Brian and Dan

By Matt Paine

Published on Jan 4, 2001


Standard Warning: Please note that this story is a work of fiction and has a no resemblance to anyone that may read this. All characters are fictional. Some story lines have come from my own personal life, but even then they are exaggerated to a point.

Please do not continue if sex between man and man offend you, and if it is illegal to read this type of literature if you are under 18 and/or you are not permitted to do so at your local/state/country levels.

Note from Author: I am sorry it has taken me over a year to continue on with this story. It has been hard for me to do so. But now that I have settled in with my new life, I should be able to right more. Thank you to all those readers who keep coming at me for more!

Time seems to be something of that only humans have the ability to understand. It has been the greatest and the worst thing that man could ever have invented. However, even looking back into the past we have always noted that time was a way of measuring a point in space.

This was not the case, as it seemed for Dan as he was standing in that hall of people. What was going threw his mind and as he was wondering how to respond to the question, which was proposed to him, by the one whom had unlocked the gates to his own mind, and to his own personal feelings.

He stood for what to him seemed hours on end. He saw all his life pass before his eye in that short 3 seconds, which it took him to respond to the question that was just, asked him.

"Dan you are the only person I have truly loved. I hope you accept my offer to be my husband, till we both die...die...die...die."

He saw his parents whom he still loved and though of, who had turned there back on him while he was in pain and needed help. He also thought of Brains parents whom he also thought of who took him in, not even knowing this boy, but knew that the boy had been something his son had looked forward to.

He also saw the assembly were Brian proclaimed his love towards him, but in doing so jeopardized his spot on the swim team which he so truly loved.

But not was a question that he wasn't sure how to ask. He was asked a question with which he wanted to say yes to but he couldn't. He said yes, but nothing happened. No words came out of his mouth. He was sure he has said it, didn't he?

"" the words finally came to him. He wasn't sure how, but the did. His voice just trailed off as ones voice does in the wind. It was recorded now in the stars as well as in the minds of all those present in the building.

He heard the fait cheers of people around him, but wasn't sure what was going on. He wasn't really thinking of anyone else at this moment. All he saw was Brian before him hugging him and kissing him on the cheek. He just stood there emotionless, and stunned at what just happened, something he dreamed wasn't supposed to happen for another 3 years at least. Of course, what is time, but that which is in ones mind.

Figments of the Mind

Later that night at dinner, Dan was still in shock form what happened at school. He had homework to do, but he couldn't because he knew that he would put yes to all the answers, even if the question was a true or false, a math problem or something that didn't request a yes form of answering.

Brian had told his parents what he wished to do and they approved, but they had to wait to do anything till they both graduated in the spring. Brian accepted this and he did as he had done earlier that day. He was still looking worried at Dan whom still had a look on his face of shock. He knew that he was thinking in his mind deep, but he was still responding to questions and was talking like normal. His eyes looked deep, and they didn't seem to say much. They were dull as if sad. What was going threw his mind.

Brain had mad a determination to talk to him later tonight. He didn't want his personal love to have this feeling that he was pressured into saying yes to his request. How was such simple words send a person into such deep thought as his own personal questions had.

"Barbara, do you mind if I leave the table early? I am not really feeling hungry now anyways."

"Sure sweetie." She smiled as Dan left the table and went up the stairs. He went to the bathroom, closed the door and locked it behind him.

"Hum..." Brain said a little loudly.

"What's the matter honey?" His mom asked.

"Oh, its Dan. He seems to be so...I don't know he just doesn't seem to be with it tonight. He was fine and then after I asked him to marry me he just went off into lala land. I don't know what to think of it."

"Well son," his dad speaking up from his newspaper, "I do believe that he wasn't expecting this. I mean he was kicked out of his house for doing what he felt was right. And now he has someone that loves him, as did his parents. He wasn't expecting it to turn out that way I guess. He may feel that you just wanted him to be with him. But now he realizes that you love him more then he thought."

"You think that is all to it?" Brain couldn't believe that was all it may be.

"Well there may be more," he continued on looking down at the paper. "He may want to talk to his parents about things. I don't know though."

"Hum. you mind if I leave early so I can talk to him?"

"Go ahead. I will put it in the fridge if you feel you want to eat some later."

"Thanks mom." He walked up the stairs and knocked on the door.

"Danny...can I come in?"

"He heard crying form inside the bathroom, "No, but I will be out soon. Wait in the bedroom for me okay?"

"Okay I will wait for you in there my love. You goanna be okay?"

"Yea I will be fine. Be out in a few minuets."

Brian went to his room, and started to pace. He wasn't sure how he was handling the way his lover was acting. He wanted to make sure that he was okay, but he knew that it would have to take time for him to come around. What was it that might have caused this reaction? He hoped that he would be able to help his little friend.

He was glad there was no way for Dan to hurt himself in the bathroom due to the fact that there was nothing in there that posed danger to him. Also he knew that Dan wouldn't have done anything like that. He was in turn afraid of what was on the other side, and didn't want to know any time soon.

The waiting killed him, he wanted to do something but he wasn't sure what. He needed to calm down and he needed to do it fast. There was only one thing that could calm him down and allow him to wait without worrying too much. That was of course music. He kneeled next to his stereo and plunged in the headphones.

He grabbed the CD's off his desk. He pulled out a silver labeled disk, and put it in. It was his personal collection of music. He was able to calm down with the sweet rhythms of Enya. He always was able to clam down with her playing.

A tear landed on the tile. Another followed shortly after that. It hit with out a sound. It son was joined by more of its kind. It was not alone in the world. Slowly a small puddle had started to form of tears.

Brain was leaning against the cabinets with his face looking down. He wasn't sure why he was crying but he knew that he was. He wasn't sad really. Maybe in a little way he was, but he was happy as well. He knew he shouldn't be acting like this, but he was.

"Why do I have to cry like this? I am a person whom is about to graduate from high school, and go on with my education. Why am I sitting here like this? It is not right. I need to be in there with the person I love, and let him know what is going on. But what is it that is going on? I do not even know myself. I don't know why, but I don't. Why am I crying? What am I doing here on the floor, cold and hard?"

He stopped crying. One reason is he couldn't cry anymore. He stood up to the sink and looked in the mirror at his reflection. His eyes were puffy from crying and his nose was red. It would take a while for the swelling to go down since he didn't cry much, because of this fact. He wiped his eyes with a wet washcloth, and slowly opened the door. He needed to tell Brain what really was going on. He wanted to make sure that Brain knew he wasn't upset about getting married.

Brian closed his eyes in contemplation. The music of Enya filled his mind. He turned to calm and he started to explore more of his own feelings. He was able to open his mind up to allow thoughts to form and dissolve with out problem. He also started to go to a world that was well known to him. A world he didn't have to go to since he had found Dan, but nonetheless he wished to go there tonight. It was his own world. The world of old as he called it.

"Wwweee have no time here..." was the familiar rasp of a voice. He knew it well but never knew were it came from. He was in darkness for some reason, and he knew not why. It was always glowing with a faint green light. He couldn't see were he was. Normally he landed in a world of relaxation. But for some reason there was something going on.

"What is going on...on..." his voice echoed in the darkness. Nothing had stopped it, which meant he was not in his normal realm of thinking.

"Wwwe have no time..." the voice was closer, "Your mind is clouded with thoughts of sadness. Whyyy is it that you think not happy thoughtsss?"

"What do you mean? Happy thoughts? I am happy. That is why I have not been here for a while."

"Yyyoouuu think moreee with your mind then you shoulddd. Yyyooouu must more think with your heart thenn with your minddd. Think you that you shoullldd know the answer to this?"

He was looking around, and started to see flashes of lights around him. He wasn't sure what was going on, but he knew it wasn't going on.

"Make yourself clear." He yelled this time, but came out just like he spoke.

"Whyy tryy something you know can not be done? Whyyy tryy things which have been tried before, and yet have failed?"

"I do not understand your meaning?"

"We are moreee than a force...we are yours..."

"Whatt??" with this he was twirled and he was forced back out of his mind.

"Remmmber, wee have noo time.."

"Brian, I am ready to talk." Dan came walking into the room. Brain was in a daze for a moment before he realized that he was back in his own reality.

"S..sure. What would you like to talk about hon?"

"This thing about getting married. I want to, but I wish to talk to someone before we do. When did you want to make it, I don't know what the word is...official?"

"We won't be able to until after we graduate. Why?" Brian was still thinking about what the voice had said.

"I wish to talk to my parents."

"Okay. I am sure that you can do that any time you want to. I don't know if they wish to talk to you though. I mean they might be glad to see you, but if you haven't changed your mind, they might not want to talk to you anymore."

"I know what you mean. But I must try to reason with them. It has been, what a month now since we last talked. They might have accepted it by now, but don't wish to talk to us, or try to, because they would be afraid of what might happen."

Hum. Point. I will tell my parents your wish, and we can go by this weekend how would that be?"

"Sure. Thanks love." With this he kissed him on the lips fully, getting his tongue in the mouth of his lover.

"MMM." Was all Brain could say.

Brian pushed Dan away gently, and walked to the door to close it and lock it.


With that they jumped on Brains bed and kissed deeply, inhaling each other's breath as if it was the only oxygen left on the world. They then started to take each other's clothes off.

Brian ran his hands over the nipples that he loves to play with. Dan decided to do the same. With this Brain got his up instantly without any more help. Dan reached down and undid Brian's pants. He pulled them off as well as his boxers that he was wearing.

"You know I love it when you wear the pink ones." He just laughed and engulfed the huge piece of meat into his mouth and sucked long and hard on it. He had gotten good at doing this, and he loved the taste of cum that Brian produced. He could never get enough of it from him.

"Mmm...more...more..." was all that Brian could muster. It only took a short while till Brian blew his load in Dan's mouth. With a loud moan he shot load after load into Dan's mouth. Dan licked it up greedily as if he would never do this again. He loved to do it all the time.

There was knock at the door.

"As soon as you two are done in there would you please come down?" it was Brian's dad.

"" Brain said breathlessly. He wasn't expected to be so loud as to go threw the door.

"Wow, that was close." Was all Dan could say. Brian helped him finish licking off the cum off of Dan's face, and they got dressed.

"There we go. Lets see what Dad wants."

They ran downstairs, but stopped in their tracks at the half waypoint. There sitting on the living room couch was Dan's mom and dad waiting for them.

Next: Chapter 13

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