Brian and Dan

By Matt Paine

Published on Aug 20, 2000


Authors Note: I am sorry once again for being slow at getting chapter 10 out. I have been busy with work, and going off to college. I will try to get better at it once more, but only time will tell.

Chapter 10 After Shock

It was nearly 5:00 before Brian and Dan returned home. Several people had approached them after the meeting. They were interested in joining the club, but wasn't to sure that there mother and fathers would approve of such a club. They told them, and they could be a "hidden member," which meant they wouldn't have to go to club meetings unless it was possible, and all activated would go under a different club organization, which would include that club members as well.

This seemed to be agreeable to most of the people. Some of them however plain out told them that they would join, and that their parents could just shove there opinion were the sun didn't shine. When Brian heard these things he just laughed a little.

They got home, and ate dinner. Their parents asked how it went, and they said fine. They let Amanda and Tom look over all the sign up sheets and see how many members we actually would have. He was positive that some of the members there were going to be rude, and they just wanted to eliminate some of them from the club, if they were suspected of being rude.

"Ok." Dan said getting up from the table, " I am off to bed." He walked over to Brains parents and gave them a hug, and winked at Brian from behind his parents. Brian knew what that meant.

"Um..." Brian said getting up from the table as well. "I think I will be going to bed as well."

"Ok son." His dad looked at him slyly. "Don't have to much fun." He just laughed at that remark, and his wife hit him.

"SHH!" she hushed him.


Brian and Dan made there way up the stairs to Brains room. Now referred to as the "Love Nest" by Brain.

The closed and locked the door behind them. They had learned to lock it so Brains parents wouldn't interrupt them unexpectedly. Dan walked over to the stereo and popped a CD in. It was a song by Ricky Martin. It was slow too. Dan walked over to a bewildered Brian, who had never danced once with a girl before, and who had never danced with a guy before.

"Just act as if I am the girl ok?" Dan took his arms and placed them around him.

"How do you know so much about this Mr. Dan? I mean you just recently realized you were gay."

"Well. I looked it up on the Internet for new dancers. This is what they suggested." He started to laugh.

They stated that way for a long time. They just held each other, and looked into each other's eyes deeply. This is what Dan had been missing. He has been missing love. All the girls he has been with, they were just something to do, and someone to be with. Nothing about love had ever entered his mind before. This was something totally new to him.

"Um...Dan?" Brain started to brake away from him a little.

"Yes Brian?" Dan just looked at him a little weird, but went back to looking into his eyes.

"I have a surprise for you at the next meeting."

"Really?" Dan just laughed, "And just how far is the next meeting for me to have to wait?"

"Tuesday. I have to get it for you first, but I will have it by then. Trust me."

"Not a hint?"

"Nope. Nada!" Brain just kissed Dan. His tongue going past the lips of his new found love. "I want to make love to you." He whispered into his ear.

"Works for me." Dan and Brian made there way to the bed, each rubbing each other. They feel on the bed. There love for each other apparent.

Downstairs Brains mom and dad were looking at a letter he had left for them to read. They had opened it, and his mom was looking a little shocked.

"Um. Dear. This is kind of sudden isn't it? I mean he is asking us to get something very expensive for him. I mean he is paying for it. But still. It might be a waste. Don't you think?"

"Oh. Don't get so been out of shape. We can go and get in it tomorrow. Shouldn't be to hard."

"Ok. If you think that it is not to rushing it.'

"It isn't. I mean look he is in 12th grade. He should know what he wants. And this just shows us that he isn't a little boy anymore."

"Ok. Ok. We shall get it then."

Brian reached into the in lining of Dan's shorts to pull out the growing monster that he wished to devour. He had wanted this moment all night. His love for Brian was what mattered and he wished to show his love to him in ways that he was never able to express to him before.

Dan moaned as Brian engulfed the throbbing meat into his mouth, and swirled the tip with his tongue. Dan was rubbing Brains head and going threw his hair.

"You...know...Brain...mmm...I do" He was gasping from the techniques that Brian was giving him.

Brian reached under Dan and poked his finger into the awaiting hole, so as to help with the cumming. He loved the taste of Dan. As did Dan love the taste of Brian. Brain would be next.

"OHH...MMMYYY... GOOODDDD!!" Dan bucked into the back of Brains mouth as he shot load after load of his hot cum. Brian had learned not to gag, and to take all the juice into his mouth. He always left some in his mouth though, so as Dan could taste himself.

Brian got up and moved to kiss Dan and to share the juices that he just received. Now it was Brains turn to get some action. Dan moved to the think dick which Brain supported, and he took it all in one swallow. The sucked as hard as he could to make Brain cum fast. He had an idea that he wanted to try, and he wanted cum in his mouth to do it. Soon Brain was screaming, and he shot his load into his lover's mouth.

With a little cum streaming down his cheek, Dan rollover Brain over, and put his mouth to Brains ass. He took cum that was left in his mouth, and let it drop down on to Brains ass. Then he licked it back into his mouth, and swallowed it. He continued to give oral to his lover's ass. Sticking his tongue in and out of the anus.

"Ohhh...That feels GREAT!!" Was all Brian could say.

Soon Brian has shot another load onto his stomach and chest, and Dan moved up and rubbed it up and down his chest. Then he lied next to him, and pulled him close to him. Rubbing the liquids together between them, and they went to sleep.

Next: Chapter 11

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