Brian and Dan

By Matt Paine

Published on Mar 20, 2000


Amanda and Tom

The coach wasn't going to make the class do laps today, and that was great for Amanda. She was tired of working out so hard lately. Like something was wrong with her. But it wasn't odd that she would become slacked when the weather got cooler. She liked the cold but it made her think of many other things. Besides swimming. For one Christmas was around the corner. A joyous time of year. But right now she had to talk to Tom. He was siting on the edge of the pool like he always did with at least one girl next to him. They adored him. She didn't. She thought he was just full of hot air, but now she would need a lot of the hot air.

She swam over to him slowly. Didn't want to seem eager that she needed his help. What she was going to say was another thing.

"Hey Tom." He tilted his head like he was looking at her for the first time.

"OH! Yea Amanda. Hi. You rarely talk to me. What are you up to?"

"Um. Nothing much. Just "trying" to stay out of trouble." She smiled at this.

"Hum. Don't we all." He smiled at that. He had a way with girls. It was charming. It was romantic. It was sick to Amanda.

"Can I talk to you in private?" she just looked dead at him. She wasn't going to fall for him this easy.

"Um. Sure. Lets go over to that side of the pool. No one should bother us to bad." He jumped into the water. "Wanna make it a race?"

"Do you think I could beat you?" she said in a coy voice. "1...2...3...go!" He started before and she waited a second before going. Better give him so time. I will toast him." She was hoping this would happen. Then she might have better luck with him. More respect that he lost to a girl.

She darted after him. And soon caught up to him and passed. She arrived 2 seconds before he did. It was great. He was out of breath. She wasn't.

"Looks like I won." She just laughed.

"Oh...oh win." He just climbed out of the pool and just sat on the side of the pool catching his breath.

"Ok. I need to ask you if you have heard about..." she started to say but he held up his hand. "NO, I haven't heard. Yes I did. I was at the assembly. Remember? I had a feeling that you would come to me."

"You did?"

"Why yes. You need me and I need you."


"You see. There is also something that I need to tell you."

"Is the whole school gay?" she thought to herself.

"No I am not gay. I like you." He laughed. "See I know your thoughts."

"Hum. Well I would like to say that I like you but I don't. I like...some one else."

"Oh ok. Well it was worth a shot. I wish I would have said I was gay." He laughed so the whole pool could hear. Then he just came back to normal just as if it had started. "No on to your problem. You want me to help you to get people to not hate the gays in this school. Right?"

"Yes. I do." She raised here eyebrows to that. She didn't know he knew so much about things.

"Hum. You are surprised that I know so much about what you think don't you?"


"Reaction was predicable. But back to what you wanted help with. Yes. I will help you. How about a gay club that is sponsored by me and YOU?"


"NO the person behind you! Yes you!"

"Oh. Right. Um...sure if you think so. But I won't be president or vice president."

"Don't have to be. We will do it the old democratic way. Vote!"

"Ahh. Ok thanks Tom." She jumped out of the water and hugged him and pulled him back in with her.


That night in the bed of Brian, Dan lay close to Brian. Dan looked over at Brian and saw that he was asleep already. It was 12:00 at night and there was a storm raging out side. Dan never did like the lighting and thunder. But Brian went right to sleep. Brian loved that stuff. Dan wondered how he could stand it.

Dan leaned over and kissed him and wondered what magical things he was dreaming and if he was in any of them. He laughed softly at that though and suddenly felt the deepness of sleep finally coming over his body. He slowly closed his eyes trying not to go to sleep. But he couldn't help it. His eyes just couldn'

Inside the head of Dan he started to dream instantly. He looked back from were he came but it was just dark, all he could see were he was heading. What the hell was he supposed to do now. He knew it wasn't time for school yet, it was only 12:00. Why in the world was he up this late without Brian?

"OH! That is why. It is a dream!" he just started to laugh out loud.

Just as quickly as it was black it became light behind him. He saw the school doors.

"Hum. Odd that this is here. Hum..." He walked to the front but stopped. He noticed the Lion just as he did that first day. It was 'crying' like it was that day. "Must be a mirror image of what that day was like. I get to live this moment over again!"

He took one step forward but stopped. Suddenly the sky filled with lighting and thunder as bolts crashed all around him. He knew it was just a dream but he also knew that he was scared to death of those bright lights that came out of the sky. Two bolts struck the lions square on the back and it stopped. Just as it had started. He looked shocked at what had happened. He never knew that such things could happen but they must have.

He got closer to see if there was any damage but there wasn't. Something caught his eye. There were more tears coming out of the eye of the Lion. He jumped back.

"What the hell??" the lions eye looked at him and blinked and another drop and another drop of water feel out of the eye of the Lion. "This is just to freaky. Even for a dream."

He turned around and looked at that lion. It wasn't however crying. It was bleeding. Were the lighting had struck there was blood coming out.

"Ok. WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" he shouted at himself but nothing happen. The Lion that was bleeding stood up and feel off the stand it was on. It feels before Dan's feet and just looked at him. He turned around and found the other lion standing over him. He wasn't sure what it wanted but he moves. It wouldn't allow it. It just growled at him deeply...

"NO! NO! NOOO!!" Dan was crying in his sleep. Brian jumped up and woke his lover up.

"DAN DAN!!" He just started to shake him. "WAKE UP!"

He woke from his sleep and started to sweet from a cold sweet. He just looked dazed

"What happened in here?" his father came into the room in his Rob.

"I guess Dan must have had a bad dream Dad."

"Are you ok Dan?"

"Yea...Yea...I am ok. Just a little shocked."

"You wanna talk about it?" Brains mother had moved around to sit next to him. Dan just shook his head. He didn't want to tell them what he saw. It wasn't a good thought to have in the mind like that. He hated it and wanted to get it out of his mind. "Ok. If you want to you can always come in and wake us up."

"Thanks." Dan smiled weakly at her.

"Ok. Get some sleep. See you two in the morning." Both of Brains parents walked out of the room.

"Are you sure you ok Hon?" Brian asked in a concerned voice. He had never heard Brian talk like this even when he was awake and mad as a hornet. It just wasn't natural.

"I am...fine." However Brian wasn't going to let this go. He knew it would eat Dan to death. Just as the episode with his parents when they kicked him out.

"Ok. I will tell you. Ok. I was standing in front of the school, with the Lions in front of me. You know the big ones. And I was about to go in but lighting was just flashing everywhere, and you know how I am scared of lighting, and I just froze. Then two bolts came out of the sky and it hit each lion on the back. Well I went up to look at it closer but there wasn't any damage. Or so I thought. The lion on the right was crying. I didn't know why it was, but it was. I was scared and I turned around. There was the other lion. Bleeding from were the bolt hit it.

"After the lion just laid there it go up and feel to my feet. It just died there in front of me. I don't know why. I turned around to find the other lion standing above me, and I tried to move because even though it was a dream I didn't know what it wanted. But it would just growl at me ever time I wanted to move. Then I looked back at the dead lion and it longer a lion. It was a human. A human that I knew. It was my...father!"

"Wha??" Brian wanted to make sure he wasn't dreaming himself. "Your father??"

"Yes. And I turned back around and it was my mother. Again I don't know why. She then attacked me. You woke me at that time." Dan just started to cry.

"Hum." Brian just sat there thinking. "I suppose it is just your brain working over time. So I wouldn't worry about it. You are safe her with me!" He hugged Dan really hard. This dream had Brian more worried about things then he let Dan know. "I will be riigghtt back. I gota go get a drink and then if you are up for it, we can have some sex." He kissed Dan again.

"Really??!!" Dan brightened up a little after that was said.

"Yep!" He walked out the room. He leaned against the wall, "Oh Shit!" He had this dream a little earlier before. When he was in the hospital. He wasn't sure what it meant, but he did know it had to do with something. He didn't think anything about it at the time also because of the fact that he wasn't even sure what the lions symbolized. They never transformed into the two initiates of Dan's parents.

He walked to the room of his parents. He needed to get them to do something for them. He knocked on the door.

"Come in." he heard his mother calling from the room. She saw her sons' sad face. "What is the matter son?"

"Um. Mom is has to do with Dan's nightmare. I think there is something more then he thinks to it."

"What you mean Hon?" his mom motioned for him to come over and sit next to her.

"Well I mean that something might happen that he won't like to much. Could you call the school tomorrow and have them not allow at ALL to allow Dan's parents to check him out at all?"

"Well I wish I could. But they are his parents. I mean we are only guardians to him. We can only sign for papers and things and take care of him and responsible for him. I don't think they will do anything anyway."

"Yea son." He dad spoke up. "I saw his dad in the supermarket and wanted to know how our kidSS were doing. They don't even acknowledge that he is theirs. So I don't think there is anything to worry about. The only thing I can say is he is old enough to know not to go with people that might harm him and who won't. So I wouldn't worry about it. Just be careful if you think something COULD happen. OK?"

"I suppose you are right Dad. Well I just told Dan I was going to get a drink, and then we would...." He caught himself before he completed his sentence. He just turned red red. "Um...I will talk to you tomorrow."

"I had a car that color once. It was a Buick," He laughed at that.

"Night honey." Brian just stumbled out the door embraced that he was about to tell them he was going to pleasure his lover. Even though they already knew.

Next: Chapter 9

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