Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Nov 8, 1998


Brian L. & Justin T. (Part II) by JM

*** Okay this story and the following stories are going to be a slow down pace for me. I am going to slow down the quickie's and add the romance to the stories. But don't get me wrong, there will still be plenty of sex and fun for the boys. Yes, these stories will mostly revolve around the relationship between Brian Littrell (of B.S.B.) and Justin Timberlake (of 'N Sync), but there will be guest appearances from all of the guys of Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync. The stories will also follow the same path that the others have left off with. So that means, this pretty much follows where I left off with 'B-Rok B-Day'. I do hope you enjoy the series of stories to come and do wish to hear all of your comments may they be good or bad... so send them to: or lionclaw@bellsouthnet ***

**** This is part 2 to the first story if you hadn't notice. It picks up where the last one left off and will continue from there. hope you enjoy and please send comments. I have recieved an abundance already, so that makes me want to keep on writing. I THANK all of you who have sent your great comments to me. ****

Brian sat on the bed as he awaited Justin to get out of the bathroom. 'Geez, how long does it take him?' Brian thought as he walked to his dresser. He grabbed his bottle of Safari cologne and spritzed it on. As Brian placed the cologne back on the dresser, he heard the bathroom door open. Brian turned around quickly so he could admire the man of his obsession. Tehre Justin stood in a large ash-gray T-shirt with a red Nike check on the front. He wore baggy, dark blue jeans and Nike shoes to match with his shirt. Brian watched Justin as he fastned his belt to his waist. Justin looked up at Brian, starring at him with big eyes. Justin gave Brian a quick smirk before walking over to the table. Justin pulled out a chair and sat down. Brian glanced at him again and then went over to the bed. Brian plopped down on the bed and grabbed his shoes from under it. "So, what's on agenda?" Justin said with lacing up his shoes. "Well Kevin says we all have to go the studio and work on songs for our new albums and then from there we head for a long six hour rehearsal." Brian said with a frown. "Well don't be too sad. At least we'll both be there." Justin said with a smile. "True/" Brian said with a grin. The glimmer in his eyes was now dancing in the light. Just the morning's events were enough to stress someone out for the day, but Brian seemed to keep a smile about him. Justin ahd the unique effect on him and there was no holding Brian back from him.

Brian finished tieing his shoes when there was a loud bang at the door. "COME ON!" Kevin bellowed from outside. "Oops, looks like we are late again." Justin said as he quickly stood. "That would be your fault." Brian said as he stood. "Yeah, well maybe it's as much mine as your's? I mean you did 'kiss it and make it all better'." Justin said with a huge grin. Brian ran over to him and snatched him by the arm. Justin was a little fariad that Brian was mad, but Brian just kissed Justin on the lips real quickly. Brian then grabbed his watch and opened the door. As the door swung open, Brian and Justin saw all the members of 'N Sync and Backstreet Boys and bodyguards and managers heading past. They were all headed for the elevators without saying a thing. Brian looked at Justin and then began cracking up. "Shit. We are REAL late." Justin said as he rushed to catch up with the crowd. Brian followed right behind him as everybody jumped into the two elevators. In one elevator was Kevin, Howie, Chris, Joey, the PR, bodyguards and a few managers. In the second elevator was A.J., Nick, Justin, Brian, Lance, J.C. and more bodyguards.

As the elevator headed won, Brian began humming the words to "Darlin'" to torture Justin. Justin raised his brow and looked at Brian. Brian began cracking up and so did Justin. Everybody looked at them like they were crazy. Brian stopped laughing and wiped the tears from his eyes. Justin stopped a few minutes after Brian and kept staring at the elevator doors. The elevator seemed to take forever to get downstairs and Brian was getting bored. He stood next to Justin and carefully rub his hand over Justin's hand. Justin looked at him with an evil eye. "Are you crazy!" Justin whispered very quietly to Brian. "Over you babe." Brian said very softly. Finally the elevator hit the ground floor and everybody piled out of the elevator, making Justin and Brian last to get out. "Geez was it hot in there!" A.J. said as they all started walking to the limos.

"HEY EVERYBODY!" the PR yelled to get them to stop. "Okay, this is the deal. Everybody will head out to R.J. Right Studios so you guys can start working on songs for the next albums. I want each group to have recorded at least two songs by the time you guys leave. From there, you are to meet Fatima at the stadium and rehearse for tomorrow night's concert. get this people, we have no time to fool around so don't mess up. Or your ass is mine!" The PR said to the boys. Everybody started cracking up at him. "Your ass is mine." A.J. said to Nick. He was trying to make fun of the PR. Nick couldn't stop laughing from A.J. actions. "Yo, who's riding with who?" Chris said as he headed for one of the liomos. "'N Sync in one and Backstreet in the other." one of the bodyguards said. Brian frowned and stopped his movements. Justin noticed this and walked back to where he was. "Aye Justin, come on man" J.C. yelled as he stepped into the limo. Justin turned around and yelled back "I'll be right there!". Justin then turned back to Brian. "It's okay. I'll be fine. It's just an hour trip and all." Brian said as he tried to comfort Justin. Justin knew how Brian really felt on the inside because he too was feeling that way. "Look, we'll be able to spend as much time together as possible at the studio, okay?" Justin said as he casually touched Brian's hand. "But..." Brian tried to say something, but he was cut off by Justin. Justin placed his finger on Brian's lips to stop him from saying anything. "I promise we can make up for it tonight Bri." Justin said as he removed his finger from Brian's lips. Brian felt a smile once again break his depression.

They both began to walk side-b-side, trying not to draw too much attention to themselves. They carefully locked there pinky's as if they were holding hands. "See you there." Justin said as he let go of Brian's finger. "You too." Brian said as he reluctantlly let go. Brian slowly stepped into the Backstreet Boys limo and watched Justin head for 'N Sync's. Brian lowly waved to Justin and then got inside of the limo. He sat down next to Kevin, who was sitting next to Howie. Across from them was A.J., Nick and a bodyguard. Nick glared at Brian and then smiled. Kevin looked at Nick with an evil eye, inisiting that Nick not say anything. Kevin had yet to fully inform any of the guys except for Nick and Joey. "Geez, looks like this is going to be a long ride." Nick said as he looked at Brian with a huge grin. "Fuck you Nick!" Brian shouted and looked towards the window. "Oh don't worry, we'll be there soon Brian." Nick said as he kept torturing the love-sick Brian. "Shut the fuck up Nick!" Brian said in a loud tone. "Aye aye aye, what the hell is wrong with you Brian?" Howie said. "Hmm, maybe he's missing what he can't have?" Nick said while giggling. "I said SHUT THE FUCK UP NICK!" Brian said. He was ready to punch Nick, but witheld himself. "Brian calm down." Kevin said as he held him down. "Nick shut up. Damnit, stop acting a fool." Kevin said with anger. "Allright allright. I'll stop now" Nick said.

"What's going on guys? There's something definetly going on here." A.J. said with as much curiousity as his body could assemble. "Nothing." Brian said as he tried to calm himself down. "What do you mean nothing? you were ready to kill Nick." Howie said with concern. "Hey guys, whatever it is. Save it until we get to the studio. Write a song about it for all I care." the bodyguard said. Nick and A.J. began to crack up laughing. Brian just gazed back out the window while Kevin stared at Nick.

Howie was very concerned about Brian, but he decided it was best that he let it go.

Justin sat quietly next to Chris. Chris looked over at Lance who was sitting next to him. "What's wrong with Justin?" Chris whispered. "Uh, I don't know." Lance said. But Lance had a pretty good feeling what was wrong with Justin. J.C. looked at Lance with concern. He too did not want to blurt out Justin's "little secret" to everyone. "How much longer till we hit the studio?" Chris said to the limo driver. "Uh about another fifthteen minutes sir." the driver said as he glanced in the rear-view mirror. "So, Justin what happened to you during the party last night?" Chris said as he tried to liven-up things in the limo. Justin looked at him with suspiscion and then turned away. "I left early." Justin said. "Really? Where to?" Joey said with an angered look. Justin looked at Joey with anger in his own eyes, but just ignored him. "Why aer we worried about Justin? That was one of the greatest parties I've been to in a long time!" J.C. said. He tried to stray everyone away from Justin. "It sure was." Lance said in his deep, baritone voice. "Yeah. Hey what happened to Brian?" Joey said as he tried to keep on the subject that was being avoided. "Does it matter?" Lance said as he helped to try and defend Justin. Justin was really starting to get upset with Joey, but decided it was best not to say anything. "Uhm, I think he left with somebody" J.C. said. "But did you see that fine ass girl at the bar," J.C. said in hopes again of getting Joey off the subject. "Yeah. Wasn't BRIAN talking to her earlier." Joey said. Justin dropped his head in his hands and tried to keep himself from saying a thing to Joey. "Was he? I didn't notice." Chris said. "We are here guys." the limo driver said as he pulled into the studio parking lot.

All the guys got out of the limos, and tension was the scent of the air.

"Allright people, we have work to do." the producer said. All the guys stretched real quickly and then headed into the studio entrance. They walked down the empty halls and headed for studio A and studio B. Both studios were across the hall from each other. The guys all decided they should gte some food and something to drink before they headed into the studio. Kevin led the way to the snackroom with everyone else trailing behind.

Brian hung in the back of the crowd, while Justin was in the middle. Nick kept looking back to where Brian was and then he'd look at Justin. Justin looked at him curiously. He had a feeling that Brian's ride over to the studio was just as unpleasent as his. Justin slowed his pace so that he could be next to Brian. He walked smaller foot steps, but it seemed like it was taking Brian forever to catch up. 'I wonder if something is really wrong with him?' Justin thought.

Justin decided to stop right where he was standing and wait for Brian to catch up. Brian looked at the ground as he continued is slow stroll. He saw Justin's feet and stopped in his tracks. He looked up at Justin with a slight smile and then looked back down to the ground. "Maybe I should just mind my business and just let you walk?" Justin said as he leaned up against the wall. He crossed his arms and waited for Justin's response. "I wish you wouldn't. Then I might never get this off my chest." Brian said as he continued to stare at the ground. Justin placed his hand on Brian's shoulder and pulled his body towards his. Brian looked up with confussion. He looked down both sides of the hall and saw no sign of anyone. Brian leaned in and gave Justin a hug. Justin returned the hug but refused to let go. "Was it as bad as my trip here?" Justin whispered to Brian. "Yeah." Brian said with a frown. Brian and Justin bumpd heads softly, trying to comfort each other. "So do we go and face the executioners or just stay here for the rest of our lives?" Justin questioned. "You know what we'd do if it was up to me." Brian said with a smile. "Yes. That's why I shouldn't have asked." Justin said witha huge smile. Brian lowered his hands to Justin's thighs and began to rub them. Brian's hands roamed and grabbed at the covered flesh. He needed to be able to touch Justin's smooth body again. Justin let a small gasp escape his lips. "Not here." Justin said in a low tone. Brian grunted but decided to let it go. Brian stood straight and so did Justin. They looked down the hall and still saw no one there. "Let's go grab something to drink okay?" Justin said. brian grabbed his hand and shook his head. They walked down towards the snackroom hand-in-hand

As they got to the door, they let go of each other's hand and headed in.

Justin looked around and saw Kevin sitting with a cup of coffee. Justin decided that would be the best spot for him and Brian to sit. Howie looked at Justin and Brian, then he went to the soda machine. Brian walked by Howie and glanced at him. Howie waved hello and continued what he was doing. Justin pulled a chair out and sat down next to Kevin. Brian stood for a little bit, trying to see if Nick was going to be anywhere near him. Nick looked at Brian with laughter in his eyes. Brian stared down at the ground and kept standing. Nick walked over to their table and sat next to Justin. Brian looked at Nick and then Justin. He decided it was best if he didn't stay. Brian walked out of the snackroom with an angered look upon his face. "Aye Brian?" Justin said before Brian could egt out the door. Brian looked back and saw everybody looking at him. He decided to keep on walking. Nick began to snicker at this while eating a donut. "What the fuck did you do to him Nick?" Justin said in a hissing voice. "Oh nothing." Nick said with pure pleasure on his face. "Hey guys, we have to get into the studios now." A.J. said. Kevin glanced at his watch and then stood. "He's right guys.

We have to go now." Kevin said. He and A.J. walked out of the snackroom. J.C. and Chris followed and then Lance got up and left.

Howie stood drinking his drink while Nick still sat next to Justin. "Well are we going?" Nick said with a smile on his face. "WE aren't fucking going anywhere. You can leave. I'll stay right here." Justin said as he turned his face away from Nick's. "Suit yourself." Nick said as he got up. Nick stretched and then lazily began to walk to the studio. Justin looked around the room and saw Howie still drinking his soda. "Shouldn't you be going too?" Justin questioned Howie. "Depends." Howie said as he took another sip of his Coke. "Depends on what?" Justin questioned. He leaned back in his chair and waited for Howie's response. "On what the hell is going on between you, Brian and Nick." Howie said. He was no longer trying to be polite about his questions. Justin felt this. "Don't worry about it Howie." Justin said as he stood. "Don't worry about it! Do you see how upset Brian is? And you're not all that happy yourself. Now Justin, what the hell is going on?" Howie said as he too stood. "Look Howie. I don't know how to tell you this so I am not going to be polite. There is something going on between me and Brian. As in something deep. And Nick knows and he's playing off Brian's feelings to get to him okay. Are you fucking happy now?" Justin said. He stormed out of the snackroom. Howie sat back down in his chair and tried to collect himself. 'Did Justin just say what I think he said?' Howie thought.

Justin walked down the hall towards the studios. Outside of studio A stood Brian. Justin glanced at him. He wanted to be able to run to Brian and just hold him. He knew he couldn't, not yet at least. Howie was right behind Justin. He kept walking and went into the studio. He avoided any contact with either boy. Justin dropped his head as the door to the studio closed. "Come here." Brian whispered to Justin. Justin scuffed his feet over to Brian. Brian took his hand and raised Justin's chin. "Don't worry. Things are going to come out sooner or later. This does not mean the end of us. Trust me, it won't." Brian said in a low tone. "I.. I had better, uh, get into the studio." Justin studdered. "Wait. Come in with me first." Brian said in a exotic voice. Justin felt his dick jump at the way Brian was talking. "Okay." Justin said. Brian turned around and opened the door to the studio. Justin watched Brian's butt as it moved. They btoh went into the studio and sat down. The producer began talking about a song he wanted to do. He had the music laid out, he just didn't have any lyrics for it. Brian had the perfect idea.

"Hey, uh, Roger. Let me write the first verse and a chorus for it really quick." Brian said. "Are you sure Brian?" the producer said. "Yeah. just play the music and I'll get it written." Brian said. "Okay." Roger the producer said. "Mac.

Play in the music I had set out." Roger said as he sat down in his producer chair. Kevin sat at the mixing board with A.J. while Nick sat in a corner. He glanced at Justin with a hint of jealousy in his eyes. Howie stood to the side, not looking at anyone. The music began to flow into the booth and all the guys listened to the slow melody. Brian grabbed a pen and pad and began jotting down lyrics. Justin tried to glance at what Brian was writing, but Brian wouldn't let him. Justin decided to sit back in his chair and listened to the slow song. Soon the music faded and Brian put down his pen. "I've got it!" Brian said. He jumped up from his chair and showed Roger the lyrics. "That's great!" Roeger said with entusiasm. "It's just what I wanted." Roger said. Kevin came over and looked at the lyrics. "Hmmm, good job Brian." Kevin said as he over-looked the words. "Okay guys. I want you to head into the studio and Brian's gonna let you see the lyrics that you'll sing. This song should be a definite hit." Roger said. All the guys grabbed their things and headed into the studio. Justin sat back and watched Brian's every move. "Hey Justin, you can pull your chair up here to the mixing board and watch things happen." Roger said. Justin rolled his chair over to the board, but still kept his eyes penned on Brian.

All the Backstreet Boys took their positions in fron of the mic. Brian layed the lyrics on the music stand and put his headphones on. He waited for the music to flow in. He pulled the mic closer to him and said "This song is entitled 'Just'. I think it's a good song. It's for that special person in your life." As the melody caught his ear, he waited for the right moment. The other guys awaited Brian's move. Brian looked at the paper and began to sing his verse:

'J'ust when I thought times were hard 'U' you came along into my would 'S'etting my love into motion 'T'oo many people have said goodbye 'I' know that it makes you cry 'N'ever will I do that to our lovin'

Cause you know when I'm wrong And I know when you're right Even if my friends cause trouble You'll always be apart of my life

Just when I thought I was to be alone forever You came into my life and changed it for the better Just when I thought the rain would never end You made the sun return to my life again

As the music continued, Justin felt tears escpae from his eyes. He couldn't believe that Brian had written a song about him. About their love. Abotu them. He couldn't control himself. He pulled on his sleeve to whipe the tears from his eyes. justin listen as Brian went on:

'B'ecause you are the way you are 'R' you just a dream 'I' feel as if you'd never hurt me 'A' fight couldn't tear us away from each other 'N'ever will I do that to our lovin'

Cause you know when I'm wrong And I know when you're right Even if my friends cause trouble You'll always be apart of my life

Just when I thought I was to be alone forever You came into my life and changed it for the better Just when I thought the rain would never end You made the sun return to my life again

Brian smiled at Justin and elt the guys do the bridge. Justin couldn't stop from smiling at Brian. His heart was jupimg at the sound of Brian's words. The lyrics affected him so greatly that he had to get up. Jusitn stood and walked to the back of the producer's booth. The song began to fade out and Justin felt another tear escape from his eyes. The guys all cheered and clapped, except for Nick. He was the only besides Justin that figured out what the song was about. Brian took off his headphones and was congratulated by everyone. J.C. and Lance stepped into studio A. they looked around and sw Justin standing to the side. "Justin. Man we have to get recording soon. We have three songs lined up to do." Lance said. "Yeah Justin. you can't spend all day here." J.C. said. Justin paid no attention to them. He could still here the song in his head. "JUSTIN!" Lance yelled. "Huh? Oh right guys. I'll be there in ten minutes. I got to go to the bathroom and then talk to the B.S.B. about something." Justin said. "Hurry!" J.C. said as both he and Lance exited the studio. Justin waited for Brian to walk back into the producer's booth. "Aight guys. You have a twenty minut break before we start working on the song that Lou Pearlman sent in for you guys." Roger said.

Brian L. & Justin T. (Part III)

The guys cheered for the break and they all exited the producer's booth.

Justin grabbed Brian's ahnd and pulled him out into the hall. The guys headed for the snackroom again. Justin felt so onfire that he was bold enough to kiss Brian on the lips in the hall. Brian felt Justin's tongue slip into his mouth. Brian pushed Justin back. "Are you crazy?!?!?" Brian said. His face was tnagled with confussion. "Yep. But like you said. 'I'm crazy for you'." Justin said with a giant grin. "And like you said, 'not here.'" Brian said. Brian grabbed Justin's hand and dragged him down to the men's room. Brian busted open the door and made sure no one was in there. He then grabbed Justin by the arm and pull him into one of the stalls. Brian shut the door and locked it. He turned around and grabbed Justin's by the shirt. he yanked him forward, almost making Justin fall over. Brian grabbed Justin's face and began to kiss him passionately. Brian's hands ran down to Justin's belt and he began to un-fasten it. Justin grabbed at Brian's shirt and began to raise it. He broke the kiss so he could suck on Brian's neck. Brian moaned and groaned. He unzipped Justin's jeans and let them fall to the ground. Justin rubbed his hands up and down Brian's muscular chest. He felt as if Brian's body was on fire. Brian's breath peirced his skin as Justin sucked heavily on Brian's neck. "Uh, now this is hot..." Brian grunted. He yanked down Justin's boxers down to his knees. Justin used his left arm to un-buckle Brian's belt and pull down his jeans. Brian felt the cold air touch his legs. Justin yanked down Brian's boxers, almost ripping them in rage. Soon Brian's erect cock was free to rub up against Justin's leg. Brian grabbed hold of Justin's cock and began to jerk it. "Mmmm" Justin hummed as he let Brian do his work. Brian turned Justin around and pushed him against the opposite wall. Brian grabbed hold of his cock and led it to Justin's asshole. Brian forced forward and entered Justin. Justined screeched due to the dry-fucking Brian was doing.

Brian began to bang away at Justin's ass. Justin felt his head hit the wall a couple of times and let out a huge grunt. Brian slowed his fucking, so that he did not hurt Justin. Justinf felt Brian's large, warm hands on his penis. "Ah." Justin hissed. Brian began to jack away at Justin's penis. "Harder Bri." Justin said. he tightened his ass muscles around Brian's cock. Brian screamed with pleasure and began to increase his humping again. Justin grabbed a hold of Brian's hand and moved with his motions on his own dick. Brian felt pure pleasure and exoticness with each thrust inside of Justin. Soon enough Brian was bellowing curse words as he came into Justin. Justin felt his balls clinch and then his penis began to spew sperm all on the bathroom floor. "Sssssssssssssss" Justin hissed as his dick jerked out it's last bit of cum. Brian heaved on Justin's back and just kept his dick inside of Justin. "We have to get back now." Justin said as he tried to shake Brian. "Uh, right. I think it is time we get back." Brian said. Brian slowly withdrew his soft penis from Justin's ass. Justin pulled up his boxers and jeans, but didn't bother to buckle his belt. Brian leaned against the wall. "Come on Brian." Justin said as he turned around. "Sorry. I'm just a bit tired now." Brian said. Justin smiled at him. He felt as if he had accomplished some kind of honor. Justin knelt down and grabbed Brian's blue boxers. he slowly pulled them up, catching a clmpse of the brown pubic hair that surrounded his penis. Then he grabbed the jeans and pulled them up also. "Happy now?" Justin said as he opened the stale door. "Very." Brian said as he exited the stale.

Both of the guys headed out of the door and back down the hall. Justin glanced down the hall and saw Nick, Kevin, Chris and Lance chatting in the hall. They walked up to them discretely and just looked around. "So, where we're you guys?" Nick said. "Don't start that shit again Nick!" Brian said as he kept walking. Justin looked at Nick and motuhed the words 'Fuck you'. Nick followed them to the snackroom. Brian sat down and Justin went to the soda machine. "So that's what you guys did eh?" Nick said as he looked at Justin. Brian glimpsed at Nick. He was getting very pissed at Nick. "Don't worry about it. You're secret is safe with me." Nick said as he patted Brian on the shoulder. "So the fuck up now Nick!" Brian said as he stood from his chair. Justin looked at them and could tell Brian was going to do something. "Brian, please let it go." Justin said as he walked over to them. He stood in between Nick and Brian. "Yeah Brian. Save your strength for later." Nick said with a huge grin. "Like I said Nick. Fuck you." Justin said. "Well hell. Why not? You already did Brian." Nick said. He was tormenting both of them to the fullest. "That's right Nick. Me and Brian had mad passionate sex together. It was soooooooo damn good that I'd like to do it again. How about it Brian?" Justin said. he turned and looked at Brian. Brian was very confussed. "You wouldn't." Nick said. "Bet me." Justin said over his shoulder. Nick looked at them with wide eyes. Justin leaned forward and began to kiss Brian's lips. Brian's mouth opened wide for Justin's and he let Justin's tongue in. Nick eye-balled them with anger. Justin's hands began to roam all over Brian's bdoy. "Fuck both of you." Nick said as he stormed out of the snackroom.

Justin stopped kissing Brian and backed away. "Sorry about that." Justin said. "It was the only way I could calm you down and stop the Bakcstreet Boys from breaking up." Justin said. "Well it was effective." Brian said as he snatched Justin forward. this time Justin tripped and fell straight at Brian. Brian was caught off guard and they both fell to the ground. Brian bumped his head hard on the ground. Brian hissed in apin and grabbed his head. "Oh my God. I'm so sorry Brian." Justin said as he rubbed Brian's face. "No no no no. It was my fault babe. I shouldn't have done that." Brian said. "No. It was mine." Justin said. Justin leaned in and began to kiss on Brian's mouth. They began to kiss passionately. brian's hips began to buck and so did Justin's. They were fucking each other with their clothes on while laying on the floor. It couldn't get any hotter for Justin or Brian. "Ah-hem!" Kevin said in a loud voice. Justin stopped all his movement and felt his heart stop for a minute. Brian looked up and saw his cousin standing over them. "Uh, it's not what it looks like." Brian said. "Really?" Kevin said. "Uh, yeah. See Justin tripped and we both fell on the ground. He was just trying to help me up." Brian said. He was stumbling on his words. "Yeah. Uh huh." Kevin said with a smile. Justin stood up quickly and helped Brian to his feet. "Well we have about an hour left and Justin has yet to go into the studio. So you guys had better move it." Kevin said. Justin and Brian both headed out of the snackroom and down to the studios.


*** For the complete lyrics to "Just", email me.... ***

Next: Chapter 3: Brian and Justin 4 5

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