Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Dec 16, 1998


Brian L. & Justin T. (Part

  1. by JM

*** General Announcement: Okay this story and the following stories are going to be a slow down pace for me. I am going to slow down the quickie's and add the romance to the stories. But don't get me wrong, there will still be plenty of sex and fun for the boys. Yes, these stories will mostly revolve around the relationship between Brian Littrell (of B.S.B.) and Justin Timberlake (of 'N Sync), but there is going to be guest appearances from all of the guys of the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync. I can't always guarantee (most likely I can't even guarantee at all. The stint between J.C. and Lance; Kevin and Lance; Nick and J.C. may not re-kindle unless you guys want it to.) action for them though because I am so hooked on Brian and Justin. We'll see what happens. The stories will also follow the same path that the others have left off with. So that means, this story pretty much follows where I left off with 'B-Rok B-Day' and the others. I want everyone to know that I don't plan on stopping after this story, so don't worry. I get emails all the time about that. I'll try and for-warn you when I stop. I do hope you enjoy the series of stories to come and do wish to hear all of your comments may they be good or bad... so send them to: or lionclaw@bellsouthnet ***

**** This is the 23rd story (I might as well call this a book the way I'm going :|) and so on part to the storyline. It follows along with the rest if you're still not caught up. It picks up where the last chapter left off and will continue from there on. Hope you enjoy this part and please send all comments to me. I have recieved an abundance already, so that makes me want to keep on writing better stories. I THANK all of you who have sent your great comments to me. Especially to those who have been there since the very begining. Also, for those who still want the lyrics to "Just", "Just Part II" and "I'll Never See A Sunset", email me. It's an original song that I made up for Brian and Justin. It has a purpose, so please don't destroy it or distribut it without permission.

Special thanks to Leprechaun for inspiring me to write such great stories. He's got talent and you guys should check out his series "Bad Boy B-Rok". Also, thanks to Nathan for rushing me through come stories. It was a 'big' pick-me-up (smile). Also I want to thank Nathan for some the ideas that he has given to me to help make my stories better. Till then, please keep reading and all you B-Boys keep it 'N Sync... ****

Brian cradled Justin as he kissed his cheek. Justin paid no attnetion to Brian, as his eyes were locked on the ring upon his finger. "Are you obssesed with that damn thing?" Brian asked as he stopped his kissing. "Sorry Brian. It's just alot to think about." Justin whispered. "Don't tell me you're changing you're mind?" Brian asked as he looked at Justin. "No, of course not. I just don't know how the others will take this?" Justin replied, his eyes still fixated on the ring. "Well it's not like we're going and jumping the broom today or anything? This is like a long-term thing. That way we'll both know when we're ready." Brian said. He laid his head next to Justin's and closed his eyes. "What do you think you're doing?" Justin asked as he nudged Brian. "Going to sleep. If you're going to lay up here and look at a ring all day, I have to do something." Brian replied with a snicker. "Fine Brian. I'll stop looking at it. But you're going to have to get out of this bed. We can't afford to be on the cover of the National Equirer tomorrow morning." Justin said with a laugh. "Fine." Brian groaned as he rolled out of the bed. Brian gathered his clothes up and crept into the bathroom. Justin giggled more and pealed his covers back.

Lynn strolled into Justin's room, causing Justin to jump and quickly pull the covers back up. "Mom, what are you doing here so late?" Justin asked. He was nervous and tried to conceal it from her. "Geez Justin, can't a mother check up on her son?" Lynn asked as she plopped down in the chair that sat next to Justin's bed. "Oh yeah mom. I'm sorry." Justin stuttered out. "Are you okay honey? You seem nervous or something?" Lynn asked as she grabbed her son's hand. "Uhm yeah, I'm fine. I guess I'm still not feeling too well." Justin said softly. "Well you should egt some sleep then.

What are you doing up so late anyways?" Lynn asked. Just as Lynn asked the question, Brian swung the door open. "So what we tell the others..." Brian's words were cut off when he saw Lynn sitting next to Justin. "Uhm, uh uh uh..." Brian stuttered as he stopped in his steps. "Brian? What are you doing here?" Lynn asked as she stared at him. "Mom, there's something you should know." Justin said quietly. "Let me guess. You two patched things up again?" Lynn said with a smile. "Yes we did." Brian said with an even bigger smile. "Well that's great. I was hoping Justin wouldn't sulk around this hospital room forever." Lynn said as she stood. She quickly walked over to Brian and gave him a hug. "You two really should stray away from breaking up so often. It's hard for you two to stay away from each other." Lynn said as she gripped Brian tightly.

"We'll try Mrs. Harling." Brian stammered out.

Lynn let go of Brian and stood next to him. "Why aren't you in Tampa though? Didn't the other guys leave yet?" Lynn asked. "Actually no. They leave in about four hours." Brian replied. "They? You're not tagging along?" Lynn asked. "Nope. Not until Justin leaves. But I may end up having to go in a day or two since the guys say I'm just so valuable to them." Brian said with a tender laugh. Lynn laughed with him. Justin frowned as he looked at the two. Brian gazed at Justin. "I'm sorry Justin. You'll see me in Tampa. It'll only be what... three days apart?" Brian apologized sincerly towards Justin. "Yeah, that's all it ought to be." Justin said with a small smile. "Wel I'm glad you'll be here to help Justin with his recovery. This flu hit him pretty hard." Lynn said in concern for Justin. "Actually I'm staying in town longer for something else besides Justin's recovery." Brian said seriously. "What? More time in the studio?" Lynn asked. "I guess Justin has yet to mention something to you." Brian said sternly. He looked at Justin with a straight face. "What Justin?" Lynn said as she too looked at her son. "Well mom, before we got her in Orlando, Brian asked me to move in with him." Justin said softly. "Excuse me? Move in with him?" Lynn said evily. "And when were you going to tell me? I didn't know this relationship was that far." Lynn said. Her tone was beginning to remind Justin of the first time he told ehr about him and Brian. "Well it is mom. You know we love each other." Justin replied. "Oh I know you love him. I know he loves you. But does that mean you should just up and move in together?" Lynn asked with concern. "Lynn if you disapprove, you know I'll gladly wait till he is ready to move in." Brian said sincerly. Lynn glanced at him and then returned her attention to Justin. Brian felt her cold look telling him to but out of the conversation.

"Justin, you're just too young. You're seventeen still." Lynn said in anger. "And? Am I too young to tour without you? Too young to love somebody?" Justin asked rhetorically. He knew his mother hated that. "Don't act like a child Justin. I don't think that it's a good idea for you two to move in together and that's final. Damnit, you're too young to have sex and yet you do that." Lynn barked. Justin looked at her disgusted. Brian drooped his head and stared at the floor. "That was un-called for mom. What I do with Brian is our business. If I wasn't ready to move in with him or if I didn't love him, then I wouldn't have taken this ring!" Justin shouted as he held up his hand and pointed to the ring. Brian knew that was the wrong thing to do and he backed away. Lynn's mouth fell to the floor as she tried to think of the right words to say to her son. "Get out of here Brian. I think that me and Justin need to have a long talk." Lynn said in pure anger. "Mes. Harling, please don't overreact about this." Brian pleaded. "Brian, I thought I made myself clear." Lynn stared at him with hatred.

Brian knew he was out of line. He kindly nodded and began to walk out fo the door. "Brian? Don't go." Justin said softly.

"Have you lost your damn mind Justin?" Lynn hollored. "Lost my mind? Thanks to Brian, I have found my mind!" Justin shouted back. "You must be crazy! You are only seventeen and you're ready to get married?" Lynn screeched at him. "I'm seventeen and I'm ready to make a commitment to Brian. I'm sorry if you don't take that to your liking." Justin said harshly. "You're damn right I don't take that to my liking boy. You are too young to even think about that." Lynn said. "Were you too young when you married dad." Justin spited his mother. He knew what phrases and words to throw at her. "Yes I was and that's why it didn't work out. I'd hate to see that happen for you. You think you're ready to be in love with Brian?" Lynn asked. Justin hesitated and thought for a moment. "I think I am." Justin replied. "I hope you are. Because after this, I pray to God you know what you're doing." Lynn said softly. Justin smiled feeling as if he won a victory, but realized he may not win the war. "I'll be happy for you Justin, but I won't agree with your actions or their results." Lynn said honestly towards her son. "Thank you mom. I know one day you'll see how much I care for him." Justin replied. "I can see it now Justin. You love Brian and he loves you. But you never know what can tear a love apart." Lynn said. Justin felt a tear in his eye, but he just wiped it away.

Brian peeked into the room. "Is everything okay?" Brian asked quietly.

"Yes it is Brian. You can come in now." Lynn said. Brian took that permission as a note that things worked out for the best. Brian strolled into the room and walked over towards Justin. "You two will make a happy couple." Lynn said with a smile. "Well we're not getting married tomorrow mom. We're waiting until we know it's time." Justin said as he looked into Brian's eyes. He felt Brian's words speaking through his eyes. "Well no matter. When will you be moving?" Lynn asked. "Tomorrow probably. A.J. has already to his things out and all we have to do is move Justin's stuff in." Brian replied to Lynn's question. "And will you two be sharing the same room?" Lynn bolted her question out with no hesitation. "No. There's two rooms and I'll have one and Justin will have one." Brian said, still smiling at Justin. "Okay. And the guys are leaving soon?" Lynn asked. "Yeah! I had better get to the airport and say goodbye." Brian said. "I'll be back soon babe." Brian said as he leaned in and gently kissed Justin on the lips. Brian quickly dashed away. "Wait! Are you boys still touring together?" Lynn called out. Brian was gone before she could get her question out. "I think we are." Justin said with a smile. Lynn smiled back and sat down. "You get some sleep and I'll sit here." Lynn said as she patted Justin's bed. Justin laid his head back and within minutes he was sleeping.

Justin felt the beams of the sun strike his face. He rolled away from the light and slowly opened his eyes. Starring dead into his eyes was Brian. "I thought you'd never wake up." Brian said with a smile. Justin groaned and blinked his eyes. "How long have you been here?" Justin asked as he slowly stretched. "What, no good morning?" Brian said with a laugh. "Sorry. How are you Brian?" Justin asked softly, keeping his head pressed into the pillow. "Well I'm good. Actually I'm better then good, but that can wait. I've been erhe for about three hours." Brian replied. "What time is it?" Justin asked, his eyes were now fully open. "It's 10:00 A.M." Brian replied. "Then what took you so long to get back?" Justin questioned. "I aws busy having sex with Nick all night." Brian asid sarcastically. Justin refused to laugh. "Okay, be an ass at such an early part of the morning." Brian said in anger and he stood. "If you want to know so bad, the guys left but I was busy with your mother moving your stuff to my place." Brian said, not paying attention to Justin's reaction. "I'm sorry Brian, I didn't mean to accuse you of anything." Justin said sincerly. "Then don't be so quick to jump to conclusions." Brian said. Justin rolled over to look at Brian. "I think I'll go now and get some rest." Brian said with a frown. "You could always get some sleep here." Justin said with an inviting smile. Brian was awaiting those keys words and closed the door. He locked it so no doctors or nurses could walk in.

Brian ran over to the bed and hopped in it. He wrestled with Justin for a moment and then stopped. "Why did you stop?" Justin asked as he looked into Brian's crystal blue eyes. "I wanted to tell you the good news." Brian said. "What's the good news?" Justin asked as he rubbed his fingers through Brian's hair. "Well you know how we had the little press conference and alot of shit got aired across T.V." Brian said. Justin nodded and kept twidling with Brian's hair. "Well, our tour schedule is fucked up now. So after the Tampa stop, the guys are coming back here so that we can chill and do some work on the new albums. Another tour will be set up with Britney Spears and Imajin in about two weeks. Until then, we're stuck here." Brian said with a smile. Justin was overcome with joy. "So you're not leaving anytime soon?" Justin asked, trying to hold back from kissing Brian. "That's right babe." Brian said happily. Justin leaned in and locked his lips on Brian's. Justin let his tongue enter Brian's mouth, rolling it acorss Brian's. Brian pushed Justin back. "What now!" Justin said in frusturation. "I have something else to tell you." Brian said calmly. "Okay, shoot." Jusitn said, trying to hold back his anger. "Well the guys get back in town about 2 A.M. and tomorrow, they have set up a little party for us. It's to celebrate the engagement." Brian said with a eye-shattering grin. "For real? A party for us?" Justin said in astonishment. "Yeah huh. That means you have to recover quickly so you can be there." Brian said, rubbing his hands across Justin's legs. "Well you know what my cure is..." Justin said softly.

Brian gladly began to lick Justin's ear and kept up his massaging. Justin let loose a small moan. "You know what?" Brian asked as he continued his kissing on Justin's neck. "What?" Justin asked, trying to hold back his moans. "We can't have sex here and now." Brian whispered. Justin bolted up, causing Brian to roll back. "Who said we were going to have sex?" Justin said, trying to avoid what he really wanted. "Nobody. I was just telling you." Brian mumbled. "Well we weren't." Justin said with disappointment. "Okay Justin. That's fine." Brian said softly. Justin laid to his side and stared at Brian. Brian leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on Justin's cheek. "We can't because the doctor's are going to be examining you today. Don't want them to know what you've been doing." Brian said softly. Justin understood. "It's okay Brian. We can wait." Justin said quietly.

Before Justin could say anything else, Lynn came barging into the room.

"Justin.." Lynn words were cut short by the seen before her. Brian looked at her and slowly sat up. "No time to ask." Lynn said, trying to ignore Brian. She threw a newspaper in the bed. Justin grabbed hold of it and glared at the front page. "'N Sync member and Backstreet Boy rumoured to hate each other?" Justin said. His mouth hit the floor. Brian quickly snatched the paper away from him. Brian read over the article quickly. "Brian Littrell rumoured to be the cause of the hatred?" Brian said as he looked over it. "It ahs a picture of me and Brian at the studio. How the hell did they get this info?" Justin asked. "I don't know. How do they know about the arguments between you and Nick?" Brian asked. "Looks like you guys can't get away from the media." Lynn said in disappointment. "It even says that there was a brawl at the hotel between Nick and Justin." Brian said as he kept his eyes fiaxted on the paper. "This is crazy! How do they know all of this?" Justin said in anger.

"I'm wondering if they know anything about us?" Brian said, gripping Justin's hand. "Let's hope not." Lynn said as she sat down. "Mom, you have to get ahold of somebody about this." Justin pleaded. "I already made some calls. I'm working on it guys." Lynn said. "Good. This could ruin alot for the guys." Brian said. He was always concerned about evryone but himself and that's what attracted Justin to him. "Well let's hope no one finds out about the party tomorrow." Justin said. "Oh, Brian told you about the party then. Well I'm sure everyone will have fun. Amanda said she'll be stopping by." Lynn said with a smile. "She knows?" Justin asked. "Yes. A.J. told her about a week ago. I guess he can't keep much quiet." Lynn said in a low tone.

"Guess not?" Brian said, hoping that Justin wasn't pissed. "It's fine." Justin said. Brian sighed in relief. Brian wrapped his arms around Justin and kissed him on the cheek. Justin blushed, not expecting Brian to show in affection in front of his mother.

"Everything's set for the party right?" Lynn asked. "Just about. We have the place and Kevin called the caterers. All I have to do is get Justin there." Brian said. "That'll be a hard task." Lynn said with a laugh. Justin and Brian both giggled at the joke. "Let's just hope that we have no problems from you-know-who." Justin said coyly.

"Let's hope so." Brian said with another sigh.

Brian L. & Justin T. (Part 24) by JM

The rest of the two days went well for Justin, including the doctor's releasing him from the hospital. Justin was relieved that he got out with a clean bill of health and Brian was even more excited. Justin laid in Brian's bed at Brian's apartment. Brian was busy in the bathroom getting dressed. Justin couldn't believe in two hours he was going to be surrounded by friends celebrating his engagement to who he thought was the greatest guy in the world. "Are you ever going to get ready?" Brian asked as he emerged from the bathroom. "Yes I am Mr. Littrell." Justin said as he stood. "I mean I don't mind when you're not dressed, but not right now." Brian said with a sly grin. "you're a bad boy." Justin said as he punched Brian in the shoulder. "Well you know what the say. If you want it to be good boy, get yourself a bad boy." Brian said with a laugh. "Oh God you're too much!" Justin hollored as he shut the door.

Brian broke out into chorus as Justin took his shower.

Brian was on the bed laughing when Justin came out of the bathroom. Justin grabbed Brian's hand and helped he stand. Brian was knocked over by Justin's gorgeous smile. Justin stood in his Polo sweatshit and baggy jeans. Brian ran his hands over Justin's face and kissed him. "You clean up well Justin." Brian said as he released Jsutin's lips. "I can get dirty even better." Justin said as he began to grind into Brian's hips. "Save it babe." Brian said with a laugh. "It seems like I always am lately." Justin mumbled as he backed away from Brian. "Oh, I'm sorry Justin. I don't want you to feel like I don't want you or anything." Brian aplogized and reached for Justin. Justin let Brian hug him, but did not return the hug. "Is this your way of telling me your pissed?" Brian whispered into Justin's ear. "Yes." Justin whispered back. "Well let me fix that..." Brian began to kis Justin's ear and lick at his hoop earing. Justin felt shivers run up and down his spine. "Does this make you feel better?" Brian asked as his tongue slid to Justin's neck. Brian sucked slowly on the nape of Justin's neck. Justin moaned to let Brian know how he felt. "Good.' Brian said as he removed his lips from Justin's neck. Brian quickly flicked his tongue over his lips and grabbed Justin's keys. "Hey! That's it?" Justin asked. "For now.." Brian said with an evil grin. Brian opened the door and turned back to look at Justin. "Are you coming or not?" Brian asked sarcastically. "I'm coming." Justin mumbled as he walked towards the door.

Justin pulled into the parking lot of the Plaza Hotel. A vellet awaited him as he drove up to the front door. "Sir." the young vallet said as he pulled the door open to Jusitn's car. Justin smiled and stepped out. "Please be careful with her.

I just got her polished." Justin said with a laugh. The vellet smiled and grab Justin's keys. "I'll treat her like a baby sir." the vallet said as he pulled off. Brian awaited Justin at the door. "Come on slow poke." Brian said with a laugh. Justin ran over to Brian and they both went into the hotel. The played nonchalaunt so that they were not noticed by the workers. They quickly headed to the lounge that was reserved for the party.

As they walked in, they felt like they were at a club. The lights spun rapidly around the room, with silver balloons layering the floor. Justin felt his eyes going blind by the bright spotlight that warped all around the room. "Is this the right place?" Justin said to Brian. "WHAT?" Brian shouted, not being able to hear over the loud music. "Are we in the right spot!" Justin shouted. "Hey, it's the happy couple!" Justin heard from behind him. It was a familar voice. "Gald to see you two finally made it." A.J. said as he walked into the room. "It's so loud in here!" Justin shouted at A.J. "I know! Isn't it great. It was totally my idea." A.J. said with a proud smile. "Could you get the D.J. to turn it down and stop the flashing light." Justin pleaded. "Sure. Anything for you guys. It's your night!" A.J. said happily. He ran over to the D.J. area and within minutes the music had soften and the spotlight had stopped. "Brian! Justin!" Kevin called as he approached. "Hey Kev'." Brian said with a smile. Brian left Justin's side to meet Kevin in the middle of the dancefloor. "Glad to see you made it." Kevin said with a smile. "We would've been here sooner but Justin was feeling lonely." Brian said as he raised his brow. Justin looked around and saw some of epople from the video shoots, concert handlers and others dancing around. He saw J.C. standing next to the wall in a corner. 'Well there's someone to talk to.' Justin thought as he walked towards J.C.

J.C. stared at the floor, not ebing his usual self. "J.C.? You aight kid?" Justin said as he stood in front of J.C. "Huh? Oh hey Jusitn, good to see you again." J.C. said. He kindly gave Justin a hug and then parted a smile. "What's up man? I know when something is wrong with you." Justin asked J.C. "Nothing man. I'm just here to enjoy your party." J.C. replied. Justin could tell he was lying. "Josh, man I've known you since way back. You've always told me what's wrong but lately you've been acting as if we're not friends anymore or something. So tell me what's up." Justin said. He placed his hand on J.C.'s shoulder to make J.C. feel more comfortable. "The reason we haven't talked is because I feel like you've been so busy with Brian, that you hadn't noticed me." J.C. said with a frown. "Ah man J.C., I wish I would've known you felt that way. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel that way. It's just when you're in love, you kinda forget about the world that you once had." Justin said sincerly. "It's okay Justin. I know how busy you can be." J.C. said with a smile. "So what's up?" Justin asked. "I'm worried about Lance. He's been fucking up alot lately messing with Nick." J.C. said. "I know what you mean. But I thought Lance was thru with Nick." Justin was beginning to worry that he was wrong. "Then you must not have heard the latest?" J.C. asked, pointing towards the dancefloor. Justin gazed over at the floor and saw Nick and Lance dancing together. "So you mean..." Justin asked. "Yes. Lance was stupid enough to forgive Nick and now I think Nick is just using Lance to get back at you and Brian." J.C. said. Justin raised his brow at J.C.'s comment.

"Come on man. Let's go sit with Brian and my mom. Maybe that'll keep your mind off Lance." Justin said as he grabbed J.C. by the shirt. They shoved their way over to the table where Brian sat chatting with Lynn. J.C. sat down next to Lynn and Justin took a seat on Brian's lap. "Eh? What are you doing?" Brian asked, shocked that Justin had sat on his lap. "Just seeing what you and my mother are talking about.

I hope you're not plotting to ship me off to Germany or something." Jusin giggled. Everyone laughed. "No. We're just talking about how crazy things have been lately." Lynn said with a snicker. "Like what?" J.C. asked. "Like A.J. and Amanda. They've been ALL OVER each other tonight." Brian said as he pointed to them. Sure enough, A.J. and Amanda were kissing in the middle of the dancefloor. "He's got it in for her." Justin said with a smile. "And I've got it in for you." Brian laughed as he began tickling Justin. Justin laughed loudly and begged for Brian to stop.

"Hey guys." Nick shouted as he and Lance walked over to the table. Justin glared at Nick and then frowned at Lance. "So, the happy couple finally made it to the party eh?" Nick said in a drunken slur. "Have you been drinking Nick?" Lynn asked as she looked into his eyes. "Maybe. Hasn't everyone here been drinking a little beer?" Nick stumbled over his words. "It's okay Mrs. Harling. I can dirve Nick home." Lance said. Nick rubbed his fingers through Lance's hair and then kissed him on the cheek. "Isn't that great? Oh Lansten here can drive me home." Nick bellowed. "Yeah Nick. Maybe he should get you home now." Brian insisted. "No no no no no. The party's just started. I'll go chill out for a bit Brian. I'll be fine." Nick said sincerly. "Promise me you will." Brian said. "I promise bro'. I'll just kick it with Lance and everything'll be okay. Isn't that great. Me and Lance." Nick said as he gleamed at Lance. Lance smiled back. "I think I'm gonna be sick." J.C. whispered. Lynn quickly nudged him in the side, trying to hold back her own laughter. "Maybe we'll go get engadged like you and Justin, eh Brian? Of course I doubt we'll break up five times before it happens." Nick said evily. Justin gave Nick an evil stare and mouthed the words 'fuck you'. "Let's go back to the dancefloor Lance. It's getting a little too boring around here." Nick said. "Okay, let's go." Lance happily said. They both trotted back to the floor.

"That was a sick display of affection." Brian said. Justin nodded, his eyes straying towards J.C. "Didn't I tell you." J.C. complained. "Yes J.C. We'll have to talk to him." Justin replied. "Eh, what did I say about interferring." Brian said as he placed his hand over Justin's mouth. Justin's words were muffled by Brian's hand. "I love it when you talk dirty." Brian said in his sweet, country accent. Justin laughed and Brian removed his hand. "Ugh, I'd better get out of here. Jonathan and Paul are waiting for me at home." Lynn said as she stood. "Paul's back from Houston?" Justin asked. "Yes. Be sure to come by and say hello, will you?" Lynn said in her motherly voice. "Of course mom." Justin sighed. "And don't stay out here too late. I know this party is for you and Brian, but things can get crazy." Lynn said with concern.

"I'll be sure to get him home before the clock strikes tweleve Lynn." Brian said with a giggle. "Okay." Lynn said. She waved goodbye and left. "Now, waht was that about talking dirty?" Justin said as he kissed Brian on the lips. "Ugh, I can't be around you two." J.C. said with a loud laugh. Brian opened his mouth so that Justin's tongue could slide in. The music faded and Chris grabbed the mic from the D.J. stand.

"Hell-looooooooooo everybody!" Chris shouted into the mic. The crowd cheered at Chris's enthusiasm. "Well ew all know why we're hear tonight. To celebrate the happy couple as everybody says. Can we get a spotlight." Chris yelled. The lights came on and the spotlight quickly hit Brian and Justin. The crowd cooed as they saw the two kissing in Brian's chair. Brian stopped kissing Justin and noticed the noise. "Uh, Justin." Brian barely could talk with Justin's tongue in his mouth. Justin stopped kissing Brian and looked around. Everyone was laughing and pointing at them. "Heh heh, what the hell is going on?" Justin whispered. "You two can never get enough of each other can ya?" Chris said as he walked towards them. "Well kids, we are all more then happy for you. Especially me since I always thought Justin would find someone who was more hard-headed then he was." Chris said with a laugh. The crowd laughed with him. "Anyways, we're here got you guys tonight. Soooo, we want you two to sing the famed song that'll be hitting air waves in two weeks. Do us the honor of singing 'Just Part II'" Chris said, trying to hand Justin the mic. Justin grabbed the mic and gave Chris a frusturated smile. Kevin walked behind them and passed Brian another microphone. "Uhm, okay." Brian said with a shrug. Brian and Justin stood and headed to the middle of the dancefloor. "Let's hear some music!" A.J. shouted from the side. Everyone laughed. The music began to blare through the speakers. Brian took his cue and began to song. Justin watched Brian's every movements as he sang. He could barely do his verse, being so moved by Brian's lovely voice. Justin and Brian poured their heart's out as they sung the song. The crowd cheered, watching both of them fall in love all over again.

"Good job!" Chris yelled as he grabbed the mic from Justin. "Okay, that's that for them. We know you two need to go make out, so let's get some music going!" Chris yelled. Soon enough 'Hey Mr. D.J. (Keep Plain' This Song)' was flooding the speakers. Everyone went back to dancing on the floor. "That's my song!" Brian holloreed. "Come on babe." Justin yelled as he grabbed Brian's hand. They headed to the middle of the dancefloor and began to dance away. Brian grabbed Justin close to him and began to grind his hips up against Justin's. "Watch out Brian, you know what happened after the last party we ewnt to." Justin said with a laugh. "I was hoping for that again tonight." Brian said seriously, grabbing ahold of Justin's ass. Brian began to suck upon Justin's neck, not caring that they were in the middle of the floor with friends surrounding them. "Can't you keep your hands off of him?" Howie said as he danced with a girl. "Would you want to keep your hands off of this?" Brian asked as he removed his mouth from Justin's neck. "Don't ask me that now. I'm getting into this." Howie said with a laugh. Brian laughed and began to build up a sweat. "You're getting me hard Brian." Justin said with a smile. Brian could feel Justin's hard cock grinding next to his own hard cock. "Sorry." Brian said, but he kept his movements steady. "No you're not." Justin said with a laugh.

Brian L. & Justin T. (Part 25) by JM

**** It's chapter 25!!! This is a biggie in the history of authors. I'm a 1/4 away from a century, but yet enough chapters for a full fledged book. But don't worry, this is not the end!!! ****

Brian and Justin shoved through the crowd to get back to their seats. Justin whiped the sweat from his brow and looked at Brian. "That was exhausting." Brian said as he panted. "But well worth it." Justin said with a classic smile. Brian smirked at him and then grabbed a beer from the side. He popped it open and started drinking. "You know you're not about to drink and drive." Justin mocked Brian. "They never said anything about drinking and fucking, did they?" Brian asked with a silly grin. "No they didn't." Justin said with an even more hillarious grin. "Well then I have no problem." Brian said. Justin laughed at Brian's gullibility.

"Hey amigo's." Joey said as he and Kevin sat down. "What's up?" Brian asked as he took another sip of his beer. "Nothing. We're just beat from dancing with all the ladies." Joey said. "You seen Nick or Lance?" Justin asked. "Actually, they should be over there on the side." Kevin said. He graciously pointed to the area where Nick and Lance were kissing. "That's something I really wanted to see." Brian said. He gave Justin a disgusted smile and then took another sip of his beer. "Kevin, could you pass me a soda. It seems your cousin is going to become an alcoholic on me." Justin said with a laugh. "Not really Justin. I can put this beer down right now and grab a soda." Brian said. Brian placed the beer on the table and grabbed a soda out of the cooler. Kevin smiled and handed Justin a Sprite. "I wasn't inplying that you had to stop Brian." Justin said. Jsutin opened the Sprite and quickly guzzled it down. "Well I could always be like Nick and make out with you to get over my problems." Brian said with a laugh. "I got no problem with that." Justin said with his pantened grin. "You two need to stop sucking face so much." Joey said as he drank his water. They all alughed and continued their drinking.

"Its' getting late." Justin said as he gazed at his watch. They had been there four hours and now it was going on one o'clock in the morning. "You're right." Brian said, feeling his eyes drooping. "You're half alseep." Justin complained.

"Just hold on, I'm getting my second wind." Brian said with a grin. "Now you see why Brian doesn't drink." Kevin said to Justin. "He tends to get very sleepy." Kevin said with concern. "Then let me get you home." Justin said. "Yeah, most of us are heading out anyways." Kevin said as he stood. "Anybody need a ride?" Justin asked. "I do." J.C. said as he ran up to them. "Okay. Anybody else?" Justin asked. "I could use a ride." Howie said as he walked towards them. "I'm catching a cab." Kevin said happily.

"You sure?" Justin asked. "Yep. I like to be alone." Kevin said. Kevin walked out of the lounge. "Come on Brian." Justin said as he helped Brian stand. Brian stumbled a bit, but finally caught his balance. "Are you guys leaving?" A.J. asked as he and Amanda strolled up next to the guys. "We have to. Brian's out of it and I'm tired myself." Justin said. "Well let's walked out together." A.J. said, leading Amanda out of the lounge. "Sure." Justin said as he guided Brian out. Joey, Howie and J.C. followed the guys out.

"We have to wait on my car." Justin said as they stood outside the hotel. They looked around and saw Nick and Lance approaching them. "Hey fellas. Leaving so soon? Me and Lance were thinking about hitting some night clubs." Nick said in his drunken slur. "Yeah Nick. Maybe you should go home too." A.J. said. Nick didn't take advice well. "Lance, maybe you should come home with us." J.C. suggested. "That's okay J.C. baby. Lance's fine with me." Nick replied for Lance. "After all, it's not like you're getting some from him tonight. Of course with Lance you can count on anybody getting some. That's right, good ol' One Night Stand Lance is what I call him." Nick said with a loud laugh. Lance pushed Nick away and began to cry. "I knew your dumb ass would do something like that." Justin barked at Nick. The vallet pulled up with Justin's car. "Howie, help Brian in please. J.C. get in and I'll take care of Lance." Justin said. Howie grabbed Brian's arm and helped him into Justin's Mercedes. J.C. got into the car, looking back at Nick with an evil stare. Justin grabbed Lance by the shirt and dragged him to the side. "That's fine Justin, you can have him! I wanted Brian anyways." Nick said with a smile. Justin tried to stop Lance from his crying. "Lance, you have to stop fucking with Nick. He's no good." Justin insisted.

Nick shyly walked to the driver's side of the car and stepped in. Brian was sitting next to him. "get out of the car Nick!" J.C. yelled at Nick. "Not before I test-drive this baby!" Nick said. HE quickly closed the door and spun off in the car. Justin realized what was happening and glanced. "NICK!" Justin hollored as Nick drove the car to the stop sign. Nick was too drunk to see where he was going and end up hitting the stop sign, which caused the car to jerk into traffic. Before Nick knew it, A.J. came crashing into Justin's car with his own car. The car was spun back and it rammed into a wall of the hotel. "Shit! Brian!" Justin hollored as he ran towards the car. A.J. groaned as he and Amanda tried to recover from the accident. "What the hell happened?" Amanda asked as she shook her head. A.J. opened his eyes and looked towards the now dented car. "Shit!" A.J. whispered as he busted his door opened.

"Brian!" Justin hollored as he ran faster towards the car. Lance was running right behind Justin, trying to catch him. "Oh God let them be okay!" Jusitn screamed as he finally reached the front of his car. He looked inside and saw no one moving. "Justin, is everything okay!" A.J. hollored as he ran towards them. Justin glarred in and saw Brian laying against the side window. There was no way for Justin to get to the door. It was slammed against the wall of the hotel. Justin quickly reacted and ran for the driver's side. He tried his best to jerk the door open. Nick was laying on the streering wheel. "Damn it Nick get up! Open the door!" Justin hollored.

Tears were now running down his face. Nick didn't move. "Oh God, let him be alive." Lance said as he looked inside of the car. "He ahd better pray that he lives long enough when I get ahold of him." Justin barked in a feirce tone. Justin looked to the backseat where J.C. laid. Howie was smooshed in between the floor and the seat. "Oh no. We have to get them out of there!" Justin screamed. A.J. ran to the car and began to bang on the driver window. Nick stirred. "Nick's moving!" A.J. hollored. "Oh Lord, Justin what about Brian?" Amanda asked as she looked at Brian. "I know Amanda. Get Nick out of the car!" Justin hollored. "Go call 911 Lance!" A.J. yelled as he kept banging on the window. Lance quickly ran back towards the hotel. "I didn't see them Justin, I promise." A.J. cried as he kept banging at the window. "It's not your fault A.J." Justin said in comfort towards A.J. "It's his fault." Justin said as he pointed at Nick.

Nick finally raised his head, groaning in pain. "What the hell happened." Nick said, still feeling the affects of the alcohol in his system. "Open the door!" Justin hollored as Nick looked outside. Nick lazily pressed the unlock button on the side of his door. Justin quickly snatched the door open. Nick was shocked by the door being flung open so quickly. Justin grabbed Nick by his T-shirt and yanked him out of the car. Justin threw Nick on the pavement and left him there. Nick cried in pain and confussion. "What's going on?" Nick whimpered. Amanda grabbed Nick and helped him stand. "An ambulance is on the way!" Lance hollored as he ran back towards the car. "Hold him." Amanda said as she handed Nick to Lance. Justin quickly by-passed the driver's seat and grabbed onto Brian. Brian didn't move. "Please God let him be alive." Justin cried as he held Brian. Justin cradled Brian's head and let his tears fall onto Brian's face. A.J. yanked open J.C.'s door and grabbed J.C. As he pulled J.C. out of the car, two ambulances came roaring up to the car. "I don't know what happened." Nick cried as Lance tried to baby him. Three police cars came blazing to the scene as the paramdeics looked over J.C. "We have another in the back of the car and two in the front." one of the technician yelled. A.J. pulled Amanda away from the paramedics way. A police offer grabbed A.J.'s shoulder to get his attention. "We need to ask you two a few questions." the officer said. A.J. and Amanda gladly helped the officer as they walked to the side of the hotel.

The paramedics forced Justin out of the car and grabbed Brian's still body. "Get out of the way son, we have to handle this!" they barked at Justin. "No. Wait, I have to go with him!" Justin hollored. "We can't take you unless your family or a loved one." the technician aruged with Justin. "I am family and I am a loved one. I'm his damn fiancee`" Justin scremaed. "Fone, then come on." they said to Justin. They placed Brian on a bed and began gicing him oxygen. They lifted him into the ambulance and Justin hopped in behind them. "Call Kevin and Joey and tell them what's happened." Justin yelled to Lance. Lance nodded and watched the ambulances blaze off. Lance helped Nick to the side and they waited on A.J. and Amanda. Nick was passed out on Lance's shoulder. A.J. and Amanda ran up to Nick and Lance. "We covered for him. We said somebody hit the car and it hjerked forward. No one know's that he was driving." A.J. said. "Thanks guys. We need to get to the hospital." Lance said, tears streaming down his face. "You're right. Did they say anything about Howie or J.C.?" Amanda asked with serious concern. "No." Lance whimpered. "Well my car is now in no condition to be driving. So let's get a cab." A.J. said. They all agreed and hailed a cab.

Justin rushed into the emergency room, trying to follow the quick-fotted technicians. "Stop, this is as far as you go buddy!" one of the nurses said as she halted Justin. "We'll let you know when you can see your friends." the nurse said before Justin could get the chance to complain. Jusitn felt tears rolling from his eyes, but he was too mad to feel sorry for himself. He wipted the tears away and walked into the waiting room. A.J., Amanda, Lance and Nick came running into the room. "How are they? What's happening? Where are they?" A.J. asked in a quick voice. "I don't know." Justin said. "What do you mean you don't know." A.J. questioned. "Sit down A.J.

They'll come and inform us." Amanda pleaded with A.J. A.J. sat down, feeling guilty for bombarding Justin with questions at a time like this. "I'm sorry Just. I know how hard this is for you right now." A.J. said sincerly. "It's okay A.J." Justin said in a low tone. "I'll go call Kevin and Joey." Lance said as he stood. "Should I call Lynn too?" he asked. "Yes, please do Lance." A.J. replied for Justin. Lance left the room.

"Justin, I can't say I know what you're going through because I don't. But I know that Brian will be fine." Amanda said. She tried her best to comfort Justin. Justin didn't say anything to her, just let the tears roll from his face.

"Uhm Justin, I don't know what to say." Nick said, trying to egt the nerve up to apologize. "I didn't mean for this to happen. It was an accident." Nick said in a low tone. "An accident? You're damn right it was an accident. An accident thatmay cost Howie, J.C. and Brian their lives. I hope you've learn your lesson Nick!" Justin hollored at him. He felt his body trembling. "I'm sorry." Nick said as he began to cry. "Justin, leave him alone. He can't do anything now." A.J. pleaded as he tried to calm Justin. Justin rolled his eyes at Nick and looked towards the ground. A doctor walked into the room that they sat in with a depressing face.

"Hello all. I am Dr. Roberts. I am the doctor in charge of Brian Littrell, Howard Dorough and Joshua Chasez while they are here." the doctor said in a concering voice. "Hello doctor. How are they?" A.J. asked as he stood. "Well Howard has a fractured knee-cap and several bruises muscles." Dr. Roberts said. "And what about J.C.?" Amanda asked as she too stood. "Joshua seems to be doing well. He had a few head bruises and he has a sprained wrist. Luckily, Howie stopped him from induring any real serious injuries." Dr. Roberts said. "That's good to hear." Amanda said with a smile. "And what of Brian?" Justin said, tears still escaping his eyes. "Brian wasn't as fortunate as Joshua. Brian recieved a sevre head injury and a few bruised bones doing the crash. As the X-Rays show, he has had a previous concusion?" Dr. Roberts asked. Justin was too choked up to answer. "Yes docotr he has." A.J. replied. "Well, this recent injury wasn't good for him. He is suffering a multiple head pulse. This means that he will tend to slip in and out of comas for the next few hours until we can get him properly treated. And from there, he may not be the same. We're hoping that our medications can help him, if not, he may have to stay here for further surgery." Dr. Roberts replied. He frowned, feeling the sorrow that was in the room. Justin sat down and began to cry hard. A.J. sat next to him and wrapped his arms around him. He tried to console Justin as best he could. "When will we be able to see them doctor?" Amanda asked. "You can see Howie and Joshua now. But it'll be a bit before you can see Brian.

Unless you are family or a significant other, we can't let you see him yet." Dr. Roberts said.

"Well doctor we have Brian's significant other right here." A.J. said as he rubbed Justin's head. "Oh really? Well you can see him for a few minutes if you wish?" Dr. Roberts said. "Yes, please let him see Brian." Amanda pleaded. "Then come with me." Dr. Roberts said. A.J. helped Justin stand and walked him towards Brian's area. Justin wipted the tears from his eyes to see Brian laying on a bed, hooked up to several machines. He tried to hold back the tears as he walked towards Brian's bed. "Maybe he'll be able to wake Brian up." Dr. Roberts whispered to A.J. "I'm more then sure he can." A.J. said with a slight smile.

Justin trembled as he grabbed Brian's hand. He looked at Brian's pale face and bruised eyes. "I... I don't want to tell you that I'm unhappy." Justin stuttred out. "I do want to tell you I love you." Justin said, a tear rolling from his red eyes. Justin held Brian's hand tightly, still not getting a response. "You know there's one thing I've always wanted from you. And that's that you stay happy." Justin whispered to Brian. "You said 'I'll Never Break Your Heart', so don't do it now. Don't leave me now Brian. I love you." Justin said softly into Brian's ear. "You can hold on. For me and you. For the ring you gave me." Justin whimpered, his tears sliding onto Brian's motionless face. Justin kissed Brian on the cheek and sighed. "God, I've ener asked for anything but happiness. Please don't take it away." Justin said, his eyes looking towards the ceiling. "It can't be time for this to end." Justin said, his heart breaking peice by peice. Justin felt Brian's hand squeeze his own. He looked down and saw Brian's eyes barely open. Justin leaned down to hear Brian. "Just when I thought I'd be alone forever, you came into my life and made it better." Brian whispered. Justin felt a smile run across his lips. Justin kissed BRian's lips and backed away. "Thank you God." Justin said softly.

Dr. Roberts rushed oer to them. "Did he awaken?" the doctor asked as he began to check Brian's life signs. "Yes, he did." Justin said with a smile. "It's got to be a miracle." Dr. Roberts said as he adjusted Brian's monitors. "No, it ahs to be love." A.J. said as he placed his hand on Justin's shoulder. "He'll be okay?" Justin asked. "From the looks of it, he should be fine after the medicine starts running through his system." Dr. Roberts said with a smile. Justin sighed and walked back to the waiting room.


(And you thought it was the last of Brian and Justin?)

Next: Chapter 12: Brian and Justin 26 27

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