Brian 2 Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Apr 30, 2007


Morning Paper Written by JM

** Disclaimer: Don't own em, don't know em, not factual. No harm, no foul. Please be at least the age of 18. **

He realized that she was new to love

Naive in every way

Every school boy's fantasy she was

That's why he had to wait

If he poured his heart into a glass

And offered it like wine

She could drink and be back in time for the morning paper

He wasn't quite awake. Not fully but somewhere between eyes being open and mind slowly processing while his body still moved in that unintentional slow state that hampered him from truly showing consciousness. He was aware enough to lift a spoonful of Lucky Charms to his mouth, jaw munching slowly while eyes stared blankly at the picturesque window view a few feet in front of him. One of his legs was propped up on a nearby chair at the table he sat at. He rolled his neck languidly while swallowing down the remains of his chewed up cereal.

He cleared his throat, dipping his spoon back into his bowl while glancing to his left. He blinked a few times while staring at an empty glass, orange stains reminding him of what used to be inside. He stared hard at the cup, trying to wish a few more swallows of orange juice into it. He shrugged after awhile, taking in another mouthful of cereal and returning his gaze to the window.

The sound of his BlackBerry vibrating against the table drew the focus of his eyes, though his mind was still somewhere adrift in a dream about lounging on a beach somewhere in Mexico with fruity drinks, naked skin, and a smaller body resting on top of his kissing at his shoulder. His hand reached for the device, watching the screen light up continuously as a message flashed. He glanced at the name: Lance. He thought to read it, but it probably would've been a message about getting together whenever he decided to return to LA and he knew that wouldn't be for awhile. He was too caught up in touring the United States, preparing to go overseas, and trying to manage some kind of a personal life. He was thankful for days of rest like this one, waking up in a house that wasn't his own but still felt somewhat like home.

Another message popped up before he could clear the one from Lance. Trace.

He freely read that one. He was glad he was able to bring his best friend to Georgia with him, though he knew Trace only had plans of touring the city, hooking up with a few "friends" he's met along their many travels through Georgia, and ensuring he made it to the airport tonight without many tears or hassle. He sighed happily, reading the message about how Trace had already gotten laid and was planning on spending the day with old friends. He giggled at the final line, nearly sputtering out his cereal. It was a request to utter a greeting to Brian that he was sure he couldn't have repeated with a straight face or without being scrutinized for using such foul language.

Arms encircled his neck from behind and he flinched with surprise, but that feeling only lasted for a second. He leaned into the embrace, a chin resting on his shoulder while lips placed a gentle kiss to his cheek. He closed his eyes, breathing in the scent of soap and hidden drops of cologne.

He was sure the giggle in his ear was from reading the message that was still displayed on his BlackBerry. He did his best to glance over his shoulder into pale blue eyes, a grin tugging at the corner of his lips when he spotted the wild smile on a pair of pink lips.

"Let me reply."


"Come on Justin," Brian pleaded, fingers reaching up to try and steal the BlackBerry from the grasp of a pair of bigger hands. He ignored another whine but was unsuccessful in prying the device from gripping fingertips. "Justin Timberlake, you're not playing nice."

"Baby," Justin groaned, finding the energy to gather his senses and slide the BlackBerry across the table, holding Brian's hands and keeping his arms around his neck and shoulders. "I missed you."

Brian snickered against Justin's cheek, returning to his hug from earlier while letting his head rest against Justin's. He felt Justin's jaw move when he took another spoonful of soggy cereal and sighed with contentment. "You missed me for all of the five minutes it took me to drive up the street and drop Baylee off with his friends at Cindy`s house?"

Justin promptly rolled his eyes. "I mean in all of the four and a half days that I've been back on tour and haven't seen you, jackass."

A quick lick of a tongue against a cheek and Brian smirked when Justin jumped back. He ran his fingers over the wet spot, wiping Justin's face as Justin crunched on more cereal. He wrapped his arms a little looser around Justin's neck, arching his back for a better stance as he leaned against the back of Justin's chair. He was greeted by a small peck to his cheek and couldn't help but let his smile grow, watching the way Justin continued to spoon through his bowl as if he had done nothing.

"I put together that you missed me even though you crashed on the couch and barely acknowledged me when I kissed you on the forehead this morning," Brian noted, his accent subdued but his words light in sarcasm. He caught Justin furrowing his brow. "But I understand. You and Trace did get in at like four in the morning."

"And spent another hour trying to get a car, set up a plan with D and Lorenzo, and get out of fucking airport security. And yet you shipped Lil' Bit away before I could even chill with him," Justin declared, slurping up a spoonful of milk.

"Can I have some Justin time, please? Cricket will manage just fine if he doesn't get to spend one day with you," Brian argued lightly, drawing his arms from Justin's neck. A strong hand grabbed one of his wrists and he didn't bother to pull away. He let Justin draw him back though he kept a distance. He let his arms dangle on Justin's shoulders while he pressed his chin to the back of Justin's buzzed head.

"You can have all the Justin time you want B," Justin whispered, lifting the bowl to swallow down the last of the milk.

"I want a week's worth, but I know I only have until late tonight," Brian rebuffed, closing his eyes when Justin's free hand began to massage his forearm.

"You could always cancel all of your appearances, skip a few studio dates with the Backseat Boys, and then bring Lil' Bit on tour with me," Justin suggested, grinning when Brian flicked the back of his head. He snickered quietly, letting Brian draw away some. He was swift in grabbing Brian's hand, interlacing their fingers so that Brian didn't stray far.

"Backstreet Boys, Justin," Brian grumbled, grabbing Justin's empty glass. "And I only wish it was that easy for us to be together for a week."

Justin nodded, relinquishing his hold on Brian's hand. There was no debating his statement. There was too much red tape, too many hurdles to overcome. Brian couldn't just drop his world and come on tour with Justin. It held a frustration that Justin hated to dwell on. He hated to admit it would be easier if Brian was a woman, someone who wasn't a celebrity and would draw little interest from the media. Maybe if he wasn't Justin Timberlake? If he was someone who didn't matter as much to the eyes of millions. If he was someone just starting out in the music industry and could be comfortable in his own skin rather than admired for whatever useless attachment came with his name. Then he'd be able to bring Brian and Baylee with him, without fear of being scrutinized or bashed or having something traumatic happening to Baylee.

"But we're together now," Justin noted, turning to watch Brian walk toward the refrigerator. He pushed out a grin for Brian, trying to recapture some of the cockiness he knew he had inside of himself. He tipped his head back and watched the way Brian smiled back at him.

"Do you want some juice?" Brian asked, giggling because Justin's obnoxiousness urged him to. He pulled open the door of the fridge, peeking inside.

"I want some you," Justin muttered, his voice barely loud enough to hear. He ducked his head when Brian peeped past the door to look at him curiously.

He snickered under his breath when Brian arched an eyebrow at him. He rubbed the end of his nose while pursing his lips, leaning back in the chair with his hands interlocking behind his head. He was doing his best to hold onto that self-assured swagger.

"You wanted what?" Brian inquired, holding up a carton of orange juice with a grin, his foot kicking the refrigerator door shut. He winked at Justin, waiting on a reply as his boyfriend sat with a slack jaw and peering eyes.

"Orange juice?" Justin replied with a heightened voice. He tilted his head and watched Brian nod, setting the carton on the counter next to his empty glass. Justin licked his lips quickly, watching Brian pour him half a glass before taking a swig from the carton, smirking at Justin again as he sat it on the counter next to Justin's glass.

"Next time speak a little louder," Brian insisted, winking again before stepping out of the kitchen.

Justin stared curiously at the glass Brian left on the counter. He sighed lowly, too content on sitting in his chair to stand and retrieve the glass. He scratched the top of his head while contemplating chasing after Brian. Maybe he could drag Brian into the living room and catch a quick nap with Brian nestled in his arms before he decided on what to do with his time with Brian? They could ride around Brian's quiet neighborhood for awhile, maybe do some grocery shopping? He smiled to himself. Thoughts of trying to do anything domestic with Brian made their relationship real, a little more valid in his own head.

Justin reached across the table and grabbed up his BlackBerry, clicking through a few items before taking a glance at the message from Lance. He laughed to himself, skimming through the endless amount of words. He never wondered why Lance had yet to find a new relationship after his breakup with Reichen. He spent more time typing out lectures and gossip messages for his friends than he spent trying to find another man.

There were a few details about Joey's whereabouts, a sentence or two about Justin not calling, something about Brian, an encrypted note about JC that Justin didn't want to figure out, a request for another group lunch, but nothing of interest for Justin. He thought to erase it but another message from Trace popped up before he could. His instinct was to read Trace's message but he could hear the sound of bare feet against the hardwood floor and curiosity got the best of him when Brian cleared his throat lowly.

Justin wasn't sure what was louder: his BlackBerry falling against the table or the echoing sound of his jaw dropping when his blue eyes fell on Brian. He did his best to blink, trying hard not to study the older man as he rounded the kitchen island and a stool tucked beside it. His feet were bare and Justin had to admit they were a nice addition to the rest of Brian's bare body. Only a black and pink pin-stripped tie hung loosely from Brian's neck. Justin thought it was one of his but his mind didn't linger too long on that as Brian strolled toward him, a bewitching smile dancing on his lips.

There was something flirtatious in those light blue eyes. Something about the way those lines crinkled around his eyes, the way his lips teetered between a grin and a soft, innocent smile. Those hands raising and muscles in arms flexing as they pushed Justin's chair out from the table, giving enough space for Brian to stand between Justin and the table. Stomach muscles clenched when Brian snickered, staring at Justin with a fascination that was almost child-like in nature. A scar in the center of Brian's chest was seen rarely, the tie swaying back and forth only when Brian leaned forward. Legs were barely the same golden hue of Brian's arms with light blonde hair barely visible against skin but they were still inviting, spreading only slightly for Brian to find a proper stance.

Nervous hands lifted, Justin's mouth still ajar as he reached out and grabbed onto Brian's hips. He let his hands stay, fingers massaging skin as he waited for Brian to speak. His eyes ran over the golden skin, the sparse, barely-copper hair that was surrounding Brian's flaccid penis. Dimples flexed and flared occasionally but nothing moved those pink lips that Justin contemplated standing just to kiss. Justin lightly swiped his thumb over those lips before letting it sliver down to brush against the hairs of Brian's goatee. He let the prickling hairs run over the pad of his thumb while staring up into inviting blue eyes.

"I suppose since the glass of orange juice is still sitting on the counter that I heard you right when you said you wanted something other than some more juice?" Brian inquired, grinning once the words had past his lips. He tilted his head a little, letting the rest of Justin's fingers run over his jaw and the hairs that were speckled across it. He listened intently when Justin snorted, nodding his head at Brian.

"Maybe," Justin whispered while his hands drifted upward, thumbs creeping over nipples. He liked the feel of ribs drumming under his fingertips when Brian stretched. His fingers danced toward the center of Brian's chest and that was definitely his tie swinging idly from around Brian's neck.

Brian caught Justin's hands with his own, holding them while a smile drifted away from his lips. He let Justin stare up at him, that almost expected sense of nervousness wavering and then melting into Justin's expression. Brian wanted to smile at that but his resistance was up and his intensity remained. He took in a quiet breath, interlocking his fingers with Justin's before slinking closer, standing between Justin's open legs. He did his best to control his arousal but the thoughtfulness of Justin's face, the way he looked called to Brian. It wasn't his usual, dynamic sex appeal that the world got to see. It was his fearless, eased trust that triggered a dark smile on Brian's lips and an erection.

"Next time," Brian whispered, leaning down just slightly to eye Justin. A rippling grin tugged at his lips and he desperately wanted to yank Justin up and kiss him. Defiance held. He licked his lips, watched the way Justin's breathing accelerated. He wished desperately that Justin hadn't moved his leg because it just barely rubbed against the tip of his erection and made it hard to concentrate on not straddling Justin. He let the shiver dull against his lower half before adding, "speak a little louder."

Justin nodded, an absentminded response. He freed his hands from Brian's grasp, eyes full of some child-like concentration and he could already feel his tongue licking at the corner of his own mouth as he let his hands glide down Brian's sides. He gripped the outside of Brian's thighs, something throbbing against his leg that he refused to call an erection. He couldn't be ready to burst through his jeans because that would recall feelings of being a teenager unable to control himself and he thought he was far from that.

"I want some you," Justin said, voice slightly broken but his eyes were lifted and he didn't look away from Brian's stare. He eased his hands toward Brian's inner thighs, shivered with Brian when the touches became a little more erotic. He licked his lips, puckering them for a second as he eased his hands up, just barely skimming against Brian's erection.

Brian's bottom lip trembled and part of him wanted to leap into Justin's lap this time. His eagerness was hidden underneath a calm, but shaky demeanor. His blue eyes watched Justin's enticement with his hands against Brian's skin. He exhaled a trembling breath, a hand lifting to run over the untraceable stubble against Justin's chin. He lifted Justin's chin for only a moment, desperate to lean down and kiss him but offering a gentle smile instead.

"Sometimes you have to go after what you want baby," Brian insisted, a dominating giggle following. He released Justin's chin and eased back a little until the table was pressed against his ass. He rested his hands against the edge, legs spreading just a hint to offer himself to Justin.

"On the table?" Justin asked curiously, drawing in his bottom lip.

"On it, against it, beneath it," Brian replied, trying hard to stifle a snicker. He failed.

Justin stood, his hands brisk in lifting his shirt from his body. He tossed it behind himself, hoping it landed on the chair but it didn't matter. It could've landed somewhere in the hallway, behind his feet or in Tokyo. It was just a piece of clothing keeping his body from Brian and when he drew close enough, hands reaching behind his lover and yanking Brian forward by the small of his back, it meant nothing. He couldn't help but grin, a wavering sense of surprise ghosting over Brian's face. It didn't last and Justin was thankful because that aided Brian in unbuttoning Justin's jeans rather than just standing there.

"I might want to eat a few more meals on that table," Justin asserted, a crooked grin trampling his expression. He sighed a breath of satisfaction when his jeans began to slide down his thighs. He was quick to step out of them while still holding onto Brian, managing something graceful that he couldn't have before meeting Brian.

"So you say," Brian whispered, tugging at the waistband of Justin's plaid boxers. His eyes were on his own hands, the trail of brown hair that ran from Justin's navel to the inside of the boxers. He tried to pull the boxers down but a hand gripped the tie around his neck and tugged him even closer, crushing his hands between them and drawing up a dazed moan from his lips.

Justin waited mere seconds when Brian lifted his head, leaning down to force a kiss against Brian's lips. He eased his hands down from the small of Brian's back, cupping at flesh that was firm but unexplainably soft. He gripped Brian's ass, tongue licking its way into Brian's stunned mouth. He did his best to massage their lips together without much thought, concentrating on drifting thoughts of where they'd end up or how far it would go?

Brian did his best to speak against Justin's lips but his words were muffled and he decided to fall into the kiss rather than debate. The tie was stripped from his neck, tossed onto the table but Brian barely noticed when Justin crushed their lips together again. He managed to pull his hands from between their bodies, arms wrapping around Justin's neck. He felt Justin swipe his tongue along the roof of his mouth and everything felt a little fuzzier. Fingers danced along the prickly hairs at the back of Justin's head and his head was shifted to access a new angle. He swore his eyes rolled to the back of his head when Justin slowly began to swivel his hips and teeth tugged gently at his bottom lip. He didn't know when his breathing had been so racy but he let it shuffle against his chest as the hands cupping his ass gently began to lift him.

"Not the table," Justin affirmed, pulling his strength together to lift Brian. He was thankful he had spent a couple of extra days working in the gym with Timbaland lately. He pulled Brian up with a little less tension against his arms and did his best to hold the older man as Brian adjusted to the new position.

Brian was careful about locking his legs around Justin's waist, unsure of how Justin managed to hold him. He found it easy to stare into Justin's large eyes in this position, wanting to question Justin a million times over as Justin began to edge away from the table and out of the kitchen.

"I'm looking forward to you cooking me a great dinner and us being able to eat on a table that we haven't fornicated on," Justin gleamed, grinning as he did his best not to struggle while carrying Brian into the living room.

"You couldn't say fuck?" Brian asked with a raised brow, doing his best not to rest all of his weight on Justin's arms. He felt safer when Justin lowered him onto one of the couches in the room. He shifted into a slightly comfortable position as Justin knelt on the floor. He let Justin pull him to the edge of the couch, legs spread and a smile on his lips. His smile shifted a little when Justin's pushed back his bangs and he was quick to ask, "wait, I'm cooking you dinner?"

Justin shook his head at Brian, tugging at the ends of soft blonde hair while his other hand fumbled and toyed with the hole in the front of his boxers. He managed to pull his cock through the hole, glancing down to watch as he slowly ran the head of his cock against Brian's crack.

"Don't you think you're asking all the wrong questions?" Justin pondered, precome leaking from the tip of his cock as he gently lodged it between Brian's cheeks. He did his best to keep his eyes open as the sensation licked against the expanse of his body.

"Got lube?" Brian asked, tickled by his own question.

"That's better," Justin grinned, hands on either side of Brian as he leaned down just a little. He did his best to kiss at Brian's chest, hips slowly moving forward before drawing back. So much of him wanted to dash throughout the house and find a bottle of lotion, baby oil, a tube of lube or a tub of Crisco. Anything that he could use to find that sweet, stinging heat that he knew he'd feel once he entered Brian. "Where is it?"

"Fuck it," Brian responded hastily and he was quick to mimic Justin's quirked eyebrow. He didn't even know why he replied the way that he did. He couldn't have been that horny. He couldn't have been that desperate to have sex with Justin because this might've been his idea but he was following through on a notion he knew Justin had.

"Excuse me?" Justin wondered, brow lowered. He was sure Brian hadn't heard what he originally said. Brian couldn't have. He wouldn't forgo the use of some kind of lubrication because though he had never went to the depths of letting someone fuck him, he was sure the scientific fundamentals of someone trying to ease a penis into another's body without lube wouldn't be pleasant. It couldn't be, not even in the slightest. Justin didn't consider himself a big man but he was sure the length, the thickness couldn't be too pleasurable without something to help it slide.

Brian took a deep breath and eased his legs up and apart. He did his best to fold his body in half, using one hand to grab the back of his calf to hold himself in position. His other hand lifted and he quickly spit into it. He took in another breath as he found a way to disentangle his hand from his body and use it to coat Justin's erection. He watched the way Justin's eyes shut, bottom lip trembling as Brian casually jacked him off. He did his best to gather the thick precome that leaked from the head of Justin's cock to use it for added lubrication.

"I think you know what I mean Justin," Brian hissed out, still trying to hold his legs up and he was thankful when Justin's hands rested on the back of his thighs.

Justin continued to consider his options but his body was moving to his own accord. He slipped out of Brian's grip, his body bending and bowing. He took in a quick breath, unsure of his own actions. He licked his bottom lip before easing forward, pulling Brian's legs as far apart as he could, and the sound of Brian's surprised gasp echoed through his head and against his ears.

It was tentative. Just a small lick. It turned into a longer one, a more measured one, and finally a few quick laps. His tongue flattened itself against Brian's hole as he drew it up until the tip caressed Brian's balls. He repeated the motion, keeping more pressure against Brian's hole. He took in a breath of the heady scent, the tip of his tongue pressing against Brian's hole until it quivered and opened just a little. He'd considered doing this just a few times. Not once on the first night he and Brian did it on a couch. Not the few showers they took together when Justin merely let his fingers tease and prod Brian's hole. Once when he gave Brian a blowjob. Once when he managed to fuck Brian into multiple orgasms. He wondered if he could do it with his tongue rather than his penis?

"Oh fuck," Brian moaned with a shiver. His eyes shut and he did his best not to rock toward the tongue that was licking incessantly around his hole. A finger joined it, one that Brian knew had to be coated in spit because it eased in so easily and that tongue was still working over the sensitive skin just around the outside. That tongue was working its way up and licking just beneath his balls where he was sure Justin's mouth had been a few times but not often enough for him to remember how this tingling sensation felt against his ribcage and just underneath his throat, assisting another moan in raking against his larynx and out of his mouth.

Justin drew his finger out, added another and twisted them around while kissing around Brian's entrance. Something was inviting about that area. He pulled his fingers out, let the tip of his tongue push past the ring and he was quick to dart it in and out. He licked a few more times before returning to poking with his tongue. He was urged on by Brian's undulating groans. He knew Brian's legs were tired because they were shaking and while he knew to refrain from licking from the edge all the way up, he didn't resist the inclination. He did it twice for his own pleasure.

"Babe, stop," Brian pleaded, a hand desperately trying to find Justin's head but just missing each time as Justin swiped his tongue around the hole a few more times. His toes were curling and he could feel his heart in his throat. He could taste the desperation at the back of his mouth and release was so close.

Justin returned to an erect state, clinging to the oxygen he had been depriving himself of while pleasuring Brian. Sweat was beginning to coat his brow and he was quick to spit into his hand, stroking another thick coat onto his cock before lining himself up. He didn't know if he had the energy left but he refused to deny his own body that sweet ache that was calling. He exhaled hard through his nose and waited on some kind of acknowledgment from Brian. He got a nod and it was enough for him to push at the ring of muscle.

"Oh shit," Brian hissed, hands immediately latching onto Justin's shoulder while trying to remain steady.

The head entering wasn't bad. The shaft slowly gliding forward, retracting as Justin tried to loosen muscle and nerves, was a little better. The thickness at the base hurt. The swell of emotions against his brain, the feel of Justin's boxers against his ass were some kind of dried up relief. He had found something kinky, almost sensual about the way Justin decided to leave the boxers on. He thought his fingers were probably leaving red or purplish marks against Justin's shoulders but Justin wasn't hesitating in drawing back a little before swiveling back in so Brian refused to surrender his hold.

"Fuck," Justin hissed, doing his best to draw almost all the way out before slowly easing back in.

The first sound of skin slapping against skin encouraged them. The feel of carpet against knees, suede against a sweaty back, pillows being tossed away for better leverage impelled them. Justin kept his hands on the back of Brian's thighs, thrusting roughly for a few strokes because he was lost in sensations. He watched the way Brian's face was stripped away of pain and lost in angered pleasure and unbridled ecstasy.

A slow stroke, one that was drawn out, made Brian open his eyes. He looked up at Justin. He tried not to smile when he found Justin concentrated on the sight of his own cock entering and almost exiting Brian. He swallowed back moans, eyes barely open as Justin drew his bottom lip between his teeth, lost in that focus. Brian wanted to laugh but mewled instead as Justin dug a little deeper and hit that spot that made Brian's back arch.

"Yeah," Justin grunted, his movements a little more jagged and unbalanced. He rocked quicker while letting his eyes look up and on Brian's face again. He smiled at Brian, wanting to kiss those lips that released moans and stare into those soft blue eyes for hours. He sighed pleasantly when Brian's hands left his shoulders and he almost shattered when they drifted downward and tugged lightly at Justin's nipples. "Shit yeah."

"Missed this," Brian whispered and he was sure Justin caught every word because he was nodding at Brian with lidded eyes.

"Every second of it," Justin whispered back, slowing but pushing as far as he could.

"Every. Inch. Of. It," Brian concurred with labored breaths. He couldn't move, couldn't work himself onto Justin's throbbing cock. His position left him a victim of Justin's slow ministrations and part of him lusted for more of it.

"Compliments will get you a long way baby," Justin joked, his sense of humor far from fresh amongst his thoughts of driving further into Brian.

"Oh," Brian gasped, still trying to find a way to grind back against Justin's forward thrusts. His hand reached back for a second, fingers feeling the slick erection slide in before adding, "trust me, it's worth the length of this."

Justin felt that tingling sensation at the back of his neck, that feeling that tugged at his balls and he was quick to thrust a little swifter. He grabbed Brian's ankles, did his best to get better leverage. He pulled his knees from the carpet until he was crouching and he knew that rawness against his knees wouldn't feel good later on.

Pounding. Brian knew that was a good word to describe Justin's new approach. He tipped his head back, doing his best to let his moans stay in that one singular note rather than reaching the level that would be considered screaming. There was sweat on parts of his body he couldn't reach to wipe off and his muscles were aching on levels he couldn't explain.

His head was meeting the back of the couch on several occasions and he didn't mind it because nirvana was raking against his body each time the head of Justin's cock hit his prostate.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Justin hissed out, trying to hold on a little longer. He drove into Brian with little abandon, eyes going wide when a few of his thrust drew out clear drops of precome from Brian's cock that formed a barely visible puddle around Brian`s navel.

"Oh," Brian called out, eyes twisted shut. He reached everywhere against the soft material of the couch, wishing it wasn't some off white color that he and Leigh Anne had picked out years ago. He was sure the streaks of sweat would be visible later, maybe even stains from cum that Brian feared he would soon be leaving behind.

"Damn B," Justin grunted, trying to maintain his new position while moving a blurred rate. His legs were throbbing and his hips were growing tired.

"Almost," Brian whispered, eyes batting open as he drew his hand through his matted blonde hair. He caught Justin nodding again and wished somehow he could draw out more encouraging words from that open mouth but settled for the supportive groans.

Justin jabbed a few times before gaining friction through shorter strokes. He thought to change positions again, let Brian push him back until his back was flat against the floor and Brian was riding him. That would ease his breathing, take away some of the pain of trying to hold his legs apart while putting all of his weight on his lower half to remain crouching. Those thoughts drifted.

"Baby," Brian howled, his tenor voice very present as Justin thrust deep and hard. "Ba-fucking-by."

"BrianBrianBrian," Justin hissed, his voice deeper. His lungs were tight and he knew lasting had no longer become an option.

"Whoa, shit," Brian gasped, lurching forward and almost knocking Justin over. He gripped Justin's arms and his disbelief couldn't have been more apparent. He was able to keep his eyes open only for the visual. He watched as ropes of cum were fucked out of his pulsating cock, streaking his stomach before one of Justin's hands scrambled between their bodies and jerked the rest of Brian's release from his body. He fell back then, eyes screwed shut and mouth ajar to release heavy pants. He could only feel the wetness as it pooled on his stomach and dribbled down one side.

"Mmm, that's nice," Justin cooed, fingers slipping along Brian's throbbing erection as his thumb became slick with the thickness of Brian's cum. His thrusts had slowed just faintly, hips quickening again as he pulled his hand from Brian's flaccid cock.

Justin snorted because even he couldn't deny the fact that he was proud. It was some kind of accomplishment that he never meant to reach but the volume of it slowly began to settle against his spirit. He had manage to make Brian ejaculate without even the slightest touch to his erection. It was nothing but slow strokes, smooth ones, fast and uncontrolled ones. It was all him and his smugness was difficult to hide but he did it behind the mask of pleasure that was leisurely overtaking him.

"Oh, uh," Brian grunted, reality settling itself against his body again and he could still feel Justin moving inside of him. He lifted his head a little, found Justin's gaze and decided against watching Justin's body instead of his face.

"Fuck yeah," Justin heaved out, eyes drifting shut and a small tug at one of his nipples was all he needed. He felt his legs give as he began to ejaculate, body falling forward on Brian and he did his best to thrust those last few surges out as he crumpled. He shivered and adjusted himself quickly, realization setting in with one of Brian's legs cocked to the side and the other crushed and twisted between their bodies. He pushed himself up until Brian adjusted and felt himself fall back between Brian's spread legs, breaths still heavy and quick.

Brian let Justin rest on his body, hands instinctively lifting to pet Justin's back. He traced up his spine, over his shoulder blades as Justin recovered. He had found that regulated way of breathing sometime before Justin came, smiling to himself as Justin's rested his head against Brian's collarbone, doing his best to kissing at skin Brian knew his lips couldn't reach.

"I'm sorry baby," Justin whispered, eyes still shut as he did his best to draw his lips back and pull his soften penis from Brian. He sighed affably, forcing himself up until he was resting on his haunches. He adjusted his penis until it was encased in his boxers again, staring at Brian heavy-eyed.

"For?" Brian questioned with an arched eyebrow.

"For being rough," Justin replied immediately, leaning down to press a few kisses to Brian's chest.

"That wasn't rough Ju," Brian asserted, a hand cupping the back of Justin's neck when Justin got upright himself again. "It was great."

Justin smirked. He shook his head at Brian because there was blush creeping into his cheeks that he was trying to hide. Brian was so trusting, understanding, and willing. He rarely had something bad to complain about. He molded to Justin and Justin thought that sometimes he did the same. He fit against Brian in that natural sense that he'd heard about, read about, but rarely experienced firsthand.

Brian found the strength to sit up, giggling when a quick peck was pressed against his lips. He stretched, muscles already tensing but he didn't mind.

He rolled his neck and took a quick glance at Justin. He spotted the way Justin watched him with innocence that couldn't have been possible. Not after the way they had just been on that couch five minutes before. He eased up to the edge of the couch and brushed a few fingers over Justin's nose.

"Why don't you head upstairs and catch a nap baby?" Brian suggested, watching the way Justin's face fizzled into curiosity. "I've gotta do some yard work, fix a few things outside before the afternoon gets away from me. I won't have time the rest of the week."

Justin wanted to plead with Brian but fingers were pressed against his lips and he was silenced. He didn't know why he let Brian have that control but he knew it was for the best. He didn't seek any form of confrontation with the older man. That would lead to possible arguments or a change in moods that would leave him without the opportunity to fully enjoy his one day with Brian.

Brian smiled when Justin nodded, the younger man standing before helping Brian stand. He wanted to hold onto Justin's hand, drag him upstairs and lay him on his bed. He thought about letting Justin snuggle to his naked body until Justin was snoring and drooling on his shoulder, slipping away then to handle his own work. It was enticing but he resisted.

"And don't go making a bunch of phone calls or trying to handle any business Justin. Today is about you relaxing," Brian insisted, that natural fatherly tone entering his voice and he grinned at the way Justin grew small like Baylee did.

Brian reached up and placed a kiss on the corner of Justin's mouth, patting his ass before stepping away. He thought he heard Justin call to him but returning would lead him to the bedroom with Justin. He'd be too caught up in his feelings then. He knew his own will power and he wouldn't be able to resist napping with Justin or talking quietly about non-important issues but ones that made life easier because he was talking about them with Justin. He opted to leisurely stroll toward one of the downstairs bathrooms to escape to a shower. He'd have his own personal conversations with his heart there.

They could take a walk down the ocean side

Make a wish on every wave

They could find a carousel

And ride or kiss in every cave

They could contemplate the entire universe

Or just one star

Or just how far was the walk for the morning paper

The chilling sensation of the air condition kissing his sweaty skin almost relaxed Brian. He stepped into his house through the backdoor, hand dragging lazily through his hair as he pushed the door closed. He dropped his drenched shirt somewhere in the hallway and tried to contemplate why he decided to cut the lawn while immersed in the swelling Georgia heat? He shook his head, sluggishly kicking off his shoes as he made his way to the kitchen. He was sure there was some gardener or someone that took care of those issues but he had yet to fully adjust to life without Leigh Anne taking care of matters such as those.

Brian drug a hand down his face, palm slick with sweat when he finished. He wanted to strip away his wifebeater as well but let it remain while his jeans hung loosely on his hips. He needed another shower and his skin had that slow throb that made him fear he caught too much of a natural tan while trying to touch up the edges of the house. He peeled the sticking garment from the skin of his chest and let it ruffle up just above his navel as he strolled closer to the kitchen. He wondered where Justin was hidden, maybe still sleeping? He had made a small attempt to throw a smooth pebble at the window of his bedroom but got no response earlier. He figured Justin was too lost in sleep to even attempt to stumble downstairs and join Brian outside.

"You look hot."

Brian almost missed the sight of Justin, too busy thinking and watching his feet against the ground as he walked. He glanced up and to his side, his head following the voice that was low but vocal. He let a small smile trickle across his lips while looking at Justin leaning against the wall in the hallway. He was clad in a fresh pair of boxers and a T-shirt that Brian was certain was his, stretched helplessly across Justin's larger frame. He sighed quietly, turning to Justin before his eyes glanced downward to a lifted glass of water, ice cubes swirling in the glass and calling to Brian.

"Hot is a little bit of an understatement," Brian replied, throat dry and voice choked from exhaustion. He gladly took the glass of water when it was offered to him, holding it for a moment so that the coolness vibrated through his fingers. He briskly took a sip, still watching Justin as a crooked grin developed from the corner of Justin's mouth. He raised his brow toward Justin.

"I wasn't talking about the heat from outside," Justin insisted, winking at Brian while leaning off the wall. He watched Brian's throat move as he swallowed another health gulp of water. He snickered under his breath, hands lifting and finding Brian's hips. His thumbs played along the almost naked torso while he continued to walk, forcing Brian to step back and bump into the wall behind him.

Brian slurped more water while eyeing Justin, catching that glint of eagerness in his eyes and it was somehow reminiscent of their morning activities, maybe a little more feral. "Seriously? I'm all sweaty and I think I stink."

Justin laughed, fingers finding the bottom of Brian's wifebeater and assisting it further up Brian's body. He was happy when Brian lifted his arms and allowed him to strip away the fabric. He used it to wipe away the visible drops of sweat lingering against Brian's chest and stomach. He let it drop near his feet as Brian swallowed the last of the water, ice clinking against the glass with Brian's head tipped back. Justin was brisk in plucking the glass from Brian's fingers, carefully finding a portion of the floor to settle it down on before pressing up against Brian.

"Sweaty is okay with me and you don't stink. You smell like Brian," Justin affirmed, hands rubbing Brian's sides as he leaned down and pressed a few kisses to Brian's neck. They were chaste, almost invisible as his lips moved. He felt the moan Brian released against his lips. He traced a few more kisses upward, lips finding Brian's ear to whisper, "you smell like my Brian."

Brian giggled, his own hands running over the back of Justin's neck when Justin ducked his head to kiss along Brian's neck again. He spread his legs and let his eyes drift shut, pleasure pushing the thoughts of exhaustion and heat from his mind. It had been too long since he had enjoyed insatiable actions but Justin drew that from him. Justin's playfulness, his youth, his cockiness brought back sides of Brian that had long died in a marriage that had become increasingly stale. He wanted to blame himself so much for Leigh Anne seeking the physical touch of another man, but maybe they were both due for new sensations? What was once compatible felt so foreign, so useless with Justin in his life.

"Did you get a good nap?" Brian asked, wondering why he was so breathless when all Justin was doing was sucking at his collarbone. He was relieved when Justin pulled off, fearing a hickey that he'd later have to explain to management or friends or Baylee.

"Missed you too much," Justin whispered, tongue edging its way across the base of Brian's neck. "Thought about this too much."

"But don't you want me to shower first? Maybe take this upstairs?" Brian offered, a hand ghosting over Justin's buzzed hair while the younger man licked his way up to Brian's chin. Brian let Justin kiss at it, hover in front of him while Brian was pressed against the wall.

"Why? I like you right here," Justin responded, grinning at Brian and he couldn't help but love the way Brian's face held that astonished expression with chiseled cheeks and small blue eyes. He leaned in, nuzzled his nose to Brian's before stealing an open-mouthed kiss. He grinned harder, lingering in front of Brian's lips before catching another kiss as Brian tried to speak. He captured another, slid his tongue in this time, and tried to remain smooth and gentle while snickering.

Brian felt Justin tug open his jeans and they were lowered, along with his boxers, before his mind could process a proper protest. Not that he could speak. His lips were being kissed, bottom lip sucked at, and everything felt a little too intimate to be bothered with words. He had to admit his muscles were still a little sore but his penis was already filling with blood and his heart was beating in that incessantly quick pace that often accompanied any tryst with Justin.

Justin pressed his hands against the wall on either side of Brian. His mouth was busy leaving dainty kisses across Brian's chest and he could taste the salty sweat against his tongue. Brian's scent was rich, some kind of weird combination of sweat, unwavering soap from his earlier shower, and a masculinity that Justin was craving. His teeth tugged at a nipple as he breathed in Brian. The tip of his tongue played with the taunt nipple, a smile still hampering him from finding full concentration. He listened to babbling moans from above, smiling occasionally while lips danced their way across almost golden skin.

Justin wasn't used to crouching this much. His knees were still a little too sore to put his weight on and after leaving long, suckling kisses against Brian's stomach, he decided against remaining on them. He let his legs remain spread and that crisp air coating his skin felt equally wonderful when his semi-erect cock managed to peek its way through the flap of his boxers.

Teeth secured against a bottom lip as Justin lowered the rest of Brian's clothing, balancing himself and Brian as Brian stepped out of his jeans and boxers. He let Brian keep his hands on Justin's shoulders, too fascinated with looking at Brian's erection, watching the way the almost purple head throbbed and pushed out small drops of precome.

"Not necessary," Brian hissed out when one of Justin's hands encircled his cock, eyes barely open and watching Justin. He watched Justin look up and wink again. He wanted to shake his head but the heat of Justin's hand gripping him and dragging against his erection hampered him.

"It's okay," Justin whispered, wetting his lips before returning his gaze to Brian's cock. "I really want to."

He kissed at it. He let his teeth carefully rake against the hard flesh. He mouthed the head, his tongue just barely licking out to circle it. Moans were deep, almost unheard but Justin refused to break his concentration. He tasted it without consideration. He took in the head, wet it thoroughly before drawing up, still slowly jacking it while Brian's legs trembled.

"Justin," Brian cooed, hands leaving Justin's shoulders and pressing against the wall behind him. He unconsciously thrust his hips forward and just the tip smeared against Justin's lips. He gasped with slight frustration, eyes shut and head tilted upward.

"Fuck it," Justin whispered, diving in quickly and doing his best to take all of Brian in his mouth. He struggled a little, tilting his head when he drew back to let the erection slide against the inside of his mouth along the cheek.

Justin didn't pull off fully, tongue lapping at the head as he rested at the edge of his mouth. He moved forward again, breathing through his nose as he descended further. He didn't mean to swallow but when he did, he felt Brian lurch slightly and his own reflexes prevented Brian from impaling his throat. He chuckled, teasing the crown with his tongue as Brian did his best to apologize through moans.

"It's okay baby," Justin assured him before taking Brian's cock back into his mouth. He moaned around it, precome slicking against his tongue. He bobbed a few times, trying to gather the strength in his legs to remain in his position. He placed his hands on Brian's thighs for stability, eyes shutting as his mouth drifted down. He felt it at the back of his throat this time and refused to gag.

"Oh shit," Brian whined, forcing himself to remain still as Justin took him in. He could feel Justin's breath against his pubic hair, nose almost buried in it. He didn't dare glance down. He couldn't because it would force him to lose it and there would be no repairing his pride if he came that quick.

Justin adjusted his jaw, drawing back slowly before inching forward again. He opened his mouth, slurped along the erection and did his best not to let his saliva dribble out of his mouth as he moved. He gave Brian's thighs as tender squeeze, pulling back until his lips could kiss at the slit.


"Mmm, tasty," Justin whispered, tongue lapping at the head.

"Oh God, don't talk like that," Brian pleaded, eyes batting open. He trembled when Justin's large hand gripped him and began to jack him off again.

"You like it," Justin jested, hand easily slipping up and down Brian's cock. He licked his own bruised lips, catching his breath while clear liquid again seeped from the slit of Brian's cock. His tongue licked it away and he glanced up when he heard a thud against the wall. He snorted, realizing it was Brian's head.

"Fuck... sorry," Brian whispered and he was sure Justin didn't know what he was talking about until his hand grabbed the back of Justin's head and pushed his mouth back onto his cock. There was no resistance and part of Brian felt the guilt of being so needy. Justin's increased bobbing, the way his cheeks hollowed and he sucked a little harder might've wavered some of that guilt but he couldn't escape it.

Justin let Brian's hand remain on the back of his head. It didn't force Justin, but he wished it did. He wanted that control from Brian, that willingness to escape that soft, tender Brian and find the primal one that existed so rarely between them. He opened his throat again for Brian, listening to the mewling and that sweet tenor voice once Brian's moans reached another octave. He felt Brian's other hand on his jaw, almost guiding him as a thumb played around Justin's lips. It rubbed at the corner of Justin's mouth and he knew if he was talented enough, he'd take Brian's thumb in his mouth with his cock. He liked the idea of the challenge.

"Damn boy," Brian hissed out as Justin drew back, the sound of slurping and just the gentle rake of teeth on the underside making Brian's eyes fall shut again. He let his fingers drift up, over sparse hair against Justin's cheek and he did his best not to hunch over with toe-curling satisfaction.

"Almost quoting lyrics from one of my songs is very flattering," Justin snickered, chewing his bottom lip while his own thumb traced the head of Brian's penis. He swallowed a couple of times, the inescapable flavor of Brian's cock still roaming in his mouth. "And it's strangely kinky while I'm giving you head."

"You're not giving me head... what you're doing is called masturbation," Brian heaved out, eyes trying to open and look down at Justin. His chest rose and fell quickly, repeatedly. He spread his legs a little and grinned at Justin as the younger man shook his head.

"So you can still make jokes at a time like this," Justin teased, taunting Brian with a measured lick from the base up the underside. He drew his hand up, managing to squeeze out a thick drop of precome. It was tangy against the tip of Justin's tongue.

"Anything to make me look less like an inexperienced little boy while you're giving me head," Brian shrugged, trying to remain coy but Justin's tongue slipped back down his cock and lapped at his balls. His eyes rolled to the back of his head then.

"Not giving you head," Justin affirmed, mocking Brian freely when he returned to an erect state. "Yet."

Brian's mind was processing another remark but it faltered, got lodged in his throat when Justin took the head back in and waited. He fought against instinct, glanced down at Justin again as the heat swallowed him. He tried to interpret the gleam in Justin's wide eyes. He shot Justin a crooked smile, reading into Justin's glare just enough to relax against the wall before easing his hips forward. He drew back, Justin's hands at his sides.

Justin was creative, adventurous in pleasuring Brian. Brian had become aware of that somewhere after their first night in an Atlanta hotel suite. He was a standard kind of guy. There wasn't anything simple about it or delicate. Justin was willing to do things most people wrote about but never truly experienced. Brian often thought Justin did things that he secretly wanted done to him. Brian took a few risks in returning the favor when Justin least expected it.

Justin didn't put much effort into moving. He tried to hold his balance as Brian gradually found a rhythm to sliding his cock forward and backward in Justin's mouth. He smiled when Brian lost his rhythm a couple of times, the head popping out of Justin's mouth. He let Brian rub the tip along his lips, across his open mouth and the sound echoed through the hall when Brian guided it back in.

Justin didn't do this often. He let Brian have control, show some command during their sexual escapades, but letting Brian fuck his mouth felt almost wrong. A little lewd, maybe taboo? He was letting Brian do something to his mouth that he had not let Brian do to the rest of his body. They had not escaped the routine of who was the dominant member of their relationship. It never troubled Brian, at least not when Justin asked about it. It wasn't a needed discussion but, somewhere, Justin felt guilty. They were men. Both had enjoyed the satisfaction of sex before meeting each other. Justin didn't inquire about it, but part of him was certain Brian had somewhat of a healthy sexual relationship during his marriage. Brian was in control there, dominating.

"Oh ah," Brian gasped, shorter jabs into Justin's mouth almost pulling him to the edge. He knew Justin's tongue was trying to lap at the head, do something other than sit there and let Brian glide his hardness over it. He found it hard to succumb to Justin's desires when his throat was so inviting and Justin was letting him play cautiously with his ears for a hint of leverage and support.

Brian sucked in his bottom lip when he took a moment to glance down at Justin. There he was, bright blue eyes hidden beneath long lashes as he looked up at Brian, the quick slide of Brian's erection only coming halfway out before dipping back in. Brian found it hard to keep his own eyes open, to watch Justin watch him. He pulled out so just the edge of the tip remained and watched the way Justin opened his mouth just a little to welcome it back in.

Justin felt some aching sense of relief when Brian drew out, erection throbbing in front of his lips with a slick sheen that made Justin want to swallow it again and see if he could make it wetter. He took in deep breaths, eyes wide. He puckered his lips and listened to Brian's own uncontrolled breathing, a hand reaching out and grabbing his cock. Justin joined Brian's hand, thumb playing with the slit as Brian stroked himself.

"Fuck baby," Brian gasped out, eyes shut and head tilted so his closed eyes could open and gaze at the ceiling.

"I'd say so," Justin panted back, his own erection still leaking but he refused to play with it. He preferred watching Brian's hand, the way it pulled up quickly and stroked slowly down. He licked watching his fingers tease the underside where Brian's hand wasn't.

"So fucking... damn," Brian moaned, finding it harder to gather words. He didn't need to explain his excitement, yet part of him wanted to. Part of him wanted to break out into a long, well-versed speech on how he was intoxicated with Justin and the things he did, the way he talked, his patented swagger. He wished he could describe the way his heart was not only fluttering from the excitement of Justin touching him with his hands and his mouth but also his attentiveness, his awareness, his sincerity.

Brian trembled when Justin's fingers carefully squeezed his balls. It was just a light tug but it was enough for him to accidentally thrust toward Justin, the head pushing just past Justin's lips for a second. He didn't mean to linger, to let Justin suck at his erection. He continued to stroke himself, dancing at the edge of breaking. Groans were shaking against his chest and he had to draw back.

Justin took a second to look up at Brian and he was thankful he had tilted his chin up to do so. A swallowing wail from Brian's lips was followed by a long, thick, warm spurt of cum landing on Justin's neck, sliding down to his collarbone. The shock was silent but Justin didn't move. He let the other streams follow, each roping his neck and dribbling down. It was kinky, unexpected, but nothing Justin ran from. He knew Brian didn't mean to. It could've been in his mouth, something Justin did once before choosing to spit it out in the sink. It could've been against his face and that would've been a territory somewhere across realization that Justin was sure he hadn't purchased a ticket to.

"Oh shit Justin. Baby, I'm sorry," Brian whimpered, squeezing out one last drop while slumping against the wall. His eyes remained shut. He had only caught a glimpse of Justin as he ejaculated against him and maybe it was his excitement that ran his thought process.

"We're going to have to remove that word from our day-to-day vocabulary," Justin advised, smiling up at Brian. He knew he should've wanted to run to one of the bathrooms, wipe away the sticky fluid from his neck, his collarbone but he didn't.

Brian felt the change of heat, the way a shadow fell over his eyes and he opened them just as Justin erected himself in front of Brian, stretching noisily. He swallowed hard, shaky hands lifting and resting on Justin's hips to draw him close. He was thankful Justin didn't hesitate, rather laid his hands on either side of Brian's head and let their lower halves meet.

Justin kissed Brian's forehead, happily nuzzling his nose against Brian's face. He felt reassuring hands running up the course of his sides and he did his best not to make his erection noticeable as he pressed against Brian. He didn't feel the need to have Brian return the favor. He knew Brian was too exhausted, felt it in the way Brian's fingers lazily danced against his skin rather than toyed with it in a way that would excite Justin even further.

"You don't want to wipe that off?" Brian inquired, glancing at Justin's neck as Justin leaned in closer to press a kiss to his cheek. He moaned at the touch, the sweetness bending his heart backwards.

"Why? It's your spunk," Justin scoffed, scrunching his nose before kissing Brian's lips. He let Brian seize a few return kisses, a hand on his chin holding him steady.

"My spunk? Your choice of words are whack," Brian snickered, head easing back against the wall as Justin drifted his lips to kiss at his neck. He eased his hips forward, feeling the definite outline of Justin's erection in his boxers.

"Like yours are fucking great," Justin laughed, easing up again when he felt one of Brian's hands slip into the front of his boxers. He backed away a little as Brian tried to find a firm grasp. He shivered just a little when Brian's fingers managed to play with the head, shaking his head at Brian. "We don't have to do that right now B. I just want to take you upstairs and chill for awhile."

Brian glanced at Justin curiously. He didn't hate the idea of relaxing, taking time with Justin. It was what he got Baylee out of the house for. It was the reason he had yet to answer his cell phone all day. He wasn't fond of leaving Justin without satisfaction, without a reason for that erection to go away through a more natural, physical means.

"What happened to cooking dinner?" Brian pondered, his voice a little lower because his thoughts were still congested but Justin's hand had joined him in Justin's boxers. When Justin interlocked their pinkies, he found a need to stop toying with Justin. He just let the heat settle against the back of his hand and tilted his head, suffocated by Justin's strong features and endearing expression.

"Oh, now you want to be thoughtful and considerate and make dinner for your baby?" Justin asked, voice drenched in sarcasm as he pulled their hands from his boxers. He grinned when Brian pinched his arm with his free hand, jumping a little at the numbing sting against his flesh. He laughed lowly, twining the rest of their fingers. He drug Brian closer, letting Brian's hand play with the hem of the shirt he wore before whispering, "asshole."

"Yeah, yeah. We can rest now, cook later," Brian chimed, standing on his tiptoes to press a kiss to Justin's welcoming lips. He remained, lips tasting each breath Justin released and he only smiled because Justin did. He snickered when Justin nipped at his nose, backing away when Justin fell into the laughter with him. "Isn't that my shirt?"

Justin glanced at the shirt, grinning while pulling at the tight material. "You stole my tie."

"Borrowed Justin," Brian insisted, rolling his eyes at Justin.

"And I'll bet you'll want to `borrow' a few other things later," Justin joked, kicking at Brian's feet teasingly.

"Whatever you say handsome, but it is a must that we get you cleaned up first."

Justin snorted, shaking his head without hesitance as Brian began to lead him from the hallway. He felt the need to grip Brian's hand, hold it tightly to secure his closeness to Brian. He smiled at the stolen glances, the hidden words, but pleasured in it more when Brian looked at him directly, right over the shoulder with silent statements that pounded against Justin's ears.

"It's your spunk. I like Brian's spunk," Justin cheered, falling into another fit of laughter while Brian shook his head.

"You are either one kinky little boy or a very sarcastic one," Brian noted, beginning to climb the stairs with Justin close behind. He felt Justin's free arm wrap around his abdomen and didn't run from it. He let Justin walk a little closer, their bodies touching as they both tried to maneuver the steps.

"Somewhere in the middle," Justin giggled, feeling Brian's own laughter against the hand he had on Brian's stomach. It caressed a smile against his pouty red lips, eased him into some comfortable state that let Brian continue to lead the way upstairs. He knew it'd make it easier when Brian was running a washcloth against his neck, eyes on Justin's skin while Justin watched the way Brian was full of one-fourth concentration and three-fourths heartfelt. He knew just the walk to Brian's bedroom would be easy, even if he counted all of the steps and thought about how long it'd take for him to shed his own clothes and capture Brian under the covers.

Why is age more than a number when it comes to love?

Should we ask the ones who speculate

When they don't know what it's made of?

Should we ask the moonlight on your face

Or the raindrops in your hair

Or should we ask the man who wrote it there in the morning paper?

"Score! Another perfect shot for Air Timberlake ladies and gentlemen."

The sound of shoes scuffling against the concrete brought Brian's eyes and mind from the daze he had settled into minutes before. He watched the basketball bounce around a few times, drifting away toward grass but scooped up before it reached its lowest point. It was dribbled by precise hands, large hands that belonged to Justin as he toyed around with it near the edge of the half-court.

Brian liked the privacy of his basketball court in his backyard. He decided it was a nice addition to his home, one well paid for. It was a better idea than some of the ones Leigh Anne presented and had built for their sheer beauty but lack of purpose. It was often a place he could escape to drift away from his own stress or arguments. He did his best to bring Baylee out to it at any given opportunity. Nick liked it, AJ often visited just to fool around on it.

He was seated on the court, legs drawn up. It was Justin's idea to play a game or two before his impending departure. It was already late and Brian feared looking at his phone to find the time. He didn't want it to be any closer to the two hours he knew he had left not too long ago. He had already made dinner, ate with Justin in the living room, watching a movie that Brian was sure Justin had seen enough times to quote it line-for-line but didn't because he was too busy talking about his tour and other random things to Brian. Brian even let Justin talk to Baylee on the phone for a few minutes, regretting that decision when Justin requested Baylee's presence. Brian declined quietly and with shame, but he was thankful Justin hugged him and understood.

"Hey B, can you please do that whole throw the ball over your shoulder into the hoop without looking thing again? I'm dying to figure out how you make that fucking shot every time," Justin requested while dribbling the ball toward Brian. He caught the blank stare he got from Brian, one that slowly fizzled away to one of inquisitiveness and Justin mimicked the expression without thought.

Brian did his best to smile, disguise his thoughts behind simple eyes that he knew Justin liked to gaze into. He was unsettled by Justin's peering and knew he wasn't being effective. He watched Justin dribble closer before stopping, holding the ball under one arm while looking down at him. Even the night, though sliced by a few lights in Brian's backyard, couldn't hide Justin's expression. A smile wouldn't cut through that questioning look, those hazy blue eyes.

Justin knelt, let the basketball rest between his legs as he glanced at Brian. An hour spent sleeping in Brian's bed, a half hour talking to Brian as he showered. He spent ten minutes watching Brian shower with the glass door open, just smiling at each other, stealing glances that were less erotic and more playful. He even kissed on Brian's neck, held him from behind when Brian made dinner. They tossed Justin's phone back and forth to chat with Trace and Justin even let Brian hold a three-way conversation with Lance and Joey. Brian almost drifted off to sleep when they were talking on the couch, nestled in Justin's arms and Justin couldn't even remember what he was rambling about before he suggested they shoot hoops for awhile. Not once had he seen this running sense of somberness.

Justin ran a hand over Brian's cheek, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth when Brian's head drifted toward that touch. He tried to read into the conviction in Brian's eyes. Maybe he didn't want Brian to say it? Maybe he didn't need Brian to admit what was troubling him? He could coax Brian from it with friendly touches, maybe a shoulder. But in this moment he was an amateur. He sighed before asking, "what's the matter B?"

Brian stayed silent. He contemplated his options. He could escape confession. He'd done it before, in more instances that didn't involve Justin. Adding Justin into the equation always changed the rules. It became difficult.

"Getting mushy on me?" Justin asked, a crooked grin against his lips. He watched the blush creep into Brian's cheeks, laughed quietly at it. He let his thumb brush against the end of Brian's nose, watching the way Brian did his best to avoid looking into his eyes.

"It gets worse when you talk about it," Brian whispered, looking at the ground rather than Justin's face. He was stunned when the shuffling against the ground turned into Justin scooting between his spread legs, his back to Brian's chest with his arms resting on Brian's bent knees. He let Justin settle there. None of his neighbors were within few of his backyard, enough property and fences to protect them from each other.

"You'd think by now it would get easier on us. I mean, we've been at this for how long now?" Justin questioned and he was sure it was meant to be rhetorical but he caught Brian holding up a few fingers and felt his snicker against his ear. He shook his head, letting the basketball rest between his own spread legs. "We're used to having to enjoy whatever time we get and then say goodbye. We've survived the basic bullshit, even managed to start a relationship."

"A secret one," Brian whispered, a quick peck to Justin's ear before another snort.

Justin chewed his bottom lip, nodding. Something about Brian's lightened mood, even if it was in its beginning stages, comforted him. He let Brian run a hand over his hair, eyes closing briefly as fingers dug lightly against his scalp. He took in a breath of southern scents, the night's air wrestling with the sweet aroma of Georgia heat.

"I was serious about my offer earlier Brian," Justin said, head tilted back and eyes closed as he enjoyed Brian's massaging fingers.

"Which one? The one about letting me finish what you started in the hall earlier?" Brian inquired, a devious grin painting his thin lips as he let his other hand trail down and lightly squeeze the front of Justin's cargo shorts. He contemplated stripping down the zipper when Justin didn't swat him away but something about the way Justin remained still lead him away from arousing thoughts.

"You can come on tour with me," Justin replied, voice steady on that relaxed form that made it easier for Brian to adore him. "Anytime you want.

Whenever you're ready."

Brian sighed. His hand had stilled. He wasn't dissuaded by Justin's words. The offer had coursed through his mind earlier, throughout most of the time he had spent in the yard while Justin slept. It was a wild suggestion but the repercussions were a little too heavy. He knew Baylee would enjoy it. He might too, though leaving behind his obligations as a recording artist, as a Backstreet Boy were daunting. The gravity of it left Brian's heart off-balance. Its effect on their relationship, the possibilities of the media finding out things that were supposed to be private put a little too much pressure against Brian's mind.

"So this is a standing offer?" Brian asked, his voice a little smaller, shyer. His fingers resumed their massage, his other hand reaching beneath Justin's arms to press against his chest. He smiled when Justin snuggled back against him. It was that liquid warm sensation that Brian often got when they were laying in the bed together, somewhere closer to four in the morning when the night settled a thin blanket against their skin.

"No, I'm sitting down. That would make this a seated offer," Justin replied, feigning seriousness as Justin tried to peer around to glance at his face. He yelped when Brian gave his nipple a hard tug through his shirt. He rested his head back against Brian's shoulder, palming the basketball with a pout. "I'm telling Joey."

"You just want me to bring Baylee to see you," Brian gushed, pressing a soft peck against the prickly hairs on the side of Justin's head.

"That'd be nice," Justin laughed, releasing the basketball from his grip. "But I also don't like the idea of being apart. I don't like to see or hear Brian sad. Not my B."

"You're always taking care of me," Brian whispered, a quiet sigh following.

His hand had drifted to Justin's shoulder before he added, "it's nice most of the time but it feels like I should be looking out for you more than you do for me. I'm the older one, the more experienced one. I've been married, have a son, a more grounded life. Yet, you always make sure I'm okay."

Justin twisted his lips, He did his best to tilt his head back and look at Brian but it was a few failed attempts. He settled into a comfortable position before shrugging. "It's mutual baby. You don't recognize it, but you do the same for me."

Brian tried to comprehend Justin's statement but instinct led him to press a kiss to Justin's exposed temple and grin. He could think of a few instances where he was there for Justin, comforting. It wasn't always Justin leading the way or being the more confident one. He was certain it was in Justin's nature to be that and Brian recognize pride when Justin fought against that natural instinct to let Brian comfort him.

"We're a pretty good tag team," Brian snickered, his voice thick with an accent but low in tone.

"The best couples have to be B. You have your flaws, I have fewer," Justin joked, thankful Brian nuzzled his chain to Justin's head rather than pinching him again. "But we're good together. In a strangely, unconventional, against all the rules set up in the land of boy bands, but good."

"That's why I --"

Brian caught himself. He stilled again and let his mouth hang for a moment. He thought Justin might've noticed, but the younger man might've been too busy running his hands over Brian's knees or snuggling his head into the crook of Brian's neck. He tried to swerve his mind from contemplating the words that were caught in the back of his throat. They were coming out too naturally, in a way that scared Brian. He hadn't thought about saying it, not once. Maybe once, but he burned them from his mind then. It was all still too new. The concept of being with a man, a celebrity, Justin Timberlake. He couldn't focus.

Justin licked his lips. He wanted to search out what caused Brian's silence, what made him stop mid-sentence, but there was an ache forming in his chest and slipping down. Somewhere in Brian's silence his hand began to move again and it was groping, cupping, lightly massaging and Justin was doing his best to strain against hormones. He sighed softly when the erection formed, feeling amateurish. He should be able to control himself. He usually could, if it was some random woman or even a girlfriend he didn't feel like messing with at the time. Not with Brian.

"B," Justin whispered, a tremble licking against his legs as he unconsciously spread them and arched a little toward the touch.

Brian shook from his thoughts when he felt the press of his palm against an erection. He glanced down, oblivious of his actions. He watched the way Justin rolled his hips just a little and that action brushed Justin's body against Brian's in an unintended erotic way. Brian nibbled his bottom lip and didn't fight his own erection.

"B," Justin whined, trying to shuffle his position but Brian was gripping him through his shorts, holding on.

"I can take care of that. I can have you screaming my name and cumming in three minutes," Brian asserted, his voice thick with challenge and intent.

"Don't nut that fast. It's called stamina," Justin insisted, eyes drifting shut as Brian toyed with the head and he was sure Brian's fingers would soon be feeling a wet spot somewhere on the front of his shorts.

"Really Mr. Timberlake? Because all I have to do is take one minute to get you wet with my mouth," Brian whispered, teeth tugging at the lobe of Justin's ear. He gave Justin a hard squeeze before whispering, "and two minutes to..."

Justin jumped at the words Brian whispered into his ear. His mind snapped in half and his eyes went wide. He never thought he had that much strength or was that quick. He couldn't even process all of the thoughts before he had leapt up and scooped Brian up into his arms. His ears heard the snickering from Brian as Brian attempt to wrap his legs around Justin's waist but his mind was whispering those dirty words Brian said over and over. They kept a slow, steady echo in his head as he did his best to carry Brian in his arms toward the house. They made it as far as the patio and Justin was glad Brian didn't mind or retract his offer.

They'd enjoyed the entire day together, pleasured in each moment before it could eclipse. Justin would calculate each memory, remember its importance but it didn't matter much at the moment because he knew he only had three minutes to remember just one memory. When Brian's hand drew down the zipper of his shorts and he settled back against one of the chairs on the patio, he knew he'd remember each minute when he finally woke up in the morning.

Should we ask the moonlight on your face

Or the raindrops in your hair

Should we ask the man who wrote it there in the morning paper?

-- "The Morning Paper" by Jordis Unga (Prince)

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Next: Chapter 7: Who Knew

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