Kevin... Kev.. Kev, we can't. I can't. It's not that I don't love you, because Kevin I do. It's just that... well I'm still young and I still have some unexplored areas of my life and me that I need to work out before I can just say I'll marry you." Nikki finally shook out words with a grave disappointment in her voice. She lowered her eyes a little, trying to ignore the hurt that would soon ensue in Kevin's eyes. Just as her eyes died down, his hands lowered and the box was closed. He did not want to express his disappointment verbally, but his silence helped to make Nikki understand his suffering toward her honest rejection. "One day." Kevin manage to whisper below Nikki's hearing. Silence dropped within the small hallway, leaving no words left to be discussed between Kevin and Nikki, only a powerful throb running through both of their unsure hearts.

Silence did not continue throughout the night, though there was only muffled words heard in this area. The grand space that was one of the bathrooms in Lance Bass's house was occupied by more than one person. Lance did not mind, as he knew the bathroom was set up for a more couple-like atmosphere. However, Lance and Nick Carter were not a couple and were unsure if they would ever be again. Both knew that they were taking part in something only couples could enjoy to the fullest intent.

Lance looked up the well decorated ceiling as he felt his temporary lover increasing the speed in which they had intercourse. Nick was busy releasing serveral forms of sexual grunts. His lengthy penis was burried deep inside of Lance's hole as he gave short strokes for mild pleasure. His hands ran over Lance's sweaty hair. He watched as the spikes had deflated into simple strands of hair sticking to Lance's hair. He touched Lance with a tender touch, allowing himself to say, "Uhhhh... yeah, oh yeah... ah, uh, feels... uh..." Nick continued to thrust his penis into Lance as Lance's face squinted in natural satisfaction. "Oh yeah..." Lance exhaled, long and hard. He kept his hands gripping on Nick's waist, feeling each movement. His legs were spread and in the air, holding onto nothing. As Nick laid down some to place more of his lower body into the devious act, Lance's head lifted so that his lips could acress the fullness of Nick's broad chest. "Oooh, fuck..." Nick cooed while feeling Lance's tongue twirl over his right nipple. A smile crossed Nick's lips while sweat slid down his arms. He kept his hands firmly pressed to the ground as his hips put all of theirm muscles into fucking Lance. He allowed Lance to push his dripping hair backward and make him feel a little more comfortable as they had sex on the floor of Lance's bathroom.

"Oh shit... he, mmmm... God, this feels... so fucking... uh..." Nick huffed out, still being the more aggressive partner. Lance grinned, squeezing his ass muscles a little tighter so that Nick's cock could throb harder. Nick leaned downward, burrying his face in Lance's neck. "You know I... uh, like that..." Nick whispered into Lance's ear before beginning to nibble on it. "Oh..." was the only response Lance could release. His closed his green eyes and pulled his hands up to Nick's back. The sweat made the trip easier for Lance's hands as his palms pressed into the hot flesh. His lower body thrived on the bucks and grinds of Nick's stomach. Lance's growing erection rubbed against Nick's belly at any given opportunity. Lance believed that his dick had a mind of its own. He felt his balls jerk up and then mash against Nick's crotch. The feeling of Nick's sandy brown pubes tickling Lance's hairy balls sent him into ecstasy.

"Oh Nick... heh heh, uh Nick... ah, ah.." Lance grunted in his deep voice.

He pressed his hands harder into Nick's back.

Nick didn't contemplate any regrets or mistakes in his decision to make love to Lance at Lance's house. It was not planned, making the sexual act more erotic for Nick. However, Nick knew why he did not resist taking part in the event. "Lance! Oh shit... I'm close... yes baby... heh heh..." Nick announced in a straining voice. Lance parted his lips but a moan was trapped in his stomach. He grunted when feeling Nick's body collapse on his. He felt Nick steal a kiss, their lips franticly rubbing the other's and their gropping tongues flickering passionately. "Go 'head baby... cum... uhhhhh...." Lance groaned, knowing what was to follow. He felt Nick's hand run over his belly button and then his brown pubes. Lance smiled an innocent smile of pleasure. "Heh... heh... heh... fuck, aahhhhh... oh fuck, fuck... yeah yeah yeah... Lance.. Lance.. Lance!" Nick groaned out as he began to cum roughly inside of Lance. His semen travelled from his penis into Lance, his whole body jerking as he came. It had been months for Nick and he had to savor the ability to cum inside of a man again. All the while he ejaculated, he felt Lance's soft hands comforting him by petting his dirty blonde hair.

Nick's breath was heavy while Lance kissed his ear. He could feel the occassional flicker of Lance's tongue run across his earlobe, bringing out a gentle smile. Nick cocked his head to the side and began to kiss Lance, placing a hand under Lance's head to tilt it upward. Lance moaned during the kiss, teasing Nick with his tongue. Nick kept the kiss innocent, a grateful gesture. "Mmmph... you're still so innocent after cumming Nick." Lance whispered when the kiss had ended. Nick gave him an angelic smile, wrapping his arms under and then around Lance. He gave Lance another quick kiss and then shot him a flirtatious smile. "And you're still a great lover James." Nick replied with honesty. Lance blushed.

"We have to be honest about what this was, Nick." Lance stated, showing a bright spark of seriousness. Nick nodded, giving Lance another soft kiss. "It was defintely a moment of weakness that we ddi this. You just getting over the whole Bryce thingy and me with Josh." Nick agreed without hesitation and respect for his friend. Lance's timid green eyes glanced to the side. "It's not wrong for friends to have sex, is it?" Lance questioned, fearing the consequences of their actions. Nick began to nibble on his own lower lip. It was a serious, but dangerous question. "As long as we're not making this a weekly, daily or even monthly thing." Nick replied, taking the mature route. Lance nodded, staying true to what he wanted. "And if we feel that this should ever be more?" Lance kept questioning things his heart dreaded. Nick slipped out of Lance and sat up some. He sighed, giving Lance a look of curiosity. "Then we'll have to take it for what it is James." Nick responded, grabbing Lance's hand and holding it for safety. Lance frowned. He worried about he and Nick's competitive battle for J.C.'s affection and now he also pondered their own feelings for each other.

Nick released Lance's hand and moved to the side a little. "Come on, take a shower with me and we'll chill for the rest of the night." Nick requested, standing to his feet. Lance watched him, Nick's soft cock flopping as he stood and then his firm body glistening in the bathroom's light. Lance crawled his way to a sitting position and then stood. He grabbed Nick's hand and smiled. He kissed Nick again, taking another moment to see what was between Nick and himself. He ran a hand over Nick's new tattoo while kissing Nick. He could feel Nick return the kiss, beckoning for something. Lance pulled back, grinning a little. "Mmmm, I want to suck that long cock of yours, Nickie." Lance chimed softly, pulling Nick toward the large shower. Nick gave Lance an astonished look. 'The man never stops.' he mused, seeing the deep desire in Nick's eyes. He allowed Lance to drag him toward the shower knowing that another round of passionate love making was bound to ensue.

The arrival of a group of people in a Lexington airport was expected, but only by a few people. Others natives and visitors to the city were oblivious to the return of a select set of musical celebrities. The dreary weather that blazed through Lexington kept many airport visitors from leaving and others from arriving into the airport. This unexpected weather also kept many people out of the airport due to cancelled flights. Fortunately, a small flight from Orlando was able to arrive and release its passengers into the Lexingston airport.

Some were sitting and some were standing, but they were spread across the baggage claim area. Justin Littrell was one of the passengers that had arrived in Lexington, but he kept a low profile with a backwards Wildcats cap and semi-stylish clothing. His backpack sat comfortably on his back while his headphones from his portable CD player rested around his neck. Justin watched each piece of luggage pass, he was searching for his own and his family's luggage as well. Only one arm was free to tote luggage from the spinning rack as the other arm held one of his puppies, Giligan. Justin only brought Giligan on the trip to Lexington to keep his son Angel happy. Angel found Giligan as a personal companion, though the child was still young. He left his other three dogs, Tyke, BJ, and Ivory in Orlando with his mother, Lynn Harliss.

The sounds of a light thunder disturbed Justin little. He concentrated on the luggage that passed him. He saw the last piece to his luggage rubmling its way toward him. He gave a faint smile and then reached down and lugged the suitcase from the moving belt. He dropped it next to the other three suitcases and took a deep breath. He knelt down next to the luggage and made sure everything was in order for their next minor departure. He could feel Giligan squirming a little, showing signs of restliness. "Stop Giligan." Justin ordered softly, trying to straighten the animal out in his arms. Giligan began to cooperate with his master, laying still in Justin's arm.

"Oh my gosh. Aren't you Justin Timberlake?" a voice rang through Justin's ears. 'Aaaw, shit.' Justin grumbled in his mind, but kept a simple exterior when looking up. He saw the sixteen year old girl standing before him with a perky, yet innocent smirk. He falsified a smile for her, trying to remain generally humble. "Could you do me a favor and keep that low. I don't want people to know I'm in town." Justin requested, standing up from his position to greet the girl. The young woman nodded inearstly, nervous while being in Justin's presence. "I mean I just can't believe it, cause I'm visiting too.

I'm from Tennesee and I'm up here visiting my aunt." the young girl stated, speaking in a broad Southern accent. Justin could sense her Tennesee roots in the way her tongue rolled out words. He offered her a modest grin. "It's good to see someone from my home state." Justin said, allowing her to shake his hand. The sweat in her palm glided across his as she shook his hand apprehensively. She sucked on her lower lip to hold her body from releasing a crowd-shaking scream. "That's a cute dog ya got there." she said while hesitantly drawing her hand back. Justin looked down to Giligan with fatherly affection. "Thanks. He's my new puppy, Giligan." Justin said, holding Giligan out a little. The dog panted toward the girl, revealing signs of admiration. "Aaaww, I didn't even know ya had a new pup." she cooed, delighting in Giligan's charm. Justin nodded, pulling Giligan back some. He scratched behind Giligan's ears to show his affection. "Mmm hmmm, my other dog BJ gave birth to pups." Justin commented as Giligan licked Justin's fingers. The young girl giggled, watching the puppy love his master.

Justin glanced around the luggage claim area to see that his friends were still spread apart gathering luggage. "I just wish I had my camera with me to take pictures wit'cha, but it's in my bag." the girl confessed, her Southern drawl still thick in its essence. "Yeah, that would be nice, uh..." Justin searched for a name. "Oh, Cindy." Cindy replied, smiling. Justin nodded toward her. She glanced around, trying to find what Justin kept searching for. "So, what are you doing in Lexington?" Cindy asked, trying to be innocent about her personal question. She was aware that 'N Sync was not on tour at the moment, nor doing any promotional spots. She wondered, with natural human curiosity, Justin's purpose for being in Lexington, Kentucky on Feburary the ninetieth. Justin glanced back to her, studying her face. "I'm just here for two days. I'm here because it's my friend's birthday tomorrow." Justin responded, lowering his smile's intensity. Cindy cocked her eyebrow at him. "Ain't it Brian Littrell of the Backstreet Boys birthday tomorrow?" Cindy inquired with a set motive. Justin perssed out a small sigh. "Yeah... he asked me and a couple of friends to come here to celebrate his birthday with his family." Justin replied with a small nod. He knew he was not required to offer her an explaination, but he did it regardless. He felt more and more that he needed to be open with fans. He was growing tired of hiding his life every second, but he was also wearry with reporters who constantly rummaged through his personal life. He knew, no matter how much he wished, his private life would never be that, private. He also knew that his private life would also never be accepted by the public and possibly some of his most dedicated fans.

"Uhm, well Cindy, I've really gotta run. It's probably going to storm bad here and I want to get out of the airport before it gets real bad here." Justin stated, lifting one of the bags and placing it on his shoulder. Cindy watched him with her purplish-blue eyes. She giggled softly, watching Justin struggle a little with the piece of luggage. "Ya prob'ly right. I think it's fixin' to be a bad storm 'round here. I should head out too and catch up with my family. But I hope ya have a good ol' time here in Lexington and maybe we'll run in to each other too." she lilted out, keeping her pageant-worthy grin with him. Justin smiled back. He adjusted the bag and then Giligan again. "Yeah, just maybe. Or maybe I'll catch you in Tennesee next time I go visit my dad and the family." Justin added, stepping back some. Cindy felt promise in Justin's wholesome words. She gave him an extended grin before waving him farewell and then exiting in the opposite direction.

The door to the Littrell's home swung open with a small bang. "Honey, I'm home!" Harold III announced, pushing the door fully aside and stepping inside. His coat had thickle drops of rain dancing on it. His smile was broad, his incoming mustache and beard showing brightly in the light of the house. "And I brought a few friends with me." Harold III added as he drug two suitcases into the house. Jackie emerged from the kitchen with a dishtowel in hand, showing signs of finishing up a spree of cooking. "How much company Harold, sweetie. You know I can't afford to take in all of your stray dogs." Jackie tittered, rushing for the door to help her son inside. "Well I only brought one other uninvited guest this time mom." Harold III gleamed, edging past his mother as the others followed suit. Jackie cocked her eyebrow upward, confused by her son's statement. She was aware of the guests she had invited to her home, but an added guest intrigued her.

"Did you miss me?" Nick's voice rang in its full nasiliness. Jackie giggled as Nick placed a quick peck on her cheek. "Of course Nick. I wish I could have seen you on our last visit." Jackie stated, helping the young man inside of the house. Nick nodded, stopping briefly at the door while handing one of his bags to Harold III. "It's okay, I survived." Nick mocked her in a playful way. Jackie shook her head, awaiting the next of her guests to enter. "We wanted to wish you a happy birthday too, but you were off in Hawaii with the guys. And I see you brought that mutt for Missy to play with." Jackie combined all of her statements while looking out into the dreary rain. She searched for three more of her guests. Nick laughed rigidly while snuggling Giligan to his chest.

"Actually I brought Giligan for your grandchild to play with." Brian stated as he forced his way into the house. Jackie's face gleamed with satisfaction when seeing her son. Her pride was great when Brian finally stepped fully into the house. "Aaaww, I've missed you Ducky!" she announced, pressing her lips to her son's cheek. Brian grinned as a son would. He gave his mother a brief and not-so-intimate hug as he passed by. "Missed you too mommy." Brian stated, trying to pull his wet jacket from his body. Jackie watched Brian, still searching for a missing piece. "Where's my Lil' Ducky?" Jackie qusetioned, searching for her grandson admist the drizzle of rain. "He's with his Daddy." Brian replied concisely while placing his luggage on the floor.

Brian placed the baby bag on the floor next to his luggage before feeling a swift punch from Nick. Brian's head immediately turned in Nick's direction. "What was that for?" Brian questioned, lowering his brow. Nick smiled contently. "Early birthday gift." Nick chimed, backing away some. Brian crinkled his nose. It was a sign of cuteness to Justin, but Nick knew it as a warning. "Don't worry Frack, I've got your back." Harold III assured him with a playful stance. Brian sighed. "The minute my son's sleep, both of ya'll are going to get it." Brian growled, pulling open the baby bag when a familiar sound rung through his ears. Nick laughed boastfully. "Ooh, we're so scared." Harold III mocked his brother.

Justin stepped up in the doorway, holding a wailing Angel tightly while trying to keep his luggage on his arm. Jackie urgently stepped forward and grabbed the falling bag. "I've got it sweetie." Jackie informed Justin, trying to untanle the bag from Justin's arm. Justin yanked his arm back and allowed Jackie to pull off the luggage. "Thanks." Justin sighed, still trying to hush his child. Jackie nodded, allowing Justin to walk further into the house. "Something wrong with Lil' Ducky?" Jackie asked, trying to assist Justin. Justin didn't bother to turn around to formally greet his mother-in-law. His concentration was on his crying son. "He just wants his pacifier." Justin stated, walking toward Brian. Nick rolled his eyes and leaned up against the wall when hearing Angel's loud sobs. "No, Timber just needs to go to bed." Brian said, placing the pacifier into Angel's mouth when Justin reached him. Justin cradled Angel some while adjusting the chew toy in Angel's mouth. "He needs to eat dinner." Justin disagreed softly, still trying to comfort his son. "No, Timber needs to go to bed." Brian repeated, arguing with no reservations.

Brian scooped Angel into his own arms and walked off with Angel. Justin sighed uncontently and then rolled his eyes. 'Asshole.' Justin brooded, walking back toward Jackie. Jackie stood to the side, remaining out of the conversation. Hey mom." Justin exhaled out, giving her a short hug. "Hi son." she replied, happily accepting Justin's hug. Justin smiled a little, knowing his mother-in-law accepted him as he was. Justin pulled back from the hug and then looked out to the rain. He usually found it as a comfort from his own inner storm, but now he didn't. "Well here they come." Justin sighed, walking away from the door when noticing the last of the guests edging near the doorway.

Jackie glanced back to the rainy outside. Her view of the rain was guarded as Kevin entered the house, followed by a dripping female. Jackie scanned the woman for a second, her head being covered by a jacket. As the jacket fell to the crowd and a soft cough cleared the woman's lips, Jackie's eyes grew. She gasped. Her gasp drew attention from Harold III and Kevin. "Ooh, shocking." Nick joked while helping Justin with his luggage. Jackie took in a deep breath while watching the modelesque blonde. "Hey Aunt Jackie." Kevin spoke up to daze Jackie's stare. Jackie glanced passed the woman she had come to know as Leigh Ann Wallace. "Uhm... he-hello Kevin." Jackie stuttered out, trying to pervent herself from looking back to Leigh Ann. Leigh Ann patted raindrops from her clothing, seeing an obscure reaction in Jackie's eyes. She smiled at Jackie and figited with her clothing. She wanted to wave to Jackie, but she feared their off-balance relationship was too far changed for her to approach Jackie in such a way. She had not seen Jackie since the wedding in Hawaii and even then, she felt the tension. Even the granted past with Harold III brought Leigh Ann to fears with the woman that could have been her mother-in-law.

"Hello Mrs. Littrell." Leigh Ann finally spoke up, trying to make a peace with Jackie Littrell. Jackie eyed her again. Her thoughts of the past, the history between her family and Leigh Ann led her to curl her lip. Her natural Southern politeness died out. "Hello Leigh Ann." she coughed out, closing the door their her house. Leigh Ann felt the uncomfortable feeling sweep over her slender body. She eased to the side of the stiff Kevin, trying to hold her composure.

Jackie skid by Leigh Ann and Kevin, not giving them the attention she usually gave to her guests. She continued her walk until she reached her son. She tugged on Harold III a little, directing him to the living room. "Ya'll can come and have a seat. I'm sure ya'll are pretty tired from the trip." Jackie stated, still attempting to be hospitable. She stepped into the living room and continued to walk until she got to the end of the room. Harold followed his mother faithfully into the living room, seeking a reason for his calling. He stood next to her as the others slowly began to flood into the living room, one-by-one. "Why is she here Harold III? Ya know that I do not like that woman and she has no right being in my house or even in Lexington." Jackie hissed lowly to her son, knowing they would not be heard by the small conversations being carried out between the others. Harold crossed his arms and gave Leigh Ann a quick glance. "Her flight stopped her in Lexington and was cancelled when the weather started to get bad. None of us knew she was going to be here, but she happened to see us as we were leaving. I couldn't abandon her mom." Harold whispered back to his mother. Jackie scrunched her nose like her younger son would. "I would have." she said briefly and then stepped forward to hide the obvious.

Jackie looked at everyone and noticed that Brian and Angel were still missing. "Well I didn't expect so many people here, but I know we have room for everyone." Jackie stated, glancing to each person that occupied the room. Leigh Ann looked up from her position, feeling the words were being directed towards her. "Mrs. Littrell, I do apologize for me dropping on you like this. Harold III offered and I just figured it'd be quick. I didn't expect the rain to continue like this." Leigh Ann explained, trying to defend her situation. She tossed a section of her hair back, awaiting a smart remark from Jackie. "It's okay Leigh Ann. We wouldn't mind you here for Brian's birthday." Jackie said for assurance, though her heart could not back her words. Leigh Ann gave her a small smirk. "And I'm guessing you'll be here?" Jackie said, turning her attention back to her son. Harold gave her a gleaming grin. "Of course mommy! It's my little bro's birthday." Harold announced, throwing an arm around Jackie. Jackie giggled at his playfullness. "And also they're redoing the carpets at my place." Harold III added with a loud laughter.

Brian made his entrance into the room while his mother and his older brother chuckled to Harold III's last joke. Justin glanced up when seeing his husband past him in the living room. "Where's Lil' Ducky?" Jackie shot out the question that waited on Justin's pouting red lips. Brian glanced backward, seeing all of the eyes had fallen on him. "Angel's with dad. Dad's trying to get him to sleep." Brian said calmly, taking a seat in the chair behind Harold III and Jackie. Jackie nodded with her gracious grin. "Harold's great with children." Jackie stated, assured in her own words. Justin sat back with confidence in her mother-in-law's words. However, his mind still thought of Brian. He propped his chin on his hand, trying to relax on the couch he and Nick occupied. He could feel Brian's ivory-blue eyes on him, smiling at him.

"Well Brian, before you popped up, I was about to tell all ya friends where they were going to sleep." Jackie divulged to her son and the others within the room. Brian looked up to her. He let his eyes shy away from his husband to give his mother his full attention. "Well Brian, you, Justin and Angel can stay in your old room. We already put up a crib for Lil' Ducky to sleep in." Jackie stated first, seeing no harm in her proposal. Brian smiled brightly. "The memories." Brian sighed for a small comic relief between himself, his husband, and his brother. He stood from his seat and walked around the living room to take in the atmosphere. "And Nick, I thought you and Kecin could bunk in the downstairs family room. We've got a futon and a day bed you can sleep on." Jackie added, glaring at Kevin and then Nick. Kevin shrugged, seeing no reason to complain. "Oh we can do just one bed. You know me and Kevin are manly single men. Who knows what could happen." Nick joked obnoxiously. Justin giggled at Nick's joke, trying to hide his face from Jackie. Nick found humor in his own jest. "It's gravy baby." Justin tittered out, patting Nick's back. Brian shook his head at the two, smiling uncontrollably. Kevin shot Nick a cold stare. "Save the jokes for Comedy Central, Nick." Kevin hissed. Nick ended his laughter, sensing Kevin wasn't in the mood for his endless sense of humor.

Jackie folded her arms, feeling a hint of the tension. "Well I'll take the guest room upstairs and Leigh Ann can have my old room." Harold III finally declared to settle the dispute on rooming. Jackie and Leigh Ann both gave Harold III awkward stares. Leigh Ann crumbled her lips, concerned with Jackie's response to her son's suggestion. Kevin sat back on the couch, still daunted by Harold III. He had yet to truly confess to his cousin what had happened between himself and his cousin's ex-girlfriend. "I... I suppose that'll be okay." Jackie voiced. Harold III released a small sigh of relief, praying there would not be another uproar of arguments between him and his mother. Yet, he could still feel odd glares coming from Brian, Kevin, and Leigh Ann.

"Well then ya'll had better be going to bed real soon because we've got an early service in the morning." Jackie stated, stepping forward some. Her announcement brought everyone to stand and make their exit from the living room and into separate directions. Leigh Ann glanced back to Harold III as she began walking. She pondered Harold III's reasons for suggesting the idea of her sleeping in his old room. Harold III ignored her looks to continue a brief conversation with his brother-in-law. He hoped that his good gesture was not taken in vain as he knew that everyone in the house was feeling uncomfortable with at least one other person.

Just Beginning (Chapter 60) [B-Rok B-Day II] Written by JM

The night was a short-lived moment for everyone. The morning of February twentieth only brought on one special thing, Brian's twenty-fifth birthday. Justin Littrell stood in the bathroom trying to fix his hair for church. Every style he chose never impressed him much. He was partly frusturated because of what he chose to give his husband for his birthday. He wanted something extravagant and special, but his mind had drawn a blank before they left Orlando for Kentucky. He knew that he would be visiting his in-law's and anything too extreme would not be accepted. He only thought of his birthday and how he spent it with Brian. A small smile grabbed his lips when he thought of the day they spent together. 'He'd like a regular relaxing day with momma's home cooking, no doubt.' Justin giggled to himself, finally discovering a style that he liked.

Justin ran his hands under the warm water of the faucet, looking at his blue eyes in the mirror. From the corner of his eye, he spotted his husband enter the bathroom and walk to the closet. Justin admired Brian's back through the mirror. Brian only wore a pair of sweat pants and socks. His upper body was bare. "Is Bastian still sleep?" Justin asked, shaking the excess water from his hands. Brian nodded, removing a towel from the closet. "We'll have to get him up in about another half-hour or less to give him a bath and get him dressed." Brian said, walking past Justin and throwing the towel on the counter. Justin nodded to agree. He grabbed his toothbrush from next to the towel. He watched Brian begin to fix his tie to put on later. He glazed some Crest toothpaste on his toothbrush while Brian walked past him again. He could see there was not much communication between his husband and himself. "Do you feel twenty-five yet?" Justin asked, before beginning to brush his teeth. Brian gave Justin a faint grin.

"I feel good. Maybe that means I'm getting old." Brian shrugged, grabbing the towel and taking it over to the bathtub. Justin shook his head with a smile. "Of course I can brag to all my friends that I'm successful... that I have the most adorable son... and that I'm in a very happy marriage and all that at twenty-five." Brian chimed. He commenced massaging Justin's shoulders as Justin brushed. "And you've got the best sex life." Justin added with a foamy mouth. Brian began to giggle loudly, looking at Justin's silly expression. "If you say so babe." Brian snickered, kissing Justin's shoulder. Brian walked over to the side of the counter and gathered his clothes together.

Justin spit the remains of his mixed toothpaste and saliva into the sink and began to wash off his brush and cleanse the sink. Justin dropped his toothbrush onto the counter with a devious grin. Brian turned to walk for the closet again, but he was stopped by Justin's grin. Justin leaned forward and held his lips in front of Brian's. "I'll give you something to brag about." Justin whispered before extending his tongue out. His tongue brushed over Brian's thin lips and then began a quick trail down Brian's neck and then to his smooth chest. Justin began to slowly kiss Brian's chest, bringing out a soft moan from Brian's lips. Brian hissed when feeling Justin's teeth gently nibble on his right nipple. He grasped the counter tightly, holding in any loud moans. His lips curled up when feeling Justin's lips kissing the scar in the middle of his chest and then descending lower.

Brian grabbed the back of Justin's head, holding Justin's head between his chest and abs. 'Should we do this?' Brian pondered as Justin's tongue flicked over his ribs. He panted lightly, knowing his seven-month old son was sleep in the next room. Justin kissed Brian's ribs, attempting to kneel. "I love you..." Justin whispered. The words broke Brian's hesitation and he finally allowed Justin to go further on his body.

Justin came to his knees, dragging Brian's sweats down with his arms. Brian wore no undergear, letting his slowly rising cock spring free. Justin concentrated his lips on Brian's navel. 'He's so cute.' Justin smiled to himself. His lips started to linger on Brian's belly button. It was erotic to Brian how Justin concentrated on one spot and did not move until Brian would release a moan of approval. "Lower..." Brian seethed out, carefully pushing Justin's head down some. Justin felt Brian's cock rubbing against his chin as he stared into the tendrils of Brian's brown pubic hairs. "Uhhh... oh please..." Brian begged, girating his hips a little.

With a quick swoop, Justin took the head of Brian's penis into his mouth. He began to suck softly, gliding his tongue all over the head of Brian's penis. Brian groaned from deep inside of himself, placing both of his hands on Justin's curly head. Justin's large hands rubbed all over Brian's thighs, stimulating deep pleasure within Brian. He rolled his long tongue over Brian's cock, drawing more into his mouth. He fel the head thickening and resting near his throat. "Aaahhh... uh, fuck... heh hehh..." Brian panted, rocking his hips. He felt Justin's hands grab and roll his balls. He smiled some, the pleasure submerging him.

Justin licked a little more furiously, tasting Brian's precum. He felt Brian's fingers twisting through his curls. "Hmmmmm..." Justin hummed on Brian's cock, showing his appreciation. Brian closed his eyes tightly, feeling his knees becoming weak. He pulled on Justin's head. "Oh baby..." he huffed out. He rocked his hips quicker as Justin commensed to deep throat him. Justin's free hand ran over Brian's inner thigh and then ran to Brian's backside. His hand played with Brian's ass, slipping a finger between the crack. Brian knew what to expect and loosened his ass muscles. He felt Justin's finger petting his hole, causing him to burst out with a straining groan. Justin smiled internally. He slithered his tongue over Brian's piss-slit, suckling out more precum. Brian stiffened up allowing Justin's middle finger to dig into his hole. "Oh yeah.... yes, uh, uhhhh, yeah, aaaahhhh..." Brian grunted roughly, initiating his hip-movement again.

He felt endless strums of pleasure seeping through every inch of his body while his husband pleasured him orally.

Brian pressed his palms against Justin's soft hair. He needed a cushion for support, leaning over some. His entire body began to weaken. "Don't stop..." Brian requested, feeling his penis draw inevitably close to ejaculation. Brian led his hands down to Justin's neck and then shoulders. He rubbed them as Justin's tongue caressed the bottom of his cock. He pet Justin's curls, the sweat on his hands running against the gel in Justin's hair. He scrunched in nose in inconceivable delectation. Justin could again feel Brian's dick grow in his mouth as thicker streams of precum slid over his tongue. Justin licked the root of Brian's cock, tasting his husband with satisfaction. Sweat broke from his temples, the heat of passion sweeping over them. He fingered Brian rougher, knowing it would draw out more moans from Brian. His middle finger slid in and then drew out while Brian's ass gripped it. It was intense for both.

"Justin! Heh heh... oh God... aaaawww yeah... shit.." Brian hissed, his balls drawing up closr to his body. An unexpected pleasure swept over Justin as he felt his body began to shiver. He had not touched himself at all, but the sexual bliss of orally pleasing Brian brought Justin to his own orgasm. He breathed heavily while still holding Brian's penis in his mouth.

His lips kissed Brian's penis while his own cock jerked back and forth, releasing semen into his briefs. Justin could feel Brian begin to stand on his tiptoes, showing his readiness to ejaculate. He felt his own body become more rigid as the last drops of his cum seeped into his briefs and Brian began to jerk forward some. "Fuck... fuck yeah... oh yeah.. mmm, Justin! Babe.. uhhh, yes... aawww, yeah baby!" Brian groaned, arching his back. His penis injected sperm into Justin's mouth and throat.

Justin swallowed slowly, tasting each rope of Brian's seed. His lips held Brian's cock tightly. Justin hummed, loving the honey taste of Brian's cum.

'Oh yeah, I'm going to have to brush my teeth and do my hair again.' Justin thought while licking the head of Brian's penis. He knew, however, that it was worth it to him. "Uh.. uh.. uhh..." Brian panted, hunching over while his cock continued to emit semen. Lasting gratification surrounded his body while Justin suckled his penis until it was completely flaccid. 'Now that's something to brag about.' Brian thought, hugging onto Justin's head while Justin's tongue licked up the last of his cum.

The early service was over and few flocked outside on the church's lawn. Within that few were the Littrell's and their family and friends. "Man, that was a great sermon." Brian announced from their spot on the lawn. Jackie nodded. She glanced over to where her husband and older son spoke with the pastor of the church and other members. "I see a lot of the girls still recognize you." Leigh Ann added, seeing a small crowd of girls watching Brian and his family. Brian glanced over to them and waved. He snickered at their shy response. "Yep, they must want autographs." Brian laughed, turning back to Leigh Ann. He adjusted his tie, loosening to feel a little more comfortable. "I bet they are thrilled that Nick, Kevin, and Justin are here too." Leigh Ann added with a smile. She swooped strands of her hair behind her ear and continued to watch the girls.

Justin did not comment on the situation. His attention was dedicated to Angel. He was tickling Angel while holding him, listening to Angel's infectious laughter. "Aaaww, Daddy's little boy's going to smile." Justin giggled while tickling his son. Angel never ended his laughter as his father tickled him. Jackie looked on them with a grand affection. She found herself beginning to laugh while watching Justin play with Angel. "Ah, got'cha smile!" Justin teased Angel, slowing his tickling to look at his son's ecstatic face. Brian's grandparents watched Justin play with their great grandson. "He's a good father." Brian's grandmother commented to her husband. He nodded to concur.

"Eh mom, I think I'll go get the car so we can get out of here before everyone calls their friends and tells them we're here." Brian declared, pulling a pair of keys from his pocket. Jackie turned her head in his direction. "Okay, but hurry back so you can say goodbye to Mamaw and Papaw." Jackie insisted. Brian waved to his grandparents with a pleasing smile. "I could never forget about Mamaw and Papaw!" Brian boasted, causing his grandparents to laugh. He gave a small wave to his son who was still caught up in his laughing. "Take care of my little man." Brian insisted, though he knew it was not required. Justin gave Brian the nod he desired. Brian puckered his lips at Justin, trying to break a piece of laughter from Justin. Justin snickered softly, shaking his head. "It's gravy baby." Brian mocked Justin, stepping aside. Justin gave him a smug grin. "I've got your gravy, Rocky." Justin laughed lowly. Brian raised his brow. He placed a hand in his pocket. "We'll talk about that later on." Brian teased, starting to walk off.

"Wait! I'll go with you." Leigh Ann insisted, running after Brian. Brian glanced back to his ex-girlfriend. He gave her a twisted expression. He then looked over to Justin, Angel, and Jackie. Justin turned away, knowing Brian wanted some sort of approval from him. Jackie lowered her lips in disappointment. Brian shook his head before turning back to Leigh Ann. "Okay, come on Leigh." Brian finally agreed. He sighed and then escorted her to the parking lot.

Brian shifted his mother's Acura into reverse. He looked into his mirror and then over his shoulder. Leigh Ann sat in the passenger seat next to him. "I don't think they really wanted me to be in the car with you." Leigh Ann commented, curling to one side of the seat. Brian twitched his nose when coming to a stop. He looked back to the front and shifted the gears from reverse to drive. "It's because of our past Leigh Ann. I don't think anyone will get over the fact that we used to be boyfriend and girlfriend... and well the things you've done." Brian stated, waiting for another car to pull out from their parking place. Leigh Ann pulled her hair up into a bun, disappointed in Brian's words. She was displeased with reality. "I guess that's hard for everyone to get over, but they don't know how happy I was with you. It's hard to let something like that go." Leigh Ann declared softly. Brian shrugged, pulling up behind the car. "People don't know what we went through because of your old management hooking us up. But I mean, we accepted it. We signed the little contract and it helped both of our careers. We were friends before anything else." Leigh Ann offered a piece of the past. Brian sighed softly. "Yeah, we were friends before anything else. Even though it's hard to admit, I did like the relationship we had." Brian stated, driving up and turning to find a quicker way from the immense parking lot. Leigh Ann smiled. She let the sun shine in on her. "I know I'm the one that kind of went in and changed things. I guess I was just so head over heels in love with you that I thought maybe I could make it more than just dating." Leigh Ann admitted. She finally allowed herself to be true to her heart. She removed her mask of deception to show Brian a more understanding side of her heart.

Brian pulled down a new aisle of the parking lot. "It's funny... had you not did the things you did, I might have actually let things happen as they were and who knows, we might have actually had sex later on." Brian informed Leigh Ann. Leigh Ann turned to look at him. She knew Brian couldn't lie to her. She was aware of the position they were both put in, forced to make themselves look better in the public eye by signing a contract that made them a couple to society. At first, she felt it was wrong. But when Leigh Ann was given the opportunity to spend nights at Brian's apartment, just sleeping on the couch while Brian occupied the bedroom. When she was sent to public appearances with Brian, holding his hand to make their relationship believale. When Leigh Ann kissed Brian for the first time, she realized that she too was caught up in the fairy tale romance that was only binded by a piece of paper. When Brian left Wright Entertainment Group management and joined the Firm, the contract was annulled. Their relationship continued briefly until Leigh Ann demanded a little more than Brian could offer her. She wanted to go against Brian's beliefs and force him into a sexual relationship. She desired more affection in public. She went against Brian's heart and lied to a few close people of Brian's by making them believe that she and Brian were to wed. Leigh Ann, unfortunately, knew that the last few weeks of their relationship were hell because of her.

"Did you love me?" Leigh Ann asked while Brian turned a corner to head for the main building of the church. Brian slowed his driving. He reminisced on the good times he and Leigh Ann shared. Though his friends did not know, Leigh Ann and Brian's relationship was longer than a week. It was longer than a month, but both chose to keep it hidden. "Leigh, I had feelings for you. I'm sure they were probably pretty deep, but it ended before I actually got the chance to love you." Brian stated with a soft voice. He did not want to break her spirit, but he owed her the truth. Leigh Ann brushed her bangs back. She nodded, accepting her faults.

"Do you still love me, Leigh?" Brian asked, staying personal with her. He had to know what her thoughts were. He searched for the reasons Leigh Ann acted the way she did around him. Leigh Ann returned her eyes to look out the window. She exhaled. "I've tried not to, but half of me still does." Leigh Ann stated with guilt. Brian frowned. He pulled up to where his family stood. He couldn't find any other words for Leigh Ann. There were none left.

The drive back home was relatively quiet for Kevin, Nick, Harold III, and Leigh Ann. Harold III drove his navy blue Navigator through the streets of Lexington, making it a smooth ride for all. "You're kind of quiet." Leigh Ann commented to Harold III. She had known him to be more of a conversationalist, but he did not speak much. Harold III shrugged. He was not interested in speaking on any particular subject. "I guess I really don't have much to say." Harold III commented, pulling a smooth turn. Leigh Ann doubted his silence. "Is it because of what I told you this morning?" Leigh Ann whispered to Harold III, sliding her hand onto his arm. She nibbled her lower lip, hoping for a kind response. Harold III thought to the revalations that were brought between he and Leigh Ann earlier that morning. He felt repulsed with the idea of his cousin sleeping with his ex-girlfriend. He also rejected the idea that Leigh Ann had managed to be apart of so many members of his family. He rigidly jerked his arm from Leigh Ann's grasp. He glanced into his rearview mirror to see Kevin concentrating on the passing cars. "Honestly, it kind of hurts to know that you'd go from my brother to me and then to Kevin. It's almost as if your goal is to see which of us in the family you can fuck." Harold III stated without a lowered voice and no reservations.

Nick's attention was caught by Harold III's raised voice and words. Kevin also turned his head in the direction of the front seat. The added attention caused Leigh Ann to slouch in her seat. Kevin eyed Harold III with disapproval. "You're making her out to be a slut." Kevin remarked. Harold III arched his eyebrow. His disapproval of his cousin entering the conversation could not be expressed. "I'm not making my ex-girlfriend out to be anything. I think you should question your own actions before you question my words." Harold III stated with a serious acusation. His words left Kevin in a silence. 'Ooh, two points for Harold III and zip for Leigh Ann and Kevin.' Nick snickered to himself.

Leigh Ann sat up in her seat again as they drew closer to the house. "We were drunk Harold III and honestly, me and Kevin have talked about it, and we agree that it meant nothing. We're not going to start dating or anything. It was just a one time deal." Leigh Ann said, trying to lighten the seriousness of her offense. Harold III kept his eyes on the road. Kevin sighed, watching his cousin's obnoxious approach to the situation. "You have to understand." Kevin insisted. Nick could feel the warning signs signalling when Kevin spoke. "Okay Kev'... and you understand if me and Nikki ever decide to hook up and have sex." Harold III sarcastically said. His words struck Kevin unexpecidly. Kevin leaned forward in his seat. His anger toward Harold III's last remarks searched for a vent. "That was a low blow cuz." Kevin hissed, grabbing the back of Harold III's seat. Harold III did not care, he only sought revenge. Leigh Ann turned her head to the tinted window. She was lost in painful memories. "No smart remarks from you Nick." she whispered, trying to prevent phrases from leaving his puckered lips. Nick smiled innocently. "No prob' Ms. Wallace." Nick snickered, resisting his evergrowing temptation to comment on the perplex situation.

Harold III pulled up into the driveway of his parents house. He looked at his mother and father's cars parked neatly in the driveway. He kept his eyes on the cars, clutching tightly to the anger he held his Leigh Ann and Kevin. He clicked off the car and sighed. "Whatever you two did is your business and it's also in the past. I just hope you realize what you'll both miss out on because of your drunken actions." Harold III left a final statement between Kevin and Leigh Ann. He pushed open his door and stepped out of the Navigator. He frowned and then gently closed it, leaving the vehicle and his past behind. He chose not to look back at what he no longer desired. Nick briskly followed his actions, trying to pull the tension to a halt. He exited the Navigator and followed Harold III to the house. He allowed Kevin and Leigh Ann to suffer their given fate. They left Kevin and Leigh Ann to regret their sinful choices.

It seemed like an hour, but it was truly ten minutes. Harold III and Nick had only been in the house for ten minutes before more past situations were being brought to question. Harold III crossed the threshold of the living room before hearing Leigh Ann's voice stop him. "Are you just going to walk away like this? You're just going to forget about our past?" Leigh Ann asked, finally finding the strength to bring up topics that had been left in the dark. Harold III turned to her. He had already caught a glimpse of his brother sitting in the living room, reading a magazine. He knew now that Brian's eyes would be on them. "I may have done some pretty awful things Harold III and I might have proved that I can be a certified bitch, but what me and you had changed a lot of that." Leigh Ann growled, fighting the frustration of having no man's trust. Harold III merely stared at her with folded arms. He did not wish to reveal their past together in front of his younger brother, but he saw no more shame left in it. Harold III took in a deep breath. He did not wish to argue with Leigh Ann in his parents house, but he was given no choice.

"What did we have Leigh Ann?" Harold III finally questioned her. "We almost had a child Harold III. You know that that event brought us a lot closer because we were scared, but at the same time, we would not have abandoned each other." Leigh Ann forced out her words. The sore topic left Harold III and Leigh Ann stricken with the painful memories. Harold III looked at her with guilt, self-defeat. He would not have left her if she was carrying his child, and at this moment, he could not leave her. "I was scared Leigh Ann. I made the mistake by now wearing the condom and I was truly scared of what consequences could follow." Harold III stated, apprehension throbbing in his voice. He lowered his head. His shame had returned. Leigh Ann sniffled, not showing signs of tears. "I was scared to. To think that I would be pergnant... out of wedlock. To think that I had been chasing your younger brother and ended falling for you. Do you think all of that was easy for me to take in?" Leigh Ann said, pacing toward Harold III. Harold III shook his head. He was aware that his younger brother still sat in the room as they spoke of him. "If you had been pregnant... I don't know what I... what we could have done Leigh Ann. I don't believe in abortions. But still, I would have betrayed my brother. I would have turned my back on my family. All of that just to make sure our child would have been happy." Harold III's voice cracked as he spoke. The sacrafice Harold III spoke of was serious in nature and meaning.

Harold III lifted his head to see Leigh Ann standing in front of him. She placed a hand on his shoulder with sincere concern. "That's true love, Harold III." Leigh Ann whispered, trying to be intimate with Harold III. "That was love Leigh." Harold III shook his head, rejecting Leigh Ann's attempt. He let her hand slid off of his shoulder. Leigh Ann cleared her throat. She did not take well to his rejection. "I don't want to relive that fear again Leigh Ann... and I pray that Kevin never has to either." Harold III added, walking away from Leigh Ann. She watched him exit the living room, a depression surrounding her.

Brian continued to sit in the living room. Leigh Ann had left and the house seemed quiet from his position "Well I sure do hope that your husband enjoys this apple pie I'm making him." Jackie hummed as she walked into the living room. She toweled off her hands while walking. She watched her youngest son staring down at the floor, lost in thought. "Brian?" Jackie said softly, trying to draw his attention. Brian sat back onto the couch and pulled his legs up. "Mom... what do you think of Leigh Ann? Not what you used to think, but now." Brian inquired, looking to his mother. Jackie was astonished by the question. She exhaled softly, taking a seat on the arm of the couch. "I think she's going to get a lot of Oscars." Jackie said plainly. She folded up the dishtowel while sitting. Brian sighed quietly. "I don't know mom. I don't think she's acting. She's changed from when we were together." Brian disagreed softly. He wrapped his arms around his legs to keep them close to his body. Jackie continued to pat the dishtowel as it laid in her lap. It was a reflex when she withheld herself from doing something. "I don't think she's changed Brian. We've been fooled so many times by Leigh Ann, it's hard to tell what she may be up to this time." Jackie remarked truthfully. She watched her son's edgy appearance. "I guess I want to believe she's changed for Harold III's sake." Brian whispered, leaning his head back. He sucked on his bottom lip. Jackie gave another sigh. "Or maybe you want her to change for your marriage's sake." Jackie commented while standing. She gripped the towel tightly and walked from the living room.

Brian turned his head to the side when noticing his mother had exited the room. He took her lament lightly. 'Maybe she's right.' he began to concur, letting his legs down. He eflt the couch move some. The warmth of another body informed Brian that he was no longer alone. He turned his head in the opposite direction to see Nick sitting directly next to him. Nick's giggling smile brought out a smirk from Brian. "Having a good birthday?" Nick qusetioned, leaning his body on Brian's. Brian gave him a small nod. "It's peaceful... like I like it." Brian stated. Nick threw an arm around Brian and sighed. "It's too quiet for me. We need to go to a club or something." Nick brooded, still keeping his smile. Brian shook his head with a small laugh. "It's three in the afternoon Frack. You should learn to enjoy your time off instead of always trying to run around." Brian advised Nick with his endearing country accent. Nick raised his brow. "Whatever you say Frick." Nick shrugged.

Brian returned to his jumbled thoughts. He was on a mission to clear his mind of his unaswered questions. He felt at twenty-five, he should be able to concentrate strictly on two things, his career and his family. "Nick, can I ask you something?" Brian requested softly. Nick leaned his head on Brian's shoulder. "Sure... I'll do my best to answer your qusetion in three seconds or less." Nick joked. He snuggled to Brian in a friendly way. Brian released a petite smile. "If me and Justin had never went to Applebee's together... way back when me and him first got to know each other, do you think me and you would be together now?" Brian asked with utter seriousness. Nick was thrown by the question. He leaned his body up some, adjusting himself for a more comfortable position. "Wow Brian, that's uhm, that's a real difficult question to answer." Nick responded, placing his hand on Brian's. Brian gave a small nod, considering the possibilities.

Nick cleared his throat. "With all honesty Brian, I wish that that would have happened. Then maybe my love life would be as bad as it is... and I could be as happy as Justin is all the time. Who knows? You could have been the one to change me." Nick shrugged off an answer. Brian held the words Nick said as a memoory. He did not choose to compare that memory to the other memories he shared with Justin, yet he knew Nick still held a vital place in his heart.

Brian slid his arm around Nick. "Do you ever wish that you and Justin hadn't spent that day together? I mean, do you ever think about how it would have been different?" Nick asked softly, staying on a sensitive subject. Brian began to suck on his lower lip again. "Yeah, I've thought about it before. I just see me as being a pretty much single guy right about now if I hadn't gotten to know Justin." Brian gave a simple answer to Nick's inquiry. Nick became curious once more. "You don't think me and you would have gotten together? Maybe married right now?" Nick pondered. Brian gave him a silly grin. "No, Nick, I don't. Me and you? I mean we probably would have hooked up for something... you probably would have been my first.

But staying together? No, I don't think it would have worked out." Brian replied genuinely. Nick sat up more, dragging away from Brian's body. He looked down at Brian, justly perplexed. "Why wouldn't we have worked out?" Nick petitioned. Brian scratched the edge of his nose. "Look at our track record Nick. We've been given the chance and it never did happen. I just think fate is telling us that no matter what, me and you will always be better as friends." Brian gave him a mature clarification. Nick did not take hurt to Brian's reply. He slowly began to sink back into the position he was in before.

Nick scratched his head. He did not like sitting in silence. "Have you ever had feelings for me Brian?" Nick asked inquisitively. Brian turned his head to the side. His smile had faded, but the dimples remained. "Yes, I have Nick." Brian whispered, staring into Nick's eyes. Nick's ice-blue eyes lit up with favor. "But that was back when me and Justin first started dating. As time progressed, the feelings sort of died out." Brian added trying not to lift Nick's spirits too high. Nick scuffed his fingers through his hair. It was a revalation, yet also a let down for Nick's heart. "Do you still have feelings for me?" Brian questioned his friend, reversing the roles. The importance of the question made Brian perk up to hear Nick's every word.

Nick rolled his head so that he did not look directly at Brian. He sighed lowly. "I'm going to be really straight up with you, Brian. I still have plenty of feelings for you. It's too damn hard for me to just get over it." Nick exhaled out carelessly. He rubbed the tip of hise nose, the sweat starting to flow from his palms. Brian held himself from speaking any words, seeing that Nick still needed to speak. "But as much as I don't feel something for you, it's hard for me to go after it. I don't plan on breaking up a family... that totally against my principals." Nick added, sitting up on the couch. Brian followed his actions, giving him his undivided attention. On the inside, out of pure pleasure, Brian smiled on Nick. "Plus..." Nick stopped himself short. He needed his time to think about his actions, his poor choices. He needed a minute to question his heart and its actions. "Plus you still love him.. don't you?" Brian wondered, aware of where Nick's mind was drifting too. Nick turned his eyes to Brian. He gave him a minute smile. "Yeah, I still love him." Nick nodded. Brian nodded with him, relaxing back onto the couch.

Brian glanced up to the ceiling again. "At least we've both found something that makes up happy." Nick commented, glancing to the entrance into the living room. He watched as two figures entered the room. "Yeah... it is a great feeling." Brian smiled while agreeing. "Eh Brian, you're son here is just too cute when he's being fed." Harold III commented as he and Kevin entered the room carrying Angel. Brian brought his head up, watching his older brother and cousin approach the couch with his son. A bright grin covered Brian's face. "Who fed him?" Brian asked, reaching his arms out to Angel. Harold III carefully passed his nephew to Brian. "Who else Bri? Lil' Ducky's Daddy!" Harold III proclaimed. Kevin shot them a smile. He could tell that Harold III was mocking Brian. Brian merely shook his head at his brother and began to toy with Angel. "Did your Daddy give you a bottle Timber?" Brian asked in a child-like voice. Angel gave his father a diminutive smile.

"Dada!" Angel's voice was heard in exclaimnation. Brian's eyes widened with utter surprise. Nick lurched from his spot, staring at Angel with curiosity. Kevin and Harold III took the same stance. They all looked on Angel with amazement. "Did he just speak?" Nick asked quickly, keeping his eyes on Angel. "Was that his first word?" Harold III followed in the questioning. Kevin remained silent, fascinated by his second cousin. "I.. uh, well... yeah... yes, it was his first word." Brian could only nod and stutter for them. "Dada..." Angel repeated himself in a shaky voice. Brian swallowed hard, staring deep at Angel. "He said it again!" Kevin cried out.

The others agreed inaudibly. Angel cooed at them, still locked in his own world. "That's my boy!" Brian cheered, wrapping his son in a soft embrace.

Justin stood on the back porch looking over the railing to the grass below. His mind was caught up in the apperciation of the sweet Kentucky air and the delightful weather. He brushed a hand over his blonde-brown curls, closing his eyes for a second. "You know ya just missed an important moment in your son's life." Harold, Brian's father, spoke up to Justin. Justin's eyes fluttered open and his head rotated to glance over his shoulder. "What did I miss?" Justin asked his father-in-law, not bothering to fully turn to look at him. Harold stepped onto the porch and walked for the railing. "Angel just said his first word." Harold stated, reaching the railing. He placed his hands on the wood railing, looking out to the area he knew too well. Justin furrowed his brow. He let his disappointment show. "He said his first word? What did he say?" Justin shot his questions out quickly. Harold giggled out a smile. He could remember his own moments of hearing Brian and Harold speak their first words. The rapture found in his son-in-law's face was enough for him to smile as he did long ago. "He said 'Dada'." Harold replied softly. Justin's face began to light with pride. His eyes twinkled with a mixture of misery and appreciation. "And I missed it." Justin sighed, turning back to look out into the yard.

Harold watched Justin's face slowly lose its luster of pleasure. He released his own disappointment in seeing Justin's expression. "There will be other firsts Justin... you'll get to see them." Harold assured Justin, gently rubbing Justin's right shoulder. Justin nodded, still not showing any other signs of bliss. "You're still young." Harold added. Justin raised his head and turned it to look at his father-in-law. "That's exactly the point. That's what has been bugging me so much lately." Justin finally said, liberating a piece of built up tension. Harold peered at Justin, unsure of his words. "What's been bothering you son?" Harold asked, seeking a route to Justin's dilemma. Justin took in a deep breath. "I'm still young. The pressure of being nineteen, married and having a son isn't an easy thing. I mean... I love your son so much. I don't think I could take a day without him. And my son, he's my world. Bastian has brought me so much joy, but still it's just the life I lead that makes me so stressed out." Justin gushed out, turning his head back. He looked down at the ground again as Giligan chased squirrels around the gated backyard. "It's being under the age of twenty and still having to be more mature in my older friends. It's having to hide so much from the world and sometimes, even my old friends or people I want to be friends with. Plus I can't even find enough time to raise my son with my husband, so we're forced to hire a nanny." Justin added to his lament. He felt Harold slip an arm around him, trying to comfort him. Harold's actions urged Justin to continue to release his feelings. "And then Brian's time can be so divided, that I feel like I don't get enough of him. I know Angel does... but I want more. I need more of him." Justin continued. Harold could hear the lose in Justin's voice. His son-in-law was suffering and there was no other outlet for him to express himself. There was no other person for him to turn to.

Harold pushed Justin's head onto his shoulder, easying Justin's rigidness.

"I know it's hard Justin. It's hard for me and my wife to sometimes watch the stressful schedule you guys have to keep and the distance that is often related to this. I mean we had a tough enough time dealing with Brian being a Backstreet Boy, but then when he was dating you, it was hard for ya'll to find time in itself. And then the pressure of hiding it. Brian would call crying sometimes because he didn't know who to turn to when things became overwhelming." Harold stated, offering a piece of understanding. Justin sighed cautiously. "We know it's hard for you two... and you especially because Brian has had the chance to experience life some before settling down. You... you were just eighteen when you got married. Now you're nineteen with your first child and you and your husband haven't even been married a year. That's a lot of work." Harold added, proving he understood Justin's awkwardness to everyone. Justin latched an arm around Harold's waist. He felt Harold was his third father.

"What can I do though?" Justin asked softly, hoping for a solution to his problem. Harold prodded for his own answer in his mind. "You can only remember where Justin Timberlake of 'N Sync stops and where Justin Littrell, Angel's father, begins." Harold suggested. Though it was a minor piece of advice, it was still great enough to appease Justin. "And you can't ever forget that despite my son's past with Nick and Leigh Ann... he can never go back. His whole soul is dedicated to you. I wouldn't want Leigh Ann as a daughter-in-law because she's deceitful. And though a lot of the times, I love Nick like a son, I wouldn't want him as my son-in-law. Nick has never been able to settle down long enough to understand what true love could be about. So his marriage to Brian would've only brought pain to my family." Harold reminded Justin, embracing him a little tigher.

Harold released Justin to admire Giligan as he pounced on the grass. Justin grabbed the railing again, losing his sullen expression. "Now be a happy man for my grandson... that way I can look forward to some more grandchildren in about five years." Harold chimed, nudging Justin. Justin let a small giggle peep through his lips. "We'll see Dad... we'll see..." Justin responded, taking in another breath of the sweet Kentucky air.

The evening was falling on Kentucky quickly. Nick Carter did not care for the time, but the sounds. He could faintly hear his friends roaming around the house, perparing for a large dinner, but he concentrated more on the sounds of a voice speaking on a voice mail. He tapped his fingers along the coffee table that sat in the living room. He was becoming aggravated with being unable to get a hold of his ex-boyfriend, J.C. Chasez. When he finally heard the beep, his mind thought quickly. "Hey Josh, it's me, Nick.

Uhm... I hope I have enough time to speak since I can't get a hold of you and talk to you that way." Nick started his speech, standing from the couch he sat on and pacing to another couch. "I want to start off by saying I'm sorry. Yeah, I know, me apologizing about erasing Lance's message off of your voice mail and here I am trying to make up for that on your voice mail.

I'm a smart blonde, aren't I? Ah, well, I try." Nick chimed, trying to be humorous about a serious situation. He drug his feet across the carpeted floor. "I know that, among other things, kind of ended what we had going. I also know it was more me and than you that turned this into a breakup instead of a 'break' as you called it." Nick added, finding his serious-side. He looked up, catching Harold III and Kevin passing the living room to reach the kitchen. "That's why I'm calling actually. I should probably make this quick, though I have a million words that I want to say. Uhm, but only three are necessary... well maybe four." Nick said, losing a peice of his seriousness as he drew to a close. He took smaller steps, finding his heart falling on his lips.

Nick brushed his fingers through his short-cut blonde hair. "Josh, I love you. I know you might have heard it in the past and it probably meant a little to you, but I want you to know that despite what we've been through, I still love you. It's been rough being single, but it's been even rougher not being with you. We had so much together." Nick flustered out, trying to control his emotions as they overtook his speaking. He took a deep breath. He could hear his friends calling for him. He ignored them to concentrate on what he desired to accomplish. "I don't want to plead with your machine or say we need to get back together. This time apart has only showed me that if I love someone, a breakup can't faze my feelings. And in this case, that's true." Nick said, pulling together. He grasped his final worsd in his head. "I think that's all I have to say... well at least to your voice mail. Maybe we'll talk when I get back in town, but if not, at least I said my peace. Catch ya later, J.C." Nick spoke his final words to J.C.'s voice mail.

Nick briskly pulled his cellular phone from his ear and clicked it off. He had no longer desired to expose himself to J.C. He lifted his head and retaced his thoughts. As he did so, he noticed Justin standing in the walkway of the living room. Justin face was surrounded by his humorous smile. Nick arched his eyebrow, confused. He slipped the phone onto the table and then folded his arms. "What are you so smiley about?" Nick questioned Justin. Justin winked at Nick. "I'm proud of you Nick. I think you're finally coming into your manhood." Justin responded with his cocky grin. Nick faltered a smile for Justin. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Stop listening to my phone calls." Nick blurted out, keeping his innocent smile. He walked past Justin, patting his shoulder. "Does this mean we're friends?" Nick asked softly, staring directly into Justin's crisp blues. He watched as the pair of blue eyes rolled. "Not even close." Justin teased him, leading him toward the dining room.

The table was set and the prayer had been said. The Littrells and their friends sat round the grand table feasting on the food that Jackie had prepared in celebration of her son's twenty-fifth birthday. Leigh Ann watched as plates of food were passed around to the members of the table. Her eyes watched, but her stomach did not agree. 'Ugh... where's the Caeser Salad and filet chicken?' Leigh Ann thought as she watched a plate of mashed potatoes, yams, greenbeans, and steak passed by her. She sighed softly, looking over to Harold III, who sat to her right. He glanced at her, seeing her plate was practically empty. "Ah, not your usual type of meal, huh Leigh?" Harold III asked her. He grabbed his fork and began to mix around his mashed potatoes. He looked back up to her, still curious. "No, it's not like the four star places you've taken me... though I'm pretty sure your mother's cooking is delicious." Leigh Ann commented softly, trying not to be heard amongst other conversations. Harold III doubted her words. "Well that won't be happening anymore Leigh, so enjoy what you can." Harold III murmured. He looked across the table to watch his brother-in-law feed his nephew a small piece of yam. Leigh Ann curled her lip. "And who says we won't go out anymore? I mean, at least as friends." Leigh Ann purred, keeping her voice low. Harold III swerved his head back to glare at Leigh Ann. "I don't think the girl I'm seeing now would like that Leigh Ann." Harold III hissed airily. Leigh Ann coughed roughly, shocked by Harold III's revalation. She flipped hair behind her back and continued with her stare. "Who?" Leigh Ann asked quickly after recovering from her surprise. Harold III sighed, grabbing his glass of water. "Her name is Lea... you saw her in Hawaii." Harold III replied, trying to avoid any other questions. Leigh Ann's face flushed. 'The nanny?' Leigh Ann pondered, trying to recollect Lea's involvement in Hawaii.

Justin dabbed some portions of yam from his son's face. "Uh oh, it looks like you have another fan mom." Harold III commented from his end of the table. Justin smiled and gave Angel some juice to drink. Jackie also smiled. "I don't mind." Jackie said, drenched in flattery. "I think Angel's going to need another bib." Justin said as his son began to reject his bottle. Jackie nodded, inching her chair closer to Angel's highchair. "Why don't ya go ahead and get it and I'll feed Lil' Ducky some more food." Jackie advised, grabbing the baby spoon that sat on the tray of Angel's highchair. Justin shrugged. He pushed his chair back and stood from the table. "And tell my brother to get in here before I finish the rest of his plate." Harold III commanded in a mocking tone. Justin rolled his eyes and then grinned. "Okay." Justin said almost inaudibly.

Justin entered the kitchen in search of the bib. As he entered the kitchen, his eyes caught a glimpse of Brian leaning on the counter and Nick standing in front of him. "Happy birthday Rok." Nick said before leaning in and placing a gentle kiss on Brian's cheek. Brian smiled softly and drew Nick into a hug. "Thanks Chaos." Brian chimed, embracing Nick tightly. Justin leaned on the doorway of the kitchen, watching Nick and Brian hug. His eyes watched their every move while his mind ran away with bitter thoughts. 'No... what did Harold say.' Justin commanded himself. He leaned off the doorway and walked into the kitchen.

Nick looked up and caught a glimpse of Justin as he began fishing through drawers. He pulled out of the hug, fearing Justin's response to the scene. He cleared his throat softly, backing slowly away from Brian. Brian glanced over his shoulder and saw his husband kneeling down behind the counter. "Oh... hey babe." Brian greeted Justin with an awkward expression. He was awaiting an attitude to develop from his husband. "Hey ya'll. Have either of you seen Angel's bibs?" Justin asked, standing up straight. Nick and Brian shot Justin clumsy looks. Nick was unprepared for Justin's calm reaction. Brian scratched his collar, trying to deduce Justin's easiness. "Uh, yeah, uhm... yeah Just, I know where they are." Brian replied with a stutter. Nick nibbled his lower lip, still in a daze. "Well then show me where they are silly." Justin giggled, crossing past the counter and then over to Brian. Nick backed away again with fear. To his surprise, again, Justin gleamed toward him. Brian smiled upon the lighthearted response. He grabbed Justin's hand, holding it loosely. He looked at the dancing smile in Justin's eyes. Justin winked at him, assuring him of his thoughts on the innocent hug. "Hurry back Brian and Justin." Nick gradually commented as he watched Brian and Justin walk out of the kitchen, hand-in-hand.

"Yeah, everyone move into the living room and we'll have a little coffee and some cake." Jackie announced as she carried a few dishes into the kitchen. She placed the dishes on the counter, trying to gather herself to continue the small celebration. "Uhm, I'll get those for you Aunt Jackie. You can go ahead and take the cake into the living room." Kevin stated, rushing over to assist Jackie with the dishes. Jackie turned her head to her nephew with a unique smile. "Well thank ya, Kevin." Jackie chimed, stepping aside to allow Kevin to help her. She began to wipe down the counter while her nephew washed off a few of the dishes. "Where should I put these?" Leigh Ann questioned as she carried two glasses into the kitchen. jackie looked up, shooting Leigh Ann a crooked stare. Kevin glanced over his aunt and waved to Leigh Ann. "Over here Leigh Ann." he replied, trying to bring Leigh Ann away from dangerous territory. Leigh Ann nodded, catchign a hint of Jackie's glare in the process. "Brian and Justin said they'd be just a minute because Brian had to put Angel down to sleep." Leigh Ann added to her previous words, hoping to grab a piece of Jackie's kind side. "Fine." Jackie managed to squeek out. She dropped her rag onto the counter and then walked around the counter. "Ya'll come in the living room when ya ready." Jackie said, grabbing the platter the cake was on and carrying it out of the kitchen.

Leigh Ann scrunched her nose up, disappointed in Jackie's response. She pulled her hair up into a firm bun while Kevin separated the dishes. "You'd think she'd be a little less mad that me and you are friends now." Leigh Ann huffed, adjusting a few strands of her hair. Kevin lowered his brow. He cleared his throat while praying down another dish. "Maybe she'd be happy to know that I'm going to work things out with Nikki." Kevin commented softly. He placed the wet dish into the bath of soap, attempting to scrub it cleaner.

Leigh Ann slid around to the side of the extended counter Kevin stood on. "You and what's her name are going to work things out?" Leigh Ann questioned him, saddened. Kevin nodded quickly. It was a sore subject, but one Kevin still wished to talk about. "What brought this on?" Leigh Ann pondered, relaxing her back on the counter. Kevin lowered his head. Leigh Ann watched each of his actions for signs of his thoughts. "Well we decided we could at least try to work things out after she turned down my proposal." Kevin answered her. Leigh Ann became erect again, shocked. "You proposed?!" Leigh Ann barked out, drawing little attention. Kevin sighed, trying to signal to her to lower her voice. Leigh Ann ignored any signals Kevin gave, locked in the surprise that Kevin presented. "Yes, but Nikki said she wasn't ready. Right now though, we just want to keep things low and try to work things out as best as we can." Kevin declared. He attempted to answer all of Leigh Ann's questions in one answer. Leigh Ann batted her eyes, fully disappointed. "Well, I guess.. I guess it's really you and her choice whether or not you keep things as they are or go another level. Just remember, the one you marry tomorrow may not be the one you love next week." Leigh Ann remarked, stepping away from Kevin. Kevin brought his eyes up to her. Her doubting words discouraged him. His own innocence had been spoiled, but he accepted it with choice and understanding.

Jackie passed a plate of cake around the living room as everyone sat awaiting Brian to open his presents. Brian sipped on his mug of coffee. He found no excuse to rush a moment he could cherish. Harold III stared at him with great discontent. He ground his fingers into a pillow, staring at his brother. "Try the cake." Jackie insisted to her husband, trying to calm the tension within the air. Nick tapped his fingers along the coffee table, humming to himself. 'He's such a slow punk.' Nick thought while humming. He glanced over to Brian who still sat patiently. "Ugh! Just open the persents!" Harold III finally growled out, trying to persuade his younger brother with his tone. Brian gradually lowered his cup, staring at his brother with little concern. "Ssshhh Harold III. Your nephew's trying to sleep." Jackie hissed, slapping her son's arm. Harold III flinched and then continued to stare at his brother. Brian smiled at him, coyly rolling his eyes. He enjoyed the power he possessed.

"Okay, well what do you guys have for me?" Brian finally asked, placing the mug on the table. Nick grinned mischievously, knowing Brian's intent for torturing Harold III. He sat back in his chair and waited for someone to speak up. "Boy oh boy, here little bro..." Harold III ultimately sighed out, tossing Brian a box. Brian caught the box as expected. He shook the box as a child would at Christmas. This only brought up more tension inside of Harold III. Brian cautiously opened the wrapping paper. He neatly tossed the paper to his side and then he popped open the green box that awaited him afterward. A grin began to develop on Harold III's face as his brother drew closer to the contents of the box. Brian's face slipped into an expression of confusion. He pulled out a satin white cowboy hat from the box. Brian arched his eyebrow and turned his head to his brother. "A cowboy hat?" he inquired loosely. Harold III nodded happily. Nick perked up curiously. "Why?" Brian continued to ask questions while taking a second to admire the hat's beauty. "For those days you're... ahem, buckin' those broncos." Harold III replied with his devious smirk. Brian lifted his head quickly, his face falling into an expression of embarrassment. Justin's face quickly flushed red and he lowered his head. "Ooh, I like that idea!" Nick boasted. He began to laugh at the shyness Brian and Justin exhibited. Leigh Ann rolled her eyes and then shook her head. She was not impressed by Harold III's humor. Kevin sat back in his seat trying to control his own smile. "Harold III, that was really inappropriate." Harold brooded with his son. Harold III shrugged, pleased in his own right. "It was a... kind gesture bro'. Thanks." Brian responded, carefully placing the hat back into the box. Harold III nodded, still giggling softly.

Nick hopped up from his seat and skipped over to where Brian sat. "Okay, okay, my turn." Nick insisted, handing Brian an envelope and a plaque. Brian looked up to Nick curiously. "The plaque is from all of the guys." Nick stated, signaling Brian to look at it. Brian lifted the plaque up and stared at it. Behind the glass was a sheet of paper with the lyrics to 'Just' written on it and a gold and platinum CD to support each corner of the paper. "It's the original lyrics you wrote for the song. We decided to give you something to hang up in your office." Kevin remarked. Brian nodded with a pleasent smile. "Thanks ya'll. It'll be great to hang up." Brian gleamed. Kevin shot him a brief smile. Justin glanced over Brian's shoulder to admire the plaque. The lyrics brought back memories of when he saw Brian write the lyrics for the first time. It was a sentimental moment for him.

"Yeah yeah yeah... come on, next..." Nick said, striving to rush Brian's idealistic moment. Brian sighed and placed the plaque on the floor next to his hat. "Now this is from me Rok." Nick beamed. Brian gave Nick a brisk look and then turned his eyes down to the envelope. His hands moved quickly to peel open the envelope. "Lord, don't let it be something perverted." Brian prayed, drawing up some laughter. Nick shook his head. Brian pulled out two tickets from the plain, white envelope. He read the tickets while Nick spoke. "It's tickets for the next 'ball game in O-Town. Floor seats and they'll have V.I.P. passes for us too. We can chill with the players, plus they want us to go to the after party." Nick said proudly. Brian smiled at Nick. He was impressed with his friend. "Thanks Frack." Brian managed to say while slipping the tickets back into the envelope. "No prob' Rok. Let's just hope you're husband lets you out long enough to go." Nick teased, finding his way back to his seat. Justin ignored Nick's comment with intention. Brian placed the envelope with the rest of his gifts.

Jackie stood from her seat and stepped over to the coffee table. "I suppose it's our turn." Harold said, placing his mug of coffee onto the table. Jackie perked up, glaring at her son. "We couldn't think of anything practical." Jackie remarked in humor. "The only thing practical about Brian is his jokes." Kevin critiqued. Brian raised his brow with interest as his father approached him. "We figured why not give you something that every man likes." Harold added, taking a seat on the arm of the couch. Brain sat back, smiling at his father. "Uhm Dad, Brian doesn't like strippers though..." Harold III slyly said. Again he felt the swift slap of his mother's hand on him. He winced up and silenced any other smart remarks. Harold disregarded his other son's words. He dug into his pocket and pulled out a key on a keyring. Brian's eyes lit up. "No way!" Harold III complained loudly. He stood from his position, fired by envy. Justin watched the key dangle in front of Brian's face. "Yep. Sitting in the driveway of your house is a bluish-purple, BMW M Roadster." Harold chimed, passing the key to Brian. Brian briskly grasped the key, his smile growing larger. "Ooh... sports car!" Nick hooted. Leigh Ann was thoroughly impressed by the gift. She sat up with fascination of her own lavish lust. "She's so pretty." Jackie insisted, lifting her cup. Harold nodded, patting his son on the shoulder.

Brian was at a total loss for words. The gesture was beyong his expectation. "Uh... thank you... thanks a lot mom and dad. This is great," Brian gradually said. Brian's parents gleamed with pride. They could feel a sense of satisfaction knowing they had given their son something of great use. Harold III returned to his seat with a sour expression. He was jealous of his brother's grand fortune.

Justin sat up in his seat and grabbed the box that sat next to him. He scooted closer to Brian as the others discussed the new car. "Well, uhm, I guess I'm last." Justin said softly. Brian perked up when hearing Justin speak. He turned his full attention to Justin. He stared into Justin's eyse with a glowing smile. "I didn't get you anything as extravagant or as interesting as everyone else... but I tried to make it nice." Justin remarked as he passed Brian the box. The lack of confidence in Justin's voice troubled Brian. Justin began to feel awkward when he heard everyone else become quiet to admire Justin's present for Brian. Brian carefully pulled open the small box, searching for the contents inside. He pushed aside the tissue paper that blocked the true gift. "What is it? What is it?" Nick asked excitedly. Brian was distant from the others as he concentrated on the gifts inside. A small, gentle smile touched his soft pink lips when he saw what was inside the box. He slowly lifted two objects, both picture frames.

A coo came from Jackie as she saw the first picture. It was a porcelain frame with graceful inscribed angels running the sides. Inside of the frame was a picture of Angel. It was professionally done, with Angel sitting and his baby blanket nearby. Angel's aspiring blue eyes were glistening in the light and his white and blue outfit ran perfectly with the baby blue background. Brian ran a finger over the glass of the frame. The pride of a father overtook him as he looked at the picture. "Oh, he's so precious." Harold declared. Brian smiled and then nodded. "That's my boy." Brian whispered.

Brian turned his attention to the second picture. It was a silver frame with tiny baby footprints running across the frame. Inside of the frame was a picture of Brian, Justin, and Angel during Christmas. It was the day after Angel first got to know his fathers. At the bottom of the frame were the words 'Daddy Loves Dad'. Even Leigh Ann couldn't deny the beauty of the picture. She sighed out a content sigh while looking at the picture. 'Aaaww, damn.' Nick thought to himself, knowing his gift was worthless compared to the priceless pictures Justin had given his husband.

"It's just something simple." Justin said carelessly. Brian placed the framed pictures back into the box, still not commenting on the gift. He placed the box on the floor and turned to Justin. Justin peered at him, searching for an emotion. He expected disappointment in a sincere way. Brian placed his hand on Justin's chin and lifted it. He held Justin's face still and slid closer to him. He leaned in and cautiously placed his lips on top of Justin's. The others watched as Brian kissed Justin in a gentle way. He lifted his lips and then pressed them down again on Justin's. He placed his hand behind Justin's head for emphasis. His fingers toyed with Justin's curls while kissing him. "Too cute." Jackie chimed, hugging onto her husband. Kevin leaned against his chair, eyeing the way Brian kissed Justin slowly. "That's my brother!" Harold III giggled. They all continued to watch as Brian proceeded to show Justin how 'simple' his gift was to Brian.


*** Well there ya go! I hope you like it and write me and tell me how much you like it too. I wanted to keep things simple, but yet revealing this time around. I hope I touched on some storylines that have been left in the dark. As for next time, give me until late April to deliver the final edition of the series. I'm going to try and make it just right for everyone. I want all answers delivered and all aspects covered. So bare with me. Also the vote is still opened for which questions you'd like asked in the final story. Look in the old chapters to see which questions they were if you haven't voted. I did a new soundtrack for the 'Jack of All Trades' movie. This soundtrack is not the actual soundtrack for that movie, just my own rendition. It includes 'N Sync, Britney Spears, Mandy Moore, Innosense, Take 5, and others. If you want it, just e-mail me about it. PLEASE tell me what you think of this set of stories. I'm trying to see what I would like to touch on more and what I need to worry about less for the finale. So please help and have a good and happy week, month, or whatever. ***

** Something special for you!!! If you send me your favorite memory (in detail) from the series, you might get a little special something later on. That's a MIGHT! So send in your favorite memory from both series (include details and WHY it's your favorite memory) and you'll see what happens. Also, after the series has ended, I'll be doing a SHORT-SHORT-SHORT series of 'What If's?' for the series. You'll have to see them when I'm done, but I've got some good ideas set. So look for three storise after the series has ended. And then I'll REALLY be gone from Nifty ya'll. Until next the time, keep it rockin'! **

Next: Chapter 56: Just Beginning Finale

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