Brian and Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Mar 6, 1999


Brian & Justin (Part 51) By JM

*** General Announcement: Okay this story and the following stories are going to be a slow down pace for me. I am going to slow down the quickie's and add the romance to the stories. But don't get me wrong, there will still be plenty of sex and fun for the boys. Yes, these stories will mostly revolve around the relationship between Brian Littrell (of the Backstreet Boys) and Justin Timberlake (of 'N Sync), but there is going to be guest appearances from all of the guys of the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync. I can't always guarantee (most likely I can't even guarantee at all. The stint between J.C. and Lance; Kevin and Lance; Nick and J.C. may not re-kindle unless you guys want it to.) action for them though because I am so hooked on Brian and Justin. We'll see what happens. The stories will also follow the same path that the others have left off with. So that means, these stories pretty much follow where I left off with 'B-Rok B-Day', 'Round And Round, and 'The First Nite'. I want everyone to know that I don't plan on stopping after this story, so don't worry. I get e-mails all the time about that. I'll try and forewarn you when I plan to stop, but that looks doubtful right now. I do hope you enjoy the series of stories to come and do wish to hear all of your comments may they be good or bad (hopefully not all bad)... so send them on over to: or ***

**** This is THE 51st STORY!!! It follows along with the rest if you're still not caught up, you had better get reading. It picks up where the last chapter left off and will continue from there on. Hope you enjoy this part and please send all comments to me. I have recieved an abundance already, so that makes me want to keep on writing better stories. I THANK all of you who have sent your great comments to me. Especially to those who have been there since the very beginning. Also, for those who still want the lyrics to the 'Justin & Brian' soundtrack (only lyrics; includes previous songs) and the 'Brian & Justin' soundtrack Part II. That's right, I'm out of control with these song lyrics. Soundtrack features old and new songs from the B.S.B., 'N Sync and others. All songs are original songs that I made up for Brian and Justin. They have a purpose, so please don't destroy them or distribut them without permission. SPECIAL THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO HAS BEEN READING AND SENDING ME E-MAIL, I APPRECIATE IT!!! I never thought this series would get this far! Special thanks to Leprechaun for inspiring me to write such great stories. He's got alot talent and you guys should check out his series "Bad Boy B-Rok". It is the best B.S.B. story I have read. And thanks to Calguy19 for greta works, with his storyline 'Bangin' B-Rok'. And finally, thanks to Chris, Adam and JJViscardi's for being a good friends and a great authors. I also want to thank Yas for the GREAT story ideas he has given me. He helped me with some instalements of stories. So until the next time, please keep reading the stories and all of you B-Boys keep it 'N Sync... ****

"Hello, this is Doborah Summers with a special news brief. At 19:15 this morning, an earth-shaking earthquake rocked the California area. It spread from this town in Sacremento to the upper parts of San Fransico. No word on how bad the damages have been in the other areas. It was a 7.5 earthquake that hit this area in Sacremento. It has left many casualties and some death. Some of the injured in this earthqauke include famous pop groups the Backstreet Boys, Innosense and 'N Sync. Also, Britney Spears was injured in this earthquake. No word yet on the extent of any of their injuries. The groups were here at this stadium rehearsing for a benefit show they were to put on today. No interviews have been done with any of the members as of yet. Emergecy vehicles and workers are doing their best to scramble through this rumble of the stadium to check on the stars and determine their conditions." a reporter sputtered out to her camera. She turned to look at the stadium, in her own mind, wondering the condition of everyone inside.

Kevin hissed in pain as he tried to push the large, metal pole off of him and the others. "Shit!" Kevin barked as he gave his attempt up. He could hear Britney's light whimpers from under J.C. "Are you two okay?" Kevin asked lowly, trying to save his strength. "I think we are." J.C. answered. He tried to stand, but his legs were too weak. "We have to get out of here." Britney trembled. "It's going to be okay, Britney. They'll help us." Kevin comforted her. "Kevin, they had better hurry. Britney's leg is bleeding and I think I bruised my leg muscles. And my arm is killing me." J.C. complained. "Joey's still out there. He'll get help." Kevin said.

Joey laid on the stage, almost unconscious in pain. He groaned as he rolled onto his stomach and dizzily lookied around. "Help..." Joey whispered as he crawled towards the canopy. "There's someone hurt! Over there!" Joey heard someone yell. Soon enough he heard loud footsteps running towards him. "Who?" Joey said with shock. "Quick, get him up. Get him on a strecher and to the hospital." one of the people said as they knelt next to Joey. Joey felt a bight light in his eye and realized it was a paramedic flashing a light in his eye. "You have to help them." Joey moaned as they rolled him on the stretcher. "Who?" a female paramedic asked him as she strapped him down. "Under the canopy." Joey whispered in broken terms. "What? Over there?" the woman asked as she pointed to the broken canopy. Joey barely nodded before falling unconscious. "Get him to the hospital now! Get me help for the survivors under the canopy!" the female barked to the other attendants. Joey was quickly rushed out of the stadium.

A.J. and Howie ran into the stadium and looked around. A.J. spotted Kevin as he was being rolled out of the stadium. "Kevin!" A.J. screamed in fear. He ran over towards Kevin and the technicians. "Kevin? Kevin, buddy, are you okay?" A.J. asked in fear. Kevin breathed heavy under his oxygen masked and gripped A.J.'s hand. "Find... find Brian." Kevin spoke. A.J. shook his head and held Kevin's hand tight. "I'll find him bro. Don't you worry." A.J. stuttered. Kevin let A.J.'s hand go and the attendants placed him in the ambulance truck. "Excuse me, sir. Do you know a J.C. Chasez?" a female asked A.J. A.J. quickly spun around and looked at the technician. "Yes... yes I do know him. Is he okay??? Where is he!?!" A.J. scrambled to speak. "He's going to be okay. He has a swollen thigh and a bruised shoulder, but he's going to make it. We have to take him to the hospital. But he requested to talk to an Alexander McLean or a Howard Dorough?" the woman said. "I'm Alexander, A.J. Yeah, that's me. Where is he?" A.J. said quickly. "He's over here, sir." she said as she led him towards the ambulance J.C. sat in.

J.C. sat on the edge of a stretcher, holding an icebag on his leg. He kept his thoughts to himself, but not his tears. Slowly, each tear shed from his eyes and slipped down his face. His fears and worries were all surrounded by one name, Lance. He didn't know where he was or what had happened to him. A.J. quickly hopped in the truck and looked at J.C. "J.C., dude, are you okay?" A.J. asked as he hugged J.C. "Uhm, yeah, I'll be okay." J.C. responded, hugging A.J. with his one free arm. "Thank God." A.J. said with relief. "Where are the others?" J.C. questioned. "Not sure yet. They won't let us go all the way in the stadium until they know it's safe. I saw Kevin and he looks pretty banged up." A.J. answered. "Yeah, he was with me and Britney. Britney's already gone to the hospital. Have you heard any word on Justin or the others?" J.C. asked with even more concern. "No." A.J. answered flattly. "But I think Howie's trying to find out right now." A.J. did his best to cheer J.C. up. "Is Howie okay?" J.C. pondered as he looked outside the truck. "Yeah. He and the girls were a bit shaken up, but I think they'll be okay." A.J. answered. A.J. gazed out the window and noticed what J.C. was looking at.

They both caught glimpse of a figure being rolled out on a stretcher and they pondered which of their friends it was. Then J.C. caught a sight of a bright, blonde hair and knew who it was. J.C. threw the bag of ice down and did his best to stand. "Damn it." J.C. complained as he couldn't stand. "Whoa, J.C., buddy stay right there! You're not going anywhere in your condition." A.J. said as he sat J.C. back down. "No! I think it's Lance!" J.C. cried out as he tried to stand. "Lance?" A.J. said softly. He looked back outside and could see Lance being boarded onto the truck. "Stay here. I'll go check on him." A.J. said as he hopped out of the truck. He made a mad dash towards the truck that Lance was being thrown on. "Hey! Hey! Wait up!" A.J. called as he ran towards the ambulance. A.J. jumped in the back and spyed Lance laying on the stretcher. "Lance? Lance, you okay?" A.J. asked desperately. Lance's eyes fluttered open and he looked at A.J. "Where's Nick? Is Nick okay?" were the first words to emerge from Lance's lips. "I don't know. They haven't brought him out yet." A.J. answered soarly. "What about J.C.?" Lance asked, sincerity stringing through his voice. "J.C.'s okay. They're going to take him to the hospital for percautions." A.J. responded.

"Sir, are you riding to the hospital with him or not?" one of the drivers asked in a snotty tone towards A.J. "Uhm..." before A.J. could answer, Howie jumped inside. "I got it, A.J. You go back and see if Nick is okay. Nikki's riding with J.C. and the other girls will meet us at the hospital." Howie said. A.J. smiled and patted Howie on the shoulder. "Thanks Howie. I'll see ya at the hospital." A.J. smiled as he got off the truck. As A.J. turned around, the doors slammed shut the truck blazed off with sirens.

A.J. looked around to see if any other of his friends had been attended to yet. He squinted his eyes to see someone being wheeled out in the distance. A.J. made quick time of his run and dashed over to the area. He was shocked to see Brian laying on the stretcher, his eyes sewn shut. "Brian! Brian! Wake up!" A.J. barked as he looked at his friend. Brian gave no response. A.J.'s greatest fears were spinning a web right around him. "Oh, Lord please let him be okay." A.J. whimpered as he looked down at the still Brian. "A.J.!" a voice came ringing from behind him. A.J. took a short glance back and saw Chris running towards him. "Chris!" A.J. called back. Chris stopped as he caught up to A.J. and panted for air. "What's wrong? What happened to Brian?" A.J. questioned. "He was... he was hit by a... he was hit by a spotlight in the head. The technicians said it may cause him to fall into a coma." Chris responded. A.J.'s eyes stared in complete shock. "Wait, this means he may not make it?" A.J. questioned with total fear in his voice. "I don't know." Chris responded shyly. A.J. couldn't believe his ears. "We have to get to the hospital!" A.J. finally spoke as they placed Brian into an ambulance. "We're leaving soon. We have to wait and see..." before Chris could speak, A.J. interrupted him. "Where's Justin!?!" A.J. said quickly. He looked around and saw another stretcher headed their way.

A.J. made another dash towards the other stretcher, his body slowly running out of breath. His pants became deeper as he reached Justin. Justin laid silent, almost as if he was sleep on the stretcher. "Justin?!?" A.J. said in desperation. Justin winked his eyes open slowly and glared up at A.J. "Make sure Brian's okay..." were the only words Justin whispered. "I will, but what about you?" A.J. panted out. "Make sure Brian's okay..." Justin repeated as they loaded him onto the truck. "Are you riding with him to the hosptial?" one of the attendants asked as he hopped in the back of the ambulance. "Yes... yes I am." A.J. responded quickly. He turned back to look at Chris and saw Chris getting on the ambulance with Nick. A.J. nodded and quickly leaped into the back of thw ambulance. They blazed off with the sirens blaring throughout the California streets.

The sun cascaded it's rays across California in the midst of the afternoon. A.J. stared out of the window of the 9th floor, glaring down at the parade of reporters that were scratching to get inside of the hospital. 'You'd think Micheal Jackson was here or something.' A.J. thought to himself. He felt alone in that waiting room, even though Howie, Chris and the girls of Innosense sat with him. "What's taking so long for a doctor to come in here." Chris broke the silence. Just as Chris spoke, two doctors walked into the waiting room.

"Good day guys." the male doctor spoke in a mono tone. "Hello." Joey responded with a smile. A.J. and the others weren't interested in a lively conversation, just the facts. "Well I'm Dr. Phillips and this is Dr. Stewart." the male doctor introduced them. "Please doctors, can you tell us how our friends are?" Amanda jumped in. "Well we can, but who would you like to know about first?" the Dr. Stewart replied kindly. Everyone stood in a dead silence. "Can you tell us how J.C. is?" Nikki asked. "That would be Joshua Chasez? Well he's in a stable condition. We just have him in a room so that doctors can bandage his shoulder and his thigh. He'll be ready to leave within the hour no doubt. I think he's still a bit shaken up, but he seems to be responding to things fine." Dr. Stewart answered. "Thank God!" Nikki sighed with relief. "How about Lance?" A.J. questioned. "Lance Bass, hmmm...." Dr. Phillips said as he looked over his charts. "Well from what we know, he was trapped in the back of the stadium and encountered debris and dust while back there. There was no real damage from that though. We're running tests on him though because he seemed to be running a fever when the paramedics picked him up. We think he has an acute case of the flu and he looks de-hydrated. So we're making sure he's going to be okay before we release him." Dr. Phillips finished. "Will he have to stay overnight?" Chris asked in fear. "Not likely. As long as his body responds well to the medication we're giving him, then we can release him in about an hour or so." Dr. Phillips answered.

"How's Kevin?" Amanda asked insecurely. "Kevin is another case. He was injured severly in the earthquake after a canopy crashed over him, J.C. and Britney. He suffered a slight fracture to his wrist, a bruise to his head and he seemed to be having chest pains. We're going to have to keep him under tighter observation." Dr. Stewart responded in a sad tone. A.J. shook his head in disbelief and sat down. "Is he going to be okay?" Howie asked to ease A.J.'s worries. Dr. Stewart gave him a rigid look, but she knew there was a good chance. "From what we see, he just needs a lot of rest. With a week off his feet most likely and plenty of physical therapy, Kevin's going to pull through just fine." she said. A.J. pondered his next question with deep thought. It was the one question he did not want to ask. "How's Brian?" he finally looked up and said. Both doctors looked at each other, fearing what they had to say.

Before they could answer, three figures appeared in the doorway of the waiting room. A.J. tried to look past the doctors to see who they were. "Where is he? Where is my Brian!?!" a woman spoke out in desperation. A.J. stood to a familar voice and looked over the doctor's shoulders. "Jackie?" A.J. said in question as he look at her in the doorway. Jackie Littrell pushed past the doctors and hugged A.J. with loving, comfort. "A.J., thank God you're alive!" Jackie sobbed out as she hugged him. "Jackie? What are you doing here?" A.J. asked as he hugged her. "I saw the news coverage early this morning. We caught the first plane out here." Jackie sobbed. "We?" A.J. said softly. "Yes, Harold and Brian's father are here also." Jckie spoke as she let A.J. go. A.J. looked back towards the doorway and saw Harold and Brian's father standing in the doorway. "Hey A.J." Harold, Brian's father, spoke. "A.J. is he okay?" Harold III, Brian's borther, asked. "We don't know yet." Howie answered for A.J. Jackie finally took notice of Howie and gave him a hug. "I'm sorry doctors... this is Brian's mother, father and his older brother." A.J. introduced everyone.

"Well we were just about to inform everyone about Brian's status as of now." Dr. Stewarts said with a faint smile. "Please, tell us how he is." Jackie gave a small plead. "Well, Mrs. Littrell, it's not good right now." Dr. Phillips answered. Jackie's eyes began to well up once again. "You see, after Brian was hit, he fell into an automatic coma. He's been out ever since and hasn't woken up. From what X-rays show us, he has had previous injuries to his head and that's not good. With the extent of the damage, we're not sure when Brian'll wake up." Dr. Phillips replied sadly. Jackie held in her tears as much as she could as she listened to the doctors. "We're hoping with visitation from family and loved ones, he'll wake up soon. But we're not sure how the extent of his injury has taken him." Dr. Stewart gave a ray of hope. "Oh God, let him be okay." Jackie whimpered. She turned her eyes away from everyone so that they couldn't see her shed more tears. "Doctor, when can we see him?" Harold asked. "Probably in an hour. Since you're his immediate family, we can squeeze you in. Does he have a significant other or fiancee`? We noticed the ring on his finger, so we thought we'd ask and see if they could help wake him up." Dr. Phillips asked.

The room went silent, much to Jackie's surprise. "No, I don't know of anyone. At least Brian hasn't mentioned anyone to us." Jackie responded. "Well except he mentioned that girl Leigh Ann who was interested in him." Harold III added. "So there is a girl named Leigh Ann we can contact?" Dr. Phillips asked in confussion. "No! Do not contact her. He has somebody and I'm sure I can get a hold of them." A.J. quickly interjected. Jackie's eyes fluttered back to A.J.'s face. "Somebody? As in who?" Jackie asked. "Jackie, please, it's not important at this moment." A.J. responded bitterly.

"Well please make sure you contact that person. He can use all the support he can get." Dr. Stewart explained to A.J. A.J. nodded with understanding. "Hey, how's Joey?" Chris asked from the side. Everyone's eyes turned to Chris direction, making him feel uncomfortable. "Joseph Fatone is doing okay. He's recovered pretty fast now that we have him in a room. He had us scared for a moment, but now he's fine. He's just got a few scratches and bruises. I think that shock of the quake is what really caused his body to react so bad." Dr. Stewart replied kindly. "I'm sorry, have we been introduced?" Jackie asked as she placed her hand in front of Chris. "No, we haven't. I'm Chris Kirkpatrick of 'N Sync." Chris responded nicely. "Oh, 'N Sync? Brian speaks highly of you guys. Especially a Justin Timberlake who he says he's good friends with." Jackie smiled. "Yeah, him and Justin are 'good' friends." Chris replied awkwardly. "What about Nick?" Howie asked while Chris and Jackie conversated. "Nick, well, Nick will be fine. He didn't suffer any real injuries besides shock. It would seem he got a cut on his right arm, but that'll fine." Dr. Phillips answered. "Wait, we want to know about Justin." A.J. interupted.

"You mean Justin Timberlake? We think he's going to be okay. He twisted his ankle in the earthquake, so we bandaged his ankle and foot. It's a bit swollen, but we're keeping ice on it. As for his arm, he bruised one of his upper arm muscles and he also banged his shoulder pretty bad. So we've got his arm in a sling. The upper arm is bandaged with ice on it to keep the intese swelling down. He was lucky that he didn't dislocate his shoulder. We've got him resting in bed on medications." Dr. Stewarts spoke. "He's been complaining of a headache and he's also been begging us to see Brian. We can't let Justin out right now, plus he's not immediate family. Only imediate family and significant others may enter ICU." Dr. Phillips interupted. "Doctor you might want to let Justin see Brian." Howie assured them. "Why?" Dr. Stewart asked. "Yes, why?" Jackie questioned Howie.

Brian & Justin (Part 52) By JM

Howie gasped when he realized what he had said. Before he could speak again, Denise McLean came barging into the waiting room. "A.J.? Oh thank God A.J.!" Denise called out as she wrapped her son into a tight hug. "Mom?" A.J. said in shock. "A.J., are you okay?" Denise asked as she looked into her son's eyes. "Yeah, I'm fine. What are YOU doing here?!?" A.J. stuttered out. "Well I got a call from Lou and he told me about the earthquake and the news coverage. I hopped on a plane in New York and rushed out here. Where is everyone? Is evryone all right?" Denise questioned in despair. "No, they're not all okay Denise." Jackie responded. Denise turned and looked at her. "Jackie, you're here too." Denise said in disbelief. "Me and the whole crew." Jackie laughed as she pointed to both Harolds. "Oh. Well what do you mean not 'everyone' is okay?" Denise asked. "Well A.J. and Howie are fine. And Nick should be okay too. But Kevin and Brian aren't in such good conditions." Jackie whimpered out. "Well what do you mean they're not in 'good conditions'? What's wrong with them?" Denise asked in fear. Jackie explained both Kevin and Brian's situations, tearing up everytime she talked about her son and her nephew.

Denise sat down in shock after hearing Jackie speak. "This is awful." Denise sighed. "Yeah, and it gets worse when you talk about the guys of 'N Sync." A.J. added as he sat on the arm of the chair. "Oh, how are they?" Denise asked. "Pretty bad." Howie commented. "This is just terrible. Just as you guys were getting started on this new tour." Denise said softly. "When do you get to see Brian and the others?" Denise asked. "As soon as these two doctors say so," Chris responded sincerly. "Well we'll keep you posted and soon you guys can go in and see Brian. You can visit Kevin, Justin, Joey, Nick, Lance and J.C. now. Oh and Britney, she's going to be okay. She twisted her knee and scrapped it pretty bad. So we're going to put a brace on it and she'll be on crutches for about a week." Dr. Stewart said. "But she'll be fine?" Chris asked. "Oh yeah. She seems to be a trooper. We're sure that she'll heal fine." Dr. Phillips assured him. Chris smiled. "Well I think I'm going to go visit Joey right now." Chris said lowly. "And I'm going to see how Nickey is." Howie smirked. "Yeah, I'll check on J.C." Nikki said in pitty. "I'll check out Justin." A.J. added.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Denise quickly interupted them. "Before anyone goes anywhere, I'm going to need A.J. and Chris downstairs with me. As Backstreet Boys P.R., I need to clear as much as I can up with the press. So, I need a representative from both groups to clarify everything with them before they start reporting anything." Denise barked. Everyone stared at her in a frenzy. "Uh, okay, mom we'll come with you. And then we'll visit." A.J. raised his brow at her. "Good." Denise sighed in relief.

Denise, A.J. and Chris walked out of the lobby and headed for the elevators. Howie looked around and shrugged. "I think I'll go visit ol' Nick now. He probably needs some company." Howie spoke as he heade out of the waiting room. The doctors followed him. "I guess we just wait here to see Brian." Jackie said with no feeling. Amanda frowned at her. "Mrs. Littrell, I'm sure that you're son will be fine. He's been in worse up and down's then this." Amanda said in comfort. "What kind of 'up's and down's'?" Jackie asked questionabely. "Well with the group and all. He's probably had more to deal with lately then this." Amanda stuttered out, trying to cover up her mistake. "Brian hasn't mentioned much to us lately. Just that he was going through somethings and that's it. He even called home crying once, but he wouldn't tell us why. He just muttered something about going through a bad break up. He was at the airport that time. Kevin told us Brian had just broke up with someone he cared deeply for. We just figured that they were talking about Leigh Ann." Jackie explained. "No, I don't think it was Leigh Ann." Amanda responded. "Why not? Is there bad blood between them?" Jackie asked. "No, no, that's not it. They're good friends. I just heard that Brian was dating someone else right now." Amanda assured him. "Well who?" Jackie questioned.

Amanda was saved when Lynn came barging into the waiting room. "Is Justin okay?" she shreiked as she stepped in. "Lynn?" Amanda said questionably. "Lynn, he's fine." Veronica responded for Amanda. "Yeah, he's fine. He's in his room right now." Nikki added. "Thank God!" Lynn screamed. She sat down, panting from excitement. "Lynn Harless? Is that you?" Jackie asked her. "Yes, I'm Lynn Harless. I'm Justin Timberlake's mother." Lynn responded shyly. "Oh, well I'm Jackie Littrell, Brian's mother." Jackie extended her hand towards Lynn. Lynn lifted her head in shock. "Brian's mother?!? Wow, I'm sorry. I didn't realize it was you. Hiya, yeah, I'm Lynn, Justin's mother. It's so nice to finally meet you." Lynn spit out as she shook Jackie's hand. "Oh, you've heard of me too? Brian's mentioned little things to me about you. He's told me alot about Justin though. About how great of friends they are." Jackie smiled. "Friends? Is that what Brian calls it?" Lynn said defensively. Amanda sensed the next words coming. "Uhm, Lynn, how about you join me and let's go visit Justin and Lance." Amanda jumped in quickly. "But..." Lynn was snatched up by Amanda. Jackie stared at both of them in confussion and then stared at Innosense. All the girls gave a quick smile, shrugged and continued their conversations with each other.

Lynn stumbled with Amanda towards Justin's room. "Amanda, what's going on?" Lynn stuttered out as they fell upon the outside of Justin's room. "Lynn, uhm... I don't know how to tell you this but... Brian's mother has no idea that Justin and Brian are together. She believes that Brian has a thing for this girl named Leigh Ann." Amanda whispered, avoiding Justin's ears. "What!?!" Lynn bellowed out. Amanda quickly threw her hand over Lynn's mouth, hoping that Justin did not hear her. "Shhh... Lynn, please don't get angry!" Amanda hissed. "What... what do you mean don't get angry." Lynn lowered her tone. "Brian hasn't been able to tell them yet. They've been so busy and well, I guess he wasn't ready to tell them. Not with all the trouble he's dealt with trying to stay with Justin." Amanda explained. "Trying to stay with Justin? I thought Justin was TRYING to stay with Brian. I can't believe Brian would be so idiotic, so childish, so..." Lynn's motuh was once again covered by Amanda's hand when they both took sight of Harold III at the doorway. "Uhm ladies, hi. Is there something wrong with Brian or Justin?" Harold asked kindly. Amanda's eyes flocked to Lynn's and they both raised their brows. "No, Brian's fine. We were just discussing a prank Brian pulled on me the other day." Lynn lied. Harold chuckled. "That's Brian for you. He's always got some joke up his sleeve, him and Nick." Harold laughed. Lynn and Amada played along with admiration. "Well, let's check on Justin. I'd like to meet the guy that my brother is such good friends with." Harold smiled. Lynn gave Harold a second glance before sighing.

They all walked into Justin's room, trying to keep the mood a cheerful one. They crept into the well lit room and looked around. The sun creaked it's way through the shut blinds, while the overhead lights shined their artifical light upon Justin's face. Justin's face glowed with a pale white while he breathed softly in his bed. With an I.V. in his arm, machines constantly beeping and watching over him, Justin laid uneasily on the bed. Lynn took the front of them and walked over to Justin's bedside. "Justin, sweety, are you all right?" Lynn asked softly. Justin gazed up at her, his eyes filled with a dead look. "I guess," Justin replied, avoiding shrugging because of his shoulder. "I'm so glad that you're okay. I was so worried about you." Lynn stumbled out. Justin looked deep into her eyes and could see her obvious care. "I'm glad that you're here." Justin replied. "Do you need anything... a pillow, some more ice, some medicine?" Lynn questioned. "There's just one person I need right now, mom. You know that." Justin responded softly. "Who?" Harold blurted out. Amanda rolled her eyes, knowing that Justin wouldn't respond to his question.

Justin quickly glanced deep into the shadow that Amanda and Harold stood in. "Who's that?" Justin question softly. "Oh, I'm sorry... I'm Harold, Brian's older brother." Harold apologized as he stepped into viewing distance. Justin struggled to sit up in surprise. "Oh geez, no let me apologize. I didn't realize you were right there or even here at the hospital." Justin spit out with surprise. "Oh, don't try to sit up, it's okay. I'm sure you weren't expecting me to visit you. Me and the family are here to see how Kevin and Brian and the other guys are doing. I think everyone in the world knows now that you guys were involved in that earthquake." Harold spoke kindly. "Really? Has word spread that fast?" Justin asked, looking back at his mother. "Yes, that's why I came. I was worried about you." Lynn responded. Justin sighed and adjusted his shoulder. He hissed through his teeth as his hands grapsed the sore shoulder. "Justin, what are you doing?" Lynn barked in her motherly tone. She quickly adjusted Justin's pillow so he could sit with comfort. "You don't have to do that." Justin lied with a frown. "Why not? So you can wait on a half my age nurse to come in and act all giggly around you?" Lynn said sarcastically. Justin gave her a small laugh.

"How are the other guys?" Justin asked when he finished laughing. "Hmmm, I'd say better then you." Amanda answered. "Thanks Mandy." Justin smiled at her. Amanda giggled under her breath. "Well Nick, Lance and J.C. are in pretty good conditions. Well compared to what we've heard of the others." Lynn added. "What do you mean 'compared to the others'? What happened to them?" Justin asked. "Well Kevin's not doing too great. He suffered some rib injuries and he injured his wrist too. We haven't visited him yet, but the doctors made it seem as if he wasn't doing too great." Amanda answered swiftly. "Yeah and from what the doctors said about Brian, I bet mom's going to have a fit when she sees him." Harold commented. "Is Brian okay!?!" Justin jumped up. Realizing what he just did, Justin cringed in pain. "Sit back!" Lynn ordered her son in anger. "No, Justin, Brian's not so great." Lynn whispered as she laid her son back. "What's wrong with him?" Justin asked in fear. Lynn scratched her head softly and thought of a way to tell Justin without causing him to breakdown, but there was no way to do that. "Justin, Brian's in a coma. The docotrs are unsure when or if he'll come out of it. The injury to his head was bad and could cause some permanent damage." Lynn explained, trying not to cry herself. Justin's eyes held their tears, fear of letting his heart run away with him. Justin sniffled and quickly wiped the few tears from his eyes. "Could you all leave me alone right now." Justin asked with a whimper. "Justin, if you need to talk..." Lynn was quickly cut off. "Please just go!" Justin barked in a sobbing tone. Lynn understood.

She grabbed Amanda and Harold by the arm and yanked them out of Justin's room. Justin ran his hands over his face and tried to control his emotions. He rolled to the side and let his whimpers fall freely. "Oh God... why...." were the words Justin whispered as each tear dampened his pillow. Justin banged at his pillow in anger and in pain, each tear becoming thicker in essence.

"Lynn, is Justin going to be okay?" Harold asked in concern. "I don't know, Harold. Right now, I don't kniow." Lynn answered sadly. "I didn't know that he and Brian were that good of friends." Harold pondered. "they're a little bit deeper then that." Lynn whispered to herself as they walked back towards the waiting room.

As they walked back in the waiting room, they were greeted by a distressed Denise and J.C. in a wheelchair. "Hey guys!" J.C. smiled as they walked in. "J.C.!!!" Lynn screamed with joy as she rushed over to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him an affectionate hug. "Hey Lynn... surprised to see you here." J.C. laughed as she hugged him. "I'm so happy you're okay." Lynn laughed as she hugged him. She let go slightly and pulled away. "How's Justin?" was the first question J.C. muttered. Lynn gave J.C. a doubting look and J.C. understood. "That bad huh?" J.C. questioned. "If not worse." Lynn replied. "You told him about Brian?" J.C. pondered. "Yeah, I told him. That's what upset him." Lynn sighed out. "Maybe I should go see him." J.C. suggested. "No, not right now. I think he needs to have time to grasp the situation as it is right now." Lynn explained. "Give him time J.C." Britney said from the corner of the room. Lynn quickly looked up to the young girl in the corner, limping on her crutches. "Hello Britney. It's nice to see you again." Lynn waved to Britney. "You too Mrs. Harless." Britney smiled. "What is all this talk about Brian and Justin? I thought they were just friends!" Harold said in confussion. Everyone glanced at him with timid expressions. "And you are?" J.C. questioned him. "I'm Harold, Brian's older brother." Harold responded coldly. "Harold, it's nothing that I can say. You'd have to ask Brian." Lynn responded to his question. "It's kinda of hard to when he's in a coma." Harold responded sarcastically.

Jackie came back into the room with a semi-chipper face. "Guess who I found at the elevators?" Jackie said as she walked in. "Who?" Harold asked. "Everyone, I found Leigh Ann. She was just arriving and I told her where we all were." Jackie answered as Leigh Ann stepped in the room. "Oh, great." J.C. muttered under his breath. "Hi everyone." Leigh Ann waved with a model-like smile. "Hi, it's nice to meet you Leigh Ann. I'm Brian's brother, Harold." Harold smiled as he introduced himself to her. "Oh, now I see where Brian gets all his good looks." Leigh Ann flirted. Harold laughed and shook her hand. "Oh, if I wasn't on these crutches..." Britney whispered. "Down girl. If you weren't on those crutches, she'd need them when we were finished with her." Amanda giggled. Britney giggled with her.

"I'm so sorry to hear about Brian. I'm just so glad I was in the area so I could come and see him. I don't want him to be alone without a girlfriend or anything." Leigh Ann spoke kindly. "You're not his girlfriend Leigh Ann." J.C. commented bitterly. Jackie and Harold both gave J.C. a confussed stare. "Well, me and Brian have things to work out right now." Leigh Ann assured J.C. "Yeah like getting Justin in and you out." Amanda hissed. "Huh? What was that?" Harold asked. "Oh, nothing." Amanda smiled. "Well once Brian's dad comes back in here, I'm sure the doctors will let you visit him." Jackie comforted Leigh Ann. "That would be great." Leigh Ann nodded. "I'm sure that Justin would like to visit Brian first." Lynn kindly interupted. "Why would he go before Leigh Ann? Justin is just Brian's friend. So I'm sure he can wait just a little bit. At least till after Nick has a chance to visit." Jackie snapped back at Lynn. Lynn's frusturations were building quicker as the moments pasted on. "I think I'm going to go see Lance now. We'll talk later." Lynn put on a false smile for everyone. She stomped out of the waiting room, trying not to blow everything for Brian and Justin. "I'd better get back to my room and chill for awhile." J.C. said as he began to wheel out of the room. "I'll keep you company." Nikki said as she followed. "Why don't you have a seat Leigh Ann and you can tell us more about you and Brian's relationship." Jackie said in a deep, southern drawl. "Sure." Leigh Ann responded bubbly. Britney rolled her eyes and took a seat in the corner with Denise.

Brian & Justin (Part 53) By JM

Hours slid by, everyone patiently sitting in the waiting room, waiting on the doctors to come back with an update on the other's situations. Britney slept silently in the corner, her head resting on Chris's shoulder. A.J. and Denise talked about the things that had been happening between the groups, avoiding Jackie and Harold's ears. Brian's father paced throughout the hospital halls. Leigh Ann carried a conversation with Jackie, Harold and Veronica of Innosense for awhile. Howie slept quietly in his chair. Lynn stood around the room, talking with Amanda and then pacing by herself. J.C. had made his way back to the room, watching the doors every second, hoping another member would be released for awhile. The anticipation, stress, anger and sadness clouded the room, leacing no room for any joy to slip in.

Soon enough, the double doors into the waiting room popped open, Dr. Stewart stepping through them. Everyone quickly stared at her, anticipation exploding through their minds. Jackie was the first to stand and take the front. She was followed by A.J. and then Lynn. "Doctor, do you have any news?" Jackie questioned quickly. "Mrs. Littrell, calm down... we're doing all we can for everyone. But right now, I'm glad to say that two of the guys are up and about now." Dr. Stewart replied. Just as she said that, Nick limped into the waiting room, followed by Joey being pushed in a wheelchair. "Joey!" Britney cheered from the side. Joey smiled as his eyes caught glimpse of her. "It's nice to see you two are okay." Chris said groggily. "And it's good to hear that ya'll didn't get bored without me." Nick smiled deviously. "I'm glad you're fine dude." A.J. smiled as he wrapped his arm around Nick's shoulders. "Hey, you're not the only one who's glad." Nick laughed. "Did they treat you good while you were locked up?" Harold joked along. "Harold?!?" Nick gasped in astonishment. "Hey Frack, what up?" Harold waved. "HAROLD!!!" Nick yelled with glee, charging him. Nick nearly yanked A.J. with him as he dashed off to hug Harold. Harold welcomed Nick with open arms, as if he was family.

"Hiya Nick, good to see ya in a good mood." Harold laughed in a country tone. Nick laughed along with him. "When isn't Nick in a good mood." Jackie giggled from the side. "Jackie." Nick snapped right in her direction. Jackie waved and Nick's tranced was snapped. He strolled over to her and gave her a bear hug of love. "It's good to see you again, Nick." Jackie giggled as she hugged him. "You too, Jackie." Nick sighed. "Wow, you guys act as if Nick's the long lost child or something." Lynn snickered as she looked at them. "He is like a little brother I guess." Harold smiled as he rubbed Nick's head playfully. "Well whenever Brian came home to visit in Ketucky, he generally brought Nick along with him." Jackie explained. "Yeah, those were the good days." Nick reminisced. Jackie smiled questionabely. "How come ya'll haven't been down lately? Is Brian too busy with other things?" Jackie asked. She always knew she could get the truth out of Nick. "Oh yeah! Brian sure is busy lately with 'other things'... I guess you could call them that." Nick answered. "What 'things'?" Jackie asked. Lynn caught on quickly to Jackie's sneakiness. "Brian's just been busy. He's had alot to deal with lately. Plus his involvelment..." Lynn quickly jumped in. "Nick, did you get stitches in your arm?" Lynn changed the subject. Nick look back and forth between the ladies and turned his attention to Lynn. "Yeah, I had to. I was cut by a metal edge. But I'm fine." Nick answered her. Nick sensed a very obvious tension between the two fueding women.

"Doctor, how is everyone as of now?" A.J. broke their subtle arguement. "Well, we're sensing improvement in some of the cases. Lance is going to be fine, just as soon as he wakes up. He's still under after the medicine we gave him to break his fever. And Kevin, well he's doing a bit better. He's still out of it, but his vitals show improvement in breathing. We we're worried about chest pains he was having earlier." Dr. Stewart responded sincerly. "How's Justin holding up?" Lynn asked. "Justin's doing okay. He's been kinda distant in the past couple of hours. We're unsure why though." Dr. Stewart answered in confussion. "Let's not worry about why right now. Will his current actions affect his health anymore?" Lynn responded. "We doubt it. As long as he keeps himself going, he'll be fine. As always, we ask if there's somebody really close to him that could bring his hopes up or something?" Dr. Stewart asked. Nick gave a knowing smile, but knew not to respond. Everyone else knew what to say except Jackie and Harold. "I'm sure there is a way for us to get his hopes up." J.C. answered for Lynn. Lynn nodded in agreeance. "I hope so." Dr. Stewart smiled. "Is Brian okay now?" Harold jumped in the conversation. "Well... I wish I could say yes. There's no real improvement that we can see, but we think he'll be okay with more visitation. He's showing no sign of coming out of his coma, but we're hoping for the best. We'll keep him in ICU for now until we're sure it's okay to move him." Dr. Stewart frowned as she spoke. She felt the sadness engulfing the room. "I had better get back to my rounds, but I'll come back later and inform you if things change. If you need anything let the front desk know and they'll be glad to help you." Dr. Stewart said as she exited the room.

Jackie plopped back in her seat, almost falling over in depression. Harold sat next to her and tried to comfort her. "It's just not fair." Jackie sniffled as she thought of her son's circumstances. Lynn felt for her. She knew what it was like when Justin was in the hospital, but she couldn't imagine being in her place. She wish she could understand Brian's need to keep his love from his parents, but she'd be wrong if she said she did. "Maybe we should go visit him?" Leigh Ann suggested. J.C. gave a long, loud sigh as he looked at her. "That's a good idea." Harold agreed, trying to cheer his mother up. Jackie wiped away the tears that remained in her eyes and gave a small nod. "Yes, why don't you go see him Leigh Ann. Maybe you can change his situation," Jackie murmured.

Leigh Ann smiled and stood. "Maybe I can." Leigh Ann cheered in hopes. "Uhm, maybe you should wait Leigh Ann." J.C. quickly spoke. "Why? Brian needs to hear from me now." Leigh Ann protested. "I'm just not sure now is the right time for you to go jumping in on him." J.C. argued. "When would be the right time J.C.? Brian needs all the support he can get right now. Especially from the girl he's in love with." Jackie blurted in. "Jackie, Brian is NOT in love with Leigh Ann. He's not." A.J. interupted her. "Then who is he in love with A.J.?" Harold questioned. "It's not important right now." A.J. responded coldly. "It is important. I'm tired of everyone beating around the bush here. If there is someone here besides Leigh Ann that can make Brian feel any better, then let them step forward. Otherwise, stay out of it." Harold barked. The room fell silent. Leigh Ann felt a sure fire win with Harold's speech. "Harold..." Nick wanted to tell Harold, but he couldn't betray Brian's trust. It was the one thing that he was trying to re-build with Brian. "What Nick? Just tell me." Harold pleaded. Nick kept silent. "Leigh Ann, just go and visit Brian." Lynn suggested, hoping to give evreyone a bit of peace. Leigh Ann gave a perky smile and walked towards Brian's area of ICU. J.C. pounded his fist on the armrail of his wheelchair, feeling as if he lost a major battle in the war.

Leigh Ann shyly pushed open the large, double doors to ICU. She nervously looked in and then stepped inside. The room had an eerie sense to it, with the low lights and constant beeping machines. Leigh Ann felt as if she was walking into a final scene for her and Brian. Her hopes weren't as strong as the others. Leigh Ann looked around the room before noticing the area that Brian was in. She told herself she needed to keep a smile upon her face, to keep from crying. Leigh Ann threw herself into the area, feeling gloom as she entered.

Her eyes widened when she noticed that she wasn't in the area alone. "JUSTIN!" Leigh Ann barked furiously. Justin looked up from where he sat. He was in a wheelchair, being that his ankle was twisted. Justin gazed at her with uter surprise. "What are you doing here?!?" escaped from both of their lips simultaneously. They stared at each other with an equally, bitter hate. "I can't believe you have the nerve to come in here." Leigh Ann scolded him. He rolled his eyes at her instantly and returned his attention to Brian. "I asked you a question. What are you doing here?" Leigh Ann demanded Justin to speak. "What does it look like Leigh Ann? Did you think I was going to let Brian lay here like this?" Justin snapped back. Leigh Ann stared at him evily. "You should get out of here before someone comes in here." Leigh Ann suggested, not out of kindness. "I don't care if they come in, I'm not leaving his side." Justin whispered. "Justin can you just get out! I'm trying to visit with Brian. Me and him need some time alone." Leigh Ann hissed. Justin huffed and glared at her. "I don't need to repeat myself Leigh Ann. You have no reason to visit with Brian, he's not in love with you. So maybe it's you who needs to leave." Justin barked at her, trying to keep his voice down. "Do you actually think Brian loves you? Do you?!? Get real. You're just acting like a little child and you need to grow up." Leigh Ann did her best to stir Justin. He stayed still. Justin reached out to touch Brian's pale hand. Realizing this, Leigh Ann quickly slapped it away. "How you lost your damn mind!" Justin finally hollered at her.

Leigh Ann took this oppurtunity to her advantage. "Out of my mind? Justin, Brian loves me. Why do you think he spent so much time with me at the video shoot?" Leigh Ann threw it in Justin's face. "You were his co-star! He had to work with you." Justin was becoming furious with her. Leigh Ann looked down at the still Brian and felt sorry for him, but she knew this was the only way to get rid of Justin. "This is so stupid. Once Brian wakes up, he'll tell you that he loves me." Leigh Ann bragged. Justin couldn't hold off any longer. "You stupid bimbo, what the hell makes you think that Brian'll want..." Justin's words were cut off. Leigh Ann and Justin both caught glimpse of Brian's body flinch and then heard an unfamilar ringing within the room. The long, steady ring was one that they wish they would have never heard. "Oh my God!" Leigh Ann gasped as she looked at Brian's monitor. A thin, straight, green light ran across the screen. Justin sat in total shock. "Somebody get a doctor!" Leigh Ann screeched finally, realizing what was happening. Within seconds a rush of doctors flooded the ICU. Justin couldn't believe their eyes as the doctors orked quickly to revive Brian. "Okay, let's get him to O.R. stat." Dr. Phillips called out as he placed the oxygen mask over Brian's face. Leigh Ann fell to the back of the crowd, being pushed by all the nurses and doctors. "What's happening?" Leigh Ann called out, trying to look over everyone. "Nurse, get them out of here now." Dr. Stewart barked.

Leigh Ann felt a strong hand grip her arm and rip her from the scene. She was thrown out into the lobby with a rush. Each of the docotrs grabbed a side of Brian's bed and quickly rolled him out of ICU. Justin watched, his eyes still fiaxted on Brian's face as they rushed him out of the room. Just as the doctors raced outside, Jackie came in a hurry to them. "What's going on? What's wrong with him?" Jackie screamed as she ran with them. "Ma'am, if you'll wait in the emergency room, we'll let you know shortly." one of the doctors said coldly as they reached the double doors. "Wait! What is wrong with my son?" Jackie demanded to know. "Mrs. Littrell, please wait in the emergency room." one of the nurses ordered, stopping Jackie from getting in the emergency room. Jackie gave the nurse an evil stare before watching the nurse slip into the emergency room.

Jackie spun around on her heels and stomped back towards the ICU. Just as she arrived there, Justin came out of the ICU, being pushed by A.J. "What happened?" Jackie fussed, almost breaking down in tears. Leigh Ann came walking back to the area, her own eyes welling up with tears. "It's all Justin's fault." Leigh Ann whimpered. "His fault? How?" A.J. questioned in anger. "He had no business being in there. I was trying to have some time alone with Brian. And when I come in, there's Justin, just waiting there." Leigh Ann sobbed out. "What were you doing there Justin?" Jackie asked furiously. "I was just trying to see Brian." Justin responded softly. "Why? Can't you see that Leigh Ann is terribly upset and she needed that time with Brian." Jackie snapped at him. "Jackie, please, let Justin be. He had every right in the world to see Brian, unlike Leigh Ann." A.J. defended Justin. "Why are you against me A.J. I was just trying to see Brian because I love him." Leigh Ann cried. "Because he doesn't love you. He can't make that any clearer for you." A.J. responded sarcastically. "Wait, what gives Justin the right to see him? Justin is just a friend." Jackie argued. "No, Justin is more then just a friend. I'm tired of everyone just saying that." A.J. complained. Justin sat quietly, looking up at Jackie. "Then what is he?" Jackie asked.

"Justin is in love with Brian." Leigh Ann finally bursted out. Justin knew that was the wrong thing to say at that moment. "A.J., please take me to my room." Justin asked kindly. A.J. nodded and began to take Justin out of the area. Harold and Lynn came rushing into the ICU area. "What's up? What's going on?" Harold asked with worry. "He loves him?" Jackie whispered with confussion. "What? What's wrong?" Harold asked again. Lynn looked at the expression on Jackie's face and recognized it very vividly. It was the face she wore when she found out about Brian and Justin. "Why is Leigh Ann crying?" Harold asked as he tried to comfort Leigh Ann. Jackie didn't respond. She stared at Lynn with uncertainty. "I have to talk with Justin, now." Jackie stuttered out. "No, Jackie, not now. Just give him time." Lynn suggested, grabbing hold of Jackie's arm. "You know, don't you?" Jackie asked, almost crying. "Yes, I know," Lynn whipsered with a nod. Jackie was hsaking from pure shock. Lynn wrapped her arm around Jackie's shoulder and guided her back to the waiting room.

Justin sat in his bed, in a daze. A.J. stood over him, feeling sorry for Justin. "I'm sure Brian's going to be okay." A.J. said to comfort him. Justin closed his eyes and didn't reply. "I mean come on, it's Brian. He's done all this before. He's going to make it." A.J. spoke again. "A.J., he's faught all he can. He doesn't deserve any of this. He just doesn't." Justin answered. "I know he doesn't buddy. He should be with you, on tour and doing his thing. Sometimes, it's just not like that." A.J. agreed. "I just keep saying to myself, if I wasn't there with him. Just think of the things he could be doing. The life he could be leading. It's my fault he was hurt this time around and the last time and the time before that..." Justin stumbled out. He ran his hands through his hair and rubbed his temples. "He could be happy." Justin whispered. "Stop, he couldn't be. I don't know if you realized how much Brian's changed since he's been with you. He's nevre been so happy. Brian's always been the lomer of us, never having someone to call his own. He's never found somebody that he could be happy with. The rest of us have had 'come-and-go' relationships since we start with the Backstreet Boys. Not Brian. He's always waited for something real. I guess he thought he had that with Leigh Ann, but that was for a week. He never found anyone to share what he had inside with." A.J. responded.

"I can't believe you're blaming yourself for this." A.J. shook his head in disbelief. "A.J., I'm not sure what to say about it. I love him." Justin responded sadly. "There is nothing to say. I'm sure we can deal with Leigh Ann and her little outbursts. Just keep praying for Brian. He'll come through and he'll be there for you." A.J. suggested, speaking his true-hearted knowledge. Justin nodded. "Well I think I'll go back in the waiting room and see what has happened with Brian. I'll send somebody in to tell you." A.J. said, patting Justin on the leg. "You're not coming back?" Justin asked. "I'm not sure if I'll have the time. Amanda and the girls may be heading back to Orlanod tonight and I have to get my mom to a hotel. Me and Howie may stay the night here. I know that Chris is going to get some hotel rooms for him and Nick, possibly J.C. too. I'll try to make it back here though to see you. I've got check up on Kevin though. We'll see." A.J. answered. Justin gave a small frown, but he understood. "Thanks for being a good friend A.J." Justin said softly. "No prob' Bob. I'd want the same thing from you if I was going through hard times." A.J. smiled. "Oh and before I forget. My mom gave me these pictures from our time in Florida. I've been going through and picking out the pics for evreyone to share. These are the pictures I got of you and Brian." A.J. said as he reached into his coat pocket. He pulled out a couple of pictures and handed them to Justin. Justin sighed as he took hold of the pictures. "Well, I'm gonna go now. But I'll check ya later." A.J. smiled as he walked out. Justin gave him a small smile and then returned his focus to the pictures.

Justin fumbled through the pictures with one hand, glancing at each one slightly. He admired the pic of him and Brian on the water ride. Justin laughed as he looked at the picture. He could still remember the words Brian said as they were heading for the ride. 'I might not like rollercoaster, but I can deal with the water rides.' fluttered back into Justin's memory as he thought about the moment. Justin moved onto the next picture. It was a picture of Justin and Brian cuddling at the arcade. Justin remember what it was like when he and Brian fought mercilessly on Darkstalkers. He could still hear Brian say, 'Ah, don't be a poor sport.' He could almost still feel Brian's tight embrace after Justin lost on the game. Justin knew he was getting too emotional over the picture. He quickly moved to the next one. It was of him and Brian on the Poison Ivy. Justin laughed as he remembered forcing Brian on that rollercoaster. 'I'm not real sure about this Justin.' Justin remember hearing Brian say. 'he sure did like it afterwards.' Justin laughed to himself. He moved onto the next picture and couldn't believe his eyes. It was of him and Brian playing at the mini-basketball game. He smiled remembering how Brian had tricked him into that game. Justin fumbled to the next picture and saw the picture of him and Brian laying sleep on the bus. Justin stared carefully at the picture, admiring his hands wrapped around Brian's sleeping body. He wished it was that way at this moment.

Justin moved to the next picture, of him and Brian sharing a french fry at the resturaunt. Justin couldn't handle it any longer. He threw the pictures to the floor and laid his head back in the pillow. Tears began to roll down his face, Justin did his best to catch them all and wipe them away. He couldn't believe how miserable his life was going now. His fiancee` could be dead for all he knows, but he can't do anything about it. Justin banged his fist against the railing on the bed with anger. "God why!" he shouted as the tears came harder down his face. Justin rolled to the side and stared at the ground. The pictures were cascaded all over the floor, as if they were fit into the panels like the tile.

"Justin?" a familar voice rang into the room. Justin sat up in his bed and quickly wiped the remaining tears from his eyes. He rubbed his nose quickly and sniffled. "Yes?" Justin asnwered back. Jackie slowly crept into the room, looking around nervously. Justin stared at her in unsureness. "Hi, Mrs. Littrell. Is there something you need?" Justin asked. Jackie didn't answer at first. She needed a moment to collect all her thoughts. "I just came to tell you about Brian." Jackie stuttered out. When Justin heard that, he felt the bad news coming on. "Is he okay? is he alive!" Justin questioned in desperation. "Yes, of course he's alive. Brian's back in the Intensive Care Unit. They're monitoring him even more know that he had that incident in the ICU. They said he was under too much stress and that maybe you and Leigh Ann's argument didn't help. So he temporarily went into shock. The doctors may cancel all visits if his condition doesn't get better." Jackie explained sadly. "I'm sorry Mrs. Littrell. I didn't mean for me and Leigh Ann's conversation to get out of hand. Actually, I was even expecting to see her here." Justin apologized. "It's fine Justin. I think I'm starting to see why everyone was so jumpy around here about letting Leigh Ann see Brian. I wish I had known." Jackie assured him. "I guess I shouldn't have been so quick to blow her off. Maybe she right and I shouldn't have been there." Justin said lowly.

"I guess that'll be for Brian to decide. But right now, I need to decide something. That's who's 'love' for Brian is more sincere. Tell me Justin, what's the love you and Brian have? Is it friendship or something more?" Jackie asked nervously. Justin felt this question coming. He nervously adjusted himself in the bed, feeling a small trickly of sweat break around his face. "It's more..." Justin said faintly. Jackie dropped her head slowly and looked at Justin awkwardly. "How much more?" Jackie questioned. "I love him." Justin's voice cracked as he spoke. Jackie couldn't believer her ears. She grabbed the chair behind her and scooted it next to Justin's bed. She plopped down, still in shock and stared back at the young boy. Justin felt as if he was in an interigation and Jackie was the judge. "Does Brian love you the way you love him?" Jackie asked jittery. Justin nodded, not giving a vocal response to her. Jackie shook her head unsuridely. "How... how serious is this relationship?" Jackie questioned. Justin gave a small smile, feeling even more nervous. As he rubbed his left hand through his hair, Jackie caught a glimpse of a gold object that clung to his finger. Jackie gasped as she caught sight of the object. Justin jumped in surprise and looked at her. "What?" Justin questioned as he looked at her. "The ring," Jackie stuttered out as she pointed to his finger. Justin realized that she had noticed the ring on his finger. Justin gave her an apologetic look and then looked away from her stare.

"It's that serious?" Jackie pondered. Justin nodded, still not looking at her. Jackie still felt uncertainity with him. "I'm sorry for the way I treated you earlier Justin. If I had known that you and Brian were anything to each other but friends, I would've been nicer." Jackie made her first attempt to make amends. "It's not your fault, Mrs. Littrell. I underdstand what it's like when you fear telling your parents how you feel about somebody. Me and Brian went through the same thing with my mother." Justin explained, giving her small stares. "I just feel bad for you. Brian neglected the fact that he needed to tell us and you're sitting here, worried about him when he wasn't thinking of you." Jackie said. "He was thinking of me. He always does think of me first. That's why I thank God for someone like him, Mrs. Littrell." Justin responded politely. "Please, call me Jackie. All of Brian's friend call me that.." Jackie spoke in her country accent. "Okay, Jackie. I'm sorry that it was me that had to tell you about us. I wish Brian was able to." Justin said. "I do too." Jackie smiled at him. "Well at least I know now. It's not going to be easy for me to adjust, but at least I know." Jackie nodded. "Please give Brian the oppurtunity to tell Mr. Littrell and Harold." Justin pleaded with her. "I will. As soon as Brian wakes, I'll make him speak up about it. But I don't know how to keep it till then." Jackie said. "Pray and have strength. I'm sure you can handle any situation thrown at you. Your son sure can." Justin said honestly. Jackie smiled at him with sincerity.

Brian & Justin (Part 54) By JM

Jackie sat back in her chair and relaxed. "So, shouldn't you be getting some rest? I'm sure that medicine they gave you is kicking in." Jackie asked. She gave a small yawn. "Maybe it's you who needs a little sleep?" Justin answered her with a question. "Maybe." Jackie smiled. just as Jackie felt her eyes drifting shut, A.J. and Lynn came bursting into the room. "Guys, you had better wake up." Lynn barked as she saw them. What? What is it?" Justin asked in fear. "The doctors said that Brian can have visitation again, but they need something else of us first." Lynn answered. "What? What do they need?" Jackie asked excitdely. "Well, while Brian was in the O.R., they did a small operation on his shoulder to remove a small peice of glass. While in surgery, the doctors said Brian lost more blood then they thought. Now they need to give him a blood transfussion. They need us to give blood to see if we can be doners." A.J. answered her sadly. "Oh no, what if they can't get the proper blood type? I know that me and Brian's father can't be doners." Jackie answered in shock.

"Oh. We thought that maybe you two could have helped." Lynn said sincerly. "No, unfortunately we can't. That's why we had such a tough problem when Briwn went in the hospital when he was younger. We couldn't be doners for his surgery then. We don't have his blood type. Neither does Harold." Jackie responded sadly. "Well what's his blood type?" Lynn asked. "Brian's blood type is B negative." Jackie replied, staring at the floor. "What did you say?!?" Lynn and Justin both asked simultaneously. "I said that Brian is B negative." Jackie responded again, looking up at them. Justin and Lynn stared at each other in disbelief. "What's up?" A.J. asked in a relaxed tone. "Jackie, Justin's blood type is B negative." Lynn answered for the both of them. "No way!!!" A.J. laughed in shock. "Yeah, I am." Justin shrugged. "That's perfect. Then you can give the transfussion." Jackie smiled happily. "Great!" Lynn agreed. Justin gave all of them a nervous look and nodded. "I'll go and tell the doctors. Good lookin' out Lynn." A.J. said as he walked out.

"Once again Justin, you've come to the rescue for Brian." Lynn charmed. Justin raised his brow at her and bit his lower lip. "Again?" Jackie questioned Lynn's comment. "I guess you didn't know it was Justin who saved Brian during the earthquake?" Lynn asked her. "No, I didn't. Justin, you saved Brian's life?" Jackie looked straight at Justin. Justin nodded. "Well, it was sorta he saved me then I saved him." Justin added. "How?" Lynn asked. "When I twisted my ankle, Brian had every oppurtunity to get to safety, but he stayed to help me. He got me out of the way and then he was hit by a spotlight. So I grabbed him and carried him to safety. That's when the pole fell on my arm. I would've died had it not been for Brian." Justin explained, his eyes flustering with tears. He could still picture every moment of the earthquake. "But you saved him. So love has a greater pull then just what you thought?" Lynn asked wisely. "Yeah, it does." Justin sniffled. "I'm glad you learned that lesson." Lynn commented sincerly. "I had no idea that you two were that in love. This love is deeper then I had expected." Jackie said softly. "You'd be amazed at how in love they are Jackie, trust me." Lynn smiled. Justin blushed at his mother's comments. "When Brian gets this transfussion, do the doctors think he'll be better?" Justin asked shyly. "We're not sure Justin." Lynn replied sorrowily. Justin frowned but kept his self-confidence high.

Bwfore Justin knew it, he was in a small room with a nurse drawing blood from his arm. Justin didn't even bother looking at the blood as it was withdrawn from his body. His mind was fiaxted on the picture of Brian laying in that bed helpless. He wish there was a way he could wake Brian from his coma, but there wasn't an easy way. "That's it, buddy." the elderly nurse smiled as she applied a cottonball to Justin's arm. Justin finally fell out of his trance and looked at her. "Done?" Justin answered in shock. "Yeah, it's over." the nurse nodded. "Will he get this blood immediately?" Justin asked as the nruse cleaned up the area. "Yes, it should get to him immediately. They plan on testing it first and then shipping it right to him. He should have it within a half an hour's time." the nurse answered. Justin smiled at her. "I'll have a nurse come back and bring you to your room. I'll go deliver to the lab." the nurse said as she stood. "Thanks." Justin said politely to her as she exited. "Anytime Mr. Timberlake." she replied from outside. Justin plopped back on the small, white bed he sat on.

Just as he got comfortable, Leigh Ann walked in. "Justin." Leigh Ann spoke as she entered. Justin sighed as he heard the familar voice. "Yeah, Leigh Ann." Justin replied bitterly. "Oh, there you are." Leigh Ann smirked as she saw him laying down. "Yeah, this is me." Justin answered sarcastically. "No need for the sharp tongue, I come in peace." Leigh Ann laughed. Justin didn't buy it. "Anyways, I'm here to say thanks for giving that blood to Brian. It was a generous thing to do." Leigh Ann said. Justin got the impression that she thought he was doing it as a favor or something. "Leigh Ann, I would've gladly given him one of my lungs if they asked." Justin responded to her generousity. "That's nice to hear, but they don't need it. But it was still nice of you." Leigh Ann groaned. "Leigh Ann, what is your PMS-problem?" Justin asked boldly. "Excuse you, I came to say thanks for saving the guy I love's life. I didn't come for the third-degree or any other comments you may have." Leigh Ann snapped at him. "The man you love?!? Hah, that's pretty damn funny." Justin laughed sorely. "Oh get over it Justin. I'm not gonna let you push my buttons this time, Justin." Leigh Ann said in anger. "Push your buttons? Okay, it's time I get out of here." Justin barked as he sat up. He leaned towards the side and placed his feet upon the cold, hospital floor. "And I think it's time I get out of here and go see Brian." Leigh Ann bragged. Justin rolled his eyes and kept his aggression inside. Leigh Ann stomped out of the room when the nurse walked in.

"Wow, she seemed mad." the woman said as she pushed the wheelchair towards the bed. "She's always mad." Jsutin sighed. The nurse grabbed Justin's left hand and helped him into the wheelchair. She admired the gold ring as Justin got comfortable in the chair. "Nice ring, bet the press would have a ball day if they saw it." the nurse giggled as she began to push the chair. "Yeah, they would." Justin laughed with her. "Press conferences have been held all day for the staff and you guys. It's unbelievable how 'all-of-the-sudden' people are getting sick and hurt since they found out you guys were here." she laughed as they approached the waiting room. "Oh, that's bad. Hey, can you just take me to the waiting room. I really don't feel like going into my room right now." Justin asked the nurse. "Sure, I can do that." the nurse smiled as they passed Justin's room.

The nurse wheeled Justin into the waiting room and looked inside. The room was fairly dark, with one small light on in the corner of the room. "Thanks, I can take it from here." Justin smiled up to the nurse. "Okay." the nurse shrugged and backed away from the chair. "If you guys need anything, just use the phone on that table over there and ring the front desk." the nurse said to Justin. Justin nodded and watched her walk out of the room. Justin took a deep breath and used all of his strength to wheel himself with one hand to the otherside of the room.

He reached the small table that held the lamp. He looked around and noticed that Chris, Amanda and J.C. were the only ones still wake. "Hey guys," Justin waved as he was near them. "Hey Justin, what are you doing here?" J.C. asked quietly. "Thought I'd check on you knuckleheads and see what was up." Justin responded happily. "Nothing much here. A.J. took his mom to a hotel and Howie, Harold and the girls went with him." Chris answered softly. "What about Brian's bro'?" Justin asked. "He's in the snackroom grabbing some Ju-Ju beans for Amanda here." J.C. pointed to her with a smirk. "Shut up!" Amanda hissed as she lovingly pushed him. "Oh." Justin nodded. "Your mom has been sleep for awhile now." Chris said, catching Justin looking in her direction. "Why didn't she go to a hotel?" Justin asked, looking at her. "She didn't wanna leave you so soon Curly." J.C. answered. "She thought her baby would be lonely!" Chris teased him. "Hah, hah." Justin mocked him. Justin looked at Britney, who's head laid softly on Joey's shoulder. They were both sleep peacefully. "What happened to Nick?" Justin asked. "He went to visit Lance." Amanda answered sadly. J.C. rolled his eyes and didn't pay attention to her words. "You okay?" Justin asked J.C. "Maybe we should talk later." J.C. suggested. Justin nodded and understood.

"So, we saw Leigh Ann stomp towards Brian's room in a fit. My guess is her apology to you didn't go over well." Amanda asked with an indeering smile. "Look woman, I don't need Leigh Ann's apologies to make me feel better." Justin joked with her. Amanda shrugged and raised her hands for feeling. "Far be it from me to let a blonde help another blonde." Amanda giggled. "No word A.J. likes you so much." Justin laughed with her. "Watch it buddy, she may change on you any minute." Chris joked along. "I might turn Lance on you and punch you for no reason." Amanda teased. "Gettin' kinda personal aren't we?" Justin smiled. "Only if you are." Amanda laughed. Before Justin could hit her with another comeback, Jackie came over to them. "Uhm, I don't mean to interupt your fun and all, but Justin, could you come with me?" Jackie asked politely. "Sure, is there something you need?" Justin asked. "Yeah, I wanted you to see Brian. They gave him the transfussion and doctors say he's showing obvious change. Visiting hours for us will be up soon, so I wanted you to see him now rather than tomorrow." Jackie smiled as she spoke. "Okay, let's go." Justin grinned. "We'll probably catch ya tomorrow J. Me and Amanda are gonna head out to the hotel and J.C.'s staying here." Chris said as Jackie began to push Justin away. "Okay. I'll see ya tomorrow then Chris. Peace Mandy." Justin waved as they exited.

Jackie rolled Justin slowly towards Brian's room. After the surgery, doctors decided it was best to place Brian in a room instead of keeping him in ICU. As they pasted Kevin's room, they both peaked in to see how he was. He was still sleep in his bed, almost as if he stayed that way all day. Jackie felt discomfort with that, but Justin knew that's how Kevin wanted to be.

They soon came upon Lance's room, where they saw Lance laying peacefully in his bed with Nick sitting on the bed next to him. Jackie stared unsurely at the two, while Justin knew why they were like that. Jackie watched as Nick slowly leaned in and kissed Lance's on the lips and backed away. Jackie's eyes flew open in surprise. She looked on as Lance held Nick's hands in his own, almost as if they were meant to lay there. Justin smiled at them, feeling that Lance had finally found something stable, at least for that moment. "Nick? uhm, Lance?" Jackie questioned quietly. Justin just nodded and smiled. "There's a lot about you guys that I think I need to know." Jackie said nervously. "We'll tell you one day, but I don't think now's appropriate." Justin whispered to her. Jackie agreed and kept their stroll towards Brian's room.

Jackie crept Justin into Brian's room, noticing Leigh Ann still sitting bedside. Justin gave a small sigh as he saw her, but kept his eyes on the unconscious Brian. Leigh Ann kept her head in Brian's direction, not noticing either of them come in. "Leigh Ann." Jackie whispered. Leigh Ann quickly jumped in shock. "Oh, hi Mrs. Littrell. I didn't hear you come in." Leigh Ann stuttered. "It's okay. I didn't want to disturb you. Err... we didn't want to disturb you." Jackie said softly, pointing towards Justin. "Oh, Justin. Nice to see you again." Leigh Ann smirked deviously. "Yeah, same here." Justin replied. "I was hoping Justin could have some time with Brian before visiting hours were up." Jackie said. Leigh Ann gave her an intrigued look and stood. "Okay. I'll go to the waiting room and see what's going on there. I think I'm going to get myself a hotel room and stay there till tomorrow morning." Leigh Ann spoke sincerly. "Then we'll see you in the morning?" Jackie asked with even more sincerness. "If not sooner." Leigh Ann smiled. Jackie watched her leave the room with elegance. "She's a nice girl, Justin." Jackie commented, feeling Justin's obvious spite of her. "The outside can be a rather appealing feature until the insides begin to show, Jackie." Justin added. "Agreed." Jackie smirked.

Justin rolled himself to Brian's bedside and looked at him. Brian's body felt cold at first touch. His skin slowly losing it's peach tone and falling into a ghost-like feature. His amber-sun hair was covered by bandages, small strands falling out. Brian's lips were sealed as if to kiss someone, but with a slight blue tone to them. His hands remeained still next to his sides and eyes were closed as if he was sleeping. The outside of his eyes began to show a black ring under them, while there was a small cut right above his right eyebrow. Justin looked at him as if he wasn't the same outside, but the man he loved on the inside.

Justin grasped Brian's right hand in his own left hand and held it tightly. He looked up at Brian's closed eyes and exhaled slowly. "I... I don't really know what to say to you." Justin stumbled upon his words as he looked at Brian. Justin's eyes had a distinct burn in them, ready to tear up again. "Thank you." Justin whispered. "Thank you for saving my life." Justin laughed half-heartedly. "I guess this isn't the first time you've done it. Of course not. Everyday is another day that you save me from a life I couldn't handle without you." Justin said softly. "I just wish you could tell me it was okay. That it was okay to go on, okay to have fun... that it was okat to breathe." Justin sniffled. "And it's kinda funny. It seems like it always takes one of these hospital trips to realize how much we need each other." Justin tried to laugh, but couldn't. "It's like when we wake up, the other is always right there to make sure everything's okay." Justin added. He felt a tear break his river in his eyes. "So please wake up now." Justin felt himself begin to cry. Justin didn't even bother to wipe the tears away. He just held tightly to Brian's hand. "Look at me. Crying again. I swear I'm too senesitive." Justin joked lightly. "But I can't make the kinda jokes you make. Like the time you pretneded to be knocked out after I pushed you into the wall. That was pretty funny now that I think about it. You had me scared half to death. But you made me feel better. Why couldn't it be like that now?" Justin whimpered.

Jackie could tell this was hard for Justin. It was hard enough for her to watch as a mother. "You'd probably say right now, 'Justin stop crying because there's no reason to cry. Everything's okay.' But it doesn't feel like that." Justin whispered. he felt the tears soaking his face in a warm essence. "Maybe if I start singing you'll wake up like before." Justin joked again. He tried to avoid the pain he was feeling. 'So I would give up all my money/I would trade in my car/I'd take a leap off a bridge/I'd run to Egypt/Just to show you my love' Justin sung softly into Brian's ear. He backed away and awaited Brian to wake up. Brian gave no response. Slowly, Justin's hopes we're being shattered.

"Justin... maybe you should go to bed and try again tomorrow." Jackie suggested. Justin hesistated. "Maybe." Justin said softly. "Come on, I'll take you there." Jackie said as she got behind Justin's wheelchair. Justin sighed and began to let Brian's hand loose. As he did, he felt a tight grip around his hand. Justin's eyes flung open and he looked down towards their hands. He could feel the heat being generated from Brian's hand as he once again tried to pull away. Still, he couldn't loose the grip. "Brian?" Justin asked with hope. He felt the hand raise their hands up together and shake it firmly. "Oh my God! Brian." Justin shouted with happiness. Jackie panted in disbelief. "Brian?" she too said. Justin smiled and felt tears fall again. This time, they were tears of joy. "Don't... don't go... so quickly." Justin heard Brian whisper faintly. Justin smiled at Brian happily. He leaned down and gave Brian a small kiss on the cheek. "I'm not going anywhere." Justin smiled. Jackie leaped with joy. "I'll get the doctors." Jackie screamed as she ran out of the room. Justin couldn't lose the smile on his face as Brian laid in the bed peacefully. His eyes still closed, Justin could feel that Brian was still there.


*** Well I do apologize for the VERY lateness of this story, but I want the readers to understand that I am very busy with school now. I have graduation tests coming up and other things that prevent me from writing every second of the day. I do try though. So I hope you liked this edition and I'll see what I can do about the next one.

I want to say a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BRIAN LITTRELLL!!! I didn't forget about it people!!! If you have any ideas (reasonable ones) for the story, you can send them my way.

As for that group story that was planned a LONG time ago, it was cancelled. Due to many scheduling difficulites, we couldn't do it. Maybe one day it'll be done with other authors, but I'm not sure.

And many are asking me about when I plan on ending this story, to clear that up, not for a LONG time!!!! Trust me, it's not ending. Plus when it does end, it will not end like 'Bad Boy B-Rok', 'Bangin' B-Rok', '10,000 Promises' or 'BSB-Me'. I promise you, that this will with a happy ending.

Another thing: I have read the 'Touring with 'N Sync' story. I realize the similarities. I e-mailed the author and he apologized for making it like mine. He said he really liked my stories and it just happened that way. He was a reader of mine and I didn't realize it. So maybe that's how they're so much alike. Let's just leave it at that.

And finally, I've read alot of BSB stories on Nifty and they're all pretty good. And I feel there's room for all types of authors and competition. But word to new authors, do not reproduce and do what the "original" authors have done. Trust me, it doesn't make good for you. It's good to read stuff by me, the Viscardi's, Leprechaun, CalGuy19 (the so-proclaimed, 'original' Brian story), Adam, Chris and CJ, but don't reproduce, copy or whatever you want to call it. I'm not saying you are, but everyone would like to see something new and original. It's like when you have BSB and 'N Sync and then you get like 50 other 'new' boy bands that want to take-over and never succeed. Thanks to all the readers... till next time.... ***

Next: Chapter 26: Brian and Justin 55 59

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