Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Jul 14, 1999


Just Beginning (Chapter 1) Written by JM

Hey everyone, it's Lep. Probably weren't expecting ME, were you? LOL My good buddy Jesse here asked me to write him an intro to 'Just Beginning' 'cause he loves me that much. EG Anyway, I started out following Brian & Justin from the beginning, so it's really an honor to have JM ask me to do this. Pretty much all he had to do to get me to write this was to kiss my butt and call me his "inspiration". That usually always works. I like a good ass-kissin' every now and then... like the rest of you. So, what can I say about JM and 'Just Beginning'? Well, I know if it's anything like 'Brian & Justin', then all you dedicated fans will love it. Now, don't all of you start a craze ripping copies of the story off the shelf like this was a BSB or 'NSync CD, k? Although it will make Jesse look good, it makes the rest of us authors look bad. So please, just read the story, and be calm about it. However I know you are all DYING to see what's going to happen now with 'The Newlyweds'. LOL Okay, now onto the legalities of story writing. If you're under 18, or it's illegal to read this story in your geographical location, do it anyway. (Damn the man!!!!) Or don't. You'll probably get caught. Also, if you are a homophobe, read on and retch that makes me soooo very happy. It's like Christmas year round when that happens. Oh, and by the way, this story does not mean to imply anything about the sexuality, lifestyle, or marital bliss of any of the members of BSB OR 'NSync. It's all a little thing we authors like to call "fiction". So anyway, make sure to e-mail ole Jesse about how much you liked the story at OR Love to all the fans! Peace and Hairgrease, baby. Lep.

*** 'Just when I thought I was to be alone forever...' This is the continuation to the series 'Brian & Justin'. This story involves a romance between celebrities, mainly that of Brian Littrell (of the Backstreet Boys) and Justin Timberlake (of 'N Sync). If you are offended by this kind of material, please do not read this series. If you have not read the first series, please do not read this one yet. I'd like you to know the story of Brian and Justin's saga. Otherwise, enjoy as we continue to drift into the lives of Brian & Justin. Any cooments for me, please send to: ***

*** I'm back! Welcome to the second chapter of 'Brian & Justin', perfectly titled by David as 'Just Beginning'. I do hope you like this series and I hope to bring you as much joy and sorrow as the first series. As always, read stories like 'N Sync Love' and 'The One' for good storyline. Special thank you to my inspiration and my "Blue", Leprechan. Read 'Bad Boy B-Rok' for his work of art. Special thank you to some of my closest friends also, Donnie, CJ, Rick, Jason, River, Mano, Jay & Josh, Ryan & Drew, Brian and Netboy. And very special thanks to all of my OLD & NEW READERS! I love you dearly for you support. The BIGGEST thank you goes to David at Nifty for his continuous support. As always, enjoy and hopefully, you won't be disappointed. So now, the story is 'Just Beginning...' ***

The sounds of the flight attendants over the loud speakers crowded the airport's sounds system. Planes flying and plans flying out added to the crowded airport's edginess. There was no mass of fans to await each celebrity that was entering or exiting from Orlando. The Orlando Internaitonal Airport was a place for families and friends to reunite on one common ground. It is were lovers used their last minutes to kiss each other goodbye. It was an area where mothers saw off their sons for college and father awaited the return of their daughters from trips abroad. It was also the place in which the young man, who was known as Justin Timberlake to his fans, awaited that of his friends.

Justin stood near gate thirty-two, gently tapping his foot to a rhythm in his head while holding his cell phone to his ear. He couldn't believe that after his week in the lucious Hawaii, he had returned home to messages from his label, his P.R. Bryce, his manager Johnny Wright, his mother Lynn Harliss and even that of his friends Chris Kirkpatrick, Lance Bass, J.C. Chasez and Joey Fatone. He was shocked even further to receive a message from his new mother-in-law, Jackie Littrell.

His body was at ease even though he knew that his much needed time off wouldn't be held in orlando. It was a city that never slept unless every club was closed and all places of business were shut down. A city in which dreams were made and shattered with the drop of a dime, while love and romance flustered from street to street.

Justin ran his hand lightly over his blonde hair while he lisntened to his final message from his mother Lynn. "Justin, I know you're still away, but when you get back, please stop by the house. I hope you and your... er... uhm, husband are having fun... on your, uhm well you know what it is. Please stop by! Thank you. Love you." Justin listened as his mother pleaded with him in her motherly, yet business-like tone. 'Geez mom, could you be anymore in favor of me being married to Brian?' Justin sarcatically thought as he erased the message. "Oh well, one day she'll understand." Justin huffed as he picked up his backpack from the floor.

He threw the backpack onto his shoulders and quickly dialed for his mother's office. He gazed down to his watch and thought. 'She's gotta be at the office by now.' Justin decided as he placed the phone to his ear. He lisntened to several rings from the phone as he walked down the long stretch of space towards the restrooms. 'Come on, come on.' Justin pleaded while walking. His eyes were on the floor as he tought of a suitable way to talk to his mother.

His feet traveled at a cool pace, yet his mind spun with thoughts. Just as he got the answer of an answering machine, he felt someone's collide into his shoulder. Justin tripped with surprise and dropped his cell phone. Justin relfexively tried to recover his balance while trying to see the culprit responsible for his mistake. Justin's eyes fixated on the person who had accidentally bumped into him. Justin's hand rubbed his own shoulder, feeling a small pain in it. "Ouch, that hurt." Justin grumbled softly as he looked at the person before him. The older man gave off a gentle smile while rubbing his own shoulder. Justin was caught by the man's crystal blue eyes. "Uhm, I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." the man automatically replied. Justin listened to the man's quiet southern accent. "No, it was my fault." Justin assured him. The man smiled back to him. "You okay?" Justin asked with care. "I think so... at least I didn't hit my head this time," the man joked. Justin giggled softly with him. Justin couldn't believe he was reliving his first experience with that of his husband, Brian Littrell.

"Are you okay Justin?" Brian asked. Justin gave a small nod. "Can you believe we did that again?" Brian laughed as he bent down to pick up Justin's cellular phone. "I think it was fate." Justin whispered. Brian stood and handed Justin his phone. "I think I was blinded by love," Brian softly added. Justin felt Brian leaning forward to kiss him and quickly stopped him. "Not here babe." Justin said as he placed a hand on Brian's shoulder. Brian pouted his lips and sighed.

"Please hang up and try again... please hang up and try again... please hang up and try again..." Brian and Justin heard the distinct noise echoing from Justin's phone. Justin quickly pressed the 'end' button on his cell phone and looked back to Brian. Brian cocked his eyebrow at Justin. "I was trying to get a hold of my mom. She's left like five messages on my cell phone while we were gone." Justin explained. Brian shrugged and grabbed Justin's hand. Justin gently pulled his hand out of Brian's and frowned. "I'm sorry Brian. There's a lot of press here at the airport and well..." Justin knew Brian wasn't thrilled with his explaination. "And so they don't know you're Justin Littrell now." Brian sighed lowly and looked to the floor. "Yeah, that'd be it." Justin groaned. Brian shrugged again and gave Justin the signal that they should leave.

Brian and Justin walked side by side down the escalator towards the baggage claim. Their walk was silent as they both couldn't express their love for each othre in front of others. It was a fear that many celebrities lived with. The fear that if they were found out, that they're lives would forever be invaded. That was something Brian and Justin did not want. The labels gave them no choice in keeping Justin's last name that of Timberlake for professional documentation, but legally, Justin was now that of a Littrell. Brian didn't mind the cover up as he did not want anyone to come between his love and care for Justin.

"I wonder who the goofballs sent to pick us up." Brian pondered as they reached baggage claim. He did his best to break the silence with his husband. "Probably J.C. or Kevin." Justin suggested a possible answer. Brian nodded. He lifted his Kentucky hat from his head and carefully placed it on Justin's blonde curls. "You're cute in blue." Brian whispered and gave Justin a small rub on his hip. Justin smiled and wore Brian's hat with pride.

Brian watched the revolving belt as each piece of luggage moved by at a slow pace. "That's me." Justin cheered as he lifted his suitcase from the belt. "And that's me." Justin chimed as he grabbed the next bag. "That's me." Justin sighed as he pulled the small suitcase from the revolving belt. "Uhm that's you." Justin laughed as Brian's bag revolved by. Brian's mind was not on his luggage. "Bri..." Justin whispered as he grabbed one of Brian's bags. Brian snapped back and looked at Justin. "Yea... yeah?" Brian softly replied. "Your bags." Justin replied as he lifted Brian's other suitcase from the belt. Brian realized that he had not being giving Justin or his materials much attention. "I'm sorry." Brian babbled out before lifting his suitcases from the floor. "Thinking?" Justin asked as he tried to carry his own suitcases. "Yeah..." Brian whispered his reply, grabbing one of Justin's bags for him. "Thanks." Justin sighed as Brian carried the bag. Brian tried to get closer to his husband, but he could feel that Justin was putting him off slightly.

"Excuse me, is there a Brian or Justin around here?" they both heard a kind voice ask as they approached the exit. Justin was the first to stop and glance to his left. He saw that of an auburn hair man with a sprawling goatee. "Miss me?" Joey asked as he opened his arms for Justin. Justin quickly rushed over to Joey and hugged him. "Hey there Mr. Littrell." Joey giggled as he returned Justin's hug. "Hey Joey!" Justin exlaimed as they hugged. Joey looked over to Brian and waved for him to approach. Brian shrugged and walked over to them. With a quick swipe, Joey released Justin and pulled Brian into a hug. "Don't play shy with me Brian." Joey laughed, trying to encourage Brian further. Brian happily returned the hug. "How ya been bro?" Joey questioned as he released Brian. "As happy as ever." Brian chimed and then looked towards the shy Justin. "That's good." Joey nodded towards Justin. Justin tried to fake a smile for Joey, but inside Joey felt something was upsetting Justin.

"Well let's get you guys back to your place." Joey suggested as he grabbed a bag from Brian. Justin nodded and walked with Joey while Brian carried the end. "How's BJ and Tyke?" Justin asked softly. Joey gave Justin a small laugh and then kept their steady pace. "Let's see after Britney nearly chased BJ down for chewing on her new Nike's and Chris terrorized Tyke at a press conference, I'd say they were surviving." Joey giggled. Justin's eyes shot open with surprise. "What press conference?" Brian asked. "The one we had while ya'll were gone." Joey replied shortly. "About?" Justin added onto Brian's inqusitive question. "About the Backstreet Boys doing a small world tour for their new album." Joey gave a small answer. "World tour?" Brian quickly caught up to them. "Yep, ya'll are touring some of Eruope in about three weeks. We would've told you but we refused to ruin your honeymoon while small details and such." Joey explained. "So wait, I'm leaving in three weeks?" Brian tried to rewind the speech Joey gave. "Yes, you guys start rehearsals in two days I think," Joey added. Brian's frown could not be anymore powerful for Justin's eyes.

"But on a brighter note, we're holding Brian from rehearsals for a few days." Joey tried to change the subject. Justin barely heard Joey's last words. His heart was thinking of how he had to adjust without Brian. "You see... we're going to be shooting another video next week and well.. with coorodinating and well, using Britney as bait, I got Jive to release Brian from rehearsals for a week so that he can appear in our new video." Joey tried to cheer their moods. "Oh, I'm appearing in your next video?" Brian tried his best to help Joey with his quest to make Justin smile. "Yeah, we were looking over treatments for months, now we decided to go with 'It's True' for our next video. The concept is very cool. Anyway, you're going to be like one of our back up dancers and you're gonna chill with us on the video too." Joey stated. Brian nodded to give Joey his full attention. Justin on the otherhand kept his gaze forward, hearing small words that were being drownded out by the sounds of his heart.

"Maybe I can convince to let the director get ya'll to kiss on camera." Joey joked to try and grasp Justin's eyes. Justin shook off Joey's comment and kept his steady daze. "Well so ya'll know, Brian's going to be gone a full month on tour... but that's not bad. Because after the first half of the tour, two of the Backstreet Boys' opening acts have to pull out." Joey kept his persitence with Justin. "And what's the big deal about that?" Justin finally huffed out his question, trying to please Joey with a troubled expression. "Well Kevin and Howie went to management about picking up another opening act and guess who they pulled in?" Joey boasted, ignoring Justin's tone. "Don't say it!" Brian exclaimed. He placed an arm around Justin's shoulder with a bright smile. "Yep, 'N Sync is hitting Europe for the last two weeks of your shows to be an opening act only. So we'll have a seperate set, but I'm sure we can make sure that you two don't have seperate rooms." Joey joked playfully with Brian. Justin found a small smile to flash them, trying not to give too much of his joy up. "We figured it'll work for promotional purposes in Europe for our new album." Joey shrugged with his explaination. "Cool." Brian said, still trying to get Justin to look at him.

"Do we anything besides rehearsals to worry about?" Brian questioned, staying on the topic of business. "Don't worry about it." Joey advised, trying to bring Brian's attention to Justin. Brian took a small glance at Justin and frowned. He carefully pushed Justin's head towards his shoulder. Justin felt a bit awkward with the gesture, but decided to follow through with Brian. Justin rested his head on Brian's shoulder as they cleared the exit.

"So did ya'll get sand up your ass while making out on the beach?" Joey questioned as they reached his Acura. "Hah, just a little." Brian giggled. "I got some water in my mouth when I..." Brian placed a finger on Justin's lips quickly. "When he went swimming." Brian faked a smile to cover their love sessions. "I bet." Joey nodded with an awkward stare. Joey clicked off the alarm on his car and opened the back. "Just throw your shit inside and we'll get moving." Joey instructed before heading to the driver side of the car. Brian and Justin followed what he said and placed their bags in the trunk of the car.

Brian pulled open the door for Justin and let him step inside. "Lord ya'll are married now and you still believe in chivalry?" Joey joked as Brian sat in the back with Justin. "It only lasts the first few weeks and then we're supposed to stop having sex." Justin joked with him. Brian placed his hand on Justin's leg and frowned. "No, it lasts 'til I'm gone. And even then, in Heaven." Brian said softly. Justin nodded and placed his hand on top of Brian's. "Well then I hope ya'll aren't like most couples where Justin's on the phone with folks all day while Brian's in front of the big screen watching basketball with a beer." Joey interupted them with his constant humor. "No, it'll be more like Justin and Brian in the nursery taking care of a baby." Justin chimed. When Brian heard Justin's words, his hand slowly withdrew from Justin's leg. When Justin felt the hand slip away, his head reflexively turned in Brian's direction. Brian had managed to look out the window before their eyes could meet.

"Oh yeah, taking care of a little rugrat. Well when it happens, you let me know because it's hard enough for me to believe that ya'll are finally married. But parents too!" Joey tried to lighten the mood without looking at Brian and Justin. Justin agreed with Joey silently, still pondering the enigma surrounding his husband. "Well, everything at the house is pretty much fine. Uhm, Lance has been handling Justin's immediate business while me and Britney had the dogs, Kevin handled Brian's musical affairs, I took care of your mail, Lynn handled getting your wedding stuff to the house and A.J. made sure no press or girls stopped by the house. Still can't believe that folks don't know you share a home together, but oh well." Joey stated as they pulled off the highway. "Thanks Joe." Brian freely replied. "Anytime. We were happy to do it. A.J. says it's his wedding gift. Oh and Nick says if you find a gift without a card, it's from him." Joey laughed out his words. Brian laughed with him while Justin relaxed in the car.

"Boy for a newly wed couple, ya'll sure aren't kissing and hugging on each other much." Joey commented as he looked at the distance between them through his mirror. "Just tired I guess." Brian shrugged with his response. Justin wasn't impressed with Brian's reply. "Ah, all that sex in Hawaii eh?" Joey questioned, looking towards Justin. "Yeah, all of that sex in Hawaii!" Brian boasted an answer before Justin could reply. Brian slipped his fingers to Justin's knee and lightly pressed his palm on it. Justin didn't flinch away but kept his eyes from Brian's view. Brian understood that his distance from Justin is what angered Justin the most.

"Yeah, well I know the minute I get ya'll home, ya'll are going to try and break in every room in the house with your 'rabbit' like nature." Joey teased them. Brian smiled back, trying to cover for Justin's obvious sadness. "Well then somebody had better break out the Trojan's because we're here..." Joey smiled as he pulled into the driveway of Brian and Justin's home.

Just Beginning (Chapter 2) Written by JM

As Joey parked behind Justin's Mercedes M Class, Brian slipped his hand further up his husband's leg. Joey opened his door while Brian leaned over to Justin. "I'll tell you when Joey's gone." Brian whispered while rubbing Justin's inner thigh. Justin nodded, not feeling arroused by Brian's hand. He knew that Brian had things to think over, things that they did not discuss during their honeymoon. Brian gave Justin a small kiss on the cheek and then pulled away.

Justin yanked open his door and stepped out. Orlando's sun blazed over the sky as Justin looked around the grounds of their home. It was as Brian and Justin had left it, peaceful and clean. "Do you guys mind if I just come in and sit for a bit? I've been running all morning long." Joey requested as Brian began pulling their bags out of the trunk. "Come on in Joey. You're always welcome." Justin answered before grabbing one of his bags. "Aaaww, even when you guys come back, you're still like brothers." Joey giggled before picking up one of Brian's suitcases. "We try to be." Justin laughed with him while walking towards the front door. Brian watched him with a careful eye. He knew that it was something small that made him and Justin pull back a little. In the end, he knew that he and Justin were going to have their time together.

As Justin stepped inside, he was caught by the sounds of Tyke and BJ playing in the living room. "Eh kiddies, Justin's back!" Justin called out as he walked down the narrow hallway towards the living room. At the sound of her master's voice, BJ made a quick dash out of the living room. Justin smiled as he saw the small Japanese Spaniel heading in his direction. Justin dropped his suitcases quickly and with enthusiasm, scooped BJ into his strong arms. "Hey babydoll!" Justin exclaimed as BJ gingerly licked his face. "How are you?" Justin asked as he tried to hold off BJ's affection. "Hmm, something sure is getting Justin's love around here," Brian commented as he walked by. "Maybe if someone wouldn't try and push me away so much, he'd get love too." Justin retorted as he scratched BJ's head.

When Brian heard Justin's reply, he dropped his suitcase at the steps and then walked by towards Justin. He looked right into Justin's ocean blue eyes and frowned. "Justin... can we talk?" Brian requested with a small voice. Justin was confused by Brian's sudden sadness. Justin bent down and let BJ jump to the floor. Justin grabbed Brian's hand and led him away from prying ears. "Make yourself comfortable Joey." Justin called out as he walked Brian into the kitchen. "I always do!" Joey hollered back as he watched the couple walk into the kitchen. 'Hmmm, what's up? Don't tell me they're having problems already? They've only been married a week now.' Joey thought to himself before letting out a low sigh.

Brian and Justin bypassed the kitchen and moved right to the backyard. The picturesque backyard was the perfect comfort zone for Justin. Justin and Brian took a seat on the grass near the pool, not looking at each other. "Tell me what's wrong Brian." Justin requested as he ran his hands over the grass. "It has nothing to do with you, Justin. Just how I'm feeling." Brian stated, trying to clear the waters for himself and Justin. Justin was not comforted by his words. He only knew that Brian's mind was even more clouded with stronger thoughts. "Then what?" Justin finally questioned. He decided to look at Brian for comfort. "It's the same thing as before. I've been thinking alot about me and you and the public and well, I really want a baby Justin. So bad because I know we could handle it. We could make good parents, but what would that do to us? The responisbility we can handle and I'm sure we can handle schedules, but Justin, raising a baby with the media and fans always looking at us?! I mean, could we handle it?" Brian whimpered out his words with dry eyes. Justin sensed Brian's fear and unsureness.

He crawled to where Brian sat and pulled him into a small embrace. He wrapped his arms around Brian's back while in a knealing position. "Brian... don't worry about those things. If the public wants to know about us raising a baby, then they'll ask. Otherwise, don't worry about it right now." Justin suggested as he hugged Brian. Brian returned the hug with a smile. "What do we say when they do ask?" Brian questioned, without releasing Justin from the hug. "We say this is Brian Thomas Littrell Jr and he's our son." Justin whispered his answer. He ran a hand over Brian's hair and kept his gentle stature with Brian. "Brian Jr.?" Brian questioned as he felt Justin's hand. "Yep. I've been thinking about it alot and I just like the name." Justin replied with a silly grin. "Yeah right! You know you want a Justin Jr.!" Brian giggled.

Brian let Justin pull out of the hug and look into his eyes. "What if it's a girl?" Justin asked softly. Brian lifted a finger and ran it over Justin's left ear. "Then we'll name her Atlanta." Brian whispered his reply, taking each second to admire Justin's eyes. "Why?" Justin asked with a soft tone. "Because that's where I first made love to you." Brian explained with his gentle, southern accent. "So basically she was conceived there?" Justin joked with Brian. Brian tapped Justin's nose and then smiled. "Yeah baby, she was." Brian giggled. "And what if we don't get to adopt a child?" Justin pondered to his husband. "Don't ever say that, ever. Me and you will have a child someday Justin, I promise. And we'll be a loving family, I promise." Brian replied with a straight face. Justin knew the seriousness in Brian's voice. He nodded for Brian and then looked down to the grass.

"I just don't want our child going through... through what I went through with my parents." Justin whispered as he looked at the ground. "You mean with the divorce and all?" Brian questioned, grabbing Justin's hands. Justin tried to nod but the pressure of his past was too much. "Justin... me and you aren't getting a divorce. We never will. You don't have to worry about that." Brian assured him. "No, I'm talking about being seperated from my parents. I mean, I was never with the two of them unless it was like a holiday or something. It was always one or the other. That's how it could be with us. You're in the Backstreet Boys and I'm in 'N Sync. You could be touring while I could be recording and I don't want a baby bounced around like that." Justin explained in a shallow voice. Brian absorbed the emotion Justin brought through with his soft words. "I know.... hopefully we won't have to worry about that." Brian replied to Justin's words.

"But..." Brian raised his finger to Justin's lips and kept him from furthering his worries. "No, not but's." Brian asked of Justin. Justin shyly nodded and looked at Brian. Brian removed his finger and replaced it with his soft, pink lips. He gently kissed Justin's lips while thinking of how much he missed the small moments they shared. Justin carefully beagn to rub his lips with Brian's. He didn't want to think of anything else but Brian at that moment.

The sun reflected off of the pool's crystal water, glowing around Brian and Justin's bodies. Brian ran his hand over Justin's curls before ending the kiss. He leaned down and kissed Justin's neck with passion on his lips. "Maybe me and you can... kick Joey out of here and see if we can make a baby the old fashion way..." Brian suggested before his lips suckled Justin's neck. Justin giggled lightly and ran his hands over Brian's tan hair. "Uhm, is that possible?" Justin whispered his reply while Brian sucked his neck. Brian released Justin's neck and began to lick the small hickey he had formed. "Let's try and find out. If not, at least we tried." Brian laughed sshortly before returning his attention to pleasuring Justin's neck. "You just want to have sex." Justin giggled a reply. "Only with you though." Brian whispered back as his lips touched Justin's neck. "How about in the house and on your bed?" Justin suggested as he pushed Brian back. Brian grumbled with disappointment.

"Tonight." Justin added as he saw Brian leaning for him again. Brian cursed under his breath and looked down to his lose shorts. "See what you did? You got me all erect and now I can't even do anything." Brian grumbled. "Play with it. Jacking off won't kill you!" Justin teased him. Brian blushed slightly. "What do you think I did while away from you all of those times? My dick and hand are pretyy good friends now because of you." Brian said softly, trying to keep his face from going flush. "Did you think of me when you were masturbating?" Justin coyly asked. "Nah, I was actually thinking of Pamela Anderson Lee." Brian joked. Justin gave Brian a light shove and then sat between Brian's legs facing him.

"I don't ever get tired of you." Justin said with a small snicker. "Well then... maybe I should take up smoking?" Brian pondered the thought. "WHAT?!" Justin hollered at him. "Yeah, see my friend... his name was Matt Thompson. Well he smoked and it drove me up the wall. It was so fucking nasty and annoying. So I thought I'd do that to annoy you." Brian explained, a bright smile on his lips the whole time he talked. "You're an asshole." Justin giggled. "I wonder whatever happened to Matt? I think he had a crush on me or something?" Brian questioned his friend's whereabouts. Justin watched as Brian looked around the backyard. "I remember hearing something him out in L.A. doing a movie... and then Kevin told me once that Matt and Leonardo DiCaprio were fucking, so who knows?" Brian shrugged, giving up on his attempt. "He and who?" Justin questioned quickly. "Oh yeah, Leo's fucking guys." Brian laughed out his answer. Justin cocked an eyebrow at him with sheer surprise. "Stop it! So I had a friend and he fucked guys. And? Like every other actor in Hollywood isn't sleeping with his director or something." Brian teased. Justin just exhaled into the wind. "Matt was kind of cute come to think of it." Brian tried to further his tease with Justin.

Justin pulled back from Brian swiftly. Brian looked at him with surprise. "Hey, what did I do?" Brian asked with worry. "Nothing... I don't mind hearing about your old boyfriends and all." Justin sarcastically responded. His face was filled with angst towards Brian. "Whoa, Matt was not a boyfriend. Just a guy I knew and he was cool. You were my first... boyfriend. So don't fret about Matt." Brian replied defensively. Justin looked at Brian with his jealous eyes. "Who am I married to? Who did I give my heart to?" Brian gave Justin soft and gentle questions. "I'm thinking that's me?" Justin tried to bare a smile for Brian. "Thre's only one Justin Littrell." Brian added. "Hopefully." Justin joked. Brian couldn't help but smile towards Justin. He let the strong breeze glide over them as they sat in utter silence.

"I don't mean to interupt the 'Lovebird's Time' and all... but uhm, is it cool to come outside now?" Joey questioned, causing Brian and Justin to tear their eyes away from each other. "Yes, Joey!" Justin bellowed out before laughing. "Good because I was about to have it out with Tyke." Joey smiled as he let Tyke run out to the backyard. Joey stepped outside before BJ joined them. BJ pranced over to Justin and cuddled next to him. Justin smiled and rubbed his hand over BJ's head. "She really likes you!" Brian exlaimed before grabbing Tyke. "I think she does." Justin laughed as Joey walked over to them.

"So what's on the bill for today guys? Sex all through the day?" Joey questioned. Justin blushed lightly before Brian did. "No, actually I have bills to pay." Brian answered. "And what else?" Joey questioned. "Checking my messages, getting in contact with people, setting things up for the tour, etc., etc., etc." Brian sighed. "And when do you fit time for your husband in there?" Joey asked with a concerned stare. "Uhm..." Brian couldn't answer Joey's question. "Well? I mean you've been married just about a week now and now all of the sudden it's business before pleasure?" Joey questioned Brian with an agressive tone. "I didn't say that Joey." Brian quickly retorted. Justin wanted to interject but it was not his place. He knew that the arguement would shift in the wrong direction if he stepped forward.

"So why does all of the business stuff have to be handled now when Justin's your husband and he comes first?" Joey restated his question, still holding his gripping stare. "Justin will always come first. I just wanted to get some of this stuff out of the way so I could take some time to relax with Justin." Brian tried to summarize his simple explaination. He had never seen Joey come across with such disturbance in his argument. "And what about the fact that you'll be leaving in three weeks to go on tour Brian? When does Justin fit into that equation?" Joey asked. Brian couldn't take anymore of Joey's interjection. He stood from the grass and grabbed Tyke into his hands. "Justin... I'm gonna make some calls and then I'm going to pay some bills." Brian said before walking towards the house.

Just Beginning (Chapter 3) Written by JM

As Justin heard the backdoor, he eyes shifted to Joey. "And that was for?" Justin questioned softly. Joey gave him an odd glare. "Just looking out for you." Joey shrugged. "Okay, can we clear something up Joey? Me and Brian don't have to worry about it right now. See, if Brian has things to do I understand. I was gonna run by my mom's house anyway." Justin explained. "Justin... I just want..." Justin finished Joey's sentence for him. "You just want to look out for me. I appreciate that Joey. Just don't let it mean that it's going to furthre my relationship with my husband, okay?" Justin pleaded of his friend. Joey nodded and then began his slow sulk.

"So where is your girlfriend?" Justin asked to chip away at the ice. "She's off in L.A. working on her video again. She said that just these two days she'll be gone for the shoot. Then she gets back here for rehearsals for her small venue tour that she's set up." Joey stated while watching BJ run around the backyard. "Are you going to go with her?" Justin asked softly. "Yeah, I'm going to be on the road with her for a week before I come back here for our rehearsals." Joey replied with a smile. "Just you and Britney on the road eh?" Justin laughed out. "And in her hotel room." Joey grinned. Justin elbowed Joey with a tease. "I really don't want to know about you and your girlfriend's sexual conquests." Justin said with a small grin. "What are you talking about? We haven't had sex since Hawaii. But we cuddle more now." Joey stated with his soft spoken voice. "Wow, you and Britney and a bed? Ill!" Justin joked. "How do you think i felt when I had to see you and Brian naked in a bed?" Joey asked, turning his head to look at Justin. Justin rolled his eyes at Joey and then called for BJ.

"I think I should get going now. I have about a million calls to make and about a billion appearances to try and cancel so that I can tour with Britney. Plus I know you and Brian need your time alone." Joey stated before standing to his feet. As Justin grabbed hold of BJ, he stood. "What's up with J.C. and Lance?" Justin asked Joey as they walked for the backdoor. "Last time I called... they were fucking. The other night I tried to hang with them, they were fucking and right before we left the airport, Chris says they were in the bathroom... fucking." Joey sighed out. "Geez, that bad?" Justin questioned. "Either they're arguing or fucking, but it's always something that involves just J.C. and Lance." Joey mumbled his words. "Did J.C. tell you about?" Justin didn't want to say the words in fear that J.C. had not yet informed his other friends of his proposal to Lance. Joey took a moment to ponder Justin's words.

"Yeah, he told us when we got back." Joey nodded, looking inside as they stepped in the house. "And what did ya'll say?" Justin questioned as they entered the kitchen. "I didn't have a problem with it. I mean, they're still thinking about it, but I said that it would be fine. Chris on the otherhand thinks it's a bad idea." Joey answered. Justin placed BJ on the floor and then took a seat at the kitchen table. "What's Chris's deal?" Justin questioned sharply. "He says it's hard enough keeping the fact that you and Brian are married from the press and others. With J.C. and Lance, it'd be even harder. plus he says that Lance and J.C. just aren't ready for that." Joey explained while watching BJ run around. Justin thought over Chris's opinion. "I can see his side because J.C. and Lance have their 'lovers' side, but we tend to see them argue so much or they dwell on the past so greatly that it's hard to believe that they're ready to get married." Joey added. Justin nodded, understanding Joey and Chris's thoughts on the subject. "But they do need to make this decision for themselves." Justin reminded Joey. Joey looked at Justin and could see the truth in Justin's eyes. "You mean that basically we should butt out?" Joey naively asked. "Well... just maybe. I mean, me and Brian got married." Justin tried to give a small arguement. "Yeah, but how long did you and Brian before you walked down the aisle? And how many people did you and Brian sleep with? Plus, who else do you and Brian date? Or the best of it, did you and Brian cheat on each other?" Joey threw out powerful questions that made Justin's doubt stronger. "I'm guessing there's pretty much a 'No' to all of those questions." Joey beamed, feeling he had finally won an arguement with Justin. Justin pulled back from the discusion to think.

"Well, I have to get going. Tell Brian I'm sorry for what I said earlier." Joey announced before fishing through his pockets for his keys. "Okay, tell the guys to give me a call tomorrow." Justin requested as he saw Joey exiting the kitchen. "Tomorrow?" Joey questioned as he opened the front door. "Yeah, uhm, I think I'm going to need some time to... uhm, 'apologize' to Brian." Justin replied, winking towards Joey. Joey's mouth gapped open when he heard Justin's explaination. "Bye Joey." Justin tried to break Joey's stare with a wave. "Uh, bye Mr. Littrell." Joey stuttered out and left the house.

Justin walked through the hallway to the front door and locked it. He turned around and tried to figure where Brian had disappeared to. 'If I was Brian and I needed to pay bills... where would I go first?' Justin thought to himself. As the idea came to him, he smiled. He walked from the door and as he walked down the hallway, he removed his shirt. He dropped his shirt to the steps, slowly walking upwards. As he reached the top of the steps, he unzipped his baggy jeans. Justin's jeans fell gracefully down his legs as he walked down the hall towards Brian's office. Justin stepped out of the jeans as the came to the door to Brian's office. He carefully pushed the door open and grabbed the waistband of his boxers.

As Justin stepped inside, he saw Brian sitting in his chair with the phone to his ear. "No, I'm going to need a king sized bed in each of my hotel rooms for the whole tour, okay?" Brian lightly argued over the phone. Justin pulled away his boxers and tossed them to the floor. He walked over to Brian, his erect cock bouncing from side to side as he moved. Justin took a seat on the glass desk and smiled towards Brian. Brian noticed that Justin was in the room and took a moment to look away from his papers. As Brian looked at Justin, the phone slipped out of his hands. "Jus... Just what are... are you doing..." Brian stuttered out as he saw Justin's naked form. "Happy one week anniversary baby..." Justin whispered before leaning forward and kissing Brian. Brian was stunned by the kiss, feeling Justin's lips move back and forth over his. He gently pushed Justin back and grabbed the phone. "Uhm, I'll call you back later... I have some more important business to attend to." Brian stumbled his words out before hanging the phone up.

"Justin... I thought we we're gonna..." before Brian could complete his sentence, Justin made his way from the desktop to Brian's lap. "We can do it anytime... we're married." Justin whispered before licking Brian's ear. "But tonight was going to be special..." Brian whispered, letting out a soft moan. "It will be... but this is my way of saying I love you Brian... now." Justin replied, his tongue running over Brian's chin. "Heh, I know you love me baby..." Brian giggled, his hands rubbing up and down Justin's sides. "Good... so are we going to..." Justin pondered while making his move to Brian's neck. "Uh... like this?" Brian questioned, not feeling at ease with the situtation. He felt Justin's hands grasped his crotch and mssage it. "Ah!" Brian groaned. "Uhm, no..." Brian finally decided.

Justin sat up and looked at Brian with disappointment. "I know we're newlyweds and we're supposed to fuck like crazy and all, but since it is our one week anniversary and I do want it to be special... I'd prefer wait until tonight so I can make love to you in my bed... our bed." Brian requested with his explaination. Justin could see the sweeteness in Brian's ice blue eyes. "Okay, our bed tonight then." Justin nodded with his reply. "But you look.. like a little angel to me." Brian commented as he looked up and down Justin's well shaped body. Justin smiled brightly for Brian. "Like my Guardian Angel." Brian added, laying a small kiss on Justin's shoulder. Justin rested in Brian's arms as Brian spoke softly to him. "My baby." Brian added with a closing smile. Justin bit his lower lip softly and ran a hand over Brian's chest.

"I bet everyone would love to have seen you walk into my office butt ass naked." Brian teased Justin as his hands lightly gripped Justin's round ass. "Wouldn't the press pay for the picture's on your face." Justin added with a snicker. "I'd pay for pictures of you naked." Brian whispered with a serious face. "Hmm, turning into quite the exhibitionist on me Bri? I may just take you up on that offer." Justin whispered back. He gently tapped the tip of Brian's nose before smiling. Brian smiled back. "Which reminds me, where's that picture you promised me in Denver?" Justin questioned. Brian was thrown by Justin's question. "Oh yeah!" Brian chimed out. He took one hand off of Justin's ass and pulled open the left door to his desk. He fished for a wallet sized picture and then pull one out. "Here you go babe." Brian said softly while handing Justin the picture. Justin grasped the picture with his fingers anda carefully held it. "You're so cute." Justin commented as he looked at the picture of Brian. "If you say so." Brian giggled. "You are!" Justin boasted. "So you married a cute husband?" Brian shrugged off his reply. "A cute.. loving... sweet... handsome... wonderful.. you know I could go on and on here." Justin teased him. "Oh, I thought you were talking about yourself." Brian laughed. Justin gave him a playful smack on the arm.

"Look... as much as I love holding your smooth skin on my lap and all, I do have to get to paying these bills before it's too late." Brian sighed. He rubbed his fingers from Justin's hips to his chest. Justin frowned and nodded. "I think I'm going to ride over to my mom's and see what she's been calling about." Justin informed Brian. "Well let's make a deal then, after I'm done with the bills and all, I'll meet you over at your mom's house." Brian proposed. Justin leaned down and gave Brian a light kiss on his forehead. "It's a deal." Justin agreed. "Well then, Monty Hall, what do we have for Justin here?" Brian joked in an announcer's voice. "Can I trade my house, my car, my dog for Brian Littrell?" Justin requested sincerly. Brian was touched by Justin's sentiment. He didn't know how to respond to Justin's honest answer. "You can have them all... and me." Brian whispered back, his eyes still locked in awe. Justin could tell Brian was blown by his statement. "Well since I am already Justin Littrell, I guess all I want is you now. Everything else can go." Justin whispered back. Justin leaned down and rested his head on Brian's shoulder. Brian couldn't believe how serious Justin's mood had become. He placed his arms around Justin's body and held him in the chair. "You'd be happy with me?" Brian questioned. Justin kissed Brian's shoulder again for his reply. "Nothing else but me?" Brian wondered. "Nothing else." Justin replied, placing another kiss on Brian's collar bone. Brian let a tear drip down his cheek. "Then just me and you... and baby Justin." Brian replied with a small whimper.

When Justin heard the tremble in Brian's tone he lifted his head. "Brian?" Justin questioned as he watched another tear fall down Brian's cheek. "Don't mind me babe. I'm just so happy that you said that." Brian sniffled. Justin carefully wiped the tears from Brian's face, losing his smile. 'What's wrong with him?' Justin pondered. Brian sniffled lower, his eyes filled with love. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be crying." Brian tried to laugh off his love. Justin quickly shook his head for Brian. "No, if you're happy, cry babe." Justin assured him. "I'm just happy with you." Brian whispered. Justin smiled and tried to once again wipe away the tears from Brian's cheeks. "How can I pay bills like this." Brian once again tried to joke. Justin laughed with him. "Don't worry about it. Just wear shades." Justin suggested. Brian nodded and took his last seconds to rub Justin's body.

"Come on, let's get moving out of here before we end up all day like this." Brian advised, still feeling a small tremble in his own voice. "I wouldn't mind that." Justin complained lowly. "I wouldn't either... but my legs would because they're losing blood." Brian teased Justin. Justin found himself laughing hysterically at Brian's comment. "Okay, I'll get up." Justin said while still laughing. Justin pulled off of Brian's lap and then stood. He stretched lightly and felt Brian's soft hands lightly caress his penis. "Brian!" Justin gasped as he felt the hand. "Sorry, it looks so... so nice." Brian tried to cover up for his actions. "I bet it does." Justin gave Brian an awkward smile before walking towards the door. Brian watched Justin's ass move as he walked down the door. 'Clam down Brian... tonight, just think tonight.' Brian tried to ease himself.

Justin was fully dressed within ten minutes. He searched his room for his keys just as Brian walked in. "Hmm, when should we move some of this stuff out and into my room?" Brian questioned while gazing around the room. "Your room?" Justin questioned as he grabbed his keys from his nightstand. "Well our room." Brian corrected himself, still looking at the room. "Next week." Justin offered an answer. Brian shot Justin a doubting look. "Tomorrow?" Brian suggested while watching Justin tiddy up the room. "Next week." Justin shot back his answer again. "Wait! I need my camera!" Brian shouted. Justin jumped with surprise. "For what?" Justin quickly asked, trying to recover from his surprise. "We're having our first marital spat." Brian teased him. Justin gave him an annoyed stare before going back to his cleaning. "Can we make up now?" Brian requested. Justin rolled his eyes at Brian and grabbed the last of his clothes. "No." Justin answered flatly as he walked by Brian.

Brian was pushed off guard by Justin's empty reply. Brian pouted and then walked out of Justin's room. Justin watched as his husband went one way while he went the other. He frowned slightly and dropped his clothes into the hamper. 'Fuck Justin, it's the first day you're back and you have yet to tell him.' Justin chastised to himself. He lightly ran his fingers through his blonde curls and then grabbed his wallet. He placed the picture of Brian into plain view and then placed his wallet into his jeans. Justin reached past his stack of CD's to grab his cellular phone and then he grabbed Brian's blue Wildcats hat. Justin threw the hat on backwards and then walked out of the room.

Justin moved quickly down the hall towards the steps. He needed to have his time with Brian and he didn't want to ruin it again. As he reached the steps, he saw Brian sitting on the bottom steps. Justin could feel Brian's loneliness as he walked down the steps. Justin took a seat behind Brian and threw his arms around Brian's neck. Brian didn't return the sentiment, keeping his thoughts silent. "I love you Brian." Justin whispered into Brian's ear. Brian nodded and reached a hand up to Justin. He placed his hand on oen of Justin's arms and exhaled lowly. "Maybe we just need to break for a minute. In Hawaii we could spend day and night just holding each other and now that we're back, we have so many things to do we're forgetting about each other." Brian stated. Justin agreed silenty with Brian. Justin kissed Brian's earlobe and held him tightly. "What am I going to do without you when you go on tour?" Justin pondered with a deep sadness in his voice. Brian felt for Justin and himself. "Make the best of the time we have now and maybe you won't have to worry about it." Brian tried to give Justin a brighter picture. He tried to create a world where a person could look further than the fence that held them in at the moment. Justin knew Brian's heart too well not to smile for him.

Justin breathed lightly into Brian's ear as they took a few more seconds for each other. "I'll see you at your mom's?" Brian knew he had to end their time in some fashion. Justin picked up on Brian's hint and released Brian's neck. "Yeah in about an hour?" Justin questioned. "Okay, I'll get everything wrapped up then." Brian agreed. Brian stood from the stairs and then he heard the sounds of Justin standing. He walked towards the door with Justin right behind him.

The sensual sight of the sun drew Brian and Justin outside. Brian made his walk towards his BMW while Justin walked towards his Mercedes. "Wait!" Brian called out as Justin opened the door to his car. Justin cocked an eyebrow at Brian with suspicion. Brian grabbed the back of Justin's head and leaned forward. Justin followed Brian's signals and leaned forward. With slow moves, Brian and Justin began to kiss. Brian's lips ewre the more gentle ones as they ran over Justin's while Justin used his tongue to massage Brian's. Brian let his tongue glide over Justin's and then slip itno Justin's mouth. Justin lifted his arms and wrapped them around Brian's back. When Brian felt the embrace, he made the kiss survive for even more minutes. Their breathing was accelerated yet their lips moved in the same slow pace.

Brian muffled a moan and drew his lips back. He panted softly while looking deep into Justin's eyes. "That was some goodbye babe." Justin commented. "It wasn't goodbye. It was see you in an hour." Brian stated with low pants. Justin smiled and leaned in. He pcked Brian's nose and then backed away. "In an hour then." Justin said as he stepped into his car. Brian nodded and backed away.

Justin pulled out of the driveway and waved to Brian. He couldn't believe that he lived just a few blocks from his mother's house. 'Boy, Brian sure picks nice spots to live.' Justin sarcastically thought as he sped down the street. 'Wonder how old Nick is?' Justin was surprised by his own thoughts. He drove down the streets trying to rid himself of the person he had just thought of.

Nick sat lonely in the living room of Kevin and A.J.'s house. 'Why am I here?' Nick thought to himself as he jiggled with his keys. 'I tell A.J. one time that I'm lonely and he pratically forces me to stay here for a whole fucking three days.' Nick battled over his thoughts. He pulled his hair back with his hand and thought. 'Guess I could see Brian... no, he needs space right now. Brian is no longer mind and I have to get over it.' Nick tried to force himself into believing his head over his heart. "But what if Brian doesn't love Justin as much as he really loves me?" Nick questioned out loud. He slouched back into the couch and thought with even more conviction. 'No, he said he loves Justin. I swear if Justin fucks up just one time with Brian, I'll kick his ass.' Nick brooded. Nick could feel the dryness in his throat. 'Fuck, I need to get out. Get Brian off my mind for a little bit until he decides to call me.' Nick decided.

Nick stood from the couch and gripped his keys tightly. "Where do you go Nick Carter when Brian's away from your heart? Where else? The bar." Nick cheered. "Just wish Brian could be there with me." Nick sighed. 'No asshole, get Brian off your mind!' Nick heard his conscience argued. "Right, no Brian tonight. Just Nick and Nick only." Nick tried to fake his reply. "Then tomorrow I'll go see Brian and hang with him." Nick made his final call as he walked to the door. 'But Brian's married now. He'll be too busy fucking Justin.' Nick clammered. Nick pressed his hand to the door and tried to break his mind of his suffering. His thoughts were clouded and he was running through a maze of lust and heartache. "One day Brian... one day me and you will have our one night..." Nick sniffled. He yanked open the door and left the house with small tears building in his eyes.

Justin pulled into the driveway of Paul and Lynn Harliss with no reservations in mind. 'Let's see if mom has chilled a bit since the wedding.' Justin tried to encourage himself as he stepped out of his car. Justin hummed a tune as he slowly walked up the walkway to the house. He walked up the ivory steps to the front door and knocked heavily on the door. "Who's there?" he heard a deep voice ask. "It's the mailman." Justin joked. The door swung open, Paul standing in the doorway. "Sometimes you're really not funny Justin." Paul smiled towards him. "I try to be dad." Justin teased as he stepped inside. He gave Paul a small hug before gazing around. "Where's mom?" Justin questioned, turning back to look at Paul. "She's in her office. Just go ahead back there. I've got some calls to make anyway." Paul insutructed. Justin listened and then made his way down the halls towards his mother's office.

As Justin reached the door to his mother's office, he could hear the distinct sounds of Lynn yelling on the phone. "No. We can't renegotiate on this. You said that Innonsense would be on the bill for the FULL, not half, but FULL Britney Spears's tour. I have already booked hotels and venues for them. You need to cancel some of the dates or rethink you're plan because I am not pulling Innosense off half way through the tour." Lynn argued with her phone. Justin slipped into the office and stood at the door watching his mother conduct business. "No, they can't work those two days, I told you they were going to be shooting a video for those two days. That's what we talked about. They're working for like seven venues straight and then they get those two days away from the tour." Lynn tried to ease herself, but her anger was pulled even further. She shuffled through papers on her desk for moments. "No Innosense will not be on the bill for the Backstreet Boys tour. They'll need their rest for when RCA begins to negotiate terms for the 'N Sync tour." Lynn sighed while grabbing a folder from her desk. She had yet to notice her only son standing in the doorway. "Huh? Britney said she needs Innosense to shorten their set? If you wat, I can get Johnny Wright on the phoe and ask him? Or even Britney's boyfriend and ask him? Or maybe you'd like me to call Britney Spears herself and ask her?" Lynn challeneged the accusation. She knew how to pull her strings and use every source she had for power. "Thank you. We'll need for media coverage for that event. No, thank you." Lynn finally smiled as she had won over the P.R. and his executives. "Yes, we'll finalize work for the tour in a few days. Talk to you then." Lynn boasted out. She hung up her phone and began to read over the papers in the folder.

Justin finally decided it was time for him to be noticed and loudly cleared his throat. Lynn jumped at the sound and looked up with fright. "Hiya mom." Justin giggled and waved. Lynn gave him a disturbed glance. "What's wrong? You and your husband don't believe in the phone anymore?" she questioned without a greeting smile. "Well what's wrong with you? The office at work is too small so you bring everything else home for stress?" Justin sarcastically replied. "Watch it, you're only eighteen, not thirty-five." Lynn warned him. Justin was disappointed in his mother's arrogance but left it alone. He walked over to her desk and took a seat in front of her. Lynn closed the folder and placed it on a small stack on her desk. She looked at Justin and morned the innocent smile Justin wore often for her as a small child.

"How was Hawaii?" she finally lightened up for her son. "Wonderful!" Justin cheered. "And how's Brian?" she asked while shuffling more papers around. "He's doing pretty good." Justin replied shortly. "'Pretty good'? Don't tell me ya'll are already pondering the idea of divorce." Lynn sorely said. "No, we're not and we won't ever think about that mom." Justin coldly reply. "It was a joke Justin. Don't forget where you got your sense of humor from." Lynn tried to tease him with a straight face. "Yes, and that person is living in Memphis with my brothers." Justin struck right back. "Funny." Lynn giggled. Justin parted a smile for her and watched her carefully as she searched.

"So mom, what's the urgency? You've been leaving messages for me for forever and a day." Justin finally asked his question while his mother fixed papers on her desk. "Trying to find it." Lynn replied with her eyes still locked on the papers she looked through. "Huh?" Justin asked softly. "Here we go!" Lynn boasted as she held up a tan folder. "Okay, I think this will be of some help to you and Brian." she said as she passed the folder to Justin. Justin leaned forward and pulled the folder from her hands. Justin opened the folder just as he heard his mother speaking again. "If you two are serious about adopting, then that's some of the information you'll need. There's a list of agency, a list of places that I found that may be able to cater to you and Brian's situations of... well being two guys and all. Some places you can contact for help." Lynn stated as she watched him look at the papers. "Also, there's about ten wavers, forms and applications I pulled from Jive and RCA's offices about this. I'm still in negotiations since nowhere on your privacy form does it say you can't adopt a child. It just says you can't really tell people about it until things are cleared." Lynn explained everything for him. Justin nodded with each statement, still looking over the hard work his mother had put into the papers and forms. "But if you're going to do this, you're going to do this the right way." Lynn warned him with a stern voice. Justin looked up to her with a scowl on his face.

"And I'm not sure when you and Brian were hoping to adopt, so I haven't put you on any lists yet, but I've seen some very cute five and six year olds for you two." Lynn commented as Justin's eyes went back to the folder. When Justin heard his mother's statement, he closed the folder. He laid the folder on her desk and looked at her with disappointment. "And with you mom, is there never a catch?" Justin questioned. "What are you talking about?" Lynn pondered her son's sudden anger. "Mom, me and Brian don't want to adopt a child that is five or six years old. I mean, it would be a nice thing to do, but no, we wanted a B-A-B-Y. A baby, mom." Justin explained with a serious tone. "Well that's just not possible right now. Maybe in three years, possibly. Justin, you and Brian are guys. Guys trying to adopt a baby? I don't think it would be that easy." Lynn said with a mellow tone. Her words were enough to shatter a small part of the dream Justin was trying to live.

"Is that all you called me here for?" Justin questioned bitterly. Lynn could see the hurt that she had put into Justin's eyes. "Uh, no Justin." Lynn tried to shake the awful stare that Justin gave her. She stood from her chair and walked over to one of the three filing cabinets by her desk. She pulled out a few things and then walked back to her chair. She dropped the things to her desk and pulled back her blonde hair. "Okay, here's the press kit for your new album. It has the first single in there, a copy of the album, some photos and other things." Lynn explained as she handed Justin a large, bulky envelope. Justin grasped the envelope and tried to shake off the tears that were dying to be released. "And well... here..." Lynn sighed as she passed Justin a ten by thirteen inch photo. Justin held the photo and a smile graced his lips again. "How did you get this?" Justin asked. "I slipped Jeff, the photographer I hired, some extra money to get an advanced copy. So I got one for you also. The picture is actually hanging in my room." Lynn replied, watching her son's face glow. Justin was beside himself as he stared a the picture of himself and Brian holding each other at the wedding. "Jeff's pretty good. He has kept many secrets as a photographer for me. So that's why I hired him for my son's wedding." Lynn said, but yet the words didn't hit Justin. His thoughts were on how romantic his wedding was for him.

"Do you want th video?" Lynn questioned as she tried to push the video to Justin's hands. Justin snapped back to reality when he heard his mother trying to talk to him. "Uh... yeah, thanks." Justin stuttered out as he took the video. "Sure, watch it when you get the chance." Lynn smiled as she saw her son's hidden overjoy. "I will." Justin nodded with his reply. "And oh yes, this would be yours too." Lynn said as she dangled a key in front of Justin. Justin gave her a crooked stare. "Take it silly." Lynn tried to force the key towards him. Justin reached out and carefully grabbed the key dangling from a small chain. "It's your wedding gift from me, Paul, your father and Lisa." Lynn explained while still keeping Justin in the dark to what the key led to. "Actually for you and Brian." Lynn added. Justin still cherished the key. "A car?" Justin inquired. "No, it's to a nice, little condo in Miami." Lynn gave up on her son's question. "A condo?!" Justin exclaimed with pure excitement. "Yeah, we were thinking of the perfect gift for you and I remember long ago of your dreams of owning a house out in Miami with your... well wife and kids, but of course now that part of the dream has changed." Lynn fearlessly said. Justin tried to ignore her last words and pay attention to her caring side. "So we got you a condo since you already do have a house here in Orlando with Brian. So on weekends or anniversaries, just to get away with your husband..." Lynn tried to brighten Justin's day even further. He looked at her with a simple affection written on his lips. "Plus it's a nice place to take a baby or adolescent." Lynn tried to push the cards in her favor. Justin rolled his eyes playfully at his mother. "But I won't pressure you to wait for a couple of years." Lynn cheerfully joked with him.

"Thanks mom, I do appreciate the support," Justin replied, gazing to his watch. "What?" she asked softly as she stared Justin. "Brian's supposed to meet me here after he pays some bills." Justin explained before looking up from his watch. "Oh, are we ending our meet so soon? Geez, I barely get to see my son anymore. Now he's married and I don't even see my son-in-law!" Lynn complained without a bitter mood. "Dinner? Thursday?" Justin finally offered to his mother to rid himself of the guilt. "I don't know, I'll have to check my schedule." Lynn lied, trying to prevent Justin from seeing her cocky smile. "Yeah right! You know you want to have dinner with me." Justin caught onto her game quickly. "And Brian of course. I think it's time I had a chance to chat with my new son-in-law since he always seems to be busy." Lynn reminded him. Justin nodded and softly nibbled on his lower lip.

"Ooh, something's wrong? I know that sign from anywhere." Lynn said as she caught onto her son's movements. "Nah, I've had some things on my mind lately. It's me and Brian's one week anniversary and we really don't have anything planned. Nothing special." Justin replied in a low tone. His eyes were locked on his golden ring that symbolized Brian's love for him. "Romance dead already?" Lynn pondered. Justin had his doubts but held them inside. "No, we still have our moments." Justin tried to assure her with a less comforting voice. "So! It's just a week, it doesn't mean too much." Lynn tried to make light of Justin's feelings. Justin wrinkled his brow at her. "It means a lot mom!" Justin argued. "Okay, to you, yes. Maybe not as much to Brian." Lynn shrugged, not putting too much effort into the conversation. Justin pouted and slouched into the chair. "Justin, you have a visitor at the door." Paul announced as he peered into the office. Lynn gave Paul an angered glance for interupting her time with her son. Justin stood from the chair with his stuff in hand. "Don't forget to call!" Lynn hollered to him as he began to exit the office. "I won't mom. Free things up for Thursday, okay?" Justin requested, turning around as he ended his sentence. He gave his mother a stare that she only received when her son needed her. "I will try and clear everything out for you and Brian." Lynn sighed. As she did, she went back to moving papers around on her desk. Paul placed his hand on jsutin's shoulder for comfort. "Take care son." Paul whispered. "Thanks dad," Justin responded as he began his walk out of the office again. "Please take care of her." Justin asked of his step father and then made his quest for the front door.

Just Beginning (Chapter 4) Written by JM

As Justin egded closer to the door of his mother's house, he saw a caring smile awaiting him. He walked up to his 'visitor' and smiled back. "I missed you." Brian whispered before leaning in to give Justin a kiss on the cheek. "I missed you too babe." Justin replied while Brian pulled back. "Whoa, that's alot of stuff." Brian giggled as he saw the things in Justin's arms. Justin nodded and then gave a low sigh. "I hope not too much that you can't hold this." Brian gently said before raising his hand. He held out a white rose for Justin. Justin was stunned and overwhelmed with Brian's sentiment. "Happy one week anniversary Justin." Brian whispered as he placed the rose in Justin's arms. Justin's grin was soon transformed into a gentle smile. "Thank you babe." Justin whispered back. "Anything for you." Brian chimed, running a hand over Justin's hair.

"Let's go now. This house has enough memories for me." Justin suggested. Brian was disturbed by Justin's urgency. "Why?" Brian asked, trying to pull Justin's softer side out. "Because I don't want to further my discussion with my mother about adoption and who she thinks we should adopt." Justin sighed out, trying not to revlive the moments of the earlier day. "Uh, you go ahead to your car and put everything in there. I want to go and talk to your mom about something." Brian advised, still rubbing his hand over Justin's blonde hair. "But..." Justin was hushed by Brian's lips. Brian placed a small kiss on Justin's lips and then backed away. "Just go to your car." Brian requested as he moved away. Justin wanted to fight Brian's words, but he went with Brian's thoughts. "Okay, don't be long." Justin asked of Brian as he walked towards the door. "Five minutes." Brian assured him. Justin nodded and walked out of the house.

Brian walked down the hall towards Lynn's office. He had visited the house a few times, but Brian had learned the ways of the house well. It wasn't his favorite place to be at times, yet he was there for the sake of Justin.

He found the door to Lynn's office wide open and he stepped inside. "Lynn?" Brian questioned as he saw her brooding at her desk. She looked up to him with utter surprise. "Well you did come back from Hawaii." Lynn joked as she saw him. "Yeah," Brian laughed along. "Well sit down." Lynn brightly cheered, doing her best to put on an act for Brian. "I can only stay for a second." Brian informed her as he took a seat in the same seat that Justin had been sitting in. "Okay, I understand. You and your husband need your time." Lynn agreed without hesitation.

"So what's on your mind?" Lynn asked, trying to free her time for Brian. "Justin seemed pretty upset about adoption. What did you two talk about?" Brian asked with a keen eye. "Hmm, we discussed all of the things that were coming along with you two trying to adopt. And I was trying to get him to adopt a child older than an infant for many reasons." Lynn explained her side of the situation. Brian used her words and Justin's words to summarize the situation.

"Lynn, I'm going to be honest with you. I didn't want you to help in me and Justin's efforts to adopt a child because you are rather stubborn when it comes to what you think is right." Brian bluntly said. Lynn's mouth fell open before she gave him a wicked look. Brian lightly ran his hands over his face and then tried to come up with his most subtle approach. "Listen Lynn, I know you really want to be apart of this for Justin's sake and for the sake of your future grandchild, right?" Brian asked. Lynn didn't verbally answered, just nodded for Brian. "So, if you're going to help me do this then we have to be on the same terms." Brian added after her quick reply. "So what exactly is it that you want Brian?" Lynn swiftly asked with a bitter eye. "Well... first of all, Justin and I want to adopt an infant. It's just something we want. We're pulling for a boy, but we wouldn't mind a girl. That means don't suggest to Justin or anyone about us adopting an older child. Second, we want to make sure our situation is stable. That means you have to pull some strings to make sure Justin's schedule stays pretty stable. No surprises and no commitmens he can't get out of if need be. Next, all we want is your love and support for this. Just give Justin that extra nudge to know he's doing a good job. Everyone can be nervous when it comes to parenthood and just is easily shaken when it comes to his fatherhood. So just back him up on things." Brian laid down his thoughts of the idea.

Lynn sat back in her chair and thought over Brian's requests. "I can probably do all of this if you can do one thing for me..." Lynn shrugged yet not easing up on her stone nature. "Okay," Brian replied, awaiting her request. Lynn sat up in her chair and placed her arms on her desk. She gave her words thought before letting Brian know her feelings. "Don't mess with Justin's mind or heart anymore. I don't EVER want to hear about any form of abuse between you two again. Especially not if you're bringing a child into your home." Lynn stated. Her words were breif and powerful. Brian agreed with her whole heartedly. "You won't have to worry about it." Brian assured her with a caring smile. "Brian, I have nightmares about it. So don't let it happen." Lynn warned him without a caring smile. Brian was shaken by her evil stature. "Okay Lynn, you have my word." Brian finally gave her what she wanted. Lynn returned to a relaxed position in the chair, fiddling with a pen. "Will you help me now?" Brian asked again. Lynn kept silent for moments. The tension between the two built with every second that ticked upon the clock on the wall. "Yes..." Lynn rapsyily replied. Brian grinned lightly and then went back to a straight face.

Lynn turned to face Brian once again. "Here, look at some of these places and contact some of these people." Lynn sighed as she passed Brian the folder she had passed Justin earlier. "I'm sure within you two can find what you need." Lynn added before standing from her desk. Brian held onto the folder and stood from his chair. "Thank you Lynn." Brian greeted her with a smile. "Brian, if I learn to like you, I'll never be able to let you go." Lynn teased him as she walked by him. "I think you'll learn to like me." Brian tried to comfort her. "I already do Brian." Lynn responded as she walked out of the office. Just the words set Brian's worries aside. He followed her lead and exited the office with a smile.

Justin sat patiently in his car. He was listening to the sounds of Blaque while thinking of how romantic Brian was. Justin gazed over to the white rose that sat in the seat next to him. He eased over and picked up the rose. He held it with his gentle hands, making sure not to ruin it's perfection. Justin brought the bud of the rose to his nose and took a small sniff. He sighed lowly and eased back in his seat. 'One week... one week of marriage...' Justin thought to himself as he smelled the rose.

"I'm taking that you like it then?" Brian whispered his question from Justin's open window. Justin jumped slightly when he heard the voice. Justin blushed quickly when he saw Brian. "Aawww, my baby is cute when he blushes." Brian teased him. Justin blushed again, letting his face flush into another shade of red. "Ready to go?" Brian giggled out. Justin nodded. "Everything okay?" Justin questioned before Brian could walk off. "Yeah, me and your mother had a rather interesting conversation." Brian replied. He winked at Justin with a slight seductiveness. "So..." Justin tried to coax information out of Brian coyly. "Don't worry about it. Let's get home." Brian suggested, depriving Justin of what he wanted to know. Justin bit his lower lip again and then agreed. He started his car while Brian ran over to his BMW. Justin pulled out of the driveway first and then Brian followed.

Nick's eyes were fiaxted into the glass before him. He was fortunate to be able to use his celebrity status to pull weight within bars so that he could get a drink. His age of nineteen declared him under age, but his hearthrob status declared him old enough to drink at the Ale House. The small glass of vodka before him was his comfort zone for the moment. He sniffled slightly as another tear fell into the glass. "Fuck it." Nick declared before lifting the glass and gulping down the last of the vodka. He placed the glass back on the counter and rubbed his temples. 'He doesn't fucking love you.' Nick whimpered to himself. "Bartender, can I have a mix of coke and rum please." Nick slurred out his request. The male bartender gave Nick a crooked glance. "Mr. Carter, you have already had a glass of vodka, a glass of water, a glass of ginger ale and a mug of beer. Don't you think it's time to go piss?" the bartender tried to joke with a serious face. "No, that'll just make me think more. Please, just give me the drink." Nick replied, looking into his empty glass. He no longer could see his comfort in the glass, so he searched for new comfort.

J.C. walked towards the bar with a frown written to his face. 'Damn Lance for doing this to me again.' J.C. grumbled to himself. His thoughts were on how his boyfriend put him aside for work again. 'I'm sorry babe, I have more plans to finalize hear with Johnny, so I won't be able to come over to your place tonight. I'll call you in the morning... Lance.' J.C. still could hear the sounds of his boyfriend's voice on his voice mail. 'Not even an I love you.' J.C. complained to himself. He ran his hand through his dark brown hair and then found a stool at the bar.

J.C. gazed around the bar for familiar faces and his eyes caught hold of Nick's pouting image. 'What's he doing here?' J.C. thought. J.C. stood from his stool and passed by the other members of the bar. He grabbed the stool next to Nick and sat. Nick glanced over to his new friend and saw J.C. "Oh, what do you want with me?" Nick grumbled before taking another small sip of his drink. "Geez, you smell like you swallowed the bar." J.C. teased him without anger. "That's me. When times are low, just drink 'em away." Nick shrugged, trying to hold from smiling at J.C. "Bartender, can I get a beer?" J.C. requested.

Soon J.C. was served with a glass of beer. He gulp down the beer, trying his best to do as Nick and drowned his sorrows in the beer. "Lance?" Nick tried to question, glancing over to J.C. J.C. nodded and pushed the glass aside. "Let me guess... Lance is too busy to come home and fuck right now, but catch him sometime next week?" Nick joked with a knowing glance. J.C. couldn't help but laugh with him. "You've been there before?" J.C. questioned. "You're talking to the Jack Off King." Nick giggled in his drunken state. J.C. bursted into laughter with Nick's reply. "Lance can do that to you." J.C. agreed through his laughter. "He means well and all, I just don't think he really knows how important your boyfriend should be." Nick said with intelligence and pride.

J.C. was stunned with Nick's powerful words in his drunken mood. "I think he knows how much he means to me." J.C. argued lightly as his cup was re-filled. "No, he doesn't realize how much YOU mean to him J.C." Nick explained softly. J.C. caught on quickly with Nick's words. "Sometimes Lance can put you off when you really need him. Guess that contributed to my need for Brian." Nick shrugged off his answer. J.C. nodded and took another large gulp of his beer. "Do you want to talk about Brian?" J.C. offered. "No, that'll really fuck up my night." Nick laughed through his pain. J.C. placed a hand on Nick's shoulder to show his care. "We don't have to say another word about him then. My night's already fucked up thanks to Lance, so we'll just keep both our minds off of them." J.C. suggested, lightly rubbing Nick's shoulder. "Good idea!" Nick agreed, raising his glass. J.C. followed Nick's gesture before they both downed their drinks.

"Shit, I know I'm going to feel like crap in the morning, but this is making me feel better." Nick sighed out. J.C. nodded. "Maybe you should try something light?" J.C. suggested. "Bartender, could you get Mr. Carter here a glass of water with a touch of sprite and orange juice?" J.C. requested. The bartender gave J.C. an odd look. Nick cocked his eyebrow at J.C. with wonder. "Trust me, it'll make you feel a LOT better. I've been there buddy." J.C. assured him, still massaging his shoulder. "Like the man said, a glass of shit please." Nick joked.

Within seconds, Nick had a new glass of J.C.'s mix sitting before him. "And maybe you need something a little harder than a beer?" Nick offered. "Uhm, I'm the designated driver tonight Nick. Someone's gotta take you home." J.C. giggled. "Yeah well, if you're coming with me to Tampa, you better grab some coffee." Nick laughed. "No, we're not going all the way out there. You can stay at my place with Chris tonight." J.C. replied, taking a final gulp of his beer. "Really?" Nick asked, dropping his arms to the bar. "Yes... we've had our bad times but right now Nick, we need each other to just get past these things." J.C. agreed. J.C. didn't know what he was doing, but soon his hand was resting one Nick's. "Need each other?" Nick questioned with a small frown. "Yeah. It looks like you don't have a shoulder to cry on tonight and hey, I used to be there for Justin, so why not be there for you?" J.C. agreed, staring into Nick's eyes. Nick's lip tembled with excitement and fear. "J.C., you can be the best friend when someone needs it!" Nick finally exclaimed. J.C. laughed at his smile. "I only try to be." J.C. modestly confessed.

Nick drank the bitter drink slowly. J.C. watched him with a smile. He lightly rubbed his hand over Nick's, trying to help Nick with his pain. His eyes were lifted with the feeling of being drunk, yet he wasn't. He was still slightly sober. Nick placed the glass down and glanced over to J.C. "Do you ever think about Cancun?" Nick asked lowly. J.C. gave Nick a straight face. He tried to find out what Nick was hinting by keeping a lock with Nick's eyes. "It depends... what about Cancun?" J.C. pondered. "I mean... I mean... that night at the club.. me and you?" Nick stuttered out his response. When J.C. heard what Nick was thinking of, he slowly slipped his hand off of Nick's. He knew it was the best way to create some doubt in Nick's head. "Nick, I proposed to Lance in Hawaii..." J.C. tried to explain. Nick grabbed the glass with his hand shaking. "So you and Lance are getting married?" Nick asked with a slight sadness. "Nope. Lance has yt to give me a reply. I think he's dodging it." J.C. tried to lighten Nick's guilt. "I don't think he's putting you off." Nick disagreed softly. "I really don't care right now. We're not going to talk about Lance... or Brian." J.C. replied sorely. Nick nodded and took a small sip from his glass.

"I do think about it sometimes Nick. When I'm lonely and I think of happy times... I do think about our kiss." J.C. softly whispered to Nick. Nick placed his glass back down on the counter and then extended his hand to J.C. J.C. grabbed the hand and held it. He was nervous holding Nick's hand, yet Nick made him feel less pain. "I think about it too J.C. Sometimes it's the only thing I think about." Nick confessed. J.C. smiled for him, giving himself openly to Nick. "I understand you care deeply for Lance... because I do too. It's just there's moments when your mystery, your love... your eyes get the best of me." Nick added, drawing nearer to J.C. "Nick... I do love Lance. But remember, we're not going to talk about him tonight." J.C. whispered back. He used his other hand to push the hair back on Nick's head and then his smile drew larger. "Okay.. we won't talk about him tonight." Nick agreed with a gentle smile. Their angelic faces glew in each other's eyes.

Brian and Justin walked hand-in-hand towards the front door of their house. Brian was carrying some of Justin's things while Justin held the rose in his other hand. Brian jiggled his key in the front door and then stopped Justin. Brian pushed the door open and dropped the things he was carrying inside the house. Justin stood outside holding onto his rose.

Brian stepped back outside and smiled at Justin. The setting sun brought out the gold in Justin's blue eyes. "I didn't get to do this earlier and since it is our house... and our anniversary, I thought I'd do this now." Brian tried to explain to a confused Justin. Brian leaned forward and gave Justin a small kiss on the lips. He then bent down and lifted Justin into his arms. He cradled Justin with a smile. Justin wrapped his arms around Brian's neck and then smiled. Brian stepped into the house, carrying Justin over the threshold of their house. "You're such a good husband." Justin chimed for Brian. "You too." Brian giggled and then let Justin stand again.

Brian and Justin walked into the living room with peace. "Oh wait right here. I have something for you, just stay here please." Brian requested as he began to run out of the living room. "Uhm, okay." Justin responded softly, watching Brian run off. Justin took a seat on one of the couches and clutched onto his rose. 'I wonder what he's doing.' Justin pondered with a mischievous smile.

He heard the familiar sounds of the doorbell and sighed. 'I swear if it's one of the guys coming to fuck up my anniversary, I'm going to shoot them.' Justin joked to himself before approaching the door. "Who is it?" Justin precautiously asked. "Girl scouts! We're selling cookies." he heard a female response. 'Girl scouts?! Don't these kids have a bedtime?' Justin suspiciously thought before pulling the door open.

Before Justin could react to who he saw at the door, Leigh Ann pushed by him. "Okay, where's your husband?" Leigh Ann questioned as she walked in the house. "Excuse me?!" Justin snapped back at her, leaving the door wide open. "He's your husband isn't it? I mean I was there at the mockery of a wedding you had." Leigh Ann replied with an obvious attitude. Justin rolled his eye at her and then closed the door. "Is he upstairs in his office?" Leigh Ann asked as she began to walk up the steps. "Why don't you wait down here for him." Justin advised her. Leigh Ann rolled her eyes to him and kept her walk up the steps. "And your PMS ends when?" Justin slyly teased with anger.

He walked back into the living room and took a seat back on the couch. 'Guess there's no need for this anymore...' Justin sighed as he pulled a condom from his pocket. He dropped it to the couch and placed the rose next to it. Justin watched the sun set from the window with sadness. 'She's so good at what she does.' Justin thought as he pictured Brian and Leigh Ann talking. 'What the hell is wrong with you? When was the last time Brian fucked or even kissed a girl? If anything, Brian's probably thinking of how bad he wants to make love to you right now.' Justin heard a voice in his head. The voice resembled that of his friend Chris Kirkpatrick. "Yeah, he probably is thinking about me." Justin agreed, grabbing the rose again. He pulled his legs up on the couch and thought of Brian.

"Okay Leigh Ann, have the coorodinator call me in a couple of days and I'll work it out for you." Brian said as he and Leigh Ann walked down the steps. "Thank you so much! This means a lot to me Brian." Leigh Ann cheered. "Yeah, anytime." Brian replied without a smile. "So maybe we can meet for lunch and discuss the ideas I have?" Leigh Ann requested as they reached the door. Brian nibbled his lip and then thought. Leigh Ann stood at the door with a affectionate smile. She playfully ran her hands through her won hair and tried to flaunt her body even further for his view. "Call me sometime next week and maybe we can work something out." Brian finally gave in. "Great!" Leigh Ann cheered again. She gave Brian a strong hug while Brian didn't return the affection. "You mean so much to me baby." Leigh Ann chimed, carefully glancing around for Justin. "Leigh Ann, I'm not your 'baby'." Brian replied, pushing her back lightly. "You'll always be my baby Brian. You know that." Leigh Ann argued with a smile. "It's not mutual Leigh Ann." Brian assured her without looking at her. "So you say now. Let's see how wonderful marriage is cracked up to be." Leigh Ann angerily replied. "Yes well I'd like to find out." Brian brooded before pulling open the front door. "So if you don't mind, it's my anniversary with Justin today. We've been married a full week and we'd like to enjoy it. So if you don't mind, bye." Brian kindly stated as he gently pushed Leigh Ann out of the door. "But... Brian, what about..." Leigh Ann's words were cut short as Brian closed the door. "Call me next week!" Brian shouted at the door and then walked away.

Brian stood in the entrance of the hallway looking at Justin. Justin was admiring the rose with his eyes lost in it's petals. "I'm sorry about that..." Brian whispered as he slowly approached Justin. Justin looked away from the rose to his advancing husband. "She just wanted to me to write a song for the soundtrack to her new movie. So I told her I would." Brian tried to speak while sitting down next to Justin. "I don't care. She just wanted to bug you." Justin interupted him. "Are you mad?" Brian asked, laying his hand on Justin's knee. "No, why would I be? It's Leigh Ann. She's nothing special." Justin answered honestly. "Then can we start again..." Brian requested, easing his hand to Justin's thigh. "What did you have in mind Bri?" Justin questioned as he felt Brian's hand reach his inner thigh. "You." Brian whispered his reply with temptation in his eyes. Justin released a small moan as Brian's hand rubbed his inner thigh. "Uhm, us..." Justin tried to correct him before Brian's hand slid under his shorts. "You..." Brian whispered again before his hand was gropping Justin's crotch. Justin nodded and laid back into the couch. "You..." Brian repeated, pulling his hand from inside of Justin's shorts.

Brian watched Justin pant lightly. He knew he had struck a sensitive spot inside of Justin's body. "Come on." Brian requested as he held his hand out to Justin. Justin grasped Brian's hand and stood. Brian walked Justin from the living room to the downstairs den.

As Justin stepped into the den with Brian, his eyes were filled with surprise. Half of the den was covered with presents and gifts. "I picked these up from Kevin's while I was out. They're out wedding gifts." Brian explained with a whisper into Justin's ear. Justin smiled with utter shock. "Come on." Brian whispered again and led Justin down into the den. Brian sat Justin on the couch and gathered some gifts for Justin to open. Justin felt as if it was Christmas time as he saw all the finely wrapped gitfs and bags sitting around the room. Brian set a couple of gifts on the couch with Justin. "Open these now... we can save the rest for later." Brian whispered as he took a seat in Justin's lap. Justin agreed and grabbed the first gift from his side.

Brian and Justin took minutes opening gifts from Kevin, A.J., Nick, Roy and Karen Chasez, Steven Fatone, Janine Fatone, Joe and Phyllis Fatone and Stacey Bass. The couch was covered with small trinkets, household supplies, colognes, a box of condoms from A.J., silk boxers and gold and platnium frames.

"Here, this one is from Britney and Joey." Brian said as he handed Justin a small gift bag. Justin removed the tissue paper and pulled out the few gifts that were inside. Justin lifted out a small blue baby rattle. "Aaawww." Justin cooed as he saw the rattle. He pulled out a baby bib that said, 'I love my Fathers'. "They're too much!" Brian giggled as he held the bib. Justin held up the small baby book that read on the outside, 'My First...' Justin couldn't help but let a small tear roll down his cheek. Justin pulled out the final gifts which had a note attached. Brian grabbed the note while Justin held up three charms. Each charmed was attached to a thin, silver necklace. The three charms connected together to make a heart, each charm holding a seperate place. On the left charm was the name 'Brian', on the right charm said 'Justin' while the middle charm was blank. Brian looked at the note and then read it out loud for Justin.

Dear Brian & Justin Littrell,

We hope that these charms will make your day. They connect to make a big heart, representing family. When you get your baby, we will have his or her name engraved onto the middle charm. We love you and wish you the best with your marriage and family.


Joey & Britney

Justin smiled brightly and passed the necklaces to Brian. "They're beautiful." Brian commented as he held them in his palm. "I think we should save them until we do have... or get a baby..." Justin suggested while another tear graced his cheek. Brian agreed and placed the charms back into the bag with the other gifts.

Brian carefully placed the gifts they had opened to the floor. He stood from Justin's lap and turned to face him. Brian lifted his shirt and then dropped it to the floor. He unzipped his jeans and let them slid down his legs. Justin sat back into the couch and gave Brian an innocent look. "Just lay back Justin." Brian asked of him. Justin nodded and laid back on the couch. Brian then straddled Justin's legs and began to pull down Justin's shorts. Justin placed all of his trust in Brian as Brian took the steps to bring them to ecstasy. Brian pulled the shorts fully off as Justin flicked his shoes and socks off. Brian dropped eveything to the floor and then moved back up to Justin. Justin's briefs were black with white lining. Brian wore light blue boxer breifs. Brian stared at Justin's athletic look as he laid in his FUBU T-Shirt and his breifs.

Brian let out a slow exhale and then he began to grind his crotch to Justin's. Justin groaned loudly and then placed his hands onto Brian's hips. Brian kept the steady moving, trying to make Justin fully erect. It only took him seconds before the head of Justin's cock was slipping out of the top of Justin's breifs. Brian released a small smile at his accomplishment. Brian let his erect penis jab into Justin's crotch for seconds before he stopped his movements.

Brian then carefully pulled down Justin's breifs. Justin smiled as his penis was released from captivity and Brian threw the breifs across the room. Brian lifted his body from Justin's and then pulled down his own boxers. He dropped the boxers to the floor and spread Justin's legs. Justin let one of his legs hang off the couch as Brian knelt between Justin's legs. "Softly... and quietly..." Brian said as he looked at Justin. He ran his hands over Justin's smooth and hard abs. His fingers traced each curve on Justin's stomach. Justin grasped the side of the couch and moaned quietly.

Brian lifted his hands from Justin's stomach and then grasped his own cock with one hand and Justin's right thigh with the other. Brian brought his cock to Justin's leg and carefully rubbed it over Justin's thigh. "Aaaahhhh..." Brian groaned as the head of his cock touched the soft flesh. Justin watched as Brian repeated his motion, running his cock over Justin's leg. The erotic nature of Brian's act caused Justin to begin to jack off his own dick. "Hmmmm..." Brian hummed as his cock moved faster over his thigh. His red head dripped with pre-cum on Justin's inner thigh. "Brian..." Justin gasped as his hand moved rapidly over the head of his own penis. Brian leaned down further and let his cock and balls run over Justin's thigh. Justin gasped for air with Brian trying a new form of sexual pleasure. Brian's eyes were closely shut while Justin's stayed wide open. Justin watched as his husband worked with a gentle hand yet a quick thrust.

The couch began to creak slightly as Brian came closer to pleasure. Justin began to buck with the action of his masturbation. "Ooh... ah, ah..." Justin grunted, edging closer to his orgasm. Brian panted hard as his penis rubbed over Justin. Brian decided to further their sexual act and moved his penis from Justin's thigh to his stomach. Brian ran the head of his thick member over Justin's stomach. Justin reached his hand under Brian and tried to jerk off while Brian worked his own meat. "Justin... Just... yeah.." Brian grunted as they both moved quicker. "Oh baby!" Justin hollered out. His hand gripped his cock tightly and soon, his cum was jetting up into the air, some drops landing on Brian's back. Brian listened to Justin's screams of joy as he orgasmed. Brian grunted harder as he slipped further into orgasm. "Justin....... OH!" Brian gasped out. His penis shot several loads of cum onto Justin's abs. Justin held Brian's hips so that Brian to cum without worry. Brian's eyes stayed firmly shut as he came on Justin's stomach. "Relax..." Justin suggested as Brian tried to stand while his last drops were released from his softening penis. Brian found himself laying ontop of Justin for a breather.

Justin wrapped his arms around Brian, feeling the drops of sweat and cum on his back. Brian felt the stickiness of his cum being squished between their stomachs. "Oh Just..." Brian groaned as he laid on him. "Mmmhmm." Justin replied, rubbing Brian's back. "Oh I love you..." Brian whispered. Brian wrapped his arms under and around Justin's neck. He kissed Justin's chest and then his collar bone. "Happy first week Brian." Justin whispered. His hands moved up Brian's back and to the back of his head. He felt the small cut on Brian's head where Brian had been hit by the stool. "You have so many scars." Justin commented as he held Brian. "All for love." Brian assured him.

Justin released Brian and looked over to the gifts. "Uhm, I have something for you upstairs." Brian whispered when he felt Justin's arms were no longer holding him. "Okay." Justin replied. Brian found the strength to sit up and then he looked down at his own abs. There was cum smeared across his stomach. Brian giggled lightly and then looked at Justin. Justin smiled back at him, his hands holding Brian's hips still. "Oh, I think I did something." Brian giggled as he saw a drop of cum on Justin's chin. Brian leaned down and sucked his own cum from Justin's chin. Justin rummaged his hand through Brian's sweating head and grinned. "Come on." Brian said his pantened phrase as he stopped sucking Justin's neck. Justin nodded and watched Brian stand.

Justin stood from the couch and felt Brian grab his hand. Brian held Justin's left hand tightly, feeling the even texture of Justin's wedding ring. Brian could still remember when he picked out the ring for Justin. It was one of the ways Brian rid himself of his guilt in Lexington. Knowing that he had something to symbolize his love for Justin meant something to Brian.

Brian walked Justin up the stairs and then he reached the hallway that led to the second set of stairs. Brian pulled Justin to the stiars and laid Justin on the stairs. Justin laid back on the carpeted stairs and soon felt Brian's lips caressing his own. It was a rough caress until Brian grasping Justin's lips. Justin lifted one of his legs so that his knee stuck out and he wrapped his arms around Brian's neck. "God I love you..." Brian panted as he kissed Justin's neck. Justin enjoyed the feel of Brian making out with him on the steps. Brian's hands stroked Justin's hips while Justin's hands glided over Brian's arms. "I love you babe." Justin moaned out. Brian's lips released Justin's neck and then moved back to Justin's lips. He knew that Justin craved the kiss.

Brian took his time to kiss Justin's lips. His lips went smoothly over Justin's. Justin didn't use his tongue to further their kiss this time. He took the same pace that Brian did with their affectionate kiss. Justin leaned his head back further as Brian took smaller kisses. "Let's.. get upstairs.." Brian suggested between his kisses. Justin didn't want to end their session on the steps, but he knew Brian had something more in stored for them upstairs. Justin had married a man where romance never stopped inside of his body. Justin appreciated Brian's caring nature and his forever flowing love.

Brian held Justin's hand again as he guided Justin up the steps. Justin trailed behind Brian, still holding his hand. Brian and Justin found their way down the hall, passing Justin's room and then hitting Brian's room. Yet it was no longer Brian's room. Brian and Justin were about to make it their room. Brian pushed the door open to the room and Justin glanced inside. He walked Justin inside and locked the door behind them.

Justin sat in the dark room with no fears. Brian released Justin's hand reluctantly and walked over to the hot tub. Justin watched his glowing body as it moved in the room. He took a few seconds to stare at Brian's dimples in his ass and then watched Brian.

The hot tub no longer had candles surrounding it. There was a single candle on the hot tub while the water sat cooly. Brian grabbed some matches from a nearby dresser and flicked one over the sandpaper. With no avail, the match did not light. "That really spoils the mood." Brian giggled. He pulled out another match and tried again. The match lit and Brian grinned. He carried the match to the candle and lit it. Brian blew out the match and let the candle burn on the edge of the hot tub. He turned and looked at Justin. Justin stood shyly by the door, awaiting Brian's words. "Come here Just." Brian requested, waving for him.

Justin slowly walked over to Brian, his limp penis moving slightly. He reached Brian and placed his hands on Brian's shoulders. "Why one candle?" Justin asked softly. "Because it's our one week anniversary. One candle for a week that I'll never forget and a lifetime I want to share with you." Brian replied, looking right into Justin's eyes. He leaned down and gave a simple kiss on the cheek.

Brian made the first step and got into the soothing water. Justin watched as the water encircled Brian's body. He did not wait for Brian to call upon him this time. Justin stepped into the water, sitting right next to Brian for comfort. Brian let Justin get adjusted to the water before dipping his arms underwater to hold Justin. Brian wrapped his arms around Justin's hips and held him tightly. "Ah," Justin grinned as he felt Brian's grasp. "I really do love you." Brian whispered, resting his head on Justin's shoulder. "I know Brian. I love you." Justin replied. Justin edged his arm aout of the water and wrapped it around Brian's shoulders. "I mean... I never thought there would be a Mr. Littrell before. Now I have a husband and.. I love being married to you." Brian explained with a jittery tone. Justin smiled brightly for Brian. "You're the perfect husband." Justin giggled. "I am not." Brian disagreed with a smile. "We'll see then." Justin snickered. Brian kissed Justin's shoulder and watched the candle flicker.

Justin looked at Brian while still hugging him. He watched the relfection of the flame flickering in Brian's crystal blue eyes. "You're cute." Justin commented. Brian looked away from the flame and then made a Jim Carrey smile for Justin. "Because?" Brian finally asked. "Because you kept your little goatee for me." Justin faked an answer before running his wet fingers over Brian's small, reddish goatee. "Oh... well then you're cute because I really want to kiss you." Brian cheered. Justin bursted into laughter as Brian released him. Brian moved from besides Justin to into Justin's lap.

Brian brushed his hand over Justin's cheek to cease Justin's laughter. When Justin looked up to see Brian sitting with him, his laughter stopped. Brian knew he had caught Justin's full attention. He leaned forward and waited for Justin's lips to pucker. As they did, Brian's lips pressed to Justin's. Brian's eyes closed and he began to his kiss. Justin grasped Brian's lower body and pressed it to his chest. Brian took his time with making love to Justin's lips. The ecstasy between their slightly parted bodies was enough heat for him. His lips moved with the simplest accuracy while his hands stayed steady on Justin's shoulders. The moans that craved to be released, Brian controlled. He wanted to make sure everything was right for him and Justin. Justin knew that as he felt Brian's lips move gradually over his own.

Justin made the attempt to part Brian's lips further by sliding his tongue out. Justin slithered the tongue into Brian's mouth, losing concentration on the kiss. Brian felt the tip of Justin's tongue touch his and he began to suck on it. Justin felt Brian's tongue and lightly caressed his tongue to Brian's. Brian opened his eyes slightly and saw rhat Justin's face was entangled into their making out. Brian smiled in his mind and then moved his wet hands to Justin's neck. He rubbed his hands delicately over Justin's neck. Brian pulled away and looked back. Justin opened his eyes to see what he had done to make his husband pull away. Brian ran a finger from Justin's nose to his bottom lip.

Brian leaned back down to kiss Justin once again. He placed his hands on Justin's cheeks and then kissed him. Justin returned the kiss when he felt Brian was at ease again. Justin spread his legs wide while Brian knelt in further. Brian used his tongue to part their lips and then his tongue entertwined with Justin's. Justin moaned softly in their kiss. His hands trailed to Brian's butt and grasped it. He held the wet flesh under the water with no regret. It was his chance to touch Brian in any way that made Brian feel pleasure.

Brian released the kiss again and stood from between Justin's legs. Justin watched as the water fell off of Brian's body. Brian's slick body was shimmering in the light of the candle. He gave Justin a lust filled stare, wanting Justin to join him. Justin grabbed the sides of the hot tub to help him stand. As he did, the water slid off of his body. They both stood in the water, dripping with mositure, fired by lust.

"Will you make love to me?" Brian requested with a tender voice. Justin was thrown by Brian's question. "Yes." Justin replied, taking Brian's left hand into his own. Justin raised Brian's hand and spread Brian's fingers. Justin placed his larger hand with Brian's and looked at the two rings in the dancing light. Brian watched as the water dripped from their fingers and the rings dazzled in the dark room. Justin glanced over to the bed and saw a single white rose on the bed. "Come on." Justin finally took the lead. Brian nodded and followed Justin's actions.

Justin leaned down and blew out the candle and let Brian get out of the hot tub. Justin stepped out of the hot tub and walked over to Brian. Brian laid back onto the bed and looked at Justin with a feverish stare. Justin grabbed the rose from Brian's side and held it between his fingers. He took the rose and rubbed it from the top of Brian's chest to the bottom of Brian's stomach. Brian panted lowly as he felt the rose rubbing over his body. Justin watched the trail it left as it went from Brian's hardening penis to his chin. Justin held the rose up to Brian's lips and let Brian kiss the petals. Justin pulled the rose back na dbrought it up to his own nose. He breathed in the aroma of the rose and then dropped the rose to the bed.

Justin brushed his hand over Brian's hair and smiled. Brian spread his legs and then pulled Justin on top of himself. Justin adjusted his weight slightly so that he did not hurt Brian and then he felt Brian's legs lift slightly. Brian spread himself just perfectly for Justin's erect penis. Justin kept running his hands over Brian's hair, not in a rush to have sex with Brian.

Justin pressed a finger to Brian's lips and held it there. Brian began to kiss and suck upon the finger. When Justin felt Brian's tongue circle the tip of his finger, he eased his penis inside of Brian. Brian gasped slightly and his hands searched for something to hold. They found Justin's back and grasped on tightly. Justin felt Brian's hands grasp him and he slowed his insertion. Brian let his ass carefully take in Justin's meat while he felt Justin kissing his face. "Are you okay babe?" Justin asked before kissing Brian's forehead. "Go on..." Brian insisted. Justin kissed Brian's cheek and kept his steady movement to push inside of Brian. Brian loosened his grip on Justin's back and eased his head into the mattress.

Justin began a slow and easy stroke with Brian. He kissed Brian's ear and whispered subtle things to help Brian as they made love. Brian knew that Justin tried to ease him and he relaxed. As he did, his hole opened more for Justin's penis. Justin smiled and rubbed his tongue over the outside of Brian's ear. "Mm... ooh Brian..." Justin moaned as his thrusts became a little more intense. "Ah Just..." Brian grunted. His hands moved to Justin's lower back while Justin's hands stroked Brian's hips. "Okay... uh... there.." Justin mumbled as he reached further inside of Brian.

The bed shook slightly as Brian and Justin burried the room with their first love making in their bedroom. Justin's motuh was sucking Brian's neck while Brian's released sounds of ecstasy. The hear beteween them was felt with each up and down motion Brian's dick made between their panting bodies. Justin released Brian's neck after leaving a large hickey and then sat up slightly. He lifted Brian's legs further and made love to Brian's body with a little more force. Brian's head moved further down the bed as Justin moved his hips faster. Justin grabbed Brian's hips and held them while Brian jerked his cock. "Uh... uh uh... Justin.. uh.. oh Just... ah.." Brian called out as he felt Justin's extreme force. "Oh Brian..." Justin screamed out with ecstasy.

Brian felt Justin lift his body and soon Brian and Justin were chest to chest as Justin let Brian ride him. Brian moved up and down on Justin's penis. Justin leaned forward and began to nibble on Brian's ear as the sex went deeper. "Heh... love you..." Justin moaned into Brian's ear. Brian nodded and held onto Justin's head. Justin took a moment to kiss Brian's moaning lips. He tongue the outside of Brian's lips to ease his frusturations and speed. Brian understood Justin's gesture and slowed his bucking.

Justin grasped Brian's hips and stopped him. When Brian felt Justin's strong hands stop him, his eyes fluttered open. Justin smiled at Brian and leaned forward. He began to kiss Brian with a mild touch. Brian was surprised by Justin's kiss. Justin vigilantly carried Brian to the head of the bed. He laid Brian's back onto the pillows and resumed the position they had when they first started making love. Justin started with his slow rhythm again as they parted lips. Justin's lips graced Brian's cheek again while Brian's eyes closed. The bed shook once again when Justin picked up his pace. He could feel Brian jerking his cock with a slow hand. "Uhm... ah ah ah... Just..." Brian gasped as he edged close again. Justin rubbed Brian's tummy and gave him peace. "Mmm baby..." Brian moaned softly as he came. His white cream splattered from his cock and onto Justin's stomach. Justin relished the feel of Brian's warm, sticky and thick cum. Brian relaxed a bit as Justin kept the same slow pace.

"Bri..." Justin grunted. Brian knew that was the sign that Justin would soon be cumming. "Oh Justin..." Brian groaned back. Justin grasped Brian's legs tightly and groaned loudly. "Never leave me..." Justin pleaded before releasing his cum into Brian. Brian wrapped his arms around Justin and let Justin recover from the intense orgasm. He feared the words that Justin screamed before he came. 'Maybe it was just because he was cumming...' Brian thought as he felt Justin part from his body.

Justin hugged Brian tightly and kissed his collar bone. "Do you want me to hold you?" Brian asked, trying to make sure Justin was okay. "Mmmhmmm." Justin hummed his response. Brian rolled Justin to the side and then placed his arms back around Justin. Justin snuggled closer to Brian and placed his hands on Brian's hips. "You were wonderful for our first time in here." Brian commented softly. Justin's eyes winked open when he heard Brian speaking. "Thank you." Justin yawned back. "And... it was never so... so good." Brian tried to be subtle about how wonderful Justin made him feel. Justin's eyes remained open when he saw the care in Brian's eyes. "Brian... you were great." Justin assured him. Brian nodded, still not taking his eyes away from Justin's. Justin inched forward and kis the tip of Brian's nose. "Happy anniversary Brian. You've made me the happiest man alive." Justin whispered. Brian giggled lightly. "If I wasn't already married to you, I'd marry you now." Brian whispered back. Justin smiled back at him.

"I wonder if we can do this everynight? Just make love for hours and then hold each other through the night." Justin sighed out. Brian gave him a puzzled stare. "That's what we're going to do Justin." Brian responded. "For at least three weeks right?" Justin tried to tease him. "We'll have phone sex while I'm in Europe then." Brian teased him back. "Oh yeah, we'll be paying those bills next month!" Justin laughed along. "Anything for our marriage cutie. If it means just hearing you moan over the phone and jerking off in some French hotel, then I'll do it," Brian said, half serious and half goofy. Justin gave him a serious face for a response. "Maybe we'll try cybersex." Brian tried to bring the smile back to Justin. Justin tried to fight it, but his smile took over. "That's my Just." Brian giggled and then gave Justin a quick kiss ont he lips. "You're nasty." Justin joked and then relaxed his body. "Just for you..." Brian sung back. Brian snuggled closer to Justin and watched Justin close his eyes. "My angel." Brian whispered and then gave Justin a kiss ont he nose. He rested his eyes and fell asleep facing Justin.

Just Beginning (Chapter 5) Written by JM

Justin awoke in the night with a suddenness. He looked around and saw the room was still pitch black with meer light coming in from the windows. Justin could hear Brian's breathing and heartbeat as he lifted his head. He noticed that Brian was laying on his stomach and Justin was laying to the side of Brian with his head resting on Brian's back. Justin looked at Brian's resting body. 'God, he's beautiful.' Justin thought as he placed his hands on Brian's back. Justin ran his fingers to Brian's tattoo and smiled. The Japanese letters were a faint black color. 'Justin.' Justin thought as he touched the tattoo. He knew what the letterting stood for. Justin leaned over Brian and kissed his back. "I love you Brian..." Justin whispered. He lifted his hands from Brian's back and then rolled out of the bed.

Justin stretched sorely and looked around. He gave a small yawn and walked over to the entertainment center that was set up in the room. Justin sheepishly looked around the entertainment center and saw the tape sitting on top of the television. He knew it was the tape that Lynn had given Justin earlier. Justin sniffled softly and then grabbed the tape. He flicked on the television and then quickly muted it. Justin glanced over his shoulder and saw that Brian remained sleep. Justin shrugged and stuck the tape in the VCR.

Justin took a seat near the television and pressed 'Play' on the remote control. Within seconds, images of Brian and Justin at the reception flashed upon the screen. Justin giggled as he saw himself and Brian taking a sip of Brian's apple juice. He thought of how strong Brian was for not touching a drop of alcohol that night. Justin sat indian style and then looked as J.C. danced with Lance in the sand. 'I can't believe he proposed.' Justin thought as he saw the love in J.C.'s eyes.

Justin then watched as he and Brian cut the wedding cake. Justin laughed gingerly when he watched Brian feeding him a piece of the cake. Justin's eyes gleamed when he saw him and Brian dancing on the beach. He watched the love in Brian's hands as Brian held him. It brought a never ending smile to his face.

"Is that the wedding?" Justin heard a soft voice ask. Justin nodded and felt Brian sit behind him. Brian wrapped his arms around Justin's neck and watched with Justin. Brian grabbed the remote from Justin's hands and unmuted the television.

"Okay, this is the part where I'm supposed to say something nice about Brian and Justin." Nick joked with the camera. "Hmmm, well they make a lot of noise when they have sex, is that good?" Nick teased the camera. "But really, Brian and Justin are the most dedicated couple I know. They'll never let each other go... sometimes that's bad because when Brian has to piss, Justin's right there holding his... well you know. Other times, the rest of us are jealous of them because it's hard to believe they could find something like that. Brian, I really do wish you the best with him." Nick fumbled out his words. He wiped away a tear from his eye and then walked away from the camera.

"Wow, he's hurting." Brian whispered. Justin agreed with him in silence. Brian hugged Justin more to let him know he was loved. Justin watched as Brian danced with Jonathan and thought of the conversation he had with his parents while Brian and Jonathan danced. It was of anger and then pleasing to Justin.

Brian kissed Justin's ear and then looked on. He watched while J.C. and Lance kissed at the table. "Never enough." Justin joked. Then the view switched to that of Brian and Justin kissing by the piano. "Eh, that was supposed to be edited!" Brian teased. Justin blushed slightly and watched. "Hmmm, someone seems to be liking it." Brian joked, watching Justin get into the kiss. "You're a damn good kisser." Justin snickered back. Brian lightly tickled Justin and then kept his view with the television.

"Sssh, this is the part we're supposed to say something sweet about Brian and Justin." Britney snickered to the girls of Innosense. "Is that who got married today?" Danay joked. "Married? Someone got married today?" Veronica joined in. "You guys! Be serious." Amanda insisted. "Okay, well, I just have to say that Brian you got very lucky... blessed when you got Justin. He knows just how to make someone happy." Nikki spoke up. "And Justin, Brian is the man! Thats all I have to say." Mandy added. "Cute butt too." Amanda teased. "Uh uh, Justin's the one with the cute butt." Britney declared. "Like she'd know! She's messing with Joey." Veeronica teased her. "Ugh, ya'll are screwing this up again." Nikki laughed while trying to remain serious. "We love you!" they all said simultaenously.

Brian laughed loudly at the previous scene while Justin focused his attention on his dance with Brian. It was intimate and special for them. Justin placed his hand on Brian's thigh and just kept his eyes on the video.

"Brian, would you care to say something about your new husband?" the cameraman asked Justin. "Yes, one thing. I love Brian Littrell because he's Brian Littrell. Sometimes I want to be mad at you babe, but I can't. I love you so much and I'm happy to be your husband now. Just remember, I'm always by your side." Justin replied sincerely. When Brian heard Justin's words, he moved his hands to Justin's stomach. "You make me the happiest man on earth." Brian whispered into Justin's ear. "July the 4th, 1999." Justin replied. "Always in my heart." Brian added.

Brian gently began to kiss Justin's shoulder. "Oh Brian... if you're not careful we may have to repeat tonight's performance." Justin kidded while feeling Brian's warm tongue rub against his shoulder. "There's no 'may' Justin." Brian replied. He pulled Justin back and Justin could feel Brian's hard penis rubbing against his back. "Hmmmm, oh babe please..." Brian pleaded as he began to grind his cock into Justin's back. Justin complied with Brian's request and shut off the television. He turned around to face Brian and let himself get hard. Justin smiled at Brian and then grabbed him into a small hug. He laid Brian back on the floor and soon they were engaged in another episode of love making.

J.C. forced the keys into the door of his apartment with Chris. He popped the door open and looked around the dark apartment. "Chris!" J.C. bellowed out as he stepped inside. He received no response. J.C. looked back and saw Nick waiting behind him. "Come on in." J.C. instructed as he walked further in the apartment. Nick obliged and stepped inside. He closed the door behind himself. He watched as J.C.'s shadowy form began turning on lights in the apartment. "Do you want something to drink?" J.C offered as he looked at the clock. It was going on one o'clock in the morning. "Nah." Nick replied, stumbling to the couch. "Yeah, you've probably had enough to drink for the night." J.C. giggled as he walked back into the living room. He took a seat next to Nick and smiled.

"So... do you want to talk about anything?" J.C. asked, trying to free up conversation. Nick thought over his options for a moment. He remember the car ride to the apartment where J.C. kept his hand in Nick's the whole time. "Uhm, yeah." Nick nodded. "Okay, what's on your mind then?" J.C. asked, getting comfortable by flicking off his shoes and then removing his shirt. Nick took a quick glance at J.C.'s chest and then looked away. "I hope you don't mind. It gets so hot in the apartment." J.C. explained his actions. Nick shrugged and removed his own sneakers. "So what's up Nick? But remember, no Lance or Brian." J.C. reminded him. "Okay." Nick agreed.

He watched as J.C.'s hand grabbed his again for comfort. "Tell me." J.C. requested. "Just answer one questionf ro me." Nick requested in a half drunken tone. J.C. agreed to Nick's request. "Where am I sleeping tonight?" Nick whispered his question. He felt the nervousness build after his question was asked. J.C. was in total shock wit the question. He didn't even realize that he was thinking over the suggestion.

J.C. figured it was the alvohol getting to Nick and himself. J.C. leaned forward to answer Nick's question. "In... in my bed." J.C. blurted out. Nick didn't smile but edged closer to J.C. Within seconds, J.C. was gently kissing Nick on the couch. He pushed Nick back on the couch and eased himself ontop of Nick. Nick felt J.C.s' tongue enter his mouth and he did not reject it. He pushed his hands up to J.C.'s chest and savored the kiss. He rubbed his hands over J.C.'s flesh. He felt J.C.'s erect nipples and his well defined chest. Nick knew how to touch a man's chest in the right areas for sexual pleasure.

Nick forced J.C. back and panted hard. "J.C., what about Lance?" Nick gasped out. J.C. looked down at Nick and began to rip open his button down shirt. "No Lance and Brian tonight, Nick. Just me and you... me and you." J.C. breathed back. Nick nodded and let J.C. grind their crotches together. "Oh Nick... you feel so long." J.C. grunted as he felt Nick's cock growing. "Please J.C." Nick gasped back. J.C. pulled Nick's shirt off and threw it to the floor. "J.C., will you... will you make love to me tonight?" Nick reuested. J.C. stopped the movement of his hands and smiled. "You mean be your first?" J.C. questioned lowly. Nick nodded shyly. "Nick... I will be your first because I want to." J.C. couldn't believe his words. Nick smiled back and pressed his hands to J.C.'s abs. "Wait... not on the couch." J.C. suggested.

J.C. stood from the couch and watched the blonde follow. He guided Nick back to the back of the apartment and then to his room. J.C. reached out and grabbed Nick's hand with care. He carefully led Nick inside of his dark room and closed the door. J.C. held Nick's hand for comfort. Nick treasured J.C.'s soft and caring hand. "You want this right?" J.C. asked as he moved closer to Nick. he had to be sure that inside of Nick there was no doubts. Nick's heart thumped in his chest as he thought about making love to his ex-boyfriend's boyfriend. "I do... since Cancun I've wanted this..." Nick whispered his reply. J.C. gave a small smile and pulled Nick towards the bed. He let Nick stand by the bed and then released Nick's hand. "Do you want me to use protection?" J.C. questioned, being so used to using a condom with Lance. Nick ran his hand over J.C.'s cheek. "I trust you." Nick replied. J.C. was touched by Nick's gesture. He didn't know that Nick felt so deeply without regret. J.C. nodded and then knelt to the floor.

J.C. unbuckled Nick's khaki's and then let them slide down. Nick stepped out of the khaki's and looked down to J.C. J.C. leaned his motuh forward and then began to suck on Nick's long member through his silk boxers. "Ooooh..." Nick groaned when he felt J.C.'s mouth. J.C. sucked the member through the boxers, using his tongue occasionally to lick at the head. "Hmmm Joshua..." Nick groaned. J.C. almost felt wrong when he heard the name. Only Lance had called him that name while they had sex. J.C. put the thought out of his head. 'Lance isn't here. he could have been, but he chose not to be.' J.C. thought. He grasped Nick's boxers and yanked them down.

As the boxers reached Nick's ankles, a strong penis boasted from it's confines. J.C. smiled delightfully. "Its so much different from Lance's." J.C. cooed as he grasped the hot cock. "Ssshh, no Lance, remember?" Nick requested. J.C. nodded and then began to jerk on the meat. "Mmm... yes..." Nick moaned while J.C. ran his hand from the base to the head. His thumb always made sure to rub over the piss slit and collected the honey pre-cum at the tip.

'I have to taste this.' J.C.'s sexual thoughts sprung out. He leaned forward and began to take the head in his mouth. Nick closed his eyes tightly and adjusted to the new mouth pleasuring him. J.C.'s tongue was smoother than Lance's and brought Nick's head ecstasy. J.C.'s mouth began to take Nick further in. Nick's hands moved to J.C.'s head and tried to control J.C.'s rapid pace. J.C. opened his eyes and looked at the sandy brown pubes before him. 'Oh baby...' J.C. thought before trying again to take Nick. J.C. began to adjust his throat to deep throat Nick's large, mushroom head. "Josh..." Nick moaned louder as he felt his head in J.C.'s throat. J.C. reached his hands to Nick's nicely shaped balls and massaged them.

Nick felt his knees buckling. He tried to give a sign to J.C. but J.C. wouldn't give up his fight to bring Nick off. Nick scooted himself to the bed and tried to sit down. J.C. got the sign and released Nick's cock. When Nick finally sat on the bed, J.C. went back to sucking Nick's cock like a lolipop. He sucked upon the purple head and then moved down the shaft. "Ah.. ah... J.C.!" Nick panted out. He rubbed his hand over his chest and pinched his nipples. Nick had never been through so much pleasure during a blow job. It was as if J.C. was meant to be his sexual partner. As if J.C. knew the right parts of him that needed to be touched. J.C. knew how to bring Nick closer by rubbing his tongue over Nick's head. Nick grasped J.C.'s head with his large hands and held onto it. "Ohh.. J.C., I'm gonna..." Nick couldn't get his words out. J.C. kept his tongue over the head, expecting a load to pleasure his appetite. 'Come on Nick... don't stop now...' J.C. concentrated while rubbing his tongue over the shaft again.

Nick lifted his legs slightly and began to cum down J.C.'s throat. "Oh J.C! Ah ah ah ah ah yes yes yes.... hmmmhmmm... yes!" Nick screamed out. Thick loads of cum emptied from Nick's pulsating cock into J.C.'s awaiting mouth and throat. Nick bucked his hips slightly while cumming. J.C. grasped Nick's body and tried to control him as he drank the creamy substance.

J.C. lifted his mouth from Nick's penis and slid up onto the bed. He kissed his way up Nick's chest and then to Nick's chin. He lifted Nick's legs lightly and let Nick recover from the blow job. "Nick... this may hurt a little." J.C. warned him as he aimed his cock for Nick's hole. "J.C. I don't care if it hurts alot. I just want you to be my first." Nick requested without fear in his eyes. J.C. couldn't believe how good of a lover Nick was becoming. J.C.'s slightly drunken state caused him to further his want to be with Nick. He kissed Nick's lips carefully. Nick needed J.C. 'I want him to be with me.' Nick thought as he returned the kiss. He let his lips run over J.C.'s with a slow pace. Nick's tongue ran into J.C.'s and then kissed with their tongues. 'He's... he's so wonderful to me.' J.C. pondered as Nick's hands caressed his back. Nick's sweaty hands were just trying to ease J.C.'s worries and show him that he understood. 'This can't be...' Nick said to himself. 'I think I'm falling for Joshua...' Nick stated in his head.

Nick felt J.C. carefully spread his legs. 'It's not Brian... but Joshua is so gentle and he acts like he cares.' Nick heard his head speak before feeling J.C.'s cock probing at his ass. Soon the swift pain hit Nick's body as the head of J.C.'s cock popped inside. J.C. released Nick's lips when he knew Nick needed to scream. "J.C.!" Nick screamed out, pain filling his voice. J.C. knew what to do and he let Nick hook his legs around his waist. J.C. guided his hands up to Nick's face and rubbed it. "It's okay Nick... I won't hurt you... I need you." J.C. whispered unknowingly. Nick's eyes opened and he looked into J.C.'s charismatic eyes. "You need me?" Nick asked calmly. J.C. then stared back and saw the love Nick wanted that moment. "Tonight." J.C. replied. Nick closed his eyes again and relaxed for J.C. J.C. smiled and closed his eyes. He leaned down and began to kiss Nick's chest. He pushed further inside and Nick kept quiet. He suffered the pain for J.C. that night.

J.C. found himself at the hilt and smiled. He lifted his head and looked at Nick. Nick's eyes were fully shut and he had a smile on his lips. "Does it feel better now Nick?" J.C. softly asked. "Joshua, make love to me." Nick replied, batting his eyes open. J.C, pulled himself up and kissed Nick's lips. J.C. followed Nick's request and carefulyl began to move in and out of Nick's ass. 'He took my virginity, so... slowly and sensually... why did I wait for Brian?' Nick pondered as J.C. kept his slow movements. 'I'm sorry Lance... this means something.' J.C. thought to himself. He ran his hands over Nick's chest and continued his kiss.

J.C. felt Nick's tongue once again enter his mouth. Months ago, weeks ago, a day ago, J.C. would have been disgusted by Nick's tongue. He learned the gentle side of Nick while at the bar. Not the side that craved attention, but the side that showed love for another man. The side that gave J.C. a hug when he was thinking about Lance. The side that held his hand when J.C. just wanted a friend. The side that asked J.C. to be his first out of his heart and not out of watching a sexual experience. It was as if J.C. wanted Nick to be his lover. No matter where the ring went, J.C. wanted to be with Nick at that minute. In his mind, it was wrong, but in his heart, he and Nick needed each other.

His thrusts became more rapid and he felt Nick pull away from the kiss. "Oh Joshua... you're... oh so gentle..." Nick groaned out loudly. He didn't care who heard him screaming J.C.'s name. He cared that J.C. was making love to him on the bed. They could have done it anywhere, J.C.'s jeep, the bar's restroom, the couch, the floor, the kitchen. Nick was thrilled that J.C. took the time to make sure that Nick's first time was in his bed, a bed that had not seen the likes of sex in a long time.

J.C. nibbled Nick's lower lip for meer seconds before increasing his speed. The bed shook with intensity as Nick wrapped his legs tighter around J.C. Nick grabbed J.C.'s back and groaned harder. "Nick... oh Nick.. yes... just hold me..." J.C. requested as his hips worked harder. Nick didn't know why, but he followed J.C.'s request. 'Am I drunk? this feels so wonderful with him.' Nick thought. His feelings were growing stronger by the second. He felt J.C.'s lips sucking on his neck and he enjoyed it. He hugged onto J.C. and let the thrusting contiunue.

Nick didn't know what happened within time. He looked over to the clock and it said three o'clock in the morning. 'Two hours? He's been making love to me for two hours?' Nick wondered. His head was dripping with sweat, his legs were wide spread. J.C. had seemd to be moving at a slow pace while is lips were now nibbling and kissing Nick's ear. "Nick... hmmm, this feels so nice... with you.." J.C. managed to state in his moans. Nick felt a tear fall down his cheek. "J.C.... I never want it to end." Nick cried. J.C. knew Nick was crying and felt for him. He lifted his head and began to wipe the tears away. "It's okay Nick... I know." J.C. whimpered. He leaned down and gently kissed Nick's lips. Nick let more tears fall as he kissed J.C. back. The bed was gently moving back and forth with their fucking now.

Nick released J.C.'s lips and smiled. He watched as J.C. edged closer to cumming. 'He's going to do it now... cum inside of me...' Nick thought. "Ah! Oh Nick... Nick... I want this to be special..." J.C. grunted as he tried to hold back. Nick ran his hands over J.C.'s hair. "You are special." Nick replied. J.C. almost wanted to stop his efforts. Lance had never been able to tell him such sweet things during sex. J.C. thought and realized he was havinh sex with Nick. This was the love making he dreamed about. The kind where all he had to do was kiss the person he wanted. It wasn't about lust or pleasure towards the end. It was about two people sharing an experience they would never forget. J.C. had shared those few times with Lance, but he was sharing it for the first time with Nick. "Nick... you mean so much to me..." J.C. finally cried. Nick held J.C. and then J.C. released himself inside of Nick. Volley after volley of cum shot inside of Nick. "Hmmmm, oh Joshua... it's okay.... oh yes..." Nick moaned softly into J.C.'s ear. He could feel some of the cum sliding from out of his ass. He carefully ran his fingers through JC.'s hair from more comfort. J.C. shook with guilt as he came inside of his new found lover. It was guilt that he had cheated on the man he wanted to marry, but more guilt that he was having feelings for Nick.

J.C. let himself get limp and he let Nick hold him. J.C. opened his eyes and then pulled out of Nick. He sat up in the bed and wiped the tears away. Nick sat up with him and then snapped into reality. He looked at J.C. who seemed to have pulled away. "Uh... I guess I should go? Uhm, I should leave." Nick stuttered out with small tears in his eyes. Nick began to scoot off the bed when he felt J.C.'s hand grab his arm. "Come here." J.C. requested. Nick sat back onto the bed and crawled out to J.C. J.C. pulled him into and hug. J.C. kissed Nick's neck and held him. Nick returned the hug with tears of joy falling down his face. J.C. wanted to hold Nick.

"Was it what you dreamed of?" J.C. asked softly. "More Joshua. It was so much more." Nick answered in a trembling voice. "And you'd do it again?" J.C. asked. "With you." Nick found himself confessing. J.C. sighed and rubbed his hands over Nick's back. "Okay, let's get some sleep." J.C. suggested. Nick pulled back slightly and gave him an odd stare. "Do you want me to go out to the couch and sleep?" Nick asked quietly. J.C. leaned forward and placed a kiss on Nick's soft, red lips. He pulled away slowly. "No, I want you to sleep here with me in the bed that you lost your virginity, Nick. This night is special and I don't want you to think otherwise." J.C. responded in his sincere voice. Nick was thrilled that J.C. was showing him so much love. J.C.'s eyes didn't turn him away and neither did his strong arms. "Come on... I want to hold you under the covers." J.C. found himself saying with a plead.

Nick and J.C. moved to the head of the bed and J.C. pulled the covers back. They slipped under the cover and J.C. wrapped his arms around Nick. J.C. pulled the covers back slightly and tried to relax with Nick. He felt at home with him. "You know what we did was wrong right?" J.C. questioned the sheepish Nick. "Yes, I do." Nick said, feeling that soon his moment with J.C. would end. "We'll have to tell Lance." J.C. added. Nick knew the words too well. "Does this mean?" Nick couldn't finish his full question. "I don't know right now Nick. It wasn't supposed to happen... but I'm glad it did." J.C. whispered back. He kissed Nick's shoulder and held him closer. "Don't you worry about it. I care for you no matter what happens, okay?" J.C. tried to comfort Nick. "J.C., I don't know what to say." Nick whimpered back. "Don't say anything then Nick. Hold me..." J.C. replied. Nick placed his arms around J.C.'s smaller body and held him close. Their soft penises rubbed against each other while their legs locked. J.C. leaned forward and began to kiss Nick again. 'I... I don't know what to do... but I know I want to be with me right now.' J.C. thought as he ended the kiss. Nick placed his head next to J.C.'s and closed his eyes. "Thank you for making my first time beautiful." Nick whispered shyly. "I did it because I wanted to Nickie. Don't ever forget." J.C. replied. He kissed Nick's cheek and relaxed. 'I took his virginity... maybe that's a start?' J.C. tried to think before falling asleep in Nick's arms.


*** How was that for the first parts? Please tell me what you think. I had fun writing this but yet it was stresful at times. So I realized I may take long breaks (not like weeks) between chapters to think of good ideas and to feel a little more relaxed while writing. But I thank everyone who put up with me while I did write. I know I'm going to get serious flanks about this last part, but sometimes I like to try new things and see how they work out. I think as a reader, you should adjust too. I'm not saying to just accept it and move on, but try and adjust. Plese enjoy the rest of the series. Also, do you think Nick and J.C. made a nice couple? Should J.C. and Lance take that step for marriage? What about Brian and Justin? Should their be a baby? What should the baby be and what should his'her name be? Should Lance run back to Nick? It's all up to you, well and me. So let me know. I'll think over your ideas and what not. Thanks again and until next time... One last thing, big thanks to a certain someone who has been talking to me. You've meant a lot to me as a friend. That song was for you. I know I'm forgetting something, but oh well. VOTE FOR ME! LOL! And CJ and Lep, I couldn't ask for better friends! You two have done a LOT for me over the past few days. See ya! ***

Next: Chapter 39: Just Beginning 6 10

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