Brian and Jake

By ghostwriter18

Published on Nov 23, 2023


Usual disclaimers apply. If you are under 18 you shouldn't read this. If you don't like man on man sex, why are you here?

Short Stories

Brian and Jake 3

"So Andrew, what time do you get off?" asked Jake

"5:30ish, I should be home by 6."

"Why don't you come by my place tonight around 7, we'll get some movies and pizza and hang out."

"Yea that sounds cool."

"OK, We'll see you then man we're going to head out"

"Sounds good, see you tonight, bye Brian, nice meeting you"

Jake's plan was going perfectly and he couldn't wait until that night.

Brian and Jake hopped back into the car and drove around for a bit before heading back home to Jake's.

Brian let Jake get out of the car and said "I'm going to head back home and grab some clothes and a shower and I'll be back around 6:00"

"How about you grab some clothes and skip the shower" Jake winked at Brian

"I think we've had enough of that at least for the next few hours, I'll see you at around 6:30"

"OK see you later stud!"

Jake ran inside and began his preparations for the night. He straightened up the mess that he and Brian had made the night before and all of last night came flooding back to him. He couldn't wait for more.


Brian got home pulled in the driveway and saw his girlfriends car there. He walked in the house...

"It's about time you got home I have been worried sick about you! You were gone all night, where were you? What did you do all night? Who were you with?"

"Jenna, we need to talk."

"What do you mean?"

"Well I spent all of last night thinking and I just don't think that things are working between us anymore."

"What do you mean things aren't working, everything has been great we've been madly in love for the past 6 months 3 days 2 hours and 5 minutes."

"Well the thing is that you have been madly in love with me, Jenna, the truth is that I'm gay."

"It's about time you told me."

"WHAT!? You knew?"

"Of course I knew and I'm ok with it and I want you to know that I'll always be here for you."

"Jenna, I love you!"

"I love you too"

Jenna and Brian hugged and talked for about an hour and he told her all about Jake and the night he had. Before he knew it 6:00 rolled around and he was getting ready to head back over to Jake's. He told Jenna that he may or may not be back tonight and that either way he would catch up with her tomorrow.

At 6:35 Brian pulled up to Jakes house and rang the door bell. Jake answered the door bell in shorts and no shirt. All Brian could think about was my hands roaming over the muscles of his entire body. Jake gave Brian a passionate kiss and said

"I missed you stud, just go hang out in the living room Andrew is pulling up right now, we'll order pizzas and watch some movies."

"OK sounds cool." Brian walked inside and took off his shoes and made himself comfortable.

Jake meanwhile stepped outside and told Andrew the plan for the night.

To be continued...

Again sorry about the lack of action but I'm just trying to let the story flow. Please send your comments they are really encouraging.

I hope you liked it! More to come soon! Comments are always welcome...NO FLAMES

Next: Chapter 5

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