Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Jan 12, 1999


Brian & Justin (Part 37) By JM

Justin entered his room and saw Brian laying on the bed. Brian's eyes were fiaxted on the ceiling and he laid comfortably. "Brian?" Justin whispered, believing Brian didn't want to be disturbed. Brian didn't answer. Justin frowned and placed his key card on the desk by the door. Justin looked around the room and could tell kevin had been inside. He stood still for a moment. "Brian, are you okay?" he finally blurted out. "I guess." Brian shrugged from on the bed. Justin knew better. He flopped on the bed and looked down at Brian. "Did you guys talk?" Justin asked. "Unfortunately, yeah we did." Brian frowned. Justin laid back on the bed and placed his arm across Brian's chest. He just listened to Brian's breathing. "We should get going." Brian whispered. Justin's head popped up in astonishment. "We're going to go?" Justin asked in surprise. "Why not? I know you want to spend some time with the guys." Brian shrugged again. "But not if you don't want to go." Justin added. "As long as I'm there with you, it's no problem. Besides, I'll have to get used to being with the guys again." Brian frowned. "Why?" Justin asked, wondering about Brian's last comment. "Because I told Kevin I'd go back to the group under certain conditions." Brian said. Justin now sat up, wondering just what Brian and Kevin's conversation was about. "And what are these conditions?" Justin questioned Kevin's motives. Brian sighed and sat up also. He wrapped his arm around Justin's shoulder and rested his head on the headboard.

"Well Brian..." Justin waited patiently. "One of the conditions is that no one is to interfer in our relationship for any reason. Another was that Nick and you spend less time together due to the obvious dislike. Also, I don't have to be on all the tour dates if I feel the need to be with you." Brian smiled. Justin still wasn't content. "What did you have to give up?" Justin asked. Brian knew that was coming. "In the studio, Kevin wants me working more with the guys and less with you. He also wants the Backstreet Boys to tour seperate from 'N Sync and he wants me to talk with my parents about this marriage thing." Brian said softly. Justin quickly got out of the bed and stood. He didn't bother responding to Brian's words. He walked into the bathroom and slammed the door, making his feelings known to Brian. Brian knew Justin's reaction wouldn't be pretty.

He heard a knock at the door and was unsure about answering. "Who is it?" Brian called from the bed. "It's J.C., Brian." J.C. said from outside the door. Brian rolled off the bed and stumbled towards the door. He pulled it open slowly, not opening it all the way. "Hey J.C." Brian smiled. "Hello Brian. Uhm, can I come in?" he asked shyly. "Sure." Brian smiled back and pulled the door open. J.C. slowly walked in and stood next to the door. Brian backed away and stood. "What's up J.C.?" Brian asked. "I know Justin's probably told you about what I did." J.C. mumbled out, his eyes staring at the floor. "Uh no, me and Justin haven't had much time to talk." Brian responded. "Well then let me be the first one to break it to you. I'm the reason everyone found out about you two being here." J.C. finally got the nerve up to look at Brian. "Oh, so that's why they're here." Brian nodded. "Yes, that's how in a way. See I told Lance and I guess he told Nick about it." J.C. said, feeling real guilty. "J.C., it's okay. Me and Justin are dealing with it." Brian sighed. "I can see." J.C. said as he gazed around, not seeing Justin. "It's how we spend our typical days when we're around the guys." Brian frowned. J.C. took no offense. "That's why I feel so bad, Brian. I don't want you guys to sepnd your vacation being miserable." J.C. did his best to apologize. "Don't feel bad. I think me and Justin can get past this." Brian said. His eyes drifted towards the bathroom door. "Are you guys still coming with us?" J.C. asked. "I think so. When are ya'll leaving?" Brian questioned, his eyes still fiaxted on the door. "In about half an hour." J.C. didn't bother trying to get Brian's attention. "Okay, then we'll see you downstairs." Brian nodded. J.C. let himself out and Brian stood in the middle of the room.

"Justin?" Brian asked as he tapped on the door. Justin didn't respond to Brian. Brian placed his ear to the door and could hear whimpering from inside. "Justin, are you okay?" Brian asked with concern. Justin still did not answer Brian. "Please, please just go away Brian." Justin could barely speak. He felt a huge lump in his throat. "But Justin, we have to talk." Brian insisted. Brian turned the knob and noticed the door was unlocked. He opened it and walked in. Justin sat on the edge of the bathtub, his head in his hands. Brian could tell that Justin was crying. He sat down enxt to Justin and tried to place his arms around Justin. Justin jerked away and kept crying. "What's wrong with you?" Brian asked. "I don't feel like talking right now. It's easy... it's easy to see that Kevin has got you to do what he wants." Justin cried. He accused Brian with no hesistation. Brian sat there stunned and quiet. "But I didn't agree to anything with Kevin. I told him what I wanted and I told him I'd think about the things he asked of me." Brian did his best to make Justin understand.

Justin stood and walked towards the mirror. He opened his eyes to see them filled with tears. "Justin, I love you." Brian said as he stood. He grabbed Justin and wrapped his arms around his chest. Justin let the tears flood from his eyes.

"Please don't cry babe." Brian begged. Justin turned around and Brian wrapped his arms around Justin's waist. Justin knew in his heart that Brian wouldn't hurt him. Justin laid his head on Brian's neck and began to cry. Brian cried also, his warm tears falling onto Justin's cheek. Justin wrapped his arms around Brian to comfort. "I can't lose you over this." Brian sobbed. Justin felt sorry for Brian. "I just can't go back to them if it means I'm going to lose you again." Brian cried, his knees getting weak. "It's okay Brian." Justin tried to calm Brian. Justin held Brian tight, making sure that Brian felt safe. "I'll, uhm, I'll be okay." Brian sobbed. He backed away from Justin and wiped his tears away. "Maybe we shouldn't go with the guys?" Justin suggested, wiping his own tears away. "No, let's go." Brian said softly. "Then, uh, let's get ready to go." Justin laughed quietly. "Okay." Brian responded in a low tone.

The guys awaited Justin and Brian in the lobby. "What is taking them so long?" Joey asked, becoming very impatient. "Maybe they're having a fight and breaking up." Nick gleamed. "It's not likely, Nick." J.C. argued. "Well whatever it is, I wish they'd hurry." A.J. said. As soon as A.J. closed his mouth, Brian and Justin walked off the elevator. "Sorry we took so long." Brian said. "It's okay. Let's just go." Kevin said. "The limos are out front and we've got the whole park to ourselves." Chris said happily. He rushed outside, followed by Joey, J.C. and A.J. Kevin watched Brian and Justin carefully as they walked outside. Howie limped behind him, glaring at Brian. Nick grabbed Lance's hand and they walked out together. They all piled into the two limos and headed for Great Xskape.

Brian & Justin (Part 38) by JM

As the guys rushed out of the limos, they all stared at the huge theme park before them. "Oh my Lord, I've finally gotten to Heaven." Chris chuckled as he ehaded for the gates. "Aren't we in a rush?" Lance giggled as he tried to usher Nick along. "Okay Lance. I was just making sure everyone was okay." Nick smiled as he looked back at Brian and Justin. "You two okay?" J.C. whispered to Justin as they walked. "Yeah, we'll be fine." Justin responded. He gripped Brian's hand as they got closer to the entrance. "Will you slow pokes hurry up!" Chris shouted from in front. "We're coming goldie locks!" Joey yelled at him. Chris laughed as he waited on them. All the guys stood in front of the park as the manager came out to greet them. "Welcome guys to the Great Xskape. We're happy to have the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync stopping by here. And we do hope you all have a fun time." the manager said. "We're hoping to have a fun time too." Kevin responded in a polite, mono tone. "Well then, go ahead in and remember to watch for the New Years fireworks tonight." the manager commented.

The guys cheered and ran into the park. "Where do we go first?" J.C. asked as he looked around. "Let's hit every rollercoaster in the park!" Chris shouted. That made Brian's stomach turn. "Well there's one over there called the Lion's Cage!" Lance yelled as he pointed towards it. Brian looked at it and felt his stomach flip. Justin gazed at Brian's twisted face. "Something wrong?" Justin asked Brian. "Didn't Brian tell you? He's afraid of heights, so he rarely rides rollercoasters." Kevin commented. "Well, your lose." Chris said as he looked at the ride. "Well then I'll sit with you while the guys go on." Justin gave Brian a fake smile. "No, that's okay. I'll be fine down here by myself. We're here to have fun." Brian insisted. Justin smiled at him. "Are we going or not?" Joey said in anger. "Okay, okay Joey. We're going!" J.C. said. Justin gave Brian a quick kiss on the lips and all the guys ran for the rollercoaster, minus Brian. Brian sat on a bench outside of the ride and watched the guys go. He listened to the screams and cheers of the guys as they rode the ride. He laughed to himself, thinking about how much fun they were having.

All the guys came running up to Brian, laughing and still screaming. "Now that's what you calla rollercoaster!" Chris said as he ran around with excitement. "We have to go on that one again." J.C. laughed as he watched Chris. Justin sat next to Brian. "It was real cool." Justin said casually. "Man, let's get going to the next one!" Joey hollored as he ran for the next rollercoaster. "Yeah, I'm right behind you!" Lance said as he followed. "Coming Nick?" Kevin asked as he began to follow Lance. "Nah. I'll catch up with you guys on the next one." Nick said. Kevin nodded and strolled over to the next ride. "Well I want to go to the arcade." Howie said. "I'll join you." J.C. said happily. They both walked towards the arcade. "What do you want to do?" Justin asked Brian. Brian thought for a moment. "Come on, I'll show ya." Brian said as he stood. He grabbed Justin's hand and Justin happily followed. "Well I'm not sitting here and waiting on the lovebirds. Let's go get something to eat." A.J. suggested. Chris shrugged and they headed for the Burger Hut. Nick stood for a moment, then slowly began to folllow Brian and Justin.

Brian held Justin's hand as they came upon a water ride called 'Ocean Of Love'. "Isn't that the perfect title?" Justin asked, nudging Brian in the side. "I might not like rollercoaster, but I can deal with the water rides." Brian smiled. "Well I'm always open fr getting wet." Justin grinned. "In more ways then one, no doubt." Brian smiled back. They both got on the ride and awaited it to start. "Hey, you guys gonna leave me?" Nick said as he jumped in the seat behind them. Justin rolled his eyes in anger. "What are you doing here Nick? Isn't there another ride you prefer be on?" Brian asked in obvious disgust. "Not really." Nick smiled at them. Brian just wrapped his arm around Justin and awaited the start. Just as soon as Justin got comofrtable, the boat they were in began to move. It jerked forward, causing some water to splash up. "That's what I'm talking about!" Nick shouted in glee. Justin and Brian laughed as the water splashed on both of them. The ride was a long and tidious process for Nick as he watched Brian and Justin make-out off and on. "Oh this shit sucks now." Nick complained as he watched Brian kiss Justin's lips again. "Funny, I like it." Justin turned his head around to look at Nick. Brian smiled and kissed Justin's neck as water splashed on them. As the boat came to a stop, Nick cheered with glee. "Thank God, I can get away from you two." Nick shouted as he got out. Brian hissed at Nick as Justin stepped out. "Come on Brian, let's go grab a bite to eat." Justin suggested as he helped Brian out. "Already hungry?" Brian questioned as he leaped up on the deck. "It's not like we ate breakfast or anything." Justin said sarcastically. Brian raised his hands in question and Justin laughed.

Brian grapsed Justin's hand and they both walked out into the main area. "Hey Justin, we're about to go on this ride called Posion Ivy, you wanna come?" Chris asked as he walked by with J.C., A.J. and Joey. "Err, we're about to grab something to eat." Justin replied. "Okay, well meet up with us at the next ride." J.C. said. "Okay." Justin smiled as they walked off. "Are you sure you don't want to go with them? I can always wait to eat." Brian reassured Justin. "I'm positive. I'm here to spend time with you, Brian." Justin grinned. Brian threw his arm around Justin's shoulder and held him tight. "That's all I wanted to hear." Brian smiled as they walked.

Justin and Brian walked into the resturant that was near the Lion Cage. "So, what do we order?" Brian asked as they walked up to the register. "I feel like a burger and fries." Justin said as he looked at the overhead menu. "Hmmm, I think I want some fried chicken." brian said as he pulled out his wallet. Justin reached for his wallet, but Brian grapsed his arm. "It's on me babe." Brian said with a grin. "Then I'll have to remember to repay you when we get back to the hotel." Justin smiled back. As the girl came to her register, her mouth dropped as she admired the two hotties before her. "No way! It can't be!" she screamed as she looked at them. "In the flesh baby." Justin smirked. Brian rolled his eyes at Justin and looked at the worker. "We need a #2 and a #6 please." Brian said in a low voice. "What.... what?" the girl finally snapped out of her trance. "Can I have a #2 and a #6." Brian repeated, winking at her. "Uhm, sure Brian baby, I uh, I mean Mr. Littrell." the girl stuttered out. "Thanks." Brian raised a brow at her. Justin frowned and turned away from the girl. Brian then smiled and paid for their food. As the girl walked away, Brian turned around also. "She had the nerve to call you Brian baby." Justin hissed silently. "Well is she the one who's going to have sex with me tonight?" Brian asked softly. "She may be, because I may not be in the mood." Justin pouted. "Well then let me get her number right quick and see what's she's doing tonight." Brian faked turning around. Justin grumbled and walked to a table. Brian frowned and awaited their food.

Justin pulled out a chair and plopped down. He rubbed his hands through his hair quickly and stared at the table. He placed his left hand over his right and admired his ring. 'This is the one thing that makes me know Brian and I will be together.' Justin thought to himself. "Can't take your eyes off it? Can you?" Brian asked as he placed the tray of food on the table. "It's okay. I guess?" Justin shrugged, doing his best to faze Brian. "Yeah right." Brian wasn't buying it. Brian pulled a chair next to Justin and put his arm around him again. "Can I eat in peace?" Justin laughed as he grabbed his burger. Brian pulled his arm away and grabbed his Coke. "I was kidding." Justin apologized. "Well it wasn't funny." Brian replied, taking a quick sip from his Coke. Brian grabbed his basket of chicekn fingers and began to enhale them. "I love you." was all that Justin could whisper into Brian's ear.

Brian stopped eating and raised his ehad in Justin's direction. He didn't say anything, but he grabbed a fry from Justin's tray. He placed his finger under Justin's chin, to get Justin's attention. Justin turned in Brian's direction and looked his in the eyes. "What?" Justin asked softly. Justin as Justin's mouth opened, brian slipped an end of the fry in his mouth. Brian then moved closer to Justin's and took the other end of the fry in his mouth. Brian quickly began to eat the fry, bringing his lips closer to Justin's. Their lips touched, Justin closing his eyes in shock. Brian began to kiss Justin's lips passionately, forgetting the fry was between their lips. Justin returned the kiss, parting his lips greatly. Brian moved quickly with his lips, his tongue darting through their teeth. Justin accepted it, letting his own tongue roll upon it. Brian's eyes were shut tightly and his mind spinning. Lance and J.C. grinned at Justin and Brian. J.C. cleared his throat quickly, causing Justin to jump. His lips parted from Brian's, causing the french fry to slip into Brian's mouth. Justin blinked his eyes quickly and looked at Lance and J.C. "Uh, we were just, uhm..." J.C. stopped Justin. "It's okay Justin, we just came to check on you two." J.C. said with a laugh. They sat down and looked at Brian and Justin. "What?" Brian asked, trying to avoid making eye contact. "Nothing." Lance shrugged, doing his best not to laugh.

"Where's everyone at?" Justin asked. He was doing his best to change the subject. "Most of the guys are at the arcade. Joey and A.J. are getting on the Poison Ivy again." J.C. answered. "Oh, well maybe we should head over to the arcade?" Justin suggested. "Yeah, we can go." Brian smiled at him. "Then we'll meet you guys down there in like twenty minutes?" Lance asked. "You guys aren't coming now?" Brian questioned. "Uhm, I don't think they are Brian." Justin said as he grinned at J.C. J.C. quickly raised a brow at Justin to warn him. "Huh?" Brian was confussed as Justin yanked him up. "I'll tell you later." Justin whispered to Brian as they walked away. Brian shrugged as they walked away.

Just as soon as Brian and Justin walked out of the resturaunt, Lance snatched J.C. forward. "I can't believe I stayed away from you for three whole days." Lance whispered as he began to kiss J.C. J.C. grabbed hold of Lance's head and began to force his lips on Lance's. Their tongue's slithered into each other's mouths, tasting their sweetness. J.C. pulled away. "God, I wish I could sleep with you everynight." J.C. whispered as his hand ran up and down Lance's thigh. "Ugh, me too." Lance panted. "Tonight?" J.C. questioned, his hand moving dangerously close to Lance's crotch. "I don't know. I guess it depends on things go over with me and Nick." Lance said softly. Just the sound of the name caused J.C. to back away. "Why can't you and Nick just quit playing this foolish game. He wants Brian and you want me." J.C. grumbled. "I don't want to hurt Nick's feelings. And if you want me so bad, then maybe you can help Nick with his quest to get Brian. Nick gets Brian, you get me." Lance said slyly. J.C. sat in shock. "I couldn't do that to Justin." J.C. shook his head. "Oh, like Justin won't get a hundered guys later on?" Lance said sarcastically. "Look Lance, I don't care if Justin fucked everyone he saw, I'd never hurt his feelings like that." J.C. said in disgust. He stood and Lance grabbed his hand. "I'm not asking you to do anything. It was just a suggestion." Lance pleaded. "It was a lousy suggestion." J.C. replied, keeping his eyes away from Lance's.

All the guys ran around in the arcade like little kids. Chris leaped into the bin of plastic balls, his face filled with cheer. Howie watched with laughter in his eyes. Joey and Kevin battled it out on a race car game, while J.C. took his aim at Mortal Kombat 4. Lance stood in a corner with Nick, their hands slowly gropping each other. Justin and Brian took their aggressions out on Darkstalkers as A.J. looked on. "Hah! I win!" Brian cheered. Justin glared in anger after losing to Brian. "Ah, don't be a poor sport." Brian said. he wrapped his arms around Justin's waist and held him. "I'm not a poor sport. If it was basketball, I would've won." Justin grinned. "Okay, it's my turn." A.J. boasted as he pushed them aside. "Let me kick A.J.'s ass real quick and then we'll go play some real basketball." Brian whispered. Justin nodded and pulled Brian's hand from his waist. Brian pecked Justin on the cheek quickly and hopped in front of the game.

"You'll never win!" Joey screeched as he desperately tried to beat Kevin. "That's what you think, Joey." Kevin barked back as he raced him. "You guys suck!" J.C. called as he walked over to them. "Well that's only because we can't all get into car accidents like you." Joey teased. He kept his concentration on the game. "Well we can't all get our girlfriends taken by a Backstreet Boy either." J.C. fussed back. "Awww, shut up!" Joey said humorously. Nick paid no attention to Joey or J.C. remarks, his eyes were on the growing lump in Lance's pants. "I see someone needs a little personal attention?" Nick said as his hands slipped into Lance's jeans. Nick stepped in front of Lance so no one could see them as Nick jacked on Lance's dick. Lance moaned softly, rubbing his hand across Nick's neck. Nick leaned in and began to nibble upon Lance's neck as he jacked harder and faster. Soon Lance let his inhibitions go and came in his pants. He sucked the air in through his teeth to keep from shouting out in pleasure. Nick smiled and backed away from Lance. "I'm glad I'm wearing your breifs." Lance teased Nick. Nick punched him in the arm and grinned at him. "If we weren't in such a rush this morning, maybe I would have some underwear on?" Nick teased Lance back.

Justin sat next to Howie and watched Chris hop around in the plastic balls. "He seems to be enjoying himself." Justin pointed out. He knew it would be hopeless to get a coversation going with Howie. "Yeah well, Chris always does." Howie commented. Justin knew he had to let his past differences go with Howie. "Looks like you're not enjoying yourself too much?" Justin questioned Howie's happiness often. "Maybe I would be if I didn't have to sit here all the time." Howie said, pointing to the brace around his ankle. "Well that's not my fault." Justin argued calmly. "I didn't say it was Justin. All I'm saying is that I can't do much anymore. Touring's going to be pretty tough for awhile." Howie complained. "Well I'm sure the guys will help you out." Justin tried to comfort him. "I doubt Brian will, though Nick got over the whole, well you know..." Howie said softly. Justin sighed. "I doubt I can do anything about the Brian situation." Justin responded in a low tone. "Hey guys, you need to get in here!" Chris shouted as he leaped around in the ball pit. Lance quickly ran over and leaped in. "Ah, Jaws!" Chris yelled in fun. J.C. and Nick joined them as Justin and Howie looked on. Brian came behind Justin and wrapped his arms around Justin's neck. "Come on, let's go shoot some hoops." Brian whispered into Justin's ear. "Otay." Justin whispered back. Justin stood and pushed his chair in. "Chat with you later Howie?" Justin asked politely. "Sure." Howie shrugged.

"Why so friendly to Howie." Brian asked in a low tone. "Because you said I should put all my differences aside with everyone." Justin answered. "Whatever." Brian giggled. "So, where are these hoops at?" Justin asked with a happy tone. "Right here!" Brian pointed to the miniature basketball game in front of them. Justin laughed as Brian set the game up. Justin waited for the whislte as a gauntlet of basketballs came rolling down the ramp. Justin and Brian quickly began to shoot the balls, doing their best to rack up a high score. They shot countlessly, not missing a single one. As the buzzer rang, Brian shot the last ball in. "And he scores!" Justin shouted to the others. "High score baby!" Brian boasted as he grabbed Justin around the stomach. "Remember who got them all in." Justin laughed at Brian. "Get real." Brian laughed back. They kissed happily, no longer caring who's eyes were on them.

"Guys, it's around 10 o'clock. Let's go to the resturaunt and get some food before it's 12." Kevin suggested. "Yeah, I'm hungry." Lance said as he rubbed his stomach area. "Me too." J.C. grinned. "Well I want to ride the Lion's Cage one more time!" A.J. protested. "I wanna ride it too." Joey agreed. "Well I'm going to that water ride I saw earlier." Howie said. "Oh, you don't want to get on that. There's a bunch of love bugs that get in the way." Nick teased Justin and Brian. Justin rolled his eyes and hugged Brian closer. "Well we're going to get something to eat." Brian said. "But I want to ride the Posion Ivy before we go." Justin complained. "Well then go. I'll eat by myself." Brian prentended to be upset. "Oh no, you're coming with me." Justin argued. "Uh, uh. No way." Brian portested the idea. "Come on bri, I'll be there with you." Justin begged. "Well I'm getting something to eat. Maybe Brian will join me?" Nick added. "Uhm, I think I'll get on that ride." Brian assured Nick. "Your lose." Nick smiled. "Look, everyone just be at the resturaunt before 11:30." Kevin interupted everyone. All the guys agreed and headed their seperate ways.

Brian & Justin (Part 39) By JM

Justin yanked Brian into the rollercoaster, Brian's hands shaking with fear. "I'm not real sure about this Justin." Brian stumbled over his words. "I'm here for you Brian." Justin did his best to calm Brian's fears. Brian got into the seat and awaited the ride to start. As the ride jerked forward, brian felt his stomach drop. "Just close your eyes and enjoy." Justin suggested as the rollercoaster began to climb it's hill. Brian shut his eyes tightly and squeezed Justin's hand firmly. As the ride began to spiral down the hill, Justin screamed in joy. Brian kept his eyes shut and felt his stomach do flips. Brian began to enjoy the sensation and yell with laughter. Justin threw his hands up as the ride came closer to the bottom. "This is crazy!" Brian hollored as they went faster. he realized he was beginning to enjoy himself, all because Justin was there with him.

Brian and Justin stumbled to the main area with laughter. "My God, that was crazy!" Brian hollored as he and Justin headed for the resturaunt. "Hey Justin, we're gonna get on one last rollercoaster. You want to come?" J.C. asked as he and Chris headed towards the ride. Justin looked at Brian and Brian nodded a yes. "Okay, I'll be right there." Justin called out. Justin quickly leaned in and licked Brian's lips. "That's until midnight baby." Justin smiled devilishly. Brian grinned with shock and watched Justin run off. "Hey Brian, get in here. It's almost midnight." Howie called from the resturaunt door. "Okay, I'm coming!" Brian yelled back. He happily galopped towards the door.

The guys were all partying around the resturaunt. Music was blaring through each speaker as Brian stepped in. "Hey, what's going on in here?" Brian smiled as he saw everyone dancing. "It's almost New Years fella. We decided it was time to party." A.J. said as he danced with one of the waitresses. "I'm sorry, did I see Amanda just walk by?" Brian said sarcastically, causing A.J. to back away from the waitress. "I hate you." A.J. whispered to Brian. "Ah, but I love YOU MAN!" Brian laughed. Nick grabbed Brian by the arm and pulled him away. "Whoa buddy, is there a problem?" Brian laughed. Nick stared Brian in the eyes and then took a sip of his beer. "Just wanted to see who you were going to kiss at midnight?" Nick asked slyly. "Uhm, let's see. You or Justin? Judges!" Brian giggled. Nick ran his hand over Brian's chest and looked at his bright smile. "Well I'm glad to know I'm still in the running." Nick slurred out. "Well by the sound of your voice and the stink upon your breath, I'd say you've just been disqualified." Brian backed away from Nick. "Besides, where's Lance? Aren't you supposed to be with him?" Brian asked, feeling awkward with Nick all over him. "Oh, he's somewhere around ehre. I don't care." Nick shurgged. "Hey guys, the countdown's about to start!" Kevin shouted. As the countdown began, Brian searched for Justin. He frowned as he looked. "Three... two... one..." Brian heard the guys shout. As they hit zero, Brian was shocked to feel a hand grab his shoulder. "I knew you wouldn't leave me hanging." Vrian smiled as he turned around.

The guys all cheered as the clock turned midnight. Joey gladly kissed one of the waitresses as Howie watched on. "Excuse me snior, but I'm waiting for a kiss at midnight." one of the waitresses smiled at Howie. "Who am I to disappoint you?" Howie shrugged. he gladly kissed her upon the lips. "I wish that Amanda was hree." A.J. frowned. "Ah, kiss me baby!" Kevin shouted as he forced his lips on A.J.'s. A.J. jumped back in shock and Kevin laughed at him. "That was not funny!" A.J. laughed back. Brian caught a glimpse of who was before, before he felt Nick's lips press hard on his own. Nick grasped Brian tightly around the back, making it hard for Brian to pull away. Nick slipped his tongue in Brian's mouth, making Brian gag. Justin laughed as he walked back into the resturaunt with J.C. and Chris. "Oh man, it's midnight!" Justin barked as he looked around for Brian. "Oh, let me go find someone to kiss." J.C. ran around looking. J.C. found Lance in a corner and smiled. "It's midnight Lance." J.C. smiled evily. Lance smiled back and jerked J.C. in his direction. Their lips made contact and sparks went off. J.C. forced his mouth on Lance's, causing them to fall into the bathroom. J.C. quickly got up, shut the door and pulled a condom out of his back pocket. "I think it's about time we had a little talk, dick to dick." J.C. smiled at Lance.

Justin forced through the crowd to see Nick and Brian kissing. Brian finally yanked Nick off of him and spit on the floor in disgust. "How the fuck could you do that!" Brian shouted. He looked around and saw Justin standing in front of everyone. "Justin?" Brian said in shock. Justin shook his head and disbelief. "No, Justin, I didn't kiss him!" Brian already knew what Justin was thinking. "Stay the fuck away from me!" Justin hollored as he ran away. "JUSTIN!" Brian hollored as he ran after him. Just as Justin got out the door, Kevin stepped in front of Brian. "Kevin, man, get out of the way!" brian hollored at him. "No Brian. You have to let him go this time. You have to let him be." Kevin protested against Brian's actions. "Are you out of your mind?" Brian asked Kevin in anger. "No, but I think you are. What makes you think that Justin can keep breaking up and getting back together with you?" Kevin asked Brian truthfully. "Because I love him. That's why!" Brian barked. "Soon enough, he's going to stop feeling the same way about you." Kevin fussed back. "And when that time comes Kevin, you'll be the first to know." Brian said as he pushed Kevin aside. "Let him go, Brian!" Kevin yelled as he grabbed Brian's arm. "If you don't get your hands off of me Kevin, I'll have to make you remove them." Brian turned and looked at Kevin in anger. "Brian, don't be stupid." Kevin boasted.

Brian refused to say another word. He pulled back and swung on Kevin, hitting him swuare in the eye. Kevin slipped back and Brian pulled away. Kevin regained his balance and grabbed Brian before he could get out of the door. Kevin pulled Brian back, causing Brian to fall, head-first onto the floor. brian grasped his head in pain, crying out. "You're not going to fuck up Justin's life because your's is already fucked up." Kevin yelled at Brian. Brian laid on the floor, grasping his head in sure pain. "Leave him alone Kevin!" A.J. said as he and Joey did their best to pull Kevin away from Brian. "Do you think he's going to love you when all you do is hurt him?" Kevin continued to holler at Brian. Chris and Nick did their best to get Brian up. Brian stood to his feet, bending his knees in utter pain. "You can't expect Justin to love you when all you do is cause him pain." Kevin kept his anger flowing. Brian refused to speak to anyone. He lazily walked out of the resturaunt. He walked to the middle of the park and sat down. He cried loudly as he grabbed his head. He couldn't stop himself as hard as he tried.

He tried to stand, but his head throbbed too much. His tears soaked his face as he cried. He felt someone help him get up and pushed them off. "Nick, go away!" Brian cried still. "I'm not going away Brian." Justin protested. Brian was surprised to hear his voice. Justin helped Brian stand and he wrapped his arms around him. "Come on, let's get you to the bus." Justin said, his voice filled with no emotion. "Why are you helping me?" Brian sobbed. "Because I love you." Justin commented.

He and Brian stumbled towards the bus, Brian still crying. Justin helped Brian into the bus and to the back where the beds were. Brian laid down on the bed and Justin crouched on the outside. Brian tried to open his eyes and look at Justin, but they were stinging too much from his tears. "Justin, I'm sorry." Brian whimpered. "It's okay Brian. You didn't do anything wrong." Justin said quietly. "I don't want you to pitty me if that's what you're here for." Brian said, his voice trembling. "I told you why I was here. I love you." Justin responded. Brian began to cry once again. Justin sighed and pulled Brian closer to him. "I know it hurts, but you have to stop crying." Justin said as Brian laid his head on Justin's lap. "I'm so, so, so sorry Justin, I really am." Brian sobbed. Justin rubbed his hands across Brian's face and listened to his cries. He had never seen Brian cry so much. "Lay down and get some sleep." Justin suggested. he pushed Brian towards his pillow and let Brian lay down. "Are you leaving me?" Brian asked. "No, brian I won't leave you. I just have to go do something really quickly. I'll be right back." Justin responded in an angered voice. Brian rubbed his head in the pillow and tried to control his sobs of sorrow.

Justin stepped off the bus and watched the guys approaching. "Where's Kevin?" Justin asked as A.J. began to step on the bus. "He's coming. Look Justin, don't go off on him. He got enough from me and Chris." A.J. pleaded. "Don't worry about me, A.J. I can handle myself." Justin said bitterly. He watched as Chris and Joey came forward. "Is Brian on the bus." Chris asked. Justin nodded and awaited Kevin. "Justin, man don't do anything stupid." Joey said. "Don't worry about it Joey." Justin said. Kevin approached and sucked his teeth when he saw Justin. "Look Justin, I'll apologize to Brian. But don't try interferring in this." Kevin said coldly. "Look Kevin, I don't care what the fuck you say to Brian. It's not going to make things better. You're the one person he could always depend on. But you go and fuck it up for yourself. I hope you're happy because I doubt Brian will ever come back to the B.S.B. now." Justin hollored. He did his best not to punch Kevin. Kevin rolled his eyes and got onto the bus. "Hey, where's Lance and J.C.?" Chris yelled from the bus. Nick and Howie approached and Nick looked right at Justin. Justin clenched his fist and got on the bus. J.C. and Lance came running up to them, looking as if they had been in a war. "Where have you two been?" Howie asked as he looked at them. "Uhm, we had to ride another rollercoaster." J.C. chuckled as they stepped on the bus. "Yeah, another one." Lance laughed. Lance quickly grabbed J.C. "You're wearing Nick's underwear." Lance giggled.

Justin sat on the bed where Brian was. Justin flicked his shoes off and rolled onto the bed with Brian. Brian was silently sleeping on the bed. Justin pulled Brian close to him and wrapped his arms around him. "I love you." Justin whispered as he kissed Brian on the head. "I love you too, Justin." Brian whispered back. Jusitn smiled and hugged Brian. "Thank you." Brian said softly. Just as Justin was drifting off to sleep he heard Nick shout "Who's boxers are you wearing!" to Lance.


*** Well I know it took me a LONG TIME to finish (of course the constant reminders helped me remember too!!!), but here it is. I hope you enjoyed this LONG instalement. Look for the next one, hopefully, soon. And thanks to David Mark for the idea he wanted in the story. It was fun to work with. ***

Next: Chapter 18: Brian and Justin 40 41

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