Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Jan 1, 1999


Brian L. & Justin T. (Part 32) by JM

*** General Announcement: Okay this story and the following stories are going to be a slow down pace for me. I am going to slow down the quickie's and add the romance to the stories. But don't get me wrong, there will still be plenty of sex and fun for the boys. Yes, these stories will mostly revolve around the relationship between Brian Littrell (of B.S.B.) and Justin Timberlake (of 'N Sync), but there is going to be guest appearances from all of the guys of the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync. I can't always guarantee (most likely I can't even guarantee at all. The stint between J.C. and Lance; Kevin and Lance; Nick and J.C. may not re-kindle unless you guys want it to.) action for them though because I am so hooked on Brian and Justin. We'll see what happens. The stories will also follow the same path that the others have left off with. So that means, this story pretty much follows where I left off with 'B-Rok B-Day' and the others. I want everyone to know that I don't plan on stopping after this story, so don't worry. I get emails all the time about that. I'll try and for-warn you when I stop, but that looks doubtful right now. I do hope you enjoy the series of stories to come and do wish to hear all of your comments may they be good or bad... so send them to: or ***

**** This is the 30th story (I might as well call this a book the way I'm going :|) and so on part to the storyline. It follows along with the rest if you're still not caught up. It picks up where the last chapter left off and will continue from there on. Hope you enjoy this part and please send all comments to me. I have recieved an abundance already, so that makes me want to keep on writing better stories. I THANK all of you who have sent your great comments to me. Especially to those who have been there since the very beginning. Also, for those who still want the lyrics to "Just", "Just Part II" and "I'll Never See A Sunset", email me. Also now available is the 'Justin & Brian' soundtrack (only lyrics). That's right, I'm out of control with these song lyrics. Soundtack features old and new songs from B.S.B., 'N Sync and others. All songs are original songs that I made up for Brian and Justin. They has a purpose, so please don't destroy them or distribut them without permission. Special thanks to Leprechaun for inspiring me to write such great stories. He's got talent and you guys should check out his series "Bad Boy B-Rok". it is the best B.S.B. story I have read. Also, thanks to Nathan for rushing me through some of the stories. It was a 'big' pick-me-up (smile). Also I want to thank Nathan for some of the ideas that he has given to me to help make my stories better. And finally, thanks to Chris for being a good friend and a great writer. Till the next time, please keep reading and all you B-Boys keep it 'N Sync... ****

Justin woke with a surge in his soul. His body quiver as he jumped up. He breathed heavily and squated over. "Oh God I feel like shit." Justin whispered as he opened his eyes. He wiped the sweat from his brow and sat straight up. He looked to the side of him and remember that he was in Brian's hosptial room. He laid back for a moment and then jumped up again. "Brian?" Justin questioned as he looked at the empty spot next to him. There just sat wrinkled covers. Justin looked around the room and took no notice of Brian. "Where is he?" Justin said out loud as he yanked the covers off himself. Justin quickly leaped out of the bed and grabbed his boxers. He slipped them on and searched for his t-shirt. 'I wonder if he's in therapy?' Justin thought as he found his shirt. He quickly threw it on and straightened it out. Justin took another glance around, just to make sure Brian hadn't walked in. No sign of him. Justin frowned and felt the cold air touch his bare skin. "Damn it's cold in here." Justin complained as he walked towards the balcony window. Justin noticed that the door was wide open and thought for a moment. 'Is he out here?' Justin pondered as he peaked outside. Sure enough, Brian sat quietly on a bench outside. Justin shivered a bit as he felt the cold air surround his body. Justin hesitantly walked outside onto the balcony. He headed slowly to where Brian sat. "Brian?" Justin spoke softly as he neared Brian. Brian did not respond to him. Brian just focused his eyes on the night's sky. Justin shyly sat down next to Brian and grabbed his hand.

"You okay?" Justin asked as he rubbed Brian's hand. Brian nodded, keeping his attention to the sky. "Why are you out here?" Justin asked quietly, not trying to upset Brian. "I needed some time to be alone." Brian responded shyly. Justin quickly stared at him. "Then maybe I should go?" Justin asked out of concern. "No Justin, please stay." Brian pleaded quietly, his eyes now on Justin. Justin cracked a smile and held Brian's hand tightly. "Is there something you want to talk about?" Justin asked, his blue eyes still gazing into Brian's. Brian turned away again. Justin sighed and sat closer to Brian. Brian sat quietly in his blue boxers with a large flannel shirt on. "No, let's not." Brian spoke in a tired tone. justin frowned at Brian. "Okay." Justin said lowly, wrapping his arms around Brian's upper body. brian sighed and felt as if he was ready to cry. Justin listened to Brian's quiet sniffles. Justin looked up at him and rubbed his face. "What is it Bri?" Justin asked sincerly. Brian shook his head and refused to tell Justin. Justin let go of Brian and stood. He got on his knees in front of Brian and grasped his hands. "It's okay baby, I'm listening." Justin pleaded as he looked up at Brian. Brian began to cry and droop his head. He laid his head between his hands and sobbed. Justin quickly hugged Brian and let Brian shed tears on his shoulder. "Brian, don't cry." Justin begged as he ran his hands through Brian's hair. Brian just continued his cry. Justin sighed and did all he could to comfort Brian. "Whatever it is, you can tell me." Justin said once again while still holding Brian.

"I love you." was all that Brian could say. Justin smiled and whispered "I love you too." Brian held Justin tightly as he cried. "Please, don't ever say that you're leaving me. No matter what." Brian begged of Justin. Justin nodded and kissed Brian's ear. Brian coughed a bit and let go of Justin. He kept his ehad hanging low as Justin knelt back down. "I'm afraid that we're not going to make it through this." Brian sobbed, his eyes were shut firmly as the tears roilled out. "Make it through what?" Justin asked. "Through these things that are happening. With the bands and this person leaving little notes and things for us. I'm afraid that we're on our last life." Brian sniffled out. Justin swallowed hard, feeling a lump in his throat. "We'll make it. I know we will Brian." was all that Justin could muster the courage to say. Brian quickly rubbed his hands over his face. Justin placed his hands on Brian's knees. "Do you really love me Justin? I mean so much that you'd give up your friends for me?" Brian asked soarly. Justin took a breath and thought over Brian's questions. "At this point, yes. You've done so much for me that I could never say no. Brian my life has changed since I met you." Justin quivered as he spoke. His heart did flips as his stomach developed butterflies. Brian released his face from his hands and stared plainly at the floor. Justin worried even more about Brian now. "Are you going to be okay?" Justin asked as he reached for Brian's hands. Brian blinked his eyes quickly to rid himself of his tears. "I feel the same way about you too Justin." Brian replied. Justin smiled and grasped Brian's hands once again. "I don't want to see you cry." Justin said as he stood.

Justin sat back down next to Brian. Brian leaned next to Justin and placed his head on Justin's shoulder. "This is too good to be true." Brian whimpered as he looked to the sky. "But it is true." Justin whispered. He began to shiver heavily the cold finally effecting his body. Brian's head quickly lifted. "I'm sorry Justin. I forgot how cold it is out here." Brian said. He quickly wrapped his arms around Justin, pulling Justin closer to him. Brian laid back on the bench's rails and let Justin laid on his chest. Justin smiled as Brian's strong arms engulfed him. "What caused us to have less time together like this?" Brian asked in his smooth, country voice. "I think it was Nick." Justin said softly. "Well I wish he'd stop bothering us." Brian said bitterly. "Brian, you need to talk to him." Justin pleaded. "Let's not talk about Nick now." Brian said coldly. His voice was as cold as the forst forming in the air. "Fine." Justin replied. "I'm sorry Justin, I just want it to be me and you." Brian said lovingly. "I do too." Justin responded as he rubbed closer to Brian. "Merry Christmas, Justin." Brian said sweetly, raising Justin's head. "Merry Christmas, Brian." Justin said with a smile. He leaned forward and kissed Brian upon the lips. Justin sat up right and grapsed Brian's thigh. "We need to egt back inside. I don't want you staying at the hospital any longer then you have to." Justin said with a smile brightly shinning on his face. "Me either." Brian said with a small cough.

Justin helped Brian stand and Brian grabbed his cane. Brian limped in slowly to his room, Justin right behind him. Brian grasped onto his bed and leaned forward. "You okay?" Justin asked as he walked around to the side of him. "Not really." Brian complained as he grasped his head once again. "Is it your head Bri? Do you want me to get a doctor?" Justin asked quickly. "No, just stay here with me." Brian responded as he rolled onto the bed. Justin sat down on the bed next to him and held his hand. Justin admired Brian's new ring and grinned. "My body is so sore right now." Brian said with a grin. "Then maybe we shouldn't have worked it out so much." Justin grinned back. He slapped Brian on the thigh and rubbed that same spot. "Just maybe, but it doesn't matter to me now. I'm happy that I got that moment with you." Brian snickreed. Justin wiped the hair from Brian's head and kissed it. "I wish that things didn't have to get this bad for everyone to start waking up and realizing what we're doing to each other." Justin said sadly. "Me too." Brian sighed. "You don't know what was running through my head when you were stuck in that car Brian. It's something I'll never, ever forget. And then when they said that something was wrong with you again, I nearly lost it. Thank God A.J. was there to comfort me. He was a true friend." Justin boasted. Brian squeezed Justin's hand and smiled. "I was thrilled when the first thing I saw when I awoke was you. I miss that Justin." Brian said sadly. "I miss it too." Justin agreed.

"Justin, I think we need to take some time off for ourselves." Brian suggested softly. "For like how long?" Justin questioned. "Maybe a week. Just so that me and you can get things striahgt without the guys pressuring us." Brian said. "It sounds good, but do you think anybody will actually let us get away with that?" Justin asked. "Who cares if they do or don't. I just want to be with you." Brian complained. Justin looked at Brian deviously. "Look, it's Christmas. And I say we get away till New Years. We got some stupid show to do then, so let's just you and me chill at our place. Okay? For that whole week?" Justin asked with happiness in his voice. "If I ever get out of here, then it's just you and me for a week." Brian said chipperly. Just as the two made their pact, the phone rang. Justin frowned as Brian leaned over to get it. Brian spoke softly as Justin watched on. He tried not to be too nosey, but he couldn't help it. Brian huffed as he placed the phone back on the reciever. "So what's up? Who's calling this late at night?" Justin asked impatiently. "Kevin. He wants all of us to have a dinner at some resturaunt for Christmas." Brian sighed as he looked at Justin. "Well I can't. Mom wants me home for Christmas this year." Justin said sadly. "Actually, not this year she doesn't. She and Paul are going to be there." Brian said softly. Justin loked at him in shock. "Oh this is going to be fun. How are you going to get out of here?" Justin asked. "That would be my cue." Dr. Roberts said sa he walked into the room.

Both Brian and Justin looked at Dr. Roberts with unease. "Sorry to be barging in like this, but I have some good news for you Brian. With the recent tests and all, you'll be getting out of here sooner then we thought. We've arranged for you to go home as long as Kevin and Justin keep close eye on you and make sure you go in for check-up's." Dr. Roberts said with a bold smile. Justin looked at Brian with happiness in his eyes. "Thanks Doc'. That's great to hear." Brian glimmered. "Just keep away from serious stress and stay in bed while at home. From what Howie's told me, you and Justin live together, correct?" the doctor questioned as he wrote down notes on his clipboard. "Uhm yes we do." Justin replied shyly. "And you two are going to be getting married?" Dr. Roberts asked, looking up from his clipboard. "That's right!" Brian said happily as he raised Justin's left hand. "When we're both ready." Justin nudged Brian. Brian sighed in disappointment. "That's good to hear. And while Brian was here, we tested him for any diseases like S.T.D.'s and so forth. He was clean as a new born baby." Dr. Roberts said, as he once again looked at his clipboard. "So we feel no reason to keep him any longer then we have to. But I do want you to take extra care of him Justin and don't leave his side. Cause if you do, we may see him back in here for depression problems." the doctor said with a laugh. Brian and Justin both laughed happily. "Well I'm going to be leaving now. Whenever you're ready, just check out at the front desk. I'll see you two tonight." Dr. Roberts said as he headed for the door. "Tonight?" Brian said questionabely. "Yes, Kevin invited me to the dinner." Dr. Roberts said with a smile. He left the room.

"Well isn't he making friends quickly." Justin said sarcastically. "Don't worry about Justin. Remember, let's concentrate on you and me." Brian said. Justin nodded. "Do you want me to get your things together so we can leave?" Justin asked as he let go of Brian's hand. "Not now. I want to get some rest before I decide to check out the Bates' Hospital here." Brian said with a snicker. Brian laid his head back into the pillow and closed his eyes. Justin chimed and leaned down towards Brian. "Goodnight Brian." Justin whispered as he kissed Brian on the head. Brian cooed and snuggled closely into his sheets. Justin stood and walked quietly out of the room. On his way out, he flipped the light switch so that the room was completely dark. Justin crept out of the room and sat in the hall. He bent over slightly in the small, blue chair and sighed. 'Lord knows that I'm thankful for Brian.' Justin thought to himself as he placed his hands over his eyes. "Justin, you okay?" Kevin asked as he sat down next to Justin. Justin jumped in astonishment. "Geez, Kevin, I didn't know you'd be here." Justin stammered out as he caught his breath. "Yeah, neither did Brian. I just thought I'd stop by and see if everything was okay." Kevin said sincerly. "Yeah, thing's are going good. Brian will be released in about an hour or two." Justin said. "That's great. Then he can come and stay with me until he's fully recovered." Kevin said with a gleam in his eyes. "Actually Kevin, he was going to come home and stay at our place. He's letting me take care of him until he's recooperated." Justin said in response to Kevin's comment.

"Justin let's not argue over this. We both know that Brian needs some peace and quiet to relax. Plus he needs to get away from all the drama that's been accuring lately." Kevin argued. "And you think that he's best with you? What am I, just the problems in his life or something?" Justin barked back. "Look Justin, with all the things that happened between you and Nick..." Kevin stopped short. "You know nothing happened between us!" Justin interupted. "Whatever happened, Brian doesn't need that stress or burden on him. He needs to be able to sleep peacefully and to be away from you for awhile." Kevin said kindly. "He's been away from me for a whole damn week Kevin. And did you see what happened to him then?" Justin responded sarcastically. "Look Justin, we'll let Brian decide what's best for himself. And whatever he thinks is right, I'll go along with." Kevin stood. He looked at Justin coldly and walked away. Justin sighed and looked at the doorway to Brian's room. Brian stood their with a frown on his face. "I'm soooo sorry Brian. I didn't mean to wake you." Justin said as he rushed over to Brian. "No, it's okay Justin. I heard you two arguing and wanted to know what about." Brian said softly. "God Brian, I wish we could just be able to say nothing will interfer in our lives." Justin mummered as he grapsed Brian. Brian exhaled slowly and wrapped his arms around Justin. "It's Christmas and I'm with you. That's all I want right now." Brian whispered as he pulled Justin into the room. Justin helped Brian back over to his bed and laid him down. Justin got onto the bed with him and laid next to him. "There's nothing I want either." Justin smiled ahppily as he threaed his fingers through Brian's hair. They both stared at each other as time slowly slipped by.

Brian & Justin (Part 33) by JM

Justin sat patiently in the hospital lobby as he awaited Brian. It seemed that the day flew by as he laid with Brian. It was now night and Justin had a million things going through his head. Brian was finally getting out of the hospital and coming home with him. he wished that Kevin had come back to Brian's room so that Brian wouldn't have to tell it to Kevin's answering service. Finally a nurse came strolling down the hall, pushing Brian in a wheelchair. Brian sat uncomfortabely as the nurse brought him to the register's desk. "Ready to go?" Justin asked as he looked into Brian's eyes. "As soon as possible." Brian said with a laugh. "What's wrong, we didn't treat you good here?" Dr. Roberts said as he walked behind the register's desk. "Oh the bed was great, but the food sucked." Brian said with a laugh. "Tell me about it." Dr. Roberts said with another laugh. "We're going to miss you around here." Dr. Roberts said as he filled out the final papers. "Well maybe I'll get Nick to drive me into a Mac truck for my birthday." Brian chuckled, but Justin refused to laugh. "Well I'm about to get out of here too. Don't want to be late for dinner." Dr. Roberts said as he smiled at Justin. "Uhm yes. Us too." Jsutin said awkwardly. "Well I'll see you guys there." Dr. Roberts said with a wave. Brian smiled at him, while Justin watched him carefully. "Come on Justin. We're supposed to head straight over to the restaurant." Brian snapped Justin out of his stare. "Right." Jsutin stuttered as he grabbed his keys from his pocket. "By the way, who's car do you have anyways?" Brian asked as Justin got behind his wheelchair. "My moms spare car. She was happy to let me borrow it until I get mine out of the shop." Justin smiled as he pushed Brian outside of the hospital.

They headed to the restuarant, small talk the whole way. Justin's mind wasn't too much into the conversation. Suddenly, his mind seemed occupied with who had set him and Nick up. "Justin, let's try our best tonight not to argue with anybody." Brian asked shyly as Justin pulled into the parking lot. "For you, I'll do my best." Justin smiled at Brian as he parked the car. Brian smiled at him and leaned in for a quick kiss. "What would I do without you?" Brian asked lovingly. "Probably end up with Nick and then go crazy!" Justin said with a laugh. Brian stared at him bitterly. Justin got out of the car and so did Brian. "You seem to be walking better." Justin said as Brian walked with him, without his cane. "Yep. I wish I could say the same for Howie." Brian said sadly. "He's been kind of bitter about this huh?" Brian asked as they walked towards the waiting desk. "Yes, he has. I think it'll take him awhile to get over." Justin said as he walked up towards the lady waitress. "We're looking for the Backstreet-N Sync party?" Justin asked coyly. He gave her a brightening smile and a wink. "Yea-yuh yes, this wa-way si-sir." the waitress stuttered as she led them to a room in the back. "You're such an ass." Brian whispered to Justin on the way to the room. Justin just smiled and kept his charm going. As they entered the room, they were greeted by a cheer of folks.

Justin looked around, noticing that just about everyone had arrived. "Hey kids, where you been?" Joey asked with a smile. Justin smiled back at him and noticed his mother and Paul sitting at the front of one end. Justin helped Brian to a seat and quickly walked towards his mother. "Hey mom." Justin said as he leaned down and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Hey Justin, what took you so long?" Lynn asked as she smiled at her son. "Traffic." Justin responded as he moved over towards Paul. "Hey dad, how you been?" Justin asked as he shook Paul's hand. "I've been good. So, are you going to introduce me to the man your mom has been going on and on about?" Paul asked squarely. Justin smirked and pointed towards Brian. "Paul Harling, that is Brian Littrell." Justin said with a smile. Paul waved towards Brian and Brian waved back. Brian looked at Justin with a crazy expression and winked at him. "So who's missing?" Justin asked as he took a seat next to Brian. "J.C., Howie, Kevin and that doctor." Amanda responded as he gazed at Justin. "Oh." Justin smiled as he took a sip of his water. Brian leaned back in his chair and looked around the table. "Hey Bri, nice to know your finally out of the hospital." A.J. chimmed in as he slurped on his beer. "Thanks AJ'e. It's nice to be out." Brian smiled back.

Nick quickly tried to get Justin's attention by clearing his throat. Justin glared at Nick with mystery. 'Did you guys fuck?' Nick mouthed discretely. Justin's eyes bulged at Nick. 'Yes.' Justin mouthed back, trying to make Nick jealous. 'So did we.' Nick boasted as he pointed towards Lance. Justin looked at him crazily. Justin folded his arms and placed them on the table. He looked around and noticed Howie and J.C. stroll in. "So, is this the dinner we're supposed to be at?" J.C. said as he sat down next to Lance. "We're just waiting on Kevin and Doc' Roberts." Chris said boldly. "Okay." J.C. said. Nick smiled at Justin and pointed to Brian. Justin looked at Brian, who sat lonely. Justin wrapped his arm around Brian and pulled him close. "What's wrong with you?" Justin whispered. "I don't know. Maybe it's because you're talking with everyone while I'm sitting here." Brian said softly. Nick smiled at them and dropped his hand to Lance's thigh. Lance jumped a bit and just sat there. J.C. glared at Lance and slipped his hand under the table. His hand reached for the same thigh and felt Nick's hand. J.C. began rubbing Nick's hand, thinking it was Lance's. Lance gave both of them a funny look. Nick smiled, believing it was Lance's hand rubbing his.

"Uhm, so Justin, you and Brian set a date?" Lance said wildly, bumping both hands off his thigh. Justin's head snapped in Lance's direction, causing a hush over the room. "Uhm, no. We're kinda waiting till we're both ready to." Justin stamered out. "And who knows when that'll be." Lynn said boldly, once again showing her disapprovement of Justin and Brian. Justin looked at her, feeling crushed. "I have to go. I'll be back." Justin said as he threw his napkin on the table. "Wait, Justin." Brian begged as he grabbed Justin's shirt. "Brian, please let go." Justin sobbed. "No, don't go." Brian begged. Everyone's eyes fiaxted on the two. "Here we go with this again." Chris said as he sipped on his water. "Chris, stop it!" Amanda chastized as she looked at him. "Please Justin, don't leave me here." Brian begged as he still tugged on Justin's shirt. Nick raised his brow at Justin and waited on his move. "Hey guys!" Kevin shouted as he and Dr. Roberts walked into the room. "Did we miss something?" Dr. Roberts asked as he looked at all the confussed faces. "Brian stood and laid his hand on Justin's shoulder. "Come here." Brian said as he pulled Justin into a hug. Justin stumbled over towards Brian and returned the hug. Tears rolled from his eyes, but Justin refused to pitty himself. "Have a seat gentlemen. The main act is just beginning." A.J. said sarcastically to Kevin and Dr. Roberts. "Didn't I tell you Justin." Kevin said bitterly s he took a seat next to J.C. Justin ignored him and latched tightly on Brian. "Kevin, will you please shut up!" Brian barked as he held Justin.

"I have to aplogize for my wife Brian. She seems to get a bit frusturated when it comes to her son. She's everything to him." Paul apologized sincerly in Brian's direction. Brian let go of Justin and they both sat. "I understand, Paul. I think I'd be the same way." Brian said with comfort in his eyes. "I'm sorry Justin, I didn't want to make you upset." Lynn said softly to Justin. Justin kept his eyes on the table. "Let's pass out the gifts Lynn." Paul said as he stood. "Gifts?" Kevin said with a shocked face. "Alright, Santa's coming twice this year!" Nick said with cheer. "I hope you didn't go too in to debt for us." A.J. said as he looked at them. "It's no trouble." Paul said as he handed each of them a gift. They all sat quietly, admiring their wrapped gifts. "Well go ahead, open them!" Lynn shouted with joy. Soon the room was filled with a hurricane of wrapping paper. Lynn clapped and cheered as each one of them looked at their gifts.

"Oh wow! An autographed picture of Steve Young!" Nick cheered. "It was hard to get." Lynn said with a bright smile. "A gold bracelet." Lance said as he admiredd his gift. J.C. smiled as he stared at a picture of him and 'N Sync in a gold frame. "Thanks." he said happily, admiring the picture. Howie glared at his new CD player. "That way you can avoid listening to Kevin's long lectures!" Lynn yelled with a laugh. Howie bursted out in laughter. Kevin's mouth dropped as he admired his new studded necklace. A.J. leaped for joy as he looked at his pair of handcuffs and a new dog chain. "We know how crazy your imagination is." Lynn said awkwardly. Amanda gleamed as she looked at a photo album of her and the girls of Innosense. "Thanks Lynn." Amanda said. Lynn nodded with a smile. Chris jumped as he looked at his brand new record collection. "A whole bunch of old stuff for you to scratch." Paul said with a laugh. Chris laughed too. Joey chimmed as he looked at his new Superman pendent.

Justin slowly opened the small box in front of him. As he did, he was surprised to see a small note inside. He oepened the note and it said 'Two nights free pass to the Swiss Hotel in Orlando, Flordia.' Justin looked at his mother with surprise. "It's a get away Justin. Take whoever you want, though I know who. Just enjoy yourself for those two days." Lynn said with a vibrant grin. Brian unwrapped his package and found a blue, Kentucky jersey inside. On the back it said his name and the number 1 1/2. Brian looked at Lynn with confussion. "It's Justin's number. He loves Lil' Penny." Lynn said with a laugh. Brian and Justin both laughed too. "There's something else in there Brian." Paul added. Brian looked down in the box and saw a small, gold chain. "It's to replace the one that Nick broke." Lynn spoke softly. Brian admired the glimmering chain, that had a small 'J' inside of a big 'B'. "It's great! Thank you!" Brian said with a Jim Carrey grin. "We hope you all enjoy your presents." Paul announced happily. "Oh, I will." A.J. said as he waved the handcuffs in front of Amanda. Amanda gave him a disgusted look and rolled her eyes. They all laughed at A.J. as the waiters brought in all of their food. "Uhm, these were dropped at the front desk for Nick and Justin." one of the waiter's spoke. "Oooh, more presents!" Nick shouted as he snatched the letter from the waiter. The waiter handed Justin's his letter and walked out of the room with the others.

Nick quickly snatched open his letter and read it. 'We're in here with you. If you want Brian, take him.' the letter said. Then Nick noticed a picture in the letter. He looked at the picture and it was of him and Brian, acting crazy. Nick smiled deviously and looked around for a sign from somebody. Nobody paid too much attention to him. "What does it say?" Lance asked, nosily peeking over towards the letter. "Nothing." Nick said quickly as he placed the lettre in his pocket. Lance backed away with an angered face. Justin sighed as he opened the note. He read it slowly, trying to figure out who it was from. 'If you love him, let him go.' the note said. Justin's eyes widened as he looked at two pictures. One was of him and Nick in the bed and the other was of Nick and Brian. Justin slammed the note on the table and looked at Nick. "Is this supposed to be some sick joke or something?" Justin chastized Nicka s he stared at him. Everyone looked at Justin with confussion. "What the hell are you talking about?" Nick said snobbishly. "Is this another one of your sick jokes Nick? You set us up to look like you knew nothing about me and you in the fucking bed together! And then you send me these threatening notes everytime I turn around! Who's your accomplise Nick? Huh?" Justin rose from his seat, his eyes filled with rage and tears. "I don't know what the hell you're talking about. All I know is that I found myself in the bed with you! How do I know that you didn't do all of this. Who helped you." Nick acused Justina s he too stood. "What are they talking about?" Lynn said with confussion.

"Justin didn't tell you?" Kevin butted in as he looked at Lynn. "Tell me what?" Lynn's eyes fiaxted themselves on Kevin. "We found Justin and Nick in bed together, naked. So we assumed that they slept together." Kevin said boldly. Lynn's head quickly snapped in Justin's direction. Justin paid no attention to her. "Well Nick, how did you do it?" Justin demanded. "I didn't do anything Justin! I told you I knew nothing about it!" Nick shouted from across the table. "Justin, calm down. He told you he kenw nothing." Lance said as he stood. "Lance, shut up!!!" Justin shouted coldly. Brian looked at both of them and then quickly grabbed the note that sat in front of Justin. He read over it and looked at the pictures. His eyes were now fueled with fire. He threw the note across the table and stood. He began to walk out of the room. "Brian," Justin attention was finally averted from Nick. "Don't... don't say anything." Brian stopped in his tracks. He didn't turn to look at anyone. "Justin, I demand to know what's going on!" Lynn screamed. "Stop! I'm not saying anything until I talk to Brian!" Justin yelled at his mother. "Don't talk to your mother that way." Paul interupted. Justin threw his chair back and walked towards Brian. He placed his hand on Brian's shoulder and Brian flinched away. "I saw the picture Justin. It looked pretty real to me." Brian sobbed, refusing to wipe his own tears. "No, I wouldn't Brian. You know I didn't." Justin pleaded.

Lance found the picture on the floor and looked at it. He glared at Nick and then stepped away from him. "I can't fucking believe this." Lance said in total disbelief. "Lance, what you see is not true." Nick said, his face still looking at Brian. "And what is it that I see? You and Justin in bed together!" Lance shouted. J.C. walked towards Lance and tried to calm him down. "I knew I shouldn't have done this. Once again you guys have proven that we can't even sit down to dinner together with no problems." Kevin complained. "Well Kevin, you guys should have listened to me when I said that Justin shouldn't always have his way." Howie said as he reclined in his chair. Brian's head quickly looked at Howie. "You did this." Brian hissed at Howie. "What are you talking about?" Howie asked coldly. "You fucking did this to them, didn't you?" Brian repated, his eyes squinting at Howie. "No fucking way! Can't you see I'm in a damn wheelchair." Howie pointed out clearly to Brian. "And why is that Howie?" Brian asked. "You know what this is getting so fucked up. Justin, damnit, my letter said that I'd get my chance. So can you fucking leave so I can." Nick complained with arrogance. "Oh, you want Brian? Is that what this is all about?" Justin said harshly. "Screw you Justin!" Nick shouted. "No, you've screwed me allright. So if you want Brian, you can have him." Justin barked. He quickly removed his ring from his left hand and threw it at Nick. "I'm out of here." Justin cried as he stomped out of the room.

"Howie, tell everyone why you're still in the damn wheelchair." Brian shouted, his rage increasing. "Because of fucking Nick okay! Had he just left you alone, then I wouldn't be in this chair!" Howie barked. "That's right. Nick. And what other reason to seek revenge on Justin and Nick for doing that to you then to make us all belief that you are totally incapable of walking?" Brian's witts were quicker then Howie's. "Are you sure he can't walk?" Lynn asked, her attention was toattly on Brian now. "How come I can walk and J.C. can walk, but yet Howie can't even walk with a cain. Wasn't I told that he was rushing his therapy along?" Brian asked, his eyes were now on Dr. Roberts. "You ddi this too, didn't you!" Nick shouted, his eyes filled with anger. "I don't know what you're talking about." Dr. Roberts tried his best to defend himself. "It's too late doc', we're caught." Howie rolled his eyes. "Oh my God! You sick bastards!" Lance cried from the other side of the room. "Why the hell did you do it?" Kevin asked. "Because Nick and Justin got everything they wanted. They cause so many damn problems with their childish behaviors. And now I can't walk right because of another one of their little fights. Brian and J.C. should be just as furious as I am!" Howie complained. "I was. But I got over it." J.C. shook his head in disapproval. "Well I didn't!" Howie was beginning to sound desperate for someone to understand. "Well I think I should be elaving." Dr. Roberts said as he began to make his exit. "Hold on 'doc'. I'll be calling the hospital board tomorrow and making sure that you never work here again." Lynn said harshly. The doctor quickly ran out of the room.

Nick ran over to Brian and gave him a hug. "I'm so glad that you and me can be together now." Nick sighed. Brian pushed Nick off of him and stared at him. "No, we can't. We never will be. If any of you don't understand, I love Justin. And I'll never be the same without him." Brian said bitterly. "But you can't! he doesn't love you anymore!" Nick complained, tears in his eyes. "I don't care if he doesn't love me. I still love him." Brian said sincerly to Nick. "You can't do this to me again Brian." Nick sobbed. "I'm sorry Frack, but I have to. You'll understand somebody." Brian said in a child voice. He did his best to make Nick understand. "Brian, please just leave Justin alone. I'm sure when Lynn gets him home and calms him down, then you two can break it off. That way he'll be in a clear mind." Kevin said. "Yes Brian, let him be." Lynn pleaded. "I'll let him be. But unless he wants to break it off with me, I don't plan on leaving him." Brian protested. "Justin doesn't need this kind of aggrivation. He's only seventeen." Lynn argued. "You're right. But I'm not the one who causes him pain." Brian said softly. "Justin will understand." Lynnn said with concern towards Brian's feelings. "And I hope you all understand this." Brian said. He paused for a moment. "I'm quiting the Backstreet Boys." Brian said clearly for everyone to hear. A silence fell over the whole room. "You can't quit!" Nick shouted. Brian reached into his pocket and threw a tape on the table. "There's the song me and Justin did. Do whatever you want with it." Brian said sadly. He walked out of the room, refusing to speak to any of them.

Brian & Justin (Part 34) by JM

Justin sat in the hall next to the bathroom. He held his tears back as he stared at the wall opposite of him. He heard someone sit next to him, but he refused to look and see who it was. "Well things really got out of hand this time huh?" A.J. said. Justin realized who it was and shook his head. "Well you know Brian quit B.S.B." A.J. sighed. Justin looked at A.J. in shock. "Yep, he sure did." A.J. nodded. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen." Justin apologized honestly. "It's okay. Kevin's probably hunting Brian down right now to change his mind." A.J. giggled, leaning his head against the wall. "So, you took off the ring?" A.J. inquired, staring at Jsutin's finger. Justin let a tear roll down his cheek. "Feels kinda of naked without it." Justin giggled shyly. "I'm sorry that you did. This makes Nick feel even more confident." A.J. laughed. "Yeah, well he can have Brian if he wants him that bad." Justin pouted. "Come on, you don't mean that." A.J. nudged Justin's side. Justin rolled his eyes at A.J. "If you meant it, why are you still here?" A.J. questioned. "I don't know." Justin mumbled. He bit his bottom lip and looked back towards the wall. "He's going to be miserable without you." A.J. added. "I'm miserable without him too." Justin let another tear roll down his face. "Then why can't you just let everything go and be with him?" A.J. asked, placing his hand on Justin's knee. "Because A.J., I don't want Brian to suffer anymore. In time, he'll get over me and move on." Justin sobbed.

"Yeah and will you get over him?" A.J. asked, staring at Justin's face. Justin didn't respond. "That's what I thought." A.J. mummured. "Nick knows that the minute Brian gets back with you, his chances are numbered. But Nick doesn't know that he has no chances with Brian. So stop fucking with Brian's head!" A.J. alughed, trying to hold back his own tears. "I'm going to miss being around you A.J." Justin giggled. "Then don't leave." A.J. smirked, dropping his sunglasses to look at Justin. Justin turned towards A.J. and smiled. "And what, now you're going to try and get with him." Justin teased A.J. "In your dreams asshole." A.J. nudged Justin again. "So, is Brian gone?" Justin asking, looking down the hall. "I don't know. He left the room, but he could be looking for your stupid self." A.J. smiled. J.C. came down the hall and sat next to Justin. "This sucks so bad." J.C. complained as he thudded his head against the wall. "What's your prob'?" A.J. asked. "Lance is out running after Nick. And everyone else is fighting over Justin and Brian and why they should break up or stay together." J.C. said. He covered his mouth quickly and looked at Justin. "I'm sorry Justin." J.C. said sincerly. "It's okay. Whatever they decide, I'll make sure to do the opposite." Justin said with a small laugh. "Since when did you care about Lance and Nick?" A.J. swiftly added. "It's just gets... uh... borning after awhile." J.C. stammered out. "Whatever you say." A.J. laughed. "How's Brian?" A.J. asked, turning his head towards J.C. "Don't know. They say that he's just hanging around here somewhere." J.C. answered quietly.

"Justin?" Brian said as he cleared his throat. J.C. looked at A.J. and quickly stood. "Well I have to be getting home now. Got some things to do tomorrow." J.C. gave A.J. a look and then began to walk away. "Yep, I need to get Amanda home so we can try out our new gift." A.J. giggled as he stood. He walked by Brian and whispered "Don't mess it up this time." He kept walking towards the dinner room. Brian sat in front of Justin, looking him in the eyes. Justin drooped his ehad and wiped the tears from his eyes. "Guess you're here to get this?" Justin said as he began removing the necklace from his neck. "No, I came here to give you this." Brian quickly stopped Justin. He grabbed Justin's hand and slipped the gold ring back on. Justin looked at Brian, tears still clouding his eyes. "If you don't want to be with me, let me know. But don't give me back the ring." Brian sniffled, hoping Justin would say something. Justin leaned his head back against the wall and closed his eyes firmly. The tears streamed down his face. Brian moved closer and placed his hands on both of Justin's thighs. "This was supposed to be our Christmas." Brian whipsered, making Justin cry even harder. Brian put a finger on Justin's slips to silence his whimpers. "It's not over Brian." Justin stuttered. Brian smiled and kissed Justin lightly on the lips.

Brian hugged Justin and Justin returned the hug. "What about you leaving the Backstreet Boys." Justin asked lowly. "Don't worry about it. I'll be happier without them." Brian hushed Justin again. "No you won't. And I don't want to be the cause of that." Justin argued. "Just talk with them." Justin begged, holding Brian tightly. Brian backed away with a hurt look upon his face. Justin leaned forward and kissed his cheek. "Let's get out of here." Brian whispered to Justin. "If you want." Justin shrugged. Just as they stood, Lynn approached them. Justin groaned and looked at her. "You two need to talk to them. They're confussed and worried about you." Lynn said with concern. "They can't be too worried if they almost destroyed our lives." Justin complained. "Justin, I can't defend them..." Jsutin quickly stopped her. "Then don't." Justin said harshly. He ushered Brian along, not saying another word to her. "Don't just leave like this Justin." Lynn sighed. "Mom, you've never wanted me and Brian together. I knwo that now. And I'm not going to listen to you ruin it for us." Justin said as he kept walking. Kevin quickly stepped in front of the both of them. "What is it Kevin?" Justin asked. "You two can't leave. At least not Brian. I have seen what this whole night has done to him and I can't afford his health to be bad." Kevin argued quickly. "What do you expect me to do, Kevin?" Brian questioned, keeping his arm around Justin. "I expect you to come back to me and A.J.'s place so that you can rest and get better." Kevin said bitterly.

Just as Justin was going to respond, Brian covered his mouth. "No, Kevin." Brian said as he kept Justin's mouth covered. "But thanks anyways." Brian said with a smile. He dragged Justin off, still not letting him talk. Justin snatched Brian's hand and said "What did you do that for?". "Because I didn't want you saying anything stupid." Brian said with a laugh. "Let's get out of here." Justin said with a laugh.

Brian sat quietly on the couch in his and Justin's place. He could do nothing but think of what happened at the restaurant. Justin came in the room and sat next to him. "What's wrong?" Justin asked, placing his hand on Brian's knee. "Kevin and A.J. have been calling here for days now. They're just begging and pleading for me to come back." Brian said with a fake laugh. Justin wasn't believing him. "Do you want to talk to them?" Justin asked. "No, not now. It's too much for me right now." Brian laid his head back against the couch. "Okay." Justin whispered, snuggling up next to Brian. Brian rubbed his hands on Justin's head. "We need some time off." Justin whispered to Brian, throwing his hands on Brian's chest. "Where to?" Brian asked with a light exhale. Justin thought for a minute. "Why don't we go to that hotel my mom got vouchers for?" Justin asked, lifting his head slightly. "Okay. That way no one will know where we are." Brian laughed happily. Justin sat up and kissed Brian's lips. "Okay, but we should let somebody know just in case there's an emergency." Justin nagged. "Who?" brian asked, closing his eyes slightly. "Probably J.C. That way we know we can trust him." Justin replied. "Fine then, call him and we can start packing." Brian said with a light smile. Justin kissed Brian again and ehaded for the phone.


*** Congrats to David Mark on his win of the contest!!! There were MANY guesses and all of them were very close. David's idea will be put into full effect in the next story... ***

Next: Chapter 16: Brian and Justin 35 36

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