Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Dec 13, 1998


Brian L. & Justin T. (Part 21) by JM

*** General Announcement: Okay this story and the following stories are going to be a slow down pace for me. I am going to slow down the quickie's and add the romance to the stories. But don't get me wrong, there will still be plenty of sex and fun for the boys. Yes, these stories will mostly revolve around the relationship between Brian Littrell (of B.S.B.) and Justin Timberlake (of 'N Sync), but there is going to be guest appearances from all of the guys of the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync. I can't always guarantee (most likely I can't even guarantee at all. The stint between J.C. and Lance; Kevin and Lance; Nick and J.C. may not re-kindle unless you guys want it to.) action for them though because I am so hooked on Brian and Justin. We'll see what happens. The stories will also follow the same path that the others have left off with. So that means, this story pretty much follows where I left off with 'B-Rok B-Day' and the others. I do hope you enjoy the series of stories to come and do wish to hear all of your comments may they be good or bad... so send them to: or lionclaw@bellsouthnet ***

**** This is the 21st story (I might as well call this a book the way I'm going :|) and so on part to the storyline. It follows along with the rest if you're still not caught up. It picks up where the last chapter left off and will continue from there on. Hope you enjoy this part and please send all comments to me. I have recieved an abundance already, so that makes me want to keep on writing better stories. I THANK all of you who have sent your great comments to me. Especially to those who have been there since the very begining. Also, for those who still want the lyrics to "Just" and "Just Part II", email me. It's an original song that I made up for Brian and Justin. It has a purpose, so please don't destroy it or distribut it without permission. Special thanks to Leprechaun for inspiring me to write such great stories. He's got talent and you guys should check out his series "Bad Boy B-Rok". Also, thanks to Nathan for rushing me through the last story. It was a 'big' pick-me-up (smile). Also I want to thank Nathan for some the ideas that he has given to me to help make my stories better. Till then, please keep reading and all you B-Boys keep it 'N Sync... ****

Brian awoke from his quiet slumber. He realized that he was laying in Justin's bed, holding Justin in his arms. 'God, we must have slept for at least three hours.' Brian thought to himself. Brian gazed around and noticed that the alarm clock said 3:00 A.M. Brian wrapped his arms firmly around Justin and laid comfortable on the soft bed. Brian grazed his hands over Justin's cheek, realizing that Justin was hotter then him. Brian then laid his hand on Jusitn's head and realized he was running a fever. "Shit." Brian said as he quickly sat up. This caused Justin to roll to the side. "Justin?" Brian said as he began to shake Justin. Justin groaned, but formed no words. "Oh God, Justin." Brian said as he ripped the covers off of them.

Brian quickly hopped up from the bed and grabbed his jeans. "LYNN!" Brian hollored as he grabbed a shirt and threw it on. Just as soon as Brian got his shirt on, Lynn came running into the room. "What is it Brian?" Lynn said in a panic. "It's Justin! He's running a fever." Brian said ecstatically. Lynn quickly sat on the bed and felt her son's head. "We have to get him to the hospital." Lynn said calmly. "I'll get the car ready and you get Justin ready." Lynn said as she rushed out of Justin's room. Brian thought and then grabbed Justin. He began to slip clothes on Justin, with Justin falling in and out of consciousness.

"Come on babe, you have you work with me." Brian said in a panic. Tears began to fill his eyes as he rushed to get clothes on Justin. Brian carried Justin down the steps and out to the car where Lynn and Jonathan waited patiently. "Come on Brian!" Lynn hollored as Brian ran to get Justin in the car. As soon as both were in, Lynn quickly sped off towards the hospital.

Justin was checked into his room as soon as doctors found out who he was. Brian sat outside of Justin's room on a secluded hall of the hospital. He twiddled his fingers, tring to keep from going crazy. Jonathan laid sleep in the chair next to him. 'Why ddin't I see this coming?' Brian thought. 'It seems the minute me and Justin are happy, something goes wrong.' Brian said to himself as he stood. He looked at the wall in front of him. He tried to keep himself calm so that Lynn wouldn't loose control. Lynn and two doctors walked into the hall where Brian stood. "Brian? You can see him now." Lynn said happily. Brian calmly approached her. "Is he okay?" Brian asked quietly. "Yes. He has a bad case of the flu and his fever was causing him to get worst. If it wasn't for you, he may have been real bad by morning." Lynn said with a smile. "Thank you Brian." Lynn said as she patted Brian on the shoulder. "There is no thank you needed Lynn." Brian replied happily. "Well you can go in there and see him. He'll definetly be out of condition for the next day or two. Which means he may not be able to join up on the tour." Lynn said with a straight face. Brian realized that this could play trouble on the groups. "Well for what ever amount of time Justin needs off, I'll take off too." Brian said confidently. "I mean if that's okay with you?" Brian asked sincerly. "Of course. Like I said, you're Justin's cure." Lynn said with a bright smile. "Now get in there and see him." Lynn said as she pushed Brian towards the door. Brian happily went into Justin's room.

Justin laid sleep in a dark room. His body was almost moitonless as the machines beeped throught the room. Brian stumbled over towards Justin's bed, trying not to wake him. Brian looked down on Justin and wish that he could trade places with him.

"I do anything to take the pain for you Justin." Brian said honestly. He grabbed ahold of Justin's hand and held it in his own. "That's okay Bri." Justin said as he opened his eyes. Brian smiled at him. "I know how you feel Brian. I thought the same thing when you were in the hospital." Justin said softly. Brian held tightly onto Justin's hand. "Do you need anything?" Brian asked. "No. Just you." Justin replied. "Get some sleep Justin." Brian asid as he sat in a chair next to the bed. Justin felt himself getting drowsy once again. Brian said quietly and patiently, still holding Justin's hand. Lynn walked into the room, trying not to be noticed. Brian acknowledged that she was in the room. "I contacted Kevin and told him. He's going to tell the guys. He said they'll be over shortly to talk things over. I hope things have smoothed over." Lynn said quietly. "Me too." Brian responded in a lower tone. "Don't you think you should get some sleep?" Lynn asked Brian. "I'm not leaving Justin. He didn't leave me." Brian said. "You are really a dedicated man Brian. I and Justin appreciate that." Lynn said. She smiled at Brian and then left the room. Brian kept his eyes transfixed on Justin's sleeping body.

Within an hour, the guys arrived at the hospital, with reporters following. "There is word that Justin Timberlake of the popular pop-group 'N Sync is being held in the hospital due to sickness." a reporter said as she stood in front of the hospital. "I have news that Justin Randall Timberlake of the teen-sensation 'N Sync is being kept at this hospital due to drug-related problems." another reporter reported.

"I'm informed that Justin is at the hospital undergoing major surgery that no one knew about." another said. "There is word that Justin Timblerlake of former Mickey Mouse Club fame and current sexual diety of 'N Sync is here at the hospital due to an overdose and possible suicide realted problem." another reporter said from the side. "And from what we hear Justin's girlfriend is at home with no knowledge of Justin's ailment." the first reporter said. "From what we know, Justin's mother has been going around the hospital terrorising doctors because of their lack of attentiveness to Justinn." the second reporter said. "This just in, Justin's so-called friend slash ex-lover Britney Spears is here to comfort Justin." another reporter said. Brian was thrown back by these statements as he flipped through the stations of the T.V. in the room. Kevin walked quietly into Justin's room, waving towards Brian. Brian quickly stood and walked over to Kevin. Kevin gave Brian a hug, trying to ease Brian's fears.

"Everything okay with Justin?" Kevin asked in a low voice. "As far as I can tell." Brian whispered. "You guys don't have to whisper." Justin said as he arose in his bed. "Sorry Justin. I didn't want to walk you." Brian said sincerly. "It's okay Bri, I'm up now." Justin said wouzily. "So the others can come in?" Kevin asked Justin. "I see no reason why not?" Justin shrugged. Kevin opened the door and gave the others the signal to come in. One by one, all of the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync filled the room. "Geez, the way you and Brian keep messing up, we'll need to post your picture in a hospital across the U.S." Howie said with a laugh. "How are you?" J.C. asked as he stood next to Justin's bed. "I'm pretty okay now." Justin replied. Lance said nothing.

He stood in a corner of the room, gazing at the floor. "Is he still out of it?" Justin whispered to Chris. Chris glanced at Lance and then back at Justin. "Yep. I think it'll take him awhile." Chris whispered back. "Well, ain't I happy to get woke up at 4 in the morning to find out that you and Brian are just fine." Nick said sarcastically. Justin rolled his eyes at Nick and returned his attention to Chris. "Guys, let's get this little meeting of 'N Sync and the Backstreet Boys going. We have a hell of alot to discuss." Kevin said as he grabbed a chair and sat. "He's right ya'll" A.J. said as he leaned against the wall. "Aye Papi." Howie said with a grin. "A meeting while I'm sick, that's great." Justin said with a caugh.

"Look, there are a few things that we have to discuss. That would include how long you're going to be out of the tour Justin." Kevin said with a straight face. "Well according to my mom it's supposed to be two days, but she wants me to rest for about a week." Justin replied to Kevin's inquiry. "That's going to put a serious damper on the tour." A.J. complained. "I know that." Justin said. "Look, it's just a week. He can join up later." Nick said happily. "But if he's gone a week, guess who else is going to be gone for that week." Chris said, trying not to point to Brian. "That's ridiculous. You two can't be away from each other for a damn week?" Nick said in protest. "I don't know if I'll stay the full week." Brian rteplied to Nick's comment. "With Justin and Brian gone, we have to do a lot of fill-in's on the tour and we'll have a-hell-of a time with the media." Howie said loudly. "Okay, that's a good point." J.C. said. "But if it was your sister or the one person that gives you a reason to wake up everyday, would you just go on?" J.C. said. "If I was going to let down my friends, I just might have to 'go on'." Howie said unhappily. "That's why I'm not you Howie." Brian said sternly. "Brian, we can't toru without you. You have too many parts to fill." Nick said, trying to convince everyone to join his side. "Nickie's right about that one Brian." Joey said. "So does Justin, but we HAVE to go on without him." J.C. argued. "Another good point." Joey said with a laugh. "I say whatever Brian and Justin decide we go along with. We just have to deal with it until they both get back on tour." A.J. said. Brian smiled at A.J. and stood next to Justin's bed.

"I agree. But there are other things to discuss." Kevin said sternly. "Yeah, like whatever the hell went on today!" A.J. barked. "He's right. We didn't get alot of things done that we're supposed to be done. Plus there were alot of issues that just went by without us saying anything about them." J.C. said. Lance shyly looked down at the floor, hoping that no one would notice he was in the room. "Look if this is about me and Lance, it's been discussed." Nick said. He rolled his eyes at anyone daring to notion it. "Well actually half of us don't even know what happened between you, Lance, Brian and Justin." A.J. said as he glarred at Nick. "Don't worry about it then." Nick said with an attitude. "But then who knows what else will happen between the four of you." Howie complained. "It's no biggie Howie. Just let it go." Nick barked. "I don't think so Nick. We're going to talk about what happened at the studio and what happened at Lynn's house." Kevin said with anger. "Fine." Nick said in a angered tone. Justin laid back in his bed, trying not to relive all that had happened.

"I don't think Justin needs this right now." Brian pleaded. "No, let's discuss this. Let's just get it out in the open." Lance said. Everyone looked at him in astonishment.

"Oh great! Now you'll know everything." Nick said. He slumped his head and prayed that he didn't get kicked out of the Backstreet Boys. "I just want to know what the fuck broke Justin and Brian up in the first place?" Chris said. "Me." Lance mumbled. "But how?" J.C. asked. "I told Justin finally what I really felt about him and Brian." Lance said softly.

"So, you were holding back your true feelings all this time eh?" Nick with a smile. "Yes." Lance said. He was begining to feel guilty once again. "Well maybe you're not so bad after all Lance." Nick said. "Shut up Nick! I didn't do it for your benefit. I did it because I wanted to be with you. I thought maybe if I succeeded in breaking Justin and Brian up, you'd love me for that. Shit Nick, you've been chasing Brian all this time and no one really knew." Lance said with tears in his eyes. Justin felt a tear roll down his own cheek. "With good reason!" Nick shouted. "No, they haven't been good reasons Nick." A.J. frowned. Justin coughed hard and slumped further down in his bed. "You okay?" Kevin asked in concern. Justin didn't reply, but listened to the others bicker and complain. "Lance, I'm sorry if I've hurt you. But I will have Brian!" Nick yelled. "The hell you will." Brian said in anger. "Brian?" Nick said shyly. "Get over it Nick. Even if I wasn't with Justin, I'd never be with you. You've shown your true colors. You'd do anything to make things they way you wanted them to be." Brian hollored at Nick. He had never felt so furious in his life. "You've hurt me. You've hurt Lance. And you've hurt Justin." Brian said deviously. "I'll never love you now." Brian said to spite Nick. Nick felt himself choke up and he began to cry. "Oh great. All of this is over Justin and Brian again." Joey complained. He walked out of the room. "Why?" Justin whimpered.

Everyone stared at Justin as Justin sat up in his bed. "Why does it always seem that you guys think that me and Brian are the problem?" Justin said, tears running down his face. "Justin, we don't..." Kevin tried to comfort him. "You do Kevin. You know you do." Justin cried. "Things went a bit too far. But I can't change them." Lance said softly. "No Lance. You only say what you mean in your heart." Justin complained. "The only one, I mean the only person who has stood by me and Brian was J.C. He has been the only genuine friend I have left." Justin shouted. "Maybe it's because you've betrayed all of us? I'm so sick and tired of eharing how Nick did this and Nick did that. Maybe if Brian kept his dick in his pants and you kept your boxers up, we wouldn't have this problem." Howie barked at Justin. "Don't you dare say that to him!" Brian yelled. "Hey guys..." Kevin said, trying to calm everyone down. "So basically if there's a choice between me and Justin and me and the B.S.B.?" Brian said with tears in his eyes. "I guess so." Howie said. "No, wait up Howie." A.J. halted him. "No A.J.! Go ahead Brian, make the decision." Howie said. "I choose..." Brian thought for a minute. "I have to choose the group." Brian said softly. Lance's head quickly snapped up and looked in Brian's direction. Justin halted his tears and felt his hea dhit the pillow. His eyes closed slowly, while Justin tried to fight his sickness. Kevin couldn't find the words he wanted to say to Brian.

"I'm sorry Justin." Brian said in a sad tone. "Are you crazy?" Lance asked from the side. "I'm not doing this for anyone but Justin." Brian said with a cry.

"Brian, you're only going to be hurting him." J.C. said. "In the long run, we'll all benefit from this. With 'N Sync out of commission, we'll just cancel the rest of the tour. The B.B.B. will go to the studio and we'll finish the rest of the album. If you guys want to use 'Just II', go ahead." Brian said. He whimpered and strolled out of the room. "I can't believe what he just said. I can't believe that this is happening." J.C. said. He almost felt himself want to cry for Justin. "Leave." Justin said quietly. "What?" Howie said. "I said GET OUT!" Justin hollored at the top of his lungs. Howie and A.J. quickly got out of the room. "Justin, I don't know what to say." Kevin stuttered. "Don't say anything Kevin. Brian made the only choice you guys gave him. He knows I love him and that's all he needs to know." Justin said calmly. "Not get out before I break down and cry." Justin said, still holding in his tears. Kevin sadly walked out of Justin's room. "Do you want me to stay?" J.C. asked Justin. "No thanks J.C. I need to go through this by myself." Justin said to J.C. "No you don't Justin." J.C. pleaded. "Chris, get Lance out of here." Justin said. Chris escorted Lance from the room and J.C. followed them. "J.C., hold on!" Justin cried. J.C. quickly ran back into the room. "Yeah?" he asked. "Give this back to Brian." Justin said as he began to remove the ring. As Justin slipped it off, Justin felt apart of him being removed. A tear ran down J.C.'s face. "Okay." J.C., his voice cracking. J.C. walked back out of the room and Justin sank in the bed.

Justin had never felt his eyes sting so bad. One by one, tears rolled down Justin's face. "Justin?" Lynn said as she entered the room. Justin wouldn't reply to her. "Do you want to talk?" Lynn asked as she came closer. "No. I have to get through this mom. Please just leave me alone." Justin said quietly. "Okay. I'll be outside if you need me." Lynn said sadly. She left the room without saying anything else to him.

Brian L. & Justin T. (Part 22) by JM

Justin rolled to his side and felt the tears roll heavier down his cheek. His mind began to think about the many times he had spent with Brian. His eyes could see the illusions of the first time he and Brian made love. The pictures formed vibdly in front of him. From the minute Justin laid eyes on Brian that night till the moment of ecstasy when Brian took his virginity. It was all too well embeded in Justin's mind. 'It's finally over.' Justin thought to himself. He could still remember the first time Brian said 'I love you'. It was a moment that Justin treasured. Justin felt his eyes began ti shut slowly. It seemed his medicine was finally begining to take control of his body. Justin rubbed his eyes, trying to stay awake. He couldn't hold back any longer. As he sniffled and cried, Justin fell asleep.

Justin awoke, feeling tired and beaten. The first image that formed in front of his eyes was that of Lance's. "What?" Justin said as he rubbed his eyes. "It's nice to know you're awake." Lance said. "What are you doing here Lance?" Justin said with annoance in his voice. "I came to apologize to you." Lance said shyly. "Why?" Justin asked as he sat up. "Because I feel guilty about the things I said to you. All of us do." Lance mumbled. "Well it's a bit late to feel guilty but I accept your apology." Justin said. Justin shook his head and sat up more. He coughed and cleared his throat while Lance watched him. "Was there something else?" Justin questioned Lance. "Uhm, yeah. I know I'm not the only cause of you and Brian's break-up, but I feel like I'm a big part. I know you probably don't want to discuss this now." Lance said. He looked away from Justin's timid eyes. "You're right Lance. I don't want to discuss this now." Justin said. He gave Lance a serious face. "Uhm, I understand. You should know though that Brian hasn't left town yet. He and the boys leave tonight though." Lance said. "So why tell me?" Justin asked. Lance shrugged his shoulders. "I appreciate the effort Lance, but this won't rbing me and Brian back together. It was everyone's fault as a whole for the break up, not just yours." Justin replied to comfort Lance.

"Well before I go, Brian wanted me to give you this." Lance said. He dug into his pocket and pulled out the ring. Justin took it into his hand and held it.

"I better go now. I'll see you in Tampa, which is our next stop. It'll be our last concert with the Backstreet Boys. So I hope you come." Lance said. Lance got up and started to ehad out the door. "Goodbye Lance." Justin called out as Lance walked out of the room. Justin gazed at the ring and sighed. He grabbed a peice of paper from the nightstand next to his hospital bed. He found a pen and began to jot down words to a song. It was the only way Justin could keep from thinking about Brian. As Justin finished the song, he felt that his mind was even more on Brian then before. "I guess I should call this one 'I Won't See A Sunrise'." Justin said sadly. Justin placed the paper and pen on the stand and grabbed the remote. He began to flip through the channels and came to MTV. There he saw a press conference with the Backstreet Boys.

"We're here today to announce that Tampa will be our official last stop on the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync Tour. We'll be traveling from there to different towns to make-up for the dates missed." Kevin said into his mic. The press then bombarded the guys with questions. "Genetlemen, is it true the reason you guys will be leaving the tour is due to conflicts between the groups." one of the press ladies asked.

"No, that is not true. We love the guys of 'N Sync. We think of them as alomst brothers. There were just a lot of management issues and album production to be done." Kevin replied. "Yeah. We wish we could have stayed on the tour longer." Howie added. "Well is it true that there were some arguments between Nick Carter and Justin Timberlake?" another reporter asked. "Actually, that is not true. There were some issues that we choose not to discuss." A.J. replied. "I think Justin's a great person now. He gave me something to be ahppy about." Nick said with a huge grin. Justin ignored Nick and glanced towards Brian. Brian sat quietly at the end of the table, looking as if he was crying. "Brian, will the collaboration between you and Justin be on either of the new albums?" a erporter asked. Brian sat still and did not reply. "Uhm, it hasn't been discussed with the labels yet to whether or not the song will be on 'N Sync's new album, our new album or both." Kevin replied for Brian. "What about the interview with Micheal of BOP magazine? There are rumors that Nick said that he had been having problems with 'N Sync?" the same reporter asked. "That was taken out of context." Howie replied. "Nick, was there an issue between you, Brian and Justin." the reporter said as he looked at Nick. "Yes, but it was resolved with a good outcome." Nick said with a smile.

Justin quickly shut the T.V. off. "Welll Nick you got what you wanted." Justin said in anger. Justin grabbed his phone and made a call to Johnny Wright. "Yeah, Johnny. I got this song that I think we should do for the album. We'll be in Tampa next week and I was hoping you'd come down there so we could record it." Justin said. He worked out his plans with Johnny and hung up the phone. Just as he placed the phone down, J.C. and Lynn walked in. "Justin hon'? Do you need anything?" Lynn asked sincerly. "Yes. I'd like everyone to stop treating me like I'm a fragile peice of glass. I'm not going to break." Justin demanded. "We're sorry Justin. I know this is a hard thing to handle." J.C. said. "It'll be easier when everyone stops talking about it." Justin replied. "Did you see the press confrence for the B.S.B.?" Lynn asked as she sat down. "Yes, I did." Justin said with aggrivation. "Did you see how sad Brian looked. He wouldn't answer any questions that the reporters asked." Lynn said. She was hoping to convince her son that Brian missed him. "Well I guess that's Kevin and Nick's problem now." Justin said softly. "Justin, don't be so hard on him." J.C. pleaded. "J.C., I can't just sit here and feel sorry for him. I can't even feel sorry for myself." Justin said sadly. "I guess we all wish that it didn't end like it did." Lynn said. "I wish it didn't too." Justin said quietly.

Justin laid in his bed for the rest of the day, with his mother and J.C. nursing him more then the nurses. He only slept and stared at his ring. When the phone ring, Justin was hesitant to answer. "Please don't let this be J.C. or my mom." Justin pleaded as he picked up the phone. "Hello?" Justin said. "Justin? IS that you?" Kevin said into the phone. "Yes. Kevin? Why are you calling me?" Justin asked. He knew something had to be wrong. "I just thought maybe you'd be here to say goodbye to us. We're leaving you know?" Kevin said. "Yes, I know." Justin replied. "I know you're probably still mad as shit at Howie and Brian, but you can't just let us go like this." Kevin pleaded. "I'll miss you Kevin. You were like an older brother to me. But I'm not coming to the airport." Justin said confidently. "Fine. I won't try and convince you. A.J. said he'll miss you and the guys. And Nick says he wishes that he could say goodbye in person." Kevin said sadly. "I bet Nick does wish that." Justin said in anger. "Do you want to talk to Brian before we go?" Kevin asked. Justin hesistated. "No Kevin. I can't." Justin said with a crack in his voice. "Well I'm sure he'd love to say goodbye to you." Kevin begged. "I can't handle it Kevin. Just tell me I said I wish him the best." Justin said. He tried to hold back the tears in his eyes. "Are you sure?" Kevin had to be sure with Justin. "Yes. I have to go Kevin. Bye." Justin said as he began to cry again. Justin quickly hung up the phone.

Justin wiped his tears away and took a deep breath. Justin flipped the light off in his room and turned to his side. He tried his best to go to sleep. He heard a knock at the door and then he saw the door open. "I'm trying to sleep. Can this wait until morning?" Justin asked. "No Justin it can't." Kevin said as he sat down in a chair to next the bed. "Kevin? What the hell aer you doing here? You are supposed to be on your way to Tampa." Justin said in shock. "But we're not. Actually Howie and A.J. are still are the hotel." Kevin responded. "Then where's Nick?" Justin asked. "Nick's over at the Wright's apologizing to Lance. I made him go." Kevin said with a smile. "Oh." Justin said. He reufsed to ask where Brian was. "Well since you're not going to ask, I'm not going to say." Kevin said with a wink, taking Justin's hint. "So why did you come here?" Justin asked. "Because my cousin isn't a happy person right now. In fact, he's never happy when you're gone. So I thought, what's the point of picking between you and the group when he can't be happy without either." Kevin repsonded. "What does that have to do with you coming here?" Justin asked again. "Well I was actually just the driver." Kevin said as he stood. "Huh?" Justin said with confussion. Brian emerged from the shadows and stood in front of Justin's bed. "Thanks cuz." Brian said softly. Justin was shocked to see Brian standing there, but he wouldn't let Brian see that.

"I know you don't want to see me right now." Brian said quietly. "That's not true." Justin said. "Well, I just came here to say one last thing. I can't make a descison so strong without you. So I called the label and said that I'd let them know within 24 hours whether or not I was quiting the Backstreet Boys. So I have to ask you, what do you think? Are we worth it?" Brian asked. He kept a straight face. One that Justin rarely saw Brian with. "At one time I thought we were worth it." Justin answered Brian's questioned. "So that's it then?" Brian asked. "You didn't let me finish. I said I used to think that and I still do." Justin said. Brian smiled. "But I can't decide for you. If you have to make this descison, then you have to make it on your own." Justin murmured. Brian sighed. "Look Brian, I know I wouldn't be happy without you. But I can't make you quit your life as a Backstreet Boy. It's not fair that you have to make this choice!" Justin screamed. "Justin, please calm down." Brian pleaded. "I just can't see my life without you." Justin cried. "That's why you won't." Brian said. "What do you mean?" Justin questioned with tears rolling down his cheeks.

Brian walked over to the side of the bed and sat on the edge. He pulled a box from his pocket and grabbed Justin's hands. "I knew that when I fell in love with you, I'd never be able to break up with you. When I did, I watched you cry like a child and I couldn't take it. I can't handle seeing you hurt. You make my life mean something. You hold me in a daze Justin. So I don't want you to go away." Brian spoke honestly and with a tnder voice. "So I want you to be with me forever." Brian said, a tear falling down his soft face. Brian grabbed ahold of Justin's left hand and opened the box. Inside was a gold ring, shining dimmly in the dark room. Justin felt tears roll down his face. "I never thought that I'd come this far and fight this hard for someone. But I've learned from J.C., Lance, Lynn, Kevin and even Nick that this love is worth it." Brian said dearly. He took the ring out and slipped it upon Justin's ring finger on his left hand. "I need to know that you love me too. I need to know that we'd give up anything for each other. I want to know that you'll someday say you'll marry me and we can be together forever." Brian said, his voice cracking from joy. Justin thought. A million and one question ran through his mind. "Please say yes." Brian pleaded. "Brian, there's never been a point when I could say no to you." Justin said in tears.

Brian smiled greatly and kissed Justin. He laid Justin back on the bed and got on top of him. They kissed passionately for moments. Brian's hands roamed up and down Jsutin's soft body. Justin arched his back, making his hips grind against Brian's. Brian returned the motions, causing both of them to get hard. Brian moved his lips to Justin's neck as he began to undress Justin. Justin grabbed and tore at Brian's clothing. "I need you." Brian whispered with tears in his eyes. He ripped Justin's clothes off and Justin tore Brian's away. Justin spread his legs and gave Brian access to what he wanted. Brian jacked Justin off while gazing into Justin's eyes. Justin moaned softly and ran his hands back and forth across Brian's face. Justin traced heart's across Brian's chest as he reached for Brian's nipples. He tugged and pinched them. Brian grunted as he rubbed hands over Justin's balls. "Take me." Justin said softly. Brian forced his dick into Justin, feeling as if he was taking Justin's virginity once again. Justin relaxed and let Brian enter him. Brian began to grind his dick into Justin's ass. Justin groaned as Brian's hand stayed on his dick. Brian heaved and panted as he increaed his fucking. Justin laid back and let Brian lick his neck lovingly. "Don't stop." Justin moaned in the heat of their passion. Brian jacked Justin off faster as he felt himself getting closer.

Justin grabbed the headboard of his bed as the bed shook. Brian's lips found there way to Justin's lips again and Brian shoved his tongue deep inside of Justin's mouth. Justin released a groan as his dick released it's cum between their two sweating bodies. Brian slowed his movement, trying to see how long he could last inside of Justin. Justin calmed himself down and let Brian make slow love to him. Brian's mouth found all of Justin's hot spots. "I need you tonight." Brian hummed as he kept his effort up to satisfy Justin. Brian felt Justin's ass squeeze tightly around his shaft. "Don't stop, please." Justin pleaded again. Brian felt himself getting too close to cumming. Brian finally began to cum hard and long inside of Justin's tender ass. Brian held in his screams as he bucked hard into Justin's ass. Justin felt heaven as Brian kept his slow kissing up. Brian gave his lips a rest as he calm downed. Brian laid on top of Justin, his dick still firmly planted inside of Justin. Brian breathed heavily as he laid on Justin. Justin grabbed Brian's back and began to cry. "That felt as wonderful as the first time you made love to me." Justin said in tears. "I know what you mean." Brian said as he began to cry too. Justin rubbed his hands through Brian's hair and Brian carressed Justin's ass. Brian lifted his head and looked into Justin's eyes. There wree no words, but intense meaning as they gazed at each other. "You make the fighting worth it." was the only thing Brian could say. Justin smiled and they began tog rind their hips together again. "Are we ready so quickly?" Brian asked as he kept his pace with Justin. "Yes yes yes yes..." Justin moaned as his dick ran up and down Brian's rock-hard stomach.

Justin pushed Brian back and stopped him. Behind Brian stood Kevin and J.C. "Did we come at the wrong time?" J.C. asked. Kevin felt embarassed and so did Brian and Justin. "Uhm, kinda." Brian said shyly. "Did he say yes?" Kevin asked. "I said yes." Justin said with a smile. "That's all I wanted to know." Kevin said. "Yes to what?" J.C. asked with confussion. "I'll tell ya later." Kevin said as he dragged J.C. from the room. Brian and Justin alughed and laid in the bed together. "You know if a nurse comes in here, we're in some serious shit." Justin said. "Oh well." Brian said as he kissed Brian on the lips. He laid Justin back and continued his kissing.


*** And if you want the lyrics to the new song, let me know. I hope you enjoyed and I hope to catch you in the next story. ***

Next: Chapter 11: Brian and Justin 23 25

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