Breedum Hung University

By Mitchell Bardine

Published on Aug 9, 2019


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Frat at Breedum Hung U.

Junior was embarrassed to arrive late to the fraternity pledge event, but when he entered, everybody else was just sitting around, waiting. The two other guys looked younger, probably freshmen, dressed in distinctly masculine clothing while trying to avoid the flamboyantly macho gay look that prevailed on campus. Tonight was their chance to impress the other members, or maybe get rejected for some unexpected reason.

At this university, Iota Nu Beta was the only "straight" frat, a place reputed to attract slutty women, and for Junior a chance to find a girlfriend with an unusually capacious cock socket. He was opportunistically partaking in plenty of man-to-man sex since transferring to the school, but still felt an emotional vacuum and was almost worried he'd slip down the slope to the "other side."

What straight guy wouldn't have his doubts? After all, Breedum Hung U. was an exclusive institution of the largest of the large, a "Giant Redwoods" forest of ponderous penises and ubiquitous opportunities to use them. The school was founded by the Nobel Prize-winning psychology professor I. B. Hung, who first discovered the salutary effects of frequent orgasm on academic performance. Since this was facilitated more easily by having the male students service each other (in one of the few remaining men-only colleges in the Northeast), gay sex was encouraged for its health value. Ever improving on his research, Hung found that penis size correlated with daily orgasm rate, and this in turn correlated with grades. It was no big conceptual leap to conclude that the school would do best by admitting students on the basis of superior endowment.

Now, whether the students were gay or straight was of no consequence, because actual behavior was often the same: guys would go for anything that would drain their balls reliably. Professor Hung had been on the dissertation committee of a sociology grad student, who, by collecting data on guys who visited tearooms, found that most of the mansex in public toilets was between ostensible straights [1]. This was a revelation that convinced Hung his project had the potential to succeed. The school would remain exclusively male long after other major universities had changed their policies.

Junior was pleased to live in a thoroughly masculine atmosphere, and didn't harbor the myths and prejudices common among younger men fresh out of High School; "If you're straight, a guy can't make you cum." "Jism is more addictive than heroin, so this is what turns guys gay." While this ignorant silliness made for some good porno stories, Junior had long ago shed his anxiety about preserving his het orientation. If all his experience with horny dudes (as the proud owner of a ruler-busting dong that no one could resist) didn't turn him, nothing would. That said, it would be reassuring to dip into a pussy now and then.

As Junior perused the photos affixed to the wall of frat members and their cocks, the other hopefuls scrutinized him, feeling competitive. Junior, who enjoyed his dorm, wasn't going to live at the frat but instead join as a non-resident member, so he was less worried about vying for limited openings. The events at the frat looked fun, though; here were last year's trophies for biggest dick, longest fuck, biggest cum load, lowest hanging balls. Pictures from the events showed they were well-attended. Junior tried to match the names on the trophies with those of the members and their dick pics, to see what cocks were champs.

A door opened and a woman emerged from the hallway, exclaiming "Whoo! Did I ever get fucked tonight!" She slumped down in one of the upholstered chairs and looked happily exhausted. "My girlfriend's just about done, but I've had enough!" She was a big, tall galoot of a girl, half leg, half tit, joined in the middle by a huge, spherical ass. "Back home, I thought I'd haveta fuck horses to get satisfied, but this is the place, and it ain't no barn!" Junior realized that this was the anatomy that could accommodate a phallus his size, although not quite his preference in terms of style. Well, fuckable is fuckable.

The sounds of a woman coming echoed from the hallway, her moans modulated by rhythmic impacts. A minute later, a much shorter girl showed up, disheveled in that "just came ten times" way, saying "Whew! I just came ten times!" Everyone in the room clapped, just as the hard-working stud who provided service to these women arrived and basked in the continuing applause, waving back like a movie star.

Junior's attention was immediately drawn to the almost knee-length tube under this stud's hastily pulled-on sweat pants, where drips of precum were making a widening wet spot. "Too clear and watery for cum" thought Junior. "His dick is still firm. He hasn't shot off yet." The girls left, bow-legged.

For some reason, Junior wanted this fellow to know that he too could moisten his knee, and stood with a pose that revealed the elephantine meat in his pants as he remarked "Musta been a lotta hard work!"

The others duly noticed the bulge. The stud guy raised his eyebrows lustily. "Hi. They call me Studley. I dunno why." He smiled broadly, looking around the room. The others smiled back uncomfortably. This fellow seemed just a bit creepy, as if, on account of his cock, he had room to be strange. Made sense.

"I'm Junior, lookin' to be a non-resident, but hang around sometimes." As he said "hang around", he swayed so as to swing his dick a little in the loose pants. Studley's smile changed subtly, acquiring a different meaning, as he and Junior eyed each other across the room.

Clearing his throat, one of the freshmen announced "Dinosaur, or maybe Dino. That was my nickname. Like brontosaurus, y'know, with the long neck. But not stegosaurus! Ha." This fellow was a little nerdy. Junior had to admit to himself that he was attracted to guys with glasses and long cocks. Incongruity's hot, somehow.

"Tyrannosaurus had small hands!" quipped Studley.

"I'd almost go with triceratops" the other guy broke in. "Or the dancing mushrooms in Fantasia, maybe." What? The others looked at him quizzically and he shut up.

Junior figured it out. "Big mushroom head, right?" They guy nodded. "Shroom," said Junior, "like my roommate's named for his balls. Shroom."

"Time!" a second-rank official of the fraternity emerged from the hallway and abruptly interjected. "All hail the President of this august institution!" The frat President made his appearance, speech in hand. A born performer, he mocked the histrionic tone of a rural preacher, claiming the big cock is a gift from God that should be used to the fullest. This apparently meant stretching vaginas, which this frat was renowned for in the local area. The frat's top priority was protecting and promoting this reputation, and the responsibility of each member was grave, thus their exclusive "selection" (read: hazing) process. His point made, the President turned to lead the small group into the hallway and down a flight of stairs to the basement. "Bathroom, if anyone needs it before we start" said the President's assistant as they passed a portico of white tile.

The Rumpus Room (so called since the early 60s) had bright stage lights and was lined with spectators, upperclassmen who wore only "tidy whitey" briefs for the occasion. These shorts were clearly chosen too small, straining and gaping from the overplus of genitalia stuffed into them. The waistbands pulled downward by heavy C&B meat revealed the bases of cocks with surrounding hair, while balls and cockheads spilled out the sides of the leg holes. Some men were hard already, pitching ridiculous tents that stretched the briefs so much that half the cock was visible, not to mention the family jewels. Junior figured this was just a hint of the impending lewdness.

The newcomers were ordered to strip, of course. No surprise here. Everyone was agog at Junior's double-length, dangling dick, even compared with the impressive schlongs on the others. The audience could be heard comparing him to a certain "Studley", just as that very fellow had taken a seat in the front row, with his trademark wide smile. Behind him, Junior could hear the president and other senior members saying "Fuckin' A! He's a shoo-in!" "Maybe he doesn't have to go through with it?" "No, keep him in! This'll be great!"

Junior wasn't about to be spared trials he could excel at. "Yeah, lemme show ya" he thought to himself. "And later, you, Studley, are gonna find out what that wide mouth is good for."

"Alright, time to measure up!" called out the president's assistant. "Measure up! Measure up!" chanted the crowd. An assortment of clear plastic cylinders was brought out, and matched to the cocks under consideration as to estimated erect length and thickness. Lube was applied to the inside and the cylinders applied to the dicks. Dino had a long, S-shaped snake that was beginning to thicken, so a wider cylinder was chosen for him. Shroom was aptly named, with about the largest head-to-shaft ratio anybody had seen. There was something lewd about this delightful deformity, but it looked stranger when constrained in the cylinder. Even Junior had a cylinder that fit him, maybe one custom made for Studley. Junior thought there was something erotic about that.

The pump handler was careful not to touch the cocks directly, which might have helped spread the lube, but it wasn't time for such things, yet. The cylinders were attached via tubes to an air manifold, in turn connected to a hand-cranked vacuum pump operated by another assistant (whose own cock was already hard as hell and leaking through his briefs). Immediately the three dicks started expanding and growing to the maximum possible dimensions. Each cylinder was marked with inches on the side, so progress could be tracked as they were pulled out toward nine, which was the required minimum. Junior, of course, was already well past that soft, so for him this was an opportunity to set a world record.

As the vacuum continued to draw the others in, they too surpassed nine and creeped toward ten. The vacuum pump could take an eight-incher and add an inch, so lots of guys were given a chance they wouldn't have had in less extreme conditions. That was the case with Shroom, who initially didn't look like he could make the grade, but that huge head expanded so much it made up the length. They all enlarged to the cylinder diameter, initially just at the head but eventually along the whole shaft.

Dino was getting hot and bothered watching his cock nearing ten inches for the first time; it excited him so much and the stretching of his dick created such intense stimulation that he started cumming into the cylinder, spraying the end of it and accumulating a pool around the edge of his swollen cockhead. At this, some of the audience started seriously stroking their hardons, while others smeared drops of precum around the tip of their tent pole.

Shroom was trying his hardest to maintain the expansion of his ballooning cockhead, but, like Dino, succumbed to the tingling sensation and the excitement, holding back for a few moments then blowing a prodigious load. His eruption deluged the inside of the cylinder and started to fill up the remaining space, raising the level of fluid higher with each voluminous squirt. Everyone, including Shroom, wondered when he'd stop shooting. When the volume of his cylinder was totally filled up with cock and cum, the jizz got sucked into the air manifold and clogged the tubing, blocking the vacuum for the other two and halting the expansion of their cocks. The pump assistant dutifully noted down the numbers as he masturbated himself, ranking the men in order of length before the transparent cylinders were removed.

The first competitive event was over, and the next commenced. All three guys had been enlarged to the extreme by the vacuum pump, now retaining much of their extra size without it, making an impressive spectacle standing next to each other. The President's assistant announced "We will now determine how truly straight each man is. Trial by jackoff! He who cums is queer!" They were preying on an old High School myth that a sufficiently straight guy wouldn't react to sexual attention from another guy, or at least not cum from it. Those with no experience tended to believe this.

A man dressed in tight black leather, like a Tom of Finland cartoon, emerged from the shadows and kneeled down in front of the three standing contestants. He put lube on his black latex gloves and positioned himself in front of Dino, who was on the end. This leather guy was an expert masturbator from a nearby gay brothel who made a living jacking guys off all day, so he knew what worked. The freshmen hadn't met anyone like him.

The jackoff expert started the session slowly, using a variety of manual techniques to excite the cock, building tension. Long pulling strokes, twists of the palm over the head, short strokes to the shaft, sliding fingers along the underside. New to this kind of treatment, Dino was surprised at the sensations. He didn't look down, but up at the ceiling, as if he didn't want to acknowledge what was happening. Once he'd gotten Mr Brontosaurus jittery with excitement, the expert started in with his "now yer gonna cum" stroke, which always got 'em. Grasping a tight circle around the base with one hand, and with the other, pulling on the upstroke and releasing on the downstroke with a half twist in between. This would pop any pair of nuts in short order. Dino didn't know this before, but soon realized it was likely to be true.

Suddenly, he remembered that he wasn't supposed to cum, or it might disqualify him from the straight frat. He made the mistake of straining to hold back, which had worked for him when fucking girls, but only made the situation worse when he couldn't control the stimulation. Some of the audience members could tell, and chuckled knowingly. Soon, Dino was launching jets of semen into the air uncontrollably, splattering the floor with a shower of translucent white drops. The expert was able to keep him cumming for as long as possible, modulating his continued stroking as the man blew his load.

As the cum flew, the frat top brass led the audience in a chorus of "Queer! Queer! Can't hold your beer! Get your penis out of here!" The other contestants resolved to avoid this humiliation by using willpower.

Leaving Dino drooping and dripping, the expert moved on to set himself up in front of Shroom, who was hanging huge from being pumped. After shooting so much spooge into the cylinder, you'd expect him to take a while to get hard again. Well, the expert was used to getting a second load out, and proceeded to erect the cock mechanically, hydraulically, with a squeezing and pumping action. Shroom was hard again in no time, and once the expert commenced his powerful orgasm-inducing stroke, it was only a couple minutes until it got him nearly to the point of popping off.

The expert figured this wasn't going to be the theatrical spectacle it was supposed to, so he adjusted his grip to keep the cock on the edge for a while, gauging the excitement by expansion of the head and tightness of the balls. Shroom was struggling to hold back, and could have imagined that it was his exercise of will that saved him. He relaxed a little when it subsided, tensed up again when he got close. And, repeat.

By this time, many members of the audience were themselves itching to cum, and blatantly jacked their cocks in full view. Somehow, some shameless woman had infiltrated the crowd and was taking advantage, getting injected with random randy loads, backing up to one horny spectator after another. She was grinning gleefully as if her mind had left her.

A few minutes of this not-quite-cumming built up the desired mega-wad, erupting in powerful long squirts when the expert lingered a little longer on the spot behind the head. Shroom splattered several viewers in the front row and even the second row, who showed their appreciation by beating off even more enthusiastically.

This time the audience chant of "Queer! Queer! Can't hold your beer! Get your penis out of here!" sounded as if everyone was drunk on hormones and backed-up cum. Living a cruel joke made reality slip apart into gooey, funny pieces. Maybe this is how ancient rituals work in jungle villages, transcending the isolation of the individual, awakening a dormant capacity to dissolve into one another, a herd animal high.

Shroom was repeating his trick of shooting a gallon in spurts. Some in the audience accused each other of not counting them. "Three or four already, probably." "That's seven." "Naw! Six!" "Nine, ten!" "Wait a minute..." "Twelve, thirteen..." "That's it. At least sixteen." "I counted fifteen." There was probably another contest or two that this guy already won.

The expert turned up his hands. "Am I good or what? But this guy..." he gestured at Junior, " gonna be a problem for me, I can tell. I'll do him for my own enjoyment, but don't expect much."

The President of the frat was very pleased by the way the entertainment had turned out. "Y'know, I think we all are getting pretty distracted at this point. Why don't you come over here and do some of us for our own enjoyment?" The expert needed no encouragement; he was eager to extract the juice from as many balls a possible before the voracious slut who was getting gangbanged at the back of the room got them all.

The President gathered the three contestants and told them they were all inducted into the frat, since each could contribute in his unique way to the benefit of all, bla bla. As he imparted his wisdom, Studley came by and slapped Junior on the shoulder. "So! Ya did well! Even though we'll never know how you'd do in the full trials. Hell, we had a whole 'nother event lined up and didn't even get to it!"

Junior was happy to be accepted. "Well, too bad. But it's getting late, and I gotta piss. Where's the boys' room?"

Studley winked at him. "I gotta go too. Lemme show ya."

They walked a few steps to the basement bathroom. This included the group shower and lockers, some toilet stalls. Studley and Junior stepped up to a row of urinals, waiting their turn. Some of the men weren't pissing at all, but had moved halfway between the urinals to put their dicks into holes in the wall and stand there for a few minutes. "Oh, I get it" said Junior, as his dick started to rise again and the urge to piss abated.

Studley leaned sideways toward Junior and talked out the side of his mouth; "This wall is shared with the homo frat next door." What a perverted smile he had right now! This was the creepiness Junior and the others had sensed at first but couldn't pin down. Studley was a deeply perverted guy, and Junior was just now seeing the surface.

Two men next to each other at the holes came at about the same time, stuffed their inflated dicks partly back into their too-small shorts and exited. Studley inserted his already-hard, freely-swinging dick into a hole, and Junior did the same, leaning pelvis-first up against the wall with his hands on his hips. Some dude on the other side started vigorously servicing him orally. This anonymous stranger was doing a great job, and Junior looked forward to a thorough ball-draining. It looked like Studley was getting the same treatment, as his expression got more serious. Was this his first chance to cum today?

Studley sounded short of breath as he gave Junior the lowdown. "Lotta guys come down here after a few hours of not cumming in pussy. Gotta service 'em, but that means holding off forever, and then after a while you just don't get the chance to. That's why we usually come down and feed the fags. They really know their business!"

"I've been doing a lot of this back at my dorm" admitted Junior. "I've been getting to know that business too. Actually, pretty well, so they tell me." He paused for a moment to enjoy a wave of excitement emanating from his cock, as the expert sucking continued. He looked down at the few inches of Studley's meat still outside the hole. "I don't see a lotta guys like you around." Junior's voice was getting urgent and short of breath, too.

Studely was getting pretty hot, hot enough to admit more than he would otherwise. "Oh, man, me neither. The whanger you got on ya gives me the jitters. Seein' a guy who's got what I got makes me wanna do what these guys are doin', y'know?"

Junior grinned at him. "I bet you could. I bet it would fit inta that smilin' face. I bet you'd like it, especially when you were expectin' to come."

"Fuck, man." Studley was in fact expecting to come soon from the high quality blowjob, and was in a mood to do something special with it. He had an idea. "Ever suck yer own cock?" Junior nodded, as if this was the most normal thing. He was no contortionist, but he didn't need to reach down all that far.

Studley pulled out of the hole and stepped back, and Junior, who was also nearing his limit of endurance, did the same. Studley maneuvered Junior near him and leaned down and to the side to get his mouth on Junior's meat pole, exposing his own cock at the same time. Junior caught on fast and made a symmetrical move to gobble down Studley's outstanding pecker. Now they were doing 69 standing up, right in the middle of the big bathroom where everybody else was eager to empty their own balls. This performance of the two megastuds was exactly what the others needed, and soon every cock was being vigorously jacked, by its owner or otherwise. The leather jackoff expert had come in and was doing his best to pump ready loads out.

Junior had been practicing his oral skills since moving into the dorm, so he was able to swallow as much of Studley's meat as possible given the odd position. Studley wasn't so bad either. For all his "homo" this and "fag" that, he was as enthusiastic a cocksucker as you could want. The two men had been brought pretty close to shooting off a minute ago, and they both knew they could finish the job.

But just to make sure, a helping hand or two appeared. The jackoff expert positioned himself on his knees next to them so he could simultaneously masturbate the shafts of both dicks, not interfering with the oral action. This was just the boost that the two studs needed, and in a few seconds they started blasting each other's throats with man juice. Moaning and gulping down cum from this angle didn't quite work, with much of the jizz leaking out of their mouths onto the expert's hands and onto the floor, splattering their feet. Pretty much everybody watching blew his load shortly thereafter. Whoever had cleanup workshift tomorrow would curse his luck.

Once they'd finished cumming, Junior and Studley straightened up and hugged each other and headed to the shower. "Boy, have I got some hot babes fer you!" exclaimed Studley. "D.P.s, spit roasts. We'll give 'em double the fun!"

Junior knew he'd made the right decision. This new social scene was perfect, just perfect.


  1. Humphreys, Laud, Tearoom Trade: Impersonal Sex in Public Places. Chicago: Aldine Pub. Co. 1970.

Next: Chapter 3: Psych at Breedum Hung U

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