Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Jul 6, 1999


---- Voted by readers - BEST STORYLINE & MOST ROMANTIC COUPLE ----

*** General Announcement: Okay this is the final story in one saga. These stories will mostly revolve around the relationship between Brian Littrell (of the Backstreet Boys) and Justin Timberlake (of 'N Sync), but there is going to be guest appearances from all of the guys of the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync and others. The stories will also follow the same path that the others have left off with. So that means, these stories follow where I left off with 'B-Rok B-Day', 'Round And Round, and 'The First Week'. I want everyone to know that I don't plan on stopping after this series, so don't worry. I get e-mails all the time about that. I do hope you enjoy the series of stories to come and do wish to hear all of your comments may they be good or bad (hopefully not all bad)... so send them on over to: or ***

**** This is THE 100th STORY!!! It follows along with the rest, so if you're still not caught up, you had better get reading! Hope you enjoy this final part and please send all comments to me at the address above. I have received an abundance of mail, so that makes me want to keep on writing better stories. I THANK all of you who have sent your great comments to me. Especially to those who have been there since the very beginning. SPECIAL THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO HAS BEEN READING AND SENDING ME E-MAIL, I APPRECIATE IT!!! Also thanks to Zeo for creating 'N Sync Love. It's a great story! And finally, thanks to Chris, Adam, CJ and JJ Vascardi's for being a good friends and great authors. I also want to thank Yas for the GREAT story ideas he has given me. VERY SPECIAL thanks to Netboy for designing and maintaining the website for me. And to Cabby for her continuous support of me. And one final thanks to my INFO TEAM: Jason, Lep, Brian, Donnie, Philip, Ryan & Drew and Brian P. Ya'll are sooo much help to me! So until the next time... please keep reading the stories... and all of you B-Boys keep it 'N Sync... ****

Brian awoke to the touch of Justin's hand over his shoulder. The morning came in a slow breeze. Orlando was no longer hot, nor cold. It was at a tempature that brought about joy in the hearts of families. And soon, Brian felt in his heart, he would be one with Justin.

Brian rolled over to look into his lover's eyes. The streaming sunlight made Justin's eyes dazzle with care. Justin bent down and gave Brian a small kiss on the lips to wake him even further. Brian rubbed his eyes lightly and gave a small yawn. "One more day?" Brian questioned as he dropped his hand to Justin's side. Justin nodded and caught the attention of Brian's eyes. His eyes were still the crystal blue they had been since the first time they woke up in the same bed together. Justin ran his hands over Brian's hair with a simple caress. "Aww, my baby's growing a beard." Justin cooed sa he saw the small patch of reddish-brown hair growing on Brian's chin. Brian felt that it gave him a sexier look, so he didn't bother to shave it away. "Do you like it?" Brian groggily asked. "No, I love it." Justin replied and gave Brian another kiss on the lips. He ran his hand over the small patch, feeling the gentle and soft hairs. It was adorable to Brian and he didn't mind the touch of Justin's warm and soft hand. "Is everyone up?" Brian asked shyly. "I heard a few people, but I don't think everyone's up." Justin replied. "How much time before we got to be to the airport?" Brian questioned, still feeling sheepish. "An hour." Justin replied. "Oh, that doesn't give us any time." Brian complained.

Brian forced himself to move away from Justin and get out of the bed. Justin understood Brian's rush and did the same. off.

Justin found himself walking out to the patio in the backyward for a breeze of air. As he stepped outside, he saw Joey sitting lonely on the patio. Joey's prescence was surprising to Justin, but he took it in stride.

Justin took a seat next to Joey and took a sip of his Evian water. He looked at Joey with concern. "What's up Joey?" Justin asked softly. Joey didn't answer swiftly like Justin hoped for. Justin placed an arm around Joey to try and coax him further. "You're getting married J." Joey whispered. Justin nodded with a loving smile. "What does that feel like?" Joey asked. Justin was baffled by the question. "Well... it feels good. I've got butterflies, but it's only because I'm nervous." Justin replied happily. "And Brian?" Joey asked. "He's really thrilled." Justin assured him. Joey looked away from Justin and stared out into the pool. "Ya'll just started yesterday. And now it's like... you guys are sort of leaving us." Joey sighed. Justin was stunned. "I'm not leaving you Joey. I'll be back in a week to be with you again. I could nevre leave you." Justin try to assure Joey. "I know... but you guys will need time off and stuff just to be with each other. It's not like we'll get the oppurtunity to go to Universal or something with just the guys. You know? Because every second you get off... you'll need to be with your husband." Joey replied, trying to hold in the tears he wanted to shed. "Aww, Joey you're getting emotional on me!" Justin tried to joke. Joey still couldn't give Justin the smile he needed. "Joey, you guys mean so much to me. And I'll always be there to hang with you guys. Brian may be my husband, but that doesn't mean he owns all of my heart. I will always have a piece for you guys." Justin whispered to him. Joey leaned his head on Justin's shoulder with sadness. "And I'll be with you guys all the time. I will need a little time for Brian." Justin giggled. Joey nodded and understood.

Joey lifted his head and wiped the single tear that fell from his eyes away. "I need you to do something for me." Justin requested softly. Joey nodded and looked directly at Justin. Justin reached through his pocket and pulled out a small object. "I need you to take special care of this." Justin asked as he passed Joey the small object. Joey held a small, navy blue, velvet box in his hands. "Is this?" Joey made his question breif. "Yep, it's Brian's wedding ring." Justin replied with a smile. "But you've got three other best men that can do this for you." Joey stuttered out. "I know. I could have easily asked Lance, J.C. or Chris. But I've got just one Joey. The same Joey that helped me through some very rough times. Even though I wanted the others to be best men too, you're the one who's going to take care of this for me." Justin stated. The smile Justin wanted soon formed over Joey's lips. "Thank you Justin. I'm honored." Joey replied softly. Justin happily gave Joey a small hug for comfort.

Justin took a sip of his water and looked out upon the grass. "Gosh, soon I'll be married. What's up with that?" Justin joked. Joey giggled along with him. "I think sometimes you know you're ready and you're scared to really face it." Joey offered some advice for Justin. "Yeah, that's it." Justin agreed. "Well at least you two know you're committed." Joey brightened the light. "Always." Justin nodded. Joey placed a hand on Justin's knee to ease his mind. "I would have never thought you'd come this far." Joey laughed. Justin didn't reply, but took another small sip from the bottle of water. "Hey, I didn't think you and Britney would last, but you did." Justin joked. Joey nudged him softly. "Me and you are full of surprises." Joey giggled. "Yeah and so is Hawaii," Justin reminded him. "A romantic spot. Just perfect for all of us to finalize some things." Joey added. "Yep." Justin said chipperly. "You and Britney?" Justin questioned with a curious nature. "You never know." Joey shrugged. "Hmmm, there's always firsts. No pun intended." Justin laughed. Joey nudged him again and laughed with him.

Brian looked out of the window in the kitchen at Justin and Joey. He watched as they became closer as friends and he was touched. Brian glanced over his shoulder and saw J.C. sitting at the table in the kitcehn. J.C.'s mind was in a book, but his heart was on Lance.

Brian strolled over to J.C. with his mug of Starbucks coffee in hand. Brian took a seat across from J.C. and nudged his foot. J.C. looked up with surprise. "What's on your mind J.C.?" Brian questioned happily. "Uh, this is a good book." J.C. replied as he held up the book for Brian to see. "Okay, now what's really on your mind?" Brian said, still not believing J.C.'s words. "Nothing," J.C. quickly replied before burrying his eyes in the book again. "Hey, I know we haven't always been close J.C. You've had your thoughts and I've had mine. And I guess that would be rough because Justin is your best friend and well... I'm marrying him." Brian stated, giving J.C. an awkward stare. "Yes, me and you have never been close Brian. And who knows if we ever will be." J.C. replied boldly, still not lifting his eye from the page.

Brian sighed and began to drink his coffee. "It really doesn't have to be like that J.C." Brian noted. "Yes it does," J.C. replied sorely. "Why?" Brian questioned with doubt. "Because Justin's kind of left us hanging high and dry for you." J.C. responded with disgust. "No he hasn't." Brian argued. "Or really? How about the fact that Justin spends more time with you than any of us? Or maybe we should go to the fact that Justin wanted only you to be by his side at the doctors instead of any of his friends?" J.C. threw challenging questions at Brian. "Okay, those are good points. And maybe it's because you tend to alienate Justin now to spend more time with Lance." Brian offered an answer. "Only doing what he's done to me." J.C. shrugged off his answer. "So that's how it is? Do me wrong, I do you worse?" Brian questioned with spite in his eyes. J.C. nodded without hesitation.

Brian placed his mug on the table and stared directly at J.C. "Let's be honest now J.C. You care too much about Justin to just screw him over like that. So where's the real problem? Me? Because if it is, don't make Justin suffer for me." Brian pleaded. J.C. dropped his book and finally looked into Brian's blue eyes. "Okay, yes, it is you because since day one, Justin has dedicated every last minute he's had to you and your love. And now he's distanced everyone of us for you. You've put him through hell and he just deals with it." J.C. boasted with anger. Brian thought over J.C.'s strong words. J.C. quickly snatched back up his book to finish reading.

"You're right, when I hit Justin, I did alot to fuck up our relationship. And especially because of Nick and Leigh Ann, I've blown alot of things with Justin. I can't say I'm the perfect man and if I could have it any other way, I'd say you should treat Justin like he needed to be. But it's not that way. Because Justin didn't have you to run to when he was hurt. Justin deals with alot of shit, but somehow, he doesn't run to you guys anymore. Maybe it's because he lost that bond with you guys when you felt me and him were wrong?" Brian threw at J.C. "Felt it was wrong?" J.C. questioned. "J.C., when was the last time you thought about me and Justin? Are we really that bad of a couple? Is Justin with me because he's scared of being alone?" Brian questioned. J.C. had never thought of Brian's side. "No, I... I guess he has a reason to be with you." J.C. stuttered out. "And could you actually see Justin being with someone else he loved this much? Because if you know of someone, let me know so I can see if Justin really does care for me as much as I care for him." Brian shot back. J.C. was shocked by Brian's strong points. "We didn't expect to fall in love and we didn't want the world to have to deal with, but we thought our friends could understand. Because when you and Lance fell for each other, the rest of us had to understand because it was too late for us to say otherwise." Brian whispered. J.C. tried to bring up an arguement, but the atmosphere and love he felt for Justin showed otherwise. "I guess I just don't want him saying, 'I do' and then later on he wants to say, 'I don't'." J.C. sighed. "I don't think that'll happen. Me and Justin dedicate so much time to each other... because we care that much." Brian assured him. Brian reached his hand out for J.C.'s and J.C. gladly took it. "I know we haven't always been close... but maybe now, because I'm marrying your best friend, we can be." Brian suggested. "He's like my little brother Brian. So take care of him like you'd take care of your own life." J.C. requested. Brian nodded and released J.C.'s hand.

"Hey, come on guys. Let's get moving," Kevin announced for the house to hear. Brian stood and took his mug to the sink. "Hey cutie, what are you up to?" Justin asked as he slyly slapped Brian on the ass. "More like what I want to be up in tonight." Brian replied with a small laugh. "Ooh nasty boys!" Joey joked as he pulled Justin and J.C. to the door. "We'll see babe." Justin laughed as he walked with his friends. Brian smiled brightly and shut off the lights in the kitchen. He grabbed his keys from the counter and headed for the door.

"Nobody left anything on did they?" Brian asked as he picked up his bags. "Nah, we shut everything off Daddy." Nick replied sarcastically. "Did you forget to play with your joystick last night Nick or are you just not a morning person?" Brian joked. "I think he couldn't find the right game to play with his joystick!" A.J. joined in, striking a laughter from others. "Yeah, plus I couldn't get the right partner to play with me." Nick said, shooting Brian a look of seduction. "Okay, that's enough Pac-Man." Kevin stopped him coldly. "Just expressing my care." Nick chimed while rolling his eyes towards Justin. Brian quickly grabbed Justin's hand for assurance. Justin didn't even have to look at Brian. "It's okay Bri, I already got my 'Mike Tyson' out." Justin boasted. "Oh shit, Justin you bit his ear off!" A.J. balled out with laughter. Justin rolled his eyes at A.J. and grabbed his suitcases.

With that, they all made their way outside to stuff the suitcases into the cars. Soon they were all piling into cars and making their way towards the airport.

They all stood at the gate of the Orlando International Airport. "We are about begin boarding for flight 1991 to Atlanta which will connect to the flight heading for Honolulu, Hawaii." the operator said over the lodu speakers. "Will all parties with a first class ticket, please come forward." the attendant added. "That's us guys," Kevin said as he stood. He tried to remain apart from the other passengers so no one would recognize them as they boarded. Britney took Joey's hand and ushered him over to the boarding area. Joey was relieved that the girls of Innosense and Britney had met them at the airport. Brian grabbed his carryon bag and then placed an arm around Justin's shoulder. "Hey, people are looking." Justin commented to Brian. "AND?!" Brian boasted as he handed the stewardess his ticket. Justin stood in his white, cut-off sweater-vest and tan khaki pants. He wore a baby blue fisherman hat to keep the public from figuring out his identity.

As they boarded the first class area, Brian quickly grabbed a middle seated area for him and Justin. He kissed his fist and gently tapped it on the side of the plane before throwing his bag in the overhead compartment. "Tradition." Brian whispered to Justin as he took the window seat. Justin already knew Brian's 'tradition' and understood. Justin took a stea next to Brian and kissed him lightly on the neck. "Tradition." he whispered before trying to avoid the stares of others. Brian smiled and carefully placed his hand on Justin's thigh for further comfort.

Kevin and A.J. took the seats in front of Brian and Justin and quickly turned to look at them. "Nervous?" Kevin asked first. Brian shook his head and smiled at them. "Did you talk to Amanda?" Brian asked, grasping A.J.'s attention. A.J. gave him a powerful stare. "No." A.J. answered swiftly and coldly. "That bad eh?" Brian pondered. A.J. quickly turned around in his seat to avoid further questions from his friend. "That was mean." Kevin whispered to Brian. "I just asked." Brian responded, pretending to have done nothing wrong. "What kind of man are you marrying?" Kevin joked with Justin. Justin shrugged and laid his head on Brian's shoulder. "Oh no you two, you can't do that." Kevin warned them. "And why not?" Justin quickly questioned. "Because people are looking," Brian whispered to Justin. Justin lifted his head in angst and stood from his seat. "You see what you did." Brian hissed towards Kevin as he watched Justin walk away. "It's not on me." Kevin tried to defend his actions.

Justin found a seat right next to Lance. Lance looked up from his laptop with amazement. "What are you doing?" Lance asked quickly. "Can't I sit with you?" Justin pondered, trying to avoid Brian. Lance shrugged and went back to his work. "So what are you doing Lansten?" Justin questioned. "Just surfing the Internet." Lance replied. "On what?" Justin questioned, peering over at the screen. "Us." Lance chuckled. "Oh, what a boring topic." Justin joked. "Actually it's interesting. Did you know that accoridng to Seventeen magazine, you and Britney are a couple and you were caught making out somewhere before a radio show?" Lance broguth up the topic. "Really? They must have mistaken Brian for Britney." Justin laughed. "Eh, it gets better. I'm still dating Danielle Fishel according to people, even though I'm just friends with her. And people actually believe that you're saving your virginity for every girl on the Internet." Lance boasted otu with laughter. "Seriously?! I am?" Justin asked, staring at the screen. "Yeah, but they're are some good pages out there. Like the ones that say you and Brian are a couple. Now those are the interesting ones from the girls that say they hope you're not really seeing Brian BUT if you are, they'll make you love them instead." Lance snickered. "So people really don't support the idea of me and Brian?" Justin asked, not letting the realization strike him too hard. "No, not all. I found one site that actually had a picture of you and Brian standing close or whatever from a concert and it's a page that supports you. It's maintained by a guy and a girl and they say there is nothing wrong with the two of you being in love because you're good friends like they are," Lance assured him. Justin felt at ease with Lance's comment. "I've gotta piss, save my seat, will ya?" Justin requested as he stood. Lance nodded and kept his eyes glued on the screen before him.

When Justin returned from the bathroom, he saw that Lance had left their seats. Justin shrugged and sat back down where he was before. He curiously grabbed Lance's laptop and looked at the screen. He removed the screen saver and his eyes bugged out. On the screen was a WordPad document. The words, typed largely across the screen, said, 'Brian MISSES Justin...' Justin looked around to find Brian from his seat. Soon Lance returned and looked over Justin's shoulder. "Aww, isn't that cute?" Lance cooed. "Did you let him do this?" Justin asked lowly. "Yeah, he begged really nicely." Lance laughed. Justin placed the laptop back in Lance's seat and stood. "I think you'll be sitting alone for the flight Lance," Justin commented as he searched the first class with his eyes. "He's still sitting behind Kevin and A.J." Lance whispered to Justin to end his search. Justin nodded and quickly left Lance's side.

"Attention passengers, flight 1991 to Atlanta, Georgia and then Honolulu, Hawaii is now preparing to depart," the stewardess announced clearly for everyone. Justin did not heed the rest of her announcements. He made his fast paced walked to his seat a good one.

When he arrived, he saw Brian staring out of the window. Justin found the nearest stewardess to him. "Excuse me Miss, could you possibly not bother me and Mr. Littrell until we arrive in Atlanta?" Justin requested. The stewardess gladly complied with his request.

Justin took his seat next to Brian and slid his hand between Brian's thighs. Brian jumped up in shock and looked towards Justin. "Oh did you decide to come back?" Brian asked sarcasitcally. "Would it help if I said I'm sorry?" Justin asked lowly. "No." Brian answered flatly. Justin frowned and dropped his eyes to the floor. He felt Brian's finger lift his chin slowly. "I wanted to say sorry." Brian whispered to him. "But..." Brian quickly hushed Justin by placing his finger over Justin's lips. "I love you baby." Brian whispered. Justin hated that Brian wouldn't let him argue, but he was thrilled that Brian was so kind and gentle. Justin pouted his lips slightly to give Brian a sign. Brian ran his finger over Justin's lips with care. "I want to..." Brian whispered as his finger touched Justin's lips again. JUstin nodded and grabbed Brian's finger. Justin quickly fastened his seatbelt and held Brian's finger. Brian relaxed in his seat as the plane took off. Justin held Brian's finger lightly and looked towards the front. He could see that the stewardess had just started the in flight movie.

Everyone was sitting at the gate in Atlanta, Georgia. They were waiting to transfer onto their next flight to Hawaii. When the plane had landed, everyone got a sense of starting again as this was the place that the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync met up for the first show on the tour. Conversations were wild, yet Brian and Justin stood at the window of the airport, thinking of fond memories.

"This is where we started." Brian whispered to Justin. Justin giggled softly at Brian's comment. "Don't you mean this is where we 'fell' in love," Justin teased him. "Yeah, so we were a little clumsy then." Brian giggled with him. "You could say that." Justin agreed. "But at least I fell head over heels for you," Brian smiled. "Did you?" Justin questioned, looking over to Brian. Brian gave a small nod. "Remember when I carried you to my hotel room?" Brian asked. "Uhm, I remember waking up in your room." Justin replied. "Well, I carried you there. And well... that's when I first kissed you." Brian confessed. "You kissed me?" Justin quickly asked, still looking at Brian. Brian finally turned to look into Justin's eyes. "I kissed you," Brian repeated. Justin was baffled by Brian's confession. "I didn't think that I liked you that much... but I guess seeing you here in the airport and then having lunch with you showed me something about you I never expected to see." Brian stated with a gentle smile. "Just seeing you made me think," Justin added. "And I'm happy that I took the time to find out who Justin Timberlake was on the inside." Brian whispered. Justin nodded. "Because even though you were seventeen, I felt like you were... you were just like me." Brian tried to grasp onto the right words as he spoke. "Even though I was seventeen, I'm glad I saved myself for someone as gentle as you, Brian." Justin whispered back. "Yeah, it is kind of special for us to give each other to the other for something like that." Brian added. "It was more than just special... it was almost dedicating our entire lives to each other," Justin noted. Brian nodded with him and felt compelled to kiss him. But Brian knew he had to withdraw.

"Sorry to bug you lovebirds, but we're about to get on the plane for Hawaii." Kevin said softly to catch their attention. Brian shook off his need and nodded for Kevin. He and Justin grabbed their bags and prepared to board the plane.

By four o'clock that afternoon, everyone had arrived in Hawaii. They caught a taxi to Hapuna Beach Prince Hotel. After their check in, they piled into their rooms to unpack some of their clothes. They quickly settled in and agreed to meet at a reserved area of the beach on the hotel grounds.

Brian walked down to the beach alone. Justin had decided to go to the beach with Lance and Chris, so Brian made the trek alone. He didn't mind the time alone. The sun shined it's bright rays on him as he thought of the moments he had shared in Atlanta with Justin. Their first kiss, their time getting to know each other, their first sexual experience and their chance to meet their first loves, each other. It was a pleasing memory for Brian to relive in his mind.

When he caught a glimpse of his friends in the strong sunlight, he knew that everyone was happy to be in Hawaii. It didn't mind to him if they were happy to be in Hawaii because of the wedding or just becase Hawaii was a land of freedom and exposure. His open light blue shirt blew in the breeze as he walked across the smooth rocks to the beach. He wore white, Nike swimming shorts and no shoes as he walked onto the sandy beach.

"Come on Rok, you're taking forever," Nick cheered as he and Howie ran into the waves of the ocean. The water splashed strong against their bodies. Brian laughed loudly as he saw Nick get swept by the powerful wave. He made his way over to where everyone was laying on the beach with a small smile. He was searching for Justin but didn't mind taking a seat next to Joey and Britney on the sand. "Hey there," Britney quickly spoke up in her southern tone. "Hey Britney." Brian replied, looking out to the ocean. Britney could tell Brian's mind was on something besides the clear blue waters. "He's over there." Joey quickly grasped Brian's attention as he pointed to where Justin and J.C. walked on the beach.

When Brian saw J.C., his attention was turned again. "Oh well he's busy right now." Brian replied sorely. "He's busy?! Hmmm, is this Justin's Brian I am talking to?" Britney joked with her question. She nudged Brian's leg to pull a laugh out of him. "Sometimes I know how to respect Justin's privacy." Brian returned the tease. "Well that's all in all fine with me." Britney replied, still feeling shakey with Brian. They had yet to have a talk that revolved around her anger towards Brian hitting Justin. "Okay, so are we going to get wet while we're here or sit our asses in the sun all day?" Joey asked, looking directly to Britney. "Baby I'm working on the perfect tan." Britney smiled as she laid back on her towel. "I bet you are," Joey chimed as he looked up and down her baby oil dripped body. "Okay, if any dirty thoughts come into your mind, I'm slapping the pee out of you." Britney giggled as she placed her sunglasses over her mocca brown eyes. "Well I think I had better stop drinking my water, because you're going to have to slap the pee out of me for a week." Joey laughed as he stood. Britney shot him a look of disgust before laying back on her towel to enjoy the sun's beauty.

Justin found his way over to Brian and sat between his legs facing him. Brian didn't mind Justin's form sitting in between his spread legs as he slowly moved closer to Justin. Justin placed his hands on Brian's cheeks and smiled at him. "Took you long enough." Justin whispered to him with his glowing smile. "Sorry, I was a little tired." Brian replied. "I'm not complaining. I hear that you've had a pretty good talk with J.C." Justin commented. "Does he tell you everything?" Brian complained lightly. Justin nodded shyly. "But I'm glad you did talk to him." Justin added for assurance. Brian cocked an eyebrow at him with surprise. "Because there's no one else I'd care for as deep as I do for you." Justin said softly to him.

"Do you want to go for a swim?" Brian offered to him. "No, I'd prefer do like Britney here and lay out in the sun." Justin replied softly. Brian shrugged and ran his hands over Justin's knees. "Before you go though could you put some sun block on me?" Justin requested. Brian gladly complied and let Justin lay back on the sand.

Brian quickly stole Britney's Coca Butter sun block and squeezed some into his hands. Justin was laying on his stomach in the sand, waiting on Brian to apply the sun block. He soon felt Brian's smooth hands run over the middle of his back. He closed his eyes as Brian gently applied the sun block. Brian was careful to get all the spots on Justin's back as he applied the sun block. He reached Justin's shoulders and gently massaged them with the sun block. He heard a soft moan beak from Justin's lips as he worked Justin over with his hands. The slipperiness of the sun block made Brian's fingers easily run over the small of Justin's back. Justin tried to relax in the sand but the erotic touch of Brian's hands caused him to want more.

When Brian reached Justin's lower back, he decided it was time to be daring. He gently pulled down Justin's shorts and massaged Justin's ass. Justin wanted to jump with fear, but decided to let Brian have his way. Brian's hands kneeded the flesh, his eyes keeping a lock on Justin's head. He didn't want Justin to be scared of his gentle touch. Brian pulled Justin's shorts back up and looked around to see if anyone had noticed his quick massage. He was safe for the time being.

"Brian? Are you finished?" Justin asked softly. "Yep." Brian chimed as he crawled up to Justin's head. "I'm going for a swim now." Brian whispered to Justin. Justin's eyes were still closed as he tried to sleep in the sand. "Okay, don't have too much fun without me." Justin joked with a quiet voice. Brian gently kissed the tip of Justin's nose to show his affection. He ran off to catch up with his friends in the water.

An hour flew by as Brian splashed around in the water with Nick, Kevin, Lance and Chris. The sun was beginning to turn the sky a yellowish color as the day was slowly ending. Kevin watched as a familiar body leaped onto Brian's back. Brian fell to the shore with his attacker on his back. Kevin grapsed Lance, Nick and Chris's attention so they could see Brian's face of surprise. Brian didn't have time to react as he soon felt Justin's lips caressing his. Brian laid back as the water ran over their bodies as they gently began to make out in the sand. "This is sick!" Nick yelled as he walked off. Lance quickly ran after him while Kevin and Chris watched Brian and Justin kiss.

Brian ran his hands over Justin's slippery body as Justin's lips moved to his neck. "God, I missed you..." Brian whispered as Justin's lips kissed his adam's apple. "I missed you too." Justin moaned back. Justin laid ontop of Brian and ran his hands over Brian's soaked head. "Don't stop..." Brian requested as he felt Justin gently grind his hips with Brian's. "No, please stop!" Kevin barked at them, surprising both of them. Brian pushed Justin up and looked over to Kevin. "Sorry cuz, but sometimes I have to touch him." Brian complained sorely. "I know you do Brian... in the privacy of your own room and not with the rest of us watching." Kevin warned him. Brian sighed and gently laid Justin to the side of him. Justin groanded loudly to show his disagreement with Kevin.

A.J. made his way over to the private tables they had reserved. He saw Amanda sitting lonely while Lance and Nick talked on the otherside. A.J. pulled out a chair in front of Amanda and turned it backwards. He sat in front of Amanda with a straight face. "What?" Amanda asked quietly, not looking directly at A.J. A.J. let the quiet breeze of Hawaiian air fly over them and let Amanda sulk in her own thoughts. "What's wrong Panda?" A.J. asked softly. Amanda ran a hand over her hair and tried not to look at him. "We're not going to talk about this." Amanda finally replied. "Yes, we have to." A.J. insisted. "The hell we do Alexander." Amanda snapped back. A.J. knew when she called him Alexander that something was tearing her up inside. "I'm not leaving you alone Panda until we talk about this." A.J. said, letting go of her anger. "I can't talk about this okay?" Amanda requested as small tears began to fill her eyes. "No, it's not okay. How can the man that loves you care if you won't let him?" A.J. pleaded. "The man that loves me wouldn't have reacted the way you did when I told him I could be pregnant. The A.J. I cared for who have said everything was going to be okay and he would have been right there with me when I went to the doctors." Amanda sniffled out. "You wouldn't let me be there." A.J. argued. "Because you fucking didn't want me to be pregnant." Amanda lashed back. A.J. reahced his hand out to her and she quickly backed away. "Don't try and make amends now A.J. I let you back when you fucked up in Cancun. But this is something different. To actually turn your back on me and then if I was pregnant, your baby too!" Amanda yelled at him. The words she spoke gave many hidden clues to A.J. "You're not pregnant, are you?" A.J. asked. "No! And I bet that makes you happy, doesn't it? Because I would love to raise a baby with the A.J. McLean I fell in love with. But fuck that now." Amanda cried.

She quickly tried to wipe away the waterfall of tears from her eyes and stood. "Panda, I'm sorry you're not pregnant." A.J. quickly stood with her. "Don't fucking lie to me A.J. For once, tell me the truth. You never wanted me to be pregnant." Amanda sobbed out. The breeze held their silents, letting the quick sighs from Amanda fly into the air and echo through the beach. Nick and Lance's attention was quickly caught on their arguement. "I wasn't prepared Amanda." A.J. finally answered her. "You didn't want a baby did you?" Amanda repeated with question with more control. "Not right now, no." A.J. said, not fearing his response. Amanda let the wind catch another one of her tears before moving from around A.J. She didn't bother looking back as she walked out to the beach.

"A.J., do you want to talk?" Nick offered as he stood next to A.J. "No, not right now Nick. But thanks." A.J. replied before walking away from Nick. "Okay I'm right here when you need me Bone." Nick reminded him as he watched A.J. walk out towards the hotel.

His ocean blue eyes soon caught sight of his friends approaching. "What, no more surf dues?" Nick joked as they approached. "Too much sun is bad for you." Nikki replied with a laugh. "Where's Mandy and Veronica?" Nick questioned. "They ran off to see if Amanda was okay." Danay replied as she stole Nick's seat next to Lance. Brian grabbed Justin and sat him on his lap in a seat that once held A.J. He began to rub Justin's shoulders and admire Justin's slightly tanned back. "Okay so what are we doing tonight? I really want to go to a club." Nick boasted, trying to avoid looking at Brian and Justin. "I think you've have enough clubs for a nineteen year old." Kevin stated with his fatherly advice. "He's had enough clubs for a forty-nine year old." Howie joked. "Yeah, maybe we should all chill around here tonight." Danay advised. "Sit around?!" Nick complained loudly. "Lord, you act like you have to go clubbin' everynight." J.C. giggled. "Well maybe Lance would like to join me?" Nick snapped back and then smiled towards Lance. Lance bit his lower lip as he began to get looks from everyone. "I would like to do some partying while in Hawaii." Lance spoke up shyly. "SEE!" Nick shouted with pride. "A club wouldn't be all that bad Kevy." Nikki agreed with a generous grin. "Yeah Kevy." Nick snickered. "Do you all realize that my cousin and his fiancé are getting married tomorrow?" Kevin quickly chastised everyone. "It's okay Kevin. As long as no one shows up to the wedding drunk, we don't have a problem." Brian assured him, but gave Nick a wicked stare. "So when's Leigh Ann getting into town?" Nick joked back towards him, keeping a sharp eye on Justin. "Enough little boy." Justin warned him.

"Well I suppose some of ya'll can party tonight, but still... don't stay out until three in the morning and wake up drunk in the wrong person's bed." Kevin said, looking at everyone. "Hmmm, now that sounded like fun." Chris giggled. "Thank you. I'm sure we have a new 'A.J.'" Kevin teased Chris. "Where is A.J.? Did he go back to the hotel?" Danay asked, looking over to Nick and Lance. "Yeah, he was pretty upset after practically breaking up with Amanda." Lance answered her. "He doesn't want kids." Nick explained flatly. "He didn't say that Nick. He just said right now he's not ready for a child." Lance argued, trying to assure everyone. "I can see his point. I don't think any of us would ever be ready to raise a child." Kevin agreed.

Brian sighed lowly and kissed Justin's back. He lifted Justin slightly so that Justin was sitting on one of his legs. "I wouldn't say that Kevin." Brian said loudly so that he could grasp everyone's attention. "Huh?" Kevin questioned. "Don't say that none of us would be ready to raise children because you're speaking for yourself and not us." Brian said sharply. "What are you saying Brian?" Britney asked quickly. "I'm just saying that some of us may be ready for children... at least one day." Brian responded, his voice cracking slightly due to his nervousness. "Yeah. he's right. I wouldn't mind raising a child in like a couple of years." Britney agreed. "Is that what you mean? Britney and Amanda raising children?" Joey asked, still feeling shakey with the conversation. Brian shook his head and looked up to Justin. Justin stared out to everyone else with his hands on Brian's knee.

"What do you mean Brian?" Nick asked clearly. "While in Kentucky, me and Justin had to take care of my cousin Jacob. He's a small baby and we took care of him for a day. Well... while taking care of him, Justin brought up the subject of adoption." Brian explained. "Adoption?! As in you two becoming parents?" Nick quickly sputered out. Kevin's eyes shifted from Nick to his younger cousin. "Wow!" Britney gasped. "Yes, I meant me and Justin adopting a child." Brian finally answered the silent questions that were asked through his friends' eyes. "What?! Parents? You two?" Kevin shot out his questions with a hint of anger in his voice. Brian nodded without fear. "That's a rather large responsibility Brian." Chris reminded him. "And something ya'll don't even have to think about because you're not doing it." Kevin quickly argued. "What? Who are you to decide whether or not me and my husband adopt?" Brian argued. "You're not even married yet!" Kevin barked at him. "Kevin, we're not getting a baby today. In like a year or two when things slow down." Justin pointed out for him. "And if things never slow down?" Howie brought up a serious question that had yet to cross Justin's mind. "I mean, I'm not against it or anything because I think everyone should have that gift to raise a child. But as a Backstreet Boy or even just being in 'N Sync, you aren't guaranteed that year off to raise a child. You're oinly guaranteed a five minute break when you need to breathe and then it's dive back in." Howie stated. Kevin felt a rise in his arguement.

"Yet... I think since Brian and Justin are going to be married, they should be able to make that choice. Or at least discuss it." Nikki argued against her boyfriend. "She's right. Not saying that it's the best thing for right now, but in a year, I could see a little baby running around with Brian and Justin to take care of him or her. Because that's just how caring they are." Joey agreed siwftly. "You can't raise a child in a year Joey." Britney stopped him. "Who says that we only get a year off? And still... it's not like they're going to leave thier child at home while they tour. I mean look at Lauryn Hill, she has two children, one is barely a year old and the other is even younger, yet she tours the world and her children go with her everywhere." Joey said with a strong conviction. "But come on, Brian and Justin?" Chris shot back. "What? You should have seen how dedicated Justin was to Jacob. I have never seen such love and devotion in his eyes." Brian said. "Yeah, I've seen that in Justin's eyes when he's with Jonathan." J.C. agreed. "Raising a child is a big issue though." Kevin pointed out. "Kevin, one day I wish you would agree with one thing that Brian and Justin want," Danay complained loudly. "I can do that." Kevin snapped back. "Can you? All they want is a child. A child to call their own. A baby Brian or Justin or whatever that they can raise and be happy with. A family. And you mean to tell me you'd deny your cousin and your new cousin that right?" Britney finally decided her side of arguement. Kevin was stumped. "I'm all for it." J.C. said, looking towards Justin. "Thanks." Justin chimed towards J.C. "Yeah, I'd like to see a little baby Justin Jr. come Christmas next year." Danay giggled.

"And I wouldn't mind a child of my own someday." J.C. sighed lowly. "A child?" Lance questioned. He had remained pretty quiet but when the thought of he and J.C. raising a child came to mind, he quickly shuttered. "You always were one for children." Nikki smiled at J.C. Both Kevin and Lance gave their former love a thought before ignoring it. "I didn't say it'd have to be with you Lance. I'd just like a son or daughter one day." J.C. replied, not bothering to look at his lover. "Well I wouldn't mind that either... but as our career stands now..." Lance was beginning to form an arguement before J.C. put his hands over Lance's lips. "I don't care about our career. I care about bigger things." J.C. whispered to him. He tried to make Lance see the side of love that looked past the present and cried out for the future. Lance nodded and awaited J.C. to remove his hand. When J.C. did, he replaced it with his lips. Lance took a moment to enjoy the caress of J.C.'s lips again before letting his tongue slowly creep into J.C.'s mouth. "Not them again!" Howie groaned as he took a seat on Danay's lap. "Dont' get comfortable." Danay giggled as she elbowed Howie. "Hey, anything to get away from their make out session!" Howie laughed loudly.

Britney found a chair next to Brian and Justin and sat. "So what do you want? Girl or boy?" Britney asked with excitement. "Uhm, right now we were thinking about a boy." Justin shrugged out with his answer. "Wow! So what do you wanna name him?" Britney asked, still caught up in the moment. "Britney... we're kind of far away from adopting a baby right now." Brian giggled at her enthusiasm. "Oh, I know. I just want to picture the baby." Britney assured him with her sweet accent. "Brian Jacob Littrell." Justin answered for Brian. "So he'd be a lil' Brian?! Oh how cute!" Britney sighed. "I think it's sick. And I really think you should reconsider Frick." Nick butted in. "I didn't ask you what you thought, did I?" Brian snapped back. "Being that I'm your best friend, I thought you'd like to know." Nick said softly. "Nick, my best friend would support me all the way. Now what does that make you?" Brian questioned, trying to keep from his anger. "Someone who cares for you so much that he'd hate for you to be tied down by a baby that he's not prepared for." Nick tried to reason. "Nothing will 'tie' me down. Especially not if I had a son or daughter, because I give my life to their father and I'd give my life to them too." Brian stated, hugging onto Justin for support. "Oh yeah, the baby's going to love having two dads." Nick groaned. "So what you're trying to say is that you'd never want a child? A baby that looks up to you for love, support and guidance?" Justin finally decided to ask. "Yeah, I'd love that!" Nick basoted. "Well how are you going to get a Nick Jr? I mean... are you expecting your boyfriend to pop out children all of the sudden?" Justin asked with a clear mind. Nick ran his hands through his hair as he thought of the best answer to stump Justin. "Maybe I'll get someone like Leigh Ann or a girl to carry the baby for me and then me and my 'boyfriend' can take care of the baby." Nick shot back. "Oh that was the perfect answer." Britney added sarcastically. "Like Leigh Ann?!" Brian shouted with surprise. "Yeah, she's a nice girl." Nick smiled.

"Enough of this ya'll." Kevin demanded. Brian quickly hushed himself and returned to rubbing Justin's shoulders. "I swear Nick, if there's anybody that you thought was nice, it would not be Leigh Ann." Britney whispered, trying to end her arguement with him. She returned her attention to Brian and Justin with a smile. "Brian Jr eh?" she quickly cooed. Brian and Justin just laughed at her. "I'm serious you guys. If you need a sitter, I'm sure me and Joey can handle it for you." Britney gleamed. "I'm sorry, did I hear my name?" Joey called out to her. "Yes Joey!" Britney hollered back and then laughed. "Wouldn't he make a cute daddy?" Britney snickered. Brian and Justin found themselves playfully rolling their eyes at the giggling girl.

Brian and Justin were in the lobby of Hapuna Beach Prince Hotel. Brian was holding Justin's hand as guests walked back and forth through the lobby. Justin stared lightly into Brian's face, wanting to be in their room holding each other. His wants had to wait though. Brian was expecting the arrival of his parents and Harold. Justin bit his lower lip as he received no attention from Brian. He slowly tried to release Brian's hand to give Brian the space he needed. As another guest passed by, Brian felt Justin's hand slip out of his own. Brian glanced over his shoulder and saw Justin walk over to one of the small couches in the lobby.

Justin took a seat on the couch and looked towards the sliding doors. 'I wish they would just get here.' Justin thought to himself. His patience had grown low since he and Brian had had less and less time to spend together while they were in Hawaii. "Tell me what's wrong?" Brian requested with a whisper. "I'm just cold, that's all." Justin replied, wrapping his arms around himself. He watched as Brian sat down next to him and gently ran his hand over Justin's face. "You're cold in Hawaii?" Brian pondered with disbelief. "It happens." Justin argued. "Please tell me what's wrong babe." Brian pleaded, scooting closer to Justin. "I'm cold." Justin lied again. "I don't believe you." Brian whispered, his voice was filled with hurt. Justin looked away from Brian with shame. Brian ran his hand over Justin's face again for comfort. "Okay... so maybe I wish me and you could spend a bit more time with each other now that we're in Hawaii. And I know that's selfish of me and we'll hae a whole week to fuck and suck, but that doesn't mean anything to me. The time we spend when you hold me means alot to me." Justin sighed out. Brian gave Justin a loving smile. "So you do want to just hold me at night and nothing else?" Brian questioned, hoping for the honest answer. "That's all I ever want." Justin replied, taking a second to look into Brian's baby blue eyes. "And I never knew." Brian whispered, keeping a serious yet gentle straight face. He leaned forward and nuzzled his nose to Justin's cheek. "I'm sorry." Brian whispered as he laid soft kisses on Justin's cheek. "I should have said something." Justin assured him as he hugged onto Brian. "No... as your future husband, I should know when you just need to be held. And my mind has been so far from that and I'm sorry." Brian argued lightly, still kissing Justin's cheek.

Justin ran his fingers over Brian's soft patch of hairs on his chin and sighed with happiness. "This is why I want to marry you." Justin whispered into Brian's ear. "Because I'm a good kisser?" Brian teased. Justin giggled softly at Brian's reply. "No, because you just always try and make me smile. Even when I'm wrong, you're still trying." Justin replied. "Because I love you." Brian said honestly. He took the chance to look into Justin's eyes. "And I love you." Justin replied.

"And I love moments like this!" they heard a familiar woman's voice. Brian blushed quickly and moved off of Justin. He stood to see his mother and father smiling at him. "Sometimes I wonder if you guys should be seen in public." Brian's father joked. "No, it's very cute!" Jackie disagreed. Justin felt flushed in the face, but he gladly welcomed Brian's parents. "So, excited?!" Jackie quickly asked Justin with enthusiasm. Jusitn nodded happily, as if he was a child running after the ice cream truck. "Good because I can't wait to have a new addition to the family." Jackie cheered. "You may get another new addition next year." Brian slyly said. Justin quickly elbowed him and smiled towards Brian's parents. "Another?" Brian's father questioned. "He thinks I'm late." Justin joked. Jackie looked at him with a serious face. "We're thinking of adopting a baby sometime next year or the following year." Brian explained Justin's joke. "Adopting?" Jackie asked with obvious dislike. "Yes, as in a baby." Brian replied smoothly. "So you want to raise a child eh?" Brian's father boasted. Justin gave both of them an unsure look. "Well I need a grandson and since Harold can't make up his mind, I'm glad you two can." Harold said with glee. A smile slowly came upon Justin's lips before he looked towards Jackie. "Don't you agree Jackie?" Harold questioned his wife. "Uhm, yeah, it'd be nice. Although, adopting?" Jackie was still in doubt. "Well I don't think Justin's ready to carry a baby in his stomach for nine months." Brian teased, running his hand over Justin's stomach. Jackie found it hard to laugh at her son's joke. "I don't think she's too happy about it." Justin whispered to Brian. "Well mom, if me and Justin have the oppurtunity to give a life and a home to someone who doesn't have one, then why shouldn't we?" Brian argued lightly. Jackie tried her best to snap out of her stare into space. "You're right Brian. If you and Justin can give a home and plenty of love to an infant, then who am I to stop you?" Jackie smiled, trying to give her son an impression of love.

Before Brian could object fo her false nature, he heard the call of his older brother Harold. "Well if it ain't the soon-to-be newlywed couple." Harold cheered as he walked up to them with a blonde haired woman on his arm. "And if it isn't Harold... and Leigh Ann." Brian sighed when he saw his ex-girlfriend. "Why Brian, it's so nice to see you too." Leigh Ann said with a bubbly attitude. "And why hello Justin. Er should I say Justin Littrell?" Leigh Ann cheered, faking a smile for Justin. Justin gave a quick stare before returning his attention to Brian's parents. The tension between everyone was felt by Justin. "Have your parents arrived yet, Justin?" Jackie decided to change the subject abruptly. "Yes, they have. We met with my mother and my step-father earlier this evening. And I received a phone call from my father saying that he'll be at the hotel first thing tomorrow morning." Justin stated. "Oh good!" Jackie cheered brightly.

"What's the plans for tonight lil' bro?" Harold asked as he ruffled Brian's hair. "Uhm, the guys are all hitting the town and me and Justin are tagging along. You and your girlfriend here are welcome to come along." Brian invited them hesitantly. "We'd love to!" Leigh Ann answered before Harold could object to the thought. Harold gave her an awkward look before Brian snapped him out of it. "Do you guys want to rest first? We're about to go meet the guys down the street." Brian explained, grasping Harold's attention. "No, we're cool. Uh... let's go." Harold said with a shrug. "Okay, mom and dad, I'll chat with you guys over breakfast tomorrow, okay?" Brian requested while grabbing a hold of Justin's hand. Justin gladly held Brian's hands while awaiting a response. "Yes, tomorrow morning." Jackie agreed. "Don't stay out too late guys." Jackie warned before they could get away. "Aww, come on mom. My little brother here is getting married to the best brother-in-law I could get," Harold said with a chipper accent. He threw his arm around Brian and smiled brightly to his mother. "Ugh, just don't get arrested." she teased. Brian laughed with her and escoreted Justin, Harold and Leigh towards the door.

Within ten minutes they had walked down to the local bar where everyone was waiting. "It's about time!" A.J. groaned as he saw them. "Sorry, had to meet with my parents." Brian replied. "And I see you brought company?" Britney questioned, giving Leigh Ann a wicked stare. "Of course. Harold and Leigh Ann, I'm sure you know everyone." Brian gave little introduction. "Yes, how are you all doing?" Leigh Ann said with a brillant smile. She had yet to impress anyone. "Well let's go inside and just chill, shall we?" Kevin offered. Everyone agreed with him and stepped inside the bar.

Justin sat at a table with Harold, Leigh Ann, Brian, Kevin, Nikki, Britney and Joey. He watched as A.J. did his best to interact with Amanda, while Lance, J.C. and Chris played pool, Howie entertained Danay, Mandy, Nick and Veronica.

"So Brian, do you want me to stop by when you get back and help you guys get settled in?" Leigh Ann offered. "No, that's okay. I'm sure me and my husband can settle in our own place." Brian giggled, looking directly at Justin. "Are you talking about the house or your bed?" Justin smiled back at him. "I was actually thinking we'd start room by room and beak them in." Brian laughed. Justin gave him a light slap on the leg and flushed with embarassment. "Hey, you'll be married. I think sex is allowed then." Joey assured Justin.

"Could we change the subject? I'd rather not hear about my little brother and his 'husband' fucking." Harold requested. "Yes, let's change the subject," Leigh Ann while giving Brian a loving stare. "Well how about we talk about you and Leigh Ann, Harold. How serious is this?" Britney suggested while giving Leigh Ann a nateful stare. "Oh, we started dating a month ago, but we're getting closer by the minute." Harold chimed, placing his hand on Leigh Ann's. Leigh Ann snapped out of her trance to look at Harold. "Yes, soon maybe I'll be a Littrell too." Leigh Ann giggled with a false nature. "I bet that's not the Littrell she wants to be married to." Nikkie whispered to Britney. Britney nodded while not taking her eyes off of Leigh Ann. "Uh, it'd be nice to finally have ol' Harold settle down." Kevin joked, lightly nudging Harold. "Yeah well had Brian not gone out and asked Justin, maybe I would be the first one with a new Littrell in the house." Harold replied sharply. "You move too slow." Brian added. "Maybe you move too fast." Harold argued. brian shot Harold a look of anger while Harold gave Brian a look of envy.

"And if you don't go out and get married soon, there just might be another Littrell before your wife." Brian boasted, holding onto Justin's hand. "Excuse me?" Leigh Ann quickly asked. "Me and Brian are thinking of adopting a child sometime Leigh Ann." Justin answered with a smile before the words could form on Brian's lips. Brian shrugged, letting Justin have his way. "A baby!" Leigh Ann barked at him. Justin nodded with pride. "How in the hell are you fit to raise a baby? You're only eighteen and you're a guy." Leigh Ann snapped at him. Justin became defensive quickly. Brian stood from his chair and pulled Justin up with him. "Mind if I talk to you for a minute?" Brian requested, looking at Justin. Justin quickly looked at him and nodded. "Me and Jusitn will be back kiddies." Brian chimed before walking Jusitn off to a corner.

"Uhm, I'm going to go save Amanda from A.J. before she goes crazy." Britney announced. "Have fun!" Nikki laughed, knowing the situation. Britney giggled with her before looking at Joey. "And when I get back, me and you are going to have a LONG talk." Britney warned him. "What? What did I do wrong?" Joey quickly asked. "I didn't say you did anything wrong Joey." Britney smiled exotically. Joey found himself smiling back at her. She gave him a small kiss on the cheek and walked off.

"Harold, can you and me talk?" Leigh Ann requested as she stood from the table. "Yeah, sure baby!" Harold replied, standing up from his chair. Leigh Ann walked off towards the bar and Harold quickly followed.

Britney and Amanda found their way to the bar and took seats beside Leigh Ann and Harold. "So what's up doll face?" Harold asked as he carefully ran his hand over her hair. "Can you believe that they're going to adopt a baby?" Leigh Ann quickly hissed. "It's their choice. I personally want a little nephew to play with." Harold shrugged. "But still... they're guys. What do they know about babies? And that Justin! What can he do for Brian and a baby?" Leigh Ann snapped. "What does it matter? I've sen them together. They look happy and could probably take care of a child just fine." Harold replied. He could sense something different about Leigh Ann. "Let's not talk about those two lovebirds. Let's talk about you and me. Maybe one day me and you could have a baby of our own." Harold said with an endering smile. Leigh Ann looked to the corner that was occupied with Brian and Justin and frowned. "Hello? Leigh Ann sweetie, what about us?" Harold asked again. She quickly looked at him with an expression of loneliness. "Harold... I don't know how to tell you this, but there is no 'us'." Leigh Ann sighed. "What?" Harold asked with shock. "I started dating you because I thought you'd help me get over him. But I can see that you are nothing like your younger brother and he's what I want." Leigh Ann stated without reservation. Harold became choked up with her speech. "I didn't mean to take it this far, but I really want Brian back." Leigh Ann added. "No, you've taken it far enough ma'am. I can see why you have always been concerned about them. Justin was right about you. You don't care for anyone but Brian. And I should've listened to him." Harold trembled out his words. "I'm sorry you feel that way," Leigh Ann replied. "No, I'm sorry I ever messed with you Leigh Ann Wallace." Harold retorted. He stood from his stool and quickly ran out of the bar.

Britney looked at Amanda with a knowing frown. "Do you want to?" Amanda offered with obvious signals. Britney nodded. They both stood from the stools and shifted over to where Leigh Ann sat. Leigh Ann looked up and saw the two girls standing over her. "Oh Lord, what do ya'll want now?" Leigh Ann groaned. Amanda took the seat that Harold once sat in and smiled at Leigh Ann. "Look Leigh Ann, it's pretty obvious to everyone that we don't like you. So why hide it?" Amanda spat out. "Yeah and it's rather obious that there's one person you're trying to get and that's Brian." Britney added. "And your point is?" Leigh Ann questioned as she rolled her eyes at Britney. "My point is that you're not getting him. And for you to use Harold like that is pretty low." Britney snapped back. "He'll get over it." Leigh Ann shrugged. "Oh no, he won't get over it. But I know something you won't get over. That's the fact that Brian and Justin are getting married tomorrow." Amanda interupted her. "Not if I have much to say about it." Leigh Ann said with a spark in her eyes. "Look, you won't have much to say at all if you come between them." Amanda warned her. "Really? Two dumb broads like you are going to stop me?" Leigh Ann asked sarcastically. "Look bitch, I'm going to make this clear to you. If you come within ten feet of that wedding tomorrow, me and Britney are going to whup your tired, blonde bimbo ass and then beat your ass for making us fight on Brian and Justin's wedding day. Okay?" Amanda snapped at her with ready eyes. Leigh Ann looked at her with slight fear. "And don't bother saying anything else because I don't like to get dirsy, but for you Leigh Ann, I might just make that exception." Britney added. "Like I'm scared of you two. Brian's going to be mine." Leigh Ann boldly stated.

Amanda quickly stood from her bar stool and began to remove her rings from her fingers. "And Justin can kiss my ass if he doesn't like it." Leigh Ann whispered, ready for Amanda. "See now bitch, you didn't have to say anything about Justin. He was my boyfriend and now that you said that, it's on." Britney said as she pulled her hair up in a ponytail. "Please!" Leigh Ann laughed. "You know what? I don't have time to tear your little behind up." Amanda stated with a knowing smile on her face. Leigh Ann smiled back, feeling she had won the battle. "But that doesn't mean that I don't have time to do this." Amanda added before pouring a mug of beer on Leigh Ann's dress. Leigh Ann screamed loudly and stood from her stool. "And remember what we said." Britney reminded her as she and Amanda walked off. Leigh Ann looked around and could feel eyes on her from every angle. She quickly ran out of the bar with tears in her eyes.

"What was all of that about?" Joey asked as Britney sat back in her chair. "Oh nothing. Leigh Ann just said she was a little thirsty." Britney repsonded with a huge grin on her face. "That's my girl!" Nikki laughed and she and Britney slapped hands. "Sometimes you just have to speak your mind," Britney sighed as she relaxed in her chair. "And you wanted to speak your mind to me about something?" Joey pondered. "Oh yeah! Come with me." Britney smiled and grabbed Joey's hand. She stood again, this time with Joey and they made their way out of the bar.

"Can I ask why you dragged me all the way over here?" Justin questioned. He was leaning against the wall in the corner while Brian stood in front of him. Brian and Justin had paid no attention to the conflict between Harold and Leigh Ann, nor the battle between Leigh Ann, Amanda and Britney. Their eyes were concentrating on each other. "I brought you over... because I wanted to kiss you." Brian answered. "Oh come on Brian, you could have done that when we were sitting down." Justin complained lowly. "No, because I want to kiss you here." Brian said before laying a gentle kiss on Justin's lips. "And here..." Brian whispered before kissing Justin on the cheek. "And here too..." Brian added while softly and gently kissing Justin's earlobe. "Brian..." Justin tried to stop his fiancé from his onslaught of kissing. "And I wanted to kiss you here..." Brian said as he suckled Justin's neck. "Oh yeah, I wanted to kiss you here too..." Brian whispered as his lips cirlced to Justin's collar bone. Justin ran his hands over Brian's hair as his body did it's best to find off it's need for an erection. Brian grabbed a hold of Justin's shirt and gently began to pull it down. "Uhm, don't you think your lips are tired yet?" Justin questioned softly, trying to push Brian up. "Uh, yeah... I think I should top eh?" brian giggled, releasing Justin's shirt. "Not that I want you too... but yeah." Justin smiled. Brian smiled back at him with an innocent look.

"Hey you two, ca we do something exciting before you get married?!" Chris begged as he surprised them. Brian quickly jumped and moved to the side of Justin. "Oh please, we all saw you." Chris groaned. Brian blushed and looked away from Chris. "What do you want to do Chris?" Justin asked with no shame. "Well..." Chris boasted before whispering into Justin's ear. Justin's eye bulged out when he looked at Chris. "Are you serious?! The five of us?!" Justin questioned quickly. "Yeah, come on." Chris pleaded. Justin looked at brian who was in the dark on the situations. "If we do this, you won't ask me to do anymore crazy shit?" Justin questioned. "Not until we get back to Orlando." Chris chuckled. Justin looked to Brian again who looked at him with concern. Justin sighed loudly and said, "Okay, we'll do it." Brian grabbed Brian's arm with caution. "We'll do what?" Brian asked. "You'll see." Justin grinned. Brian gave him an aggriavted expression. "Can you let go of my arm?" Justin requested, looking down to his straining muscle. Brian released Justin's arm and looked up at him. "I'm sorry.. did I hurt you?" Brian ponderred with a pouted lip. "Nope babe." Justin chimed. He snatched Brian by the hand and he, Brian, Chris, A.J. and Amanda exited the bar.

Justin was dragging Brian down the street with A.J., Amanda and Chris in front of them. "Why I agree to be anywhere with you right now, I have no idea." Amanda commented as she stuck close to Chris. "Because we know what you were about to do at the bar and we promised not to tell anyone if you came." Chris responded for A.J. A.J. removed his Kangol hat and slipped it on Amanda's head. "Because there's only certain ways that I can say sorry to you." A.J. added with a whisper. "There's one way that you won't say sorry." Amanda warned him. "Amanda, can we just be Panda and Bear tonight? Not have to worry about all the bullshit of the past?" A.J. demanded sorely. "A.J., me almost being pregnant is not 'bullshit'. It's something important to me." Amanda snapped back. "Okay, come on Amanda. I don't want to have to call House down here to Florida to seperate you two." Chris joked to lighten the situation.

"So can I ask where you're taking me or do I have to trust you?" Brian pondered. "Do you trust me?" Justin asked, watching the couple in front of them. "Of course." Brian boasted. "Then it shouldn't matter." Justin said flaltly. Brian was not pleased with Justin's answer and drifted from him. Justin looked at him curiously. "What?" justin finally spoke up to him. "I didn't say anything." Brian replied coldly. "Fine Bri." Justin pouted and began to speed up his walking. Brian watched Justin move away and sighed lowly. 'Am I the asshole or is he?' Brian pondered as his walking became slower.

Chris removed his hand from around Amanda's shoulder and looked back to Brian and Justin. He could see that Justin was right behind him while Brian was further back. "A.J., you and Amanda chat. I'll be back." Chris said with gusto. A.J. cocked a brow at him with interest. "You want me to what? With who?!" Amanda joked. "Please." A.J. finally peladed. Amanda groaned and moved over to where A.J. was. "Keep your hands to yourself." Amanda warned him. A.J. raised his hands with laughter.

Chris found his way back to where Brian was and started keeping pace with him. "Oh this is no fun. How can you walk this slow?" Chris complained in his attempt to make Brian laugh. "Have they found a cure for your disease?" Brian giggled. "Not yet." Chris chimed. Brian shrugged and carefully looked to where Justin was. "I knew he was on your mind." Chris whispered with a grin. "Not really." Brian lied. "I may be crazy and rather out of control, but I'm far from stupid." Chris stated. "I can see." Brian nodded. "So what did that brat do this time?" Chris questioned. "What makes you think he did something?" Brian asked of him. "By the looks of your face, I can tell." Chris assured him with a small laugh. Brian shook his head in disgrace. "So, what did that little brat do?" Chris questioned again. "He... he acts like we spend no time together and then when I try... he pulls away." Brian explained sorely. "And so basically you're hurting more than you want to because you try to make time for everyone and when you try and make time for Justin, he says it's too late?" Chris offered his theory on the situation. Brian was surprised at Chris's vast knowledge. "That's it!" Brian called out. "That's what I thought. If there's one thing I think we've all learned from Justin, it's now that matters to him and not later." Chris stated. Brian nodded, his eyes focusing on the ground before him. "But the fact that you try means alot to him. He just has to realize that you're more than just a friend. You're the one person he's going to run to when he argues with J.C. or he disagrees with Lance about the schedule or when I'm not home to play ball or when Joey's busy with Britney. And even when we all get along, he's still going to want to spend his every minute with you." Chris explained with concern.

Chris placed his arm on Brian's shoulders and tried to make Brian smile again. Brian found himself smiling at the thought of being Justin's support. "You're going to be the asshole he leaves me for because you two haven't fucked in an hour and he misses you." Chris joked. Brian laughed with him. "And maybe when ya'll are ready, you're going to be right next to him being a father to your baby together. Lord knows that'll be one more gift for me to buy during Christmas, but it's not like I don't want to." Chris chimed. Brian nodded, finding himself agreeing with Chris more and more. "Why didn't me and you ever chat like this?" Brian pondered. "Because Brian, you are a Backstreet Boy and always will be. So they're more your family than us guys of 'N Sync are. But we're happy you're taking the chance to get to know us regardless." Chris responded. "And plus you're taking that brat Justin off our hands, so we thank you." Chris teased. Brian nudged him with a smile. "We're your friends and it's like you're marrying our little brother. Though J.C. and Lance are very protective of Justin, me and Joey are rather cool about it. We like to think you're like another member of the group or something." Chris boasted. "Thanks." Brian responded lowly. "Now can we move up the pace because I'm tired." Chris complained in the same tone he used in the beginning of their talk. This time they walked with a smile written across Brian's face.

"Hey Amanda, sing it one time with me!" Chris requested as he began to snap his fingers. "Do you mean..." Amanda questioned, turning her head back to look at Chris. "That's the one!" Chris hollered back. A.J., Brian and Justin looked at both of them with confusion. Chris began to hum a melody and then he and Amanda began LEN's song.

I know it's over for me

If you steal my sunshine

Making sure I'm not in too deep

If you steal my sunshine

Keep the hurt away from me

If you steal my sunshine

Justin began to laugh at the song. He knew it well because of Chris's constant blasting of it in there dressing rooms. "Don't pretend like you guys don't know the song!" Chris laughed as he rushed his walk with Brian. "I love it!" Amanda chimed. A.J. just giggled at Amanda's child-like attitude.

"We're here everybody." A.J. announced as they stood outside of their destination. Brian looked up to the large sign that said 'Uncle Lou's Tattoo's'. "What are we doing here?" Brian questioned, looking directly to Justin. "What do you think we're doing idiot?" A.J. laughed at Brian's naive nature. "They suggested it." Justin shrugged, trying to hold his innocent face. "And so you went along with it!" Brian barked at him. "Oh come on Brian. You only live once and you already have one. Why not go for another before you get married?!" Chris requested. "Yeah Brian, all of us are doing it." A.J. joked, making his ploy on an after school special. "Say no to drugs Brian." Amanda laughed. Brian tried not to laugh with her.

"Come on. You don't have to get one if you don't want to, but at least sit in there with us." Chris begged as he began to pull Brian towards the front door. Brian stumbled with Chris inside as the others followed.

They took a seat in the waiting area with fear written over all of their faces. "Remember the last time we visited a tattoo place?" Chris tried to joke to Justin. "I think I'm still having nightmares." Justin giggled. "So... uh what are you guys getting tattoos of?" Brian asked nervously. "You'll see!" Amanda flourished. Brian shrugged a tried to relax himself.

"Okay, so what are you gentelemen and a lady looking to have done today? Eyebrow peircing? Ears? Tattoo? Tongue? Lip? Nose?" the older woman asked of all of them. "Uhm, all though all of those sound great and all, I think we're all going for the tatto." A.J. spoke up and then stood. "Well aren't you a work of art?" the woman flirted lightly as she saw A.J.'s arms. "Yeah, my work of art." Amanda said as he stood. A.J. smiled back at her. "So now she wants him." Chris whispered to Justin. Justin nodded with a shot of laughter.

"All of you?" the woman asked as she pulled out some paperwork. A.J. looked around to get nods from everyone but Brian. Brian looked to Justin and could see that Justin was getting one. "You are?" Brian asked for assurance. "Yeah, I figured it wouldn't kill me." Justin responded. Brian looked to the floor before he felt Justin's hand on his knee. He looked up at Justin with slight fear. "Are you sure?" Brian questioned. "Yes, and you are too." Justin replied with a nod. Brian bit his lower lip with more fear. "Well the ink could be dry by now." the woman noted sarcastically. "Okay." Brian sighed before laying his hand on top of Justin's. "Good, now sign these guys. Just for precaution and all." the woman cackled and handed everyone a peice of paper. They looked over the wavers before hesitantly signing.

"All right, I have three tattoo artists available. So you can go by two's and the one by themself." she explained while reading over the wavers. "Okay, uh, Chris you wanna go by yourself?" A.J. asked. "No, I'm going with Chris." Amanda interupted him. A.J. gave Chris a look of jealousy. "It has nothing to do with me liking him idiot. I don't want you to see my tattoo until it's done." Amanda explained to spare Chris. Chris stuck his tongue out at A.J. A.J. growled at him and then turned to the woman. "Uhm, they'll be going in together. The other two together and me by myself." A.J. explained. "All right, everyone follow me." the woman sighed and led them to the back area.

Brian took a seat in the waiting chair while Justin looked over the book of tattos. "What do you gents want today?" the kind, young artist asked. Justin flipped through the book and came to the Japanese characters. A thought sprung to his mind and he turned to the artist. "Do you know how to write names in Japanese?" he asked. "It depends on your name. I have to be able to translate it into Japanese." the man stated. "Well can you do the name 'Brian'?" Justin asked. "Why yes, I can." the man responded quickly before grabbing a piece of paper. He began to write the name out in Japanese while Justin decided on where he wanted the tattoo.

Justin thought for a few more seconds before deciding. "Okay, where do you want it buddy?" the artist asked as he finished his design. "Right below my left shoulder blade." Justin requested. "Okay, lay on your stomach in the chair and remove your shirt." the artist explained while preparing the needle.

Justin complied with his wishes and lifted his shirt. Brian gave him an uneasy look. He had discussed this with Justin before and Justin had agreed with him not to get a tattoo. Now they were sitting in a room, preparing to get a tattoo and Brian's fears of it were gone. He was touched that Justin was getting his name scribed into his skin. plus Justin was doing it in Japanese letters, which brought an erotic yet exotic look to Justin.

Justin gripped the chair in pain as the artist was etching the design onto his flesh. Small tears were leaving his eyes. He had forgot how much pain he went through to get his first tattoo on his ankle. He tried to let the stinging cease as the artist wiped over the tattoo again.

"Okay, we're done buddy. Just relax a bit and let the pain subside a little." the artist said as he cleaned his utensils. He stood from his stool and walked out of the room. Brian quickly walked over to Justin and looked at him. He wiped away the few tears that were still on Justin's cheeks and frowned. Justin laid his head on the chair and whimpered quietly. "How does it look?" Justin tried to joke with his question. "It's beautiful." Brian replied. Justin smiled while another tear fell down his face. "It's not too small or too big?" Justin asked with concern. "No. I doubt people will say much about it. But you can see it." Brian replied, still staring in awe at the tattoo.

Justin nibbled on his lower lip as he began to sit up in the chair. Brian quickly helped him up and held Justin. "You okay?" Brian asked, laying a small kiss on Justin's neck. "Yeah, I'll be fine." Justin answered. "I just don't know how A.J. does this so much." Justin giggled with another tear in his eye. "He's a fighter." Brian laughed out. He supported Justin on his shoulder and helped Justin to the chair.

"Geez, I can take a shot in the stomach but when it comes to get a simple tattoo, I'm a baby." Justin sniffled out. Brian wiped away another tear and tried to comfort Justin further. "Well wait until you see me. Then you'll see a real baby." Brian tried to sympathize with him. "You don't have to Brian." Justin assured him. "No, I want to. That's was the bravest and yet sweetest thing you could do for me. Though when we're like fifty, we'll say we we're asses. But right now, I'd love to get your name on my body." Brian giggled. Justin gave Brian a gentle kiss on the nose and smiled.

"Okay, your turn buddy." the artist said as he re-entered the room. Brian took one last look at Justin before heading over to the chair. He removed his shirt and looked at the artist. "I want the name 'Justin' right below my left shoulder." Brian explained before turning over in the chair. "Just like your friend's over there?" the artist questioned. "Yep, in Japanese please." Brian answered lowly. "Okay, you've got it buck-o." the artist smiled and prepared to begin work on Brian.

Soon enough, Justin was helping Brian to the front area. The artist followed them, trying not to laugh at their obvious pain. Justin looked around and saw Amanda and Chris waiting on them. "There you are." Amanda smiled and waved to them. Brian and Justin smiled back and found seats next to her. "Where's A.J.?" Brian asked as he tried not to lean on his left side. "Wait... you'll see... in five... four... three.. two... one..." Amanda snickered. "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" they heard the distinct sound of A.J. screaming. "Good Lord, what are they doing to him?" Brian questioned. "I think he's getting a tattoo on his ass." Amanda beamed. "He's so bold!" Justin laughed.

"Did you guys get big tattoos?" Amanda asked as she removed the bag of ice she had on her leg. She showed the tattoo she had gotten right above her ankle. It was of a small panda bear and under it read: Panda. "You got that awful nickname he calls you." Brian joked with her. "I like it buddy." Amanda argued. "It's cute." Justin defended her. "Thanks Justin. What did you get?" Amanda asked.

Justin shyly removed his shirt again and turned around for Amanda and Chris to see. They stared in awe at the Japanese letters. "What does it say?" Chris asked, still staring with wonder. "It says, World's Best Sex Symbol." Justin joked with his answer. "Tell me it doesn't say that." Amanda pleaded with him. "No, it says Brian." Justin gave the real answer as he turned back around to look at Amanda. "Awww, you got his name on you!" Amanda shouted with jealousy and admiration. Justin nodded and grabbed onto Brian's arm. "And you?" Chris asked, making a gagging face towards Justin. "I got Justin's name on my back." Brian replied softly. "You did? You got his name too! Awww, that is so cute." Amanda cheered again. Brian and Justin laughed at her as they tried to cuddle.

A.J. limped into the area with a small tear running down his face. "Aww, what's wrong with the baby?" Chris asked, trying to control his laughter. "Shut up." A.J. snarled as he walked to the front desk. "Okay people, it's pay time!" the woman announced as she looked over prices. "So what'd you get?" Amanda asked with a smile. A.J. looked at her with another tear in his eye. "Who loves you?" A.J. asked sorely. "What'd you get?" Amanda asked again. "Who loves you baby?" A.J. questioned again. "I asked first!" Amanda laughed. "Okay... I got 'A.J. Loves Panda' on my back." A.J. sniffled out. Amanda kissed him softly on the cheek and smiled. "A.J. loves me." Amanda responded to his question.

"Eh, what did you get Chris?" Brian asked as he paid for his tattoo. "I got my logo from FuManSkeeto tattooed on the back of my shoulder. It's kind of small." Chris replied with a giant smile. "Who-da-whada-huh?" A.J. asked quickly. "Fu-Man-Skeeto." Chris replied slowly for A.J. "Huh?!" A.S. asked again. "He's hopeless." Justin laughed out as he handed the woman his money. "Yeah well, at least I got something understandable." A.J. argued. "Oh yeah, you love your Panda." Brian teased him. A.J. playfully slapped Brian in the arm. "Let's get out of here people. I do have a long day tomorrow." Justin suggested. He ran his hand over his hair and looked at Brian. "Here you guys go and enjoy." the woman said as she passed each of them a small bottle of Aloe Vera lotion. They all nodded and exited the tattoo shop.

They arrived at the hotel with smiles upon their faces. "I'm so tired guys." Chris groaned as they stepped into the lobby. "Yeah, I'm bushed." A.J. agreed lowly. "We should all hit the hay anyway. We do have a rather interesting day tomorrow." Amanda snickered, looking at Brian and Justin. Once again they had zoned out into their own world, looking at each other, giving one another small kisses and admiring the time they had together. "Okay, are you having fun?" A.J. mocked the couple. "Go to bed A.J." Justin advised as Brian gave him another small kiss on the lips. "Who's romm are you guys staying in?" A.J. asked. "Uh, I'm staying in Kevin's." Brian responded. He looked into Justin's eyes and then towards his pouting lips. He knew what to do and moved in for another kiss. "And you... Justin?" A.J. questioned while slipping his hand between their moving lips. Justin backed away with slight anger. "Chris?" Justin proposed the question lightly. Chris nodded in his direction. "Chris." Justin smiled towards A.J. "Okay then... don't you two think you should be going to bed? You do have a long day tomorrow." A.J. suggested as he still kept his hand between their lips.

Brian curled his lip at A.J. with disappointment. "Okay A.J., we'll go to bed." Brian groaned. "Good." A.J. smiled. Justin released Brian from their hug and looked around the lobby. He saw a familar man sitting on one of the couches with his head in his hands. "Uhm, I'll see you in the morning?" Justin requested of Brian. "Yeah, just meet me in the hotel restaurant for dinner with my parents." Brian replied with a geuine smile. Justin nodded and left Brian's side. "Don't lock the door Chris!" Justin yelled to Chris before continuing his march towards the lobby couches.

Justin took a seat and looked at his friend. "Do you want to talk?" Justin offered while relaxing on the couch. "Why?" was the reply he got. "Because I know you want to, Harold." Justin responded. "Yeah well... not right now." Harold sighed as he lifted his head. "Then I guess I had better ask the desk clerk for some pillows because I'm not going upstairs until we do talk." Justin teased him. "I hate saying you're right you know?" Harold commented. "Everyone does." Justin agreed. "No, but I really don't want to say it to you." Harold interjected. "When was the last time I was right?" Justin joked. "About Leigh Ann." Harold finally exhaled her name. Justin caught on quickly. He scooted next to Harold and placed a hand on Harold's shoulder. "What happened?" Justin asked. "She dumped me." Harold answered briefly. "Figures." Justin sighed. "I should have listened to you, but I was so sure she had changed. So sure she wasn't in love with Brian and she loved me, Harold, for who I was." Harold sniffled out. Harold placed his head back in his hands with disappointment.

"This doesn't mean life's over Harold. One day, you're woman of your dreams will come to you." Justin assured him. "Yeah, this coming from an eighteen year old kid who already has what he wants in life." Harold laughed half-heartedly. "I was blessed to get Brian." Justin whispered. "Yeah, but you have him. I was fooled by some girl who told me she cared and then ends up telling me that she's still in love with my brother and I was just someone there." Harold balled out. "Hey... she's a bitch, I could have told you that." Justin shrugged. He moved his arm so that he was hugging Harold's shoulders. "I know, but it hurts that I could have listened to you and not flew her all the way out here to Hawaii when all she wanted was to break my heart." Harold sighed out. "Love hurts. I know." Justin assured him. "Love sucks." Harold joked with a small laugh. "Hey, my love sucks pretty damn good, thank you." Justin giggled. "Ill, I don't want to know about my brother and his oral tendacies." Harodl laughed, lightly pushing Justin away.

Justin hissed in pain when Harold's hands touched his back. "What?! What is it? Is it your stomach?" Harold quickly asked with care. "Geez Harold, I didn't know you care." Justin laughed as he looked at Harold's dramatic expression. "Well I don't." Harold pouted. Justin gave him a doubtful look. "I got a tattoo Harold." Justin stated. "You got a what?!" Harold asked in shock. Justin quickly tried to hush him. "I got your brother's name tattoed on my back in Japanese." Justin explained. "And does he know?" Harold asked with a calmer tone. "Yeah, he got one too." Justin responded. "He did? Wow, mom and dad are going to flip! Last time hegot one, dad was on the phone with him everyday preaching to him about how Littrell's don't get tattoos." Harold laughed. Justin was shaken by the news. "I guess that's why he didn't want one." Justin pondered. "That and maybe he was scared?" Harold offered his opinion. "Yeah, that could be it too." Justin giggled.

"Well this sucks." Harold lamented. "What? You wanted a tattoo?" Justin inquired. "No! I mean it sucks that I actually enjoy you being my brother-in-law. Now I can't call off the wedding tomorrow," Harold smiled towards Justin. Justin quickly hugged onto Harold with happiness. "Now don't get too attached, I might just consider you a younger brother." Harold joked with as much enthusiasm as Justin showed. "I already think of you as that older brother I never had." Justin admited, releasing Harold. "Of course you have some competiton with Joey, J.C., A.J. and Kevin." Justin teased. "Oh there nothing compared to me. Because we'll actually be related." Harold argued with a smile. "Yeah, but I'll be related to Kevin too." Justin reminded him. "I always wondered how that cousin twicre removed thingy worked," Harold snickered. Justin elbowed him and laughed along.

"We should get to bed." Justin suggested to end their laughter. "Yes... we have a..." Justin quickly interupted him. "A LONG DAY!!! How many people can say that in one day?" Justin gushed. "Well it'll be important to me to finally see my brother married. Even if it is to a dorky guy like you." Harold kept the humor moving. "So it doesn't bug you anymore that your brother is marrying a man?" Justin questioned seriously. "From what I can see, you're not a man yet Justin." Harold teased. "Stop, I mean seriously." Justin pleaded with him. "No, it doesn't. If it was just any man... then yes it'd bug me that my brother is having sex with a guy. With you, it's not that way. You are like a little brother to me and you seem to care so much for Brian. And ALL of his life, that's all he's ever looked for." Harold said with pride. Justin couldn't keep the smile from leaving his lips.

"So don't ask anymore. I don't think anyone but Leigh Ann is going to have a tough time with tomorrow." Harold assured him. Justin wasn't as confident as Harold was. "No, Nick will." Justin quickly disagreed. Harold took the time to think over Nick. "Now he's always going to be a part of your life. He is the closest person before you that Brian had." Harold reminded him. Justin nodded and looked off into the lobby.

Lance sat on the bed in his room with J.C. The room was dark yet comforting for some. He had not spoken with J.C. much since they had returned from the bar. It was as if J.C. was purposely avoiding Lance. Lance looked over to the balcony in which J.C. was standing on. "J.C.?" Lance gave a small call to his boyfriend. J.C. glanced over his shoulder to look at Lance. He turned around slowly and made his entrance back into the room. He closed the balcony door and looked at Lance's lonely eyes. "What's wrong?" Lance begged of an answer with a simple look of his eyes. J.C. shrugged and sat down next to Lance. "You can tell me. I am your..." J.C. stopped Lance. "What are we Lance? Are we boyfriends? Lovers? Friends? Booty calls? I mean, what are we to each other?" J.C. asked swiftly. Lance was hurt by J.C.'s question. He nervously looked away from J.C. with tears forming in his eyelids. "I'm sorry Lance. I don't want to hurt you, but I want to know when you go to sleep at night, am I on your mind? Do I mean anything to you?" J.C. peladed with Lance. "You mean the world J.C! You're my boyfriend, at least that's what I thought. But you're also my lover, a gentle lover that I love." Lance replied with a tremor in his voice.

J.C. gently laid his hand on Lance's shoudler, but Lance coldly pulled away. "And what am I to you J.C.?" Lance asked as he stood. "Everything you said. I love you Lance, but sometimes I feel like we could do so much more if you opened up to me." J.C. confessed. Lance walked to the balcony door and gazed out between the sheer curtains. "Maybe I'm too shy to tell you how I feel sometimes J.C." Lance whispered. "I don't want you to feel that way. I'm not Nick, I'm Joshua Chasez. And I've given you so much." J.C. spoke softly to ease Lance's sadness. "I know." Lance pouted. J.C. stood from the bed and walked over to Lance. He stood behind Lance and placed his arms around Lance's body. He nuzzled his cheek to Lance's and sighed into Lance's ear. "All it takes is me and you, Lance." J.C. whispered. "Me and you and..." Lance questioned. "And a box of condoms." J.C. giggled. Lance nudged him but finally smiled. "Love me?" Lance questioned. "Always." was J.C. response. "Then make love to me." Lance reuqested, slowly running his hand over J.C.'s cheek. J.C. nibbled on Lance's ear and comtemplated Lance's request. "Do you want me to make love to you or have sex with you?" J.C. asked, trying to get to the bottom of his lover's request.

There had been many nights where J.C. felt that the love they could make was filtered out through rushed and unsuited thoughts. "I want you to caress me, undress me and make my body scream..." Lance pleased in a tender voice. "Serious Lance. Do you want me to make LOVE to you or have sex with you until we fall asleep?" J.C. asked again. His patience was strong, but he had to know what was in Lance's mind. Lance pondered the situation again. His hand was still gently running over J.C.'s cheek when he prepared to respond. "Make love to me." Lance requested as a tear ran down his cheek.

J.C. released Lance so that Lance could turn and look at him. Lance let the tear fall in it's current of pain. "Don't cry yet..." J.C. asked of Lance before rubbing the tear into Lance's cheek. Lance nodded and awaited J.C. to make the first move.

J.C. brought his fingers nervously to Lance's sweater. He slowly began to lift the sweater from Lance's body and Lance raised his hands to help him. J.C. dropped the sweater to the floor without a thought. Lance leaned back against the glass door as J.C.'s hands found their way to Lance's slacks. Lance was nervous for the first time since he and J.C. had reunited.

J.C. unzipped Lance's slacks and let them fall to Lance's ankles. With a swift move, J.C. was pressing his lips against Lance's neck. Lance moaned softly and ran his hands over J.C.'s chocolate tinted hair. His mind was in a daze as J.C.'s tongue slithered over every drop of flesh on his neck. J.C.'s hands moved their way down to Lance's boxers as he kissed his way to Lance's chest. "J.C., we arent going to do this here are we?" Lance questioned with his moans. "No sweetie, I just want to tease you." J.C. replied before running his tongue over Lance's left nipple. Lance gasped again as his back pressed harder against the door.

J.C.'s hands gently cupped Lance's balls through his boxers. He rolled them around before running his fingers over Lance's length. Lance was ready for J.C., but J.C. was holding out. J.C.'s lips made love to Lance's chest, his tongue caressing the nipples and his lips kissing the curves that defined Lance's body. Lance's hands romaned J.C.'s hair with enthusiasm and a need to prevent himself from cumming in his own boxers. His kinky nature took a backseat to J.C.'s kind and exotic hormones.

J.C. lifted his mouth from Lance's body and tried to look into Lance's eyes. Lance opened his emerald eyes and stared at J.C. J.C. didn't have to say much to Lance for Lance to understand that things were about to go further.

J.C. grasped hold of Lance's boxers and slowly pulled them down. J.C.'s body moved down with the boxers and he fell to his knees in front of Lance. He stared at Lance's erect cock with a smile upon his lips. "I love you..." he heard Lance whisper. J.C.'s smile became larger and he moved his head closer to Lance's cock. Lance hissed in through his teeth as he awaited J.C.'s lips.

J.C. carefully kissed Lance's penis. He laid kisses all over the head of the cock, treating it as if it was a pair of lips. His tongue stuck out and gently licked the head of Lance's cock. He grapsed the shaft in his hand and held it so that he could lick it as if it were a ice cream. Lance quivered with excitement. J.C.'s tongue slid over the head once more before he gently took the head into his mouth. His tongue did not stop it's powerful attack as he slowly took the rest of Lance's cock into his mouth. "Uhmmm.... J.C..." Lance groaned as his cock slowly sank into J.C.'s throat. J.C.'s hands wandered over Lance's legs as he sucked Lance off. J.C. felt Lance's head beginning to expand and he pulled back on the cock. 'He can't be done now...' J.C. complained to himself before running his lips over Lance's most senstive area, his head. Lance grasped onto J.C.'s head and slowly tried to control the rhythm of his oral sex. He did a poor job as he felt himself growing closer to climax. "Oh God! J.C.... I don't know what to do..." Lance heaved out. J.C. removed his lips from Lance's dick and smiled. "Down my throat." was all that J.C. had to say before going back to work on Lance's cock.

Lance felt his knees getting shakey and he slid down the door. He laid his ass onto the floor and spread his legs as J.C. tried to accomodate to Lance's new position. J.C. laid on his stomach while propping himself up on his elbows. He grabbed Lance's cock again and returned his mouth to Lance's head. "I can't..." Lance panted out as J.C. gently began to deep throat him again. J.C. moved a finger to Lance's thigh and softly rubbed it. He wanted Lance to know that he cared and that he could handle it. "Please..." Lance begged with a tear falling down his face. 'Just do it..' J.C. thought to say but his current position prevented him. Lance ran his own hands up and down his chest. He was holding in all he had for J.C. 'What is he doing to me? Why am I crying? He's making love to me... like... like it was the first time or something?' Lance tried to think out his question while holding back. J.C. brought his finger from Lance's thigh to Lance's navel. Lance knew J.C. was doing his best to comfort him.

J.C. removed the cock from hsi throat and gingerly sucked on the head. Lance's cock throbbed with need. Lance finally let another tear run down his face before releasing himself into J.C.'s mouth. "Oh God I love you..." Lance yelled as he came down J.C.'s throat. J.C. swallowed slowly, suckling and savoring Lance's juices. Sweat trickled down Lance's head as he relaxed the back of his head against the door.

J.C. lifted his head and smiled towards Lance. He crawled between Lance's legs and nuzzled his head to Lance's chest. "How was it sweetie?" J.C. questioned. Lance lifted his hands and ran them all over J.C.'s head and face. "Beautiful." Lance whispered. He breathed hard, letting J.C. listen to his heartbeat. "But I want you to make love to me..." Lance breathed out. "Not now, you're still..." J.C.'s words were halted by Lance. Lance placed his finger at J.C.'s lips and ran it to J.C.'s chin. He had almost forgotten that J.C. was now growing a beard and the hairs were strong at his chin. Lance lifted J.C.'s chin so that they could stare into each other's eyes. "Make love to me." Lance requested again. J.C. nodded and shyly lifted his head from Lance's body.

J.C. stood to his knees and looked down at Lance. Lance looked up into J.C.'s eyes and felt a rush over his body. Lance slid from under J.C. and got to his knees. He placed his hands on J.C.'s shoulder and inched his head closer to J.C.'s. "Ready?" J.C. whispered. Lance nodded and leaned forward. His lips laid onto J.C.'s and began to move back and forth. His mouth laid open as J.C. gradually began to return the kiss. Lance waited for J.C.'s tongue to slide into his mouth and when it did, he sucked cautiously on it.

Lance's hands roamed J.C.'s clothed body with a simple touch. J.C. parted their lips to whisper the words, "Bed..." and quickly went back to tonguing Lance's mouth. He stood to his feet simultaneously with Lance and they both stumbled towards the bed.

J.C. released Lance's lips long enough to pull the covers back on the bed and let Lance lay under them. J.C. mounted Lance's body and pulled the covers over their hot bodies. Lance's hand grasped J.C.'s button down denim shirt and ripped it open. The buttons flew over the bed, but J.C. didn't care. He pushed Lance back on the bed and ran his hands over Lance's smooth chest. He felt Lance's hands move to take off his wife beater and he didn't stop Lance. Lance lifted the shirt off with J.C.'s assistance. Lance stared up at the golden toned skin. The smooth sweat that slicked J.C.'s chest caused a ring of attraction to form in Lance's eyes. J.C. grazed his hands over his own hair and looked back down at Lance. Lance gently began to lift his crotch and grind it with J.C.'s. J.C. got Lance's hints quickly. He leaned down and began to kiss Lance's slick lips again. This time he let Lance's tongue slide into his mouth while he undid his belt. Lance wrapped his hands around J.C.'s back and sighed into J.C.'s mouth. 'He's going to make love to me...' Lance thought throughout his thoughts of passion. He tried to grind his crotch again with J.C.'s and felt the smooth silk boxers against his erect penis. 'Almost...' Lance gasped in his mind.

Lance felt J.C. fumbling under the covers and soon the form of a strong, long erect cock against his thigh soothed him. J.C.'s hands returned to Lance's cheeks and gently caressed them as their kiss went further. Lance dug his hands into J.C.'s back and felt the sweat slick them away. J.C. released Lance's lips and panted hard against Lance's neck. "Come on.." Lance pleaded as he spread his legs. J.C. nodded, still running his hands over Lance's cheeks. "Do you want me ot use a condom..." J.C. asked with a deep groan. "No... I want you inside of me... all of you..." Lance asked. J.C. had never fucked Lance with more than Lance could handle. Now Lance had become acustom to what J.C. was blessed with.

J.C. slid his hands from Lance's face down to Lance's chest. He used both of his hands to tease Lance's nipples. "Oh... yes..." Lance grunted as J.C. played with his nipples. J.C.'s hands left Lance's chest and moved down to the soft hair surrounding his dick. The auburn hair led to the area that J.C.'s mouth had been earlier. Lance bit his lower lip with depseration. J.C. used his finger to scoop up the pre-cum that was streaming from Lance's hard penis. He brought the finger with the pre-cum to his own hard tool and ignored the pleasure Lance wanted on his penis. J.C. ran the pre-cum over the head of his cock and smiled. He took his other hand and stuck a finger into his mouth. He swirled the finger around in his mouth while looking into Lance's eyes. Lance panted with anticipation. The sweat trickled from each end of his body.

J.C. removed the finger from his mouth and brought it down to his shaft. He ran his finger all over his own shaft to lubricate it. Lance closed his eyes and prepared for J.C. He spread his legs even more and gently relazed his ass muscles. J.C. leaned down and lined himself up with Lance's small hole. J.C. stucked his tongue out and began to tongue Lance's lips before slowly moving forward. Lance's mouth shot open as he felt the head penetrate and J.C. took this to his advantage and shot his tongue in Lance's mouth. Lance closed his lips around J.C.'s tongue and sucked it while J.C. gently sunk deeper inside of his body. J.C. brought his hands up to Lance's chest. He guided his hands over Lance's sweaty chest. Lance clenched his eyes shut and tried to relax even further for J.C.'s girth. He adjusted quickly and soon felt the pleasure of J.C. moving back and forth inside of him.

Lance felt J.C.'s hairy balls rub against his ass. He released J.C.'s tongue to let out a pleasuring moan. J.C. kept his eyes clothes and moved his lips to Lance's neck. With a tender kiss, he began to suck on Lance's neck, right below Lance's chin. Lance panted harder for J.C. as J.C.'s hands made their way to Lance's cock. J.C. gripped the firm meat and began to jack Lance off. Lance stopped him and moaned out, "Don't do it... I want to cum with you..." J.C. keot his lips wrapped around Lance's neck, sucking feverishly. Lance rolled his hands over J.C.'s back and controlled himself.

J.C.'s cock gently rode deeper inside of Lance, letting his balls rest against the outside of Lance's entrance. J.C. had never gone so deep and for such a long time inside of Lance. It was soothing for him. "Am I hurting you?" J.C. asked while releasing Lance's neck. "No.... I.. uh... uh... I love it... you..." Lance gasped out. J.C. nodded and returned his lips to the large hickey he was forming on Lance's neck. Lance gripped J.C.'s back as his dick was began humped by J.C.'s stomach. 'He's going to make me cum...' Lance thought between his moans.

Lance tried his best to use his leverage and pushed J.C. to his side. J.C. had never been on his side while fucking and looked at Lance with care. Lance gently pulled J.C.'s cock from is hole and looked at J.C. with care. "Just changing things a bit baby..." Lance whispered. J.C. nodded and let Lance take control of the situation. Lance turned to his side so that his back was facing J.C.'s chest. "Make love to me... again..." Lance requested.

J.C. moved forward and carefully inserted his penis back into Lance's body. He grabbed onto Lance's hips and began to thrust with the same rhythm he had left with. It was a slow rhythm that kept J.C. going and Lance pleading for more. J.C. wrapped one arm around Lance's chest and the other arm lifted one of Lance's legs. J.C.'s hand ran from Lance's knee to the very insides of his thighs. Lance's eyes closed again and his mouth opened to release more moans. "Mmmhmm... oh yes Joshua... oh my... oh Josh... yes..." Lance panted out as he called J.C. by his first name. "I'm trying... I'm trying Lance... uh, uh, uh, uh... oh baby.." J>C. moaned sensually into Lance's ear. Lance's cock rubbed against the soft matress, but Lance didn't care. He just wanted J.C. to cum inside of his body.

J.C.'s mouth was deep into sucking on Lance's back when he heard Lance call him again. "I'm almost... oh Joshua..." Lance tried to pant out. J.C. did not rush his movements any further. His balls ran over Lance's ass with a calm and steady move. 'I'm holding out...' J.C. thought to himself as his hands ran from Lance's thigh to Lance's back. He kissed Lance's back again before quickening his pace. He opened his eyes and looked to the side table. He had been making love to Lance for an hour and had yet to cum inside of him.

With another thrust, J.C. felt Lance's ass grip his cock. J.C. groaned loudly as he tried to keep his movements steady. "OH JOSHUA!" Lance hollered as he came on the sheets. J.C. closed his eyes again and returned his lips to kissing on Lance's sweaty back. Lance tried to keep his pace with J.C. after he came.

J.C. gripped Lance's hips and lifted him. They ripped the covers off of their sweaty bodies and let the love making progress. J.C. was laying on his back and Lance was sitting up on him. Lance gently began to ride J.C.'s cock while J.C. rubbed his hands over Lance's back. 'He's so strong...' Lance thought as he lifted his ass and fell back onto J.C.'s cock. 'I've never seen him... hmmm.... want it so bad...' Lance said to himself as he looked to J.C.'s feet. J.C.'s toes were curled and his body straining to hold back. lance placed his hands on J.C.'s knees and tried to increase the friction between his hole and J.C.'s penis. "Oh... that's it baby... keep moving..." J.C. pleaded through his teeth. His hands ran over Lance's back before he gripped the sheets.

J.C. adjusted himself again and sat up in the bed. Lance continued to ride him as J.C. kissed Lance's back. He left small scratches and hickey's all over Lance's back. 'I'm going to feel like shit in the morning...' J.C. thought to himself as he opened his mouth for another moan. His head began to hit the headboard as he tried to relax during the fuck. "Yes Lance!" he grunted as he came closer to cumming. Lance couldn't take much more as he screamed. His dick was erect once again and rubbing between J.C.'s thighs. Tears slid from his eyes. He had never had so much pleasure in one nights time. "Make love to me..." Lance pleaded again for J.C.'s ears. J.C. bit his lower lip with excitement.

"Yes baby! Oh Joshua... I'm almost there again... oh yes... yes Daddy..." Lance grunted as he moved faster and harder on J.C.'s cock. 'He's really into it... he just called me 'Daddy'..." J.C. thought. He was doing his best to bring Lance to his third orgasm. "Hmmm... yes Lance... just go with me..." J.C. requested as he was on the edge. Lance felt J.C.'s head expand right at the center of his hole. "Oh big Daddy..." Lance grunted before cumming between J.C.'s thighs. J.C. decided it was time and let himself go.

"OHHHH!! Oh ho... heh heh... ah ah ah ah... oh James!" J.C. screamed as he came deep inside of Lance. Long stream after long stream went inside of Lance. Lance stopped his riding to let J.C. cum. J.C.'s cum filled Lance's ass and slipped out onto J.C.'s softening cock. "Hmmm.... mmm.... heh heh heh he.... mmm.." J.C. hummed as he calmed himself. Tears still ran down Lance's face as he lifted himself from J.C.'s cock.

Lance turned around and moved to the otherside of J.C. He turned his back to J.C. and cried into one of the pillows. J.C. rested his head against the headboard and tried to relax. He listened to Lance's painful whimpers and quickly turned to him. He inched over to Lance and placed his hands on Lance's shoulders. "What's wrong Lance? Did I hurt you?" J.C. whispered his question. "No... it was wonderful." Lance sobbed. "Then what's wrong sweetie?" J.C. pondered. "It was the... the best thing anyone has ever done for me..." Lance sniffled out. J.C. kissed Lane's shoulder and rested his head. "It was... it was better than the first..." J.C. stopped himself. "Better than the first time?" Lance questioned while trying to wipe away his tears. "I'm sorry Lance. I know our first time together wasn't... it wasn't as nice as beautiful as it could have been." J.C. quickly apologized. He lifted his head and turned Lance to face him. "We could have... we could have waited and made it special, but I guess our hormones and curiosity were a little bigger than that." J.C. stated to ease Lance's cries. "It's okay. As long as my first time was with you... it doesn't matter if we were doing it at the Ritz, in your bed, on the basketball court, in a hot tub or in your car. As long as I'm with you..." Lance whimpered.

J.C. gave him a look of suspicion. "Then what's wrong?" J.C. asked again. "I... I really love you... not just the words, but everything that is Joshua Chasez. I actually love you and it's scares me that one day... you might now feel the same way..." Lance cried. Lance threw his arms around J.C. and hugged onto his chest. "You don't have to worry about that Lance... it's okay. I love you too." J.C. said with pride. He ran his hands over Lance's sunshine toned hair and frowned. "Does this mean... does this mean you love me more than Nick?" J.C. wondered. Lance lifted his head and kissed J.C. on the lips. His kiss was meant to last. J.C. moved with Lance's lips, but the question remained in his head. He pushed Lance back and looked into his eyes. "Does it?" he asked softly. "Nick... Nick means alot to me, but I don't love him like I love you." Lance confessed. J.C. smiled at him and understood.

J.C. wrapped his arms around Lance as Lance pulled the covers over their bodies. "Good night J.C." Lance whispered sa he cuddled his heaad to J.C.'s chest. "Night." J.C. whispered back as he relaxed his head on the pillow. They fell asleep in each other's arms with smiles engraved on their lips.

J.C. strained to keep his sleep. His eyes fluttered open and he looked to see Lance was not laying in the bed with him. He rubbed his eyes and gazed around the dark room. 'Where is he?' J.C. asked himself as he sat up in the bed. He looked out towards the balcony and could see Lance sitting outside.

J.C. removed the covers from his body. He placed his feet to the floor and searched for his boxers. 'Note to self, next time you and Lance make love, make sure to know where your clothes go.' J.C. joked with himself. He smiled and found his jeans and boxers in a pile under the bed. He grabbed his jeans and searched his pockets. he came upon two objects and pulled them out. 'Well looks like I didn't need this.' J.C. sighed as he dropped the condom to the floor. He grabbed his boxers and stood. He slid on his boxers and walked out to the balcony.

The sun was slowly rising in Hawaii. J.C. ran his hands over his face before approaching Lance. He looked at the blonde as he sat in the lounge chair on the balcony. Lance was dressed in only a ivory white, hotel robe. J.C. knelt in front of Lance and tried to look into his eyes. "What's up?" J.C. asked carelessly. Lance looked down to him and frowned. "Justin and Brian are getting married today." Lance sighed. "And?" J.C. wondered at his lover's new found depression. "Justin's marrying Brian." Lance shrugged. "Okay, we established that the first time around. So where's the problem?" J.C. questioned. He placed a hand on Lance's knee and tried to coax Lance further. "Nick loves Brian." Lance replied sorely. "Oh." J.C. gasped. "So what does that mean?" J.C. asked softly. "It means I feel bad for Nick because he's losing two things that he loves dearly." Lance explained. "Brian and..." J.C. questioned further. "Me." Lance whispered. J.C. was in shock. "I can't be there for him this time. I kind of think Nick needs to suffer through this because..." Lance turned his eyes away from J.C. "Because everytime I'm there for him, I'm the vulnerable one and my mind tries to tell me I'm in love with him." Lance sadly said. J.C. ran his hand to Lance's hand and held it. "Maybe because in your heart you do love Nick?" J.C. asked. He didn't want to ask, but he had to be sure for himself. "I don't love him like that. I did... I can say I did. But then something hit me. You." Lance answered, turning his eyes back to J.C.'s "And cupid doesn't strike twice." Lance stated. "So..." J.C. wanted to extend his question, but he knew it was still a sore arrea for Lance. "So if you're trying to find out if I have any feelings for Nick, I do. But purely as a shoulder for him to cry on." Lance coldly replied. "I didn't mean to anger you. Sometimes I guess I'm the vulnerable one when it comes to you." J.C. whispered. "We all have that one person that affects us deeply." Lance assured him. J.C. looked to the sky for his answer.

"Watch the sunrise with me." Lance requested. J.C. looked back to Lance's eyes as they glimmered in the light. They had a honey hue to them that brought many feelings back to J.C. "Wait.. I want to ask you something first." J.C. pleaded. "J.C., please don't ask me anything else about Nick. I didn't come to Hawaii to argue about him." Lance sighed. "No, no, no. Not Nick. It's about me." J.C. whispered. He grabbed Lance's left hand and smiled. "And you." J.C. added. Lance gave J.C. his full attention when he saw the compulsion in J.C.'s eyes. "What is it?" Lance wondered. J.C. opened his other hand for Lance to see. In J.C.'s hand sat a small, hunter green, velvet box. Lance's eyes widended with fear. "I know we're in Hawaii for Justin and Brian's wedding... but I've been thinking alot about us lately. Including that time we spent in the studio. When Chris asked us those questions, we hurt each other with our answers, but we were honest. We didn't hold back any secrets. And it was important to me that in the end, we were still in each other's arms. It just meant so much to me. And though we do have our fights... the making up and the love afterwards is so much more powerful. I can't say anymore that I want what Brian and Justin have... because I already have it." J.C. said softly and with care. He flipped open the box and inside sat a small, silver ring. "I once told someone that love is hard to find, but one day you will find it." J.C. whispered. He remember the words he had spoken to Justin. Lance let a small tear roll down his face as he watched J.C. "Lance I found it and I don't want to let it go." J.C. whimpered as a small tear graced his own cheeks.

"So... despite the work we put forth to get together, I knew from day one that it was you I wanted. And for the four years that I've known you, I've never had a day go by where I wasn't happy that you were my friend first and lover second." J.C. added. Lance lifted his hand for J.C. to hold tighter. "So I'm asking you, on this day, July the fourth... will you become Mr. Joshua Scott Chasez... will you marry me?" J.C. whispered his question as he removed the ring from the box. He held the ring out to Lance and waited.

Lance didn't know what to say to J.C. He loved J.C. greatly, but he wasn't sure if he was ready for something so committing as marriage. "J.C., I..." Lance tried not to look into J.C.'s powerful eyes. "J.C, I..." Lance tried to start again. "J.C., I'm not ready for marriage..." Lance finally replied. J.C. held the ring tightly. "I love you alot, but marriage... that takes alot of thinking." Lance explained with another tear rolling down his face. J.C. watched the tear fall without worry. "Lance... I understand." J.C. responded to ease Lance's pain. "But while you think, wear this ring. I know you're not ready... but wear it so that you know that one day, one day you can say 'I do'." J.C. requested. Lance looked down at him and melted by J.C.'s caring attitude. Lance nodded and let J.C. slip the silver ring across his ring finger. J.C. cluthced Lance's hand and smiled. "Even if you're never ready... I want you to know that I'm there." J.C. added. Lance nodded again, wiping away the tear that had streaked his cheek.

J.C. scooted into Lance's lap and nestled his head to Lance's chest. "Now... watch the sunrise with me." J.C. requested with a smile. Lance ran his hands to J.C.'s head and smiled. "Okay." he whispered as he watched the golden sun take over Hawaii's shores.

Joey woke up with a slight throbbing sesnation in his head. 'Ugh, everytime I have one damned beer, I get like this.' Joey sighed to himself. He pulled the covers from over his head and snuggled to his pillow. He heard a soft moan and opened his eyes. He watched as a finger gently tapped his nose. "Morning." Joey smiled and stae into a pair of brown eyes. "Same to you." he heard the woman's voice reply. "Sleep good?" Joey asked. "Yeah." was the response he recieved. He felt the woman snuggle to his body with a loving smile. "You're not tired or anything, are you Joey?" she asked. "Nah, it's a big day for us! Brian and Justin are getting married." Joey exclaimed as he ran his fingers through her honey blonde hair. "Yeah, big day." she agreed. "Are you okay? I mean... I didn't hurt you last night or anything? Did I Britney?" Joey questioned in fear.

Britney lifted her head to look into Joey's fearfilled eyes. "At first... yet, it hurt alot. But then it was... WOW!" Britney boasted. Joey's smile broadened at his girlfriend's compliment. "You're okay with it? I mean... me taking your virginity and all?" Joey questioned. Britney nodded happily. "It was just right because you took your time and you were always seeing if I was okay. I mean... gosh, it was better than in my dreams." Britney cheered. "Was it that good?" Joey laughed out. "For a first time, Southern gal like myself... it was better then grits and bacon in the morning." Britney joked with her accent. "You're not hurting now are you?" Joey questioned. "Just a little sore, but I'm sure I'll be okay." Britney assured him. "He was sweet of you to hug me and hold me last night." Britney added softly. "You're were so innocent looking. I've never had the oppurtunity to hold you at night or watch you sleep." Joey replied. "Well it meant alot to me because... I thought when you were... er, finished that you would leave or something. Or maybe I freaked you out or something." Britney nervously stated. "You know I've slept with other women." Joey reminded her. Britney sadly nodded. "But they were just women. You were something different because it was like... you trsuted me with alot of things Britney, and that scared me. But I knew if I was scared, you'd be scared too." Joey explained. Britney smiled at him brightly. "And you have quite the 'Superman' there." Britney giggled as he messed with Joey. "Eh, careful or we may have a repeat performance of last night." Joey joked as he began to tickle her in the bed. Britney pulled the covers over their heads and relaxed with Joey.

Justin geled his hair quickly while looking in the mirror. "Breakfast with the folks eh?" Chris questioned while popping into the bathroom. "Yeah." Justin smiled as he styled his hair. "And just several more hours before you get to jump the broom." Chris teased while watching Justin. Justin giggled with him. "So... has your mom brought up a way to cancel the wedding." Chris asked seriously. "No, but something tells me she'll still have her objections." Justin replied. "All good mothers do. They just want to know their son is happy." Chris stated. Justin nodded and turned to Chris. "So? Dressed to impress?" Justin asked with a giant grin. Chris looked him up and down before smiling. "You're gonna knock 'em dead son." Chris mocked in a fatherly tone. "Thanks dad. I just hope Potsy and Mouth haven't left without me." Justin joked. Chris fell off the side of the tub laughing at Justin. "I'm out of here dad." Justin laughed as he walked out of the bathroom. "Tell the Fonz I said hi!" Chris yelled to Justin before falling out in another fit of laughter. "Okay, tell Jonnie I said bye." Justin mocked him before leaving the room.

Justin walked with a quick, yet nervous pace towards the hotel restaurant. He reached the doors to the restaraunt and gazed inside. He could see Brian seating his mother while his father waitied. Justin smiled brightly and began his ascent into the restaurant. "Excuse me Justin, can I talk to you?" he heard a familiar, yet hated voice. Justin turned to look at his questionier. Leigh Ann stood before him with a generous smile. "What is it Leigh Ann?" Justin asked her bitterly. "Well I just wanted to talk to you about the wedding today." Leigh Ann replied chipperly. "What about it?" Justin questioned. "I think you should... cancel it." Leigh Ann ordered, her smile quickly fading. "What? Excuse me?" Justin hissed towards her. "You heard me Justin, cancel it. Tell Brian you don't want to marry him." Leigh Ann repeated coldly. "But I do want to marry him." Justin argued. "I could careless if you do want to. Something you just can't have and I think Brian's one of them." Leigh Ann insisted. "Leigh Ann, when will you get over this cry for attention and let me and Brian be?" Justin begged of an answer with a cold stare. "I won't have to worry about that. Cause see... if you marry Brian, you'll be screwing up his life forever." Leigh Ann boasted. "How?" Justin boldly asked, crossing his arms in anger. "What's the one thing you and Brian have yet to do?" Leigh Ann asked. "Adopt a baby." Justin replied strongly. "No idiot, you have yet to let the public know about your little afair here. And just think of how the public will react when they find out they're favorite sex symbol Justin Timberlake and every girl's sweetheart Brian Littrell are having sex together." Leigh Ann warned him.

Justin's mouth fell open at her reply. "See, I don't have to threaten you with this. Because if I did tell anyone, then I'd get stuck with a deadbeat, unfamous Brian Littrell. And I don't want that. My man has to have some kind of money and power and not be a dried up, former teen star." Leigh Ann added. "So you'd be with Brian for his fame?!" Justin asked with even more anger. "Well that... and to see how good he is in bed. But of course you fucked that up by taking his virginity, but I won't hold that against you. Cause I did get a piece of the Littrell clan." Leigh Ann snipped. Justin was dumbfounded again. "That's right and if Brian is anything like Harold, I'd gladly carry his baby around for you." Leigh Ann chimed. "The hell you will." Justin argued. "But that's not my concern right now sweetheart." Leigh Ann smiled at him evily. "And what is?" Justin kept his line of questions straightforward. "I'm here to tell you to leave Brian alone. Because if you don't, you'll ruin his life. It only takes one mistake before everyone in the world knows that you and Brian are having sex. Just one little kiss in public and you're screwed Justin. And Brian won't want to be with the childish idiot that fucked him in the bed and fucked his career." Leigh Ann hissed. She felt power with the arguement, while Justin felt small.

Justin looked away from her taunting eyes and into the restaurant. He found Brian with his eyes and focused on him. 'It only takes one mistake before everyone knows...' he heard Leigh Ann say in his head. A single tear rivered down his face. "And you don't have to listen to me Justin. You can marry Brian and become Justin Littrell if you want to. I'll always be here. But there's one thing... make that two things I can give Brian that you can't." Leigh Ann boasted. She moved closer to him and leaned up to whisper in his ear. "I can be seen in public with Brian. I can kiss him, hug him, cherish him and fuck him in public if I wanted to. Because there's nothing wrong with that. And I can give him a child. I can give birth to a baby Brian Thomas Littrell Jr. Can you do those things?" Leigh Ann whispered with emphasis. She backed away from Justin and smiled.

Another tear graced Justin's cheeks...

"The girls on the Internet don't call me a bitch for nothing Justin." she added with her devilish grin. Justin looked at Brian with pain in his eyes. He looked back and Leigh Ann before running out of the restaurant. Leigh Ann didn't feel any shame as she watched the young boy run away.

'Damn Leigh Ann Wallace, you're good. I almost believed you.' Leigh Ann said to herself with a smile. She reached in her purse and pulled out her compact. 'This is why mother always wanted you to be an actress. Because you can pull off a show.' Leigh Ann boosted her confidence while fixing her face. She looked to where Brian sat and smiled. "Well Brian Littrell, here comes your new wife." she boasted before adjusting her clothing so that she could flaunt every piece of skin available to the human eye.

Leigh Ann strutted her way over to the Littrell's table and smiled. "Hi there Brian. Mr. and Mrs. Littrell." she perked up as they looked towards her. "Why hello Leigh Ann. Where's Harold at?" Jackie asked with a motherly smile. "I think he's still upstairs getting ready." Leigh Ann lied with her reply. "Well have a seat. Brian, pull out a chair for her." Brian's father demanded of his youngest son. Brian mumbled under his beath and stood to pull out a chair for Brian. "Thank you Brian. You were always such a gentlemen." Leigh Ann cheered as she sat. brian forcefully shoved her chair in and smiled down at her.

"Did you sleep good?" Jackie asked her. "Oh, like a baby." Leigh Ann replied. "Really? Didn't know witches slept." Brian murmured. "What was that Bri?" Leigh Ann asked joyfully. "I said I thought Harold's snoring would keep you up." Brian lied. "Oh, me and Harold have seperate rooms. We had a talk last night and well..." Leigh Ann did her best to cry for them. "He said he doesn't love me. He said he thinks I'm still in love with Brian... and well, he broke it off with me." Leigh Ann whimpered out. She used her napkin to cover her face while she still attempted to fake the tears. "Oh darling, I'm so sorry." Jackie quickly spoke up. Brian gave her an appalled look as he watched. "I... I mean he accused me so harshly of still being in love with Brian." Leigh Ann whimpered. Brian's father placed a hand on her shoulder for comfort. "Maybe he had reason to believe that?" Jackie spoke up with her question. "Well... I told him that I did still have feelings for Brian and that was only because... because Brian was really my first boyfriend that I cared deeply for." Leigh Ann sobbed, but looked up to Brian.

Brian gave her an annoyed face and turned away from her. "Brian!" his mother slapped his arm to grasp his attention. Brian sighed and looked back at Leigh Ann. "I didn't mean for Harold to feel like that, but I do care for Brian alot. And I know he's supposed to marry Justin, but when I saw Justin go into the room with Nick last night I..." Brian quickly stopped Leigh Ann. "Justin went where?" Brian quickly asked. "I saw him and Nick... and I think Justin was just trying to help Nick... but then I saw them kissing and I wasn't sure what to do?" Leigh Ann whimpered out. "They were kissing?!" Brian's father quickly asked. Leigh Ann nodded with a sad expression. "No they weren't." Brian quickly denied it. "Brian, I wouldn't lie about this. I mean... I asked Justin this morning what happened and he said it was none of my business who he was sleeping with and he wished that I'd just leave you and him alone." Leigh Ann cried again. "So Justin's cheating on you is he?" Brian's father questioned bitterly. "No!" Brian quickly lashed back. "Leigh Ann honey, are you sure?" Jackie asked. "I know what Nick and Justin look like." Leigh Ann huffed back at her. She quickly tried to regain composure and put on her act. Brian shook his head at her with disbelief.

"Hey there! What's with all the sad faces?" Harold boasted out as he stood at his family's table. "We just found out Justin's cheating on Brian." Harold heard his father reply. Harold gave him an awkward look and then turned to Brian. "It's not true." Brian argued. Harold looked to Leigh Ann and smiled. "Hey there sugar! How are ya?" Harold cheered and took a seat next to Leigh Ann. He grabbed her thigh and then placed a sloppy kiss on her cheek. "Harold." Leigh Ann hissed, removing his hand. "Oh muffin, don't act like that." Harold pouted. "Muffin?" Jackie questioned. "Yeah, we like using pet names. She calls me Stud and well... I don't want use the other words in front of you guys." Harold winked at his mother. Jackie gave him a disgusted look as her concern drifted back to Leigh Ann.

"So what's going on muffin? Did you miss me?" Harold questioned while gropping Leigh Ann. "Harold!" she barked at him. "Harold, control yourself at the table." his father chastisted him. "I'm sorry dad." Harold replied with an apologetic tone. Leigh Ann tried to fix herself and look towards Brian. "I had a really nice time last night..." Harold cheesed to Leigh Ann. "It was nice." she responded without looking at him. "I really liked your idea for role playing too. It was the best... well you know we've had yet." Harold chimed. Leigh Ann's eyes flung open and she stare at Harold in distrust. "Excuse me?" Leigh Ann questioned bitterly. "Don't worry, I won't tell my friends. But tonight, why don't you be Bill and I'll be Monica. maybe I can pick up cigars so you won't have to use your lips so much." Harold winked towards her. She shot him a look of utter disgust. "Harold Jr.!" Jackie quickly yelled at her son. "Sorry mom, but this Leigh Ann is quite the tiger in bed." Harold laughed. Brian bursted into laughter with him. "Harold... I can't believe you. After all I did to... oh!" Leigh Ann hollered at him as she stood. "I'm sorry muffin. Maybe I can make it up to you.. the way you like to make it up." Harold winked at her again as he spoke. Leigh Ann wrinkled her brow and quickly stomped away from the table.

Brian tried to control his laughter as he looked at his parents. They both had faces of anger towards Harold. "What is wrong with you son? Breaking up with her and then flaunting your flithy sexual acts in front of everyone." Harold's father growled at him. "Calm down dad, it's okay. I made all of that stuff up. Leigh Ann broke up with me last night." Harold explained briefly. Jackie's motuh flew open with surprise. "So she was lying, wasn't she?!" Brian quickly asked. "Yes Brian, Justin stayed up part of the night with me last night. He was comforting me about Leigh Ann. And then I went to chat with Nick about you two. But Justin didn't sleep with anybody last night, nor did he come within ten feet of Nick." Harold stated clearly for his parents to hear. "And so she lied to us again?!" Jackie called out. Harold tried to hush her. "Yes, mom. That's her 'Jack of all trades'. She's a real good actress as you can see." Harold assured her. "The nerve of her." Harold senior growled. "I tried to tell you guys." Brian insisted as he sipped on his coffee. "That is one bold woman. And I don't want either of you messing with her again." Jackie ordered. "Hey, no complaints here. I'm getting married." Brian laughed. "Yeah and there is nothing about her appealing to me. But she does have a cute little butt." Harold teased. Jackie gave him another dangerous stare.

"I wonder where Justin is though?" Brian sighed. "Uhm, I saw Justin on my way down here. He was running the other way." Harold responded shyly. "What?" Brian asked with concern. "I think Leigh Ann probably got to him before you did." Harold stated. Brian cursed under his breath and looked into his coffee. "Aren't you going after him?" his father asked. Brian looked up from his coffee and into his father's eyes. "Not yet. Uh guys, there's something you need to know." Brian said, dragging his courage from inside. Jackie looked at her son and knew what he was about to say. "One day me and Nick went to a club and I got really drunk. Well... I was so drunk, I was letting Nick drag me into his room because Nick wanted to have sex with me. And well... Justin tried to stop us." Brian began his explanation. He had all the eyes and attention of his family. He was slowly beginning to relive the experience that almost shattered his life. "I hit Justin." Brian finally blurted out.

"What the hell?" Harold shouted out to him. Soon Harold felt the swift hand of his mother's attack his head. "Watch your language Harold." she barked at him. "I'm sorry mom... it's just that... Brian, what was going through your mind?" Harold snapped at his younger brother. He didn't realize the pain that Brian had already suffered, so his anger could not be controlled. "Being drunk isn't an excuse." Harold senior quickly reminded Brian. "I was stupid. And I'll never live it down, no matter how much Justin tells me he understands," Brian replied, small tears forming in his eyes. Jackie felt for her son. "But Justin did forgive you." Jackie said for comfort. "Yes, he did, but that won't ever change what I did." Brian cried. It had been a long time since Jackie had had the displeasure of seeing her son cry with so much pain. "And he can say he understands... but he doesn't because everynight I lie awake with guilt." Brian whimpered. "Son, that's a rough thing to admit to. We understand you are sorry, but it's hard to understand. We raised you that to hit someone was wrong, no matter what the situation maybe. And for the man who's going to marry you today, that's even worse." his father said with a clam demeanor. "Like I said, I can't change it." Brian sighed, letting tears fall. "I think you have." Harold disagreed. Brian looked to his brother with surprise. "Brian... I watched you and Justin last night. You didn't touch one drop of alcohol. You stayed as far away as you could. And you gave Justin all of the attention he needed and all of the care he needed." Harold stated. Brian nodded, feeling his brother on his side.

"This is something that's going to be hard for me to get over, but Brian you are my son and in hours, Justin will be my son too. So I'll have to get by it now, but we're going to have to have a long talk about this and your relationship with Justin." Brian's father spoke in his fatherly, yet loving tone. Brian nodded, feeling like a small child again in his father's eyes. "Go find him." Harold interupted his father's moment. Brian smiled at Harold and wiped the tears from his face. "Wait... before you go.." Jackie spoke up and reached down into her purse. She handed Brian a picture and smiled. Brian looked down at the picture and then back to his mother. He mouthed the words 'Thanks'.

Brian was out of the restaurant quicker then he knew. He scattered to the hotel lobby and saw the person he was looking for. He smiled and made his way over to Justin.

Justin sat on the same couch that he did with Brian the night before. Justin was staring down at his golden engagement ring without any tears in his eyes. 'I can give him those things... because I love him.' Justin tried to keep the thought alive in his head. He felt a hand on his shoulder and he knew it was Brian.

"You okay?" Brian asked while sitting next to Justin. "No." Justin replied softly. "Whatever she said.. it doesn't matter what she said. I know you don't believe it." Brian whispered. Justin nodded and put the thought of Leigh Ann from his mind. "She did say some rather important things though." Justin added, looking into Brian's eyes. "I doubt that." Brian disagreed. "She said that I could never hold you in public. Never kiss you in public." Justin explained lightly. Brian pouted and nodded. "I don't want the media in our lives, ever. I don't want them invading our privacy, finding out about what we do. I've seen so many lives trashed because of the media and I feel that shouldn't happen to us." Brian stated his arguement. Justin nodded. He didn't have grounds to disagree with Brian. "And when we have a child, I don't want that baby dealing with media following him or her around." Brian added. Justin leaned his head against Brian's shoulder for further comfort.

Brian held the picture and then handed it to Justin. Justin looked down at the picture and smiled. He giggled softly. "Mom brought it for us." Brian whispered. Justin admired the picture of him, Jacob and Brian. It was a picture that brought back that sense of family between them. "Baby Brian?" Justin proposed. "Nope, Justin Jr." Brian joked. Justin nudged him and sighed.

The afternoon passed as the wedding was set up on a far off beach. And as the afternnon began to set, the evening was beginning slowly. The lights of day were falling from blue to yellow as the guests for the wedding prepared to be seated. "They ask us to be best men and what do we get stuck doing? Being ushers?" Howie gripped while and and Chris sat another couple. "It's no big deal." Chris smiled towards the couple. He nudged Howie as a warning. "Chris baby!" Chris heard his mother call upon him again. "Ugh again? Maybe it is a big deal." Chris groaned as he stumbled over to his family. Howie snickered and watched his long time friend run off.

Kevin stood at the main entrance for the wedding. An ivory arch was set in the sand that crossed over Kevin's head. Next to him stood Nick, Lance and A.J. They were all dressed in navy blue tuxedos, while Kevin, Nick and Lance wore dressy shoes, A.J. stood in his dark blue Nike's. "You always have to be different, don't you?" Lance teased him. "It's my style." A.J. shrugged with a laugh. Kevin watched as Nikki, Danay, Amanda and Britney approached. "Parties of the groom... or the groom?" Kevin joked as he saw them. "Uhm, we'll go with... the groom." Nikki joked with him. "Come on, I have the perfect seat for you." Kevin offered his arm to her as he spoke. Nikki gladly grabbed his arm, dressed in a long, baby blue, silk dress. Kevin walked her into the area where all of the wooden, white folding chairs were set up. At the end chairs dangled blue orchids, runnig up and down the rows.

Lance looked out to see the rest of the arrangements. To the very front of the aisle was a wooden altar. Flowers surrounded the altar, some flying with the wind. Each wooden chair was lined with the other, giving a strict yet comfortable look. The rows of chairs were split down the middle for the main aisle. A long white carpet ran down the seperation of aisles. The guests enjoy the feel of the sand beneath them and the rippling sounds of the ocean before them. Small latterns were lit with blue fixtures that laid at the end of every other aisle of each side. The sounds of Tommy, the Backstreet Boys' pianist, filled the small section of the beach with a lucious romance.

Nick walked his way up to where Brian was readying himself. "Hey Bri." Nick shyly said as he stood next to Brian. Brian was so caught up in reading his vows he didn't notice Nick. "Brian?" Nick questioned again, even softer. Brian felt Nick's hand drop on his shoulder and he jumped in shock. Brian looked at Nick and smiled. "Thank God it's you. Justin would kill me if he saw that I was still looking over my vows." Brian chimed before slipping the small index cards in his jacket pocket. "Yeah... uh, can we talk?" Nick requested. "How do I look?" Brian asked as he adjusted his tie. In the pail pink skylight, Brian was still an angel in Nick's eyes. "You look as handsome as the day I met you." Nick replied with tender eyes. "I hope not Nick, I looked awful that day." Brian teased him. Nick held his serious stature.

"Okay, what's up Frack?" Brian asked as he finished adjusting his bow tie. "Brian... I realize you're getting married in just a few minutes. And you know, I'm happy for you." Nick said softly. "Yeah and..." Brian asked quickly. "Brian, I love you. I love you with all of my heart." Nick boasted. Brian frowned towards his long time friend. "Nick, please don't do this now." Brian pleaded with him. Nick ran a hand over his hair and tried to control his emotions. brian looked away from Nick and began to move towards the arches. "Wait, no, I'm going to say this now." Nick said as he snatched Brian's arm. Brian looked down to where Nick's hand gripped his suit. He looked up to Nick with anger in his eyes. "I need you to hear this... because if you don't, I'm not going to be able to handle or stay for this wedding." Nick whimpered to Brian. Brian looked through Nick's wire-framed glasses and saw drops of tears falling. "Nick, don't do this to me today." Brian pleaded again. "I have to, because I've held it back so long." Nick replied. His face was the most serious that Brian had seen since they were friends. Brian regret not giving Nick the time he needed before, but he couldn't take the pain of leaving Nick at this moment.

Nick released Brian's arm and Brian held his ground. The wind blew over them with an intense emotion. "Brian you know I love you. And somewhere in your heart, I know you love me too. And I don't want to ruin your wedding, that's the last thing I want to do. But right now, my heart can't take much more." Nick cried with a strong expression gracing his face. Brian felt for him, but he couldn't reach out to Nick. "So I'm asking you... no, begging you... don't marry Justin." Nick managed to get his words out. Brian shuttered at the depth of pain in Nick's voice.

A dead silence ran over their bodies. The wind carried their thoughts away from each other as they awaited the other to speak. "I guess.. I guess the only way to do this is the right way." Nick sniffled. He reached into his pants and pulled out a silver ring. "Don't marry someone that you've barely known a year... marry me. Me and you can walk down that aisle right now, without Justin. Please Frick, let me be Nickolas Gene Littrell." Nick pleaded sa he held the ring out for Brian. Brian looked at the ring and sighed deeply. "Nick... I... I can't do that." Brian rejected him softly. Nick held tightly to the ring and looked at brian with sadness. "You have to... because I'm your Frack and you're... you're my Frick. On the ring it says, 'Frick & Frack'. That's us baby... that's us." Nick whimpered. Brian shook his head at Nick and looked to the sand. "It's not us Nicky. It never was us." Brian disagreed. "I don't want to walk away from here without you." Nick pleaded.

Brian reached his arms out for Nick and Nick swiftly fell into them. "Shh... I know Nick. It's hard, but you'll always be my friend." Brian tried to hush his cries. "I don't want to lose you..." Nick sobbed on Brian's shoulder. "It's going to be okay. We've been through the best of times together and you're always... always going to be with me." Brian reminded him. Nick let the tears fall more freely as Brian comforted him. "But I can't love you like that. I just can't. I love Justin so much that it hurts me to hurt him. And I'm sorry that you fell for me like this, but I can't love you or marry you." Brian explained while holding Nick. Nick removed his glasses and dropped the ring to the sand. The wind quickly burried the ring under the sand.

Brian pulled Nick off of him and smiled at Nick. "When I get back, I'm going to need someone to play 'ball with." Brian teased him. Nick laughed with him as tears fell. "And I'm going to need someone to hang with when A.J.'s on the phone with Amanda or Howie's trying to flirt with a girl or Kevin's being too much like my damn father." Brian laughed as a few tears escaped his eyes. Nick nodded with a smile on his lips. "And I'm... I'm going to need someone to comfort me when me and Justin have a fight or when I miss him so much that I can't go on." Brian requested. Nick nodded again for him and held Brian's hand. "So, don't think I'm forgetting about you. You're too damn tall and ugly to forget about." Brian tried to joke through his tears. "You're not so nad yourself Brian Littrell." Nick joked.

Brian stared into Nick's eyes with a smile. "And there's one thing I want to give you before I go... as a friend." Brian whispered. Nick looked into Brian's eyes and could see the love had returned. Brian moved forward and grasped the back of Nick's head. He pulled Nick forward and Nick gladly moved with him. Soon their lips were touching and moving back and forth. Brian took his time with the kiss. He moved gently over Nick's trembling lips as Nick tried to hold his tongue in his own mouth. Nick reached his hands up and wrapped them around Brian's back. Brian let Nick have his way and felt Nick's tongue in his mouth. He gently kept the kiss moving for seconds. Nick slid his tongue back into his own mouth as Brian broke the kiss.

Nick's eyes opened slowly and he looked abck into Brian's eyes. "As a friend." Brian reminded him. Nick nodded and cherished that time he had to kiss Brian. "Now go over there so I can get married." Brian demanded nicely. Nick giggled softly and ran over to the arches. Brian quickly fixed his hair and looked out to the sun. 'Goodbye Nick Carter... hello Justin Timberlake...' Brian thought to himself before making his long walk towards the arches.

Brian reached the arches and saw his family, friends and other sitting within the scatter of chairs. He took a deep breath and looked to his older cousin. "Ready?" Kevin asked of him. Brian took one final look to the guests and then nodded. "Let's make history." Brian whispered. "Okay, let me go grab Justin..." Kevin stated before running off.

Brian was thrilled with Justin's idea for him and Justin to wear no shoes during their ceremony. It made the wedding even more sensual to Brian as he felt the smooth sand run between his toes. His navy blue tux brought out the lightness in his baby blue eyes while his hair was nicely trimmed. His face was well shaven except for the small goatee that Justin had pleaded for him to keep. He ran his hands over his hair once more and then he saw Justin approaching.

Justin walked with Kevin towards Brian. Nothing was on Justin's mind but being with Brian at that moment. He smiled as he saw the nervous expression on Brian's face. "You okay?" Justin asked as he stood in front of Brian. "Yeah right. I'm about to get married." Brian tried to joke while his hands shook. Justin quickly grabbed Brian's hands and held them. "Listen to me... you have nothing to be nervous about. You're about to marry me, smile." Justin advised kindly. Brian nodded and faked a smile for Justin. "That's the man I love." Justin cheered. Kevin watched the two as they stared at each other. He hesitantly cleared his throat to get their attention. Brian lost his stare and looked to his cousin. "It's time you two." Kevin informed them. Brian looked back to Justin for that one last look of confidence. Justin's eyes glittered in the setting sun's essence. "Okay." Brian replied for himself and Justin. Kevin nodded and walked out through the aisle.

Brian nervously grabbed Justin's left hand and held it. Brian stood to the left while Justin produly stood to the right. Brian quickly turned to Justin again. Justin turned to look at Brian in confusion. "Tell me you love me again... I mean... tell me." Brian pleaded as he heard the music start. Justin sighed and looked into Brian's serious eyes. "I can't. And I can't because my love for you is so deep now... if I walked down this aisle by myself, I wouldn't make it. Brian, you're like the left side of my heart. One side can't go without the other. And that's how much I love you... in words." Justin replied. Brian smiled at him and turned to face the guests again. "Sometimes... all the time... I'm happy that I found you." Brian whispered. Justin giggled and held Brian's shaking hand.

Tommy watched the couple with a sharp eye. He got a nod from Brian and then he smiled. He began to play the wedding march, causing everyone on the beach to stand.

Soon, all of the guys of the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync walked down the aisle, side by side in pair's of two's. The crowd cooed them on as they made their way down the aisle. Each wore the same navy tuxedos that Brian and Justin wore, with a small white rose pinned to the left side of their jacket and black, classy shoes with the exception of A.J. Nick and J.C. led the group with Lance and Howie, Chris and A.J. and Joey and Kevin followed. They lined to each side of the altar, smiling for on looking family and friends.

Jonathan followed the group, carriyng a small white pillow in which two gold rings sat. He was wearing a smaller version of Brian and Justin's tuxedo's while his blonde hair was slicked back. His innocene was alive, yet his child-like smile faded as he felt the pressures of being in front of the others. Taylor, Chris' youngest sister, followed Jonthan carrying a small, white basket with small orchids. She gently dropped the flowers to each side of her as instructed. She smiled happily for everyone as she walked up the aisle. She didn't know of honor, but she knew she was happy that Brian and Justin asked her to be their flower girl.

Brian tried to control his nervousness as he prepared to walk with Justin. "Ready?" Justin softly whispered. Brian nodded and bit his lower lip. Brian stared towards the altar and got his focus point. Justin took one final long exhale and walked with Brian.

Lynn quickly ushered everyone to stand as Brian and Justin began their walk to the beat of the music. She smiled brightly at her son before pulling out her camera. She snapped a few pictures of the two with joy circling her eyes. Randall watched his son walk past and he found himself smiling. As he predicted, he hadn't talked to his son much since their last meeting, but he put his hurt and anger aside to enjoy a moment he would never forget. The moment he would see his son marry Brian Littrell. He walked as Brian and Justin walked bare footed to the altar, treasuring every second of seeing a smile on his son's young and gentle face.

As Brian and Justin reached the front of the altar, everyone took their seats. Brian still held Justin's hand, trying to smile through his nervous feelings.

The sun's set brought a yellow-purple hue to the sky. The wind was at a steady blow, while the ocean gently ran over the sand. The sky was filled with lust for attention and the sand was in envy. Everything seemed like a dream for Brian and Justin as they stood in front of their family and friends. Time took it's stop to focus it's diamond eye on the couple. Nature calmed it's force to prevent any catastrophe's during the wedding. The sun shined it's final rays towards Brian and Justin's face, shimmering their tuxedo's while changing the pigment in their eyes. The mood was set, yet the words were still unsaid.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the marriage between Brian Thomas Littrell and Justin Randall Timberlake. Love is a word that is hard to define in the human mind, yet not in the human heart. When one loves another, it is not the world's job to judge it. It is left in God's hands. So we are here today to show our respects for a couple that has come together through love and love alone." the reverend spoke up in a strong, yet mono tone. "Is there anyone that is among us today that would object to the marriage of Brian and Justin?" the revered asked, hoping for no response from the guests. Lynn gazed around, wanting to stand and object until she realized how much pain it would bring to Justin. Her eyes shifted to Nick who seemed to stand strong, yet tears building behind his glasses. And then her eyes glanced to Britney, who would did not object to her ex-boyfriend marrying Brian. Her eyes moved to Randall who smiled towards his eldest son with pride. She could find no one upon the beach that would object to the purity of Brian and Justin's love.

"All of us here today have some idea of the love that Brian and Justin have shared for each other. Whether it be from simple words, a small kiss or just speaking of one another, love has grown in their hearts and from the people that surround them." the reverend added with a smile towards Brian and Justin. Brian was proud that such words were spoken of him and Justin. He released his tight grip on Justin's hand to show Justin that his nervous feeling had fled.

"We now ask that Kevin Richardson step forward so that he can read a poem that he and Chris Kirkpatrick have composed for the loving couple." he said as he offered up the attention for Kevin.

Kevin took a small step forward and smiled for the audience. He tried to keep his professional tone and lost the smile quickly. He held out a small piece of paper to look at, but he had memorised the words he and Chris had written for their friends. With a quick clearing of his throat, he began.

I've seen you search the deepest ocean

I've seen you look under every rock

I've watched you grow from boy to man

And I've seen you reach from the bottom to the top

I've watched you run away from nightmares

I've seen you chase the simple dreams

And nights when you needed a shoulder

I've seen you run to me

I've watched you stop the sands of time

And I've seen you conquer your fears

And if there's one thing in this earth I want

It's to watch you do it for many years

Because love is just a word

But it expresses what you feel deep inside

And so whever you need a shoulder

You will have each other when it's time to cry

So now we let go of your hands

And we let you guide in each other's steps

Only praying for your safety and trust

Until there is nothing left

I've seen you look upon every mountain

And I've seen you look into the smallest place

But I am happy you found each other

Because now I know that things will never change

Kevin let a tear run down his cheek as he finished the poem. "No one can judge a love that is tender and sacred. And so from all of us, we wish you more happiness than you wish for yourself." Kevin said strongly while holding in his tears. Brian felt Kevin's tears, as did Justin. Kevin smiled towards them for courage and took his place with the others.

Nick wiped a tear from his eye as he saw Nikki stand from her chair. She walked over to the piano that Tommy was sitting at and grabbed her microphone. She stood erect and waited for her cue. "And now, Nikki DeLoach sing a melody that was written by Brian for Justin." the reverend said as Nikki lifted her mic. Tommy began to play the music while Nikki began the song.

Once upon a time

I thought I could never find security

I believed love was a fairy tale

That you only find once upon a dream

The mistakes that I made

Only brought me closer to you

And now I know that my fantasies

Can come true

I've learned to love you with time

And now the world doesn't matter

Because love is like a storybook

And we live happily ever after

The bridges that we must bare

Will never keep us far apart

Because this love is like a fairy tale

The one I know by heart

Another chapter in our lives

Yet a footnote in the story of our love

I'll be your prince charming

Your guardian angel from up above

With each moment in the hands of time

My desire for you grows deeper

The wishes that I made upon a star

I am the student and you are the teacher

I've learned to love you with time

And now the world doesn't matter

Because love is like a storybook

And we live happily ever after

The bridges that we must bare

Will never keep us far apart

Because this love is like a fairy tale

The one I know by heart

And the way I get

Inside of me

It'll never ever change

If you stay the same

Oh ho ho ho ho

I've learned to love you with time

And now the world doesn't matter

Because love is like a storybook

And we live happily ever after

The bridges that we must bare

Will never keep us far apart

Because this love is like a fairy tale

The one I know by heart

Nikki took a deep breath as she finished the song. She ran a hand over her hair and looked at Brian with a smile. Her hair gently blew in the breeze before she laid the microphone down. Justin mouthed the words 'Thank you' to Nikki as she sat. She nodded at him and then looked towards Kevin. He smiled back at her and she felt herself getting caught up in his emotional distress. A tear left her eye and stained her face as she awaited the wedding to resume.

"Now... Brian and Justin have written their own vows. So we ask that Jonathan step forward with their rings as they recite their vows for each other." the reverend said clealry, gesturing for Jonathan to step forward. Jonathan looked up to Justin for assurance. Justin smiled down to his younger brother and nodded. Jonathan quickly stepped forward and looked up to Brian. Brian smiled back at Jonathan. Brian had grown to love the younger boy for his smile, mimicing that of Justin's. Yet he loved that Jonathan had already accepted Brian for who he was.

Brian and Justin both knelt down to Jonathan's level to grab the rings. Justin grabbed the ring he had for Brian from the small pillow and stood. Brian grabbed his ring and whispered to Jonathan, "I'm going to be your new big brother." Jonathan gasped silently and Brian ran his hand over Jonathan's slick hair. Justin giggled lightly and waited for Brian to stand.

Justin looked into Brian's blue eyes as the sky slowly changed it's colors again. Justin wasted no time in grabbing Brian's left hand. He looked down and had forgotten that he and Brian had removed their engagement rings. He took a deep breath as he prepared to speak his vows to Brian.

"Some say I'm too young to know or experience the depth of love. They say I don't know the definition of love. Brian, you have showed me that everyone was wrong. Everyday that I open my eyes, there is always a guarantee that you'll be there for me. Through our safest times and through our hardest times, you've always stood with me. I don't want to know the world's definition of love because it's nothing compared to our's. Love, to me, means having that one person to hold at night and know that they love you just as much. Love is knowing that if I'm wrong, you'll always make me right. Love is taking chances, but knowing that you'll be right there to take that chance with me. And to sum this up, love is you, Brian Littrell. And so today, in front of the people that mean so much to me, I promise to honor you, cherish you, respect you and stay with you 'til death do us part. And through sickness and health, through good or bad, I will stand with you because I finally know what love is. So with this ring, I, Justin Timberlake, thee wed." Justin spoke with a gentle, yet trembling voice. He watched as Brian reached forward. Justin carefully slid the ring onto Brian's ring finger and smiled. He admired the gold ring, not taking the chance to look at the engraving that read: 'I am yours'.

Brian wiped away a small tear from Justin's cheek and then grabbed his left hand. He held Justin's left hand through the silence. The waves sprinkle their dew through the air, but the silence was kept between Brian and Justin.

"I can't express in idol words how much you've touched my heart with each passing day. You've been my friend, my partner, my lover, my teacher, my student and most important, my heart. You've looked past my flaws and you've cherished my strong points. Through my deepest pain, through my injuries, I've always woken up to your face. I couldn't ask God for anything more than that. The world is filled with people who search endless years for someone just to make them smile, but I don't have to search anymore. The doubt that comes along with love is no longer within me. And one things for sure, you always keep me laughing and smiling. You're the one friend that I've had that hsa yet to tell me, 'Love is for fools'. People say that life begins at forty, but the day I found you Justin, life started all over again for me. Because I know that our life is now, just beginning. And I promise to let you be my eyes, my hands, my mouth, my ears and my heart. Through sickness and in health, and 'til death do us part. So with this ring, I, Brian Littrell, thee wed." Brian stated without a nervous thought inside of his head. He held Justin's hand as he slowly slid the gold ring on Justin's hand. His ring for Justin had the saying, '4Ever in my heart...' on it.

Brian and Justin smiled towards each other and turned to the altar. "Now do you, Brian Thomas Littrell, take Justin to be your husband?" the reverned asked. Without hesitation, Brian said, "I do." "And do you, Justin Randall Timberlake, take Brian to be your husband?" the reverend turned his attention to Justin. "I do." Justin nodded with his reply. "Then by the power vested in me, I know prounounce you married. May I introduce, Mr. Brian Thomas Littrell and Mr. Justin Randall Litrell." the reverend said before a loud roar of cheers broke out across the beach. "Oh, you may now kiss." the reverend laughed. Brian and Justin laughed with him.

Brian turned to Justin and carefully grabbed the back of his head. "No tongue." Justin giggled before feeling Brian's lips press to his. They closed their eyes and gently kissed. Brian's lips ran over Justin's while Justin hugged onto Brian. Brian let a tear fall from his eye while kissing Justin. Justin adjusted his head to get more into the kiss before slipping his tongue in Brian's mouth. Brian was shocked by the soft feel of Justin's tongue, but ignored it. His lips ran back and forth over Justin's for minutes. "AIR!" A.J. and Joey hollered at them with lauther. Brian giggled, causing the kiss to end. Justin smiled at his friends arrogance and wiped his lips.

Brian and Justin turned to the standing crowd. Brian quickly grabbed Justin's hand and lifted their arms for the crowd to see. "I'm married!" Brian boasted to pull out laughter from his friends and family. Justin laughed with him. Brian and Justin ran from the altar, feeling rice hit them from all of their family and friends as they ran down the aisle.

Brian stopped at the end of the arches and lifted Justin into his arms. He carried Justin away from the wedding and down the beach. "Brian, what are you doing?" Justin asked with a small laugh. "Taking a moment to spend with you." Brian replied. "But we have all this week to do that." Justin giggled. "I know... but I haven't had all day with you." Brian replied as he laid Justin down in the sand. "We haven't even gone to the reception yet." Justin giggled as Brian sat behind Justin. Brian wrapped his arms around Justin's neck and laid a small kiss on Justin's cheek. "And? Those people are living it up on our money. So let me have five minutes with you." Brian pleaded. Justin sighed and agreed silently. They watched the waves splash ovre the beach and the sun finally hide from their view.

Justin snuggled into Brian's arms and relaxed. He looked down to his ring with a tender eye. "I'm a Littrell now?" Justin questioned softly, his voice being carried in the wind. "Yes, you are." Brian replied even softer. "And uhm, to the world?" Justin asked. "You'll always be a Timberlake to them. But you're always going to be my Justin Littrell." Brian whispered into Justin's ear. Justin grinned. "And you'll always be my baby." Justin giggled. Brian tickled Justin happily as they laid in the sand. "Don't make me burst into Mariah Carey on you!" Brian warned him. "Okay! Okay!" Justin hollered as Brian tickled him further. Brian stopped tickling Justin and returned to holding him.

Brian rubbed his foot over Justin's with a smile. "I don't know if we can have sex tonight." Justin said with a straight face. Brian quickly pulled his arms from around Justin. "Why?" Brian asked. "Because my back is killing me from his damn tattoo." Justin finally bursted into laughter. "I'm gonna kill you!" Brian hollered before pushing Justin.

Justin chuckled further and stood from the sand. "So shall we get this reception over with so me and you can share some more time alone?" Justin suggested as Brian stood to his feet. "Hey, I don't care if people watch." Brian teased Justin. "I do idiot." Justin giggled before placing his arm around Brian's shoulders. "Wow, I married you. I really do feel like crying." Brian said with a serious face. "Why babe?" Justin questioned quickly. "Because I'm so damn happy with you. Sometimes I cry when I'm really happy and you're... you're the perfect husband Justin." Brian sighed before sniffling. "Aww, thank you babe. I love you." Justin whispered. "I can tell... by your wedding vows." Brian commented as they edged closer to the reception. "I meant them." Justin reminded him. "I know, you made me smile." Brian chimed. "Well I love your smile. It's your best feature." Justin replied. "Damn you for stealing my favorite feature." Brian laughed. "Well I have another favorite feature too." Justin teased. "Aaah, I think my feet are cute too." Brian joked. "Yeah, you know what they say about guys with big feet?" Justin joked. "Hmmm, they weren't lying when it came to you either!" Brian boasted. Justin quickly blushed as they reached the reception.

The reception was next to the wedding. An open area of the beach with tables set up everywhere and a main buffet set to the front where the wedding party was to be seated. Small latterns surrounded the area, marking off a boundary.

Justin removed his arm from Brian's shoulder and grasped Brian's hand. He walked Brian over to the long, white table set up for the wedding party. "It's about time you two." Kevin commented as he took a sip of his champagne. "Sorry, we needed to just take it all in." Brian replied as he seated Justin. "And did you?" A.J. asked. "Not yet!" Brian laughed. "We haven't either." Joey laughed with him. "Everything okay otherwise?" Justin questioned. "Just dandy." A.J. nodded. "But I really think you should go and say hello to some of the people here." Kevin advised. "Always working eh? Being my father never stops does it?" Brian questioned sarcastically. "When you grow up, then I'll stop being your 'father'." Kevin retorted. "Geez, did you invite him or did I?" Brian softly joked to Justin. Justin nudged Brian's knee for warning.

Brian and Justin watched as Kevin, Nick, A.J., Howie, J.C., Chris, Lance and Joey walked over to a grand piano. Kevin took a seat at the piano while the others crowded around. Everyone watched them in awe. Kevin cleared his throat to get everyone's attention before starting his melody. "Everyone... raise your glasses, because we wrote this song for Brian and Justin. Their love is one of the purest, strongest and affectionate love this Earth has seen. So we're here to say, 'Congratulations' and we wish you well." Kevin stated.

As he played the music upon the piano, J.C. and Howie prepared to sing.

Dear Brian,

Words can not express his love for you

Each day in passing

His love grows deeper for you

Now the time has come

For you to guide his heart


Your love for him will never fall

Everyone joined in with them as they sang the chorus for Brian and Justin.

Wishing on a star

Along comes your love

He's your once in a lifetime

The one you will always adore

And it's true

Because there is no him without you

So as you hold that ring

Remember, say "I Do"

Kevin played while beginning his verse with Joey. Smiles took over Brian and Justin's faces as they saw their dearest friends sing for them.

Dear Justin,

There is no one alive who could express his for you

It's so amazing

How he moves oceans just to be next to you

And it's a percious gift

For him to give you half of his heart

Never ending

The story of your love

They all repeated the chorus again before Nick, Lance, J.C. and A.J. stepped forward to do their respected verses.

There's no one else for you

There's no one else for him

There's no one else for you

There's no one else for him

If I could make just one wish

It would to be to have half of what you have

And if I could have just one dream

It would be for the love that you two have

Kevin stopped his melody for Chris to speak while everyone raised their glasses. "As we raise our glasses and make this toast to them, there is only one way to describe their love... and that's 'Just'." Chris spoke shyly for everyone.

Just when I thought I was to be alone forever

You came into my life and changed it for the better

Just when I thought the rain would never end

You made the sun return to my life again

J.C. held his glass and looked at Justin. He kept a straight face as he thought of the right words to say to describe his feelings for Brian and Justin. "Now, cheers to Brian and Justin, a love that is never ending.. and a romance that is just beginning..." J.C. chimed with care. Justin tilted his glass towards J.C. before everyone took a sip of their champagne.

Justin glanced over to Brian's face and saw a small frown on Brian's lips. "What is it?" Justin asked softly. "Damn that Kevin for giving me apple juice." Brian pouted. Justin giggled, almost letting his champagne spill. Brian punched his leg softly and tried to get Justin to pout with him. "You're so sexy when you pout." Justin whispered into Brian's ear. His frown soon faded as a smile replaced it. "So do you want to ditch this party and go to my room?" Brian offered with a sly grin. "No." Justin answered flatly and looked out to his friends. Brian sighed and placed his hand on Justin's thigh.

Britney stood with Amanda near the piano s Kevin played a melody for them. Amanda glanced around the beach and then saw a familiar woman. "Oh Britney... your best friend is here..." Amanda hummed out to Britney. "Amanda, my best friend lives in Louisiana." Britney argued. "No... not her." Amanda said, giving signals towards the buffet. Britney sighed and looked to the table. When he eyes caught a hold of who Amanda was referring to, a scowl formed on her face. "Shall we?" Amanda offered as she placed her glass on the piano. "Let's do it..." Britney agreed while flicking off her shoes.

"Damn Brian and Justin for having this wedding here. My sneakers are at the hotel." Britney whispered her complaint as they approached. "This won't take that long." Amanda assured her as she pulled off her diamond earrings.

When they reached the table, they smiled towards their 'friend'. "Oh what do ya'll want?" Leigh Ann complained. "I guess we weren't clear at the bar what we wanted of you." Amanda hissed. "Like I give a fuck what you said." Leigh Ann shrugged while grabbing a plate of fruit. "You're going to give a fuck now." Britney snarled. "Down girl." Amanda requested while staring at Leigh Ann. "And what are ya'll going to do? Beat me up at Brian and Justin's reception?" Leigh Ann had the upperhand. "She has a good point Amanda." Britney agreed bitterly. Amanda frowned for a moment. "Fuck it. Brian and Justin will understand." Amanda barked. "Look, Brian and Justin are already married, so what the hell is your problem? Get over it now. But maybe a divorce is in there future." Leigh Ann threatened boldly. "Okay, now I'm going to have to beat your ass." Britney grumbled as she pulled her hair back.

"Ladies, ladies, ladies. How are you? Having a good time?" Jackie quickly interupted them. Britney quickly fixed herself as did Amanda while Leigh Ann held her position. "Yes, a great time Mrs. Littrell. Oh and I'm sorry for this morning. I just don't know what got into Harold." Leigh Ann chipperly replied. "Oh, let me apologize Leigh Ann. Lord knows I don't know what came over my son." Jackie said sincerely. Jackie grabbed a glass of champagne from the table and smiled at Britney and Amanda. "So.. ladies, what's going on?" Jackie questioned. "Oh, nothing." Britney quickly spoke up. "Yeah, nothing." Amanda agreed. "Oh because it looked like you guys were having a rather friendly conversation." Jackie disagreed with a bubbly attitude. "Nah, just girl talk." Amanda assured her. "I beg to differ." Leigh Ann quickly shot back. Jackie turned to her with surprise. "You know, that fruit over there looks good." Jackie pointed out. As she moved for the fruit, she tripped and her glass of champagne flew to Leigh Ann's silk dress. "Shit!" Lrigh Ann barked as the alcohol soaked her dress. Britney and Amanda snickered from behind Jackie as they looked at Leigh Ann. Leigh Ann wrinkled her brow towards Jackie and tried to wipe away the stains. "Geez, I'm so sorry Leigh Ann." Jackie pouted. Leigh Ann shot her a look of anger and stomped away from the group.

"That'll teach the heffer not to mess with my boys." Jackie quickly boasted when she saw Leigh Ann walk away. Britney and Amanda both gasped as they figured out Jackie's trick. "Mrs. Littrell?" Britney questioned. "Way to go Mrs. L." Amanda cheered her on. "I know what it's like not to like a girl. And when I saw you guys seconds away from beating her up, I figured I'd get my revenge on her." Jackie snickered. Amanda laughed with her while Britney stared on. "Oh lighten up Britney." Jackie teased her. Britney finally gave in and laughed along with them.

"Uhm, Justin, can I talk to you?" a young woman asked of Justin with a nervous smile. Justin took a moment from his chat with Brian to look up and see Trace standing next to him. Justin quickly stood and hugged her. "I didn't know if you were coming or not!" Justin boasted as he hugged her. "Yeah, it's hard to catch a last minute flight to Hawaii." Trace laughed as she hugged him back. Justin released her and smiled. "Uhm, maybe you two need to talk without me?" Brian suggested while standing. "Oh no, I wouldn't think of it." Trace swiftly disagreed. "Uh, Trace, meet Brian, my husband. Boy, that's weird saying. And Brian, meet Trace, one of my best friends." Justin introduced them. Trace reached past Justin to shake Brian's hand. Brian smiled towards the young girl. "Congratulations you two! I'm really happy for ya." Trace happily said. "Thanks," Brian spoke up first. "You're happy for me?" Justin questioned shyly. "More than you know Baby Justin." Trace giggled. Justin laughed with her. "And Brian's cute, so at least you got a cute husband." Trace teased them. Brian blushed while Justin continued to laugh.

"Oh and I'm sorry April couldn't come. She said she couldn't get time off from work." Trace spoke up. The smile from Justin's face quickly faded. "Why would she want to come anyways?" Justin coldly asked. Brian was confused by Justin's sudden anger. "Justin, she's sorry for the way she acted. She really is." Trace tried to defend April. "Yeah right. And when was the last time she called to apologize?" Justin questioned, looking away from Trace's hurt eyes. "She would have... but she was afraid you'd hate her." Trace explained. "Oh yeah, it's not like she didn't holler at me because I was marrying the man of her dreams." Justin argued. Brian's eyes popped open when he listened to Justin's words. "Justin, you kind of dropped it in her lap that the man she has her walls postered with is marrying one of her best friends. A guy at that." Trace reasoned. "And is it so bad that Brian's marrying a guy?" Justin boldly asked. "To Jimmy and April yes... and for me, it was rough too." Trace confessed. Justin gave her a wicked stare before Brian interjected. "I'm sorry this may not be my place to say anything, but Justin, I think it means enough that Trace's here. Despite what your friends may have said." Brian stated while grabbing Justin's hand. Justin knew he hated for Brian to be right. He looked back to Trace. "I'm sorry Trace. I am thrilled you're here." Justin assured her. "I'm glad to be here too." Trace smiled for him. Justin smiled back while Brian wrapped his arms around Justin's waist. "Good, now everyone's happy." Brian cheered. Justin nodded and enjoyed the feel of Brian's chin on his shoulder.

Another hour went by before Justin was sitting at a table with his parents and Jonathan in his lap. "Wow, you and Brian went all out?" Randall questioned as he took in the sceneary. "Just a little," Justin nodded with his response. "What happened to simple?" Paul asked. "It died with other dreams," Lynn remarked. "Really?" Justin questioned his mother's response. "Well I guess I always had that dream of you in a black tuxedo in a nice church, with your father here walking your bride down the aisle and one day seeing my grandchild during Christmas while Paul dressed up like Santa Claus." Lynn bursted out her hopeless thoughts. "Nice dreams." Lisa slyly commented before getting a cold glare from Lynn. "Well that's all and all nice mom... but that's not me. I married Justin, whether any of you like it, I have a husband now." Justin said without anger. "Yes and a mighty fine husband too." Lisa agreed. "I'll give it to you, he's a real nice guy." Paul agreed. "Despite what he's done to you." Lynn hissed. "Now Lynn, you've always been one to relate on the past haven't you?" Randall shamed his wife with his words. "Can't help it if the past nearly ruined or killed my son." Lynn argued. "When you told me Brian hit Justin, it was hard for me to deal with. And trust me, I was two second away from standing up and ending that wedding. Then I looked at my son, my eldest son. Then I looked at Jonathan. Did you see the happy smile Jonathan had when he looked up at his older brother. No shame, no disgust or anything." Randall stated. "Jonathan's five years old Randall. What does he know about this?" Lynn retorted. "And he knows who his brother is in love with. And he's happy to have a new older brother." Randall responded carefreely.

Jonathan's grin was focused on Justin while Justin listened to his parents argue. "If he wanted a new older brother, why didn't you adopt Brian?" Lynn snobbishly questioned. "Lynn, take a drink and be quiet." Randall advised. "Speaking of adoption..." Justin interupted them. Randall's and Lynn's attention was soon grapsed by their son. "Uhm, me and Brian have been thinking about adopting a baby sometime next year or later on." Justin shyly said. Everyone's eyes bugged out towards Justin. "Maybe Jonathan should go..." Lisa suggested softly. "No, I want him to hear this." Justin assured her. Justin looked down to his younger brother and smiled. He held Jonathan closely in his lap. "Jonathan, you know that me and Brian got married today, right?" Justin questioned softly. "Yep! It was boo-ti-ful!" Jonathan cheered. Justin giggled with Jonathan. "And so you know Brian's like your older bro' now? Just like me." Justin pondered. Jonathan nodded happily. "Well... around Christmas time next year, me and Brian want to have something for you to see." Justin tried his best to explain. "A new toy!" Jonathan quickly boasted. "No, bot really. See, I want a baby, just like Steven. Me and Brian both want that. And well... that'll make you an uncle. You'll be uncle Jon." Justin stated. "Uncle?" Jonathan questioned. "It's like being a big brother." Justin assured him. "Wow!" Jonathan cheered. "Mommy says I'm a goooood big brother for Steven!" Jonathan added. "I know, and you'll be a good uncle for my baby." Justin confidently said. "Is Brian going to get fat like mommy did?" Jonathan innocently question. Justin tried to hold in his laughter at Jonathan's question. "No, Brian's not. But we're going to have a baby." Justin answered. "I hope it's a boy like Steven!" Jonathan pleaded. "We'll see bro." Justin smiled.

Everyone watched Justin and how he handle the child. "I'll admit it Justin, you'll make a good father." Randall spoke up. "Yeah, but the child will have two fathers." Paul hesitantly warned everyone. "And no mother." Lynn added. Justin looked at both of them with hurt. "All it takes is love and understanding to raise a child." Lisa assured Justin. "And don't listen to these two Justin. I have confidence that you and Brian will do a good job with my grandson." Randall agreed with his wife. "Don't you mean my grand daughter?" Lynn questioned with a subtle hint for Justin. Justin smiled towards her, feeling at ease with his mother. "I think you should name her Ashley or maybe... Destiny." Lynn boasted. "We'll see mom." Justin giggled. "Nah, you should name HIM Justin Jr. Or maybe even Randall?" his father interjected. Justin just laughed at the way his parents argued over a simple, yet touching subject.

"Excuse me all, but can I dance with the best looking guy at this reception?" Brian shyly asked. Justin looked up and smiled at Brian. "Yeah, sure." Justin shrugged. "Uhm, I said the best looking guy. Sorry Justin," Brian replied, reaching his hand out to Jonathan. Justin faked a hurt look and let Jonathan hop from his lap. "Shall we?" Brian offered as he walked Jonathan toward the dancing area. "Are we gonna boogie?!" Jonathan called out. "Yeah!" Brian laughed. He knelt down and soon began to dance back and forth with Jonathan. Justin watched on with a smile on his lips. "Geez, I hate being wrong!" Lynn groaned. "Well you are this time Lynn. They're going to make some nice parents." Randall whispered to his ex-wife. "Yes... well wait until they have to deal with those three o'clock feedings." Lynn snickered. "You're a sucker for them aren't you?" Randall teased her. "As much as I hate admitting it, I really am a sucker for them." Lynn sighed out. Randall grinned at her response.

Justin walked out to the beach and stood beside Jonathan and Brian. "Excuse me Jonathan, can I dance with my husband now?" Justin questioned. Jonathan pouted at Justin's request. "I'll dance with you later Jonathan. I have to give your brother some quality time or he'll get cranky." Brian joked with Jonathan. "Okay. You're my big brother right?" Jonathan asked. "Yep, I'm your big brother now." Brian laughed. Jonathan leaned in and gave Brian a small hug. He tried to wrap his arms around Brian's bigger figure. Brian returned the hug with a smile. Jonathan pulled away and looked at Brian opne last time. "I'm gonna be an uncle! Justin says on Chrustimass, I'm going to be a big brother for his baby!" Jonathan exclaimed to Brian. "He said that?" Brian questioned, looking to Justin. Jonathan happily nodded. "Well... it'll be my baby too. And you'll be a great uncle." Brian responded chipperly. Jonathan clapped and then ran off.

Brian stood and took Justin's hand. He pulled Justin in closely and danced with Justin. "An uncle?" Brian pondered. "I told my parents." Justin replied softly. "Ah, that would explain it. Christmas?" Brian questioned. "If not this, next." Justin replied. "Well I'm thinking next with our schedules." Brian said while placing his hands on Justin's back. "But it'd be a nice anniversary to share with our son or daughter." Brian shrugged. Justin nodded. "Of course, who knows where we'll be for our first anniversary." Brian reminded Justin. "Together," Justin whispered before laying his head on Brian's shoulder. "Yeah, no matter what." Brian agreed.

"So, you're parents took the new well?" Justin whispered into Brian's ear. "As best as can be." Brian sighed. "Harold really wants a nephew." Justin responded. "Does he now?" Brian questioned, catching onto Justin's hint. "Yeah." Justin replied. "Well then, looks like we're getting a girl." Brian joked. Justin laughed lightly while snuggling his head to Brian's shoulder. "How's Nick holding up?" Justin asked suddenly. Brian kept dancing with Justin as he tried to think of the right way to respond. "He's suffering." Brian finally answered. Justin lifted his head to comfort Brian's obvious pain. "Do you want to go and talk to him?" Justin offered while dancing. "No... I want to dance with my husband." Brian giggled. Justin nudged him and laid his head back on Brian's shoulder.

Another hour flew by before it was time for everyone to say goodbye and end the reception. "I'm so happy for you Justin!" Karen Chasez exclaimed as she hugged Justin. "Yes, everyone's happy for you." Diane Bass agreed from the side. "Thank you both for understanding and supporting me." Justin replied as he ended his hug with Mrs. Chasez. "Of course Justin." Diane assured him. "Yeah, Brian seems like a really nice man and I'm sure he makes you happy. Otherwise, Lynn wouldn't have let you marry him." Karen stated. Justin faked a smile knowing his mother's true feelings towards the situation. "Well thanks for coming to my wedding." Justin chimed. "Anytime," Karen shined for him.

Brian ruffled Aaron Carter's hair while watching Jonathan and Angel Carter play around in the sand. "Well it was a wonderful wedding." Jane commented to Brian. "Thanks," Brian replied softly. "Have you and Nick talked? I talked to him earlier and well.. he wasn't too happy." Jane commented. "No, not since before the wedding." Brian replied, finally looking at her. "Please Brian, he's your best friend. Talk to him." Jane pealed her son's case for Brian. "When I get back to Orlando, I'll have time to. But now, my mind is on Justin." Brian responded honestly. Jane frowned with disappointment. "Nick really wanted to be with..." Brian stopped her. "Mrs. Carter, I respect Nick's feelings for me. And I understand he cares alot for me, but I'm just his friend. Nothing more. My heart is with Justin and not with Nick." Brian quickly finished her words. Jane sighed and looked towards Aaron. "Come on Aaron, we've got a plane to catch." she softly said to her son. Aaron frowned and gave Brian a small hug. Brian ruffled Aaron's hair again and let them walk away in silence.

Brian passed everyone who short goodbye's before reaching Justin. He grabbed Justin's hand and gently began to pull him away from the crowd. "Uhm, I think the lovely couple is trying to get away!" A.J. announced for everyone. "Yes, we are!" Brian laughed loudly. Justin smiled and waved to his family and new friends. "Is there a number where we can reach ya'll?" Kevin asked as Brian and Justin tried to sleep away. "And let you call me while I'm trying to have sex? Never." Brian joked. Justin elbowed him in the chest before Brian doubling over with false pain. "Can you give me two minutes?" Justin requested. Brian frowned and then agreed to Justin's terms. "And when I get back, then you can show me what a real man you are." Justin seductively whipsered into Brian's ear. He ran his hand lightly over Brian's ass and then ran off, leaving an ear to ear grin on Brian's face.

Justin walked down the bech to where his friends stood. "Well... is this the part where he says goodbye?" Chris questioned when he saw Justin. Justin nodded shyly. "Can we make it quick? I don't want to make this like the Real World where we're all bugging our eyes out!" Chris joked. He reached out and pulled Justin into a hug. "Congrats Curly." Chris exclaimed before releasing Justin from the hug. "Yeah, let's get this over with." Lance laughed. Justin pulled Lance into a hug and smiled. "Thanks," Justin giggled. "I'll take care of that goofball for you." Lance assured Justin. Justin was relieved his friends were able to solve their problems.

Justin looked towards Joey who was smiling brightly. "Come here!" Justin demanded with an equally loving smile. Joey walked over to Justin and hugged him. "Me and Britney..." Joey ended his whipser into Justin's ear. Justin's eyes shot open and he pulled back from Joey. "You..." Justin gave Joey the same signals. Joey nodded and smiled. "Wow!" Justin giggled. "Thanks for being there Curly." Joey said with a serious face. "It's all you Phat One." Justin assured him. Joey smiled again. "And take care of that husband of yours. I'd love to be a Godfather some day." Joey added. "We'll see..." was Justin's response before he moved over to J.C.

Justin wrapped his arm around J.C.'s shoulders and slowly began to walk with him down the beach. "You okay?" Justin asked softly. "Yeah, I'm fine." J.C. replied. "Then why aren't you smiling?" Justin questioned. J.C. shrugged and kept his frown. "Something to do with Lance?" Justin pondered. "A little bit." J.C. slowly answered. "Nick?" Justin added. "No, not at all with him." J.C. assured him. "So, spill it Josh." Justin demanded with a laugh. "I asked Lance to marry me." J.C. sighed. Justin wanted to stop walking and stare, but he kept walking for J.C.'s sake. "And... uh, what did he say?" Justin questioned with a stutter. "He said he had to think about it." J.C. responded. Justin frowned with J.C. and understood. "Well... at least he's going to think about it." Justin added for comfort. J.C. nodded and hugged onto Justin. "When Brian asked you... did you say that?" J.C. asked. "J.C., this isn't about me and Brian." Justin reminded him. "I know... but did you?" J.C. still wondered. Justin grumbled and then replied, "No." J.C. nodded again and sighed lower. "But Lance isn't me." Justin kept the thought in J.C.'s head. "I know that. He's Lance." J.C. agreed. "And he loves you." Justin added. "Oh yeah!" J.C. exclaimed with laughter. "We made love last night." J.C. informed Justin. "Made love-love?" Justin questioned. "Mmhhmmm, did we." J.C. giggled. "Ah, J.C.'s getting all soft on him. Making love instead of sex. What's next for you?" Justin joked. "Waiting for you to call me and say, 'J.C., I need a babysitter so me and Brian can have a night alone again'." J.C. slyly replied. "Oh really?" Justin blushed at the though. "Yep. Raising a baby is work." J.C. added. "And what would you know about raising children?" Justin teased him. "Hmmm, I'll find out." J.C. remarked. Justin just held onto him as they began their walk back towards the others.

"Let him go so he can go fuck Brian's brains out!" Chris hollered towards them. "Ugh, one day he's going to get a girlfriend who's going to tame him." Justin joked with J.C. "Either that or he's going to become a porn star." J.C. laughed. Justin laughed with him as they reached the others. "Okay, it's time for you to go Mr. Littrell." Lance reminded Justin. "Right, right, right." Justin giggled. "Well Scoop, you won't know where I am fo a week, so don't freak out." Justin added before giving J.C. a hug. "I'll know. I'm going to follow ya'll around with a camera. That should make for a nice slide show." Lance teased. "Yeah, Brian sliding in and sliding out of Justin's ass." J.C. agreed. "Okay, one day ya'll are going to talk perveted around me and I'm going to hurl my lunch on you." Chris warned them. "Enough guys." Joey insisted. "Justin, relax while you're here." Joey pleaded. "I will Joey, I will." Justin assured him while raking from the group. "And uhm, Mr. Littrell, don't forget about us." Lance asked of him. "Forget about you? Lord, I'll be back in orlando in a week!" Justin boasted. Everyone laughed while they watched Justin walk away.

Brian and Justin walked off from the elevators to their own personal floor. "The honeymoon suite, just for you." Brian giggled as they reached the door to their suite. Brian slipped the keycard in and jiggled the door open. He prevented Justin from stepping in so that he could lift him. "Brian... you're too much." Justin giggled as Brian carried him over the threshold. "We'll see about that." Brian laughed as he carried Justin to the bedroom.

Brian and Justin gazed inside the large room. Brian saw the cart that he requested and carried Justin over to the bed. "I love you..." Brian whispered as he laid a kiss on Justin's lips. "I love you too." Justin replied when the kiss ended. Brian gently laid Justin on the bed and then laid ontop of him.

Brian ran his hands over Justin's hair and stare down into Justin's eyes. "This is the night..." Brian whispered as he twirled his fingers through Justin's curls. Justin nodded with a shy and vulnerable smile. "Aren't we supposed to be doing something?" Justin asked before placing his hands around Brian's back. "Take our time..." Brian reminded him, slipping his hand over Justin's lips. Justin nodded and exhaled gently.

Brian leaned down and carefully began to kiss Justin's lips. Justin released himself to Brian. Brian's lips ran over Justin's with care. Brian took in Justin's cologne while sliding his tongue into Brian's mouth. Justin let Brian's tongue rub over his before sucking on it. Brian tried to think of the perfect way to make love to Justin and let Justin make love to him.

"Okay..." Brian panted out as he released Justin's lips. Justin opened his eyes with confusion. "What is it? What'd I do wrong?" Justin quietly asked. "Oh, nothing." Brian reassured him by kissing him on the cheek. "But something's wrong." Justin said as he pushed Brian up. Brian nodded. Justin bit his lower lip in fear. "We've done this plenty of time Justin... but this is our wedding night. And right now, I don't know how to do it." Brian admited. Justin felt at ease with Brian's confession. He lifted his hand to Brian's defined cheek for comfort. "How.. how do you want me to do this?" Brian questioned. "Brian... I want you to make love to me like everytime. With that gentle hand..." Justin replied as he grabbed Brian's hand. "With those loving lips..." Justin added before leaning up and kissing Brian's lips. "With your careful arms..." Justin whispered while rubbing his hands over Brian's muscles. "Those gentle words..." Justin pleaded while pulling a moan from Brian's lips. "And the steady motion..." Justin grunted softly while grinding his hips with Brian's. "All I want is for you to hold me while we make love." Justin whispered as Brian finally got into the motion of the night.

Brian brought his lips back down to Justin's and kissed him. Justin closed his eyes as Brian just kissed him and caressed his legs. Brian parted his lips from Justin's to moan gently in Justin's ear. He brought his hands to Justin's tuxedo jacket and carefully unbuttoned it. Justin laid back while Brian sat up on him. Brian watched as his hands undid each button on the jacket. He pulled the jacket back before Justin slid his arms out. Justin scooted the jacket off the bed and rolled Brian over.

Justin straddled Brian's crotch and began to unbuckled Brian's belt. Brian heaved as Justin's unzipped his pants. Justin left the pants unzipped and moved his hands to Brian's jacket. Brian grabbed Justin's hands and held them. Justin looked down at Brian with care. 'I love you...' Brian mouthed before letting his lips plead for Justin's. Justin leaned down and let his lips kiss Brian's. Brian rubbed his hands over Justin's back and kissed him passionately. Brian's lips ran back and forth over Justin's, trying to control their need for other places of Justin's body. His hands grasped the back of Justin's shirt sa Justin's tongue entered Brian's mouth. 'Okay Brian... take your time..' Brian advised. He knew it was the first time he was making love to Justin as a married couple. He had to treasure each second he could with Justin.

Brian pushed Justin back on the bed. He pulled Justin up to the head of the bed and let Justin lay. Brian yanked off Justin's bowtie and placed it on the sheets. Brian brought his hands to Justin's shirt and unbuttoned each button. He pulled open the shirt and laid his headt to Justin's chest. Brian listened to Justin's rapid heart beat and smiled. He lifted his head and began to place small and erotic kisses over Justin's chest. Justin ran his hands over Brian's sandy blonde hair while Brian kissed his nipples. The brown nipples became erect as Brian suckled them. Brian gently nibbled each nipple before kissing them again. "Ah.." Justin gasped as Brian's lips sucked on his left pec. Justin raised his legs so that is knees were bent. Brian laid between his legs, kissing on Justin's chest. Brian bathed Justin's chest in saliva before slowly moving lower.

'Okay... here we go..' Brian thought as he rubbed his hands between Justin's thighs. Brian reached Justin's belt and quickly unbuckled it. Justin grabbed Brian's shoulders and rubbed them in anticipation. Brian unzipped Justin's pants and carefully pulled them down. Brian dropped the pants to the floor and sat in front of Justin's feet. He looked to Justin's gentle face in the moonlight. Justin closed his eyes and pressed his head into the pillow.

Brian grabbed Justin's feet and laid them on his lap. He leaned down and softly began to kiss Justin's feet. He suckled the smooth skin and precious toes. His lips ran up and down Justin's bare feet, giving Justin more pleasure. Brian's tongue moved from Justin's foot to his ankle. He circled his tongue over Justin's tattoo before moving gently upwards. Brian massaged Justin's legs while kissing the hair that was on them. He took his time with his sensual kisses, holding his lips in one spot. His lips ran up to Justin's knee and kissed it quickly before moving to his favorite spot on Justin's body, his thighs.

Brian's tongue ran immediately to Justin's inner thigh to pull out a scream from Justin. He sucked upon the skin on Justin's thigh, leaving a small hickey in the middle of the inner thigh. Brian kissed over and over again Justin's thigh. Justin panted heavily while Brian's lips made out with his thigh. He tried not to scream while Brian's lips moved towards his silk, blue boxers. 'Hmmm, I hope he likes them...' Justin thought to himself as Brian's hands gripped the top of his boxers.

Brian pulled the boxers to Justin's knees and watched Justin's erect penis flew out. Justin's penis landed on his stomach, the head extending a little over Justin's belly button. Brian grinned and finished pulling off Justin's boxers. As Brian did, Justin pulled of his shirt and placed it to the side. Justin laid back, spreading his legs for Brian. Brian held the boxers in his hand. He took a moment to inhale Justin's manly scent. He rubbed the boxers in his hands, feeling Justin's body was no longer with the boxers. It was a sensual and erotic moment for Justin to watch as his husband treasured the boxers that he had been wearing.

Brian brought himself back up to Justin's face and gave Justin a kiss. He moved his lips to Justin's earlobe and nibbled upon it. "Ready?" Brian questioned in his whisper. Justin grapsed Brian's back and held him tightly. "Just hold me for a minute... okay?" Justin pleaded with Brian. Brian gladly wrapped his arms around Justin and grinded his body with Justin's. Justin laid small kisses on Brian's cheek as Bria comforted him. "Do it Bri..." Justin requested and released Brian. Brian nodded and began to suck on Justin's ear. Justin exhaled with love and ran his hands over Brian's hair.

Brian trailed his tongue down Justin's body until he reached Justin's abs. His hands nervously reached out and grabbed Justin's hard penis. He pulled on it a few times, drawing pre-cum from the tip. Brian's motuh ran to Justin's navel and then to the thin trail of hair that ran from his pubes. Brian kissed the small trail of hair and then brought his lips to Justin's hard cock. Brian kissed the rosey head gently. His soft lips parted and he began to tongue Justin's piss slit. Justin grabbed onto the sheets while Brian's tongue ran from side to side on Justin's head.

His tongue drew a small heart over the penis before Brian took it into his mouth. Brian's tongue flicked over Justin's head while in his mouth. He savored the pre-cum that leaked from Justin's strong and long cock. Brian felt that Justin was no longer a boy and was now a man. He brought his hands to Justin's shaft and jacked him off while sucking on the head. Justin had anticipated this moment all day, but he never imagined in his head what it would be like. Brian was slow with his tongue movements and careful not to cause Justin too much pleasure. He wanted Justin to last in his mouth.

Brian relaxed his throat and gradually began to take Justin's cock into his motuh, inch by inch. Justin ran his large hands from the sheets to his own body. He rubbed his sweaty hands over his chest and moaned softly. "Hmmmm.... oh Brian..." Justin whispered as he felt his cock entering Brian's throat. Brian calmly took the cock into his throat. He made sure to relax and enjoy the feel of his husband's cock at the back of his throat. Brian moved up and down with his lips over Justin's cock. His nose reached Justin's pubes, tickling him. He increased his pace, but made sure not to bring Justin to the edge. Justin moved his hands to Brian's head and tried to slow Brian's movements. "Heh heh... please Brian..." Justin pleaded while rubbing his fingers over Brian's hair.

Brian clamed himself and carefuly ran his tongue along the underside of Justin's meat. His tongue found the sensitive parts of Justin's penis easily. He had been experienced in pleasuring Justin to the fullest and he was taking advantage of that tonight. He ran his hands to Justin's thighs and massaged them while lowering his head on Justin again. Brian's eyes opened so that he could look at the curly patch of sandy brown hair that surrounded Justin's cock. 'Beautiful...' Brian thought as he took care of Justin's body. His hands rubbed the moist flesh while his tongue tasted Justin's pre-cum again. Brian tried to think of the right spot and his tongue searched for it. Within seconds, he found it, causing Justin to moan deeply. His tongue softly ran over the underside of Justin's head, the one spot that Justin loved. "Brian!" Justin called out as Brian kept moving his tongue over the spot.

Brian removed Justin's penis from his throat and let the cock drip out of his mouth. Justin tried to control himself as he opened his eyes. He saw Brian stand from the bed and walk away. "Brian..." Justin cried out. "It's okay babe. I'm here." Brian replied as he walked back to the bed. He held a small plate in his hands and sat back on the bed. "What... what is it?" Justin questioned as Brian scooted back between his legs. Brian lifted the sliced pineapple ring from the plate and held it. He brought it to Justin's standing cock and slipped it around Justin's cock. Justin shivered as the cold juices dripped around and below his cock. "Something to eat." Brian finally replied as he laid down again between Justin's spread legs.

Brian brought his mouth to the pineapple and sucked on it. As he did, his tongue moved to Justin's cock. Brian suckled the pineapple and small parts of Justin's penis. Justin moaned lightly as he felt Brian's lips bite onto the pineapple. Brian licked his lips and then went back down on Justin. He used the pineapple and his tongue to slick Justin's cock with the pineapple's juices. Justin's head moved from side to side as Brian brought him closer.

Brian then took Justin's cock back into his throat, tasting the juices and Justin's pre-cum. Justin gasped before grabbing the sheets again. Brian's hands softly rubbed Justin's ample balls. They rolled Justin's balls around for a little bit before just holding them. Brian felt Justin's balls quickly constrict and he knew what was happening. "Oh Brian... hmmm.. yes..." Justin grutned as he began to cum in Brian's mouth. Brian sucked Justin's head while Justin came in his mouth. Brian began to drink Justin's juices along with the pineapple juices. Justin panted hard as Brian kept sucking Justin.

Brian let Justin become soft, yet kept his tongue running over Justin's head. Brian released Justin's penis and let it hang over Justin's balls. Brian crawled up on the bed to Justin's face. Justin hugged onto Brian and held him. Brian ran his hands over Justin's face while kissing Justin's cheek. "It's okay..." Brian hushed Jusitn when he tasted the saltiness of Justin's tears. "We're married..." Justin panted out as Brian's legs ran over Justin's. "Yes..." Brian grinned before pulling Justin closer to him. "And you have no reason to cry..." Brian reminded him. Brian wiped away the tears and kissed the tip of Justin's nose. Justin moved his lips to Brian's neck and he began his attempt to bring Brian to ecstasy.

Justin sucked Brian's neck and brought his hands to Brian's pants. He slid the pants down to Brian's ankles and then grabbed a hold of Brian's underwear. He had not realized that Brian wore ash gray briefs on their wedding night. He rubbed his hands over Brian's underweat before he felt Brian's hand ontop of his own. "Just play with it..." Brian requested of Justin before kissing Justin's forehead. Justin released Brian's neck from his lips and agreed.

Justin pulled the front part of Brian's underwear down so that the shaft could fall out. Justin grabbed the hot shaft and carefully ran his hands up and down Brian's penis. Brian groaned softly into Justin's ear and held Justin. Justin held Brian in one of his arms and jacked him off with his hand. Brian parted his lips and extended his tongue out to Justin's ear. He licked the outside of Justin's ear, rubbing his tongue over the hoop earing in the cartlige of Justin's ear. Justin's large hand moved slickly over Brian's penis, using the pre-cum as a lubricant. Justin closed his eyes and tried to pull the ecstasy from the depths of Brian's body. Brian spread his legs for Justin to work with. Brian grapsed onto their ivory white, satin sheets while Justin's hand loosened it's grip. "More?" Justin asked while jusr rubbing the head of Brian's cock. "Please..." Brian panted back. Justin held the throbbing head for seconds. Justin then began his swift moving of his hand over Brian's penis. Brian grunted and closed his eyes.

Justin ran his hand from the strong and thick shaft to the desperate red head. Brian's cock leaked with pre-cum while his body was tense. "Just relax baby.." Justin advised as his hand slowed it's pace. Brian nodded and tried to let his body go with the motions. Brian found himself moving with Justin, his hips lightly raising from the bed as Justin's hand moved. Brian's lip curled as Justin's large hand brought him pleasure. 'He's such a wonderful lover...' Brian gasped in his mind while Justin worked harder to pleasure Brian. Justin felt Brian's cock expand in his hand. Brian sighed lowly. "Mmmmhmmm, oh Justin... heh heh heh heh..." Brian panted as he reached the edge. Justin felt his hand become warm and mosit as Brian's cum shot from his cock. Brian's cum leaked from the head and lubricated Justin's hand even further. Justin just held Brian's throbbing cock as Brian came. "Oh Brian..." Justin whispered as he held Brian's feverish penis. "Thank you.." Brian whispered as he came down from his orgasm. Justin kissed Brian's cheek before wiping the cum on the sheets.

Justin crawled ontop of Brian and began to grind his hips with Brian's recovering body. Brian hugged Justin and kissed the tip of his nose again. Justin laid his head onto Brian's shoulder while Brian's hand roamed Justin's back. Brian's hand found Justin's tattoo and massaged the flesh. "Brian... are we done?" Justin nervously asked. "Not even close," Brian whispered back to him. Justin kissed Brian's shoulder and lifted his own body from Brian's.

Brian lifted Justin's body and laid him down at the foot of their bed. He turned around so that his body straddled Justin's chest. Brian grabbed Justin's cock and felt it grow again. He smiled brightly and took Justin into his mouth again. He took his time just suckling the head of Justin's cock. Justin grunted as Brian began to give him another sensual blow job. Justin looked up and could see Brian's ass just inches from his face. He saw Brian's cock become hard again. He reached his hands out and grabbed onto Brian's warm penis.

Within seconds Brian felt Justin's long tongue rubbing over his cock. Justin did his best to take the erect rod into his throat. He didn't pressure himself as he had never tried to deep throat Brian before. Brian leaned down to give Justin better access while he took Justin's cock deeper in his mouth. His tongue once again played with the head of Justin's cock while his hands ran between his thighs. Justin couldn't believe that it was the first time that he and Brian were in the sixty-nine position, yet it was touching to Justin. Brian was using his lips to make love to his penis again and that's all Justin wanted. Brian's slow, soft hands grazing over his thighs, Brian's chest resting on his stomach. It was too much for Justin to bare at that one moment.

Brian released Justin's cock to the crisp, night air and raised Justin's legs. Justin didn't know what to expect of Brian, but he kept his lips tightly wrapped around Brian's penis.

Brian stared down at the small hole that he had made love to so many times before. In Hawaii's pale moon, it was a gorgeous hole. Brian leaned down and began to kiss the hole. Justin jumped in surprise. Brian kept his lips kissing Justin's hole with his tongue beginning to slid out. Brian licked over the hole that began to convulse for him. His tongue began to lick every part of flesh surrounding Justin's hole. Brian could taste the dried juices from pineapple that had dripped to Justin's butt. Justin tried to moan while sucking Brian, bringing more pleasure to Brian's dick. Brian rimmed Justin with care, just like the first time his lips graced Justin's hole. He still had flashes of the moment he made love to Justin's hole with his tongue. It was right after Brian and Justin had admitted their love to each other and Kevin. And now Brian was using his tongue to pleasure Justin further on their wedding night.

Justin reached a finger up to Brian's sweaty hole and gently inserted it. As he did, he felt Brian's cock begin to cum in his mouth. Justin kept his steady movement of his finger in and out of Brian's hole while he took Brian's cum into his mouth. Brian panted hard against Justin's ass while he came. When he was finished, he replaced his tongue to Justin's round ass.

Justin grunted softly and removed Brian's cock from his mouth. Brian's tongue slid over Justin's hole again before Brian released Justin's legs. Justin relaxed while Brian turned around to face him. Brian crawled to Justin's face and smiled. He laid his lips on Justin's cheek and held him. Justin turned to face Brian and began to kiss him. As Brian kissed Justin, he felt his cum being exhanged between the two. Brian savored the taste of his own cum as Justin's tongue ran over his own. Justin hugged Brian as they kissed. Brian's own hands grabbed onto Justin's head to hold the kiss. His tongue glided over Justin's tongue while he tried to swallow his own cum.

Justin rolled Brian so that they were on their sides, still kissing each other. Brian released Justin's lips and moved to kiss Justin's chin. Brian gave Justin small kisses on his chin and then he ran his hands to Justin's chest. "Can... can I..." Brian requested without finishing his words. Justin already knew in his head what Brian was asking of him and agreed. "Do you want me to use a condom?" Brian offered while rubbing Justin's erect nipples. "No... I want you to cum inside of me.." Justin replied softly. Brian grazed his lips over Justin's again, not touching fully. He nuzzled his head to Justin's and laid Justin back onto his back.

Brian laid ontop of Justin as Justin carefully spread and lifted his own legs. Brian felt the movement and kissed Justin's nose. "You have such a cute nose." Brian whispered, rubbing his hand over Justin's curly hair. Justin giggled while Brian prepared to enter Justin's lubed hole. "Just... I don't have to ask this..." Brian was prepared for Justin's quickly reply. "I love you sweetie. More than you know..." Justin answered for Brian. Brian smiled, seeking more love in Justin's blue eyes.

Brian held his cock at Justin's entrance with care. He ran it lightly over the hole, teasing Justin slightly. Justin moaned for Brian, causing Brian to slowly insert his penis into Justin. As the head broke through, Justin wrapped his arms around Brian's back. Brian understood that Justin needed to be held while they amde love. Brian slipped his arms around Justin and began to slowly move in and out of Justin. Brian slid to the hilt and held his throbbing cock inside of Justin. Justin felt Brian's brown hairs caressing his ass before Brian began his thrusting once more. Brian and Justin's eyes were shut, but their fingers knew where to run on each other. They learned each crack, each muscle, each soft spot, each erotic spot, each hair and each inch of each other's body. The pleasure of sex brought them even closer.

Brian's movements were slow and steady inside of Justin. His legs rubbed against the sheets while they made love without the sheets covering them. Brian began to kiss Justin's collar bone, still holding Justin for comfort. Justin's moans of ecstasy were low and gentle, just the way Brian liked. He loved making love to Justin in a soft and tender way. Justin grasped Brian's shoulder and held them while Brian worked harder to bring Justin into a world of pleasure.

Brian repeated his gentle thrusts inside of Justin's ass, making sure to give Justin what he needed. Brian released Justin from their hug and brought his hands to Justin's face. He ran his fingers over Justin's sideburns before bringing Justin into a small kiss. Brian kissed Justin's lips only while continuing to sink deeper inside of Justin. Justin returned the small kiss, lightly pressing his lips to Brian's. Justin raised one of his legs and rubbed it over Brian's side. Brian brought one of his hand from Justin's face to Justin's leg. He held Justin's leg while nibbling on Justin's lower lip. Justin's pants filled the room with sexual feelings.

The bed rocked with Brian's increasing pace while Justin got louder with his pleasure screams. Justin's penis was being massaged between their grinding bodies. Justin found himself digging his hands into Brian's back. Brian hollered out in pain and soon their love making ended.

Justin had tears in his eyes when he looked up to Brian. "Brian... I..." Justin found himself beginning to cry. "No, no, it's okay baby. It really is." Brian tried to assure Justin. Justin looked away from Brian in shame. Brian leaned down and began to kiss Justin's neck. Brian slowly started his thrusting again and continued to have sex with his husband. Justin found himself releasing Brian's back and moving to Brian's hips. He held Brian's hips as Brian moved in and out. brian used his tongue to trace the letter 'J' on Justin's neck. "Oh.. oh... uh, Brian... oh Bri..." Justin panted out. His erect cock soon released it's juices between their shifting bodies. "Yes Justin... oh baby..." Brian grunted near Justin's neck. Justin's cock became softt while Brian kept moving.

Sweat covered their bodies as Brian inched closer to cumming inside of Justin. His thrusts were quick, yet gentle inside of Justin. "Kiss me.." Justin requested as he felt Brian's penis become larger inside of him. Brian obliged with Justin's request and ran his lips to Justin's. Justin gripped the back of Brian's head and kissed him. Brian panted while kissing Justin and quickly pulled away from Justin's lips. Brian pulled himself and Justin up so that Brian was sitting on the bed and Justin was riding him. Justin began to ride Brian softly and then plaed his head on Brian's shoulders. He knew Brian was close when they switched to this position. "Heh heh... uhm, Justin... Justin... Just.." Brian called out. Justin didn't mind the sounds of Brian saying his name. "Oh Justin!" Brian screamed out and fell back on the bed. Justin continued to ride Brian while laying ontop of him. He kissed Brian's scare and then Brian's left nipple. "Mmmmm.... oh baby!" Brian moaned out as he released his cum inside of Justin. Justin stopped moving ontop of Brian and held him. Brian ran his hands desperately through Justin's hair as he orgasmed for the third time. Justin tried to hush Brian's quivering lips and held him.

Brian couldn't move under Justin. He felt himself falling asleep, so he forced himself to look at Justin. "Babe, I'm... I'm tired." Brian whispered. Justin nodded and crawled off of Brian. "Where... where are you going?" Brian asked as he saw Justin get off the bed. Justin looked over to the clock and saw that it was two o'clock in the morning. He and Brian had been making love for four hours and he pleasured from every minute of it. "I just want to sit and watched you sleep." Justin replied as he took a seat in a chair near the bed. "Please Justin... come in the bed and hold me.." Brian pouted as he moved to the head of the bed. "It's okay Bri." Justin assured him before Justin's eyes gazed to the blacony.

Brian crawled to the edge of the bed and then took a seat in the chair with Justin. He sat on Justin's lap and wrapped his arms around Justin. "Are you mad?" Brian whimpered out. "Not at you." Justin replied before hugging onto Brian. Brian rested his head on Justin's shoulder and let small tears fall. "Was it... was it like you hoped?" Brian pondered. "Better." Justin giggled. "But did you like it?" Justin wondered. "I love it!" Brian quickly exlaimed. "Just holding you while we made love meant so much to me." Brian added. Brian closed his eyes and felt himself drifting to sleep in the small chair. Justin relaxed and laid his head on Brian's. "I love you Brian Littrell." Justin whispered. "I love you Justin Littrell." Brian happily whispered back before drifting to sleep in Justin's arms.

Justin rubbed his head against Brian's for hours in the chair. Brian slept peacefully, just knowing Justin was holding him. Justin glanced over to the clock that read four o'clock. He then looked back to his sleeping husband. "Brian... Brian, get in the bed." Justin suggested while shaking Brian. "No, I don't want to let you go..." Brian groaned with a sleepy tone. Brian lifted his head and opened his sleepy eyes. "Brian, I want to take a shower." Justin whispered. Brian leaned forward and gave Justin a tiny kiss on the lips. "Okay, let's go." Brian offered. "But you're still tired." Justin whispered. "No, me and you always." Brian responded with a small smile. Justin smiled back and let Brian stand.

Brian walked towards the bathroom while Justin watched from behind. He watched the small dimples in Brian's ass as Brian entered the bathroom. He couldn't help but smirk as he watched his husband's butt. He ran in after Brian and closed the door to the bathroom.

When Justin finally entered the large bathroom, he saw that Brian had already stopped the shower. "Brian..." Justin called to Brian before Brian could step inside the large, glass doored shower. Brian turned and gave Justin a questionable stare. "Are you sure you're not tired or anything?" Justin asked. "No, just a little sore. A shower would do me good." Brian nodded. Justin shrugged and walked up to Brian.

He placed a hand behind Brian's head and pulled him into a swift kiss. Brian closed his eyes and moved his head back and forth with Justin's. Brian began to giggle while kissing Justin, causing Justin to break from the kiss. "What's so funny Mr. Littrell?" Justin questioned with a smile. Brian looked at Justin and then started laughing again. Justin pouted at Brian's response. "I'm sorry, just thinking of that time when me and you wanted to have sex in the shower and couln't. I was so hard that day and I wanted to have sex with you so bad!" Brian giggled out. "Oh," Justin gasped. "But hey, it's our honeymoon. We can have sex if we want to." Brian jingled. Justin hugged onto Brian and smiled. "I love you Mr. Littrell." Brian whispered and then placed a gentle kiss on Justin's forehead.

Brian lifted Justin up by the hips and carried him into the shower. Brian placed Justin's feet to the ground as he entered and automatically his lips went to Justin's neck. His tongue trailed over a hickey he had left before and then searched for a new area of the flesh to suck upon. Justin shivered as Brian's motuh sucked upon his neck. He lifted his arms and wrapped them around Brian's neck as Brian's head moved back and forth with his tongue.

The water ran over their bodies and the steam fogged the glass. The heat was more intense between Brian and Justin, leaving the bathroom filled with passion. Justin reached his hand out to the glass and pressed it over the glass. He felt the steam run under his palm while rtubbing the glass. Brian's motuh released Justin's neck, and with his eyes closed, Brian found his way to Justin's mouth. They kissed again as Brian let his own body press against the glass.

Brian's mouth parted from Justin's and let the water pour over them. Brian's hair was drenched in water and sweat while Justin's curls soon became straight. "Wow..." Brian panted with a smile on his lips. Justin nodded and ran his hands over Brian's stomach. "Nice abs." Justin commented. "Never noticed them before?" Brian questioned. "I always noticed them, just never said anything to you about them." Justin replied as he stared at Brian's belly button. "Well thanks." Brian snickered while Justin treasued him.

"Now... there's something else I never get to tell you about." Justin smiled deviously. He knelt to the floor and looked at Brian's limp cock. "This is something that I love about you." Justin whispered while grabbing Brian's penis. "The soft skin... the pink head... the beautiful length.." Justin whispered while slowly jacking Brian off. Brian became hard in Justin's hand. Brian leaned his head back and released a soft moan. Justin leaned forward, when Brian's penis was hard enough, and took it into his mouth.

Justin began to bob his head up and down on Brian's stiff rod. Brian gasped and placed his hands on Justin's head. He panted lowly and let the water run over his face. "Ah.. ah... Justin..." Brian grunted as Justin's tongue ran over his cherry red head. Justin cupped Brian's balls and held them. The soft and wet hair that surrounded Brian's penis was comforting to Justin. "Mmmm..." Justin moaned as he sucked Brian harder. Brian felt his knees becoming weak and he leaned his body against the glass door. Justin held the head on his tongue and rolled it with his tongue. Brian tried to hold in his cum, but it wasn't working for him. With a thrust, he released himself into Justin's mouth. Justin tried to take in all of Brian's cum, but it flowed in excess. Brian hunched himself over as Justin stood. Justin placed his face to the water to wash away his sweat and cum.

Brian latched onto Justin, standing in his normal position with his arms wrapped around Justin and his head resting on Justin's shoulder. "You're the best." Brian whispered as the water splashed over him. Justin laughed lowly and let the water pull his hair down. Justin ran his hands through his hair, pulling the hair back. "So are we in here to wash up or have sex?" Justin questioned. "Hmmm, I like the second choice." Brian giggled. "I knew you would." Justin giggled along with him. "But yeah... let's get cleaned up." Brian advised. Within minutes, they were cleaned from the sweat, juices and cum that had been on there body.

Brian wrapped a robe around Justin's body and snuggled to him. Justin shrugged and let his husband cling to him. "Sometimes I just don't want to let you go." Brian whispered. "I can see." Justin teased him. "Am I wrong to love my husband?" Brian asked as he backed off Justin. "No, I didn't mean that Brian." Justin tried to grab Brian's wet arm. Brian took a seat on the sink and looked at Justin.

Justin let the robe drop from his body and he walked up to Brian. "I really appreciate you holding me Brian..." Justin whispered while placing his hands on Brian's legs. Brian pouted and looked down to Justin's hands. He stared at the gold ring that rested on Justin's finger. Justin lifted his right hand and began to pull Brian's hair back. Brian looked up as he felt Justin slick his hair back. "Justin... I really want..." Brian stopped himself. He gave Justin a nervous look and then turned away. "What Brian?" Justin whispered his question. "I want you to... make love to me." Brian finally answered. Justin placed a finger to Brian's chin and brought Brian's eyes to his own. "Okay." Justin nodded for comfort.

Justin leaned forward and began to kiss Brian. Brian leaned back and savored the kiss. Justin kept his finger on Brian's small goatee while kissing Brian. Brian spread his legs and let Justin lean forward more. Brian's dick came to attention again while Justin kissed him. Brian wrapped his arms around Justin's neck and pulled Justin's lips further on his own. Brian slid his legs around Justin's back and locked his fet together. Justin got the hints Brian was sending to him and lifted Brian.

Justin carried Brian out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. He laid Brian on the foot of the bed with Brian's legs hanging off the end. Justin lifted Brian's body slightly and slid his penis to Brian's hole. Using the water as lubrication, Justin slipped inside of Brian. Brian released Justin's lips to grunt out in pleasure. Justin slowed himself and let Brian's ass take him inside, inch by inch.

Brian heaved as his ass took Justin inside. His chest rose and fell with a slow rhythm. His eyes were shut and his hair pulled back. Justin leaned down so he was laying on Brian and held him. "Are you okay?" Justin asked as his dick finally reached the hilt. "Just make love to me baby..." Brian requested as he nibbled on Justin's lip. Justin nodded and closed his own eyes. He gently began to pull out so that only his head remained and then slid back in until his balls were nestled next to Brian's ass. Brian threw his arms around Justin's back and held on as Justin's thrusts became more intense. Brian moaned loudly, not afraid to show his care of Justin. Justin moved his lips to Brian's chest and sucked on Brian's right nipple. Brian closed his eyes tightly as Justin's cock moved with a gentle stroke. His heart was beating with intensity and his husband was making love to him. He wasn't fucking Brian, he was making love to him with a gentle touch.

Justin rubbed his tongue over Brian's left nipple before crying out. "I'm almost... there..." Justin panted as he began to move quicker inside of Brian. Brian grabbed Justin's hips and tried to slow his thrust. "Careful..." Brian warned him between pants. Justin realized how much pain he could cause Brian if he was not careful. Justin slowed himself and grabbed Brian's hips. He held Brian's hips and gently began his slow rocking again.

"I... want you to cum..." Brian gasped out as their love making progressed for an hour. Justin was holding strong, being soft with Brian's warm body. His lips were kissing Brian's cheek and his hands were massaging Brian's thighs. "Heh heh heh heh... oh Bri... oh Bri... yeah..." Justin grunted. His penis were standing sturdy, but Justin's body screamed out to orgasm. "Hmmm.... oh.. uh, uh, okay Brian... oh God!" Justin called out before releasing himself into Brian's hole. Brian held onto Justin, feeling the sweat from Justin's body drip onto his. The bed began to rock again as Justin kept thrusting while cumming. Brian knew Justin needed to relax after his intense orgasm.

Brian let Justin lay on his chest. He ran his hands over Justin's still wet curls. Justin found himself falling asleep on Brian's chest and tried to wake himself up. "Come here." Brian said as he lifted Justin's head. Justin crawled up Brian and Brian gave Justin a small kiss. "You're sleepy." Brian commented while holding Justin. Justin nodded and awaited Brian's move.

Brian pulled Justin to the head of the bed and relaxed. Justin snuggled to Brian and Brian placed his arms around Justin. Justin found himself curling up to Brian. Brian pulled the covers over their bodies and let Justin sleep. Brian snuggled himself to his pillow and fell asleep with Justin relaxing upon his body.

Justin woke up in the bed alone. His eyes adjusted to the bright light of day and he looked around the bedroom. He was alone in the bedroom. "Brian? Babe?" Justin called out as he crawled out of the bed. He received no response from Brian. He looked to the night stand and saw that the clock said eleven o'clock.

Justin ran his hands through his hair and stood. He looked around the room for a sign that Brian had been there. Their clothes were still scattered across the room with a robe laying on the floor in the bathroom.

Justin stumbled over to Brian's suitcase and grabbed a pair of boxers out. The boxers read 'Backstreet Boys' across the top. 'Hmmm... boxers?' Justin pondered in his head. Justin slipped them on for a snug fit and walked out of the bedroom smiling.

"Bri?" Justin questioned as he stepped into the main room. He saw Brian sitting on the couch watching the television. Justin smiled and took a seat next to Brian. He snuggled tightly to Brian while Brian placed an arm around Justin. "Why didn't you wake me?" Justin questioned. "Because you looked just like a baby while sleeping." Brian replied, looking down at Justin. Justin giggled and snuggled his head to Brian's shoulder. "Just like Jacob." Brian whispered. Justin lifted his head and quickly looked at Brian. "Brian?" Justin asked softly. Brian rubbed his fingers over Justin's lips and smiled. "Don't worry about it." Brian sighed. "But you said..." Brian stopped Justin quickly. "I know what I said." Brian assured him. Justin pulled away from Brian and watched the T.V.

"It's just... sometimes I think about how nice it was taking care of Justin. How wonderful it was watching you hold him, love him like he was your son. And I just wish that we didn't have to go through so much just to have a child." Brian sighed out his explaination. Justin grabbed Brian's hand to ease Brian's pain. "Who says we have to?" Justin brought up a powerful response. "The world." Brian sadly replied. "The world doesn't live in our house." Justin reminded him. "Yes, but the world is the one thing stopping me and you from having a child." Brian groaned.

He released Justin's hand and stood from the couch. Justin watched Brian walk away from him and frowned. He placed his head in his hands and thought. 'I want a child... I want Brian... I want my life...' Justin sobbed to himself. He controlled his tears, but his sniffles brought him to the brink.

He felt a warm, soft hand on his shoulder. "Hey, I didn't mean to burden you with my troubles." Brian whispered as he hugged Justin. "They're my troubles too Brian." Justin softly replied. Justin let a small tear escape his eyes and fall onto Brian's shoulder. "Hey, hey, are you going to cry on me?" Brian joked while holding Justin. "No." Justin gave a plain answer. "Good, because everytime you start to cry... I end up crying. And I don't want to tell my child that I cried with his father on our honeymoon." Brian laughed to bring the softer side out of Justin. Justin laughed and kissed the tear away from Brian's shoulder. "Get dressed. I want to take you somewhere." Justin whispered before pulling away from Brian. "Somewhere?" Brian questioned. "Yeah, somewhere." Justin laughed and stood from the couch. Brian shrugged and followed Justin into the bedroom.

After an hour of showering, dressing, cuddling and kissing, Justin was walking Brian down the beach away from the hotel. The sun stood above them brightly while the ocean rippled in it's afternoon tide. Brian looked out into the clear blue ocean as Justin guided him further down the beach, "Where are we going?" Brian asked as a heated breeze blew over his body. "To a special place the front desk told me about." Justin replied.

Justin and Brian came upon a rocky region when Brian finally caught sight of what Justin was trying to show him. Beyond the rocks was a waterfall, flowing deeply into a shallow water. In the water laid rocks while the waterfall poured from the rocks. The water was icey blue as it splashed over the rocks. The waterfall caused sprinkles of water to fly into the air while nature ran it's course throughout the land.

Justin led Brian down to the water and stepped on the rocks. He began his walk without Brian and then looked back to his husband. "Come on." Justin said as he waved for Brian to follow him upon the rocks. Brian sighed and followed Justin onto the rocks. He caught up to Justin and grasped Justin's hand. Justin smiled with love dawning his eyes. Brian smiled back and watched how Justin's face glowed in the Hawaiin sun.

The water splashed over their feet as they finally reached the waterfall. Justin pulled Brian under the waterfall and let the hard water rain over their bodies. Brian gasped with shock as he felt the warm water drench his body. They stood upon the rocks that were under the falls and whispered gentle words to each other. Justin pulled Brian into a hug and held him under the water. "It's called the Fall of Love." Justin stated while rubbing his cheek to Brian's. His cheek graced Brian's with an intense care. Brian was caught up in the mood that the waterfall brought to them and their surroundings. He rubbed his hands over the small of Justin's back and whispered, "I love you." He gently placed a kiss on Justin's lips before feeling Justin return the guilded kiss. Brian tilted his head to get into the full force of the kiss as the waterfall ran over their bodies. It felt as if they were standing in a storm of rain while they kissed. And yet nature could not pull them far apart.

Brian pulled back and kissed Justin on the nose. "I'm going to hate for this to end." Justin whispered while staring in Brian's baby blue eyes. "Its not ending Justin. For us, it's just beginning..." Brian whispered before returning to his kiss with Justin.


*** A friend of mine, named Donnie say to me today, "All good things come to an end...". If you believe that saying, then I'm sorry for you. All good things do not end, they just close a chapter on one story to start a chapter on another. And so that is what I am doing with 'Brian & Justin'. The story 'Brian & Justin' may have come to an end, but the story of their love is not ending. So with that note, let me say thank you to everyone who has stood by me throughout this story. Through thick and thin, through our good times and our bad times, through our laughter together and through our tears, I think of every last reader as a friend of mine now. I have grown closer to many through this story. And even those who left the series or never gave the series a chance, I still respect you for taking your stand. And I can't say how much I appreciate the people who have given me grief with the story because you made me stronger and you made me write better. I can't say that I'll always be there for all of you, but I want to say that I care for all of you. ***

** And with that, it's time for me to ask of my fans: What did you think? Though this is going to kill my e-mail, I'd like to hear from ALL of my faans this time. Whether it is to just say, "Hello", talk about the series, talk about issues or just to talk for the first time, I want to hear from everyone! So please, when you are finished with this story, write me. I would appreciate it. Oh and the next series will be up in about two weeks, because JM needs a break! LOL. Oh, and be sure to be there for the awards and maybe I just might get nominated this time! Does someone have the lyrics to LEN's song? Thank you. **

  • And one final note. To all the people I am supposed to thank here, please know who you are because I lost track! But thank you, you know what you have done for me. Some people I will never forget are Brian (the man always commenting on the series for me), David (the crazy sex guy), Allen (you are my inspiration whether you like it or not! I've shared so many laughs with you), Rick (the guy who makes me smile), Donnie (just because Donnie...), David (The ONE guy that I thank God for. Without Nifty, where would I be?), Mano (times and time again, you kept me crying), Jason (the guy I go to for pictures and everything else!), Jay & Josh (My Wonder Twins!), Netboy (The Webaster baby!), CJ (You know why buddy! Thanks for him... and thanks for loving Howie!), Adam (Where did you go on me?) and Loner (You won't be that way forever buddy). And to everyone else, I know I didn't get a chance to name you, but that does not mean I love you ANY less. Because I love you alot. So with that, we close the chapter on 'Brian & Justin' and open 'Just Beginning...' And once again, I thank you for being here with me. Like Justin say, 'Peace & Hair Grease baby'. <Okay, now go get some Kleenex!> LOL. ***

Next: Chapter 38: Just Beginning 1 5

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