Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Nov 18, 1998


Brian L. & Justin T. (Part VIII) by JM

*** General Announcement: Okay this story and the following stories are going to be a slow down pace for me. I am going to slow down the quickie's and add the romance to the stories. But don't get me wrong, there will still be plenty of sex and fun for the boys. Yes, these stories will mostly revolve around the relationship between Brian Littrell (of B.S.B.) and Justin Timberlake (of 'N Sync), but is going to be guest appearances from all of the guys of the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync. I can't always guarantee (most likely I can't even guarantee at all. The stint between J.C. and Lance; Kevin and Lance; Nick and J.C. may not re-kindle unless you guys want it to.) action for them though because I am so hooked on Brian and Justin. We'll see what happens. The stories will also follow the same path that the others have left off with. So that means, this story pretty much follows where I left off with 'B-Rok B-Day' and the others. I do hope you enjoy the series of stories to come and do wish to hear all of your comments may they be good or bad... so send them to: or lionclaw@bellsouthnet ***

**** This is the eighth (Wow!!! We sure are getting far!!!) and so on part to the storyline. It follows along with the rest if you're still not caught up. It picks up where chapter 7 left off and will continue from there on. Hope you enjoy this part and please send all comments to me. I have recieved an abundance already, so that makes me want to keep on writing better stories. I THANK all of you who have sent your great comments to me. Also, for those who still want the lyrics to "Just", email me. It's an original song that I made up for Brian and Justin. It has a purpose, so please don't destroy it or distribut it without permission. Special thanks to Leprechaun for inspiring me to write such great stories. He's got talent and you guys should check out his series "Bad Boy B-Rok". ****

The limo road softly on the highway. Justin stared out the window, he was in a daze. The past events were having a serious effect on his stress life. He didn't know how he was ever going to get past any of it. He traced the letters 'B.L.' in the window and turned to look at everyone. "So, we're going to be in a Backstreet Boys video huh?" Chris said. "That's if we want to." Joey said as he sipped on his Coke. "Yeah. If we want to." Lance said. He sat reading over some of the ideas the director had come up with for the video. "What's up Lance? Don't like what you read?" Justin said. "It's okay. Could use some work." Lance replied. "That's Lance for you.

Always making sure things are perfect." J.C. said with a smile. J.C. reached into the mini-bar and pulled out a Sprite. He twisted the top off of it and started guzzling the drink. "Can we please hear some music back here!" Joey yelled. The driver quickly flipped on the radio and in came 'Just' by the Backstreet Boys. "What a coincidence." Chris said with a smile. He started to lkip-sing the words and Justin began to laugh at him. "Oh please turn the station." Joey said as he pulled down his Superman hat. Justin glanced at him, but paid him no attention. "I got to get some air." Chris said.

He flipped the sun-roof button and the sun-roof came sliding open. Chris stood up and stuck his head out the roof. He started singing to everyone on the highway, causing the guys to crack up.

"Man, how much longer?" J.C. said as he slouched in his seat. "Just a bit longer." Lance said as he looked at his watch. "I'm so tired." Justin said as he stretched out across his seat. "Wonder why?" Joey said sarcastically. "Oh not again folks!" J.C. said. He took another sip of his Sprite and laid his head back. "No problem J.C. There's no problem at all." Justin said. He closed his eyes and laid on the seat. "Good. I have something to show you guys." Lance said. He sat up in his seat and displayed a paper with the design for the new video on it. "Okay. This is where we're going to stand with the guys. And this big thing here is where Brian's supposed to stand. Things will alternate and stuff like that. We should accomplish plenty tomoorrow, but not much today with wardrobe and all." Lance said all in one quick breath. "The guys looked at him with conffusion and he just smiled. "Whatever man. Just get it over with" J.C. said. "You don't HAVE to be in the video J.C." Chris said as he came back down from the sun-roof. "I want to be in it. I just wish WE we're actually doing a video. We need to be working on the new album today." J.C. said. He kindly smiled at Justin and then looked away. "Sorry guys. If you want to turn around and go to the studio, we'll go." Justin said. "NO!" Lance said. He slapped J.C.'s thigh and then turned to Justin. "We're going Justin. I know this means a lot to you." Lance said. Justin smiled at Lance and then closed his eyes again.

When Justin woke up, they had arrived at the warehouse where they were shooting the video. Justin quickly blinked his eyes and then rubbed them. "Where are we?" Justin said softly as he raised his head. "At the warehouse you ninny." Brian said from inside the limo. Justin gazed around groggly and noticed Brian sitting next to him. Justin jumped up and hugged Brian. He was surprised and thrilled to see Brian in his limo. "You sure do sleepy like a baby." Brian said as he hugged Justin back. "I tried to wake you about five times." Brian replied as he let go of Justin. "Well when you get no sleep the night before and are woken up at five in the morning, you'd be tired too." Justin said. "Uh, wasn't I there?" Brian said sarcastically. Justin punched him in the shoulder and Brian jumped on him. "We had better get to wardobe buddy. You've got things to try on. Oh and we have to go to hair and make up too. So let's get moving." Brian said. Justin smiled from under him and pushed him back. "Anything you say Mr. Littrell." Justin said with his quick witt. "Ha ha ha, very funny Justin." Brian said as he opened the limo door. He stepped out and held the door open for Justin.

Both looked around at the big studio lot before getting yelled at by Kevin. "Brian have you been to wardobe yet!" Kevin screamed as he approached the two. "Uh uh uh, no..." Brian responded before getting cut off. "And Justin, hair and make-up, now! Let's move it you too." Kevin screamed. "Yes sir." Brian said. He saluted Kevin and snatched Justin. They stumbled towards the wardrobe trailer. "Hey guys. Go 'head in." A.J. said. He stood in a black suit with a shiny, silver shirt on under it. He was still wearing his Lugz boots and his hair was no red at the top and black at the roots. "Nice 'do A.J." Justin said as he pointed to A.J.'s hair. "Thanks.

You two need to hurry." A.J. replied. He started walking off.

Brian grabbed Justin's hand and led him into the trailer. He closed the door behind them and looked around. Everywhere were clothes, shoes, gloves, hats and accessories. "What to wear?" Brian said as he fumbled through some clothes hung up on a rack. Justin sat on the mirror-table and just watched Brian as he picked out clothes. "So, see anything you like?" Brian asked as he shuffled through a pile of clothes. "Yes I do." Justin said with a huge grin. Brian turned around and looked at Justin. He could tell Justin was staring at him. "Well not now babe. We have to shoot this video." Brian said with a smile. Brian grabbed a long white coat and a white T-Shirt. Justin jumped off the table and fumbled through the clothes. He pulled out a light-blue, button down shirt with matching khaki pants. He then grabbed a pair of blue Kie's and a pair of light-slue shades. "We sure are matching" Brian said as he began to take off his shirt. "Uhm yeah." Justin said as he licked his lips. He watched Brian's strong muscualr chest as Brian grabbed his shirt. Brian then unzipped his jeans and took them off. Brian stood in nothing but his boxers. Brian gazed over at Justin and realized what he was thinking. "Uh uh. Not now I said." Brian said seriously. "But..." Justin was cut off when Brian threw a shirt at him. "No." Brian said with a smile. Justin pealed the shirt off and threw it to the ground.

Justin pulled off his shirt and threw it to the side. He then pulled off his pants and dropped them on the floor. He turned around to grab his khaki pants when something flashed before his eyes. There dangling in front of him was a condom wrapper. Justin knew those hands anywhere, they were Brian's. "Maybe we could do this now. Found this in my jeans pocket." Brian whispered from behind Justin. Justin smiled and felt Brian began to pull his boxers down. Justin dropped the pants and bent over slightly. He felt Brian rubbing his warm hands over his ass. Brian ripped open the condom and slicked it upon his dick. Brian rubbed his dick on the opening to Justin's ass and then pushed forward. Justin hissed a bit and adjusted to Brian's size. Brian slid far into Justin and then stopped. "Should I go on?" Brian whispered to Justin. He began to kiss Justin's back and awaited the answer. "Of course you should." Justin whispered. Brian began to slide slowly in and out of Justin. Jusitn held in his moans so no one would know what they were doing. The trailer began to rock a bit as Brian increased his strokes. "Oh this feels good." Brian grunted. He slid his hands slowly over Justin's penis. Justin gronaed softly and enjoyed the fuck. Brian began to buck even fast inside of Justin. He sucked hard on Justin's neck and rubbed Justin's penis with both hands. "Yes, harder, yes, harder." was all that Justin could moan. Brian felt himself get close and then felt Justin cumming on his hands. Jusitn held back his moan and just let his penis ejaculate. Brian then let his load go inside of the condom.

Brian bit his lip to keep from moaning, sweat pouring from his head. They both relaxed and took a step back. Justin stood straight and let Brian rub his chest up and down.

Brian withdrew his cock and unwrapped the condom. "That was hot baby." Brian whispered. "Oh hell yeah." Justin said. Brian threw the condom in the trash and grabbed his clothes. "Let's get dressed and make this video good. We have some serious work to do." Brian said with a smile. Justin smiled and pulled his boxers back up. Brian slipped his boxers on and grabbed his pants. He quickly pulled them up and put on his white tank top. "Hey, long do you think we'll be in hair and make up?" Justin said as he put on his khakis. "Don't know. Maybe twenty minutes at the most. Why?" Brian replied. "Well there was something I wanted done." Justin said as he put on his shirt.

Brian walked over to Justin and helped him button up his shirt. He left the top three buttons opened and then stepped back. "You look so fine." Brian said shyly. "You do too." Justin said as he rubbed Brian's face. Brian grabbed Justin's hand upon his face.

"What is it that you have to do?" Brian questioned. "Well, I wanted to dye my hair. I want it lighter." Justin said. "Oh, okay. As long as you don't do like A.J. and all of the sudden go blue!" Brian said. He began to laugh and so did Justin. They grabbed their shoes and slipped them on. "Well let's go babe." BRian said as he opened the trailer door.

Brian stepped outside and saw Howie and Nick waiting outside. "What's up guys?" Brian asked as he stepped out onto the concrete. "They need you to hurry so they can get close up's. So if you'd get going to make-up, they won't bitch at us." Nick said. "Yeah Brian. You need to spend more time on the video and not Justin." Howie said as he walked into the trailer. "What the fuck does Justin have to do with any of this?" Brian questioned in anger. "Everything." Nick said as he threw his hands up to imphasize the point. "Whatever Nick." Brain said. He stomped away towards make-up. Nick tepped into the trailer and saw Justin sitting in the corner, adjusting his bracelet. Justin gazed up towards Nick and then looked back down. Nick grabbed the clothes labeled 'Nick' and began to get dressed. Howie sat next to Justin and decided it was time to make peace. "I'm sorry if I seemed a bit harsh towards Brian. you guys just get so wrapped up that sometimes things don't get done." Howie said. He was trying his best to be sincere. "I know. We're sorry that happens. I'm sure Brian's sorry too. But you guys do need to lighten up on him. He's doing his best to deal with a relationship and everyone not liking it." Justin said. "So where is everybody?" justin questioned. "Well J.C., Lance, Kevin, A.J. and Joey are on set right now. They're looking around and waiting to get their close-up's" Howie responded. "What else would they be doing." Nick said retorically. Justin just sighed and replied "Oh," Justin rested his head aganist the wall and stared at his bracelet. "Nice bracelet. Brian sure does have taste." Howie said. He too admired his glow. "Yeah, he does. Well I had better head to hair and make-up before Chris finds me and goes crazy." Justin said.

He stood and walked out of the trailer. He and Nick didn't even look at each other.

Brian sat quietly and peacefully in the make-up seat while the cosmotologist did his face. His eyes gazed around, but his mind was daydreaming. "So this is where I'm supposed to be." Justin said. he lwaked into the room with J.C. and Kevin trailing behind him. Brian popped up from his stea and looked at Justin. Justin walked over to the beautician and told her how he wanted his hair. "You guys might want to hurry. The director wants all of us on set soon." Kevin said as he sat in a chair. Lance sat down next to him. "You should see the set. It's tight!" Lance said with entusiasm. J.C. walked next over to Justin and whispered in his ear. Justin looked at J.C. with a confussed face. J.C. nodded and then walked away. Brian looked at Justin and then Justin winked at Brian. Brian smiled and just sat back down. The boys sat in the make-up room for half an hour gettin prepared. "Alright gang. Let's head for the set." Kevin said. he stood from his chair and started to walk out of the room. He was followed by Lance and J.C. "I'll be right there." Brian said. He awaited Justin to walk out with his new hair style. Justin emerged from the bathroom, sporting his regular vurly-top with a lighter shade of blonde in light. Brian smiled and waited for the make-up ladies to walk out of the room. He kissed Justin tenderly and then admired his hair. "Do you like it?" Justin asked. "Of course I do. Don't I always." Brian replied. They kissed again and then walked out of the room.

Brian and Justin walked next to each other all the way through the halls. They got a few stares, but nothing serious. Brian and Justin stopped at two, big green doors. "Shall we go in?" Brian said as he grabbed the knob. "Let's do it." Justin said. Brian yanked the heavy door open and looked around. The set was dazzling. A mid-high platform stood in the middle of the set. Surrounding the platform was a stage with 9 microphones going around in a circle. Each mic was light on the inside with bright, fluorescent lights in them. Clear balloons and glitter was falling from the ceiling. Spotlights scattered everywhere across the room. The set was surrounded in black atmosphere, that made it almost look like they were in space. 'Just' played loudly in the background of the set. "This is hot!!!" Brian said as he looked around. Justin gazed around and agreed. "BRIAN!!!" A.J. yelled from the side of the stage. "WHAT!!!" Brian called back. "COME OVER HERE!!!" A.J. screamed. Brian giggled at A.J. and then walked over towards him. Justin followed him. "What's up A.J.?" Brian said. "We're going to get started soon. You're going to stand on the platform with us around you on the stage. It's going to to look hot!" A.J. said with excitement. "Okay. Sounds cool to me." Brian said. Justin smiled at A.J. and Kevin as they talked to Brian. Justin felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around. There stood J.C. and Chris. "Is this not crunk or what?" Chris yelled. "Yeah. It looks great!" Justin said. "Okay people, take your positions. The order of the guys is Howie, A.J., Chris, Lance, J.C., Nick, Justin, Kevin and then Joey. Let's move it." the director said while speaking into the mega-phone.

All the guys ran to their spots and prepared to begin shooting. Justin felt pretty akward standing next to Nick, but he had to keep his full attention to the camera. This was going to be a task that he and Brian were both going to have to complete.

Brian L. & Justin T. (Part IX) by JM

The music began to blast through the speakers and the guys began to routinely bob back and forth. Brian began to lip-sing his parts. The director pointed to each guy and made sure they were on point with their moves. Brian smiled thoughout his singing, thinking about why he wrote the song. Justin smiled too as he heard the words.

"CUT!!!" the director yelled through the mega-phone. The guys stopped their actions and relaxed. "Okay. I need just the Backstreet Boys up here now." the director said. Joey and Chris hopped off the stage, followed by Lance. J.C. looked over to where Justin was and headed his way. "Hey Justin! Come here!" J.C. called. Justin walked over towards J.C. and they both stepped off the stage. "Huh?" Justin said as he walked towards the food table. "Did you think about what I asked you before?" J.C. questioned as he grabbed a cup of water. "Yeah. I thought about it." Justin said.

Justin reached over J.C. and grabbed a donut. "And..." J.C. said. He anticipated his response. "I guess I won't mind." Justin said. They both sat down in the chairs next to the table. "Mind what?" Brian said as he walked next to them. "Oh shit. I didn't even see you there Bri." Justin said. "Don't worry about that. What won't you mind?" BRian questioned curiously. "Well, after the show tonight, we thought we'd go to a club. Since Justin is only seventeen, I asked if he'd mind staying at home." J.C. said.

"Well there's no problem, I'll stay with him." Brian said. "No. That's okay. I'm not a baby ya'll. I can handle myself." Justin said. "You see. So now you can go." J.C. said with a smile. "Are you sure?" Brian gazed at Justin. "Yes I'm sure babe. Now, shall we get back to the shoot?" Justin said. He leaned over and kissed Brian on the cheek. "I'll be waiting for you when you get home." Jusitn whispered into Brian's ear.

Brian grinned and grabbed Justin's ass. "Can't wait." Brian said.

The rest of the shoot went well for the guys and ended shortly before four o'clock. All the guys grabbed their things and got into the limos. They headed for the stadium once again so they could practice for the show. They all got out of the limos and walked onto the stage. "Grab a mic guys and let's see you practice." the band manager said from the side stage. "Who's first?" Brian asked as he grabbed a mic. "'N Sync's first since they'll be on stage first." the manager said. Justin smiled and gently shoved Brian out of the way. Justin grabbed his white fishing hat and put it on.

The music for 'I Just Wanna Be With You' came on and the guys started their routine. brian and A.J. clapped from their sseats and cheered the guys on. Justin and the others went through a long practice, giving the Backstreet Boys only two hours to practice their whole show. "Thanks for giving us some showtime." Brian said as he grabbed Justin's hand. "Anytime love." Justin said with an English accent. Brian laughed at him and began rehearsal with the guys.

The show was a smash. The seats were filled to capacity and the crowd going wild. Everything went as planned. The crowd loved it when Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync performed 'Everybody' and 'God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You'. Brian did his first live performance of 'Just' with Justin on-stage signing along. It was the greatest experience of Justin and Brian's lives. The guys all rushed abckstage after the concert and met in the lobby area. "Okay, here;s the deal. Everyone go get cleaned up and come back here. You have 45 minutes to do that. Then we're out of here!" J.C. said. He ran off to his dressing room. Kevin, Lance, A.J. and Howie stopped at the buffett table and grabbed something to eat. Chris and Nick went to their dressing rooms, while Joey, Brian and Justin stood int he lobby. "Let's go Justin. I have to spend some time with you before I go." Brian said. Justin smiled. "We're leaving in the morning on the bus, so I know I won't have all the time in the world then either." Brian said as he grabbed Justin's hand. Brian and Justin leaned forward and began to frech kiss. Their tongues and mouths went everywhere. They were so hot for each other, they forgot Joey was still standing there. Justin's lips met Brian's and then Justin went to his cheeks, his ears and his chin. Brian opened his eyes slightly and noticed Joey. "Oh shit. Sorry Joey." Brian said. Joey stood looking at them. It had a face of anger that was not going away. "Yeah, sorry Joey." Justin said as he whipted his mouth. Both Brian and Justin ran for Brian's dressing room.

Justin busted Brian's door down and looked around. Clothes were thrown everywhere and Justin noticed a cot in the corner of the room. "Is this your dressing room?" Jusitn said. His face was filled with shock. "Oh don't worry about it. We can do this anywhere." Brian said as he closed the door. "I don't know about anywhere. I mean, you're special to me. I like all of our fucks to mean something." Justin said. He was serious. "You know what. If you give me ten minutes, I'll have something for you Justin. I promise. Just ten minutes." Brian said. Brian left the room and Justin sat on the cot. He waited for ten minutes, looking at the clock every five seconds. Brian finally came back in the dressing room and grabbed Justin's ahnd. "Where are we going?" Justin questioned. Brian just dragged Justin down the hall to Kevin's dressing room. "Kevin's room? When I said special, I emant me and you Bri." Justin said. He was feeling really confussed. "Oh stop. I'd never invite Kevin or the others in on this. Kevin owes me a favor and this is him returning it." Brian responded. Brian stopped in front of the door and picked Justin up.

Brian opened the door and carried Justin over the threshold. Inside, the room was decorated in rose pedals and candles. "Oh my God..." Justin gasped as he looked in. Brian let Justin down and held his hand. "A.J., Kevin and J.C. helped out on this one. They understood how you felt. So here we go." Brian said. Justin kissed Brian hard on the lips and slipped his tongue in BRian's mouth. Brian pushed Justin and himself towards the queen sized bed that was in the room. Brian softly laid Justin down and then got on top of him. "Thank you." Justin whispered. Tears ran from his eyes. Brian leaned over and licked each tear off of Justin's cheeks. "Now I'm going to show you how much I love you." Brian said. "Brian..." Justin said softly. Brian put his finger to Justin's lips. "Shhhhh, this is the right thing to do, Justin. it's what we want to do." Brian gently laid Justin on his bed. Their lips touched again, both fueled by the passion within their hearts and their bodies. Justin felt that wonderful feeling a inside of him. His penis started to grow in his pants, excited over this glorious experience. Brian started to unbutton Justin's shirt. Justin just couldn't believe this was happening right now. He felt very excited by the heat between the two. As Brian started to unbutton Justin's shirt, Justin felt himself go hard, and felt Brian's hardness pressed hard against his leg. "Brian, I want this so bad. Are you sure this is how you want to do it?" Justin said, with his teary eyes. Brian soothed him. "Yes I do, Justin. I love you very much. I don't want to hurt you or make you uncomfortable." Brian bent over and kissed Justin again, and finished opening Justin's shirt, sliding it off his arms.

Justin was in rapture with Brian. He was feeling feelings that he never dreamt were possible. Brian's lips left his, and slowly traveled down his body. Brian's hot lips pressed against the vein on Justin's baby-soft neck. "Oh, Brian, please," moaned Justin, "it feels so good." Brian continued his explorations, and his tongue touched the soft flesh of Justin's nipple. Brian started to tease it with his lucious tongue. His answer was a gasp of joy and surprise from Justin. It seemed Brian was learning first-hand that he could pelase a man sexually perfectly. Brian bit Justin's nipple lightly. He looked up at Justin. He loved watching Justin's expression of passion in his eyes. Brian continued to lick Justin in pleasure. Brian came to the waistband of Justin's jeans, and slowly undid the clasp of the belt. He slowly started to pull the jeans away, attempting to free the prize he wanted so desperately now. Justin's erection sprang from it's prison, surrounded by the cute little tendrils of light brown hair at it's base. Brian prevented himself from enhaling Justin's meat into his mouth, and finished removing Justin's pants. He wanted Jusitn to enjoy the sex like he wanted. Brian kneeled between Justin's legs and removed his shirt, then started to unbuckle his pants. "Brian, wait," said Justin, who sat up on the bed. His hands reached to finish unbuckling Brian's belt, and started to pull Brian's pants off. Brian's hard cock shot out of his pants, hitting Justin in the head.

"Brian, I've..." Justin started in awed wonder, "I've never seen anything so beautiful before. Everytime we make love, you send shivers up and down my spine." Brian slid off his pants, with the help of Justin. Justin hesitantly ran his fingers around the head of Brian's hardness. He started to tease it with his fingers. "Oh Justin, please," moaned Brian as Justin formed a loose sheath of his fingers around Brian's dick. Brian started to move his hips, hoping to get more pleasure from the soothing fingers. Suddenly, his hardness was plunged into the pure depths of pleasure within the wet cavern of Justin's mouth. "Oh God, Justin, oh God," moaned Brian in his heated passion. Justin started to play with Brian's balls with his fingers, tickling the skin of his ass lightly, enjoying the taste of Brian's penis. Brian reached down and grasped Justin's rock, and started to stroke it in rhythym with Justin's mouth on his hardness. They were both in the deepest world of ecstacy. Brian's cock slipped from Justin's mouth. Justin opened his eyes to see Brian between his legs, gently licking his dick head. Justin's smile grew. Brian looked into those deep eyes, and suddenly plunged Justin inside his mouth. As Brian bobbed his head up and down, enjoying the salty taste of his love, his fingers moved to Justin's ass, and suddenly plunged a finger in. Justin cried out in pain. Brian took his mouth of Justin's hardness. "Don't worry, Justin, I won't hurt you babe. Trust me." Justin looked down at the gentle Brian, the only person who has always been like his friend, looked into his eyes for comfort. "I believe you, Brian..." He laid down on the bed.

Brian took Justin's cock in his mouth, and started to push his finger slowly up Justin's puckered hole. Brian glanced his eyes up to Justin, and saw his look of pure pleasure on his face. Justin moaned in pleasure and in pain, but begged Brian to continue. After Brian felt confident enough, he inserted another finger, then a third. Justin never experience such pleasure before, never with any other man. But once again, Brian ahs been the only man that he has slept with and made-love to. This forbidden pleasure was one he could never forget.

Brian removed his mouth and fingers from Justin's young, soft body. Justin looked up in confusion, to see Brian lifting up his legs. "Brian, what are you doing?" Justin's voice was riddled with confussion. Brian bent forward and kissed Justin passionately. "Don't worry, my love, what I'm going to do will hurt a bit, then you will feel wonderful pleasure as always." Brian looked into Justin's fearful eyes with his calm blue's that were called his eyes. "Do you trust me?" Justin shed a tear.

"Yes." he replied. Brian guided his hardness near Justin's hole, and started to push in. Justin screamed in slight pain, but was soon muffled by Brian's lips. Brian slowly kept pushing till his balls touched Justin's ass cheeks. They looked into each other's eyes with love. Brian grasped Justin's cock, and started to stroke it as he moved his own in and out of Justin. Justin's pain was soon replaced with extreme pleasure. Brian started to go in and out of Justin in excitement, both moaning and groaning, kissing passionately thru this pleasure and love they were experiencing. Brian reached his peak, and released his semen deep into Justin. This triggered Justin's own orgasm, and his bodily juices spilled between their two bodies. Brian continued to rock in and out of Justin for another minute or so, till he was fully spent, and his cock slipped out of Justin. Brian collapsed into Justin's smooth arms, his tongue burried deep in Justin's mouth. Justin ran his tongue up and down Brian's tongue. Their kiss fueled them even further. Their lips opened and closed several more times during their kiss. They stopped, and laid in each other's arms.

"Oh I never knew how good it could feel Brian." Jusitn whispered. "Me neither. It felt just like the first time babe." Brian whispered back. They laid quietly in each other's arms. "Never let go." Brian said. "Never." Jusitn whispered back. They stayed wrapped in each other for ten minutes, without saying a word. Just kissing each other as a form of communication.


Next: Chapter 6: Brian and Justin 10 12

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