Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Apr 24, 1999


The First Week ('N Sync Meets BSB) By JM

*** Many readers have questioned, pondered and deliberated Justin Timberlake and Brian Littrell's relationship. The one question to be answered, "How did it all start?!?" Well now I am going to show you (geez, don't I sound like Orson Wells?). This is going into the first week, right before the story, 'The First Nite'. I will attach 'The First Nite' to this story, the updated and revised version of the story. So, enjoy... ***

Justin Timberlake stood at the pay-phone in the Atlanta Airport. His mind was on a million things, but his heart wasn't. The youngest member of 'N Sync had been lonely throughout his time with the group, but that was by choice. Justin didn't find himself attracted to the "teeny-boppers" or the women his age. The young, seventeen year old found himself attracted to guys with taste and a sense of humor. But there would be none of that for him as a member of the famed pop group. His mind was set on music and music only. The minor detial that the boys of 'N Sync were waiting in the airport for the Backstreet Boys was another story. Justin found himself less interested in touring when he heard two weeks earlier that they would be joining a tour with the Backstreet Boys.

Justin was not fascinated by the minor rivalry that was brought up between the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync. He was more aggrivated by it. He had focused many of his years into music and with the press constantly building animosity between artists, he hated that 'N Sync was another of the presses' victims. Justin, however, was curious into how much the Backstreet Boys had changed since they had last talked. The guys of 'N Sync and the Backstreet Boys often saw each other behind the scenes at different charity events and awards shows, but Justin rarely said hello. He kept to himself and often talked with fellow 'N Sync member, J.C. Chasez.

Justin removed his backpack and placed it on the floor of the airport. He was awaiting an answer at his mother's house in Orlando, Florida. 'I wish someone would pick up the damn phone.' Justin thought to himself. 'Maybe no one's home.' Justin debated. Justin felt a fingr tapping his shoulder, causing his attention to be swayed from the phone call. Justin glared over his shoulder to look at the person tapping him. There stood Lance, with a unique smile on his face. Justin gave him a questioning look, suggesting the phrase 'What?'. "The Backstreet Boys plane just arrived." Lance spoke up. Justin nodded and turned his head back towards the phone. Lance tugged on Justin's shirt, causing the curly, blone to become angered. "I don't care if they are here Lance, I'm busy!" Justin hissed at him. Lance gave Justin a frown and backed off of him.

Justin finally gave up his quest to contact his mother and hung up the phone. He slowly turned around to look towards the gate that the Backstreet Boys arrive at. Justin saw his friend J.C. sitting in one of the seats near the gate, reading over some papers. Justin decided that was the best for him to be at that moment. Justin shifted through the heards of people that were walking through the airport. Justin plopped down next to J.C. and smiled. J.C. looked up at Justin and smiled back. J.C. then glared back down at his papers and said, "What'cha smiling for?" "Because we get to tour with the Backstreet Boys! Woo hoo!" Justin lied. "Yeah right, that's not what you were saying last night." J.C. laughed. "Well I thought you could use a good laugh." Justin added. "If you want me to laugh, say I don't have to look over these damn papers." J.C. said breifly. "What are they for?" Justin asked, peering over J.C.'s shoulder to look at them. "For the tour. The basic what it's to be done, what's not going to be done, the itinerary, the hotels, the wonderful schedules we have and blah, blah, blah." J.C. responded with a deep groan. Justin laughed lightly and gazed out into the airport. "I wonder how we're going to deal with the Backstreet Boys being on tour with us? It'll be so different." Justin sighed. "Yeah, well, we all agreed it would be a good idea to come together on a tour." J.C. reminded Justin. "In more words or less huh? I could've swore it was management all the way." Justin added. J.C. nodded, keeping his eyes on his stack of papers the whole time.

"Do you have your cell phone with you? I need to call Johnny about something?" J.C. asked, looking up at Justin with a serious face. "I've got it with me, but it's recharging." Justin answered. J.C. snapped his fingers in disappointment. "I'm gonna run and use the pay phone right quick. Are you going to be okay, right here?" J.C. asked, straightening his papers. "Yeah, I'm a big boy now Joshua. I can handle myself. Besides, I've gotta run to the restroom anyways." Justin said, standing with J.C. "Well whatever you do, don't fall in the toliet big boy!" J.C. teased, slapping Justin on the back in humor. Justin gave J.C. a fake laugh and mumbled under his breath.

Justin made a quick dash towards the restrooms. He saw a small crowd fading from around the exit and didn't give it a second thought. 'I'm sure Lance and the guys are happy to see the Backstreet Boys again, but I'm just not interested.' Justin said to himself. He looked ovre his shoulder again while walking. He hoped to at least catch a glimpse of the guys to be sure they were okay. Just as Justin was making his way to the bathroom, he felt a thud of someone colliding heads with him. Justin fell to the ground automatically. Justin grasped his head in pain and sat up. "Ouch, that hurt." Justin grumbled, trying to look up at his assailant. He saw a young man, a few years older then him, laying on the floor. The man was grasping his head also. Justin gazed at the man, his crystal blue eyes capturing Justin's attention. The man had on an ash gray Nike shirt with baggy jeans on. He wore a backwards cap, that he slowly began to remove to massauge his head. "I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was headed. Are you okay?" the man asked in a light, southern accent. Justin nodded and smiled. "No, it's my fault. How's your head?" Justin apologized. "Oh, I'm fine. I've been hit worse." the man laughed. Justin laughed along with him.

"Brian! How could you be so clumsy!" Justin heard a raspy voice bark at the man on the floor. "Dude, I'm so sorry for my friends clumsiness. Here, let me help you up." the other man offered Justin his hand. Justin looked up at the man and felt a sense of deja vu. "Alexander? A.J.?" Justin questioned, taking the man's hand. "Ye... Oh shit! Justin, it's you!" the man responded. He helped Justin stand and the two exchanged hugs. "How are you doing man!?" A.J. asked in his deep tone. "I'm good. How are you?" Justin questioned, smiling at him. "I'm good, real good." A.J. responded. "Hello?! I'm still down here!" the other man called up to them. "Oh, sorry." Justin turned around and looked at him. "Well you've got two feet Brian, stand!" A.J. snarled at him. "Here, let me." Justin offered the man is hand. The man gladly took them and stood. "Brian, you know Justin, from 'N Sync." A.J. stated. Brian gave Justin a double take and then grinned. "Haven't you grown?" Brian teased him. Justin blushed. "Really, I'm sorry for running into you Justin. It was my fault." Brian apologized once again. "No, it wasn't. I was actually looking to see if you guys were here and so I wasn't watching." Justin argued generously. "But I should have been looking." Brian retorted. "And I was the one who could have been looking." Justin insisted. "Look you two, you both messed up. Brian, buy the man lunch, Justin, take us to the others. Story ended." A.J. interjected. Justin and Brian both looked at A.J. with humerous faces. "Well, you heard the man." Brian smiled. Justin shrugged and directed A.J. McLean and Brian Littrell towards the main gate.

"Where have ya'll been?" Kevin asked, while throwing his bag on his shoulder. "Brian ran into Justin." A.J. responded. "He means it literally." Brian added. "Brian, we've had two weeks off and already you're getting clumsy on us?" Nick laughed with sarcasim. Brian scratched his head, feeling a bit embarassed. "Actually, I ran into Brian. It was my fault." Justin spoke up for Brian. "Huh, Justin, clumsy? Wow Curly, you're getting uncoordinated in your old age." Chris joked. "Yeah, I guess." Justin shrugged, trying not to look at Brian. Brian felt a sense of friendliness in Justin. "Well it's good to see you again Justin." Kevin said while waving at Justin. "Uh, you too." Justin smiled. "Hey, we should get moving so we don't draw any attention to ourselves." A.J. suggested plainly, looking around the huge airport. "He's right." Nick agreed. "The limos are in the back waiting on you guys." one of the security guards informed them. "Good, then we can make a quick exit." Lance smiled.

Soon all of them were grabbing their bags and being escorted to the end of the airport. They all walked in silence, someone casually mentioning something. "Oh yeah, this is going to be awkward." Lance whispered to Justin. Justin nodded, feeling insecure about his feelings towards the Backstreet Boys. He could remember the times he spent with the Backstreet Boys. He never felt close to any of them, just awkward. He would spend hours at the mall with A.J., moments talking with Howie, seconds chatting with Kevin, days ignoring Nick, yet Brian was always different. Everytime that Justin was around Brian, he felt comfortable. Brian was always humble and generous towards Justin. Even thought Brian and Justin never talked seriously, they had fun joking with the others. But Justin never could break the bond that Nick and Brian kept. Justin depended on J.C. for that same kind of bond and friendship.

Brian walked closely with Nick, often looking back towards Lance, Justin and J.C. "It's been awhile since we've seen them. I wonder if Justin is still as annoying as he was before." Nick commented softly to Brian. "He wasn't annoying, Nick. I liked hanging with him." Brian whispered back. "You never spent time with him. Me and you always chilled." Nick argued softly. "That's because you were always too young to do anything." Brian joked. "Well I'm not now," Nick pouted. "No, but you're still immature." Brian laughed. "Hey, is anyone else in the mood to go somewhere?" A.J. announced loudly. "Yeah, I want to take in the sites." Howie agreed. "It'll give us time to catch up with each other." Chris added. "Okay, where to?" Kevin questioned as they reached the gates to the back parking lot. "A mall." J.C. spoke up. "Yeah, let's go shopping." A.J. agreed. "I'd like to go to a movie. Like the old times." Joey said. "Me too." Howie nodded. "Well, then who's going where? We need to keep up with each other." Kevin took control of the situation.

"Well, I'm going to the mall." J.C. said. An echo of 'me too' followed from A.J., Chris and Kevin. "I'm going to the movies." Joey interjected. A stream of 'Yeah' came from Howie and Lance. "Well, Brian, it's either movies or the mall." Nick offered to Brian. "Neither, I'm going to lunch." Brian responded. "Good idea, I'm kinda hungry." Nick boasted. "No, uhm, not this time Nick. I promised I'd take Justin to lunch." Brian responded to Nick's comment. Justin looked up towards Brian, a bit shocked by his words. "But.." Nick was cut short by Brian. "I'll catch up with you later, Frack." Brian insisted. Nick frowned and looked back towards Justin, creating a feeling of envy and anger. "Well Nick, where are you going to go?" Howie asked. Nick looked around, feeling the eyes of everyone looking at him. "To the mall, I guess." Nick shrugged while he gave his answer. "Now that we're all decided, can we get moving?" Chris huffed, his excitement overwhelming him. Everyone made their decent again out of the airport and towards the limos.

Within an hour, Justin and Brian found themselves eating at an Applebee's near one of the malls. "Are you okay? You've been kind of quiet since we got here." Brian questioned while sipping his Coke. Justin looked at Brian and gave him a small smile. "I don't know, I guess it's because me and you never hung together before. You and Nick always hung out, while I stayed with the group." Justin shrugged. "Well that was then and this is now. It's not like I didn't want to hang with you or anything, but you just seemed to want to be around everyone else." Brian responded. A silence drew around them again. "So, got a girlfriend?" Brian asked, trying to beak the silence again. Justin was thrown by the question. "No." Justin gave a quick answer. Brian nodded and munched on a french fry. "What about you?" Justin asked. "Nope, single as can be. But I guess it's because I don't want a girlfriend." Brian answered. Justin raised his brow at Brian. He didn't know what it was about Brian, but he found himself slightly attracted to him. "What?" Brian asked, staring at Justin. Justin automatically looked away from Brian. "Hmm, you're rather odd." Brian laughed. "Oh, thanks. Make me feel better why don't you." Justin giggled. Justin tried to loosen himself up around Brian. "So, why don't you want a girlfriend right now?" Justin asked. "Not interested, I suppose." Brian answered with confidence. "Yeah, I guess you could say the same for me." Justin agreed.

Brian was lost in Justin's smile. He used to think about Justin as a close friend that he never talked to, now he felt a stronger attraction to Justin. He never admitted to Nick that he had feelings for other guys and he never admitted to Justin that his feelings were sometimes directed towards him. Brian glared at Justin momentarily, trying to make sure Justin didn't catch him looking. Brian reached into their plate of fries, reaching for the last one. Just as he did, he felt Justin's fingers touch his own. Their hands lingered, touching, for moments. They both pulled back their hands simultaneously. Justin bit his lower lip while Brian stared at him. Brian laughed off his embarassment. "Take the fry." Brian offered kindly. Justin shook his head, still feeling embarassed by the moment. Brian shrugged and grabbed the fry. Justin gave a small yawn and let his eyes roam around the quiet restaurant. "We should head to the hotel." Brian suggested, gazing down at his watch. Justin nodded, feeling the effects of jet lag taking over his body.

Justin and Brian rode easy in the limo towards the hotel. Justin was stretched out on the seat opposite of Brian, resting his head on the seat. Brian stared down at Justin, watching the young boy sleep peacefully in the limo. Brian watched as Justin's chest rose and fell lightly. He admired Justin's smooth face. 'What's wrong with me? Why am I so fascinated by him?' Brian questioned himself. Brian has never felt so intrigued and yet attracted to someone in his life. Brian ran his hands through his hair and tried to find an answer to his own questions.

The limo came to a halt behind the hotel. Brian knew the guys had to sneak in the hotel so that they were not mobbed by fans. He looked at Justin who was still sleep in the limo. He heard the door open to the limo and the driver awaited Brian to step out. "Just leave the door open. We'll be upstairs in a moment." Brian informed the driver. "Yes sir. I'll take the bags up. Your room is 502." the driver responded. "Uhm, do you know what room Mr. Timberlake is staying in?" Brian asked. "No sir. I am instructed to handle the Backstreet Boys only. I don't have that information." the driver answered. "Okay, thanks." Brian frowned. The driver grabbed their bags and made his way into the hotel. Brian looked back at Justin, he was still sleeping peacefully. 'I don't want to wake him. Maybe I can get him upstairs without waking him?' Brian thought. Brian grasped Justin and carried him out of the limo.

Brian had Justin in his arms, carrying the sleeping Justin towards the elevator. Justin cuddled close to Brian's body and murmured a few words. Brian couldn't make out the words that Justin whispered. Brian's concentration was on getting Justin upstairs. Brian found his room upstairs and noticed the door was open. He peered in, still holding Justin in his arms. He saw the limo driver dropping off their bags inside. "Sir, should I find out what room Mr. Timberlake is staying in?" the driver asked in a slight whisper. "No, that's okay. Thank you anyways. If you'll wait a minute outside, I'll get you your tip." Brian said. The driver nodded and walked outside of Brian's room. Brian crept over to his bed and laid Justin on the bed. Justin stirred slightly and then grasped onto the pillow. Brian watched to see if Justin would awaken. Justin just sighed and slept. Brian smiled. Brian knelt down and looked at Justin once again. "You're kinda cute when you're sleep." Brian whispered to Justin. Before Brian knew what he was doing, he leaned in and gave Justin a kiss on the cheek. Brian backed away in surprise and stood. Brian walked out of the room and handed the driver a tip. He was still in shock over his actions. His emotions were tangled in confusion.

Justin groaned and stretched. He yawned loudly and batted his eyes. Justin gazed around, his eyes half shut. He closed his eyes again and snuggled into the pillow. Within seconds, Justin popped up from the bed. "Where am I!?" Justin questioned. He looked around the hotel room that he had slept in. He heard a door open and he spun around on his heels. He saw Brian walking out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around his waist and a towel he was using to dry his head. Water dripped from his body, causing Justin to stare harder at him. Brian massauged the towel through his hair and gazed up at Justin. "Whoa, I didn't think you'd be awake," Brian was the first to speak. "Uh.. uh.." Justin couldn't find the words to say. He was dumbfounded by the sight of Brian, half-naked. Brian looked at hisself and then realized Justin's awkwardness. "Oh, geez, I'm sorry Justin. I thought you'd be sleep and I could grab my clothes." Brian explained. Justin blushed and looked down from Brian. "We didn't do..." Justin stopped himself. Brian looked at him with curiosity. "Do what?" Brian asked. Justin remained silent. "You don't mean have sex, do you?" Brian questioned. Justin ran his hands through his hair and bit his lip. He was feeling embarassed and nervous at the same time. "No, we didn't. You fell alseep in the limo and I carried you up here. I didn't know which room you were staying in, so I let you sleep on my bed." Brian answered Justin's question without Justin questioning.

"I... I should go.." Justin stuttered. "Where to? The guys haven't returned from the mall or the movies." Brian responded. "Have a seat Justin. I'm gonna get changed." Brian insisted, grabbing his clothes from the dresser. Brian walked back into the bathroom while Justin sat nervously on the bed. 'What the fuck is wrong with me!? Asking a question like, Did we have sex! Now he's probably going to tell everyone.' Justin beat himself up over the whole situation.

Within moments, Brian emerged once again from the bathroom. He was fully dressed and threw his other clothes into a hamper that sat in the corner of the room. Brian looked at Justin with concern. Justin wouldn't look up at Brian. He felt too embarassed. Justin could see to feet standing in frot of him and then he saw Brian sit on the floor in front of him. Brian leaned against the wall and spun a basketball on his finger. "Are you okay?" Brian asked softly. Justin looked up and watched Brian try to dribble the ball on the carpeted floor. "I feel a bit awkward." Justin chose to respond. "Awkward? About what?" Brian asked. Justin couldn't believe how open and kind Brian was being. "Look, whatever it is, just forget it." Brian advised. "It's not easy to just forget something like this." Justin said quietly. "Wow, you sound like you killed somebody or something." Brian tried to joke. His words brought a small smile to Justin's face. "There you go." Brian smiled back. "Hey, I think I saw a small basketball court in the back of the hotel. I hear you're pretty good on the court, what do you say?" Brian offered. Justin gave a small laugh and nodded. "Good. I'll throw my shoes on and we can head out there." Brian cheered. He stood to his feet and watched Justin stand. Soon, they were both on their way outside and to the basketball court. Hours passed with the Brian and Justin battling on the basketball court. Brian went for his final shot, Justin jumping in to block him. They both fell to the floor as the ball sunk in the hoop. "BAM!" Brian hollered as he laid on the floor, watching the ball fall to the ground. Justin panted heavily and laughed off his lose. "You're pretty good, Brian." Justin huffed out. "That's why they call me the Rok. But you're not too bad yourself, Justin." Brian agreed. "Well, they don't call me Shot for nothin'." Justin said in a Tennesee accent. "How about one more round." Brian offered, standing to his feet. "I could go for one more. How about a game of Horse?" Justin questioned. "Sounds good." Brian agreed. Justin used his shirt to wipe away the sweat from his head. Brian took a moment to admire Justin's lean chest. It was dripping with sweat. Throughts traveled throughout Brian's head. 'He's not a bad looking kid.' Brian thought. 'What am I saying, he is a KID!' Brian chastized hisself.

"I've got an idea. For every shot missed, you get a letter and remove a peice of clothing." Brian suggested. Justin gave Brian an uneasy look. "Hey, we're both guys here. Nothing to hide." Brian shrugged. He dribbled the ball around, awaiting Justin's answer. "Okay, then let's do it." Justin said, feeling confident. Brian passed the basketball to Justin and awaited for Justin to make the first shot. Justin did so, trying to give Brian a hard move to follow. Brian repeated Justin's move with ease, slamming the ball into the hoop. Brian gave Justin an easy shot to repeat, which Justin did with confidence. Justin went for his second shot, making it in the hoop. Brian did his best to follow, just missing by a fraction. "Ah ha! H!" Justin called out. Brian pouted and removed his T-shirt. He used the shirt to wipe his sweat off and then threw the shirt to the ground. Brian grasped the ball and palmed it. "Okay, do this." Brian barked, running up for his next basket. Justin watched in awe as Brian shot and made it in. His senses were on the shot, while his mind was on Brian's smooth body as he shot. Justin grabbed the ball and tried to follow. He missed reluctantly. "I believe that's an H for you." Brian smiled. Justin grumbled and removed his own shirt. He tossed it next to Brian's and prepared for his shot.

The contest went on for another hour. Brian managed to get H-O-R-S while Justin only had H-O-R. "If you miss this next shot Brian, I win." Justin smiled. "Yeah yeah, shoot the ball." Brian said sarcastically. Justin smiled and went for his shot. Once again, he made it sucessfully. "You're up B-Rok." Justin said, passing Brian the ball. Brian went for his shot and once again, missed. Brian cursed under his breath and smiled at Justin. "Okay, you win it." Brian gave in. All that he had left to give was his shorts. "Uh, that's okay. Just beating you was enough." Justin panted out. "No, a game is a game and I lost." Brian insisted. Justin shyed away and gazed at the ground.

"Hey, looks like I got here just in time!" Justin heard Chris call out as he ran on the court. "Brian, is it that hot out here?" Nick asked as he entered the basketball court. Justin felt relief and looked up at Brian. "No, me and Justin were playing a game of Horse. Guess who lost." Brian joked. Everyone laughed at his joke. "Let's get a game going." Nick insisted, passing Brian the ball. "Ah, I'm kind of tired. I think I'll go back up to the hotel." Justin responded. "Are you sure?" Brian asked, dribbling the ball. "Yeah, it's been a long day." Justin nodded. "Okay, then we'll see ya in the morning." Nick shrugged. "Hey, don't forget your bags are in my room." Brian reminded Justin. Justin nodded and ran off towards the hotel.

The next day moved smoother for Justin. He spent the day with Chris and J.C. at the mall and the afternoon was filled with rehearsals and chatting with Howie and A.J. That night Justin found himself in Brian's room with J.C., Howie, Nick and Kevin. They were all sat around watching Speed. Kevin laid comfortable on the floor in front of the T.V., Nick sat in a small chair next to Brian's bed, Howie sat indian-style next to Kevin on the floor, J.C. sat on Brian's soft bed, Brian sat next to J.C. and Justin sat next to Brian. Justin grasped onto one of Brian's pillows in suspense. He could smell the deep aroma of Brian on the pillow, but he tried to keep his attention on the movie. "Hey, that Sandra Bullock's a cutie, eh Justin." J.C. commented. Justin rolled his eyes at J.C., gazing past Brian. Brian backed away on the bed and laid back. Justin felt guilty momentarily. "No, I think Keanu's kinda hot!" Nick teased with a small laugh. Nick felt two swift pillows slam into his blonde head, causing him to slide out of the chair and fall onto the floor. Everyone laughed steadily at Nick as he sat, dumbfounded on the floor. He was unable to figure out who had hit him.

"It's getting kid of late you guys. We have more rehearsal tomorrow and some other things to take care of." Kevin spoke up, preaching his fatherly role while standing. "Yeah, I'm tired." J.C. agreed quickly, leaping from the bed. "Nick, isn't it past your bed time?" Howie joked while standing. "I'll show you, D." Nick said, getting to his knees. "Whoa Nickie, you need to save your strength for touring." Howie laughed, looking down at the young blonde. Nick sneered and charged Howie. They playfully wrestled on the floor of Brian's room. "Hey, if you break anything, I'm not paying for it." Brian laughed while rolling off the bed. J.C. and Kevin both cleared the room as Howie and Nick battled. Justin stood from the bed, trying to avoid the legs or arms of Nick and Howie that were being thrown about. Brian began to clear his bed of the chip crumbs that were scattered about in his sheets. Just as Justin cleared the first toss, he felt a leg kick him in the knee, causing him to fall to the floor. Brian caught a glimpse of the action and rushed to break up the act of playfullness. Nick and Howie quickly parted and looked at Justin, who by now was grasping onto his knee. "Are you okay?" Howie asked in fear, wiping a drop of sweat from his brow. "I'll be fine," Justin answered. "Okay, both of you out of here, now!" Brian barked at the two. Nick gave Brian an inoccent stare and frowned. "I mean it Nick, both you and Howie have to go now." Brian repeated. Howie sucked air through his teeth and stood to his feet. Nick followed Howie's lead and stood. They made their way into the hallway and then to their own rooms.

Brian looked down at Justin, giving him a serious face. "They can be such assholes sometimes." Brian said softly. He reached his hand down to Justin, allowing Justin to take hold. "Are you sure you're okay?" Brian asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." Justin responded. "Well let's put some ice on it just in case." Brian advised, walking to his mini-fridge. "No, it's really okay." Justin insisted. Brian paid Justin no attention, grabbing a cloth and some ice. Brian sat back down on his bed and patted to a spot he wanted Justin to sit at. Justin sighed and strolled over to the bed. He sat down next to Brian and Brian grabbed his leg. Brian hoisted Justin's leg onto his lap, pulling up his pant leg to see the spot he had been hit in. "I told you it was no big deal." Justin murmured out, pointing down to the mere scratch on his leg. "I just wanted to make sure." Brian responded to Justin's words, taking a second to look up at Justin.

Brian rested his hand on Justin's leg and stared down at the floor. He didn't even realize that he had left his hand on Justin's thigh. "Justin, have you.." Brian began to speak and then looked up at Justin. Justin was lost in a gaze, staring directly at Brian. "What?" Brian asked as he did earlier. "Nothing.." Justin answered. Brian raised his brow at Justin, getting tired of the same response. "I mean... it's hard to say." Justin whispered. Brian nodded. "Justin, have you ever been in love before?" Brian asked, taking glances back and forth from Justin. "Love?! No, I haven't." Justin answered, stumbling on his speech. "I haven't either." Brian agreed. Justin realized that Brian was rubbing his thigh tenderly, stroking the flesh that was trapped within his jeans. "Have you ever found yourself attracted to someone and you didn't know why because you felt somehow, it was wrong?" Brian questioned in a serious tone. "Yes." Justin answered immediately. Brian smiled at Justin's swift answer. They both gazed at each other with a sense of trust and understanding. Brian let go of Justin's leg and patted his thigh. Justin slowly drifted back into the world he belonged in. "I think it's time that I turn in." Brian suggested. "Oh right, I'm sorry for keeping you up." Justin apologized. "Oh no, it's fun being with you. You're a real nice guy Justin." Brian responded. "You are too, Brian." Justin replied.

Brian leaned forward and found himself giving Justin a kiss on the cheek. Justin moved away slowly from Brian and looked at him with a hint of surprise and a hint of pleasure. "Uh, goodnight Justin." Brian said softly. "Yeah, goodnight." Justin nodded. Justin stood and walked out of Brian's room. Brian fell back on his bed and tried to control hisself. Justin walked towards his room, rubbing his cheek as if the kiss was meant for him. 'Was that an accident?' Justin pondered.

Sweat trickled from his light blonde curls. Grunts escaped from his smooth mouth. Images of another man, rubbing his thigh, kissing his cheek, stripping his clothes, standing in a towel flashed in his head. Justin tossed and turned in his sleep. He battled with his sheets as he relived every moment he spent with Brian. He surged up from his sleep with a sudden gasp. He had never felt so ridiculed by guilt in his life. 'Am I in love with Brian?' Justin thought. It was an infatuation that slipped in and out of his mind anytime he heard an assumption of the name. Justin dug out of his bed and stood at the foot. He was weary just thinking of loving Brian. 'How can this be?' Justin questioned. He thought for a moment and realized he was unsure of what love really was. He was of the young age of seventeen and had yet to experience the pleasures of sex or love. The thought of Brian being his first grasped Justin's attention but soon faded. 'I can't be ready for something like sex.' Justin told himself. 'But I have to talk to him. I can't lie about this anymore.' Justin decided. Justin straightened his T-shirt out and adjusted his boxers. He headed towards the closed door that kept him from his emotions.

As Justin twisted the gold knob to the turn, he thought again. 'What if he doesn't feel the same?' Justin thought. Justin released the knob, allowing the door to flow open without his command. 'But maybe he does feel the same.' Justin thought. A man, six years older then him was capable of loving and thinking of someone the same way that Justin did. 'I have to say something,' Justin said as the door finally swung fully open. Just as Justin planned to step out, another body stood in his doorway. Justin was shocked by seeing another person at his door at such late hours. When Justin finally made eye contact with the stranger, he realized that it was Brian. Justin was left speechless. "Uhm, I... and... uh, well.." Brian tried to find the right words to say. "Oh, forget it. Justin, I've been pacing outside of your room for an hour. There's something I have to say." Brian's nerve finally rang it's bell. Justin's hopes sprung higher as his doubt faded. "I.. I don't know how to say this right." Brian began to lose his nerve. "But I want to say this right, you know. I have to say it." Brian said clumsly. 'Just say it.' Justin thought. "You know what, I don't know how to say this. But I do know what I can do to make you understand." Brian sighed. He gave a startling smile.

Brian grabbed Justin's hand and pulled him into the hallway. Justin stepped slowly into the hall, never taking his eyes from Brian's. Brian ran one of his hands across the back of Justin's neck and slowly pulled him forward. Justin found himself leaning with Brian's motions and soon their lips touched. Brian's soft, pink lips met with Justin's thin, red one's. Before their lips even grazed each other's, their eyes were closed and their head's tilted. They were anticipating the moment. Brian's lips began to rub slowly against Justin's, taking precaution with each move. Justin followed Brian's lead, trying to stay in the moment. Brian found himself hugging onto Justin's hips as he kissed the young boy. The light of the moon peered into the window of the hotel hall. Brian released Justin's lips slowly, still savoring the taste. Justin backed away slowly, regretting each step he took back. Brian stared at Justin, waiting for an expression to shine on his gentle face. his fears began to take hold again as Justin didn't smile. Justin just stared at Brian. "Uh, I'm sorry, I really am. I just had to.. I had to kiss you and now I'm really, really.." Justin placed a finger over Brian's moving lips. "It's okay. I wanted to kiss you too." Justin assured Brian.

Brian and Justin felt a new sense of comfort building between them. Brian leaned forward again, only this time causing Justin to back away. "Uh, it's real late and we have to get up early." Justin whispered. His lips were almost touching Brian's as he spoke. Brian nodded and moved away. Justin quickly spun around and marched off to his room. Brian dropped his head and ran his fingers through his auburn hair. "It's late." Brian nodded and walked towards his room.

Morning arose in Atlanta, bringing a new light to everyone's lives. Justin arose early, his mind still on the acts that took place the night before. Justin heard a small knock outside of his door as he stood in front of the mirror styling his hair. "Just a minute!" Justin called out. Justin quickly fixed his hair by meshing his fingers throughout it and washed his hands off. He ran to the door and opened it. Nick stood outside, a plain smile rounded his face. "Hey, what's up Nick?" Justin asked with a straight face. "Well usually the guys and me have breakfast in Kevin's room or my room. We thought we'd invite you guys along for the festivities this time. So if you could make your way down to Kevin's room in about ten minutes, we'd appreciate it." Nick explained. Justin was curious and nodded. "I'll be there in ten minutes." he added. "Okay, see ya there then." Nick cheered, running down to Joey's room to inform him.

Ten minutes later, Justin was headed towards Kevin's room with Chris. As they both walked in, they could see a crowd that surrounded in the room. The Backstreet Boys plus J.C. and Lance had already caused the room to be filled. "Boy, packed house eh?" Chris laughed to Justin. "Find a seat wherever guys and grab something to eat." A.J. suggested, sitting at the small coffee table near the balcony. Chris shrugged and bypassed Nick and J.C. to grab a seat on the floor. Justin stared around at the activity in the room. A.J. and Kevin were talking at the small coffee table while Nick sat on Kevin's bed eating and watching them. Lance was talking with Howie on the balcony outside, both drinking small glasses of orange juice that shimmered in the sun's light. Brian sat in a chair near the coffee table, the phone to his ear while he fiddled with his food. J.C. sat on the edge of Kevin's bed, gazing around the room, looking for a sold coversation peice.

A.J. nudged Brian, trying to bring Brian's attention to Justin. Brian looked up, the phone still to his ear. He saw Justin standing in the doorway of the room. Justin looked at Brian and smiled. Brian waved for Justin to come to where he was. Justin nestled through the room and made it to Brian. Brian stood from his own chair and offered it to Justin. "I'll be back." Brian said, still chatting on the phone. "Sit down, Justin." A.J. ordered kindly. Justin's eyes were on Brian as he disppeared into the bathroom to finish his phone call. "Hello! Justin!" A.J. called out, snagging the boy's attention. Justin sat down and turnd his head towards Kevin and A.J. "You okay?" Kevin asked, staring at Justin. "I think he's tired." A.J. answered for Justin. Justin kept his eyes on them, but his mind was on Brian.

"I've gotta go ya'll. I have to make some calls and stuff before we head out to the studios. So, meet me down in the lobby in ten minutes." Howie informed the guys as he walked towards the door. "Okay Howie, see ya down there!" A.J. ylled towards him. "Where's Joey at?" Nick asked dully. "He said we was too tired to come down here. He said he'll see ya'll later on." Lance answered, stepping back into the room. Nick shot Justin a strange look when he realized that Justin was awaiting Brian's return. "Brian, how long are you going to be on the phone? I think company is awaiting you!" Nick called to Brian. Brian reappeared from the bathroom, smiling. "What is it Nick?" he asked while grabbing his plate from the countertop. "Me t'inks dat Justin was waiting on you." Nick said in a humerous voice. Brian looked at Justin with a puzzled expression. Justin looked away from Brian and shot Nick a glare of anger.

"Look kids, we have to get moving now." Kevin said, standing from his seat. A.J. stood also, grabbing his things. "Okay, then we had better move out too. We have some promotional stuff to do today." J.C. agreed. Lance grabbed one last glass of orange juice and followed A.J. out the door. "Ah, the joys of being in a boy band." Chris mocked and made his way out of Kevin's room. Justin stood and ran out with J.C. "What's up with that kid?" Nick whispered to Brian, pointing towards Justin. "Don't know." Brian shrugged. "He never was fun to be around." Nick laughed, thinking of the years before. "That's not true Nick, I have alot of fun with Justin. I like hanging around him." Brian disagreed. "What?! He can be so lame sometimes." Nick argued. "Hah, that's what we say about you all the time!" Brian laughed. Nick nudged him and tried to remain serious. He knew it was impossible if he was around Brian. They both made their way out of Kevin's room and awaited Kevin in the hall.

Brian peered down the hall to see Justin preparing to enter his room. "I'll be right back." Brian told Nick and then rushed down to Justin's door. Just as Justin opened the door, Brian had arrived. "Justin, are you okay?" Brian asked. Justin looked to his right to look at Brian and then he nudged his door open fully. "I have a lot of things on my mind Brian." Justin answered softly. "Yeah, me too." Brian agreed. "Brian, let's go!" Nick yelled at him as Nick and Kevin passed them. "Listen, don't plan anything for tonight, okay?" Brian pleaded. Justin thought for a minute. "Have your limo drop you off at this address around six tonight. We'll have dinner." Brian said, slipping Justin a small, torn peice of paper. Justin grasped the paper in his palm and nodded. "Okay, I'll see you then." Brian smiled. Justin smiled back. Brian ran off to the elevators to catch up with the others and Justin entered his hotel room. That night was peaceful for Brian and Justin. They sat at the Olive Garden, quietly talking. "Yeah, I can't wait for the basketball season to start up again." Justin agreed with Brian's last comment. Brian seemed to be slowly drifting away from the conversation. "There's soemthing on your mind, isn't there?" Justin asked. Brian nodded. "Listen, I know I'm not Nick and who knows if we'll ever be that close, but I do want to be a good friend. So what's up?" Justin said sincerly.

Brian scooted his chair right next to Justin's, their legs touching between the heat of their bodies. "Have you ever been in love before Justin?" Brian questioned. "No, I can't say I have. It's never been on my mind, until..." Justin answered breifly. "I guess it's hard to find something you've never been looking for." Brian added. Justin nodded. "Justin, did that kiss mean anything to you last night?" Brian asked boldly. Justin was thrown by the question. "It.. yes, it did." Justin nodded. "Did you want me to kiss you because you wanted to kiss me or did you want me to kiss you because you were curious?" Brian asked, pleading for the right answer. "I wanted you to kiss me because Brian, I wanted to kiss you. I've never been... I've never told anyone my true feelings before." Justin answered softly, his voice rising and falling. Brian placed his arm on Justin's shoulder for comfort. "I know what you mean. But does this mean, does this mean that you're attracted to me?" Brian asked serenely. "Of course I am. Brian, you make it so easy for someone like me to like you." Justin answered with confidence.

"Good because I feel the same way about you." Brian smiled. "You do?" Justin said in shock. "Yes, I do." Brian nodded. "But what about Nick?" Justin asked. "What about him? You didn't think that me and Nick had something going on did you?" brian questioned with a small laugh. "I mean, I wasn't sure. I wasn't sure you were attracted to guys and then you and Nick have such a close relationship." Justin answered. "Yeah, we're close but we're more like brothers. I couldn't feel that way towards Nick. With you, it's so different. I've always felt a slight attraction to guys, but with you it's strong." Brian whispered.

Justin and Brian were out of the restaurant before they knew it and in the limo on the way back to the hotel. They stared into each other's timid eyes. Justin leaned forward and soon felt Brian's lips gently pressed against his own. Brian pulled back after a few moments. "Justin... are you a virgin?" Brian asked quietly. Justin's mind was still trapped in their kiss. "Yes, I'm a virgin." Justin answered. "But I'd gladly give myself to you." Justin added even softer. "No, not like this. Let's wait a little longer before we decide something like that." Brian argued lovingly, placing a finger on Justin's lips. He moved his finger to Justin's chin and lifted it. Justin's eyes were fiaxted on Brian's. "I'm a virgin too. I've never had sex or even came close to with anyone." Brian informed Justin. "Brian, it's getting late. The guys will be wondering where we are." Justin whispered, trying to rid his minds of sensual thoughts. "Let them worry then." Brian complained in a low tone. "Brian, I'm afraid if I stay here with you any longer that I won't be able to control myself later on. I can't trust myself." Justin pleaded, his eyes beginning to well up with tears. "Then trust me." Brian whispered into Justin's ear. They began their kiss once again, their lips slowly parting, allowing their tongues to roam each other's mouths. Justin let a small tear run down his cheek as he let himself trust Brian. Brian ran his hand across Justin's leg while Justin stayed stiff. Brian pulled off Justin, panting out, "We're not ready." Justin backed away and nodded sadly.

Justin and Brian went upstairs on seperate elevators and went to their rooms alone. It was depressing for both of them, but they knew what was right and they had to abide by their decisions. It was their time.

The next day was a day filled with long rehearsals. Justin and Brian barely had moments to talk in between praticing. It was the day before their first show and no second could be spared. However, that night was all Justin and Brian's. Justin had locked his door when Brian arrived early that night. He had switched off his phone and made the room peaceful for him and Brian. Brian laid on Justin's bed, Justin laying next to him. They stared at each other, occasionally kissing each other quickly. "Is this love?" Justin asked softly. "If it is, I thank God for you." Brian answered. Justin smiled at Brian's honesty. Brian grabbed a chip from the bowl that sat between them and fed it to Justin. Justin felt loved by Brian. Their legs ran over each other, their feet playing with the other's. Brian placed his hand on Justin's thigh, running it up and down towards Justin's ass.

"I want to kiss you, now." Brian whispered to Justin, inching closer to him. Brian lifted the bowl of chips from the bed and placed it on the nightstand next to him. He laid back down and moved closer to Justin. Justin closed his eyes in anticipation and let Brian kiss him. Brian grabbed onto Justin's hips and pulled Justin's warm body to his own. Justin wrapped his arms around Brian's neck and began to return the kiss. Once again their tongues surfaced into each other's mouths. Brian pulled and pushed to get Justin ontop of him. Justin parted his legs and straddled Brian. They continued their kiss as the fondled each other. Brian rubbed his strong hands across Justin's back, beginning to lift Justin's shirt. Justin and Brian released each other long enough for Brian to lift Justin's shirt from his body. Justin returned to Brian's lips while Brian ran his cool hands across Justin's warm back. Justin trailed his hands across Brian's heaving chest and pulled off of Brian. Justin lifted his body, giving Brian a chance to admire Justin's smooth chest. Brian peeled his own shirt off and rolled Justin over. Brian laid ontop of Justin and reached towards Justin's jeans. He could feel the small, auburn trail of hair that lead to Justin's cock. He had never been so heated in his life. Justin moaned softly as Brian traced his hands over Justin's chest. He could feel himself getting fully erect in his jeans.

Justin knew the smooth feel of his own hand as it glided across his cock. He had known the joys of jacking off since he was young, but he had never had the feel of another touching his body in such an erotic way. Brian began to unzip his own jeans and threw them off. He had no idea what he was doing, on the verge of giving himself to the young seventeen year old. Justin felt the pressure building within him. Brian began to kiss Justin once again, their moans being muffled by their kisses. Brian ran his hands across Justin's hot neck while Justin grasped onto Brian's boxers. Justin stopped himself and pushed Brian up. "Stop, please, stop." Justin begged in a whisper. Brian pulled his hands off of Justin's body in fear. Justin panted heavily, his chest rise and falling at a rapid pace. "Are you okay?" Brian asked. "No," Justin replied, letting a few drops of tears slid down his face. "I'm not ready, Brian." Justin cried. Brian ran his hands over Justin's face, wiping away the tears. "It's okay, it's okay Justin." Brian whispered to Justin, tried to calm him. "I'm sorry." Justin apologized to Brian between sobs. "It's okay, we're not ready." Brian assured Justin. Brian crawled off of Justin and pulled him to his body. Brian hushed Justin's cries and ran his fingers through Justin's curly, blonde hair. Justin laid his head on Brian's chest, feeling himself falling to sleep. Brian pulled the covers over their bodies as Justin felt into a light sleep. Brian kissed the top of Justin's head and relaxed. He began to fall alseep with Justin.

Friday was a day of work for the guys of the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync. Each had to prepare for their first live concert together. Justin couldn't keep his concentration of his practicing, thinking of the night before. It was so hard for him to believe how kind Brian was to him and how gentle Brian treated him. Though Brian had left before Justin awakened in the morning, he knew Brian stayed in his room the whole night holding him. Justin knew love was there between them.

Lance was worried about his friend Justin. His concern was further interested when he saw how entranced Jsutin was by Brian's performance at the concert. He knew somewhere inside of him that this past week was hell for the groups, but he also knew that somewhere inside of Justin there was a small love for Brian.

Justin sat in Brian's room, talking with him about the events of the night before. They sat in the same chair, just as lovers would except they were not lovers. They were simply friends, talking casually. Soon enough, they were to learn that they were more than just friends.

It was the night after a big show and everyone was excited about the big 'N Sync/BSB tour that was hitting cities everywhere. Things were dying down and all through the hotel everyone was sleeping peacefully. The shows had ended for the night and everyone was supposed to be sleep in their beds. Kevin and Nick were sleep in their room that they shared. Joey was sitting in his room, sleeply watching the TV. Chris laid quietly in his bed, with nothing on under his satin sheets. He tossed and turned in his sleep. Howie slept in his bed soundly, dreaming of some of the girls from the show. Lance was sleeping in his bed while J.C. slept in the one across from his. Lance was soon awakened by a noise. He heard an unfamilar noise but he couldn't make it out. He arose from his bed, with his member fully hard. He stumbled over a couple of things as he headed towards the door. He looked back to see if J.C. had awaken. J.C. was still sleep, trying to dream peacefully. Lance slowly crept into the hall, his dick slowly softening. He walked down the hall and stopped at Brian's room. He heard soft moans and he knew that there was more than one person in the room. He slowly turned the knob of the door and noticed it was unlocked. 'Maybe something's wrong?' Lance shrugged and peered in. He saw Brian and Justin kissing in a chair near the window of Brian's room.

Brian sat spread leg in the chair. Justin was passionately kissing him as he sat on Brian's lap, his legs slowly wrapping around Brian's waist. Their mouths met several times with strong, passionate kisses. Brian was moving his hand up and down on Justin's covered ass. Justin had his hands wrapped around Brian's neck, breathing heavily with ever touch of their gentle lips. Brian's penis was already inflating in his baggy jeans and Justin was fully hard from all the excitement. Their lips met again and stayed there for awhile. Kissing more passinately then before, Brian moved slowly on the younger boy's lips. When they broke the kiss, Brian moaned furiously, wanting more of Justin's sweet lips. Justin panted heavily and looked into Brian's blue eyes. The blues of his eyes shined in the night. Brian leaned up and began kissing on the nape of Justin's neck. Justin moaned softly as Brian gently suckled his neck. Brian moved from Justin's neck and licked tenderly on Justin's ear. "Oh Brian," Justin said lowly. Trying to catch his breath, Justin ran his hand through Brian's soft, dirty blonde hair.

Brian moved up and kissed Justin upon the lips again, letting his tongue open Justin's closed mouth. He slowly moved in and Justin welcomed Brian's tongue into his mouth. They both shut their eyes enjoyed the moment as they felt the pure bliss of their kiss. Brian's hands moved up to Justin's hips, stroking them and feeling them up and down. Justin wrapped his hands around Brian's neck once again and pressed his body closer to Brian's. Brian's hands ran up Justin's body and gently grabbed his head. Brian pulled Justin closer and closer to him. Justin's chest was pressing longly against Brian's through the fabric of their shirts. Brian pulled his lips off of Justin's and let his tongue slowly come out also. Justin let a soft cry escape his parted lips.

Justin had wanted this for a long time. A romantic and pleasurable time with a guy, a special guy. He had always wondered what it would be like since he began the tour with the Backstreet Boys. Now he was experiencing it and from the guy from the Backstreet Boys that he had developed a crush on. As Justin looked at him again, he was afraid of what may not happen tonight. But he could tell by the desire in Brian's eyes and his heavy breathing, that he wanted the same thing. "Brian..." Justin was cut short by Brian putting a finger to his mouth. "No need for words Justin. Let this be our first night of passion." he said softly to Justin. He kissed him again, pulling Justin even closer. He placed his hands on Justin's hips again and Justin drew his legs around Brian's waist. Brian ran his hands slowly up and down Justin's outer thigh, trying to feel his legs through the baggy jeans Justin had on. He liked the way guys legs looked so he kept touching Justin, making him moan softly in their kiss. Brian's hands then moved up to Justin's shoulders and began running everywhere on his body. He felt on Justin's arms and rubbed his ass slowly. Justin never felt so excited in his life.

Brian slowly crept one of his hands up Justin's shirt. He felt Justin's bare chest as his nipples were hardening. Justin felt a moan in his throat and it slipped into Brian's mouth, vibrating their every kiss with heat. Brian's tongue slipped into Justin's mouth again, tasting the sweetness of Justin's saliva. He slipped his hand onto Justin's back, softly caressed it. Justin slid his hands down to Brian's strong chest and then to his legs. He could feel Brian's member hardening more against his thigh. It felt long and warm, demanding to be inside of Justin's young body. Brian stopped kissing Justin and they both caught their breath. Brian ran his fingers on Justin's thighs, making him shiver with delight. "Oh Brian... please give me more..." Justin pleaded softly, running his hand against Brian's cheek. Brian looked into Justin's eyes, his face glowing in the pale moonlight.

Brian pulled Justin's legs from around his waist slowly. He grabbed Justin's legs and his back and picked him up in his arms. He walked slowly to his own king sized bed. When he reached the foot of the bed, he gently placed Justin on it. Justin laid back and awaited Brian's next move. Brian got onto the other side and they met in the middle of the bed. Justin felt the blue silk sheets in his hands. He was loving the touch and couldn't wait till he was naked upon them. Brian pulled Justin's head towards his and kissed his head. Then Brian moved down, kissing Justin's lips and then his neck. He sucked on the nape of Justin's neck for awhile. Justin meanwhile moved his hands all over Brian's back. Justin was enjoying the feel of Brian sucking on his neck while his hands grasped onto Brian's shirt. After seeing that he gave Justin a smooth, red hickey on his neck, Brian licked it softly with his smooth tongue. Justin let out a moan as Brian licked at his hickey.

Brian got on top of Justin, his hardness pressing gently against Justin's abs. Brian took off his shirt slowly, Justin began raising his hands to help him. Justin was anticipating the sight of Brian's bare chest again. Brian finally got his shirt off and revealed a muscular chest. Slight goosebumps dawned his nipples, while the rest was rock hard muscle trailing to his abs. He leaned in and grabbed hold of Justin's baby blue, North Carolina shirt. He pulled the shirt over Justin's head and Justin moved up so he could get it off. Brian admired the smooth chest, Justin's brown nipples already hard. He kissed Justin's lips lightly and moved down to his brown nipples. Brian licked tenderly at one while pinching the other between his thumb and index finger. Justin let out cries of passion as Brian pleased him. Brian kissed Justin's brown nipples and felt on his stomach area. Justin ran his fingers through Brian's hair and began to moan more. Brian raised his head up and said, "Do you like this?" All Justin did was groan softly to communicate to Brian how good it felt. Brian moved back up to Justin's nipples and nibbled on them gently. He licked and bathed Justin's chest with his mouth.

Justin grabbed Brian by the waist and rolled him onto his back. Justin got on top of Brian and pressed his covered cock to Brian's hardness in his pants. Justin moaned as he rubbed and grinded up against Brian's thickness. Brian let out a deep moan also, feeling a tingling in his dick. The soft, yet rough grinding Justin was creating built friction between them. Justin stopped and ran his hands down Brian's chest. Justin moved down and kissed Brian's brown nipples. He kissed hard on the nipples and licked both of them tenderly. He then bit softly on them, making Brian moan lowly. Brian's nipples became instanly erect to the touch of Justin's long tongue. Justin ran his hands down to Brian's six-pack abs and enjoyed the feel of the rock hard muscles. Justin ran his hands towards Brian's jeans. He brushed a finger over Brian's navel, making Brian giggle a little bit. He then felt the smooth pubic hair that ran from Brian's crotch area to his navel. Justin slowly undid Brian's jeans, making Brian want to cum right then and there. Justin slowly pulled them down, revealing white Calvin Kelin boxers. Justin took Brian's jeans off and threw them off the bed. He then moved back up to Brian's face and kissed him on the lips quickly.

Justin slowly moved back down to Brian's crotch area. He placed his hand on the wasteband to Brian's boxers and slowly pulled them down, revealing a fully erect penis. Justin gasped to the sight and so did Brian. He was releived to have his cock released from it's bondage. Justin yanked the boxers off, revealing Brian's soft thighs. Justin tossed the boxers to the floor and Brian laid naked on the bed except for his socks. Justin admired the cock for a minute. He looked at the tan hair that surrounded the pole, along with the smooth hair covered balls. Justin grabbed hold of Brian's cock and pulled on it slowly. Brian moaned as Justin jacked his dick. Justin took one of his hands and grabbed Brian's huge nutsack. He fondled it in his hand while continuing his pulling on Brian's dick. Brian tried to hold in his moans, but the excitement was too much for him for to bare. Justin knew he was making Brian feel real good even though it was his first time.

Justin leaned down and kissed the head of Brian's cut penis. He kissed again and again and again at the red head of Brian's dick. He had never touched his lips to such a hot, yet soft thing before. Justin stuck his tongue out and softly licked the head of Brian's cock. Brian let out a long and sorrowful moan. Justin licked slowly up and down the shaft of Brian's thick cock. Brian grunted with pleasure, enjoying his very first blow job. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the feel of Justin's long, smooth tongue. Justin licked at the head of Brian's dick some more. Brian moaned quietly until he felt something warm covering the head of his member. He slowly opened his baby blue eyes and saw Justin sucking on the head of his cock. Brian called out Justin's name but Justin continued his actions. This was his first time giving head, but he felt as if he was meant to do it for Brian. He slowly slid all of Brian's dick into his mouth, the head resting gently at the back of his throat. Justin then began moving slowly up and down on Brian's cock, licking the bottom end with his tongue. Brian sat back and pressed his head into the fluffy pillow.

Justin took his hands and rolled Brian's balls in his sweaty hands. "Oh yeah," Brian said as Justin fondled his testicles. Soon Justin removed his mouth from Brian's dick. He moved his mouth to Brian's huge and barely hair covered nuts and engulfed them. Brian moaned through his teeth as Justin sucked his balls in his mouth. Soon enough Justin removed his mouth from Brian's balls. He panted heavily, never feeling so much excitement in his seventeen years of living. He looked at Brian and then moved back up to his pouting mouth. They kissed gently, rubbing their hands everywhere on each other.

Brian ran his hand over Justin's ear and then got back on top of Justin. They continued their kiss as Brian moved his hands to Justin's jeans. He fumbled with the zipper shortly. He slowly pulled them down Justin's strong legs. Brian broke their kiss and finished taking off Justin's jeans. He pulled them off, fighting with Justin's feet, and threw them aside. He gently kissed Justin's navel. He rubbed his fingers over the light brown pubic hair that trailed from Justin's belly button, making Justin giggle a little. Brian then moved his mouth to Justin's Tommy Hilfiger boxers. He used his teeth to tug down Justin's loose boxers, inching them down to Justin's balls. Brian then used his hands to pull them all the way off. Brian admired the impressive cock before him. It was well in length and it was thick. Small drop of pre-cum glistened from the tip thgat rested now on Justin's balls. Justin's cock hung over two sets of average sized balls. Brian admired the pure brown pubic hair that surrounded Justin's cock. Justin breathed deeply, wondering what Brian was going to do next. Being his first sexual experience, Justin was excited and nervous all at once.

Brian slid his hands up and down Justin's legs, gliding over the tip of Justin's cock. He slid his hands all over Justin's inner thighs, making Justin moan. Brian spread Justin's legs open and looked at the very hard and thick penis before him. Justin closed his eyes, enjoying his erotic moments with Brian.

Then the unexpected sensation of a tongue on his cock flung Justin's pretty, blue eyes open. He let out a cry of pleasure as he saw Brian licking up and down on his shaft slowly. Justin had never felt anything so wonderful in his life. Brian was slowly touching Justin in his most sensitive spots. Brian ran his fingers on Justin's slit, feeling the wetness of his saliva on it. Justin whimpered softly as Brian explored Justin's penis with his warm tongue. He licked lovingly at Justin's penis. Brian grabbed Justin's balls and bit them softly and with care. Justin cried Brian's name several times as Brian bathed his balls. Brian was suckling, licking and nibbling Justin's dick romantically. Brian began sliding his hands over Justin's hips, pulling Justin's cock closer to his mouth. "Ah.. Brian.. oh yes.." Justin panted out. Justin whimpered Brian's name more and more with every touch. Soon enough Brian removed his mouth from Justin's young pole. Looking down, he stared the length of the smooth, thick cock covered with his saliva and kisses.

Brian moved up Justin's body again, touching, grazing and rubbing his fingers over every spot accessable to him on Justin's body. His eyes were lost in Justin's beauty and he began placing his lips on Justin's, slipping his tongue into Justin's mouth. They moaned while kissing, sweating furiously. Brian moved his hands to Justin's hips and pulled them forward. Justin arched his back slowly, giving Brian access to what he wanted. Brian placed one of his own fingers in his mouth and licked it slowly. He pulled it out and slid it down Justin's heaving body. Brian grazed the finger over Justin's pounding penis, collecting some pre-cum from the tip. He came to Justin's balls, slowly rubbed them and kept going.

He reached Justin's ass and began to rub it. He then peeled apart Justin's ass carefully. Brian searched for the small ring and found it. Justin moaned softly as Brian began to insert his finger inside of Justin. "Ouch!" Justin yelled as Brian moved back and forth inside of Justin's ass. He had never had anything inside of him before this night. Justin then began to enjoy the feel of Brian's index finger in his ass. Brian pulled his finger out of Justin and Justin exhaled a bit. Brian brought the finger up to his mouth and tasted the essence within Justin's young body. He placed two other fingers in Justin and began to finger fuck him slowly. Justin kept his eyes open, moaning while staring into Brian's eyes. Brian didn't know the depth of pleasure he was bringing to Justin. Brian removed the fingers and rubbed them over Justin's warm thighs.

Brian then grabbed a hold of his own dick, feeling how hard he was. He spread Justin's legs wide so that he could get easy access to Justin's asshole. Brian searched for Justin's entrance with his full length penis. He found it and slowly tried to enter Justin. Justin forced his head into the pillow, trying not to cry out in pain. Brian slowly pushed himself further inside of Justin. He started to go further until he felt something tighten around his dick. Justin let a cry escape his lips. Brian froze and said, "Oh, Justin, I'm sorry. I didn't meant to hurt you on your first time. I'll stop if you want". Justin let the pain cease and pleaded, "No, please go ahead. I want you to be the first person to take my virginity." Justin placed a hand on Brian's cheek and forced his ass forward to try and comfort Brian's worries.

Brian understood and slowly slid further inside of Justin. He forced down hard, making Justin cry out again, telling him to go further. Finally Brian forced past the tightness and Justin let a tear roll down his gentle face. It was done, he was no longer a virgin. Brian stopped his movement again, letting Justin get used to the size of his dick and waiting for the pain in Justin to go away. Brian was feeling pure pleasure as he was making love for the first time. He was actually having sex for the first time with a man. He leaned down and licked the tear off of Justin's face. Justin felt the pain go away and he looked up at Brian. Brian smiled lovingly at him and Justin relaxed. "Go on Brian," he said softly as he closed his eyes again.

Brian kissed him on the forehead and continued his thrusting inside of Justin. He slid further in Justin until he couldn't go any further. Soon Justin enjoyed the heated feel of the long penis that was in him. Brian pushed all the way in Justin and then pulled all the way out till just his prickhead remained. He slowly pulled out and then slowly drove in. Justin felt great pleasure and began to moan loudly with every thrust. Brian grunted as he fucked Justin gently. He loved the feel of Justin's ass grabbing hold of his penis.

Justin wrapped his hands around Brian's back and slid them to his firm ass. Justin rubbed on the firmness of Brian's smooth ass. Brian liked the feel of Justin's hands there and gave Justin a kiss on the lips. They kissed longily as Brian moved his hands to Justin's thighs. He grabbed hold of them and thrusted harder in Justin. They stopped kissing and Brian breathed hard against Justin's neck. "Oh, Justin... heh heh, it feels so good.. I never felt.. this way before" Brian moaned into Justin's ear. Justin was in another world with Brian inside of him. "Uh, yeah Brian, please make me cum..." Justin groaned. "Yes Brian!" Justin said as Brian fucked him harder. Brian thrusted even harder as he approached a long awaited climax. Justin felt a strange feeling in his dick and let out a loud scream. He soon was having his first sexual orgasm upon Brian's stomach. He had jacked off plenty of times on their tour bus, in bathrooms and the hotel rooms, but never while actually having sex. Never without touching his dick in some way did he cum. Brian opened his eyes and watched as Justin moaned and grabbed on his ass. Brian closed his eyes again, still thrusting in Justin. Brian felt his body shake and he left out a long moan as he felt himself cumming inside of Justin. Justin felt Brian's ass spasming upon his hands. Brian's body shook and the whole bed was creeking as Brian thrusted harder in Justin. Soon they both stopped moving, relaxing after their incredible orgasms.

Brian looked at Justin lovingly as his dick slowly pulled out of Justin's ass. "Oh Justin... I have never had a cum like that before... You were great Justin." Brian said as he kissed Justin on the forehead. Justin relaxed for a moment. "Thank you so much for making love to me Brian, I love you..." Justin said as he kissed Brian tenderly on the lips. Brian felt the stickiness of Justin's cum between their bodies. They rested in the bed awhile.

Soon Brian realized that Justin's penis was still erect. He touched it and rubbed it gently with his fingers. Justin let a soft moan part his lips. He ran his hands on Brian's ass and he pulled Brian on top of him. "Justin, do you want to.. be my first?" Brian asked softly. Justin's eyes stared at Brian, adoring him. "Brian, I'd love to be your first and show you the pleasure you showed me." Justin responded. Brian was kind of hesitant towards the idea. After all, he had just made love to his first guy and for the first time in his life. Brian leaned in and kissed Justin on the cheek. He knew he was ready.

Justin lifted Brian's body and rolled him over softly. Justin crawled under him. He smiled devilshy as he felt tan ass that was before before him. He was getting the chance of a lifetime and he wasn't going to ruin Brian's first time. Laying Brian on Justin's smooth chest, Justin some put saliva on his hands. He rubbed it on his own cock. Brian took a deep breath as he prepared to be fucked by the seventeen year old boy. Justin slowly placed his wet penis at Brian's entrance. Brian ran his hands over Justin's chest, awaiting Justin's move. Justin slowly pushed inside of Brian's ass and Brian let out a cry. Justin stopped his movement as Brian got used to Justin inside of him, letting Brian's muscles relax. Brian took a breath and then exhaled lowly. "Go ahead," Brian assured Justin. Justin forced more of his penis into Brian, feeling a tight grip on his penis. Brian yelled again. This time Justin continued his effort to make love to him, Brian letting tears roll down his face from pain. Brian was unsure if it was pain or was it really pleasure that he was feeling as Justin moved his thick dick inside of his ass. Justin ran his hands over Brian's lips to comfort him.

Soon the burn of a cock in his ass faded from Brian's mind and body. Justin glided his hands up to Brian's muscular chest. He began to rub his hands all over the firm chest was on top of him. He had never dreamted to feel so much pleasure in his life. Brian ran his hands over Justin's hair, trying to feel at ease with his lover. By now Brian was heated with passion and excitement, so much that his dick was ready to shoot it's second load of cum. Brian's tight ass muscles loosened up slightly, as Brian began to relax and enjoy the feel of Justin's long member. Justin began to move his penis up and down inside of Brian's ass. His cock reached as far as it could in Brian's ass. Justin began to moan softly and Brian began to ride Justin's cock in an effort to get some friction between the two. Justin slowly increased the thrusts and speed at which he pounded his penis into Brian lovingly. Their lips grazed over each other several times as they moaned in the heat of passion.

At the same time Justin reached down to tease Brian's erect dick. His other hand grabbed Brian's erect, brown nipple on his left side. The moans filled the room as Justin kept his thrusting inside of Brian going. Brian brought his right hand up to his chest and ran little circles around his nipple with his fingers. His other hand moved down and reached between his spread legs. Brian continued moving his hand down until, his hand met Justin's large balls. He then gave Justin's balls a light squeeze. Justin moaned loudly as Brian grabbed onto his balls.

Justin made Brian moan and feel pure bliss as he pinched Brian's nipple. Justin moved his hand over Brian's dick and squeezed it in his hand. This gave Brian a bolt of pleasure and brought him close to cumming once again. Brian let Justin know this by tugging hard on his balls. Justin enjoyed that and kept grabbing at Brian's penis. He ran his hands through the brown pubic hair that surrounded the dick. Justin then began to hump faster and faster trying to bring Brian and himself over the verge of climax. Justin grunted as Brian rubbed his face. He really wanted to cum inside of Brian's ass and let Brian feel the same pleasure that Brian brought to him. Brian moaned and groaned as he enjoyed his virginity being taken away by the younger boy. Justin began to sweat heavily, he had never lasted so long without cumming in his life. Brian began to scream, "Justin, yes baby! I... really love you.. Justin.." in hopes of getting Justin to the edge of cumming. Brian forced his lips on Justin's, sparing his tongue into Justin's mouth. Brian's eyes let lose several tears as they made love faster.

Both of them moaned and shuddered suddenly. Brian felt his dick spasm. His cock let lose several volleys of cum between their hot, young bodies. Justin felt himself begin to cum inside of Brian's loving ass, as they reached their second orgasm at the same time. Cum began to seep out of Brian's ass as Justin finished his climax. Justin waited until he was limp before he withdrew from Brian's ass. Brian looked over to Justin and lovingly whispered, "I love you Justin." Justin smiled, feeling a permenant bond to Brian. "I love you too Brian, with all of my heart." Justin whispered back. They both relaxed and sighed. Justin wrapped his arms around Brian and they fell alseep on Brian's bed.

Lance left from outside the door, his dick beginning to soften. He had found himself masturbating throughout the whole ordeal. He tried to wipe the cum from his shorts, covering up any evidence. He had never seen anything so exciting in his life. He thought of one person he'd love to lose his virginity to, J.C. Chasez. maybe he'd get as lucky as Justin Timberlake and Brian Littrell and fall in love as they did within a week's time.

*** FINISHED!!! Okay, few announcements. The next Brian & Justin story won't be done for about two weeks. I'm going out of town next weekend and I have alot of things to do between now and then. Also, I am now re-writing/re-vising 'Round & Round' and 'B-Rok B-Day' to make them fall in line with the series somewhat. Some things still won't make sense, but the majority will. So you better get your copies of the old ones while you can because they're getting some MAJOR overhauls, as in scenes will be changed! Till next time... ***

Next: Chapter 30: Round and Round

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