Brian 2 Justin

By J-dot M

Published on May 28, 2012


In the Name Of Love

Written by JM

*** Disclaimer: I don't know any of them. Matter of fact, I probably never will. I do know fiction. She's a nice lady and she'll let you know that, "This is all fake." I don't know if all the things are accurate from a timeline perspective so forgive me for that. These story is not intended to declare the sexuality of either of the celebrities (Brian Littrell or Justin Timberlake) represented, so please do not harass these men if you ever meet them ***

-- Please send all thoughts and comments to: -- Never seen a love like this before It's so amazing that you always leave me wanting more Like the perfect addiction baby It's got my attention, yeah

He's never been comfortable with pure bliss. Flashes of happiness, breaths of satisfaction, sheer moments of unaltered coziness: he's welcomed them all. Bliss? He doesn't welcome it. He knows it leads to disaster, change, a high right before the comedown. He's shielded himself enough through life not to fall for the traps, the way bliss always dangles in front of him so enticingly. Through Britney, Cameron, Alyssa, Jenna, whomever, he's always known to let it reach just the tip of peaking before backsliding to the beginning before it wears out its welcome.

Yet, sometimes, it slips in and flips him lopsided.

Justin's not sure why Brian's bed feels better than his own back in Los Angeles. It's not any fancier; the mattress isn't made out of the clouds from Heaven. It's just a bed, in a gated community in Atlanta, and it's not his. But it's the only bed in the world that he can lay like this in, two o'clock in the afternoon, without any cares.

He stretches languidly, muscles disentangling, yawning softly. His mind is a lucid dream, his smile uncontrollable as he looks up to the ceiling above. The sun is glowing over his skin, melting warmth from a quiet, early spring day encouraging him to lay in nothing but a faded Lucky Charms T-shirt and white boxers. He's scratching at his chest through the thin fabric of his shirt, cheeks sore from smiling but it doesn't matter because the minute he catches Brian leaping onto the bed like a movie stuntman he knows that smiles not leaving for hours. He's laughing loudly, nearly rolling off the bed as Brian bounces up and down, childlike and unintentionally adorable.

"I don't even know why I bother unpacking two weeks' worth of suitcases knowing I'm going to have to pack three weeks' worth in less than a month," Brian remarks, settling down onto the bed until he's lying on his back beside Justin.

Justin lazily turns his head to the right, smile barely hidden behind the way his biting the corner of his bottom lip. He's got a raised brow, thumbs drumming on his chest as Brian stares back with eyes bluer than painted skies.

"That soon?" Justin wonders, grinning with rolled eyes when Brian shoots him a Jim Carrey grin.

"Oh yeah. The BSB train doesn't stop in one destination for long," Brian chimes, arm raised to motion a railroad conductor pulling on the chord.

Justin turns his head away, tries not to think of his own impending departure back to the west coast in less than a day. He pats his hands along his chest, creating his own marching band melody as Brian creates trumpet noises with his mouth. He can't help the snickers that break his lips midway but Brian continues solo, giddy in his own world for a moment. He sighs quietly, tilted smile as Brian shimmies from side to side on his back, and tries to kill the silence but Justin lives for it. He takes in every breath of it, every second he's around Brian while the rest of the world exists.

"What time is Baylee coming back?" Justin wonders, stretching again.

"Who knows? Kid gets around the neighbors' kids and goes all Godzilla for a few hours. I'm sure Lisa will eventually take him in as one of her own and start feeding him supper with the rest of her brood," Brian insists, hands moving wildly as he speaks.

Justin grins, turning to look at Brian again. "'Supper'?"

Brian snorts, lightly punching Justin in the shoulder. "Don't give me crap. You're from the south. Don't tell me Lynn never called you in with a cowbell saying `Supper's on.'"

"Not even B," Justin laughs out, rubbing at his shoulder. He doesn't flinch when he feels the soft press of Brian's lips to his shoulder, heat exploding from that spot to the rest of his body.

"You like the little guy a lot," Brian jests, words almost quiet and bashful.

"I do," Justin whispers back, unexpected warm smile parlaying his lips. He rubs the top of his own hand, fingers grazing over soft brown hair. "I love the kid a lot. He's a miniature you and, I mean, he's great. He just..."

Brian's easing a hand over Justin's mouth, muffling his jumbled words with a grin. "You had me when you said you love him Justin."

Justin's nodding slowly when Brian's hand dances away, replaying his own words with a little astonishment. He chuckles to himself, eyes looking back to the ceiling rather than Brian. He fights off that overwhelming feeling that leaves him reverted to that `little girl' state he tries to avoid with Brian. "Like I love you man."

"Such a man's man," Brian jokes, fingers tickling just beneath the hem of Justin's shirt, tiptoeing over the skin of Justin's side.

"Damn right."

"Want me to go crack a beer open for you so you can lay here watching the game with one hand in your pants?" Brian wonders teasingly with an effeminate voice.

Justin rolls his eyes once more, rolling to his side so that he's facing Brian. He drags his fingers through Brian's bangs, pushing the silky sun-kissed blonde hair back. Those blue eyes are wild like Baylee's but wondrous like only Brian's could be. He loves the way Brian settles underneath his touch, nothing like that man so long ago in some Atlanta hotel suite. It's a calmness Justin rarely knows himself to carry beneath the touch of anyone.

"Got something on your mind Jolly Green Giant?"

"No," Justin whispers back, cracked smile against ruddy lips. He wants to laugh at the way Brian's eyes are disbelieving but it doesn't happen. His thumb sweeps over Brian's temple, faith far from waning. Those chiseled cheeks on Brian's face, quiet pink lips, scratches of hair across chin and jawline, all these features that encompass a man that Justin will never get used to desiring so much.

Just the prickling of nirvana against his skin leads Justin to fall back down onto the bed. His eyes are off Brian again, looking upward, instinct drowning out the way it all feels inescapable and wonderful. He tries to let his mind tread miles away from all of this.

Justin's eyes get a little wide when Brian crawls on top of him, hovering over him with hands on either side of Justin's head on the bed. He's got a half-baked smile while looking at Brian, curious brow rising as Brian gives him a crooked grin with crinkled eyes. Instinct gets the best of him, large hands easing up Brian's legs to his hips, holding him there as Brian tilts his head.

"I love you too man," Brian says, almost matter-of-factly and Justin fakes a dumbfounded expression for him.

"So this thing we're doing is kind of mutual, huh?" Justin questions, broken laughter escaping his lips when Brian peers at him.


"Such language," Justin wheezes out, stomach muscles tightening from laughter when Brian snatches a pillow from behind Justin to cover up his face, the laughter still piercing through the cottony softness of the pillow.

Justin reaches to the side for his own pillow, smacking Brian in the head with it. There's a childlike smile sewn into his expression, Brian's eyes large and disbelieving. He shrugs, bottom lip sucked in as Brian shakes his head, throwing the pillow over Justin's face again.

"I'm not into the suffocation thing during sex B. I'm more of a ball gag and tie-me-up kind of guy," Justin says from behind the pillow, wild grin ironed across his lips when Brian snatches the pillow away.

"You're sick."

"Wanna try it out one day, don't ya?" Justin asks, eyebrows wagging at Brian. He catches the way fire ignites across Brian's cheeks, snickering and snorting as Brian looks away. He doesn't need an answer because Brian's erection through his jeans is strong and true against Justin's stomach. He gives Brian's inner thighs a small squeeze, praying his own erection doesn't peek through the front flap of his boxers.

"I don't know what to say to you sometimes," Brian remarks with a laugh, the sound a sweet combination of disco brilliant coyness and orchestral naiveté. Justin smiles at the way Brian's leaning down close, their faces barely a breath apart.

"Don't worry. I'll make it up to you later on with a really good blowjob," Justin chimes, devious wink as Brian shakes his head with shyness. He pushes his head up to steal a quick kiss from quiet lips. He leaves his eyes open, watches the way Brian's intuitively shut while kissing Justin.

"You better."

"I don't know how to give anything less than the best quality blowjobs," Justin mocks, grinning through another kiss. He nips at Brian's bottom lip, no hesitation in his kissing. He knows how to do this, how to never overthink this part. The physical is natural, the way every piece of him wants to roll Brian over and screw him into the mattress with husky pants from Brian in his ear.

Justin gives himself a small tug through his boxers, adjusts his cock so it's a little less restrained in the tangled material as Brian lays slow, lazy kisses against his lips. It's unintended torture but Justin has learned not to mind this part. He cups the back of Brian's neck with his other hand, quiet chimes in his head as he finally closes his eyes, tastes minty freshness from already chewed gum across Brian's tongue.

"Daddy! Daddy! Justin and Daddy!"

Justin grins as Brian sighs softly into another kiss, easing back before Brian can snatch another kiss. He pushes Brian up until Brian rolls off of him, giggling quietly as Brian cups his erection through his jeans to calm himself. Justin throws a pillow over his own crotch, still taking in deep breaths to slow the racing hormones inside of him. They both can hear the loud footsteps against hardwood floor, more bellowing a telltale of Baylee approaching through the hallway.

"What's up Bay?" Brian calls out, sitting up on the bed just as his son stumbles into the bedroom.

Justin grins when he first catches a glimpse of long, golden curls, effervescent blue eyes, cherry lips, and rosy cheeks. Baylee's scampering into the room toward the bed like a cat, jumping and climbing up until he's in his father's arms, words loud and strung together from the first syllable until the last. Justin smirks at the way Brian listens intently, following every wild gesture and exclamation without missing a beat.

"Justin, are you listening?!"

Justin's startled by the way Baylee's looking at him, smiling and nodding. He hasn't pieced together a word the adolescent has said but just the pure, untainted joy that surrounds Baylee overcomes Justin. He tangles his fingers through Baylee's curls, snickering at the way Baylee shrieks with discontent.

A bashful smile dances over his lips when Baylee shimmies out of Brian's lap and crawls on the bed until he's lying on his back next to Justin like his father was earlier. He recounts his story again – something involving frogs, lemon bars, something little girl named Sarah, and cartoons. Justin pretends to understand it all, just like Brian, laying back down and barely flinching when Baylee snuggles closer, eyes heavy and words slowing.

Justin peeks up to watch Brian, the way the older man just watches them, pride on his lips. Justin grins back. He's got fingers in Baylee's curls again, soothing the boy. He closes his own eyes, tries not to struggle with his thoughts. This kind of life isn't the screenplay he wrote for himself years ago when trying to figure out where his future was headed. He had no intentions of being in a relationship like this, being so attached to a child that was not his own, feeling this close to happiness.

You can have the best of me like no tomorrow All I need is what you got to get me high

He knows he's safer visiting Brian in Atlanta.

Brian had fallen out of the spotlight, without the other guys, a long time ago. There are very few paparazzi following Brian around the city, in the parks, at the grocery store. The fans were still there, far and few, but it was nothing Justin feared when visiting Brian and Baylee. They could walk the streets; he could arrive in town to see Brian at any time of day with just a little bit of fanfare at the airport. He doesn't think even the paparazzi that did notice Brian paid attention that Leighanne was no longer around. The Backstreet Boys were a turn of the century attention-getter and, now, Brian was more than comfortable away from the spotlight unless he was with Nick, Howie, and AJ. Justin loved those visits to Atlanta.

LA was a beast of another nature.

Brian didn't make as many frequent visits to the west coast as Justin did to Georgia unless it tied in with a Backstreet Boys promotional event. It was harder for him to make an excuse to those invading his privacy why he'd been in Los Angeles, without his wife or without the Boys. His flights are almost always late night ones and Brian's stopped letting Trace pick him up because he's pretty much someone knows that's Justin Timberlake's best friend picking up a Backstreet Boy from the airport. Brian knows the little girls who still camp around Justin's gated community wonder if it's Brian Littrell driving by early mornings when he's headed back to the airport but he's always wearing a hat, sunglasses on, sometimes a hood, while slouching a little in the backseat of a car.

"Dude, I don't even know how you do it," Chris remarks from the entranceway to Justin's kitchen.

Justin's busy clearing dishes from the dining room table while Trace and JC are locked in a very competitive game of beer pong with Lance and his new boyfriend, some guy named Michael that Justin truly likes but he knows the other guys are always wary of anyone Lance dates. Justin glances over his shoulder to where Brian's still sitting at the table, smile glowing like that faded California sun as he re-corks a wine bottle.

"Come on," JC growls as his ping pong bounces across the kitchen floor past Justin's bare feet, Justin laughing lowly as JC takes a large gulp of his beer from the red Solo cup.

"You suck at getting balls in the hole Jayce. I don't know how you manage to get guys to like you," Lance remarks, one arm slung around Michael's shoulders as he easily toss his ping pong ball into a cup across from Trace. Trace is cursing lowly as he grabs the cup as Justin eases the dishes into the sink.

"Don't start that shit," JC warns with a pointed finger as Trace chuckles behind his cup.

"I don't mind," Brian finally responds to Chris statement, chewing the inside of his mouth as Chris shrugs, shuffling into the kitchen.

"It takes some serious balls, being who you two are. Hell, in this day and age, I don't think I could do all the things I did when I was younger to hide who I was from the world without wanting to lose my freaking mind on someone daily," Lance notes, grinning when Michael rests his head on Lance shoulder before taking his next toss, missing completely. Lance giggles, taking Michael's swallow of beer himself. He turns his eyes back on Brian before adding, "Not that I'm recommending you two come roaring out of the closet or anything. I mean, that would be crazy considering who Justin is now. And, of course, what it'd to for Baylee wouldn't be fair too."

"Justin's a nobody," Chris mutters, swirling around a glass of wine that may or not be his but Justin's not going to comment as he begins washing some of the dishes.

"Yes, well, he's a little higher up the totem pole than Mr. America's Best Dance Crew therefore, obviously, him coming out because he's dating a Backstreet Boy doesn't exactly scream career advancement," Lance states, grinning as JC shoots him a lazy glare. He doesn't hide his laughter when JC misses another shot with his ping pong.

"You know if Joe was here," JC starts but Lance quickly holds up a hand.

"He'd agree with me about you," Lance insists, rollercoaster-high grin on his lips as JC flips him off. "And his daughters would probably ask you to play dollies with them."

"You piece of shit."

"That's why we love our Lance Bass," Chris announces before slurping down some more wine.

"I don't mind," Brian notes, rising him from his chair. He's carrying the bottle of wine back to the fridge, shrugging this time when JC and Lance both give him a look of disbelief. Justin watches him while cleaning a few glasses, gnawing at his bottom lip.

"I call bullshit," Chris sputters out, snorting as he examines the last few drops of wine in his glass.

Brian snickers while catching a flying ping pong as Trace poorly attempts a shot at one of the Solo cups. He hands it to Michael, spinning on his heels to face Chris. He slides his hands into his jeans' pockets before adding, "I don't. I don't mind the anonymity that comes with being back home in Georgia but I also don't feel discouraged by the things I have to do to see him out here. I feel like that guy from those Bourne movies, a special agent or something on a mission."

"You look like Matt Damon," JC and Lance say together, doubling over with laughter when they look at each other.

"Dorks," Chris sighs, leaning onto one of the counters. "And you're one too Brian. You should just walk around on the Ellen show with a pair of underwear that says `This ass belongs to Justin Timberlake' and get it over with."

"Sage words from the Hobbit," Brian teases, easing around Chris until he's next to Justin.

"So says Frodo," Chris snorts.

Justin grins when he feels Brian laughing into his shoulder, washing a few more dishes with Brian's hands on his hips. He can't help the way it feels to have Brian show affection in front of his friends. It was an easier adjustment for the group than it was when Lance started but maybe it was because his friends genuinely liked Brian? Maybe loved him? He knows Trace does even though Brian still gives him shit about smoking and the two can never agree whether to watch Family Guy or the NBA but when it's just he and Trace, his best friends confesses that Brian is the one thing about Justin's life that Trace feels makes him better.

He knows Brian stands on his tip toes to press a quiet kiss to the corner of his mouth when he turns around. He smiles inwardly, drying his hands on a towel as Brian eases away to put up the drying dishes. He spies Trace chugging down another cup of beer while Lance whispers in Michael's ear from behind, sunburn redness speckling Michael's cheeks and Justin can only imagine the things Lance is saying. Chris and JC are caught up in a conversation about how hot Justin's next co-star Olivia Wilde is and it leads Justin to yank Brian by his belt loops the next time he passes by.

"You don't mind?" he asks as Brian gives him a startled expression.

Brian smirks, lets Justin trace a thumb over his lips. "At first, sure. Now? You couldn't stop me from visiting you like this."

There are fireworks right in the pit of Justin's stomach, his bottom lip smooth behind his teeth. He takes in a deep breath because he's not going to become some Julia Roberts romantic comedy and say something so emotionally saturated he's nauseous about it later. He lets silence bathe them for a moment until Brian's face is molding into some crazy expression and they're both laughing quietly, to themselves, with eyes on each other.

"You are no longer the King of Beer Pong young Trace," Lance jests proudly, arm raised in victory as Trace misses another cup.

"Yeah, well, you're new play thing is no longer the King of Sobriety either," Trace giggles out before chugging down another cup of beer. He's pointing toward Michael and even Justin can't help but watching the young man struggling to support himself on the counter.

"Wasted," JC bellows, a hand thrown over his mouth when he hiccups out a snicker.

"And this was your plan for a good night with friends?" Brian wonders with a whisper, grinning against Justin's back. He's snickering like a hyena into Justin's shirt when Lance attempts to straighten his boyfriend against the counter.

"You know, it could've been worse," Justin remarks, turning while drying his hands with a dishcloth. He presses a small kiss against Brian's forehead, skirting his arms around the shorter man while Chris and Trace dance around a dizzy Michael. He sighs happily, resting his chin on the top of Brian's head while Brian eases his arms around Justin to embrace him back. "We could've invited Nick."

Brian groans into Justin's chest, playfully kneeing his groin and Justin's laughing as he's shuffling away from Brian, hands over his crotch. Justin catches that wicked grin on Brian's lips as he's laughing while running out of the kitchen, his head dizzy, his cheeks pained by the irremovable smile on his lips. He's caught before he makes it too far, doubling over with laughter while trying to pry Brian's strong arms from around him.

Justin's pressed against the walkway into the kitchen, grinning goofily as Brian edges on to his tip toes. He knows what's next even though Brian's fingers are tickling just beneath his ribcage and there's a loud raucous from the kitchen. He leans down into a small kiss from Brian, fingers surfing through bright blonde hair. He laughs with Brian through another kiss, the sounds of a dribbling ping pong bouncing past their feet. Justin's cupping Brian's chin, holding him still as he mouths a few more kisses, deep and sensuous. There's tongue, slow like honey, and Brian's fingers have edge up until they're fastening into the fabric of Justin's collar.

Brian's eyes are closed and he's breathing a little heavier. Justin gets some kind of fix from it, forgetting that this whole trip was nothing but an inconvenience in the way of their lives. He's tracing Brian's bottom lip with his thumb, excited by the way those bright blue eyes are dipped behind shadows. When he leans forward, Brian's meeting him halfway with a small smile, hand behind Justin's neck. He fights Brian's pull when the older man tries to drag him back into a lengthier kiss. He nips at Brian's bottom lip, laughing softly as Brian smiles through it all.

"Quit teasing me you freak," Brian whispers, lips close enough to taste.

Justin stays far enough back, avoids being caught in the web. He's trying not to succumb to the way his emotions are trying to stomp all over his thought process. He traces over the sharp features in Brian's cheek, over the barely-there hairs that have yet to be shaven along Brian's jawline, down to his chin. He ignores Lance giving Michael a piggyback ride through the halls, both squealing and nearly falling over. He likes the way Brian's eyes crinkle when he giggles under Justin's touch, caught in reverie while Justin just analyzes, and tries to understand.

There's a muffled sound, his own voice, and Brian's pulling his phone from his jeans' pocket. There's shyness about the smaller man's movement as he tries to clear the call and Justin can't help the way his brow is rising, his eyes widening – You're all I ever wanted; you're all I ever needed, yeah.

"You've got to be kidding me. I was trying to find you two to tell you about JC finding your stash of premium vodka but this? You've got the kid as your ringtone?" Chris is asking through laughter, holding up Justin's phone as he looks on Brian and Justin. "And old school JT at that."

Justin peers toward Chris before glancing at Brian, a flare of pinks and reds freckling his cheeks. He's slipping his phone back into his pockets as Justin backs away, half-raised smile on his face. He gives Brian a light shove, snorting as Brian looks up in shock.

"Pretty lame B. Kind of cute, but very lame," Justin states as Brian shrugs, rubbing at his shoulder. "Now shall we use Chris as a ping pong for our match up against Michael and Lance?"

Brian's nodding, following Justin's lead as they move toward Chris. Chris is stumbling backward, eyes wide as he watches Brian and Justin. Brian's the first to sprint forward, wild howl leading him as Chris scrambles backward into the kitchen. Justin's grinning, following suit, letting all apprehension about the feelings overcoming him take flight with his feet.

Let's touch the sky together baby Get you so high, it'll drive you crazy Cause loving you is perfect And baby it's all worth it For us to explore the impossible -- in the name of love

He loves hotel showers. He's certain millions feel the same, but it's something about that constant heat that takes him mind from everything outside of the four walls he's behind. Maybe it's different, otherworldly, when Brian's there with him. It's rare, probably only their third time together, but it's euphoric.

The heat sinks into his skin, bullets of prickling hot water smacking his muscles until they're completely relaxed. Brian's in front of him, directly under the strong spray of the showerhead, back to Justin. Justin's fingers crawl over Brian's slick skin, digging into the muscles of the smaller man's shoulders, over his chest, down the beautiful ridges of his stomach. He grins when Brian drags a hand through his own hair, slicking his hair back as he opens his mouth to drink in some of the water. Justin eases an arm around Brian, pulls him back into a small embrace as his other hand brushes a few stray strands of Brian's hair into place.

"God, this is nice," Justin whispers into Brian's ear, taking a small nip at the lobe.

Brian's spinning around in Justin's arm, spitting the water playfully into Justin's face. He's laughing while Justin's wiping his face, warped scowl crumpling Justin's face. Brian's leaning up, small kiss to the tip of Justin's nose and they're both grinning, children in the heat of summer. They're admiring each other for minutes from a distance, shyness never their forte but it keeps them at bay.

When Brian's close enough, Justin reaches out, drags him the full distance. He's laying ravenous kisses along Brian's neck, wrapped in the steam from the shower. Brian's angling his head, giving Justin's mouth more access, more skin to map out with his lips and teeth. He knows Brian loves the way a tongue feels against his ear, shivers inside of Justin's strong embrace.

"Not trying to be subtle huh?" Brian wonders with a giggle, fingers combing through Justin's wet brown hair. Justin grins against his neck, gentler kisses that are short but memorable.

"It's been awhile," Justin mutters, hands sliding against the slickness of Brian's back. They dip toward Brian's ass, do their best to get a strong grasp. Brian almost purrs into his ear and Justin's spurn on by the noise.

"Two weeks?"

"Sixteen days," Justin replies, nuzzling his chin along Brian's cheek as Brian's smaller hands mold themselves down Justin's back, in between them to graze over Justin's cock. "Not that I'm counting."

"Not at all. I don't know any guy who actually remembers how many days it's been since he got his rocks off by anything other than his own hand," Brian declares with a laugh, thumb massaging the head of Justin's cock until Justin's shaking and pulling back a little.

"And the thought hasn't crossed your mind?" Justin asks while pointing down to Brian's bobbing cock. He's grinning when Brian gives himself a slow stroke, biting down on his lower lip nonchalantly.

"Three or four times a day," Brian replies softly, flicker of excitement in those hypnotic blue eyes.

Justin's nodding, hand reaching forward until his fingers can encircle Brian's wrist. He tugs Brian to him, sunrise grin melting across his lips. He pushes Brian's bangs back beneath the stream of the shower, fingers tracing down those facial features again. His other hand is edging over muscles, arms, down Brian's chest, briefly over his scar.

"I keep forgetting how good you feel," Justin declares, his voice thick with honesty. He's keeping Brian close, smiling when Brian's fingers start to trace over his chest, small touches before not-so-subtle grabs lead Brian back to Justin's dick, sliding over the slick flesh without abandon.

"Nice," Brian whispers as Justin's hand works down the small of his back. "Very nice."

Justin's kissing away deep groans when he finally starts massaging Brian's cock, rough grip that keeps getting harder to keep under the spray of the shower. Brian's eyes are closed, face scrunched up but Justin knows the smaller man is in heaven. He's thumbing the slit, fingers dragging quickly up and down the shaft. He's got fingers in Brian's hair again, combing through the dampness as he traces his tongue around Brian's open mouth.

"Good?" Justin whispers, lips still so close to Brian's.

Brian's smiling, eyes half-open. Justin can still see the blueness, the life, the joy that's rimming them. He's smiling back when Brian replies, "Good. Real good."

Justin has Brian against one of the shower walls, hand still below Brian's navel while his other hand holds Brian's head, slides past his ear and along the line of his jaw to his chin as his mouth tastes every inch of Brian's neck. He's smiling before nipping, tongue tasting hot skin as the water prickles off their skin. He's licking as Brian's groans grow higher in pitch, desperate as his fingers drag down Justin's back, his other hand tickling the head of Justin's cock.

"Please. God, please," Brian gasps, head tilted back to give Justin more access.

Justin moans, suckling Brian's neck until it's just that close to the limits of a hickey. He snickers when Brian's fingers feather through his hair, pull on the short ends until Justin's lips are unfastening from the older man's neck. He plays with Brian's balls while staring into his eyes, mouths ajar with heavy pants coming out.

"Just," Brian heaves out, strong grip on Justin's shoulder for support as Justin rolls his balls in his larger hand.

"B," Justin smiles back, licking his swollen lips. He watches Brian's bottom lip tremble, considers pulling Brian into a strong embrace to calm the shivers. Lustful ache wins over and he starts dragging playfully on Brian's erection. "Gonna come?"

"Not yet," Brian stutters out, feeling the pulse through Justin's cock as his hand slides down the definition of Justin's chest.

"Fuck. Fuck, B, I need to real bad. Need to shoot," Justin hisses, staggering forward until his body is pressed against Brian's, cocks rubbing together, lips on Brian's cheek, his ear. "Want to come all over you."

Brian whimpers, hands scrambling over Justin's back. He snickers softly when Justin rolls his hips, thrusts hard just for the feeling. He holds Justin's hips, kisses along his shoulder. He pushes Justin back, leads him under the spray of the hot water, grinning while Justin stares at him wide-eyed. Just a small lick of his tongue across his lips and Brian knows Justin can read his thoughts.

"I'll take care of you," he whispers and Justin's on the edge of nirvana before anything happens.

Brian's on his knees somewhere between those whispered words and Justin wiping the water from his face. He's not tentative; not like the first few times. He tastes without inhibition, tongue curling around the head, lips kissing along the crown. He has his eyes closed, moving on instinct. His hands are on Justin's thighs for support, mouth opening to gradually take Justin inside.

"Mmph, fuck." Justin hisses, tilts his head back down let the water wash away his desperation. He doesn't fight the way his hand immediately rests on top of Brian's head, doesn't move it.

"Mmm," Brian groans, eyes batting open as water slicks down his face. He slides a hand to the shaft, holds it as he guides himself further down. He feels the head tickle the back of his throat, steadies his breathing while loosening his jaw. His eyes widen some, fights back tears, but he's proud when the head settles in his throat. He holds it there for a second, swallowing.

"Brian, shit," Justin groans loudly, hand smacking against the shower wall. He feels his toes curl against the floor's tiling, a shiver rippling from his lower spine up to his ears. He rub sat his chest, avoids grabbing the back of Brian's head and keeping him there for hours.

Brian moans happily when he eases off, licking at his lips like a proud animal. He jerks Justin off while wiping the corners of his eyes, grinning when Justin's whimpers become wetter. He eases his other hand to his cock, exhales hard when he gives it a light stroke.

"Come on," Justin whispers, watches Brian with squinted eyes.

Brian gladly moves forward again, takes Justin back in. He's sucking is a little sloppier, deprived off restraint. He nurses on the head, welcomes the tart flavor of Justin's pre-come. He bobs up and down quickly, slurps along the shaft before tonguing the head.

He was never like this with Leighanne, or any woman. He was quiet, patient, attentive, and gentleman-like. He rarely let loose this side, rarely dared to tiptoe over that edge. But with Justin he was secure; he was willing to embrace every thought without insecurity.

"That's it B," Justin hisses, hand finally on the back of Brian's head. His other hand is on his cock, slapping it against Brian's tongue. He's grinning, biting down on his bottom lip when Brian suckles the head again. "Fuck, you're good."

"Ah," Brian gasps, pulling back, jerking a little rougher on his own dick. His knees ache, feet cramping but he's not easing up. He knows Justin will massage him later, ice down his entire body if he needed to just for this moment.

Brian grips the back of Justin's thighs, jerking him forward. He takes Justin all the way down once more, swallowing a gag as he tastes that warm pre-come again. He pulls back, slurps around the head. He's taking in deep breaths, lapping at the almost purple head. Justin's dragging fingers through his hair, messing it but neither cares.

Justin shakes when Brian takes his balls into his mouth, one at a time before trying to fit both in. He giggles when Brian laps at them, toys with Brian's ears for a moment before they're both looking at each other, quiet smiles through their gazes. Brian's gliding the tip back in, still staring at Justin. Justin chews on the corner of his bottom lip, hips unconsciously aiding Brian further down the shaft.

"Damn B," Justin whispers, his voice deep and huskier than he could ever remember it being. The warm water against his back is easing the coiled up tension in his body. He knows Brian can feel the tightness of his stomach as Brian's fingers ascend up his body. His eyes flutter shut, head rolling. His breathing is accelerated and, right near the pit of his stomach, he knows what it all means.

There are a few messy, wet kisses around the head of his cock. He lets an exhale rape the inside of his chest, fingering one of his own nipples. He pulls on it hard on the copper brown nipple, trying to do anything to make this blowjob last longer than the three seconds he thinks it might've been. But then there's a finger sliding just behind his balls, along that soft skin and he nearly jumps onto his tiptoes when it plays along his hole.

"Brian," he almost shrieks, everything just above his stomach going liquid. His skin is hot and Brian's suckling the head, jacking the shaft while quietly easing a finger in and out of Justin. And he lets it all happen because, without thought, he trusts Brian. He needs Brian. And Brian is, with or without this magical sexual feeling, the one person that he pretends keeps him sane. Almost happy. Almost.

His cock is leaking, he can feel it every damn time Brian's finger slides further in him. Every nerve is throbbing and the way Brian's taunting him, tongue trickling down the shaft and over the head like the water from the shower head. He's flushed and panting uncontrollably now, thoughts ramped and all he wants is for Brian to keep sucking and keep fingering him.

They've done it – only twice. Justin on his side, on his knees with Brian inside of him and it took Justin months to gain the courage to let it happen. But he doesn't regret it, doesn't take back a second of the soreness the next day and, fuck, he's glad he's not touring because dancing after being fucked by a Backstreet Boy seems non-plausible. But it's been too long and all Justin can think about is letting Brian take him from behind under the hot water from this hotel shower with his hands on the walls, begging for more.

"Right there?" Brian wonders, fingers now, deep and twisting and hitting at a spot that sets off fireworks just behind Justin's eyelids. He's nodding, sobbing a little and his muscles tighten everywhere, liquid spreading like wildfire. He tries to grab the wall for support but his hand slips and Brian's pulling off the head. He's jacking and working Justin's cock like he's working his own.

"Fuck Just. Motherfucker," Brian hisses, inching forward all while cumming along the shower floor. Justin's amazed at the multitasking but all that falls away when Brian laps at the head of his cock for a few seconds, anticipating.

"Yes," Justin hisses, fingers latched onto the small curls at the back of Brian's blonde head. He pulls him back; lets Brian jerk him off as he comes helplessly across Brian's neck and chest. There are long spurts, dribbling ones, ones that make him whimper even more than he's intending. His face scrunches, trying to hold the joyful pain back as Brian works the sensitive cock, a few more streams squirting out and sliding down the center of Brian's chest. The water is quickly washing it all away but Justin still catches remains of himself around Brian's neck. He pants heavily, dips his head back while pushing his auburn hair backward.

"That was nice, right?"

Justin's back to reality, Brian standing in front of him with a bar of soap washing away the remnants of Justin's come. Justin sighs happily, nods. He dips his head down, gentle kisses honeyed over Brian's lips. His hand eases to the back of Brian's neck, even softer kisses pressed to the smaller man's lips as he washes himself.

"Sixteen days' worth you say?" Brian wonders with a grin, his hand grazing over Justin's still semi-hard cock.

Justin's grinning back, nipping at Brian's bottom lip. He presses his forehead to Brian's, dazed and nearly lost in every feeling prickling his skin. He's fighting the overwhelming feelings, dancing around them. He lets Brian play with his bottom lip, snorts quietly as Brian steps closer until there's not an inch of breath between them. He's toying with the ideas in his head – happiness. It's enough because anything more might make him leave the shower and immerse himself into business and other things he should be worrying about.

I can't explain the magic that we happen to obtain And now you know we got that something that will make me say Like the perfect addiction baby I see what I've been missing, yeah

Justin's not sure when he became submerged into Brian's life. He can remember every step he took to include Brian into his life; meeting his friends, developing relationships with them, even meeting his mother and stepfather. He finds it humorous now because, even though his mother is still widely protective of him, she asks more about Brian now than she does her own son. Trace never misses a chance to goof around with Brian and Joey always brings his family to meet up with Brian and Baylee when they're in Orlando. He's let Brian develop his own relationships with everyone in his life that matters and, without fear or conflict, has let those bonds remain with or without his presence.

Brian's a little more private, determined in keeping his circle impermeable. Yet, Justin knows Brian's welcomed him in without much thought. He can genuinely feel that Baylee loves him. He clings to Justin like family, sometimes, like a father and Justin still hadn't figured out if that's a responsibility he had intended to induct into his own life just yet. He knows Brian's security almost better than his own.

He hates to admit it but, after some time, he can even stand Nick. He's already thought about a Christmas present for Nick: a carton of cigarettes. AJ and Howie have warmed to him or, more or less, warmed to the idea of one of their own dating a man. He sensed they never had a problem with him before he was an integral part of Brian's life, back when he was just "that brat from *NSYNC" and he can remember a few encounters with AJ outside of the groups where there were actually a few friendly conversations. He hasn't had any interaction with Kevin yet but Brian assures him that his cousin welcomes Justin "like he would a stray dog" and Justin's never sure how to interpret that but Brian's always smiling after, head tilted and those eyes read obnoxiously honest.

Brian was shier than Justin about creating introductions between Justin and his mother. Justin found it sweet, genuine and unnerving all at the same time. A chance trip to Atlanta when Brian's parents were already visiting and Justin was somehow sitting in Brian's living room with Baylee in his lap and Brian's mother, Jackie, watching him intently. He doesn't know how they managed to make it through most of the evening without discussing the obvious and Jackie seemed more interested in Baylee than questioning her son's interest in Justin but, by the end of the night, she was hugging Justin and whispering, "I don't understand everything you younger generations choose to do but I love my son and anyone who loves him half as much as I do."

Its days like this where it's all too clear to him that, even if Brian doesn't say it outwardly, he has a place in that impeachable circle Brian has created.

He's only been in town for a few hours, same as Howie, but it's already like being at home once again. Howie's in Brian's backyard with Brian trying to figure out the grill and it's a wonder to Justin how Brian's had it for so many years and still can't seem to work it without the aid of his father, brother or Kevin. He's kept his own attention on Baylee finger-painting at the kitchen table while Howie's toddler, James, waddles around the kitchen, barely keeping his balance with glee.

"BBQ!" Baylee squeals, hands raised and Justin prays none of that red paint splashes onto the walls as Baylee wiggles his fingers with excitement. James is howling too though Justin is certain he knows not what Baylee's shouting about.

"You sure you've got room in that tummy for more food?" Justin wonders with a raised brow, carrying a damp dishtowel to wipe Baylee's fingers.

"Yep," Baylee chimes, grumbling a little as Justin cleans his hands. "Mommy let me have a banana and a granola bar for breakfast. I'm starving."

Justin nods, nibbles on his bottom lip thoughtfully. He has yet to speak to her, see her since this all started. Brian's cautious of that, keeps things separate because she is nothing but Baylee's mother now. It's not that Brian's running around the world without her, still brings her from time to time to keep things familiar and unsuspecting to the media but he's clear about keeping separate hotel rooms and refrains from public adoration. Justin knows there's still resentment though Brian doesn't often talk about it and, if his religious views permitted, divorce would've happened three seconds after he found her cheating. And it's all kinds of ironic that Brian won't divorce the woman that cheated on him due to his faith yet he'd engross himself in a relationship with a man. Not that Justin would argue with Brian about any of it because he was too content knowing that Brian didn't love Leighanne anymore nor did he seek anything but a partnership for their son.

He knows she still isn't completely aware of him; not like Jessica is aware of Brian. Brian doesn't speak of Justin to Leighanne though Baylee does, but Baylee speaks of everyone to his mother. He hopes she's still caught up in her romance with he-who-Brian-wants-to-remain-nameless to piece together that Baylee speaks of Justin like something greater than his Uncle Nick, Howie, or AJ. He hopes the entire world misses the way his cheeks flush, his eyes light up, his smile gleams, and his speech warms at every mention or the sound of Brian.

"Burger or hot dog Bay?" Brian asks from outside, jumping back when Howie ignites the fire. Justin snorts behind a hand, scrubbing his other hand through Baylee's golden curls.

"Both!" Baylee cheers, mashing his fingers into some yellow and blue paint. Justin's rolling his eyes before walking away.


Justin takes a quick look outside where Brian tying on an apron while offering him a small smile. Justin smirks back, dropping the dishtowel onto the counter while dodging a waddling James.

"I just want you in one piece with no scorch marks," Justin requests.

"You should've placed an order for a raw Brian twenty minutes ago. Fire's on baby," Howie announces with an overzealous grin. Brian's nose is crinkling with laughter and Justin can't help the smile that falters over his lips.

It's later, when Nick's stopped by and AJ's on the way with his fiancée for some Atlanta-based Backstreet Boys powwow, that Justin feels even more at home than he knew he could be. Nick's been chasing Baylee and James around the house for nearly an hour and Howie's drumming up song ideas on his knees from the loveseat in the corner of Brian's living room. Justin's comfortable on one of the couches, slouching with his eyes everywhere except for the man lying next to him. He's trying hiding his grin the moment Brian laid down on the couch, feet propped up on one of the arms with his head in Justin's lap and his eyes on the ceiling.

"I hope Aje brings some dessert," Howie remarks, thumbing through his cell phone.

"Something sweet for Sweet D," Nick teases, doubled over with his hands on his knees and labored breaths. "Damn kids are like the Energizer bunny."

"Quit smoking and you could keep up," Brian notes in a singsong voice, turning his head slightly to look on the middle finger Nick is holding up. He arches an eyebrow as his son comes dashing into the room, tugging on one of Nick's arm with impatience.

Justin's been absentmindedly rubbing a hand along Brian's belly, on top of the shirt but sometimes his fingers pet just a little too hard and Brian's shirt rucks up, exposing skin that Justin traces along just like the fabric of the shirt. He listens to all the quips between Nick and Brian, the meaningless anecdotes from Howie, the way they all avoid talking business even though it creeps in and out of every statement they start. His fingers trace the soft hair just south of Brian's navel, still finds it fascinating that when Baylee stops to ramble off something to his father that he doesn't question why it's okay for his father to be touched by another man instead of his mother? But maybe there's things that Brian tells Baylee in private, explains to his son that leaves just enough room for understanding that Baylee doesn't question it in public.

Brian's slid a pillow over his crotch somewhere between a discussion about basketball and the weather in California and Justin merely smirks. His fingers edge near the top of Brian's boxers occasionally, dip just shallow enough that the rough hair down there tickles the pads of his fingers. He doesn't know when he himself got hard but when Brian nudges against it and makes a small gasp, none of his friends notice. But there's a broad grin on Brian's lips and Justin's chewing his bottom lip, cheeks flamed with blush.

His free hand is combing through Brian's hair when AJ and Rochelle. He offers polite greetings but doesn't do much in the way of moving when Brian remains still in his lap. There's a look from AJ that Justin considers interpreting but then Rochelle's chatting with him like they've been friends for years, like this `thing' he and Brian share is okay on a normal level.

"All right guys, Boys meeting in the kitchen. Let's not let this trip to Atlanta be a total bust," AJ announces after a while, dragging Nick by the arm before he can initiate another game of hide-and-seek with Baylee and James. Howie's rolling his eyes with a sigh, excusing himself from his phone call with his wife to follow suit. Brian's pressing a quick kiss to the corner of Justin's mouth before ducking out of the room.

"Oh Just, can you keep an eye on James while we talk?" Howie requests softly as Baylee and James come tumbling back into the room.

Justin's nodding, trying to camouflage anxiety but overwhelmed with relief that Howie has invested that kind of trust in him. He knows the level of protectiveness Howie has with his only son and it dares to rival Brian's protection of his family and friendships. He's scooping the toddler up when he comes sleepily stumbling through the living room. He grins because James doesn't cry, doesn't fuss and it's probably because Baylee's right there next to Justin, chatting wildly away at Rochelle.

"It's nice, isn't it?" Rochelle wonders with a grin.

Justin adjusts James in his arms, gives her a curious glance. His question doesn't make it past his lips before she's giggling, crossing her legs while Baylee snuggles up to Justin, yawning quietly.

"Getting past that part where they stop acting like they hate you and start acting like you're part of the team," Rochelle remarks, cooing at the way James yawns quietly. "I know the feeling. It felt like AJ was telling me forever that everyone genuinely liked me but I still thought they'd rather I not be around. But then Brian left me alone with Baylee one day, then Nick actually sat and talked to me with no one else around, and it felt like it wasn't just bullshit. I'm not going to lie, it made me happy."

Justin's nodding, snorting. It did feel that way, especially after those first few times being around any of the other guys besides Nick. And maybe he thought it'd be a little easier because he was Justin Timberlake, that little guy they knew from *NSYNC for so long. But it wasn't and now he was holding James while Baylee slept under his arm.

He was relieved. He was one of them. He was, somewhat, happy.

You can have the best of me like no tomorrow All I need is what you got to get me high

Its overwhelming how quiet and Zen his house can be when Brian's there. It shouldn't be, not by any means. Not but a couple of hours before were he, Trace, Brian, and Baylee making a crime scene of the kitchen trying to cook pasta while his mother and bodyguards looked on. The clanging of the pots while Trace and Baylee argued over whether to add salt or sugar to the sauce was enough but then Brian's poor attempt at making garlic bread while Justin nearly lost a finger slicing tomatoes echoed off the walls. There was laughter when Trace nearly burned his hand draining the pasta and Baylee couldn't stop giggling when Brian smeared sauce across Justin's cheek. Lynn had to cover her eyes several times when Baylee kept adding Parmesan to the pasta when no one was paying attention, opting to pop the cork on a bottle of wine to sooth her nerves.

But then Lynn was bonding with Baylee over making salad and Justin was standing over Brian, hands guiding Brian's own as he tossed the pasta in the sauce. Justin was kissing the top of Brian's head as Trace was slicing the bread, grinning into Brian's golden locks when Trace scooped Baylee up to take a whiff of the finished product. And when Baylee was falling asleep in Lynn's lap and Trace was half-drunk on the couch from the wine, Brian and Justin snuck away.

"Food and sex is a pretty neat combo," Brian says, taking a large bite out of a Twizzler with Justin underneath him.

Justin stretches on his bed, lets the soft sheets beneath wrinkle up some more as he edges his fingers down Brian's naked back. He chews the corner of his bottom lip, entranced in the way Brian's skin is golden from hours of being in the California sun. He grins when Brian offers him the tip of a Twizzler, sucking a healthy portion of it into his mouth before biting.

"Weren't not having sex B. This is called lying naked," Justin remarks, mind drifting for a moment when Brian's leg brush gently against his own. He smiles at the ceiling, thumb tracing over Brian's shoulder while his other hand dips beneath the sheet Brian's tangled in to caress his ass. "But technically it would be `sex and candy is a pretty neat combo.'"

Brian hums out the words to the Marcy Playground song before pressing a swift peck to Justin's lips. "It's a good thing this relationship isn't based on technicalities."

"Mm, that it's not," Justin replies with a Cheshire grin, legs spreading so that Brian can ease between them. He inches his fingers down the middle of Brian's back, lazy movements as Brian eases his fingers over Justin's buzzed head.

"I hope the reshoots for this movie are over soon. I miss the hair," Brian states, taking another bite of Twizzler when Justin twists his mouth sideways at him.

"You just want something to grab onto when I'm giving you a blowjob," Justin teases, sneaking a bite off the Twizzler Brian pulls fresh from the bag. He chews it with a large grin when Brian bugs his eyes out.

"That's what your ears are for silly," Brian jokes, pulling at Justin's lobe while ripping off another end of a Twizzler. "Though you're pretty good without me telling you what to do."

Justin snickers, freckled blush peppering his cheeks in red tint. He feels Brian's fingers easing down his chest like hot caramel on ice cream. He sighs contently, feels the slightest nudge just between his legs and he knows its Brian's erection. His own is pressed between their stomachs, his body naturally wanting to grind upward for some friction.

"I bet you think compliments like that are going to get me to go down on you right now," Justin whispers as Brian's edging downward for a kiss. He darts forward to steal one before Brian can reply, lingering to taste Brian's lips and candied strawberries.

Brian's trying hard to fight the smile pulling at his cheeks but Justin's still there, soft, quick kisses that keep Brian still. There are a few kisses with tongue, ones that Brian hungers for most. He's sucking Justin's tongue, dropping away the bag of Twizzlers to hold Justin's face. He keeps his eyes open for a moment, watching the way Justin's smiling through the kisses. He giggles, bites down on Justin's bottom lip.

Justin threads his fingers through Brian's hair, feels the soft texture of the blonde strands and follows them to the end where they're starting to curl. He tilts his head, lets his eyes drift shut as Brian takes the lead with the next few kisses, sucking Justin's tongue and moving nimble fingers over Justin's skin. They're both easing the sheets from their bodies, cool air from the air conditioner drenching their skin as hands roam.

"Don't want head Just," Brian whispers against Justin's lips, devilish grin on his lips as he eases Justin's legs further apart with his hands and then push them up a little. He mouths a few more quick kisses to Justin's ruddy lips. He catches a hint of nervousness mist through Justin's eyes as his fingers smooth down to Justin's hole, slightest pressure with his index finger.

Justin licks his lips, lets Brian settle further between his legs. His nerves are fighting ecstasy as Brian pushes just enough to gain entrance with his forefinger, blanks out for a second as his eyes roll to the back of his head and he welcomes Brian.

"If you want to," Brian whispers into Justin's ear and he can't help the need to give himself a few quick pulls on his throbbing cock.

Justin whimpers, biting down hard on his bottom lip as Brian eases his finger in and out completely, adjusting each time. His toes curl and he has to latch his mouth and teeth onto Brian's neck to calm his racing mind. He grins at the groan that rumbles through Brian, sucking just enough to break Brian's concentration. He pulls away before a bruise can form, shivering when he feels two wet fingers inserted into his hole.

"Easy. Easy man," Brian says quietly, his voice tranquil and patient as Justin tenses up some.

"Brian," Justin gasps, groans softly as he pulls at the sheets. He spreads his legs even further, holds onto the back of Brian's head as the older man licks kisses down the side of Justin's neck. He feels the tingling from his toes up to his ears as Brian adds a third finger, doesn't fully wait for Justin to adjust this time before moving them around.

"You can take it," Brian says through kisses, eases back from Justin's collarbone to move to his mouth. He's smiling when he catches Justin's eyes rolling back again, tries to guide the kisses as Justin grunts.

"Shit," Justin hisses, pushes back onto the fingers each time they try to retract. He bites back a moan as Brian jacks him off, tries to comprehend when Brian licked saliva in his hand before applying it back to Justin's cock, the slapping of slick flesh louder than Brian's own words.

"You're tight."

"Fuck," Justin whimpers, eyes finally open. He drags Brian down, kisses him harder and harder as Brian fucks his fingers into Justin with more persistence. His panting is quicker, wetter. "God I want you."

"Condom?" Brian wonders in between kisses, letting Justin's tongue lick at his teeth.

"Just fuck me. Just fuck me B, please," Justin pleads through heavy exhales. He's pulling at Brian's arms, scrambling fingers down his back. He's thinking with some sort of clarity. He trusts Brian to a dangerous level, knows the other man won't do too much, won't hurt him. It's not all lust though Justin knows it's somewhere toeing the edge.

He feels Brian's slick cock moving, riding the crack of his ass for a few minutes as they kiss. It's passionate and unrequited. Justin's fighting the sobs bubbling in his throat, letting Brian slap his cock against Justin's hole as Justin stretches and finds a comfortable position. Brian's putting a pillow under his ass and he's lost track of the world until Brian starts lining himself up against Justin.

"You can do this?" Brian wonders, lips just a breath away from Justin's. There's silence and then Brian's kissing him, comforting him. Brian's voice is assured and confident when he whispers, "you can do this. You can do it."

Brian's face is buried in Justin's neck when he finally eases into Justin. It hasn't been too long, maybe a month, but enough time that Justin almost forgets what it's like to be this full. He's got a large hand on Brian's ass, doesn't let the smaller man move slow. He need it now, needs it quick.

Brian's whispering his name into his neck, Justin staring at the ceiling as Brian stays buried to the hilt in him. Justin's hand eases up from Brian's ass, up that broad back and over shoulder blades. He feels Brian gasping into his neck, bites down on his own bottom lip because if he yells he'll wake everyone.

"Oh God," Justin hisses when Brian finally begins to move. He feels everything below his navel stretch and constricts as Brian pulls all the way out and then eases back in.

"Feels so good," Brian whimpers, slow thrusts. He kisses along Justin's cheek, feels the prickle of a goatee against his lips. "So fucking good. Tight."

"Come on," Justin heaves out, legs lifting into the air to give Brian a better position. He holds Brian close to him as Brian starts to rolls his hips, fuck him with short, slow jabs. He slips a hand back to Brian's ass, feels the muscle tighten as Brian works harder.

"Fuck Justin," Brian grunts, eyes squeezed shut as he begins to thrust faster.


Brian sucks on Justin's earlobe, stays as close as possible as his cock reaches deeper into Justin. He eases his arms under and behind Justin to grasp onto his shoulders, swifter jabs as he holds the squirming Justin still. He smiles as Justin groans quietly into his ear, pleads with him for more. He feels his own toes curl as Justin grips him unintentionally, curses low and deep.

"Don't stop. Oh damn, I can't... just don't stop B," Justin moans, fingers spreading against the sheets. He's overcome by the way it feels with Brian inside of him, catalogues it because he wants it over and over now. He wants this nightly, whenever they're around each other and its ecstasy mixed with illegal drugs in his head.


Justin nods, tangles his fingers in the sheets as Brian eases off of him. He watches Brian grab his ankles for leverage and slowly nibbles his lower lip as Brian twists his cock inside of Justin. There are shallow, gradual thrusts that Justin accustoms his body to before Brian's slamming into Justin, quiet trust in those light blue eyes. Justin latches onto it, ignores the way Brian's hitting spots in him so rapidly he can't calculate how it's making his body feel.

Justin trickles his hand down his belly, through the kinky brown hair to his cock, surprised at how hard it is. He pulls at a nipple, small gasps peeking through his lips while watching Brian. There's sweat along Brian's brow as he pounds into Justin for a few minutes, lust rimming though once bright blue eyes. He's keening and Justin knows that feeling, has felt it once too many while inside of Brian.

"Gonna come B?"

Brian nods briskly, slows down some. He fucks just the head into Justin, shakes at the way Justin's body is pulling on him. He's in love with the heat, the tightness of Justin's hole. It's better than the pussies he's fucked dozens of times. It's different and verbally indescribable. He remains still for a moment as Justin pushes back, fucks himself onto Brian's cock.

"So big, thick," Justin hisses, rolling his hips to feel Brian in every corner inside of himself.

Brian lies back down, pushes up just enough that his chest his hovering over Justin's body. He grinds into Justin, fucks with little focus now. He giggles when Justin presses playfully kisses to his open mouth.

"You feel so fucking good B," Justin whispers, playful and honest all at once. "Fuck me. Fuck me `til I bust."

Brian nods, pounds Justin harder. The beds shaking and Justin knows the sheets are soaked with sweat. He can smell the heady scent of sex in the air and he knows he'll have to light candles later to rid the smell but the aroma is enticing to him right now. It's egging him on, eyes closing as he starts to jerk his cock furiously.

"More," Justin whimpers, back arching.

"Can't hold out," Brian gasps, body moving raggedly. "Gonna fucking come."

"Me too," Justin sobs, feet planted against the bed to roll his body onto Brian's cock. "Come inside."

Brian whines into Justin's ear, collapsing as he fucks Justin. His lasts few thrusts are deep, fingers on Justin's hips as he pulls him down onto his cock. He watches Justin come, thick spurts dribbling down Justin's fingers before a few more squirts stream out and up Justin's chest. Brian grins, shaking through his own orgasm as Justin keeps cumming, keeps shooting clear liquid over his stomach.

"Ah. Ah, ah," Brian gasps, kissing Justin's cheek as he pushes all the way into Justin. He lets his cock soften inside of Justin, stays within the heat as if the world is a glacier outside of the bed. He nuzzles his nose to Justin's ear, listens to the quiet whimpers beneath him.

"You're incredible Brian," Justin moans, throat dry and body fiery. He lets his muscles loosen, body sticking to Brian's. He's dizzy with happiness, snorts when Brian mumbles something into his neck. He welcomes a kiss from Brian, lingers in it to taste the sweetness of Brian's tongue.

"I love you Just."

Justin smiles, traces fingers down Brian's face. He tiptoes them along Brian's jawline, studies quiet blue eyes, soft pink lips. He secures his teeth to his bottom lip and fights with the overwhelming feeling again. It's scratching at his brain, stinging against his heart. His life has never been this controlled and still chaotic. It's never been this close to what he's hiding from.

But there's velvet joy in Brian's eyes as he's looking on Justin and the words just come: "I love you too B."

There it is: Bliss. It's palpable, wanted, and he's letting his defenses down. He's rolling around in the bed with Brian, laughing, giggling, and touching. They're kissing and trying to be quiet because they're still naked and Baylee scrambling in at this moment wouldn't be right. He's kissing along Brian's cheek, letting Brian paint his chest with sweaty palms. He pulls Brian close, lets Brian rest his head on his shoulder and eyes slip close.

Justin lets his breathing slow while holding Brian. He presses a small kiss to Brian's forehead and bliss wraps itself around him and he loves every moment of it.

So let's touch the sky together baby Get you so high, I'll drive you crazy Cause loving you is perfect And baby it's all worth it For us to explore the impossible -- in the name of love

  • "In the Name Of Love" by Chris Richardson

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