Brendas Journey

By Lisa Collins

Published on Oct 1, 2014


I would like to thank Taif for taking the time and helping me make this a more enjoyable story to read. Please enjoy and send me your comments. They do prove to be very helpful in making me a better writer.

Brenda's Journey 1

Sitting back in my swivel chair, I looked around the room. Working for one of the top most successful law firms the city, Mallard and Mallard. It was my father and his brothers, Robert Mallard and Harold Mallard. I, of course am Brenda Mallard, daughter of Robert. I am one of three children. My brothers decided that law was not going to be their chosen field. Robert Jr., the youngest chose medicine and Michael, my older brother became research biologist.

Uncle Harold had no children. That was his own choosing, well... because Uncle Harold was gay. Uncle Harold does not flaunt being gay, but is not ashamed to admit he is gay. At first I was told that father was ashamed and refused to acknowledge that they were brothers. After some time, he slowly accepted it, and now has Uncle Harold and his partner to his home many times for dinner or cookouts. Sometimes the three of them sit in the den and watch the game on Sunday.

This is neither about my brothers nor my uncle. When I was quite younger, I was living the modern day princess. No harm or wrong would befall me. My father soon abolished all my problems or troubles outside the home. Inside our home, mother ruled, and what mother wanted, mother got. I was her baby girl and was protected as such.

When I was fifteen, Mark Thompson took me out on a date. He had brought along a six-pack of beer. After drinking three of them, he got into my pants. Needless to say, I also got pregnant. My father, being the lawyer he is, got him to sign away all rights privileges. During the summer of my sixteenth year, I had Samantha, or Sam as most call her.

So now here I am, thirty-four and have an eighteen year old daughter. Even at thirty-four, I still have my high school figure. I'm five eight, long auburn hair, my breasts are full C, and gravity has yet to make them sag. I have a twenty-five inch waist, and tapered hips, with what some call a nice bubble butt. I have green eyes with flecks of gold in them.

Samantha on the other hand is five ten, dirty blond hair and the deepest blue eyes you'd ever want to see. She is close to being a D cup, with a medium build. Because soccer and softball, she has maintained her weight well. Her softball coach told me that she is good enough; she might even be able to get a scholarship playing softball.

Well, enough about my family and me. It happened on a Thursday that my world was turned upside down. I was scheduled for a late afternoon court appearance, when I was checking my briefcase and noticed the files I needed were not there. I realized that I had left them on my nightstand after going them while relaxing in bed before going to sleep.

I told Donna, my secretary that I was going to stop at the house and pick up the files I left there and take a long lunch before going to court. After bidding her a good day, I said that I would see her in the morning.

Thinking Samantha would be out with her friends at the park, I didn't pull into the garage as I might have normally done, thinking I was only going to be a moment. After I came out of my bedroom and just before I turned to go down the hall, I heard a moan coming from the partially opened door of Samantha's bedroom.

Thinking maybe Samantha was home and maybe ill, I started walking down the hall towards her room. Her door was open maybe six inches, but as I got closer, I heard someone speaking. It was a girl's voice. I stopped and listen for a minute, when I distinctly heard her say, "Oh god Sammy yes, lick me right there."

I froze. I started thinking of someone taking advantage of my Samantha. I was ready to kill this person for violating my precious daughter. I was about to barge into the room and confront this pervert when I heard my daughter's voice.

"Ever since I seduced you a couple months ago, I can't get enough of you."

I couldn't believe my ears. I knew my daughters voice; I knew it was her, yet I still could not believe what I just heard. My hands were shaking; I nearly dropped the folder I was holding. I quickly slipped out the shoes I was wearing, picking them up and silently making my way out of the house where I could think and get a grip on myself.

I pulled into the parking garage across the street from the courthouse. I thought I would use the restaurant attached to the garage, but I had no appetite for food at the moment. I just sat in my car, my mind going over and over the sounds I had heard coming from Samantha's bedroom. Trying to think back if I had missed any warning signs that this was all happening, there were none. For all intense purpose's, she was my bubbling happy go lucky daughter.

A fellow attorney tapping on my window startled me; bring me out of my thoughts. As I rolled down the window, he said he noticed me just sitting here and was wondering if anything was wrong. I assured him I was fine, but had my head wrapped around a case I was working on. I noticed that I had five minutes before my assigned court appearance and thanked him for his consideration before I rushed off to court.

Getting my head back into my work, I ripped the plaintive a new asshole. Thanks to Vic's fine work, especially with the detailed pictures. My client was seeking a divorce on the grounds of adultery. With the pictures in hand she had no choice to take what was offered, and a reduced settlement at that. When my client caught wind of it all, hired our firm to represent him, our firm Mallard and Mallard. We had hired Vic to get the goods on his soon to be ex-wife.

After the judge granted the divorce, Mr. Holding then asked if he could have a word before I left. We stepped over near the jury box for a little privacy when he asked if he could stop by the office on Monday to see if I would take on his company as a representative in all its legal matters. I was almost to stun to answer, so I reached inside my purse and retrieved my phone looking at my appointment calendar.

"I am free from eleven on, I have no other appointments the rest of the day." Straightening my shoulders and trying to put some conviction back into my voice.

"Fine, I'll pick you up at eleven, we'll have lunch, I'll explain the basics of my company and then we can go back to your office, meet the rest of your partners and possibly draw up a contract."

"Fine" I said, "I'd see you at eleven then."

When I got back to my car, I yelled a loud "YES!" Pumping my fist up and down a few times and then got into the car. I called Donna to make sure I was free for Monday except my early morning court appearance.

The one first thing I wanted to do, was properly thank Vic for the wonderful job he did on collecting the evidence we needed to win this case. Having his number on my phone, I simple sent him a text asking if he were available for dinner Saturday evening at six. I gave him the location and asked if it was not a good time to let me know.

As I pulled into the garage at home, I heard my phone alerting me that I had received a text.

"Due to unexpected circumstances, this weekend will not be a good weekend for me to meet, however if you would like to make it tonight I would be more than glad to meet with you. Vic"

I texted back, "Same location, see you at six."

I called the restaurant and made reservations for six PM, asking for a private table so we could talk.

When I got home, Samantha was in the kitchen making a picture of ice tea. As I sat my purse and brief case down, she came over and gave me a hug. As her arms wrapped around my shoulders, my mind suddenly thought of someone else's arms around her naked body. Shaking off the thoughts, I gave a kiss on the cheek asking how her day went.

"Oh nothing unusual, Mel and I just hung around, went to the park, nothing worth mentioning." Pulling away and reaching for her glass of ice tea.

"How was your day mom, anything exciting happening?"

"Oh yeah, I won my case big time, and maybe landed a corporate account in the process." Smiling at the thought.

"Don't worry about diner," I said. "I'm meeting our investigator for dinner tonight. He had done such a good job, I wanted to personally thank him."

"Oh, ok. So do you have any idea what time you're going to be home tonight?" She asked.

"Probably around eight or so, why?"

"Would it be ok if I spent the night with Mel?" Looking at me while biting her lower lip.

"Only on one condition, you and Mel have to be here by noon so we can all go and have lunch together. Deal!"

"Deal" She said, then added, "I need to go and pack an overnight bag and you need to get ready for your date tonight." Putting the empty glass in the sink and the ice tea back in the fridge.

As I was stepping out of the shower, I heard, "bye mom" and the door slam shut. I finished drying and doing my hair, and sat wondering what I was going to wear. I didn't want to be to plain looking, nor did I want to have that over sexed look.

I put on a skirt that was four inches above the knees, and a peasant blouse showing off my chest and top of my breasts, I topped it off with gold necklace pennant and matching earrings. I put on a pair of black three-inch heels

I arrived at the restaurant a little early, so I took the table reserved for me and ordered a glass of wine. As I was sitting there thinking of how I was going to handle tomorrow with Samantha and Mel, I felt someone walk up to the table looking down at me.

"I'm sorry, may I help you?"

"Possibly, are you waiting on Vic tonight?"

"Yes I am, he should be here shortly." Wondering what this woman wanted and how she knew I was waiting on Vic.

"I'm Vic, I'm glad to finally meet you." Extending her hand to me.

I slowly extended my hand and felt a firm grip on mine, which pleased me greatly. I hated mushy weak handshakes.

As I was shaking her hand, I looked closely at her. She was tall, probably a little taller than I was. She had short black curly hair. The little curls just lapping over the ears and across the neck. She had the darkest brown eyes I think I ever saw, broad shoulders and a silk blouse buttoning down the front. Her breasts were small, probably a B cup. She had on a tan pair of slacks, not loose, but tight enough I could see that her thighs were well toned and muscular.

Finally letting go of her hand, I asked if she would like to sit. After sitting down across from me, her purse in her lap.

"I'm sorry for my perplexed expression, but I was expecting a man. Vic is the only name I knew and..." Blushing, "assumed you were a man."

"If you're too uncomfortable, I can leave so that I don't cause you any embarrassment."

"No please stay, I am probably at a far greater disadvantage than you, but I would like to thank you for the job you had done for me and my firm, but now I would like to get to know you better."

"And what disadvantage would I have over you?" Raising her left eyebrow looking at me.

As I looked into those dark orbs, they seemed dull almost lifeless, and if I really needed another word, lonely.

"You probably did a full search and found out everything there is to know about me before coming here tonight."

"I could have, but after seeing your picture on the firm's web page, I decided to wait and see if you're worth getting to know."

Just then the waitress came back over to ask if we needed anything else to drink. I told her to remove my unfinished wine and to bring us a bottle of Henschke, Hill of Grace.

Vic just raised both eyebrows, and just as she was about to speak, I raised my hand stopping her.

"If you find that you need to forget this entire evening, I am going to make sure that you at least remember the wine." Causing us both to giggle a little.

The waitress returned with the wine. Once she had pulled the cork, she had me sniff the cork. I nodded my head in approval. She poured a sip into a glass and handed it to me. After taking a sip, feeling it's smoothness in my mouth, I smiled and nodded again to the waitress. She then poured an inch or so into both glasses, then put the wine in a decanter full of ice.

Lifting our glasses, and unable to come up with something cute, I just said, "to us," and touched our glasses together.

I watched her as she took a sip of her wine. Her face seems to light up, as the flavors began to bounce around inside of her mouth.

"This is very good, not to sweet, not to tart, but very smooth on the pallet."

We sat in silence for a few minutes, when she looked up at me with questions in her eyes.

"There is something I need to tell you before we go any farther." She said to me.

"What is that I asked?"

"I'm gay. You being here with me might give certain people seeing us together the assumption we're together and that you are also gay. I just don't want to embarrass you needlessly." Looked down at the glass in front of her.

"Then I assume that makes you more afraid of me, than I would of you, doesn't it."

Again I got that little funny look of hers, as she asked, "and why is that?"

"Because I am straight, which means I can walk away anytime and not look back. If I were to become very fond of you, there would be a very good chance I could get you into my bed, at least once. For you, no matter how fond you are of me, there might never even be a kiss, much less making love to me."

"True, but I just might find you worth fighting for."

This time it was me that had lifted my eyebrows, as well as my glass for a silent toast.

We had finally ordered, I had the lamb and she had the chicken. All through dinner, we talked about ourselves. I asked if she was single or had a girlfriend. When she kind of averted the subject, I decided to drop it, feeling it was either painful or embarrassing for her. I told her how I almost screwed up my life by getting pregnant and having Samantha when I just turned sixteen. With the help from the rest of my family we raised Samantha together while I finished high school then law school.

She had told me that only her friends called her Vicky, everyone else just called her Vic. When she came out to her family being a lesbian, they kicked her out of the house, where an estranged aunt raised her until she turned eighteen.

We had decided to split a double chocolate fudge cake, and while we were waiting, I asked her when she actually knew that she was a lesbian and not just some random thoughts. She told me that when she was very young, she always was around women and rarely around boys or men. She said that by the time she was thirteen and learned the art of masturbation, she only was able to get off thinking of girls or women. She said that when she was fourteen, an older lady living down the street had seduced her and she never looked back since. She said that her and the lady were lovers until she was kicked out of the house and had to move to her aunt's home.

When I put my hand on top of hers, trying to express my sorrow for all the pain she endured, I felt a comforting warmness while touching her hand. When I pulled my hand away, I silently tried to explain my feelings, but finally gave up when there were none.

After laughing and joking, some more tales of one another's lives through our second bottle of wine, a much cheaper one, but just as good.

When we got outside after paying the bill, she asked where I was parked. I told her that I used the valet service and they should be bringing my car around shortly. I asked where she was parked which turned out only a few cars from the front door.

She laid her hand on my forearm, again making me feel the warmth and safety, she asked.

"Can I see you tomorrow?" Looking at me with hope in her eyes.

Thinking of what I had to do with Samantha, there was no way I could get out of it, no matter how much I wanted to.

"No, I'm sorry I can't see you..." Before I could finish.

"That's ok, I do appreciate at least meeting you tonight."

As she looked down, and started to turn, I quickly said, "but if you had someplace or something interesting to do on Sunday, I'd love to go on a date with you."

As the words left my lips, I couldn't believe that I just suggested to Vic that we go on a date together.

Vic almost tripped when she suddenly stopped and turned at the same time. I could see a faint crooked smile on her lips, and for the first time this evening with a hint of brightness in her eyes.

"Of course if you had someone more interesting to be with, I would understand." I said.

"I'll pick you up at ten Sunday morning, I won't be late." Leaning towards me giving me a kiss on my cheek before turning and leaving.

On the drive home, all I could think about was how I felt each time I touched the cheek Vic kissed. My thoughts were becoming clouded with why I was acting so strange to a simple kiss on my cheek.

When I walked into the empty house, my mind suddenly came back to my real world. I knew tomorrow was going to be a long and trying day, for everyone. I just hoped that I would be able to come to an understanding with Samantha. I want to keep the closeness we've always had, but became fearful I would lose her if I didn't do this right.

Once back in my bedroom, undressed and in bed, wearing my long nightshirt and panties, I sat up in the bed, my phone in my hand. My thoughts were once more on Vic. I felt I needed to know one thing before I could get a good night's sleep, if that were even going to be a possibility.

Turning on my phone, I found her text message and the phone number associated with it. As I pressed call, I said to myself, 'I hope you're not making a complete fool of yourself Brenda.' On the third ring I heard her voice as she answered.


"Hi, this is Brenda." I paused trying to get the courage to ask my next question.

"You're not calling to cancel out on Sunday are you?" She asked.

"No... nothing like that, I called to ask a simple question. Do you...err... would you consider me a friend?"

"Yes, of course I do, why do you ask?"

"Because only your friends call you Vicky, and I would like to call you that if you'll allow me to." Feeling embarrassed to ask such a question; I waited while there was only silence on the phone.

"Brenda, am I your friend?" She finally said to me.

"Yes, and because you are my friend, I'll tell you why I couldn't see you tomorrow. It's because..."

"You don't have to tell me Brenda."

"But you are my friend, so please let me... I really need to do this for me. You see, I just found out my daughter is possibly a lesbian or maybe at least bisexual. I had accidently stumbled across them making love to one another, and I want to talk to her about it, but I am afraid that she may rebel and we will not be close as we once were. I know I sound like a hysterical mother, but I'm so mixed up and for the first time in my life, I don't feel as strong as I should be." As I tried to desperately hold back my tears.

"Brenda, for nearly four years I lived with the uncertainty of who and what I was. I think I can somewhat understand what you are going through. Just be sure no matter who or what she is, that you love her and stand behind her. She probably has those same fears, and just doesn't know how to express them for fear of losing you."

After what seemed like a very long silent pause, she continued.

"Would you like for me to be there when you talk to her?"

"Oh Vicky, I so much want to say yes please, but I feel this should first be between her and myself. I may change my mind and give you a nine one-one call to come help bail me out of the mess I put myself into."

We talked for maybe another two hours, not just my problems, but about our personal feelings, hopes and dreams. She had promised to call me the next evening to see how things had gone, and said she would understand if I had to cancel on Sunday. I again told her I was her date for Sunday and nothing was going to keep me from that.

After I had hung up and plugged my phone in to charge, As I laid down, listening to her voice in my head as I tried to go to sleep. Lying there I knew that I was straight, and how I had been so taken by this woman I never knew existed before today. The warmth and security I felt whenever we touched one another. The kiss on the cheek that made me so wet, like no one has before.

A loud bang woke me to a bright sun lit room. The covers were all twisted around me, knowing I must have tossed and turned most of the night. "Mom, I'm home," was the next thing I heard. Looking over at the clock, I realized it was nearly ten in the morning.

I got up and went into the bathroom, while I was sitting and peeing, I noticed my panties were soaking wet. I could smell the raw sex, thinking this was something I never experienced before. Taking them off and throwing them in the hamper, I brushed my teeth and combed my hair. After putting on a clean pair of panties and my robe to headed to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee.

When I walked into the kitchen, Samantha was sitting there with a girl I had never met before eating left over pizza from the other night. Teenagers will eat anything for breakfast and love it. I went to make the coffee and saw that it was already made.

Getting my cup and sitting at the table, I began fidgeting with the cup on the table trying to formulate the words I wanted to use. After a minute or so and some strange looks from Samantha, I thought I was ready.

"First off, today we three are going to spend the entire day together, no arguments. Understood?"

They both answered, "yes" as if in one voice.

"Now Samantha, please introduce your guest to me."

"I'm sorry, mom, this is my friend Melissa Banning. Melissa, this is my mother Brenda."

"It's nice to meet you Mrs. Mallard." Melissa said to me.

"So Melissa, you and Sammy are really close?"

Samantha was just about to take a drink of milk, and when I called her Sammy, she nearly dropped the glass, spilling the milk down the front of her t-shirt. I had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing out loud. Reaching behind me, taking the dishtowel from off the counter and handing it to her.

Melissa suddenly started to rise and say that she had to go.

"Melissa, sit please."

"I think maybe I should go, I'm sorry." Melissa said as she started turning all kinds of red from blushing.

"No Melissa, please sit, I'm asking you to stay." Slowly sinking back down into the chair.

Reaching across the table, I took one of Samantha's hands in mine and held on tightly.

"Samantha, please look at me for a moment. I know this is not easy for you, and I can't imagine what you must have been going through, feeling the way you do and wanting to hopefully tell me. When I heard you and Melissa making love I really wasn't afraid of losing my daughter, but I was scared to death I was going to lose the most precious and best friend I ever had. I just..."

Suddenly Samantha jumped onto the table, and literally crawled across to me almost knocking over my cup of coffee, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Oh mommy, I love you so much, I was so scared that you would hate me and throw me out of the house, than I would only have Mel and no one else," Hanging onto my neck, her tears began to flow freely. Sliding back my chair somehow, I pulled Samantha across the table and onto my lap.

As the flow of tears began to slow, I whispered in her ear that maybe Melissa needed a hug also. When she looked over at Melissa, she jumped out of my lap and into Melissa's. I could hear her saying that she loved her as she held her tightly.

"Oh Sammy, I love you so, so much, but you're getting me all wet." Samantha sat up looking at the wet spot caused by her tears on Melissa's shoulder.

"Why don't the two of you go upstairs and put some dry clothes on and come back so we can talk some more, ok?"

They both stood, still holding hands as they began poking at one another giggling as they walked out of the kitchen.

When they had left, I had made myself a couple slices of toast with peanut butter and jelly and started to eat them while they were changing their shirts.

When they returned to the kitchen, I was able to really take notice of Melissa for the first time. She had a slim build, small breasts, maybe a small B, strawberry red hair, and freckles across her nose. Melissa and Samantha were about the same height; maybe Melissa was an inch shorter. She was actually cute and I could see why Samantha could have fallen for her.

Coming back into the kitchen, I had asked them if we could sit here at the table and finish our conversation while I ate. They said they were still hungry, so they also made some toast with peanut butter and jelly.

"I want to ask you both some questions, not to embarrass either of you, but I just wanted to understand the both of you better." After they were all seated.

"It's ok mom, I suppose I would have a hundred and one questions if I were in your shoes." Samantha had said.

"First off, Melissa I want you to know that you're welcome here anytime, and I mean what I say. If you ever want to talk, just say so and we'll send Samantha to the store or somewhere out of our hair."

"Mom!" Samantha said giving me her dirtiest smile.

"But we are going to set some ground rules. You can hold hands, cuddle up on the sofa and watch TV, or listen to music. There will be no tongue swapping when I am around. A little peck on the cheek or on the lips lasting no more than one and half seconds, unless for special reasons, and then if I clear my throat, it's time to end it. I don't want to come home and find you both half naked making out on the sofa. We clear so far?"

"Yes mom." "Yes ma'am." They both answered.

"I'm not going to tell you that you can't make out or make love for that matter, but I really would prefer if you didn't do it except in your bedroom with the door closed. Ok?"

Again they both agreed.

"Now for the hard questions. These are not only meant for me, but I think you both should be able to look at one another and be honest with each other." Pausing so that they could at least think on what I had just said.

"Samantha, do you really love Melissa or is this an experiment in testing your identity?"

"Yes I..." Holding up my hand.

"Look at Melissa when you answer that question please."

Taking Melissa's hands in her own, "Yes, I love her very much."

"Melissa, do you love Samantha?"

"Yes, very much." Melissa said.

"I just want to tell you, you're both very young and maybe this will last, maybe it won't, I just want you both to be honest with one another. There will be days you want to scratch each other's eyes out, and the next minute you're willing to take a bullet to protect the other. Samantha, Melissa, I'll always be here to talk and help either of you should you need it, ok."

"Yes Mom."

"Yes Mrs. Mallard."

"Melissa, it's Ms Mallard. I'm not married, ok. Besides, I think Brenda would be a lot easier."

"Now for my final question... then it's off to the mall or wherever. Melissa, is Samantha a good lover?"

"MOM!" Samantha yelled turning every shade of red there is.

Melissa being a red head already had a head start on the blushing, except hers was a much deeper red.

"Yes Brenda, she is a very good lover for me." If it wasn't for the question, I would have sworn she was having a heart attack in my kitchen she was so red.

"I guess I don't need to ask you Sammy, do I?"

By this time, Samantha had pulled her t-shirt up over her face to cover herself up.

"I do have one question for you Melissa. This is very important for me to know. Does your parents know of your choices and that you and Samantha are lovers?"

"Yes Brenda, I told them a little over a year ago that I am gay. They know Sam and I are lovers and except her as part of the family."

"Good, I also would like to except you as part of my family. Your both are my little girls."

"Mother, would it be ok if I called you mommy?" Samantha asked me.

"Of course you may. Why did you ask me that?"

"So I can call you mom, if it's ok with you." Melissa asked.

Standing up and going to Melissa, pulling her to her feet, I wrapped my arms around her hugging her tightly.

"Yes, you are my little girl. You may change your mind though."

"Why's that?" Melissa asked with a puzzled look.

"Because I love giving wet kisses to my daughter." As I started planting wet kisses on her cheeks and forehead. Samantha sat laughing her ass off, knowing what was coming.

"Ok, you girls clean up the kitchen and I'll go and take a shower so we can go out this afternoon."

It was around one thirty when we arrived at the mall. We spent the afternoon going from store to store. I never laughed so much watching the antics of the two of them together. Around mid afternoon, we decided to take in a movie. It was a pretty funny comic, but I got a bigger kick out of watching the girls then I did the movie. When the movie was over while walking back to the car, it became a big issue as to what we were going to do for dinner. One wanted pizza and the other wanted tacos. I wanted something nutritious. We ended up in a Mexican restaurant that served a little of everything.

Later that evening as I sat back in my bed reviewing another case file, my phone started ringing. I picked it up and noticed that it was Vicky calling me.

"Hello Vicky." I answered in a cheery voice.

"You sound happy, I take it things went well for you today?" she asked.

"Yes, very well. After our little talk this morning, we spent the afternoon in the mall, going from store to store, and finally taking in a movie late in the afternoon. I laughed so hard, it was like watching two six your olds trying to out due the other."

"Good, I'm so glad it went well for you, all of you." She was saying.

"Listen, I'll come by and honk for you at ten, want me to call before I leave here?"

"You'll do no such thing. You'll be here at nine and we'll all sit down and have a good breakfast. I want you to meet my daughter and her girlfriend. I want Samantha to meet the person I going to spending the day with."

"Brenda, are you sure about this?" Hearing the concern in her voice.

"I think you know the answer to that question, but before I give you my answer, I want to ask you a very serious question, and I want an honest answer. Why do you possibly want to become involved with a woman who believes she is as straight as she could be, and with a daughter half her age?"

The pause on the phone was only for a second or two when she answered.

"Yes, I do want to become involved with this person. God help me, but she all I've been thinking about all day long and nothing I could do would to get her out of my mind."

"So what you're saying is that this woman is worth fighting for?" I asked starting to chew on my lower lip, fending off my nerves.

"Yes, she is worth fighting for."

"Then I will answer your question, yes I want to spend the afternoon with this crazy lady who is willing to fight for someone she's not positively sure about."

"So what are you doing right now?" She asked changing the subject.

"Actually I'm sitting up in bed, reading over some case notes, and you?"

"I could tell you that I'm sitting in my living room, drinking a glass of wine wearing my long flannel granny nightgown, what are you wearing?" Vicky said to me.

"We both know that's not true, besides it's too warm to wear something like that. Actually because we have company in the house, I am just wearing a long t-shirt."

"No panties?" She asked catching her breath.

"Nope, no panties." Suppressing a little giggle while hearing a groan on the other end of the line.

"I was just about to get ready for bed then decided to call you first."

"Now don't you wish you had gotten ready first."

"Yes, damn you." Giggling as she said it.

"So where are we going tomorrow?"

"I'll tell you when we sit down to eat as long as it's a good breakfast."

"Oh, now were getting picky. I just might feed you what the girls had for breakfast this morning. Left over pizza from the other night."

I love cold pizza, I had grown addicted to it when I was in college." She said to me.

"Figures, you're probably no better eater than they are, another fast food junkie." I said to her.

"Hey easy girlfriend, beggars can't be choosy, especially if you're on the go all the time."

Hearing her say girlfriend almost took my breath away for a second. Not something I expected, but kind of sounded nice.

"Listen, dress cool for tomorrow, lots of walking, so wear shorts and tennis shoes. I'll see you at nine sharp." She said to me.

"Ok Vicky, you sleep well, and pleasant dreams."

"You too Brenda, night."

Putting everything away, I laid down, pulling the covers up over myself. I thought about the teasing I had done to Vicky, and had to admit it was kind of fun, especially when I heard her groan at the thought of me being nearly naked. My thoughts then went back to our time in the mall, watching Samantha and Melissa laughing and enjoying being young and so carefree. As I felt my eyelids becoming heavy, I sighed with being content about my life.

I woke up and noticed that the clock beside the bed read seven thirty. Getting out of bed, I felt I had a lot to do before nine. I showered and dressed. I had put on a white pair of lose shorts and a top with spaghetti straps. I intended to wear a loose blouse over my top covering my shoulders.

Stopping in front of Samantha room, hearing nothing I started banging on the door.

"Come on girls, rise and shine. If you're not up and in the shower by eight thirty I'm coming in and dragging you out of the bed by your feet."

"Mom... it's too early to get up..." I heard my daughter say.

As I started to jiggle the handle, I immediately heard, "we're coming, we're coming..." Causing me to giggle as I continued towards the kitchen.

Just before nine they both came staggering into the kitchen with damp hair and sleepy eyes.

"Did you both stay up all night playing scrabble?" I just had to rib them a little.

"Mother!" Samantha gasped at me.

Walking over to Samantha wrapping my arms around her, "sorry baby, I just couldn't help tease you a little." Kissing her on the forehead.

I turned and went to Melissa, wrapped her in my arms giving her a hug and also a kiss on the forehead.

Just then the doorbell sounded. I turned to Samantha and told her to go and answer it please while Melissa and I finish setting the table.

Samantha returned with a puzzled look on her face, "mother, there is a lady named Vic at the door to see you." Arching her eyebrows with questions in her eyes.

"Well, just don't let her stand there, bring her in." Smiling at her with look of confusion on her face.

When Samantha returned to the kitchen with Vicky, I walked up to Vicky and gave her a quick hug, and with my arm across her shoulder, "Samantha, Melissa I would like to you to meet a friend of mine, Vicky." As I looked at Vicky, she had the same look of confusion in her eyes as Samantha did.

"Vicky, this is Samantha, my daughter," putting my hand on Samantha's shoulder, "and this is Melissa, Samantha's girlfriend." Putting my hand on Melissa's shoulders.

Samantha was still a little stunned, and when she turned and saw that four places had been set on the table, she again looked at me with even more confusion in her eyes.

With everything on the table, we sat and began to eat our breakfast. Samantha and Melissa were being quiet and reserved, taking in the interaction between Vicky and myself. I finally turned to Samantha.

"Samantha, so what are you and Melissa going to do today?" Really wanting to know.

"We thought that we would check out the soccer match going on down at the park, we were hoping that you would take us, but maybe we can get Melissa's mother to drive us instead."

"Brenda." Vicky had said while setting her utensils beside her plate, "if you don't mind, why don't we bring the girls with us. I was planning on going to the Renaissance Fair up near Crestview."

For the first time, I saw a smile in those once dull eyes. Every time she blinked, I swear the smile got bigger.

"Well girls, would you like to spend the day with Vicky and I as we take in the fair?"

Looking at Samantha and Melissa, I could see them trying to talk to one another with their eyes. Since Melissa was closer, I reached over, taking her hand in mine, "it's entirely up to the both of you, if you're asking how I feel, please join us, think it will be a fun day."

I think that's what made up both of their minds, as if orchestrated, they both answered together, "yes!"

"Melissa, you call your mother and let her know where you're going and with who."

"Yes mom." She answered me as she turned to go and get ready.

Again I noticed a look of confusion on Vicky's face after hearing Melissa call me mom, but I thought I would hold off explaining it to her until another time.

Vicky said that we were going in her car and expected no arguments. Of course the girls were ecstatic being in a big four-wheel drive vehicle. I actually felt very comfortable riding in it. We had stopped by the bank on our way out of town so I could get some cash. When I turned to give it to Samantha, I decided to hand it to Melissa.

"Melissa, if I give this to Samantha, she'll spend it all in three minutes, so here you take it. It has to last all day, and neither of you can come back looking for more, because there is none." Watching the smile spread across Melissa's lips.

The girls in the back seat had their own conversations going and of course, Vicky and I had ours. She was telling me all what there was to see and do at the fair. Every now and then, Samantha would over hear what was said and injected a few questions of her own.

Once we had arrived at the Renaissance Fair, I purchased the tickets. Inside the fairgrounds, I noted on the handout that the jousting tournament was being held at three. I told the girls to meet us at the large BBQ pit set up not far from where we were standing.

As Samantha wrapped her arm around Melissa's waist and Melissa doing the Same with Samantha, I looked at both of them and with a serious face, I looked at Samantha, "Sammy mind your manners." Using my eyes looking around at all the people.

Samantha had this confused look on her face for a moment, then looked around herself and smiled like a light bulb just went on behind her eyes. Drawing away from Melissa and taking her hand, "I understand mother, thanks."

"What was that all about?" Vicky asked as she turned to look at me.

"When I caught them making love, I heard Melissa refer to Samantha as Sammy. I used that same word yesterday to break the ice and to let them know I knew about them. You saw how they started to wrap themselves into each other, well, I used that little code word for her to be mindful where they were."

"Yes, people can be very cruel, especially if they are young." Vicky was saying.

I grabbed Vicky's hand and began to drag her towards the stands selling their arts and crafts. She suddenly pulled back, knowing she didn't want to embarrass me, so when she looked to her right, I again reached down and took her hand, this time holding it tighter in mine, not letting her pull it back. When she looked back at me, she had this half smile on her lips, and I knew this pleased her more than anything, as I felt her give my hand a squeeze.

We walked around checking out the wares hand in hand, only to separate when we wanted to pick up something to get a closer look. Every chance I got, I would look over at Vicky, and each time I looked, I could feel my protective armor cracking and breaking away.

After about two hours of doing this, knowing that she had caught me several times starring at her. Questions began bouncing back and forth in my mind. I kept thinking of who was and what I thought I really wanted. I broke down and had to admit to myself that I was started looking at this person as being a very good friend, and yet I had no idea what I was doing or where this path would lead me.

I felt I was unable to cope with what I was feeling, being as lost as I felt. I spotted an empty bench a few yards off the pathway. I took Vicky's hand in mine and started pulling her towards the bench.

Upon reaching the bench, I told her to sit, as I sat down beside her, turning so that I was facing her. I sat, wringing my hands in my lap.

"Baby, what's wrong? I can see something eating at you and I can't help unless you tell me what it is." She said while holding my chin up so she could look into my eyes.

"Scared Vicky, I'm so scared. Every time I look at you, I feel like I just lost another piece of my armor. I've only known you now two days. I don't have anyone I can talk to about this. Daddy can't fix this for me. I'm really starting to look at you as a person whose friendship means a lot more to me...." Pausing to collect my thoughts.

"I'm so afraid that you're just going to use me. The other night... I know it was only a kiss on my cheek, but the feelings I go were so different. Since then, I have been unable to stop thinking about that kiss and now when I look at you I'm beginning to feel the need of wanting you near me."

It seemed that just then the dam had burst; my tears just started pouring from my eyes. I felt her arms around my shoulders, rocking me back and forth. She never did say anything, but just tried to be there for me.

After a minute or so, she began to speak.

"When I was twenty, I met and fell in love with the most beautiful girl in the world. Her name was Gabby. She had everything, beauty, smarts, and a sense of humor. We were together for eight years when she died of cancer. I still think to this day, it was her hand from the grave that stopped me from killing myself one night after she was gone. On Friday night, again I felt her hand pushing me towards you, making me give you that kiss on your cheek. It was as if she were telling me that it was ok to love again and be happy with someone."

When she paused I could see a tear forming in her eye. Just as it started to fall I wiped it away with my fingers.

"I'm sorry you felt such pain."

"Each time I saw you looking at me, brick by brick, my wall of security also started coming down. I... no we... we need to go slow, just as much for me as it would be for you. I want to tell you, I know that you think you're not gay, or even bi, but I see you much differently. I see the way you look at me; I see the way you look at Samantha and Melissa. I see the longing in your eyes for the closeness they have with each other."

Taking my chin in her hand, she pulled my face towards her, making me look into her eyes.

"I want to take the time to get to know you, and you get to know me. We'll go out, dine, dance, and see movies, even cruising the malls acting like silly teenagers. If this is right and if it's meant to be for the both of us, then we will know when the time is right. Are you willing to take that chance with me Brenda?"

Taking Vicky's hand and holding it firmly, I looked into her eyes and for the first time I saw hope instead of despair. I saw a twinkle of light about to burst free.

"Yes Vicky, I would love to get to know you. I don't want any secrets between us, so no matter how painful or embarrassing, we tell each other our most inner thoughts, deal."

About this time, Samantha spotted us and came over. When she got close, she could immediately tell that I had been crying. She almost went into a panic state of mind wondering what had happened. Her first words were, "mother, what's wrong, why were you crying?"

I stood up and wrapped her in my arms. I whispered into her ear very softly, "it's ok baby, I just had a Sammy moment, and now everything is perfect."

Pushing me back a little and looking at me then at Vicky, "are you sure? I mean you're ok, for real?

"Yes dear, for real. Now I think I need to find the restrooms and wash up my face." Looking around to see which way to go.

"Melissa, would you please show our mom where the restrooms are please."

I felt Melissa take my hand and started pulling me towards the crowds and tents. When I looked over my shoulder, I could see Samantha and Vicky almost toe to toe, and silently prayed that Samantha kept her wits about her.

When I exited the rest rooms, I saw Samantha and Vicky standing in line, and saw that they were holding each other's hand. I knew then that everything was going to be all right.

As I walked up to Vicky, Samantha released her hand and went to Melissa. I stayed in line with Vicky, even when she said that I didn't have to since I had already gone to the restroom. All I could do was look at her and smile.

Once in the restroom, I turned my back to give her a little privacy. In the mirror, I could see her sitting there with her shorts and black panties, pulled down to her thighs. I knew she saw me looking, so I turned a little more to my left making sure I couldn't see her getting dressed once she was done.

After she was done, and washed her hands. She started to reach for the door, when I stopped her.

Taking a deep breath, looked into her eyes while taking in her face into my mind.

"Kiss me, show me how you really wanted to kiss me the other night."

Her left hand went behind my neck, her right around my waist. When I closed my eyes, feeling her soft lips on mine. There was no demand, or urge to hurry. It was soft and caressing feeling her lips slightly pulling from mine. I had my hands on her hips, so I pulled her to me and raised my head to kiss her once more. This time I felt her tongue on my lips, which opened immediately. As her tongue entered my mouth I began sucking on it causing her to moan into my mouth. Feeling her hand holding my neck pressing her body tightly against me making me moan into her mouth.

Pulling away suddenly, "we need to go if we're to catch the jousting." While turning to open the door, I started to walk through the door, acting as if I were straightening out my clothes.

After watching the jousting match, we walked together around the fair grounds. There were some rides that were meant for the little kids. We came upon a covered game tent, with little stuffed animals lined up on the shelf. Samantha was pointing at the unicorn and Melissa was pointing at the tiger.

Vicky walked up to the vender and asked how much. He said that if she could throw three knives and make them stick in the board against the wall she could have her pick on the bottom row. She gave him a dollar, picked up the knives and started to test their balance in her hands. She took two of them in one hand and threw them at the board. They both stuck, about three inches apart from one another. Taking the third knife, she quickly threw it sticking between the two already there.

The vender just starred at her wide eyed in wonder, hearing the crowd's oh's and ah's... She reached into her pocket once more and pulled out a ten-dollar bill while speaking softly to the vender asking for the unicorn and the tiger. The vender said he couldn't do that. I almost missed it when she told him he could give her what she wanted or she would stay right here and throw for anyone who stepped up to the counter. After the vender looked around at the crowd, he turned and handed Vicky the two she asked for.

As we were walking away, she handed Samantha the unicorn and the tiger to Melissa. Both the girls gave her a quick hug and a kiss on her cheek expressing their thanks.

"If I ever see you starting to get angry, come hell or high water, you're not getting anywhere near my kitchen." Giggling as I reached for her hand.

I saw Samantha and Melissa buying a few things. I picked up a nice necklace and matching earrings. I saw Vicky at one of the jewelry stands looking at something. When I walked over to her, she took my hand and slid a dark emerald ring onto the middle finger of my left hand. The ring looked strikingly beautiful.

"That's to show anyone looking that you're taken, and when I slide one onto this finger," touching my ring finger, "your mine till the day I die."

I stood speechless as her words echoed in my ears.

After she paid for my ring, we started looking for the kids. It was starting to get a little late and time to head home. We found them not far from where we bought the ring and Vicky made the mistake of asking them what they wanted to eat. Both started with pizza, tacos' and hamburgers. I raised my hand, silencing the pleas for all kinds of different foods.

"We are going to find a nice sit down restaurant and order something wholesome and nutritious."

This brought a smile to Vicky lips and pouts from the girls. Looking at Vicky, I whispered. "Never ask teenagers what they want to eat." We both giggled as we grabbed each other's hand and walked towards the parking lot to find her Jeep.

Later that night as I was lying in bed, I began thinking of the day spent at the Fair. I did enjoy the company of Vicky, but I also reminded myself that I was straight and not into women. I began thinking of how her lips felt on mine. Their softness was much unlike those of a man. Hers were warm and giving. Caressing my breasts under my nightshirt, I felt my nipples were already hard. I could feel the moisture leaking from my pussy. I knew if I started to touch myself I wouldn't stop until I made myself cum thinking of Vicky. I first needed to figure out what I really wanted before I jumped off into an unknown fantasy that could eventually hurt me.

Sleep was slow to come, but eventually I did manage to get some sleep, not very restful but enough to get me through the day.

My early morning court appearance went as planned. I submitted my motion to dismiss all complaints against my client for breach of contract for dismissing a worker who failed to show up for work for nearly five days. The judge said that he would take my motion under advisement and would give us his opinion on Thursday at nine.

I was back in my office by ten. I was pretty much caught up on my caseloads, and decided to give Vicky a call and thank her for the wonderful day we had together yesterday. Unfortunately, she was unable to answer her phone, so I left a message that I would be tied up all afternoon and would call her when I got home.

Just as I was hanging up, Samantha called asking if she could spend the night at Melissa's. I told her that I would prefer if she stayed home tonight, that I needed to talk to her. Like any teenager, she complained and I told her that I loved her anyway and would see her around five and to have dinner started.

Right on time, Mr. Holding showed up and we were off to lunch. All during lunch he told me about his company and its holdings. He had stated that his company was worth in the mid- twenties, and he wanted to expand outside the US. He had said that he had a firm in London to handle his interests in Europe, but needed firm he trusted here in the US.

Getting back to the office a little before twelve, we all sat down in the conference room going over a contract tailored to his needs, which he agreed to without any changes.

After Mr. Holding had left, I got a big hug from Uncle Harold and also one from my father. It was Uncle Harold that made the suggestion that maybe it was time that I was made a full partner in the firm. Dad only looked at me, smiled but never said a word as he went back into his office. I knew that look on his face that he was a little angry because it wasn't his suggestion. Full partner would be nice, but then when the time came, the firm was going to be mine anyway.

I got home around four thirty that evening. I found Samantha in the kitchen with the Betty Crocker cookbook open trying to make us a tuna casserole. Coming into the kitchen I have her a hug and said that I was going to go and change, then I would help her do whatever else needed to be done.

After helping her make us a salad, we set the table and started to eat. We talked about the upcoming school year and how she was going to handle herself with Melissa. She had said that she and Melissa really didn't talk too much about it, but knew that they soon had to since they only had a month and half before school started.

Once dinner was over and the kitchen cleaned, Samantha said that she was going to go to her room and talk to Melissa before it got too late, while I was pouring myself a glass of wine.

"Samantha..." Pausing to think of the words I wanted to say. "Could we sit in the living room and talk for a little bit?"

"Sure mother. Is this why you asked me to stay home tonight?"

"Well, yes it is." Feeling my cheeks beginning to glow.

Samantha picked up on my embarrassment rather quickly and started poking fun at me.

"Gee mother, you sure turn red easily." Giggling as she was saying it.

"Please Samantha, I really don't have anyone I can talk to about what's in my head, and... well you're the only one who might understand." Feeling a little frustrated at myself.

Pulling me in close to her shoulder, "I'm sorry mother, go have a seat, let me get a Diet Pepsi and I'll be there in a minute. I settled back into my easy chair as Samantha came in with a bag of chips and her drink. Placing the chips between us as she sat down.

Her next comment about blew my mind. "You're falling in love with Vicky and you don't know what to do about it, right?"

Looking at her like she had two heads must have given all my thoughts away.

"Yep, I can see that you do." She said to me.

Finally finding my voice, I asked, "was I that obvious."

"Well mother, I did see you together at the fair, and I saw how you looked at her. I even saw how your fingers intertwined in her hand... oh yeah and of course your Sammy moment." Causing her cheeks to blush a little even saying it herself.

"Samantha, I want to ask you some questions, but first I want you to know, I'm not trying to pry into your personal life, I'm just trying to understand mine."

"It's ok mother, ask me anything you want."

"OK. How old... err... how long..."

"You mean when did I know I was a lesbian." Finishing the sentence for me.

"Yes, that and when did you know about Melissa?"

"Let's see, I think I knew I was a lesbian around ten or eleven. It wasn't as if someone tapped me on the shoulder, it dawned on me slowly. I noticed I enjoyed looking at girls while guys never seem to interest me. After I started my periods, and my hormones kicked into high gear, I learn the joys of masturbation and it was one fantasy after another, and all of them included women."

Pausing while she took a drink and munched a few chips, while collecting her thoughts.

"Anyway, my first biggest thrill came when I had a sleep over and Becky May's house one night. We were playing spin the bottle and I got to kiss Becky, and then we all started daring each other to kiss someone. I think I kissed every girl there that night."

"How old were you then." I asked her.

"That was just before my fourteenth birthday. Except for playing with myself, that is all I had done. Last year, my senior year, I met Melissa. We would watch each other every chance we got. I think we both were scared to make the first move. While in the shower after gym class one day, we were the last two in the shower. Just as she was about to turn and walk out, I grabbed her arm and kissed her in the shower, both of us naked. After the kiss ended, I told her to meet me after her final class that day, and the rest is history."

"Ah.... The first time you and Melissa... ah..."

"Got together mother?" She asked.

"Yes, were you scared or frighten or anything?"

"Oh god mother, I was scared out of my mind. I had no idea what to do, or how to do anything. Finally after struggling to get our clothes off, I looked at her and knew that I loved her with all my heart and I wanted to please her in the worst way. Looking between her legs I...."

Putting up my hand to stop her from saying anything more. "I get the picture, you can stop there." Giggling at my own discomfort.

"So mother, have you ever kissed another woman or anything while you were in college?"

"No baby, I really haven't, but I have held Vicky's hand and I have kissed her. When she kissed me, it was like nothing I have ever felt before. Oh, I've kissed men before, even gone to bed with a few, but later when I was alone, I felt empty and still wanting. The night after I first kissed Vicky, I felt whole, like life was now complete. I asked myself why didn't I feel this way with a man, instead it was a woman who seemed to turn my world upside down." Taking a long sip of my wine.

After a few minutes of silence, I felt Samantha take my hand in hers, "can I ask you a question mother?"

"Of course baby, ask me anything."

"I want you to go out with Vicky. Get all dressed up and go to a romantic restaurant, go dancing. Take her to a nightclub of your choice, and then have her take you to a nightclub of her choice. Bring her home, play scrabble, checkers or whatever. If I'm home I promise I'll stay in my room giving you all the privacy you need. Go to her home, be alone with her, kiss her, and maybe touch one another. After you have spent some time together, ask yourself this question. What am I afraid of, being in love with another woman, or what people might say or think knowing you're in love with another woman. I would really like to know what that answer would really be once you've had a chance to explore your own feelings."

Looking over at my little girl, I suddenly realized how mature she really is. I was so proud of her at that moment. Getting up from the sofa, she picked up her empty drink and chips. Leaning over she kissed me on my cheek, "I'm going to bed now, and maybe I'll call Melissa and talk a little."

As she got to the doorway, I called out to her.

"Samantha, this conversation is just between you and I, ok?"

"Of course mother. I really hope we can talk more about ourselves to one another." She said to me.

"Isn't that what best friends are for, telling secrets and keeping them."

"I love you mother." Smiling at me as she turned and walked away.

After rinsing out my glass, I decided that I was going to climb into bed and call Vicky to see how her day had gone. After washing off my mascara and brushing my teeth, I put on my nightshirt and crawled into the bed. Setting the alarm and plugging in my phone, I turned off the light and called Vicky.

"I was wondering if you were going to call." She said to me.

"Well, hello to you and how are you this evening?"

"Oh, hello, and now that you called my evening is so much better, and yours?"

"Very good actually, I had a very nice long talk with Samantha this evening. It's surprising how much a child can grow up in front of you and never know it until actually sit and talk to them."

"How are she and Melissa doing?

"Oh they are so in love. I talked to her about what she is going to do when it's time to go back to school. She said that they haven't talked about it yet, but would soon knowing school is not that far off from starting."

"That's good. Tell either Samantha or Melissa if they need someone to talk to, please give me a call. I'd be more than glad to talk with either of them, maybe give her some hints and pointers on how to handle themselves."

"I'll do that. I'll give your number to her tomorrow and let her know she can call you anytime, if that is ok with you."

"Yes, of course it is silly."



"Ah... that's ok, never mind." I said to her.

"No, you wanted to ask me something, what is it?"

"Would you go out with me Wednesday night?" Holding my breath waiting for her answer.

"Brenda, are you asking me out on a date?"

"Yes... Yes I am, unless you busy or have other plans."

"Oh no, for you I would cancel a trip to the moon, just to go out with you." Hearing her giggling.

"Great, but there is something else I would like to ask you, if I may."

"What is it Brenda, ask me anything you like."

"My choice Wednesday evening, but then either on Friday or Saturday, you pick a place to take me, your choice, restaurant, club, dance hall, movie, you name it, and I'll go with you."

"Any place, no questions asked?"

"As long as I know the dress code before we go there, yes."

"Oh, one more thing, between now and Wednesday, text me your address so I can pick you up say around six thirty." I said, biting my lip feeling a little nervous now.

"Where are we going, so I know how to dress?" Vicky said.

"Do you know Flanagan's on Forth and Market?"

"Yes, I love it there. They have the best Irish Stew I've ever tasted."

"Ok, then it's on for six thirty, right?"

For a moment or two, neither one of us said anything, when Vicky did finally say something to me.

"Brenda, you know that no matter how down or depressed I might be, whenever I hear your voice it picks me right up."

"You know Vicky, you can call me anytime. The only time I can't answer my phone is if I'm with a client or in court, so no matter what time of day or night I want you to know that you can call."

"Thank you Brenda. I really appreciate you saying that. Listen, you have a good night's sleep and I'll talk to you soon, ok?"

"Ok, thank you, and Vicky... I'll be thinking of you, so sleep well." Listening, I could hear a soft coo over the phone.

"Night Vicky."

"Night Brenda."

As I settled in bed, pulling the covers up around my neck, I laid back thinking about all the things Samantha had said. It seems that the more I thought about it, the more it felt like the right thing to do. As my eyes got heavy I felt that one day I was going to have to ask Samantha if she did something like what she asked me to do.

Wednesday, I stood in my closet, going through my clothes desperately trying to find the right outfit to wear. Since we were going to an Irish pub, I decided on a dark green dress with short sleeves that buttoned up the front. It was flared at the hips coming down to about four inches above the knees.

After putting my gold necklace and matching earrings on, I tied a white scarf with green leaves around my neck, and leaving the two top buttons undone. Looking at my image in the mirror, I felt I was ready to go and pick up Vicky.

When I pulled up in front of the condo Vicky was renting. Apparently she was watching for me, and came out the door before I could before I could switch the engine off. As she approached the car, I noticed that she was wearing dark trousers that fit her body snuggly. Her blouse was fitted to show off her breasts that tapered down to her flat stomach.

After she sat down in the car, she looked over at me, letting her eyes scan my body. As I looked back at her, I could see her nipples starting to show through her bra and blouse. I could feel my own nipples beginning to harden and my panties starting to moisten. I just hoped that she wouldn't be able to smell my arousal.

"I love that dress on you. I think it makes you so beautiful to look at." Causing me to blush as she reached across and laid her hand on mine.

All through our dinner, we talked and joked around. She talked about her job and some of the fun stuff she got to do, while I talked about all the hard work it took to win a case and only then I could celebrate the win for a short time, knowing I had to get ready for my next case.

We both were quite on the drive back to her condo. It was if we both were just going over the evening's events in our own minds. When we arrived at her condo, I was about to get out and open her door for her, but before I was able to unbuckle my seat belt, she already had her door opened.

Reaching across to her I touched her forearm, stopping her.

"Vicky, I wanted to tell you that I had a wonderful evening with you. I'm not sure if you would like to, but I would really enjoy seeing you again." Biting on my lower lip, wondering if maybe I was maybe being a little to forward.

"Brenda, would you like to come in for a few minutes, maybe we could have a glass of wine, or I could put on a pot of coffee?" Looking at me with a hint of a smile in her eyes.

"Normally I would say that I would love to, but tomorrow is a work day, and I have a lot to do in the morning. Would you give me a rain check on that offer?"

Smiling, she turned her head, looking down at the floorboard of the car. It was if she thinking how she wanted to ask her next question.

"You promised me that the next date would be my choice, anywhere I wanted to go, right?"

"Yes, and I meant what I had said."

"Which is better for you, Friday or Saturday evening?"

"Honestly, Friday. That way I wouldn't have all day Saturday thinking about our next date." Thinking to myself, I just called it a date, which did make me smile at the thought.

"Ok then, I'll pick you up Friday at seven for dinner and dancing afterwards."

"But, I don't know how to dance."

"Just wear something elegant and sexy, not to prerogative though."

"Ok, but can you tell me where we're going?"

"You'll see. Hopefully you'll enjoy it." Putting her hand on top of mine.

Lowering my eyes, looking at her hand on top of mine, "Ok, see you on Friday at seven then."

As she closed the car door, I watched her skip up to her front door. Just after she entered her condo, she turned and waved to me while closing the door.

Arriving home, I noticed on the kitchen clock that it was nearly nine in the evening. Samantha was sitting on the sofa watching a movie.

"Hi mother, how was your date with Vicky?"

"It was fine, we had a good time talking, she even tried to teach me how to shoot pool and throw some darts." I turned to return to the kitchen.

As I was pouring myself a glass of water to take back to the bedroom, she pulled up alongside of me leaning against the counter.

"So did you kiss her when you dropped her off?" Grinning at me wanting to know the details.

"Samantha, do I ask you about your dates?"

"Well, no..."

"Can you tell me why I don't ask?"

"Is it TMI?"

"No, the answer is much simpler than that, try again." Smiling over at her.

"Is it because I wouldn't tell you?" Again seeing her bashful smile show through.

"Exactly... now you know the reason I'm not going to tell you anything about mine." Poking my finger at her making her giggle.

Once she stopped giggling, she became quite, looking at the floor and fidgeting with the hem of her shirt. "Mother, can I ask you a question?"

Of course baby, you can ask me anything, you know I'll give you an honest answer... Except who I kiss." Causing us both to giggle a little.

"Everyone... what I mean is, all my friends, and even grandma and granddad all call me Sam, even Uncle Harold, but you always call me Samantha, why is that?"

Putting my glass on the counter, and pulling her until she stood in front of me, putting my hands on her shoulders.

"When I got pregnant, there was all kinds of yelling and I was being scorned and ridiculed for what I had done. The entire family was there, even your great grandparents. Anyway, I was sitting there crying, no one to turn to when your great grandfather Henry, you know, my mother's father, slammed fist down on the table, knocking over glasses and cups that were on it. Anyway, he told everyone to shut up."

Taking a deep breath to finish collecting my thoughts.

"He told that them that yes, I had made a mistake, for which I was going to have to live the rest of my life with, but now that it was done, there was nothing that could be done about it. He said that this was going to be his one and only great grandchild, and if anyone said another word, he would kick their bloody ass to hell and back. He walked over and put his arms around me, hugging me close and told every they should be thankful what they were about to receive."

"When you were born, everyone of course was there in the hospital. After the delivery, they were all there in the room when they brought you in. Everyone of course wanted to hold you, and when Henry, your great granddaddy finally got a got his chance, he asked what I was going to name is little great grandbaby. I looked at him, and said after you of course, Samantha. His full name was Henry Samuel Livingston. I looked at mom and said that her name is Samantha Helen Mallard." Helen of course was my mother's first name.

Pausing once more to wipe a tear from my eye, as it started its journey down my cheek.

"Gramps would come over to the house two or three times a week to hold you and play with you. He had cancer, and it was slowly eating away at him. Towards the end, I would take you to him so that he could see and hold you. Just after you turned two, he passed away just after our last visit. I loved him very much and to this day, I honor his memory by calling you by your full name. You know what Sam? I believe either Sam or Samantha will still honor him in a special way." Drawing my baby daughter into a hug and kissed her cheek.

"Mother, would you tell me more about him, what he was like, what kind of a man he was."

"Of course baby, but not tonight, I have a big day tomorrow and I need my rest tonight, ok?"

Being pulled in for another hug, "I love you mother."

"I love you too Sam."

After getting undressed and pulling out the clothes I was going to wear the next day, I plugged in my phone and crawled into the bed. I decided that tonight I was not going to wear my nightshirt, but just sleep in my panties. Looking over at the phone, I decided that I had just left Vicky only an hour ago. I felt that maybe it was a little too much to call her so soon.

As I laid back, covering myself, my hands went to my breasts, thinking how hard they got, just looking at Vicky's nipples getting hard and how hers got just as hard looking at me. Slowly I slid my hand down to my panties. Slipping my fingers underneath the waistband they continued until I felt the soft curls on my mound. Sliding a little lower, I could feel the dampness of my panties where my juices had soaked them earlier.

When my fingers lightly slid over my nub I felt a shutter pass over my body. Pressing deeper on my pussy, I could feel the wetness of my lips coating my fingers. I began to wonder if a fantasy is nothing more than a dream while we were awake. Spreading my outer lips with my two fingers, I slid them up the inside of my lips until my fingers were on my clit, making slow circles around it. As my breath started to quicken, the phone rang, scaring me for a second, while jerking my fingers from my wet pussy.

Cursing who was calling taking me from my erotic moment, by the fourth ring I picked it up, still panting, I said, "Hello."

"I'm sorry, did I call at a bad time, and you sound out of breath."

"Oh no, I was about to get a glass of water and had to run back for the phone. How are you?" Hoping my simple explanation would cover my panting.

"I was just sitting here thinking of you, and I thought I would call...."

It seemed like a long pregnant moment when I tried to break the tension.



To be Continued:

I truly hope that you are enjoying this story, again comments are welcomed and I will answer all who write to me.

Next: Chapter 2

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