Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Nov 28, 1998


Brian L. & Justin T. (Part 13) By JM

*** General Announcement: Okay this story and the following stories are going to be a slow down pace for me. I am going to slow down the quickie's and add the romance to the stories. But don't get me wrong, there will still be plenty of sex and fun for the boys. Yes, these stories will mostly revolve around the relationship between Brian Littrell (of B.S.B.) and Justin Timberlake (of 'N Sync), but there is going to be guest appearances from all of the guys of the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync. I can't always guarantee (most likely I can't even guarantee at all. The stint between J.C. and Lance; Kevin and Lance; Nick and J.C. may not re-kindle unless you guys want it to.) action for them though because I am so hooked on Brian and Justin. We'll see what happens. The stories will also follow the same path that the others have left off with. So that means, this story pretty much follows where I left off with 'B-Rok B-Day' and the others. I do hope you enjoy the series of stories to come and do wish to hear all of your comments may they be good or bad... so send them to: or lionclaw@bellsouthnet ***

**** This is the 13th story (Wow!!! We sure are getting far!!!) and so on part to the storyline. It follows along with the rest if you're still not caught up. It picks up where chapter 7 left off and will continue from there on. Hope you enjoy this part and please send all comments to me. I have recieved an abundance already, so that makes me want to keep on writing better stories. I THANK all of you who have sent your great comments to me. Especially to those who have been there since the very begining. Also, for those who still want the lyrics to "Just", email me. It's an original song that I made up for Brian and Justin. It has a purpose, so please don't destroy it or distribut it without permission. Special thanks to Leprechaun for inspiring me to write such great stories. He's got talent and you guys should check out his series "Bad Boy B-Rok". Till then, keep reading... ****

Justin stood over Brian proudly. Brian was still in a daze from the past three hours of romance. "You know we have to get going." Justin said softly as he buckled his belt. "Huh? Don't ruin this high for me." Brian said as he laid. "I wouldn't dream of it had this been any regular day. But for us, there are no regular days." Justin said. Justin knelt down to where Brian was laying. "You have to get to the doctors for a check-up Brian. I'm a bit worried about you." Justin said softly. "I know that. I'll do that in Orlando. But now I have to worry more about the tour." Brian replied. His sentences were always stern and serious when he was aggrivated. "We probably have a million things to do in Orlando anyways. I'm sure I'll find time to go to the doctors and get checked out." Brian said quickly. Justin just sighed and stood.

"Let's just get back to the hotel and prepare to leave tomorrow." Justin said. He helped Brian stand up and they both headed for the limos.

As the boys entered the hotel lobby, they felt something was wrong. As they all looked towards the side of the lobby, they were attacked by a swarm of screaming fans. "Shit. How did this happen." A.J. whispered as he tried to avert the fans. Brian and Justin looked at each other and then quickly followed A.J.'s lead to the elevators. All the other guys made the mad dash too, hoping to get to the elevators before the fans did. The security personell began their job at trying to block all the fans. The swarm was becoming to great for them. A.J. slammed into the doors, his hand pounding the elevator button. "Shit. Come on you stupid thing." A.J. said as he banged the button. Nick looked at him nervously. "A.J., come on!" Nick yelled. Chris turned around to see the pack getting closer to them. "Open the damn thing!" Joey hollored. Finally the door popped open and the guys hopped in. "Shit, close it." Howie said nervously. The doors quickly slammed shut as the fans got closer. All of the guys let a sigh of relief go as they felt the elevator heading up to their floor. "That was a little too close." Lance said. Brian grabbed his head and leaned against the side of the elevator. Justin leaned on him and held his hand for comfort. "You okay?" Justin questioned softly. "Mmmm, yes." Brian said quietly. The doors opened and the boys were begining to walk out. Then they were quickly stopped by their P.R. "Hold it guys! Metting in Kevin's room in five minutes. There are a lot of thigns we have to discuss before heading to Orlando." the P.R. barked and ehaded towards Kevin's room. All the guys groan and began their descent to destinations.

"My room? Why my room?" Kevin complained. "Who knows. But I wanna know what for?" A.J. sighed. "Probably some shit about the shoot today." Joey grouched.

"Yeah. Either that or the reporters we ran into." Lance replied. "Let's just get it over with." Howie said as he followed the group. "Hey, I gotta go to my room first and egt somethings." Nick called. "Me too." J.C. agreed. "Well hurry up." Chris said as he ran to catch up with the others. Brian still stood next to the elevator grasping his ehad while Jusitn held his hand. "I just need to get some sleep tonight." Brian said softly. "You need more then that." Justin replied. "Justin, just let me handle this okay?" Brian said. He was begining to sound evn more demanding. "Okay... okay Brian. If it makes you feel better. We'll go straight to sleep tonight." Justin said with a wink. "I don't know if it should be 'we' tonight." Brian whispered. "What!?!?" Justin replied. "Maybe it's best if I just get some sleep." Brian said as he stood up straight. "And my guess is that the one guys who loves you can't be there. I'm only the one person besdies Kevin that would gladly take care of you due to this concusion." Justin said. He was a bit pissed off at Brian now. "I'm sorry babe." Brian said as he looked into Justin's fury eyes. "I know you care. I can't wait to spend time with you in Orlando." Brian said with a deep smile. Justin smiled back at him and helped him down to Kevin's room.

All the guys sat within Kevin's room. Each one seemed spread out from the others, almost distancing themselves. The P.R. stood from his chair and said "Okay.

Let's get this meeting started. We're here to discuss alot of matters that have happened lately. The first matter is the so-called brawl that happened in the hotel a few days ago." Everyone's eyes glanced back and forth from Justin to Brian to Nick. "I don't know what it was about or what reasons you may have had, but not in the hotel guys. The press is just waiting for things like that to happen." the P.R. said. All the guys kept looking at Nick Brian and Justin and decided to let it go without a word.

"The next matter is the video shoot. The director tells me all went well except that Brian and Justin missed the last three hours of the taping!?!?" he said with confussion.

Brian and Justin lowered their heads a bit and tried to act as if nothing was wrong. "Well Brian wasn't feeling too great and Justin decided to take care of him." Kevin covered for them. "That's understandable. With your injuries Brian, you should have someone to look after you." the P.R. replied. Justin smiled in Kevin's direction while Brian blushed a bit. "Anyways, the director will send us a cut of the final product in about a week. The video will premiere next month or maybe before. It depends on how promotion and sales go for this song. It seems to be doing well on radio." the P.R. said happily. Brian grabbed Justin's hand and held it firmly. Justin knew what that meant. Brian was once again happy.

"Now there's the issue of the trip to Orlando. We are supposed to stay there for about three or four days guys, but this is not a free day." the P.R. inphasized. Boo's came from all of the guys. "BORING!" A.J. hollored out and they all started laughing. "Listen guys. Managment says that you guys are to have the first day off and for yourselves. But the second day you have to go to the studio for seven hours striaght. From there, it's time to hit the hotel for press coverage and stuff like that. And then the next day is rehearsals all day for the performance that night." the P.R. commented casually on how much time the guys needed for all of their practices. "So basically, we get one day to spend with family." Chris said with disappointment. "If you have family down there, whatever free-time you have, spend it with them." the P.R. said. "Well I need time to get my things in order while I'm there." A.J. said. 'Things' Brian thought. "What things?" Nick said. "Uhm, well something that Brian'll have to worry about." A.J. said with a smile. This confussed Brian even more. "That's fine. Just as long you guys don't fall off schedule. Now we leave in four hours." the P.R. said quickly. "Four hours!!!" Howie yelled. "Yep. So get things together so we can go. Meet us down at the tour bus." the P.R. said as he left out of the room.

"Just four hours to pack and get all this shit together." Joey complained. "Come on guys. We can have that whole day off to just chill once we get there." Kevin said. Once again, he made things look good that he knew were bad. "But we have to ride in the bus." Nick groaned. "So. It's no biggie." A.J. said. He and Chris walked out of the room and ehaded for their's. "No biggie he says. You try and pack all the clothes I bought." Howie gripped. "Howie, you can be a real bitch sometimes..." J.C. said in humor. "I know." Howie said with a smile. They both walked out of Kevin's room.

"How much time do you think it'll take you to pack?" Justin whispered to Brian. "Don't know. Why?" Brian questioned. "Just wanted to spend a few more hours laying in a bed with you." Justin replied softly. Brian leaned forward and quickly pecked Justin's lips. "You just tell me when and where." Brian said with a smile. "Not that type of laying Brian!" Justin said with a laugh. Brian looked confussed. "You'll see Brian." Jusitn said as he led Brian out of Kevin's room. They entered Brian's room and closed the door. "So what are we doing?" Brian said, still confussed. Justin sat Brian down on the chair next to the window and sat between his legs, facing him. "Does this bring back memories?" Justin said as he began to kiss Brian's face. "Ah, does it?" Brian said sarcastically. "I just wanted us to remember the first time we made love. It was in this room. I want us to remember loosing our virginity in this room." Jusitn said softly in Brian's ear before licking it. "I don't think we'll ever forget Justin." Brian whispered. Justin stopped kissing Brian and sat there. They looked into each other's eyes, the stars sparkling between their gaze. "I don't know what it's going to be like in Orlando?" Brian said nervously. "What do you mean?" Justin questioned with curiousity. "I mean, I don't really have family down there. You do. Your mom stays there. What will we tell her?" Brian said. Justin thought for a minute. "We'll tell her the truth." Justin said with a smile. "I mean, are you sure?" Brian asked. "Yes I'm sure." Justin said with hsi dazzling smile. Brian smiled back and held Justin closely to him.

Brian L. & Justin T. (Part 14) by JM

Three hours went by fast for Brian and Justin as they laid in Brian's bed. Brian rolled over to his side to look at Justin's sleeping face. Brian rubbed his face lightly over Justin's jaw and then his lips. "God, you're beautiful." Brian whispered to him. Justin did not stir, but yet kept still. Brian sighed and sat up in the bed. He looked at his watch and saw that it was going on two o'clock in the morning. "Damn. Just an hour before we leave." Brian mummered. He rolled out of the bed with hesitation and headed for closet. He turned back quickly to make sure Justin was still sleeping. Justin laid quietly on the bed, eyes still shut. Brian smiled and opened up the closet. All of his bags were packed and the closet was bare. Brian yanked out his two bags and closed the closet back. Brian tripped his way to the bed and put the bags next to his bed. He sat on the bed and grabbed his shoes. He began to put them on when he felt a hand cares his face. Brian glanced over his shoulder and saw Justin sitting up on the bed. Justin smiled at Brian and then rolled off the bed. He stood and stretched carefully. "Didn't want to wake you." Brian whispered as he began to put on his shoes. "If you didn't, then you'd be leaving without me." Justin said with a deep smile. Brian didn't bother to look up, but continued his effort to get everything together. "I should gte to my room then and get ready to go." Justin said as he headed for the door. "Want me to help?" Brian said as he stood up. He turned to face Justin. "Only if you want." Justin replied. "Sure I do." Brian said. brian began to head towards Justin when the phone rang. "Shit. Just hold on a minute." Brian said as he gestured for Justin to stay. Justin just stayed next to the door while Brian answered the phone. Justin tried not to pay attention to what Brian was talking about and who he was talking to, but he was too curious. "It's ready. That's great. I'll be down there in ten minutes." Brian said as he hung up the phone. he glanced at justin and gave him a loving smile.

"Shall we go?" Brian said as he grabbed his two bags and hoisted them on his shoulders. "Okay." Justin said as he opened the door. They both walked into the hallway to see a major production going on in the hall. There were hotel workers, security guards, managers and press everywhere. Brian and Justin looked at each other in confussion. "Yo Justin! Get your things together so we can get going!" a security guard yelled from down the hall. Two reporters headed towards Brian and Justin and began their onslaught of questions. "So what's the next stop for you guys?" one reporter asked. "Uh, we're headed for Orlando." Brian replied as he ushered Jusitn down the hall. "Things seem to be going well on this tour. How are things between the groups?" the other asked. "Things are going well. We all really get along." Justin replied as he walked past Nick. They both acknowledged each other and didn't say a word afterwards. "Has there been any new friendships created between the groups?" the reporter asked. "Yes. Me and Justin are REAL good friends now." Brian replied. He smiled at Justin and rushed him to his room. The reporters were stopped by the security right outside of Justin's room.

Brian ripped the door open and threw Justin and himself inside. "Shit, that was alot to get thru." Justin said as he walked towards his bed. He began to pile all of his clothes up and stuff them into his bag. "Yep. But we got through it with no incidents." Brian said as he dropped his two bags. He smiled at Justin and helped him pack. "Geez Justin, you got alot of clothes." Brian said as he sorted things out. "I know. It's rough getting from place to place sometimes." Justin said as he stuffed more clothes into his bag. "But at least I'll be able to drop some of this off at my house." Justin said as he zipped up one of his bags. Brian didn't respond, just kept packing. "So what was the phone call about?" Justin said as he sat on his bed. He tried to make it sound like "small talk", but he felt that Brian knew why he was asking. "Don't worry about it. Just business." Brian replied as he too sat down. "Business eh? Like the business we handled in the office at the arena?" Justin said sarcastically. "No you ass. I only do that business with you." Brian said. "Okay. Then let's talk business." Justin said. Justin jumped on Brian and wrestled him to the floor. Justin began to rip at Brian's shirt. Brian fought back, not letting Justin get his way. "We have less then thirty minutes left." Brian groaned as Justin began to peal his shirt away. "That's enought ime." Justin said as he leaned in. He began to kiss Brian's neck, which Brian loved. "You're crazy!" Brian shouted. Justin just rubbed Brian's chest and unzipped his pants.

Brian finally gave in as Justin yanked his jeans off. Justin took his own shirt and jeans off and then headed for Brian's silk boxers. "Let me." Brian said softly. He began to seductively peal off his boxers. Justin smiled and yanked his own off. Justin grabbed hold of Brian's legs and slowly opened them. There stood his proud member, fully erect. Justin grabbed hold of Brian's dick and jacked it slowly. He leaned in and began to tongue Brian's lips, begging for them to part. Brian moaned softly and Justin went in for the kill, slamming his mouth on Brian's. Their lips pressed together and tongues slid over each other. Justin grabbed hold of his own dick and led it to Brian's entrance. Justin slid his finger over his pre-cum head and slicked his dick up. Justin thrusted slowly forward into Brian's ass. Brian grunted in slight pain and exhaled a bit. Justin let go of Brian's lips so that Brian could adjust once again. Brian opened his eyes and mouthed the words "Go ahead." Justin understood and began to slide deeper into Brian. Brian bit his bottom lip and let Justin go for the kill. Justin then rested his balls on Brian's ass with Brian's legs now up in the air. Justin kissed Brian again and began to thrust quickly in and out of Brian. "Heh heh heh, this feels good." Brian moaned. Jusitn couldn't believe how hot Brian was. Their bodies collide time after time as Justin got closer to his climax. "NOW!!!" Justin shouted as he release his semen into Brian's ass. Brian gasped and let go a load of cum on his own chest. "Shit Brian." Justin said as he relaxed ontop of Brian. Brian relaxed his ass muscles and laid his ehad to the floor. Brian gazed as his watch and was amazed. "We have ten more minutes Justin." Brian said softly. "Okay." Justin whispered back as he slowly withdrew from Brian's ass. They both got up and quickly got their clothes on.

They both jumped off the elevator and ran to the lobby desk. "Checking out." the clerk said without looking up at them. "yes, we are." Brian replied. She slipped them the papers to sign, still not looking at them. Brian and Justin quickly signed them and passed them back to her. The clerk glanced at the names and had to do a double-take. She looked up at them and they smiled at her. "Please, don't scream." Brian whispered and gave her a charming smile. She nodded and smiled back. Justin quickly grabbed a peice of paper and signed the paer and passed it to Brian. Brian did the same and handed it to the clerk. "There you go. Two autographs for you. Now, please don't scream." Brian said quietly. She agreed and just sat there, her heart thumping. "Go to the bus and I'll meet you out there." Brian whispered to Justin. Justin grabbed his things and began to walk to the bus. "I have a package waiting for me here." Brian said softly. The clerk nodded and handed him the small bag. "Thanks cutie." Brian said. He winked at her and then started walking for the bus. "OH MY GOD!!!! BRIAN LITTRELL JUST WINKED AT ME!!!!!" the clerk screamed at the top of her lungs.

Brian and Justin looked at each other and then sarted running for the tour bus, avoiding the fans and the reporters that were now after them. Justin got to the bus and threw his bags to the driver. He turned around and waved to all of his fans, making them scream with delight. Brian yanked Justin onto the bus and they headed to the back. Justin gazed around at the huge inside of the bus. It was equipped with two entertainment rooms, two bathrooms, 18 bunk-beds and a kitchen. Justin gazed through the bus as he and Brian passed by Lance, Chris and A.J. They walked into one of the entertainment rooms. In the room sat Kevin, Nick, Howie and Joey. Brian sat on one of the bean bags in the corner and had Justin sit on his lap. They all watched the T.V. as the bus began to roll away. "How long will this take again?" Nick said as Kevin. "It's going to be about an eight hour trip. We should be Orlando by ten tomorrow morning." Kevin replied. "Eight hour with the love bugs over here." Joey said in humor as he pointed to Brian and Justin. "Yeah." Nick said as he rolled his eyes. Justin smiled at him in spite.

Brian L. & Justin T. (Part 15) by JM

Brian glanced out of the window as they drove off from the hotel. Justin wrapped his hand around Brian's and smiled. Brian laid his head back against the window while Justin leaned against him. "I'm so sleepy." Brian said as he yawned. "Hmmm, me too." Justin said with a smile. "I'm out ya'll. It's been a long day." Joey said as he walked out of the room. "Who's going to be sleeping where?" Howie questioned, not trying to direct the question towards Brian and Justin. "Well the beds are seperated by the kitchen. So there's eight beds on one side and ten on the other. "Us guys are supposed to sleep in the area with the ten beds, whcih is near the front. Security and personell are to the back here." Kevin replied. "Okay." Howie said and re-focused his attention to the T.V. Brian glanced at the T.V. and noticed the guys were watching 'Romeo & Juliet' with Leonardo DiCaprio. Brian began to make gagging faces and make fun of Leonardo. "Stop it!" Justin said. "What? He's better then me or something." Brian said sarcastically. "Yep. I bet he could do alot of tricks." Jusitn said to spite him. "Just like you." Brian said with a laugh. Jusitn elbowed Brian and they began to wrestle in the little room. "Hey guys, watch it!" Kevin said as he tried to break the two up. Justin pushed Brian and Brian's ehad hit the wall. Brian slumped down and laid to the side. "Oh my GOD!" Justin hollored and rushed to Brian. Brian didn't move. "Oh shot, call 911!" Justin hollored at Kevin and Howie. They all just laughed at Justin. "What? What's so damn funny." Justin said. Justin turned back around and saw Brian smiling at him with a Jim Carrey expression. "You asshole!" Justin screamed at him. Tears were in his eyes, but Justin was holding them back. "Oh come on Justin! I was just having a little fun." Brian said. He was still laughing. Justin stood and ran out of the room. "Now look what you did." Nick said with a smile. "Shut up Nick." Brian said as he got up. Brian walked out of the room and began to search for Justin.

Brian walked lazily towards the front of the bus. He walked into the kitchen where secutiy and Chris were chatting. He looked in each bunk, to try and find Justin. He saw A.J., Joey and J.C. all sleeping in their bunks. Brian tossed and turned as the bus driver drove the bus. "Could you drive it any harder?" Brian called to the driver. Brian walked even further to the front and saw Justin sitting in a seat near the back of the front, listening to his CD player. Lance walked past Brian and whispered "He's kinda upset about it." Brian smiled at lance and thanked him for looking after Justin. Lance headed to the back where the others were. Brian walked to Justin and sat next to him. Justin winched at him and moved closer to the window. Brian just smiled and looked at the CD case. Justin was listening to Missy Elliott and paying no attention to Brian. Brian quickly pressed the 'stop' button on Justin's CD player. Justin was about to yell at him, but Brian shut his mouth with his hand. "Shhhh." Brian whispered. Brian removed his hand from Justin's mouth. "I don't want to talk to you Brian Littrell." Justin whispered. He turned his head away from Brian again. Brian yanked Justin's shirt, causing Justin to lean on him. "Let me go!" Justin mumbled. "I'm sorry Justin. I didn't mean to scare you that much." Brian said softly.

"Yeah right." Justin said in anger. "Justin, don't be so hard. I was just playing with you." Brian pleaded. Justin finally relaxed and laid back in the seat.

Suddenly, with no prior warning, Brian reached down and started rubbing Justin's crouch. In his mind, Justin was going crazy, but for some reason he just sat there motionless and speechless. Justin was absolutely stunned by Brian's actions. Since he made no attempt to stop him, Brian continued. First he unbuttoned and unzipped Justin's pants. Brian smiled and then he reached in and messaged Justin's aching cock through his boxers. Still Justin did nothing and said nothing to him. Justin's mind was screaming to stop this, but his body was winning the argument. Still sensing no resistance from Justin, Brian grabbed hold of his pants and boxers and pulled them down to Justin's knees. Justin kept looking around the bus terrified of being caught with his pants down and people seeing Brian playing with his dick. Even though to this point Justin had not moved or said a word, his almost completely erect cock that popped out of his pants showed how his body was feeling at that moment.

As Justin's cock continued to grow even harder, Brian slid down the seat and slipped it into his mouth. Brian and Justin had never talked about doing anything like this while on the bus, but apparently Brian had been thinking of it for sometime. Justin made no attempt to stop him again as his mouth rode up and down the entire length of Justin's shaft. Justin never expected he would have this sexual experience happen in the seat of their tour bus. Brian allowed his tongue to slip down and wet Justin asshole several times before he pushed his middle finger all the way in him. As Justin felt him enter his ass, he lost all control and shot a huge load of cum into Brian's mouth. Brian swallowed it all up and continued to finger Justin's small ass. Justin was amazed that they had not woken anyone up with their sounds of pleasure.

Brian sat back up in the seat and took out his rock hard, ten inch cock.

Justin thought it was beautiful. Brian then reached over to the compartment next to Justin. He pulled out a bottle of hand lotion rubbed all over his cock. He sat straight and told Justin to sit on his lap. Justin was still in shock, but he wasn't about to stop now. Justin sat on his lap with his back to Brian, facing the front of the bus. Justin could feel Brian rubbing the head of his cock on his asshole. Justin let loose a slight sigh and then he felt the cock pop in. Justin tried to get up a bit, but Brian held his hips steady and whispered for Justin to stay right there. Justin slowly started to relax and eased his ass down, allowing Brian to go all the way in him. The pain was quickly being replaced with intense pleasure. After Justin's asshole had opened all the way up, he began to slowly rock up and down on Brian's hard cock. Justin could hear him quietly moaning under him. Justin could not believe that he was in the back seat of a tour bus with no pants on, getting fucked by Brian. Justin began to bounce up and down faster and harder with Brian's help from underneath.

Justin continued to look around the bus as Brian fucked his teenage ass.

Justin noticed that the bus driver was not watching them, which made him feel a little bit of comfort. Justin stopped for just a moment in complete pleasure. A slight smile came from the Justin, which started him fucking again. Justin now rode Brian fast and hard like a horse, while looking around the bus the whole time. Brian was reaming Justin's asshole hard now, barely able to control his moans. Suddenly Brian pulled Justin's hips down and held him there while he exploded cum up Justin's ass. Justin loved the feel of Brian cum shooting in him.

Justin quickly hopped off of Brian's lap and pulled his pants up. Brian did the same. "Now, do you accept my apology." Brian teased. Justin punched him in the arm and looked out the window. Brian groaned a bit and then backed away. Brian turned to the aisle and began to stand. "Don't leave." Justin pleaded. "I'm sooooo tired Justin. I have to get some sleep." Brian said as he turned around. "Okay. Then I'll join you." Justin said as he too stood. "If you want." Brian said. he shuggered his shoulders and started ehading for the bunks. Brian got in the bottom bunk, followed by Justin. The bunk was big enough for the two of them, giving them plenty of space. Brian wrapped his arms around Justin and leaned against the wall. Justin rested his head on Brian's chest and began to drift off to sleep. Just as his eyes closed, A.J. snatched the curtains to the bunks open. "What are you two doing?" A.J. said. "What does it look like. We're going to sleep you ass." Brian replied. "Nope. The guys are all sitting in the front, eating and waiting on you guys so we can talk about something.

It's kind of personal and professional." A.J. said. "Sounds deep." Justin replied. "It is." A.J. said. "So come on." A.J. said as he gestured for the two to get out. Brian sighed and he and Justin got out of the bunk.

They walked to the front of the bus where all the guys sat eating. They were pigging out on chips, sodas, candy and cheese. Justin sat down, his face full of frusturation. Brian grabbed a plate of chips and sat next to Justin. "Hungry?" Howie questioned Justin. "Nah. just tired." Justin sighed. "So what's up guys?" Justin said as he sat up. "Well, most of the guys here really like Brian's song. You know, 'Just'?" Kevin said. "Yes. I know the one." Justin said with a smile. "Well, it's going to be great on our new CD, but since we're promoting together now, I thought it'd be good if you guys had a song for your album." Kevin said. This intrigued Justin. "So when we go into the studio in Orlando, we thought that you and Brian should sit down and write sorta 'Just' part two. This time with the both of you singing. That way, it really will be your song. And 'N Sync can put it on their new album. After we go through all the bullshit with management and producers." Kevin said. Justin smiled and felt a tear glisten in his eye. "Great idea!" Brian said. he jumped up and gave Kevin a big hug. "Yeah yeah. Don't get mushy on me. We just thought it would be a make-up present for all the shit we put you guys through." Kevin replied. "Thanks Kevin. Thanks to all of you." Justin said with a smile. "Sure. As long as you guys don't turn into total freaks at the studio." Chris said with a laugh. The others laughed at him. "So, what else did you guys have to talk about?" Justin asked. "on the subject of the song, we thought that instead of getting Viett to rpoduce it, that you and Brian could produce it." Lance said to Justin. Justin looked at him in shock. "Us?" Justin said nervously. "Yes, us." Brian said as he looked at Jusitn. Justin sat in shock. "We'll do it." Brian said. He grabbed Jusitn's hand and held it tightly.

"Good. Next up is an issue I believe that Brian has to handle?" J.C. said. He was giving Brian his cue. "Thanks J.C." Brian said with a smile. Brian stood and looked around at each guy. "I know it took some getting used to, with me and Jusitn being together. I also know that some of you still can't handle that. It's understandable. But I'm dedicated to Justin. I know that in my heart. So, I have a question for Justin." Brian said. His confidence was at full power. Justin looked at him in confussion. "Justin, when we get to Florida, A.J. is moving out and he's going to stay with Kevin at his place. I was wondering if you'd move in with me." Brian said.

Justin was shocked once again. "Uhm, I don't know what to say." Justin stuttered. "Say yes!" A.J. hollored. "Yes. I'll move in with you Brian." Justin said. They all cheered and Brian gave Justin a quick kiss. "Okay. Now, I know that Nick broke the bracelet I gave you. So I picked this up for you." Brian said. He handed Justin a marron, velvet box. Justin opened it and inside was a sterling silver ring. The sing sparkeled in the dim bus lights. Justin looked at brian and Brian gave him a huge smile. Justin took the ring out and slipped it on his hand, middle finger. "Now, let's see if he can break this." Brian said sarcastically. Nick huffed and paid no attention to Brian. Justin began to whimper, but held in his tears. "It's great." Justin said with a smile. He gave Brian a loving kiss, keeping their lips locked for awhile. The guys hooted and carried on as Brian and Justin kissed.


Next: Chapter 8: Brian and Justin 16 17

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