Brian and Justin

By Brian Jones

Published on Sep 8, 1998



Brian and Justin Written by Brian Jones

The teacher was boring me to death as I fought to keep awake.

"What's up man," a young blond haired guy said to me as he sat down.

"This sucks dick man," I responded.

"Yeah, well chem always does," he replied. "My name's Justin," he said as he extended his hand.

"Brian," I told him.

Throughout Chemistry he and I talked. As the teacher released us he asked where I lived. I told him. "Hey, that's on my way," he said.

We walked back to his dorm. "Hey why don't you come up?" he asked.

I replied with a "sure" and followed him up to the tenth floor and into his room.

We agreed to go to dinner, "but first I gotta shower," he said, so I agreed and sat down at his computer. He shut the door and ripped off his shirt, showing his nicely built chest.

"Man it's hot as fuck out there," he exclaimed, as he dropped his shorts and walked over to the computer. "Check this out," he said as he showed me a new game. I started to play it as he walked over to his closet and pulled out his shower stuff.

"Go to the right," he commanded me, as I moved the joystick to the left. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him pull down his boxers to reveal an average size blond hair surrounded dick.

"Watch this," he said as his naked body approached me. He leaned over the computer his cock was just inches away from me. As he fiddled with the keyboard my cock started to stiffen at the sight of his man hood near my face.

After finishing with the game he put a towel around himself and walked out. I leaned back and exhaled. I felt my jeans and my whole six inches trying to burst out. I sat his bed and listened to music until the shower water stopped running. He opened the door still wet from the shower. As he closed the door he dropped his towel and revealed his beauty again.

He talked to me as he put his clothes on but I could only concentrate on his beautiful cock. Finally we left his room and went to eat at the dining hall. It took a good ten minutes before the mound in my pants recessed and I could walk normally.

That night we exchanged phone numbers after chilling and I went back to my room. My roommate and all his friends were in the room. All I could think about that night was seeing Justin again. I got my chance two days later as we sat in Chemistry together, and talked. After class he and I went to my room where we played the computer for a while, then went to dinner. At about nine we decided to go back to his room.

As we walked in his roommate bumped into us. "Hey Justin," he said, "I'm going to Sigma Nu so I guess I'll see you tomorrow." "Cool," Justin told him. "Hey man I'm gonna shower if you don't mind," Justin told me. I flopped down on his bed, as he dropped his jeans, and there he was again but this time in briefs.

He removed his shirt while mumbling something that I didn't catch. He bent over and pealed off his briefs and allowed his manhood to come out. Again my cock reacted to seeing his naked body.

After taking his shower he sat next to me on the bed in his towel. I had his yearbook in hand. As we talked his towel became more and more open. Finally his cock was in almost plain view. He hadn't noticed but I definitely had. As I shut the yearbook he peered down and I could not hide my giant growth. I tried to adjust the way I was sitting to hide my tent but I could see he knew. He flopped backwards on to his bed which was the final straw to separating his towel, which opened up and showed his blond cock.

"I could definitely go for a BJ," he exclaimed. And suddenly without thinking about it I reached over and began to rub his thigh. Justin moaned lightly. I worked my hand up to his crotch and fondled his heavy balls. I then put my hand on his dick which began to harden in my hand. I lightly stroked his hardened prick.

After a couple of minutes of my stroking and his moaning, I moved back and brought my head towards his cock. I touched my tongue to the shaft of his dick. As I ran my tongue up the base of his cock he moaned with pleasure. Finally after teasing his rock hard prick I put my mouth around it's entirety. As my mouth engrossed his dick he moaned. My lips wrapped around the base of his meat. I began to run up and down his shaft. He put his hands on my head and helped pump.

For ten minutes I sucked his cock and teased it with my tongue. With a hard pull and spasm of his dick he came into my mouth. His load show into my mouth and I pulled back. As more cum came to his head I licked each drop off and swallowed his love syrup. After pumping his dick until he was finished I fell back.

Justin sat up with a tired look on his face. "That was the greatest thing I have ever felt," he exclaimed. He bent over and began to kiss me, as his tongue probed my mouth my prick began to harden. His hand unbuckled my pants and went to work stroking it. After a couple of minutes he had my jeans off and my prick through my boxers. As I rubbed his torso I moved down and felt his cock rock hard again. I pushed him back and got off his bed. I reached into his drawer and pulled out a bottle of Vaseline he used on his feet. I moved towards him and undid the lid of the jar. I took a good amount on my hand and rubbed the lube onto his cock, covering it with a layer of jelly. Then with the remnants rubbed my asshole.

I put my mouth to his ear and whispered, "I want you so bad." He sat up and I got bent over on the bed. He stood up and put his hands on my ass. He then spread my cheeks and I could feel the tip of his cock on my hole. Then with a light shove he buried all six inches into my ass. As he began to pump his cock in and out of me I began to moan. My cock was ready to explode. He wrapped a hand around my waste and started to jerk me off. As I came closer to exploding I pulled my ass off his dick and pushed his head towards mine. He took me into his mouth and I exploded down his throat. After sucking on my last drops I bent back over the chair and he entered my ass again. As he came for the second time my tiny ass was filled with his fluid.

After this encounter Brian and Justin became very sexually active and had many more encounters.

More to come ...

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