Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Apr 29, 1999


** This is the revised vesion of 'Round & Round'. It features changed around events that fall in line with the series. I hope you enjoy, but if you want the original, just e-mail me and I'll see if I can send it out to you. **

Round And Round by JM

Lance quietly crepted back to his hotel room. He couldn't believe the scene he had just witnessed. His friend and group member, Justin Timberlake, had just had passionate sex with Brian Littrell of the Backstreet Boys. And the most confusing part, it made Lance uncontrolably horny. 'What is wrong with me?' Lance questioned himself. 'No, what the hell is wrong with Justin!? Since when did he have sex with guys or sex at all? What is going on with him?' Lance pondered. He thought about turning around and going to confront Brian and Justin. "Wait, if Justin's happy with Brian then why is it my business?" Lance argued with hisself. Lance had to put it out of his mind for now or he wouldn't be able to sleep at all.

He carefully opened the door to the room he shared with JC Chasez and quietly walked in, trying not to make the slightest noise. As he did, he closed the door behind him. He looked around the dark room, adjusting his eyes. He tried to see if JC was awake, waiting upon him. He wasn't. Lance walked over to his bed softly, watching JC's every move as he tossed in his sleep. He removed the covers and sat down. Lance's boxers strained as his dick wanted release. Lance adjusted himself before laying down. 'I have to forget my feelings about JC for just one damn day.' Lance barked at himself.

"It's one of those nights huh?" JC said as he looked at Lance with his crystal blue eyes. "Uh, yeah I guess so." Lance answered in his deep voice. "Well as long as you don't splash anything on my side of the room or get your sheets too wet, I guess it's okay." JC said with a snicker as he turned his head to go back to sleep. Lance smiled and laid his head down. JC had caught lance jacking off one time and was cool with it immediately. 'Everyone has to jack off Lance, even Justin. So don't worry about it. I do it all the time too.' Lance could remember JC assuring him. That's what made Lance feel the slightest attraction to JC, his honesty and kindness. Lance fluffed his pillow and tried to block everything out of his mind. He drifted off to sleep, just thinking about everything that had happened.

The next morning was a rough one for the members of both the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync. Each were tired from all of the performances, interviews and studio time they had put in from the days before.

Justin dressed slowly, watching Brian get his clothes together from around the room. "Are you okay Justin? You've been kind of quiet." Brian stated. "I'm just a little sore." Justin responded. Brian frowned. "I'm sorry Justin, did I hurt you?" Brian pondered. "No Brian, you were very gentle with me... I appreciate that." Justin answered lowly. "It was our first time and I wanted to make sure you were okay." Brian commented. "And you do that." Justin smiled. "Uh, will I see again tonight?" Justin asked as he grabbed his gold chain from the nightstand. Brian smiled at him and winked. "Of course you will, Justin. Like I said, I want to be with you in every way." Brian answered as he grabbed his boxers from under the bed. That brought a bright smile to Justin's face, adding confidence to his spirit.

Brian heard a knock at the door and quickly waved for Justin to hide near the closet. Brian grabbed a robe from behind the door and threw it on. "Yeah, who is it?!" Brian asked as he tried to play off the fact that Justin was there. "You've got about 15 minutes Brian." Joey said as he walked away from the door. Justin appeared from behind the closet wearing his shirt, jeans and socks. "That was a bit too close if you ask me." Brian said. Justin nodded as he slipped his Nike's on. "Well I better go so no one gets suspicious." Justin suggested. Brian smiled, but yet he wanted Justin to stay with him longer. Brian walked over to Justin. He kissed Justin on the lips and began to run his hands on Justin's face. Justin returned the kiss, reminscing on the night before as his lips lingered on Brian's.

As the kiss ended, Justin smiled. "I'll be back tonight. I think we have some interviews we gotta do or some other shit to do today." Brian assured Justin. "Alright, well I'll get in contact with you or page you right?" Justin said as he stood to his feet. "Sure, uh, page me probably. That way the guys won't get supscious or ask alot of questions." Brian said as he slipped his T-shirt on. He looked at Justin one more time before watching Justin head out the door. Brian grabbed his wallet and headed out of the door shortly after.

All the boys met down in the lobby of the hotel so that their managers could tell them what the agenda for the day was going to be. They tried to clear the lobby as best they could to avoid fans and other media. The boys horsed around before finally settling and sitting down to listen. "Alright boys, here's what's going on today. Chris, JC, Brian, Justin, Lance, Nick and AJ have some time off since they have already put down their vocals for some songs in the studio." the PR announced. The boys cheered and clapped as they heard that. "Kevin you have an interview with YM magazine for a 'Dream Guys' article." the PR looked directly at Kevin. The guys cooed and teased Kevin for his small popularity with the older crowd. "Joey and Howie have to head in for a studio session to put their vocals down for a few remixes with producers." the PR said. The room was in silence, each person planning out the rest of their day. "So if there are any questions..." before the PR could finish his statement, the boys were all gone from the lobby. Kevin walked towards the elevator to go back upstairs and prepare for his interview. Howie and Joey headed for the limo as they prepared to leave for the studio. They waved farewell to their friends and drove off.

"Hey, let's head to the court ya'll." Justin suggested as he grabbed the basketball from Brian. "I think I'm gonna stick here." AJ responded. "If you're sure..." Nick shrugged and followed the boys towards the basketball court. "Yeah, I am." AJ nodded as he eyed a girl from his viewpoint. Brian smiled at him and then followed the others out the door.

The boys all headed for a grassy, hilled area where they spotted a basketball court below them. "Last one down is a rotten egg!" JC yelled out as he rushed down the hill. Nick looked at the others and then followed JC. "Well, looks like somebody might end up falling on their ass!" Chris laughed as he ran down the hill towards the basketball court. Brian looked at Justin and then the hill. "I think it'll be Justin!" Brian said as he pushed Justin in humor. Justin began to slip and grabbed a hold of Brian. They both began to tumble down the grassy hill in each other's arms. Lance quickly ran down after them.

The others bursted out laughing in unison as they saw Justin and Brian finally come to a stop at the bottom of the hill. Justin laid on top of Brian with Brian's arms wrapped around Justin's waist. Justin opened his eyes and looked down at Brian. He busted out laughing as he too felt like a fool. Brian smiled and pushed Justin off of him. "Ass!" Justin said while still laughing. Brian stood and began to laugh too. Lance smiled, knowing that his friends were okay. Justin stood and they all headed for the basketball court.

"Aight, it's three on three!" Chris announced as he dribbled the ball. "Fine, who's captains?" Brian asked. "How about you and Just?" Lance suggested. "That's cool." Justin agreed. "Okay, then I pick first and I want Chris." Brian said. "Fine, I get Nick then." Justin hesitantly said. "Lance, come on over buddy." Brian said as he snatched Lance by his T-Shirt collar. "And we get JC, Big Daddy." Justin said with a smile. "All right then, let's get this game crunk!" Chris said as he passed the ball to Brian. They began a hot, furious and tiring game of basketball.

As an hour went by, Justin's team led by a few points. Chris passed the ball angerily to Brian, tired of the losing battle. Brian decided to quit fooling around and headed for the goal. As he charged with ball in hand, Justin took this chance to his advantage. He followed Brian with a swift sprint and as Brian leaped for a lay-up, Justin grabbed hold of his firm ass. Justin rubbed his hands on Brian's ass before pulling him, by the shorts, down. As he did, Brian came to the ground and landed steadily. He stood and looked down at Justin, who was laying on the concrete. "Uh... sorry about that." Justin said with a small smirk. "Why?" Brian asked, smiling back at Justin. JC walked behind Brian and the others began to laugh. Brian looked at them and then himself. Justin had pulled his shorts down to his ankles and nothing but his Calvin boxers were showing. "Shit!" Brian said as he reached for his shorts. Just before he got them up all the way he felt a quick hand rub his ass. He thought maybe it was JC, but turned to see Justin standing there. He shook his head at Justin with disppointment. "Come on people, let's play ball!!!" Nick barked and wiped the blonde streams of hair from his face. Brian turned to Justin and pulled him close casually. "If you wanted that, you could have waited until tonight." Brian whispered to Justin. "Oh yeah, right." Justin nodded and laughed.

After five hours of several games of basketball, the guys were sweaty and sticky from the hot sun's rays. The sun was beginning to fade away as Brian looked at his watch. "Well it's about seven o'clock ya'll." Brian said. "It is, shit. I've gotta go meet this girl about something." Nick said and wiped the sweat from his brow. "I am supposed to meet her at 7:30 and it takes me about an hour and a half to get ready." Nick said as he began to leave. "See ya later Nickie!" Brian called out as Nick ran off. "Well I'm beat and I have to get a shower." Chris said. He ran his hands through his braids and tried to wipe the sweat from his face. "You guys coming?" Chris asked. "I want to get another game in." JC answered as he bounced the basketball in hand. "Yeah, me too." Justin agreed. "I'll stay too." Lance added. "Me too." Brian nodded as he looked at Chris. "Well aight, I'll catch ya'll later then." Chris shrugged as he began to run off.

"So let's play." JC said as he passed the ball to Justin with agression. "All right, me and Lance versus you and Brian." Justin said. "Fine." Brian agreed as he wiped the sweat from his face. They began another hour's worth of game on the sweaty court. "I'm beat ya'll." JC finally said as he fell to the ground. "Me too." Brian panted as he sat down. "Yeah, I guess so." Lance said as he took a seat in the bleachers. "Yeah, I'm out of it." Justin agreed as he sat down next to Brian.

"I guess you should be after last night." JC blurted out. "What did you say?" Justin said as he eyed JC. "Oops, shit I wasn't supposed to mention that." JC tried to cover up, but inside he knew it was too late. "Mention what?" Brian asked as he lifted his head to look at the boy was still sprawled on the concrete. "Justin, can we talk to you for a minute?" JC asked, trying to avoid the powerful stares that Brian produced. "Talk to me about what? What do you know?" Justin asked. His eyes glared at JC with anger and embarassment. "Look, we should talk about this." JC repeated. "Talk about what, damnit!" Justin barked at JC. "I don't want to say anything in front of Brian." JC continued his arguement with Justin. "Fuck it JC! Anything you have to say to me, you can say it in front of Brian." Justin hissed, feeling Brian grab his hand and hold it. Brian unconsciously held Justin's hand tightly, defending his lover with his stares. "Fine then, I'll say!" JC hollored back at Justin.

"Uh... well Lance says he saw... some pretty hot things coming from Brian's room last night." JC finally as he looked at both Justin and Brian. Lance blushed, but he was also flushed by what JC was telling them. "What 'things' did he see?" Justin questioned as he eyed Lance. "Look Justin... I wasn't trying to be nosey or anything. I just heard some noises and thought... I thought something was wrong." Lance stuttered out his words. "What the hell did you see Lance?!" Justin barked at him. "I... I saw you and Brian having sex last night. I was outside the door.. and I guess I didn't realize that I stayed and watched.. well and it got me kinda hot, okay? Are you happy?!? Both of you!?!" Lance's mellow tone turned into an argered scowl towards Justin and JC. He turned his head away from both of them and stared at the rocky ground. "You can't deny it Justin, you have a hickey right there on the side of your neck." JC pointed out, adding fuel to the fire.

"What the hell!? You were watching us!?!" Justin asked with pure anger. "Justin, calm down." Brian tried to ease Justin's fears. "Calm down? Brian, he was watching us make love?! That doesn't make you mad?" Justin questioned, tears beginning to form in his eyes. The one moment that he savored with Brian now felt like him to be a one night stand. "I am mad, but at least he was respectful enough to come to us with the truth. It was wrong of him to watch, but he did say he liked it. At least we don't have to worry about him betraying us." Brian explained. "And what about you, JC? Were you there too? Did it interest you too?!" Brian asked as he looked at JC, who now sat up. JC was intrigued by the conversation but feared Brian's question. "Well I didn't see anything beucase I wasn't there. But Lance was so damn hung last night after he told me all about it. I mean I respect you and Justin's privacy and the choices you make, but Justin has been a friend of mine for a long time. I consider him a brother and the fact that he would not tell me how he felt about you or even another guy amazes me." JC said, changing the direction of the conversation. "How can I tell you? You're wrapped up in work all the time while I was fighting feelings for Brian that I couldn't help." Justin retored, the tears finally beginning to fall down his face.

Justin stood from the court and ran towards the grassy area that stretched on the outside of the basketball court. "And did you like what you heard JC? Justin's a nice guy and you've hurt him." Brian chastized JC. "Did I like what I heard?! I don't like causing Justin any pain, but he didn't tell me shit about you and him. What about you? Do you care for Justin? Or was he just a say to get off?!" JC barked back at Brian. Brian shook his head at JC and stood. Brian stomped off the court in search of Justin.

JC propped himself up on his elbows and looked towards Lance. "I'm sorry." he quickly apologized to his friend. "Oh yeah, that's gonna do me good. I'll just run up to Justin and say, 'JC apologized to me so now we can all go back to being friends now..'" Lance complained sarcastically. JC frowned. "I'm really sorry Lance. I don't know how I can change things." JC tried to assure Lance. Lance thought for a moment, a small smile forming on his face.

Lance was shocked at JC's actions before, but that didn't stop him from getting up from the bleachers and making his way down to the basketball court. JC walked over to him and grabbed his hand. He held Lance's warm hand for a moment, feeling the sweat that began to form from his nervousness. "Look I have never done anything like this before. I.. I haven't really thought about something like this before... Lance, but I want you to.. uh, be my first. I know it sounds strange, but it's something about you that attracts me to you." JC confessed to Lance shyly. Lance was dumbfounded by JC's words and shocked to find out that JC was still a virgin. The fact was that everyone out of 'N Sync was a virgin but Chris and Joey who have had their share of sexual experiences on the road. Lance never shy about admitting his virginity, unlike Justin or JC. It was something he was proud of, yet it frusturated him the most. Now he felt at ease knowing that JC was the same as he.

JC slowly leaned in and Lance did too. Their lips met for the first time and it was a gentle kiss. JC opened his eyes and removed his lips from Lance's. "Uh... wow Lance, you're a good kisser!" he said as he held Lance. Lance smiled at his compliment. Lance was startled when JC forced his lips upon Lance's again and they began to passionately kiss in the heat of their moment.

Brian had stopped Justin before he left. Brian held Justin's hands and stared into his eyes. No words were exchanged between the two lovers, just looks and expressions. "I don't care if they know." Brian finally whispered. He leaned forward and kissed Justin on the lips. Brian let go of Justin's hand and placed his strong hands on Justin's shoulders and pushed him down to his knees. Brian followed and they kissed while kneeling in the grass. The wind blew over their faces as Justin placed his hand on Brian's cheek. Brian wrapped his arms around Justin's back and began to push Justin backwards. Justin lifted his legs out and let Brian gently lay him down in the grassy feild. Brian held their lips tight as he made sure Justin was comfortable under him. Brian began to kiss on Justin's neck and rub on his heaving chest. "Uh..." Justin moaned as Brian sucked on his neck desperately, forming another hickey upon Justin's neck.

Lance and JC began to explore each other's mouths with their tongues. Lance hda never felt so turned on before. They thought of his friends seeing him kiss another man who have disturbed him before, but now he felt it was his destiny to be with a man. JC's mind was on thoughts of pleasure and what he could remember from what his friends told him about sex. JC's hands moved down to Lance's ass and grabbed his butt cheeks tightly. He tried to stimulate even more excitement out of Lance's body. This caused Lance to moan during their kiss, muffled sounds vibrating between the two.

Brian removed his lips from Justin's neck and sat up on the younger boy's crotch area. He looked down at Justin's blue eyes which had just opened to stare up at Brian. Brian panted and thought of how much enjoyed being around Justin. He began to remove his sweat-drenched shirt and threw it to one side on the grass. He then leaned back down to kiss Justin again. Justin grabbed onto Brian's face gently and concentrated on pleasuring Brian.

JC and Lance pated lips and stared at each other. They were both unsure of what to do, but they knew in the end that they would have sex for the first time. JC grabbed Lance's hand and pulled him to the concrete ground. He laid Lance down on the rocky ground carefully and began to remove his own Bulls jersey from his sweaty chest. He placed it to the side of Lance's leg and began to unbutton Lance's Polo shirt slowly. Lance smiled as JC licked his lips in anticipation. JC took his time on each button, fumbling to rip open Lance's shirt He pulled open Lance's shirt and looked at Lance's heaving chest. Sweat trickled on the chest and around Lance's soft nipples. JC then looked into Lance's blue eyes, which gave off a hazel hue when the light shined on them. The depth of sensuality in Lance's eyes made JC feel pure pleasure. JC leaned down and began to tongue Lance's lips. Lance parted his lips slightly and JC drove his tongue inside Lance's mouth. As their tongues played with each other, Lance reached up and began to lightly pinch on JC's small, brown nipples. JC then grabbed Lance's head so that he could drive his tongue deeper into Lance's mouth.

Brian removed his lips from Justin's mouth again, savoring the taste. He ran his hands to Justin's chest and grabbed a hold of Justin's North Carolina jersey. He began yank it off with Justin's assistance, the heat of passion driving them further. "I want you..." Brian whispered as he threw the jersey aside. He bent down and began to kiss Justin's strong, heaving chest. Justin groaned and happily gave himself to Brian. Brian began to work his way down to Justin's navel with his tongue, where the trail of light bown hair began. "Hmmm..." Brian murmured as he bathed Justin's abs and sweaty skin with kisses.

Lance broke the kiss between him and JC so that he could catch his breath. "I have never been so damn hot in my life.." JC panted as he looked down at Lance. Lance nodded, wiping a drop of sweat from JC's cheek. Lance smiled and pulled JC back down to his pouting, pink lips. He grabbed a hold of JC's ass and began to roll JC over so that Lance was on top. JC laid back on the concrete court while Lance laid on top of him. JC broke the kiss this time, panting heavily. "Take me.. please Lance..." JC pleaded with a smile. Lance stood on his knees and began to pull down JC's loose gym shorts. As he did, JC's strong, erect cock sprung from it's captivity, JC was wearing no under that day. Lance smiled at the sight of the meat and grabbed the dick in his smooth hands. He began to jerk slowly on it with one while moving the other hand to JC's closed mouth. He placed a finger at JC's mouth and JC opened his mouth, slithering his tongue out. JC began to lick and swirl the finger around inside his mouth. Lance then looked back at the purple head of JC's cock. It was begging and pleading to be sucked and licked. A small drop of pre-cum began to slide out of the cock as Lance squeezed it. Lance bent down and slowly began to kiss the head of JC's cock. This sent shivers up JC's body, causing him to moan while sucking Lance's finger. Then Lance leaned in carefully and took the head of JC's cock into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around the head and began to work the cock in his mouth slowly. JC grunted as Lance's tongue slid over the base of his meat. Sweat began to trickle down JC's face from the excitment and bliss.

Justin could hear soft groans and the sound of joy from near the basketball court. "What was that?" Justin asked, stopping Brian's licking. Brian looked up and could see JC's legs cocked and a small head raising up and down. His eyes flung open in shock. 'Are they having sex?' Brian questioned. "What?" Justin asked. He could tell by Brian's expressions that something was happening. "I think your friends are experiencing the same pleasure we did last night." Brian whispered to Justin. Justin was thrown and shocked by Brian's remark. "Sounds like they are enjoying themselves..." Justin shrugged as he listened to Lance and JC. Brian placed his hand on Justin's cheek and turned Justin's face towards him. "We are going to too.. baby..." Brian said with an exotic stare. Brian licked his lips quickly as he began to pull down Justin's baby blue shorts. Justin smiled as his penis was begging to get out of his boxers. Brian smiled back and began to kiss Justin's enclosed dick. Justin groaned as Brian licked at his penis through his semi-wet boxers.

Brian grabbed the waistband of Justin's boxers and pulled them down slightly. Justin's dick bobbed out of his boxers as it was freed from it's prison. Justin groaned as his dick was exposed to the heat of the evening air. A slight breeze blew over their bodies, bringing intensity to their actions. Brian admired the length of the erect penis and then grabbed hold of it. The penis throbbed between his fingers, beating with exotic heat. Brian began to move his hand up and down slowly on the youth's rod. Justin began to moan softly as Brian jacked him off. Justin closed his eyes and ran his hands in the swaying grass. Brian stared at Justin's face, watching his expressions of rapture. Brian leaned down carefully and then began to lick Justin's dick. Brian easily began to take the dick in his mouth, inch by inch. He began to take it in his throat slowly as he did last night, making sure not to gag on Justin's meat. Brian felt the head sliding over his tongue as he pulled the dick towards his lips again and he began to lick it tenderly. "Ah.. Brian..." Justin groaned as Brian licked the head of his cock in his mouth.

Brian began to take the cock deeper and deeper in his mouth, overwhelming Justin with pleasure. He began to ease his hand up towards Justin's mouth. He rubbed his fingers across Justin's mouth and Justin began to suck on Brian's small fingers. Justin moaned as he licked each finger with his tongue, making sure to get them perfectly wet. Brian pulled his fingers from Justin's mouth and lead them down to Justin's balls. He rubbed Justin's balls in his hand, trying to bring more pleasure to Justin's oral sex. Justin moaned before feeling Brian's fingers trail below his balls. Brian found the tender flesh below Justin's balls and massauged it. Justin let out a gut-filled scream of pleasure. Brian made his way down to Justin's butt and slid his fingers to Justin's pink ring. Justin took a deep breath as Brian inserted a finger inside of his ass. Brian moved the fingre in and out, pulling more pleasure from the insides of Justin. "Uh.. oh, Bri..." Justin groaned as Brian worked another finger inside of him. Brian began to slowly pull his fingers in and out of Justin's smooth ass. Justin's ass instinctivly opened for Brian's fingers to mive around.

The passion was just as intense on the basketball court. Lance removed his fingers from JC's mouth gently. He began to pull his own shorts down with his free hand. Lance prepared himself for what he was about to do. The stories he had heard about men having sex had educated him lightly on what was going to happen. Lance relaxed his ass muscles and brought his fingers to his own ass. He carefully tried to insert one of his fingers into his ass, grunting to the pain he was causing himself. This made JC feel pleasured as Lance sucked harder on his dick while trying to finger-fuck himself. Lance eased his ass open a bit and let one finger slid inside. He felt pain for a few moments but then he began to work his finger in and out of his own ass. JC grunted as he felt himself getting close to cumming in Lance's warm mouth. Lance eased his mouth off of JC's throbbing dick, letting the head bob out of his mouth. Lance was still working one finger in his ass as JC caught his breath. JC was glad that Lance let his dick go when he did because he didn't want to cum before he had a chance to take Lance's virginity.

JC grabbed Lance's shoulders with his large hands. JC began to sit up and he eased Lance to the ground. Lance laid back on the ground and let JC remove Lance's finger from his trying asshole. JC held Lance's hand in his own hand and admired Lance's beauty. JC licked Lance's finger with his sharp tongue and tasted the sweetness of Lance's virgin ass. He suckled the finger into his mouth and savored the taste of virginity. It was pleasing both sexually and mentally to JC. JC removed Lance's finger from his mouth and let Lance drop his hand to the ground. Lance panted in excitement and wonder. JC then licked his own finger with his tongue. He did it slowly and erotically, trying to stimulate Lance's body without touching him. Lance's dick jumped at the sight of JC's movements. JC removed the finger from his mouth and trailed it down to Lance's small hole, replacing Lance's finger. With slight force, JC entered Lance's ass, pulling a straining groan from Lance's lips. He began to move it back and forth in Lance's ass as Lance released small groans.

JC took his other hand and began to rub it over Lance's chest. Lance was in heaven with JC pleasuring him to the fullest. JC smiled at Lance, tempting Lance fully. JC smiled and inserted another finger inside of Lance's spasming ass. "Uh JC.. it's so.. so.. nice..." Lance groaned as JC worked him over with his fingers. Lance wiped the sweat that dripped from his sunshine blonde hair. The feel of pain and pleasure drifted over his whole body. JC grinned, feeling he had did his job and removed both fingers from Lance's ass. Lance knew it was now time for him to lose his virginity and he was ready.

Brian removed his fingers from Justin's aching ass and Brian pulled down his own shorts. "Make love to me... Bri.." Justin pleaded in a whisper. Brian smiled lovingly at Justin. He pulled his shorts to his ankles and grabbed his long cock in one hand. "I'd love to, Justin." Brian responded as he raised Justin's milky, smooth legs. Brian and Justin had both lost their virginty the night before, but they felt as if they had been having sex with each other for years. Brian carefully grabbed Justin's ankles and spread his legs fully. "Here comes the Rok... Justin, baby." Brian said softly as he began to insert his penis into Justin's ass. Justin grunted and flinched as Brian's penis began strech his hole. "Mmm, uh..." Justin moaned as Brian began to sink deeper inside of him. Brian leaned down and began to kiss Justin's lips softly, parting them while kissing. Justin moaned as he felt Brian's pubes tickle his ass. Brian broke their kiss and began to moan with small pants. He began to slowly withdraw his penis and then insert it back into Justin's soft ass. Justin bit his lip in pleasure as he looked up at Brian's face of ecstasy. Brian had a face of pure pleasure with his eyes closed and his lips parted to release loud moans. Sweat poured down Brian's face and onto his chest as he grasped Justin's thighs with his hands. He began to lay down on top of Justin as he thrusted harder and harder in Justin. Justin began to kiss Brian's neck as he felt Brian's balls slapping his ass. He grabbed hold of Brian's back and he wrapped his legs tightly around Brian's ass. "Yes..." he groaned as Brian rubbed his hands over Justin's inner thigh.

JC looked into Lance's eyes with happiness. "Should we do this here?" Lance questioned as he looked at JC with slight fear. "Yeah, I think we should.." JC answered as he leaned in and kissed Lance's lips. He was ready and he wanted to be with Lance. He didn't know what the future would bring after this moment, but if anything, Lance was the one to be hist 'first'. As he kissed Lance, he carefully grabbed hold of Lance's hips. He pushed his body down so that Lance's legs spread apart and were lifted in the air. He then led his wet, erect dick to Lance's well lubed hole and slowly thrusted foward. Lance screamed in pain but his mouth was quickly covered again by JC's. JC then began to move slowly inside of Lance's younger, tighter ass. Lance groaned even more with inch twist of JC's penis. JC removed his lips from Lance's to catch his breath. He had never felt so much heat and pleasure in his life.

The rocks of the concrete scrapped against Lance's lower back occasionally as JC pressed down onto him. JC's hands ran across the concrete, his concentration locked on pleasure. Lance's ass practically swallowed JC's penis. Lance moaned with slight pain as JC began to sink deeper inside of him. He panted heavily with JC laying on top of his body. Lance raised his hand up to JC's back, running his hands across the sweat that dawned JC's strong back. JC began to kiss Lance's lips, never staying for more then a minute with each kiss that he gave. Lance pleaded for more as he kissed JC's. Soon JC was burried as far as he could go inside of Lance. Lance felt tears escape from his eyes and slide down the side of his cheeks. JC licked the tears away slowly and began to thrust inside of Lance with a steady pace. JC lifted his hands from the concrete and drew them down towards Lance's aching shaft. JC ran his fingers over the head of Lance's dick. He felt the sweet drops of pre-cum slid over the tips of his fingers. JC used the pre-cum as a lubricant and glided his hand all over Lance's throbbing meat. Lance groaned with pleasure as his dick was being jacked and massauged by JC's hand. "Yeah baby..." JC moaned with his eyes closed and his lip curled. He began to move quicker and less steady inside of Lance. It felt like an enternity to JC, with himself inside of Lance. Lance felt pleasure spread all over his body. He was no longer a virgin and he knew it throughout every inch of his body.

Justin felt a surge in his wet penis as Brian thrusted inside of him with a passion. Justin's penis was being rubbed and grinded between their heaving bodies. "Ah, yeah Brian! Uh uh, yes... please..." Justin groaned and pleaded as Brian kissed his neck. Brian left small kisses all over his lover's neck. He held Justin's body with one arm while the other held one of Justin's thighs. Brian felt sweat building between their bodies as Justin's hands roamed all over his back. Brian spread Justin's legs further apart as he went quicker inside of his ass. Justin tried to hold Brian, but Brian was too content on making love to Justin. Justin's toes could feel the blades of grass tickling him. "I... I.. I'm gonna... gonna cum.. Justin.. I'm gonna cum!" Brian panted as he moved even faster and further inside of Justin. "Yes... Brian!" Justin screamed out.

Soon Brian felt his balls constrict and his juices flew inside of Justin's ass. Brian grunted and thrusted even harder as he came in Justin for the second time in his life. Justin felt Brian's body shaking as he came inside of him. Justin soon felt the same pleasure as Brian did as his dick began to spasm and shoot cum between their colliding bodies. Sweat, cum and lust rubbed and trailed all over their bodies as they slowed their fuck. Brian kept moving in and out of Justin until he had finished cumming fully in Justin. He felt his dick softening inside of Justin's warm cavern. He never wanted to leave the position, but he had to and he slowly pulled out of Justin. "Ah.. ah.." Brian whispered as he finally pulled out of Justin. Justin smiled and kept his legs wrapped around Brian's ass. He watched Brian's lips pant out unrecognizable words. Brian opened his eyes gradually and looked down at Justin. The evening's light brought a favorable glow on Justin's smiling face. His cheeks showed a sprinkle of sweat while his eyes were dazzled in the eclipse of the pale, pink sky. They smiled at each other with love. "I wonder what's happening between JC and Lance?" Brian asked. "I don't care. I just want you to hold me." Justin responded, hugging onto Brian with his arms. Brian swiftly obliged and wrapped his arms under and around Justin.

JC found himself pumping hard inside of his friend Lance for ten minutes without a pause for a kiss or a hug. He had never lasted so long during one of his rare masturbation session or even during one of his frequent 'wet dreams'. Lance's body was like none that he had ever seen. Just the right amount of weight and just the right amount of muscles helped to bring further pleasure to JC's first full contact sexual experience. Lance's head rubbed against the concrete, begging for relief and yet pleading for more ecstasy. JC felt himself beginning to cum for the first time inside of a man, inside of another person's body. "Ah!" JC gasped as he shot load after load of cum inside of Lance's gripping ass.

Lance grunted heavily as JC's orgasm came to fully intesity. He felt JC's hand grip him harder around the cock as he began to cum on JC's feverish hand. "Ah ah ah JC, heh heh, I... shit!!!" Lance yelled as he felt JC's jucies inside of him. He had never had so much pleasure in one moment in his entire life. It was fullfilling and beautiful for him. JC pulled out slowly from Lance's swollen ass. He could feel small cuts on Lance's back from the concrete and his own body felt bruised from having sex in such an open area. "That felt great..." JC finally said as he began to kiss Lance's face. Lance breathed heavily as JC kissed him, recapturing moments of his first sexual experience.

"We should get cleaned up." JC suggested to Lance. Lance drifted in and out of reality, his mind still on what had just happened. "Okay, back at the hotel?" Lance questioned. "No, there's a shower area right over there." JC stated, pointing out a small building that containted a lockeroom. "Oh okay." Lance nodded. JC placed his hands on the ground and pushed himself up. Lance sighed and watched JC get to his knees. JC cringed in pain, his back aching and his knees were slightly bruised. "Whoa, you look like hell." Lance commented, sitting up on the ground. "You don't look so bad yourself Lance." JC laughed, pointing out the fact that Lance had a puddle of cum on his stomach and burising and scratches on his back. "A good shower will help." Lance nodded and stood. JC stood to his feet and looked at the basketball court. During their long period of sex, somehow the wind had scattered their clothes within the court. "Oh fuck it, we'll pick 'em up when we get out." JC decided. Lance nodded sleepily and followed JC towards the small building.

JC and Lance stepped in the building, the cold floor chilling their bare feet. "It's down here." JC pointed out, leading Lance a short ways down the hall. Lance looked around the empty building, the interior giving Lance a displeasing feel.

They stepped inside of the lockeroom and could hear water already running. "Are you sure this place is empty?" Lance asked nervously, looking around the room. "It should be. We were the only ones on the court. I'm sure Brian and Justin are back at the hotel." JC answered softly. They could see steam overtaking the locker room as they walked further in. JC peered over the the wall that lead into the showers area and saw two figures moving around in the steam. Lance joined JC in looking over the wall. "That's Brian and Justin..." JC whispered to Lance. Lance stared harder through the cascade of steam.

Brian held Justin under the large spray of water. Justin's hands ran across Brian's face as they kissed under the water. Brian rubbed his hands up and down Justin's back, feeling the water slide under his palms. Their tongues crossed each other's, licking and tasting each other. Justin and Brian's heads moved from side to side instinctivly. They were taking the passion they had felt minutes ago to another level. It was a desperate kiss of desire and of love. Water slide over their bodies like a waterfall to the rocks. Justin's curls dripped with the essence of water as Brian's own hair fell to his head. Justin ran his hand across Brian's drenched hair, pulling it back as they kissed. Brian's hand made it's way to the wall that was built behind Justin. He placed his hands on the wall, palms touching and forced Justin back against the wall.

The water still poured over their bodies as Brian looked deep into Justin's blue eyes. Justin panted lightly and looked back into Brian's eyes. Neither of them could come up with the right words to express their love or their feelings. Justin's mouth began to tremble as he stared in awe at Brian. Brian sensed Justin's weariness and brought his hand to Justin's shivering chin. He moved in and placed his lips right in front of Justin's. "Don't be afraid..." Brian whispered into Justin's mouth. Justin gave a small nod and let Brian kiss him. He brought his hands up to Brian's defined cheeks and ran his fingers over the drops of water that shimmered on Brian's face. He could feel the small brown hairs that grew at the tip of Brian's chin. His lips shook at Brian ran his hands to Justin's shoulders. "It's okay..." Brian whispered as he let Justin's lips part from his. Justin's eyes were still shut and he felt Brian's lips maneuver their way to his neck. "I won't hurt you..." Brian whispered to Justin while kissing his neck gently. Justin began to feel inside that Brian would and never could hurt him.

JC and Lance couldn't believe the passion before them. "I thought they were gone." Lance whispered to JC. JC didn't respond right away. "Is this what it was like last night?" JC asked Lance in a small whisper. "It wasn't as passionate and loving as this." Lance responded softly. "Maybe Justin really does love him." JC shrugged. Lance nodded and replied, "I know he does." JC ran his hands over to Lance's and held it. Lance glanced over his shoulder at JC, who was now backing away from the wall. JC still held Lance's hand and gently tugged Lance along with him. Lance gave JC a very questioning look. JC did his best to calm Lance's strong doubts and fears by staring into his glimmering eyes with love. Lance reluctantly followed JC towards a small hot tub set up for relaxing. Lance could see that water was already in the hot tub as if it was a hotel service. JC let Lance's hand go and Lance reached out towards JC as if he was scared to lte JC go. JC nodded and made sure Lance was okay.

JC flipped on the whirlpool and looked back towards Lance. Lance stood shyly, acting awkward. 'What is wrong with him? He was fine before...' JC thought to himself. "Are you okay?" JC finally asked. Lance looked towards the floor and slide his foot over the smooth tile. "Something's wrong, isn't there?" JC asked, approaching JC. "Are you going to fuck me again?" Lance asked softly. JC stopped and his eyes bolted open. "What?" JC asked, feeling revolted by the question. "Don't get offended, I just wanted to know." Lance quickly responded. JC backed away and headed towards the hot tub. "No I wasn't going to fuck you. I didn't fuck you before last time I checked. Generally something as special as your first time is called making love unless it's rushed. And personally, I don't think we rushed anything. I thought we did it just right." JC argued lowly, trying to make sure Brian and Justin didn't hear his distinctive voice. Lance felt guilty for putting such a question on JC's mind. JC stepped into the whirlpool and sat down. "I actually wanted you to be my first now... but I guess that's fucked, no pun intended." JC laughed lowly, trying to shake off his nervousness.

By the time JC had finished his small laughter, Lance had slipped into the whirlpool next to him. JC sat with his arms drapped across the outside of the whirlpool and his legs widespread in the water. Lance sat opposite of JC and slid his hand, under the water, on top of JC's moist thigh. JC looked down at the hand that slowly slipped to his inner thigh and then to his floating balls. "What was on your mind?" JC asked softly. "You." Lance responded, waiting on JC's next movement. JC placed his hand under water and grabbed Lance's. "Aren't we frisky?" JC giggled, moving Lance's hand further up his balls to his cock. Lance began to move his hand to JC's cock, but JC stopped him. "No, let me." JC interjected. He guided Lance's hand over his quickly hardening member. "Yeah." JC grunted. He rubbed Lance's hand up and down the bottom of his cock. As his member reached full erection, JC grasped Lance's hand in his own. He forced Lance's hand around his cock and began to make Lance jack him off. JC let small moans part his lips as they jacked his cock together. "What do you want to do?" JC asked between maons. "I want to make love to you." Lance responded, feeling heated by the friction that was building under the water. JC opened his eyes suddenly and gritted his teeth. Lance looked down to the water and began to see small spurts of white cum float into the water. "Then I want you to make love to me..." JC said, swiftly moving to Lance in the hot tub.

Justin felt Brian's hand moving to his chin again. He held Justin's chin up and smiled at him. "You're so beautiful." he whispered to Justin. Justin was too hypnotized by Brian's eyes to say anything. "I can't stop thinking about you. Everytime I kiss you, it's hard to let you go." Brian made Justin feel secure. Justin raised his arms and wrapped them around Brian's neck. "I just want you to make love to me." Justin said into Brian's ear. "That's all I ever want, is for you to hold me." Justin added, feeling the heat of Brian's breath on his neck. Brain ran his hands down to Justin's thighs and gently began to pick Justin up. Justin stood on his toes to help Justin boost him up. He could feel Brian's strong, erect penis running gently over his inner thigh. That feel sent shivers and goosebumps up Justin's back. Brian grabbed both of Justin's legs, pulling them apart and holding them at the side of his wasit. Justin could feel Brian's deep breathing on his shoulder and he ran his hands over Brian's wet hair.

The water shimmered over their bodies as Brian felt Justin's smooth penis run over his abdomen. Brian held Justin up for moments, making every second of heat and silence between them last. "Brian, please..." Justin pleaded in fear. brian ran his shaking hands over Justin's ass and held it. Justin slowly wrapped his legs around Brian's waist, interlocking his feet behind Brian. Brian's strong penis slowed moved upwards as Justin slowly moved downwards. Justin felt the quick jolt as Brian entered him. Justin gasped softly and held onto Brian's neck. Brian kissed Justin's chest as he tried to move further in Justin. It wasn't hard for Brian to get past the initial thrusting as he and Justin had just had sex less than an hour before. Brian slowly began to thrust in and out of Justin, listening to Justin's pants in his left ear. Justin's hair was dripping with water as it poured over their tingling bodies. Brian moved his hands up towards Justin's back and ran them up and down. "Ah... huh, yes..." Justin groaned in his lover's ear. Justin lifted his head from Brian's shoulder and felt Brian's soft lips touching his again. Their lips pressed firmly together as Brian's balls began to slap Justin's ass. Brian's tongue curled out into Justin's mouth, rubbing and massauging Justin's tongue. Brian leaned back against the wall to keep his strength and quickened his pace.

Justin placed his hands on Brian's neck, leaving room for his elbows to rest just above Brian's chest. He couldn't figure out what was changing in his life, but he knew in his heart it had something to do with Brian. Justin began to ground his hips into Brian's abs, trying to bring his penis off without jerking off. Their lips moved apart as Brian released his own moan. He let Justin do some of the work as Justin began to move his body up and down on Brian's cock. Brian panted hard against Justin's chest and then began to lick his way up to Justin's neck. His tongue found Justin's adam's apple and licked it cautiously. Justin moved his hands to Brian's chest and tweeked his nipples. "Ooh.. uh... Justin, yes..." Brian moaned as Justin increased Brian's pleasure. "Don't stop..." Justin whispered to Brian as they continued their sexual intercourse. Brian felt himself slowly slipping into the zone in which he knew he would cum. "Uh.. oh babe... it's... too much..." Brian grunted as Justin brought him even closer.

Water trickled down Brian's face as he opened his eyes to look up at Justin. Justin ran his hands across Brian's face and glared into his crystal eyes. Their lips slowly met each other again, kissing at a slower pace. Brian's lips trembled, causing their kiss to end. "I can't... oh, uh... Justin... I love..." Brian found himself cumming before he could get the words out. Justin felt the warm jets of cum splash into his ass and slowly drip out. Justin's reaction to his lover cumming set him off, causing another orgasm to burst between their heaving bodies. Justin gripped onto Brian's shoulders and let out a strong moan.

The water still dripped over their bodies as they tried to recover. Brian found himself sliding down the wall of the shower, still holding Justin's body ontop of his. Brian sat on the floor, holding Justin in his arms. Justin bent down and kissed Brian's head. Justin eased up slowly, letting Brian's soft cock slip out of him. He ran his fingers over Brian's cheeks, watching tears run down Brian's face. "What's wrong?" Justin asked. Brian looked up at Justin, trying to wipe the tears from his eyes. "I'm just happy, that's all." Brian answered softly. Justin placed his arms around Brian's shoulders and gave him a small hug.

JC and Lance kissed desperately in the hot tub. Lance was eased back against the side while JC sat in his lap. Lance's hand grasped JC's chest while JC held a tight grip of Lance's cheeks. Their lips parted for seconds to catch their breath before they were right back at each other. "I... want... you to be... my first..." JC spoke between each kiss. Lance didn't respond at first, too caught up in his kissing. "Fuck me." JC ordered, making it clearer by pulling Lance fully away from his lips. Lance stared into his eyes with a bolt of vibrance. "Sure?" Lance questioned his friend's sudden decision. "Yes, I'm sure." JC responded a bit more calmer.

Lance placed his hands on JC's hips and pushed him back towards the otherside of the hot tub. Before JC knew it, Lance had pushed him up so that he was sitting on the long edge of the hot tub. JC laid back on the boards that were connected to the hot tub. Lance grabbed JC's ankles and raised them to the air. JC felt that Lance was going too fast, but he trusted Lance. Lance let go of JC's ankles and moved each of his hands slowly down JC's semi-hairy legs. JC felt shivers sweep over his body as Lance led each hand over his thighs. Lance rubbed his hands over JC's balls, rolling them back and forth. JC let out a small moan from ecstasy. Lance got to his knees in the hot tub and brought his face down to JC's balls. He took in a deep beath, practically tasting the masculinity that JC released. He ran his tongue over JC's balls, lapping at them as if he needed them. JC grabbed at his own body, unsure what to with his hands. Lance moved his tongue from JC's balls down to his ass. JC pulled his legs back and gave Lance full view of the ass that he wanted.

Lance admired the small, puckered hole before him. He could see small brown tendrils flowing from his balls to his ass. Lance stuck his tongue towards the ass and pulled back. He could see that JC had already learned to flex his ass muscles. Lance smiled and then began to lick around the hole. His tongue laid on the sweaty flesh that he licked. He licked and twisted his tongue all around the outside of JC's love tunnel. JC sucked the air in through his teeth and let a shuddering moan escape his lips. Lance finally kissed his way to JC's hole and gave it three small kisses. He slithered his tongue out and licked the hole. JC let a gasp part his lips again. Lance began to peirce his way into the virgin hole. JC gripped the his legs as he felt the slight pain of Lance's tongue entering him. A small drop of sweat perspired from his head. Lance licked tenderly at the entrance to JC's love. JC moaned softly over and over as Lance moved his tongue back and forth inside of him. Lance finally removed his tongue completely from JC's ass and let JC relax. JC felt his whole body relax ontop of the boards.

Lance raised JC's thighs again and stood from the water. His own erect cock dripped with water from the hot tub. JC's eyes were still closed as he tried to recover from the feeling of a tongue inside of him. Lance took it upon himself to carefully lead his dick to JC's hole. Before JC could figure the words to protest, Lance slipped in slowly. JC's ass automatically grasped onto the head of Lance's swollen cock. Lance jumped in shock, but tried to force more inside of JC. JC clenched his eyes shut and gasped with slight pain. Lance slowly made his way into JC fully. His light blonde pubic hair teased the edge of JC's ass. Lance finally opened his eyes to look down at JC. JC's eyes were still fully shut with small tears running down his face. Lance guided his hands up to JC's face and carefully wiped the tears away. He rubbed JC's cheek, encouraging him to open his eyes.

JC's eyes slowly opened, tears falling out as he did. "It's okay." Lance assured him, treating him as if he was a child. JC nodded, trying to hold back his emotions. Lance guided his other hand to JC's cock and held it in his hands. He slowly jerked on it, trying to build a feeling of ecstasy in JC's body. JC gave no effort to stop Lance and Lance began his entrance and withdrawel of his cock. JC's pain soon ended as Lance fucked him slowly. Lance rubbed JC's cock tenderily, looking into JC's baby blue eyes. JC closed his eyes again and let out a few moans. Lance smiled and closed his eyes also. "Heh heh heh... oh JC, yeah..." Lance moaned as his pace quickened. JC bit his lower lip as the friction of Lance's hand increased. "Oh.. oh ho oh..." JC groaned as he felt himself slowly slipping closer to his orgasm. "Don't stop... please..." JC begged of Lance. Lance began to buck roughly inside of JC. The passion between them filled their side of the locker room. "Ah ah ah ah... JC... ah ah... oh ho oh oh..." Lance bellowed as he came inside of JC for the first time. JC gripped onto Lance's hand and held it on his cock. Soon his penis began to ejaculate in Lance's palm. "Yeah... huh uh uh.." JC grunted as he came. Lance fell ontop of JC as he finished cumming.

JC panted deeply, placing his hands around Lance's back. JC lifted his legs and wrapped them around Lance, holding Lance inside of him. "It was so perfect..." Lance pnated out. JC nodded and tried to relax. Lance placed his hands under JC and lifted him from the boards. He fell back into the water, holding JC in his arms. They both bathed in the water, washing the sweat and cum from their bodies. their eyes never left each other as they cleaned themselves off.

THE END... or beginning....

** Okay, that's that. I'll be out of town this weekend, so I won't be able to start on the next stories until Monday. Don't ask when they'll be finished because I am unsure. I'm not sure whether or not I'm going to put out the 'B-Rok B-Day' revison or thew new 'B&J' instalement first. We'll have to see what develops. Until then... see ya!!! ***

*** P.S. ARTIST NEEDED!!! Please, e-mail me!!! ***

Next: Chapter 31: B Rok B Day

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