Brendas Journey

By Lisa Collins

Published on Oct 3, 2014


"You have no idea what it means to me when you call. Your voice takes me to a place that is so peaceful. After talking to you as I lay in bed, I have some of the best nights of sleep I've ever had, so please, if I don't call you first, please call me. Promise."

"Yes, I promise. I know after I've talked to you, I also have a peaceful night's sleep. Your voice is so full of care and warmth, I don't think I'll ever tire hearing you talk to me."

"Vicky? where are we going Friday night?"

"Never you mind, you'll find out on Friday. I think it's someplace you've never been before, so I am hoping you'll enjoy it."

"Ok, if you say so, as long as it's with you, I'm sure I will enjoy it." Hoping it's not a strip club.

"Brenda?." Hearing nothing I knew she was having trouble with some feelings.

"Vicky, remember we promised to talk to one another no matter how hard it might be."

"Yes, I remember?"

"When you lost Gabby, you never really got over the hurt and now you fear that I might hurt you." Hoping I didn't frighten her with my statement.

"Yes, very badly. How did you know?"

"I could see it in your eyes."

"Well, it was?."

"No, not now." Cutting her off. "Not over the phone, I want us to be together when tell me. This is something personal for you, and I don't want to just be a voice in your ear."

"Ok, I would like that too." Feeling I could almost see her crooked smile.

"Vicky, I'll call you tomorrow night after I get into bed."

"You promise. You know I would like that very much."

"I promise, now you sleep and know my thoughts are with you tonight."

"Thank you, mine will be with you also." I could swear I hear the smack of a kiss just as she hung up.

Putting the phone back on the nightstand and turning out the light, I again snuggled under the covers and once more slid my hand back inside of my panties. I couldn't believe that I totally soaked my panties.

Using two of my fingers, I slowly began sliding them up and down my slit, coating them with my juices. I started to imagine that it was Vicky's tongue that I felt licking me. With my other hand, I began squeezing and pinching my nipples, making them harder than what they were. I began to wonder if wishing my fantasy could be a wishful thought of becoming a reality.

Slipping between my outer lips, I started sliding my fingers up one side and down the other on my inner lips? As her tongue circled my clit, again I felt a shutter pass through my body. Her tongue slid down, parting my inner lips, sliding down and over my hole. I felt my juices soaking her tongue as it slowly sank into my hole. Once more her tongue slid back up and circled my clit, but this time she started flicking it back and forth before going down and lightly pressing into my wet pussy.

Slowly her tongue began fucking me faster and faster, not going very deep, but pressing upward towards my clit. I felt my body beginning to stiffen, my legs jerking. Turning my head to the side, I bit down on the corner of the pillow as my orgasm over took me. I could hear my muffled screams, my hips jerking as her tongue took me higher and higher.

When I woke up in the morning, I suddenly realized I was alone in bed and what I had felt the night before was only a fantasy dream, but if felt so real to me. My hand was still inside of my panties, my juices dried on my fingers and panties, I knew I experienced the best orgasm in my life and it was the dream of a woman doing it to me.

Suddenly my alarm went off. I quickly turned it off jumping out of bed. As I looked back at the bed, I could see a dark spot on the sheets where my ass was. I knew I came hard, but I never dreamed that I would have wet the bed as much as I had. I knew that when I got home I was going to wash the sheets before I went to bed tonight.

After my quick shower and fixing my face I went down to the kitchen to find that Sam had already made my morning coffee and had toast sitting on the table waiting for me. Just as I poured myself a cup of coffee and was about to sit down, Sam walked into the kitchen more asleep than awake.

"Hey mother, sleep well last night?"

"Yes, very good, and you?" Feeling my smile spread across my face.

"Yes, almost too good. Listen, before I forget, Melissa's parents are going out of town Friday afternoon, I was wondering if I could spend the weekend with Melissa so she doesn't have to stay home alone."

"Why don't you bring her over here and the both of you stay here?" I asked her, just to see what her answer would be.

"I could, but if we stayed at her house, we would have more privacy."

"I suppose you're going to have a party with a bunch of guys and girls, all getting drunk and tearing up the house?"

"MOTHER? of course not when we can have uninterrupted sex all weekend."

"Just sex huh?"

"Oh god, I didn't just say that did I?" Hiding her face in the crook of her arm to cover up her embarrassment.

"I'm afraid so baby, but yes, you can spend the weekend with her so long as her mother approves. Just don't let me find out you both went behind her back to do this. Ok?"

"No of course not, but I'll tell her to call you if she wants to know anything, but I think she will call you either way."

"Ok baby, now I have to get to work, big day today, see you tonight?" I leaned over giving her a hug and a kiss on her forehead.

Today was not too bad, I had two court appearances in the morning, and things went pretty much as planned. It was the afternoon court that started to make me want to pull my hair out. The opposing attorney tried to enter some items that were not in his foreclosure. When the judge asked if we could proceed and work around the items, I objected that I haven't even seen what the opposing attorney had, much less how it was going to affect the case later. Finally after arguing for nearly a half hour, a continuance was granted until I had time to review the items presented.

When I got home, I walked into the kitchen smelling something delicious cooking. When I went into the living room, Sam was sitting up on one end of the sofa and Melissa had her head lying in Sam's lap. When I went over and leaned down and gave Sam a hug and a kiss on her cheek, I could smell both their arousals. When I leaned down farther and gave Melissa a hug and a kiss on her cheek, I noticed her nipples were standing up hard under her t-shirt. I really didn't want to embarrass them, so I just stood and said that I was going to go and change clothes while they finished setting the table so we could all eat.

Coming into the kitchen a little later, refreshed after washing my face and taking off my makeup, we started to eat. During dinner, Melissa said that her mother wanted to talk to me about the weekend. I had said that was fine and after we were done eating, while she and Sam cleaned up the kitchen I would talk to her.

I had spent about an hour on the phone talking to Marie, Melissa's mom about her trip and the kids staying over at their house. I had told her that it was fine with me for the two of them to keep each other company, and that I might pay them a surprise visit, just to check up on them to make sure everything was ok. She was pleased to hear that and thanked me.

We all sat in the living room, watching a movie and eating popcorn. When the movie was over, they both said that they were tired and were heading to bed. They both gave me a hug and a hiss on the cheek as they went to Sam's bedroom. I picked up the empty glasses and popcorn bowls and put everything in the sink. I pre made the coffee for in the morning and went up to bed myself.

When I was about half way to my bedroom, I suddenly remembered I wanted to wash my sheets before going to bed. I just shrugged my shoulders thinking I know who made the wet spot and was not afraid of sleeping in it.

When I pulled down the covers, I noticed that my cream colored sheets had been replaced with a set of light blue ones. I could feel my embarrassment rising to my cheeks trying to think what Sam must have thought when she saw the dried wet spot in the middle of the bed. Thinking to myself that if I had been a little quieter coming in, I might have caught them fingering each other sitting on the sofa.

After peeing and brushing my teeth, I set the alarm, turned off the light and picked up my phone to call Vicky. After I had found her name and hit speed dial, I settled into the bed and slipped my hand back inside my panties wait for the connection. On the seconded ring, she answered the phone.

"Hello my sweet." I loved the soft sexy sound of her voice.

"And what if I was a guy calling just to breath hard into your ear." I said with a little laughter.

" I guess I would have just made his night, wouldn't I." Laughing back at me.

"Well, I'm not sure about anyone else, but you sure just made my night." Smiling at myself as I said that.

"So how was your day, mine was long and boring." She said after a sigh.

"Could have been better, but also could have been a lot worse. Had a rough after afternoon with Judge Pickle."

"Don't you mean Judge Pixler?"

"No pickle is my code word for the sour puss." Causing both of us to start laughing.

"So are you in bed?" She asked.

"Yes of course, I'm all settled in, listening to your sweet voice and thinking about tomorrow evening, having no idea what I'm in for."

"Oh don't worry, you'll be fine, plus I'll be there with you the whole time. Trust me."

"Oh I trust you, but you know us lawyers, we like to be prepared and know what we are getting into.

"So tell me, what are you wearing to bed?" I asked.

"Who says I'm in bed yet."

"So you're going to try and tell me you're not laying down in your bed, waiting for me to call?"

"Well, maybe I just want to keep you guessing. You know how us Private Eyes are, keeping everyone on their toes."

"That's ok, I'll just use my own imagination." Teasing her.

"What are you wearing?"

"Maybe I should tell you that I might be wearing a set of silk pajamas, or I could say that I am lying here naked and let you toss and turn all night long." I could hear her moan as the thought of me being nude and talking to her.

I slowly began sliding my fingers up and down my wet slit, as I started teasing her with an image of me possibly being naked.

"Since you won't tell me what you're wearing, I guess I'll just have to leave it up to your imagination."

"Your mean, you know that don't you." She said to me.

"I know? So I'll see you tomorrow night around seven, right?"

"Yes, I'll see you then?"

"Sleep well, will be thinking of you." I said to her, trying to control my breathing as I felt my fingers slipping into my wet pussy.

"Be thinking about you too? night Brenda."

"Night Vicky."

In the morning when I went into the office, I had asked Donna if I had anything going on in the afternoon. She said that I had one appointment at one, but then I was free the rest of the afternoon. I said fine, make sure I have a clear calendar for the rest of the afternoon, and when my appointment leaves she also can have the rest of the afternoon off as well. This brought a big smile to her lips and said thank you.

By two thirty I was on my way home. After walking in the door a little after three, I yelled that I was home. No need to walk in on something that I didn't need to see. I soon came to realize that I was in fact home alone.

After checking the mail, I made sure the wine cooler was well stocked, just in case any was needed. I then went up and decided that a nice long bubble bath was in order before worrying about going out for the evening. After soaking in the tub until the water became too cold, I stood and finished with a shower. I had finished drying, put on a strapless bra and panties and was in the process of working on my makeup when I heard the doorbell.

I was about to call out to Sam to answer the door, but remember that she wasn't home, so putting on my housecoat, I went to see who was at the door.

I almost fainted when I opened the door and there stood Vicky. She was standing there, in a white Patrizia Pepe Long Flowing jumpsuit. I had something very similar hanging in my closet. She had on black ankle boots with a two-inch heel. When my eyes returned to her face, I noticed that her nipples were hard and pointed.

"Wow, you look gorgeous."

"Thanks, I thought I would look nice for you tonight."

"You're early." Was all that I could think of to say.

"I know; I get nervous just sitting around."

"But I'm not even ready yet."

"I know may I come in?"

I was so transfixed looking at her; I forgot I left her standing out on the front door step. Quickly stepping aside, "Please, I'm sorry, where are my manners." Standing aside allowing her to enter while closing the door behind her.

"Would you like a glass of wine, or if you like you can check the fridge and see if Sam has left anything to drink."

"No, I'm fine. Thank you."

Looking at her, all I could see was a sparkle in her deep brown eyes and the smile on her lips.

"If you like, you can check through the CD's to see if there is something there you'd like to listen to while I go and finish getting ready." I turned to return to the bedroom to get ready.

My hands were shaking so badly, I decided to finish getting dressed before finishing up my makeup. I decided on a red strapless short mini satin cocktail dress with ruffled lace flowers. By now my hands had quit shaken, so I put the finishing touches to my face. After slipping on my three inch red heels I looked in the mirror. Saying to myself, "Go and get her you sexy thing you."

When I opened the door, I was able to hear soft music coming from the living room. As I walked down the hall, my sound of my heels was muffled with the hallway carpet and keeping Vicky from being alerted of my pending entry. When I turned the corner into the living room, it took a second or two for Vicky to look up at me.

Her mouth was gaped open. As she started to rise, she fell back into the sofa. It looked like she was having a hard time controlling her muscles. I walked over to her and offered my hand to help her up.

Once she was standing on her feet, she held me at arm's length, just staring at me.

"You're? my god?. You're?"

"Do you think I should go and maybe put something else on?" Teasing her a little.

"Oh no? no way. You look so beautiful."

I stepped back and did a little pirouette for her to see the back. When I stopped once more in front of her. I knew that the red dress actually accented the red highlights of my auburn hair. I was still an inch or so shorter then Vicky, even with my high heels, but we were close now.

"Do you approve of your date tonight?"

"Oh yes, Brenda. You look so beautiful. Bring some extra cash to bail me out of jail tonight. I'm going to have to fight everyone to keep them away from you." She took me by my hips and pulled me in for a hug. Pushing back a little on her shoulders, I was able to lean in and give her a peck on her lips. When she tried to lean in for a second kiss, I put my hand on her chest stopping her, "I'm starving, feed me, besides you don't want to smear my lipstick do you."

Looking at me and giving me a fake pout, she smiled and said she would do that later.

The restaurant she had picked out was one that I never had been to before this night. They all seemed to know Vicky, often referring to her as Vic. When either the waitress or one of the other employees was around, I also referred to her as Vic. The meal was very good. I had the braised lamb chops, and Vicky had the order of sea scallops. We settled on an excellent Rose' wine. It was rather a nice medium for the red meat and the seafood. The only way I would touch the desert, was that she split it with me. For our desert we chose the banana flamb? with rum and ice cream.

It was nearly eight thirty by the time we left the restaurant to go dancing. Vicky took me to a club near the outskirts of the city called Splash. After we were seated and ordered drinks, I sat back and began to realize that this was not your usual club. I had noticed several of the women really giving me the once over as we walked in and found a table.

Putting my hand on Vicky's forearm, I leaned over and whispered in her ear, "Is this a lesbian bar?"

Looking back at me with her crooked little smile, "Yes it is." Causing me to squeeze her arm a little tighter.

As I really started looking around, I noticed all types of women. Some were a bit older, and some looked rather young. I suppose you could also say there was a no dress code. Some girls wore skirts that were so short; you could see their panties, and some looked like they didn't have any panties on at all. A few women wore very baggy pants and what looked like shirts with the sleeves tore off. There were of course a few like Vicky and I, dressed nicely, not too flashy but also not very plain.

I watched as I could see them intermingle between each other. Some were holding hands, while some were in what looked like a very animated conversation. This was my first time that I was exposed to something like this, and I started to realize that they were no different than anyone else I knew. Some were probably very lonely and wanted to find someone to help fill the void, if only for one night. I assumed that those holding hands were actually in a relationship and were here where no one would hassle them.

I was broken from my thoughts as Vicky pulled on my hand to get my attention.

"If you're really feeling uncomfortable, we can go somewhere else if you like."

"No, I'd like to stay, unless you'd rather not."

"I was just worried about you, that's all." Vicky Said.

"Can I ask you a question for an honest answer?"

"Yes, of course Brenda."

"You came here allot, and on more than a few occasion, you took someone home with you?" Thinking that Vicky was one of those lonely ones, looking to fill a void, even if for one night.

Lowering her head and starting to play with the glass in front of her, "Yes I have, on a few occasions."

"If someone tries to talk to you, I will understand. You can talk all you want, but I will not share." Taking her hand lacing my fingers between hers.

I could see the relief spread across her face, and a smile on her lips. I started thinking that possibly once we walked in, she thought someone might come over to us and try and talk to her, not knowing how I would react. Just as a slow song started to play, Vicky was pulling me out of my chair and dragging me to the dance floor.

As we got to the dance floor, and pulled me close, I squeezed her shoulders then "whispered in her ear that I didn't know how to dance."

Looking at me, "relax, just let your hips go with the flow of the music. I help guide you." She began pushing my hips one way, then the next with the beat of the song that was playing.

Looking around at some of the other couples dancing, they seemed just be into each other, some closer than others, but each had their arms wrapped around the other, swaying to the music. Trying to move a little closer to Vicky, I pressed my body to hers and wrapped my arms around her neck a little tighter. I heard a moan escaper her lips as she pulled me even closer and started rubbing her hands on the top of my ass.

As the song ended, another slow one started playing, so we continued pressing ourselves against one another. Rubbing against Vicky, I could feel my nipples becoming harder and harder. I really didn't care, and secretly hoped others saw how turned on I was becoming, being so close to this beautiful woman. I could feel the moisture from my pussy starting to soak my panties, knowing no one else in here would ever know that.

We danced for maybe another half hour. I even tried a couple of fast ones, feeling like I was making a fool out of myself, but thought that maybe if I practiced more, it might be a good form of exercise. What I thought would happen did in fact happen. A few women did come over to our table to talk to Vicky. I felt it was more like they were trying to find out who I was more than then their need to talk to Vicky. As they came up to the table, I would hold Vicky's hand with my fingers laced between hers. I sat and smiled and acted like it was no big deal. When one or two would offer her hand to me, I would reach out and shake her hand while smiling. After the first two or three, Vicky became more relaxed when they did come to our table.

Glancing at my watch, I saw that it was almost eleven. I squeezed her hand and looked into her eyes.

"Would you take me home please. I think it has been a long day, for the both of us."

"Sure babes."

Once we were in the Jeep and heading home, I moved over and placed my hand on her thigh, and said that I really enjoyed myself, and asked if she would take me back there again. Placing her hand on top of mine, she said anytime. I told her also that she was going to have to take the time to try and teach me how to dance to the faster songs. This only brought a little giggle from her lips and agreeing to teach me.

As we started to pull up to the house, I told her to pull her car into the drive way and not to move. I went to the keypad on the side of the garage door and punched in the code to open the door. There was enough room in the garage for her Jeep to fit in alongside of my Audi. When I motioned for her to pull her car in, she gave me a funny look, but aligned car to drive in next to mine.

Once she had pulled into the garage, I started to close the door and stood in front of her car waiting for her to get out and come to me.

"Babes, why did you have me pull into your garage, when I should be going shortly." Give me a perplexed look.

"Sam is staying with her girlfriend until Sunday afternoon. I have to the house to myself until then." Taking a deep breath to gather my courage so I could continue what I wanted to say, "Unless you feel otherwise, I would like for you to stay and spend the night with me. I'm not saying that we have to make love or anything, but to sit and cuddle, maybe even wake up in each other's arms would really be nice."

"Are you sure of this?" Putting her hands on my hips while looking into my eyes.

"If you're asking if I trust you, I do." Taking her face in my hands, I pulled her down to me and kissed her lips lightly. While still holding her face, "I'll open the door to let you out if you ask me, but I would rather you stay." Once more giving her a kiss.

Pulling me against her, she pressed her lips to mine, her tongue sliding back and forth across my lips seeking a way in. Putting my hand behind her neck, I parted my lips allowing her tongue to explore the inside of my mouth.

As we pulled away to catch our breath, I slid my hand down her arm, taking her hand in mine and began pulling her to the door leading inside the house. Just as I opened the door, the lights went off in the garage. Pulling Vicky through the kitchen I lead her down the hall to my bedroom.

Once we were in the bedroom I turn on a light, and went to my dresser. I pulled out a sleep shirt for the both of us, handing one to Vicky. I gave her two hangers and said that she could change in the bathroom.

After she was in the bathroom with the door closed, I removed my dress and bra, after kicking my shoes off. I slipped on the sleep shirt, which came down far enough that barely covered the bottom of my panties. Pulling down the covers, I sat on the edge of the bed waiting on Vicky. After hearing the toilet flush, she came into the bedroom, wearing only her sleep shirt, which also barely covering her panties.

After stepping into the bathroom, I washed my face, removing my makeup, and sat on the toilet to pee. I said a silent prayer to myself to have the courage to follow through with my plan, or maybe it was more of Sam's plan. Feeling deep within myself that this was the right thing to do.

Turning off the light, I walked into the bedroom and noticed that Vicky was sitting on the edge of the bed. Walking over to her, leaning down and lightly kissing her lips, I pushed her down onto the bed motioning for her to move over. Lying down beside her, I turned off the light and drew her into my arms. The room was bathed in a soft glow from the night-light in the bathroom.

Silently we laid together, my arms wrapped around her shoulders holding her close to me. I felt her hand lying on my stomach. Slowly she began moving her hand in small circles. As I felt her hand move, I tensed up, this had stopped her from moving her hand. As I slowly began to relax once more, her hand again started to move in small circles. This time I did not stiffen up, but gave a soft coo.

As her fingers slowly moved up and were at the bottom of my breasts, I began to breathe a little heavier. Her hand moved slowly up and covered my breasts. Reaching up, I took her hand and brought it to my lips and gave it a kiss. Taking each finger, I kissed the pads of her fingers, one at a time. Sitting up, in the dim light of the room I thought I saw the look of sadness on her face. Reaching to the back of my neck and pulled my nightshirt up and over my head throwing it on the floor beside the bed; exposing my breasts. I sat there for a moment, so that she could look at my breasts as they stood out while she was resting on her elbow looking at me.

Vicky then reached behind her neck and pulled her shirt off, throwing on the floor near mine. With both of my hands, I tentatively reach out and lightly cupped her breasts in my hands. I felt their softness, her nipples appeared nearly half inch long and very firm to my touch. While holding her breasts in my hands, I leaned in and softly kissed her lips.

Lying back down, I once more took her hand, this time I held it in mine while kissing the palm of her hand, after kissing the palm once more, I placed her hand on top of my breast and held it there.

Using my free hand, I reached behind her neck and drew her in for a kiss. As our kiss became more passionate, I felt the palm of her hand rubbing my nipple, making it harder than I ever felt before. Vicky went from one breast to the other, then taking her fingertips and tracing around each nipple before lightly pinching and pulling on them. As we broke to catch our breaths, she leaned down and lightly licked each nipple sending shivers up and down my spine. I heard myself moan out at the touch of her lips on my breast, kissing then a lick after each kiss.

Feeling her lips encircling my areola, I could feel the gentle sucking of her lips on my nipple, causing me to moan louder with each swipe of her tongue. Her hand resting flat on my stomach just below my breasts, I took her hand and began sliding it down over my stomach. Using my fingers to lift my panties up, I slid her hand inside of my panties, until I could feel her fingertips lightly rubbing my curly hairs.

I held her as best I could as she continued to lick and nibble on each of my breasts, while her hand was slowly making its way over my mound and towards my slit. I felt her fingers become instantly soaked as she made her way down my slit, slightly parting my lips. My breathing became more erratic, my moans only broken by the grunts emitting from my throat. As I felt her finger slide between my lips and press over my hole, I gasped and pushed my hips upwards, wanting her to penetrate me.

Vicky pulled her finger to one side of my slit sliding it down to almost touching my anus. Slowly her finger came back up the other side until she touched my clit, making me moan into her shoulder. I felt her slowly sliding her finger into me to her first knuckle, then pulling out before sliding back in to her second knuckle. Slowly and tenderly she began fucking me with the palm of her hand over my clit, pressing down on it.

I felt her finger deep in me, her lips alternating between my breasts, my hands grasping onto her shoulders. Feeling her finger leaving the depths of my pussy, I moaned in frustration at its loss. Her wet lips now covered mine, and a second finger joined the first to slide deep back into me. Slowly she started fucking me while her tongue explored the depths of my mouth. I felt a third finger slowly being pushed into me, my pussy tightly grabbing it. I placed my hand on top of her hand covered by my panties and pressed her hand harder on my pussy.

My hips, with a mind of their own began thrusting along with the rhythm of her fingers fucking my wet pussy. Without warning, my orgasm exploded as my screams of ecstasy filled the bedroom. My eyes were tightly held shut as flashes of light seared across the inside of my eyelids. I was moaning into her mouth, now covering mine. Never before had I ever felt this intensity during an orgasm. As I felt myself starting to come back, her thumb began rubbing and circling my clit, sending me back over the edge into another abyss. Every muscle seemed frozen within my body, barely hearing the strange sounds coming from within me, I was lost in those grunts and sounds until I fell back onto the bed exhausted from the most intense orgasm I had ever felt.

Through half opened eyes, I watched Vicky as she lifted her fingers to her lips and licked one then started to lick the other finger. Reaching up, I took her hand and brought it to my lips as I also kissed and tried to lick her fingers. Wiping her wet fingers on my lips, she leaned over and gently kissed them.

Pushing her on her back, I laid my head down on her shoulder, my hand now on her breast, feeling her hard nipple under my fingertips. Feeling totally exhausted, I closed my eyes and was immediately asleep.

I woke up to the slow steady beat of her heart as my head lay on her chest. Lifting my head, I looked at the alarm clock and saw that it was nearly three thirty. Rising up to a sitting position, I could see Vicky in the dimly lit room. Her dark areola, about the size of a quarter, the perfect size for her smaller breasts. Her nipples were now the size of a pencil eraser.

Leaning over her chest, I kissed one breast, then the other. As I licked her left nipple, I saw from the corner of my eye, her hand moving towards me. Quickly sitting back up, her hand fell to her chest, nearly missing me. I watched a moment or two, seeing her breathing slow and the gentle sound of a snore once more return to her lips.

Looking down her beautiful body, I the dim of the light I could see her thong, her legs slightly parted. Easing my fingers on the sides of her thong, I slowly began inching them down. As her mound came into view I noticed that she had shaved all of her hair off. As I pulled the thong free of her hips, it slid easily down her legs until I finally removed them from her ankles.

I slowly parted her legs, moving in between them. As the night-light bounced off the mirror, I could see her dark inner lips protruding from her outer lips. Laying my hand on her mound, I slowly slid my fingers down over her clef, and between her legs. I felt my fingers lightly brush over her lips, feeling the softness of her inner lips. Leaning over, my face just above her pussy, I could smell her musky aroma.

As my finger caressed her lips, sometimes slightly parting her inner lips, I began to feel her moisture forming on them. Pressing my fingertip to my lips, I slid my tongue over the finger. I felt the thrill of my first taste of another woman other than myself. I thought back to the night my fantasies had turned into the most erotic dream I ever had, I knew what I wanted? no it was what I needed to do.

Lowering my head I wanted to lick those lips protruding from her outer lips. Slowly I laid the flat of my tongue at the bottom of her slit and slid it upwards, collecting all the juices that were there for me.

Vicky moaned as she stiffened up. This time stiffing my tongue, I slid it once more between her slit, going much deeper. Pulling her little pedals apart, I lick deeper, my tongue on the verge of going into her pussy. I felt a pair of hands on the back of my head, gently holding against this soft wet pussy surrounding my lips. As she began to hump her hips, I could hear more and louder moans coming from her lips. I tasted her really for the first time. Her sweet nectar filling my mouth, while her aroma quickening my pulse driving me to become one with its source.

Suddenly as if wakening up to the realization of what was going on, I heard my name being called and a steady pull on my head to move upwards. "Brenda, oh my god Brenda?" Resisting her guidance, I once more licked deep into her, causing her to stop her pulling, instead guiding me to her most sensitive spots. Pushing my tongue in as far as I could, I moved it around as if searching for something long ago lost. The harder I licked the deeper I tried to go.

Pulling my tongue out of her, I slid one finger into her, feeling her smooth velvety skin surround my finger as it easily slid into her. Vickie's hips rose to meet my hand, her lips now calling my name over and over, "Brenda, oh Brenda? In the dim light, I watched my finger slide in and out of her. I added a second finger, slowly pushing it into her; I felt the walls of her pussy beginning to hug my fingers tighter. As I looked up at Vicky, she was watching me, her fingers now squeezing and pulling on her half-inch nipples.

"Cum for me Vicky?" Leaning down I again swiped my tongue across her clit, causing her to lift her hips and let out a long steady moan. Not being satisfied with myself, I started to slide in a third finger. I now could really feel the tightness of her pussy as it surrounded my fingers. Pushing in as far as I could, I tried to reach up and find her G-spot. Wiggling my fingers only caused Vicky to pull that much harder on her nipples and moan louder.

When I felt her body stiffen, I knew I had found the spot I was seeking. Now rubbing and making small circles around the spot under my fingertips, Vicky again began pumping her hips up and down, as if wanting me to go deeper. Constant moaning escaped her lips; her breathing became erratic, knowing that she was on the verge of an orgasm. I could hear the plea in her moans for her release. Lowering my head I took her clit between my lips and bit down on it gently. "I'm cumming? oh god? yesssssss? Brenda?"

Screaming my name, thrashing her hips in every direction as her orgasm over took her. I felt that she had more to give, so I kept up the fucking with my fingers, I started trying to push deeper and faster. Tweaking her nipples and pulling on them, her second orgasm came upon her. Again she began thrashing around. I slowed fucking her pussy with my fingers, slowly sliding them in and out of her, As she slowly relaxed, I sucked her clit into my mouth and once more began fucking her. Her hands tried to push me away, but to me her body acted as if it wanted more.

Having never made another woman cum, I had no idea what I was actually capable of doing, or how far I could go. I just knew in my heart that I was giving Vicky a very special part of myself that I refused to stop at this moment.

With my three fingers inside of her, I started going a little faster and pushing in a little harder. My tongue started licking her clit, not too hard to make it over sensitive, but enough to keep it stimulated. Soon once more, her body began to react. Her fingers entangled in my hair, trying to pull me deeper inside of herself. Her muscles began to stiffen, her grunt getting louder and her pleas seemed garbled in a language I could not understand.

As she slid into her eclipse, she called out "Breeeennnnn?." As she hips lifted off the bed, and I felt juices hitting my chest and over my arm. Dropping to just above her hole, I began sucking and licking as her juices continued to pulse out of her. When she started to relax once more, I slowly stopped my fingers from sliding in and out of her. Moving and kneeling beside of her I slowly removed my fingers from her pussy.

As she was watching me through half closed eyes, I raised my hand and started wiping her juices on my lips, I then licked each finger before putting all three in my mouth, cleaning them off with my tongue. Reaching back to her pussy once more, I wet my fingers from her soaked pussy lips. I raised my hand to her face, where I wiped her juices on her lips. Cupping her face in my hands, wet from her juices, I leaned over, kissing her lips. We both began to clean each other's lips with our tongues.

Finally, I lay down and pulled her to me, resting her head to my shoulder, my arms wrapped around her.

"Brenda?." Placing my fingers to her lips.

"Not now my love, we have all day tomorrow to talk and express our feelings. Tonight rest, sleep in my arms tonight."

Opening my eyes, I noticed that the room was well lit by the morning sun. Raising my head, I noticed the alarm clock said that it was eight forty five. Looking at Vicky, she appeared to be in the same position the entire night in my arms. Feeling my bladder telling me that I should be getting up soon and finding a way to relieve the pressure building.

As I started to untangle myself from Vicky, I woke her up also.

"Hmm? don't go, stay with me."

"I'm sorry babes, but I need to get up and pee."

"Me too, but it feels too good to be next to you."

Climbing over her, I grabbed her hand and started pulling her out of the bed, dragging her to the bathroom with me. As we were walking into the bathroom, I felt Vickie's hand trying to worm it's way between my legs while waking, making me giggle at her antics. Once in the bathroom, I pushed her towards the commode, and told her to go first, while I sat on the edge of my roman tub.

Almost instantly, I could hear her pee splashing in the toilet. I sat, each of us staring into each other's eyes. I could see the moisture beginning to build in her eyes. Reaching out and caressing her face with the tips of my fingers, "what's wrong babes, did I do something wrong to make you cry this morning." Wiping a single tear with my thumb as it slid down her cheek.

"I'm crying because you have just made me the happiest woman alive." Reaching out and pulling me into a hug.

"Vicky?. Can I ask a favor of you?"

"Yes, anything."

"Can we swap places before I pee all over myself and the floor?" Making us both laugh.

Vicky had finger fucked me while I was still wearing my panties, now as I pulled them off she was able for the first time to see my mound with its curly reddish hair as I sat down.

"Why don't you turn on the shower and we'll wash together, unless you preferred to bathe alone."

Giving me a mean look, then her half smile, "hurry and join me."

After wiping myself and flushing the toilet, I stepped into the shower behind Vicky. I grabbed my bath gloves and poured some sea salt scrub scented with coconut oil into them. I started washing her chest, letting the texture of the gloves and salt mixture cleans her skin. Having done this to myself many times I knew that this would make her feel refresh. Moving my hands up her shoulder and down her arms, I took each hand one at a time, scrubbing them softly. As she leaned back against the wall, I moved down to her stomach, and sides, slowly making my way down her legs.

Turning her around to face the wall, I put more salt on the gloves and started at her ankles, working my way up her body. After I finished with the scrub, I removed the gloves and used the bar of soap, to reach between her legs and wipe her pussy, slowly soaping up her pussy and moving up between her cheeks. As I pressed a soapy finger to her anus, I heard her give a faint moan as she pushed back against my hand. Putting this to the back of my mind I turned her around to rinse off the soap and salt scrub from her body.

"Oh babes, I never felt this good taking a shower before. Not even when I treated myself at a spa. We're going to have to get some for the condo when we bathe there also."

Smiling at her comment made me feel good that knowing that we were going to have more times like this together.

By now she had my gloves on and was pouring some salt scrub into them. She started on my shoulders, working her way down my chest. She avoided my nipples, thinking the salt would be to course for them, but did caress the breasts before making her way down to my stomach.

After thoroughly washing my front and back, she took the soap in her hands and began to wash my pussy and ass at the same time. Pushing her mound against the side of my leg, her right hand on my pussy and her left hand between the crack of my ass. I could feel her fingers coming together and over lapping each other. Her fingers were lightly caressing my clit and pussy lips while her left hand was massaging my perineum.

My breath began to become ragged, deep guttural moans escaped from my lips. My nipples became hardened, as my pussy became wet with my juices. Slowly she pushed her fingers inside of me, then pull them out and slide up circling around my clit. Soon I felt two of her fingers slide deep into me. Turning her hand, she tried to reach up behind my pelvis bone, seeking my G spot.

"Oh god? I'm cummmmminng Vicky."

I felt her finger now push deep into my ass while exploding with my orgasm. With both hands now fucking my ass and my pussy, I was taken deeper into my orgasm, until my knees became too weak to hold me up. As her hands helped me to slide into the bottom of the tub, I laid my head against her leg, trying to catch my breath and collect my senses. While I was sitting in the tub, Vicky started washing my hair. Her fingers gently massaging my scalp, my arms around her legs, supporting myself.

After she finished washing my hair, I slowly stood up and washed her hair as she knelt at my feet. As the water started turning cold, we both quickly got out, toweling each other off. Towel drying my hair, I didn't think that I needed to worry about it feeling I wasn't going anywhere soon.

Reaching into my drawer for clean panties, I pulled out two pairs, handing one to Vicky and putting on the other one. We slipped on the nightshirts we had on last night, having only wore them a few minutes.

When Vicky looked at the bed and the large damp spot in the center of the bed. She looked at me and raised her eye brows.

"Did I do that last night?" As if amazed at what she saw.

"Yes, I'm afraid so. Reaching down to start to remove the sheets. Vicky helped me take them off the bed to put into the wash.

Sitting at the kitchen table, eating a bowl of cereal, suddenly the back door opened and in walked Sam. She stepped into the kitchen and on the second step, froze when she saw Vicky and I sitting at the table. Melissa was right on her heels and walked into Sam, knocking her off balance and stepping a foot or two forward. Both of the girls just stood there gapping at the two of us.

Trying to ease the tension, "is everything alight, I mean there is no problem why are you home, is they're anything wrong?"

"No? there's no problem."

Vicky just sat in silence, not sure what to say or do for that matter.

"Have a seat please." Looking at Sam and Melissa.

After they both had sat down, I reached over and took Vicky's hand in mine.

"Sam, Vicky and I slept together last night, and we'll also sleep together tonight." Feeling Vicky squeeze my hand.

"Are you upset at me for doing this?"

As Sam looked between Vicky, and me I could see a smile forming on her lips.

"No mother, I think it's fine. Honestly, are you ok with it?"

"Yes I am, very much so." Looking at Vicky as I said it.

"Vicky, can I ask you a question?" Sam said to Vicky.

"Sure Sam, ask me anything."

I suddenly saw a look of mischief in her eyes and before I could say anything?

"Is my mother a good lover?"

"Samantha Helen!" I said loudly.

"What mother, you asked Melissa the same question the other week."

I believe both Vicky and I both turned every shade of red looking at one another.

"Sam, your mother took me places I don't believe I've ever been before. Matter of fact, we're washing the sheets now."

All I could do was hang my head and slowly shake it, wondering if I was ever going to live this moment down.

"Oh really wow?. Would you?."

"Samantha!" I said looking at her like she was about to die by my hands.

"Oh ok? we just came over to get some movies to watch tonight, we'll be out of here in a jiffy."

Getting up scrambling into the other room. Melissa slowly got up to follow her to the living room.

"I'm sorry Vicky?"

"No that's ok. Maybe it's better this way, at least now we don't have to try and hide what we have from her. She seems to accept it, and I think it just makes it easier on the both of us."

"You're probably right, at least I don't have to worry about sitting her down and figuring out a way to tell her."

When Sam and Melissa came back into the kitchen, just as Sam got to the door, she stopped and handed Melissa the DVD's, then walked over to Vicky, pulling her up out of the chair and wrapping her arms around her neck. Sam's face was on the other side of Vicky's from me, but I could hear her asking her something I didn't quite catch. A second or two later, I heard Vicky giving her an answer.

"I promise Sam, I won't." While rubbing her hands up and down Sam's back.

When they separated, Sam came to me, pulling me out of my chair. Wrapping her arms around my neck as she had done to Vicky, she whispered in my ear, "I love you, and I am totally glad for you, just be happy, ok."

"I will Sam, I promise."

If it wasn't for everyone in the room looking at me, I think I would have cried I was so happy.

After they were out the door, and we were once more sitting down, I was wondering if I should ask Vicky what Sam had asked her, but felt that if I needed to know, she would tell me. Vicky reached over and took my hand.

"You're wondering what Sam asked me, aren't you?"

"Yes? but if it personal between the two of you, I really don't have to know." Actually I was dying to know.

"She said that she was glad to know that you and I were lovers, and asked me to please to be kind and not hurt you."

Laying my hand on top of hers, I gave it a good squeeze, letting her know I felt good what she had told me.

"Sam said that she loved me and was glad for me and hoped I would be happy." Feeling her squeeze my hand.

"So what are you going to do the rest of the day, since we can't do much else until the sheets are washed and dried." I said.

"Why don't we go and pack a few things and go over to my condo. There are a few things I need to do, then we can either go out somewhere, or just sit around and talk."

"I think I would like that. I do think that we need to talk, especially after this morning." I said to Vicky.

I gave Vicky a pair of my gym shorts. After putting on her bra, she slipped back into the nightshirt I had given her earlier. I threw her soiled panties into the laundry basket and told her I would wash the later, that way she would have a clean pair next time she needed one.

After packing an overnight bag, she told me that I would not need to bring a toothbrush or toothpaste. On the way out to the garage, I stopped and moved the sheets over to the dryer and turned it on. Walking into the garage, I asked which car we should take. I could see her little smile knowing that we would be riding in the same car.

Once at Vicky's condo, she showed me around. It was a small place, with two bedrooms. She had me put my overnight bag in her bedroom and said that she needed to check her mail. The second bedroom was set up as an office with her computer and file cabinets. I told her that while she was catching up on her mail and reviewing reports, I would go to the kitchen and see if I could fix us lunch.

I poured us both a cup of coffee, and having made us a couple of sandwiches, with some chips I had found, we sat down and started to eat.

I was quite while eating. I felt I had so much to say; yet I didn't know where to begin. I thought maybe I was a little nervous, but soon realized that I was more scared of what she would think once I started talking.

Putting her hand on top of mine as it laid on the table beside my plate, "you're thinking about this morning when you woke me up, aren't you."

"Yes I am. I guess I'm maybe a little nervous what you might be thinking of me, especially how I woke you up."

Taking my hand in both of hers, "I would give anything if you would wake me up like that every morning. Somehow I think we would have to learn to sleep on rubber sheets if that happened."

Blushing a little, "can I tell you my thoughts about it?"

"Please, and don't feel embarrassed or ashamed, and I'll tell you what I was feeling also."

I told her about my conversation with Sam, and how she told me to date you and to let things happen. I also told her that at first, I was really confused, especially with the fact that I was having feelings for another woman. I went on to explain that after talking to her one night on the phone, I became very horny, just thinking of you.

I explained that I started thinking what it would be like making love to another woman. Somewhere between my thoughts they tuned into a fantasy. Before I knew it, we were making love and in my mind I was actually doing it. It was as if you were teaching me how to please you. You showed me every one of your of your secrets. I think the biggest secret was when I had bit lightly on your clit while twisting and pulling on your nipple.

Looking up at Vicky, she had tears streaming down her cheeks. Immediately concerned, I jumped out of my chair and knelt beside her, "what's wrong Vicky, what did I say or do to make you cry like this? Please talk to me." Becoming frantic at what I might have said or done.

Vicky turn in her chair facing me, "that was how Gabby always made me cum so hard. Before you, no one has ever come close since Gabby."

Reaching up, I wiped a tear as it started to fall.

"I'm sorry, I thought I was only doing what you had shown me. Please forgive me." Laying my head against her chest.

Lifting my chin so that she could look into my eyes, "There is nothing to forgive. I really don't believe in the supernatural, but somehow I can't explain what happened. Remember I said that I thought it was her hand from the grave that stopped me from committing suicide, and somehow felt that it was she that pushed me to kiss you that night at the restaurant."

Nodding my head as I did remember her telling those things.

"Well? maybe? just maybe, it was Gabby teaching you how to make love to me in a way she only knew how."

Looking deep into her eyes?

"Vicky when we first met, when I looked into your eyes, I saw nothing. They were dull and lifeless. Your smile was only on your lips and never from within. Now I see a brightness in them, and your smile to me now is infectious." Pausing to formulate my next words. "I want to ask you, is there enough room in your heart for the both of us, me and Gabby, because there is enough room in mine for the both of you, if you'll share her with me."

Holding my face in both her hands, "are you sure about this. She will always be in my heart as a memory of the person I was in love with, but it's you I am in love with now and it's you I want."

"Emotional pain hurts the same as physical pain, but is hiding our pain always a good thing. The more we know pain in all of its variant favors and sensations, and if we never felt bitterness or anger, would we appreciate happiness. To fully enjoy the beauty in our lives, we must acknowledge our pain." I said to her then added, "Yes, I'll be here for however long you want me. It's not her I will be sharing you with, it's you that I would be sharing with her."

Pulling me tightly into her chest, I could feel the tears falling on the side of my face and hair as she rocked back and forth while holding me. As the tears began to slow, I felt her pushing me, then pulling me to stand up. Taking my hand in hers, she guided me towards her bedroom.

Once in the bedroom, she stood before me, her hands on my hips. Her breasts nearly touching mine, we stood so close. Leaning in, I kissed her lips softly. I felt her fingers at the hem of my shirt pulling it up and over my head. After she dropped the shirt on the floor, she began kissing my shoulder, working her way to my neck. I felt her lips on my neck, slowly work up to my ear. Her fingers were now on my back, unclasping my bra.

Pulling the bra straps off my shoulders, as the bra began to side down off my breasts, her eyes followed as my breasts were uncovered. Her fingers began tracing around my half dollar size areolas. Every now and then, I could feel her nails scratching over my nipples, sending little shocks throughout my body.

As her lips pressed against my left nipple, I moaned and held her head to my breast. Her fingers were on the waistband of my shorts, tugging them down off my hips along with my panties. When they dropped around my ankles, I easily stepped out of both of them. Releasing my breast from her lips, she tried to guide me to the bed. I resisted, kissing her lips as I began lifting her shirt up and over her head, tossing it on top of mine lying on the floor.

Pulling her closer to me, I started kissing her neck, working my way down and across her chest to the other side of her neck. My fingers quickly unclasping her bra, pulling the straps off her shoulders, while using my teeth to pull if free of her breasts.

Her nipples were as hard as little pebbles, waiting for me to kiss and bite them. Sucking the right one into my mouth, Vicky gave out a low moan while my fingers were pulling down her shorts and panties. Cupping both breasts now, I moved over to the left breast and sucked the nipple into my mouth hard, working my tongue across it. I could feel Vicky's fingers grabbing my hair, holding me to her breasts.

Releasing her breasts from my mouth, I moved to the bed, lying down and holding up my arms while spreading my legs for my lover. Vicky crawled over me, settling down between my legs, laying her body on top of mine. Our breasts pressing against each, my hands caressing her back and ass as we both looked into each other's eyes.

Grabbing two fists full of her hair, I pulled her to my lips and gave her my most passionate kiss I thought possible. Without teasing or waiting, I pushed my tongue deep into her mouth, touching everywhere I could. When we pulled back to catch our breath's?

"Vicky? make love to me? please."

This time, there was no hurry. Her lips were wet and tender as she kissed my face. Vicky would capture my bottom lip between her teeth while sliding her tongue across it; pull back until it pulled free. I felt her kissing my eyes, my chin, on each cheek. Slowly she made her way down my neck and chest until she had both hands cupping my breasts. Kissing down under and up the side of my left breast, I felt her tongue flick my nipple, then slowly sucking in deep in her mouth.

My moans and had become increasing louder. Living in a condo, I was sure her neighbors would be able to know exactly what we were doing. As she sucked my breasts in her mouth, her fingers began pulling and pinching my right breast. Moving over to my right breast, her fingers began twisting my wet nipple and pulling it.

When she left my breast, her hand replaced her lips, and began twisting and pulling both. Her kisses and tongue making a wet trail down my stomach. Soon I could feel her lips on my mound, her lips lightly pulling on my curly hairs covering my mound.

Releasing my right breast, her hand under my thigh, she lifted it, making room to farther explore my sodden pussy. I could feel my juices, leaking from me, sliding down between my ass cheeks onto the bed. Her finger slid down the left side of my labia, over my perineum then lightly circling my anus. Coating her finger with my juices, she pulled her finger upwards, through my slit, making me gasp, "Oh god?. Yes?."

Separating my lips with her fingers, I felt her tongue slide over my clit, again making me moan very loudly. Sliding her finger back down my slit, not going inside my pussy, but collecting more of my juices and going lower to my waiting rosebud.

Again making small circles around my quivering rosebud where no one had ever touched me before. All taboos regarding this forbidden area seem to vanish in an instant, as I pushed myself against her finger.

"You like that don't you?"

"Oh yes?" Again trying to push down on her finger.

With another swipe of her tongue across my clit area, Vicky gently pushed the tip of her finger into me. "Hmmm?" I moaned, my rosebud clamping down on her fingertip. I was complete stunned how this had felt.

Panting and moaning, I heard a voice that I recognized as my own, "More please?"

"Are you sure?." She asked me.

All the barriers, all thoughts were replaced by the ecstasy I was feeling this moment. Lifting my head and looking into her eyes, I could only nod my head and barely whisper, "Yes?"

Lowering her head, her tongue once more slid up my slit, to my clit, as her tongue slid around my clit, I felt her finger push deeper into my forbidden place. As it went deeper, her lips began sucking on my clit. I was confused as to lifting my hips, or push back against her finger. The harder she sucked my clit, the deeper her finger went until I felt her knuckles pressing against my cheeks. Slowly her velvety finger started sliding in and out of me.

"Oh my god? Vicky? Fuck me? Fuck me harder." As I started panting and moaning between breathes.

My pussy was like a leaking faucet, my juices were pouring out of me, coating her finger as it slid in and out of me. I soon felt a second finger now sliding into my forbidden spot, feeling a wondrous feeling while stretching and me open. My hips in constant motion, her tongue sliding up and down my slit, stopping every now and then to suck and nibble on my clit. I felt her thumb going into my pussy, now it was her fingers and thumb fucking both my holes.

As my orgasm neared, I knew this was going to be one likes I've never had known before. Holding her head to my pussy, her fingers fucking me faster and harder, I could feel the walls of my ass and pussy clenching her fingers, not wanting either to withdraw. As my orgasm peaked?

"Oh god Vicky? oh god oh god oh god?" I wailed over and over.

How she ever held onto my clit with her lips, I'll never know. My hips seemed to be going every which way. Her hair entangled in my fist, I was determined not to let her stop.

As I began to relax, I felt her lips, kissing me tasting my own juices on her lips. Extending my tongue towards her lips, I tried licking them clean of my juices. I felt her fingers slowly withdrawn from me, leaving me feel an emptiness I wanted filled once more.

I laid back, feeling exhausted and so satisfied. I slowly got my panting under control and slowed down my breathing. I felt my lips moving, but no words were coming out. Looking into her eyes, I saw a deep sense of love and hope in them. I felt a tear leave my eye as it slid down to the pillow under my head.

"Babes, what are you crying?" She asked me.

"Because? I'm? Just because." I stammered out.

Her fingers pushing the hair off my forehead, "Tell me babes? Please, I want to know what it is your feeling?"

"Because for the first time in my life, I think I now know what true love feels like. I love you Vicky, but I'm sacred that you're just going to think I'm silly little girl and leave me breaking my heart." My tears now began pouring from both eyes.

"Hush little one. Do you really think I would let you slip away when I have just found you? For the first time since Gabby, I feel alive. I feel loved. I love you Brenda? I'm not giving you up, not today, not tomorrow, not in fifty years." She said while hugging me tighter.

We both lay in each other's arms. Letting our own thoughts taking in all that we had done, not only tonight, but also for me the last twenty-four hours. While lying in the crook of her arm, my face nuzzled into her neck.

"Vicky, what you did tonight?" Feeling her tense up. "I just wanted to say that I never experienced anything like that before. Did you like doing that to me?"

I heard her slowly let her breath out, "Yes, I did? if it was wrong, I'm sorry. I promise I won't do it again."

"I'd rather you promise me that you will do it again"

Rolling half over on top of me, "Do you trust me?"

Caressing the side of her face with the back of my fingers, "Yes? very much so, why do you ask?"

"Wait right here, don't move." Sliding away after giving me a kiss.

Crossing the room, Vicky walked into her closet. Although I really couldn't see what she was doing, I was able to seeing a faint shadow pulling down a box from the shelf. Hearing a little rustling, I saw the faint image of her walking back across the room towards me.

Getting up on the bed, slipping between my legs, she leaned over and kissed me lightly on my lips.

"You know I would never do anything to hurt you, but I would like for us to do something I have not done in a very long time."

Feeling her slick fingers now working on my pussy lips, one then two fingers slowly being slid into me. As her lips sucked my left nipple into her mouth, I felt a third, then forth finger beginning to stretch me open even more. Feeling my vaginal lips being stretched wide; I soon adjusted to her fingers stretching my pussy.

"I'm going to fuck you Brenda, I want to fuck you until you scream my name and pass out from the pleasure." Taking my hand and letting me feel the dildo now attached to the harness at her waist.

It felt huge in my hand. I could not wrap my fingers around it. Not seeing it, it felt possibly eight or nine inches long. This was much bigger than what I ever had in me before this, but deep down I knew that she would never do anything to cause me harm or unintentional pain. In the darkness of the room, I could almost make out her face above mine. Slowly I reached up pulling her down to kiss my lips as I positioned the dildo at my entrance.

Parting my lips, I felt her tongue slide across my teeth as the pressure of the dildo increased. With a push of her hips, the head of the dildo popped into me, stretching me open. Holding herself above me, she stopped going any deeper, letting me adjust to its size. When I nudged my hips upwards, she pressed more into me. The size of the dildo really wasn't hurting, but the size of it stretching me gave me concern for Vicky to go slow, which thankfully she did.

As our kiss became more passionate, I was slowly rocking my hips, feeling the dildo going deep into me. Wrapping my legs around her waist, I reached down grabbing her ass cheeks in my hand and with a mighty pull, using my legs and hands, I lifted my hips driving the dildo into me as far as it would go. With Vicky pressed against my pelvis, I grunted into her mouth as the dildo pressed against my cervix.

Thankfully, Vicky backed off some, taking the pressure off my cervix. As I relaxed a little, Vicky began slowly moving her hips side to side. She was not really pressing into me, but using her hips to stimulate me with the dildo. Moving my hands up to her shoulders, I held onto her as she slowly started fucking me with her cock.

"Oh god?" I moaned. "Fuck me? Fuck me?" Hardly believing I was even saying the words to her. Vicky's cock deep inside of me was driving me higher and higher towards a peak I'd never been to before. My fingernails digging into her shoulders, my legs wrapped around her squeezing her tighter to me. She started moving faster, pushing it deep into me. As her hips began slapping mine, I could feel her once more hitting my cervix on each downward thrust. Though a little painful, I was feeling pleasure each time she pushed it into me.

As I started rising to my release, I felt her hands now on my breasts, her lips on mine. Her fingers were now pinching and pulling on my sensitive nipples. Just as I neared my peak, she squeezed my nipples hard, sending me over the edge. Blinding flashes held me captivated until it appeared a single white light was all that I saw. Totally void of any light except for that one bright light, I screamed; "VICCCCCCCCCCCCCC?" while digging my fingers into her shoulder.

I felt coolness on my face and upper chest. As I slowly tried to open my eyes, I could see the room was dimly lit. Vicky was sitting beside me on the bed. She was wiping my face with a cool damp washcloth. It felt like it took every ounce of my strength to lift one hand and lay it on her forearm.

"You ok babes?" She asked me.

Only able to nod my head slightly, I was trying to let her know I was ok.

"I never seen anyone cum as hard as you just did. You had me scared there for a minute until I saw that you were breathing and slowly coming around."

Wetting my lips, trying to form the words in my mouth, that my mind was trying to let me to say, I mumbled, "I never felt anything like what just happened."

Putting the washcloth down on the floor, Vicky leaned over and lightly kissed my lips.

"Lay with me, hold me close." I said to her.

After Vicky had lay down and pulled me close, my head against her shoulder, I closed my eyes going to a deep and restful sleep.

Waking up Sunday morning to the one of my best night's sleep; I looked over at Vicky lying beside me, her eyes open and her crooked little smile forming on her lips.

"Sleep well little one?" Vicky asked.

"Yes I did, I think that it was one of the most peaceful night's sleep I had in a long time. And you, did you sleep well?"

"Oh yes, very good."

"So what time did you wake up?" I asked her.

"I've been up now for an hour or two. I made some coffee, came back to bed to watch you sleep."

"Hmmm?" Snuggling closer, "So what do you want to do today? I think I might be a bit too sore for anything strenuous."

"I put a spare tooth brush on the counter sink, why don't you get up and freshen up and come on down for some coffee and breakfast."

"Ok, give me a few minutes and I'll be right down."

Having peed and washed my face and brushed my teeth, I put on a short robe I found hanging on the bathroom door, I made my way down to the kitchen. Turning into the kitchen, Vicky was standing at the stove cooking and from the sizzle and aroma, it was bacon. Vicky had a t-shirt on that came to just the bottom of her ass cheeks. As she moved her arms, I could see her butt with no panties.

I moved up beside Vicky, leaning against the counter, watched her finish cooking the bacon.

"I have a cup of coffee already poured for you sitting on the table if you like." Vicky said to me.

"Thanks, is there anything I can do to help?" Going to the table to get the coffee.

"You could set the table, all I have left to do is cook us some eggs. How do you like your eggs cooked?"

"Over easy for me please." Not liking my eggs very runny but just a bit more done.

We sat and ate or breakfast, mostly in silence. I had a lot on my mind, trying to sort them out. I was thinking about how hard she made me cum last night, and why I never experienced anything like it before. Nothing ever came that close, but a few times it did have a good effect on me, and thinking back, I believed that it probably was because I did have some feelings towards my lover.

Looking over at Vicky, I began to realize that when I was making love to her, I was opening myself up to her. I gave her my trust, I gave her my love, a real and not just emotional kind, I now truly believe that was the reason why I enjoyed it so much and came so hard with her.

I was brought back to reality with Vicky calling my name and shaking my arm.

"Earth to Brenda? are you there?"

"Oh sorry, I was lost in thought."

"Care to share with me?"

"I'm not sure I really can, it's something that just dawned on me, and I'm trying to understand it myself. I'm not even sure I know how to explain it, not even knowing what it really is or what it means."

Giving my arm a tender squeeze, "When you're ready, you can tell me then."

It was near eleven by the time we cleaned up the breakfast dishes, deciding that we both could use a shower. We spent another hour in the shower, slowly washing each other, getting each other off with our fingers until the water turned cold, forcing us out of the shower.

Doing each other's hair, we got dressed and decided to head back over to my house to wait on Sam. I told Vicky to bring a few things with her, seeing that she may spend more time there and might need a change of clothes.

Once at the house, putting Vicky's extra clothes in the dresser and closet, we sat in the living room, drinking a cup of tea I had just made for us. After considering what I was about to ask her, I took a sip of my tea and turned to face her.

"Vicky, I know this might be a strange question, but the future concerning us, what are you looking for, or at least what do you want to happen between you and I?"

Vicky sat back, bringing her leg up and putting it under her butt, leaning back on the armrest, she lowered her eyes to the cup in her hand as if in thought to my question. Feeling a little apprehension, I added; "Is there a future for us?" Almost afraid what her answer might be.

Looking into my eyes, she put her cup down on the coffee table and slid over to me, wrapping her arms around me. Laying her head on my shoulder, her lips kissing my neck, she relaxed for a moment.

"Brenda, if I told you all that I wish for, I feel it's going to scare you away, losing all my hopes and dreams. Except for Sam and Melissa, you're still in the closet concerning the rest of your family. Being a lesbian is sometimes not easy. I'm sure you heard your share of horror stories, concerning gays. I don't know if you're strong enough to face the hypocrites just yet, and then there is your family. What will they say, how will they react, even worse yet, what about your clients, will they abandon the firm, or stay and support you."

Leaning my head over, laying against the top of her head, I thought about the statement she had made, or asking if I was indeed ready to announce to my family and friends about who and what I am. I believe it was more like if I was willing to openly admit I was a lesbian and felt I was madly in love with Vicky.

For a moment I felt my stomach twist itself into a knot, but I knew I had to made a decision, not that it was going to be easy, but never the less one that I needed to make. Slowly moving away from Vicky, I got up from the sofa, went to my purse, digging out my cell phone.

While sitting on the arm of the sofa, I called my parents' home.

"Mother, how are you this morning?"

"I'm doing very good and Sam is fine also, she is staying with a friend while her parents are out of town, How is daddy, is he in a good mood?" Listening as she answered my question.

"I know this is kind of sudden, but do you think you and daddy could come by and have dinner with me this evening, say around six or so?" Again, holding my breath while waiting for her answer.

"That sounds great, then we'll see you and daddy at six then. Love ya?" Listing as my mother said she would see me later.

"Brenda, are you sure about this, I mean you really need to think about what you're about to do." Vicky was saying to me.

Sitting back down on the sofa next to Vicky, I turned so that we were facing one another. "I asked you if you thought there was a future for us. I understand exactly what you said, and I agree, there it would be near impossible if I were to? how could I put it, stay in the closet, afraid to be seen in public with you, holding hands or whatever. Will you stand by me while I do this?"

Reaching out and pulling me into a hug, "Of course, I'll be right here for you."

Pulling back and giving Vicky a peck on her lips, "Good, we need to check and see what we can fix tonight, and go to the store if we have to. I also need to call Sam and let her know what is about to happen so she is not blindsided."

We checked what was on hand to prepare a meal this evening, and found that we did need to go to the grocery store for a few things. I called Sam and informed her that she might want to come home alone tonight, telling her that her grandparents were going to be here, and that I was going to admit to them that I loved Vicky and they now had a daughter that was a lesbian.

Sam said that she was happy for me and she understood, agreeing that it might be best if Melissa didn't come over tonight, but said that they might get together after everyone left.

As I was talking to Sam, Vicky was behind me, her arms wrapped around my waist, holding me tightly against her. I felt her breasts pressing against my back, Feeling her hard little nipples pressed against me, causing a warm feeling in my chest, and a tingling in my pussy, wetting my panties. After I finished my call to Sam, I turned in Vicky's arms, putting my hands on her waist and held her close, "Vicky, we have to behave, I can't have my parents coming into the house smelling like we had sex all afternoon." Causing us both to giggle.

I pulled Vicky in tight, pressing my lips to hers, pushing my tongue deep into her mouth, and causing her to moan as our kiss became more passionate.

Pushing back away from Vicky "Let's go now before I change my mind and fuck you right here and now." Taking a deep breath to calm my nerves.

Walking through the grocery store, it was decided that we would have lamb shanks, with broiled red potatoes seasoned with rosemary and Italian seasoning, asparagus tips cooked in wine with cashew nuts. Vicky picked up a few bottles of Merlot and a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc to go with a cheese and veggie tray. With everything we needed, we checked out heading home to prepare the meal for this evenings meal.

Once everything was brought in and put up, Vicky said that she needed to run back to her condo and pick out something more appropriate to meet my parents, promising to return as quickly as possible; Within half an hour, Vicky was back with tote bag full of clothes, more on the line of dress and work attire.

Looking over at Vicky cutting up the lettuce for our salad, I began to wonder in the back of my mind, whether this evening went well or not, how Vicky would feel if I asked her about living together as a couple? Maybe for my part, it was more like wishful thinking.

With everything almost finished, Sam had come home, giving both Vicky and I a hug while telling us both how her weekend went. As five o'clock neared I told Sam she needed to go and take a shower and get ready for my parents. Vicky also said that she too needed to go and make herself presentable. After sitting the cheese and veggie plate on the coffee table, I went to make myself ready to greet mom and dad. Just as I was about to walk into my bedroom, Vicky was coming out. I had to suck in a deep breath, looking at her as she slowly walked towards me. Wearing black slacks, with a loose fitted light grey silk blouse and two-inch pumps, my heart started beating faster in my chest, intense tingling erupted in my pussy, immediately soaking my panties. As she came near me, I started to reach for her, when she put her hand on my chest. "Behave, just remember if you'll have me, I'll be here for you the rest of the night, and longer if needed."

Biting my lower lip, trying to control my emotions, "Forever won't be long enough." Her crooked little smile came to her lips as she stepped aside to let me pass.

Washing up, I had to change my soaked panties, fearing someone would be able to smell how excited I had become earlier. I felt I had dressed similar to Vicky, not letting her feel over dressed for the evening.

Once back in the kitchen, I took Sam aside and told her she might want to keep her and Melissa's relationship just between ourselves for a while longer, having one daughter coming out to her parents I thought was enough for my parents to handle in one evening, and to not also find out that their granddaughter was also a lesbian. She agreed to let things stand as they were for a while to see how things went.

At five forty five, I went to answer the door, greeting mom and dad with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I thanked them for coming over on such short notice as I led them into the living room, finding Sam and Vicky standing side by side near the fireplace. Sam was smiling ear to ear and Vicky looked like she was ready to bolt out the door any second.

As we stepped into the room, dad looked at Vicky, "Vic, good to see you again."

"Mom, I'd like you to meet a guest of mine, Vic, this is my mother Helen, and of course you already know my father Robert. Vicky came around the sofa and shook hands with my mom, and also shook my fathers' hand saying it was nice seeing him once more.

"So Vic?" My father said, "What brings you here today?"

"Daddy, Vic is my guest today, so behave." Giving him a friendly slap on his arm.

"Sam, why don't you go and pour us all a glass of wine while we relax a few minutes before we eat."

As we all settled down and began talking, Sam came back into the room carrying a tray with glasses filled with the Sauvignon Blanc I had purchased. After everyone had a glass in hand, we began munching on the veggies and cheese. Sam was telling her grandparents all about how her summer had been going, I told everyone that Vic and I were going to go and finish setting the table.

After walking into the kitchen, I had to grab the counter with both hands to keep myself standing, my knees were shaking so hard I could hardly walk. Vicky had seen me and came over to me, placing one hand on my arm, and the other on the small of my back.

"Brenda, you don't have to do this, no matter what, I'll be here for you."

"No Vicky, I do need to do this. I can't live behind lies and secrets with the two people who trust me the most. I want us to be a couple, and to be completely happy, I need to be open and honest with everyone concerned." Looking at her to see I could read anything in her eyes.

Rubbing her hand up and down my arm, "I'll be here no matter what, I love you."

"I love you to, that is why I need to do this."

Just about that time, my mother stepped into the kitchen asking if she could help with anything. I turned looking at her, wondering she happen to overhear anything that Vicky and I had said. Being my mother and who she was, she never let her emotions out unless she was ready to do so. Smiling, I said that we could handle it, but if she liked, she could pour the wine while we talked.

All through the meal, the conversations were kept light; mostly talking what each has been up to. Sam was talking to my dad about starting school and I was talking to mom about clothes and different recipes that I had tried. Vicky was occasional brought into the conversations regarding her opinion from either my father or my mom.

After desert was served, a dish of vanilla ice cream with Cr?me de Mint poured over it. Light but with a refreshing taste. The knots and butterflies in my stomach really started acting up, knowing the time was soon coming when I was about to make my big announcement to my parents. While mom was talking to Vicky about clothes, Sam and I cleared the table, and poured everyone a cup of freshly made coffee.

After a few sips of my coffee, I cleared my throat, letting everyone know I wanted to say something.

"Mom? dad? there is something I need to tell you." Taking a deep breath, looking over at Vicky seeing her smile gave me the courage to continue.

"What I want to say is? Vicky and I have been dating." I held my breath, waiting for the preverbal shit to hit the fan. My father was the first to speak.

"You know, your mother and I only have your best interest in mind. I ask you, is this something your serious about?"

Reaching over and taking Vicky's hand in mine, lacing my fingers between hers, "Yes Dad, each morning I wake up, and she is the first thing on my mind. When I look in the mirror every morning, I see something I haven't seen in a very long time. I see a smile on my lips, and a gleam in my eyes. For the first time since I was much younger, I can't remember being this happy."

"Pops?" Sam sometimes referring to my father, "Since she had told me, I swear she isn't my mother any more, she's all the time smiling and laughing. Sometimes I think someone kidnapped my real mother and returned this one to me." Looking at me with one of the biggest smiles I ever seen on her face.

"I know lil' one, I was telling your grandmother that something was up, because for the past couple weeks, she had been different, and I mean that in a good way. So Mother, what do you think of our daughters revelation?"

"Just before I stepped into the kitchen before dinner, I overheard some of the things Brenda was saying to Vicky? It is Vicky or is it Vic?" My mother asked.

"Most everyone calls me Vic, except Brenda, she likes to refer to me as Vicky, so you can call me which ever pleases you Mrs. Mallard."

"Well? if you don't mind, I also prefer Vicky, that is if you don't mind." Looking at Vicky as if asking for her approval.

"Of course Mrs. Mallard, I'd be honored if you also referred to me as Vicky."

"Anyway, as I was saying? I overheard you two talking and knew something was up, but decided to remain silent and see what would happen. Brenda, I know this took a lot for you to open up to us, and I respect that courage." Pausing a moment to collect her thoughts.

"All I ever wanted was for you to be happy. If this is truly what makes you happy, then I will stand behind you in your decision. Vicky, all I can say is, if Brenda trust you with her heart, then please treat it as if it was your own."

"Mrs. Mallard?" Turning her head to look at my father, "Mr. Mallard? I gave my heart to Brenda the first time I laid eyes on her. I love her, and there is nothing I would do to ever hurt her."

All I could do was squeeze her hand. I was wondering if maybe I was hurting her, but I couldn't help myself. "I love you too Vicky, with all my heart." Feeling my eyes start to moisten up.

"Robert" My mother said. "I think maybe it's time we went home and leave these two love birds alone for the evening."

"Wait one minute Mother, lil' one, don't you have something you'd like to also tell your grandmother and me?"

Sam of course had no idea what my father meant, and just sat looking like a deer caught in the headlights of a car.

"What do you mean granddad?" Biting her lower lip while looking at my dad.

"What I mean is, not too long ago, I had to pick up a gift at the mall, when I saw you and another lovely young lady all lovey dovey, holding hands and giving each other kisses on the cheek."

Sam seemed to shrink down into her seat as the blush began to fill her face.

"Her name is Melissa." She softly said. "She and I have known each other all through high school. We actually have been going together now for almost a year. Are you angry or disappointed in me granddad?"

"No I am not lil' one. Just like your mother, all I want is for you to be happy and safe. I would like to ask you, to be a little more reserved while out in public. Can you do that for me?"

"Thank you pops, and mom has already told me that, and since then we have been careful while in public." Getting out of her chair and going over and giving my father a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

I got up out of my chair and went to my mother as she stood, hugging her and also giving her a kiss on the cheek, whispering my thanks in her ear. When we parted, my mom went to Vicky, hugging her as she did me. Putting her hands on her shoulders, she asked, " Are you busy Monday afternoon?"

"No, why do you ask?" Vicky said.

Please come by my house for lunch, I'll have something ready by then, just ask Brenda for directions, ok?"

"Sure, I'll be there at noon Mrs. Mallard." Looking at me like I knew why my mom wanted to have lunch with her.

After my parents left, the three of us got the kitchen cleaned up, left overs put away and the dishwasher filled and running. We all were quite, lost in our own thoughts on how the meeting went with my parents. When everything was done, Sam said that she was going over to Melissa's house, and if she decided to stay overnight, she would give me a call and tell me.

She came over to me, giving me a hug and thanking me for being there for her. She then went to Vicky, giving her a hug, which seemed to last a little longer, both holding onto each other tightly. I barely heard Sam whispering something into Vicky's ear before they separated from one another. After Sam had left, I turned to Vicky, smiled and held out my arms for her.

After our little hug, I pulled back and asked if she cared to tell me what Sam was whispering to her. She just smiled, "Sam thanked me for making you so happy."

Pulling her back in for a hug, "I need to thank you for making me so happy, I just hope I make you just as happy."

Giving me a kiss on my neck, "More than you'll ever know my sweet love."

Taking my hand and leading me towards the living room, "So what do you want to do the rest of the evening?" Giving my hand a squeeze.

I stopped, pulled her around to face me, "Unless you have something special you would like to do, I want very much for us to take a shower together and make love the rest of the night."

Before I knew it, I was being dragged down the hallway towards the bedroom. It appeared that it was a race as to which one of us was naked first. After carefully hanging up our clothes, Vicky was in the bathroom first. She had turned on the water, getting it to temperature while she sat on the toilet and peed. After she had gotten up, I sat down next and started to pee as she made the final adjustments to the water.

Stepping in behind Vicky, I was glad that I had insisted on a large shower, which gave us plenty of room to bath together. After she had stepped under the shower and got herself wet, I picked up the shampoo and told her to kneel down while I washed her hair. I was not sure if it was by design or not, but when she kneelt down, she was facing towards me, putting her face level with my pussy.

As I started working the shampoo into her hair, her hands went to my hips, giving her some balance. Every now and then she would lean forward and kiss my mound and give it a lick with her tongue. As she continued to kiss and lick between my lips, it was getting harder and harder to wash her hair. When I told her to stop until I had her hair washed, she pulled me in closer and slipped her tongue between my cleft, sucking on my now harden clit. Spreading my legs wider, she soon brought her hand around, joining her lips. I felt two fingers working their way into my now soaked pussy.

All I could do was hold onto her head for balance while she slowly started fucking me, while sucking and teasing my clit with her tongue. Just as I was about to cum, she pulled back, giving my belly a kiss and standing up to rinse the shampoo out of her hair. Leaning against the wall, regaining my composure from nearly having a wonderful orgasm, I reached out and slapped her butt while calling her a "bitch".

"I thought that's what you liked about me babes." She said as she finished rinsing her hair.

When she was done rinsing her hair, I handed the shampoo to her so she could wash my hair. When I kneelt down before her, she said I needed to turn around. Looking up at her, I said when hell freezes over, causing us both to laugh.

As she started washing my hair, being longer I knew it was going to take longer to do mine than it did hers. Sliding my hands up the inside of her legs, my fingers lightly rubbed against her swollen lips, causing her to moan. Pushing her legs to open them wider, I licked her slit, again causing her to pause her washing and moan once more.

"Babes, keep doing that and I'll never finish washing your hair."

"And the problem is?" Giving her clit another lick as I slid my finger into her pussy, feeling its juices coating my hand.

I felt her hands now holding my head against her pussy as I slowly started fucking her pussy with my finger while licking her clit. By this time, she had basically stopped washing my hair, moaning and panting as I continued to fuck her. Just as I started to feel her pussy starting to spasm on my finger, I pulled it out and stood up, kissing her on the lips, letting her taste her juices on my lips.

Standing there looking, I could see the passion in her eyes flickering. "God damn you?"

"What, I'm not a bitch?" Leaning in and kissing her once more.

After rinsing my hair out, we both started washing each other, letting our hands caress one another as we spread the suds over our bodies.

Feeling the water starting to turn cold, we both quickly rinsed off and stepped out of the tub, drying each other off, again touching one another. Taking Vicky by the hand, I led her over to the bed, having her layback as I crawled on the bed on my hands and knees over her body.

Kissing her softly on her lips, I began kissing her chin, going to her cheeks moving towards her right ear, nibbling on the earlobe causing her to moan between breaths. Slowly going down the side of her neck, I was kissing, after lightly biting her skin but not enough to leave marks. Cupping my hands on her breasts, I made my way down to her breasts, licking each nipple, feeling it harden against my tongue. Taking her nipple between my teeth, I would pull on it until it popped free. After popping free, I would suck it into my mouth and ravish it with my tongue.

Drawing my knee up between her legs, I pressed myself to her pussy, feeling her juices beginning to soak my leg as I rubbed against her. I continued to knead her breasts, using my fingers to pinch and pull on them, my knee pressed against her pussy. When I felt her body begin to tense, I backed off with my knee, causing Vicky to moan loudly in disappointment.

"Nooooooo? Please? I'm so close."

Sliding down, I kissed my way down over her stomach, past her bellybutton. Taking my hands from her breasts, I gently spread her legs open. I pushed them open enough that her vaginal lips parted, exposing the juices that had collected behind them. Stiffing my tongue I began to rim her little puckered ass, slowly working my way up her slit to her clit, collecting her juices and drinking them. I sucked on two of my fingers, and with the help of her juices, I slowly started sliding my two fingers into her pussy.

Pushing my two fingers in as far as they would go, I slowly pulled them out, adding a third finger, sliding all three into her. Having my three fingers in as deep as I could get them, I turned my palm upwards, searching for her 'G' spot. Finding the little soft sack, I licked her clit, alternating between licking and sucking it.

By now, Vicky was constantly moaning, mumbling words I could not understand. My fingers were now massaging the spot directly behind her clit, all three fingers, moving, rubbing sideways, up and down. Vicky's hands were now, on the back of my head, pressing me into her. Once more I lightly bit her clit, while reaching up and pulling and pinching her nipples. "Oh God? Yes? Oh? Oh? ahhhhhhhh?" she cried as her body stiffened up, her hips lifting off the bed, making it difficult for me to fuck and suck on her clit. Feeling her juices squirting out on my chin and chest, I lower my mouth as another squirt of her juices went directly into my mouth. I now began fucking her pussy hard and deep with my three fingers. Each time they went deep into her, more of her juices would squirt into my mouth, drinking them as fast as I could.

Finally Vicky dropped to the bed, totally spent. I had heard some of the girls in college talking about women squirting thinking that it was just girl talk and nothing more. As I licked Vicky clean, then my fingers, I noticed that the taste was slightly different. It was so much sweeter. Almost like sugar water, probably not being very accurate in my description, but that is how I interrupted it.

Moving up beside Vicky, I lightly kissed her lips waiting for her to regain her composure. Laying my head on her shoulder, I felt her hand starting to caress the side of my face. Half lying on top of Vicky, I looked down at her, pushing a curl off her forehead, "You ok babes. I think that was the hardest I've ever seen you cum."

"Oh my God baby, I don't think I ever came that hard before either. What did you do to me?"

"No more than what I've ever did with you before, except maybe adding a little more love into it."

Snuggling into each other, I soon realized that Vicky had fallen asleep in my arms. Thinking of her and how much I cherished being with her, I too was soon asleep.

I had no idea how long I had slept, but I felt I was dreaming of an erotic adventure with Vicky. In my dream I felt as if my lover was licking and fingering my pussy, it felt so wet and so good. In my dream, it felt like two fingers were being slowly pushed into me, opening me up. Sliding my hands down my stomach, I suddenly came against a nose pressed to my clit. Lifting my head, peering down my body, I saw the faint outline of Vicky between my legs, her tongue now on my clit.

Placing my hands on the back of her head, I began moaning her name over and over, "Oh Vicky? Oh my god Vicky? Please don't ever stop?"

Suddenly she stopped and slid up to me, kissing my lips, tasting myself on hers.

"Brenda, roll over baby, I want to do something very special to you."

Slowly rolling over, she put a pillow under my stomach, raising my butt into the air. Apparently she had gotten up a little earlier and slipped on her strap-on that she brought to the house. Settling in between my legs, she slowly slid the dildo into my wet pussy. With it sliding in so easy, it felt as if she had already applied a generous coating of lube onto it. Slowly she pressed it deep into me, from this angle it felt as if it were trying to enter my cervix. Slightly a little painful, the pain was soon replaced by the need for more.

More than a little surprised, she stopped and partially withdrawn the dildo, telling me to close my legs together as she positioned her knees just outside of my legs. Sliding herself up higher one my ass, she began fucking me, but this time the dildo was on a downward angle. After the second or third downward stroke, it hit me like a bolt of lightning. The feelings I felt shot through my body starting in my pussy. Apparently at the angle she was in, she was fucking me constantly against my 'G' spot. The dildo was pressing against the back of my pelvis, and rub my 'G' spot.

She stayed at a steady pace, never hurrying. The feelings started growing stronger and stronger. Using my hands I grabbed the sheets, my knuckles turned white I was holding them so tightly.

"Viiiiicccccccccc?.." I screamed as the first orgasm tore through my body.

She never slowed down nor did she stop. Before the first one ended, and second one threw me in to a shaking, screaming fit. All of the sudden, I felt like I was peeing and couldn't stop, and yet she did not stop. My hips were moving in every direction at once, I then passed out.

When I was coming out of my stupor, I was lying on my back and felt a cool washcloth wiping my face and neck. Slowly opening my eyes, the bathroom door stood open and its light shining into the bedroom. Looking up into Vicky's eyes, I could see relief in them, and yet I also saw her crooked smile getting bigger.

My arms felt like they were weighted down with lead, unable to lift them, I asked for a kiss, unable to pull her to me. After some tender kisses, I looked into Vicky's eyes;

"Next weekend we're going to pack up your things and move you in with Sam and I." I told her.

"But?" She started to say.

"But ? what, you really don't want to move in with us?" Feeling a little worried that she may have changed her mind.

"Oh no, I really do want that, very much. Put I was just wondering if there was enough room in the closet for both of our clothes."

"Well, then it looks like Goodwill is going to have a field day with the things I rarely or never wear." Giggling as I said it.

"Now our problem is the bed is soaked, I didn't do what I think I did, did I?"

"Maybe a little, but it's mostly girl cum, I just made you squirt. Trust me, it will happen again."

"Only if you let me do it to you. But I think if this happens enough, we're really going to have to invest in rubber sheets." Making us both laugh.

"Come on, help me up so we can pull the sheets from the bed. I'm sure the mattress cover stopped most of it, but it needs to dry also."

After pulling the sheets off the bed, we went to the spare bedroom taking my phone setting the alarm on it.

It has been six years since Vicky has moved in with me. It was Vicky's idea that since her condo was so close to the university, I talked to Melissa's mother, and we would split the rent for the condo, giving the girls their needed privacy, and of course ours also.

After Sam graduated from the university and went to law school, Melissa had found what she believed was her actual soul mate and married him. She now has a little boy and is pregnant with a second child. Sam has moved on of course and while in law school, is just casually dating with no ties to anyone. She of course still believes she is a true lesbian, and who am I to argue with her about that.

Vicky and I are still madly in love with one another, and trying to come up with different ways to show our love to one another. That's not saying that there hasn't been a few speed bumps along the way, but we have learned how to open up with one another, and no matter how mad we might be with one another, never a night goes by that our last words to one another before sleep over takes us is, "I love you."

The End

I truly hope that you have enjoyed the story, again comments are welcomed and I will answer all who write to me.

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