Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Nov 12, 1998


Brian L. & Justin T. (Part IV) by JM

*** Okay this story and the following stories are going to be a slow down pace for me. I am going to slow down the quickie's and add the romance to the stories. But don't get me wrong, there will still be plenty of sex and fun for the boys. Yes, these stories will mostly revolve around the relationship between Brian Littrell (of B.S.B.) and Justin Timberlake (of 'N Sync), but there will be guest appearances from all of the guys of Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync. The stories will also follow the same path that the others have left off with. So that means, this pretty much follows where I left off with 'B-Rok B-Day'. I do hope you enjoy the series of stories to come and do wish to hear all of your comments may they be good or bad... so send them to: or lionclaw@bellsouthnet ***

**** This is the third and so on part to the storyline. It follows along with the rest if you're still not caught up. It picks up where chapter 2 & 3 left off and will continue from there. Hope you enjoy this part and please send comments to me. I have recieved an abundance already, so that makes me want to keep on writing. I THANK all of you who have sent your great comments to me. Also, for those who still want the lyrics to "Just", email me. It's an original song that I made up. ****

Justin walked with Brian quietly down the hall. They wanted to laugh from embarassment, but they knew they shouldn't. Seeing Kevin standing over them was enough to make Brian piss in his pants from fear, but he knew that his cousin was begining to understand that Brian was in love. Brian was also begining to see that he was in LOVE. It made his heart flutter when he just said Justin's name. He glanced over at Justin and just watched how he moved. Justin felt Brian's eyes on him, but he decided not to pay any attention. He felt the love that Brian had for him. There was no doubt in his mind that he loved him too! But he also knew that others like Nick were going to be a major conflict in their lives now. This depressed Justin a little bit. He knew in the back of his mind that all good things do come to an end. Justin grabbed Brian's hand and leaned over towards him. "I never want to let you go." Justin whispered into Brian's right ear. Brian raised his eyebrow and looked over at Brian. "Me either." Brian whispered back. Justin and Brian unlocked their hands and parted from each other.

Brian looked back at Justin as he headed in the studio. Brian got pretty choked up once again. He couldn't figure out why and how Justin was still having this great effect on him. Brian turned the knob to the studio door and reluctantally went in.

Justin sat down in the studio and looked at all the guys. They were staring directly at him when curiousity. "WHAT?!?!" Justin said. He was feeling scared. He felt as if a hunderd eyes were on him at one time. He wondered if any of them knew what happened in the bathroom about twenty-five minutes. 'Shit! What if someone had been in there?' Justin thought to himself. Justin felt a trickle of sweat slide down his face. "Sooooo, did you enjoy sitting in on the Backstreet Boys recording?" Chris said with a smile. "Uh, yeah. It was very educational." Justin said sarcastically. He smiled lightly, trying to cover up all signs of nervousness. "Really? Well Nick tells us that Brian wrote a new song. He said he did it in a record-breaking ten minutes. It's called 'Just'. Is that right?" Joey said with suspicions. "Nick said what?!?!" Justin said with even more fear then before. "He said that Brian wrote a new song. Is that true?" J.C. said. J.C. was doing his best to help out Justin. He had a feeling that Brian wrote the song about Justin, but he wasn't going to jump to any conclusions. "Yes it's true. Uhm, he just came up with it off the top of his ehad and all. I guess because they music Roger gave him was so great. I don't know how he did it though." Justin said. He played coy very well. "Well no matter. We have to get this song recording and now!" Lance said. He was in a rush to get everything completed so that they could get back to the hotel. "Aight, aight Mr. Bass." Chris said sarcastically.

An hour had passed in no time and Brian was soon exited studio A. Brian whipt the sweat from his brow. He was releaved that he had no further problems from Nick. Just the thought of what Justin did made him start laughing. Brian doubled over from such intesity. "Hey, what are snickering about?" Chris said as he walked by Brian. "Oh... uh nothing," Brian managaed to say in between laughs. "Have you seen Justin?" Brian said as he calmed down. "Yeah. He's heading out to the limo with J.C., Joey, Howie and Nick right now." Chris said. Chris gestured towards the exit, but Brian's mind snapped to something else. That something else was 'Nick'. Brian ran past Chris just as he was saying "Hey! You want me to walk with you out there...".

Brian ran like the wind for the exit door. Nothing was on his mind but getting Justin away from Nick. Brian busted through the exit door and looked outside. He watched as Nick headed towards Justin.

"Shit." Brian said. He began his run again towards Justin. Brian felt his heart racing even harder as he jumped in between Brian and Justin. "Hey Brian. What's the rush?" Justin said as he grabbed Brian by the collar. Brian stumbled backwards and bent over. Brian breathed hard and heavy, trying his best to catch his breath. "Uh, just wanted to ask you a question. That's all." Brian said in between gasps. "Must have been important?" Nick said with a smile. His head once again began to spin with devious thoughts. "So. What is it that you have to ask him?" Nick said. He was awaiting the chance for the question so he could dive in with an upsetting statement. "Well NICK, I was wondering if Justin was ready for rehearsal with Fatima. I know this will be there official first time praticing with her." Brian said. Brian was good at avoiding Nick's comments. He had learned well. "Yeah, we're ready. it shouldn't be too hard I hope." Justin said with a grin. "Sure. Well we have to go now and get to the stadium." Nick said as he grabbed Brian's arm. Justin looked at Nick harshly. Nick grinned at Justin and began to drag Brian towards the Backstreet Boys limo. Brian looked at Justin with a frown. 'God Nick, couldn't I even say goodbye' Brian thought as he began to walk towards their limo. "Bye." Justin whispered under his breath and stepped into 'N Sync's limo.

As the limos pulled into the stadium, their was a dead silence within each car. Brian sat impatiently next to Kevin and across from Nick. He waited and waited to see Justin's boyish smile again. The limo stopped abruptly and caused the guys to jerk. "What the fuck was that?" A.J. said with a howl. "Everyone allright?" a bodyguard asked as he looked at each guy. "Yeah." Nick said. He scratched his head and shook off the shock. "Uh huh." Kevin said. He was pretty pissed. He tried to withold going off on the driver. Brian opened the limo door and stepped out. He stretched out casually and walked towards 'N Sync's limo. He didn't even pay attention to A.J.'s calls from behind him. His ears were tuning in to hear Justin's voice and nobody elses. Brian put a hand over his eyes to block the sun's bright shine and strolled towards the limo. "Aye Brian." Chris said. "What happened with ya'll's limo?" Chris said. "Don't know. Don't care." Brian said.

He walked by Chris without even acknowledging him. He continued on his quest for Justin. He squinted his eyes and watched Justin emerge from the limo. Justin stretched his legs out and looked around. "So this is where we'll be preforming tomorrow." Justin said. He didn't even notice Brian out the corner of his eye.

Brian snatched Justin's hand and Justin jumped. He stepped back a bit and then looked. "Shit Brian. You scared the fuck out of me." Justin said. "I hope not." Brian whispered and grabbed Justin's hand. "Huh?" Justin said. He decided to follow Brian's lead.

They both walked to the back of the arena and into a corridor. "So where are we headed?" Justin said. Brian glanced at him and whispered "You'll see.". Brian stopped in front of an office door and opened it.

Justin took the time to look around as he stepped in. "This is an office?" Justin questioned. He admired the fine art that hug on the beige walls and the crystal that shined through the small window. "Yeah. it used to be a dressing room. The last time we preformed here, we used this room as our dressing room. Now they've turned into in official office for us to use to do paperwork and shit like that." Brian said. "So why are we here?" Justin asked. Brian walked behind the desk and sat in the big, black, reclining chair. "Welllll... I wanted us to have some free time together. We've been working so hard in the studio and the limo ride felt like it took forever." Brian said. He leaned back in the chair and admired Justin. "Okay." Justin said. Brian couldn't help himself. He was so horny and his cock felt like it was going to burst through his jeans. He began to unzip his jeans and slight pull them down. He pulled his cock from his boxers and let it hang over his jeans. "Oh. So that's what you meant by 'free time'?" Justin said. He curiously unzipped his own jeans and let them fall to his knees.

Justin waddled over to Brian like a duck, making Brian burst out in laughter. Justin began to laugh too, which made it hard for him to keep an erect dick. Brian quit his laughing, but he had to snicker here and there. Brian waved his hands for Justin to come closer. Justin stepped near Brian and stopped in front of him. "Well?" Brian said. "Well what?" Justin replied. Brian grabbed Justin by the bottom of his shirt and forced him to sit over him. "Now sit please." Brian said exotically. As always, Justin followed what Brian said. Justin said his tight ass onto Brian's erect cock. "Aaaaaahhhhhh." Brian moaned as Justin's ass engulfed part of his cock. "Ugh." Justin grunted as he tried to slide further down Brian's cock. "Shit Justin. You've never been this tight before." Brian grunted. "Maybe cause I'm not as turn on as before." Justin said with a smile. Brian got Justin's drift. He too wanted some ecstasy in the equation.

Brian leaned upwards and began to tongue Justin's chin.

He worked his way up to Justin's lucious, red lips. They began to kiss slowly, enjoying the moment. Justin's ass began to loosen for Brian's ten-inch meat. Justin slipped further down and wrapped his arms around Brian's neck. Their lips met time after time after time. Brian let his hands moved to Justin's lower back and massauge it. Now he felt the exotic nature of their fuck. Justin wrapped his legs around Brian's waist and squeezed tightly. "Uh. Loosen up." Brian whispered in between kisses. Justin just kept his ass movements going on Brian's cock. "Not until you cum." Justin said. They both moaned and groaned as they fucked harder and harder. Brian felt the need to go harder inside of Justin. He knew that soon his balls would let loose a fury of cum into his shaft and out onto Justin. Justin felt Brian's balls slapping his ass everytime Brian went upwards. The chair rocked back and forth as they slammed away. "I'm taking it to the hold baby." Brian said. Justin licked Brian's delicious lips more and more and felt Brian let loose his cum. "Yeahhhhh, uh, yeeeeaaaaaahhhhhhh...." Brian grunted. He let loose five shots into Justin's squeezing ass. "That's it baby." Brian whisepered as his body began to slow down. He laid back in the chair while Justin looked down at him. "Brian baby." Justin said softly. Brian raised an eyebrow to acknowledge Justin. "I love you to death." Justin said. "I've never felt sooooo good in my life. You do things to my mind, bodfy and soul that nobody has been able to do to me.

I may be just seventeen, but I'm sure that I know what love feels like." Justin pleaded. He felt his eyes water up with emotion and tears. His whole bdoy felt numb. "Please hold me," Justin said in a whimper.

Brian looked up at Justin and felt the need to grab him.

Brian stood Justin and himself up and sat Justin on the desk. "It's okay babe." Brian said as he hugged Justin's warm body. Justin flung his arms around Brian's muscualr bdoy. "Thank you." Justin whispered. Brian just held Justin, both of their pants hanging from their knees. "No, thank you. You mean more to me then the world. I'll never ever forget how you make me feel." Brian said. Brian busted out in a chorus of 'A Natural Woman', but instead replaced 'woman' with 'man'. Justin started laughing and pushed Brian back. "You know what?" Justin said. Brian smiled and replied "What?". "You sing good and you sing to me. You fuck good and you fuck me. You make people laugh and you make me laugh. And you suck good dick and that's what I want you to do." Justin said with a smile. Brian laughed at him. Brian sat back in the chair and looked at Justin. "Now?" Brian said. "No, when I'm dead." Justin said sarcastically.

"BRIAN!!!" Nick yelled from down the corridor. "Shit." Justin said as he jumped up from the desk. Brian stood from the chair and they both quickly pulled their pants up. Just as their zipper hit the top of their jeans, Nick opened the office door. "SO... here you guys are." Nick said. "Uh yeah. Just showing off the office" Brian said. "Really? Well did you show Justin all the papers, forms and all the ass-ettes we have here at Backstreet Boys?" Nick said sarcastically.

He really wanted them to say something this time. "Yes he did Nick." Justin said. Justin grabbed Brian's hand and they walked out of the office. Justin turned his head around and gave Nick at quick raspberry.

Nick's eyebrow's shifted and he was pissed.

Brian L. & Justin T. (Part V) by JM

Justin and Brian walked down the dark corridor, with Nick in hot pursuit. "I'll make this up to you later on." Brian whispered into Justin's ear. Justin glinced a smile and kept his eyes forward. They entered the arena again and looked at all the guys on-stage with Fatima. They could hear Aaliyah's "Are You That Somebody?" blasting through the speakers of the stadium. They let go of each other's hand and walked casually down to the stage. Managers, bodygards and arena officials watched as they stepped on-stage. "Theere you guys are. Where were you?" A.J. said as he walked over towards them. "Just looking around." Brian said. Justin walked over to where J.C. and Lance were standing. "So what's happening boys?" Justin said.

"Well Fatima is going to show us the steps we need to do for the joint performance. B.S.B. is doing 'God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You' with us and we're doing 'Everybody' with them. So Fatima will show us how to do the steps for 'Everybody'" Lance said. J.C. just looked at Justin and then glanced at Brian. "Stop it J.C." Lance said with percaution. "Oh sorry. Didn't realize what I was doing." J.C. said. "It's okay J.C. I understand. It may take time for you guys to get used to. Just don't let it all get out okay?" Justin said. He looked over towards his lover Brian and then back at J.C. "Sure Justin. We won't tell a soul." Lance said. J.C. nodded his head to agree with Lance.

"Alright fellas. Let's get this started. I want to see what these 'N Sync guys got?" Fatima said with a smile. All the guys stood around her as she went over the breakdown of what was going to happen. "Okay. You guys are gonna be doing 'Everybody' together, right?" Fatima asked. They all said in unison "Yeah!". "Okay. Well to make this easier on me and the Backstreet BOYS, why don't each member of 'N Sync team up with a member of B.S.B. That way the guys can teach 'N Sync with me overseeing the whole process." Fatima said. She waved her hand to the sound man for him to play 'Everybody'. The music came blasting through the speakers. "Okay. Everybody get a partner and spread out!" Fatima yelled over the blazing sounds. Quickly Kevin teamed up with Lance, A.J. with Chris and Howie with Joey. Brian started to walk over to Justin but Nick got there first. "Hey Justin, let's be partners." Nick said as he jumped in front of Brian. Brian stared at Nick and Justin looked back at Brian. "Uh, okay. Just hold up a minute." Justin said. He brushed past Nick and walked over to Brian. "Don't worry about it. I won't let anything happen. Just team up with J.C. for now." Justin said. Brian dropped his head ans shyly walked over to J.C. "Hey Brian man don't fret. Trust me, Justin wanted to work with you too. But for now, let's just dance." J.C. said. Brian shook his head 'yes' and started going over the steps with Brian.

"Okay Justin. This is what you do first." Nick said. Nick started doing the begining dances from the 'Everybody' video. Justin began to mimic his moves. Nick knew not to play around too much or Fatima would have his ass running stairs for the rest of the rehersal. "So, you and Brian serious?" Nick said while still dancing. "Pretty much. But you tell me what your concern is about us?" Justin said. "Oh nothing. Nothing of my concern at least." Nick said. They kept dancing over and over for an hour. Little conversations here and there, sparking even more animousity between the two of them. "BREAK!" A.J. yelled as he jumped off stage. "A.J., get your ass back up ehre. We have another half-hour before break." Fatima yelled. Chris, Joey and Howie just laughed as A.J. ran crazily around the stadium. Nick and Justin stopped dancing and decided to sit on the edge of the stage. "Head's up!" Lance said as he threw Justin a bottled water. Justin quickly spun the top open and began to guzzle the water. "So, you and Brian gonna be sharing the same room tonight." Nick whispered silenty to Justin. Justin spit his water out all over the stage and looked at Nick with rage in his eyes.

"Have you lost your mind!" Justin said in a loud roar. "WHAT!?!? Can't a guy ask a simple question?" Nick said. He tried to hold back his smile, but it was starting to shine through. Justin stood to his feet and stomped away from Nick. "What the fuck did you say this time." Brian said as he stood over Nick. "Nothing." Nick said. Brian sat next to Nick on the stage. "Look Nick, this is getting out of hand.

You are trying just a bit too hard to break me and Justin up. It's not called for. What the hell is your problem?" Brian asked. He kept a straight face and gave Nick no way of escape. "I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just having a little fun. You know? Like we used to do before..." Nick stopped himself. "Before what?" Brian said. He was now curious and sure that he was going to find out what Nick was keeping inside. "Nothing. Gotta go." Nick said. He quickly stood and ran to the side of the stage. Brian sucked his teeth and then got up. "Where did Justin go?" Chris asked Brian. "I think I know. Just let me go talk to him before you guys do." Brian said.

Brian jumped off the stage and started walking towards the back of the stadium. From far away, he could see Justin sitting in one of the seats in the back of the floor level. Justin had his hands over his face, as if he was crying about something. Brian carefully strolled over to Justin and sat next to him. Brian threw his arm over Justin's shoulder to comfort him. "UH, I just got a headache. That's all." Justin said as he turned and looked at Brian. Brian grinned in disbelief. "Well do you want me to kiss it and make it all better." Brian said sarcastically. "I wish you could. I wish you could make it all better. I should have listened to you and not praticed with Nick." Justin said. He looked away from Brian and back to where the stage was.

"No. We can't avoid him or anybody else. I'm going to let all the guys know tonight and we are going to settle this once and for all. If they don't like it, too damn bad." Brian said. He leaned back in his seat and kept his arm on Justin's shoulder. "You seem to know the right words to say to me all the time." Justin said. "It's like that when you are in love with somebody." Brian said. Brian rubbed his hand against Justin's cheek and leaned towards him. "I'm going to kiss you here and now." Brian said. Justin's eyes popped wide at Brian. Brian leaned in and kissed Justin on his lips. Brian hld thier lips together for awhile before pulling back. "WOW!" Justin said. "Now let's get back to rehersal babe." Brian said. Brian reached his hand out to Justin's and took it. They both headed back for the stage.

They got back to the stage and walked up the steps. "Is everything all right Justin?" J.C. asked. Justin just smiled and walked with Brian over to the center of the stage. "Hey guys." a manger said as he walked on stage. "The producers just heard the Backstreet Boys new son and they loved it. They want you guys to shoot a video for it tomorrow." the manager said. the guys all cheered for Brian's acomplishment. Brian whispered to Justin "Thanks for inspiring such a great song." Justin was ready to blush at the remark. The music to 'Everybody came on and A.J., Kevin, J.C., Chris, Brian and Justin started to do the dance. "Good guys. Come on now." Fatima cheered from the side of the stage. "Come on guys. Go B-Rok, it's your birthday. Yeah yeah." Fatima howled. Brian watched Justin's every move and made sure he stayed on step. "Okay okay okay. Uh, A.J. and Chris, come here." Fatima said. She waved for them and they ran over to her. She started working on more of the steps with them. The music still blasted through the speakers. Brian grabbed Justin's hand and they started dancing together. Lance looked at them and started laughing. Nick just glared and then walked off stage. The music faded and all the guys went and sat down. "Okay. Well looks like you guys got it down. The managers want you guys to practice that other song right now. I'm going to go and work with some of my other dancers. Peace ya'll." Fatima said as she waved goodbye. "See ya Fatima!" A.J. yelled as he got up and started running around the stadium again. "Bye Fatima. A.J.!!!" Kevin said. He started to run after A.J. Lance joined in the fun and then Howie joined in. "Bye Fatima." Brian said. He stood up and jumped around a bit. Justin stood up and grabbed another bottled water. he shook it up and then started spilling it all over Brian.

Brian started to run backstage to get away from the water. Justin followed him and they ended up behind the curtains. Brian grabbed Justin and started kissing his neck. "Mmmmm.." Justin moaned as he dropped the watre bottle. Brian's hands romaed up and down Justin's six-pack abs. "Ah. Now this is the part of dancing I like." Brian said. Tehy startedd to grind their hips together. Brian began to hum the words to "I'll Never Break Your Heart". They both swayed and grinded to the ebat. justin dropped his hands to Brian's ass and started squeezing and kneading the flesh. Their dicks became instantly hard from their exotic dancing. Brian sucked harder and harder on Justin's neck. "JUSTIN!!! BRIAN!!!" Kevin called from the stage. "Shit. Don't we ever get any privacy." Brian said. he went back to sucking on Justin's neck. "Guess not." Justin said. Justin kindly pushed Brian back, much to Brian's protests. "OH shit!" Brian said. "What?" Justin said. He sounded conerned. "I gave you a hickey." Brian said. "Shit." Justin said. "How could you fucking do that Brian." Justin said. He ran over to the mirror that was on the wall. Justin stared at the small hickey on the side of his neck. "I couldn't help it. You tasted so good." Brian said. He was proud, and yet ashamed of his accomplishment. "What are we going to do?" Brian said. Justin looked over and saw a first-aid kit sitting on the side. They both rushed over and busted the kit open. "Here. Put this band-aid over it." Brian said as he handed Justin a band-aid. Justin quickly stripped the band-aid open and put it on his neck.

They both walked back out to the stage quietly. "It's about time." Joey said. "What happened to your neck Justin?" Howie said. "Uh, we were wrestling and Brian scratched me." Justin said. He tried his best to lie to them. "Wrestling? I bet you were." Nick said.

Everyone looked at him. They all got what he was trying to say, but avoided the subject totally. "We have to egt back to the hotel soon. We have to pratice 'God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You' and then egt going." Kevin said. Once again, his father-side kicked in. "Okay pops." A.J. said. They all went to the side of the stage and grabbed their stools. The music began to leak through the speakers and all the guys began to snap their fingers. Justin stood and began to sing his verse. The whole time, his eyes went back and forth from the seats to Brian. Nick noticed this and decide he didn't want to sing anymore. Brian smiled and cried while singing the song. Justin felt a tear escape his eyes too and he just whipt it away. As the music faded, Brian stood from his stool. "great job guys." the PR said from the seats. "Okay. You can head back to the hotel and chill for the night." the PR said as he left. The guys cheered and they all darted for the limo.

Brian L. & Justin T. (Part V cont) by JM

*** Okay this story and the following stories are going to be a slow down pace for me. I am going to slow down the quickie's and add the romance to the stories. But don't get me wrong, there will still be plenty of sex and fun for the boys. Yes, these stories will mostly revolve around the relationship between Brian Littrell (of B.S.B.) and Justin Timberlake (of 'N Sync), but there will be guest appearances from all of the guys of Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync. I can't always guarantee action for them though because I am so hooked on Brian and Justin. We'll see what happens. The stories will also follow the same path that the others have left off with. So that means, this pretty much follows where I left off with 'B-Rok B-Day'. I do hope you enjoy the series of stories to come and do wish to hear all of your comments may they be good or bad... so send them to: or lionclaw@bellsouthnet ***

**** This is the third and so on part to the storyline. It follows along with the rest if you're still not caught up. It picks up where chapter 4 & 5 left off and will continue from there on. Hope you enjoy this part and please send all comments to me. I have recieved an abundance already, so that makes me want to keep on writing better stories. I THANK all of you who have sent your great comments to me. Also, for those who still want the lyrics to "Just", email me. It's an original song that I made up for Brian and Justin. ****

The guys all piled back into the elevator and headed upstairs. The silence was unbearable for A.J. and he had to say something. "Is it just me or is everbody acting akward towards each other lately?" A.J. said. Everybody looked at each other. "Well it's not just you A.J." Joey said. He glared at Justin and Brian and then away. Justin arched his brow at Howie with 'spite. The doors finally opened and all the guys scuffled out of the elevator. "So, who's going to who's room?" Nick asked. His war against Brian and Justin was just starting. "How about you Brian? Where you staying the night?" Nick said. Everyone looked at Nick and then decided to ignore him.

"Let it go Nick." Kevin said as he headed into his room. "I don't know what's up with ya'll. But I really dn't care anyways." A.J. said as he went into his room. "Fuck you Nick." Brian said. "Awe, really? I thought that was you and Justin." Nick said. Brian held back his rage in angst. Chris looked back and headed into his room. "Come no Nick, don't start this." J.C. said as he stood in the hall. Lance looked at J.C. and then went into his room. "This is getting tiring." Joey said as he slammed his door. Howie did the same with no comment.

"Maybe I should ask if Justin's staying in your room tonight?" Nick said. Brian couldn't hold back any longer. He grabbed Nick by the neck and slammed him into the wall. "Don't fuck with me Nick." Brian said with hostility. "Oh I wouldn't even dream of it. Justin is alerady fucking you!" Nick said. He tried to get as loud as poissble. "Brian let him go!" Justin said. he grabbed Brian's arm and tried to pull him off of Nick. "That's right Bri. Let go of me so you can go give head to Justin." Nick said. He was really getting sarcastic and really pissing Brian off. Brian threw his arm back and prepared to swing on Nick. "Don't do it Brian!" Justin yelled. "He's not fucking worth shit to you or me." Justin said. Tears began to roll down Justin's cheeks. "Oh don't cry Justin. Brian'll kiss the tears away." Nick said. He looked at Justin with joy. He was breaking them down. "Nick, shut the fuck up!" J.C. hollered from behind Brian. Nick reached over and pelled the band-aid off of Justin's neck. "you see, he alreayd kiss the etars away. So much he gave you a hickey instead of a scratch huh?" Nick said. J.C. looked at the maroopn hickey that was on Justin's neck. Brian let Nick go and backed away. Nick shook off the sweat and just looked at them.

"Well Brian, looks like you finally decided listened to Justin. You should have listened to me and not gotten with Justin. I mean after our kiss on your birthday, I thought maybe you'd forget Justin." Nick said. he knew the right words to luck every peice of sanity from Brian's mind. "What the fuck did you say?" Justin said.

Justin grabbed Nick by the shirt and was ready to kill him. "What the hell did you say?" Justin said again as he shook Nick. "Get the fuck off me Justin. You heard what I said! He kissed me at the party okay! You doesn't love you! He doesn't fucking love you at all!" Nick said. Justin threw his fist and hit Nick square in the jaw. brian grabbed Justin and pulled him off of Nick. Nick charged both of them, which sent Brian slamming into the wall, with Justin in the middle of the collide. Nick fell to the floor and Justin fell to the side of him. Brian slipped down the wall and tried to recover from the blow. "What the FUCK IS GOING ON!!!!!" Kevin said as he came charging into the hall. J.C. quickly grabbed Nick and pulled him back. Nick jerked and caused J.C. to fall over. Nick went back and punched Justin in the stomach. justin grunted and doubled over in pain. brian got up quickly and started whaling on Nick's body. Nick tripped over Justin's lying body and Brian jumped on top of him. The fists were thrown back and forth between Nick and Brian, sometimes missing and hitting either Justin, Kevin or J.C. Kevin snatched Brian up and A.J. and Chris ran into the halls. A.J. and Chris held Nick down while Kevin dragged Brian to the otherside of the hall. "Let me go Kevin! I have to see if Justin's okay!" Brian screamed. He was in rage and he was ready to kill Nick.

"What the fuck is all this about!" Chris said as he and A.J. held the squirming Nick down. "Ask Brian and Justin!" Nick said in anger. "That's right Nick. I love Justin! I will always love Justin! Yes me and Justin have slept together and yes we love each other! There is nothing you will ever be able to do to change that!" Brian yelled. "Looks like I already did Brian!" Nick said. he pointed to where Justin was laying. Justin laid on the ground, not moving. His body hurt and so did his heart.

J.C. tried to comfort him, but Justin just pushed him away. "Come no Justin. Please say something" J.C. said. "Get the fuck away from me!" Justin said. He jerked away from J.C. and started crying uncontroabely on the floor. He laid in a puddle of tears on the carpet. "Justin, please listen to me!" Brian yelled from the otherside of the hall. Nick finally stopped quirming and stood with the help of A.J. and Chris. Nick jerked from both of them and headed into his room. Lance finanly walked out into the hall and looked shocked. He looked at a busted wall, Justin on the floor, Brian being held back, dirt and plants all on the floor, pictures on the floor and everybody was had an expression of confussion. "I said what is this all about!" Chris said. He was becoming very impatient with everyone. Brian stopped struggling against Kevin and just fell to the floor. His body began to tremble and he felt as if his heart was going to stop at any minute. "No, oh God no..." Brian whispered. "Chris, calm down. I'll tell you." Kevin said. Kevin pulled Chris to the side and started telling him the full story. Chris was shocked and surprised by what he was hearing come out of Kevin's mouth.

Lance walked over to J.C. and whispered "So it finally happened." "Yeah, it did. But looks like it was harder then we expected." J.C. said. Justin laid in his tears and said nothing. He wanted to stop breathing. "He doesn't love me..." Justin whispered to himself. Chris walked over to where Lance and J.C. were standing. "You knew this all along. You knew the whole fucking time that this was going on!" Chris screamed at them. "Don't get fucking mad at us Chris. We didn't feel it was necessary for you to know. It wasn't our business to know either!" J.C. yelled. he stomped away from Chris, followed by Lance. Kevin lifted Brian up and carried him into his room.

Chris looked at Justin on the floor. He didn't know whether to yell at Justin or comfort him. He knew how it felt to brak up with someone, but this was a totally different situation. "Don't do this Chris." Justin said. "Don't sit there thinking about how to judge me." Justin said. He sat up and leaned his head against the wall. "I'm not trying to judge you Justin. We've been friends for awhile and you've generally always told me something that was wrong. I was always there to help you." Chris said. Chris sat down next to Justin and placed his arm around him. Justin leaned up against Chris and started to whimper again. "Hey Just. Don't cry, don't cry again.

I know how you feel." Chris whispered. "How can you know how I feel. I loved him. I loved him so mucht hat I'd stop breathing for him." justin whimpered. he sobbed and sobbed on Chris. "This shit just got out of hand. Who knows if it was really meant to last. But Nick's a shit-head anyways. He shouldn't have been messing with you guys at all." Chris said. "Maybe it was God's will. Right now, I really don't give a fuck." Justin said. He stopped his tears and just sat there shaking. "So it wasn't a scratch after all. It was a hickey?" Chris said as he admired the mark on Justin's neck. "Well you can generally tell love by a kiss. I'd say he does have strong feelings to sit up there and suck on your neck all day long." Chris said. Justin didn't faze a bit. "Are you going to at least talk to Brian about it?" Chris said. "No. I can't take it anymore." Justin said. His eyes were swelling from crying so much. "Go to bed and get a good night's sleep first. Then think it over." Chris said. Justin raised his head from Chris's shoulder and thanked him. Chris stood and headed for his room.


Next: Chapter 4: Brian and Justin 6 7

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