Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Jan 20, 1999


Brian & Justin (Part 44) By JM

Everyone piled into the three limos and slowly pulled out of the parking garage. The limos pulled into the MTV parking garage and everyone rushed out of the limos. "Does this every get tiring?" J.C. said in sarcasim as the security rushed them into the studios. Evreyone was bombared into the green room, avoiding confrontation from any of the press. "Look, they got us food!" Chris bellyed out as he looked out. "Geez, you stick 12 people in a room and what do you get, cramped." Joey said as he looked around at the small room they were in. "Well they've never actually had us both here at the same time. And with Aaron and Britney here too, it gets confussing." Kevin answered Joey's comment. "Are we actually going to be on T.R.L. too?" Britney asked as she grabbed a plate of watermelon. "No, you guess are just here so that everyone doesn't get seperated." Lance answered her question politely. "Hello everyone, I'm James, the guest coorodinator on Total Request Live." the slinder man said as he stepped into the green room. Everyone said hello in unison. "I hope that you are all doing good. The guys from Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync will be coming with me in about ten minutes to start the show. As you know, we are premeiring the Backstreet Boys new video today and Carson's just going to ask you some general questions. You've been on the show enough to know what pretty much happens." James said in a mono tone. All the guys nodded and listened. "Okay, so I'll be back soon." James said as he amde his exit.

"Boring!" Joey shouted as James left. Everyone laughed. "Ten minutes? Geez, I guess we're making an early appearance." Lance said as he looked down at his watch. Justin sat in a corner and watched everyone else talk. He heard a low ring and pulled his cell phone from his pocket. He looked at the number on it and didn't recognize it. "Hey babe." Brian said as he knelt in front of Justin. "Hold on." Justin sighed and he answered the phone. "Hello, this is Justin." Justin said into his cell phone. "Justin, honey, it's mom. How are you." Lynn answered happily. "Hey mom. I'm fine. What's up?" Justin responded. "Well I just wanted to tell you that I was in town and I'm looking forward to seeing you tonight. You will be there, right?" Lynn questioned. "Yeah, I'm going to be there tonight." Justin said sadly. "Okay. Where are you guys right now?" Lynn asked. Just as Justin was going to respond, Jim popped back in the room. "Uhm mom, I have to go. We're about to go on total Request Live, so I'll call you back." Justin said quickly. "Okay honey, I'll talk to you later." Lynn said as she hung up. Justin ended his conversation and stood. Brian gave Justin the eye and then they all walked towards the front of the studios.

"And now, let's welcome the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync!" Carson announced as they all walked into the studio. "Carson!" Chris yelled as he saw Carson. "Hey guys!" Carson smiled as he saw them. The guys all said hello in unison as they looked around. "Hey, are all those girls outside looking for us?" J.C. said as he pointed towards the large, glass window. "Probably." Carson shrugged as J.C., A.J., Lance and Joey walked towards the window. "They always do this to me." Carson laughed as he looked into the camera. "Okay, so you guys know we're about to show the new Backstreet Boys video, but first let's chat a bit. Everyone knows that you guys are about to start your tour up again. So tell everyone why it stopped the first time around and why you're going back on tour together?" Carson asked. "Well we first got off the tour do to stress from management and the time we needed to have off and time we needed in the studio. There were alot of things going on and then Justin got really sick as you know, so it was hard to replace him." Kevin responded first. "Yeah and plus we were just touring with the two groups. Now we have Britney and Aaron and Innosense to go on tour with us." J.C. added. "Okay and how are things now that you're going on tour again?" Carson asked. "Things are going really good. We have time to go into the studio and plenty of time off. Actually we just got back from vacation, so we're really rested up." Kevin answered again. "Hey Carson, what's up with Jesse and those girls!" Chris shouted as he pointed to the crowd. "Uh, I don't know." Carson laughed.

"Okay, now everyone wants to know about this BOP magazine scandal that's going around. What's up with the problems between the groups and this whole thing about Brian and Justin no longer being single?" Carson smiled as he asked the question. "Ugh, we'll nevre hear the end of this!" A.J. complained as he backed away. "Well alot of what was said in the magazine was blown out of proportion. Things were sorta mis-quoated in a way." Howie said. "Yeah, I mean there's no real beef between us. We're like brothers." J.C. added. "And Brian and Justin?" Carson questioned. "Well we're both seeing people right now. So, we're sorry to tell the ladies we are no longer single." Brian shrugged. "Can you let us in on who they are?" Carson dug deeper with his questions. "Oh yeah, sure Carson. And let me give out their address so thousands of girls can go mob them." Justin said sarcastically. "No, no, no. Let's be serious. Carson, I thought you knew I always had a thing for Justin." Brian laughed. "Oh yeah, me too." Justin nodded. Brian grabbed Justin and gave him a quick kiss on the lips, causing Justin to jump back. "Ugh!" Justin shouted, rubbing his lips. All the guys laughed at the show Brian and Justin put on.

"Okay, right guys." Carson laughed. "But for real because alot of people are speculating something between Justin and Britney Spears." Carson said seriously. "Oh, here we go again." Justin groaned. "I'd like to say to all the world, THERE IS NOTHING BETWEEN ME AND BRITNEY!!!" Justin yelled into the camera. "I'm so tired of hearing that. We knew each other on the Mickey Mouse Club." Justin sighed. Brian frowned and pulled away from Justin. He knew that Justin was lying to cover up for himself. "Well I guess that's how people made the connection. And now with her touring with you guys, I just don't see why. I mean she's a cutie." Carson smiled. "Hey watch it Carson, you're taken." Joey caught Carson off guard. "Yes, very much taken. And I love you honey." Carson quickly recovered. "And Britney backstage right? She's here?" Carson asked. "Yeah, she's back there somewhere with Aaron." Nick answered. "What's that like? Touring with your younger brother?" Carson asked Nick. "It's great. We toured together before, so I'm used to it." Nick shrugged. "Okay, well we have to get to the number 6 video. Why don't you guys introduce this video." Carson said. "Okay, oh this is that crazy video. The one from Limp Bizkit. It's called 'Faith' and it's number 6 baby!" A.J. said into the camera. As the video came on, the guys chatted with Carson. "Okay, so what's the deal guys? What can we expect from the next albums?" Carson asked. "Just new material with a bit of a new sound. That's all." Kevin answered honestly.

As the video went off, Carson took his position again. "Alright, that was Limp Bizkit. And next up we're going to give you the new video for the Backstreet Boys. This video is for the song 'Just' which was just released to single. And why don't you guys tell us about the video and the song." Carson said. "Well this video was done in L.A. with a director by the name of James Munroe. He's really good. He made the video seem so real and awesome. But we've never actually seen it." A.J. nodded. "And the video took about two days to do, so it wasn't that bad." Lance added. "And this song is off our up and coming album, due out in March. It wasn't written by Brian and it's a really nice love song." Kevin smiled. "Yeah, I wrote it and it was fun to do. And we're supposed to be doing a video for 'Just Part II' soon with the same director. That song will be on 'N Sync's new album. 'Just Part II' was written by me and Justin." Brian gave a huge grin into the camera. "Okay, well we'll be looking for that one. What was it like with you two in the studio. We hear it was a great experience for you two!" Carson asked. "It was. We're friends and so it just clicked when we wrote the song. Brian wrote part and I wrote part and then he wrote and then I wrote. It was great!" Justin answered. "It was too much fun for us." Brian responded. "Okay, well here it is for you guys. An MTV premiere of the song 'Just' by the Backstreet Boys featuring the guys of 'N Sync." Carson said. As the video popped up, evreyone watched it in excitement. They swayed and sang along as they watched the beautifully crafted video.

As the video faded, the room was in silence. "Wow, well that was a great video. It was kinda of emotional, the song, but the video protrayed a little more of a happy song." Carson said, faking as he wiped a tear from his eye. "Yeah, it was great." Kevin agreed. "Thanks to Brian here." Justin said as he wrapped his arm around Brian. "Okay, well let's get to the next video by 2Pac making another dramtic jump to number five with 'Changes'." Carson said. All the guys cheered at the finished product of the video. "When do we shoot the next one?" J.C. chimmed as the others cheered along.

As the rest of the show went along, the guys joked around with Carson as they viewed the videos. "Okay, now we're going to take a call from one our viewers. Ashly, are you there?" Carson said as he listened. "Yeah! Oh my God, hello! Carson?" a high pitched voice rung through the studios. "Yeah. Hi, say hello to the guys here." Carson laughed. "Oh wow! Hi guys! I love your music!" Ashly said cheerfully. All the guys kindly said hello. "So Ashly, what did you think of the guys new video?" Carson asked. "Oh it was great! It was so beautiful and all you guys looked hot!" Ashly said sincerly. "Thanks, we're glad you liked it." A.J. answered in his deep voice. "Ashly, do you have a question for the guys?" Carson asked, rushing things along. "Yes. I wanted to know if the guys felt like their was a constant pressure to out do each other? And I wanted to know if Brian was serious about him and Justin." Ashly giggled. "Uh, oh. Do I sense jealousy!" Carson shouted in humor. "Yes Ashly, me and Justin are just too happy." Brian replied in his Jim Carrey voice. "Really? Was I sleep when this happened? I'm still trying to get over me and Britney." Justin laughed. "Well as for your first question, I don't think we try to compete over anything. It's just a media hype. We're really good friends and we don't argue things like who's album is number one on the charts." Howie answered. "Yeah, we see it as a game that all of us play. And it's number two on the charts." J.C. reminded Howie happily. "We support each other fully." Justin added.

"Okay, thanks for your question Ashly." Carson smiled. "Bye guys!" Ashly shouted happily. "Okay, our number three video comes from a good friend of you guys. Her name is Britney, and this song is like number three on the singles charts. So Britney is doing good for herself. Why don't we have Justin introduce this." Carson teased. "Watch it Carson. Okay, this is my friend Britney Spears's video and it's called '...Baby One More Time'." Justin said. "Oh and Carson likes this song but I heard he prefers to listen to Micheal Jackson's 'Beat It'." Justin threw in to seek revenge on Carson. As the video came on the guys laughed in a rage at Carson and Justin's jokes.

As the video faded Britney walked onto the stage with two things in her hands. "Hey Britney." Carson said as he gave her a hug. "Hey guys. I'm here to give the guys of 'N Sync the copy of their 5 time platnuim album, 'N Sync. It was certified the other day and it's now number two on the charts." Britney smiled as she handed the guys the plaque. J.C. and Justin jumped up in excitement as Lance grabbed the plaque. "Thanks Britney." Lance said with a smile. "And I'm here to inform Brian and the guys of Backstreet Boys that of last week, the song 'Just' has gone gold due to extreme exposure around the world." Britney smiled. A tear slipped from Brian's eye as he grabbed the plaque. "It's a great song and people love it." Britney added. "That's great guys!" Carson said as he wrapped his arm around Britney. Justin hugged Brian tightly as Brian let more tears roll from his eyes. "Okay, well you guys know about the constant battle your songs have here on T.R.L. So, coming in at number two today is the Backstreet Boys' 'All I Have To Give' and at number one is 'N Sync's 'God Must Have Spent'." Carson said as the Backstreet Boys video came on. The guys left the studio and headed back to the hotel to get ready for the benefit.

Brian & Justin (Part 45) by JM

The night came quicker then evreyone was prepared for. "Are you sure Aaron will be okay at the hotel?" A.J. asked Nick as he adjusted his cumberbun. "Yeah, he's be alone before. Actually I asked services to check up on him and made sure he was fed well. Plus he's got the Ninetendo 64 and his comics. He'll be fine. My mom will be here tomorrow to take care of him." Nick replied. Brian stared out the windows of the limo as they pulled into the parking lot of the Regal Hotel. "This place looks like a country club or something." Howie said as he looked at the huge grounds of the hotel. "What would you know about a country club." Kevin laughed as he looked at Howie. "Oh shut up." Howie barked as he looked at the hotel. "I feel like a monkey in this tuxedo." Brian complained as he messed with his bow-tie. "You always look like a monkey!" Nick laughed. Brian humoured him and made a monkey face.

The guys piled out of the limos to a parade of flashing lights. The all smiled and gave cute poses as if it was programmed into their brain to do. "Doesn't this get tiring?" Brian cheesed as he whispered to Nick. "Always." Nick complained as he too smiled politely. "Look, Britney and the guys are getting in. We had better hurry." Kevin pointed out to the guys. The rush along the red carpet, heading inside with 'N Sync and Britney Spears. "Justin! Over here." Lynn waved for her son to walk over to her. "Okay guys, just remmeber that you are in public and it's formal. So don't cause any problems." Kevin insisted in his fatherly voice. Everyone groaned and went their seperate ways.

Justin grabbed Brian's hand and drug him over to his mother. "Hi mom." Justin said as he gave his mother a small hug. "Hello Justin. Hello Brian, I didn't realize that you'd be over here with Justin." Lynn gave her best smile. "Hi Mrs. Harless, it's nice to see you again." Brian smiled back. "Oh Justin, this is Mr. Smith. He's an A&R rep' handling new managements. Mr. Smith this is my son Justin and his friend Brian." Lynn smiled as she introduced everyone. "Hello, I must correct my mother. This is Brian, my fiance`." Justin responds as he shook Mr. Smith's hand. "Oh, well it's nice to meet you Justin and Brian." Mr. Smith said with a confussed face.

"Will you two please excuse us." Lynn smiles evily as she grabs Justin's arm. She yanked Justin to a side corner, out of view of others. Brian watches in surprise as Justin tumbles off. "Have you lost your mind? You can't just go around telling everyone that Brian is your fiance and all of that. You're going to screw up your life like that." Lynn said lowly and bitterly. Justin raised his brow at his mother and stared at her in pure anger. Justin didn't bother responding to her comment, but walked away in anger. He walked right past Kevin and Howie without acknowledging them.

Justin grabbed Brian's arm and pulled him in rage. "What's wrong..." Brian tried to say as he stumbled with Justin. Justin just kept his eyes on the exit as he dragged Brian. Brian quickly pulled back at Justin, making them both stop dizzily. "Stop. What is wrong with you?" Brian hissed as he tried to make eye contact with Justin. "I just want to get back to the hotel and be alone." Justin whimpered, small tears skating on his cheek. "Why? What's wrong?" Brian asked again, toning his voice down. "Brian, I just need to leave." Justin fussed softly, trying not to draw any attention to them. "What did your mom say?" Brian asked. "She said I shouldn't tell everyone that we we're engadged." Justin whispered as he looked at Brian. Brian listened and took everything into thought. "Well maybe she's right. Maybe right now we shouldn't tell everyone, at least not with all the controversary surrounding us." Brian nodded. Justin looked at Brian with hurt in his eyes. "I can't believe you, agreeing with her. I thought you loved me." Justin fussed. He pulled away from Brian and walked away. "Justin..." Brian tried his best to stop him. J.C. walked over to Brian and placed his hand on Brian's shoulder. "Let him go right now Brian. I doubt he'll leave. I'll go talk to him." J.C. said, trying to comfort Brian. "Thanks J.C. Please get him to come back." Brian said sadly as he walked away.

J.C. walked out into the cool, crisp air of the New York night. He looked around and saw Justin sitting to the site of the hotel grounds. J.C. smiled and walked towards Justin. Justin twiddled his thumbs as he sat on the railing. "Justin?" J.C. said as he sat next to Justin. "Huh?" Justin responded, not raising his head. "Hey buddy, something wrong? I saw you and Brian arguing in there." J.C. said, placing his arm on Justin's shoulder. "Yeah, I'll be fine." Justin said. He twiddled with his gold ring on his left hand and slid it on and off. J.C. grabbed Justin's hand and forced the ring back down on it. "Brian loves you, Justin. Don't take the ring off." J.C. begged. "I just can't believe he agreed with what my mom said. I mean she had no right saying I shouldn't tell anyone about me and Brian. And when he agreed with her, I was so hurt." Justin sobbed, keeping his tears inside. J.C. thought and began to speak softly. "I think he was just looking out for you. Brian doesn't want to see you hurt for any reason. So he probably thought it was in your best interest." J.C. said. "Come on Justin, if he didn't love you, why would he be here?" J.C. questioned Justin. Justin nodded and held the ring on his finger. "So come on buddy, let's get back inside so that Brian's not so lonely." J.C. suggested as he patted Justin on the back. They both stood and headed back inside of the hotel.

Justin looked around as he walked into the main ballroom. "Justin, Justin, come here." Lynn said as she approached him. Justin looked at her and walked right past her. "Justin?" Lynn looked at him with a blank face. Justin kept walking to where Brian sat. Brian looked up to see Justin standing before him. Brian gladly stood up and grabbed Justin's hand. Kevin smiled as he saw the two standing next to each other. "I'm sorry babe..." before Brian could finish his sentence, Justin placed his finger over Brian's lips. Brian's face was full of question. Justin removed his finger and leaned in and kissed Brian gently on the lips. Kevin, Nick and Lance looked at Justin in shock. Justin released Brian's lips and stared into his shimmering eyes. "I'm sorry that I doubted you, Bri. I love you." Justin said with a smile. Justin held Brian's hand tightly and walked towards the exit. Justin and Brian came upon Lynn and Justin stopped. "How dare you just leave me when I'm talking. Do you know how much you've embarassed me." Lynn barked furiously. "Please don't say anymore mom. I want you to know how this is going to go. I love Brian and Brian loves me. I'd do anything for Brian. If you truely love me, just leave it alone. I don't need anyone to judge who I love or why I love them. If you're friends can't handle that, I'm sorry. And when you finally realize that mom, then maybe me and you can talk." Justin said in all honesty. Justin and Brian looked at each other and then walked away from Lynn.

Kevin and Nick ran towards Justin and Brian. "You're just going to leave like that?" Kevin asked as he grabbed Brian. "Just like that." Brian snapped his fingres to help Kevin understand. "Hey Brian, people are going to start to wonder why you and Justin are so close together." Nick said in concern. "Then let them start thinking." Brian said, giving Justin a quick peck on the cheek. J.C. rushed over to them and grabbed Justin. "I said to go back to Justin, not to leave." J.C. whispered into Justin's ear. "J.C., I know you love me because I love you like my brother. So if you love me, let me be with Brian right now. We just want to be alone." Justin responded to J.C.'s comment. "Uhm, okay. I understand. Sometimes it's hard to be with the one you love." J.C. said, looking in Lance's direction. "If you ask me, it could be so easy for you." Justin winked as he looked at J.C. "No, it's not really." J.C. responded, thinking about what Lance had asked J.C. to do. "Well just don't get caught." Justin whispered and walked away with a laugh. Brian and Justin walked towards the limo and got inside. "To the Hilton Hotel please." Brian said. He sat back and wrapped his arms around Justin. "I love you, too." Brian whispered as they drove off.


*** Okay, once again I'm sorry for the delay. As it looks now, I'll be getting one instalement done a week because of other issues I have to handle. So please, STOP the CRAZY emails (smile). But, I'll make sure they're pretty lengthy. Also, thanks to Yas for the help on the last two chapters!!! I appreciate it. The lyrics are now done (most of them) for the 2nd part to the 'Brian & Justin' soundtrack. Hope you enjoyed this story... ***

Next: Chapter 21: Brian and Justin 46 47

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