Breedum Hung University

By Mitchell Bardine

Published on Sep 20, 2019


Junior was doing great academically, he had a roommate he liked, he was getting enough sex, he belonged to a cool frat, but he needed a little extra cash. The Psych department was advertising for experimental test subjects and offering to pay by the hour, so Junior figured he could make money, and at the same time contribute to science. This experiment was about sexual orientation and orgasmic response or something like that, according to the taped-up poster in his dorm. Junior was straight, having tons of gay sex in an all-male university, and hoping to find a girlfriend who could take his horsecock without complaints. Maybe he'd be a good one to investigate.

"These tests are of a sexual nature. Are you comfortable with that?" asked the Psych professor behind the desk as he entered check marks on formal forms.

"Probably more comfortable with that than most things" Junior replied, looking around the room at the rows of nearly identical tomes on the shelf, the degrees on the wall, the cutaway models of the brain and the male reproductive system.

"For purposes of categorization, please insert your penis in the measurement device" said the prof, gesturing toward a technical-looking tube on a stand, with wires.

Well, this guy was probably a doctor of some kind, so there was no need to be embarrassed. Junior lowered his pants and put the end of his cock into the tube, which initiated a motor sound and quickly vacuumed his whole dong in, racking up numbers on a glowing centimeter scale. His dick got ramrod hard immediately, from the vacuum and from the tight squeeze of an inflatable collar at the base. Once the centimeter numbers stopped increasing, they flashed on and off. "Now what?" queried Junior.

The prof excitedly rushed into an adjacent room to speak with another man, who returned with him. This other fellow looked appreciatively at Junior's scale-busting boner, and at the numbers, and said "Yes, definitely" and then left.

The prof returned to his desk, brought out a different sheaf of forms, and started to fill in little boxes with his pencil.

"What've I gotten me into?" thought Junior as he stood with his dick locked into this machine, unable to free himself. He sometimes had a problem with acting before thinking.

Actually, Junior was now on track to make twice the money he would have as a test subject. He was now given the task of being the stimulus for test subjects. As it was explained to him, he was to excite males visually by showing off, then try to bring them to orgasm in the shortest time. The males would be wearing instruments sending data to a computer, and the encounters would be recorded on video cameras. Aside from the gadgets, this sounded a lot like his daily sex life, so he readily agreed.

For this job, it probably benefited him to be close friends with the professional jackoff expert he met at a fraternity party. This guy was teaching Junior his most effective techniques, skills honed through daily work as a prostitute in the local gay whorehouse. Junior was now able to give as well as he got, and was more fun to be with at parties and poolside encounters.

At the Psych lab, Junior was outfitted with a high tech cock ring designed to induce a constant erection under any circumstances. As soon as the assistant pushed some buttons on the remote, Junior's cock tingled from head to root while the ring tightened to just the right constriction, giving him a blue steel hardon in seconds. Not only did the ring's electrical pulsations keep him rigid, they got Junior so hot he had to start jacking himself right in front of the assistant, who now needed to rub his own stiff cock through his pants. "This oughta work" the assistant opined, while opening a door to the experimental room with his free hand.

In the experimental room, a naked man sat on a bar stool. A network of wires connected sensors on his genitals and other areas to a small box on a belt around his waist. "Boy, this guy's hung..." mused Junior as he assessed the flaccid dong hanging heavily over the seat. The man noticed him and stared blankly at Junior's raging boner, not showing any facial expression. The guy seemed kind of out of it, but his cock woke up right away and throbbed up to maximum proportions. "Oh yeah! Excitement phase complete. Let's get on with this!" Junior exclaimed aloud. He was impressed at how quickly the cock had reacted, given how massive it was. Guys like this often took longer to harden up, in Junior's experience.

As he'd been instructed, once visual stimulus produced obvious excitement, Junior was to proceed with whatever inducement to orgasm he was comfortable with. This would be a handjob, as his blowjob skills weren't yet refined enough to be reliable. He leaned over and started to stroke the guy's cock, whereupon the fellow reached out and started doing Junior the same way in return.

The way it was supposed to work was that the stimulator would get the test subject excited visually, then make him cum one way or another, as the test subject's response was measured and logged. How you get objective, bias-free data from this wasn't a concern of Junior's right now, but he quickly realized the guy was pretty skillful, and that plus the electric cock ring might get him off first. It was unclear how this would impact the measurements, so Junior figured he'd better hold onto his load. He remembered a fast cum-inducing stroke he'd been taught, and put that to work.

A few minutes of this "finishing" stroke was guaranteed to turn any cock into a cum fountain, but this silent, deadpan, experimental subject showed no sign of getting hot and bothered, much less an impending orgasm. By contrast, Junior was getting way too close and had to steel himself against blowing his wad all over the test guy. "Fuck this cockring! If I could only take it off..." he thought, but didn't know how to unlock it. Junior's cock had been on the edge for a while now, making him squirm and shiver. Could be that the test guy was modulating his stroke so it didn't quite bring forth an eruption.

An excruciating minute or two later, a bell-like sound emitted from the test subject's electronics box on his belt. The man accelerated his jacking rhythm, giving Junior a few seconds to say goodbye to a bucketload of jizz, which began to jet against the seated man's chest and down his stomach and thighs. As this was happening, the test cock squirted an eye-opening volume of cum up onto Junior, coating the front of him in translucent splashes. The two massive cocks' cum jets crossed in midair like fountains at a Las Vegas casino.

His balls thoroughly drained, Junior staggered backwards, streams of cum running down his torso. The test guy hadn't registered any facial expression through all of this, which was a bit scary. The red light on an overhead video camera blinked.

Showers were conveniently located next to the experimental area. Junior was drying himself when the door opened and a naked woman came in. Junior quickly covered up with a towel. "Hell, don't worry about me! Show that big thing off, why doncha!" It was Horse Girl from the frat party. "I ain't seen you since rush week at Iota Nu Beta! Didja get in? They musta inducted ya, what with that pants monster you got!" She was such a joyous slut! One third tit, one third ass, and the rest leg. No Victoria's Secret model, but Junior's straight cock was getting straight at the sight.

"Hi. I remember you too" replied Junior. "I'm getting paid to help with experiments. What're you doing here?"

"I'm doin' the same thing you are, except I'm female! Gotta vary the stimulus factor, huh?" Standing in front of him, she yanked his towel off, flipped his cock up, and stuffed about half of it into her capacious cunt. "Just showin' some country hospitality!" She pressed up against him and whispered in his ear, wary of ubiquitous electronic monitors. "I been snoopin' around, and this ain't no experiment. These 'test subjects' are gettin' sold to an online porno company after gettin' the works from the techies. The Psych and Engineering departments are in cahoots on this, makin' mindless cum addicts fer cash." She oscillated her pussy along the now fully stiff dick. "There's a buncha these fuck zombies gettin' shipped out this afternoon. I'm gonna try my luck as a porno star! Wanna come with?"

Junior immediately felt in his gut that this was a supremely bad idea, likely to become dangerous trouble if not a mortal threat. Why should he trust this goofy woman he'd only met once before, in an ill-conceived adventure to who knows where, probably to run afoul of some secret, criminal plot?

"Yeah, OK" said Junior.

On the heliport atop the Psych building, a black, unmarked helicopter alighted. No pilot could be seen, in fact there was no apparent cockpit or front window. "Self-piloting, I'll bet" speculated Horse Girl. On time, a group of blank-faced male sex zombies emerged from the stairwell and lined up to enter the aircraft. "Lookit them pants bulges! Every one of 'em is like a dryer hose! Figures." Junior and Horse Girl waited till the last one was just in, then rushed through the door before it closed. The helicopter took off.

None of the zombies cared to look out of the small side windows. They had all started to suck and jack and fuck each other, unable to think of anything else for more than a few minutes. Junior and Horse girl tried to keep track of where they were headed, as the 'copter took them to the coast and out to sea. "Fuck me, is this ever a bad idea!" thought Junior, ruefully. As the 'copter slowed, a small outcropping of rock appeared below, then raised up as an artificial island emerged from the water and stabilized. At the top of a fake volcano, a circular door opened and the helicopter descended through it into a brightly lit steel cavern, landing softly. Junior figured this must be some pretty evil porno company. "Well, shit, I'm probly gonna die."

"Follow the zombies" whispered Horse Girl. Seemingly under remote control, those big-dicked bang-bots marched into a vast room where more of them were already at work. Blank-faced men with monstrous genitals were busy doing what came unnaturally, while buzzing camera drones hovered above them. The room was furnished with soft upholstery that undulated in little hills and valleys, ready for bodies to be draped over them in any position. As each new scene between horny humanoid hunks emerged, the drones positioned themselves for the best angle.

"Time ta blend in!" enthused Horse Girl, who tossed her clothes in a pile with those of the other new porn stars. She was able to walk only a few steps into the fray before finding herself happily impaled on stiff zombie dick. When she started having orgasms, Junior figured she was beyond help and he'd better get naked and blend in, too. Luckily, he was built like the zombies as far as male reproductive equipment was concerned, so he could wander about without being noticed.

"If I get a hardon, I'll look exactly like everybody else in here" reasoned Junior, letting himself enjoy the scenery. The cocks were all about thigh length and forearm thick, making a nice ensemble with randomly entangled arms and legs. Somehow, cumming didn't soften these guys' cocks or drain their balls, so a cock exhibitionistically milked of its juice would be replaced back into the orifice that caused the ejaculation, and so on. "How many times can I cum before they realize I'm not one of them?" thought Junior, just as he felt a hand bending his dick toward the mouth of a hungry cock sucker. This sexbot was apparently obsessed with orally vacuuming the loads out of others, seeing his enthusiastic use of coordinated hand and mouth action. It didn't take Junior long to realize this was unquestionably the best blowjob he'd ever had; a few minutes from now he was going to have to decide whether to cum or not. For right now, maybe just enjoying it would help him relax.

With the cocksucker working away, Junior sat down on an upholstered hillock. He saw stiff cocks erupting repeatedly while being serviced by expert mouths and hands. It was important for the cam drones to get the cum shot, so everybody knew to pull out and shoot for all to see. Watching all this flying jizz was quite an inducement to Junior, who was getting close to the decision point. His blowjob machine guy never slowed down or varied his technique, which may be typical of artless zombies, but was also highly effective in building up the heat in his balls. "No, what I oughtta do is go from one scene to the next and never cum, but keep moving to hide the fact. That way I can hang out till I figure how to escape. Zombie cocks never go down, so I'd better save my load."

Just then, another massive-dicked sex zombie placed himself astride the one sucking Junior's cock, and rubbed his fat, precum-dripping cockhead on Junior's lips. Junior instinctively laid his tongue on it and licked, having a weakness for huge dongs in urgent need. The guy on the other end of this meat tube was masturbating the lower half of it with rapid, frenzied strokes. "Fuck, man, feel that swollen head. Nothing tastes like dick..." ruminated Junior, just before that head erupted with quick blasts of juice. The guy pulled back a little and pumped his gallon onto Junior's neck and chest in rapid squirts. Junior watched a stream of it run down toward his crotch; when it reached the base of his dick, he too started pumping a gallon into the cocksucker's vacuuming mouth. Surprised at Junior's lack of professionalism, the cocksucker pulled his head up and let the rest of the ejaculation squirt into the air, giving the drones an eyeful.

The fellow who spooged on Junior went his way, but the cocksucker stayed, and began to blow Junior's shrinking meat all over again, taking him for an insatiable zombie. Fortunately for Junior, this had been only his second load of the day, and given the superb skill of the blowjob, he was getting hard again in short order. But he couldn't do this all day, and he was the only one who knew it. It was only a matter of time before he'd have to shoot off again, as self-discipline here was impossible. Already, somebody grabbed his hand and wrapped it around a cock the width of a beer can, making him jack them off. Well, of course he'd oblige, who wouldn't jack that beautiful meat--but keeping any control over his loads was beginning to look like an idle fantasy.

A camera drone shouted at him through a miniature speaker. "Junior! This is Beeb! Your roommate! I saw you on this video channel and said 'what the fuck!' This hacker guy I know can get you out of there. That is, if you want. What's with the chick?"

Junior was astounded. Was this all being streamed live to a million online self-abusers? Was everything here remote controlled? Why hadn't he seen any regular people? "Uh, yeah, I do wanna leave this crazy place. And the girl, well, she's my girlfriend and I wanna take her too." Junior thought to himself "what did I just say?"

The drone was silent for a few seconds, then commanded "Go back to the helicopter. My hacker friend's taken it over, but he doesn't know for how long. We'll meet you at the heliport."

Junior was all set to jump up and run, but boy, that blowjob was getting him randy as hell. Maybe if he blew his load again, it wouldn't matter, 'cause he'd be leaving soon, and so, if he just gave in to the pleasure, he'd cum really quick, and then...

"Get the fuck going!!" the drone blared at him. Junior pushed his expert cocksucker away and hopped over one clusterfuck after another to find Horse Girl. She was of course cumming for the umpteenth time, and not in a mood to leave, but seeing Junior in a heroic role shifted her perspective. "I'm somethin' to ya, ain't I?" They found some discarded zombie clothes and bolted out to the waiting robotic helicopter.

Atop the Psych building heliport, Beeb ran to embrace Junior as he emerged from the 'copter. "Thanks for saving me" Junior said, almost tearfully.

Beeb held Junior's hand. "You're such a dope. I was probly more scared than you were. Did you have any idea whatsoever..." Horse Girl stepped out of the helicopter, which promptly closed up and flew away. "So, this is your girlfriend, you say." Beeb was kind of miffed.

"Awww! Did you tell 'im that?" Horse Girl looked at the two men, the embarrassed expression on Junior and the peeved expression on Beeb. "Junior, you just find me anytime at the hardware store; I manage the screwin' and nailin' aisle. Well, I'll let you guys reconnect." She proceeded down the stairway, beaming.

Back at the dorm, Junior and Beeb undressed for bed after a long day.

"So, does this girlfriend business mean you won't be sleeping here from now on?" Beeb asked in a distant, businesslike tone.

The harshness of Beeb's question was hurtful, the absence of emotion revealing. "No, no. You're getting way ahead of me. I mean, I kinda like her, and you know I'm straight, and I haven't met any other girls..."

"She's your farm boy" Beeb interjected. "She's basically a masculine sex pig like you and me, but with giant knockers."

That last comment made Junior look at Beeb's giant balls, for some reason. These happened to be hanging low between his spread legs as he kneeled on his bed, the sac nearly touching the covers with his knees sunk in. It was true, Horse Girl's tits put her in this sort of league. Her cunt, too.

"What'd she ever do for you, Junior? Hm? I probably saved your life, me and my hacker friend. He's very smart, you know, and very fun to talk to. We like to watch porn together and jack each other off, but seeing you floundering about on the orgy channel really ruined our session today. Hell, I never even got my rocks off." Yes, Beeb's rigid dick was looming above his balls, testimony to the load he'd built up but not released. For a guy who had to use his masturbation machine every night before going to bed, this was double frustration.

Junior sighed. "I really do appreciate you, Beeb." It was clear how he was supposed to show this. Junior sat on the edge of Beeb's bed, slipped his hand and mouth over Beeb's hardon and fondled his balls with the other hand. "Geez, are these nuts are heavy" mused Junior, hefting them for the first time, wondering what it was like to haul them around all day. Maybe their exceptional weight worked like a ball stretcher, which is why they hung so low. Beeb's cock wasn't monstrous like his or the zombies', so Junior could get a good percentage of it down his throat. "This one is a good size to practice on" Junior thought, remembering to follow his mouth smoothly with his hand, and to give it a half twist between the upstroke and the downstroke. What had the zombie done that made it feel so good for Junior? Maybe the tongue on the underside, sliding it along the sensitive part near the head, maybe adding some licking action that adds to the friction there, feeling the ridge of the head as it swells...

Beeb emitted a loud "HUH!" and started to unload a double-load down Junior's throat. This was no small matter, given Beeb's proclivity for prodigious pumping. Junior had seen beeb blast into his J.O. machine every night, and was impressed. Now all that semen and then some was being squirted onto his tonsils. Beeb made sure he contracted strongly, giving Junior his most forceful shots. Unable to gulp it all down, Junior had to let the cum pour out the side of his mouth, careful to not make a mess on Beeb's bed, even though it all came from Beeb's own cock.

Finally, Beeb stopped cumming and watched Junior mop up the front of himself with a towel. "Alright, well, I feel appreciated now. Sorry to just about choke you. Can't help it. It's the those big ol' balls o' mine."

Junior smiled. The last guy to inundate his face with cum expressed no emotion and didn't talk at all. Somehow it was more fun with somebody with a working brain. "Your balls are great. I'm gonna boast to guys at school that I drained 'em."

With the lights out, Beeb had to ask one more question. "What made you do something so stupid? I mean, risk your life for a few blowjobs."

"Following Horse Girl."

"What the fuuuck?! Dope! Seriously, whatta dope! Sheesh!"

Junior felt loved.

Next: Chapter 4: Pc at Breedum Hung U

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