Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Jun 28, 1999


Brian & Justin (Chapter 95) By JM

---- Voted by readers - BEST STORYLINE & MOST ROMANTIC COUPLE ----

*** General Announcement: Okay this story and the following stories are going to be a slow down pace for me. I am going to slow down the quickie's and add the romance to the stories. But don't get me wrong, there will still be plenty of sex and fun for the boys. Yes, these stories will mostly revolve around the relationship between Brian Littrell (of the Backstreet Boys) and Justin Timberlake (of 'N Sync), but there is going to be guest appearances from all of the guys of the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync. I can't always guarantee action for them though, because I am so hooked on Brian and Justin. The stories will also follow the same path that the others have left off with. So that means, these stories follow where I left off with 'B-Rok B-Day', 'Round And Round, and 'The First Week'. I want everyone to know that I don't plan on stopping after this story, so don't worry. I get e-mails all the time about that. I do hope you enjoy the series of stories to come and do wish to hear all of your comments may they be good or bad (hopefully not all bad)... so send them on over to: or ***

**** This is THE 89th STORY!!! It follows along with the rest, so if you're still not caught up, you had better get reading. Hope you enjoy this part and please send all comments to me at the address above. I have received an abundance of mail, so that makes me want to keep on writing better stories. I THANK all of you who have sent your great comments to me. Especially to those who have been there since the very beginning. Also, for those who still want the lyrics to the all 'Justin & Brian' soundtracks (only lyrics). Soundtrack features old and new songs from the BSB, 'N Sync and others. All songs are original songs that I made up for Brian and Justin unless noted. They have a purpose, so don't distribute them without permission. SPECIAL THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO HAS BEEN READING AND SENDING ME E-MAIL, I APPRECIATE IT!!! Special thanks to Leprechaun for inspiring me to write such great stories. He's got talent and you guys should check out his series "Bad Boy B-Rok". It is the best BSB story I have read. And thanks to Calguy19 for great works, with his storyline 'Bangin' B-Rok'. Also thanks to Zeo for creating 'N Sync Love. It's a great story! And finally, thanks to Chris, Adam and JJ Vascardi's for being a good friends and great authors. I also want to thank Yas for the GREAT story ideas he has given me. VERY SPECIAL thanks to Netboy for designing and maintaining the website for me. And to Cabby for her continuous support. So until the next time... please keep reading the stories...s and all of you B-Boys keep it 'N Sync... ****

Brian woke up with a small drop of sweat breaking from his forehead. He rubbed his eyes and then ran his hands through his hair. This movement was enough to wake the sleeping Justin. Justin groaned as he awakened. Brian ran a hand over Justin's cheek and then he looked to his door. He could see that it was slightly creeked open. Brian pushed himself up and looked around the room. Sitting at Brian's desk was Harold, looking over the wedding invitations.

"Harold? What are you doing?" Brian asked with a groan. Justin yawned and then shot up when he saw Harold. "Just looking over the wedding invitations." Harold replied without looking at them. "And you had to do that in my room?" Brian complained softly.

Harold spun in the swivel chair to look at Brian and Justin. "Actually I wanted to talk to Justin for a minute." Harold devulged his real motive. Brian looked at Justin quickly and then back at Harold. "Well I'm butt naked under here, so why don't you step out of here for a minute and then I'll get dressed and get out." Brian suggested with a striaght face. "Like I've nevre seen you naked before." Harold laughed. Brian wasn't as friendly. He was still tired and Harold could tell. "Okay, don't be so nice about it." Harold joked and walked out of the room.

As soon as the door was closed, Brian pulled the covers back on the bed. "Grab something to wear." Brian suggested as he stepped out of the bed. He stretched lightly and then ran a hand through his hair. Justin crawled out of the bed and walked to Brian. He hugged Brian's back with intense care. "Thanks for taking a nap with me." Justin whispered and kissed Brian's shoulder blade. Brian nodded and pulled away from Justin.

Justin walked to his bag and pulled out some comfortable clothes for his 'conversation' with Harold. Brian quickly dressed himself in a white T-shirt and some blue Nike shorts. He pulled some ankle socks on and then looked to Justin. "I'm gonna be downstairs with the folks and Tyke and BJ." Brian informed Justin. "Okay," Justin nodded as he pulled on his clothes.

Brian stepped to the door and pulled it open slightly. He saw Harold waiting patiently on the other side. "Just a minute bro." Brian gave Harold notice. Harold nodded. "Don't say anything to hurt his feelins Harold." Brian warned Harold. "I won't Brian. I saw how... uh... 'cute' ya'll looked when ya'll were sleeping. I'll go easy on him." Harold replied. Brian cocked his eyebrow at Harold with suspicion. "Brian, he's gonna be my brother-in-law. I don't wanna alienate him yet!" Harold teased. Brian cracked a smile and then headed down the steps.

Harold lightly tapped on the door to await a reply from Justin. "Come on in Harold," he heard Justin respond quickly. Harold shrugged and pushed the door open. He peered inside to find Justin. He finally spotted Justin sitting at the same desk that he was sitting at earlier. Harold made his move to walk inside and then watched Justin. Justin sat in the chair, looking over the invitations. His mind was far from the fact that Harold was standing in the room. He was more concentrated on the neatly and perfectly designed invitations that were for his wedding. He traced his fingers over the names 'Brian Thomas Littrell & Justin Randall Timberlake' several times. A shiver ran over him as he looked at the invitation in his hand.

"It's really happening, isn't it?" Harold commented shyly. Justin looked up at him with sudden surprise. "I mean my brother is actually, jumping the broom. And with you." Harold added as he approached Justin. "Is that a bad thing?" Justin asked softly. "It could be. It could be if the public found out and decided to trash you and Brian." Harold took it upon himself to shine some light on the negative side of marriage. Justin gave Harold a disturbed expression. "Or you and Brian could end up unhappy?" Harold added softly. "But if's and or's are the worst part of life. I don't think my brother getting married is bad, but the sudden and unexpected shock of it is rather effecting everyone." Harold quickly changed the mood.

"Harold, are you here to just bring me down or are you going to say to me that you're happy that Brian is getting married and you'll support us?" Justin finally snapped his question at Harold. "Wow, you're not one for wait are you?" Harold joked. Justin didn't give him the smile he wanted. "Honestly Justin, of course I'm going to support you and Brian because he's my younger bro. But still I have a right to voice how I feel about these things. Brian's going in a little too fast for me and I guess I'm not ready for him to say he's ready for marriage." Harold answered. Justin sighed and turned his attention back to the invitations. "I just wanted you to know that you'll be my brother soon and I wanted to get to know you a bit better. I mean, at the hospital we never got a chance to talk. And that obviously wasn't the right time and place to get to know you." Harold explained. "Yeah, things were kind of hectic then." Justin agreed. "I guess if I had known you were going to be my future brother-in-law, I wouldn't gotten to know you a bit better. But of course, Brian kept that from us anyway." Harold shamelessly said. "Yeah, well Leigh Ann kind of kept that so nicely hidden too. Making everyone believe her and Brian were something." Justin reminded him. "She has her faults. I can admit that. Still, I thank you for being there for Brian. I know it was rough because everyone there was so concerned about eveyone else and everyone wanted Leigh Ann to be there for Brian, but you were the one Brian was looking for." Harold spoke with care. Justin finally gave him the smile he wanted.

"Of course it helped that you were Brian's first." Harold said sarcastically. "That has nothing to do with it." Justin laughed. "Well I thought my lil' bro was gonna be a virgin till he was fifty or something." Harold sneered. "He was just waiting like any responsible guy would do." Justin replied. "Yeah, then he found you and the wait was over? Interesting." Harold commented slyly. Justin didn't give Harold a smile, but yet a flattered grin.

"Well, don't tell Brian this, but the reason I came to talk with you was to let you know that I'm okay with you two now. It's still hard to picture sometimes, but I know we all have our crosses to bare." Harold stated clearly. Justin was surprised at Harold's statement. "And I'll be at the wedding, with Leigh Ann." Harold added. Justin frowned slightly when he heard Harold's comment. "That's your choice Harold. Me and Brian can't control who you wish to bring to the wedding. But for the sake of Brian, don't show her off as if she's the greatest woman in the world. He's had enough to deal with concering her." Justin pleaded. "She's my date and soon enough, girlfriend. Just like I had to get over you and Brian, he has to get over this." Harold argued lightly and calmly. "That's true. Still, I have no problem with you bringing her, just know that Brian will." Justin added. "Well I have no problem with you marrying Brian, but just know that Leigh Ann might." Harold retorted. "And I could careless if she does have a problem with it." Justin blew off the comment.

Justin twisted in the chair back to the desk and finished looking over the invitations. "What's your deal with her?" Harold asked, taking a seat on the floor. "She has this obsession with Brian and anything closer than she is to him, she has a problem with." Justin replied. "Even Nick?" Harold asked. "I don't know. She seems to be cool with Nick, yet when it comes to me, she tries everything to keep Brian's attention." Justin replied softly. "Obviously, Nick isn't sleeping with Brian." Harold laughed out his response.

Justin let go of the invitation at the notion, still receiving flashbacks from the previous nights. "He isn't is he?" Harold re-invented his question. "Oh no, Brian and Nick are just friends." Justin replied with a stutter. "Yeah, they've always been close. Frick and Frack always." Harold chimed. "Wonder why Brian didn't bring Nick along this time." Harold added, looking towards Justin. Justin knew that Harold was staring at him. "They're going through some issues right now." Justin responded without looking at Harold. "Issues? Anything to do with you?" Harold pried further. "It has everything to do with me." Justin boasted sharply. "Hmm, I hit a sore spot eh? Wanna talk about it?" Harold offered. "No, that's okay. Let's just say Nick wants to be Brian's 'Frack' in more ways than one and Brian says that he's too in love with me to even try anything with Nick." Justin gave his quick answer for Harold's ears. "More than friends?!" Harold shouted with surprise. "Huh Harold." Justin quickly hissed, trying to make sure Brian didn't walk in on their conversation. "Nick actually likes Brian? Wow, that was unexpected. And the fact that Brian and you actually stayed together after that? I mean, Brian has always been REAL close to Nick and he knows Nick better than you. So he chose you over something that has been there for a long time. I know that was rough for him." Harold blurted everything out.

Justin was feeling weak with the conversation. "Well I guess it all depends on how you look at it Harold. When you love someone like I love Justin, best friends can be put aside." Harold heard his younger brother's voice enter the room. Justin looked up when he saw Brian enter the room. "Well if it isn't Justin's favorite guy." Harold teased. "I didn't mean to intrupt ya'll, but me and Justin have to get to the arena to rehearse for tonight's show." Brian stated, still looking at Justin. "Well then I guess that ends our conversation Justin." Harold peeked out as he stood. "How about ya'll let me give ya'll a ride over to the arena so I can say hi to my favorite cousin?" Harold offered, searching for his keys in his pockets. "Okay, let's go then." Brian replied, walking over to his bags. Harold looked over to Justin and mouthed the words 'Don't forget.' Justin nodded.

Within an hour's time, Brian and Justin had arrived with Harold at the Rupp Arena. "You're late ya'll!" they heard Kevin announce from his microphone. "Sorry, we were caught in traffic." Brian hollered back. "Well get up here so ya'll can get started." Kevin responded, echoing his voice throughout the arena.

Brian and Justin escroted Harold onto the stage and looked around the arena. "This is going to be our biggest show since it's our last show." Brian heard Lance comment as he walked by. "Well, aren't we in a chipper mood Lansten?" Justin teased as Lance tripped on by. "I'm in a good mood, but I wish that reporters would stop calling and leaving messages for us. Since this show is so big and all, we got tight security for it and reporters aren't allowed outside of the offices down there." Lance explained, pointing to a corridor that led to several offices in the arena. "Well at least that gives me a little more freedom." Brian chimed as he lightly pinched Justin's butt. "Hey!" Justin jumped up with shock.

Harold cleared his throat loudly, trying to grasp some attention from the others. Kevin glanced over his shoulder and smiled. Kevin ran over to Harold and pulled him up into a tight hug. "What are you doing here!?" Kevin yelled out as he and Harold hugged. "Just dropping off the squirt and his little boyfriend." Harold joked as he released Kevin. "Well where's my auntie and uncle? At home?" Kevin questioned. "As always." Harold nodded. "Have you had a chance to visit Mamaw, Papaw or Ena since you've been here?" Harold asked of Kevin. "No, last night I just chilled with my brothers and my mom for the night." Kevin explained. "Well you and Brian need to make it a point to see them. And make sure you take Justin so at least our grandparents know something about who Brian's marrying." Harold stated with concern. "I'll be sure to drag both of them over there!" Kevin replied happily.

"Have you noticed that your brother is all of the sudden trading sides on us with that Tar Heels hat on!!!" Kevin yelled out, looking directly at Brian and Justin. "Yeah, I think it was Justin's idea." Harold replied with a small laugh.

"Hey Tommy, strum up some keys and get the rest of the guys together so we can practice some of the songs." Howie suggested as he walked onto the stage. "Busy right now." he heard Tommy reply as Tommy began working on updating his webpage. "I love a band that talks any ol' way to their employers." Howie joked. "And I love an employer that spends forty-five minutes on the toliet." Tommy joked back.

"Don't worry about it D. I think we need to go over some dances anyway." A.J. assured him as he and Amanda graced the stage. "Yeah, some of us have been slacking off on our moves." Kevin added, looking directly at A.J. "Not me!" A.J. joked with no shame.

"Someone get Nick and let's practice." Howie demanded as he dropped his toewl to the side. "I guess that's my cue." Brian shrugged as he looked at Justin. "Okay, I think I'm gonna go warmup with J.C." Justin nodded. "Okay, don't wear yourself out, okay?" Brian advised. He used his fingre to lift Justin's chin for assurance. "I won't." Justin responded softly. Justin leaned forward and let Brian place a gentle kiss on his lips. As Brian backed away, he held Justin's hand. "Okay, let him go now!" Kevin joked as he approached. Brian groaned and let Justin's hand go. Justin giggled and walked off to the backstage area.

"I'm outta here gents!" Harold called off as he walked off stage. "Are you gonna come and get me and Justin tonight after the show?" Brian called out his question. "I'll be at the show, but I think mom wants to get ya'll." Harold replied, turning around to look at Brian. "Okay!" Brian yelled out with a laugh. Harold waved goodbye and left the arena.

Another hour went by as 'N Sync and the Backstreet Boys had changed positions with 'N Sync rehearsing onstage while the Backstreet Boys praticed singing behind the stage. "Okay, it's break time." Michael the choreographer informed 'N Sync. "Good, I'm sweating bullets here." J.C. panted out and ran offstage. Lance prepared to follow J.C. when Dax stepped in front of him. "MTV News is on your cell phone." Dax informed Lance as he passed Lance the small phone. Lance huffed and grabbed the phone. "Thanks." he said as he walked off the stage.

Justin felt a small cramp in his thigh and took a seat in the middle of the stage. "Boy, you look tired." Brian commented as he sat down next to Justin. "I am." Justin panted out. "Here you go," Brian smiled as he passed Justin a small white towel and some Evian water. Justin happily popped open the bottled water and began to guzzle it down. Justin wiped his mouth and then smiled at Brian. "Could you..." Justin requested, pointing to his left thigh. "Ooh, gladly!" Brian responded happily. He propped Justin's leg over his lap and began to rub over Justin's thigh. "Ah..." Justin moaned with relief. Justin took the towel and wiped the sweat from his head. Brian kneeded Justin's thigh slowly and sunsually. "You're trying to..." Justin couldn't finish his words as Brian's hands began to massage the inside of his thigh. "Mmhmmm." Brian responded with a devious grin. "Didn't you get enough of that this morning?" Justin pondered with a smile. "I never get enough of you." Brian replied. Brian moved his hands back to the top of Justin's thigh to avoid Justin getting a little too happy.

"Now what if I was to say that there was a room backstage that was empty and no one knows about it but me..." Brian whispered as his hands began to roam once again to Justin's sensitive spot. Justin bit his lower lip, trying to hold back his moan. "Then I'd say that if you didn't get me there in five minutes, everyone is gonna know why I call you B-Rok..." Justin grunted out. Brian and Justin looked at each other for seconds before leaping up and running to the backstage.

Nick watched Brian and Justin wiz by and he knew that they were happy. He frowned and walked out to the stage. He took a seat on the edge and let his feet dangle off. It reminded him of the time he confronted Justin about how he felt towards Brian. 'If only that kiss at his party was enough...' Nick sighed to himself. "A penny for your thoughts." he heard a soft voice say and then heard a penny drop on the stage. "You'll need a million more of those to make me smile." Nick replied as he sulked. "Well I remember times when it only took a moment to make you smile." Lance replied as he sat down next to Nick. "Ah, the good times right?" Nick joked. "I thought they were." Lance responded with a nod, giving Nick a serious look. "Yeah, until you left me for J.C. right?" Nick responded, shooting an arrow right to Lance's heart. "Geez, I'm doing my best to at least be your friend." Lance commented, looking away from Nick. "I'm sorry Lance. You'll always be a little more than a friend to me." Nick replied with an apologetic tone. "Same here," Lance nodded.

"After all, where am I gonna get good sex like I did with you?" Nick tried to joke again. "I'll admit it, with you it was rather good." Lance laughed along. "Things just can't be like that anymore huh?" Nick asked, trying to grasp the attention of Lance's eyes again. Lance placed his hand on top of Nick's and smiled. "If J.C. wasn't in my heart Nick, you'd be the one." Lance gave Nick a ray of sunshine. "Yeah, I always seem to fuck things up with the right guy." Nick sighed. "No, with us, it was both our faults." Lance assured him. "Yeah, but Brian's a different story." Nick added. "Hmm, well I have the time and the shoulder, so let's talk." Lance comforted him. "Lord, I always knew that there'd be one guy that I'd regret deeply letting get away." Nick groaned. "I know it's hard to deal with you losing Brian." Lance said. "No... I meant you." Nick whispered to Lance.

Lance's eyes were hypnotized by Nick's. The feelings that made him love Nick so dearly seem to return so suddenly, Lance almost re-thought his choice to love J.C. "But let me not come between what you and J.C. have. I've already done enough when it comes to Brian and Justin." Nick suggested, backing away from Lance. Lance almost wanted to reach out to Nick when he felt Nick's hand slip from his thigh.

"What... what happened between you and Brian?" Lance stuttered out the question. "We almost had sex." Nick summarized his dilemma. "You what?!" Lance questioned, almost yelling at him. "Okay, calm down. We were drunk and I almost got Brian to take my virginity." Nick responded lowly. "Jesus Nick are you crazy?" Lance chastised him. "Crazy for love." Nick shrugged. "But it's not like I got away with it. Justin made it pretty clear how he felt." Nick added, pointing to the bruise that hda formed on his cheek courtsey of Justin's fist. Lance tried to take a more calm position towards the problem. "Nick, I understand that Brian means alot to you, but Brian does love Justin. And I know you want to be with him, but you can't just try and sleep with him and think he's going to love you. Justin will always be his first when it comes to everything. I don't think you'd feel better if Brian was your first because it wouldn't be love, it'd be just fucking." Lance explained with a soft and caring tone. "I know that, but he means so much to me." Nick whimpered, letting a tear grace his cheek. Lance gently wiped the tear away. "He's always going to love you, but as a friend." Lance stated. Nick nodded sadly.

"So I guess I just have to let them get married." Nick sighed out, trying to rid himself of the pain. "Pretty much." Lance agreed. "But I can always count on you to support me." Nick giggled, looking up at Lance. "Always. I was the first person you made love to." Lance nodded, trying to bring back a feeling that he knew was deep in Nick's heart. "Yeah, I wanted to apologize for that. It was the most sensual and touching experience of my life but I made it rough for you when I called you Brian. I'm sorry." Nick replied. "It's okay, all of that is forgotten. I still thought it was a rather sexual moment." Lance assured him, rubbing his hand over Nick's face. Nick slowly leaned forward and before Lance knew it, they ewre both kissing each other with care and need. Nick's tongue slid into Lance's mouth and Lance gently sucked on it. Lance's motuh was freely being taken by Nick, uttering soft moans as their lips touched.

Nick quickly pulled away from Lance when he realized what he was doing. "Uh... uh... I'm sorry Lance. I didn't mean for that to happen. I don't want to come between you and J.C. like that." Nick assured him, quickly standing to his feet. Lance looked up at him, a small tear forming in his eye. "It's... it's okay Nick, I won't tell him." Lance replied softly. "I've gotta go. Uhm, I'll talk to you later." Nick stuttered out and then ran off.

Lance looked at the stage and saw Howie standing to the side. Howie gave Lance a disappointed look and then walked off. Lance frowned and then stood from the edge of the stage.

Brian and Justin giggled softly as they walked back to the stage. "That was sooooooooo good." Brian cooed as he held Justin's hand. "It always is." Justin nodded and then rested his head on Brian's shoulder. "Eh you two, how about getting back to practice?" Howie suggested. "Oh, right." Brian agreed. "And Justin, zip up your jeans and uh Brian, you missed a spot." Howie pointed out the obvious mistakes. Brian and Justin quickly looked at each other and laughed. "And get an iron because your clothes are wrinkled!" Howie joked.

Howie bumped into Nick as he tried to make his way to Innosense's dressing room. Nick excused himself and then kept trying to walk. Howie quickly snatched his arm and pulled him back. "Ouch, that hurts D." Nick complained as he snatched his arm from Howie's tight grasp. "It should because you're hurting alot of people." Howie responded with a hiss. "What are you talking about?" Nick asked arrogantly. "I'm talking about Brian, Lance, J.C. and Justin. You can't keep fucking with all of their heads like you're doing." Howie responded bitterly. "Huh? I'm not fucking with any of them last time I checked." Nick "Don't play coy with me Nickie. You and Lance were about five seconds from doing it right there on the stage. And not more than forty-eight hours after you tried to sleep with Brian. You can't bounce from Brian to Lance to Brian to Lance again. It doesn't work like that." Howie chastised him with a strong arguement. "I'm not going back and forth. Right now, I'm dealing with alot of emotions and dealing with things and Lance is the only one that has been there for me. Of course it's hard not to kiss him because we had something special." Nick barked back. "Yeah and that something is gone. Let it go before you cause something to happen between J.C. and Lance." Howie demanded feircely. "I have nothing to do with anything that happens between Lance and J.C. I'll always be there for Lance." Nick argued. "Yeah, to fuck him?" Howie questioned harshly. "No, to love him!" Nick hollered at him before walking away. Howie wrinkled his brow and then tried to regain his composure.

Joey and Britney walked off the stage after Britney had finished rehearsing with her dancers. "What do you mean I was dacing too close with Shawn?! I was not!" Britney barked at Joey. "Whatever Britney. I know that look you get when you want someone." Joey argued. "The hell you do! I haven't even been with you in that way!" Britney snapped back. "And you have been with Shawn?" Joey questioned. Britney growled at him and then walked away. "Okay, I'm sorry!" Joey hollered towards her and ran after her.

"This is our last show and all people can do around here is argue?" J.C. questioned as he stepped onstage. "It looks that way." Lance responded as he stepped onstage. "Hey there James." J.C. chimed as he saw Lance. "James?" Lance questioned. "Well I can't think of the right pet name right now. I think Brian and Justin have them all covered, from 'babe', to 'sweetie', to 'baby', to 'Just', to 'Bri' to etc. etc. etc." J.C. babbled out. "How about I call you sugarlips and you call me honey butt." Lance joked. "Uhm, because my ass is softer then your's." J.C. responded with a laugh. "That's because I'ms till scrapping rocks off my ass from the basketall court." Lance teased. "Aww, did I hurt the poor baby?" J.C. teased. "Yeah, but it was worth the pain." Lance smiled with a sexy glare. "Hmm, maybe I'll have to remember that tonight in our room?" J.C. chimed. "Or maybe we can try someplace else like in the elevator." Lance laughed. "Where we can fit a six or a nine it's fine with me." J.C. joked. "Ooh, really?" Lance finally reached J.C. and placed a small kiss on his lips.

"I swear if I have to watch one more couple sit up here and kiss onstage, I'm going to vomit. It's bad enough I have to watch Brian and Justin all over each other, but ya'll too?" Tommy teased as he strummed up his keyboard. "Ready to practice 'Sailing'?" he asked J.C. J.C. nodded and then looked at Lance. "Wanna sit up here with me while I practice?" J.C. offered. "Well I need to talk with you about soemthing first." Lance hushed him. J.C. nodded and gave Lance his full attention.

"Do you have a problem with me and Nick being friends?" Lance asked, running a finger over J.C.'s lips. J.C. shook his head to show Lance it was fine. "Good because he really needs my support right now and I didn't want that to come between us." Lance replied. "It's fine. I know you and Nick had something developing before you broke up with him. As long as ya'll aren't sleeping together or anything, it's cool." J.C. replied. "Why would you have to worry about that?" Lance asked, becoming defensive. "I'm just saying, Nick has tried it often enough with Brian, who knows if he won't try it with you." J.C. responded softly. "Well I don't think I have to worry about that. Nick's a good guy but he started off on the wrong foot." Lance argued. "Is the old Lance coming back to me?" J.C. asked with a small frown. "Old Lance? I'm just sticking up for someone I care for. It's not like he'd try anything with anyone, it happens." Lance snapped softly. "Look Lance, Nick is very capable of trying something. Just like when me and him kissed in Cancun." J.C. blurted out.

Lance quickly took his hands off of J.C. and frowned. "You two kissed?" Lance asked with fear. "Yes, we kissed. He was drunk, I was drunk and me and him kissed and we ended up in a triple kiss with some girl. It didn't mean a thing, but it happened and I wouldn't be surprised if Nick tried it again." J.C. stated. "Wait, you kissed Nick Carter? While me and Nick were still together?" Lance threw in the question. "Yes, me and him kissed and it meant nothing. Besides, who was fucking me that night?" J.C. hit Lance with a question. "Regardless, you would even lower yourself enough to kiss Nick and then let me fuck you? I mean what was going through your mind? How many of us you could fuck in one night?" Lance argued sorely. "No, I was thinking about how much I loved you and how much kissing Nick was a mistake. But I guess the fact that Nick didn't bother to tell you makes a difference." J.C. pouted. "No it makes a difference that this is all coming out now." Lance replied sharply. "Lance, if anything, I'd never feel a thing for Nick. I do feel something for you. If Nick is coming between us, then we're no better off then Brian and Justin are." J.C. explained. "Funny because they are well off. Enough to be getting married." Lance argued with a higher voice. "Yeah, but you tell me, do you want me to hit you to make you feel better?" J.C. hissed out his question. Lance was disgusted by his comment. "I bet you Justin would love to hear one of his closest friends talking about him like this. For you to kiss Nick is one thing, but then for you to hide it from me until now is another." Lance barked lowly. "Like the millions of things you've hidden from me and Nick. Lance, I'm still going to love you, but you're going to have to put this behind us." J.C. pleaded. Lance turned from J.C. ad walked off stage in anger.

Brian & Justin (Chapter 96) By JM

The show started off on a good note when Innosense graced the stage. "Watch my baby go!" A.J. cheered from backstage. "You need to watch yourself. You should be in wardrobe." Britney warned him. "Do you ever get tired of nagging people?" A.J. asked retorically. "Nagging? I don't nag? Do I nag?" Britney babbled out, looking at Justin. "Nah, you don't nag... more like pester." Justin joked. "Oh, very funny." Britney sneered. "Uhm Britney, you should come to the dressing room." one of her dancers advised. "Oh no, something's wrong! They didn't get my chocolate did they?" Britney asked as she followed her dancer to the dressing room. "Nag, nag, nag, nag, nag! She should be called Bit-nag Spears." A.J. laughed out. Justin rolled his eyes, but couldn't help but smile.

Britney stepped to her dressing room door, still trying to figure out the problem. "Is it my wardrobe? They stole my clothes again didn't they?" Britney questioned as she swung the door open. When she did, her eyes were dazzled by the site. Seventeen long stemmed roses laid all over the floor. "Oh my Lord." Britney gasped as she saw the roses. "Seventeen, for each year I thank God you're here." Joey whispered into her ear. She fell a tear slip down her cheek as Joey stood behind her. "I'm sorry," Joey added as he hugged her from behind. "No, I'm sorry." Britney sobbed out. Joey lifted his hand to wipe away her tears and then held her tightly. "It's okay." Joey assured her.

Justin watched them from the wall. "That's cute." Brian whispered as he grabbed Justin's hand. "Brian, you know we can't hold hands. The press is running all around here." Justin whispered to Brian. Brian pouted lightly and then released Justin's hand. "Well then, follow me." Brian pleaded. Justin nodded and walked with Brian down the hallway.

Brian had led Justin to 'N Sync's dressing room and they both watched as press quickly tried to snap photos of them from down the hall. Brian smiled and waved to the cameras while pushing Justin sinde of the dressing room. Brian quickly stepped inside and shut the door behind him.

"Are they still out there?" Lance asked while reclining on a small, green chair. "Yep." Justin replied as he took a seat on the couch in the dressing room. "Will they ever go away." Chris complained. "Not if they can get good pictures of you." Brian responded as he plopped down next to Justin. "Where's J.C.?" Justin asked, looking around the dressing room. Chris quickly gave him a look of concern. "Who cares." Lance shrugged with his reply. "Hmm, trouble in paradise?" Brian asked, looking at Lance. "Don't ask." Chris quickly hushed him. Brian gave Chris an aggrivated expression and then blew off the subject.

"It's a virtural candy factory in here isn't it?" Brian commented, looking at the bowel of candy in the middle of the table of food. "Best way to get hyped for a show." Chris replied. "More like the worst way. Ya'll are gonna burn out." Brian stated. "Ah, it's nothing. Half of the candy the band eats anyway." Justin assured him as he grabbed an apple Airhead. Justin peeled open the Airhead and stuck the end of it in his mouth. He held it there as if it was a tongue to make Brian smile. Brian giggled softly and then smiled at Justin. He leaned forward and grabbed the other end of the Airhead. He brought it up to his mouth and then sucked on it. Justin grasped Brian's hint and slowly began to chew his way down the Airhead. Brian did the same with his eyes staring into Justin's. As they both began to reach the middle, their eyes fell shut. Brian felt Justin's lips reach his first and then they began to kiss and battle over the Airhead. Their kiss compelled them from battling with their tongues. Justin brought his hand up to Brian's cheek and controlled the kiss. Brian slipped his tongue into Justin's mouth and tried to separate the Airhead. Justin let Brian move his tongue around before sucking on it. Brian let a muffled moan loose. Brian won over Justin and pulled a peice of the Airhead into his own mouth. Justin tried not to giggle when he realized what Brian had done.

Brian pushed Justin backed lightly and then Justin realized that Brian and him were about to go a bit further then kissing. Justin pushed Brian up and released Brian's lips and tongue. Brian panted softly and then came back into reality. He was still in 'N Sync's dressing room with Lance and Chris watching on. Justin blushed shyly. "Uhm, ya'll need a room." Chris commented carelessly. "More like a penthouse suite." Lance added, his eyes still bulging. "Uh, sorry about that." Brian chimed and wiped a drip of saliva from his lip. "It's okay. I mean, ya'll are always hot for each other. At least you're relationship hasn't grown dull." Lance commented, looking away from them. "Something up James?" Justin asked. "What's the deal with calling me James? God, has everyone around here lost it." Lance blurted out in a rage.

Soon all of the eyes were on him instead of Brian and Justin. Lance didn't have to think long of a way to explain himself as J.C. entered the dressing room. "Whoa, the press is sure humming tonight. I couldn't even get ahold of our P.A. because of the bumrush out there." J.C. cheered as he entered and closed the door. Lance quickly turned his head towards the mirror to avoid looking at J.C. Justin noticed this and then soon caught onto the problem.

Brian laid down on the couch, his head in Justin's lap as Justin ran his hand over Brian's hair. Lance looked at them with envy and then stood. "Where is make up so we can get ready to go onstage." Lance complained loudly. "Chill Lansten. Britney's probably just going onstage now." Justin replied. "I just want to be ready so nothing goes wrong tonight." Lance lied. "And doesn't Brian have to get to wardrobe?" Lance commented, looking at Brian and Justin. Brian rolled his eyes and kept his mouth shut. "J.C., talk... NOW." Justin demanded, staring at J.C. J.C. raised his brow at Justin with concern. Justin did not let down his guard.

"Lance, can we talk for a minute?" J.C. sighed out. "No, because Justin demanded that we talk? I won't talk to you until you're ready to talk to me." Lance barked back. J.C. threw his hands up, showing his sign of giving up. "Do we have to go through all of this drama the last night? We won't see each other for a few days and now we're all gonna leave on some bad noe or something? Stop acting like such children and get over it." Chris lectured everyone.

His lecture was short lived when Joey and Kevin entered the room. "Chris and Lance to wardrobe for a quick change. J.C., Dax needs you to practice that one note you missed during rehearsal. Brian and Justin, interviewers would love to talk to ya'll, so do us a favor and keep your hands to yourselves." Kevin ordered out. Lance quickly grabbed J.C.'s leather jacket without thinking and walked out of the room. Chris grabbed his backpack and followed Lance. "At least I get to relax." Joey cheered as he stole the seat that Lance was sitting in. J.C. smiled at him and then grabbed a cup of tea. Brian and Justin helped each other up and then straightened their clothes. "I mean it, no funny stuff." Kevin warned them. Brian and Justin nodded and walked out of the dressing room.

Britney came to her final song as she stood atop of the stage. She looked out into the crowd, the cheering girls, the screaming guys and even some of her family stood in the crowd. "Are ya'll having fun?" Britney asked in her deep southern accent. She got a wailing reaction from the crowd, calling for her. "Well this is my last song for tonight and for the tour. I want to dedicate this song to a special person in my life. He's been there for me alot and I love him greatly. So if ya'll will just bare with my as we sing this song." Britney announced. The crowd did it's best to quiet down for Britney as she prepared to sing. The music began and Britney began to sway to the sounds of 'Born To Make You Happy'.

I'm sitting here alone, up in my room

And thinking about the times we've been through

I'm looking at the picture in my hand

Trying my best to understand

I really want to know what we did wrong

With a love that felt so strong

If only you were here tonight

I know that we could make it right

Britney's dancers soon joined her as they danced to the chorus of the song. They were all dressed in white jumpers, while Britney wore a white halter top and a long, white skirt.

I don't know how to live without your love

I was born to make you happy

Cause you're the only one within my heart

I was born to make you happy

Always and forever, you and me

That's the way our life should be

I don't know how to live without your love

I was born to make you happy

Britney's dancers stepped back as Britney took the front again. She looked out to the crowd as they cheered her on. A smile broke out upon her face and she began the second verse.

I know I've been a fool since you've been gone

I'd better give it up and carry on

Cause living in a dream of you and me

Is not the way my life should be

I don't want to cry a tear for you

So forgive me if I do

If only you were here tonight

I know that we could make it right

Britney took a short break with her dancers to bring out the emotion in the song. She threw her head around and found herself in tune with the music.

I'd do anything, I'd give you my world

I'd wait forever, to be your girl

(Just call out my name) Just call out my name

(And I will be there) And I will be there

Just to show you how much I care

Britney took center stage and the spotlight fell on her. "Thank ya'll so much for your support. I love you all and hope to see you soon. Thank you again. This is for you Joey." Britney chimed. Her smile outshined all of the support the fans were giving her.

I was born to make you happy

Always and forever, you and me

That's the way our life should be

I don't know how to live without your love

I was born to make you happy

Britney took one final pose before cracking a smile again. "Thank ya'll! Now will ypu please give it up for my friends and your favorite groups, the BACKSTREET BOYS and 'N SYNC!" she announced happily. She ran off the stage with her dancers as the Backstreet Boys prepared to open.

She stepped backstage and looked at Joey with a smile. Joey passed her a towel. "Thanks." Joey chimed and then rubbed her shoulder. "Get out there and make those girls scream silly." she advised and gave him a small peck on the cheek. Joey nodded and ran off to catch up with the others.

The lights quickly faded in the arena. The crowd was as loud as they could be and the excitement was unbearable. The band began to strum up a fierce melody, causing the crowd to bob with the music. Spotlights began to run back and forth over the stage, building a dramatic feeling.

Soon five dancers ran across the stage. Every other dancer wore baby blue jumpsuits while the other two wore white jump suits. The crowd clapped loudly as they saw the dancers. The dancers were hooded and no one could see their faces in the dark of the arena. They stood straight and erect, awaiting the beginning of their performance.

"BACKSTREET BOYS!" a computerized voice echoed throughout the entire stadium. The crowd screamed loudly when they heard the name. "Nick... Howie... Kevin... Brian... and A.J." the computerized voice announced.

And that makes you larger than life...

The sound of the Boys voices caused the crowd to ripple with cheer. A large explosion dawned the sight of the Backstreet boys flying in from above. Each came down on flying surfboards that gave the show a futuristic appeal. A.J. was the first to get the crowd hyped with a loud yelled as he landed on the stage. "Come on ya'll... just throw your hands in the air... come on!" A.J. screamed as he unhooked himself from his cables. He ran around the stage with excitement. brian and Howie were the next to land and they ran to their positions in front of their respective dancer. Kevin found his place on the stage and stood straight to give a dramtic pose. "Wave your hands around.. cause Backstreet is back in town!" Kevin cheered, dancing over to his position. Nick landed and then ran over to his position so that they could start.

The music stopped and the stage fell dark again. The crowd was still cheering, awaiting the show to start again. The lights flashed on again and the Boys stood in front of their dancers. A.J. smiled mischievously. All of the Boys were dressed in black and blue outfits that caused them to look like they were out of the future. A.J.'s hair was now electric blue and he had shaved off his goatee. Nick's hair was pulled back tightly into a small ponytail. Brian's hair was now sandy blonde. A.J. nodded to the crowd and then pointed to Brian. Brian took a step forward and received a strong applause. Brian awaited his cue from the band then took control.

I may run and hide

When you're screamin' my name, alright

Nick ran in front of Brian and began to dance to the music.

But let me tell you now

There are prices to fame, alright

A.J. pulled everyone's harmonies together and then coorodinated perfectly with his dancer.

All of our time spent in flashes of light

Everyone returned to their positions as the spotlights ran over the stage. Nick waved to the crowd as the others started to sing the chorus.

All you people can't you see, can't you see

How your love's affecting our reality

Every time we're down

You can make it right

And that makes you larger than life

Brian and his dancer ran to the farthest end of the long stage. His dancer kept a tight lock on him, playing the part of his shadow. Brian could tell the dancer wanted to be a little more than his 'shadow', but tried to keep his mind on the performance. Nick waved to Brian and then began his verse.

Looking at the crowd

And I see your body sway, come on

Brian followed Nick's lead and began his verse on time.

Wishin' I could thank you in a different way, come on

A.J. got the crowd hyped with his crazed movements. he stuck his tongue out towards Nick and then began his verse.

Cause all of your time spent keeps us alive

Everyone started the chorus again with enthusiasm. "Come on ya'll!" Kevin yelled out to get the crowd hyped once again. He received nothing but cheers from the excited crowd. He pointed to each of his friends and then with a flash, the lights faded again causing an explosion to bak out across stage.

You're all I ever wanted

You're all I ever needed, yeah

So tell me what to do now

Cause I want you back

The crowd leaped with excitement when they heard the sounds of Justin Tiumberlake's voice. The lights returned and the crowd realized that the Backstreet Boys' 'dancers' were really 'N Sync. "Come on, put 'em up, put 'em up!" Justin yelled as he ran across the stage. The Backstreet Boys were still on stage with 'N Sync as the melody began with a loud, blazing guitar. "Where my Lexington folks at?!" Justin called out, getting a loud response. Justin smiled and then looked over to Brian. Brian nodded and everyone took their positions again, this time with 'N Sync in front and the Backstreet Boys in the back.

It's hard to say I'm sorry

It's hard to make things I've did undone

A lesson I've learned too well, for sure

So don't hang up the phone now

I'm trying to figure out what to do

I'm going crazy without you

Justin's verse ended and the chorus started again. Justin concentrated on his dance moves as Brian tried to keep up with him. "Hey, hey, I want you back!" Joey chimed as Howie danced behind him. J.C. walked with Kevin to the front and began to dance with ease.

Baby I remember

The way you used to look at me and say

Promises never last forever

I told you not to worry

I said that everything would be alright

I didn't know then that you were right

The chorus began again as evreyone began to dance in synch. Chris woped the sweat from his face as he watched A.J. fool around. "Are ya'll ready to sing?" Justin asked as he walked to the front of the stage by himself. the crowd gave him a screaming reply. Justin smiled and held his microphone out to the crowd.

You're the one I want

You're the one I need

Justin was pleased with the crowds knowledge of the lyrics. Justin removed his jacket to reveal his white wife beater. "Okay, we're gonna do a little something different now. How about this half of the crowd sing 'I Want You Back' and this half of the crowd sing 'Larger Than Life'?" Justin suggested as he moved from center stage. The crowd cheered once again. "Can ya'll handle that?" Kevin asked. A loud 'Yes' was all he needed for a reply. "Okay, Nick's gonna start this side off and J.C.'s gonna start the other side off, come on." Justin stated. He walked over to Brian and grabbed the bottled water from brian's hands.

J.C. and Nick took their cues and began to hype the crowd up as they sang.

You're all I ever wanted

(All you people can't you see, can't you see)

You're all I ever needed

(How your love's affecting our reality)

So tell me what to do now

(Every time we're down, you can make it right)

Cause I want you back

(And that makes you larger than life)

A.J. egged on the crowd with their strong participation. "Come on, let's go!" Chris announced. The Backstreet Boys took front again and went back to their performance of 'Larger Than Life'. 'N Sync took the background to dance with them before they ended the songs on a strong note. The pyrotechniques brought out the power of the songs as everyone stood in the middle of the stage.

"What's up everyone?" Kevin asked as he stepped forward. The crowd leaped with joy when they saw him. "Well hey, welcome to our last show on this tour. It's been alot of fun for us touring together and we're glad you could be apart of this last show with us." Kevin stated. "I'm going to take this moment to introduce everyone for you before we pick the rest of the show up. So without further wait, I want ya'll to meet A.J., Chris, Brian, Justin, Nick, Lance, Howie, Joey, J.C. and I'm Kevin." Kevin pointed out. The crowd showed them a great appreciation.

'N Sync stepped offstage as the Backstreet boys took the oppurtunity to perform. The Backstreet Boys began with a performance of 'It's Gotta Be You'.

Justin took a seat backstage and grabbed the water that he had stolen from Brian. He could still taste Brian's lips on the bottle as he sipped the water. "It's a hot one tonight." Lance commented as he dropped a small, white towel in Justin's lap. Justin nodded, trying to save his voice and strength for the performance.

Brian ran backstage as A.J. prepared for his solo. He was soon joined by Kevin, Howie and Nick were just sa tired as Brian. Brian plopped down in Justin's lap and hugged onto Justin. "Ugh, it's too hot for this!" Justin complained as Brian hugged him. "I don't care," Brian replied softly, laying a kiss on Justin's cheek. "I'd love to watch ya'll, but I've gotta go get changed." Howie commented as he grabbed his clothes to change. "Is Nick going to perform with A.J.?" Joey pondered as he saw Nick walk by. "Nope, A.J.'s doing 'No One Else Comes Close' by himself." Kevin responded.

Justin let Brian whisper into his ear as he held Brian. Brian was actually singing the words that A.J. was singing lightly into Justin's left ear.

And when I wake up to

The touch of your head on my shoulder

You're my dream come true, oh yeah

You know I'll always treasure

Brian purposely took out the 'girl' in the song to make it fit towards Justin. Justin smiled and laid his head next to Brian's.

A.J. gave a grand performance for the crowd with feeling. As he reached the middle of the song, a female dancer stepped onstage and began to dance around A.J. as he sang. A.J. gave her exotic looks, making the crowd see the sense of temptation being built within the song. A.J. belted out one final note before ending the song.

No one else comes close...

A.J. bowed for the crowd and then stood again. He grabbed the young lady's hand and broguth her to the front for the crowd to admire. "Ladies and gents, would you please say thank you to Miss Amanda Latona." A.J. announced as the crowd caught a glimpse of Amanda. She smiled and then waved to the screaming crowd. They walked off hand-in-hand as Howie took the stage.

"I've got to get changed now." Brian whispered into Justin's ear and then he stood. Justin stood with him and walked with Brian to the changing area. They passed Nick without speaking and slipped into the room.

"Can't they separate for two minutes?" Nick complained as he stepped into the main backstage area. He pulled his headset from his ehad and let it dangle around his neck. "Not when you're in love." Joey responded as he tucked in his shirt. "Love or sex?" Nick questioned bitterly. "Get over it!" Joey boasted as he grabbed his microphone. "I'm over it." Nick mumbled back.

Howie came backstage with small rose pedals covering his suit jacket. "I love it when they drop these from the rafters. They always seem to get on me." Howie complained. J.C. shrugged and walked with Kevin to the stage.

Kevin took a seat at a small, white piano as J.C. stood next to the piano with a microphone in his hands. They both wore white, using the spotlight to create a glow about them. "This is a song that me and J.C. wrote and we hope you enjoy it." Kevin stated in his microphone. He began to play the melody on the grand piano with gentle hands. Kevin closed his eyes and tried to bring out the effect in his vocal tone.

A little boy finds his love

Inside of a heart that shelters him

He doesn't care what his friends may think

Cause his heart flies to a different key

The two of them love each other

And can not be parted by petty words

I can see the love within thier timid eyes

It's bigger then the world

J.C. lifted his microphone so that he could sing the chorus with Kevin. They made sure to stay in key with each other so that the song would stir emotion within everyone.

I don't wanna see you go unhappy

I don't want you to live your life without somebody

I'll support you through the good and bad

I'm glad to see that you've found your chance

J.C. knew his place within the melody and he took the crowds silence to his advantage.

A friend of mine seeks love

And I do nothing but help him on his way

Even if the people around try to stop him

I'm gonna make sure he's happy

The love that they share

It's like listening to a symphony

From the hurt and pain, they will run

Until they find just what they seek

Kevin and J.C. once again found themselves singing the song with perfect harmony. It was easy for them as they thought of their inspiration that caused them to write the song many months before.

It went from Just to the Sunrise

But you've faught, all your life

Now I see, what you need

And I hope you get your L-O-V-E

Kevin took the melody furthered as he girated the tune throughout the arena. J.C. moved his head with the tune of the piano. Kevin and J.C. both started their final verses for the song with all the strength they had left in their voices.

Rose to rose, gift to gift

I hope nobody takes away what you give

Eye to eye, hand to hand

I'm glad you've found your chance

The crowd calpped loudly when the song finally came to an end. With the end of that song created a breif intermission of the band playing while the stage was being set once again.

Within ten minues, 'N Sync was on the stage, dressed in all white. They started their set off with 'Crazy For You' before going to 'I Just Wanna Be With You' and ending with 'I Drive Myself Crazy'. Their performance was filled with action in their moves and promise in their voices.

Chris walked off stage with a bewildered face as Joey and Lance followed. "Did she really have to lift her shirt?" Chris asked with shame. "She wanted your attention." Lance giggled. "That's okay, Lance would have preferred if the guy next to her would have lifted his shirt." Joey teased. "No, I have my own man to do that." Lance assured him. "You didn't act like that earlier." Joey reminded him. "That's because I was mad." Lance replied as he took a seat next to Howie. "And now you're not?" Chris pondered. Lance gave him an obvious smile. J.C. walked backstage and grabbed a towel. He walked passed Lance without saying anything. "Looks like someone else is mad now." Howie whispered to Lance. "I dare you to go back there, take J.C. into the changing room and suck him off right now." Lance heard Nick speak up. Lance turned to Nick and gave him a shocked expression. "I've got five dollars." Joey quickly joined in. "I'll put a dollar on it." Howie agreed. "Guys, Kevin will kill him." Chris warned them. "Kevin is too busy chatting with Nikki to even know." Nick assured Chris. "Well then out me down for ten." Chris shrugged. Lance gave all of them a troubled look. "What's it gonna be Lansten. Suck or play duck." Nick challenegd him.

Lance gave Nick a displeased expression. He stood from his chair and then looked at everyone. "Well gentlemen, I want your money when I return." Lance chimed as he walked off to find J.C. "He won't do it." Chris quickly laughed out. "He'll do it. But will J.C. do it?" Nick pondered. "Nah, J.C. won't do it." Howie answered. "You never know." Joey shrugged.

Justin sat on a black stool next to Brian on the stage. They were both wearing tan khaki's and light blue, see-through shirts. Their shirts left nothing to the imagination, giving them a daring sex appeal. Brian sat holding an acustic guitar as he strummed the melody for 'Just II'. Brian looked up at the crowd and stopped playing. "How ya'll doing tonight?" Brian asked. He got an upstanding shout from the crowd. "WE LOVE YOU BRIAN & JUSTIN!" they eahrd a few girls scream from the back. "Love you too darlin'." Brian replied. Justin laughed shyly and waved to the girls. "Well this is our last show and I'm happy to be back here in my home, Lexington." Brian stated. Justin stayed quiet as Brian spoke. "And this is the last time I get to perform this song on tour until the next one. And I'm happy that me and Justin do get to perform it for ya'll. It's a great song and I hope you enjoy it." Brian said. "And sing along if you know the words." Justin added.

Brian started the melody on the guitar again and then looked at Justin. Justin smiled and then turned to face the crowd. Brian looked up and began to sing.

They say you're not sure what to do

That you're in love me and I'm in love with you

Baby, I know you want to open up

I know you want to tell me that you're in love

Justin raised his microphone and sung his verse.

But you keep on holding back

You're just not sure where you're at

Well I will confess what I feel

I need you to know my love's for real

Brian and Justin sang the chorus together as their duet was felt by everyone in the arena. But it was mroe important to Brian and Justin, the meaning of the song.

So I would give up all my money

I would trade in my car

I'd take a leap off a bridge

I'd run to Egypt

Just to show you my love

And I would leave my home

Run away with you to another world

I'll take the vows

And I'll show you how

Just to show you my love

The melody continued on as A.J. watched from backstage. "I swear, if they weren't a couple, then I'd say they needed to be one." A.J. gave a puzzled comment. "Are you saying that if Brian and Justin weren't together..." Howie tried to get the full meaning behind A.J.'s words. "Then I'd set them up. They are just alike and I mean, you can tell that they'd make a good couple." A.J. replied, turning to look at Howie. Howie nodded to show he agreed.

J.C. stumbled to the backstage area with a smile on his face. "No way!" Chris yelled as he saw J.C. Howie covered his mouth quickly as Joey tried to contain his laughter. "You're... you're fly is down J.C." Joey laughed out lwoly. J.C. quickly looked down at his jeans and then blushed. He swiftly zipped them up and then walked over to where A.J. stood.

Lance walked into the backstage area and then smiled brightly. He held his hand out for everyone to drop their money in. Nick snickered as everyone dished out their money to Lance. "You're bold." Howie sighed as he dropped a dollar bill in Lance's hand. "No, he's horny." Joye laughed as he gave Lance the money. "You actually did it eh?" Nick asked, still giggling. "Let's just say that it was more than just me." Lance said and then winked at him. Nick's eyes bulged out and then he looked over to J.C. J.C. licked his lips slowly and then smiled at Lance. Chris bursted out into a loud laughter when he caught onto what Lance was saying.

The Backstreet Boys took the stage again and performed 'The One', 'As Long As You Love Me' and 'All I Have To Give'. The show was going by with excitement for everyone, from the fans to the parents to the Backstret Boys and 'N Sync to the band.

The spotlight fell over Nick as he stood in the middle of the stage. "Hey there. I'm Nick and I just wanted to sing a little song for ya'll. Is that okay?" Nick asked of the crowd. He didn't have to wait long for a response. He stood in a opened blue shirt, that revealed his stomach and chest and black slacks. He heard Tommy playing the piano and knew it was his cue to sing.

Open up your heart to me

And say what's on your mind, oh yes

I know that we have been through so much pain

But I still need you in my life this time, and...

I need you tonight

I need you right now

I know deep within my heart

It doesn't matter if it's wrong or right

I really need you tonight

Lance watched from the side, running his hand through his hair. He knew his feelings for Nick were wrong. He had to let the past go so that he could move on with J.C. He felt J.C.'s arms grab him and he sighed lowly. J.C. watched with Lance as Nick sung the song with deep emotion. Lance ran a hand over J.C.'s chest and then he laid his head on J.C.'s shoulder. "I need you tonight..." J.C. whispered to Lance. Lance tried to keep his mind on J.C., but it was becoming harder for him to do it. Nick's strong voice almost caused him to slip from that reality. "Come on, let's go." J.C. suggested. He could sense that the confusion that was brought up earlier was giving Lance an uneasy feeling. Lance nodded and walked with J.C. away from their gaze upon Nick.

Nick finished 'I Need You Tonight' and began to walk offstage. "Hold up Frack, it's not over!" Brian called out to Nick as Brian ran onstage. Nick smiled up at him and nodded. "Are we gonna have a party Frick?" Nick asked of Brian. "You bet'cha." Howie replied as Howie ran onstage. "And there ain't no party like a Lexington party." Kevin added as he danced onto the stage. "Cause a BSB won't stop!" A.J. hollered as he made it onstage.

The Backstreet Boys were in the middle of 'Let's Have A Party' when Joey walked back towards the changing room. He began to walk in when he heard a small moan. 'Oh Lord, don't Brian and Justin know how to wait.' Joey sighed to himself. "Eh Joey, get changed already. We're on next." Joey heard Justin demand as Justin walked by. Joey did a double take and then he realized that Justin had just passed him and Brian was still onstage. He looked at the changing room and tried to figure the only two people missing. He looked down at the curtain that separated the changing room from the backstage and saw a familiar pair of Calvin Klein boxers on the floor. "Now that's a couple that's always at it." Joey complained and walked away.

Lance let lose small pants as J.C. forced inside of him harder. J.C.'s lips caressed Lance's neck with passion. Lance couldn't control how far J.C. had taken them this time. Lance grapsed J.C.'s neck and tried not to scream out his name. He hissed with restraint. J.C. grabbed Lance's leg and lifted it higher. "Almost..." J.C. moaned softly into Lance's ear. Sweat trickled down his face as he curled his lip. Lance bit his lower lip and ran his other hand over J.C.'s shoulder. "Hmmmmm..." Lance hummed as J.C. got closer and closer. J.C. forced himself into Lance with more power, trying to cause strong friction. "Come on... don't stop..." Lance pleaded. J.C. kissed Lance's cheek and then bit Lance's lower lip softly. Lance moaned into J.C.'s ear when J.C. relesed his lip. "Okay... it's okay..." J.C. assured him, trying to time his thrusts. Lance nodded and let J.C. control the flow of their love. Within seconds, J.C. started panting hard into Lance's ear as his cum filled the condom wrapped around his dick. Lance grasped J.C.'s back with fear and hissed through his teeth. J.C. relaxed slowly and laid his head on Lance's shoulder. Lance looked up and tried to control his tears. "It's gonna be okay." J.C. whispered again. Lance nodded and grabbed his boxers. "As much as I want to do the 'hold me after we make love', we're in the middle of a show." Lance responded. J.C. had almost forgot what was happening. He was relieved that Trish or any of the guys did not walk in on them.

"Can I ask ya'll something? Did you see this coming?" Joey asked of the crowd with the lights faded in the arena. Soon five spotlights shined on each of the guys of 'N Sync. Each stood in a black wife beater with jeans on. They performed 'Saw It Coming' for the crowd minus Lil' Kim and Busta Rhymes and with Chris taking on the rap. The crowd went crazy when Britney Spears dawned the stage at the end for her bridge.

"Come on ya'll, did you see this coming? It's 'N Sync and Lex-ing-ton!" Chris chimed as he ran from side to side on the stage. Justin laughed as he watched his friend make a fool out of himself onstage. J.C. waved along with the crowd as they got hyped up again.

'N Sync then skipped on to 'You Got It' and 'Giddy Up'. Justin made sure to tease the crowd once again with his pelvis while Joey gave the ladies a sight by lifting his shirt slightly. It was more fun for the guys while they were performing than it was work. Justin ripped off his wife beater and threw it out and into the crowd for more excitement. It was their last show and he was going to go out with a bang.

The Backstreeet Boys dawned the stage to perform 'Don't Want You Back', 'Don't Wanna Lose You Now', 'Quit Playin' Games With My Heart' and then finally 'Show Me The Meaning of Being Lonely'. Their set was the perfect set up for them as they all wore white suits and sat on stools. They knew they had captured the hearts of the people in the crowd and soon the show was coming to an end.

'N Sync returned in gray jumpsuits to perform 'Sailing', in which they flew over the crowd and then they performed 'My Little Angel'. Justin was thrilled to be performing the song that was written for his little brother. Then 'N Sync ended their set with 'God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You'. The crowd loved how the song brought tears to everyone's eyes.

Brian appeared on stage and prevented the guys of 'N Sync from leaving. "How about we sing this last song together?" Brian suggested as the rest of the Backstreet Boyds came on stage. They all agreed and for their last number, they performed 'I Want It That Way'.

As the song ended, Joey walked to the front of everyone. The band stepped down from their instruments and joined the groups onstage. Soon, Innosnese and Britney Spears had made their way onto the stage. Everyone was smiling, yet tears were being shed with joy and sadness. "Thank you for coming to our last show. We love you all. on behalf of the guys and girls on this thour, I'm Joseph Fatone. I'd like you to meet the Backstreet band and the 'N Sync Band." Joey announced. The band members each took a bow and showed their admiration towards the fans. "And this is Innosense." Joey pointed to the five girls. They each bowed and waved to family members. "And of course, Miss Britney Spears." Joey looked to his left to smile at her. She took a step forward and blew a kiss to the crowd.

"And this is the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync!" Joey hollered to get the crowd going again. The guys waved to the crowd with simple smiles. "Thanks so much for coming and we hope to see you all very soon!" Joey chimed. The crowd was still giving them a standing ovation as they all bowed together. They all ran offstage with tears in their eyes but smiles on their faces.

Brian & Justin (Part 97) By JM

"Hold up guys!" Brican said, stopping Innosense, the Backstreet Boys, 'N Sync and Britney. "Before all of the press and what not gets a hold of us, I wanted to say something." Brian explained. He got everyone's full attention quickly. He grabbed Justin's hand and pulled him. Justin gladly stood next to Brian for his announcement. "Now we're all headed to Hawaii soon for the wedding and all. And since I love you all so much, I'm glad you're going to be there with me and Justin. The invitations will go out tomorrow, but I know I had to pick my best man since Justin already picked his. Well, we discussed it, me and Justin, and we decided that we love all of you guys so much that it would be too hard to pick just one best man. So we decided, despite past differences, that you should all be our best men." Brian stated everything. He got nothing but cheers from all of his friends. "And Jonathan will be the ring bearer and BJ's gonna be our flower girl... or puppy." Brian teased. Everyone laughed along with him. "So we all get to be up there with ya'll?" A.J. questioned. Brian nodded. He was soon bombarded by a hug from A.J. "Is everything else taken care of?" Kevin pondered. "Just about. Our parents are handling alot of things for us." Justin replied. "I can't wait!" Britney cheered with glee.

"Okay then guys, let's clean out the dressing rooms, give the press some attention and then head out." Kevin ordered lightly. Everyone gave him one final groan before following orders. "I;m gonna miss his orders!" Nikki fussed. "Oh shut up!" Mandy boasted as she walked off. "Hey, don't make me beat your little behind." Nikki warned her and then smiled.

The hour went by as the press had filled the hallway to chat with everyone. Britney sat in her dressing room with her dancers and Joey. Their conversations were mild and light, with Chris popping his head in from time to time to see if Joey was okay.

Down the hall, Kevin was grabbing the last of his clothes to take home while Howie napped on the couch and Nick made business calls. "Can you believe that ol' Nickie here actually manages musica acts? It's hard to get over." A.J. commented as he snacked on an apple. "So, you help manage Amanda and Howie manages his sister." Nick responded as he pulled his cell phone from his ear. "Yeah, Kevin and Brian are the only ones that refuse to take on the responsibility." A.J. agreed. "Hey, if I wanted to, I could manage an artist. But right now, I have better chances with the whole modeling thing." Kevin responded lightly. "And Brian, he can't even manage himself." Kevin teased. "Where is the Rok? Don't tell me he's with Justin again." A.J. pondered. "No, he's talking with the press I think. They just love discussing his time in California and the whole earthquake thing." Kevin replied. A.J. shrugged and took another huge bite out of his apple.

"No, tell the press that 'N Sync is just taking a little time off after the tour." Lance spoke to their P.R. representative, Bryce, while Justin laid on the couch and J.C sipped on some water, staring right at Lance. A towel laid over Justin's head as he tried to catch a few Z's from the exhausting show. "Okay, then no one will know about your little 'time off'." Bryce assured Lance. "Thanks a million for this Bryce. We couldn't afford for people to find out." Lance smiled. "Hey, it's no problem. I get paid extra for these kinds of things." Bryce joked with Lance. Lance laughed softly. "Okay, if you guys do need me, page me or call my cell phone. I'll get this out to the press and all and I'll have a chat with Johnny and your P.A." Bryce explained. "Check ya later Bryce." J.C. nodded while he spoke. "Congratulations Justin." Bryce said softly. "Thanks alot Bryce. I owe you a million for this one." Justin replied, still with the towel over his face. Bryce waved goodbye and then left the dressing room.

Justin tried to relax and kicked off his shoes. "You're never gonna get out of here." Lance nudged Justin as he walked by. "Yeah I will. But I'm so tired!" Justin complained. "We all are." J.C. added, taking another sip of his water.

Justin felt someone straddle his lap and then he quickly groaned. "I'm not even in the mood to wrestle with you J.C.!" Justin complained loudly. He felt two lips latch onto his and he quickly pushed the figure up. "What the hell is wrong with you J.C.!?" Justin questioned as he finally ripped the towel from his face. He looked up and saw it wasn't J.C. on him, but it was Brian. "The name's Brian Littrell baby." Brian smiled and then he leaned down again. Justin was still in too much shock to believe it was Brian. Brian began to kiss Justin's lips, lifting and then going back down several times. "And I... love... you..." Brian said between the kisses. JUstin let Brian have control over him and closed his eyes.

"Uh, we're gonna get out of here. We'll see you outside." J.C. whispered to them. Brian waved to him while still kissing Justin. "Make sure to get all of your stuff out of here and don't forget anything." Lance added. Brian waved again, still kissing Justin.

Lance threw his backapck on his shoulder and then grabbed J.C.'s jacket. "Are you obsessed with my jacket?" J.C. asked with a smile. "It smells like you and it gives me comfort." Lance replied sincerely. J.C. gave Lance a loving stare and then gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

Lance peeled the door open slightly and then looked outside. "Make... sure to... uhm... hmmm.... lock... oh Just... the door... please..." Brian muffled out during his kissing and moaning. Lance laughed lowly and locked the door. He smiled at the mating couple and then he and J.C. slipped out of the room.

Brian released Justin's lips and then gave them a smooth lick. "Hmm, you always taste so good." Brian whispered. Justin opened his eyes and looked up to Brian. "I probably smell like funk." Justin joked. "Who cares. I like you when you're all wet and sweaty." Brian replied with a devious grin. Justin grabbed the back of Brian's head and pulled him down for another kiss.

Their kissing went further, soon Brian's lips slipping to Justin's neck. Brian sucked with a vengance on Justin's neck as their hips grinded softly. Justin moaned softly into Brian's ear as Brian sucked his neck. Justin ran his hands over Brian's hair and closed his eyes. His brow wrinkled as Brian's tongue ran over the same spot he had been licking. "Let's stop for now babe." Justin advised as Brian's tongue roamed his collar bone. Brian lifted his head with a frown. "I don't want us getting caught or anything." Justin explained. Brian nodded and sat up more.

Brian pulled himself from off of Justin and stood up on the ground. Justin yawned softly and then got off the couch. He was still a bit worn out but Brian's 'help' got him going again. Justin stepped to the long mirror that sat upon the wall and looked at himself. He ran his hands through his strawberry blonde hair and then he noticed something on his neck. He ran his hand over a blooming hickey on his neck. "Brian, the press is going to love this." Justin complained as he saw the hickey. Brian stepped over to him and looked at the hickey. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to kiss you." Brian aplogized. Justin shurgged and held Brian's hand. "It's okay. I'll just hide it." Justin assured him. Brian nodded happily.

Brian helped Justin gather up all of his things. "Give me a minute so I can get change, okay?" Justin requested as he gathered his clothes. "I'll give you an hour if it means I can watch you walk around here in your underwear." Brian teased. "Maybe I should change out of your way." Justin suggested as he threw his swearty shirt at Brian. Brian took in Justin's strong scent before dropping the shirt to his lap. He had removed it just in time to see Justin pulled down his jeans. Brian smiled brightly as he saw Justin's tight, ash gray, jockey-briefs on. "Why do you wear those?" Brian asked, gawking at Justin. Justin looked up at him and then carefully folded his jeans. "Because when I perform, my dick tends to fly all around in my jeans or whatever. So I like to have something that keeps me from getting hard." Justin explained plainly. "Wow, the perfections to making a good stage show." Brian joked. Justin gave him a quick grin and then grabbed his shirt.

Justin slipped on a sheer, blue shirt and then he pulled on a pair of light colored khaki's. It was similar to the outfit that he and Brian wore during their performance. Justin adjusted everything and then slid his belt on. He looked at Brian for approval. Brian's eyes were too held by Justin's grin. "You look great," Brian sighed out as he stared harder. Justin shrugged and looked into the mirror for a final check. He was impressed with his look. He ran his fingers through his strawberry blonde hair.

"Do you think I should highlight my hair more?" Brian asked as he lounged on the couch. "Hmm, you look kind of cute with it natural." Justin responded while removing the earing from his cartlidge. "Yeah, but I like it this color. Maybe you should color your hair auburn again?" Brian suggested. "I've been thinking about it." Justin responded and then looked at Brian. Justin fiddled with his barcelet, awaiting Brian to rescue him. Brian sighed and walked up to Justin. He grabbed the link and the chain and hooked them together. "It's safe to wear this now that we're off tour." Justin whispered as he admired the bracelet. Brian nodded, still wishing he and Justin could be like Britney and Joey or Amanda and A.J. and show their love outside of closed areas. But they knew from the beginning what life was going to be like.

"Come on, I need to get changed in my dressing room." Brian requested with a whisper. Justin nodded but gave Brian a look of loneliness. Brian knew the look and leaned forward towards Justin. He lightly bumped his head with Justin's and held it there. "What's wrong with you lately? You've been real sad." Brian whispered with concern. Justin gently rubbed his nose against Brian's and sighed. "I don't know Bri. Maybe I feel we're falling apart." Justin whispered back. His depression was felt throughout his words. "I don't wanna you to feel like that. We're not falling apart." Brian assured him, still whispering. "Are you sure? Sometimes I feel like maybe we just try too hard to make each other feel that way." Justin confessed, letting a small tear creek out of his right eye. Brian lifted his finger and caught the tear. "Just, don't feel that way. We're going to be okay." Brian responded. "Promise." Justin requested. "I don't need to. You know I mean it." Brian replied softly. Justin nodded, his forhead still touching Brian's. Brian rearranged their heads so that he could gently nibble on Justin's lower lip. He then began to suck Justin's lower lip with care to show Justin his affections. Justin closed his eyes and let another tear slip down his face.

Brian nibble on Justin's lip for a second before releasing it. Brian caught the last tear on his finger and rubbed it away. He then lifted his fingers to wipe away the tears that would form near Justin's eyes. "I wouldn't want my mom to think anything was wrong." Brian whispered with care. Justin let Brian baby him for that moment. "Please don't worry babe." Brian pleaded. Justin sighed lowly and then backed away from Brian. "I won't worry." Justin responded and passed Brian a white and baby blue hat. Brian slipped on the hat and then grabbed Justin's backpack. "To the dressing room!" Brian called out as he headed for the door. A smile crept upon Justin's lips and he did not resist. He followed Brian out the door and then down the hall.

Time flew by and Brian and Justin were being escorted by their bodyguards to the parking lot. Outside they huddled with their friends for a final goodbye. "Call me when you get home." Joey requested as he hugged Justin. "Okay, I will." Justin laughed out a reply. "And don't call me with a problem. I want nothing but good reports from the hospital." Joey warned him with a joke. "And you make sure that he's okay." Joey warned Brian. "I will." Brian nodded. "Oh who am I kidding, gimme a hug." Joey requested as he snatched Brian into a hug.

Justin drifted off to Britney and pulled her over to her limo. "Have fun with him." Justin requested. "Always." Britney replied with a smile. "And don't miss me too much." Justin joked. "That'll be hard to do." Britney answered seriously. She gave Justin a small peck on the cheek. "I know I wasn't exactly supportive of Brian and all, but if it makes you happy, I'll stand by him." Britney stated. Justin held her hand with a giant smile. "And what's this?" Britney asked as she saw the maroon-red mark on Justin's neck. Justin blushed shyly and covered the hickey with his hand. "Uh huh." Britney giggled. "Hey, don't get too close. She might think you want her back." Joey joked as he interupted them. "Oh no, I was just admiring Justin's temporary tattoo." Britney teased as she pulled Justin's hand off his neck. Joey gasped when he saw the quater-sized hickey. "How long did it take him to do that?" Joey pondered softly. Justin couldn't help but turn red. "Don't miss us too much." Joey tried to change the subject as he escorted Britney into the limo. "I'll try," Justin responded with relief. Joey waved and then stepped into the limo.

Justin walked by to the disipating crowd. "I can't believe you actually made me best man." A.J. cheered as he threw his arm around Brian's shoulder. "I can't either." Brian joked. "What about Nickie?" A.J. whispered his question as he cocked a eyebrow in Nick's direction. "He's always going to be my friend A.J. So I couldn't do this without him." Brian replied. "Even though..." A.J. hinted easily. "Despite that, he's still gonna be my Frack." Brian sighed. "J cool with it?" A.J. asked as he watched Justin walk by. "I haven't really asked him about it." Brian responded softly. "Smooth it over with him." A.J. suggested. Brian nodded. "Eh A.J., are we staying here until the wedding or what?" Amanda asked sarcastically. "Maybe." A.J. hollered back. "Gotta go bro. But look, you take care of you and him. That's my little buddy and I don't want to se him crying." A.J. said his goodbye in his own way. "I promise, he'll be fine." Brian responded. "Okay because I really want to go to Hawaii!" A.J. laughed as he ran off.

"How long are you and Brian sticking here?" J.C. asked as he and Justin walked in the night. "Just tomorrow. Then we're flying back to Orlando." Justin answered. "So maybe you'll stop by and see me." J.C. request in a begging tone. "Of course." Justin chimed. "We get to record for a full day don't we?" Justin asked with a groan. "Yeah, but just two songs. It shouldn't take long." J.C. assured him. "What about you and Lance?" Justin asked. "Surviving." J.C. laughed out his answer. "No, actually I think I've got the right thing planned." J.C. winked at Justin as they reached the limo. "You mean like what we discussed the other night?" Justin pondered. "Yeah, that and something else." J.C. responded. "Something else?" Justin asked with a raised brow. "Something that'll hopefully take his mind off Nick." J.C. added. Justin was confused by the thought. "I'll see you in O-Town Just." J.C. said for his goodbye. Justin nodded and watched J.C. slip into the limo that Chris and Lance were already waiting in.

"Ready to leave?" Brian asked as he stood next to Justin. Justin nodded and watched his friends drive off. Justin and Brian began their own walk towards Jackie's car. "Oh my Lord! It's Brian and Justin!" they heard a small girl cheer. They turned around and saw four teeanged girls approach them. "Can we please have your autographs?" one of the girls requested. "Sure." Justin shrugged and grabbed a pen from one of them. "We love you two soooooo mcuh!" the youngest chimed. "Thanks. We love our fans," Brian responded as he signed her ticket. "And we loved the show." the other girl added. "Uh, is it true that you two really go out? Because we read somewhere on the Internet that you two do, but we were like NO WAY because Brian and Justin don't like guys. They have girlfriends or something." the eldest professed. Brian and Justin looked at each other with shock. "Like this one guy has this website that says you two are really a couple." the youngest said. "Would there be a problem if we were?" Justin asked boldly, causing Brian to almost drop his pen. All of the girls looked at him with shock. "I'm not saying we are, but you act as if it would be a problem?" Justin said curiously. "It... it wouldn't really.. uh.. be a problem, but we thought you two had girlfriends." the eldest stuttered out. "Yeah, like I thought Brian was dating that girl... what's her name? Leigh Ann?" the first spoke up. "No, I'm not dating Leigh Ann." Brian assured her.

"Well I think if you two were a couple, it would be cute." the shiest finally spoke. Justin smiled at her brightly. He leaned down and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks." he whispered. The other girls dstared at her with envy. "Well I always thought that you two were sort of a couple because of the way you always hung out... and stuff." the youngest tried to pull the attention her way. "Really? So now you're saying me and Justin are a couple?" Brian asked her with a wrinkled brow. "Well.. uh... not if you don't... uh..." she couldn't find the words to speak. "We've got to go now. It was nice meeting you two." Justin interupted her and pulled Brian away. Brian and Justin giggled as they heard the girls bicker as they walked away.

Brian and Justin had made it back to Brian's parents house and slept the night away in Brian's bed. The next morning was something that they were not ready for.

Harold had left early so that he could get to work. Brian and Justin sat in the living room waiting on Brian's mother to return from her shopping. Brian's father was busy calling companies for work. Justin was resting his head in Brian's lap while Brian watched MTV's the Blame Game. Brian ran his hand over Justin's curls with care. Justin closed his eyes as he began to fall in and out of sleep in Brian's lap. He yawned softly and nuzzled his head to Brian's legs. Brian ran his finger to Justin's cheek and then Justin's nose. He tapped the tip of Justin's nose playfully. "Sleepy?" he asked. "Yeah," Justin replied. "Well you ate a big enough breakfast and now you want to go to sleep?" Brian asked. Justin still thought of Brian's outburst of Justin being so silent in the morning. Justin couldn't help his grouchy mood in the morning. "Do you want to go to my room and lay down?" Brian offered. "No, we need to get going soon. Get some stuff done for the wedding before going to the hospital." Justin replied. "I just want to wait for mom to get back." Brian stated. Justin nodded and closed his eyes again.

Before Justin could enjoy his nap, Jackie bursted through the front door. "Boys, I need you to do me a favor." she requested as she stepped into the living room. Brian took his attention away from Justin to look up at his mother. When he did, he saw her holding a baby in her arms. "What's up mom?" Brian asked with a tangled expression. "Well I know Justin's going to the hospital today and he can't afford to deal with too much stress. So I arranged for me, your father and Harold to take care of the wedding stuff for you." Jackie explained. "But mom, we wanted to handle that." Brian complained. "I know and you will. We're handling hotels and all of that other crap. The rest will be up to ya'll when we get back. But your cousin had to do some shopping today and so I offered to watch Jacob here. But since I'm going to be busy, I can't. So could you two watch him for me?" Jackie asked. Brian was ready to answer sternly when Justin popped his head up. "We'd love to." Justin responded. "We would?" Brian asked, looking directly at Justin. "Yes, we would." Justin nodded and gave Brian a small kiss on the lips. Brian sighed and said, "Yes, we would." "Thank you so much. He's no trouble and he's kind of tired anyway." Jackie stated as she handed Justin the baby. "I'm sure he'll be fine." Justin responded as he cradled the baby. "Okay, well here's his diaper bag which has his baby food, diapers, bottles and whatevre else you may need." Jackie explained as passed Brian the bag. Brian grumbled as he took the bag. "Okay, I'm going to see your father so we can go and I'll be out of your hair." Jackie cheered and then she trotted for the stairs.

Justin cooed the little baby in his arms. The five month old child had baby blue eyes similar to Brian's eyes and sandy blonde hair like Justin had when he was a child. Jacob smiled when he saw Justin cooing him. "He looks just like you Brian." Justin giggled. Brian finally bore a smile when he saw his little cousin. "He is rather cute." Brian snickered. "Like me?" Justin asked as he fiddled with the child. "Just like you." Brian whispered as he gave Justin a peck on the cheek. Justin unwrapped the baby from his comforter to admire the baby. "What should we do with him?" Brian asked as he tickled Jacob's finger. "Hmm, how about we give him a bottle." Justin suggested. "Okay." Brian agreed.

Brian reached down into the diaper bag and pulled out one of the bottles for young Jacob. "Here you do it," Brian quickly said as he passed Justin the bottle. "You're such a coward." Justin joked as he grabbed the bottle. He tilted Jacob back in his arm and began to feed the bottle to Jacob. "How can you act so calm and easy with him?" Brian asked as he pulled Justin into his arms. "I have two younger brothers. It's not hard. I helped take care of Jonathan before we went on tour." Justin explained as he laid back in Brian's arms. Brian cuddled Justin as Justin cuddled Jacob.

Justin could tell that Jacob was finished with the bottle and he pulled it out of his sucking mouth. Jacob tried to cough lowly as he rubbed his eyes. "Aww, look at the little baby." Brian cooed as he watched Justin lift Jacob. Justin placed Jacob near his left shoulder and gently began to pat his back. Brian stared into Jacob's loving eyes as Justin burped him. Brian lifted his finger and let Jacob grasp it and lightly tug on it. "Quite a grip there buddy." Brian smiled. "If I was wrong, I'd say you were getting doft on him Bri." Justin commented. "Only because he looks cute with you." Brian responded to Justin's words. Justin laid his head onto Brian's shoulder and let Brian fiddle with the child.

An hour slipped by with Brian and Justin taking care of Jacob. Justin and Brian were sitting still in the living room with Jacob sitting in Brian's lap. "Let's try to feed him." Justin suggested as the pulled out a jar of baby food. Justin read the Gerber label and saw that it said 'bananas'. Justin popped open the jar and dipped the small baby spoon inside. He brought the food up to young Jacob's lips, but Jacob held a tight grip. He did not open his mouth for Justin. "Come on Jacob, don't you want to eat your bananas?" Justin tried his best. Jacob still did not budge for him. Justin pondered a way to make him eat. Justin looked up and then smiled deviously at Brian. "What?" Brian asked, fearing Justin's smile.

"Look Jacob, everyone likes bananas." Justin cooed as he brought the spoon up to Brian's lips. Brian's eyes shot open as he saw what Justin was doing. "Come on Bri, just eat it." Justin coaxed him with the spoon. Brian sighed and opened his mouth. Justin slipped the spoon in Brian's mouth and Brian mashed the liquid around in his mouth. "Mmmmmm" Brian chimed for Jacob to see. Jacob smiled up at Brian. Justin tried once again with Jacob and Jacob took the food into his mouth. Justin smiled brightly and then looked into Brian's eyes. He mouthed the words 'Thank you' before giving Jacob another spoonful of the food.

Brian placed his left hand on Justin's thigh as Justin fed Jacob. Justin gazed down at the engagement ring that was nuzzlked tightly on Brian's finger. Brian ran his hand up and down on Justin's thigh. "Brian, do you think we'll ever have kids?" Justin asked as he fed Jacob another spoonfull of food. "Kids?! I didn't know we could have kids? Are you hidding something in those jeans?" Brian questioned out, half joking and yet half serious. "Brian, I meant adopting a baby." Justin explained, looking up to Brian. Brian frowned and slowly pulled his hand off of Justin's leg. "I'm guessing that's a no." Justin sighed and frowned. "It wasn't a no. It was a, 'I don't know right now'." Brian stated. "Why not?" Justin asked curiously. Brian looked down at the happy Jacob. He seemed very comfortable and happy with Brian and Justin. Almost as if he was their son. "Becase... because of our career and lives." Brian gave a brief answer. "Our lives?" Justin stutterd back the question. "Being celebrities and all, people are bound to find out about us adopting a child together. I don't want our son or daughter to go through that kind of publicity and drama." Brian explained. Justin nodded.

"Those are good answers and all, but you never thought about having a little 'Brian Jr.' running around the house?" Justin offered a more posotive thought. "Always. I've always wanted a son.. or even a daughter of my own. Someone to play 'ball with and someone to push in a swing." Brian responded with excitement. It had been one of his deepest dreams to raise a child. "So... what happens now that me and you are getting married?" Justin asked, still giving Brian a small frown. "We get married and live happily ever after. And later on, sometime down the road, maybe like five years and we've gotten a chance to break for awhile, me and you will raise little Justin Jr. or little Brian Jr. or even little BJ." Brian chimed, giving Justin an endearing smile. "Really? I mean you'd actually adopt a child?" Justin asked with enthusiasm. "No." Brian responded flatly. This caused Justin to choke up. "We'd adopt a child, not me." Brian finished his sentence. Justin grinned for Brian's approval. Brian returned his hand to Justin's thigh as Jacob finished his last spoon of food. "I think he's needs to be changed." Brian suggested as he lifted the baby. "Okay, you burp him and I'll get the diaper." Justin nodded, closing up the jar of baby food.

Brian laid back on the couch and cradled Jacob in his arms. He felt like a father holding Jacob. 'Raising a baby with Justin?' Brian pondered the idea. It was appealing to him, yet frusturating with the hassle they would get from many sources. 'We would make good fathers, but what about a mother? Could we give that to him?' Brian worried as he heard a small burp escape Jacob's lips.

"You can stop atting him now Brian." Justin giggled as Brian gazed off into space. Brian snapped back to reality and laughed lowly. "Sorry, I was thinking about something." Brian said as he lifted Jacob from his shirt. When he looked down, he saw that Jacob had left a small stain in his shirt. "Oh, someone's stomach isn't too happy." Justin giggled as he grabbed Jacob. Jacob cooed as he was in Justin's arms again. "Ugh, time to do laundry!" Brian complained as he removed the shirt. Justin stared at his lover's rock hard stomach as Brian balled up the shirt. "I'm gonna throw this in the wash." Brian commented as he stood. he bent down carefully and gave Justin a kiss on the forehead. He tapped Jacob's nose lightly again and then walked out of the room.

Justin sighed with happiness and sat on the floor. He laid out a blanket for Jacob and then laid Jacob down. "Isn't he a sweetie? Always looking out for me." Justin bragged to the young baby. Jacob giggled with cheer as Justin spoke to him. "Jacob, I hope when you get older that you find the real meaning of love. Whether it be with a guy or a girl or whomever. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise because love is love." Justin said calmly to Jacob. Jacob was too caught up in his fascination for Justin. "Aww, you're so cute!" Justin giggled as he began to remove Jacob's clothing.

"Aren't I?" Brian joked as he came back into the room. He was still shirtless and he didn't care. He was at home at his parents' house. Justin laughed lowly as he kept his attention on Jacob. "Hey, Jacob, could I have my boyfriend's smile back?" Brian teased as he sat down behind Justin. Brian spread his legs so that Justin was sitting between them and then he placed his arms around Justin's hips. "How can you sit there and change his diaper?" Brian asked in disgust. "Because I had to change Jonathan's all the time. It was stinky!" Justin laughed out his response. Jacob giggled along with him. Jacob was oblivious to what Justin was saying but Justin's expressions were enough to make him laugh.

Justin removed Jacob's old diaper with ease. "Ill!" Brian gagged. "It's just piss. You do that everyday." Justin mocked him. "Hmm, I wonder what it would be like to have you hold my dick while I pissed." Brian joked in Justin's ear. "Not in front of Jacob asshole." Justin laughed. "Like he understand what I'm saying." Brian retorted. "I don't want him to know what we're going to be doing later on." Justin smiled as he applied baby powder to Jacob's lower body. "Mmm, turn me on Justin..." Brian joked as he nuzzled his face to Justin's cheek. Justin felt the soft bristles of Brian's growing goatee. "You're not gonna shave, are you?" Justin asked as he felt the smooth hair. "You don't like it?" Brian asked sorely. "I do, it makes you look sexy." Justin responded as he strapped on the new diaper. "Oh, you always know the right words to say." Brian chuckled. "Be serious for two seonds." Justin requested. "Okay, I really would like to name the baby Justin Thomas Littrell." Brian whispered. "Are you still on the baby thing?" Justin asked as he lifted Jacob. "Why not? You were so on fire about it ten minues ago." Brian pouted with anger. "I still am but it's not like we're jumping up and getting a baby today." Justin argued lightly. "Who says?" Brian questioned. Justin placed a hand on Brian's knee and tilted his head back. He gave Brian a quick kiss on the chin. "Don't get upset over it." Justin whispered to end the arguement. They were like a real married couple as they sat on the floor with baby Jacob. It wasn't scary to Brian, but more comforting to know that he would one day have this life with someone he loved forever and a child that he could cherish. But the thought still dwelled whether or not they needed a baby.

Justin watched as Jacob yawned softly. Justin once again cooed at the baby. Tyke and BJ came prancing into the room to try and grasp some of the attention that Brian and Justin were devoting to Jacob. "Eh Lil' Tyke." Brian shined as he scratched his dog's head. Justin watched BJ nuzzle his leg before flopping down next to Jacob. "Jacob's tired Brian." Justin commented. "So what do we do?" Brian asked as he placed his chin on Justin's shoulder. "How about you put him to sleep." Justin suggested softly. "Me?" Brian asked. Justin nodded. "What am I supposed to do?" Brian questioned. "Just sing to him like you do for me." Justin answered. Brian sighed and then released Justin.

He used the couch as support for his back and then awaited Justin to pass him Jacob. "I'll feed Tyke and BJ while you put him to sleep." Justin whispered as he passed Jaob to Brian. Brian carefully grabbed hold of Jacob and laid Jacob on his chest. Brian nodded and watched Justin stand. "What should I sing?" Brian asked. "Sing whatever song makes you think of me." Justin smiled. Brian thought for a moment and then watched Justin walk out of the room. "I've got it." Brian chimed.

As Justin stepped into the kitchen, he heard the most astounding words to his ears.

She's a Super Freak! Super Freak!

She's super freaky yeah!

Justin rushed back into the room and saw Jacob beginning to cry on Brian's chest. Brian's joke had not gone over well with the baby. "Oh, I'm sorry Jacob. It's okay." Brian comforted him. Justin crossed his arms and then stared at Brian with anger in his blue eyes. Brian looked up at Justin and felt the icey, cold stare. brian began to rock Jacob in his arms as he sang.

Once upon a time

I thought I could never find security

I believed love was a fairy tale

That you only find once upon a dream

Justin smiled as he watched Brian sing to Jacob. Justin walked out of the room and into the kitchen. He heard his cell phone ringing and pulled it out of his pocket. "Hello?" Justin spoke into the phone as he pulled out a bag of dog food. "Justin? Justin honey, are you okay?" he heard his mother question. "Mom, yeah I'm fine. What's wrong?" Justin asked as he poured the food into two bowls. "Justin, Brian called me yesterday and told me what's wrong." Lynn exclaimed. "What do you mean?" Justin asked. "I mean he told me about your stomach illness. Why didn't you tell me?! Why did I have to find out from Brian?" Lynn asked with a very hurt voice. "I'm sorry mom, but I didn't get much oppurtunity to inform anyone. Brian just found out the other day." Justin explained. "AND?! I'm your mother and now I'm worried sick about you." Lynn shouted with concern. Justin was torn by Brian's choice to tell her. "I know mom, but I had alot of things that prevented me from telling anyone." Justin tried to explain. "There are two people who should know things about you Justin firsthand, your parents and your husband." Lynn demanded. "I know... and I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys first." Justin said in a very apologetic tone. Lynn was touched by his honesty. "Are you okay? Have you been to the doctor's yet?" Lynn questioned him more. "No, I'm going later on today with Brian. Then I'll know the final diagnosis." Justin replied softly.

"Well... are things fine between you and Brian? He told me... he told me about the incident you two had whe he hit you." Lynn stated with a fear in her voice. Justin almost dropped the phone with surprise. "Justin? Justin, are you okay?" Lynn asked frantically. "Ye... yea... I'm fine mom. Uh... we talked it over and things... things areokay now." Justin stuttered his reply. "How... how long did you and Brian talk yesterday?" Justin asked as he peered around the corner. "Uhm, I'd say about two hours. He called to tell me about the stomach problem and then he confessed about hitting you. I went off on him for about thirty minutes, the rest of the time he apologized and we made the best of it." Lynn answered calmly. Justin still couldn't believe that Brian had spoken to his mother, let alone tell her what had happened between them. "Justin... I'm still hesitant about this marriage after what he did, but whenever you wanna call it quits, I'm behind you all the way." Lynn gave her subtle opinion. Justin wasn't quick to reply as he did in his past defenses. "Thanks mom, but I don't think that's what I'll ever want." Justin assured her. "Okay, but just keep it in mind." Lynn reminded him. "I won't keep it in mind. Brian means more than that." Justin argued quietly. "But don't let him hear me say that." Justin joked with her. "Okay, I'll try not to. Sweetie, please keep me up to date with what's going on because I worry about you all the time." Lynn begged. "I will mom. I love you so much." Justin responded. "I love you too Justin." Lynn replied.

Justin ended their conversation and snuck back into the living room. Brian was still holding Jacob, but Jacob was sleep. Brian's eyes were closed as if he was sleeping. Justin tiptoed over to Brian and sat down next to him. Brian's eyes fluttered open and he gazed over to Justin. "You called my mom?" Justin asked. Brian nodded. "Why?" Justin questioned lowly. "Because she needed to know." Brian stated. Justin pouted momentarily for Brian's betrayel. Brian let his left hand fall onto Jusitn's left hand. Justin grinned and then interlocked their fingers. "Thank you." Justin whispered to him. Brian nodded, still holding a tight stare with Justin's eyes. "Kiss me." Brian requested softly. Justin leaned forward and gently pressed his lips to Brian's. Brian moved his lips with Justin's so that their kiss became more affectionate. Justin let his right hand grasp Brian's cheek. Brian moaned softly, trying not to wake Jacob as they kissed.

Brian pulled back and smiled at Justin. Justin's eyes batted open. Justin laid his head on Brian's shoulder and Brian's kept his hold on Justin's hand. Brian kissed the top of Justin's head before closing his eyes again.

The door opened and Jackie and Harold stepped inside. When Jackie noticed the loving couple in the living room, she quickly wieted her husband. Jackie reached down into her purse and pulled out her camera. "Jackie... Jackie don't." Harold requested as she crept into the living room. Jackie paid no attention to her husband and took two quick pictures with her camera. With the flash off, Brian and Justin didn't even notice her.

"Brian... Justin... we're back." she whispered to them. Justin opened his eyes and looked up at her. "Oh, hey Jackie." Justin whispered. Brian's eyes opened and he looked up to his mother and then his father. "You too look sooooo cute with him." Jackie cooed from over them. Brian realized that he was still holding Justin's hand and then smiled for everyone. "Do you two want a break?" Harold offered. Brian shook his head, feeling comfortable with Jacob in his arms and Justin by his side. "Okay, we're gonna go put up the stuff we got together for the wedding and then we'll come back and get Jacob." Jackie explained. Brian nodded and watched them walk out.

Another twenty minutes passed before Jackie and Harold had returned to take Jacob. Jackie explained that she and Harold had shopped at Ruth's for wedding stuff and at the Fayette Mall for more wedding material. She gladly took Jacob to take care of. Brian and Justin both felt sad to lose Jacob, but they knew it was coming. They dressed and headed to the hospital for Justin's final checkup.

Justin and Brian waited behind the hospital curtain patiently. They weren't secluded in a room, rather a wing of the hospital so they would not be disturbed. Justin sat in a hospital gown, which he loathed deeply. He was seated on a bed while Brian sat in a chair next to him. Brian held Justin's pinky with his own pinky to show Justin comfort in a small way. He wished he could have been in the room with Justin when Justin was going through tests, but the nruses prevented him otherwise. So he waited until he could see his fiance. Now he could stand by Justin's side.

The doctor finally made his appearance known to Justin and Brian. "Okay guys, I guess you're wondering what's happening?" the doctor spoke up as he looked over the chart. "Yeah." Brian answered for Justin. "Well I'm Dr. Johnson and I was referred by Dr. Stewarts for you Mr. Timberlake. Is this the same man that was with you last time you saw the doctor?" Dr. Johnson asked curiously. "Same man?" Brian cocked a eyebrow in Justin's direction. "No, that was my friend Joey actually. This is Brian." Justin replied to the doctor, ignoring Brian's jealousy. "Okay. Well the tests show that your stomach has been through alot lately. Added stress probably did that." Dr. Johnson explained. Justin shuttered at the thought. "Does that mean I need surgery?" Justin trembled out his question. Dr. Johnson did not smile for Justin. Brian held onto Justin's pinky as he palms began to sweat with fear.

"No, Justin, you do not need surgery. Actually, we have been able to help people like you before who have developing ulcers but they never reach that first stage. We have a medication we can give you that we can give you if you'd like to prevent this from getting to surgery." Dr. Johnson offered. Justin's eyes were too brightened to know that he was not getting operated on. "Yes doctor, please, anything!" Brian begged. "Well... what the nurses will do is actually give you a shot right into your stomach with a medication that should bring down the inflammation in your stomach. So you'll be fine in days." Dr. Johnson explained. Justin's smile could not get any wider as he thought of it. Justin nodded as his reply. "Okay, I'll have the nurse give you the shot and then you'll need to contact a doctor within a week for a quick checkup to see if everything's okay." Dr. Johnson said, making his visit short. "Okay, I will." Justin assured him. "All right, then we're finished here. Uh, just don't take on any more stress or anything and get some rest." Dr. Johnson advised. He left the area while filling out Justin's chart.

When the nurse returned, Justin trembled at the sight of the needle. She soon had him lay back, she prepped the needle and then prepared to inject him. The needle peirced his skin and Justin hissed through his teeth. Justin was holding Brian's hand the whole time as Brian watched on. After the initial pain of the needle in his stomach was finished, Justin relaxed for the medication to enter him. He was calmed and relieved that Brian was right there to hold his hand.

Brian & Justin (Part 98) By JM

The rest of Brian and Justin's time in Kentucky was short lived as they had to return to Orlando. Their plane landed early and they spent the morning in bed trying to savor the time they had left.

By noon, Brian and Justin were sitting in the living room of their house with Britney, Joey, Kevin and Howie sitting around them. Justin was still a bit groggy from the flight and from his injection, but Brian kept him chipper. Brian sat in his plaid shorts with a white golf shirt on while Justin was sitting in his Nike athletic shorts and a baggy T-shirt.

"Okay, now try this cake. It's called 'Honeymoon on Lemon Isle'." Britney chimed as she passed Brian and Justin a small plate with a small slice of cake on it. Brian sighed as he prepared to taste the third of their five choices in wedding cakes. Brian crapped a piece off and decided to be creative. He turned to Justin and offered it to Justin. Justin shrugged and opened his mouth. As he did, Brian brought the fork and his own mouth to Justin's lips. Brian did his best to use his tongue to feed himself and Justin the cake. Everyone cooed them on as Brian tried not to take the kiss too far.

"Mmmm, that's the one!" Brian giggled as he wiped a spec of frosting from his lips. Justin nodded, licking his lips. "Okay good!" Britney cheered and she marked off 'Wedding cake' on her list. "Now, you two should consider seating arrangements." Kevin suggested. "Yeah, that's always very important." Britney agreed. Brian and Justin both gave them gagging faces. "How many people did you invite?" Joey asked as he reclined in his seat. Brian thought over the numbers quickly. "About fifty I think. Maybe more." Brian responded. He took a sip of his Starbucks coffee as he watched Joey ponder the number. "Well we kind of sealed off that side of the island since no one uses it anyways. Talked to officials and all and they okayed us to use it as long as no illegal activity went on." Howie explained. "It's just the beach really," Britney added. "Yeah." Howie nodded in her direction. Brian and Justin took everything in with care.

"Aaah, what about champagne?" Kevin asked as he looked over the wedding book. Brian gave Justin an uneasy look when he heard the suggestion. "Oh, uh, none for him." Joey spoke up for Brian. "Huh?" Kevin asked as he looked at Joey. "None for him." Joey repeated weith a straight face. "Why?" Kevin asked, looking back to Brian. "Personal reasons." Brian answered. Kevin shrugged. "What about everyone else?" Kevin asked. "Uh... whatever you think is best." Justin left the decision to Kevin. Kevin nodded and looked over the choices.

"We got you two special cups that say 'Brian' and 'Justin' engraved in the glass." Howie informed them. Justin smiled at the idea. "And uhm, what about dinner and all of that?" Britney questioned. "Well my mom took care of that." Justin spoke up. "Okay." Britney checked another item off her list. "Vows?" Joey asked. His response was the obvious look of love shared between Brian and Justin. "Writing your own huh?" Howie asked with a devious smile. Justin took his eyes from Brian's for a moment to nod.

"What about the honeymoon?" Joey asked with a knowing smile. "I have that taken care of." Brian answered quickly. Justin was still in the dark for what Brian had planned but he kneit was going to be special. "Well where so we know where to contact you in case of an emergency?" Kevin asked with his concerned cousin voice. "Don't worry about it. We'll be too busy to here the phone even if you did call." Brian grinned at his cousin. Kevin wrinkled his brow at the thought. His younger cousin's arrogance bothered him, but he didn't let it show. He was a perfectionist and sometimes Brian kept him from doing the job he felt needed to be done. "Hmm, don't knock if the 'Do Not Disturb' sign is up!" Howie joked. Brian giggled with him and leaned on Justin.

"Well we got a lot done today kiddies. Looks like everything is set if Mrs. Harliss and Mrs. Littrell have the rest covered." Britney announced as she stood from her chair. "Good." Brian sighed out with relief. "You guys got the blood tests while in Kentucky?" Kevin asked, trying to make sure every angle was covered. Brian nodded. "And the license?" Kevin asked. "Picking it up in Hawaii." Brian sighed. "What about tuxedos?" Kevin questioned. "Kevin, it's all covered. We got our tux's while in Kentucky. We have all the rooms reserved at the hotel. No one besides managament knows where we'll be. I have everything taken care of." Brian assured him with an annoyed mood. "No, you don't. Otherwise, you would have noticed your fiance has drifted off to sleep." Kevin mocked him. Brian gave Kevin a puzzled expression.

He leaned off of Justin and could see Kevin was correct. Justin was slowly sleeping next to him. "We should go." Joey advised as he stood. Brian pulled Justin into his arms and cradled him. "Take care Brian." Britney whispered her goodbye. "Are you packed for New York?" Howie asked Brian as he stood up. "Yeah." Brian replied softly. "We leave for the airport in an hour. Do you want me to pick you up?" Kevin asked. Brian nodded and bit his lower lip. He hated to leave Justin when Justin was still recovering. "Is Justin going into the recording session today?" Joey asked. "Yeah, he'll be there." Brian assured him. Joey nodded and escorted Britney out the door. Kevin and Howie followed them and shut the door behind themselves.

Brian lifted Justin into his arms carefully. Justin found himself waking from his sleep. "Brian?" Justin asked softly, batting his eyes open. Brian gave Justin a kiss on the nose and carried him up rhe ivory steps.

Brian carried Justin into Justin's room where he saw BJ sleeping on Justin's bed. Brian laid Justin on the bed carefully. "Are... are you leaving?" Justin asked as Brian ran his fingers through Justin's curls. "In a little bit." Brian responded with a whisper. "Promise you'll wake me up before you go." Justin pleaded. Brian nodded and tried to usher Justin back to sleep.

With more time passing, Brian found himself walking back into Justin's room. Justin was still fast alseep in his bed. Brian gazed around the room that he had helped decorate. It was still not finished because he and Justin were nevre home, but he was loving the way it looked. From the wooden bed to the wooden dresser, the room gave off a cozy nature. Brian knelt down next to Justin and kissed his nose again. Justin's eyes slithered open and he looked at Brian. "Time?" Justin asked with a whisper. Brian nodded. His hand was running over Justin's cheek with a simple care.

Justin forced himself to sit up in the bed to say goodbye to Brian. Brian took a seat on the bed and pulled Justin's legs over his lap. "I'll be back late tonight." Brian stated to liven Justin. "I know." Justin yawned softly. Justin placed his hands in his lap and tried to look on the bright side of the situation.

Brian looked towards the window to see Kevin's car pull in the driveway. "Are you going to be okay?" Brian asked. Justin nodded, holding back a single tear that wanted to escape his eyes. "I wanted to come this time." Justin complained softly. "I wanted you to too." Brian sighed. "Oh well, the life of being in 'N Sync and the Backstreet Boys." Justin heaved out. Brian grabbed Justin's hands and held them. He heard the doorbell and hesitated to move. "I..." Brian knew that Justin knew what he was going to say. Justin just nodded to show he knew and cared. "I'll be waiting at the aiport when you get in tonight." Justin whispered. Brian leaned forward and Justin did the same. The kiss lightly and gently. It wasn't a farewell kiss, just a loving kiss. The tear escaped Justin's eyes and rolled down his cheek.

Brian backed away slowly. He then leaned back in, compelled to kiss Justin again. Justin gladly accept the kiss. Brian backed away again and decided it was time for him to leave. He released Justin's hands and Justin lifted his legs. Brian stood from the bed and tried not to let himself pity Justin.

Justin stood with Brian and grasped his shoulder. Brian turned to look at Justin again. Justin leaned forward and kissed Brian's nose. Brian smiled awkwardly. "Take care babe." Justin whispered. Brian nodded. Brian leaned down and grabbed his backpack and put it on. Justin grabbed his hand and walked with him down the steps of their house.

Justin hated to watch Brian leave but it was something he had to get used to. They did live seperate lives and being in seperate groups made it even harder for them to try and spend time together. But their moment in the sun was coming.

And I won't see a sunrise

I won't see a rainbow

I won't see a falling star

Until you come home

I can't feel the rain drops

I won't see the tides part

And I can't see the world revolve

Until you come back to my heart

Justin's words echoed through the soundbooth as the melody faded in his headset. He pulled off his headset and moved away from the microphone. "Justin... that was wonderful." Eric Foster White cooed him on. Justin smiled brightly despite the sadness behind the song. "So am I done?" Justin asked into the microphone. "Yep, you're done for the day. You can hang around with the others while we mix the songs." Eric responded. Justin cheered and placed his headset on the riser. He placed Brian's Wildcats hat on backwards and then walked out of the recording booth.

He walked down the hall into the lounge where his friends sat with a security guard. "Hey Justin, how'd it go?" Chris asked when he saw Justin. "It went great." Justin replied. "Have a seat." Britney offered. Justin walked in and plopped down next to Britney. He saw Joey sleeping peacefully next to her and giggled softly. "He was worn out from the hard work he said he put in with Eric." Britney whispered to him before she laughed.

"Justin, you've got some pictures to autograph," Lance announced to Justin from the business table. Justin frowned and then stood. "There goes my break." Justin joked to Britney before marching over to the table. Justin pulled out a chair and then sat next to Lance. Lance pulled out a stack of pictures and stuck in front of Justin. Justin groaned before grabbing a pen. He grabbed the first photo and his eyes bulged open.

"What is this?" Justin asked as he stared at the photo. "Oh, how did that get there?" Lance faked an excuse as he began to grab the photo. Justin quickly slapped his hand to admire the photo. The black and white, glossy photo was of him and Brian kissing while at Lance's birthday dinner. "I think you remember taking that picture." J.C. teased as he looked over from Justin's shoulder. Justin nodded with a smile on his face. "Well then, it's our present for you." J.C. boasted. Justin admired the lovely picture for moments.

Justin slid the picture to the side and then grabbed the first photo from his collection. It was of him from their recent photo shoot. He couldn't believe how nice it turned out. He almost felt conceited for liking the picture of himself so much. His shirtless pose was sexy, yet eye catching for him to look at. He scribbled his name on the picture and then passed it to the side.

Justin signed the last picture in his first stack before taking a sip of tea. "Eh guys, check it out. The Backstreet Boys are on Total Request Live." Britney announced as he turned up the volume on the T.V. Justin's attention was quickly caught when he saw Brian's face on the T.V.

"Hey it's Carson again and we're here, with a small studio full of fans for none other than... well, the Backstreet Boys." Carson said in his calm, yet suave demeanor. The crowd screamed viscously for the guys who all welcomed them with a wave. "That's right, the Backstreet Boys, here in our Time's Square Studios because today their album, Millennium, was just released in stores." Carson announced. The crowd quickly showed that they had their copies, screaming for their favorite boy from the band. "Well guys... how does it feel?" Carson asked, turning his attention from the camera to them. "Pretty good." Howie answered first. "It's amazing how many fans have the album already." Kevin commented with a hint of surprise. A.J. nodded without giving a verbal response. "Actually... our label told us that some thousand people were parked outside of the Virgin megastore last night to get the album." Howie added. The corwd got louder with that comment. Brian and Nick joked while the others pointed out people in the crowd.

"Well I know you guys just got here this afternoon and hauled behind over here to the MTV studios. So tell us a little about what's been going on. I know you just ended the joint tour with 'N Sync, you have a new video out, new album, new single. I mean... where does it end?" Carson blurted out with a smile. "It doesn't!" Nick shouted with a laugh. Everyone laughed with him. "Seriously though, we've been real busy. We had one day off, yesterday, just to rest from the tour. Then we've got sometime off after this before hitting major appearances and stuff." Nick explained. "Yeah, we're working a different strategy for Millennium. Wait for response before hitting people up with T.V. slots." Howie added onto Nick's comment. "Well what about the new single? I heard it's doing phenominal on different radio stations." Carson pondered for them. "Oh yeah, we heard that too. It's going to officially be released to single next week, but we've heard it's gotten major rotation." Kevin responded first. "Yeah, especially here on MTV. The video is excellent, but I mean, it has been number one until as of late with the release of the new 'N Sync video. You guys have been battling it out. What was it like on tour with them?" Carson questioned. "Great!" Brian quickly jumped in. "It was alot of fun, we're real close friends with 'N Sync now because of this tour experience. We became brothers." A.J. stated. "Yeah, I mean, I was just talking with J.C. the other night about different stuff and who they're collaborating with for their album and what's going to happen now." Kevin added.

"It's great that two... 'boy bands' as the press would say... can go from this STRONG rivalry created by the press, to great friends. Is there anyone in particular you all get along with or individually get along with?" Carson asked professionally. "Uh... I think A.J. tends to hang with all of them, but he's been kicking it alot more with Justin and Chris." Howie spoke up. "Aww, thanks Howie. Howie spent more time with the girls of Innosense then their manager did." A.J. joked back. "If anything, I'd say that Brian and Justin were the ones that got along best. All of us got along, we've had our share of arguements, good times and everything. But out of all of us, it'd be Justin and Brian or me and J.C. too." Kevin stated in his professional tone. "True Brian?" A.J. butted in. Brian nodded with a small smile.

"Well we have to get to our number three video, coming on her last day of the countdown. You guys know Britney Spears right?" Carson said, looking at Brian and then Nick. "Yeah, she was alot of fun to hang with on tour." Howie jumped in. "Yeah... her and Joey." A.J. nodded with a huge grin. "Well this is the last day for her video, 'Sometimes', on TRL. It's the sixty-fifth time and that means retirement." Carson explained. The boys all nodded as he talked. "There's been word that she's working on another video?" Carson questioned, looking at all of them. "Yeah, she took a very small break from tour to do a video for her new single." Kevin responded. "Well there you go. Here it is, for you guys, her last day on the countdown. Here's Britney Spears with 'Sometimes'." Carson announced.

After the commercial break, Carson returned with the Backstreet Boys. "So let's talk about Brian now because he's everywhere." Carson suggested. Brian quickly faked a surprise face and then turned away from the camera. "Yeah, Brian gets a little shy when we talk about him." Kevin laughed. "Well we have to talk about Brian since he is everywhere! The Internet, the tabloids, the TV, MTV and even on Millennium. You co-wrote alot of songs right?" Carson asked. Brian turned back to him and held up his mic. "I co-wrote six songs on the album." Brian responded in his light, country accent. "That's alot of songs to write for one album in a group. I mean, there are what, eighteen songs on the album, but you almost wrote half the album." Carson complimented. Brian smiled brightly. "We all got into the writing process. With Kevin writing a song, A.J., me and Nick worked on a song, Jwoie wrote two songs. It was alot of fun." Brian chimed. "And you even wrote a song on 'N Sync's album?" Carson asked. Brian nodded. "Their first single, me and Justin wrote together." Brian replied. He got a coo from the crowd before he blushed again.

"Ah yes, you AND Justin. What is this about you two being in the tabloids?" Carson asked with a giggle. A.J. couldn't help but laugh when he thought about it. "Yes, yes, yes. The tabloids are bad things to read." Brian commented. "Have you seen the article? I mean it's rather disturbing stuff they write." Carson shrugged. "Yeah, A.J. showed it to me while we were in... uh, Denver." Brian recollected. "So what's the deal? A.J. abusing his girlfriend, Nick molesting a girl, Brian and Justin being a couple?" Carson pondered. "Let's make it clear, Nick did nothing wrong!" Nick demanded. "Yeah, Nickie is not like that." Howie agreed. "And I never laid a hand on Amanda. For someone to write that really pisses me off because it's like they invade your personal life and still get the facts wrong. It's really screwed up that way." A.J. said with an obvious anger. Brian nodded, trying to avoid speaking.

"Well I can see your point, but Brian... heh, even on the Internet, rumors flash about with you and Justin being together. I guess people get that assumption because you two are real close friends and all." Carson stated. "Yeah, people tend to look deep into something to pull out something else. It's not like I'm mad... or whatever about it. People are going to think what they think regardless of what you tell them. And it doesn't hurt if people think that because you know... it's not going to stay on my mind." Brian answereed softly yet clearly. "Yeah, what they say one day they'll change the next." Nick agreed. "I guess people got that idea from when we were on TRL last time or when me and Justin were on Rosie. It happens. But me and Justin are good friends and we sometimes laugh about it. Because it's not going to ruin my life when a rumor comes up." Brian added. "Yeah and Justin's cool with it?" Carson questioned. "Yeah, me and Justin talk always and it's like... 'Okay, so you believe rumors now?' It's crazy." Brian replied. "It's cool that it doesn't bug you and all. "What about Leigh Ann? Rumors are alwaysa flying about you two and I think they say that she actually agrees in saying that you two go out." Carson brought up a sensitive subject. "Leigh Ann and me are friends at this point. A LONG time ago, we went out but it had more to do with career choices than love. So now... I'm in a stable relationship where I can seperate 'career Brian' and 'boyfriend Brian'. So it makes the relationship work better and it makes me happy." Brian stated. "That's always important. To be able to show that special someone that you can devote time to them outside of your career." Howie added. "Yeah, and so you can make time and like go out on dates or whatever?" Carson asked. "Yeah, we cook dinner or whatever and we just chill. Just quality time alone... that's always important." Brian nodded.

"Well enough of the Brian Littrell hour." Carson joked. Everyone laughed along with him. "We're gonna go to our number two video from you guys, it's the Backstreet Boys with 'The One'. Now I heard that you guys have actually finished your next video? Already? What was that like?" Carson threw several questions at them. "Well we shot the next video, still in negotiations on if we want to add another scene. But yeah, we shot it." A.J. explained. "It's for the song, 'Don't Wanna Lose You Now', which is a rather sad ballad written by Max Martin." Howie stated. "Yeah, while we were in L.A. promoting the album and doing album arwork, we shot this video. It was a full day video shoot for us, which we're used to." Kevin added. "Care to share with us what it's like?" Carson asked. "Well, we don't want to say too much, but the water was cold." Brian teased the crowd. "Water? The Backstreet Boys? And maybe white shirts?" Carson tried to coo to the crowd. He got a loud scream from the crowd. The guys laughed along with Carson at the joke.

"Okay, well here's 'The One', which was actually co-written by Brian. Anyway, at number two, the Backstreet Boys." Carson stated. The video soon came upon the screen and everyone watched.

After the commercial break, Carson was still chatting with the guys. "Now you guys aren't staying in New York right? You're just here for a fan conference and an autograph session?" Carson asked. "Yeah, then we're out of here." A.J. cheered. "Just a little promotion for the album." Nick tried to cover for A.J.'s mistake. "And when you tour, what's up with that?" Carson asked. "Well right now we're negotiating a tour. We're working with sponsors and all trying to get a world tour going." Kevin explained. "Yeah, the label is throwing different acts like 702, Nick's sister Leslie, Don Philip, EYC, Tatyana Ali, Britney Spears, Imajin, Blaque and even Joey McIntyre." Howie chimed. "But we're trying to work something out. Those are all great opening acts, but right now, we want to work it out so it'll be Britney Spears, 702, Aaron Carter, possibly Innosense and then... 'N Sync." Brian argued kindly. "Whoa, toruing with 'N Sync again? And Britney?" Carson worried. "Yeah, it's what we want." Brian quickly agreed. "We want to get Innosesne if they're schedule permits it." A.J. added. "But we've got to negotiate all of this before we can confirm anything." Kevin interupted their plea. Brian and A.J. quickly gave Kevin cold stares.

"Well that's all the time we have on TRL. So let's get to the number one video, voted by you guys, the MTV viewers. With totals that gave them just an inch over the Backstreet Boys, here is 'N Sync's new video, which features the Backstreet Boys... with 'Just II/Saw It Coming'." Carson annoucned. "Now you guys worked with 'N Sync, any news on the new album?" Carson questioned. "It's going to be hot!" A.J. quickly boasted. "Uh, alot of different collaborations and what not." Nick added. "I think... it's supposed to be released later this summer?" Howie asked, looking at his friends. Brian nodded. "Well there you have it, from the Backstreet Boys about 'N Sync. I wanna thank the Backstreet Boys for coming on today's show. Make sure to go pick up 'Millennium' TODAY and we'll see you tomorrow," Carson cheered. The show ended with showing 'N Sync's new video.

"Well, interesting show." Chris said as he stood from the couch. "Carson was so into them." Britney commented brightly. "Well they had some tough questions to answer." Lance reminded her. "At least Brian spoke his mind about things." Joey said, letting everyone know that he was awake. "Yeah, he did." Chris agreed, gazing over to Justin. Justin was busy signing more photos, giving them no answer. "And Lord knows that we'd hate not to see Brian SMILE when he talked about Justin!" Britney called, in her southern accent, to Justin. Justin gazed up at her with bright eyes before returning to his work.

"Nick was quiet." Lance commented. J.C. sighed and then twiddled with his thumbs. "Maybe he was tired." Britney assured Lance. Lance wasn't as confident. Lance couldn't help but think of J.C. when he said his comment. He felt wrong for making J.C. deal with his care for Nick. Lance gave J.C. a light kiss on the cheek and then rubbed his thigh. "I... I love you..." Lance whispered with little shame. J.C. smiled and leaned back. "Love ya too Scoop." J.C. whispered back.

"Well let's get out of here because we've got a LONG day tomorrow." Joey said, winking at Justin. "Ugh, not that!" Justin complained with a laugh. Everyone laughed along and packed up their things. Joey made it a point to get Justin home while still devoting time to Britney.

The night swept over Orlando with a thunderstorm. Justin didn't mind it so much because Brian was now home. And Brian didn't it mind it either because his mind was free of stressful thinking.

Brian was sitting in Justin's arms next to a fire. They were downstairs, in the den, taking time away from the phone and everyone else. The fire crackled lightly as Justin ran his hands over Brian's hair. Brian had only his plaid shorts on while Justin wore a white wife beater and his boxers. The sweet scent of the kindle brought Brian and Justin closer in the room. The sounds of the soft rain and the rumbling thunder brought even more comfort to the lovers. They had always been closer during the rain, to avoid the feeling of loneliness brought upon by the rain. "I wonder how many nights we'll be able to spend like this when we're married?" Brian whispered his question. "Hopefully... everynight." Justin whispered a reply. Justin leaned down and gave Brian a small kiss on the head.

Justin and Brian's moment was soon interupted by the doorbell ringing. Brian sighed loudly. "Who could be here at this time of night?" Justin pondered as he looked at his watch. "Don't let it be Leigh Ann!" Brian boasted as he rolled from Justin's lap. Justin stood with Brian and grabbed his hand. Brian was thrilled that Justin would walk with him to the door. He gripped Justin's hands and walked with him up the steps.

Brian and Justin walked to the door as they heard a loud pounding. Brian pulled the door open and saw A.J. standing on the otherside. A.J. was covered in rain from head to toe. His hair was sticking to his head, his eyes were stained in tears and his clothing dripped with water. "A.J.? A.J., what are you doing here?" Brian asked. Justin gave A.J. a puzzled expression as he looked at him. "She... she's... she's late." A.J. panted out with fear. Brian gave A.J. a crooked stare. "Who's late? Late to what?" Brian asked in confusion. "No... Brian... she's late!" A.J. repeated. Brian was still confused and gave A.J. a suspicious stare. 'What is he talking about?' Brian pondered. Justin gasped when he caught onto what A.J. was saying. "You mean... she's LATE." Justin said with emphasis. A.J. nodded. The loud roar of the thunder caused everyone to shake.

"Come inside here." Brian quickly ushered him. He pulled A.J. inside and closed the door. A.J. leaned against the door with uncertainity. Justin whispered into Brian's ear and Brian gasped loudly. "You mean?" Brian finally got the point of A.J.'s outburst. A.J. couldn't look at either of them. "Come on A.J. I'll take you upstairs so you can get a change of clothes. Justin, could you make us some tea or coffee?" Brian asked as he grabbed A.J. Justin nodded and rushed off to the kitchen.

Justin sat in the living room awaiting fiance and A.J.'s return. He was twiddling with his fingers with a nervous composure. Brian finally walked into the room and sat down next to Justin. He placed his left hand on Justin's knee with concern. "Did you talk to him?" Justin asked softly. Brian shook his head. "He didn't want to talk yet." Brian replied. Justin nodded and placed his hand ontop of Brian's. The thunder crackled again, causing the rain to fall harder.

A.J. finally stumbled into the room, wearing Brian's baggy Kentucky sweatsuit. He took a seat at the couch opposite of Brian and Justin and stared at the floor. "Uhm... maybe I should go so you two can talk?" Justin suggested as he lifted his hand. "No... it's okay Justin. You're my friend too." A.J. spoke up. Justin sat back on the couch and looked at A.J. with deep concern.

"So... uh, what's going on A.J.?" Brian questioned. "When e and Kevin got home, Amanda was in my room thinking about some things. Well Kevin left to go on a date with Nikki, so me and Amanda just kicked it for awhile. Well finally she comes to me and says that something's wrong. Well come to find out that she's late and she... she might be pregnant." A.J. heaved out. Brian felt a shutter to the thought. "And you know, before we were real careful and ALWAYS used protection, but lately it wasn't like that.... and now my stupid ass is paying for it." A.J. sobbed. "No, you're not stupid A.J. It's okay. We all tend to stop worry about those things when we're in a loving relationship." Brian assured him. "But see... you don't have to worry about getting Justin pregnant." A.J. balled out. Justin hated to admit it, but that was something that they didn't have to worry about. Brian and Justin never had to worry about much when it came to sex. They had only slept with each other, so they had no fear of AIDS, STD's or anything. They were safe regardless.

"You don't know if she is or isn't?" Justin asked. "No, she said she wouldn't know until she went to the doctors." A.J. replied lowly. "Well then there is hope." Brian chimed. "No, after she told me she was late, I walked away from her. I was angry at her and myself. And so I walked away and she took it personal. She packed most of her stuff and she left. She said she was going to Nikki's until the wedding." A.J. cried. Brian quickly walked over to A.J. and hugged him for comfort. "I'm such an ass for doing that to her. It's not like I don't want to have a family with her... but not now and not like this! Not without planning something out." A.J. siffled. "I think Amanda just needs some time alone. Sometime to deal with this. She is the one that may have to carry this baby for nine months." Brian whispered to him. A.J. lifted his head and pulled away from Brian. "Yeah and she'll need a strong man by her side. Not a fucking coward like me." A.J said as he wiped away his tears. "She'll need the baby's father by her side." Brian assured him.

A.J. sniffled quickly and looked away from them. "You guys have got it easy. You don't ever have worry about this happening. You can fuck as much as you want and neither of you will get pregnant. Or have to raise a child." A.J. sighed. Brian wanted to argue against A.J.'s point, but he couldn't. He looked over to Justin who seemed even more distant about the situation. "Well A.J., you're right, we don't have to worry about pregnancy. But it's not like we don't want kids ourselves. You have a rare oppurtunity here. A chance to raise a child with Amanda. Even if she's not pregannt, at least you know now that one day you and her can start a family." Brian confessed. A.J. was defeated by Brian's words. "I guess I forgot to look at the brighter side of things." A.J. whimpered. "We always do forget when something we're unsure of happens." Brian replied, looking over to Justin. It brought back the feeling he had when Justin's first mentioned a baby to him.

A.J. took a sip of his tea and let the heat absorb his tears. "So you guys want kids?" A.J. finally asked. Brian nodded shyly. "Wow, I never thought about that. You two... raising a child?" A.J. laughed lowly. "Well... I think you'd make good parents. Unlike me, ya'll could actually fix the problems of parents by raising a child." A.J. joked. "Are you always this down on yourself?" Brian joked. "Nah, just when I think about serious stuff." A.J. replied. "I know." Brian assured him.

A.J. glanced at both Brian and then Justin and looked at their clothing. "Geez, I think I interupted something deep. I'm sorry." A.J. blurted out. "It's okay. We we're just relaxing." Brian replied. Justin took a sip of his tea and then brought his legs up on the couch. "No, I think I should go." A.J. retorted as he stood. "No, it's okay A.J. You're in no condition to drive home and be alone." Justin argued. "Yeah, you can stay here tonight." Brian assured him by grabbing his arm. "You sure? I don't want ya'll to feel like you can't do ANYTHING because I'm here." A.J. smiled. "We weren't do anything! Besides, Justin needs the rest." Brian replied, looking over to the sheepish Justin. "Okay... but don't let me stop you." A.J. joked. Justin giggled and nodded. "But learn from me, even if you can't knock Brian up, Justin, use a condom." A.J. said with a straight face. Justin nodded again with surprise. "Come on, you can stay in Justin's room." Brian said as he escorted A.J. up the steps.

Justin waited an hour before walking up the steps to Brian's room. The door to Justin's room was closed and the door to Brian's room was closed. Justin saw Lil' Tyke panting outside of Brian's door, begging to get inside. Justin bent down and picked Tyke up in his arms. Tyke happily licked Justin's face. Justin turned the knob to Brian's door and opened it.

He saw Brian sitting inside on the bed. He looked deep in thought and Justin hated to interupt him. Justin let Tyke down on the floor and then walked over to the bed. He sat down next to Brian and placed his hand on Brian's thigh. "What... what if Amanda is pregnant?" Brian asked lowly. Justin let Brian think over his own question. "Then she's going to hae a baby." Justin responded. "I mean... what about A.J.? What is he going to do? How is he going to be on tour and then worried about how his kid is doing somewhere else?" Brian questioned shyly. Justin knew those were questions that even he couldn't answer. "What am I going to do when I go on tour and.. and you're at home taking care of a child. I mean, this is the last situation I wanted us to face. That's why I..." Brian couldn't finish his sentence. "That's why you hesitate to think that we should adopt a child." Justin finished it for him. Brian nodded nervously. "Well we're not going down to the adoption agency tomorrow. Maybe in five years we'd think about it, but not now." Justin assured him. Brian nodded, feeling better about the situation. "Thanks for being my husband." Brian sighed lwoly. "I'm not your husband yet." Justin giggled. "Justin, you were my husband the minute we made love for the first time." Brian whispered, looking up at Justin. Justin smiled lovingly for Brian.

"Okay, stop getting mushy on me. People might think we lost our sense of humor." Justin tried to joke. "I didn't lose mine!" Brian shouted playfully. "Well there is something you're gonna lose tonight. And that's the chance to fuck the hell out of me!" Justin joked. "Really? I thought we were about to do that now." Brian giggled. He pushed Justin back on the bed and kissed him. "Okay, let's get some rest babe." Brian moaned as he pulled off of Justin. Justin pouted discretely and followed Brian to the head of the bed.

Brian & Justin (Part 99) By JM

The morning dawned on Orlando swiftly. The rain had brought back the joy of sunshine for Flordia. The birds chirped happily and things seemed to be going the right way. It was a day that wouldn't be forgotten for it was the day before everyone headed for Hawaii. And nobody was more prepared to leave then Brian and Justin.

"Do you know the way to San Jose?" A.J. sang as he entered Brian's bedroom. He found Brian and Justin locked in a deep kiss and hated to interupt them. Brian had Justin pinned on the bed, gently making love to Justin's lips with his own. "Oops, sorry lovebirds." A.J. cooed as he watched. Justin released Brian's lips and looked towards A.J. "Oh, morning A.J." Justin beamed. "Yes, it's a pretty good morning." A.J. chimed as he threw the newspaper on the bed. "What's got you so happy?" Brian asked as he released Justin from his hold. "A good night's rest." A.J. replied as he plopped down in a chair near the bed.

Brian crawled off the bed and walked towards his closet. "Uh... uh Brian..." Justin gasped as he watched Brian's cock bounce from side to side. "Huh?" Brian asked, pulling out a sweater to wear. A.J. gasped loudly as he saw Brian. "Brian babe, remember when I suggested that we sleep naked last night." Justin snickered as he looked at Brian's cute, dimpled butt. Brian nodded and caught onto Justin's drift. "A.J. get out!" Brian yelled as he tried to hide in the closet. A.J. laughed loudly as he witnessed seeing Brian nude for the second time. Justin couldn't help but laugh with A.J. "You know, you have the cutest little ass." A.J. joked. "Doesn't he?" Justin giggled. "I bet you get to se it up close and personal everynight." A.J. teased as he looked over to Justin. Justin's face flushed. Justin grabbed one of the pillows and threw it at A.J.'s head. "Okay, now you have to get out." Justin laughed. "Okay, I won't interupt this. Of course, you know they say orgies are kind of sexy?" A.J. teased. "GET OUT!" Justin and Brian said simultaneously. "Okay, don't say I never offered." A.J. snickered as he stepped out of the room.

Justin made his way into the kitchen where A.J. sat reading a magazine with BJ. "So... have you called her?" Justin asked shyly while grabbing a glass of juice. "You know Justin, your bed feels brand new. As if you don't even sleep in it." A.J. quickly changed the subject. "That's probably because he's sleeping with me everynight." Brian tried to complain lightly as he entered the kitcehn. "But not that I mind the warm body everynight." Brian covered as he hugged Justin from behind.

"Cute." A.J. cooed. He rubbed BJ's head and then looked back down at the magazine. "You didn't call her did you?" Justin asked again. "No." A.J. responded flatly. Brian sighed and whispered into Justin's ear. Justin nodded and took his eyes off of A.J.

"So, what's on for tonight A.J.?" Brian asked. His friends had been keeping what they had planned for his bachelor party from him for days. "Now if I told you, that would ruin the surprise." A.J. snickered. Justin laughed with him, but he still thought about where A.J. and the guys were taking Brian. "What about you J? Where are the guys taking you?" A.J. asked, knwoing already. "They didn't say. They just said dress comfortable... oh and bring dollar bills." Justin joked. Brian quickly nudged him with anger. "But then I said, I ran out of dollar bills. Brian does quite the show!" Justin laughed. Brian jumped on him and they fell to the floor in laughter. "I'll show you a show all right." Brian smiled before he leaned down and kissed Justin. Justin moaned softly and rubbed his hands over Brian's ass. "Okay! Okay! Geez, get a room!" A.J. complained with laughter.

Brian released Justin and smiled again. "I'm sorry, sometimes he gets me like this..." Brian giggled. "You two just need to fuck and get it over with so you won't go through all of this." A.J. suggested as he stood. He dropped BJ to the floor and walked out of the kitchen. "Hmmmm, fuck and get it over with?" Brian pondered with a grin. "No, no, no. That takes the fun away from it." Justin argued. "You're right." Brian nodded. He leaped from Justin and fixed himself. Justin stood also and grabbed BJ. "Don't have too much fun tonight." Brian advised with a smile. Justin nodded and walked upstairs.

Brian sat in the living room of his and Justin's house. It was around eight and Justin had left him an hour ago with his friends. A.J. was gone, but he knew he would be returing with Kevin, Howie and Nick, but he still had no clue on where they were going.

He heard the distinct sound of the doorbell and quickly answered it. Brian was dressed in a white Armani sweater and white slacks. "Come on buddy!" Nick cheered as he snatched Brian out of the house. Brian grabbed hold of the door, made sure it was locked and followed Nick out to A.J.'s gray Explorer.

"Where to guys?" Brian asked as he took a seat in the back next to Nick and Howie. "You'll see..." A.J. replied as he pulled off. Brian shrugged and relaxed next to Nick. "We're gonna party with everybody!" Nick brought a little jingle to the car. Howie laughed loudly at Nick's song.

Kevin turned around in his seat to look at Brian. "Kinda quiet cuz?" Kevin pondered. "Just thinking." Brian responded. "About?" Kevin asked with concern and a smile. "Who else?" A.J. replied for Brian. "Not tonight people!" Nick complained loudly. "Thank you all but this conversation was between me and my cousin." Kevin quickly hushed them up. "Are you thinking about Justin?" Kevin asked, looking only at Brian. "I just wanted to know where he went." Brian responded lowly. "He went to dinner with the guys. J.C. said they were gonna go to dinner and then chill at J.C. and Chris's place." Kevin explained. Brian nodded, feeling at ease with the idea.

"So sit back and enjoy the ride." Nick chimed as he put his hand on Brian's leg. Brian quickly slapped the hand away and smiled. He mouthed the word 'No' before looking over to Howie. "Where are we going D?" Brian asked. Brian was always able to pull things out of Howie. "Don't do it D." A.J. demanded, looking at Howie from the rearview mirror. "Where Howie?" Brian repeated his question. "D, I said don't do it." A.J. warned him. "Come on, I don't call you Sweet D for nothing." Brian pleaded to aggrivate A.J. "If you do it Howie I swear I'm going to kick you out of my fucking car!" A.J. shouted at him while picking up speed. "Come on Howie, you know we're friends." Brian begged. Howie was stuck between his fends and unsure of what to do. "We're going... we're going... we're going to have fun!" Howie shouted, trying to get all eyes off of him.

Brian sighed loudly while A.J. grinned uncontrollably. "Come on guys... We're gonna party with everybody..." Howie tried to start the sing-along to avoid the anger and disappointment. Brian glared out the window to await their arrival.

A.J. pulled into the parking lot of the club and smiled happily. "We're here kiddies!" A.J. cheered as he parked. Brian looked to see a raging club that had a line wrapped around the block. "Come on!" Nick shouted as he tried to push Howie out of the wy to get out of the car. A.J. stepped out wearing a sheer black shirt and baggy jeans. Kevin stepped out with a baggy sweatshirt on and jeans. Nick was proud to be wearing his Florida Dolphins hat and jersey while Howie sported a navy blue sweater and jeans. "Let's go little boys." Kevin joked as he ushered them to the door.

With a quick authorozation, the Backstreet Boys were allowed intot he club. "Okay here's the deal... Brian doesn't think about Justin tonight and we don't bring up Justin. This is a night for final goodbyes!" A.J. demanded as they began their entrance into the club. "Cool with me." Nick cheered as he threw his arm around Brian. Brian sighed and agreed. "Good... come on." A.J. smiled.

They piled into the club with the sounds of the Vengaboys. A.J. quickly made his way to the floor while Nick pulled Brian over to the bar. "Oh no, I'm not going to anymore bars with you Nick." Brian complained as they reached the bar. "This for me... not you." Nick stated, trying to grab the bartender's attention. "Just don't try anything." Brian warned him. "Like fucking you in the back of A.J.'s car." Nick whispered to him. Brian pushed Nick off of him and a scowl formed on his face. "I'm not playing with you." Brian warned and then he walked away.

The loud rage of the club brought everyone to a hyped mood. The DJ played many dance mixes of songs while smoke filled the bar and strobe lights circled the dancefloor. Neon lights were the railbars while the floor was covered in sweat. No one had any worries or cares on their minds, just fun.

A.J. laughed as he and Kevin pushed their way off the dancefloor. They had been at the club for three hours and had not stopped to drink or chat. "Hot ones tonight!" A.J. panted as he sat with Kevin at a booth. "All shapes and sizes." Kevin cooed as some ladies walked by their booth. "Hmm and what I wouldn't do to check out their sizes or what shapes they could get into." A.J. joked. "Eh you better watch it. Amanda might find out AGAIN." Kevin warned him. "I know. I've gotta be careful now that I might have a baby on the way." A.J. sighed. He was thankful that he had told Kevin, Howie and Nick before they went to Brian's. "We're gonna support you regardless A.J." Kevin assured him. "Thanks." A.J. replied as his eyes roamed the club. Kevin nodded and then his head began to bob to the sounds of 702's 'Where My Girls At?'. "I like this song." Kevin commented, trying to grab A.J.'s attention.

A.J.'s eyes were caught on something else. A.J. pulled down his sunglasses to get a better look. "What are you looking at? A fine girl?" Kevin asked, trying to catch what A.J. was staring at. "No, a stupid ass friend." A.J. replied with angst. Kevin shot A.J. a crazed look. "What's Nick doing now?" Kevin sighed out. "Not Nick, Brian!" A.J. growled. Kevin's eyes flung open as he finally caught what A.J. was saying.

Kevin saw Brian kissing another man at the bar with intensisty. The smoky scenery prevented Kevin and A.J. from seeing who the other man was, but one thing was for sure, Brian was kissing another man.

A.J. leaped from the booth, followed by Kevin. "A.J., let's no be too violent." Kevin suggested as he tried to catch up woth the fast moving A.J. A.J. did not listen to a word Kevin said for the loud music overpowered Kevin's strong, deep voice.

A.J. finally reached Brian and yanked Brian back. Brian fell back onto the next stool and quickly tried to regain his balance. "What the hell?!" Brian asked as he turned to look at his attacker. "No, what the hell do you think you're doing?! I know we said to have a good time, but not sit up here kissing on another guy when Justin's out there thinking of you." A.J. barked at him. "Huh?" Brian asked in confusion. "Don't play dumb with me B-Rok. You were up here kissing this guy when Justin's out there somewhere thinking about you no less." A.J. hissed. "But A.J." Brian tried to interupt. "No, you know Justin cares the world for you. Instead you chose your freakin' bachelor party toc heat on him." A.J. argued. "No, A.J." Brian tried again. "And to think that Justin was there for you all of those times. Even after the last hassle you went through with Nick!" A.J. scrambled his words and thoughts. "A.J. listen..." Brian pleaded. "Your actions speak louder than your words Brian. And for you to sit up here and do this to Justin? I would beg to have someone as caring as Justin, but NO, not your ungrateful ass." A.J. scolded him. "Uh... A.J." he heard the mystery man say as he tapped him on the shoulder.

"No listen to me you stupid ass..." A.J.'s words came out as he spun around to look at the man. His mouth dropped open when he saw who it was. Justin stood smiling at A.J., trying to make him feel foolish. Justin did not have to try hard. "And so..." A.J.'s words spit out as he turned back to Brian who had a angred look. "That is what I would say if I caught you cheating on Justin." A.J. tried to cover up. "Leave." Brian hissed. "But I'm sorry. I didn't know Justin was here." A.J. apologized. He quickly turned back to Justin with shock. "What are you doing here?!" A.J. asked suddenly.

"Well..." before Justin could get his words out, Chris and Lance interupted him. "There you are! We've been looking for you everywhere." Chris exclaimed. Lance looked past Justin and saw A.J. and Brian. "Whoa, what's going on here?" Lance asked quickly. Chris looked up and saw A.J. and Brian. "We could ask ya'll the same thing. You said you ewre taking Justin to dinner." A.J. complained. "Yeah well, you said you were taking Brian to a strip club." Lance retorted. Justin quickly stared at A.J. harshly. "Yeah well... I asked you first!" A.J. quickly covered. Justin crossed his arms and looked at A.J. with a doubting frown. "We just said that so ya'll wouldn't tell Brian we were taking Justin to a club." Chris sighed. "And you?" Lance kept the attention on A.J. "Well we said that so ya'll would freak out. It was gonna be a BIG joke." A.J. chimed. "Joke's on you." Brian whispered as he pushed by A.J. to get to Justin. "Now, where were we?" Brian smiled as he grabbed the back of Justin's head. Justin licked his lips with excitement. "You were over there and he was over here!" Chris quickly stopped them, forcing his hand between their lips. Brian's lips kissed Chris's hand unexpectidely. Justin giggled as Brian siwftly backed away. "He'll see you later on tonight." Lance assured Brian as he and Chris dragged Justin off. A.J. and Kevin grasped Brian and pulled him back to the dancefloor.

Nick found himself trying to dance with anyone on the dancefloor. He soon saw two familiar pair of light green eyes and latched onto him. "I had to dance with someone I know..." Nick whispered as he began to grind his hips to Lance's. Lance sighed and wrapped his arms around Nick's waist. They volleyed to the music, trying not to draw too much attention. "I think I'm getting hard..." Nick bit his lower lip with shame. "Me too." Lance laughed to turn their situation into a joke. "Maybe I should stop?" Nick suggested, but not letting up on his grinding. Lance nodded shyly, not wanting to ruin what he had with J.C. Nick leaned forward and gave Lance a quick kiss on the lips. "I respect that." Nick gleamed as he backed off Lance. He pushed through the crowd to avoid any other encounters with Lance. Lance sighed and looked around the dance floor for J.C.

Nick found his way to Brian and Howie and sat with them. Howie was slowly trying to flirt with the women while Brian looked on, teasing Howie. "Hey guys," Nick panted out as he sat next to Brian. "What's up Frack?" Brian asked as he looked at Nick. "Just thought I'd hang with you since this is your night of freedom," Nick responded. "Ah, and what a night. Watching Howie make an ass out of himself, being ripped from my fiance by A.J. and Kevin and now..." Brian joked. "Oh, poor baby!" Nick teased him with a nudge. "Yeah well... at least I haven't gotten drunk." Brian chimed. Nick nodded with concern. "I'll see ya guys. Honey over there is calling the Latin Lover." Howie said with exotic eyes. "Get out of here D." Nick hollered and Howie quickly made his way to the bar. "Come on. This is your bachelor party and I'm going to make you have fun!" Nick laughed as he yanked Brian from the booth.

"Justin, would you get your mind off of him!" J.C. complained as he, Chris and Justin sat in a booth on the otherside of the club. "My mind is not on Brian." Justin assured him. "Then what's it on?" Chris asked quickly. "Uh... that guy over there on the dancefloor." Justin said as he pointed to the floor. J.C. and Chris both took quick looks and then frowned. "That's Brian!" they said simultaneously. Justin giggled as he had fooled his friends. "Come on Shot, we're taking you to the floor, the otherside of the floor and you're gonna dance your ass off!" Chris demanded. J.C. agreed as he pulled Justin out of the booth.

Another two hours rode by before Kevin pulled Nick, Howie, A.J. and Brian out of the club. Nick sleepily leaned on Kevin as they walked while Brian helped the semi-drunk Howie to the car. "Never ever... ever... ever... EVER have Teqeuilas with a girl who says she hates liquor. She's just lying." Howie slured out to Brian. Brian nodded, turning his head to avoid Howie's alcohol filled breath.

"The plan is to stay at you and Justin's house right? So we can all high tail to the airport tomorrow?" Kevin asked. "Yeah." Brian responded as he helped Howie into the car. "Everyone does have their suitcases right?" Brian asked as he stepped into the car. He recieved a loud set of 'YEAH!' before they drove off.

Brian let everyone in the house and called for Justin. He saw that Lance's 4-Runner and Joey's Acura were parked in the driveway. "Yeah babe." Justin responded as he walked down the hall. Brian noticed J.C. and Lance having a small make out session in the living room while Joey walked down the hall with a plate of hot wings. "I brought the crew home," Brian sighed as A.J. drug Howie inside and Kevin and Nick followed. "Jolly." Justin laughed. "Where do I sleep?" Nick asked as he laid his head on Brian's shoulder. "Uh, you can crash on the couch over three Frack." Brian responded awkwardly. "Aww, I was hoping for your bed." Nick joked as he stumbled off. Justin held back his anger for Brian's sake.

"Some of ya'll can bunk in Justin's room and the rest can have the living room, the den and the one guest room upstairs." Brian stated as he grabbed Justin's hand. "I think we'll take Justin's room, it's a double bed right?" J.C. asked as he walked Lance towards the steps. "I swear if ya'll fuck in my bed I'm going to cut your dicks off!" Justin warned them as they stumbled upstairs. Nick watched them leave with a disappointed look.

"I'm taking the guest room." Kevin announced to everyone as he flipped on a re0run on the Simpsons. "Who are you to call it?" Chris boldly asked. "Someone twice yhour size little man." Kevin retorted back. "Oh, you wanna box for it eh?" Chris asked as he stood. "Don't get knocked down boy." Kevin warned him with a smile. "Oh see, ya did it now. I was just gonna rough you up... see now I'm gonna have to hurt ya." Chris mocked. Brian rolled his eyes at the two and then walked Justin up the stairs. "Good night Mr. and Mr. Littrell." Joey joked as they walked up the stairs. "Good night Joey!" Justin hollered back with a smile. Joey smiled and watched Kevin and Chris wrestle around on the floor.

Brian walked Justin into his room and shut the door. "Tired?" Justin asked as Brian removed his clothing. "Yeah... but I wanted to spend one last night with you." Brian whispered as he hugged Justin. Justin felt stunned. Brian began to kiss his neck and then unbutton Justin's shirt. Justin went with the flow and wrapped his arms around Brian's neck. Brian got to the middle of the shirt before giving up. He ripped at Justin's shirt, causing the rest of the buttons to fall to the floor. Justin gasped with surprise.

Brian pulled Justin up and carried him to the bed. He laid Justin down and then stood over him. Brian undid Justin's khaki's and slowly pulled them down. He latched onto Justin's briefs and watched the erect cock grow. Brian smiled and yanked down Justin's underwear.

He laid ontop of Justin and began to kiss Justin's lips. "Let's just take it slow?" Justin suggested between kisses. Brian nodded and began to suckle Justin's neck.

Just as Brian and Justin were making out, J.C. was busy sucking on Lance's cock. Lance groaned lowly, holding onto J.C.'s head as he moved. His eyes were squeezed shut as he tried to hold in his desperation to scream. J.C.'s tongue expertly worked over Lance's senstive spot, right under the head of his penis. Lance loved how J.C. knew the right areas to make him scream. Lance's pants became more intenses with each lick. He tried to control himself by running his hands everywhere on J.C.'s head.

Lance's felt his balls constrict and soon J.C.'s tasted his lover's cum. J.C. did his best to swallow what he could of Lance's cum while Lance panted lowly. J.C. ran his hands over Lance's thighs. He lifted his lips from Lance's limp cock with a smile. Lance's eyes were still shut as J.C. kiss his way up to Lance's face. J.C. took time to suck on each nipple, pleasuring Lance even further. "Okay... okay..." Lance tried to stop J.C. as J.C.'s tongue began to roam his neck. J.C. looked up at him with confusion. "I'm tired Josh." Lance whispered. J.C. nodded and laid his head on J.C.'s chest.

"At least Justin can't yell at us. We're didin't have sex in his bed." J.C. giggled as he tried to sleep. He and Lance were laying on the floor in each other's arms. "Uhm, I have to piss." Lance giggled, trying not to bother J.C. any further. J.C. groaned and rolled off Lance. J.C. stood and got into Justin's bed naked. Lance laughed lowly and grabbed his boxers and a shirt. "Don't take forever." J.C. advised as he closed his eyes again. Lance nodded and crept out of the room.

As Lance reached the bathroom, Nick was about to step inside. "Oh," Lance gasped as Nick walked into the bathroom wearing his boxers. Nick turned back and saw Lance. His face was filled with surprise. "Hey there cutie." Lance teased as he admired Nick's form. The tall blonde's body was sleek, yet attractive to Lance. "Hey there yourself." Nick smiled. "Uh, how long?" Lance asked shyly. "Hmmm, let's see, after I piss, I gotta jerk off and then.... fifteen minutes?" Nick teased. "Ugh, I gotta piss." Lance complained. Nick grabbed Lance's hand and pulled him into the bathroom.

Nick quickly shut the door and turned to look at the nervous Lance. Nick stepped forward and began to tongue Lance's lips with care. His hands caressed Lance's cheeks, bringing out his erotic yet gentle nature. Lance's hands trembled as he brought them up to Nick's shoulders. Nick pulled away quickly and cursed under his breath. "Who am I kidding Lance? I love you too much for this." Nick complained as he stepped to the mirror. Lance quickly moved back to Nick and hugged his back. "I... I love you too..." Lance whispered as he kissed Nick's back. "No, you don't. Lance everytime I look in your eyes, I don't see me. I see J.C." Nick sighed. Lance stopped his kisses and let a tear fall down his cheek. Nick felt the warm tear slide down his back. "I love him alot... but Nick, there's something special between us..." Lance whimpered. Nick turned around and gave Lance a caring hug. "Always will be, but right now, your heart belongs to him. I may have come between Brian and Justin, but I can't come between you and J.C." Nick whispered as he ran his hand over Lance's platnium blonde hair. Lance siffled lowly as he hugged Nick.

"Go ahead and piss. I need to sleep now. I gotta think." Nick tried to laugh as tears formed in his eyes. "You're losing him... and you don't wanna lose him?" Lance questioned as their hug ended. Nick nodded sadly. "I know it's hard." Lance assured him as he wiped the tears from Nick's cheeks. "I don't wanna lose him... I can't lose him." Nick blurted out with fear. "I'm asking you, not only as Justin's friend but as your friend, don't come bwteen them," Lance begged. "Lance... my heart is falling apart. He's leaving me... and I don't want him to." Nick sighed, feeling a deep pain in his gut. "You have to let him go Nick." Lance whispered back. The love in his eyes almost made his want to make love to Nick right in the bathroom, but he had to control his fantasies and stay with reality. "If I let him go Lance... who will I have?" Nick asked, another tear falling from his eyes. Lance stayed silent. "Me." he finally whispered.

Nick leaned down again and kissed Lance, this time with Lance returning the kiss. Nick's lips tremblded as he felt himself betraying Lance's feelings for J.C. and his own feelings for Brian. Lance ran his hands over Nick's chest and slowly slipped them to Nick's stomach. Nick knew what was coming and gently pushed Lance back. He kissed Lance's lips several more times before walking away from him. "You don't know how much I want you to take my virginity Lance... but I can't come between you and J.C." Nick whispered. He pulled open the door and closed it behind himself.

Lance stood in awe of the situation. It made him want to run to Nick even more. The way Nick was showing him so much love and concern. A small tear escaped Lance's eyes as he walked out of the bathroom.

He walked back into Justin's room and closed the door. He locked the door and walked over to the bed in fear. J.C. was sleeping peacefully, but Lance didn't care. He slipped into the bed and shook J.C. "Huh?" J.C. complained as he turned to look at Lance. He blinked his eyes open to give Lance a look. He saw tears forming in Lance's eyes and a frown upon Lance's lips. "What... what is it?" J.C. asked with concern. "Just make love to me," Lance pleaded. "What?" J.C. asked as he sat up in the bed. "Don't ask... just please make love to me." Lance asked with even more need. J.C. looked at him with even more concern sa his lover fell to pieces before him. Lance leaned forward and began to kiss J.C.'s lips. J.C. was overcome by Lance and fell to his request. He didn't want to disobey Justin's request, but Lance meant more to him than that. He laid Lance back on the bed and carefully began to make love to him. Tears ran down Lance's cheek as he felt shamed. He needed J.C. to make love to him to reassure his feelings for J.C.

Justin couldn't believe that he and Brian were still kissing on Brian's bed. They had yet to do anything. Justin pushed Brian up and looked into his baby blue eyes. "You don't want to..." Brian whispered out his question. "I do, but do you?" Justin question. Brian shook his head. "I.. I want to save it for our honeymoon." Brian replied. Justin nodded to show he agreed. "So you don't mind?" Brian asked as he gently caressed Justin's legs. "No, I don't mind." Justin replied. "Thank you." Brian whispered into Justin's ear before licking it. Justin smiled and relaxed under Brian.

Brian and Justin made their wait to the head of the bed and fell alseep, Brian laying in Justin's arms. Justin tried his best not to think of what Brian wanted, but his mind was caught up in thoughts of Brian. Brian was thinking of Justin while he slept. The past week's events had a tremendous impact on his life and he only thought if Justin felt the same. He knew in his heart that Justin did, but he needed something more. Their hearts were one, but their minds were seperate. And one thought reached their mind as they slept, they were going to be married and it was the only thing in the world that they wanted to share.


*** THAT IS THE LAST TIME I GET TO SAY THAT FOR THIS SERIES!!! Isn't that sad? Don't cry yet, we'll cry together in the next chapter. The final chapter of 'Brian & Justin'! I hope you enjoy these parts since it took me long enough to finish. I know this sgement brings alot of things to mind and I'm expected alot from e-mailers since even myself was worried about what I wrote. But I trust it won't all be bad. But there are alot of issues in life I think that I can touch on because I know I've thought of these issues myself. And one of those issues was the focus for many discussions for Brian and Justin. That was a baby. It's something inside of all of us that we'd like to have one day. A child is important life of being a person, a human. So if you want to give me slack about it, I can take it. And the other issue was Amanda's possible pregnancy. That's for alot of readers, the 'Be Careful' issue because I know I have female readers and male readers, but it was for everyone, just like Brian & Justin and a baby. The idea of adopting a child was brought up by a reader and since I already wanted to touch on that, I am proud that I could with these final chapters. So forgive me if I offended you or took things too far. It's how I feel in my heart and as a writer, I can't lie about something like that. Oh and too clear up a misunderstanding, well two of them, after Chapter 100 there will be another series, but it's just picking up where Chapter 100 leaves off. Nothing will change except the title and Brian and Justin will be married. And Brian & Justin are not breaking up one more time. When I wrote that note, that was talking about that chapter. ***

** I made a list this time of the people I needed to tjank so I wouldn't forget anybody. Okay, thanks to Philip for his knowledge on Lexington, Kentucky and where Brian lived. It was very helpful and I'll be using it in the next series. Thanks to Rick for his idea in the last segments about Harold and Brian. Thank you to ALL of the readers! As most know, I was sick for a few days last week and I got a tremendous amount of support from readers! It was rather unexcpeted how many people actually took time out to send me little letters wishing me well, advising me on what to eat and drink, telling me to take my time with this story. And to all the readers that sent me cards, that brightened my day! Thank you so much. I love you all for your support. A VERY SPECIAL thank you goes out to David of Nifty. Sometimes I feel us authors overlook him. He's the one who brightens up my day by having Nifty up and running for us. He's a real nice guy and fun to talk to too. So thank you to him for putting up with 'Brian & Justin' for 99 freakin' chapters! Thanks David! **

  • Okay, the winners for the contest are to be announced now. The winner for the best storyline idea was Brian. He came up with the Lance/JC/Nick dilemma during Lance's birthday party (it was a fabulous idea that he had well written out), which has given me the oppurtunity to pull out alot of good storylines lately. From Nick/JC/Lance's love affair to Nick's interference in Brian and Justin's relationship. So he's the winner for best storyline. And the winner, who named the new series, is David Mark. He's the same guy that won for guessing "Who drugged Justin and Nick?". The name of the new series is 'Just Beginning'. I think it's the perfect title, plus 'Just' is in there for the song. So thanks David. I had a lot of great ideas and story names come my way. Thanks to everyone for participating. Well that's it from me. See you in Chapter 100 which will hopefully be done sometime next week, I'm guessing if not sooner. *

Next: Chapter 37

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