Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on May 4, 1999


B-Rok B-Day by JM

*** Warning, you are about to read from what readers say, a good story. HAH HAH HAH!!! This is the revison to the story 'B-Rok B-Day'. Hope you enjoy and read the rest of the series. It's worth it. E-mail me with any problems, comments, etc., etc., etc. Until then, have fun! ***

Brian toweled himself off inside of the locker room. He watched Justin with a loving look. Justin was dressing, trying to keep his mind on what he had to do. "What's on your mind Justin?" Brian finally asked. Justin looked up at Brian while he fixed his belt. "You." Justin answered with a smile. "Oh, you know just how to make me smile." Brian cheered. "Brian... do you ever think about..." Justin stopped himself. "Think about what?" Brian asked with curiosity. Justin smiled at him and looked away. "Nothing." Justin decided to conceal his feelings.

Brian's ears perked up as he heard steps of people approaching. Before Brian could warn Justin, he saw two forms before him. "WHOA!" JC called out, trying to cover himself up as he saw Brian and Justin. "Geez!" Lance screamed, giving everyone a frightened look. Justin glanced at both of them with shocked eyes. Brian backed behind one of the lockers, trying to conceal himself. "Wha.. what are you two doing?" Justin stuttered out. JC looked at Lance quickly and blushed. "What are you two doing?!" JC retorted, avoiding the subject of him and Lance. "Uh.. me and Brian were just..." Justin couldn't figure out the words to explain what he and Brian had just done for a third time. "you know what me and Justin did. Now answer Justin's questions." Brian spoke up, defending Justin. "We.. uh.. we.." JC felt himself choking up on the question set before him. "Maybe we should talk Justin." JC suggested shyly. Jusitn gave JC a plain look of wonder. "I mean we should really talk this time." JC insisted. Justin sighed and agreed. "I'll be right back." JC whispered to Lance. Lance gave him an awkward stare. "And what am I supposed to do?" Lance asked with worry. JC shrugged and walked off towards the exit. Justin walked past Brian and gave him a look of fear. Brian ran his hand over Justin's shoulder and smiled. "Just speak the truth. He is your best friend." Brian advised with a brillant smile. Justin nodded and exited the same way JC did.

Brian looked towards Lance and began to whistle a tune. "So... how about them Braves." Brian laughed. Lance sighed loudly. Brian threw Lance a towel and said, "You might want to put this on." Lance nodded and quickly fastened the towel to his waist. "So when do you think those two will get back?" Brian asked of Lance. "I don't know." Lance quickly said. Brian shook his head, bored with the conversation. Brian grabbed his clothes and began to get dressed.

Justin and JC stood outside in the basketball court. JC was quickly trying to gather up his and Lance's clothes. "Are we going to talk?" Justin asked, watching JC. JC looked up and nodded. "Uh, I'm sorry about before." JC apologized. "It's okay." Justin shrugged. JC left it at that. "Did you and Lance..." Justin decided to be bold and ask the question. JC bit his lip and nodded shyly. "Wow, that's uh... that's interesting." Justin felt unsure of his emotions at the moment. "You're not going to..." JC feared Justin's answer. "Oh no! I won't say a word." Justin quickly answered. JC sighed with relief. "You won't mention to the guys about me and Brian, will you?" Justin asked. "No, I won't." JC answered. "Thanks." Justin muttered. "Uh, me and Lance didn't mean to be nosey, but we saw you two in the shower. Is there something going on Justin?" JC boldly asked with no regrets. Justin turned his head away slightly, trying to decide on what his true feelings were. "I don't know anymore JC." Justin answered sadly. JC approached Justin, trying to comfort his friend. "He was your first, right?" JC asked. Justin nodded. "Justin, I've never known you to keep anything from me. But lately, you've been acting different. Now does it have something to do with Brian? Is he using you? Treating you bad or what?" JC asked, acussing Brian fully. "No! Never! Brian's very gentle and he's really nice to me." Justin lashed out.

"So what is it?" JC asked. Justin sighed deeply. "Promise me that you won't tell Brian." Justin pleaded softly. JC nodded and said, "I've never broken a promise to you." Justin agreed. "I think I'm falling in love with Brian." Justin whispered. "In love? In love with what, the sex?!" JC laughed. Justin gave him a disturbed face. "Forget it." Justin blew JC off, heading back towards the showers. "No, no, wait, I'm sorry." JC quickly stopped himself. Justin stopped and looked back at JC. "You're serious, aren't you?" JC asked. Justin nodded again. "But how Justin? You've only gotten to really know Brian for a week." JC complained that of a concerned friend. "I know, but it's felt like a life time with him. He's so... he's honest with me." Justin responded. JC knew Justin was being sincere and tried to understand his friend's affection for a guy that he didn't really know. "Are you going to tell Brian?" JC asked. "I'm not sure. I have to know if he cares too." Justin answered, running his fingers through his hair. "I hope he does." JC added.

"So what about you and Lance? What's going on between you two?" Justin asked, changing the subject to lighten the mood. "Me and Lance, I don't know." JC shrugged. "What do you mean you don't know?" Justin asked, throwing his hands up for emphasis. "I just don't know. I mean we never talked about it before today and well... you know what that led to. So I'm not sure how he feels." JC answered plainly. "Are you going to ask him about it?" Justin questioned, searching for an answer from his friend. "Yeah, I know I will." JC responded. "It was our first time, Justin." JC confessed. Justin gave a small gasp and then smiled at JC. "Was it as wonderful as you thought it would be?" Justin asked, sensing his friend's response. "It was great! Of course, since I've never had sex, I guess I wouldn't know what great sex was." JC laughed. Justin joined him in the laugh.

"I'm glad that you two are having a fun time laughing while we're sitting in the locker room." Brian said sarcastically while smiling. Justin glanced over his shoulder and saw Brian fully dressed while Lance still held a towel around his waist. "Oh, sorry." JC gasped and continued to gather up clothing. "It's okay." Brian assured him, approaching Justin with a rather friendly smile. "What are you cheesing about?" Justin asked with a small snicker. "I don't know, it's something about you that makes me smile." Brian confessed in an easy and laidback tone.

"Anyways, I've gotta get back to the hotel because the guys and me are celebrating my late birthday tomorrow." Brian announced to Lance, JC and Justin. "Birthday?" JC questioned, as if he was expecting further warning of the event. "Well it's a late birthday because we never got to celebrate my actual birthday in Feburary. See, between touring and me having to do stops at the hospital, we never got a chance to celebrate. So, I went back to Kentucky a few days after my birthday and the guys promised when we got a break that we'd celebrate. So, that's what we're doing tomorrow." Brian explained. Everyone nodded, understanding the heavy cirumstances. "You guys should come." Brian suggested nonchalauntly, but gazing at Justin. "Hey, that's cool. We'd love to go!" JC said while shuffling back towards the locker room. "Yeah, that'll be great." Lance agreed as he followed JC. Justin looked around the court and then shook his head. He did not realize that Brian's birthday had past and now he felt a need to buy a gift for his newfound lover, Brian.

"You two should head back to the hotel. We'll be up there in say, about thirty minutes." JC advised, looking at the dark purple sky. "Yeah, he's right." Brian agreed. Justin nodded and watched JC disappear into the locker room. "Come on." Brian reached his hand out to Justin. Justin grabbed Brian's hand and held it. His mind was on the gift and not Brian. They walked in silence up the steep hill, Brian's mind was on something a little more special than the gift that was on Justin's mind.

Brian and Justin both crept into the hall that held each of their rooms. They could hear faint sounds of snoring people, TV's and radios. They knew that most of the guys were sleep, but they took no chances. Justin's mind was still on what to get Brian when Brian walked him to Justin's door. Brian let Justin's hand go and awaited Justin to get his key card from his pocket. "Is everything all right?" Brian asked as Justin swiped his card into the door. "Huh?" Justin asked, slipping out of his daze. "I said are you okay?" Brian repeated himself. "Oh yeah, I'm fine." Justin nodded. He looked at Brian and carefully leaned against the door. "I had a really good time tonight." Brian spoke softly to Justin. "Yeah. me too." Justin said carelessly. Brian gave Justin a look of hurt. "Uh, well I guess I should be heading off to bed then." Brian said falsely, trying to grasp Justin's full attention. "Right, I should be getting to bed." Justin agreed. Brian gave Justin another odd look. "Well, goodnight Justin." Brian whispered with a small whimper. Justin grabbed Brian's arm before he could leave. "Goodnight Brian." Justin whispered and gave Brian a kiss on the cheek. Justin didn't watch Brian leave. He stumbled directly into his room, still thinking of the perfect gift for Brian.

Brian lazily walked to his room and stepped inside. He threw his key card on the floor and empty his pockets onto the table next to the door. Brian didn't have the strength to make it to his bed. He was too worried about Justin's behavior and his feelings inside. Brian felt a small tear roll down his face and he quickly wiped it away with his hand. "No Brian, you're not going to do this. You can't cry over him." Brian said, trying to control his emotions. Brian's mind warped back to his moment with Justin in the shower and felt the full afflection of his tears twisting his emotions. "What's wrong with me? Why the hell do I love him so much? I.. I barely know him!" Brian barked at himself. He pressed his back against the door and tried to clear his eyes of the tears. Brian slid down the door and sat on the floor. "I love him." Brian whispered to himself. He brought his legs up to his chest and rested his head on his knees. "Dear Lord... what am I going to do? He acts like, like he doesn't love me." Brian whimpered to himself. He let the tears stain the knees of his jeans as he comtemplated on what to do.

Brian heard a loud knock at his door and he quickly lifted his head. "Bri.. Brian, you in there?" he heard a familiar, deep voice ask. Brian quickly wiped away his tears and tried to regain his composure. "Ye.. yeah, I'm here." Brian answered. "Open up then, buddy." the voice asked in a pleading tone. Brian stood to his feet and made sure to clear the tears from his face. His eyes stung with a blinding intensity. Brian turned the knob slowly and opened the door. He looked Kevin directly in the eyes as the door came fully open. Two sets of blue eyes met, one pair holding worry in his eyes while the other held tears. "Are you okay cousin? I got up to check on AJ. I walked by your room and could hear you sobbing." Kevin explained, looking at Brian's gentle face with concern. "Yeah yeah, I'm fine. Just a little tired." Brian responded, trying to avoid Kevin's stare. Kevin tried to catch Brian's face with his eyes. Brian casually leaned his head down, trying to hide his face from Kevin. "You've been crying, haven't you?" Kevin asked in a fatherly tone. "No." Brian answered, a small sob in his voice. "Yes you have! I know you Brian and you don't cry for just anything." Kevin retorted with even more concern. Brian tried to hold his head lower, tears rolling from his eyes to the floor. "What's wrong? Can I help?" Kevin shot questions out as he laid a hand on Brian's shoulder. "No, you can't! There's nothing you or anybody else can do for me." Brian snapped back, jerking his shoulder from under Kevin's hand.

Kevin entered Brian's room with no invitation and and closed the door behind himself. "What is it Brian? You can tell me." Kevin pressed. "No, I can't!" Brian barked back, finally raising his head for Kevin to see his tears. Kevin tried his best to hug Brian and find out what was wrong. Brian gave in and let Kevin hug him. Tears ran down his face and onto Kevin's shirt. "I love him Kevin and I don't know what to do." Brian cried out. Kevin pondered Brian's words. For years Brian and Kevin confessed things to each other. Kevin told Brian everything about his girlfriend's, friends and associates. It was the same for Brian. When Brian finally confessed to Kevin that he thought that he liked guys, Kevin blew it off as a phase. He had no idea that Brian would one day confess his love for another man. "Who Bri? Who do you love?" Kevin asked, peeling Brian from his body. "Ju.. Just.." Brian was unable to get Justin's name on his lips. Kevin did his best to follow. "Justin?!" Kevin asked cusiously. Brian nodded and felt the tears roll down in heavy streaks. Kevin knew in his body that a stern and powerful lecture was burning to be released. He knew in Brian's state at the moment thought that Brian couldn't take it.

Kevin guided Brian over to the bed and they both sat. "How did this happen? I mean, what made you fall in love with Justin?" Kevin asked. "It's a long story, but it's just been this week. He's fun, he's cute, he's sexy, he's nice and he's... he's just everything to me all of the sudden." Brian answered in a calm state. He wiped the tears away as fast as he could. "But how?" Kevin asked again, seriously. "I don't know. We've spent so much time together that it just happened." Brian answered in an unsure tone. "Have you told him anything? Have you kissed him? Has he expressed any love?" Kevin hit Brian with another round of questions. "Yes, we've kissed and showed some emotion towards each other. I know he feels it, just like I do but he hasn't said anything." Brian was with assurance.

Kevin began to slowly peice together things. "Was he... Brian did you and Justin sleep together?" Kevin finally asked the one question that popped into his mind first. Brian sighed deeply. not feeling regret yet pressure. "Yes, I was his first and he was mine." Brian answered. Kevin stood from the bed with a rage. "What the fuck is wrong with you Brian?! Not only have you gone against something that you saved your whole life for, but you did it one week's time. And for God's sake Brian, the boy is seventeen! What if his parents find out!? What are you going to do then!" Kevin hollored as Brian.

Brian grasped his head, thinking about all of the good points Kevin brought up. "Did you think of any of this when you decided it was finally time for you to stop being a fucking virgin and sleep with this kid?!" Kevin asked in a desperate voice. "No, I didn't. But I did think about how much I wanted to be with him and how right it felt." Brian answered, defending his actions. "Stop thinking with your penis and think with your head." Kevin argued. "Kevin, I was thinking with my heart. The one thing I think you left in another state. You've told me of times where you came close to losing your virgintiy, but you didn't cause you felt it was wrong and it wasn't the time. Well guess what, it was the time for me and it was the right person. I can't change what I've done and if I could, I wouldn't. I fucking love him and it's not because of sex or anything else. It's because he treats me like a human being. Unlike AJ, who treats me like a brother or Howie, who treats me like a cousin or Nick, who treats me like his high school friend or even you, who treats me like I'm your damn son. But he treats me like he cares for me!" Brian responded. He gave the best arguement that ever came from his two lips.

Kevin was at a lose of words. Brian had never stood up to him with such confidence and such determination. "I'm sorry. I was just trying to look out for you." Kevin said, slowly backing towards the door. "Just treat me like you treat yourself." Brian pleaded. "Okay Bri, I will. What are you going to do though?" Kevin asked. Brian thought for a few seconds. "I'm going to tell him." Brian responded. "Good." Kevin nodded. "Kevin, keep this between us please!" Brian begged. Kevin nodded and made his way out of Brian's room.

As Kevin left, Brian laid back in his bed. He curled up into a small ball and tried to sleep, thinking about his recent actions. 'I know he's young and I know he's vulnerable but still, I love him.' Brian told himself as he fell asleep.

Nick woke Brian up early the next day by barging into his room and ripping the sheets from Brian's snuggled body. "Hey Bri, we've gotta go little boy. We're headed to start your 'special' day off with a trip to Six Flags over Georgia!" Nick announced while tapping Brian on the head. Brian groaned in a sad tone. "I don't feel like it." Brian grunted out. "Don't feel like it?! Don't feel like it?! Are you crazy!?!" Nick snapped at Brian. Brian rolled over and clutched onto his pillow. "Okay, then we could always spend the day here and talk about sex and how you or me aren't getting any." Nick teased in his usual childish tone. Brian's eyes blinked open and he tried to figure out why Nick would bring up such a subject. He and Nick had discussed sex often while on the tour bus, but just about how neither of them had given away their virginity or how neither of them planned to until they felt it was right. Yet Nick had said several times that feeling that it was right could take years and that maybe to just do it would get the thouth from his head. Brian did not agree with Nick's obvious horny intentions for the world.

Brian arose from his bed feeling groggy and overly tired. "Yeah yeah yeah... I'm up you idiot!" Brian cut his sentence short as he got up. Brian removed the remaining sheets from his bed and stood. "Idiot?! I'll show you an idiot." Nick laughed as he jumped on Brian. They both fell to the bed in a ticklish fit. Their batlle continued with wrestling as young children would do. Their laughter filled the halls, drawing slight attraction to Brian's room.

"Will those idiots ever learn?" AJ complained and laughed at the same time. "Idiots!?" Brian and Nick both said while looking at each other. Both of their brows raised and then they glared back at AJ. "What?" AJ questioned. Before he could get an answer, both Brian and Nick charged him, pulling him to the floor. All three wrestled on the floor for minutes. "Get off of me you assholes!" AJ called out as he laughed. "Say you're sorry you moron!" Nick demanded as he held AJ's arm down. "Never!" AJ groaned. "Then I think we'll just have to see how brave you are Bone!" Brian said in a devilish tone. Both he and Nick grasped AJ and began to tickle him feircely in the hall. "AH, get these fuckers off me!" AJ called out between laughs, seeking rescue from either Kevin or Howie. Soon AJ was saved by the barkings of Kevin. "All of you get dressed so we can get out of here or I'm throwing all three of you off the roof of this hotel." Kevin ordered with authority. Nick and Brian reluctantly let AJ go and stood. "There's always a lame one in the crowd." Nick whispered to Brian. "What was that?" Kevin questioned, commanding for Nick to speak up louder. "Uh, I said it's a shame he fell to the ground. AJ needs to watch his step, we we're just helping him up." Nick responded with a small laugh. "The hell you were you little brat!" AJ stuck his tongue out at Nick and Brian, hiding behind Kevin's broad shoulders. "I'll show you little brat you toothpick!" Nick sneered. "Okay, quit it ya'll. We have to get going." Kevin stopped their small bickering.

Everyone quit their fun and games and headed to their rooms to do their final preparations. Brian stumbled inside of his room and scracthed his head. "What was it that I was going to do?" Brian questioned. He flashed to him and he grabbed some clean clothes from his bag. He headed into the shower, still dreaming about everything that had happened that passionate night before. "Whew, I need to get out of here before I need to take a cold shower." Brian said as he felt his dick forming an erection in the shower.

Brian finished showering and threw his clean clothes on. He walked to the hamper and threw his clothes inside. 'I wonder what Justin is doing?' Brian pondered to himself. He made his way to his phone and picked it up. He dialed the numbers 4-9-8. The phone rang several times with no answer. Brian frowned as he hung his phone up. 'Where is he?' Brian questioned. "Come on you slow poke! We've gotta get downstairs!" Nick called from Brian's doorway. Brian looked up at Nick and nodded. "Okay, let's go." Brian finally said and grabbed his backpack. Brian locked his door and looked around the hall for any sign of Justin. There was none. "What are you waiting on?" Nick asked him. Brian took one final look. "Nothing." Brian finally said. They strolled to the elevators and began their usual joking, causing Brian to forget all about Justin but not what he wanted to tell Justin.

He and Nick met Chris, Kevin, AJ, Howie, Joey and the PR in the hotel lobby. Brian sat down on one of the lounges and awaited someone to speak up about their plans. "We need to get moving soon." AJ advised, looking down at his shining, silver watch. "Where is Justin, JC and Lance at?" Brian asked, looking around the entire lobby for them. "Well JC wanted to some more sleep in. It seems he and Lance were out clubbing last night and didn't get in till late." Joey answered for his friend. "And Lance has gone horseback ridding with visiting family I think." AJ added. "As for Justin, he said he had to get some things together for later on today. Don't ask us what he meant by that?" Kevin was the last to speak, giving Brian a displeasing look. Brian frowned once again and sighed. "Well, let's go." Howie said, standing to his feet. "Okay, the limos are outside waiting for you guys." the PR informed them. "Make sure you don't get back here too late either." the PR added was he watched them walk away. "Uh Brian, there is a note at the front desk for you before you go." the PR said, catching Brian's attention. "A note? From who?" Brian questioned. The PR shrugged and made his way back to the elevators.

Brian ran over to the front desk and peered around. "Excuse me, is there a note for Brian Littrell here?" Brian asked the clerk. She glanced up at him with no enthusiasm. She tilted her glasses slightly and sighed. The clerk pushed around a couple of piles of paper and handed Brian a small card. "It was dropped off for you this morning." she said as she continued her work. Brian backed away from the desk and opened the card. He read it, seeing Justin's signature at the bottom. 'Sorry I couldn't be there with you today, but I'll see you tonight. We have to talk about the other night too. Love ya, Justin Timberlake.' is what the card read. A small smile dawned Brian's face once again. 'At least he left me a note.' Brian said to himself. Brian ran and joined the others as they were heading for the limos. Kevin noticed the strong smile at Brian's face and became curious once again. He decided not to pry and let Brian be. They all piled in the limos and headed towards Six Flags.

As the guys left the hotel, Justin began working on his surprise for Brian. 'I have to make sure this goes perfectly.' Justin said to himself. Justin made his way into the hotel's extremely large gift shop and began his quest. He shopped carefully and proudly, but yet he avoided making contact with other people. Though his fame could be held secret for awhile, there was no telling who might blow his cover. Justin walked to their music section and grabbed two CD's that he knew he needed. He browsed through their candles section and grabbed some. He made his way into the hotel's selection of wine and aphrodisiacs. 'Ah, these will do nice.' Justin smiled as he grabbed a small box. He made his way to the register and paid for everything he had grabbed by credit card.

The day was long for Justin, but he knew he'd enjoy all of his hard work later on. Justin stayed in his room most of the afternoon setting everything in place for a night that he knew neither he nor Brian would forget.

Later on, JC found himself creeping into he and Lance's room. He looked around and could see the room was dimly lit. "Lance?" JC whispered as he made his way to his own bed. He awaited an answer, expecting to talk to Lance about something important. "Hello." he heard a groggy voice say. "Lance?" JC questioned the person he was talking with. "Yeah, it's me." Lance responded even lower. "You okay man?" JC asked with concern. "I'm fine, JC. I'm still sore and my back has a few bruises. But it's okay. What's up?" Lance asked, perking up his tone. Lance lifted the covers from his head and looked up at JC. "Well... I thought that maybe me and you should chat about... about... well.. what we did the other night." JC strained to get his words out. "What about it?" Lance questioned. "I mean.. we never really discussed it when we got back to the hotel last night." JC tried to coax Lance. Lance could remember him and JC getting to the hotel in silence and getting into their room even quieter. "I know, I guess it was something that you really didn't want to talk about." Lance answered. "I thought the same about you," JC agreed. JC plopped down on his bed and looked at Lance. Lance's eyes seemed to be barely open. He could tell Lance was still sleepy.

"Should we become a couple?" Lance asked naively. "Huh!?" JC stared widely at Lance. "I mean we had sex, so does that make us a couple now?" Lance asked. JC thought about the questioned for a moment. "No, I don't think it does. I think it means that we have feelings for each other, but personally I'm not ready for that level of love. Don't get me wrong, Lance it was great to be with you, but I'm just not ready for a commitment or to be in a relationship with you or any man." JC confessed in a fatherly tone. Lance nodded. "I just think I'm a bit young to be thinking about getting caught up with you, JC." Lance joked. "Very funny." JC laughed, tossing a pillow at Lance's head. Lance caught the pillow and threw it to the floor. "So, we just stick it out as friends. No regrets and no sex." JC teased. "Yeah, just friends." Lance agreed, laying his head back down on his pillow. JC laid back in his bed and smiled. He was happy that Lance felt the same as he did.

As night gave birth to it's shades over the vity of Atlanta, everyone returned to the hotel. Brian took his time upstairs in his room, getting ready for his party. He had not seen Justin all day and found himself missing the sound of Justin's voice. Brian knew he was going to see Justin at the party and headed towards the party room at the hotel.

Downstairs in the room reserved for Brian's belated birthday party, Brian danced on the dancefloor with his friends. He noticed JC and Lance's frequent consumption of beer but paid them no attention. He was at the party to have fun and not to be concerned with other people's problems. The beat of 'That's The Way I Like It' caused everyone on the floor to move to a continous motion. Kevin sat in a corner watching for awhile before joining the others on the floor.

"Come on guys!" Brian yelled as he rushed to the table that JC, Nick and Lance sat at. "There are some fine folks out here tonight!" Brian said as he wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve. "Uh, I don't know, I'm still a little tired." JC laughed from slight drunkiness. "Come on JC." Nick begged as he stood from his seat. JC smiled foolishly and then both of them headed for the dancefloor. "Hey Lance, what's up with you?" Brian asked shyly. "Oh nothing, just a little tired, that's all." Lance answered while placing his beer bottle on the table. "Wow, you sound drunk if you ask me." Brian responded to Lance's answer. "Me? Drunk? Never!" Lance giggled from his tipsiness. Brian looked around and saw Nick heading back towards the table. "Brian, do you want to get a drink?" Nick offered. "Nah, I think I'll stick away from the alcohol tonight. You know how I can get." Brian answered. "Well how about I get a beer and you get a soda?" Nick negotiated his offer. Brian thought about it for a moment. "You get ONE beer and I'll get a soda. Can't afford to have you drunk and we have to go to the studio tomorrow." Brian agreed.

Nick and Brian pushed their way through the crowd to the small mini-bar that was set up next to the DJ stand. Brian grabbed a Coke while Nick snuck a beer away. Nick quickly popped open the beer and began to drink it. "Hey, careful there boy." Brian advised, trying to slow Nick's pace. "You know, I still owe you a birthday present." Nick said while holding his beer. Brian shook his head 'no'. "It's okay. You're the best friend a guy could ask for." Brian said, trying to cancel any thoughts of a gift in Nick's head. "No, really, I feel like I owe you a gift. You've been a great friend to me too." Nick insisted.

Nick grabbed Brian's hand and drug him off to a quiet corner of the room. Brian looked around and then looked abck at Nick. Nick had a look of excitement and seduction in his precious, blue eyes. "Brian, you're a great friend. Sometimes I think you're too good for a punk like me." Nick whispered to Brian, setting the right mood. "No, you're not a punk." Brian disagreed. "Maybe a pain in the ass sometimes." Brian laughed lightly. "It just that sometimes you mean alot to me and I never get to tell you." Nick said softly. Nick began to move ever so closely to Brian. Brian felt a little uncomfortable by Nick's actions. "Can I just kiss you?" Nick asked gently. Brian looked at Nick with confusion. "Please..." Nick pleaded, his pouting his lips edging closer to Brian's. "Okay." Brian finally gave in as Nick's lips stood in front of him. Brian slowly leaned forward and let Nick give him a kiss. Nick held Brian's lips with his and kissed him softly. Brian gave little resist, but he did not return the kiss as strongly as Nick did. Brian pushed Nick back and let out a small sigh. "Thank you." Nick smiled and backed away from Brian. "Happy birthday B-Rok." Nick chimmed and walked away from Brian. Brian took a sip of his soda and tried to wipe the last few minutes from his head. 'Why?' was the only word on his mind.

Nick made his way back to the table and saw Kevin and Lance sitting together. Kevin was trying to calm Lance down in a loving way. He had his arm wrapped around Lance's shoulder and tried to keep Lance quiet. Kevin looked up and saw Nick before the table. "Nick, could you do me a HUGE favor!" Kevin begged. Nick nodded, seeing a friend in need. "Okay, could you take Lance up to his room and make sure he goes to bed or whatever. He's drunk and I don't think we really need him here right now." Kevin asked of Nick. "But they're about to bring out the cake and all." Nick sighed. "Please Nick, just do me this one favor." Kevin asked again, helping Lance stand from his seat. Nick grunted and looked at Lance. "Okay. But make sure that Brian gets to his room and everything tonight." Nick insisted of Kevin. "Sure." Kevin agreed. Lance tried to stand straight and followed Nick into the lobby area. Kevin smiled and whispered a small prayer. "Hopefully Nick won't kill the boy for making him leave the party," Kevin joked to himself and then headed back for the dancefloor.

Brian had finally made his way away from the corner and looked around for Justin. He was so excited to finally find him that he almost ran up to Justin and kissed him. But he controlled himself. He watched from the side as Justin and JC did their dance steps from the 'I Want You Back' video. He smiled brightly in Justin's direction and wished he was the one Justin wanted back. It was to Brian a hopeless wish, but to Justin a promising dream. Brian ran his fingers thorugh his hair and tried to keep his emotions cleared of Justin. Brian moved onto the floor and made his way to where Kevin danced. They all built up a huge sweat as they danced to the DJ's music.

Soon the music faded in the party room and the lights blacked out. "Whoa, what's going on?" Joey asked, looking around the room. Everyone's attention glared towards the gleaming lights that entered the room. The hotel clerks brought in a three-layer cake for Brian and everyone cheered. As the loud roar faded, evryone awaited Brian to blow out his candles. "It may be late, but it's better then nothing!" AJ laughed, striking up an echo of laughter in the room. Brian thought for a moment, thinking of the perfect wish. It came to him. 'I wish that Justin loved me as much as I loved him.' Brian said to himself and took a deep breath. He blew out the candles with ease, a small cloud of smoking spreading throughout the room. A low clap began to burst into a full fledged ovation. "Sorry that there was no stripper popping out of your cake buddy, but we just couldn't get Nick to wear a G-string." AJ joked, getting another roar of laughter out of the crowd. Justin slowly made his way through the crowd, trying to get next to Brian. "Okay, it's presents time!" Kevin announced, dragging Brian away from the crowd to the center of the room. Justin frowned as his attempt was blocked. The crowd soon followed and stood around Brian. Brian smiled as he opened his gifts and was happy with what he received. He was thrilled to get new clothes, jewelry, new shoes and other smaller gifts for him to use.

As he finished with the last of the gifts he said thank you's to evreyone. He searched for his gift from Justin, but he was unsucessful in his attempt. The DJ threw back on another Backstreet Boys tune as everyone shoved their way back to the dancefloor. JC looked around and said, "Where's Nick and Lance?" He wondered about his friend and what may have happened to him. Brian shrugged and then sat down in his chair at the table. "What's wrong, can't handle the dance anymore?" Howie teased as he sat down next to Brian. "Nah, just a little tired." Brian answered as he took a sip of soda. "Well I've been watching Joey and Chris check out this fly girl at the bar. You should see her. Her eyes, they're like Spanish eyes or something." Howie bragged. Brian just laughed at Howie's lust for the woman. "I think I'm gonna check her out later on." Howie gave Brian a wicked grin. "This is why they kicked you out of the Ritz." Brian joked.

Justin walked over to them and took a seat next to Brian. Howie's attention was caught by the girl at the bar again and Justin took this to his advantage. "Uh, I have your present upstairs in my room. It was too big for me to carry down here." Justin whispered to Brian. He gave Brian an exotic stare and smile. Brian felt Justin's hand lightly run over his thigh and he smiled. "Really! Then let's go check it out." Brian said with enthusiasm. He placed his soda on the edge of the table as he stood to his feet. "Okay, come on." Justin said as he too stood to his feet.

They both left the party room and headed into the hotel lobby. They heard a hustle of bellhops and workers trying to keep people away from the party room. Brian grabbed Justin's hand and quickly ran off towards the elevators. The lights above them gave off a glow around their bodies. It was a sign to Brian that he took in. Justin's blonde curls glistened in the light as Brian stared at him. Justin looked at Brian and grinned. "So what's the present?" Brian asked as he finally pushed the elevator button. "I can't tell you. It's a surprise." Justin insisted as he fixed his shirt. "Hmmm..." Brian hummed with curiousity. "I like surprises." Brian smiled. The elevator doors opened and the two young men entered with anticipation. Brian pushed the button for their floor as the elevator doors closed again. They headed upstairs holding hands, both were enthusiastic with what was going to happen that night.

Nick sat in Lance's room, slowly removing Lance's clothes. He kenw that Lance was too drunk to do much, so as a new friend, he helped Lance out. Lance sat in awe as Nick slipped his khaki pants off. Nick had never noticed how attractive Lance was until that night. 'I hope that JC doesn't walk in.' Lance prayed as he watched Lance take off his Duckhead shirt. Nick gathered up all of Lance's clothes and placed them on the dresser next to Lance's bed. "Do you need anything else?" Nick asked as he prepared to leave. "Could you just sit with me for a bit? I hate to go to sleep like this, alone." Lance pleaded in a slight slur. Nick gave him a strange stare. "Uh... okay." Nick shrugged and sat down on Lance's bed. Nick couldn't find himself getting comfortable on Lance's bed. Lance sensed Nick's awkwardness. "What's wrong?" Lance asked. "Nothing." Nick answered, feeling a bit tipsy himself. "Are you sure? I'm a good listener." Lance added.

He placed his hands on Nick's shoulders and began to massauge them. "Yes, I'm sure." Nick lied. He felt his lips part for a moan as Lance worked his hands like magic on his tense shoulders. "The onyl time I'm this tense is when I haven't..." Lance stopped himself. He got on his knees on the bed and continued his massauging. "That's what it is, isn't it?" Lance whispered into Nick's ear. "What?" Nick whispered back, trying to enjoy the sensations of Lance's hands. "The only time I'm really tense is when I haven't jacked off in days." Lance whispered exotically into Nick's ear. Nick let out another small moan and let Lance work him over. He felt uncomfortable talking about such things as sex with Lance, but he didn't care at the moment. The beers he had druken were taking a toll on him. "Yeah, I haven't been able to jack off in days. Being in the same room with Kevin makes it hard to do it." Nick sighed out. "I bet it does make it hard." Lance giggled softly, staring down at the hard on that was forming in Nick's khaki's. "Would you like me to help you out?" Lance offered, reaching his hand down to lightly grab Nick's erect cock. Nick had entertained the idea of having sex with a guy before, but he never thought it might happen. "I don't think I'm ready to give up being a virgin," Nick answered. "Well then... let me just get you off by hand." Lance offered in a sexy tone. Nick thought for a moment and then answered Lance by slowly unzipping his pants.

Lance reached under Nick's arm and brought his left hand down to Nick's crotch. He began to massauge Nick's cock through Nick's black boxers. Nick was relieved by the feel of Lance's strong hand. He let a small moan escape his lips. Nick closed his eyes and leaned back against Lance's chest. Lance began to push down nick's boxers and grip his cock. Lance enjoyed the size of Nick's meat and the warmness that it gave off. Nick ran his hands up and down his own body, stimulating his pleasure even further. Lance began to jack his cock slowly, grabbing onto the base. Nick savored the feel of Lance's hand. The sweat that was slowly building between them added lubrication to Lance's hand. Nick eased his head back against Lance's shoulder and laid back. He let out a small moan that slowly increased to a loud one. Though they were both drunk, they had some form of what they were doing. Lance slid his hand from the bottom of Nick's cock to the tip of his head. He began to rub the head, knowing that it was sensitive to every man. Nick bit his lower lip as Lance rubbed the head. His stroke was slow at first, building up a rhythm with Nick. Nick started to buck his hips to match Lance's hand. As he did, his ass rubbed against Lance's erect cock. Lance could feel the slow grinding of Nick's backside against his covered cock. It turned him on even further.

"I think... I'm going.. to cum.. soon.." Nick panted out as Lance increased his stroking. Lance smiled. "Just cum Nick.. I'm with you..." Lance whispered deviously into Nick's ear. Nick's backside continued to grind against Lance's covered cock. Lance began to moan from pleasure. Nick felt himself getting closer and closer with each movement of Lance's moist hand. Nick finally let himself go and began to cum. His cum shot up onto his shirt and then slowly leaked out onto Lance's hand. Lance let out a series of grunts as he began to cum in his boxers. The intensity of their orgasms caused Lance to fall back on the bed. Nick breathed heavily, Lance's hand still firmly gripping onto his cock. He wiped a few strands of blonde hair from his face and looked down at his cock. Lance's hand was rubbing it gently as the cum slide from his cock to his blonde pubes. "Uh... Lance, you can't tell anyone this happened." Nick pleaded as he recovered. "I promise, I won't." Lance assured him, still trying to get over his orgasm. "Thanks." Nick whispered and removed Lance's hand from his penis. Nick rolled off the bed and placed his cock back into his pants. He zipped up and headed into the bathroom to clean his shirt. Lance was overcome with emotion and feelings as he watched Nick walk away. Their thoughts were identical, yet they didn't know it. 'I want to sleep with him.' was the only thing on their minds.

Brian and Justin entered the floor that was reserved only for the guys to stay on. They looked around to see that no one was there and headed towards Justin's room. They wanted to make sure no one saw them enter Justin's room together. They hadn't noticed the small moans that had come from Lance's room and made their way towards Justin's room.

Brian held Justin's hand gently as they moved towards Justin's room. Brian had wanted to feel the softness of Justin's hands all day long. Brian stopped his walking just to admire Justin. Justin looked at him with small eyes and wondered what Brian was doing. "I'm sorry, but you're just so beautiful." Brian whispered. He gave Justin a small kiss on the lips and smiled. They both began their quest once again for Justin's room.

Justin reached into his pocket and pulled out his key card. He still held Brian's hand as he opened the door to his room and led Brian inside. Brian looked around the room and automatically his eyes were attracted to the low lit room, that had candles set by the bed. "What's going on here?" Brian questioned as he looked around. "Your birthday present, Brian." Justin whispered. He grabbed Brian's hand and walked him to the bed. He placed his hands on Brian's shoulders and sat Brian down on the silky bed. Brian was confused but attracted to the mystery of the room.

Justin walked over to his stereo and programmed two discs into it. He pressed the play button and soon 'I'll Never Break Your Heart' by the Backstreet Boys filled the room. "A little something slow..." Justin smiled as he set the CD player's volume perfectly. Justin stood before Brian and looked at him with innocent eyes. "So what did you have in mind?" Brian asked. "A little show for the guy who made my first time the best ever." Justin answered with a tender smile.

Justin began to sway with the music's rhythm and rubbed his hands all over his clothed body. Brian watched happily as Justin gave him a small strip show. Justin reached under his shirt, rubbing his hands up and down over his chest. He winked at Brian and then slowly began to pull it off. Justin closed his eyes as he slowly rubbed his hands up and down on his own chest. Gently, Justin touched his left nipple with one finger and caressed his neck with the other hand. Brian was really turned on by now, but he had to contain himself for the rest of Justin's 'show'. Justin let out a low moan as his finger caressed his belly button. He listened to Brian sing over the stereo.

Ooh and I asked you out, you said no

But I found out

Darling, that you'd been hurt

You felt that you'd never love again

I deserve a try, honey, just once

Give me a chance and I'll prove this all wrong

Justin panted lowly and began to move his body with the beat of the music. He threw his shirt to the side with a quick move. Justin sat down on the coffee table behind him and began removing his Nike shoes. He erotically threw each one to the side of the room. Brian smiled as Justin moaned silently. It was the appeal of Justin's face that brought Brian's attention away from the show.

Justin then unbottoned his jeans at a timid pace. He slowly began to unzip them, licking his lips as the jeans opened. Justin began to pull his jeans down and then he pulled them all the way off. He threw his jeans at Brian, making Brian snap out of his trance. The jeans found a way of tangling around Brian. Brian removed the jeans from his face and returned his attention to Justin. Justin touched his chest and caressed it tenderly. His slow moves were timed with the music's beat. Brian began rubbing his crotch area in anticipation of seeing Justin. Justin moved his body like a professional as he continued the slow, strip tease. Justin then moved both of his seventeen year old hands to his Tommy Hilfiger boxers. Justin grabbed his dick through his boxers and jerked on it a couple of times to tease Brian even further. He threw his head back and moaned loudly with each touch. Brian had never seen such an erotic scene in his life.

Justin stood up from the small table and turned around. He bent over slowly and let Brian get a glimpse of his ass through his boxers. Then Justin began to pull his boxers down and let Brian look at his bare, smooth ass. Brian admired the flesh that he could not touch. Justin pulled his boxers all the way down and stepped out of them. He threw them to the side carelessly.

Brian found himself beginning to remove his own shirt. As the shirt came off, Brian began to touch his heaving chest. He wanted to touch and hold Justin, but he couldn't. Not yet. Justin then sat back down on the coffee table and pulled a bucket from under the table. The small bucket was filled with champage and ice cubes. Justin pulled out a peice of ice from the bucket and began to rub it all over his erect cock. It was a freezing second that justin adjusted to the cold cube. As the heat of his cock and the coldness of the ice cube combined, Justin became more friendly with the ice.

Justin moaned and groaned loudly as he stroked himself with the ice cube. "Ah, ah... oooh... hmmm..." Justin cooed as he continued to arouse Brian. Just the sound of Justin's bretahing brought Brian into a zone that there was no escape from. Justin laid back on the table and began to rub the ice all over his balls. "Heh heh... oh... Brian..." Justin grunted as he rubbed himself with the ice. Brian sat on the bed with a straining, erect penis dying to be released.

Brian began to unzip his jeans and lift them off. He was ready for Justin, but he didn't want to jump to anything. Brian removed all of his clothes and began to stroke himself slowly. Justin slid the melting ice across his stomach, teasing his belly button. He ran it over the small trail of hair that led from the base of his cock. Ecstasy had filled the room. Justin guided the ice up his stomach and ran it all over his chest. This feeling caused Jsutin's nipples to become fully erect. Nothing in the room was not touched by their sexual feelings. Justin took the peice of ice and dropped it onto the floor. He grabbed the stereo remote from the side of the coffee table and switched to the next CD. Brian listened as 'Truly, Madly, Deeply' by Savage Garden came into the room. Just the song itself meant something to them. The lyrics were something deeper than love itself.

I'll be your dream, I'll be your wish

I'll be your fantasy

I'll be your hope, I'll be your love

Be everything that you need

I'll love you more with every breath

Truly, madly, deeply do

I will be strong I will be faithful

Cause I'm counting on

The lyrics brought Justin back to reality. He smiled at Brian and pulled a champagne bottle from the small bucket. Brian felt such passion in the air and they had yet to be physical contact between their stimulated bodies.

Justin shook the bottle up and then stood to his feet. His eyes were hypnotized by Brian's baby blue's. Justin popped the cork of the champage, watching the golden liquid burst into the air and shoot all over Brian's naked body. Brian was shocked by the sudden spritz, but he went along with Justin's ideas. It was a soothing feel. Justin then smiled at Brian and seductively began to pour the champagne out and on his dick. Brian laid back on the bed as Justin walked towards him. Justin stopped at the foot of the bed. He looked down at Brian and began spraying champagne on himself and Brian and all over the bed. It was a spur of the moment idea, but very effective. They listened to the music as the champage fizzed.

I want to stand with you on a mountain

I want to bathe with you in the sea

I want to lay like this forever

Until the sky falls down on me

Justin crawled on top of Brian with a sexy smile. He pressed his moist body to Brian's and began to hump their dicks back and forth. Justin moaned passionately as he humped Brian with excitement. Brian couldn't help but rub his hands all over Justin's smooth backside. his hands tried to grip Justin's back, but the slipperiness of the champagne prevented him. Justin kept moaning as he humped harder and faster against Brian's slick body. He ran his hand over Brian's face and tried to pull a moan from Brian's lips. It worked as Brian groaned softly. They both panted in the heat of their passion. It was an uncontrollable feeling within both of them. Justin slowed his humping and began to kiss Brian's smooth face. "Ah..." Brian moaned quietly as he opened his eyes. Justin was licking each drop of champagne from his defined face. His tongue slid over each curve of Brian's cheeks and chin. Brian loved the feel of Justin's smooth, long tongue.

Brian roamed his hands down to Justin's lower back. Brian placed his hands on Justin's soft ass and rubbed Justin's tender flesh. Justin groaned and moaned in Brian's ear as he continued kissing Brian's face. The room echoed their sounds of love. "Let's go a bit farther, Brian..." Justin suggested to Brian as he began to kiss Brian's lips. Their lips pressed together and moved up and down. The kiss was lasting as Brian rubbed Justin's back. Justin let his lips open further and slide his tongue into Brian's mouth. It had been over twelve hours since Brian had felt Justin's tongue in his mouth and he missed it dearly.

I want to stand with you on a mountain

I want to bathe with you in the sea

I want to lay like this forever

Until the sky falls down on me

Justin ground his ass towards Brian's hands. It was a sign that Justin gave freely. Brian understood and slid his hands back down to Justin's ass. He massauged it and moved his fingers to Justin's pink ring. His fingers teased the hole lovingly. Brian gave one last sigh and began to slip a finger into Justin. His hands were well lubed from the champagne's golden liquid. Justin moaned in the kiss and took a breath. He had to adjust to Brian's finger once again being inside of him. They continued to kiss further and further as Brian finger-fucked Justin. Their lips pounded and pressed against each other. Justin pulled away from Brian's lips and panted even harder. He was lost in the passion between him and Brian, but he knew what was left to be done. He was going to let Brian make love to him once again.

Justin ran his hand through Brian's hair and slid it down to Brian's face. He leaned to the side to get a hold of the dresser next to Justin's bed. He opened the drawer next to the bed and pulled out four small packages. Brian peered at them and could see that they were condoms. Justin dropped the condoms on brian's chest and smiled. "Tonight, you have a choice. You can have Chocolate, Banana, Cherry or just regular." Justin whispered. Brian's finger was still deep in Justin's young ass and he thought for a minute. "Well let's use Chocolate now and save the rest for later." Brian suggested as he grabbed the condom from his heaving chest. Justin nodded and awaited Brian's move.

Brian opened the package with his free hand and teeth, while removing his finger from Justin's ass. Justin sighed as the pressure of Brian's finger left him. Justin got off of Brian's stomach and took the condom from Brian's nervous hands. He was as nervous as Brian, but he refused to let it show. He wanted Brian to trust him with all of his heart.

I'll be your dream, I'll be your wish

I'll be your fantasy

I'll be you hope, I'll be your love

Be everything that you need

I'll love you more with every breath

Truly, madly deeply do

Justin stuck the flavored condom into his mouth. He used his tongue to move it around and slipped it back and forth all over his mouth. The taste of the chocolate was tempting to Justin. He had never experimented like this before, but he would gladly do it for Brian. "Mmmm..." Justin moaned as he removed the condom. He looked down and could see Brian's throbbing cock awaiting him.

Justin sat to the side of Brian and unravelled the condom. He slipped it on Brian's erect penis and then laid back on the bed. Brian was always gentle with Justin, each and every time. He leaned his head in Justin's direction and began to kiss Justin. Brian held his lips with Justin's as he crawled ontop of the younger boy. Justin let Brian do whatever pleased him, moaning with each kiss. Brian continued his kissing as he lifted Justin's legs. He aimed his cock for Justin's hole and slipped inside of Justin's tight ass. Justin tensed up slightly, but he had learned how to control himself. Brian started his thrusting at a slow pace. He wanted to cherish his 'birthday present'.

Brian began to work in and out of Justin's ass, while grunting. He let go of Justin's lips and lifted his head slightly. "Heh heh heh.... oh Justin... I wanted this.... soooo bad..." Brian groaned as he worked back and forth in Justin. Justin just laid back and enjoy the feeling of Brian's penis. He began to grunt as he felt Brian slipping further and further inside of him. It was a moment in life that he treasured. Brian ran his hand over Justin's chest and opened his eyes. He looked down at the young boy. His face glowed in the light of the candles. His pouting red lips were open and his eyes shut. Brian lifted Justin's chin with his hand and that caused Justin to open his eyes. Brian gave Justin a dazzling smile. "I love you." Brian finally said. It was a second in life he would always remember. He admitted his love, though in a heat of passion, his feelings were exposed to Justin. "I love you too." Justin confessed as he felt Brian's dick thrust in him smoother.

Brian ran his hands all over Justin's face, kissing him a couple of times on the cheeks. Justin squeezed his ass muscles to make it extremely enjoyable for Brian. He didn't have to try hard. Brian was just thrilled enough to touch such a fine young man like Justin. The song had ended, but the lyrics lived on in their intercourse. Brian thrusted in Justin a couple of more time before letting out a deep, throbbing moan. He exploded inside of the condom with a force that almost ripped the condom in half. Brian panted heavily, as did Justin who had been jerking himself to an orgasm. Sweat poured down Brian's gorgeous body as he relaxed his muscles. Tears ran down his face again, this time he was unsure of why. Justin knew why because the love they had just made had the same effect on him. "Happy birthday, baby." Justin whispered to Brian. Brian withdrew from Justin, his penis soft.

Brian rolled over onto the otherside of the bed, still trying his best to recover from his orgasm. "Whoa buddy, it's not over just yet." Justin said as he rolled back on top of Brian. Brian caught his breath and looked up at Justin. Sweat was pouring down Justin's face, but they still stared at each other. "What do you mean?" Brain questioned Justin, ending their silence. Justin reached down to Brian's shaft and held it. He pulled Brian's condom off his penis slowly and let it drop on the bed.

He pulled a new Cherry-flavored condom from the drawer and replaced the old one that Brian had just used. "Your birthday present is going to the be most memorable thing I give to you." Justin said as he began to jerk on Brian's cock. It had it's own truth to it, but Brian had no idea to what extent. To Brian's surprise, he became hard again from Justin's hand and wrist movements. Justin smiled. "Now, shall we go for another round, Brian?" Justin asked with a sly smirk. "For you... I will..." Brian answered with a huge grin. The condom was on, the mood was set and Justin was ready.

Justin raised his ass and then sat down on Brian's cock. His ass was loose enough to let Brian enter him once again with no problem. Justin began to move slowly on Brian's penis, enjoying the feel of his warm shaft. Brian had never had Justin 'ride' him before and it was feeling good to him. Justin began to pant and moved his hands all over his own chest. it was sticky from the champagne and Justin enjoyed that. His cock became erect again as they fucked. Brian reached up and grabbed hold of Justin's bouncing cock. Brian began to jerk Justin's meat as Justin rode Brian's cock. "Yeah... hmmm..." Justin groaned as Brian grasped his penis. Justin rode Brian harder as Brian masturbated him. Sweat trickled off their bodies, but they kept the passion going.

Justin moaned loudly and he heard something rip softly. That did not stop him from riding Brian like a cowboy, trying to bring Brian fully off. Brian panted hard against Justin's chest. He jerked hard on Justin as Justin grunted. Brian felt the need to release soon, but held it inside. He was at a point of not return, but he knew that Justin needed to release as much as he did. "Uh... Brian! Shit... oh, babe... you make me... feel.. so... good... Brian!" Justin grunted as he rode harder. Justin yelled out and his cock shot five loads all over Brain's heaving chest. Brian opened his eyes and watched as Justin's cum covreed his brown nipples. Justin bent down slightly and kept riding Brian's meat. He licked his own cum off of Brian's panting chest. Brian closed his eyes again as he began to shoot. "Uh... oh fuck! Oh God... Justin! Oh my God.... yes! Yes.. yes... yes! Oh oh oh... ooh Justin..." Brian said as he felt his cum spurting from his penis. His balls clenched as he let it all go inside of Justin and the condom.

Soon enough Justin felt something warm and wet inside of his ass. He knew the feel of cum inside of him. It was a sign to him. He knew that the condom had ripped while they were fucking, but that did not stop him. Brian's semen was more love to him. It showed a sign of no fear from both of them. Brian shot seven loads up Justin's smooth, young ass and gasped for breath. His heart was beating a million times a second, causing him to worry. His heart surgery prevented him from doing anything as stimulating as this, but for Justin, he did not care. Justin laid on top of Brian, still panting. He placed his hands on Brian's chest and quit his movement.

Brian caught his breath quickly. Brian rolled Justin over and got on top of him. He looked down at Justin with a smile. "Now that was the best birthday present I've ever gotten." Brian said as he kissed Justin's lips. He meant it. "Yeah..." Justin moaned as he returned the kiss. They stopped kissing, still trying to recover. "I'll have to return the favor on your birthday!" Brian said as he wiped sweat from Justin's face. Justin shook his head. "The only thing I want for my birthday is for you and me to be together." Justin said. He wanted something from Brian that he knew was hard to get. He wanted commitment. "And I want that too. I want us to make passionate love that night." Brian pleaded. "Well, anything for the man of my dreams." Justin said as he licked some sweat from Brian's cheek. "No, the man of your life." Brian corrected Justin. Justin smiled. Even if it was just for that night, Brian was Justin's and Justin was Brian's.

They began to let their hands roam over each other's bodies. Justin grunted softly as Brian's hand grasped his cock and began to rub it again. Justin found Brian's penis and let it grow in his own hands. "Let's get some rest before we think about this..." Brian suggested to Justin as he laid down. "Okay, let's get some sleep. Tomorrow, we'll talk." Justin agreed as he relaxed. They both drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.


*** Okay, now make sure you go straight from here to 'Brian & Justin: Chapter 1'! Just kidding. I've heard from many of you that you've read the series several times and it thrills me to hear it. I do the same often! I don't know, but it's a good thing when you're hooked on you're hooked on your own series. It keeps you writing. Well the next instalement of 'B&J' will be out next week. I have to start it. Keep your eyes open for the wedding by June. I have about 6 more instalements before then, so it's slowly ending and then it will slowly begin again. Enjoy it while you can! Also, I still need an artist, so please, draw me a picture! Keep the e-mail and ideas coming. I've gotten some great ideas so far and I love them!!! So, until then.. you know how it goes... see ya! ***

Next: Chapter 32: Brian and Justin 70 74

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