Brian and Jake

By ghostwriter18

Published on May 5, 2023


Usual disclaimers apply. If you are under 18 you shouldn't read this. If you don't like man on man sex, why are you here?

Short Stories

Brian and Jake 5

"I missed you stud, just go hang out in the living room Andrew is pulling up right now, we'll order pizzas and watch some movies."

"OK sounds cool." Brian walked inside and took off his shoes and made himself comfortable.

Jake meanwhile stepped outside and told Andrew the plan for the night.

As Jake was walking back in with Andrew he noticed an unfamiliar car parked across the street but brushed it off as a guest of one of his neighbors.

Andrew and Jake walked into the house and Jake yelled,

`Brian, Andrew is here'

`Awesome, I'm in the entertainment room' replied Brian.

`Let's put this plan in motion' whispered Jake

The two walked into the entertainment room to find Brian browsing Jakes extensive movie collection.

`What are you looking at?' asked Andrew

`Just checking out some of the movies, Jake has like every movie ever made' replied Brian

`Well what do you want to watch?' Jake asks seductively

Andrew reaches over Brian and picks out a movie `How about this one?'

`American Pie?...sounds good to me' said Brian

`Ok, I'll set it up.' Jake moved over to the back wall and with the push of a button, a large projection screen was descending and the lights were dimming.

Brian looked around and thought `this is just like a movie theater... fucking awesome!'

The three of them sat on the couch, Jake in the middle with Brian and Andrew on either side of him. They watched the movie not realizing they were being watched through the window.

The movie ended and Jake suggested that they order pizza Brian and Andrew agreed and both wanted sausage.

Jake left the room to order the pizza, leaving Brian and Andrew alone to talk.

`So how long have you known Jake for?' asked Brian

`8 years give or take, Jake and I were friends in High School, I was pretty much the only person who didn't abandon him when he came out of the closet.' Andrew replied

`Wow, that must have been really hard on him.'

`Yeah, he almost didn't pass his senior year of High School because of it. I was basically his only lifeline.'

`That's amazing, you seem like a really nice guy!'

`Well thanks, but I just did what any decent person would have done.'

OK, guys 30 minutes until the pizza is here' Says Jake walking back into the room. What do you want to do until then?'

Andrew spoke up first, `My vote is for strip poker.'

`I'm in' said Jake and Brian simultaneously

They get through 3 quick hands and Brian loses all of them, leaving him in his tight boxer briefs. Jake loses the next hand and he strips off his shirt. The door bell rings and Brian says,

`I'll get it' as he tries to throw on his clothes

`What are you doing, the game isn't over, answer the door in your underwear.' says Andrew

`But then the delivery guy will see my hard-on'

`So what, you should be proud of that monster' Jake told him

`Alright' as he was walking to the door Jake said

`I dare you to seduce him and get him into the house'

`Your on' replied Brian

To be continued...

I know, no action, im getting to it alright!!! Please send your comments they are really encouraging.

I hope you liked it! More to come soon! Comments are always welcome...NO FLAMES

Next: Chapter 6

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