Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Aug 6, 1999


Just Beginning (Chapter 16) Written by JM

-- Disclaimer: The actions and storyline of this story has no relation to that of the actual story 'Bad Boy B-Rok'. The events that take place in this story are no way a continuation or even a part of that story. The author, Leprechaun, was kind enough to allow his character to make an appearance, however Brian Littrell and Matt Thompson are not romantically linked. Matt will not make any further guest appearances unless noted by the author of 'Bad Boy B-Rok'. Thank you. --

*** 'Just when I thought I was to be alone forever...' This is the continuation to the series 'Brian & Justin'. This story involves a romance between celebrities, mainly that of Brian Littrell (of the Backstreet Boys) and Justin Timberlake (of 'N Sync). If you are offended by this kind of material, please do not read this series. If you have not read the first series, please do not read this one yet. I'd like you to know the story of Brian and Justin's saga. Otherwise, enjoy as we continue to drift into the lives of Brian & Justin and their friends. Any cooments for me, please send to: ***

*** Welcome to the second chapter of 'Brian & Justin', perfectly titled by David as 'Just Beginning'. I do hope you like this series and I hope to bring you as much joy and sorrow as the first series. As always, read stories like 'N Sync Love', 'Lost And Found' and 'The One' for good storyline. Special thank you to my inspiration and my "Blue", Leprechaun. Read 'Bad Boy B-Rok' for his work of art. Special thank yous to some of my closest friends also: Donnie, Shawn, CJ, Rick, Jason, River, Mano, Jay & Josh, Ryan & Drew, Brian and Netboy. Special note, read 'Brian's Seven Seas of Loneliness' because the author is a beautiful person! And very special thanks goes to all of my OLD & NEW READERS! I love you dearly for your support. The BIGGEST thank you goes to David at Nifty for his continuous support. As always, enjoy and hopefully, you won't be disappointed. So now, the story is 'Just Beginning...' ***

  • Special Note: Early in the writing of these chapters I was tempted to end the series. I've written so much and given a lot to readers, sometimes feeling appreciated and other times feeling not appreciate. I mean I have written 100 + chapters, that's a LOT for an author to do and under a year too. While thinking this over, I chatted with friends as always on ICQ. Well with the help of a favorite reader and a fellow author, I realized that I love writing too much to stop. I don't want to stop like other authors have. Not because of readers, but because of me. I LOVE this series so much that I don't want to stop. One of the reasons I wanted to stop is because I saw such great new series coming out and I wish I could do what they've done. then I realized I have done one thing that some authors havne't, I've made myelf smile everytime I've written a new chapter. Never hating any chapter that I've done. So I'm happy with this series and can't expect everyone to love me. Most authors on Nifty don't even know me, but it's okay because I know me and that's what counts. So I appreciate any countinued support but I do support you to read other series and enjoy the new stories that are developing as I do. I may not be able to hold an audience like they can, but I sure can hold myself and that makes me happy. So thank you for reading this. And THANK YOU Jason for your words and THANK YOU Mano for being you. Just your constant mind puzzlers and your love for writing too keeps me wanting to be as great as you are. That's all. *

The room was dark, yet the sounds were distinct. The way one body moved upon the other, the slight shaking of the bed, the gasps and cries of passion were all that were needed for one to know what was happening in that one bedroom.

The small drops of sweat that broke from Nick's were wiped away as his lover pulled his hair back. Nick's eyes were shut as he felt his lover moving in and out of him with care. "Mmmmm..." he heard the wonderful sounds of a pleading lover. "Oh... that feels nice.." Nick groaned, feeling the shapely penis run over his prostate, Nick's arms were wrapped around his lover's neck while his legs were spread and slightly lifted. Nick felt the warm kisses he received to his neck. The gentle hands caressing his body as they made love is all Nick needed.

Nick tilted his head back and felt a small kiss to his nose. "Oh baby... I love you..." he heard the whisper in his ear. Nick smiled for a second before feeling the pace of their love making become quicker. "Uh... uh..." Nick grunted, feeling the deepest pleasure in the shifting penis inside of him. "Hmmm Nickie, I'm almost... almost there..." Nick listened to the gasps from above. "Oh babe... mmmmm..." Nick humed before he felt a finger tapping his lip. Nick glady took the succulent finger into his mouth. He began sucking upon it with pride.

Nick lifted his hand and ran it down his lover's back. The bed jumped a bit with each thrust inward. As Nick's hand rolled down the sweating back, Nick felt something different on his left hand. He felt something wrapped around his ring finger. Nick lifted his hand and then opened his eyes to look at his hand. As he did, he saw a gold ring rested around his finger. Nick's eyes bulged open with shock. He felt his lover lay kisses on his cheek while he stared at the ring. "I'm... uh.. heh heh... so happy you're my husband..." his lover finally whispered to him through his moans. Nick released the finger from his mouth and panted hard. "Uh.. babe.." Nick was unsure what to think. 'Did I get drunk and marry him?' Nick pondered, still staring at the ring. "Hold me... I'm going to cum soon..." he heard the voice request. Nick did as requested and rubbed his hands over his lover's back. "Oh Nick..." he heard a strong groan. He had never felt so wonderful during sex. It felt so gentle, as if J.C. had never made love to him with such strength yet care. Nick's eyes began to close until he saw the ring on his lover's finger. 'I'm... I'm a husband...' Nick stuttered in his mind. "Oh I love you..." Nick finally gasped out. He went with the feeling, never thinking he would be married.

Nick turned his face to look at his lover as he came. He looked at the thin pink lips part and gasp out for him. "Baby... oh Nickie... I love you..." his lover groaned before shooting several loads of cum inside of Nick's body. Nick felt his lover shutter and he held him. "Ssshh... just cum..." Nick advised before beginning to kiss the lips he had just watched call his name. His lover returned the kiss, doing his best to recover from the orgasm.

Nick felt his lover's tongue drift to his neck as their kiss ended. "Mmm... oh I love you..." Nick groaned, feeling the tongue teasing him. Nick looked to his lover's left shoulder, preparing to kiss it. His eyes shot open again as he saw a tattoo on his shoulder. The tattoo of a cross and rocks made Nick have to look into his lover's eyes. He pulled the head of his lover up and his lover looked at him with surprise. "What is it Nickie?" he heard the question proposed. Nick stared into the baby blue eyes and his lip trembled in fear. The face before him brought shock to his body. "Br-Brian?" Nick stuttered out. "Yes baby." Brian replied. Nick felt like fainting in Brian's arms. "What... what?" Nick didn't know how to react. "What is it? Didn't you like it? Our first time as husbands?" Brian asked in fear. "Husbands?" Nick quickly questioned, gazing to the ring that was still on his finger. "Yeah Nickie, it was the best wedding ever." Brian replied, snuggling to Nick. Nick ran his hands over Brian's back and felt himself begin to cry. "I know Nickie, I'm so happy too. Finally, me and you can be together." Brian sighed, rubbing his cheek to Nick's. 'No... I love J.C.' Nick thought, trying to hold in his flowing tears.

Nick's eyes ripped open with fright. He felt his head begin to throb as he looked around the well lit room. He was alone and he was scared. He looked around, his memory beginning to return. He was in J.C.'s room, clutching to the sheets. He was thankful that J.C. took him to his apartment. Nick just wanted to be held by J.C. for a few moments which turned into another of their beautiful nights of making love. Nick sighed with happiness until flashes of his dream returned to him. He shuttered with fright. 'I can never ever have that dream again. I don't want to be without J.C.' Nick whimpered to himself. He only wished that J.C. was in the bed with him at the moment. 'Brian... oh Brian.' Nick sighed to himself. He always had feelings for Brian but the dream scared Nick. He didn't want J.C. hurt in anyway.

Nick pulled the sheets from his body and placed his feet on the floor. A name flashed to his mind as he thought over the dream. A tear trickled down his face when he thought. 'I don't ever want to see him hurt like that...' Nick thought, wiping away the tear. He began to think over the memories, seeing that indivdual cry and it made his heart hurt. 'What have I done to him? He... he would never be able to handle that.' Nick felt another tear leave his eye. He pulled his hair back and stepped out of the bed.

Nick walked over to J.C.'s dresser and began rumaging through the drawers. Nick sighed heavily, the dream still confusing him. 'It doesn't mean I love Brian more than J.C does it?' Nick pomdered out in his head. He pulled out a pair of J.C.'s Tommy boxers and then a large Fubu shirt. 'No... it doesn't.' Nick stood by his love for J.C. 'I may have known Brian longer, but I need Josh a lot more.' Nick smiled at the thought of his new boyfriend. There wasn't an hour that went by where he didn't think of how the hands of fate had twisted their way into pulling him and J.C. together. Through the year of on and off relationships and the agony they had both suffered with being with Lance, they had managed to take their sorrows and comfort each other. Now Nick was living each day with J.C. to make their relationship more about their love than their lost. His only regret was the way Lance took the news. He almost lost his life and his love for J.C. in one fatal moment. He did his best to get past the pain that Lance threw J.C. through to help J.C. see that Nick could help him. He had done well from what he saw of J.C., yet his young insecurities still fluttered.

The name that bothered him earlier flashed in his head again. 'I'm so sorry... I'd never intentionally do that to you.' Nick apologized in his mind. As he slipped the clothing on, he thought over the dream. 'Brian's married and I'd never do that to him.' Nick shuttered to the thought. Nick walked over to the small mirror by the dresser and he looked into the mirror. "I won't take him Justin... I'd never do that to you... he's your husband and I have J.C. I'd never take Brian from you..." Nick asserted himself in the mirror. He had spent months trying to tear Justin and Brian away. Now that he saw J.C. and felt the pain of losing him, he knew what Justin suffered through. He did not want Justin to ever fear that and he had to make his promise to help Justin get over his insecurities. It was the only way he knew of to repay Brian and Justin fot the agony they suffered because of him.

Nick found his way out to the living room. He saw J.C. sitting on the couch, lazily watching the television. "Josh?" Nick spoke up, fearing J.C. wanted to be alone. J.C. smiled pleasantly when he heard the voice and turned his head. "Surprised to see you up this early." J.C. chimed. Nick smiled back at him and walked to the front of the couch. "How early is it?" Nick carelessly asked, forgetting to look at the clock when he woke. "It's six in the morning Nickie." J.C. giggled at Nick's naiveness. Nick groaned with sleepiness and took a seat next to J.C. "Why are you up so early then?" Nick questioned, snuggling up to J.C. J.C. put his arm around Nick and replied, "The video shoot. I have to be there at seven." Nick sighed lowly and pressed his head to J.C.'s chest. "Damn us for having rehearsals." Nick complained softly. J.C. rubbed his hand over Nick's holden hair and frowned. "Damn us for falling in love when you have to leave in a week." J.C. sighed and then dropped his head onto Nick's. Nick nuzzled his head even more to J.C.'s chest.

"Hey, could you stop by after your rehearsals today?" J.C. requested shyly. Nick thought over the idea. "Yeah I can Josh." Nick agreed to it. "Good, I hate dealing with a long day and not having someone to come home to." J.C.'s smiled began to return. "Hmmm, you and Lance eh?" Nick analyzed J.C.'s past. "Yeah, who else." J.C. grumbled. He had began to see the sorrow he shared with Lance and grew to hate it. Nick grabbed J.C.'s free hand and interlocked it with his own. He looked down and did not see the gold ring upon his finger. He didn't want marriage, just someone to hold him for eternity. "Do we have time for anything?" Nick asked in a quiet manner. J.C. giggled lightly and kissed the top of Nick's head. "I wish." J.C. teased him. Nick smiled, feeling that J.C. was at ease with him talking about sex. It was always a touchy subject for Nick to run over with Lance. "But if you stop by the set, I'll see if I can get a condom and a free room." J.C. giggled, thinking over the idea. "Ooh, a quickie? That's not your style Joshua." Nick laughed at J.C.'s suggestion. "I know... it was at times though." J.C. sighed, slipping back into reality.

Nick lifted his head from J.C.'s chest and frowned. "Let's not talk about Lance anymore Josh. He always seems to bring us both down." Nick suggested, nibbling on his lower lip. J.C. tried his best to agree with Nick. "Try being in the same group with him." J.C. groaned, looking away from his lover. Nick laid his leg over J.C.'s lap and then wrapped his arms around J.C.'s neck. "You'll have me to come home to if you want." Nick tried to cheer up J.C. J.C. grinned with subtle pride. He hugged onto Nick. "It took us this long to realize how good we are together?" J.C. sighed his question. He began to kiss Nick's neck with care. "We were both too drunk before." Nick tried to joke, enjoying J.C.'s kisses. "Speak for yourself sexy." J.C. giggled. Nick pulled J.C. back slightly and prayed for a kiss. J.C. complied, seeing Nick's pleading expression.

Nick closed his eyes and took in the kiss. As always, J.C.'s kiss was slow and gentle. Never missing an area on Nick's lips and never pressing too far. Nick savored the moment, gradually trying to bring out the horniness in J.C. J.C. sensed Nick's want when Nick's hand slipped to his cargo pants. "Mmmph... whoa Nickie... we can't do that right now honey." J.C. laughed, pulling out of the kiss. Nick felt embarassed and looked away from J.C.

J.C. saw the shades of red over Nick's face and brought his finger to Nick's chin. He brought Nick's attention back to him and smiled. "You really like sex don't you?" J.C. tried to joke with him, smiling. "No... I just like having sex with you." Nick pouted. J.C. couldn't keep his grin away. "I like having sex with you too Nick." J.C. chimed. Nick laughed lowly. "And only because you like to be held." J.C. added, rubbing his finger over Nick's lips. Nick leaned forward slightly, but stopped himself. "I like having sex with you because you always... always touch me carefully... not too fast and not too slow..." Nick whispered. J.C. saw the fire in Nick's eyes, the subtle lust that only shined for him. "But that doesn't mean we should have sex now." Nick added, dropping his hands to his lap. J.C. nodded, moving his hands to Nick's. He saw something in Nick that he never saw in other guys, it was understanding. Nick knew J.C. from simple things and not the automatic judgement that so many have used to communicate with people.

J.C. grabbed Nick's right hand and lifted it. He brought the hand closer to his face as Nick watched on. J.C. took Nick's middle finger and drew it to his lips. J.C. opened his mouth and took the finger in. He began to lick and suckle the finger. J.C. pleasured from sucking and licking Nick's finger, rubbing his tongue all over it. Nick smiled with delight as J.C. teased him.

Just as Nick began to enjoy J.C.'s actions, an image miraged his eyes. He saw Brian again, sucking his finger as they made love. Nick was hororred by the sight and quickly ripped his finger from J.C.'s lips. J.C. inched back slightly with shock. "What? What did I do wrong?" J.C. quickly questioned, staring at Nick surprisingly. Nick saw Brian's face morph into J.C.'s and cringed. "No, for Justin..." Nick whispered as he tried to shake the images from his head. "What?" J.C. questioned Nick's words. Nick looked up to J.C. and frowned. "Did Justin call?" Nick tried to change the subject.

J.C. gave Nick an uneasy look and changed his position so that he was looking at the T.V. again. He made no contact with Nick as he watched on. "Yeah, he called and said he and Brian will be at the video shoot." J.C. pouted, feeling Nick was hiding something from him. Nick sensed J.C.'s obvious anger and crawled over to him.

Nick cralwed into J.C.'s lap and sat so that J.C could see nothing but him. He straddled J.C.'s lap and looked down at him. "Nick, please move." J.C. asked, trying to be stubborn with Nick. Nick rubbed his hands over J.C.'s face and shook his head. "I'm sorry Josh. I didn't mean to push you away like that." Nick did his best to apologize. J.C. sighed heavily and tried to peer past Nick. "Come on Josh, don't do this." Nick pleaded, rubbing his hands through J.C.'s hair. J.C. still did not respond. Nick frowned. "Okay... but I still love you." Nick whispered before leaning down and placing a kiss on J.C.'s forehead.

He began to pull off of J.C. until he felt two hands grip his hips. "It's okay Nick." J.C. whispered, letting Nick stay in his lap. A smile curled on Nick's lips and he hugged onto J.C. J.C. rubbed Nick's thighs as Nick hugged him. "Did you pull away because you didn't want me to do that?" J.C. asked sadly. Nick kissed J.C.'s cheek and then pulled out of the hug. "No... I did it because something scared me." Nick replied with a small frown. J.C. looked at his lover with worry. "Did I scare you?" J.C. pondered. Nick smiled at J.C.'s insecurity. "No, you didn't scare me Josh. Just something else..." Nick replied with a half-hearted smile. Nick glanced away from J.C., thinking over his dream again. "Do you want to tell me?" J.C. asked, trying to be of help to Nick. "Not now." Nick replied softly. J.C. backed off of the subject and hugged Nick's waist.

"So what can we do now?" Nick asked, hoping for a good answer from J.C. "Hmmm... this..." J.C. replied, offering his lips for Nick. Nick pulled his hair behind his ears and happily leaned in. As he did, small hairs escaped his ear. He began to kiss J.C. with tenderness. J.C. eagerly returned the kiss, trying to keep it passionate. He wasn't failed s Nick's tongue roamed into his mouth.

"Okay, enough. Let's go J.C." they heard Chris coldly say as he entered the living room. Nick didn't want to pull away from the kiss but he had to when J.C. pulled back. J.C.'s head snapped in Chris' direction with confusion. Chris had his arms crossed and anger on his face. "Let's go Joshua Scott Chasez." Chris repeated with a firm voice. Nick dropped his head slightly and began to get up from J.C.'s lap. J.C. held Nick down, keeping his eyes on Chris. "Is there a problem?" J.C. questioned coldly. "Uh let's see... ya'll kept me up half the fucking night with you're fucking, I have to get up easrly to shoot a video and you won't just get up so we can leave." Chris listed off his troubles with anger. "We're sorry." Nick spoke up for J.C. "I'm not looking for an apology Nick, just to go." Chris hissed at Nick.

Nick forced himself out of J.C.'s lap and then took a seat next to J.C. J.C. pouted slightly. "Go to the car and I'll be down there in a second." J.C. ordered to Chris, trying to hold back his anger and disappointment in Chris. "Don't keep me waiting down there forever J.C." Chris warned him before storming out of the apartment.

J.C. sighed him off and turned his attention back to Nick. Nick was flipping through the channels on the T.V., trying to ignore Chris's anger. J.C. scooted to Nick and placed his hand on Nick's thigh. "Uhm, stop by the set today Nickie. For me." J.C. whispered his request into Nick's ear. He stuck his tongue out and easily rubbed it over Nick's earlobe. Nick shuttered to the warm tongue. "And I'll try and work something out with that asshole Chris." J.C. added before kissing Nick's ear. Nick nodded, trying not to show his sadness towards J.C. "Can I get a small kiss before I go?" J.C. asked with a hint of begging in his tone. Nick smiled and turned his attention towards his boyfriend. "Small or big?" Nick asked, grinning. "Well big, but not as big as your... uh, dick." J.C. commented, rubbing his hand over Nick's crotch. Nick felt a moan arising but he silenced it. "You little pervert, I love you." Nick giggled, leaning forward. "Mmmhmm, I love you too Nick." J.C. whispered before beginning his kiss with Nick. Nick started the kiss but in turn, J.C. took control, resisting the temptation that came with Nick. He held his tongue in his own mouth and kept the kiss loving. Sooner than he thought, he felt Nick's tongue returned to his mouth. He sighed in his mind and began to suck on Nick's tongue. 'We're so vulnerable towards each other.' J.C. stated in his head, tasting Nick's delicious tongue. 'Oh, but I don't mind it...' J.C. grinned, feeling totally in love with Nick at certain moments. Nick had the same thoughts in his head as he brought his tongue back into his own mouth.

J.C. ended the kiss as powerful as it had started. He rubbed his lips over Nick's as their kiss ended, not wanting to be too far from Nick. Nick kept his eyes shut as J.C. tried to start the kiss yet end it again. He let J.C.'s lips keep rubbing his. "Josh..." Nick softly moaned. "Okay Nick..." J.C. replied, knowing that if he didn't leave he would be making love to Nick on the couch. "Goodbye." Nick sadly whispered, feeling J.C. pull away fully. J.C. hated to hear the sadness in Nick's voice. 'We really are in love aren't we?' J.C. thought, trying to figure out how cupid's arrow had successfully hit him twice, only this time his doubts were few and none. "Goodbye Nick." J.C. replied softer. Nick turned his head back to the T.V. before feeling J.C. kiss his neck. "If you need me, call me on my cell phone." J.C. whispered into Nick's ear and then stood. Nick nodded, trying not to watch J.C. leave.

When Nick heard the door closed, he began his sulk on the couch. 'Damn it,' Nick complained to himself. He stared at the T.V. as the Backstreet Boys' 'The One' video appeared on MTV. "Oh fuck, I don't need this right now." Nick huffed, watching the video. He looked at the comfortable couch and stretched out. He found himself singing along with the song, thinking of his life's trials. Soon he was changing the lyrics around to make himself smile.

J.C.'s the one

Who will make all of my sorrows undone

Joshua's the one

When I feel like there's nowhere to run

Josh's the one

To hold me and make all of my sorrow's undone

Cause my faith is gone

And I want him to take me from darkness to light

Nick sang proudly, watching Brian's face. 'Oh B-Rok, I loved you for so long.' Nick sadly thought. 'But I've moved on for your sake and mine... you need Justin.' Nick finally found himself confessing. His mind was set, Brian needed Justin so much. Nick couldn't be with a man who loved Justin so deeply. Nick glanced down to his left hand and smiled. "Who knows, one day Josh might put a ring on my finger. I just want Justin to be happy with Brian now." Nick gleamed. Though he had all reservations towards Justin in the past, he had begun to notice Justin's good side when he woke up to Justin in the hospital. That sarcastic comfort made Nick need to help Justin now. "I will repay you for that Justin..." Nick promised.

He felt the sleep begin to take over as Blink 182's video graced the screen. "Hmm, my age is nineteen and I'm in love." Nick chimed before closing his eyes. He let the T.V play as the music placed him to sleep without J.C. to hold him.

J.C. drove towards the set in anger. He could still here the words Chris used to chastise him with before they had left. 'You just cheated on Lance with his ex-boyfriend... cause him to out Nick in the hospital and then fucking leave us hanging and now you're sleeping with Nick again... trying to be his lover. J.C., this is not a kid's game you're playing. This ain't the Jerry Springer Show either. You can't play on people's emotions like that, it's not fair. And Nick can't stay with us anymore because I'm not ready for ya'll to just be 'boyfriends' and have the rest of us just 'understand' because that's what you want us to do.' were Chris's powerful words. Chris sensed J.C.'s discontent but left him be. 'He'll have to understand that he can't be with Nick, not after the hell he's put Lance, Brian and Justin through.' Chris decided in his mind. He watched the open highway move by as J.C. drove at a steady, fast pace.

Just Beginning (Chapter 17) Written by JM

Justin smiled as he drove his Mercedes into the stretch of area that was the Florida Mall. He had just gotten back to Orlando three hours previous and enjoyed a mild morning with Brian on the couch, just holding each other. In ways, he felt his marriage couldn't be any better, but then he felt a familar hand touch is on the steering wheel and his smile grew. Brian sat next to him, staring at Justin with delight. The time they shared in lexington was just right for them to put friends and work behind and treasure each other as husbands. The situtaion that had brought them to Lexington had changed greatly as they saw their newly God-son becoming better as time progressed. They seemed to have little worries that they shared.

Justin head bobbed slightly as he listened to the sounds of the Backstreet Boys singing 'If You Stay'. Brian's eyes stay locked on Justin, just hoping to get a glance from his angelic husband. Justin slowed his driving as he saw road blocks and security personnel directing people on where to go within the mall's parking lot. Justin frowned slightly, knowing that he would have to pull over slightly so he could get clearance into the mall.

He watched as one of the security guards singaled him to the side. Justin stared into his review mirror to make sure know one was behind him and then he clicked his singal so that he could get over to the guard. He eased on his brake as he slide over to the side of the guard. The guard manuevered his way to the driver's side of Justin's car and tapped on the window. Justin lowered his window and smiled to the guard. "Something wrong?" Justin asked, keeping his solomn smile. "Today the mall is being used for a video shoot for an artist. Unless you are official personnel you can not be at this part of the mall. If you are a fan or extra, you will have to pull your car to the other entrance and wait there for further insutrctions." the guard explained in one breath. Justin smiled over to Brian and then returned his attention to the guard. "Well sir, I am Justin Timerlake of the group that is hooting the video today and this is my guest Brian Littrell who will also be apart of the video." Justin chimed. The guard gave him a fake smile and then read over his list. Justin tried to peer at the names on the list but soon was rejected by the guard. "Can I see some ID for assurance?" the guard requested. Justin sighed lowly and began to dig into his shorts. Within seconds he pulled out his wallet. Justin gave the guard a cocky smile and then flipped his wallet open. "There ya go, Justin Timberlake." Justin flashed the license to him, trying not to sound aggrivated. The guard looked at it carefully and then chippered up. "Sorry for the inconvinence Mr. Timberlake. We've had kids and parents a like trying to sneak in since three in the morning. So we've had to secure every inch of the place to make sure that you were safe and all." the guard tried to explain his tough routine with Justin. Brian gave the guard a doubtful glare and then turned his head in the other direction.

Justin pulled his wallet back and prepared to pull off. "If you'll just go down to that gentlemen at the next stop, he'll give you your clearance passes so you'll have no further problems." the guard explained as Justin signaled. Justin waved the guard back and rudely drove off.

"Quite the high profile you guys have." Brian joked to Justin, grabbing his wallet. "Yeah, so much love from fnas that we're the ones carded and they aren't." Justin tried to joke along with an angered face. He tried to return his mind to the music to forget his growing problems with security. Just the sound of Brian's voice was enough for him.

Oh baby, stay with you

I just want to constantly be with you

It's only when you're around

All the problems are not problems

All the clouds inside my garden go away

Baby you know

Justin bobbed his head to each thump in the beat while Brian fumbled through Justin's wallet. "And you like this song so much because?" Brian questioned, admiring the picture of himself that Justin kept. "Because I love this beat... and I like to think that you're singing it to me." Justin said, feeling overjoyed that Brian had an interest. Brian turned to Justin with an unremovable smile. "Well from now on, I'll sing this song for you babe." Brian whispered. Justin felt even more happier and let the bassline control the movements of his head.

If you stay...

If you stay I'll give you what you want

I'll show you...

I'll show you I'm the one for you baby

If you stay...

If you stay with me

I'll show you how much I need you

Oh how much I need you baby

Oh how much I need you baby

Oh how much I need you baby

Oh how much I need you baby

Justin felt a hand on his again and eased on his driving. He saw Brian looking at him with love circling his eyes. Justin released the wheel with the hand Brian touched and then held Brian's hand. "Is this what you wanted?" Justin asked, holding Brian's hand sincerely. Brian nodded, feeling a little more at ease. "Good because this is what I wanted too." Justin giggled, feeling his husband's soft hand. Any touch from Brian was all Justin needed. He did his best driving with one hand but never released Brian's hand. He just listened to the melody and let it guide him. The sampling of Junior M.A.F.I.A.'s 'Get Money' within the song made Justin bob his head to the beat again. He heard Brian croon and only prayed it was for him.

Only if you stay, only if you stay

Only if you stay, only if you stay, baby

I'll show you how much I need you

Oh how much I need you baby

Justin did as the security guard had instructed him and he pulled up to the next stop. Brian shyly pulled him his hand from Justin's, trying not to draw any attention. Justin noticed it and he looked at Brian as he lowered his window again. He didn't hear a word the official said as he stared at his husband with concern. Brian's eyes were focused in the other direction, trying not to look at Justin. "Mr. Timberlake? Mr. Timberlake did you hear me?" the official tried to draw Justin's attention. Justin snapped out of his trance with Brian and looked at the official. "I'm sorry, what?" Justin stumbled over his words. "I said here are you and Mr. Littrell's passes. You'll only have to wear them to get in and then you'll be cleared for the video shoot." the official repeated his previous statement. Justin smiled at him and took the two lamenated passes. "Just sign-in here so that I can inform the others you are here now." the official added, handing Justin a clipboard and a pen. Justin quickly scribbled his signature onto the thick set of papers and then handed the clipboard back to the official. "Okay, parking is right down there for you guys. Security will make sure you can get inside with no problems and then you can head wherever they tell you to." the official explained as he pointed out the area Justin was to drive to. Justin nodded for the official and then began his drive off.

Justin kept the silence that Brian had initiated, trying to give Brian the time he needed to think. Brian's mind ran over why he suddenly had distanced himself from Justin. It had become natural to Brian now that he could not show any form of affection besides a simple and friendly hug with Justin in public. He hated it so much, not being to express his genuine love for Justin in everyway. Even if he had to pay for public acceptance, he just wanted to be able to give Justin a loving kiss in the middle of Time Square. However reality controlled Brian's thoughts as he knew just a simple rub of Justin's cheek would land him and Justin on the front page of the National Enquirer. Brian had thought over many times of suffering that fate just so the burden would leave. The only thing stopping him was the one reason he wanted to fight, Justin.

If there was one thing Brian hated the most, it was seeing Justin suffer. Public knowledge of their love amd marriage would crush Justin. He knew Justin could accept some lose in his fans, but invasion of his privacy Justin couldn't handle. Brian didn't want either of them to suffer as many celebrities have with invasion of their privacy. From the smallest of Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman's marriage to the death of Princess Diana, Brian felt stronlgy about preventing the media from entering their lives outside of their music. If anything was to happen to Justin because of the media, he would never forgive himself for letting their marriage become public. It was the strongest fear that Brian had faced in his career and there were times he would give his career up if it meant he could live that normal life with Justin.

Brian let lose a sigh and then looked straightforward. Justin felt a frown coming on, wanting to know Brian's thoughts. Brian kept them hidden from Justin, knowing that Justin didn't need any grief on the day of his video shoot. Brian eyed a familiar Toyota 4-Runner and smiled slightly. "Someone decided to return to earth." Brian commented to Justin. Justin tried to figure out what Brian was referring to. His eye caught a glance of the car and he kept a straight face. "He could have called." Justin pouted, parking right next to the 4-Runner. "Maybe he's still pissed." Brian offer an answer. "He has no reason to be pissed at me. I didn't sleep with his boyfriend." Justin coldly replied, still feeling indifference towrds Lance, Nick and J.C. "No, you sleep with me." Brian tried to lighten Justin's mood. Justin smiled and turned off the engine.

Justin turned to face Brian with his usual candid spirit. "So are you trying to say lil' Littrell wants to come out and play?" Justin joked with Brian. Brian gave Justin a pout. "I'm not that small am I?" Brian gave up his insecurity for Justin. Justin tried to hold back his laughter at Brian's unsureness. "Brian, I call you B-Rok for more reasons than basketball babe. It's more like... Big Rok because your lil' Littrell there is big and rock hard for me." Justin tried to clear up Brian's unsureness, dropping his hand to Brian's crotch. Brian looked down at the big hand as it began to massage him. "So can he come out and play?" Justin asked again with a sly smile. Brian tried to restrain his groan as his penis became erect. "Ask him nicely." Brian cooed. Justin gave Brian a crooked stare. Justin shrugged and removed his hand from Brian's crotch. "Would you like to come out and play with Mr. Sweet Lips?" Justin said towards Brian's crotch before beginning to unzip Brian's jeans. "Uh... no." Brian tried to hold in his hormones. Justin gave Brian a quick horrored stare. "I'd love to Justin... but someone will see us here." Brian explained sincerely. "That's not what lil' Littrell is saying," Justin argued lightly, rubbing his hand over Brian's covered crotch. "Mmmmm, Brian's in charge baby." Brian reminded him with a laugh. Justin eased into his seat and poted to gain sympathy from Brian. "Oh go jack off in the backseat and leave me alone." Brian teased him, rubbing his hand over Justin's curls. Justin grinned and unbuckled his belt.

Brian watched as Justin began to hop over the seat and get into the backseat. Brian turned in his seat to look at Justin. "What the hell are you doing?" Brian questioned quickly. "Why don't you come back here and find out?" Justin seductively suggested. Brian shot him a powerful stare. "Justin, you and your hand are becoming too friendly. My ass misses you." Brian tried to joke with care. "I miss it too." Justin sighed, reclining in the backseat. "But we can't do anything now." Brian tried to explain. Justin nodded and adjusted himself. "You know if I could..." Brian started his statement. "You would." Justin ended it for him. Brian nodded, rather happy that his husband knew him so well.

"Well... I'm sure we'll have tonight for you to get to know my body better." Justin chimed, doing his best to change the mood. Brian nibbled upon his lower lip and nodded. "Can I kiss you?" Brian requested, feeling slightly lonely at the moment. Justin didn't have to answer Brian verbally. He moved forward in his seat and met Brian half way. Brian touched Justin's lips with an urgency before slowing his actions. "Nice and slow baby..." Justin whispered as they parted and then moved in again. Brian heeded Justin's words and slowed his kissing. He let the moment control what their lips did, feeling goosebumps upon his legs as Justin took him into the zone he loved so much. It was the area that Brian knew so clearly.

Brian felt the soft snow falling over him. He felt the white rose petals beneath his feet. He could feel Justin holding him as they kissed in the clouds. The way the breeze blew at it's own pace and the way they kissed to each strumming of a harmonic harp. The rose petals made for the perfect cushion as they stood kissing. The snow was not cold to their bodies because they kept each other warm. They had no clothing upon their bodies. The nudity didn't affect their actions becayse the were in their world.

White doves flew by and albino butterflies touched their toes. Brian rubbed his foot over Justin's with happiness. It was another small sign of affection for Justin to take in. They did not let their kiss end as a small snowflake landed on Justin's cheek. Brian did not have to open his eyes to know it was there. He wiped it away with his finger and then brought his hand to Justin's ear. He rubbed it over Justin's ear, hearing soothing sounds of the wind in his own ear. The harp was strumming a melody so fond to Justin and Brian's hearts which beat on time with each other's.

Justin's large, soft hands rubbed over Brian's naked back with gentleness. Justin held Brian as if he was fragile, not wanting him to break the perfect image in any way. It was their own personal Heaven and it was what made their kiss last.

Justin felt the pulling away from Brian and Justin did the same. He blinked his eyes open and quickly looked into Brian's ocean blue eyes. Brian had a look of uncertainty on his face, as if his world was false. Justin gave hi a gleaming smile. "You were there too?" Brian softly asked. Justin nodded and kept his smile. "It was... it was so beautiful..." Brian breathed out his words, still caught up in the dream. "It was what we wanted it to be..." Justin whispered, holding his stare with Brian. "Then let's go back there." Brian suggested, inching towards Justin again. Justin agreed to Brian's suggestion and leaned in for another breath-taking kiss.

Lance sat in the make-up, hair and wardrobe area. He was getting a light blush applied to his cheeks while a hairstylists finished fixing his spikey hair. "You're rather quite today Lance." Marianne, the make-up woman commented. "Long night." Lance sighed, trying to keep his face still. "Oh I hate those. Especially the ones that involve the boyfriend that doesn't come home." Marianne agreed, dabbing Lance's cheeks. "Something like that." Lance tried to see her point of view clearly. "Well don't let it get you down. You'll ruin the shoot and you'd hate that." Marianne spoke geniunely. Lance agreed and let her finish her work.

"Do you want me to gloss your lips to give you that shiney look." Marianne offered with a smile. "Ah what the hell. Might as well try to fake happiness for the shoot." Lance replied with a carefree attitude. "Sounds like someone needs some coffee?" Marianne joked before applying clear gloss to Lance's lips. Lance kept his lips pouted, trying not to laugh with her. "Okay sweetie, you can head to wardrobe and then see what the director wants to do with you." Marianne chimed, making sure she didn't mess up any points on Lance's face. "Ugh, another hour." Lance groaned, trying to make Marianne smile even more. "Wardrobe the best part honey. All of the clothes!" Marianne shrieked with laughter. "Yeah and I've gotta try them all on." Lance grumbled before walking over to Trish.

"I always thought picking out good clothes was the fun part." Lance heard a cheerful Justin say as he walked into the large room. "You would." Lance shrugged. "Not happy to see me Lance?" Justin smiled brightly at him. "I'm very happy to see you Curly." Lance tried to fake a smile. "Oh yeah, I'm feeling the love." Justin teased him. "It's hard to smile for the now Mr. Littrell." Lance said softly. Justin frowned slightly. "Not that it's bad or anything." Lance tried to assure him. "Really? Then why the sad face?" Justin tried to make conversation as Marianne prepared for him. "Just things." Lance let out another of his aggrivating sighs and looked towards Trish.

"Got something in black?" Lance tried to joke on his situation. "How about white like everyone else is wearing?" Trish tried to give off a simple answer as she grabbed down all the clothes that were marked with a tag saying 'Lance'. "I guess that'll do." Lance giggled, grabbing the load of clothes from Trish. Justin watched as Lance walked over to th changing room. "Troubles?" Trish asked, grabbing Justin's attention. Justin bit his lower lip and looked down at the floor.

"I hope not." Brian gave an answer for Justin, wrapping his arms around Justin. Trish smiled when she saw Brian in the room, yet Justin didn't give the same response. Justin was shocked by the feel of Brian's arms. "Brian... not here." Justin quickly tried to pull Brian off of him. Brian jerked off of Justin and quickly walked over to a place to sit. He gave Justin an angered stare and then looked away. Justin sighed and felt the stress build as he got no smiles from Lance or Brian within minutes. "It's okay Justin... it's not like we don't know about you and Brian. We do travel with you two." Marianne spoke up, signaling her support. Justin nodded towards her with a half-hearted smile.

He made his shy walk over to Brian who still sat with anger in his expression. "I... I'm sorry..." Justin spoke up. "Not here." Brian snapped back coldly, still not looking at him. Justin felt sadened even further. "I'm really, really sorry Brian." Justin did his best to win Brian's heart again. He knelt down in front of Brian and ignored the looks he got from Trish and Marianne. Justin grabbed Brian's hand and held it as long as Brian would allow him to. "Please..." Justin pleaded with sincerity. Justin felt Brian grab his hand lightly. He knew that was Brian okay. "Now give him a sweet and sloppy kiss." Lance joked as he stepped back into the room. "Shut up." Brian giggled at Lance. "I know how you two newlyweds are. The minute we all turn our backs, you'll be making out," Lance announced with glee. Justin snickered and stood. "You're right." Justin agreed.

Justin took a seat in Brian's lap and prayed that Brian didn't reject him. Brian wrapped his arms around Justin's waist and snuggled his head to Justin's back. "I love you..." he whispered as Justin watched Lance with a careful eye. He senesed that Justin was listening and he let it pass. As long as he got the oppurtunity to hold Justin, he didn't care.

Just Beginning (Chapter 18) Written by JM

Brian was reclined one the small couch as he watched Lance look over lyrics and Joey getting groomed for the video shoot. "If J.C. and Chris don't show, you'll be next Brian, I promise." Marianne announced to him as she blushed Joey's face. Brian nodded, not caring too much that he had to get ready for the video. He just watched his friends go through their pre-shoot activities while thinking over many issues that had been presented to him earlier.

"Good to go?" Justin questioned as he stepped out of the dressing area. Lance and Joey glance over to their friend and then gave him their approval. "Ah, ya'll aren't good enough." Justin joked with them before turning to his husband. Justin smiled down towards Brian and then began to model for him. Brian looked up to Justin and then grinned. Justin wore an ivory sheer shirt with a wife beater underneath it. His cargo pants were white and he wore a pair of white, original Reeboks. Justin's hair was once again strawberry blonde and his face make-up'd to perfection.

Brian stood quickly and grabbed Justin's hand. He looked down and saw the tennis bracelet Brian have given Justin for their wedding. "I thought it would look good with the look I'm sporting." Justin explained before Brian hushed him. "You look really hot... like a white flame hot." Brian whispered to him with emphasis. Justin kept his smile, pouting his lips slightly. "If you do it, I'll put red lipstick on you!" Marianne warned Brian with a serious face. Brian was tempted to lean in but stopped himself. "I don't think red's my color." Brian tried to joke through his lose. Justin turned his head in Marianne's drection and stuck his tongue out towards her. She laughed and kept her grooming of Joey going. Justin snapped his head back in Brian's direction and leaned in. "She didn't threaten me." Justin giggled and then began to kiss Brian. Lance bursted into laughter causing everyone's attention to draw to the loving couple. "I'm going to kill that little brat!" Marianne heaved out. "He doesn't care... he's married." Joey sighed, feeling the love between the two. "Don't go get all mushy on us Joey." Trish teased him, holding up an outfit for his approval. Joey's attention was not strayed away from the kiss Brian and Justin shared.

"Whoa, cover your eyes kiddies, I think they're going to have sex." they heard someone tease before looking to see Chris and J.C. enter the room. Joey turned in Chris's direction and shot him a look of disapproval. Chris gave Joey a weird stare and then looked back to Brian and Justin. Brian was hugging onto Justin while they both stared towards the entrance way. J.C. looked around and then saw Lance standing nearby. He felt the awkward silence his friends were giving him. J.C. decided to ignore the eyes that looked upon and judged him and walked over to two of his friends that he began to place all of his trust in.

J.C. made his way to Brian and Justin without looking at or acknwoledging anyone else. Brian didn't know what to make of the situation but he knew he had to keep Justin out of it. "I guess I won't be next now... huh Marianne?" Brian began to joke with her. Marianne snapped out of her stare and looked at Brian. "No, sorry Brian. Billie wants the primary cast to be ready first and then dancers and extras. That's why I have my staff out there handling those blasted extras. Darn your husband for just having to have you in here." Marianne explained in a humorous mood. "Now why would I want my husband down there with all of those pretty women?" Justin slyly grinned, feeling Brian's arms wrap around his waist tighter. "Because Brian married you." Trish spoke up. "Oh yeah, that's going to keep his eyes from wandering." Chris giggled out. Brian shot Chris a funny expression and then stuck his tongue out towards Chris. "Justin, your husband's flirting with me and I don't swing that way!" Chris bellowed out, making everyone in the room laugh.

"Listen people, I have just less than an hour to get all of you dressed and ready to be out there with Billie for the beginning of the shoot. So let's get things moving a bit." Trish took charge, ending the laughter. Everyone's eyes were locked on her and she loved the attention. She thought over how to organize things before deciding. "Chris, get over here and pick out your clothes. J.C., in the chair when Joey's done and Joey get dressed when you're finished. Justin and Lance are done, so just chill for a bit." Trish ordered in a commanding voice.

When she was finished, no one resumed the activities they had started. Brian took a seat on the small couch while Justin moved over to where Lance was. J.C. sat on the arm of the couch, staring at Brian. Joey sat and awaited the hair stylist to finish his hair and Chris did as Trish ordered and began shuffling through the clothes for a few outfits.

Justin grabbed one of the bottled waters from the side and began to sip on it. He looked over the lyrics sheet for the video as he heard Trish turn on the radio. He listened as the radio played 'Saw It Coming'. Lance's mind was averted from the paper as the lyrics chimed so close to his heart.

You had my mind slipping, baby

And I can't see my life without you in it

My days are filled with love for you

And just say you feel the same way too

I know you've been taken away

But this is not a crush, it's gonna stay

See I love you more then just friends

And you need to know, 'N Sync til the end

"Earth to Lansten? Yo Lance? James?" Justin did his best to get Lance's attention. Lance still did not listen to him. He was in a trance, his eyes wondering over to J.C. when the song began to fill the room with the chorus.

Can you say that you will be with me

Stop telling all your friends you don't love me

Cause I'm tired of playing games

I saw it coming that first day

I have a million questions for you

Tell me baby, say it's true

Is it my time to finally hold you

Oh baby I wanna love you

Lance looked away from J.C. as he felt two hands shaking him feverishly. His mind was clouded with thoughts but he built up enough strength to figure out what was happening to him. "What the hell do you want?" Lance finally snapped at Justin. Justin gave Lance a crooked stared. He released Lance and then snatched the papers from Lance's hands. "Don't tell me it's that time of the month for you already? It's too early for me to do with the Bitch Lance." Justin said bitterly, walking away.

Lance grumbled and then felt the guilt for snapping at his friend. He dropped his head in shame and though over his feelings. 'It's time for you to move on Lance. You've done it before.' Lance tried to coach himself but failed. He found it very hard to shake J.C. from his mind and heart.

J.C. looked up to Lance and frowned. 'He's not enjoying himself too much.' J.C. thought as he saw the shame in Lance's face. He looked at Lance dreessed in a white sweater with his hair dyed white and wearing white slacks. Lance wore black Nike's that were rimmed with white. J.C. saw the blue contacts in Lance's eyes as Lance breifly looked around the room. Lance looked pale and unhappy, but there was nothing J.C. could do for him. He knew if he got to close that he would be dragged back into something that only caused him more suffering. He needed to get his mind off of Lance and back to the man he loved, Nick.

"So does he have that lasting impression?" Brian questioned J.C.'s sudden silence. J.C. looked in Brian's direction before slumping on the couch. "No, I'll get over him." J.C. sighed with pain. "I wasn't talking about Lance J.C. I was talking about Nick." Brian replied, becoming unsettled with J.C. J.C.'s eyes brightened before seeing Brian's expression. "Yes Brian, Nick does," J.C. chimed, smiling at the thought that Nick was thinking of him. "He's the best." J.C. added, his smile growing. "Don't you forget that J.C. I don't want to have to leave Justin at home because Nick's crying over you," Brian warned him, becoming defensive with J.C. J.C. rolled his eyes at Brian's insecurity. "I won't let you leave Justin at home for Nick, Brian. I really do like Nick and we have a good relationship so far." J.C. finally replied to Brian's unnerving comment. "Yeah, 'so far'." Brian grumbled. "Get over it Brian. If you stay wrapped up in me and Nick's lives, you won't have time for Justin... or a child." J.C. reminded him with a clear voice. He gave Brian a look that added onto the seriousness in his statement.

Justin took a seat in Brian's lap and smiled at the two. "Is everyone getting stressed out today or is it too early in the morning for us?" Justin questioned, moving his eyes from Brian to J.C. and then vice versa. "I'm going with the latter," J.C. cheesed, not bringing his eyes to Brian's. "And you baby?" Justin asked, looking at his husband. Justin tapped the tip of his bottled water to the tip of Brian's nose and failed at bringing a smile to Brian's lips. He sensed the stress in Brian's troubled expression. J.C. watched Justin stare at his husband with care. "I think I'm up now." J.C. tried to sly away from the two lovebirds and ran for the make-up chair.

"Are you tired?" Justin asked, twirling a finger through Brian's hair. "Just a bit." Brian gave an answer with a shrug. Justin made eye contact with Brian and knew it was more than exhaustion that bothered Brian. "Do you want to go home? I'll go with you." Justin offered, trying to help Brian as best he could. Brian gave Justin a wicked grin and then rubbed his knee. "No, I don't want to go home and have you miss the video shoot. Just sit here with me and I'll be fine." Brian replied, letting Justin enjoy his smile. "Okay." Justin cooed, hugging onto Brian with loving arms. Brian hugged him back with as much enthusiasm.

The hour Trish was giving was made use of quickly as the guys of 'N Sync and Brian Littrell stood on the top floor of the Florida Mall. Behind them were crew and cameras while the guys listened to Billiw Woodruff explain the concepts behind each shot. "Okay, so we'll start up here with close up's of you guys singing the hook, just by yourselves. Then we'll head downstairs for the other shots, especially the ones with the extras and the fans." Billie stated, gazing over the edge to look at the downstairs area. Workers, camermen, extras, make-up artists and other personnel were scattered across the bottom floor. "Okay?" Billie asked, looking back at the guys. They all gave him nods, catching onto everything he said. "What about Brian?" Justin asked, making Brian's presence fully known to Billie. "Oh yes, Brian you can head downstairs or walk around up here until we need you. Your scene isn't until later on." Billie stated, giving him little recognition. Brian shrugged and began to walk off. Justin frowned uncontrollably. Joey watched him and then quickly stepped over to Billie to whisper some things to him.

Justin place on his white Kangol hat and sighed. "Poor little boy, he's friend left him." Chris teased Justin. Justin slipped his hand in his pockets and ignored Chris's words. "Shut up Chris." J.C. responded for Justin. "Hey, don't get on me. He'll survive." Chris tried to argue. "Both of you quit it." Lance stepped into their argument. Chris gave Lance a shocked look while J.C. just looked away from Lance. "Can we be professional for just one day? What happened to being 'N Sync?" Lance questioned, becoming aggrivated with everyone's childish behavior. "Hmm, I lost mine in Hawaii." Chris answered sarcastically. Justin shot him a look of hurt and then walked away. "Hey Justin! Justin I was just joking!" Chris yelled for him. Justin did not stop his steady pace past Joey and Billie. "Where's he going?" Billie pondered, causing Joey to look at Justin walking away. "You're such an ass." J.C. hissed at Chris and then he ran after Justin. Lance slapped Chris lightly on the arm as a warning and then watch his ex-boyfiend run after their friend.

Chris tapped his foot waiting with Joey and Lance for J.C. and Justin to return. "I didn't mean it. Justin can be so damn sensitive sometims." Chris tried to explain to his friends, feeling nervous. Lance stood with his arms crossed while Joey paid attention to every word Chris used to beg and plead for understanding. "He'll be fine." Lance gave a careless answer, watching as his friends approahced. He looked back to Chris who was wearing a white turtle neck that was too big for his upperbody and white jogging pants that were loosly hanging on his body. He had one pant leg rolled up to give him an even more appealing aspect. He did his best to feel comfrtoable in his clothing but he knew that he wish he could wlak around in a wife beater and jeans for the video. However, Chris knew the concept called for a more casual 'N Sync and not the street look he preferred.

Lance's olive-shaded eyes drifted over to Joey who wore a ghost white, rain-repellent jacket and under it was a plain, powder white T-shirt. His body glew in the sunlight that creeked in from above, giving off an angelic smile. His pants were white, baggy jogging pants, similiar to that of Chris's. He sported the same classic white Reebok's that Justin wore. His hair was now auburn yet red to the light, neatly trimmed and his goatee perfectly combed.

"Now we can start?" Billie asked sarcastically, stepping up to them for approval. "Yeah." Lance answered, watching J.C. and Justin making a slow walk back to them. He kept his eyes on J.C., wearing a knitted overshirt and white cargo pants. J.C.'s hair was now golden brown. His hair was pulled back perfectly and his Leo necklace bounced from side to side. His form was that of an athletic man, yet J.C. moved in the ways of a business man.

J.C. looked at Lance and tried to fake a smile. Lance did not return the smile and changed his choice of sight. He tried to make conversation with Joey to make J.C. believe that Lance had moved on in some form. 'I can't let him know that I'm still thinking about him... not after yesterday.' Lance tried to remind himself of his actions. He had hit set in his mind that a smile would warm J.C.'s heart to what they had, he didn't want that. He had to let J.C. see Nick for himself and then come running back to him. It was the only way Lance would know their lives would be complete in some fashion.

J.C. just gave a sigh and kept his thoughts on Nick. 'He's the past and if he doesn't want to be friends, I can't change it.' J.C. said to himself, disappointed in Lance's choice. "Can you stare at him any harder?" Justin nudged J.C. with his soft whisper. J.C. took his eyes off of Lance with a sudden surprise. "He's just your ex, nothing to stress over." Justin tried to brighten some of what J.C. was going through. "You wouldn't say that if you were there the other day." J.C. shyly said, reminiscing on Lance's violent actions towards him and Nick. Justin gave J.C. an unsure frown, trying to break down the barriers J.C. was building up from everyone.

"Guys, it's about nine now and we only have until about nine tonight to get all of this footage done or I'll have to rent out the mall and everyone else again tomorrow." Billie informed everyone, trying to get control of the situtaion. He got nods from the staff and the guys.

"All right, let's set up the shot over here like I planned." Billie said to the crew. He gathered the guys of 'N Sync together so he could explain the first scene they were filming. "All right, this shot will be from the second hook. I need you guys to be smiling part of the time and then straight faces the other half. It'll be about a fifteen second shot if not more. Just be you, but be professional." Billie stated, trying to get everyone's attention. "So it's the one right after Justin's verse?" J.C. questioned. "Yes, that's it." Billie nodded.

Billie walked to behind the camera and let the crew set each guy up at their marker. "Get ready to cue the music." Billie announced to the sound booth. "Think happy thoughts guys." Joey tried to cheer his frinds hopes up. He succeeded with J.C. and Chris, yet he failed for Lance and Justin. "Think of sex Lance." Chris tried to joke. Lance giggled for the camera. "Cue my lights." Billie yelled out, walking around behind the scenes. With that, two bright lights were clicked on so that each member glew in the camera's view.

Justin kept a straight face and waited for the music. "Oh come on and just fake it." Joey groaned to Justin. "Leave him be." J.C. hissed at him. Joey shrugged and stood by his marker. "Give me an angle." Billie requested of the camera man. Justin watched each behind the scene action take place, the fast movements attracted his eye. J.C. tried to keep his smile, growing even more worried about his friend. "Okay guys... ACTION!" he called out.

As he did, the mall began to be filled with the sounds of 'It's True'. Each member of 'N Sync bobbed to the beat, lip-synching the chorus of the song. Justin seemed to keep his straight face while the others seemed to have smiles plastered on their lips.

Ba ba ba ba ba, ah ha

I know this much is true

Ba ba ba ba ba, ah ha

I know this much is true

Billie watched Justi with a keen eye as the music began to strum on without vocals. "Can someone make this kid smile a little bit?" Billie requested, not wanting to end his perfect shot. He looked around for something to help him and failed. He just let the music run and hoped that Justin would smile a little bit for the shot. Justin kept his steady movement from side to side, looking right into the camera. His eyes glanced to his bandmates who seemed to lose their smiles and then regain them within seconds.

Justin gazed back to the camera and saw someone standing behind Billie Woodruff. Justin smiled slightly, listening to the instrumental of the song. J.C. smiled even more when he looked and saw Justin smiling. "What? What is it?" Billie asked, searching feverishly for what was making Justin smile so angelically. He turned around fully and saw Brian Littrell standing behind him. "You! It's you isn't it?!" Billie asked with shock. Brian smiled for him and shrugged. "I don't know." Brian replied, trying to make his voice heard over the music. Billie quickly pulled Brian so that Brian was standing in front. "Keep the shot going!" Billie instructed to everyone. "Make him smile." Billie whispered into Brian's ear, hoping that Brian would comply.

Brian shrugged and then looked over to his husband. Justin stared back, giving him a gentle smile. Brian thought of small ways that he could make Justin smile even more. 'I love you' Brian mouthed to Justin with an endearing smile. Justin giggled and went with the flow of the music. Justin knew he couldn't respond verbally, so he gave Brian a loving smile. 'YES!' Billie screamed in his mind and lte Brian stay where he was. 'Do you love me?' Brian mouthed to his husband. Justin nodded happily, keeping his growing smile.

"All right, cut!" Billie hollered out. As he did, the music stopped and everyone took a small break. "Good job guys." Billie cheered them on, rubbing Brian's shoulders lightly. "Thank you." he whispered before walking back to his crew. Brian nodded and waited for Justin to walk over to him. "If you want to see the playback, come over here." Billie vibrantly added, watching the monitor to see what he had accomplished.

"Hey, what if I don't want to smile? Do you think they'll bring Gwen Stefani here?" Chris complained in a humorous way. "It's not likely." Joey patted Chris on the shoulder as he walked by. "But I bet they'd let Britney be here right?!" Chris yelled out to his friend with laughter. "If he asked nicely." Lance joked with him, finally keeping a solid smile. Chris kept his laughter going with Lance while the others took advantage of their break.

"Are we allowed to do this?" Brian asked as Justin hugged him. "Not really, but no one's over here." Justin replied. They were standing in a small corner out of public view, taking a chance at holding each other. "Well I don't care if they are looking then." Brian whispered, laying a gentle kiss on Justin's cheek. "Mmm, that's another thing I love about you." Justin softly said. Brian just rubbed his hands over Justin's back.

"Hey! Break's over!" J.C. yelled at them with a grin. "Our three minutes aren't up." Brian replied with an equally large grin. "Oh well, you don't get three minutes as a pop star, just three seconds." J.C. giggled. Justin sighed and released Brian from their embrace. "Can I have one second?" Justin seriously requested. "Sure, go ahead." J.C. agreed to it, knowing what Justin wanted. "Thank you Sleepy." Justin grinned at him before turning his head to Brian. He grabbed Brian's ears and held them lightly. He wanted to laugh but held it back as Justin pulled him closer. "Are you going to kiss me or make me give you a blow job." Brian teased him as their noses touched. "Shut up and kiss me baby." Justin giggled, letting out his humor. "Mmm, gladly." Brian replied, resting his lips on Justin's. Justin tilted his head slightly and savored the kiss. Their lips ran smoothly and slowly. Time seemed to float by as Brian rubbed Justin's sides during their kiss. J.C. looked down to his silver watched and clocked their loving moment. Justin just kept his eyes shut and lips moving.

"We're going on three minutes here." J.C. teased the length of their kiss. He heard Justin moan something to him but it was muffled by the kiss. 'Please don't pull away.' Brian requested in his head. He slowly began to slide his tongue inside of Justin's mouth. Justin was stunned by the feel of Brian's wet tongue. He rubbed his tongue against Brian's to assure Brian it was okay. Justin wrapped his arms around Brian's neck to become more involved in the kiss.

"Guys, hurry up. They're getting ready for the next shot." J.C. did his best to rush them so that his friends did not get caught. Justin knew he had to listen to his friend's advice and back away. He regretfully pulled his tongue back into his own mouth and opened his eyes. He watched as Brian kept his eyes shut and continued to kiss him. 'Oh Bri, I'm sorry.' Justin said to himself. He placed his hand on Brian's cheek and pushed him back. Brian groaned and tried to keep his lips locked with Justin's. Justin did his best to fight it off and successfully got Brian off of him. Brian rolled his eyes with anger and leaned up against the corner. "I'm sorry." Justin whispered to him. Brian nodded, still showing his obvious disappointment. "Come on J before we get in some major shit." J.C. tried to usher along their making up. Justin sighed and grabbed Brian's hand. "Come on, watch the shot with me." Justin requested. Brian wanted to turn away and take time for himself but he couldn't watch th disappointed look upon Justin's face. "Shall we." Brian offered the way for Justin. Justin smiled agreeably. "This way Mr. Littrell." Justin chimed, leading Brian out of the corner.

The next shot was set up on the mall's escalator. The lights were strategically placed on each side heading up the escalator. As one side of the moving stairs went up, the other went down, awaiting the scene. "Okay people, I need the extras for this shot." Billie announced loudly from the bottom step. As he did, the handful of models and actresses made their way to him. The guys of 'N Sync stood nearby getting re-touched for the next shot. "All that you guys have to do is lip-synch to your verse on the setps and maybe move around a little bit. Be real suave about it." Marianne informed them as her artists touched up their faces. "'Suave'? Chris Kirkpatrick doesn't do 'suave'." Chris joked with her. "No, he does 'divine', 'prissy' and even 'danty', but he never does 'suave'." J.C. teased him. Chris shot J.C. a smile and then looked by to Marianne. "Like the man said, I don't do 'suave'." Chris giggled. "But I bet you can do 'asshole' right?" Justin carefully commented. Chris peered in Justin's direction and sensed Justin's anger. "No, that's your job. Always a bottom, never a top." Chris snapped back. Justin wanted to release his anger out through Chris, but Lance grabbed his arm. Justin kindly jerked away from Lance and gave him a look of understanding. "You're right Chris." Justin shrugged off Chris comment. "Okay guys, let's just get over there and make wonders for this video." Joey advised. "Yeah, let's do that." J.C. agreed, trying to prevent his friends from any physical altercations on the set.

Each member made their way to the escalator and stood behind camera as they shot footage of the models and actresses flirting on the escalator and then just posing on the escalator. "Cut!" Billie called out, running behind the camera to see the playback. Joey and Lance decided to watch on while Justin stood to the side with Chris and J.C. "Look guys, can we just get over this? It's bad enough me and Lance are stressing each other out, you two don't need to add to it." J.C. spoke up with his fatherly advice. Chris eyed Justin mysteriously. "It's no problem." Justin shrugged. Chris crossed his arms with disbelief in Justin. "I'm mature enough to forget it." Justin added, trying to pull an apology out of Chris. "You're eighteen, maturity doesn't start until twenty-five." Chris teased him. He offered his hand to Justin as a sign of apology. Justin took it and gladly shook hands with Chris. "Thank you!" J.C. sighed loudly, looking towards the ceiling.

"Now maybe you and Lance can play nicely." Chris suggested, shifting his eyes to his pale friend. "Another time." J.C. replied lowly, knowing Lance's true feelings. "You're not going to tell us what happened are you?" Justin questioned. "No." J.C. answered flatly. Chris gave Justin a look and then J.C. "If you were good lovers, you can be good friends." Chris showed his sign of maturity with his comment. "He's right." Justin agreed. "And if you and Brian got a divorce, could you be good friends?" J.C. asked, not gaping into Justin's blue eyes. Justin thought over the idea, never wanting to experience it himself. "It wouldn't happen." Chris spoke up for Justin, making Justin negative thoughts end. "It could." J.C. sighed before walking away from them.

Justin pondered the thought even longer after J.C.'s heartbreaking sigh. "It couldn't happen Justin. Trust me." Chris did his best to make up for the words J.C. chose. "But it could Chris. What if me and Brian did get a divorce? Over something as petty as Nick?" Justin let out his true emotions. Chris placed a hand on Justin's shoulder for comfort. "It wouldn't happen. You nor Brian would let something like that happen. You'd work it out." Chris argued with a caring voice. "Chris, my parents did it and so did yours." Justin replied sadly. The comment hit Chris right in the heart. "Let's not talk about it." Chris advised. He pulled his hand from Justin's shoulder after his words were spoken. "But Chris..." Justin tried to reach out to him verbally. "Let's not fucking talking about my parents, okay?" Chris barked on a touchy subject. Justin nodded, not wanting to anger Chris anymore. "Let's... let's just get on the set Justin," Chris suggested sadly. Justin agreed and walked with his friend to the video set.

Just Beginning (Chapter 19) Written by JM

The music once again started to liven the mall as the steady beat brought smiles to everyone's faces. "Okay and ACTION!" Billie called out. The escalators began their movements again as Joey, Lance and Chris stood at the top and J.C. and Justin stood at the bottom. Joey now wore a white cowboy hat that he sported to perfection. He, Chris and Lance bounced to the melody of the chorus before Justin's verse started.

Justin and J.C. rode up the escalator facing the camera. Justin smiled dimly for the camera and began to lip-synch his verse.

With a thrill in my head and a pill on my tongue

Dissolve the nerves that have just begun

Listening to Marvin (all night long)

This is the sound of my soul (this is the sound)

Justin bobbed to the beat before hearing Billie call cut once again. Justin relaxed against the rail as he reached the top of the escalator. J.C. placed his hands on Justin's shoulders and began to massage them. "Just another ten or twelve more hours to go Just." J.C. whispered to him. Justin nodded and tried to relax himself. "Okay, this next shot you guys will just fool around and walk up and down the steps as the melody plays for the intro." Billie explained breifly through a mega-phone. Each guy gave him a nod and then got to their places. "And here we go again?" Justin questioned J.C. with a smile. "Yes Just, here we go again." J.C. giggled.

They watched as the moving camera prepared for each angeled shot. "And ACTION!" Billie called out through his mega-phone. The guys did their best with their acting skills as the music for the intro played. J.C. tried to remember each ad-lib so that the video seemed even more realistic.

Ba ba ba ba ba

Yeah babe

Oooh, baby

Billie tried to direct the guys from behind camera, watching each of their steps. "Spread out Joey and Lance!" he called out lightly. Lance followed his orders and began to walk down the descending stairs. Joey kept his position and gave a dazzling stare. "Beautiful!" Billie cheered them on. Brian watched with a keen eye as Justin enjoyed himself playing on the escalator. He giggled to himself, thinking how much fun Justin always had with his friends.

"CUT!" Billie yelled to everyone. The music was stopped again and the guys took that as their cue to relax. "Okay everyone, this is a small break for the guys of 'N Sync except Justin. You guys can go grab some food but don't go too far away. We'll need you for your solo shots and more close up's soon." Billie explained loudly. Joey and Lance cheered and ran from the escalator. "Have fun." Chris sighed to Justin before walking up the steps to the second floor. "Uhm, I'm going to go call Nickie, okay?" J.C. seemed to be asking permission of Justin. Justin gave J.C. a funny glare before nodding. "Go call your little boyfriend." Justin teased him. "Hey, maybe one day I'll have a good husband like you?" J.C. let his dream escape his lips and prayed it was heard. "I know you will Sleepy." Justin solomnly replied. J.C. smiled geniunely and then walked off.

Justin stepped to the bottom of the escalator and awaited instructions on what to do. "Okay Justin, we're going to do some footage of you sitting here on the escalator for your verse. It won't be moving, so all you have to do is sit there and give off some joy and some sorrow for your verse." Billie explained to Justin. Justin nodded and removed his Kangol hat. Billie took the hat and let the make-up artists come in for quick touch up's. Billie handed Brian the hat and smiled. "Stick around so you can make him smile." Billie teased him. Brian blushed slightly and held tightly onto the hat.

"Okay people give me the right verse and the right lightining and we're good to go. Remember Justin, mixed emotions." Billie called out, giving everyone a smile. Justin prepared himself. He was always thankful for those years he spent as a Mousketeer. It gave him the epxerience he needed for each time he stepped in front of the camera. "All right ladies and gents, action!" Billie yelled.

With that, the music cued from the first chorus. Justin lip-synched to it and adjusted for his shot. Justin sat with his knees bent and his arms propping his shoulders. His shirt was baggy for him which made him comfortable. His strawberry blonde hair was gelled perfectly and his diamond earrings glistened in the spotlights that were above him. He lte his tennis bracelet shine in the light. He looked right into the camera as it moved in and out for close up's.

With a thrill in my head and a pill on my tongue

Dissolve the nerves that have just begun

Listening to Marvin (all night long)

This is the sound of my soul (this is the sound)

He closed his eyes and remembered the next part of the song vividly. He opened his dark blue eyes again and stared into the camera. He began the next part, making up for J.C. not being there.

Always slipping from my hands

Sand's a time of its own

Take your seaside arms and write the next line

Oh I want the truth to be known

Justin bobbed loosely to the beat. He nibbled on his lower lip and gave a shy appeal for the camera. Billie was thrilled with Justin's natural acting skills. Justin looked away from the camera's direct view and stared off into the oblivion. "CUT!" Billie called out, feeling pleased with the shot.

Billie pondered his next shot while Brian took a chance to step from behind the camera. Brian walked over to Justin and knelt in front of him. "Having a good day?" Brian teased him with a smile. "Yeah but I'm tired from the flight, I'm hungry, I haven't gotten much of a break and I haven't gotten ten minues to hold my husband since I've been here." Justin whispered his reply, giving a mug-look. Brian kept a smile to try and cheer Justin up. "Okay, then maybe after this shot you can go catch a nap in the dressing room and I'll get you a water?" Brian offered. "And what about..." Brian quickly placed a finger on Justin's lips. "That too. If you give a big smile to the camera and then you'll get a big kiss from me afterwards." Brian offered to Justin. He made the offer seem as if Justin was a five year old child receiving a lolipop for not crying when the doctor gave him a shot. Only Justin replied the way Brian wanted and smiled. "How about a little something special in my apple pie tonight?" Justin teased Brian lowly. "Aren't you the bad boy." Brian giggled. Justin rested his hand on Brian's shoulder and nodded. "Does that mean I gotta get ass somewhere else?" Justin let his ebonics take charge to make Brian laugh even harder. "No, you can get ass right here Just." Brian giggled, trying to give off the same street tone as Justin. "Ah, you need less MTV and more BET." Justin laughed loudly. Brian nudged Justin's knee and stood. "You need less shit and more dick." Brian mocked him. "Blame it on my husband." Justin snapped back with laughter. Brian gave him a superficial smile and then looked back to the cameras. "Ah, just smile for the camera." Brian chimed, trying to walk away. "Okay Brian." Justin replied softly. Brian kept his smile and walked behind the cameras.

Justin stood from his spot, still awaiting Billie Woodruff's word on what to do. "Uhm Brian, can I talk to you for a minute?" Justin heard the director request. Justin sighed deeply and leaned on the railing of the escalator. He watched their conversation, catching onto a few things that Billie did with his hand gestures.

Within moments Brian was approaching the other escalator. "What's going on?" Justin questioned Brian as Brian walked up the escalator. "It seems I'm being put in the video quicker than I thought." Brian replied as he kept his movement going. "Okay, Justin, we need you and Brian to act as if you're conversating on the escalator before this actress right here pulls you away." Billie explained loudly, pointing out the glamoured actress that awaited at the bottom of the escalator. Justin turned his head back to Brian and could see why Brian was frowning so heavily. He too gave a frown and awaited the shot to resume.

J.C. stood in the dressing room reviewing some of the clothes he could change into. He was alone and that's how he liked it. 'I like this one.' J.C. gleamed as he looked at the sheer shirt. "I bet Nick would like that." he heard a deep voice comment. J.C. didn't have to turn his head to know who was invading his privacy. "Please don't start." J.C. requested before dropping the shirt. "Okay, I won't." Lance replied, taking a seat on the couch that was placed in a corner. Lance took a large gulp of his Naya water and then stared at J.C. "Are you going to change?" Lance asked, trying to build a conversation. J.C. walked over to the couch and sat down with Lance. "I was... but I just don't feel like it." J.C. replied, relazing his ehad against the couch. He slouched slightly and turned his head in Lance's direction. "Why are you in here?" J.C. asked. "To get away from the screaming girls. Joey's STILL down there flirting and signing autographs. I'm sure Britney would bitch is she saw it." Lance laughed with his reply. "What's wrong Lance? Don't you love the attention?" J.C. teased him. "No. I never have." Lance flatly replied. J.C. gave him a surprised look. "I prefer the attention of a guy instead of a girl and a boyfriend instead of just anyone." Lance explained on his response. J.C. nodded and relaxed even further.

"I love my fans but not when they love me so much they think sex will make them one with me or something. Sex means a little more to me than that." Lance added, looking directly at J.C. J.C.'s saphire eyes got most of Lance's attention as he spoke. "Sex should mean something and not just orgasm." J.C. agreed. Lance smiled heavenly towards J.C. "Well was it more than just orgasm?" Lance asked, slipping his hand to J.C.'s thigh. J.C. failed to take notice of it. He had grown accustom to Lance's hand there and let his memory slip. "Lance, let's not talk about our sex. We had our great nights and our just fuck nights." J.C. replied, staring off into space. "What's tonight going to be?" Lance gave his shot at J.C. J.C. turned back to lance and pouted. "Lance... we're not like that anymore." J.C. tried to remind him softly. "We could be. You and Nick haven't had enough time to be actual boyfriends." Lance pleaded with a smile. "Yes, we have because the minute my penis entered him, I was his. It's hard to swallow, but it's true." J.C. stated, still pouting. "Oh I bet it was just like that? You sliding into Nick, taking his virginity like you took mine." Lance whispered without anger. "Lance, I told you I was sorry about the way we first fucked." J.C. became slightly aggrivated. "We didn't fuck..." Lance hissed. J.C. cocked a brow at Lance. "We made love and I'm happy we did." Lance finished in a gentle voice. J.C. agreed and looked out to the clothes nearby.

"Just like we could make love now." Lance whispered, sliding his hand further up J.C.'s leg. J.C. looked down to the hand and stopped it before it could reach his crotch. "No, we can't and we won't. I told you once that I loved him and I'll say it again." J.C. snapped with anger. Lance felt the tension as J.C. gripped his hand harder. "Please stop." Lance requested, feeling agony in his hand. J.C. didn't realized the hurt he was inflicting upon Lance. J.C. quickly released Lance's hand and let it drop back to his thigh. Lance whimpered in pain as his hand throbbed.

"I'm... I'm sorry Lance." J.C. apologized honestly and with an open heart. Lance nodded and laid his head on J.C.'s shoulder for comfort. J.C. sighed and then placed his arm around Lance. "Does this mean..." Lance tried to speak without making J.C. angry. "Never mind." Lance sighed, pulling away from J.C. J.C. gave him an odd stare. "What is it Lance?" J.C. questioned, trying to pull him back into the hug. Lance did not answer J.C. verbally. He crawled into J.C.'s lap and began to kiss him softly. J.C.'s eyes stayed wide open when he felt Lance's lips rubbing against his own. Lance tried to enjoy the moment he created as he kissed J.C. as if they were lovers once again.

With brute force and anger in his eyes, J.C. lifted Lance's from his lap and threw him to the other side of the couch. Lance's back hit the end of the couch as his head thudded against the arm. J.C. quickly stood and stared down at Lance. "I won't say this again Lance, stay away from me. I'm in love with Nick now and me and you are through. Don't try to make up for the shit you pulled while we were together. It's not gonna work." J.C. chastised him bitterly. Lance looked at him with agony lacing his olive green eyes. "I was just doing what Nick does to everyone else. Trying to come between two people by sleeping with one of them." Lance explained his actions, trying to make them right. J.C. gripped his fists, trying to control his want to punch Lance. "That may be your way Lance, but that's not Nick's. I volunteered to sleep with Nick." J.C. barked. "So now it was charity?" Lance asked, sitting up on the couch in pain. J.C. knew his rage had to be released somehow. He turned his face from Lance and slammed his hand into the wall next to him. Lance jumped with shock, not realizing how deeply he had angered J.C. "I love him. I really love him and whether you or any of these other fucking people choose to accept it doesn't mean shit to me. But if ya'll don't accept it then you don't accept me and then maybe it's time Joshua Chasez left 'N Sync." J.C. spoke coldly, still not looking into Lance's eyes.

Tears crept through Lance's eyelids. He sniffled slightly. He stood from the couch and grabbed his water. He walked over to J.C. quickly and hugged him. J.C. wanted to pull away until he felt his shoulder become moist with Lance's tears. "No, don't leave me. Please don't." Lance requested. "Why not Lance?! You were ready to leave us?" J.C. argued, not putting his arms around Lance. "I was angry like you are but I could never leave you baby." Lance stated, trying to control his sniffling. "I'm not your 'baby'. I don't love you anymore." J.C. hissed. Lance cried even more with the words. He did his best to control himself as he hugged J.C. tighter. "Yes you do Joshua, it's okay. Nick is just something you want now but you still love me like I love you." Lance whispered, placing small kisses on his neck. J.C. felt Lance's tongue rub over his neck and he knew if he didn't leave soon he would snap.

J.C. jerked Lance off of him violently. "I'm out. I'm sick of you and I'm sick of this. After today, I'm going to Johnny and I'm out Lansten." J.C. announced coldly, making sure Lance understood every verb and constanant that left his lips. Lance let the tears fall as J.C. inflicted pain upon his arms. "Don't call and don't bother to write." J.C. hissed, releasing Lance from his grip. J.C. quickly walked out of the room, trying not to anger himself anymore.

Lance fell to his knees in pain. His physical pain he could bare but the pain of his heart made him cry. He crawled to the couch and laid down, trying to end his tears. He knew he had lost J.C. but he was afraid to stop trying. 'I should call my mom and talk to her... no, I should call the office and try to get more time off... no, I need to call Lea and see if she'll pick me up at the airport... or call Lilian... no, I need J.C. back' Lance's thoughts ran rabbit as he could only think of how much he needed J.C. He let his tears soak the spot where he lay, thinking of more ways to win back his former lover's heart and affection.

Justin sat in the food court of the mall eating his lunch by himself. He looked down to his tennis bracelet and smiled. The bracelet was only just a small reminder of the husband he sat without. He used his fork to grab another piece of chicken from his plate and shoved it into his mouth. He looked up just as someone sat down in front of him. He saw a happy smile and smiled back. "Where's the husband?" Joey questioned, snatching a roll from Justin's plate. Justin grumbled and then pointed to a small crowd that had assembled near the escalator. "Oh, the girls eh?" Joey giggled. Justin nodded hatefully and then picked up a carrot with his fork. "Been there, done that." Joey shrugged. "No, been there, you LOVED that." Justin teased him. Joey smiled and nodded. "But I love Britney more." Joey tried to reassure Justin. "Oh yeah, I know. You just don't want me to tell Britney your dirty little secrets." Justin laughed at Joey's dilemma. "Hey, I got dirt on you too Justin." Joey reminded him. "Like?" Justin questioned with doubt in his smile. "Uhm... how about the time you were jacking off at the Disney concert? Or the time you jacked off on the tour bus?" Joey offered his knowledge. "Hey, I didn't jack off at the Disney concert, I just played a little. Plsu ALL of us have jacked off on the bus, you guys don't know how to clean up your messes." Justin giggled with his answer. "Or the time you jacked off to Brian's picture?" Joey finally hit Justin with something secret. Justin's eyes flew open with surprise. "You don't know that." Justin gave him a cocky grin. "Don't I? You should learn to be a little bit more quieter when you're whispering Brian's name." Joey gave an equally cocky smile. Justin's eyes stayed in shock. "I won't say anything though. I'm sure your mom wouldn't want to know about that." Joey hung the guilt over Justin's head. Justin flushed quickly. "I won't be talking to Britney." Justin grunted out, grabbing his glass of water. "And I won't be telling Brian about the time I heard you two having sex in the bathroom at the studio." Joey added another of his secrets.

Justin couldn't believe the things Joey had known and never revealed. "One night stand man." Justin decided to shoot him back. "Jacking Justin." Joey gave his own personal nickname. Justin grinned and ate some more chicken. "Bet I got more head then you." Justin slyly commented. Joey began to slightly choke on his roll when he heard that. "You're sick." he commented through his coughing. "No, I'm just better at getting head." Justin chimed. "Or giving it!" Joey bellowed out with laughter. Justin shook his fork at Joey and smiled.

"Mind if we join you?" Brian asked, standing next to J.C. Justin looked up and then frowned. "I mind." Justin grumbled. Joey looked at him before throwing a piece of chicken at Justin. "Sit down you guys. Justin's just on PMS right now because of Brian." Joey explained with a smile. Brian hesitated on sitting while J.C. took a moment for relief. Justin looked away as Brian took a seat next to him. "Ignore your husband Brian. He'll get over himself one day." Joey teased Brian. Brian didn't smile. He slipped his hand under the table and rubbed Justin's thigh. Justin let the hand rest, trying to stay mad with Brian.

Justin was oblivious to the conversation Joey and J.C. had started. He was occupied with Brian's hand on his thigh, slowing moving upward. Justin let the hand move, knowing Brian would cease his movement if he got too close. Justin looked towards the conversation he missed when he felt two fingers carefully unzipping his cargo pants. Justin's eyes quickly moved to Brian's face. Brian's chin was propped by his hand and he smiled at Justin. He gestured for Justin to stay silent. Justin bit his lower lip and felt Brian's hand slip into the large hole that was now accessible. Justin became even more nervous as Brian's hand caressed his boxers. Brian signaled for Justin to look at the others while he tried to pleasure his husband.

Justin turned his head to Joey and J.C. and painted a smile for them. "So Justin, did you think we'll get enough down time to go see a movie next week?" J.C. asked of his friend. Justin was at a lose of words as he formed an erection. "Is that a 'no'?" J.C. asked, trying to read his friend's expression. "Well Josh, you know how uhm, hard... hard it is to try and get free from something and go to see a movie... or maybe just slower... I mean slow down to actually think of how things will be cumming.. er, going." Justin stumbled out his words, trying to slow his excitement. J.C. and Joey both gave him peculiar stare. Justin kept a grin just as Brian's hand dipped into Justin's boxers. "So you're saying that we won't have time to go to the movies next week?" Joey questioned, still having confusion written on his face. Justin nodded quickly, feeling the pre-cum slip out of the tip of his penis. "He's right, too many fans know who we are. We'd have to wait until live twelve at night to go or something." J.C. agreed, still oblivious to what was happening under the table.

When Brian's fingers grazed over the head of Justin's penis, he felt an orgasm wanting to sweep his body. "Oh Brian..." Justin moaned softly. Joey and J.C.'s head snapped in Justin's direction. Justin slammed his mouth shut and stared at them with fear. "Oh Brian can we go to the dressing room now. I've gotta go get something from my backpack." Justin swiftly covered for himself. Brian on the otherhand couldn't stop himself from laughing.

"Eh guys, we've gotta get to the next shot now." Chris informed them. Brian quickly pulled his hand from Justin's pants and zipped up the zipper. "Ugh, more work." Joey complained. "Ah, but we sexy actresses." Chris reminded him. A smile gformed on Joey's lips. "Oh Britney, how you came and your boyfriend left you..." J.C. sang, trying to remind Joey of his girlfriend. "Ah shut up!" Joey snickered. J.C. grinned brightly and stood from his chair. Brian and Justin followed and everyone made their way to the next scene.

"Lance, sweetie, whatever you do to mess up your make-up, please stop. I can't afford the M.A.C. or Clairol I use on you." Marianne teased Lance as she tried to touch up his tear stained face. Lance didn't smile for her, just let the process of shooting the video continue. "Lance just needs a good three hour nap and a pile of Snickers." Chris joked as he walked by. "Chris, sharing your secrets?" Trish teased him as she adjusted his outfit on him. "Well how do you think I keep going on tour? The nights where you get four hours sleep because either your on the phone with mom, signing autographs or dealing with relationship problems within the group? Do you think it's easy? I can barely keep a girlfriend." Chris stated with a hint of bitterness in his tone. "A girlfriend? When did that happen?" Joey giggled from behind Chris. "I don't have one because of ya'll." Chris laughed out. "That's not true. Chris has been talking to someone since Cancun, he's just too shy to ask her out." Lance argued. Chris shot Lance an evil stare. "Oh come on Christopher, share!" Joey egged him on. "Don't call me that!" Chris barked at Joey.

"The special girl is Meelah from 702. They've been talking on and off for like a month now but Chris has yet to ask her out!" Lance let lose the secret that Chris did his best to keep from his friends. "What?! Meelah?! And you're scared to ask her out? She's so damn pretty!" Joey cheered with surprise. Chris pouted and walked away from the two. "Chris has this thing where if he gets his heart broke, he can't afford to pay for it again." Lance explained to Joey. "Aaaww, a true Romeo." Marianne stepped into the conversation. Joey placed his cowboy hat on and sighed. "Maybe it's time I made some calls so that he's not so shy." Joey suggested to Lance. "No, don't do that. Let him do this on his own." Lance pleaded with him. Joey thought for a moment. He watched as the make-up artist helped Lance slip his contacts back in for the shoot. Lance soon looked back at him with crystal blue eyes. Joey smiled and agreed to Lance's request.

Four more hours went by as they shot scenes in the elevator of the mall and from in front of the digital broadcaster that digitalized the saying: 'N Sync.... Another Step... It's True...' The shots were done easily for the guys and Billie Woodruff.

Just Beginning (Chapter 20) Written by JM

Brian sat at the edge of the mall, right in front of JC Penny. He was seated with a crew of twenty and Billie Woodruff. It was going on eight thirty at night and everyone was tired. They had been filiming since nine that morning and had gone non-stop with short baks between shots and little time for lunch or dinner. It was a regular day when it came to a video shoot except it went off without a hitch, no mistakes and not many re-atkes. Even the fans that had been picked to be extras were satisfied with just seeing the guys of 'N Sync film amd occasionally flirt behind the scenes. Brian was thrilled to be able to see the whole process, not having to do much fliming outside of the scene with his husband on the escalator and another scene where he got passed up by a fan for J.C. He didn't mind it that much, just being able to watch was enough. Even watching the scenes the guys did around the mall's large water fountain and the break down scene the guys did as they danced on the tabesl in the food court. Brian enjoyed watching Darren, the choreographer, critcize each move Justin and Chris made while dancing.

Brian's only lament was the fact that he had not had a full hour to spend with Justin and never in privacy. They were always around at least one or more people and that prevented Justin from slipping Brian even the smallest kiss. Brian's lips may have been moist from the water that he sipped on constantly, but he preferred the warm feel of Justin's lips any day.

He stared down the long stretch of ways ahead of them, to where people were waiting. "Okay and ACTION!" he heard Billie call into his mega-phone. With that, the beginning of 'It's True' played again for everyone and a loud rumbling hit the mall.

Brian watched as Chris Kirkpatrick, Lance Bass, Justin Littrell, J.C. Chasez and Joey Fatone came running down the stretch, being chased by a mob of twenty fans. The screaming fans added to the loud atmosphere as the guys joked while they ran. Brian giggled as he watched Lance beginning to trip and Chris strategically dodging each fan as they caught up to them. Justin and J.C.'s faces were filled with laughter and Joey's filled with puzzlement.

Brian bobbed his head as J.C.'s verse filled in the mall as the guys were preparing to hit their stopping point.

So true funny how it seems

Always in time, but never in line for dreams

Head over heels when toe to toe

This is the sound of my soul (this is the sound)

I bought a ticket to the world

But now I've come back again

Why do I find it hard to write the next line

Oh I want the truth to be said

Billie watcheed for the right moment to cease the running. "CUT!" he called out through his mega-phone. The music stopped and the guys quickly stopped their running. Each panted hard and heavy, having put their all into the running. The fans did the same, hoping still to get a glimpse of the guys as they relaxed. "Okay, extras if you'll just follow Mr. Turner over there, he'll escort you out." Billie announced in his mega-phone. A rippling sigh of disappointment followed. Chris snatched the mega-phone from Billie's hands. "And if all of you lovely fans will follow Mr. Turner over there to the food court, we'll gladly come over there in just a second and give you all autographs and maybe take some pictures." Chris announced. With his words, the fans cheered happily, gossiping to each other about who they loved more. Mr. Turner did as instructed and escorted the fans to the food court.

Billie snatched the mega-phone back from Chris and stared him down. "Good idea Chris." Joey quickly spoke up, trying to cease Billie's disapproval. "Yeah yeah, just get over here and watch the playback." Billie managed a grin for Chris.

Another hour grudged by as everything was being closed down in the mall. The guys of 'N Sync and Brian Littrell made their way up to 'N Sync's dressing room with Trish in follow. "Don't ya'll just throw those clothes on the floor. Some of this isn't full paid for." Trish warned them as they entered the dressing room. "Yes mommy!" was the echoing response she received.

The first thing Justin did when he got in the dressing room was lay out on the couch. He needed the extra break from the loud noises and the stress of being told what to do. Lance didn't follow his trend as he grabbed his bag and headed for the changing room. Joey took a seat near Trish's racks of clothing and sipped on his Evian water. J.C. began conversations on his cell phone and Chris looked over a schedule that had been dropped into his hands by a P.R.

"Will someone call Bryce and see if he's coming on tour with us?" Chris requested, looking around at his friends. He received no response. Chris wrinkled his brow. "Look people, treating each other like we hate each other won't work. We're supposed to be like brothers." Chris requested. Chris looke over to Brian with a smile. "Well except you, you're a brother-in-law." Chris joked with him. Brian snuggled up to Justin on the couch and smiled back to Chris. "Tell that to Josh then," Lance commented as he stepped out of the changing area. J.C. was too busy on the phone to hear Lance's comment. "Ah come on Lance, brothers don't fuck each other." Joey boasted. "That's funny because we did fuck and I enjoyed it." Lance hissed back to him. Joey took the hint and backed off of Lance. "Okay, I really don't want to know about your love life Lansten." Chris joked with Lance. "That's only because you don't have one." Lance joked back.

Justin's eyes were closed as he ignored all that was happening around him. He tried to relax after his long day. "So... uhm, I talked to Leigh Ann today." Brian whispered to Justin. Justin's eyes flew open with hate. He stared into Brian's eyes, waiting for him to further his statement. "And well she has a premiere to go to tomorrow night for her movie Olive Juice. She did it like last summer. Well she asked me to be her escort." Brian shyly stated. Justin closed his eyes again and kept his anger written upon his face. "I told her that I might go, but I wanted to talk to you about it first." Brian tried to add on to calm Justin. "Go, I don't care." Justin heaved out. Brian didn't believe his husband. "You do care." Brian argued softly. Justin opened his eyes and gave Brian a hard stare. "If you didn't, you wouldn't be so jealous." Brian smiled at Justin. Justin grumbled and closed his eyes once again. "But she did say that if you wanted to go and could get a date, she had two extra passes." Brian offered an agreement. "Who the hell am I going to get for a date?" Justin mumbled. "How about Britney?" Brian offered his suggestion. Justin's eyes jolted open with surprise. "Britney? Yeah right." Justin giggled. Justin decided to keep his eyes open and look at Brian. "Well... what's wrong with Britney?" Brian questioned. "Britney is dating Joey." Justin answered flatly. "Oh and like you're trying to become her boyfriend or something? It's just one night out and this is so you can feel comfortable with me being there with Leigh Ann." Brian explained. Justin pondered the idea. "For your lonely ass husband?" Brian begged. Justin rolled his eyes again and smiled. "I'll call her." Justin sighed. Brian's face couldn't smile any harder. He leaned in and kissed the tip of Justin's nose. "But if Leigh Ann pisses me off, I'm gone Brian." Justin warned him. Brian frowned at the notion. "Without me?" Brian questioned softly. Justin rubbed his finger over Brian's defined cheek. "No, not without you." Justin replied. He leaned in and carefully kissed Brian on the lips.

"Look I don't care what the problem is, why the hell are you leaving for a week?" Joey barked at Lance. "I really don't want to talk about it." Lance replied coldly, staring at J.C. J.C. gave him an aggrivated glance. "Don't put this on me because I won't fall for the guilt trip." J.C. professed. "I wasn't laying any guilt trip on you Joshua." Lance replied, gathering his stuff. "Why are you all on his back about this? The man hasn't seen his family in months and now you want him to drop everything and stay?" Chris chastisted Joey. "It's going to be J.C.'s birthday soon. He can't at least stay for that?" Joey questioned in anger. J.C. watched his friend argue on his behalf. "Why should I? J.C. cheated on me with Nick." Lance lashed back. "Exactly!" Chris threw his hands up with agreeance. "Get over it. It happened and you two broke up, but that doesn't mean he's not your friend." Joey did his best to argue. "I don't want to be friends right now. I just lost him as a boyfriend and you want me to be friends?" Lance argued, looking directly at J.C. "Yeah, friends. Can you handle that or will you try and jump back into my pants?" J.C. made Lance feel shame with his comment. Lance dropped his head. "I don't want to be your friend." Lance hissed back. "Then go back to Mississippi because I'm out." J.C. replied, throwing his bottled water towards the back of the room.

Justin and Brian jumped with fright. "Oh great, now you're both going to leave the group because of this?" Chris questioned, getting aggrivated with J.C.'s choice. "How can I be in a group where my ex-boyfriend won't accept me or the man I'm in love with?" J.C. questioned hatefully. "How can you call him the man you love after a one night stand?!" Chis hollered at him. Brian and Justin quickly sat up on the couch and watched the arguing progress. "It was not a one night stand..." J.C. calmed his tone. Joey watched to see if Chris would rebuttle. "Then why were you trying to get me back?" Lance questioned coldly. J.C. snatched up his backpack and threw it on. He didn't want to answer Lance's question, in fear of alienating his friends. "Don't go Joshua, not yet." Joey requested. J.C. knew it was serious when Joey called him Joshua. "He can go because I'm going to leave anyway." Lance boasted, grabbing his bag. "He probably wants to get home and fuck Nick anyway, right?" Lance added his own slice to J.C.'s heart. "He won't have to worry about that because Nick's not staying with us anymore." Chris declared. He knew how he was going to win the agrument and he used his words wisely.

J.C. dropped his backpack and then took a seat on the floor. The agony of having his friends fight over his relationship was straining to him. He held his head in his hands and tried not to cry over the situation. Justin watched with mild surprise. He knew the feeling too well and din't want to relive it. "He shouldn't have to leave because you don't agree with his relationship Chris." Joey found the words to disagree with his friend. "I pay half the rent and Nick's not staying," Chris disagreed profoundly. Lance turned to Chris with a subtle smile. Justin watched him in spite. He saw all the characteristics that Nick had exhibited when Brian and Justin first got together. "He's not leaving until I leave." J.C. looked up to Chris. "So now you're moving out?!" Chris bellowed out with shame. J.C. nodded shyly. "I can't live in a place where my friend won't accept my boyfriend." J.C. stated. "Boyfriend?!" Chris balled out to J.C

"Justin, where do you stand in this?" Lance boldly asked. All of his friends eyes drifted to Justin. Brian felt sorry for Justin as he knew where the situtation may lead. "I... I... I don't know." Justin stammered out his words. "Come on J, are you going to stand by J.C.'s decision here? I mean he cheated on Lance and now he wants to be with Nick? You can't agree with that. After all, Nick tried to sleep with Brian." Chris gave his best argument, winning over a side of Justin's mind. Brian wanted to step in but feared rejection from his husband and friends. "Wait, what does that have to do with anything? Brian and Justin are married and happy. Nick doesn't mean a thing to their lives. He does however mean a LOT to J.C J.C. has every right to be with who he wants, just as Justin did when he chose to be with Brian." Joey argued. Justin was once again torn when he heard Joey's powerful argument. Justin found himself putting himself in each of his friend's shoes. The picture wasn't pretty and it was assiduous for Justin to think about.

Justin closed his eyes and thought about the powerful arguments. "He shouldn't side with you because look at what J.C. has done to Lance." Chris boasted to Joey. Joey's head quickly snapped in Chris's direction. "Like he should side with you? J.C. doesn't need this." Joey disagreed. Lance watched his friends battle it out without regret. J.C. looked up to them and couldn't believe how strung out they had become over Lance and his own problem.

"Justin, if Nick did this to you, would you let it go?" Lance decided to throw his marble to weigh in on his side. J.C. looked at Lance with spite. He stood to his feet and once again grabbed his backpack. "You're so wrapped up in yourself and the attention you're getting, you aren't even worried about who's getting hurt." J.C. hissed at him. "I think I was the one hurt." Lance disagreed blindly. "You put Nick in the hospital Lance!" Joey jumped in. "Yeah well the hospital can't fix Lance's heart can they?!" Chris hollered back.

Justin's eyes flew open and he stood. "Stop it! All of you stop acting like children!" Justin barked at everyone. Brian looked up to Justin in shock. Everyone's eyes shifted to Justin and they all peered at him. "I can't believe either of you would get so wrapped up in trying to ruin the other that you forgot about what this is about. This is about the same hell all of you put me through when I confessed my love for Brian." Justin chastised each of them, guiding his eyes to each of them.

"Justin..." J.C. tried to speak up. "Don't explain J.C. You shouldn't waste your time with any of them. Granted I don't have a fond love for Nick, but I would NEVER stop you from loving him. That's not fair to you or him and for any of these guys to argue otherwise is crazy. I wish you would have left a long time ago to spare yourself what I went through." Justin said with disappointment in his friend. J.C. let his head hang low with shame.

"All of you need to leave him alone because he doesn't need to have what me and Brian had. That is too much pain for him to deal with." Justin sniffled out. "Justin... we..." Joey began to rebuttle kindly. "You were being assholes, each and every one of you. You tried to put me in it and let me relive one of my biggest nightmares. Congratulations guys, you did it. Now you'll have to deal with the guilt once again because if you had broke up J.C. and Nick, I would have left 'N Sync." Justin stated boldly. Chris felt for his young friend. "An eighteen year old having to tell twenty-seven and twenty year olds how to act and who they can love is bullshit." Justin snapped, looking directly at Chris and Lance. Chris looked away while Lance stared right back. "What would you know about love Justin?" Lance questioned out of hurt. Justin shook his head at Lance. "Look what I've got Lance. If I don't know love, I don't want to know it because I love Brian." Justin gave his enigma for Lance to ponder.

"Justin..." J.C. wanted to start again. "No Josh, don't say it. I... I can see what hell I went through to have my husband and I can't see you taking that." Justin whimpered. He let a few tears run down his cheeks. They all watched, hoping their friend wouldn't break down before them. Brian reached his hand out to Justin but Justin didn't take it. "You have no right to argue something that should be between Lance and J.C. Lance, if he doesn't love you, leave him be. J.C., if you really love Nick, then don't listen to what we say." Justin gave his final word. He tried to shake off the tears.

"I.. I need to get out of here." Justin stammered out before running from the room. Everyone gasped with shock but Brian. He didn't let anyone look at him as a tear ran down his face.

Chris turned to J.C. with an apology in his heart. "J.C., I really... I'm sorry buddy. I just can't adjust sometimes as easily as you want." Chris said whole heartedly. J.C. nodded and slipped his backpack on. "Look, get a ride home from Joey. I just need my psace right now." J.C. requested. Chris nodded and let J.C. walk from the room. Lance watched his friend slip from his view before turning to Chris. "Sorry?" Lance asked of Chris's sudden betrayel. "Not now Lance. I still feel for you buddy, but I'm tired of picking sides." Chris stated, stepping away from his pale friend. Lance's mouth fell open with shock.

"Me too." Joey sighed, looking over to Brian. He walked over to Brian with concern. "You okay?" he asked, standing over Brian. "Take me to find him." Brian requested. "He's probably out in the parking lot or something." Joey replied, trying to figure out Brian's sudden urgency. "Just do it Joey." Brian sighed, standing from the couch. Joey was still confused.

Chris grabbed his things and was soon joining Joey and Brian as they walked out to Joey's Acura. Brian looked around and saw that Justin's Mercedes was indeed gone. 'Fuck, he's upset.' Brian becamed angered in his mind. They all got into Joey's car as Brian began to make a few calls to see if they could locate Justin.

J.C. was leaning on the side of his Jeep with sadness running throughout his body. Tear after tear ran down his face as he looked up to the moon-filled sky. He felt a finger rub across his cheek and collect the tears. J.C. jolted with shock. He looked at the kind blue eyes in front of him. He was relieved to see Nick. "You're crying." Nick whispered, rubbing the tears away. "What.. what are you doing here?" J.C. asked, sniffling. "Well you did ask me to come by right?" Nick asked, wiping all the tears away. J.C. nodded for him. "Rehearsals ran late and A.J. had to stop by Amanda's before he dropped me off here." Nick explained. J.C. smiled graciously, feeling butterflies as Nick took care of him.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Nick asked nervously. His concerend eyes were all that he could give at the moment. He placed his hands on J.C.'s waist and gave him a chance to respond. "Lance." J.C. sighed out. He looked towards the sky again and held in the tears. Nick didn't want to further J.C.'s pain by asking about Lance. He leaned in and kissed J.C.'s neck carefully. J.C. wanted to push Nick away, knowing Lance's lips had been there earlier.

Nick moved his lips up to J.C.'s and began a smooth kiss. J.C. accepted the kiss, needing Nick to comfort him. Nick rna his lips slowly over J.C.'s but wasn't feeling the geniune love he felt earlier. He pulled back from J.C.'s lips and saw a tear rolling down J.C.'s defined cheek. J.C.'s eyes opened with surprise. Nick gave him a concerned look. "I'm sorry... I'm acting like a big baby." J.C. sniffled out. Nick smiled at him when he saw the twinkle in J.C.'s eyes again. "You're acting like my baby then," Nick whispered. J.C. giggled and threw his arms around Nick's neck. "Take me home and make love to me." J.C. requested. Nick's eyes flew open with shock. He had yet to make love to J.C. and this request was heart-skipping. "Uh... like this? Out of the blue?" Nick stuttered out. J.C. grinned at Nick. "Are you scared to? You won't hurt me or anything." J.C. assured him. Nick couldn't return the smimple grin yet he gave J.C. a nervous smile. "No.. no, I'm not scared to... I..." Nick felt J.C.'s finger end his speech. J.C. leaned in and kissed Nick on the cheek. "This is why I want you to make love to me... when you're ready of course. Because all you want is for it to be perfect." J.C. whispered to Nick. He gave Nick another small kiss on the cheek and pulled back.

Nick let the nervousness fade. "Can we... on your birthday?" Nick requested shyly. J.C. grinned to the thought and nodded. "Thank you!" Nick cheered. J.C. laughed at Nick's child-like nature. "I just want it to be right... not out of the blue." Nick explained his excitement. J.C. just kept smiling at him. "You really are a romancer at heart aren't you?" J.C. teased him. "No Joshua, I just actually love you so much." Nick answered seriously. J.C. saw the fire and desire in his eyes as Nick leaned in for a kiss. J.C. opened his mouth for the kiss and let Nick slip his tongue in.

The kiss was not short lived as they both kept moving their heads around to bring the kiss to it's full importance. Even when Nick felt J.C.'s tongue caressing his, he didn't want to stop. He kept his hands steady, trying not to rip J.C.'s clothing off in the parking lot.

Nick felt J.C. pull away first and then he did the same. "Maybe we should go home and see what I can do?" J.C. offered through his panting. Nick grinned at him and then shook his head. "Let's go clubbing." Nick requested brightly. J.C. felt the mood fade away as he gave Nick a cocky stare. "Clubbing?" J.C. questioned with disappointment. "Come on baby, me and you have never gone clubbing before. I'm fired up and I'd like to see you shake your cute little ass too." Nick pleaded with his devious smile. J.C. thought the idea over as Nick kept his loving stare. "Okay, you drive and we'll go to a club." J.C. sighed. Nick leaped with joy and gave J.C. a quick kiss. J.C. handed Nick the kiss and they ended their embrace.

"Then maybe we can see how flexible I am later on?" Nick requested while J.C walked over to the passenger side. "No, you killed the moment already." J.C. joked with him, stepping into his Jeep. Nick pouted slightly but then decided that he and J.C. would have plenty of time for sex as a couple. His young hormones rested as he drove off to the nearest club.

Just Beginning (Chapter 21) Written by JM

Brian sat in the back of Joey's Acrua as they circled the neighborhood in which Brian and Justin lived. "Where is he damnit!" Chris scowled, feeling the guilt of upsetting Justin. He looked every corner and watched every car pass by, hoping to see Justin. "Who knows." Joey shrugged, turning another corner. He was deeply worried about his friend but had to keep his calm so that Chris wouldn't lose it. He had small confidence that Brian was going to find Justin, but he still needed some form of reassurance.

Brian had called Justin's mother, Trace, Lance, Kevin, Howie, Veronica and even Britney, each had not seen Justin since his sudden disappearance. The battery on his cell phone was running low and so was the list of names that Brian could call. Brian had a heartaching fear that something awful had happened to his husband.

They began to pass a local park when an idea hit Brian. "Stop the car!" Brian shouted. Joey looked at Brian through his rearview with surprise. Chris turned in his seat and gave Brian his full attention. "Stop the freakin' car Joey!" Brian shouted again. Joey sighed and pulled to the side of the street. He turned off the car and looked at Brian in the mirror. "If I get a ticket..." Brian quickly interupted Joey's complaint. "Shut up for a second." Brian requested as he thought over the possibilities. Joey grumbled and gave Brian the peace he needed.

Brian yanked open the door in the backseat and began to step out. "What the hell are you doing?!" Chris barked at him. Joey glanced over his seat as Brian got out. "I know where he is." Brian exclaimed, shutting the door when he was finished. Joey quickly rolled down his window and waited for a further explaination. "Look you guys, if I don't find him, I'll go home and wait for him. Just go home and I'll call you with news." Brian asked of his friends. Joey trusted Brian enough but Chris still had his strong doubts. "What if he doesn't come home?" Chris questioned a serious subject. "Then... then call the police." Brian replied, walking away from the car.

Joey gave a low exhale and started his car again. Chris grabbed Joey's arm with shock. "You're leaving?" Chris boldly asked. "Yes Chris, I am. Brian will find him and he obviously doesn't want us there to upset Justin when he does find him." Joey replied quickly. He clicked on his signal and gazed over his shoulder. "But what if he doesn't find him?!" Chris asked again. "What if he does?" Joey asked, irritated with Chris's doubt. Chris pouted in his seat. "I wanted to talk to him and tell him how big of an ass he was for doing this to us." Chris complained. "You've done that enough today. Leave him be." Joey chastisted him and pulled off. Chris took the drive as a chance to think of his actions during the day.

Brian walked into the empty park. His eyes gazed around the whole sceneary. It was the prefect area for a young child to enjoy their moments in the sun.

In the pale blue moon, Brian could see what he searched so hard for. He took a slow walk over to the swing set and thought of the right words he could use to comfort Justin in the midst of his sorrow.

Justin's eyes were focused on the sand beneath his feet. He rocked back and forth in the swing, not causing much movement with his body. He just let his legs do the little work as he thought over his life's complexities. It was uncomforting to Justin but a necessary task before he returned home to the man that made his day worth living.

"You know God didn't give you that gorgeous smile for nothing. He gave you it to make my life brighter." Justin heard a soothing country accent speak to him. Justin looked up and nibbled his lower lip as Brian stared down at him. "You found me," Justin sighed, looking back down to his feet. "Thank God." Brian replied even softer. "I didn't mean to care you or nothing. I just had to get away." Justin informed him. Brian looked down at Justin with disappointment. "My arms are the perfect 'get away' spot babe." Brian stated with deep concern. Justin couldn't agree any more with him. "And they're always waiting for you Justin." Brian added, still worried about Justin's depression. Justin didn't comment or even add anything to the conversation. He let himself dwell more into his thoughts.

Brian knelt down in front of Justin, not giving up on his husband. He braised himself on Justin's knees and tried to get a glimpse of Justin's cobalt blue eyes. "You're not shutting me out are you?" Brian asked. Justin shook his head and stopped his rocking. "I just don't think you want to get in." Justin whispered. Brian wanted to disagree. He held his tongue though so that he could bring a smile to Justin's face. "Well how about I let you in my world?" Brian suggested. Justin looked into Brian's eyes and kept his frown. He was open to Brian's suggestion. "In my world, I don't care who's sleeping with whom. I don't even care if anyone's having sex. In my world, I'm married to a beautiful man. Sure he's young, but he's learning and he's helping me along the way. That guy, he's so adorable when he smiles. He's the perfect angel when he sleeps and when he's upset, he always hugs onto me for comfort. In my world, my husband is the only thing that matters and hey... he even overlooks my mistakes and loves me for me." Brian gave an image that couldn't be forgotten. "And in your world... do you ever get scared?" Justin asked. "All the time." Brian frowned. He knew the root of love was in honesty. "But... but my husband's there to shake my fears." Brian added, his accent still strong yet soothing.

Justin pulled his hands from the chains that supported the swing and wrapped them around Brian's neck. "Can I go to your world?" Justin requested, trying not to cry. "Sure, anytime you want." Brian smiled slightly. "Because in my world, you're there all the time." Brian whispered into Justin's ear. The image of Justin with Brian forever helped him smile again. "Your world is so much better than mine." Justin softly said, rubbing his lips against Brian's ear. "Am I your husband in your world?" Brian questioned. "You're my husband in anyone's world." Justin whispered a reply. Brian kept his small smile.

He pulled away from their embrace. "Do you see why we're married?" Brian inquired, rubbing Justin's knee. Justin gave Brian a curious stare. "Because Just, we don't want anything else." Brian answered for him. Justin nodded.

The newlyweds let their stare into each other's eyes say, 'I love you'. Brian stood from the sand, ending their stare. "Time to go?" Justin questioned, placing his hands back on the chains. "No, not yet." Brian replied, knowing Justin needed more time.

Brian walked behind Justin's stiff body and pushed him. Justin relaxed a bit as Brian pushed him again. "No one ever said the kid in you can't ever come back." Brian softly spoke as he continued his light pushing of Justin. Justin smiled and let his body sway in the night. Brian couldn't faze his smile as he saw the glow upon Justin's face.

An hour grew by before Brian and Justin had finally arrived home. Before they had even made it to the steps, they were kissing exotically. Tyke ran past them with surprise and kept his movements going as he was in search of BJ.

Brian let Justin sit on the steps and he took a seat in Justin's lap. He began to tongue Justin's lips and lift his shirt. "Uhm... heh heh.. baby...." Justin panted out as Brian continued to make love to Justin's face. Brian pulled his tongue into his mouth and ripped the shirt from Justin's body. He dropped the shirt to the steps and finally look into Justin's eyes. "Yes?" Brian pondered Justin's sudden stop. "Can we make love in the bed and not here?" Justin requested shyly. Brian laughed lowly and nodded. "I guess I got a little excited huh?" Brian giggled. Justin looked down to the obvious tent and Brian's jeans and giggled. "Ye a little bit Brian." Justin teased him, stroking the tent. "Oh... oh Justin... don't do that... I might just cum..." Brian groaned, throwing his arms around Justin's neck to moan even louder. "Come on then." Justin advised.

Brian wrapped his legs around Justin's waist and squeezed tightly for caution. He began to ksis Justin's earlobe and Justin carried Brian up the rest of the stairs. Brian kept his hold on Justin as Justin carried him to their bedroom, kicking the door open.

Justin carried Brian to the bed and laid him down. Brian reluctantly released Justin and awaited his movement. "Uhm, I'm going to just go get something from the bathroom and change into something a little less confinding." Justin informed Brian. Brian pouted his lip when he kenw Justin wasn't going to lay down and make love to him. "Just keep lil' Brian going baby." Justin grinned down to him. "But..." Brian spoke up before Justin could walk away. "I'm coming back Brian... but don't worry, I'm ready..." Justin chimed. He gave Brian a sly grin. Justin unzipped his jeans and pulled them down slightly. He teased Brian as Brian glanced at the bare flesh. Brian saw that Justin was wearing a pair of white bikini breifs. His mouth fell open with surprise while his eyes fluttered with excitement. "Just for you baby... something special." Justin whispered. He held his jeans up as he ran off to the bathroom.

Withint ten mintes, Justin pushed the door open to the bathroom. He had freshened up just perfectly, washing up a bit and spritzing on some of Brian's cologne. He had removed all clothing except for the white bikii breifs he wore before. He stepped into the room holding a condom that was wrapped in a blue package.

"Okay Brian..." Justin started his statement but stopped when he looked down to the bed. Brian was curled up on the bed, his eyes shut and his rathing slow. Justin began to frown when he realized his husband was sleep. Justin wanted to complain, but didn't. He took the disappointment in stride.

Justin placed the condom on his dresser and then walked over to Brian's dresser. He grabbed Brian's blue buttondown shirt from one of the drawers. Justin slipped it on but didn't bother to button it up. He let his chest be slightly exposed to the midnight air. It was a sexy look that Justin treasured, after all of his push up's and rehearsals. He felt he got the look he wanted, only wishing Brian could see his naive yet sexy playmate look.

He crept over to the bed and smiled down at Brian. 'And he says that I look like an angel.' Justin commented to himself, watching how angelic Brian looked as he slept. Justin rubbed his hand over Brian's hair. 'My poor baby... we did have a pretty long day...' Justin reminded himself. He shrugged and grabbed one of the extra blankets from under the bed. He threw it around Brian and watched how quickly Brian snuggled to the blanket. Justin leaned down and gave Brian a quick and smooth kiss on the cheek. "Goodnight babe." Justin whispered into Brian's ear. Brian murmured 'I love you', still sleeping in the comfortable bed. Justin grinned and kissed the tip of Brian's nose. "I love you too." Justin whispered before backing away.

Justin walked to the head of the bed and slipped under the covers. He got comfortable even though he knew he was going to spend the night without Brian holding him. He adjusted to the lonesomeness and fluffed his pillow. He laid down and sighed. He closed his eyes and kept his image of the sweet Brian alive as he slept.

Brian swam feverishly to the otherside of the pool. It was early in the morning, the sun still trying to reach it's point in the sky. The warmth of Orlando was just right for Brian took take his early swim. He figured it was the best way to relax his mind and still get the proper workout he needed before he went into rehearsals with the guys of the Backstreet Boys. He also needed time to think about the time he would soon be spending without Juatin by his side. He looked forward to touring again and interacting with the fans, but the fans were not the ones that were going to keep him calm at night. Justin was the one who helped him sleep sometimes and just made him at ease with things.

When Brian reached the edge of the otherside, he gripped onto the side. Brian panted for breath. He had managed to swim the whole length of the pool with great timing. He used his hand to pull his hair back and looked down to the drops of water that spilled from his chin. 'Maybe I should get him something so that he can think of me?' Brian pondered the idea. He took a deep breath and slipped back into the water.

Brian turned towards the otherside and began his feverish swim for the other end of the pool. His mind was focused and his strokes powerful. The waving water worked with his body as the wind blew lightly.

Within a few minues, Brian had reached the otherside, once again panting deeply. He grabbed the edge again and took a second for relaxation. He got a control on his breathing and basked in the sun.

His eyes drifted up slightly when he saw two feet standing nearby. Brian had a small smile on his face as his eyes drifted farther up the body. He stared at the athletic legs and then to the pair of Abercrombie and Fitch swimming shorts. They were deep blue with a simple yellow and white stripe running down one side. Brian let his eyes run farther up to the swaying button-down, blue shirt. He recognized it as his. The shirt was open and Brian stared at the sleek chest that breathed easy. The sculpted eyes grabbed Brian's attnetion as did the one exposed nipple that seemed to be hard in the early morning. He tilted his head further back to get a glimpse of the man he was admiring.

Justin stood there with a straightface, staring down at Brian's wet body. "Good morning?" Brian offered some form of communcation. Justin yawned lowly and placed his hand over his mouth. "It's too early Brian." Justin grumbled. Brian frowned and pushed himself out of the pool. He let the water run off of him and stepped over to Justin. "Bad night?" Brian questioned, adjusting to the cool air of the dawn. Justin nodde shyly and yawned again. "Lonely night." Justin softly said after his yawn. "Sorry... I didn't mean to uh..." Brian stumbled on his words, trying to trip on an explaination. "It's okay, I went to bed anyway." Justin replied sheepishly. "No..." Brian pointed down to Justin's crotch. Justin grinned, trying to hold in his giggles. "No, I didn't jack off." Justin chimed. Brian blushed slightly. "So you're still... nice and ripe for me?" Brian questioned nervously, inching forward. "Clam down horny boy, I'm not in the mood." Justin placed his hands up to halt Brian's approach. Brian frowned and gave a small yawn.

"Well, at least you're not mad." Brian said before quickly yanking Justin into a hug. Justin groaned loudly, feeling Brian's cold and wet body press against his. He tried to pull out of the bug but Brian wouldn't let him. "You suck!" Justin laughed, giving into Brian's hug. "Oh now you want me to suck." Brian teased him. "No!" Justin laughed sorely. "Morning babe." Brian giggled, giving Justin a smooth kiss on the lips. Justin savored the kiss until Brian pulled away. "Good morning tiger." Justin snickered. "Mmm... I'm your tiger..." Brian purred, nuzzling his head to Justin's shoulder. Justin began to pet Brian's hair as Brian continued to hug him.

"I've got about two hours before I go to rehearsals." Brian informed Justin. Justin nodded and wondered what was the purpose of Brian reminding him. "And..." Justin tried to pull more information from Brian. "And I still want to swim for a bit." Brian chimed. Justin giggled and tried to pull out of the hug. Once again Brian refused to let Justin go. "How are you going to swim with your arms around me?" Justin teased him.

Before a single protest could leave Justin's lips, Brian lifted Justin into his arms and ran for the pool. Justin began to call out just as Brian leaped from the side and they both splashed into the pool's warming water.

Brian emerged fro the water with Justin still cradled in his arms. Justin began to choke slightly on the water that had seeped into his mouth. Brian began a small concern for Justin's well-being before Justin fought to get out of his arms. "You asshole!" Justin barked at him, escaping from Brian's grip. Brian watched Justin swim to the side and jump out of the pool. Brian frowned lightly and watched Justin take a seat on the edge.

Justin twirled his hair and looked back to Brian. He sighed and pulled off Brian's shirt. "I would have gotten in with you if you asked." Justin exhaled. Brian kept the frown and began to swim around the water. "Are you sorry?" Justin called out to him. "No!" Brian yelled back, keeping a straight face.

Justin slumped back down into the water and swam out to Brian. He caught onto Brian and tried to grab him. Brian stopped his simming and stood up in the water. Justin followed and looked at him. "Why did you do it then?" Justin questioned. "Because you needed to have a little fun." Brian replied carelessly. Justin groaned tearfully. "Are you going to sit here and be mad at me or are we going to make out?" Brian boldy asked, no shame or humor in his face. "Neither." Justin quickly answered. Brian shrugged while Justin crossed his arms. "Just one kiss?" Brian asked politely. Justin gave him a sour glare. "Fuck it." Brian nagged. He leaned in and placed a small kiss on Justin's nose. "If you won't kiss me, I'll kiss you." Brian whispered, beginning to tongue Justin's lips. Justin pulled back ragedly. "You can't have my lips Brian." Justin warned him. Brian grabbed Justin's hands and held them under the water. "What can I have then babe?" Brian asked genuinely. Justin let the question linger in the air. "Brian, what do you want?" Justin asked, not giving a straight answer. Brian looked up to the sky, drying in the crisp air. "I wanna play." Brian grinned. Justin grinned back and let out a small laugh. "Then let's play" Justin chimed, pushing Brian back into the water. Brian laughed and chased Justin around the pool.

The hour they spent playing seemed like five minutes as they grew tired. Justin was carrying Brian on his back as he walked back to the steps that led into the water. Brian rested his head on Justin's back and slumped downward slightly. Justin sighed and walked out of the pool. "Don't fall asleep on me cutie." Justin giggled, carrying Brian over to a chaise lounge chair. "But you're so comfortable." Brian murmured, snuggling to Justin. Justin kept a smile on his face and sat Brian down in the chair.

Justin took a seat with Brian as Brian reclined in the chair. "Just let me catch a nap before I go." Brian requested, stretching in the chair. "Oh no, you're not falling asleep on me again." Justin replied, shaking Brian. Brian's eyes lifted open as he tried to figure out why Justin wouldn't let him nap.

He saw Justin grab a towel from a nearby table and Justin began to towel off Brian's body. Justin started with Brian's chest and lightly patted down his chest, absorbing most of the water in the towel. Brian watched Justin move to his legs and slide the towel up and down the sleekness.

Brian relaxed in the chair and figured he could catch a nap while Justin dried him off. Justin slapped Brian's leg, causing Brian to jump with surprise. "What?!" Brian yelled out. "Not now." Justin reminded him. Brian sighed and waited to see what Justin had in stored for him.

Justin grabbed the top of Brian's black swimming shorts and pulled them down. Brian's eyes grew wider, but his hormoes were intrigued. Justin managed to slide the shorts all the way off with little help from Brian. Justin scooted onto Brian's legs and straddled them. He grabbed Brian's limp penis and began to grope it. He looked up to Brian with a sly smile. "I don't think you want to sleep through this baby." Justin whispered seductively. Brian nodded and let Justin continue to make him hard.

When Brian was fully erect, Justin leaned down on Brian. Brian closed his eyes as Justin began to lick the tip of his hard penis. Birna muffled a moan and let Justin lick him. Justin's tongue rubbed over Brian's piss slit and he collected the few drops of pre-cum that had seeped out. Justin relished the sweet nectar of Brian's fluids. Brian hissed another moan out as Justin's tongue began to stroke his head. Justin moved slowly and cautiously, trying to prevent Brian from cumming too soon. He grabbed the base of Brian's cock and led it into his mouth. He jacked off te rest of Brian's dick as he took the head into his mouth. "Mmph... Justin..." Brian groaned, raising his legs slightly. Justin kept his gradual pace, taking as much as he wanted into his mouth. Brian treasured the warm feeling of Justin's mouth and his long tongue. "Oh baby..." Brian moaned. He gripped the sides of the chair and let Justin move as he chose.

Justin wanted to moan with Brian, but he was adjusting his throat to take the head in. Within minutes, Justin had managed to take Brian's smooth and round head into his throat. Brian's eyes blinked open, looking at Justin suck him. He was relieved that Justin had not choked on him and was learning just how to pleasure him to the brink of insanity. Brian lovingly put his hands on Justin's head and began to rubbed his fingrs through Justin's wet curls. "Oh.. Justin.. yes.. yes, yes... uh.. uh yeah..." Brian grunted clearly. He closed his eyes again and pressed his head into the chair.

Justin began to massage Brian's balls with his free hands. His head was bobbing timely. His fingers ran over Brian's smooth ballsac, feeling the small, sandy brown hairs that were there. "Ooh, J... right there." Brian groaned, feeling Justin's tongue caress the underside of his cock. Justin smiled to himself, once again proving that he was the only lover his husband would ever need.

Justin sensed Brian was close and pulled off of Brian's penis. Brian shuttered with the feeling, losing Justin's precious lips. Justin scooted up and bit his lower lip. He saw Brian's eyes open with shock. "Uh... are you uhm, okay..." Justin explained. Brian just nodded, feeling secure with whatever Justin had planned.

Justin kenlt on the chair and slipped off his swimming shorts. He threw them to the side and smiled down at his husband. Brian looked at the erect penis that Justin sported. Justin scooted up more on Brian and grabbed his left hand. Justin raised the hand and brought it to his mouth. He looked at Brian and waited to see if Brian caught onto what Justin wanted. Brian ddid and he extended his middle finger out to Justin. Justin smiled and took the finger into his mouth. He began to suckle and lick the finger as if it was Brian's cock again. Justin rubbed his tongue over the tip of Brian's finger.

Justin released the finger from his motuh and gsaped with excitement. Brian wasted no time in following Justin's idea and trailed the finger behind Justin and to his hole. Justin relaxed his muscles and let Brian slip the finger into his hole. Justin was already wet from the swim they shared and the finger easily dipped in. Justin gasped out and panted. Brian began a gradual pace as he finger fucked Justin. Justin liked every second that Brian's finger rubbed around the inside of his body. "Mmph... Brian..." Justin groaned. The pressure of Brian's finger was enough for Justin. He adjusted himself slightly while Brian continued his movements.

Brian reached out and grabbed onto Justin's penis. He began a vigorous jerking on Justin's smooth and long penis. His hand ran from the base of Justin's penis to the soft head. Each rub of Justin's head brought out a stronger moan. Justin closed his eyes tightly and screamed out Brian's name. He had never felt such deep pleasure as his husband jerked him off and fingered him. The deep part to Justin was that Brian was doing everything in the most loving way.

Justin knew he had to stop and grabbed Brian's arm. He stopped Brian's jerking and panted against Brian's head. Brian slipped his finger out of Justin's ass and grabbed Justin's hips. "Are you ready?" Brian asked. Justin exhaled with pleasure. "Yes..." Justin replied softly. Brian kissed Justin's ear and lowered him onto Brian's erect cock. Brian moaned lowly when he penetrated Justin. Justin didn't need a minute to adjust to the thickness, he took each movement in stride.

When Brian felt Justin was fully ready, he began to raise his hips up and then slide them down. His penis began to glide inside of Justin with shaky movements. Justin sensed Brian needed his help and began to go with Brian's fluent motions. He raised up and then came down to meet Brian's hips. Brian smiled, knowing Justin understood the language of their love making. It wasn't about one or the other, but them as a whole.

Brian reached one of his hands up again and gripped Justin's cock. Justin felt Brian's hand and panted out even harder. "No.. jsut hold me..." Justin requested. He threw his arms around Brian's neck and kept a steady pace. Brian gladly obliged and wrapped both of his arms around Justin's back. Brian leaned in and began to rub his tongue over Justin's cheek. "Oh.. baby..." Justin grunted. His erect cock ran over Brian's shapely abs, causing more pleasure between the two.

"Yeah... mmmm, yes yes yes..." Justin soon began to quicken his pace. Brian rubbed his hands over Justin's back. He felt Justin's lips search for his and he guided them. Brian placed a finger under Justin's chin and made sure Justin kept the kiss pure and not out of ecstasy. Justin caught on quickly and began to rub his lips with Brian's. Brian smiled in his mind, porlonging both of their orgasms. Justin stopped his bucking as did Brian as they took a moment out of their love making to kiss. Their lips soft and their minds in unison.

Brian pulled back from the sensuous kiss. He nibbled on Justin's lip and began his thrusting again. Justin resumed his bucking and they began to fuck once more.

"Oh BRIAN!" Justin called out. He rubbed his hands over Brian's chest right before releasing five thick shots of cum to Brian's stomach. Brian rubbed Justin's back and let him enjoy the orgasm. Justin tilted his head back, gasping in the pleasure. Brian kept his movements steady, sensing that he too was close. He leaned up for one more quick kiss on Justin's neck.

Brian grabbed Justin's hips and held Justin down on him. Justin's eyes fluttered open right as Brian finally let himself go. His cock volleyed loads of cum into Justin, his body spasming with each shot. Justin leaned down and snuggled to Brian as Brian kept cumming. Brian panted into Justin's ear with surprise. "Oh baby... oh Justin... oh God yes..." Brian hoaresly moaned, never experiencing such a rippling orgasm before. Justin kissed Brian's collar bone and let him finish inside of his body. Brian hugged Justin tightly and let the sun heat their bodies.

"You okay?" Brian asked, kissing Justin's forehead. "Yes Brian, I'm wonderful." Justin softly answered. Brian smiled and nudged his head with Justin's. "God, you're the best." Brian sighed, letting his limp cock slide out of Justin. Justin stretched out in the chaise chair. "Only because I have you." Justin replied, rubbing a finger over Brian's left nipple. Brian giggled, his nipple becoming erect. "So what do we talk about now?" Justin teased Brian. Brian giggled and closed his eyes. "We don't have time to talk." Brian whispered. Justin pulled away slightly, knowing why. "This is one of those hit and runs?" Justin questioned, sitting up on the chair. Brian sat up and began to massage Justin's shoulders. "Nope... it was the best. I'd stay for a repeat performance, but.. well we'd never be able to fuck again because Fatima would tear my ass up." Brian explained. Justin laughed loudly, relaxing for Brian's expert hands.

"Well we can't make love tonight, that damn premiere." Justin complained sorely. "You don't HAVE to go Justin." Brian assured him. "Oh yes I do, I called Britney already and she's already going to kill me for waking hre up so early." Justin replied. Brian shook his head. He leaned down and kissed the tattoo on Justin's back. "Well I'll be there." Brian tried to shine a bit of sunshine. "So will she." Justin grunted out. Brian stopped his massaging and stood from the chair. He grabbed his shorts and used them to wipe the cum from his stomach. "Leigh Ann doesn't mean anything." Brian replied, becoming tired of Justin's jealousy. Justin nodded and stood from the chair. "If I wanted Leigh Ann or Nick, I could have easily married them in Hawaii." Brian added, looking directly into Justin's eyes. Justin saw the anger and backed off of the subject. "I just... I love you." Justin sighed, trying his best to make up his mistake. Brian mouthed the words, 'I love you too', and walked back into the house.

Justin crossed his arms adnstared out tot he crystal blue water. "Tonight, Leigh Ann will not fuck things up for me and Brian. I just have to have faith." Justin said out loud, looking directly at the water for a sign.

Just Beginning (Chapter 22) Written by JM

Justin wasn't sitting happily, but he sat. He was at Joey's house waiting upon Britney to finish getting ready. He saw with his hair carefully gelled, a single hoop earring in the cartlidge of his left ear and pouting lips. He wore a black tuxedo that he had managed to rent for the night's event.

After Brian had left for rehearsals, Justin did everything he could to rid the loneliness from his mind. He made calls to his management, spent an hour on the phone with RCA records, got in contact with J.C. and managed to get in some shopping with Chris and not be noticed. It was Chris's way of making up to Justin and Justin gladly accepted it.

The biggest relief Justin got was when he talked with J.C. and found out that J.C. was once again happy. Justin could tell J.C. was even happier then that fateful moment where J.C. told Justin he proposed to Lance. Justin had his thoughts and dislikes for Nick, but if Nick made J.C. happy, Justin played along with the idea.

Justin watched Joey enter the room and smiled towards him. "So you want to take my woman out tonight eh?" Joey asked sternly. He took a seat across from Justin and stared him up and down. "Your woman? That's not me then. I'm nobody's woman." Britney chimed as she entered the room. Justin stood when she did and smiled at her. "Just give me ten more minutes Justin. Someone has seem to misplaced my shoes." Britney informed him before giving Joey a hateful stare. Joey shrugged it off and then looked back to Justin. "You are so cute when you wear green!" Britney joked with Joey, then making her grand exit.

"Joey, I'm not going to try anything with Britney. Last time I checked, I liked guys." Justin assured Joey as if he was Britney's father. "Yeah yeah, I'm not worried about you trying anything. But there are going to be other guys, other good looking guys there and I want YOU to watch out for her." Joey explained his stern actions. Justin nodded, thinking of Britney as a younger sister. "Oh and don't let her get into in trouble. She's quicky the fiesty one." Joey joked with Justin. Justin laughed loudly with him.

"Are we talking about that girl who has been staying in the guest room for about three weeks now?" Justin heard Joey's brother Steven make his entrance. "Yes and?" Joey spoke sharply to his brother. "You know Justin, if you didn't have Brian, Britney's quite the fox." Steven turned his attention to Justin. He knew how to pull on Joey's nerves.

"I know I'm a fox, but you don't have to remind me cutie." Britney chimed as she walked in. Steven quickly blushed when he saw her. "But don't worry because I like Joey," Britney added, smiling at her boyfriend. Joey smiled back. He stuck his tongue out towards Steven and grinned. "Actually, I think Steven was just fliting with Mr. Littrell over there." Joey added wittily. Steven grumbled at his brother. "No, I wasn't. I prefer women." Steven argued bitterly. Justin faked a hurt look for Steven. "No offense. I mean if you had some breasts... you already have the ass. Throw on a mini-skirt and shave your pits and you've got a date." Steven joked with Justin. Justin playfully punched Steven in the arm and laughed along. "Okay, woman in the room." Britney announced, trying to breakup their foul conversation. "Woman? Where?" Joey questioned jokingly. Britney groaned loudly for everyone to hear.

"Okay, shall we get going? I don't rent limos all night." Justin requested. "Uh huh, he takes me in limos." Britney snipped at her boyfriend. Joey shrugged off her comment again. "Here you go cutie." Justin interupted them, handing Britney a red rose. Britney awed at the rose while Steven cooed Justin. "Why did I let you go?" Britney smiled at Justin. Justin smiled back and then looked back to Joey. Joey gave each a hurtfilled look before beginning to leave the room. Britney quickly stopped him and gave him a hug. "I love you Teddy Bear." Britney said lovingly. She leaned up and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "I love you too Brit." Joey replied, smiling at her. "And don't miss me too much" Britney giggled, messing with Joey's goatee. "Same to you." Joey couldn't faze his smile this time. He really loved Britney and any moment without her was lonely.

J.C. sat on the couch in the living room cuddling to Nick. they had most of the night to themselves and they wanted to take advantage of it. Nick was kissing on J.C.'s neck while J.C did his best to watch 'Why Do Fools Fall In Love'. "Nickie, watch this part." J.C. requested, trying to pull Nick from his neck. Nick turned his eyes to the T.V. just as Frankie Lymon dropped Elizabeth's dog from the window. Nick's eyes flew open with shock. "Damn him for being such an asshole." J.C. gripped with the T.V. Nick felt J.C. getting too involved in the movie.

Nick grabbed the remote and shut off the T.V. The room went black when the T.V went off. "Hey, what's the deal?" J.C. asked. Nick gave sly grin an crawled into J.C.'s lap. He pulled off his large T-shirt and dropped it to the side. "Baby... I want you.." Nick explained his actions. Nick leaned in and began to kiss J.C.'s large lips. J.C. gave into his hormones and began to caress Nick's back.

J.C. took control of their making out and laid Nick down on the couch. J.C. crawled ontop of Nick and laid down. He began to suckle Nick's neck with a sexual thought in mind. He grinded his hips with Nick's, bringing him closer and closer to pleasure. His erection glided against Nick's, causing Nick to maon loudly. "Oh Josh... make love to me..." Nick requested. J.C. grinned and sat up.

J.C. reached down for a condom when he heard his cell phone ringing. Nick jumped with shock. J.C. groaned and grabbed the phone. He looked at the caller ID and saw a familiar name that he had not seen in months. "Oh shit!" J.C. sat up on Nick and smiled brightly. He clicked on his phone and said, "Hello." He nearly leaped from Nick's lap with the response. "Hey, I've missed you too. Where have you been?" J.C. exclaimed happily. Nick frowned slightly. He didn't want to give up his quest to have sex with J.C. he lifted his hands to J.C.'s shirt and lifted. Nick began to play with the trail that led from J.C.'s belly button to his jeans. J.C. looked down and smiled. He pulled the phone from his ear and bent down to kiss Nick. "Later baby. My... uhm, friend, Craig is on the phone. I haven't talked to him in awhile and I really want to talk to him." J.C. softly explained. He crawled out of Nick's lap and soon made his way back to his bedroom.

Nick pouted heavily and grabbed the condom from the floor. He began to unbuckle his belt and jeans. "Maybe I'll have to take care of myself." Nick grumbled, pulling down his jeans. He closed his eyes and began an act that he knew too well.

The lights flashed quickly and brightly outside of an Orlando theater. It was filled with Hollywood types of all backgrounds. the attarction was the movie Olive Juice and the eyes of many photographers were on Leigh Ann Wallace as she gracefully walked over the red carpet with Brian Littrell on her arm. Brian didn't give a smile for the cameras, he was searching desperately for his husband. "Brian, he'll be here soon. Please just smile and act like you're going to enjoy yourself." Leigh Ann requested. Her jealousy was put aside so that she could make a good impression on the camera and Brian. Brian agreed and began to give his candid grins for the cameras.

Leigh Ann walked up to Joan Rivers with Brian and smiled towards her. "Oh darlin', how are you?" Joan spoke up in her raunchy tone. "I'm fine." Leigh Ann chimed in an old Hollywood style. "And what are you wearing tonight sweetie? Looking like you just stepped out of the pages of Vogue and Elle." Joan cooed her. "Oh, I'm wearing a dress by Versace." Leigh Ann gleamed. Brian turned his head to her and smiled. He knew that if anything Leigh Ann was wearing a dress by K-Mart that had a Versace tag on it. "You look gorgeous. And so does your beau here. He is?" Joan admired Brian. "Oh this is my date Brian Littrell of the Backstreet Boys. Isn't he cute?" Leigh Ann marveled in Brian's beauty. Brian faked a smile for her and then looked at Joan. "Ooh, a Backstreet Boy? Mommies at home, watch out, the Backstreet Boys are going to Hollywood." Joan snobbishly joked with the camera. Brian giggled along with her. "So Brian, tell me, anything special happening here?" Joan questioned, making gestures towards him and Leigh Ann. "You mean us?" Brian questioned with a laugh. Leigh Ann nonchalantly nudged him and kept her grin. "Well I see the ring on Brian's finger. So that means either Leigh Ann Wallace ins the cheap mistress that everyone and Monica Lewensky adores or a Backstreet Boy is becoming a Backstreet Man." Joan made her evil nature known with her question. Leigh Ann tried not to act appalled while the anger was set into Brian's expression.

"Well..." Leigh Ann's words were interrupted by Joan's attention being distracted. "Oh my! There goes Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake!" Joan cackled. "Now that's a pair that just needs to come out and tell the world they're a couple." Joan mooned for them. She waved towards them to try and get them to walk over. "I couldn't agree more." Leigh Ann tried to get the attention and camera back on her. Brian lightly hit her leg to warn her. "Don't worry, it's just for the spotlight baby." Leigh Ann whispered to him. Brian grumbled and watched as his husband approached with Britney.

"Oh darlin', darlin', don't you look fabulous for a change?" Joan toyed with Britney. Britney raised a brow at Joan and then smiled. "So what's this? I mean this little puppy dog love here?" Joan asked glamorously. "Me and Britney aren't a couple," Justin spoke up. Britney nodded in agreeance. "Oh please! Spare the drama and save it for your momma. Can we talk?" Joan hoarsely beckoned. Britney and Justin both gave her an aggravated smile. "Really Ms. Rivers..." Britney tried to get a word out. "Ms. Rivers? I swear they get one set of implants and they think they're young again." Joan laughed out an annoying comment. Britney took the comment to heart. "So doll face, Teen Queen, what are you wearing tonight?" Joan charmed Britney. "Well actually I'm wearing a new line by Tommy Hilfiger and I'm wearing Liz Taylor perfume. I would have worn the Joan Rivers line but you guys are still treating the last folks that wore it right? Something about skin rash or annoying PMS?" Britney chimed back, stabbing Joan right where she had to. Joan was at a lose for words.

Britney pulled on Justin and they walked past Joan to where Brian and Leigh Ann stood. Britney and Leigh Ann exchanged hate-filled glances while Justin and Brian shared loving looks. "Well..." Joan began to start but Brian and Justin stopped her. "Can we talk?" they said simultaneously and then laughed at her. Britney joined in, causing each of them to walk away.

"Okay, could you two try and find some people to mingle with tonight? I need to make my appearance known to the big shots like Wes Craven and Kevin Williamson." Leigh Ann requested as they stepped into the large lobby. Justin and Britney gave her a crooked stare. "Why them?" Brian asked the question on everyone's mind. "Duh! Have you seen how big that bitch Jennifer Love Hewitt and that albino Neve Campbell are? I could be huge if I worked with them." Leigh Ann snobbishly answered. Britney made a sly comment too low for Leigh Ann's ears. Justin giggled, knowing what Britney said.

They stood in the lobby for mere seconds before Mary Hart from Entertainment Tonight made her way over to them. "And here she is, Miss Leigh Ann Wallace. Can we talk for a moment with you?" Mary requested in her lavish voice. Leigh Ann prepped herself and dragged Brian with her to the camera. "With tonight being the premeire of your movie Olive Juice, do you feel excited?" Mary asked sharply. Leigh Ann smiled brightly and tried to flaunt herself for the camera. Brian glanced back to Justin and frowned. Justin sighed while Britney watched with her arms folded.

"Oh I'm thrilled about this movie and I hear it's going to be big." Leigh Ann gave a meek answer. Mary nodded with each word. "And what about other projects? Is there anyone you want to work with next? I mean Leonardo DiCaprio's here, so is Matt Thompson and Ben Affleck. Any leading man you want?" Mary questioned. A name that Mary spoke brought both Brian and Justin's attention to the conversation. "Well they all sound wonderful but right now the only man I'd like to work with is Brian Littrell here." Leigh Ann gleamed. She batted her eyes and then snuggled to Brian. Brian smiled for the camera, trying to create the illusion he needed. "Oh, that's wonderful. So tell us Brian, are you jealous of the kissing Leigh Ann does in this movie?" Mary questioned. Brian didn't want to laugh in front of the camera. He turned and smiled at Leigh Ann. "No, never have been." Brian chimed for the camera. Leigh Ann played along and laid her head on Brian's shoulder. "He's a sweetie." Leigh Ann added. Mary agreed.

Justin looked away from them and tried to hold in his sadness. Britney glanced over at Justin and frowned. 'That bitch.' Britney thought as she turned her eyes back to Leigh Ann. "Well what about we show them a remake of that kiss you have?" Mary teased Leigh Ann. "Well, okay." Leigh Ann agreed. Before Brian knew what was happening, her lips were tightly pressed against his. Brian pulled back in fear and turned to look at Justin.

When Justin heard the suggestion, his eyes were locked. He looked at Brian with a single tear running down his cheek. Brian knew he couldn't say much in front of the camera. "Well thank you Leigh Ann. That was quite the interview." Mary complimented her and then made her way to the other stars. "Britney, can we go get a drink or something?" Justin sniffled a request. Britney was locked in her stare with Brian and Leigh Ann. She snapped out of it to give Justin a reply. "Sure, come on Justin." Britney agreed. She walked Justin away from Brian and Leigh Ann and did her best to cheer him up. She knew what she was going to have to do for the good of everyone soon.

"Well good, they're finally gone. I have some folks you need to see." Leigh Ann cheered. Brian turned to her with anger. "Go away Leigh Ann." he hissed at her. Leigh Ann gave him a shock expression. "Now." Brian barked lowly. Leigh Ann didn't pity him at all. "I'll go powder my nose and then we'll go meet and great with folks," Leigh Ann said, giving him space. She rubbed her hand over his cheek and then walked off from where he stood. Brian cursed under his breath and made his way through the crowds.

Brian was fuming as he walked through the crowds, trying to find where Britney and Justin had gone to. Brian looked up to see a crowd up people standing in his way. Brian mumbled to himself, not wanting to interact with anymore reporters for the rest of the premiere if he could avoid it. 'Damnit' Brian thought to himself as the group of people became more dense--so dense that he had to practically shove his way around.

There were two men standing practically back to back, right in front of Brian's path. He tried to excuse himself several times, but the men just didn't hear him, or didn't want to hear him. Brian got tired of waiting for them to move and just shoved through. However, as he was walking between them, he tripped, and started tumbling forward. "I gotcha!" a voice stated as a pair of arms grabbed Brian and pulled him back up before he could fall flat on his face. "Thanks, man." Brian mumbled as he was pulled back up to a standing position. "No problem. I wouldn't feel right letting you fall flat on your face. I'd have to laugh at you along with everyone else, then." the guy laughed as he brushed the shoulders of Brian's shirt back into place.

"Thanks." Brian said snottily, as he looked up. When he saw the guy, he almost fell back down. "Nice to see you again, B-Rok." Brian looked up to see Matt Thompson smiling at him. "Oh man, I'm sorry. I didn't realize it was you." Brian laughed, and began to blush from his rudeness. "No problem. I can see you're having a 'panty bunch' kind of night." Matt laughed. "Yeah, you could say that. Man, I haven't seen you in forever." Brian sighed. "I know, it has to be at least, what? A couple months? Who're you here with?" Matt asked, smiling at him. "Just--I mean Leigh Ann Wallace." Brian replied, realizing he almost slipped up. "Ah. The Cunt." Matt replied. "WHAT?!?!" Brian asked, shocked at Matt's choice of words. "Sorry for my bluntness, but you know I'm that kind of guy. She works my nerves. Her and her agent tried to get me lined up to do a movie with her after she finished this one. When I actually met her, there was no way on God's green Earth I was going to." Matt replied. "Actually, I can see how you would come to that conclusion." Brian laughed. "That's no way to talk about your girlfriend, Bri. You better be nice or she'll cut you off." Matt teased with an evil grin. "Well to be honest, my HUSBAND is over there with Britney Spears." Brian whispered into Matt's ear, pointing to Britney and Justin when he caught glimpse of them. "Ohhhhhh. Well, aren't you the lucky dog?" Matt smiled evily. "I'd like to think so." Brian giggled and held his hand up for Matt to see the ring. "Well, I should have known." Matt giggled back. "Known what?" Brian drew his attention back to Matt. "I should have known Leigh Ann was a fag hag. Who would've known Britney was one, though?" Matt died laughing. "You are so wrong." Brian tried to keep from laughing, but had to. "I know, I know." Matt laughed as he started to light a cigarette.

"Gross." Brian turned up his nose. "Oh please. How do you think I stay sane among the sharks of Hollywood?" "Alright, alright. Just don't give ME lung cancer. I had to deal with your habits enough the last time I ran into you." Brian smiled. "Yeah, they still haven't rebuilt that resturaunt." Matt laughed. "So, what are you working on right now?" Brian asked, trying to make conversation. "Ah, I'm tired of making movies right now. I'm sorta taking a break from the biz. Taking a bite of reality for a bit." Matt smiled. "Sounds like fun, actually." Brian smiled. "It is so far. I've just pretty much been camping out at the apartment in New York, but I actually bought a condo here in Florida last week. I almost have all the furniture in it and everything. You and your friends should come by some time." Matt suggested. "I don't have time." Brian sighed, wanting to go. "That's why I said you should come by." Matt laughed, "Take a break from the monotony of the show biz." Brian contemplated it for a minute. "It does sound like fun." he replied. "Of course it would be. It's right on the beach, so we could all go swimming. We could have one of those, um, things. Oh Jesus, what's it called? All those straight people do it." Matt acted like he didn't know the words. "Cookout?" Brian asked slowly. "That's it. We could slap some dead animals on a grill." Matt acted like he wasn't joking. "You're as odd as last time." Brian laughed. "I know, that's why everyone loves me." Matt batted his eyes innocently. "I guess so." Brian just giggled.

"Hey, it looks like your husband just spotted you." Matt whispered into Brian's ear. Brian looked across to see Justin looking at him and Matt talking. "Yeah, I better get over there." Brian looked at Matt. "Yeah, I wouldn't want you to end up in the doghouse, tonight." Matt laughed. "It was nice seeing you again, Matt." Brian laughed and extended his hand. "Same here. Ask your husband about coming over sometime, aight?" Matt whispered into Brian's ear as he shook his hand. "Definitely." Brian smiled. "Here," Matt dug a piece of paper out of his pocket with a number on it. "Call me sometime about it. I'd love to get together with ya'll." "Okay, be expecting a call." Brian smiled and took the paper. "Enjoy the movie." Matt teased. "Oh yeah." Brian sighed.

Brian smiled to himself as he walked away towards Justin, leaving Matt behind. Just before Brian could reach Justin, Leigh Ann stepped in front of him again. "Brian, before I could even reach the bathroom, a production executive over at ABC Studios pulls me over ad says would I like to be interviewed by Barbra Walters!" Leigh Ann screeched joyfully. Brian's eyes were on Leigh Ann but his mind was occupied on how he wanted to get to Justin. He saw Justin and Britney making their move away and once again he pouted. "Look, I'm gonna head to the bathroom but you go and see if you can score some producers for the soundtrack, okay?" Leigh Ann advised geniunely. Her smile didn't create a sense of happiness for Brian, more a sense of dread. Brian finally gave her a nod and decided his hopes for being with Justin that night were ruined. Leigh Ann cheered again and gave Brian a small peck on the cheek. "You won't regret this." Leigh Ann assured him and then ran off towards the bathroom.

Britney and Justin stood to the side of a shaded crowd. They watched as stars moved back and forth throughout the place. "Okay, now are those hers?" Britney giggled, pointing towards the obscure blonde who flaunted her body around for all of the Hollywood tycoons to admire. "Nope." Justin flatly replied. "You're not having fun with this game." Britney hummed to him. Justin raised his champagne glass and took another sip from it. "Why have fun when your husband's out messing with his ex's?" Justin gripped. Britney placed her arm around Justin's shoulder for further comfort. "You're messing with your ex." Britney bubbled her response. Justin giggled softly. "I am not." Justin gleamed. "Yeah, you're right. So play around will ya?" Britney snickered. Justin agreed and rejoined her in their gossip game. "Ah, Courtney Love... and who's that with her?" Britney spotted another celebrity within the crowd. Justin peered at the guy and shrugged. "I think I heard her say his name was Allen?" Justin gave some form of an answer. Britney took a sip of her champagne and gave 'Allen' a funny stare. "He looks like a freakin' Leprechaun." she giggled. Justin laughed along, raising his glass for the mixed crowd.

Justin's ears perked up when he heard a familiar voice. "Oh yeah? That Brian Littrell is a great looking guy. Are you two seeing each other?" Justin heard Katie Holmes distnct voice. "Well we were, but not at this second. I figure out tonight we will be though," Justin then heard Leigh Ann's voice reply. Justin's head sunk and he turned to the wall behind him.

Britney had overheard the conversation and she knew her time had come. "Justin? Sweetie?" Britney did her best to get Justin's attention. Justin peered over to her with shame. "Will you hold my glass for me?" Britney requested. Justin sighed and turned to face her. He took her glass and held it. Britney reached into her slik lined, power blue purse and pulled out a hair tie. Justin watched her with confusion as Britney pulled her hair up into a tight bun. Britney removed the silver necklace that Joey had given her as a token of love and handed it to Justin. "Britney... you never take this off?" Justin questioned her with rabbit curiosity. "Follow me Justin." Britney chimed brightly. Justin did as she instructed and followed her.

They stood in front of the ladies room and Justin gave her an even more curious stare. "Do me a favor Justin, stand here and don't let anyone come in, okay?" Britney requested. She made sure she had no loose ends and slipped out of her shoes. She placed her shoes right next to Justin and kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks." Britney gleamed. She hiked up her Cynthia Rowley dress slightly before pushing the door to the bathroom open.

Justin had a pretty good idea why Britney went into the bathroom and watched guard nervously outside. He smiled as people passed by. He leaned back slightly to hear what was happening inside. Justin could barely make out the words but he knew the only two women inside were Leigh Ann Wallace and Britney Spears. He listened to them argue before hearing Britney winning the war of words.

With a suddenty, Justin heard a strong slap echo in the bathroom. Justin jumped with fright. 'Oh Lord, Britney's too small to handle her.' Justin thought to himself. He heard the rumble break lose shaprly with a small screech and then the battling of slaps and fists. 'Oh fuck Britney.' Justin grumbled to himself. He leaned in closer to hear Britney scream in pain slightly. "Bitch, I'm gonna kill you!" he heard Britney yell out before a shoe was thrown into one of the stalls.

Justin couldn't help his curiosity and concern for his friend. He pushed the door open slightly. He peeked his head inside of see what type of action was going on. His eyes were filled with surprise as he did look inside. He saw Britney's swift fist slamming into the back of Leigh Ann's head as her other hand held Leigh Ann's head down by her hair. Leigh Ann had a grip of Britney's dress and was doing her best to swing back. Justin watched as Britney kept the upper hand. He saw Britney and Leigh Ann tumbled and Leigh Ann's legs fly. "Oh no you don't bitch!" Britney barked and oulled Leigh Ann back by the hair. "You better let me go broad!" Leigh Ann screeched back. "Broad?! I'll show you a broad!" Britney hollered back before her fist slammed into Leigh's jaw.

Justin quickly closed the door back and made sure no one walked too closely. Justin saw a familiar woman approaching him. He smiled flasely and stopped her before she got too close. "Gee Justin, last time I checked you weren't a girl. But maybe I missed something?" Danielle Fishel joked with Justin. Justin inched closer to her and made sure she didn't get too close. "Hey Danielle! How have you been?" Justin tried to make conversation with her to avoid the fight that continued in the bathroom. "Uhm, I'm fine. How are the guys?" Danielle pondered, giving Justin a goofy stare. "Ah, they're good. You know them, always playing around and never doing work." Justin blurted back. Danielle nodded and tried to peer past Justin towards the bathroom. Justin noticed and tried to keep things moving. "So have you talked to Lance?" Justn quickly asked. Danielle returned her eyes to Justin. "Yes, actually we talked today. He said was going home for a few days and that he'd like to have dinner with me when he got back." Danielle chimed. Justin nodded, trying to act as if he had interest in what she had to say. "He seemed kind of down and out." Danielle commented on Lance's condition. "Oh yeah, that's him for ya." Justin joked with her. Danielle didn't return the favored smile.

"So anyway, what brings you here?" Justin asked shyly. "Well we're taping a few episodes of the show here in Orlando, so I figured why not come to the premiere tonight. I tried to get Lance to go, but he didn't feel like it." Danielle explained. Justin quickly looked back to the bathroom when he heard the clashing of a door and a body. "What was that?!" Danielle quickly asked with concern. "Oh that? That was... it was Leigh Ann Wallace." Justin smiled as he answered. "See, don't tell anyone, but Leigh Ann, well she's anorexic. So she's in there throwing up so she can stay thin, but don't tell anyone. She's trying to keep it a secret." Justin made up the best lie he could come up with. Danielle's eyes flashed open with surprise. "Oh, I heard about those kind of girls on Oprah. Is she okay?" Danielle pondered with ignorant thoughts. Justin nodded with a smile. "She just needs some time. Maybe you should go use the restrooms on the west side of the theater." Justin advised, trying to sound concerned for Leigh Ann. Danielle agreed with him. She smiled and said her goodbye's to Justin.

Justin quickly moved back to the door as Britney emerged from the bathroom. There was no more yelling and nothing seemed out of place towards the outside. Britney's hair was once again neatly put up in a bun and her make-up didn't seemed to be smudged. "What took you so long?" Justin asked with complaint. He had a serious wonder as to what happened when his eyes were not looking inside of the bathroom. "She's quite the fighter. Bitch just wouldn't give up." Britney replied snobbishly. She was doing her best to return to her normal chipper self without thinking of the incident. Justin sighed and looked back to the bathroom. Britney had managed to make herself look presentable once again. "I saw ya'll. Ya'll were on the floor and all." Justin commented, looking back to his friend. "She was pulling my hair and got a few bruises and scratches on my back. Not as much damage as I did, but still enough." Britney carelessly said, looking out to the crowd. Deep down she was proud of her accomplishment. "How much damage is 'damage'?" Justin pondered, raising his eyebrow at her. Britney smiled brightly, knowing what she had done. "Miss Wallace isn't ready for her close up Mr. Demile." Britney snickered. Justin gave her an appalled look but then the laughter followed. "She's still in the stall I think. Poor girl, she may be from Georgia, but that's nothing compared to us Louisiana folks." Britney added with sheer joy. "You're bad when you wanna be." Justin said, still laughing. Britney shook her hips for him and smiled. "I had to shut her up somehow." Britney stated, defending her actions. Even though Justin didn't think it was the wisest choice of action, he felt somehow that Britney had prevented Justin from dealing with Leigh Ann any further. "Thank you." Justin smiled before kissing her on the forehead. Britney smiled and grabbed her champagne glass from the side.

"Excuse me? Miss Spears?" Britney heard a cool and crisp voice call upon her. Britney turned her head in the direction of her admirer and her mouth fell open with surprise. "Hi, my name is... well I'm Ben Affleck." he said as he extended his hand to her. Britney's mouth stayed wide open as she took his hand. She was unsure on whether to shake his hand or kiss it. "Buh-Buh-Ben Affleck." she stammered out. Justin watched Britney drool over him and laughed lowly. "Yeah... I heard you were an admirer of mine and thought I'd stop by and say hello to you." Ben explained his sudden prescence. Britney just nodded and managed to smile. She never thought that Ben Affleck would dare acknowledge her, let only her crush on him.

Ben turned his attention to Justin and smiled at him. "Hi, you're Justin Timberlake right?" Ben asked, trying to recollect knowing Justin. Justin wanted to correct him and say Justin Litttell but decided otherwise. "Yep, that's me." Justin chimed. "Yeah, I remember you from the MTV Awards. Nice uhm, impersonation you guys did," Ben commented. Justin giggled, remembering when he and his friends taped the parody on 'Armageddon' with Lisa Kudrow.

Ben kept his smile with Justin and then turned to Britney again. "So, are you happy?" Ben tried to joke with her as if he had done her a favor. Britney nodded happily, still admiring his perfected face. "Well I just wanted to say hi and invite you over to talk with me and my.. my friend David." Ben said, trying to be friendly with her. Britney almost let the glass slip from her hand when she heard the invitation. Justin smiled deviously and nudged her. "Yeah... uhm, sure. I'm sure my boyfriend won't mind if I just chat with you." Britney stuttered out, smiling goofily. "Oh I'm sorry Justin, I didn't know she was your girlfriend." Ben quickly apologized to Justin. Before Justin could say anything, Britney answered. "No, Justin's an ex. My boyfriend's at home tonight." Britney grinned. Ben was slightly confused but went along with the idea. "Oh well then... shall we?" Ben offered his arm to her. Britney looked back to Justin for approval. Justin nodded and let her walk off with him.

Justin slid past the exceedingly happy crowds and looked for a secure spot for him to be by himself. Without Brian or Britney, Justin didn't feel much like mingling with the crowd. He stepped out to a terrace and then walked to the railing. As he did he placed his champagne glass on a table and then looked up to the midnight's sky.

The calm and yet heat-filled Florida breeze ran over Justin. He enjoyed it. It spared him from thinking of the bad things that the night had brought. He felt a hand drop onto his and then a figure formed next to him. Justin admired the wedding ring on his friend's finger. Justin glanced over his shoulder and saw Brian standing with an exaggerated frown. Justin turned to Brian and shot him a smile to change Brian's mood. "Damn us for coming." Brian groaned lowly. "Why?" Justin asked, pittying his husband. "Because all we've done is put on a show for the others to make sure everyone's reputation stays in tact." Brian stated, slouching in his stance.

Justin reached out and gave Brian a hug. Brian was surprised by the hug and was scared to return it. "It's okay." Justin assured him. Brian didn't bother gazing around. He returned the hug to Justin with a loving thought. "Just another night in our lives... but we'll get through it." Justin whispered, releasing his ray of hope for Brian. Brian frowned even more, knowing his life had been focused on pleasing others.

Brian rubbed Justin's back and pulled out of the hug. "Let's go home." Brian pleaded with Justin, giving him an innocent frown. Justin gave him a knowing look and then stared at him lovingly. "Without that bitch... I mean Leigh Ann?" Justin asked in slight anger. Brian held up his wedding ring and gave off a quick smile. "I don't care where the hell she is. Just me and you." Brian begged, dropping his hand. "Not without Britney." Justin replied shortly. Brian kept his frown on.

He turned his head to look inside. "Did you enjoy talking to Matt?" Justin asked sorely. Brian did not give a reply. "Would you like it if me and you just sat in the limo for awhile?" Justin offered to appease his husband's sadness. Brian seemed to find a smile for Justin. "No... I'd like it if we spent the rest of our time here by each other's side." Brian replied honestly. Justin nodded and gladly locked pinkies with Brian. Brian reminisced on the past with the touch while Justin watched his friend rush over to them.

"Okay I am so happy right now! I just sat and talked with Ben Affleck! And let me say, the crush is even bigger." Britney cheered for them. Brian and Justin laughed at her enthusiasm for the young star. "The only problem is Ben seems to be like ya'll." Britney frowned slightly. Brian and Justin looked at each other with funny expressions. Britney knew she had puzzled them. "His friend David seems like more than a 'friend'." Britney explained. Brian and Justin caught on and began to laugh at Britney's 'lose'. "Oh well, he's still hot!" Britney added with glee. "I'm sure Joey would love to haer that." Justin smiled, beginning the game he had started with Joey earlier and using it against Britney. "He'll get over it," Britney shrugged, knowing she loved Joey more. "She's such a faker." Brian teased her. Justin laughed along with him. "Oh you're one to talk! Mr. 'I'm thrilled to be married to Justin Littrell'." Britney teased him. "Hey, ain't no shame in my game baby." Brian joked. Justin grinned brightly with Brian.

"Well come on you two, I'm bushed and Joey's waiting up on me." Britney begged, letting out a disappointed sigh. Brian shrugged and placed an arm around Britney for comfort. "Why do all the good looking guys have boyfriends." Britney complained. Justin wrapped his arm around Britney's otherside and held her. "That's not true." Justin assured her. "He's right... some have husbands." Brian teased helplessly. Justin slapped Brian's hand and grinned at him. "You still have Joey, Britney. His love is special." Justin reminded her. Britney smiled genorously for them. "God Justin, if only you weren't married." Britney sighed, looking at Brian. Brian wrinkled his brow at her. Britney caught onto her mistake. "Then I'd suggest you marry this cutie right here." Britney covered up for her mistake. Brian nodded happily. "Let's go guys... we all have lives we want to get back to." Britney suggested again. They agreed and then they walked out from the terrace.

Justin had his hand ontop of Brian's hand as they held Britney while they walked. It was the only way they could show mild affection for each other at the premiere without anyone catching onto their relationship.

Just as they passed the mobbing fans, Brian, Justin and Britney were stopped at the edge of the red carpet by Steve Kmetko from E! News. "Britney, who are your dates tonight?" he quickly asked her as cameras snapped shots of them. "This is Justin and Brian Littrell." Britney chimed, not letting onto the fact that Brian and Justin were married. "What's your last name Justin?" Steve asked sharply. Justin looked to Brian and then bit his lower lip. "Timberlake. I'm from N Sync." Justin replied with a false smile. Britney nudged Brian and got him to usher them out. "Thanks... but Britney can we get five more minutes?" Steve requested. Britney shook her head at him and began to walk away with her friends.

As they walked the rest of the carpet, they heard Mary Hart talking into her camera as she reproterd on the premiere. "And with the wonderful reviews the premiere got the mystery still remains around the sudden notion that Leigh Ann Wallace is anorexic and that she has a bad make-up artist because her face has too much blue and black on." Mary spoke up. Brian quickly looked to Britney who gave him a mere smile. Brian then looked to Justin who was too busy laughing uncontrollably at the comment by Mary Hart.

The day was over for Brian and Justin. Brian was sprawled out on their bed. He laid on his stomach as Justin sat ontop of his butt. Justin was gently massaging his naked husband's back. Brian laid with his eyes closed and let Justin relax his body. "Hmmm... right there Justin..." Brian moaned, feeling Justin rub over the small of his back. Justin smiled and kept his hands in that particular spot. Brian groaned again and relaxed his back muscles.

"So you never gave me an answer about Matt." Justin brought up a sore subject while massaging Brian. Brian exhaled lowly and opened his eyes. "We just B.S. for a bit," Brian gave a simple answer. "And?" Justin wanted more detail. "And he's doing good and living it up. He gave me his number and told me to call him." Brian added. He felt a sharp pain in his shoulder as Justin's hands became more aggressive. "Ouch!" Brian hissed, informing Justin of his pain.

Justin quickly stopped his massaging. He leaned down and gave Brian a few kisses on the back. "I'm sorry babe." Justin whispered. He felt the guilt of his jealousy and did his best to make it up to Brian. He sat up again and began to massage Brian's shoulders. Brian relaxed again, feeling safe in Justin's apology. Justin careessed Brian's tattoo before beginning to massage that area of Brian's back. "You're so stressed baby." Justin commented. Brian sighed, knowing he was stressed out. "Only when I have to deal with things without you." Brian gave a depressing reply. Justin leaned down and hugged onto Brian. He kissed Brian's shoulder blade and did his best to comfort Brian. "Don't you worry baby... I'm always right here." Justin whispered. Brian lost his insecurities within moments.

Before Brian could enjoy a moment of Jusitn hugging him, Justin's cell phone rang. Brian groaned with disappointment. "I'll send them away." Justin assured him, lifting his body. Brian just kept his eyes shut and rocked himself on the bed.

Justin crawled off of Brian and to the dresser. He grabbed his cell phone and clicked it on. "Is someone dying or in the hospital?" Justin boldly asked, trying to make sure he followed up with what he said to Brian. "Well I'm at the hospital smart ass," Justin heard Britney reply. "What?! We just dropped you off three hours ago." Justin bellowed with shock. "Yeh well amazing what'll happen in three hours when Amanda stops by." Britney sighed into the pay phone. "What's wrong?" Justin asked, rolling back to where he was before. Brian sighed and scooted into Justin's lap. He laid his head on Justin;s naked lap and let Justin play with his hair. "Justin... Amanda came over and she was real sick. We took her to the hospital because she didn't want to go to A.J.'s." Britney replied sadly. Justin was confused. His friends had been sick before so he knew there was more to the story. He looked down to Brian, who's eyes were closed. Justin twirled a finger in Brian's hair and waited for Britney to add onto her words. "Justin... Amanda's not sick really... she's... Justin she's really pregnant." Britney said softly so that others wouldn't hear her. "WHAT?!" Justin hollered into the phone.

Britney took a moment to think of what she had just leanred in an hours time. "Justin she really was pregnant the first time she said it but she hid it because of the way A.J. reacted. She... she didn't want us to tell him, but tonight she couldn't hide it. She's going on three months now." Britney stated, losing some of her calm nature. Justin's ears couldn't be more sensitive to what Britney was saying. "What is it?" Brian asked, opening his eyes.

Justin looked down at him with depression. "Justin! Justin don't tell Brian." Britney begged, fearing that the news would get back to A.J. Justin didn't know what to do. He felt he would be betraying his husband's trust if he didn't. Brian gave Justin a crooked stare. "Okay Britney." Justin finally answered her. He leaned down and gave Brian a small kiss on the lips to hush his questionable eyes. "Thank you... Amanda doesn't want anyone to know yet because she wants to be the one to tell A.J." Britney added. Justin felt his heart sink, knowing he was lying to Brian. "Look, me and Joey gotta get Amanda over to her place. Your mom already knows, so just keep it hush hush for now." Britney requested. "Yeah, I'll do that." Justin replied softly. Britney and Justin ended their conversation at that.

Justin pulled Brian up into a hug and then they snuggled in the bed. Justin continued to pet Brian's hair as Brian began to fall asleep in Justin's arms. Justin kissed Brian's forehead and tried not to let onto what he knew about Amanda and the one secret that could tear apart the Backstreet Boys, Innosense and Brian and Justin.


*** So, was it LONG or what?!? I would have made it short but I had too many ideas I HAD to have in this one. So I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing. I might take a bit of a break after this one because I'm stressed with some things right now and school will be starting soon. I'm going to an N Sync concert the 26th, so hopefully I'll see Justin! A very special happy brithday to Joshua Scott Chasez as he turns 23! GO JC! Thanks to any and everyone who voted for me and we'll see if I win anything this time. Thank you to anyone who participates in the Game Show. I hope you ALL show up! Thank you Lee for your continous support of me. Aren't you happy?! Your names in the thank you's! HAH HAH! Oh yeah, this is the part where you write me and tell me what you like and don't like with what I've done with Lance, Brian, Justin, Britney, Joey, JC, Nick and everyone. Thank you to the readers and I hope you can survive with me on a short break. :) Love you all... ***

  • For more on 702 (since they'll be in other Chapters), check out:

** Dedicated to my four Angels: Allen, Donnie, Shawn & CJ.

Allen (Blue) - What would I do without you babe?! You are something else, always making me smile and ALWAYS talking about the stuff we talk about. You know us Blue, we can talk about anything and still laugh it off. I won't bug you about writing anymore! You've helped me beyong your knowledge! THANK YOU for Matt! Even though BBB isn't going anymore, it's still going for me baby! LOL! And who knows, maybe there's a Cook Out in our future eh?! So I say...

Donnie (The Don) - So we don't talk much eh?! I've learned NEVER to play Truth or Dare with you! HAH HAH! Leave Blue alone so he can move on to us good looking guys. Kidding. You are a GREAT friend and awesome listener. I LOVE you for that! So keep on ICQ and oh yeah, I'm not calling you anymore faker! HAH HAH!

Shawn (Smiley) - Where my girls at?! HAH HAH! You are one of the BEST friends I could get. You maybe nasty, but in a good way. Besides, we'll blame it on Allen anyway. :) You are an angel babe and you're soul mate's coming. So keep your head up sweetie. Because you know I love ya! :)

CJ (Cupid) - Boy have we been through it all?! Not really. :) But you are the best guy I could ask for sometimes because you make me smile and you don't even know it! Keep coming to me with your problems because they're not that bad. I know that man of yours loves you greatly! He tells me all the time. :) So you keep smiling for me and keep singing. Oh yeah, tell that guy I like I said "Hi!" I love ya for being you and thats what counts doll face. So don't stop doing what you do and don't stop writing!

Next: Chapter 43: Just Beginning 23 25

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