Brian and Chris

By Joe Deitch

Published on Dec 27, 1999



This story is a work of fiction. The ideas, views, and feeling do not represent those of the celebrities portrayed within the story. If you are underage, or you are uncomfortable with the idea of two men making love, please leave.

This is my first attempt at writing a story. Any thought, suggestions, or even hate please send me an email at

Thanks for reading, Joe

Now onto the story.

Chapter 1:

I guess I should tell you about my self so that we don't have to throw this in later. My name is Chris, I am 18 years old. I guess I should be in college right now, but I decided to take a year off. I am planning to go to college next year, but you never know what's going to happen. As you might have guessed I am gay. My parents do not know, nor does my brother. All of my friends know. Pretty much if you don't know, then you really don't know anything about me.

I have always been in love with the Backstreet Boys. I know everyone says that Nick is the best looking one, but the one I want is Brian. Damn, he is just so sexy, his little southern drawl just drives me crazy. Ok, now onto the real story.

Today is my 18th birthday, my friend Jackie, who is also in love with the Backstreet Boys came over to give me her present. I had absolutely no idea what she was gonna get me.

"Chris, open the damn present, and don't worry about tearing the paper, just rip it." Jackie said to me.

"OK, fine." I replied while laughing. She knew me way to well. My eyes bulged when I looked at the contents of the ox. I let out a scream that must have been heard in Japan.

"How the hell did you get backstage passes to the Backstreet Boys concert?" I practically yelled at her.

"Look, my dad had a case with one of the people who works for their record company, and since he is such a great lawyer and he won the case. The guy asked him if he wanted backstage passes to any concert. Well he told me about it and I knew what to get you for your b- day." Jackie said with a smile.

"So pretty much, you found a way in which you could get me something with out having to pay any money." I said with a laugh.

"Shut up I know you love it."

"So... who do you think I should bring to the concert? Got any ideas?"

"Don't even think about not taking me, I could kick your ass so hard you wouldn't even know what happened." Actually she is right, she probably could kick my ass.

The night of the concert was finally here. I felt as if I had waited a year, while in actuality it had only been like 3 days.

Jackie pulled up out front and beeped the horn. I looked at myself in the mirror. I had on a dark blue button down shirt from Banana Republic on and a pair of Banana Republic black pants, with a Banana Republic pair of black shoes. Humm.. Do you think I like Banana Republic at all. Well even though the outfit had cost me $250 dollars, I didn't care. I thought I looked so hot in it, of course I am being modest :). I ran out the door as I screamed that I would be home late, but don't worry I had my cell phone.

I jumped into the car with Jackie, and off we went. As we were driving Jackie finally looked over at me.

"Damn, you look so fine, why are all the gay men so hot?" She whined.

"Well you look pretty damn good yourself. You look so good, you make me wish I was straight." I said looking very sincere.

"I hate you, why do you tempt me like that. Any way I am saving myself for Kevin. I can't figure out why you are partial to Brian." She said mocking me.

"I love you too. Well I don't really know which one I am partial to, yes I think that Brian is the most attractive, but I want to meet them before I know which one I will spend my life wishing was mine."

"Why are you always so damn logical? I haven't even met them, but I am still willing to have Kevin's baby."

"Yeah and I am sure your mom would be thrilled about that."

"Just as thrilled as your mom would be if she found out that you were dating a Backstreet Boy."

After bickering and making fun of each other the whole way, we finally got there.

We walked inside and found what we thought must be the entrance to the back stage. There was a security guard there who asked to see Backstage passes and some ID. We showed him both and he let us through. After many twists and turns, we finally found the dressing room. It was about 20 min before the show started so we figured we could talk to them for at least 10 min. We knocked on the door.

"Oh shit not more hyper 15 year olds with backstage passes." Someone yelled from within the room.

"Shut up, those 15 year olds pay for a lot of things that you have." Another said. The door opened and to my shock, there was Brian a foot away from me.

"Please come in guys." He said with that slight southern drawl that just drives me crazy.

"Thanks." Jackie said as she pushed her way into the room. I just stood there for a minute I was blatantly staring at Brian. He waved his hand in front of my face.

"Is anyone there? You can come in anytime you want." He said teasing me.

"Thanks." I said in a quiet voice. I felt as if my entire body was on fire, I was so embarrassed. He just kinda looked at me and gave me a slight smile. Jackie turned to me and started laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" I asked her kinda quietly. Everyone in the room was just staring at us. Jackie looked around and finally stopped her gaze on me.

"Well I just thought that you were going to handle seeing Brian a little better than that. Oh Shit, did I just say that. Fuck. Shit I didn't mean to say that Chris." She kinda stammered out. I slowly started turning red, I was so angry and so embarrassed, tears were flowing down my face. I looked around and no one was making eye contact with me. I slowly got up and looked around.

"I am sorry for disturbing you guys, have a great concert." I said trying to keep my voice as even as possible. Brian looked up at me and kinda smiled a half smile.

"Look we all get embarrassed, but you don't have to go. We don't care that you are gay. Stay here until the concert starts." Brian said while everyone else agreed.

"I think I need to get some fresh air. Have a good concert guys." I said as I left the room. I slowly made my way to my seat. It was about 10 minutes until Jackie finally made her way to her seat. We were seated 3rd row center.

"How was backstage?" I asked bitterly.

"The guys are so nice, they want you to come backstage after the concert. I think Brian was a little smitten with you," She said, "Look, I am sorry for what happened, but the guys totally understand."

"Maybe, I'll consider it." I said, having no inclination to go backstage after the concert. The concert finally started. Of course it was awesome, and I could have sworn that Brian was glancing at me periodically, but it could have been my imagination. Also I noticed that Nick was giving Brian and I nasty looks every time he glanced at me. At the end of the concert, Brian took center stage and said that something happened before the concert and he wishes that me and Jackie would come backstage after the concert. I was dying in my seat.

"What did you guys talk about after I left?" I asked Jackie.

"We actually talked about you. I did get to talk to Kevin for a little while since everyone else was getting ready. He is so hot and so nice."

"I guess I'll go backstage."

Sorry that there is no sex in this chapter, but I gotta get the story going first. Chapter 2 is coming soon. Please send any comments to All comments are REALLY appreciated.

Next: Chapter 2

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