Brian and Dan

By Matt Paine

Published on Mar 7, 2000



It was good to know that the schools swim team would be supporting Brian in his endeavors and that they didn't want him to quite. That was good news. Also the assembly showed Brian and Dan how much the school was open. But just like in all cases there were some people that weren't happy with the choice that was being made by the team. Brian was noticing when the crowd was cheering that a few were not. Some even making gestures at him that were not kind. But he wasn't worried about them. He was sure that there wouldn't be too much trouble from them. Anyway they wouldn't want to get in the way of getting Amanda mad. That was a big no no, and people knew that.

He was looking right now at Dan. He wasn't sure if people knew which Dan he was talking about. But as of now he didn't care. He motioned for him to come down to him. This was a sign to Dan that it was fine to come down to his partner and be with him. The music had started which meant that people would be getting up to leave anyway. The principal would soon be making an announcement that the assembly was over and that the students would soon be returning. But not all students would be going back to there home room class. And the students knew that the administration wouldn't do anything to get them back until second period due to the excitement. It would take a while but soon the whole school would know about the announcement in the gym.

"How did I do?" Brian asked putting his arm over Dan's shoulder. They started to head for the doors.

"GREAT!" he smiled at that. "I knew I choose the right man for things."

"You better believe it babes!" And he just pulled him closer. He knew he would be facing some problem when they got back to the homeroom because of the fact that some of the kids that weren't clapping were in his class. And there was nothing that could be done due to the fact that most of these people were football players. The time honored football players got a lot of attention to what was happing. If they did something wrong they wouldn't get in trouble. Just a light slap on the wrist. It confused Brian how the football players acted so gay, but yet they bashed gays when they got a chance.

"Hey Brian!" It was Amanda, " I am proud of you. I always knew you were, just wondered how long it would take you to come out to us."

"How did you know??" Brian was in shock at this announcement.

"Why do you think I liked you so much? How do you think I befriended you so much? I knew you wouldn't want to try something smart on me because you didn't like girls like that so I knew I would be safe." She winked at Dan. "MMM. Looks like you go a cute one here. Hi. I am Amanda. Of course you know me. I am "like totally popular." She loved to act imitate the preppy girls. She thought it was stupid how they acted so when she saw one she always started to act like one.

"Hi! I am Dan."

"And he is mine Amanda. Can't have him!" Brian said holding him closer.

"Well good. I don't want him. I got my own two you know." She started to laugh. "Well I gota get back to my class. Got homework to do. See you tonight Brian, and I hope to see you also Dan." She winked at him again.

Dan watched here walk away. "Wow. She likes to wink at people don't she?"

"Yep. That is her trademark. Nice girl. To bad she wasn't a guy." With that she laughed at the remark. "Come on lets go to class. I know it isn't going to be much fun, but might as well face the music as soon as we can."

Class 101

Brian entered the class. He wanted to see who had come in yet or not. They weren't there. They were most likely off in the bathroom playing with each other. Then most likely they would come back and get onto them for doing the same thing they were just doing. But he would live with it. He just hoped that Dan could.

He motioned to Dan to come in. "Coast is clear."

"What are you worried about?" They made their way to their desks.

"Um...nothing dear. Just wanted to be cautious of some people that might try something on us. Practically the football players that are in this class."

"Ahh. Those guys. Ahh. Wouldn't worry about them. Just call them hypocrites and they will stop it. I have done it many times with them. It works wonders. Hate to be beat by there own games." With that he started to laugh.

"Hey," Brian leaned over to Dan, "Remember how Mr. Dawny always get bin out of shape when guys and girls are making out in the class. What do you think he would do if we started to make out?"

"Hum. Good idea." He got up and walked over to Dan's desk and sat right in his lap, followed by a big wet kiss. The room started to go up in laughter at the site of this. The students thought it was ok with what they wanted to do, and they supported it.

"AHEM!" Mr. Dawny looked up from his Desk. "Brian, Dan! You shouldn't do such things!"

"I knew you would say that mister. That is why we did it." And he started to laugh. This just brought the room even louder.

"I don't mind you two loving each other. My own son is gay, but I don't think such actions straight or not, are appropriate in my room."

"Yea I know sir. I know." Dan just couldn't contain himself anymore. He just fell out of Brains lap on to the floor and started to roll around laughing. Mr. Dawny had started to just turn red.

"Get up Dan!" He walked over to help him up. "I think you have some homework for chemistry today. Do you not?"

"Yes sir," he started to crack again. "I will get it done."

The rest of the kids stopped laughing and things went to normal. Three of the students in the back started to make whispering noises in the back. They weren't being to loud so Mr. Dawny didn't stop them. They just conversed in low conversation. One of them got up and walked to the front to sharpen his pencil. When he walked back by Brian's desk he dropped a note. Brian looked up to see who it was. It was Eric one of the Jrs in his class. Never got to know who the kid was, but knew who he was and that he wasn't a dummy.

The note was small and didn't take long for Brian to read.

Hey Brian and Dan!

It is cool that you have the courage to stand out there in front of all those people in the gym. I myself didn't go, but you know how quickly something travels in this school. It does fast.

I would also like too tell you that I myself am gay. Still in the closet however. And I don't intend to come out to anyone yet either. I get enough hard time with the jocks giving me a hard time and they already think I am, so if I do tell them they might try something on me that I don't want. But I am happy for you.

Thanks, Eric!

"Hum. Interesting." Brian said under his breath just enough for Dan to hear but no one else.

"What is?" Dan looked up from his book.

"Here. Read this." He handed the note to Dan with a smile on his face. Dan took the note with an intrigue look on his face. He looked at the note and his face just dropped.

"Oh my..." was all he could say. "Oh my."

Brain leaned over to talk into his ear. "Don't tell anyone. I will get his phone number later. I have English with him also."

"Ahh. Good. Well it is nice to know that someone can trust us."

"Well he doesn't have anyone else to turn to right now. So I don't know what else he could do. We are the only other ones right now that are out. You read what it said. He is scared of the "jocks" of the school of what they would do him. I am worried also about us. But we can handle it well. I am sure of it."

"I hope you are right my love. I hope you are right."


The bell rang for everyone to go to his or her next period class. The day had just been going for an hour and already if felt like four hours. He wasn't sure how much more of this he could take. Some of the kids that used to hang out with him were now some where else. He knew that would happen because they weren't true friends as Amanda had been. Even then though he wasn't sure what type of friend she was. He had been over to her house, and she wanted to go to his but he refused to let her come over. His excuse was that his parents were off doing something else and they didn't like to have girls over when they weren't home. Now he understood when she said "right."

"Hey Brian!" It was Amanda. She was coming his way.

"Hi Mana." He liked to call her that because it was funny. She didn't mind him to do it as long as people didn't over hear, but now everyone knew that was his pet name for her.

"Can I ask you now if I could come over to your house? You know I haven't seen it yet."

"Um. Yea now you can. I am sorry I lied about you not being able to come over. But I wasn't sure you were ready to hear the full story yet. I am sorry."

"Oh I understand. But it is cool with me. I want to get to know your new friend some more also. He seems cool. I have seen him around some. Not much."

"Yea he doesn't move around a lot. He stays to himself. But I hope he will be ok with out me next to him. I worry about him because of some of the kids that were at the assembly."

"I saw them. Hum. I wonder what they might try to do. That is somewhat of a predicament. I hope you dudes do ok with them. I know Todd might give you a hard time, but I will talk to him to make sure what he thinks. Maybe if he is on your side, or at least on you're thinking or mine, then he could talk to the others."

"Yea." Brian was thinking of Todd. When they first came here it was an awkward moment for the entire freshman. However the one that took the lead was Todd. It was funny that he never showed any leadership when they were in the 8th grade. It was a stage like he was the only one that could fill the position. He had been the 9th, 10th, 11th, and now the 12th grade president. Normally that couldn't happen, but he was the only one that people wanted. No one wanted to run for it. So he was just reinstated. It was odd that he wouldn't run but still would make it. He seemed to be able to turn the tide on things at an instant. Get public support for what he was planing. And if it seemed good he would do it. However he was also the football teams captain. That was something that was to worry anyone.

He had lead the football team every year to the finales but always lost the championship. The cause of this was the other team was always cheating and the refs always let it pass. This year he wasn't sure if Todd would allow it though, but he might. He wasn't sure.

"I have next period with him." Amanda's words broke Brains thoughts. "I will see what he says."

"Ok. Yea. That would be cool." Brain was at his door to English Class. "Talk to you later Amanda."

Girls Locker Room

Next period for Amanda was swim class. Even though see was on the swim team, she was a water person. Was graceful in everything she did in the water, and any chance she got she would get in water. Some of the other students thought that she just did swim class to make fun of the other swimmer's, but when she was around people who didn't do swimming as passion, she just became one with them. She didn't try to finish ahead. She swam slower to be with the rest of the student. She was always friendly with people no matter who they were. And being a friend to Brian now was a sign of the fact that no matter what you were, she still talked to you.

"Hey their Amanda!" It was Ben. He was the cute kid she wanted to go out with, but wasn't sure she could do it. Ever time she saw him in his Speedo she just wanted to faint. It was great.

"Hi..hi...Um...hi." was all she could say.

"Boy you sure do get tongue twisted around me." He laughed at that one. "But that ok. I know you like me. I like you two."

"What?? What would make you think that?"

"Just the way you look at me. I see you looking at my package all the time."

"Um..." she couldn't say anything but be bright red.

"You better change color. Might have to kiss you if you don't."

"Um..." she still couldn't say anything.

"Hum. Well I am going to go change. Talk to you later." He walked off with a grin on his face. Before going into the changing room he turned to her and just licked his lips.

"Um..." She still couldn't believe it. He had noticed her and liked her. What else could be good today she wondered. She made her way to the girl's dressing rooms. She started in the door but just beyond she could hear the other girls talking.

"Oh my God! Can you believe that Amanda actually stood up for that fag?" Tash was always the one with words. She could make anyone mad just by the way she talked. She was also one of the girls that would slip and us the word "like."

"Yea. I don't think it is wise to have him on the team anymore. My mom and dad always said it is wrong. Something like him just isn't "natural." And that would be the religious freak Lisa. She was the one always saying certain things were bad for you and good and evil and all that stuff.

"Shut up you two. I think it is ok and what I says goes. Unless you want to fight me." With that comment she just couldn't hold herself anymore. She didn't want to have Sara to fight for herself in there. She was standing up to for here AND Brian.

"AHEM!" she said very loudly so as to let them know she heard some of the conversation.

"Um...Amanda..." Tash couldn't find the right words at the moment. She knew she would be in for it.

"I see you don't like my friend Brian hum?" she just stood at the door slightly tapping her foot. "Now I believe you have the right to your opinions but I also believe you should have respect for people also."

"Um..." She couldn't place the words for her to defend herself. Tash knew that she had slipped this time with the words "fag."

"As I see it, no one has ever called you a name. Unless of course it would be a person I don't hang with. And I have NEVER heard Brian utter a word about you. Or anyone else in this room."

"I know he hasn't. He has been nice to me all the time." Tash couldn't fight now. She had already lost and knew it.

"And how do you repay that to him? When he comes to everyone in the school saying that he will quite the team because of something he is that not everyone is. I think that is wrong. Who here has been treated unfairly by Brian in any way? Raise your hand."

No one did. She had made her point and knew that people understood what she meant by it. She just stood still and made here way to her locker to change.

Next: Chapter 8

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