Brian 2 Justin

By J-dot M

Published on Feb 28, 2007


Blonde On Blonde Written by JM

** Disclaimer: Don't own em, don't know em, not factual. No harm, no foul. Please be at least the age of 18. **

Cats and dogs are coming down

14th street is gonna drown

Everyone else rushing round

I've got blonde on blonde

On my portable stereo

It's a lullaby

From a giant golden radio

Fingers tapped nervously on a steering wheel. Soft blue eyes stared at the fingers drumming an unknown beat that sounded more like the march of a heart rather than any tune he'd ever heard. And that heart belonged to him. It beat loudly in his head, a sure sign of his nerves.

He didn't have too many reasons to be nervous. How long had it been? He knew. Eight days, exactly. Eight days of mutual calls, a little travel for him, a lot of travel for the other. Almost eight nights alone to consider where his head and heart were headed. He thought maybe he had stopped trying to find direction after spending a few nights in a nice hotel suite in Atlanta but that felt more like the beginning of his meandering process rather than the middle.

He was still dealing with the beginning of his journey. He was still fumbling through the parts where he had to communicate with his soon-if-not-soon-enough-to-be ex-wife. He only saw her once, briefly for a visit with their son and for him to collect a few more of his things. He opted to let Baylee stay with her for a few days while he handled business and did a few promotional appearances. He let security pick his son up and he made sure to make up for missed time when they arrived in Kentucky.

He was thankful that his parents volunteered to keep Baylee while he traveled to Los Angeles. He wanted to bring Baylee, knew his son wanted to join him, but the chaos of a failing marriage and trying to live up to some of his musical obligations would make it more of a chore for Baylee rather than him. He spent most of his morning shopping for presents for his son. Only seventy-two more hours and they'd be reunited again and he promised that he'd stay with Baylee for a week, no interruptions.

Sitting outside of a house in some neighborhood of LA that he didn't know but could tell was highly favored by the rich added to his nerves. His house in LA was nice, maybe a little more suburban, but this was priceless. Buried in the hills, a high gate in the front, it was physically attractive and yet dominating at the same time. He'd thought about getting out of the car and walking to the door for ten minutes but he just couldn't. Sure, the directions he'd received were actually a lot easier than he expected and he only had to call back for a quick correction on a turn once. But it was excitement that brought him to the house and fear that hampered him from going anywhere near it.

He didn't tell his parents about this. He'd let Baylee talk to him before he left from Kentucky. He was pleased at the way his son got along so smoothly with him. It made some of the transition easier. But really, he didn't know what he was transitioning to. Not a relationship. It couldn't be because he was still married to Leigh Anne and while the thought of pursuing something exclusive sounded enticing, he hadn't even confessed to himself that the reason he woke up each morning was because of another man.

And their phone conversations never hinted much at a relationship. An occasional reminder of their mutual like for one another, sometimes a "baby" or a "sweetheart" that he found himself saying once when he was incredibly sleepy and feeling some kind of empty void in the pit of his heart. But he couldn't convince himself the next morning that he meant it. But maybe he did because the night before his arrival in LA, they talked for at least three hours about everything from basketball to movies and it all felt so natural. It was a little high schoolish but still more than worth the lack of sleep.

A knock at the driver's side window shook him, yanked him from those thoughts for a brief moment. His head immediately snapped in the direction of the noise, an almost familiar man peeking through the window. He knew that face, maybe from pictures or possibly from a previous meeting so far behind him that he couldn't dare place a name with the face. But he tried as he lowered the window, an almost painful smile warping the other man's face.

"Yo, Brian, don't know if you remember me but I'm Justin's friend Trace," Trace said, lidded eyes and a crackling smile offered as he peeked into the vehicle.

Brian nodded immediately because he'd heard the name enough times during the week from Justin. He'd even heard Trace in the background a couple of times, his banter with Justin sometimes distracting from a phone conversation that Brian had been longing to have. He respected Trace because Justin did and eyeing the younger man from his seat, he could see that somewhere between the furrowed brow, short cropped hair and unshaven face, there was a man of meaning.

"Hey Trace, didn't know you'd recognize me," Brian said, extending his hand through the window for Trace.

Trace took it, pulling a cigarette to his lips and taking a long drag. He turned his head to blow the smoke away, shaking Brian's hand in a kind manner. He lowered the cigarette when he turned back to Brian, grinning. "Dude, it's not like you're out here in disguise. Justin told me he was waiting on you and I was about to head out to a few parties when I saw you."

Brian raised his brow because the thought of Justin waiting on him did intrigue him. Was Justin anxious? Did he get those large butterflies in his stomach as well or was he a little impatient and waiting to see how much further he could explore their physical relationship? Brian did his best to ditch the latter thoughts because Justin seemed so sincere. So did Leigh Anne at one point.

"Oh, is he going with you?" Brian questioned, pulling his hand from Trace's.

Trace laughed lowly before taking another drag. He puffed out the smoke, eyes squinting at Brian. "You're kidding right? That kid has been waiting to see you since he got in a few hours ago. It's actually good to see him taking a little time from his work to focus on something or somebody else."

Brian knew he shouldn't have looked so stunned but he found it hard not to.

He found it almost impossible to realize his mouth was hanging open and his eyes weren't really blinking. But then again, he was sure if he had someone to brag to about Justin, he'd do the same. He needed someone he could trust like Justin. Those people were few and far between.

"And that fucker just goes on and on about your kid, man," Trace chuckled, taking in a quick puff before exhaling deeply. He let a cough rumble in his chest before looking down at Brian again. "Even showed me a picture in his phone. Cute kid, by the way."

"Thanks," Brian replied, smiling politely because it was all he knew to do while processing all of the information. Justin really adored Baylee? There was a genuineness about their situation, even through all of his confusing angles and uncertain outcomes.

Trace leaned into the car, cigarette dropping from his fingers while his eyes held a serious view of Brian. His brow was furrowed, eyes squinted, and everything about his appearance was suddenly making Brian more than a little uncomfortable with their conversation.

"This is new for him... and me," Trace explained, voice low but not without strings of gravity in it. He tapped his thumbs along the door of the car, words waiting on his tongue as he watched Brian. "But I've known this kid since he was old enough to shit on his own. He's digging you, man. So be careful with him if you ain't feelin' him like he's feelin' you."

The words were expected, if not a tad bit late in Brian's opinion. But he respected them because they weren't sent in a threatening way or some offbeat banter that left him wondering whether Trace was serious or not. He nodded because he was too busy swallowing to form the right words to express to Trace. His head was still caught in that void of whether or not he was truly ready to pursue another person, let alone a male. But he couldn't will away the fact that he wanted to be around Justin or hear his voice or exist in the same world that someone like Justin did.

"I should probably get running so I can make a few clubs tonight," Trace suggested, leaning off the car with a mild grin. He motioned his head toward the house and Brian couldn't help but look, couldn't turn away. The lights were still on and he wondered in what state Justin would be when he actually got the nerve to walk toward the door.

"He's been waiting man," Trace added, walking away from the car and it seemed like enough for Brian to at least remove the key from the ignition and open the door of his car.

Justin let his bare feet skid across the cold marble floor beneath him. He sat lazily on one of the couches in the living room of his house, eyes focused on nothing and his vision occasionally catching glimpses of a flat screen television. He couldn't decipher the movie immediately because most of Lorenzo's body blocked his view but he knew it was something with John Travolta in it.

He took a few glimpses toward his cell phone. Nothing. He had cleared his missed calls from the label and Cameron and he thought maybe he saw Joey calling him but didn't give it much attention because it wasn't who he was waiting for. He'd hoped that Brian wasn't lost or had run off the road. Maybe he stopped for gas or to grab a bite to eat? Justin offered dinner and he could vaguely remember Brian turning it down because they'd both rather spend the night in rather than fending off paparazzi.

He tossed his SideKick back and forth between his hands. He had tipped his head back and wasn't surprised he could do it blindly. He was satisfied his mind wasn't too distracted to handle simple tasks. But he was feeling an itch under his wifebeater and his legs were shaking nervously beneath the material of his gray slacks. His eyes were idly watching the ceiling and he thought about re-painting the ceiling a different color. Cameron had suggested the one he currently had and maybe that was the right step toward not dealing with her anymore? But then he'd have to deal with Brian and these new feelings that caused this antsy nature that he wasn't quite used to. He was going to have to ask his mother about it sometime.

He stopped tossing the SideKick when it did vibrate against his fingertips and he quickly searched for a message only to find one that was from Chris. He didn't even bother to read it. He just dropped it next to his cell phone and sighed lowly. These feelings were a little too overwhelming.

"Yo Timberlake, guess what I found growing in the bushes outside," D announced as he pushed open the front door, his voice carrying loudly into the living room.

It startled Justin and his head slowly turned, peering eyes looking past Lorenzo as D entered the living room. He was curious but not for long as he caught a pair of light blue eyes looking at him nervously, a familiar and welcomed smile gracing thin pink lips. He didn't forget to breathe when both men fully entered the living room but he wasn't sure all of his limbs were working because his arms were pushing against the couch to stand but his legs weren't cooperating.

"Since when did we start growing Littrells out there?" D joked, slinging an arm around Brian, yanking the smaller man into a clearer view.

"Good to see you B," Lorenzo remarked, taking moments away from his food and movie to acknowledge Brian. Brian nodded a reply, adding a smile for insurance.

"But it would've been nice if you had brought the kid so we could be entertained," D acknowledged, hugging a little tighter around Brian's shoulders. His response was a small chuckle, a non-verbal response that Brian felt was safe.

Justin did manage to stand when Brian glanced at him again. He bit down on his lower lip and found it impossible to look at anything but Brian. He was there, close enough for Justin to speak to but too far to touch. Justin had thought of this moment all day, even on the plane. He had several witty comments, a couple of greetings he had tested out in the mirror a few hours ago. But there was just silence now. Only words spoke through expressions and Justin was relieved that Brian's were mainly of smiles and crinkly eyes.

Brian scooted from under D's arm, easing toward the slow approaching Justin. He could sense Justin's nervousness and just seeing Justin added to that already heightened fear that was trickling down his spine and making his palms sweat. He knew it was best to move toward Justin when D was caught up in some random conversation with Lorenzo. He had to ease Justin into what they shared back in Atlanta.

Brian stopped in front of Justin, trying to ignore the fact that D and Lorenzo were still in the room. He knew eventually he would have to adjust to others seeing him around Justin, but he was still adjusting to himself being around Justin. He had to catch his initial instinct to reach up and run a hand over Justin's chest or step up and try and kiss the younger man. He could see the small rings under Justin's eyes, the way his face glowed but still showed signs of weariness.

"I guess it would be a little awkward to hug?" Justin finally questioned, releasing his lower lip while keeping his blue eyes focused on Brian. He smiled only because Brian did.

"No, hugging is good," Brian assured him, his inability to hold back his anxiousness unnerving. He watched the way Justin opened his arms to him and he immediately leaned in, embracing the taller man without abandon. He rested his head against Justin's chest and breathed out, "It's real good."

Justin secured an arm around Brian's back, pulling him in tightly because admitting aloud he missed the feel of Brian's smaller frame was still a little unnatural. But he didn't deny his heart. Didn't deny his hand as it combed through Brian's hair, felt the small curls at the end of each strand.

He breathed in Brian's scent as Brian's fingers interlocked on the small of his back.

He let his eyes blink open, catch the way D and Lorenzo looked at him sideways and only managed to grin back at them. He wasn't letting go because they already knew what was going on between he and Brian. D was the one who found them in bed that next morning, curled up together while Baylee slept on the other half of the bed. Justin, through fear, managed to kiss Brian as they were exiting the suite, in plain view of Lorenzo. He couldn't be drawn away, not even when Brian pulled back a little with a mild smirk on his lips.

"You look tired," Brian noted, letting one of Justin's fingers circle his left ear. He shivered at the touch.

"I'm cool," Justin replied, his timid smile full of the life his face had not managed to fully express. He watched the way Brian tilted his head into his touch, letting his palm rest against Brian's chiseled cheek.

"Are you sure? It's not like we had any plans and I don't mind catching some sleep with you," Brian insisted, chewing on his own lower lip. He didn't know when he started picking up on Justin's habits but didn't mind when Justin giggled at him. "I think I sleep better with you."

Justin grinned. A large portion of him believed Brian. He wasn't afraid to believe anything Brian said. Whether they were ghost whispered words or ones followed by an infectious laugh, everything about Brian felt real and truthful. And he believed Brian did sleep better with him because the two nights Justin spent sleeping near Brian were the most peaceful ones he was sure he felt in years.

"The master bedroom is upstairs," Justin responded, voice soft as the pad of his thumb ran over the tip of Brian's nose. He liked that Brian's nose was unique like his own, fitting his face in a way Justin wished his did.

Brian eased back. He removed his hands from Justin's back while holding a diminutive grin on his lips. He let his hands slide over Justin's hips before grabbing one of Justin's hands, holding it freely because whether Justin's security was watching or not, he wanted to be comfortable in his own skin. He intertwined Justin's fingers with his own and rolled his shoulders, glancing back to see that D and Lorenzo were focused on the movie rather than them.

"Lead the way sir," Brian chimed, turning his head back to Justin, catching the azure eyes glaring at him with wild curiosity.

"You're staying the night... with me, right?" Justin asked, lidded eyes watching patience morph over Brian's face. He tapped his toes along the marble floor, observing the way Brian tipped his head back and threw him a grin that was reminiscent of Jim Carrey.

"Alrighty then!"

Justin was laughing before the full phrase left Brian's lips and Brian couldn't help but join him. He let Justin tug on his hand and he followed, letting his laughter die down as he began to follow Justin through the foyer toward the large staircase. He lost his shoes somewhere on those steps, stopping only when Justin stopped to call down to Lorenzo.

"Hey, make sure you guys don't leave on the lights like you did last time. I don't have any meetings in the morning so don't you dare wake me before ten and tell Annie we'll reschedule about those appearances I have next week," Justin bellowed, glancing back at Brian just to make sure he was there. He had to be because Justin was still holding his hand but he almost felt like that was a hollow of some dream he had been having earlier. He forged past those thoughts long enough to continue his trek toward his bedroom, Brian still quietly following.

Just that right hint of quiet and slow flowing peace was what Justin needed. Lying on top of the covers might not have been his original idea but it didn't matter much because Brian was right there, head laying firmly on top of Justin's bare chest and he wasn't certain but he thought Brian might've been listening to his heartbeat. He was too busy twirling fingers through Brian's soft blonde locks and smelling that hint of California air and strawberry shampoo in Brian's hair.

Justin liked the feeling of Brian's legs tangled with his. They weren't anywhere as hairy as Justin's but their texture still felt manly. The softness of Brian's back held more appeal, Justin's hand massaging down it until he reached the back part of Brian's boxer-briefs. He let his hand occasionally rest on Brian's ass because it was covered and there wasn't anything threatening about his touches. He giggled quietly because Brian's fingers were sweeping over his stomach in that delicate fashion that felt almost too familiar but foreign at the same time. He let Brian play with the top of his boxers because he knew Brian wasn't going any further than that. The mood didn't call for it.

"I do kinda wish the little guy was here," Justin remarked, exhaling lowly.

He let a finger trace down Brian's sideburns until he reached his cheek. He traced upward until Brian's eyelashes fluttered against the nail of his index finger.

"I'm sure he wishes he could be here to see you too," Brian whispered, snuggling closer to Justin.

It didn't feel so different now. The warmth, the firmness of another man's body was inviting. It was engaging for Brian. It offered some kind of balance that he had been missing for too many years. The way Justin's skin smelt, burned against his shoulders. He closed his eyes and reveled in the way Justin kissed the top of his head and played with his hair, occasionally massaging his scalp. He didn't mind when Justin's large hand squeezed his ass. He thinks maybe he might've pushed back against the hand because he couldn't deny that it did feel good.

"I saw your video the other day on MTV," Brian noted, eyes reopening as Justin danced his fingers up his spine. He shivered against the larger body.

"Oh, Brian Littrell actually found that his cable actually has other channels besides CNN and TBN?" Justin coyly remarked, laughing lowly. He jumped a little when Brian nipped at his nipple.

"Uh, ESPN too smart ass. Anyway, I liked it. You looked... hot," Brian gulped out, settling back onto Justin's chest.

"Hot eh?" Justin inquired, trying to see Brian's expression. He was certain Brian was blushing but he knew not to prod. Brian admitting to that much was more than Justin expected. He let his hand travel up until it traced the muscles in Brian's arm.

"Would suave have been a little more appropriate?" Brian wondered, debating his own words. He could tell Justin was in favor of his former word but he knew he was still walking a thin line between what they were and what they had become. But Justin never responded and that was a little less comforting.

"Did I tell you that I missed you?" Justin questioned, his voice barely above a whisper but he knew Brian heard it. He hoped it made Brian smile.

Brian tilted his head back until he could look into Justin's welcoming blue eyes. He grinned and crawled his way up Justin's body. He stopped at Justin's face, softly rubbing his nose to Justin's. He felt Justin's laughter against his lips and he merely smiled back at the younger man.

"No, but I was going to tell you eventually," Brian replied, lips still so close to Justin's.

"Really?" Justin asked, eyes focused on Brian's. He could taste Brian's breath but that lingering feeling in his stomach wanted more. His heart continued to promise him more but his body's craving prevented him from trusting all of his thoughts.

"Uh huh," Brian replied shortly, nodding his head against Justin's. He listened to another giggle but his body bypassed all of his gilded thoughts.

His lips caught Justin's before Justin could finish his laughter and he was certain that laugh turned into a moan when his tongue slid past those red lips.

He meant for the kiss to be chaste but after so many days without those lips he found it hard to prevent what was deemed inevitable. And how could he when Justin finally began to respond, returning the kiss without further thought. There was a hand behind his head, guiding the kiss, easing his actions. Fingers were playfully tugging at the ends of his hair and he was sure that was Justin's tongue freely running against his own. He could taste that sweet flavor of mint against Justin's tongue and he knew Justin had slipped away to the bathroom for a small amount of time while he got undressed.

Brian felt another moan against his lips and he slowed his kisses, letting his lips gently ease back. He left behind smaller kisses that felt like rose petals against those ruddy, bruised lips. He nipped at Justin's lower lip as Justin's hand drifted from his head to his neck. He could feel Justin trying to continue the kissing but he regressed, mouthing a last peck against Justin's lips. He opened his eyes and watched Justin remain in that moment, lips still parted and eyes still closed. He smiled, wiping Justin's lower lip with his thumb.

Brian slid back down until his head was lying against Justin's shoulder. He laughed to himself because he wanted more but denied it to himself. He wanted more of Justin, wanted to explore physical things they had yet to try but it wasn't appropriate. Not when he was still trying to adjust to just being in Justin's arms. He wanted it to be natural, almost form-fitting to the point it suffocated him. He wanted to know this was beyond what he wanted. It had to be like breath stretching against iron lungs.

"God, I'm really glad I figured this out," Justin commented, head tipped back as he looked at the ceiling.

"Figured what out baby?" Brian questioned and he caught himself on his next breath. Did he say "baby" without thought? It wasn't planned. It just drifted against his lips, somewhere being pushing out of his throat.

Justin kissed Brian's temple, snuggling to the bed and Brian. He locked his arms around Brian and closed his eyes. It wasn't burning against his soul anymore. Just little pieces finding their way together. "I'm glad I figured out that I wasn't going to look back after you kissed me in Atlanta.

This is more than a little strange and we've been over this enough times to both know we haven't gotten it all together but I like this."

Brian wasn't sure he had made sense of all of Justin's words but he was casually nodding before he thought to. He understood the most important parts. He knew they were both far from understanding why the pursuit of this seemed to push all of the negative out of their thought process. Brian wasn't crying and Justin wasn't brooding. They were just living.

"And I'm glad I figured out that I'm going to kick your ass tomorrow morning for making me hard," Justin added, a petite laugh falling against Brian's temple.

Brian giggled quietly, maneuvering his leg until it brushed against Justin's erection. He heard Justin groan. He shook his head, patting Justin's stomach. He was hiding his own half-hard cock as he closed his eyes. He sighed softly before replying, "I'm not going anywhere anytime soon."

"You better not B," Justin whispered, letting Brian cuddle to him one last time before willing his thoughts away as he tried to capture sleep.

Justin wasn't certain what had woke him in the morning. It could've been his SideKick, which D promptly brought into his bedroom sometime around six because it wouldn't stop buzzing. Justin didn't even bother to answer it after the first few calls. He did when his mother's name popped up but by then he was already half awake and alone in his bed.

He thought that maybe his stirring from his pleasant slumber had something to do with Brian's absence from the bed. He didn't feel when Brian initially withdrew from the bed but that soft, warm glow that he was living in during his sleep had disappeared and he managed to catch Brian as he was stretching in the doorway of the bathroom. He watched with one eye open as Brian smiled at him and winked. He wanted to offer up some form of greeting but the sleep was still holding half of his brain and just the sight of the rising sun washing across Brian's golden skin made it harder for him to speak intelligent words.

Justin was lying on his side, his head propped up by one hand while the other traced over the empty space next to him. He ran his hands over the sheets, wondering if he could still feel Brian's presence there. The warmth had long died and images just seemed to be a fading memory. Justin could only remember waking once during the night, laying a gentle kiss on Brian's forehead and watching him slumber for minutes before he was falling back to sleep.

Justin did shake from his thoughts when his SideKick began to vibrate again. He reluctantly reached behind himself and snatched it up. He sighed softly when he saw Lance's name lighting up on the screen. He debated not answering. He thought about dropping the mobile device on the bed and slinking out of the bed to watch Brian in the bathroom. The door was slightly ajar and he could hear Brian humming from inside, the light not giving enough for Justin to see. Maybe he should go grab some cereal because he knew he still wasn't a morning person and didn't know if maybe Brian needed privacy?

"What's up LB?"

"Justin, seriously, these little kindergarten nicknames have got to go," Lance fussed politely.

Justin chuckled lowly, rolling onto his back and spreading his legs. He stared up at the ceiling while adjusting the phone to his ear. "If you called me to try and somehow raise my maturity level, you might as well fall in line with the others."

"I'm calling you because everyone else has been trying to contact you since yesterday and you seem to be avoiding us. Hell, I had to call your mother just to find out you safely made it to LA," Lance stated, his voice firmer.

"Sorry, didn't know I had to check in with you guys. Damn, didn't we break up awhile ago," Justin retorted, eyes drifting shut for a moment. He inhaled deeply, stretching slowly on the bed.

"That we did Mr. Timberlake and we have an agreement to get together whenever all of us are in LA together. In fact, if you remember correctly, we're all supposed to get together today since we compared schedules and you bitched and moaned for two hours to Joey about it about a month and a half ago," Lance admonished.

Justin sat up quickly, rolling his neck. The words were a reminder Justin wished he had a week earlier. Had he forgotten that he was supposed to have lunch with his former bandmates? It hadn't even crossed his mind, not when he had Brian and that was all that he wanted to cross his mind. He scratched the back of his head and closed his eyes.

"Fuck, that's today?"

"Don't tell me you didn't remember? That's why we've been calling your sorry ass because we're supposed to hang at your place," Lance fussed, his voice raising an octave.

Justin rubbed his temple, eyes focusing on the bathroom. He saw Brian leaning against the doorway, a curious smile brimming his pink lips. Justin awkwardly smiled back. He wanted to giggle when Brian gave him a petite wave, one of those childlike waves that Justin was sure he saw Baylee do once.

"It just slipped my mind a little LB, don't worry about it. Uh, what time?" Justin wondered, watching Brian as he shyly walked toward the bed. He wanted to call out to Brian when Brian sat at the foot of the bed but he allowed it when Brian's hands nervously began to massage one of his ankles.

"Stop calling me LB, please," Lance requested, his tone calming. "Joey will be there in twenty minutes, I should be there in like twenty-five, and Chris went to go pick up Josh so God knows when they'll make it."

Justin nodded, trying to process all of Lance's words while Brian's hands drifted up his leg. He glanced at Brian, observing the way Brian had crawled further up the bed and was eyeing him with gentle blue eyes. Justin tilted his head and tried to will himself to get lost in those eyes. He settled for leaning forward until one of his hands could touch Brian's. He liked the way Brian gave a small snort, reaching a little higher so that Justin's hand could rest firmly on his and his own could massage Justin's lower thigh.

"Okay, that's fine. Sorry I didn't answer sooner," Justin said, his small offer at an apology appeasing Lance.

"Don't worry about it. I was just hoping you were okay," Lance contended.

"I couldn't be better, trust me," Justin grinned as Brian finally crawled up to him, straddling Justin's thighs with a petite grin. He reached up and pet Brian's cheek.

"That better not be some kind of code that you had your choice of some skank last night Justin," Lance whined through the SideKick.

Justin giggled quietly, letting Brian quietly nibble the nail of his index finger in a playful manner. "Far from it."

"See you in a few then," Lance cheered.

Justin merely dropped his SideKick on the bed, struggling between admiring Brian and fearing the presence of his friends. It was difficult revealing his attraction to Brian, even more unsettling to tell Trace. He had yet to confess to his mother though he knew that she was suspicious. Justin was a little too jovial when speaking of Brian to her. He had no intentions to tell Cameron and the label wasn't exactly high on his list either. But the four men that were his best friends throughout a large portion of his growing adulthood? The ones he never missed talking to at least once a week?

"Do you have any plans today?" Justin asked, trying to ease into the subject.

"Yes," Brian chimed, flicking a finger against one of Justin's nipples. "I'm spending the day with the only person I want to be around at this very moment."

Justin grinned, holding back a snicker as Brian's dimples flared. He reached out until his hands rested on Brian's waist. "How comfortable are you with... this?"

Brian raised his brow, shooting Justin a curious glare. He was trying to piece together Justin's statement and the way Justin was drifting between looking away and staring at him. He pursed his lips before replying, "What is `this'?"

"You, me.. you and me," Justin replied shyly, drawing liberal designs across Brian's chest with his fingers. He gained enough confidence to glance up watching the way Brian's face remained expressionless for a moment. Justin sucked in his lower lip. "I mean us being together like this."

Brian let a grin tug at the corner of his lips. He ran his hands over the sides of Justin's neck, rocking gently on Justin's legs. "I'm comfortable enough to be sitting here in your lap thinking about kissing you and how great it felt to sleep in the same bed with you again."

"You want to kiss me?" Justin questioned. He ducked Brian's attempt at a playful slap and he hadn't let all of his thoughts settle before Brian was smirking toward him.

"So the point went completely over your head that I like this' whatever it is," Brian explained, tapping the end of Justin's nose. He laughed at the way Justin's tongue licked out to wet his lips as he processed all of Brian's words. Brian leaned in and pressed a kiss to the corner of Justin's mouth, remaining still as Justin attempted to press a kiss to his lips. "I'm just curious about how far this' is going or already is between me and you."

Justin nodded, smiling as Brian leaned back. He let his fingers tickle up and down Brian's ribs. He puckered his lips before adding, "Sounds like a conversation we should probably have."

"Yes but not before you tell me why you're asking in the first place," Brian countered, his voice losing some of its lighthearted flow. He began to roll his hips until he slipped from Justin's lap, finding an almost comfortable place on the edge of the bed next to Justin. He permitted Justin to intertwine their fingers and he leaned in Justin's direction until his face was centimeters from Justin's.

"Personal space," Justin giggled out, reaching forward to nip Brian's bottom lip. He almost caught it but Brian's reflexes were quicker.

"Answer the question," Brian requested, his voice a little lower.

Justin sighed, nodding. He looked at Brian with unfocused eyes, drifting between musings about coming events and wanting to drag Brian down onto the bed to catch a few more hours of sleep. "The guys are coming over and I want you to be here. I want them to know about me and you if that's okay?"

Brian didn't try to hide his miniature smile. His eyes were lit up and he knew Justin was finding favor in the way he was glaring at him. There was blush rising in Justin's cheeks and Brian couldn't help but lean forward to kiss one of them. He rubbed his nose against the barely-there hairs of Justin's goatee. His freedom with showing affection was surprising him but he was accepting it before it could hamper him from enjoying Justin.

"I'm comfortable as long as you are Ju. It's weird to think about but why not?" Brian giggled out, his breath bathing Justin's lips.

"I like it when you call me Ju. It makes me think about that one night when you were half-sleep on the phone and you called me that right before we hung up," Justin confessed, lips occasionally touching Brian's as he spoke. He smiled when he stole a kiss, pecking Brian's chin when the older man laughed at his action.

"Don't go getting all mushy on me," Brian snickered out. He leaned in until his lips were against Justin's neck, his tongue licking feather-light strokes against the smooth skin. His lips kissed a few areas before his teeth nipped at Justin's collarbone. He listened to Justin mewl, felt the muscles in Justin's throat constrict as he planted deeper kisses against his skin.

"We should get dressed. They'll be here soon," Justin gasped out, his free hand stroking the back of Brian's neck. He played with the hairs on the back of Brian's head, enjoying Brian's tongue and all of its ministrations. He felt his breath regulate itself when Brian backed away, his tongue licking at his lips like he had cotton candy left on them. He was sure Brian's lips probably did taste like cotton candy or something sweet that Justin wanted to reach up and savor. He restrained himself as Brian eased off the bed, still smirking at him like a child winning a little league game. He offered a smile back, shaking his head while running a hand over his buzzed hair. There was some wicked promise in Brian's eyes that Justin wanted to collect on.

Justin knew Lance to be a man of his word. He leaned on the island in his kitchen, staring blankly at a cup of orange juice as he waited the arrival of his friends. He was sure they were at least ten minutes late and Justin prayed LA traffic was the only thing that held them. Then again, he was thankful for the time to collect his thoughts and figure out the proper way to inform his friends about Brian. He didn't even know what to call Brian. A potential? His boyfriend? Just a friend?

It was enough time for Justin to grab a bowl of cereal, not enough to enjoy it. He was too lost in dribbling thoughts and replying to a few text messages on his SideKick. He thought about calling Chris to ask their distance but he halted himself.

Justin thought of running back upstairs to Brian, consulting him on what he should call him. He decided against it. Brian seemed distracted enough after his phone conversation with Baylee was interrupted by a phone call from Nick Carter. Justin slinked out of the room then because while he enjoyed exchanging formalities with Baylee through Brian's cell phone, he sensed that the conversation with Nick was more private.

Justin tapped his fingers along the island, eyes peering into the hall. He wanted Brian to walk into the kitchen, needed to see that smile that always seemed to catch him off guard. The one that might settle his thoughts quick than his own mind could. He wanted to take the risk of running up the stairs to sweep Brian into his arms and just stare into those crystal blue eyes for a few minutes longer. It threatened to take away all of his fears and he liked the idea of that kind of sacrifice.

"Yo, Timberlake, we've got incoming," D called out and if it wasn't for the fact that Justin caught a tiny glimpse of Brian entering the kitchen just as the words bounced off the walls, Justin would've dashed into the foray to greet his guest. But the sudden surprise in Brian's expression left Justin with a need to prolong that walk. He wanted to somehow provide the older man standing inches from the island with a permissive exit from fear.

"Your friends," Brian whispered but Justin was already moving toward Brian and ignoring hollowing voices in his ears.

Justin glided his glass of orange juice along the counter, eyes deftly watching his destination. He had intent embedded in blue eyes and he fumbled with a small smile for Brian. He stopped in front of him, tapping a bare foot over Brian's sock-covered one. One of his hands nervously lifted and grazed along Brian's hip, finger lifting a small portion of the light blue T-shirt Brian wore. His pinky was able to press against soft skin for a mere moment as Brian examined him.

"This is okay," Justin assured Brian, stepping as close as possible without completely overtaking Brian. He tucked his chin and stared freely at Brian.

He couldn't escape his own smile because his heart pounding was drowning out the sound of any voices in the house.

"I have something to tell you about..."

Justin leaned down and quickly pressed a kiss to Brian's moving lips. Those pink lips were silenced for a minute, never moving but tingling under the ministrations of Justin's delicate ones. Justin let a hand cup the back of Brian's head and held it, cradled it even when his lips drew away and his eyes blinked open to stare at Brian.

"Drink some orange juice and follow me out there," Justin requested, calmly stepping away from Brian. He couldn't help but lift his hand and run it quickly over Brian's cheek. He caught the way Brian began to lean into the touch and he was tempted to keep his hand there.

"Yo, J, you've got visitors," Lorenzo remarked, stepping into the kitchen to catch the two embracing.

"But Justin," Brian began to call out as Justin eased further back, turning toward Lorenzo. He hooked a finger into one of Justin's belt loops. He didn't tug, just let his finger grasp onto the denim material as Justin began to walk toward the living room. He idly stumbled behind, wanting to speak words that he knew he needed to before Justin became too comfortable with his former bandmates.

"I'm telling you had you two avoided the highway you could've been here sooner."

Justin felt the awkwardness of the moment when he entered the living room. It was his own, self-indulgent awkwardness, but it was still existent. It only troubled him slightly that Brian was following close behind him, fingers playing with the back of his jeans for awhile before fading away once they were fully in the living room. Justin was sure that Brian felt the need to pull away once they caught view of his friends.

Justin's blue eyes watched as Lance continued to fuss with Chris over obvious delays in their arrival, Joey caught up in some benign conversation with D while JC sat in the corner of one of the couches, legs drawn up as he chatted on his cell phone. Justin didn't bother to speak or breathe too loudly because he wasn't completely prepared for the attention or the obvious explanations he was going to have to offer up soon. He just watched.

"Spare me the zen bullshit of back roads and LA traffic for a moment Lance because we're here, you're queer, and that's all that matters," Chris jested, slurping up a large amount of soda through a straw once his words had cleared his mouth.

Lance crossed his arms, anger rising over Chris' defiance. He cocked his head to the side and tapped his foot along the marble, a sure sign to Justin that either a debate or a long-winded lecture was arising from his friend. He still did not interfere because it was forbidden in his head.

"Must my sexuality be the focal point of your obvious pale existence in this world Kirkpatrick. Can you not accept the fact that while you are clearly nearing your expiration date and the geriatric hospitals are unwilling to admit the walking dead so that maybe you can swallow your pride and deal with the fact that I am right?" Lance asserted, his voice only holding the slightest tinge of venom.

"Dude, he just called you Kirkpatrick," Joey muttered, clamping his hands on Chris' shoulder before giving them a squeeze. He laughed into Chris' ear before adding, "You should probably just apologize now to spare yourself the verbal excommunication."

"Fuck Susie Homemaker, I'm right," Chris blurted out and he could already spot the symptoms of Lance's anger fizzling through his green eyes.

"Uncalled for," Joey hummed, easing away from Chris with a grin. He gave Chris a playful slap on the back and shifted on his feet to peer past Lance and Chris. He spotted Justin, smiling for a moment before trying to peer past Justin. He could see another form but his mind was divided when he heard D speak up.

"Is this one of them lover's spats?" D questioned, stepping past Justin.

"Gross D. They're like brothers," JC remarked, straightening on the couch while lowering his cell phone. He held it against his chest, clearing his throat. "But seriously guys, I did not cancel a day at the spa to regroup and here this kind of babble."

"Are they always this hostile toward one another?" Brian asked, leaning up to speak into Justin's ear.

Justin knew it the second Lance's head turned. He felt it the moment that soft country accent reverberated through the room. Somehow that quiet voice that Justin had heard whisper into his phone so few times managed to carry over JC's phone conversation, Joey and D's discussion, and Lance's heavy breathing. He was only faintly prepared. There wasn't that sudden shiver that crawls up the spine and leaves the body paralyzed. He didn't bat his eyes or turn away when Joey's stare became a little more open or when JC managed to stand to his feet to peek past Justin's tall frame. He inhaled slowly when Lance cleared his throat, arms crossed against his chest with that wondering expression that Justin hated almost immediately.

"Is that a..." Chris' question was only followed by JC's quick giggle.

"Backstreet Boy," JC sung lowly, slipping his phone into the pocket of his slacks. He stepped forward, dividing Chris and Lance.

Justin tried his hardest to keep his head lifted. He was usually overtly cocky when around them. He owned the room, owned the conversations, and he was the resident level-headed one when the rest were drunk or beyond the concept of maturity. He massaged the back of his neck, eyes squinting because he could feel the eyes shifting between he and Brian. More eyes were on Brian than him and he thought to look back to make sure Brian was handling every moment of it.

"Brian freakin' Littrell," Joey cheered, walking toward them and Justin felt a natural instinct to protect Brian but Joey was overtly jovial and maybe he needed that more than the scrutiny of the others.

Brian let Joey drag him from behind Justin, an inelegant expression becoming impossible to remove. Thoughts of grabbing Justin's hand for some sort of support crossed but wilted away. He knew they didn't know. Not yet. They were oblivious and he didn't mind that as much as he thought he would. He did find some small, fuzzy comfort when he felt a finger tugging on a belt loop of his jeans.

"Justin, what's a Backstreet Boy doing here?" Chris inquired, his head tilted as he scrutinized Brian.

"His name is Brian," Justin stated, a stiffness in his voice.

"Justin, what's Brian doing here?" Lance questioned quickly, redirecting his attention to Justin as Joey slide an arm around the steadfast Brian.

"Oh, Just, are we having like some kind of integrated get together? Like a reunion of the boy band cartel?" JC questioned with a grin, leaning on Lance without regard.

Justin sighed, running his free hand over his buzzed hair. He shook off nerves, eased forward until he was standing behind Brian. His breath tickled the back of Brian's neck as he eased his other hand into the back of Brian's jeans. He massaged the small of Brian's back and settled his chin on the back of Brian's head. He took in a breath of strawberry and California air. He didn't tense when Joey caught a look at his subtle signs of affection. He caught the pale expression that hit Joey immediately and hoped it was all the explaining he needed to do for that brief moment. But he knew it wasn't once Lance arched an eyebrow and JC leaned forward with some intent, curious gleam wrestling through his eyes.

"Shut up," JC gaffed, throwing a hand over Chris' mouth before he could say anything.

"I think I'm going to shit on myself," Joey remarked, easing away from Brian and Justin with a confused expression. He ignored words mumbled from Chris behind JC's hand.

"Welcome to the club," Lance hummed, his face still showing a dismissive expression toward Brian.

Brian exhaled lowly, his head dropping. He looked down, glared at Justin's bare feet on either side of his own. He unintentionally backed into Justin's arms, letting the younger man ease an arm around him until it rested on his belly. He licked his lips and looked up, trying to find anything in the room to concentrate on rather than the faces of Justin's friends. It was easier staring at Trace but he wasn't there to lighten the situation.

JC lowered his hand and leaned off of Lance, nodding toward Brian.

"You're fucking a Backstreet Boy?" Chris blurted out and he didn't have time to correct himself before JC clamped a hand back over his mouth.

"Did I say we were fucking?" Justin hissed, his voice tense. He felt Brian grab his wrist and he didn't know if it was a sign of comfort or a way of informing him that Brian was less than comfortable?

"Wrong choice of words Just. You know how he has this uncontrollable word vomit problem. We're trying to get a professional diagnosis," JC gushed, fighting with Chris to keep his hand over Chris' mouth.

"Okay, so now I'm on Punk`d? That's it, right? Because last I checked, good ol' JT was fornicating Cameron Diaz and I am so now in any condition to be on MTV," Joey babbled, glancing around the room with disbelief.

"Ashton's retired," Lance warned Joey, turning away from Justin.

"New host?" Joey inquired but he already knew the answer to his own question.

"So you're dating a guy?" Chris asked, prying himself from JC's grip and dashing away until he was hiding behind Joey. He stood on his tip-toes and peered at Justin over Joey's shoulder.

"I brought food," JC noted, hoping to ease some of the tension. "Food is good."

"We are," Justin struggled with his own words, pulling his arm from around Brian. "We're..."

Brian took a step forward, thrown slightly off balance because Justin still had a hand on his jeans. He cleared his throat and scratched the back of his head until Justin relinquished his grip. "Yes, we're dating. Justin and I are seeing each other. Nothing officially permanent but he likes me and I really like him. I enjoy his company and would be more than grateful if that company did transpire into something permanent."

Justin leaned back on his heels. He lifted his brow and scratched the top of his head. This was the Brian he held through tears? This was the one that was tentative about even kissing Justin? The one that had suddenly become so assertive and declared things that Justin only thought about in the shower or when he was texting Brian at night in his hotel room. He was the Brian that Justin wanted to scoop up, carry up to his bedroom, and lay on top of until the California heat left him no choice but to roll away and carry Brian to a colder place of the house.

"Aren't you married?" Chris inquired, easing from behind Joey without fear of JC. His peripheral caught JC curled into the corner of the couch again, nervously playing with his phone.

"You know Chinese food isn't so great cold," JC remarked, gazing toward Justin.

"Long story," Brian replied, turning his head toward Chris.

"Good ending?" Chris chimed out his question. He meandered to the couch JC sat on, resting on the edge of the couch near JC.

"I hope so," Brian whispered, turning a little to glance at Justin. He caught the crooked grin Justin gave him and it was encouraging.

"You should be ignoring him," JC warned with a grin. He dodged Chris' attempt to slap him and mocked him with a grin.

Joey sighed, taking up residence in one of the plush chairs while Lance remained standing, eyeing both Brian and Justin. He kicked off his shoes and propped one leg on one of the arms. He drug his fingers through his brown hair and tilted his head back for comfort.

"Joe, you knew that Cameron thing had been over for awhile," Justin commented, stepping forward and grabbing Brian's hand. He could feel the sting of Lance's stare but let it pass as he led Brian toward the empty couch near the television. He found a corner of the couch and pulled Brian down until he sat between his open legs. He knew bluntness was the only way any of his friends understood things. Subtlety had never been an eye-opener for any of them.

"Yeah, but I thought you were at least still boinking the broad," Joey huffed, throwing a hand over his eyes.

"And you've got a kid right?" Chris questioned, leaning forward to stare at Brian. He removed his puzzled expression when Brian nodded a response.

"He's a great little guy. His name is Baylee," Justin cooed, his arms encircling Brian's smaller frame.

Chris nodded, fishing out two cartons of Chinese food from a bag near JC's feet. He eased back on the couch while studying Brian. He watched the way Justin's larger hands held one of Brian's hands. He wasn't fazed and he attributed it to the month he hung out with Lance and his diverse circle of friends.

"So Justin, the metro hetero of us is into guys," Lance pondered, finding a seat on a wooden table in the middle of the room.

"Correction: I'm into a guy," Justin teased, resting his chin on Brian's shoulder. He listened to Brian giggle and felt the softness of Brian's cheek brush against his own barely shaven face.

"How random is that?" Lance wondered, finally letting a grin slip over his lips.

"Okay Lance, no Laguna Beach references," JC fussed, stretching so that one of his legs rested across Chris' lap.

"Don't get too comfortable Lazy Sue," Chris warned, stuffing a fork-full of rice into his mouth.

"This thing with you and Sue's?" JC pondered, arching an eyebrow toward Chris. He gave Chris a light shove as Chris simulated idle deliberation.

"Guys it's not that different when Lance did his whole coming out then," Justin remarked. His fingers drew invisible lines up Brian's arm, his nervous tension getting the best of him.

"Oh, it's quite different. You're not coming out and I did that individually with much preparation," Lance admonished, crossing his legs as he leaned back on the table. "There's an art to these things."

"I actually like Justin's approach much better. Just rip the band-aid off rather than drag it out," Joey noted, removing his hand to look at Brian nestled in Justin's arms. He offered a diminutive smirk.

"Uh, now we're quoting Grey's Anatomy?" JC inquired while scooping up some food from a carton.

Justin pulled his arm from around Brian and sighed heavily. He let Brian rub a hand over his thigh while he pinched the bridge of his nose. He hadn't given himself enough time to deal with the difficulty of telling the men he thought of as brothers. He had preparation time, planned words when he told Trace. He thought maybe he'd have weeks, enough time for him to define what he had with Brian before he'd have to tell any of his former bandmates.

"Seriously, C, shut up," Joey grumbled before turning his attention back to Brian. "Our kids should hang out sometime. I'm sure my little girl Brianna is older than your son but they'd probably get along great. I guess they call that a play date?"

Brian nodded toward Joey, grinning freely. "That'd be nice. Next time I'm out in LA we could get them together."

"See, he's already cooler than Reichen," Chris boasted, propping his feet up on the table Lance occupied. Lance quickly swatted them back with a furrowed brow.

"Don't go there," Lance warned, a finger pointing toward Chris with discouragement glazing his squinted green eyes.

"Reichen?" Brian asked in a low voice, half-turning his head toward Justin.

Justin leaned forward with a smile, captivated by the innocence in those blue eyes. He puckered his lips before responding, "Lance's boyfriend."

"Ex," Lance bellowed, drawing Brian's attention back to him. Brian nodded while twisting his lips and raising his brow. He took in a deep breath and feigned an applause toward Lance.

"Cooler," JC concurred, ignoring Lance's wrath. He lifted his fork and directed it toward Brian with one eye closed as if he were concentrating. "But he's a Backstreet Boy."

Brian shrugged, easing forward on the couch cushion, remaining firmly seated between Justin's legs. He rested his palms on Justin's legs and it was becoming oddly comfortable for him to freely touch Justin as if he belonged to him. But he didn't. Not officially. Just a portion of him that Brian enjoyed more than he should and he knew that.

"I don't see the downfall in that," Brian rebuffed kindly, soft blue eyes glancing around the room.

"Yeah, you wouldn't. You're too aloof," JC huffed out, waving his hand in the air in some uncalled for fashion.

"Again, the definition of `shut up' seems so obvious C," Joey hissed, erecting himself in his chair. He turned toward Brian. "Do your guys know?"

"No," Brian replied flatly and there seemed to be other words wanting to accompany that one but he halted. He let them cut his throat in thin slices as he tried to swallow them back down. He shivered at the feel of Justin's fingers toying with the ends of his hairs.

"Dude, does your mom know?" Chris inquired with wild eyes.

Justin shrunk a little. He glanced away, still feathering his fingers through Brian's hair. Avoiding the question was an option, though one not detailed enough for him to find another subject to talk about. He sighed and felt the world move underneath his feet for a moment. It was imaginary but good enough.

"Not yet," he muttered, licking his lips.

"Yes!" Chris exclaimed, clapping gleefully and he only settled when Brian glared at him with rabid curiosity. "We're higher on the food chain then his momma. Does anyone not see the brilliance in that?"

Lance laughed before replying, "Nothing associated with you is brilliant."

Joey threw a pillow at Chris before he could reply, snorting as he fiddle with the top of one of the cartons of Chinese food. Justin watched him idly, unsure when Joey had maneuvered to get food. He let the thought rise and fall, reassured when Brian nudged him with an elbow, snickering at the way Lance and Chris bantered. He released a small snicker and settled into some kind of bliss when they smiled at each other.

Brian stood in the kitchen, elbows leaning on the island of the kitchen while eyes watched Joey swirl a glass of orange juice and vodka in one hand while the other carelessly poured rum into another glass. They had escaped the living room and Joey rummaged through many of Justin's cabinets to find the right stash of expensive liquor that he said Justin hated to share with them.

Joey had offered to mix Brian a drink but Brian's tolerance for alcohol wasn't anywhere near its previous heights. He wanted to blame it on those swooping butterflies that he was sure Justin caused because every time he glanced behind him he could catch Justin peeking at him while idly talking with Lance in the hallway.

"He likes you... a lot," Joey confessed lowly, finished pouring.

Brian arched an eyebrow and then grinned. The concept toyed with the beat of his heart. "How can you tell?"

Joey laughed, shaking his head at Brian while placing the bottle of rum on the counter. He opened the fridge and pulled out several more bottles and a carton of juice. He turned back to Brian and replied, "He would've cancelled on us if he didn't. He can't afford for his brothers to be judgmental of someone he's unsure of. It fucks with his mental game and surprisingly, Justin Timberlake is good at losing his confidence."

"Oh," was all Brian could reply. He glared at the glass of rum and memories flooded him. Justin had to be confident that night they sat around drinking. He had to be to be such a friend in Brian's time of need.

"C is big on mixing all kinds of shit into one drink that making it all fruity and dull," Joey insisted, throwing dashes of juice and soda into the glass with the rum. He fumbled with ice cubes before dropping them into the glass.

Brian nodded, his tongue peeking out to lick dry lips and concentrate on the way Joey mixed the drink. He tapped his fingers against the marble top of the island. He was opening himself, permitting his nervousness to draw away because these were people Justin trusted and he trusted Justin. He trusted Justin with almost everything.

"It's kind of..."

"Gay," Joey replied, finishing Brian's sentence with a grin. He nodded while swirling the contents of the glass around. "We know. We keep telling him that."

"Not gay, just slightly superficial," JC retorted with a grand smile. He snatched up the glass from Joey's hand and nudged him with his elbow. He turned to Brian and pointed a cigarette toward him with a smirk. No words had to be said because Brian immediately playfully lifted his hands in a surrendering fashion.

"Please look up the definition," Joey insisted, taking a gulp of his own drink. He sighed hard and lowered the glass to smile at Brian.

JC took a few sips of his drink and rolled his eyes. He placed the cigarette to his lips. "I'm not gay Joe. Call me controversial."

Joey released a chuckle before taking another healthy gulp of his drink. He tapped the glass against JC's temple while laughing, avoiding JC's feeble attempts to swat him away.

"Patio C," Justin called into the kitchen, his voice reaching over their laughter.

"Fucker," JC groaned, stepping away from the island and moving through the kitchen. He stopped by Brian, giving Justin a detached glare. He tried to mock him but Justin wasn't too far into his discussion with Lance to turn and stare back at JC. JC giggled while taking another sip of his drink.

"If I don't let Trace smoke in the house, I'll be damned if I let you," Justin declared, folding his arms over his chest.

"Aren't you supposed to have something resembling a singing career?" Joey wondered while gulping down the last of his drink.

"Hello, good ol' Justin did it," JC gloated, cocking his head toward Brian with a grin. He was sure he wasn't supposed to take uncalled for jabs at Justin in front of Brian but the alcohol was quick and he wasn't one to back down from Justin.

"Marijuana is different gay boy," Chris chimed, sliding into the kitchen. He skid his sock-clad feet across the tiles until he was next to Joey with a wild smirk.

"Long time ago people. Stop bringing up old shit," Justin fussed. His ears were burning and he was sure that his cheeks were red. He didn't have anything to hide from Brian but certain aspects of his life weren't a necessary prerequisite for admittance to Brian this earlier into whatever it was that they were.

"Not gay, controversial," JC insisted, this time pointing his cigarette at Chris and Joey. He turned back to Brian with a grin before adding, "I dated Eva Longoria, you know."

Brian nodded but he found himself turning his attention to Joey and Chris stifled laughter. He grinned at them with curiosity.

"She dumped you, you fucked some guy, moving on," Joey mused, offhandedly pouring another drink.

"Fuck off," JC grumbled, stomping from the kitchen.

"No thanks. I'd like to remain the only member of *NSYNC that doesn't fuck with guys," Joey called out, slurping on his drink. He laughed lowly with Chris joining him. The laughter didn't last.

"Hey!" Chris barked, punching Joey's arm without abandon.

Brian laughed at them. It was reminiscent of his days with his friends. He could see Nick and AJ in that same condition, constantly poking fun at the others because its the only thing that kept them afloat. Brian would join them, never fearing Kevin's wrath or having to hide behind Howie's seriousness. He wondered if that's how it would be when he told them about Justin? Would they be so accepting to freely talk as if Justin had been apart of them all along? Because, while he hated to admit it, it mattered if they were accepting of Justin.

Brian jumped when a mouth kissed his neck. He settled when he saw Justin's hands on either side of his elbows. He let lips play carefully along the side of his neck, a tongue tracing against the heartbeat that thudded through his veins. He wanted to purr but didn't. Purr? He thought about escaping those thoughts because Justin's lips were against his ear and he was still standing in front of Chris and Joey with Justin pressed against his backside.

"They must like you," Justin whispered, breath tickling Brian's ear.

"Good for me?" Brian questioned bashfully and low, his cheeks filled with blush because Joey was watching them with his glass tipped toward Brian.

"Better for me," Justin replied, grinning against Brian's ear. He was looking at Lance who was busy stealing a sip of Joey's drink. They weren't really paying attention to Justin and Brian but occasionally their eyes did focus on them and it wasn't unnerving for Justin. Not like he thought it would be. It was as if Brian was just as welcomed as Cameron, maybe more so because he was friendlier and more sincere about his intentions than Cameron was at first. He was definitely more welcome than Britney and there wasn't hesitation about the situation. They just needed a declaration to believe that it wasn't just a faze Justin decided to go through.

"Think our little JT is happy?" Joey asked, his voice the same as it had always been. He didn't feel the need to whisper.

"I think BL is a little happier," Chris hummed, leaning on Joey as he watched Brian smile. Chris smiled back halfheartedly, swallowing down the last of Joey's drink.

"Where the hell do you guys come up with these childish nicknames?" Lance asked, irritation running through his voice.

"Shut up LB," Chris and Joey replied, never losing a beat as they laughed. Brian joined them, tipping his head back until it rested against Justin's collarbone. He let Justin nuzzle his chin against the top of his head while Justin's fingers slipped into the sides of his jeans. He let Justin toy with the top of his boxer-briefs, thumbs skating along delicate skin that wished it was being kissed rather than toyed with.

"I slept with Fergie," JC declared from the living room and it only spiraled the laughter until Joey and Chris were doubled over and Lance was leaning against the island with tears in his eyes.

Justin smirked. They weren't pretending. It was as if Justin had been apart of them all along. He liked that. He loved it and he loved the way Brian was laughing with them while his fingers brushed against the hairs on Justin's arms. Apart of them and apart of him.

Brian toyed with the buttons on his cell phone. He was sitting on the edge of Justin's bed. Justin was tucked away in another room and Brian had escaped the madness of being around Justin's friends for hours.

He read a brief text message from Joey before smiling. Joey was insistent on exchanging numbers with Brian. He was hoping Brian would bring Baylee back out to LA, set up an appointment for their children to meet and play. He was hoping Brian would accompany he and Chris to a club but Brian politely refused. He couldn't leave Justin. He didn't want to even though he knew Justin had a few phone calls that would take a few hours and would decrease their time of being together.

He settled for talking to Lance for an hour, apologizing for things he didn't do but felt the need to. And Lance was more than willing to atone to his own misjudgment. Lance tried to offer Brian advice, council him on his approach because Brian still hadn't opened up to any of them about their marriage but Lance was wise enough to know things ran a little deeper when crossing this line.

JC had left some time before Lance but not for asking for Brian's number as well. He said it was to keep tabs on Justin, but Brian sensed it was because he might've left a good impression on JC. He was hoping that was the case because he wasn't trying and that made it all more than worth it.

Brian slid down the screen of his phone, his wallpaper displaying a picture of Baylee. He couldn't help but sigh and then smile. He had called his parents but he forgot the time difference. He had forgotten that Baylee was pleasantly sleeping, probably in the guest room, and he wasn't going to get the opportunity to at least sing to his son. He grazed his index finger over the screen, eyes batting close for a moment as he thought of his son's small arms trying to wrap around his neck when he returned to Kentucky.

"You miss him," Justin whispered.

Brian quickly lifted his head and blinked open his eyes. He was greeted by a smile from Justin. He stared into those deep blue eyes for a second before Justin moved from in front of him to sit next to him on the bed. He permitted Justin to pluck the cell phone from his grasp. He exhaled lowly and leaned in Justin's direction until their shoulders touched.

"I miss him too. It's weird because he's not mine, yet I feel so protective of him," Justin confessed, gazing at the picture of Baylee laughing.

"That's a plus," Brian grinned, country accent thick as he spoke.

"You say that as if I have any minuses against me," Justin responded, faking hurt. He let the cell phone lay in his lap as he turned to Brian.

"You used to smoke," Brian shrugged out, letting one of his hands rest on Justin's lap. He toyed with one of the holes in Justin's designer jeans, fingers plucking at the loose strings of denim.

"You used to be a Backstreet Boy," Justin huffed out, his thumb stroking the skin of Brian's wrist.

"Still am," Brian countered, his voice raising a little without spite in it.

"Major downer B," Justin snickered, holding onto Brian's wrist as he tried to snatch away. He turned Brian's hand palm-up and traced over the skin.

Brian let his other hand trace up Justin's naked torso and he wondered when Justin lost his shirt? His fingers danced against ribs, skimmed over wisps of hair, circled a nipple. He sighed because the feeling of Justin's skin again was satisfying in ways he couldn't put together with pen or paper. It was finding a new piece of life in an already drawn out one.

"I want to take a bath," Brian whispered, his fingers dancing down Justin's stomach. He looked up and caught Justin watching him with the kind of revelry that he wished he could show without thought. He gave Justin a crooked smile before Justin winked at him.

"May I join?" Justin requested, sucking in his bottom lip.

Brian giggled and shook his head at Justin. He pulled his hand from Justin's loose grip and shimmied back on the bed. "It wouldn't be a good one without you."

Justin let Brian pull off his shirt but caught his arm before he could fully stand and walk toward the bathroom. He pulled Brian back down to the bed with a kind expression. He sensed Brian's hesitation but ignored it. He gesture for Brian to scoot closer and there was only a slight reluctance from Brian. He lifted his hand and ran his fingers over Brian's cheek, trying to soften the look in Brian's eyes with his own meaningful glare.

"Getting mushy?" Brian inquired, letting Justin's thumb trace the bridge of his nose. He jumped when Justin flicked the tip of his nose and his natural reaction was to punch Justin in the arm. He caught himself.

"I don't want to sound out of place or rude but saying this," Justin said, his warning already making Brian waver. He sighed and let his hand drop down to Brian's bare shoulder. "But there's something else I'd like to do before we take that bath."

Brian arched an eyebrow at Justin and thought over his words. It didn't take long to hit him and a small smile tug at the corner of his mouth. He sensed Justin's nervousness, saw that way it turned him from confident young man to a nervous schoolgirl. He snickered and shook his head, easing back some.

"I mean, please don't take it the wrong way or think that I'm some kind of horny teenager who's desperate to get some," Justin babbled out. "Because I can take care of it myself and that's not what this is about. That is definitely not what you and I are about."

Brian nodded, catching Justin suck in his bottom lip again. He rolled his shoulders and held back. He wanted Justin to want it. He wanted Justin to wait. He had thought about it, considered rolling on top of Justin last night to begin something he was sure he'd reconsider in the morning. He hadn't sorted out all of his feelings and having sex with Justin again could run the gambit. It could confuse him more and then he'd have to back away until he figured everything out. He didn't want to back away.

"Are you asking?" Brian pondered, leaning toward Justin with a hint of feral attraction. He watched the way Justin's Adam's Apple bobbed when he swallowed. Justin tried to reply but Brian slipped his index and middle finger over Justin's lips with a grin. He knew the response but he preferred the chase. "Because I'd much prefer you go after what you want rather than ask. We probably want the same thing."

Justin's brow raised and he had to swallow again. He wet his lips when Brian pulled his fingers away. His head cocked to the side and he examined Brian because maybe Brian was playing a role? He could be teasing him. It was plausible because Brian was playful like that. It wouldn't be a bad thing but it wasn't what Justin wanted.

But then Brian was standing. He was peeling off his socks and then glaring at Justin with that same untamed glare that made Justin's cock throb and his palms sweat. Brian's fingers popped open the button of his jeans and he let them hang, let them sit barely on his hips for Justin to look at. Justin smiled because he was still nervous but he knew Brian wanted that confidence back.

Justin stood from the bed, precise fingers unsnapping the buttons on his jeans. He calmed his breathing as Brian watched his fingers, watched the way they spread open the flaps of his jeans and Justin freely adjusted himself through his boxers. He used it to his advantage. He briskly grabbed Brian's waist and pulled Brian to him, bracing himself as Brian stumbled toward him. He caught Brian in his arms, smiling because Brian's jeans were now tangled around his knees and he was staring up at Justin with small speckles of bewilderment flushed into his excitement.

Justin adjusted Brian until he was standing straight, jeans pooling to his feet. He held onto him as he stepped out of the jeans, Justin holding his smile as Brian tried to concentrate. He leaned downward and pressed a few kisses to Brian's forehead, baited breath bathing Brian's face as he waited.

He found Brian's lips as soon as the older man turned his head upward. He latched on with no intentions of releasing until those lips were bruised and pleading.

There were a few muffled moans as Justin maneuvered his lips against Brian's. He cupped the back of Brian's head while his other hand held the small of his back. His lips danced over Brian in swift but deep kisses, reveling in the way that Brian's hands roamed across his back, his hips, his chest. His tongue licked across Brian's bottom lip while his hand tugged at the top of Brian's boxer-briefs. He swallowed each of Brian's moans, tongue licking into Brian's mouth before retracting. He tugged at the small curls at the end of Brian's hair, quicker pecks leaving Brian breathless as Justin tugged down his boxer-briefs. He pulled back, satiated in the way Brian panted hard and stood there with his boxer-briefs nestled under his balls and his body aching for more brief touches.

Justin let Brian pull the boxer-briefs the rest of the way down, settling for shucking off his own jeans. He grabbed Brian's hand for security, drawing in that trust that he knew Brian needed. He reached back, cupped Brian's ass and pulled him up until Brian stood on the tips of his toes and they were kissing once more. He smiled into the kiss when Brian became a little bolder, dared to pull his cock through the front flap of his boxers. He let Brian massage his hard-on, his tongue once again playing across Brian's teeth and the roof of his mouth.

"Want it," Brian groaned into the kiss, pulling back with sweat forming on his brow and a shaking hand holding onto Justin's shoulder. He squeezed the muscles there, shivered when Justin's mouth danced away from his and latched onto his neck. He found it hard to regulate his breathing as Justin suckled his skin. He almost fell apart under Justin's large hands, hands that were squeezing his ass, brushing against his back with fingertips tickling against his shoulder blades and kneading into his ribs.

"You do?" Justin asked and the coyness in his voice was obvious. He was licking at Brian's jaw. He kissed down Brian's neck, bit at his collarbone before flattening his tongue against the base of Brian's neck.

"Mmph," Brian whimpered, wrapping his arms around Justin's neck. He exhaled easy when Justin eased up to briefly kiss him. He wanted to hold onto the kiss but withdrew, letting Justin's erection brush against his own.

The tip of his dick brushed against the cotton on Justin's boxers and suddenly he was aware that he needed Justin out of them.

Justin allowed Brian to push him backward until he hit the bed and gently fell to a seated position on the edge. He grabbed onto Brian's hands, held them because he didn't want Brian to get too far away. He grinned when Brian leaned down, one knee on the bed between Justin's spread legs. He welcomed a kiss, swallowed Brian's tongue while releasing his hands. He grabbed onto Brian's ears and held him there, lips sore while he kissed. He swallowed each of Brian's breaths, breathing hard through his nose as he tried to continue kissing. He only let Brian pull away for a second before biting at Brian's lips. He nibbled on the tip of Brian's tongue, licking his way over the top of Brian's lip. His fingers massaged Brian's shoulders. He shook when Brian's fingers pinched his nipples. He had not known this much fever, this intensity in years. His body burned with a heat he didn't know existed.

"Need something," Brian whispered against Justin's lips with heavy pants and shaky knees.

"I need you," Justin argued, giving a soft pull on Brian's bobbing cock.

Brian keened, shaking his head because it felt so good but he knew he had to escape. He spotted the lust in Justin's eyes and almost thought to throw him back on the bed and grind against Justin until they were both wet with sweat and release.

"Just... wait," Brian pleaded, cursing himself because Justin's fingers were no longer playing with the head of his cock and he was stumbling backward until he reached his discarded jeans. Brian was trying to hide his shyness, the blush that was creeping into his cheeks as he tried to hide his desire. He reached into the back pocket of his jeans, pulled out a tube and strolled back to Justin with a little more confidence.

Justin raised his brow, watching Brian curiously as the older man stood between his spread legs. He laughed when Brian winked at him and tried to remain comfortable when Brian straddled him, a knee on either side of his hips. His eyes remained on Brian until he felt a slick hand grip his aching erection. He glanced down with a light gasp, watching the way Brian stroked him, slicked lube onto his cock. His breaths were uneven but his eyes were focused on Brian's hand. He trembled when Brian's thumb played along the head and cringed with delight when Brian's middle finger ran down the vein.

Justin collected his thoughts for a mere moment. He looked up and spotted the grin playing across Brian's thin lips. He giggled under his breath, whispering, "you wanted this, didn't you?"

Brian nodded, hands roaming down until they palmed Justin's balls. He dared to tickle under them, grinning as he let his hand dance back up to grip the base of Justin's dick. He sighed happily as Justin hissed. "It might've crossed my mind earlier."

"Why.. didn't you.. say anything?" Justin stuttered out, a hand finding purchase on Brian's hip. He had to find something to hold onto, something to bare some of his focus and desperation.

Brian kissed Justin's forehead, mouthed his way down to his nose. He kissed under Justin's eyes, stroking a little faster before slowing to a crawl, fingertips feeling the stickiness of the lube and the wetness of Justin's precome. He kissed Justin's cheeks, pulled away when Justin tried to kiss him.

"Passive-aggressive, maybe?" Brian teased, grinning as Justin tried to reach forward for a kiss. Again Brian denied him. He playfully pecked a kiss to Justin's nose before pulling up Justin hand. He squeezed a healthy amount of lube onto Justin's fingers, letting some drip down onto Justin's thigh. He leaned forward until his lips brushed Justin's ear, waiting for Justin to grab ahold of his ass. He smiled when Justin did, whispering, "Or maybe I just wanted you to tell me that you wanted it to. I wanted to know that there was a little something more than the sex."

Justin hissed when Brian traced his earlobe with his tongue. He found unison with Brian's own hissing when his index finger began to push into Brian. He chewed his lower lip, watching Brian's eyes shut as he adjusted to the intrusion. He was careful, his finger only moving when Brian quieted some. He pressed in and out, waited for the muscles to relax while watching Brian slowly begin to lower himself further on the finger.

"It's definitely more than the sex," Justin confessed, staring in awe as Brian inched his way onto two fingers. He scissored the his fingers as Brian groaned lowly. Justin kissed at Brian's chest, let his tongue play along the scar in the center of Brian's chest. He could feel each moan as his lips tasted the sweat forming around Brian's pecs. He let his tongue dance around Brian's nipples, teeth lightly nipping at the erect flesh. His erection was throbbing against his own stomach as he kissed at the top of Brian's stomach.

Brian brushed a hand over Justin's shorn hair and paused. He let Justin swivel the fingers inside of him, loosen him up a little more. His upper lip curled and he could only brace himself as Justin dug a little deeper. He was trying to be prepared, trying to remember what it was like to have Justin inside of him well over a week prior. His back arched and he sighed longly as Justin sucked on one of his nipples.

"It's so much more," Justin groaned, licking his way up as Brian drifted down onto his fingers. He caught Brian's collarbone for a second before Brian was rising again, lifting himself off of Justin's fingers.

"In," Brian whispered and he hoped it was enough. He hoped Justin caught onto the hint because his body was already aching and his spirit was restless. He felt anxiety and excitement and everything was just a wonder to him behind soft blue eyes until Justin grabbed his hip and spread his legs just a hint farther.

He remembered not to tense up when the head of Justin's cock pressed against his entrance and wished Justin hadn't waited when it began to push inside. He wished Justin would've forced him down because his mind was feeling hesitation his body refused to answer to. He hissed quietly and reached down to give himself a quick stroke. He did it again as Justin finally eased him down, taking in inches without a moment's breath. Brian wanted to feel Justin's balls against his ass, wanted to know it was over and he could relax but he didn't. He gasped quietly as Justin casually lifted him up and then brought him down again. It was an old sensation made new and Brian gravitated toward it.

Brian felt it on the uptake, felt the burn against his ribs and then sting against the back of his eyes as he reached the base. His legs shook and he tried to hold himself in place as Justin buried himself in Brian. He let out a silent gasp when Justin thrust upward, trying to fit every piece inside until Brian's heart was racing and his hands were shaking.

"In," Justin gasped, hands holding onto Brian's hips.

Brian nodded, eyes shut and breathed through his nose. He swiveled his hips and pressed down to make sure. It was all in and Brian couldn't quite remember not having this inside of him for so many days. He blinked open his eyes and caught Justin staring at him, mouth open and eyes lidded. He fumbled with a smile and nodded toward Justin.

"Nice," Justin said softly, hands tracing down and over Brian's thighs.

"Ah," Brian gasped, the head of Justin's cock just close enough that it kissed at that tight spot inside of Brian that made his legs shake and his body crumble with satisfaction. He knew he needed to reach down to feel it even more.

"Need to move," Brian whispered back, slowly lifting himself up. He didn't mean to squeeze his muscles as he lifted but his body was still tense. He was sure Justin enjoyed it.

Justin's eyes rolled and he hissed, sensations rippling through his body as Brian withdrew just to the tip. "You're in control."

Brian grinned mentally. He liked the idea. When they first had sex, he had little control. He was in Justin's hands, under Justin's body, trapped in a world they both created. He eased back down until he felt Justin's pubes and balls against his lower body. He lifted again, only pulling up halfway before settling back down. A little faster, a little deeper. He smiled when Justin groaned. He couldn't hide it.

Justin relinquished his hold on Brian's thighs and let his hands rest behind him. He let Brian have control. He closed his eyes and let Brian move up and down, rotating from fast and friction-heavy to slow and melodic.

Brian's moans were resounding from his chest and that forced Justin to open eyes, watch the way Brian rode with eyes closed and teeth clenched. He dared to thrust upward as Brian came down, shook with the sensation. His toes curled then. He did it again and again. He was bucking back and Brian's moans were getting louder in pitch but deeper in tone.

"Oh God," Brian gasped, eyes opening to look down at Justin. Justin was again watching him and that turned everything a little fuzzy. He latched onto Justin's shoulders, screwed himself down as Justin thrust up and caught every beat of Justin's body.

"Mm, fuck," Justin grunted, shallow thrusts catching Brian as he lifted upward. The slap of flesh purged him on. He gripped Brian's hip with one hand and spat into his other. He used that hand to grab Brian's cock, slick it with wetness and stroke it with little restraint.

"Oh wow," Brian moaned, head snapping back as he tried to move in a steady rhythm. He had lost the ability to maintain even strokes somewhere between Justin playing with the head of his cock and that sharp, warming feeling that hit him when Justin thrust up hard and hit his prostate.

"Wow's good," Justin groaned, pulling Brian close enough so that his tongue could lick the center of Brian's chest. He caught the sound of Brian whimpering and again he grinned. He took a little more control as Brian's ministrations became a little less up and more down. He fucked up and into Brian, pacing himself because he wasn't sure he wanted to not last. He had to catch himself, his lips pulling away as he saw a small red bruise begin to form on Brian's chest. He licked at the sensitive skin as Brian became active in their act again.

"Talking too much," Brian hissed out. He traced over the cross tattoo on Justin's arm and focused for a moment to move a little faster. He felt himself almost buck off of Justin and controlled himself just barely, but enough to keep Justin inside.

"Oh," Justin replied and it was more of a moan than a spoken response. It tickled the back of his throat and his legs were too tired to thrust up again. He let Brian's weight settle onto him as Brian just twisted and rolled, letting Justin throb inside of him.

"Mm, God, I want it," Brian sighed, a swift up and down stroke unnerving him before he settling back onto Justin again.

"Want it too," Justin whined back, trying to pressure up into Brian. There was no room for movement.

"Oh yeah," Brian groaned back and he let his other words lull in his chest as he rocked on Justin's cock. He tightened his muscles, tried to hold back that urge to cum because Justin was stroking him fast and without care. He wanted to swat Justin's hand away but it was dulling the burn of Justin being inside of him.

"Fuck, that's nice," Justin said, pushing up just the slightest. He looked at Brian, found the older man staring at him with a glint in his eyes that Justin almost didn't understand. He rocked up again and watched a silent groan pass through Brian's lips. He smirked, letting Brian lean down to kiss away his smugness. He moved up again, trying to get some motion from Brian but Brian didn't move. He snickered into the kiss because he did read the signs correctly. He knew what Brian wanted but wouldn't say. It wasn't passive-aggressive; it was submissive and desired.

Justin released Brian's cock, hands rounding until they found Brian's hops.

He lifted him some before pulling him down, his own body lifting from the bed some to greet Brian's downward rock. He reached as far inside as he could, repeating the action as Brian continued to kiss at his lips. He tried to kiss back, keep his concentration as he pushed into Brian. He pulled them forward until they were barely on the edge of the bed, their continued up-meets-down stroking urging Justin closer to the edge.

"Oh fuck," Brian gasped, kissing once the words slipped from his mouth.

"Potty mouth," Justin laughed, sucking on Brian's bottom lip. He rocked up once more before giving into his own temptation. He lifted Brian as Brian tried to move upward and without losing a beat, turned them until Brian was lying on the bed with Justin hovering over him. He thought he was a little more suave with his motions, but he wasn't. Brian was panting and looking at him and it only took him a moment to realign himself and slide back into Brian, his lips catching the loud groan Brian released when his cock eased back inside.

"Oh," Brian bellowed, his back arching as Justin slid deep and hard. He felt the change in pace, the urgency as Justin grinded deeper and his strokes came quicker. He lifted his legs from the bed and let them dangle in the air. He did his best to spread them while reaching between his legs to grab his cock.

Justin kissed along Brian's jaw, laid himself flat against Brian. He gave Brian just enough room to stroke himself as Justin thrust with more measured speed. He did his best to swivel his hips and dig deep to hit Brian's prostate. His lips kissed at Brian's cheeks, let each of Brian's groans ring in his ear as a hand reached up and cupped his other cheek. It was a possessive move but one he was sure turned Brian on even more.

"Oh.. oh, oh," Brian moaned, legs shaking and toes curling. He didn't know whether to stay in the moment or reach his orgasm quicker. He could hear Justin making happy noises in the back of his throat. It encouraged him.

"You like that," Justin gasped, nibbling at Brian's bottom lip as he jabbed harder. He felt Brian nodding, Brian's free hand reaching back and grabbing onto the sheets.

Justin lifted up, looked down at Brian as his hips snapped a little harder.

He breathed hard, took in the sight of Brian gasping and looking back at him. Sweat matted Brian's hair to his head and his mouth was open, freely releasing groans. His hand cupped Brian's chin and he thought of reaching down and kissing him but restrained himself.

"Like that?" Justin asked, slower strokes as he held onto Brian's chin.

Brian nodded a response, trying to grasp onto words as his body tried to grasp onto any drops of oxygen.

"You -- oh fuck -- like that, don't you?" Justin questioned again with labored breaths. He pulled out almost all the way and waited before slamming back in.

"Mmm, Justin," Brian moaned back, tipping his head back while hooking his ankles around Justin's back, preventing him from pulling too far out. Pieces of his inside were unraveling and he was doing his best not to buck against Justin's motions.

"I like it," Justin gasped, shallow thrusts making Brian's back arch just a little more under Justin. "I like being in you."

Brian nodded again because he wasn't able to find that part of the brain that controlled speech. He only knew that groans were stinging against his throat and his lungs were burning. His hand had slowed its stroking because he wasn't sure cumming while Justin spoke so dirty would boost Justin's ego or persuade him to be gentler next time. It didn't matter to him as long as there was a next time.

"I like fucking you," Justin whispered and that yanked a tight groan from Brian that made Justin smile for a second before his own thrust forced him to close his eyes and slow down for just an instant.

"Fuck me," Brian whimpered and he didn't know why but it came out without any form of hesitation. It just felt right, felt perfect in the moment. He exhaled hard before pleading, "baby, please."

Justin held onto Brian's face, his face dangerously close to Brian's. He swallowed each of Brian's breaths, lips just barely grazing Brian's as he worked into Brian a little harder. His spine was tingling and his legs were tightening. He felt Brian shuddering and there was no denying they were both nearing that point where they wouldn't return.

"Justin, oh my," Brian gasped, his throat dry and his body drenched with sweat. He gripped the sheets a little tighter and tried to keep his eyes open as to watch Justin's face crew into a pained expression. He bucked back once before gasping out, "cum."

"Brian," Justin mewled, screwing deeper and thrusting quicker. He tried to kiss at Brian's lips but Brian's head was moving and he was groaning. Justin felt Brian's body shaking beneath him. He felt Brian's free hand trembling against his back and he didn't bother to glance between them. He felt something warm dripping against his chest and every moan Brian held back was flooding the room.

"Oh, oh, oh," Justin managed to get out, his own body quaking because he had held back for too long. He had tried to hold in his restraint but his cock was ejaculating and he wished he had remembered to pull out this time, not to cum inside of Brian. His fingers splayed on Brian's face and loosened, Brian's encouraging strokes against his back comforting. He was tumbling toward something great as his shallow thrusts went a little deeper and he slowed.

"God, yeah," Brian keened, keeping his legs wrapped around Justin.

Justin nodded, reaching the height of his high before shuddering hard, resting on top of Brian as a few aftershocks ran through him. His hips involuntarily thrust one more time but he knew his penis was flaccid.

"Shit," Justin hissed.

"Just... wow," Brian whispered, letting Justin kiss at his cheek and comb fingers through his hair. He felt a sweat palm on his shoulder and turned toward it, kissing at one of Justin's knuckles. He was getting control over his breathing again and that was enough for him.

"Wow's good," Justin repeated, his lips kissing at Brian's neck.

Brian nodded, smiling when Justin lifted his head. He liked the sweaty, flushed look of Justin's face. He giggled as he ran his thumb down Justin's sideburns. He let his hand drop back as Justin pushed himself up, resting his weight on his arms and knuckles. He untangled his legs from around Justin but prayed Justin didn't pull out just yet. His body had become too accustom to this heat, this closeness.

"We definitely need that bath now," Justin said, holding steady above Brian.

Brian nodded, chewing on his lower lip the way he knew Justin did. It was becoming a habit, but a welcome one. Thoughts were fuzzy and meandering and he was too concentrated on Justin's smile and the way his eyes held that after-sex glow with a hint of elation. He was comfortable underneath Justin.

"About what you said earlier B," Justin added, losing some of that smile. He watched the way Brian's face turned into concentration and he was sure there were too many conversations earlier for Brian to piece it all together. "You know, about discussing where this is going and how you'd like something more permanent."

"Oh," Brian replied, nodding his head. He felt it coming. He was struggling with the frown because he was certain that he had spoken out of turn when he did. He had said too much and made it known that he wanted to take things a little further than Justin was willing to delve into. This was new for both of them and maybe Justin wasn't as attached to the idea of being with a guy like Brian was.

"I'm up for something more permanent," Justin whispered, pressing himself down until they were chest-to-chest again. He gave Brian a crooked grin when Brian's eyes lit up and his face went from pale to astonished. "I mean, if that is where this is going because I'm hoping it is."

Brian didn't know how or when to reply. He stared up at Justin, watched ruddy lips meander between a smirk and a thoughtful expression. He felt his dimples peeking when he tried to smile back. He thought to nod but knew Justin needed something a little more verbal.

"That's definitely where this is going."

Justin smiled and kissed at Brian's chin. He didn't need to say more. He didn't want to sit in that awkward, nervous moment where they had to define everything and map out their progression. He just wanted to kiss at Brian's lips and savor the instance he realized he had Brian for something a little more permanent.

I've got no time I wanna lose

To people with something to prove

What can you do but let them walk

And make your way down the block

I've got blonde on blonde

On my portable stereo

It's a lullabye

From a giant golden radio

It's a lullabye

From Wonder Woman's radio

-- "Blonde On Blonde" by Nada Surf

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Next: Chapter 3: Unlike Me

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