Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Jan 20, 1999


Brian & Justin (Part 40) By JM

*** General Announcement: Okay this story and the following stories are going to be a slow down pace for me. I am going to slow down the quickie's and add the romance to the stories. But don't get me wrong, there will still be plenty of sex and fun for the boys. Yes, these stories will mostly revolve around the relationship between Brian Littrell (of B.S.B.) and Justin Timberlake (of 'N Sync), but there is going to be guest appearances from all of the guys of the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync. I can't always guarantee (most likely I can't even guarantee at all. The stint between J.C. and Lance; Kevin and Lance; Nick and J.C. may not re-kindle unless you guys want it to.) action for them though because I am so hooked on Brian and Justin. We'll see what happens. The stories will also follow the same path that the others have left off with. So that means, this story pretty much follows where I left off with 'B-Rok B-Day' and the others. I want everyone to know that I don't plan on stopping after this story, so don't worry. I get emails all the time about that. I'll try and for-warn you when I stop, but that looks doubtful right now. I do hope you enjoy the series of stories to come and do wish to hear all of your comments may they be good or bad... so send them to: or ***

**** This is the 40th story!!! (I might as well call this a book the way I'm going :|) and so on part to the storyline. It follows along with the rest if you're still not caught up. It picks up where the last chapter left off and will continue from there on. Hope you enjoy this part and please send all comments to me. I have recieved an abundance already, so that makes me want to keep on writing better stories. I THANK all of you who have sent your great comments to me. Especially to those who have been there since the very beginning. Also, for those who still want the lyrics to the 'Justin & Brian' soundtrack (only lyrics; includes previous songs). That's right, I'm out of control with these song lyrics. Soundtack features old and new songs from B.S.B., 'N Sync and others. All songs are original songs that I made up for Brian and Justin. They has a purpose, so please don't destroy them or distribut them without permission. Special thanks to Leprechaun for inspiring me to write such great stories. He's got talent and you guys should check out his series "Bad Boy B-Rok". it is the best B.S.B. story I have read. Also, thanks to Nathan for rushing me through some of the stories. It was a 'big' pick-me-up (smile). Also I want to thank Nathan for some of the ideas that he has given to me to help make my stories better. And finally, thanks to Chris for being a good friend and a great writer. I also want to thank Yas for the GREAT story ideas he has given me. He helped me get through this instalemnt of stories. So until the next time, please keep reading the stories and all of you B-Boys keep it 'N Sync... ****

Justin tossed in his sleep, feeling confussed and hurt by the recent occurances in his life. His eyes fluttered open when he heard Brian groan in his sleep. Justin looked at Brian, lightly sleeping next to him. He looked at him questionabely and then with love in his eyes. Justin slowly pulled his arm from around Brian's body and stretched carefully. He made sure not to awaken Brian. Brian looked like a child as he slept in the bunk with Justin. Justin gazed at him once again and then yanked open the curtain that seperated them from the others. As Justin looked at outside, he could tell that some of the guys were still sleeping. Justin placed his feet on the bus's floor and adjusted his eyes to the light. He glinced down at his watch and checked the time. It was 4 AM and Justin felt as if it was at least 8 in the morning. Justin stood from the bunk, making sure he didn't hit his head and stumbled towards the lounge. He stood in the doorway and looked at everyone in the room. Nick sat lonely in the corner as Joey and A.J. played the Play Station. J.C. sat eating some chips while Kevin read over a tour schedule. Justin walked intot he lounge and went straight from the refrigerator. "Hey Justin. What's up?" Joey asked as he desperately faught to beat A.J. in the game. Justin didn't respond, but pulled out the milk. He quickly closed the door and grabbed a bowl from the cupboard. "Geez, aren't we cranky." A.J. commented as he took a quick look at Justin. "Knock it off A.J. Just leave him alone" Joey whispered to A.J. Justin pulled a box of Apple Jacks from the cupboard and sat next to J.C.

"You okay?" J.C. whispered to Justin, watching his every move. Justin looked J.C. in the eyes seriously. Only J.C. knew what that meant. He had seen it often when he and Justin had talks. Justin poured the milk into his bowl while adding the cereal. "It looks like you guys have a pretty full schedule lined up for this tour you're going on." Kevin commented in J.C.'s direction. "Well, it's not the way I wanted it. The label kind of threw some of those dates on us, which screws up our time in the studio. It also limits the time we have off." J.C. frowned as he ate another chip. "Who's going to be on this tour with you?" Kevin asked politely, avoiding Justin's stares. "Well right now it's supposed to Britney Spears and another act. We're not sure about anybody else. Plus we really don't get much decision in the matter anyways." J.C. complained. "Well maybe you should try and get Innosense to go with you guys?" Kevin suggested. "Whoa Kevin, are you trying to mess up everyone's love life? I told you I wanted Amanda and the girls to be our opening act when we go back on tour. Just because you screwed things for Justin and Brian, doesn't mean I want you doing the same for me." A.J. barked. He threw his controller down and left the lounge. Justin sighed and took another spoonful of cereal. "He's just tired." Nick defended A.J. before Kevin could say anything. "Maybe, but who knows when we'll be back on tour. I'm making sure out full attention is on this album right now. We only have about 10 songs to choose from right now. I want plenty of material ready to show the label exec's." Kevin said coldly. "Look Kevin, I'm sure we'll have plenty done within a month." Nick shook his head at Kevin.

Justin did his best not to say anything to any of them. "Do you want to talk?" J.C. said out of concern. Justin shook his head and continued eating his cereal. Lance came stumbling into the lounge and looked around. He felt tension everywhere he stepped. "So, Lance, what's on the agenda for when we get back?" Joey asked, trying to ease things out. "Uhm, gimme a minute. I have to get something to drink." Lance said as he walked towards the sink.

Joey flipped through the T.V. and waited for Lance to respond. "I called management about three hours ago and they said when we get back it's nothing but rehearsal's and packing our stuff for the tour. They said it'll be awhile before we get back to Orlando, so bring whatever we need." Lance stumbled out. "Did you get ahold of Britney's people and see if she had finalized things?" J.C. asked, smiling brightly at Lance. "I haven't had a chance to, but they said at the office that Britney will be on tour with us. Also joining us should be a new group called Lolipop. I don't know much about them. I do know that there is one more group joining us on tour though." Lance commented. "How many opening acts do we need?" Joey asked. "Well this third group won't really be an opening act." Lance smiled at Justin. Justin looked at him with confussion. "Who is it?" Justin asked, finally speaking. "Well it just happens to be the Backstreet Boys." Lance turned his head towards Nick. "Us?" Nick asked. "Yes, you guys." Lance didn't smile at Nick. Nick knew why. "But we haven't heard a thing about this." Kevin complained in anger. "It was just finialized the other day. They haven't been able to talk with you all about it due to a call about Brian quiting. So they said you guys can go along for promotions for the next album." Lance explained. "And who says we want to go?" Kevin barked as he stood. He threw his book down and walked towards the sink.

"How did you do it?" Justin quietly asked Lance. "Despite the fact that I didn't want to deal with some of the people, I did it for you Justin. With what happened today, I felt bad for you. So I arranged it so that they'd be with us on tour, that way you don't have to spend anytime away from Brian." Lance smiled at Justin. Lance had Justin charmed like a snake when he mentioned Justin and Brian. "So, we leave the day after tomorrow?" Joey asked. "Yeah, we do. Which means we have extreme work to do tomorrow!" Lance made sure everyone knew. "Well we won't have to worry too much. Since Brian gave in his resignation to me, I guess he won't be joining us?" Kevin looked directly at Justin. "Now let's think Kevin. Even if he isn't in the group, do you think I'm going to just leave him behind?" Justin asked sarcastically. "You know that if he leaves us, the label won't let him go on tour with you guys." Kevin responded bitterly. "Well if Brian does leave the B.S.B., I'm sure I can have it arranged for him to be able to travel with us." Lance assured Kevin. Kevin was becoming aggrivated with the conversation. "Kevin, why are you so bent on keeping Brian off this tour?" Justin asked plainly. "I'm not trying to keep Brian anywhere. I'm just doing my best to make sure Brian's happy." Kevin said agressively. Justin rolled his eyes at him and stood. "Well I'm sorry Kevin, but to me it seems like you're hurting Brian." Justin said and walked away. Kevin sighed and plopped back down in his seat.

Justin walked back towards the bunks. He gripped the sides of the bus as he felt it tossing and turning. "How can I sleep like this?" Howie questioned as he got out of his bunk. "Oh, hey Justin." Howie waved as he noticed Justin. "What's up Howie?" Justin waved back. "Just wish this bus could ride a bit smoother. So, is Brian awake? Is he feeling better?" Howie questioned with concern. "He's not up, but I'm going to check on him right now." Justin smiled. Howie nodded and watched Justin get into Brian's bunk.

Brian laid squeezed in the bunk. His whole body was pressed against the wall, curled up as a child. Justin fronwed and pulled him forward. Brian groaned as his body stretched. Justin kissed Brian's head lightly and rubbed his face. "Sleep, Brian." Justin smirked as he rubbed Brian's face. Brian didn't respond. Justin laid down on the bed and placed his arms around Brian. Brian snuggled up to Justin unconsciously. Justin sighed and caressed Brian's leg. "Justin, stop trying to turn me on." Brian whispered into Justin's ear. Justinn giggled and gave Brian a quick nudge. "If you want to have sex with me, just say it." Brian giggled. Justin just listened to Brian's hot breath on his face. "If I wanted you, I'd say it." Justin laughed. "Well, you know 'you're all I ever wanted. You're all I ever needed, yeah. So tell me what to do now..." Brian sang to Justin. Justin tried to contain his laughter. Brian began to place light kisses on Justin's neck and rub his hands across Justin's midsection.

"We're going back on tour when we get back." Justin interupted Brian. Brian moved away from Justin slightly to give him his full attention. Justin turned in Brian's direction and propped his head up on his arm. "We do you guys leave?" Brian asked. "No, 'we' are going back on tour. 'N Sync and the Backstreet Boys." Justin corrected Brian. "Oh." Brian's smile grew larger. "But there's a problem. Kevin says that you have officially left the B.S.B. and won't be able to tour." Justin frowned. "Geez, I didn't even know I left the group." Brian laughed. "Brian, this isn't funny. If you're going to stay, you need to let Kevin and the label know." Justin pleaded. Brian exhaled deeply and took a moment to think. "Me and the guys will have to work this out then. After last night's incident, I don't know." Brian mumbled out. "Then you had better chat soon, because I want you with me when we go on tour." Justin insisted. Justin kissed Brian's lips and then backed away. "Let's go to the lounge and see what Lance has worked out." Justin suggested. Brian nodded and Justin got out of the bunk. Brian slowly emerged and stood. He felt like shit, but he put on the best show for Justin.

They walked to the back of the bus, towards the lounge, and entered. "Hey Brian!" A.J. shouted as he looked at him. Brian shyly waved and took a seat next to him. Justin saw that Kevin was absent from the room. "Did you mention anything about the tour to him?" Lance asked Justin. Justin nodded and looked at Brian. Brian had already laid his head back on the seat he was in and was almost sleep. Justin walked to Brian and sat on his lap. "You okay?" Justin whispered to Brian, dragging his hands through Brian's hair. Brian smiled and enjoyed Justin's touch. Justin felt a small knot on Brians head and rubbed it again to make sure. "Ouch!" Brian shouted as Justin rubbed it. Justin's eyes flung open. "I'm sorry Brian. You have a bad bruise back here." Justin responded sincerly. Justin quickly stood and got some ice from the freezer. He grabbed a washcloth from the sink and placed the ice in it. Justin then walked back to Brian and sat back on his lap. "I'm thinking twice about having you come on tour." Justin whispered as he applied the ice to Brian's head. Brian hissed as Justin applied the ice. "Oh you little baby." Justin fussed at Brian. "It hurts." Brian giggled, holding back the tears in his eyes. "Well I'm sorry. Maybe next time you and Kevin can act like grown up's instead of kids." Justin said sternly to Brian. Brian frowned and deal with the pain. Justin looked down at Brian and felt sorry. "Hear, let me kiss it and make it all better." Justin laughed. He gently kissed Brian on the lips and wiped the tears from his eyes. "Better?" Justin asked. Brian smiled happily in response.

Brian mimiced him, trying to make Justin laugh. "Stop Brian!" Justin laughed. "Hey guys, I'm on the phone here with the Backstreet Boys label. Everything seems to clear for Brian going on tour with the guys." Lance said as he pulled the cell phone from his ear. Justin smiled and so did Brian. "But it seems that Lolipop has backed out of the tour due to some conflicts." Lance frowned. "So now we're going to need another opening act?" A.J. asked as he looked at Lance. Lance raised hisbrow and went back to the phone. "I hope he can get Innosense." A.J. smiled. Justin and Brian both laughed at A.J.'s enthusiasm.

Lance finally finished his call and looked at the guys. "Well?" Justin asked. "Well here's the deal. The Backstreet Boys new video premieres on tomorrow. We get back into town today. So, we have to get into town, meet up with our P.R. so we can get some instructions on how things are going to go for this tour. When we get back into town, we'll also meet up with Britney. We all have to rehearse for about four hours and then we go home to pack. After that, we all leave tonight for New York so we can tape a segment of Total Request Live. There we're supposed to chat with Carson about the upcoming albums, the new tour and the new video. Then, we start on the tour that night in New York." Lance sputtered everything out. "Okay. Sounds hectic." Brian was the first to speak. "Who's the new opening act?" A.J. asked earnestly. "Well to my knowledge it's now going to be Aaron, Nick's little brother. But Amanda and the girls are going to meet up with us in some of the cities on the tour." Lance did his best to comfort A.J. "It's better then nothing." Justin added on. "That's right." Brian commented. "Yeah right. You two get to be together and I'm stuck with a couple dates on the tour." A.J. complained. "Oh and on that note. I informed your management Brian that you will be sticking with the Boys after all." Lance smiled in Justin's direction. "Geez Lance, thanks for making up my mind for me." Brian snickered. Justin elbowed Brian and looked at Lance.

"So, have you and Nick, uhm, patched things up?" Justin tried to change the subject. "Sorta. I'm still pretty pissed at him for doing what he did. But he was drunk, so it's not so bad." Lance said undefensively. "I have to apologize Brian for what he did. I should've stopped him." Lance said sincerly. "It's not your fault Lance. Once again Nick has proven to be an ass, but I understand. Maybe he felt lonely?" Brian replied. "Maybe." Justin shrugged, keeping his eyes away from Lance. "Well I have to go and make final preperations for us. We'll be flying to New York tonight, so be ready." Lance commented as he left the lounge. "He's a bit jittery." Brian commented as he hugged Justin's hips. Justin just nodded, trying not to lead Brian on. "I'm kinda sleepy babe, mind if we go lay down?" Brian asked shyly. Justin wasn't listening to Brian, but watching where Lance went. "Justin, did you hear me?" Brian asked as he shook Justin a bit. "Oh, huh?" Justin snapped out of his trance. "I said, I'm tired can we go lay down?" Brian repeated. "Okay, babe. Let's go." Justin stood and grabbed Brian's hand. "What is wrong with you?" Brian asked as he stood. "Nothing, really." Justin insisted. Brian shook his head and they walked back towards Brian's bunk. "Don't sleep too long you two. We'll be home soon and you've got plenty packing to do." Howie commented as he watched Brian and Justin slip into Brian's bunk.

The minute Justin laid down, Brian quickly hopped ontop of him. "Brian? What are you doing?" Justin asked. Brian quickly muffled Justin's words with a kiss. As Brian's lips released Justin's, Justin's mouth hung open. "I just ahd to kiss you." Brian said, still lying on Justin. "Wow! Didn't know you needed it that bad." Justin said. "I did." Brian smiled. He began to lick Justin's neck tenderly, his hands romaing over Justin's body. Justin let small moans escape his lips as Brian grinded their hips together. "Why don't you just fuck me?" Justin said bluntly, causing Brian to stop. "I'm not just a cheap whore from the streets Justin. And I don't just fuck folks for nothing." Brian said in anger. He quickly rolled off of Justin and got out of the bunk. Brian adjusted his clothes and stood outside. Justin sat in shock for a moment and then got out of the bunk. He saw Brian pacing outside of the bunk. "I'm sorry Bri." Justin said softly. Brian didn't look at him. "I really am sorry. I mean I was just so hot and you kept on messing with me." Justin said sincerly. Justin grabbed Brian and hugged him, placing light kisses on Brian's neck. "It's okay. Just don't do that anymore." Brian whispered to Justin. "Uh, guys? I got some more bad news." Lance said as he walked into the corridor. "What is it this time?" Justin asked as he broke his hug with Brian.

"Well we're about another thrity minutes from home and I just found out that we're going straight to the arena when we get there. We have to rehearse some and then we get to home for about an hour to pack. When we get into New York, we're going to do the T.R.L. episode, then there's no concert that night. It got postponed to the following night. Instead, we're going to some benefit for the labels." Lance responded clearly. "Oh, sounds boring." Brian groaned. "It probably will be. Oh and Justin, your mom's going to be there. She's trying to get support for her label, Just-In Time Management." Lance added. Justin groaned too. "Well, looks like we'll be seeing mom's again." Brian whispered with little joy. He wrapped his arms around Justin's waist and listened to Lance. "Let's just remember guys that we have to make an appreance and make it look good. We don't want any bad press after the things that were written in BOP magazine." Lance said. "The issue with our interview is out?" Justin questioned, resting his head gently against Brian's shoulder. "Yes, it is. And from what I hear, people are getting the feeling of bad blood between 'N Sync and the Backstreet Boys. Of course, Nick's comments haven't helped, but we're trying." Lance said, defending Nick's actions.

"Well I'm sure Frack is seeing the error of his ways." Brian assured Lance. "I hope he is." Lance smiled. "You guys better get some sleep." Lance said as he slid past them. He walked into the small cubical of a bathroom and quickly shut the door. "You heard the man, let's get some sleep." Brian said as he kissed Justin's shoulder. Justin wasn't thinking about sleeping at the moment. "Justin? Babe, what's up?" Brian asked as he lifted his lips. "Just thinking about my mom. I haven't talked to her in over a week, so we haven't had a chance to work things out." Justin said sadly. Brian held back his comments and hugged Justin tighter. He knew all Justin needed was comfort at the moment. "Let's just sleep on it babe." Brian whispered. He kissed Justin's cheek, causing a smile to flow onto Justin's face. They both snuggled back into the bunk, falling alseep within minutes.

"What took you so long?" J.C. asked as he sat on the toliet seat stroking his hard-on. "I ran into Justin and Brian. I couldn't get away so easily." Lance said, dropping his jeans to his ankles. "Did you get the condom?" J.C. asked with a smile. Lance nodded and handed J.C. the condom. J.C. quickly ripped the condom open and put it on his cock. Lance happily sat on J.C.'s dick, moaning as it penetrated him. J.C. ripped Lance's shirt off and felt Lance began to buck on his cock. J.C. groaned as he kissed Lance's nipples. "Ah, yes baby." Lance moaned softly as he moved up and down on J.C.'s rock hard dick. "Mmmmm," J.C. whsierped as Lance's ass gripped his dick. "Harder." Lance grunted as J.C. got closer. Soon J.C. burtsed within the condom as Lance came over his chest. They both relaxed as their bodies tensed up. "We have got to stop meeting like this." Lance whispered into J.C.'s ear. He began to lick, tasting his own cum that volleyed to J.C.'s ear. "Yeah." was all that J.C. could grunt. "Let's get dressed before Nick finds us and I really have to do some bullshitting." Lance laughed. J.C. just lifted Lance and ripped off the condom. "What, is it wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am with you or something?" J.C. said harshly. J.C. quickly pulled up his jeans and stood. They felt cramped as they realized they were only in the tour bus bathroom. "I'm sorry J.C. I feel like I'm falling in love with you, but I don't want to hurt Nick." Lance said sincerly. "You feel like you're falling in love? Lance, I am in love with you." J.C. complained. He nudged Lance out of the way and walked out of the bathroom. Lance sighed and pulled his own jeans up.

Brian & Justin (Part 41) by JM

As the bus pulled into the arena parking lot, the guys all felt like going their seperate ways for the day. "I hope this rehearsal goes fast. I have some very lovely ladies that I want to say goodbye to." Joey smiled as they stepped off the bus. "Always the flirt, never the lover." J.C. commented with a laugh. "Oh, shut up!" Joey laughed and lovingly pushed J.C. "Man, I can't believe we're heading back on tour." Howie complained as he got off the bus. "You're not the only one." Nick said as he and Lance walked hand-in-hand off the bus. "But at least we'll all be together." Lance smiled. J.C. looked back at him and raised his brow. Lance tried to avoid J.C.'s stares. "Get changed into some comfy clothes guys so we can pratice." Kevin announced as he got off the bus. A.J. stood outside with a frown watching the others walk by. "A.J., you okay man?" Chris asked as he got off the bus. "Just wish that Amanda was going on tour with us." A.J. sighed. "It's okay man, she'll be there soon enough." Chris threw his arm around A.J. to comfort him. They both followed the guys towards the arena. "Are you feeling okay Brian? I don't want you to over-work yourself out here." Justin said as he and Brian got off the bus. "I'll be fine, as long as you're there." Brian smiled. "I wonder where Britney is?" Justin said as they got closer to the arena.

As the gusy entered the arena, they were bombarding by an assault of media, security, dancers and a small group of fans. "Geez, what the hell is going on?" A.J. asked as he looked around. The security ushered the guys to the stage as they tried to avoid the press and fans. "I thought this was a rehersal, not an epidsode of FANatic." Howie commented as they all got on stage. "Fellas, fellas, over here." the PR said as he waved for them to walk to the side of the stage. All the guys followed Kevin's lead as he walked towards the PR. "What's going on?" Kevin questioned, his eyes gazing all around the arena. "Well it just happens that you guys are pretty big right now. With the new video coming, the new tour starting and that little article in BOP, you guys are awful hard to get a hold of." the PR said. "How are we going to reherse with all this comotion?" Nick asked. "Well, the press will be gone soon enough and that group of fans is being escorted out as we speak. It'll just be you guys and the coreographers for the next four hours." the PR answered Nick's question honestly. "Well where's Britney?" J.C. asked as he looked around.

"So glad you asked." Britney said as she emerged from behind a big, velevet curtain. All the guys cheered as they saw her. "Hey fellas." Britney smiled as she hugged J.C. "Long time no see Josh." Britney said with a smile. "A VERY LONG TIME." J.C. said with excitement. "Britney, I'd like you to meet the Backstreet Boys." J.C. said as he introduced Britney to each of them. Britney shyly shook each of their hands, feeling starstruck as she greeted them. "Wow, it's great to meet you." Howie smiled joyfully at her. "Don't mind Howie, he's just a sucker when it comes to pretty girls." A.J. laughed. "Oh, well I'm flattered." Britney laughed back. "And Britney, here is Chris, Joey and Lance. The rest of 'N Sync, of course you know." J.C. chimmed. "Yeah, hey guys." Britney smiled. "And don't you act so shy Mr. Timberlake." Britney said as she grabbed Justin. Justin gladly hugged her. "How's it going?" Britney asked as she broke their embrace. "Things are going good. Actually, better then ever." Justin smiled and looked towards Brian. "That's great! I've been hearing alot about you guys in the news now. Of course this oh-so-tiring rumor about me and Justin is getting out of hand." Britney giggled. Justin laughed it off, but he didn't let on to Britney about him and Brian. "You know they said we're engadged because somebody saw a ring on your left hand." Britney laughed. "Oh, you mean this one!" Nick jupmped in as he pointed towards Justin's left hand. Britney stopped her laughing and admired the ring. "Wow, it's nice. Who gave it to you?" Britney inquired.

Justin hesistated for a moment. "Well, we should get practicing." Kevin quickly aided Justin. "Yeah, we should. There's alot of kink's and bug's we have to get out of the show before we go back on tour." J.C. added. "I'm too excited about this tour." Britney said as she stood next to Justin. Justin smiled and placed his arm around her shoulder. "It's like back in the day with the MMC." Justin said happily. Brian frowned and followed Kevin towards the center of the stage. "Okay guys, Fatima and the other dancers will be working with you in a minute." the PR shouted as the Backstreet Boys ehaded towards the middle of the stage. Justin felt a bit depressed when Brian walked away. "You okay Justin? You seem distracted by something?" Britney asked out of concern. "Uhm, I'll be fine in a minute. I just have to go do something." Justin replied, dropping his arm from around Britney. Britney shrugged and began a conversation with Joey and Chris. Justin ran to the middle of the stage and grabbed Brian's arm. "What is it?" Brian asked coldly. "We have to talk for a minute." Justin replied sadly. "Justin, we're about to start our warm-up's, can this wait?" Kevin asked. "It'll just be five minutes Kevin." Justin answered over his shoulder. "Come on Brian, just give me five minutes." Justin pleaded, holding a tight grip on Brian's arm. "Fine. I'm watching the clock." Brian said as he pointed towards his watched.

Justin dragged Brian to the other side of the stage to talk to him. "I just wanted to know what was bothering you?" Justin asked quietly. "Don't worry about it. I'll be fine." Brian insisted. "Well I'm worried about it. So tell me." Justin begged. "I just felt out of place with you and Britney. I feel like there's something there that I can't touch. I've heard how you two used to date and all. Plus the rumors about you two don't help either. And then when you couldn't say who gave you the ring, I felt like I was the one getting shot down and not her." Brian said. Justin listened closely to every word that escaped Brian's lips. "I'm so, so, so sorry Bri. I didn't mean for you to feel like that at all. There's nothing between me and Britney but a good friendship. I used to always talk to her, J.C. and Nikki when I was on the Mickey Mouse Club. So I'm real close to them. But otherwise, me and Britney were a LONG time ago. I don't have those type of feelings for her anymore. I love her more like a sister." Justin told Brian in all honesty. Justin hugged Brian tightly, letting Brian know how he felt. "I wanted to tell her about the ring. In fact, I'm going to tell her everything. Me and her have always been close enough to do that." Justin whispered. Brian smiled and squeezed Justin tightly. "BRIAN!!! Five minutes are up!" Kevin shouted from the stage. Brian sighed and let Justin go. "If I don't get out there, Fatima will have my ass." Brian snickered. Justin nodded and watched Brian run off.

Justin walked back out towards Chris, J.C. and Britney who were casually laughing. "Hey guys. Don't we need to start rehersal?" Justin asked as he approached them. "I thought I was the father of this group." J.C. laughed. "No, you're just the wannabe father." Chris giggled. "That's okay. I need to start practicing too. If I'm opening for you guys, I'll need all the practice I can get." Britney said, complimenting them. "Oh, group hug!" Chris yelled as he snatched Britney up. J.C. quickly joined, followed by Justin. "Guys, let's get moving." Micheal the coreographer said. The guys all booed and let Britney go. "I'll see you guys in about an hour." Britney said as she ran over to where her dancers awaited. "Throw on the music." Micheal said. Just as he said that, 'Here We Go' came flowing into the arena. The guys of 'N Sync began to take their cues as they began to dance.

Brian sat on the side of the stage watching Justin practice his dance to 'Here We Go' for the third time. He sipped his Avian water peacefully as he watched. "Okay guys, twenty minute break!" Micheal called out. The guys cheered and all headed their seperate ways. Justin shyly walked up to Brian and sat next to him. "I'm so beat." Justin complained. "You've only been rehearsing for an hour." Brian laughed. "Yeah, well it's been a LONG hour." Justin laughed also. "Well we have to do some vocal warm-up's in about five minutes." Brian said, taking another drink of his water. "This tour stuff is so hectic. We get about five minutes at a time to spend together." Justin complained in anger. "Well let's make th best of five minutes." Brian said. He snatched Justin up and kissed his lips firmly. Justin was thrown back, but gladly let Brian roll his tongue in his mouth. Brian pulled away and ran his hand over Justin's thigh. "Now, I better get going." Brian sighed. "Ah, that's great. I get to sit here and watch you sing. That sucks." Justin laughed. "Well you could always come with me. We could practice our song together. Maybe we can even get it on the set list for the performances." Brian suggested. "Okay, then let's go." Justin said happily. They both stood and ran towards the sound area.

Everyone reheased non-stop until 5 PM. "Well guys, you're finished for the day. See you at the airport in about three hours." the PR announced over the intercom. All the guys cheered. "I had better get home. I have to make sure Aaron's all packed and ready to go. Mom's actually letting me take Aaron without her for the first couple of stops." Nick cheered. "Well we'll see you at the airport around 7, because the plane leaves about 8:30." Kevin said to Nick. Nick nodded and ran off without Lance. "You're not accompanying him?" J.C. asked as he looked into Lance's green eyes. "No, I have to get my stuff together first." Lance winked at J.C. J.C. got the message clearly. Brian hugged himself around Justin's midsection and waitied the final word from everyone on what to do. "I'm gonna go home and grab my bags. I don't have too much packing to do." Joey said. "Then I'll ride with you." Howie said. Joey nodded and they both left the arena. "I'm packed and ready to go, so I have nothing to do. Does anyone want to go to dinner? Justin?" Britney asked, looking directly at Justin and Brian. "Uh, no, that's okay. I have to, uhm, I have to go home and pack. Then I have to call my mom." Justin stuttered out, pulling Brian's arm from around his waist. Brian pouted and snatched away from Justin. "Okay." Britney shrugged. She walked out of the arena with her dancers.

"Brian, I'm sorry." Justin pleaded with Brian as Brian walked off. Brian walked away from Justin. "Kevin, can you drop me off at my place?" Brian asked as he walked up to Kevin. "Sure Brian. Don't say I didn't tell you so." Kevin raised his brow at Brian as he spoke. "Look, let's not talk about it." Brian said as he and Kevin walked towards the parking lot. Justin didn't bother running after him. He sat on the edge of the stage and looked at the empty seats of the arena. "You okay?" J.C. asked as he sat next to Justin. Justin didn't answered J.C. verbalally, but let a small sob escape his lips. J.C. placed his arm around Justin's shoulder and eased Justin towards him. "Do you want to talk about it?" J.C. asked. Justin gave him a small nod, but couldn't find the words he wanted. "Let me guess, Brian isn't too happy about the whole Britney thing is he?" J.C. asked. "It's not that he doesn't like her. He feels bad because Britney doesn't know about us and Britney kinda flirts with me right in front of Brian. He feels left out and I wish I could make him feel better." Justin cried. "Well then the best thing you can do is tell Britney. I'm sure Britney just messes with you out of love. Like we did back in the day." J.C. assured Justin. "Yeah, but that was back when me and her went out and you and Nikki were together. Now it's like, I have Brian but I can't say anything about it to anyone." Justin sobbed. "I know how you feel. It's the same with me and Lance..." J.C. stopped himself. "You and Lance?" Justin said questionabely. "Uhm, I know if you tell Brian that things will work out, he'll understand." J.C. quickly changed the subject. Justin nodded and wiped the few tears from his eyes. "Now come on. I'll drop you off at home and you and Brian can talk." J.C. said as he stood. Justin stood also and followed J.C. out to the parking lot.

Justin jiggled the key in the door to his and Brian's house. He nudged the door open and looked around. No sign of Brian, but his bags were at the foot of the door. "Brian?" Justin called out as he walked into the house. He recieved no answer. Justin sighed and threw his keys on the table. He walked upstairs and saw Brian in the bathroom shaving. "Hey Brian. Uhm, you okay?" Justin asked shyly. Brian didn't answer him and kept shaving. Justin sighed and walked into his room. He flipped on the light and saw a small box sitting on his bed. He sat on his bed and opened it. As he yanked the wrapping paper off, he saw a new CD. He looked at the cover and it was of 'N Sync and the Backstreet Boys at the video shoot. It was the 'Just' single. Justin smiled happily and looked towards his door. Brian stood in the doorway with a smile. "I picked it up on the way here." Brian said to Justin. "Thanks." Justin smiled at him. "It evens has a sample of 'Just Part II' on it." Brian smiled as he sat down next to Justin. "So you're not mad?" Justin questioned. "No. I thought about it and I understand. We had to do this before with the other guys, so why not with Britney." Brian shrugged. Justin quickly hugged Brian. "Thanks for understanding." Justin whispered. Brian hugged him and let out a deep sigh. "Pack your stuff so we can get to the airport." Brian said as he let Justin go. Justin nodded and began throwing his clothes into a bag.

Justin and Brian walked slowly towards their terminal at the airport. Justin felt at ease now that he had talked with Brian, but he still needed to talk to Britney. He looked around and saw most of the guys waiting at the gate. "Glad you guys could make it." A.J. said sarcastically. He sat in a seat with Amanda on his lap. Justin was shocked to see her there. "Yeah, well Justin's a slow packer." Brian smiled as he took a seat next to Nick. "Where' Lance, J.C. and Howie?" Brian asked as he looked for them. "Let's see, Howie stopped by his parents house to say goodbye. As for J.C. and Lance, no clue?" A.J. shrugged. "Aye guys, are we going straight to the hotel when we get to New York?" Britney asked as she sipped her Sprite. "Probably. We have to rest up for the MTV taping tomorrow." Kevin answered her. "I'm going to miss you." Amanda frowned as she hugged A.J. "Me too." A.J. replied. Justin sat next to A.J. and Amanda and noticed A.J.'s new blonde locks. "Hmm, never can keep it on color can we?" Justin commented as he looked at A.J.'s hair. "I'm not like you. I don't just bleach it every month." A.J. teased Justin.

J.C. and Lance walked up to the guys and sat down. "What took you guys so long?" Joey asked. "Uh, traffic." J.C. quickly responded. "Psst, you might want to keep willie in his cage." Justin whispered to J.C. and casually pointed towards his crotch. J.C. blushed and quickly zipped his jeans up. "I have a surprise for you when we get to New York." Brian whispered to Justin. Justin raised his brow in interest. "What?" Justin asked kindly. "If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise silly." Brian nudged Justin with a laugh. "We are now boarding for flight 702 to New York in the main gate." the woman said over the loud speaker. "That's us." Kevin said as he got up and grabbed his carry-on. Joey followed him, grabbing his video camera and his backpack. "I hope I have enough comics to read on the plane." Nick smiled as he stood. "If not, I'll just steal your Aaron." Nick laughed as he messed Aaron's hair. Brian laughed and grabbed his jacket. Brian got up and awaited Justin. "I call window seat!" Britney cheered as she stood. Justin grabbed his backpack and stood. He threw it over his shoulder and looked at Brian. "I'm going right to sleep when I get in there." Brian said softly as he looked at the gate. "Hey, don't leave me!" Howie called as he walked towards them. "It's about time!" Chris shouted as he headed for the gate. "I'll see you in Houston." A.J. frowned as he hugged Amanda goodbye. Brian placed his arm over Justin's shoulder and they both walked towards the attendant. They handed her their tickets and boarded the plane.

Justin walked to the back of the plane and sat on the inside of the seat. Brian looked around as he boarded. He kissed his fist quickly and tapped the inside of the plane. "That's better." Brian said. Brian sat next to Justin and quickly fastened his seat belt. He placed his hand on Justin's thigh and squeezed it tightly. "We're off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz!" Chris sang as he sat in front of them. Lance lazily sat next to Nick, while J.C. grabbed the open seat next to Chris. Britney took a seat next to Kevin and A.J. slumped in his seat. Aaron jumped in his stea next to A.J. and opened a comic to read. Howie and Joey sat together, shyly hitting on the sturidist as she brought them some cold berverages. "Escuse me miss, but can you show me how to fasten my safety belt." Howie said coyly to her. "Oh, I bet you say that to all the flight attendants. And I bet you haven't gotten a single number yet." the woman replied harshly. All the guys hassled Howie after that.

As the plane took off, the captain turned down the lights in the plane for the guys to go to sleep. Everyone's conversations began to die down slowly. Soon enough, Kevin, A.J., Joey, Brian, Aaron, Lance and Nick were sleep.

Justin gazed out the window, while Brian's hand was still lightly pressed on his thigh. "Justin?" Britney quietly interupted him. "Yeah?" Justin replied, turning his head in her direction. "Can we talk for a minute?" Britney asked. "Uhm, sure." Justin said. He carefully removed Brian's hand and loosened his safety belt. Justin stood and he and Britney walked to the front of the plane. "What's up Britney?" Justin asked as they sat. "I was wondering, is there something wrong with Brian? He acts as if me and you can't talk or something? Are you two real good friends or something?" Britney said flatly. "No, there's nothing wrong with him. It's just that, well, Britney, me and Brian are going out." Justin mumbled out. Britney's mouth fell open. "You and Brian? You and Brian!" Britney almost yelled. Justin quickly threw his hand over her mouth. "Yes! Me and Brian." Justin hissed at her. "I didn't know. I'm sorry. How long... how long, have you two been together?" Britney asked. "About two months now. Well, it's been an on-off thing for us." Justin shrugged. "Wow. I would have never expected you and Brian. Or you and another guy for that matter. Geez, I hope this isn't my fault." Britney joked. "No. But I'm really happy with him. He makes my day worth living." Justin replied. "I can tell. You seem to be real happy when you're around him." Britney agreed. "So is he the one that gave you the ring?" Britney asked as she pointed to Justin's hand. "Yes, he gave it to me. I gave him one too." Justin smiled. "That's great. So you two are serious. Well, I always knew you;d find someone that would brighten your days. I'm just glad that you didn't say A.J.!" Britney laughed. Justin laughed with her.

"Justin?" Brian whispered as he rubbed his eyes. Justin looked up and saw Brian standing in the aisle. "Hello Bri. What are you doing up?" Justin asked. "Just wanted to see if you were okay." Brian responded. "Just chatting with Britney here." Justin replied, causing Brian's eyes to open fully. "Oh, well then I'll go." Brian said sadly. "No, don't go Brian. Me and Justin had a good talk about you." Britney said. "About me?" Brian asked. "Yes. That's a nice ring you got him." Britney said with a smile. "Thanks." Brian smiled back. He felt relief when Britney said that. "And I'm glad Justin has found the right guy or person for his life." Britney commented. "Well I'm glad he found me too." Brian added. Justin smiled and stood. "I had better get some sleep Britney. We'll talk tomorrow." Justin said. He eased Brian back towards their seats and sat down. Brian leaned in and kissed Justin's cheek. "What's that for?" Justin asked. "For telling her everything." Brian answered. He laid his head on Justin's shoulder and slowly began drifitng back to sleep. Justin smiled and fell alseep.

Next: Chapter 19: Brian and Justin 42 43

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