Brian and Cody

By moc.loa@3tropSXLR

Published on Jul 23, 1999


***Disclamer Hey! The following is a fictional story containing guy to guy sex and fantasy's of being with a celebrity, the celebrity being Brian Littrell from the Backstreet Boys. I am a fan of theirs and in no sense is any of this story true. Its just a little fantasy. Hopefully its something that will not affect or insult the real BSB. Cody has nothing to do with the Cody from Baywatch, its just my name. You must be 18 or of legal age in your state to read this. So read on and I hope you like it.

All I Have To Give: Brian and Cody 10

Part 1 of Chapter 10

It had been a whole month since I had arrived in Orlando to be with Brian. Things were going very smoothly. Brian and I did not separate for a moment that whole month. We were inseparable day and night. I was having the best time just being with Brian and hanging out with the other guys. At night I slept with Brian spooning me, his arm around my waist. We weren't having passionate sex every night, we were just holding on to each other and being together. Brian and I had only made love a couple times before, in part because I was trying to move things slow with Brian. Somehow I thought sex would ruin what Brian and I had going, that sex would take over our relationship. Brian of course sensed that I didn't want to have him make love to me and vice versa so he left the subject untouched. We settled for some hot make out sessions and blow jobs.

Everything between Brian and I was going smoothly but between Brian and the guys there was something awkward going on. Nick apparently had not really been talking to Brian and much of it was my fault. Before I came into the picture Brian and Nick were very tight, best friends. They would spend most of their time together. Now that Brian had me, Nick was left out of the picture a lot. Brian wasn't ignoring Nick intentionally, but where ever we would go, Brian would be by my side. We didn't spend much time with the guys for this reason I think. Most of the time it was just me and Brian.

The following week the guys were going to get 2 weeks off from recording their new album. They had been in the studio non stop for that whole month and it was about time for them to have some off time. Things between Brian and Nick and the rest of the group were not going to be improving during the vacation because Brian had something in mind for us to do together, alone.

"Come on Brian! I'm really getting frustrated not knowing what we are going to do during your vacation," I said pulling at Brian's shirt.

"Let daddy's shirt go, son," Brian said pulling away.

"Briiiiaaannnn!!" I said whining even more.

"You'll soon find out, OK? But till then its going to be a surprise."

"Well, if your not going to tell me what we're going to do on your little vacation, then at least tell me what we're doing tonight," I said throwing myself down on our bed.

"Well, I was thinking we could go out to diner," Brian said sitting down besides me on the bed, "what do you think?"

"I don't know Brian. I really don't feel like being out in public. Its been so nice this past month not being in the news or in the papers. I really don't feel like being in the spotlight, not yet at least."

"Well, we can go to a very small and quiet restaurant," Brian said running his fingers through my hair.

"I guess we could. Where can we go then?" I asked

"Hmm, I have a better idea. Why don't we order food and go out to the island by ourselves and spend the night there. We can bring our sleeping bag and tent. How does that sound?"

"Hmm, great idea! I love it!" I leaned up and kissed him.

"I thought you might," Brian said pushing me back down on the bed and getting on top of me.

"Brian, how about we save it for tonight huh?" I said as I felt Brian's member growing and grinding into mine.

"Hm? What did you say baby?" Brian said as he started to lift my shirt up, obviously acting like he hadn't heard me.

"Babe, come on, let's save it for tonight," I said pushing Brian off of me.

"OK, OK. But we are not going to get any sleep tonight!" Brian said giving me one of his funny grins.

"You crack me up with those faces, you know. You look so goofy," I said laughing.

"Ohhhhhhhh really?" Brian said imitating Ace Ventura.

The house we were staying at was right on the beach front about 10 minutes from Tampa. It was perfectly placed inside a small bay. Being the only house in the little bay there was a lot of privacy. The beach was all ours and so was the little island about 60 yards out in the water. The island came in use for swimming out and taking a rest on it, or having a picnic as we usually had on it or just sun bathing when we went out on the boat and wave runners during the day. But as useful as it was during the day, it was more useful and more beautiful at night. The island was a little less than half the size of a football field and was filled with palm trees that gave privacy, and just enough open spaces in the center to set up camp. There were lights set up around the little island that ran on motors that could light it up fully. Brian, Nick, and I had stayed on the island overnight a couple of times when I first arrived to Florida. We would just camp out there and talk. Brian and I had never spent the night there by ourselves though.

That night the island was going to be all ours. Brian packed a small picnic basket, along with some oil lamps and a very comfortable tent, which had extra padding. He went out and loaded the small rowboat with the stuff and on his way back up to our room he ran into Nick.

"Hey Brian, how about we go catch a movie tonight since we haven't spent any time together?"

"Oh Nick, that would be a lot of fun. Unfortunately I promised Cody we would do something special tonight. We're going out to the island and camping there overnight," Brian replied.

"Come on Brian! Ever since Cody came down here all you've done was spend time with him! I thought we were best friends?"

"We are Nick. You know your my best bud, but right now I want to be with Cody. I know that we are going to be together while we promote the new album, and Cody and I might not be together for that time," Brian explained.

"Whatever. It still sucks that you haven't found the time to go hang out with me," Nick said as he walked out the door.

"Nick! Come back! Don't be like that," Brian said shouting after Nick.

"Hey Bri, What's up?" I said walking down the stairs.

"Nick is just mad at me."

"Why?" I asked.

"Well, he's just a little upset that I've been spending all my time with you and haven't hung out with him for weeks," Brian answered.

"I'm really sorry Bri," I said looking away.

"No baby, don't be sorry. Its not your fault. I want to spend as much time with you as I possibly can but I know that I should make time for not only Nick but my other friends and family," Brian said turning my head to face him, "so it's not your fault at all. Its my fault. Kevin has been bothered that I haven't brought my family down here. But I told him there's another time for that."

"Brian I can't stand between you and your friends, let alone your family. Why don't you go and spend some time with them? I'll be ok," I said.

"Let's not talk about this now, ok? Lets just enjoy tonight. We'll talk about this later," Brian said pulling me close to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and leaned in for a kiss.

"OK. But we will talk about it later, and not put it off like you like to do with important things," I said.

"We will. Don't worry. So you have all your things?"

"Yeah, I think I got everything," I said.

"You sure?" Brian asked.

"Well, if I forgot something, it wont kill me to cross that little bit of water and come back and get it," I said laughing. "Lets go."

Once we had everything Brian started rowing towards the little island. A few minutes later we reached it and tied the boat up and carried our stuff to the center of the island where we would have our privacy. We had left a paper in the kitchen warning everyone to keep off the island just in case, so we wouldn't have any interruptions.

"So Mr. Camper, you know how to set up the tent," I asked Brian.

"I'm not sure. It might be a little complicated," Brian said as he suddenly shook the tent which just popped open.

"Well, that was easy," I said laughing.

"Cool isn't it? They just flop right open ready to use with no hassles," Brian said admiring his tent.

"Yeah, well this is perfect babe," I said looking at our tent lit up by the oil lamps Brian had brought, "it couldn't get any better."

"Well, it would get better if you walk over here next to me," Brian said winking.

"You know I love you right?" I said walking up to Brian.

"You know I love you too right?" Brian said as he leaned in for a kiss

"So, how about you follow me into this big tent you have here," I said trying to walk towards the tent.

"I thought we were doing good right here," Brian said grabbing onto me.

Brian again wrapped his arms tight around my waist and pulled me close to him bringing our lips together. He slowly pulled me down to the sand lowering himself on top of me. As he slipped his tongue in and out of my mouth he slowly started grinding his quickly rising member into mine. As Brian continued to kiss and suck and lick at my lips and my neck, we both started to frantically reach for each others belts. Brian quickly unbuckled my belt and had my pants off in seconds.

"Baby, Brian!" I said getting his attention.

"Yeah?" Brian said raising his face to meet mine.

"Let's go slow, ok? We don't need to rush," I said placing my lips on his.

Brian grinned and slowly pulled my shirt off over my head and gently started placing soft kisses on my face and down my neck. He slowly kissed and sucked on my neck with his soft velvet like lips. He worked down my chest stopping to pull and suck on my hard nipples. Before continuing his trip down my body with his tongue, Brian sat up pulling me up with him. Brian wrapped his legs around my body as he sat on my lap. I stared into his deep ocean blue eyes and I slowly pulled at each button of his shirt, and slipped it off his shoulders. I finished pulling Brian's pants off of him leaving both of us in our matching CK boxer-briefs. I moved my hands downs his chest and stomach stopping at his dick. I wrapped my hand around it and squeezed it as he let out a soft moan. That moan drove me crazy, and I quickly got my tongue on Brian's beautiful golden tan body as I pushed him down on the sand and this time getting on top of him. I worked my tongue down to his inner thigh where I slowly sucked and licked at before going up and carefully sucking on his hard cock through the soft black cotton of his boxer-briefs. Before Brian could beg me to take his cock into my mouth, I pulled his boxer-briefs off his legs. I licked my way up his thigh until I reached his dick. As I looked up at Brian, he was propped up on his arms looking down at me, he gave me a smile motioning to take his cock. I placed my tongue right at the base of his dick and slowly licked my way up the shaft, all the while looking straight into Brian's eyes. Brian let out a loud moan, closing his eyes and throwing his head back as I did this. As I reached the head of Brian's cock I wrapped my lips tight around it. Brian's moans kept getting louder as I slowly worked his cock deep into my mouth. My lips sealed tight around it as Brian plunged his large cock deep into my mouth. My head bobbing up and down faster and faster on Brian's cock was driving him crazy. As I continued to suck on his cock, whimpers, moans and groans kept escaping Brian's mouth. Brian's breathing got shorter and he grabbed my head again and raised his hips into my mouth, shoving all of his cock deep into my mouth one last time.

"Oh baby, oh Cody, I'm gonna cum, oooohhhh," Brian moaned as he started shooting his hot cum into my mouth. I pulled most of his cock out, leaving only the tip of it in my mouth as I quickly tried to swallow all of Brian's sweet cum. Brian kept cumming overflowing my mouth as his cum ran down my chin. Once Brian stopped cumming and let go of my head he fell back on the sand.

"Baby, your so good," Brian said raising my chin so we met eye to eye.

"You taste so good you know?" I said licking my lips.

"Oh yeah?" He slowly ran his tongue up my chin licking the cum that ran down my face, then slipping his tongue into my mouth.


"Yeah baby?"

"I want you inside me. I want to feel you deep inside me," I said as I softly sucked on Brian's lower lip.

"Are you sure baby? You really want to?" Brian asked looking deep into my eyes

"Yes, of course. I wouldn't ask you if I didn't," I answered him with a smile. "Do you want to though?"

"God yes. I want to make love to you so badly Cody," Brian said as he kissed me deeply.

"You think little Brian is up for it again?" I said grinning as I looked down at Brian's dick.

"Um, I think so," Brian said as his "little Brian" started to rise again.

Brian then reached over to his pants and pulled out a condom. Before he could open it up I grabbed his arm and stopped him.

"No, Brian, I want to feel you, not that inside me," I said taking it out of his hand.

"But baby, we haven't done it without one. Are you sure you want to do this now?" Brian asked with a concerned look in his eyes.

"I've never been more sure Bri. We've both clean and I trust you," I said as I made my way down to Brian's dick. I quickly took it into my mouth and sucked it all the way down lubing it up.

As I lay back on the sand, Brian threw one leg over me to straddle me. He leaned down and kissed me deeply. Soft moans started escaping my mouth as Brian passionately sucked and licked at my ear lobs and all the way down to my neck. Brian raised my legs onto his shoulders and leaned down to meet me face to face, our noses touching.

"I can't tell you how much I love you Cody," Brian whispered as we stared into each others eyes.

"I love you too Bri."

With that Brian slowly started pushing his dick into my tight ass. Brian pushed the head of his cock into my ass and slowly continued to push into me.

Once he was completely inside of me he stopped, giving me time to adjust. It hurt at first, because of the lack of lubricant, but the pain sort of vanished as I stared at Brian.

"Are you ok baby?" Brian asked me as he brushed my hair out of my eyes.

I looked up at Bri and with a smile and a deep kiss assured him I was ok. Brian slowly pulled most of his cock out of me leaving only the head inside me. Brian leaned down and kissed me one more time and told me he loved me as he pushed his cock back deep into my ass. Brian slowly pulled back out of me and knelt there looking down at me with the head of his cock still inside me.

I had my head thrown back, my eyes closed, as Brian put his hands on the sides of my stomach. Brian slowly pulled in and out of me, moving his body like a wave as he made love to me for what had to be about half an hour. The pleasure of Brian inside of me, making love to me so soft and slow was incredible and overwhelming. Brian placed his hands on my sides as he pulled me back and forth as his whole cock slid into me inch by inch until his balls would touch my ass. My body was shivering from the intense pleasure. I reached up and wrapped my arms around Brian's neck getting face to face with him and kissing him. Brian pulled out of me leaving me with an empty feeling and sat on the blanket. He quickly pulled me up on top of him. I quickly lowered myself on him, impaling myself with him. I wrapped my legs around Brian's waist, with Brian's arms wrapped tight around my body holding me close. Brian continues to push up into my ass as I rose and fell on his cock. With every thrust, I squeezed down tight on Brian's dick. Brian didn't last much longer after I started to do this. I felt his cock throbbing inside me. With one last thrust Brian released jets of cum deep into my ass, as he held on to me tight, chest to chest. Without touching my dick, waves of cum splashed between Brian and me. "Baby, you ok? Your shaking," Brian said running his fingers through my hair and holding me tight, his cock still inside me.

"I've never felt better," I said holding on to him tighter.

"I love you, you know?" Brian said as his cock slipped out of my ass. Brian laid back on the blanket pulling me down next to him.

"I know Brian. I know," I said placing my head on Brian's chest, as I drifted to sleep.

"Cody? Cody! Well, just like you to make love and fall fast asleep," Brian said laughing. He picked me up in his arms, my arms wrapped around his neck, and carried me into the tent.

Inside Brian put me down on the sleeping bag and lay next to me. He moved over close to me and spooned me really tight careful not to wake me.

"I don't think you know how much I love you Cody. I'd do anything to protect you. I'd die for you," Brian whispered as he joined me in sleep.

I just thought I knew how much Brian loved me. I would have to go through a lot more to really understand the magnitude of Brian's love: good and bad.

Part 2 of Chapter 10

"Brian! Cody! Hurry up! We're gonna be late!"

"Hold on, We'll be right there," Brian yelled from the bedroom door.

"He always makes us late!" Nick turned to Kevin.

"Calm down, I'm sure they'll be right down," Kevin said.

"Come on Baby, Hurry up! We're going to be late," Brian said pounding on the bathroom door.

"Hold on, damn it!" I yelled back

I had just woken up about 10 minutes prior to this. Actually it was more like Brian shaking me furiously to wake up.

"Please Baby! Kevin is going to kill me if we miss our flight! Do you need some help?" Brian asked.

"Damn it Brian, I'll be right out. Could you just wait one-second for crying out loud."

"Hey! I'm trying to be nice here!" Brian shouted.

"Happy?! Shit! Why didn't you just walk in and drag me out by my hair!" I said as I walked past Brian and picked my luggage up.

"I'm sorry, OK?" Brian said picking his bags up.

I swung the door open and rushed out of the room trying not to drop the 3 luggage cases I had with me. I walked down the stairs and right through Kevin and Nick and out the front doors. I walked over to the van and through my luggage in and took a seat in the back.

"What's his problem?" Nick said after seeing me fly through.

"Let's not worry about this now. Just go out to the van. I'll get Brian," Kevin said ushering Nick outside.

"We're gonna miss our......"

"No. We're not going to miss our flight. Come let's go!" Brian said interrupting Nick as he flew down the stairs.

"What? Now look who's rushing us!" Nick said picking up his luggage, "I'm gonna kill him!"

"Nick, just get your luggage and come on," Kevin said.

We were all in a rush on the way to the airport to catch a 1:00 PM flight to Sweden and it was already 12:00 PM. The guys were going to Sweden to record some tracks for their new album with Max Martin, their producer, and I was tagging along. Brian had brought it up that they were going to have to leave to Sweden about a week before. It had been a sudden change in plans. The guys 2 weeks off was being postponed while their producer had time in Sweden to get more of the album recorded. That meant that Brian and I had to cancel our vacation. Before I could get upset, Brian pulled out 2 tickets to Sweden, one with my name on it. I of course was thrilled that I wouldn't have to leave Brian and that I would get to visit Sweden. The plan was to stay there for 3 weeks to lay down most of the boys upcoming album before returning to the states again for Christmas time. While they were there they would also be performing an at a charity event in Germany and a concert or 2 as well, and that was another added bonus I was going to receive because I had never seen the boys perform live other than in the studio and the first time I met them at a talk show. I was of course putting my career on hold for the moment to be with Brian. I had not been in the public eye for over 2 months. The last month of course being spent with Brian at their home near Tampa and at the studio near Orlando, while they recorded their second album.

My agent had called be a few days prior to Brian telling me we were leaving, and she had advised me to pick a script and start on a movie. Most of the projects I had were ready to begin and I needed to make a decision in the coming weeks. After Brian's proposal I figured I wouldn't have time for a movie.

We finally arrived at the airport half an hour later. We quickly got our bags checked and boarded the plane with 10 minutes to spare. Brian, AJ, Howie, and myself ended up being in the same row. Kevin and Nick were seated together by the window. As Brian took the end seat AJ stepped to the side to let me in so I could sit next to Brian. Before Howie could push me into the row I took AJ and shoved him in front of me. AJ sat next to Brian with a questioned look on his face as Howie sat next to him and I took the aisle seat. Howie also gave me a weird look but sat quietly after seeing the look on my face.

"So Brian, What took you two so long to come out?" AJ asked winking at Brian, obviously implying that we were having sex or something.

"AJ, its the opposite of what your thinking, believe me. We were just really tired I guess and didn't hear when Nick came to wake us," Brian said smiling at AJ. I looked over at Brian and saw his fake smile and let out a sigh.

Brian obviously lied to AJ about why we had been late. I was the one that didn't wake up. The night before I had been wanting to go out on the town and once again Brian felt like staying in. He had been staying in a lot the last couple of weeks writing his songs, so I decided I was going out alone. Once Brian was deep in thought I tiptoed out of the house and went to a club in downtown Tampa. The club was absolutely the place to be. The music was pumping and the drinks kept coming. Several drinks into the night I was having a blast. Around 5 in the morning the bartender put me into a cab. I got to the house around 5:30. When I walked into the bedroom Brian was sitting up on the bed reading a book. He just looked up at me for a second. He placed his book down and shut off the lights without a word. When I got into the bed I scooted over close to Brian and put my mouth close to his ear.

"You miss me sweetie?" I asked Brian in my drunken state.

"Cody, go to sleep," was all Brian said.

"Bri, ohhh Brian, I think I had too many drinks," I said laughing a bit.

Brian just turned around and looked me in the eyes and told me... "Your fine Cody. Just go to sleep, we need to wake up early."

Brian just turned around again and went to sleep. In the morning Brian woke me up shaking me furiously. I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom and threw up. I had a huge headache and felt nauseous. When I came back out into the room to change Brian acted as if nothing was wrong. While he was asking me where to put the shaving kits I ran back into the bathroom to do some more throwing up. That's when Nick and Kevin began shouting for us and Brian began to hurry me out of the bathroom.

In the plane

I looked over at Brian just as he was staring at me. He looked at me for a few seconds and turned in his seat.

"So Howie, what did you do last night," I asked trying to start a conversation.

"Oh I went out with my older brother. We went out to dinner and stuff. What did you guys do?" Howie asked.

"Well, actually I went....."

"CODY! Can I have a word with you please?" Brian said getting out up from his seat.

"Not right now Bri, I'm talking to Howie," I said smiling at Brian.

"A word! Now Cody!" Brian said sternly.

"Excuse me Howie for just a second," I said getting up. I followed Brian upstairs to the second floor of first class where the bar was.

"What Brian?! You interrupted my conversation with Howie.

"Cody, stop fucking playing games with me!"

"Games? What fucking games am I playing here Brian?"

"I thought I made it clear to you last week when you pulled your first little stunt that I did not want the guys knowing our business!" Brian said grabbing my arm.

"First of all I suggest you let go of my arm. Second, what business is it of yours if I go out at night?"

"Cody, do not fuck me with me! I told you before. I do not want the guys to know about any of this. They do not need to know that you went out and got drunk twice already and came home at sun rise, OK?" Brian said letting go of my arm.

"Why Brian? WHY? You told me not to tell them but you didn't tell me why!"

"Damn it Cody, I just don't want them to know about our business. Its bad enough already with Kevin and the rest knowing every little thing about us. Our relationship is our business," Brian said looking directly at me, "and its in your best interest for the guys not to find out."

"Why do you insist in painting this perfect picture of us Brian? Couples fight too OK? Everyone has their problems!" I said

"Well, we weren't having any problems until you went out last week and came home drunk! And then you pull the same shit last night!"

"How is that a problem? huh?"

"Damn it Cody. It was going so well. I never enjoyed spending time with you as much as this past month. But you had to ruin it! Why did you have to go out and drink!" Brian said taking a seat at the bar.

"Why is it a problem?! WHY?!" I said raising my voice.

"Because I thought I had it under control!! I thought I had YOU under control! I thought that with you being with me, you wouldn't fall into that bad shit again! The guys worry about you a lot you know! Kevin made it perfectly clear to me that I needed to get you help. I just thought I was helping by just being with you!" Brian said.

"Brian, I..."

"I told Kevin I had everything under control. I just don't want the guys to find out that I don't have everything under control. That I don't have you under control," Brian said.

"Brian I'm really....."

"And because I don't want to believe it Cody! I don't want to believe that your still not OK. If the guys find out, its like making it real. I don't want any of this to be real Cody. I want it to be like it was the first month we spent together at the house," Brian said wiping tears from his face.

"Brian! I am ok! I'm fine! I mean, the last thing I want to do is hurt you Brian. I really don't want to make you feel pain over my problems. I love you so much Brian. You don't understand how much I care for you," I turned and walked away from Brian, wiping tears from my own eyes.

I slept in my seat for the rest of the flight. When I woke up we were getting ready to land. I looked over and saw Brian sleeping. He looked so peaceful sleeping yet he looked so worn down, like a fragile angel. I couldn't stand seeing him like that. It hurt me too much to see Brian hurting. In those few seconds watching Brian sleeping I realized I had to do something. Something to fix all of this.

To be Continued

OK so what did you guys think? Was this a good part? A part with sex! Finally huh? LOL. Well, I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. I really enjoyed writing it, sort of, minus the job of coming up with something interesting. Well, you all need to write to me and let me know what you think. Thank you to all of you that wrote to me after Chapter 9. I really appreciated the letters and motivated me to write this part fast. Wondering what Cody is planning to do? Well, your gonna have to wait until Chapter 11.

I have changed my e-mail address. It is no longer It is now RLX

P.S. I know there are a lot of stories of the BSB out there. Its hard trying to chose which ones to read. I have to recommend the following because I find them to be the best. Banging B-Rock (September 98), My Night With Howie D, and my favorite 2, Bad Boy B-Rock and 10,000 Promises. If you haven't read them you really need to! So get reading. Remember...My new e-mail address is

Next: Chapter 11

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