Brian and Jake

By ghostwriter18

Published on Nov 21, 2023


Usual disclaimers apply. If you are under 18 you shouldn't read this. If you don't like man on man sex, why are you here?

Short Stories

Brian and Jake 3

----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry for the VERY LONG delay, for a while no one was sending me any feedback on the story so I gave it up but recently my inbox has been flooded with praise so, I decided to keep this going. Read 1 and 2 before reading this one, they do stand alone, but they are better in order. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Brian and Jake were eating breakfast when Brian said,

"So stud, what do you want to do today?"

"I don't know, I guess we can go hang out on the beach."

"I'm up for that, one problem, I didn't bring swim trunks."

"It's ok you can just use one of mine."

"Cool beans!"

Jake, ran up stairs and put some clothes on while Brian cleaned up breakfast when he came back down he had a pair of board shorts and a t-shirt for Brian. Brian reluctantly put on the clothes; they packed some beer and sandwiches in a cooler and jumped in Jake's convertible and were off. It was a short drive and they got to the beach by 11:00. Being that it was a Tuesday, not many people were there so they got a spot close to the water, sat down and cracked a beer. They talked for a while about their lives, their families, what they did and other things like that. After they finished their beers, Jake said,

"I'll race you to the water"

"You're on"

Jake was up and half way to the water by the time Brian could start running.

Brian screamed ahead, "HEY, NOT FAIR, YOU CHEATED!"

But it was too late, Jake had already beaten him to the water and was chest deep when Brian caught up.

"That wasn't fair" yelled Brian

"Well how about this..." as he said that, Jake reached out and stuck his hand into Brian's board shorts where he found what he was looking for, a half hard piece of man meat.

Brian jumped and whispered "Not here"

But Jake didn't care and kept going and soon enough Brian was hard as steel. Jake was enjoying this and it was quite obvious that Brian was as well.

Meanwhile, up in the lifeguard stand, Andrew, Jake's best friend and fuck buddy had been watching the scene from the beginning and was getting hard himself.

Back in the water, Brian said

"Oh man, Jake I'm about to cum."

As soon as Brian said this Jake disappeared under water and swallowed Brian to the hilt causing him to shoot 8 shots down Jake's throat. When Jake came up for air he kissed Brian and gave him a taste of his own cum. Brian broke it off and said


"I hope so, because we had an audience! Let's go I want you to meet someone"

Jake ran over to the lifeguard stand and Brian followed. Jake shouted up to Andrew,

"Hey Andrew, whats up?"

"Hey Jake, who is your friend?"

"Andrew, this is Brian, Brian meet my best friend Andrew"

"Hi Andrew, nice to meet you"


"So Andrew, what time do you get off?" asked Jake

"5:30ish, I should be home by 6."

"Why don't you come by my place tonight around 7, we'll get some movies and pizza and hang out."

"Yea that sounds cool."

"OK, We'll see you then man we're going to head out"

"Sounds good, see you tonight, bye Brian, nice meeting you"

Jake's plan was going perfectly and he couldn't wait until that night.

To be continued...

Sorry for the lack of action in this story but I wanted to introduce the new character.

I hope you liked it! More to come soon! Comments are always welcome...NO FLAMES

Next: Chapter 4

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